

Number 17 of 1924.






Continuance of Orders in Schedule.


Minister may revise existing orders.


Interpretation of terms.


Short title and duration.



Number 17 of 1924.


AN ACT TO AUTHORISE CERTAIN STATUTORY UNDERTAKINGS FOR THE SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY IN SAORSTÁT EIREANN TO CONTINUE TEMPORARILY AS FROM THE 31ST DAY OF AUGUST, 1923, THE INCREASES HERETOFORE AUTHORISED IN THE CHARGES MADE BY SUCH UNDERTAKINGS, AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE REVISION FROM TIME TO TIME OF THE CHARGES MADE BY SUCH UNDERTAKINGS AND BY OTHER SIMILAR UNDERTAKINGS IN SAORSTÁT EIREANN. [15th May, 1924.] WHEREAS the Statutory Undertakings (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1918, enabled the statutory provisions regulating the charges which might be made by certain statutory undertakings, including undertakings for the supply of electricity, to be temporarily modified so as to authorise an increase of those charges,

AND WHEREAS the several Orders specified in the second column of the Schedule to this Act were made under the said Statutory Undertakings (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1918, and respectively authorised certain increases in the charges which might be made by the electricity undertakings named in the first column to the said Schedule,

AND WHEREAS all the said Orders expired on the 31st day of August, 1923,

AND WHEREAS the circumstances which rendered an increase in the charges which might be made by the said electricity undertakings necessary and proper have continued since the 31st day of August, 1923, and still continue to exist, and it is therefore expedient that the said Orders should be continued in force as from the 31st day of August, 1923.

AND WHEREAS it is also expedient that provision should be made for the revision as changing circumstances may require of the said several Orders specified in the Schedule to this Act as well as of all other Orders which have been, or shall be made under the said Statutory Undertakings (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1918, in respect of electricity undertakings in Saorstát Eireann,



Continuance of Orders in Schedule.

1.—(1) The several Orders specified in the Schedule to this Act shall, subject to the power of revision conferred on the Minister by this Act, respectively continue in force so long as this Act remains in force.


(2) The continuance effected by the foregoing sub-section shall be retrospective to the 31st day of August, 1923 (being the date on which the said Orders expired), so that the said Orders shall for all purposes be deemed to have continued in force during the whole period between the said date and the passing of this Act, and every act and thing done during that period which would have been valid and legal if the said orders or any of them had then been in force, shall for all purposes be deemed to be and always to have been valid and legal.


Minister may revise existing orders.

2.—(1) If and whenever it shall appear to the Minister that the costs and charges of and incidental to the production and supply of electricity by an undertaking for the supply of electricity in Saorstát Eireann to which the Statutory Undertakings (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1918, applies and in respect of which an order (whether mentioned in the Schedule to this Act or not) has been or shall be made under that Act, have since the date of such order substantially altered, the Minister may by order revise and vary the charges authorised by such first-mentioned order in such manner and subject to such conditions as shall appear to the Minister to be just and reasonable.


(2) Every undertaking to which the foregoing sub-section applies shall, whenever so required by the Minister, furnish to the Minister such information, certified in such manner, as the Minister shall from time to time require with respect to the financial position of the undertaking and the then current costs and charges of and incidental to the production and supply of electricity by the undertaking.


(3) Before making an order under this section the Minister shall give public notice, in such manner as he may consider best adapted for informing persons likely to be affected by the order, of his intention to consider the making of such order and of the manner in which and the time within which representations and objections in respect of the order may be made.


(4) Before making an order under this section the Minister may, if he shall consider it expedient so to do, cause a public inquiry to be held in regard to any matter relating to the making of such order.


(5) Every order made by the Minister under this section shall, unless and until such order is superseded by a subsequent order made under this section, continue in force so long as this Act remains in force.


Interpretation of terms.

3.—(1) In this Act the word “Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce.


(2) Every reference in this Act to an order (whether mentioned in the Schedule to this Act or not) made under the Statutory Undertakings (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1918, shall be construed as a reference to such order as varied or amended by any subsequent notice, letter, or order for the time being in force varying or amending such order.


Short title and duration.

4.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Electricity Undertakings (Continuance of Charges) Act, 1924.


(2) This Act shall remain in force until the 31st day of December, 1924, and shall then expire.



Undertaking to which Order relates

Title of Order

Date of Order

Amending Notice

The Electricity Undertaking carried on by the Dundalk Urban District Council

The Dundalk Electricity (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order. 1918

1st October, 1918

Notice dated 19th January, 1920, by the Board of Trade

The Electricity Undertaking carried on by the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the Borough of Limerick

The Limerick Electricity (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1919

12th February, 1919

Notice dated 31st December, 1919, by the Board of Trade

The Electricity Undertaking carried on by the Cork Electric Tramways & Lighting Company, Ltd., under the Queenstown Township Electric Lighting Order, 1896

The Queenstown Electricity (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1920

31st March, 1920

The Electricity Undertaking carried on by the Rt. Hon. the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the City of Dublin under the Dublin Electric Lighting Order, 1892

The Dublin Electricity (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1920

28th July, 1920

The Electricity Undertaking carried on by the Kerry Electric Supply Company, Limited, under the Killarney Electric Lighting Order, 1891

The Killarney Electricity (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1920

5th August, 1920

The Electricity Undertaking carried on by the Bray Urban District Council, under the Bray Township Electric Lighting Order, 1896

The Bray Electricity (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1920

2nd September, 1920

The Electricity Undertaking carried on by the Naas No. 1 Rural District Council, under the Kildare Electric Lighting Order, 1901

The Kildare Electricity (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1920

27th September, 1920