

No. 31 of 1936.





Income Tax



Income tax and sur-tax for the year 1936-37.


Certain assessments on officers of local authorities.


Extension of certain time limits for making assessments.


Alteration of allowance in respect of children.


Extension of allowance for wear and tear of machinery.


Relief from double income tax on profits from the business of air transport.


Customs and Excise


Imposition of duties in the First Schedule.


Alteration of duties on sugar.


Alteration of duties on articles made from or containing sugar, etc.


Duty on sheet or plate glass.


Entertainments duty in respect of cinematographic exhibitions.


Certain exemptions from entertainments duty.


Termination of certain customs duties.


Termination of duty on glass in sheets or strips.


Amendments of certain Finance Acts.


Amendment of Section 20 of and the Third Schedule to the Finance Act, 1926.


Exemption of articles for the personal use of the importer.


Divers exemptions from all duties of Customs.


Amendment of Section 205 of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876.


Provisions in aid of the detection and conviction of smugglers.


Exemptions from duty for certain air-services.


Warehousing of dutiable hydrocarbon oil.


Payment of licence duty by cheque.


Amendment of Section 27 of the Finance Act, 1934.


Stamp Duty


Stamping of certain foreign bills of exchange.




Transfer of money from the Road Fund to the Exchequer.




Care and management of taxes and duties.


Short title, construction and commencement.


Certain Customs Duties


Sugar, Molasses, Glucose, Saccharin—Rates of Duties, Drawbacks and Allowances.


Customs Duties Terminated


Amendments of Certain Finance Acts


Enactments Repealed

Acts Referred to

Local Services (Temporary Economies) Act, 1934

No. 16 of 1934

Finance Act, 1934

No. 31 of 1934

Finance Act, 1925

No. 28 of 1925

Finance Act, 1927

No. 18 of 1927

Finance Act, 1932

No. 20 of 1932

Finance Act, 1928

No. 11 of 1928

Finance Act, 1931

No. 31 of 1931

Finance Act, 1935

No. 28 of 1935

Finance Act, 1926

No. 35 of 1926

Finance (Customs and Excise Duties) Act, 1933

No. 52 of 1933

Finance Act, 1924

No. 27 of 1924

Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 4) Act, 1932

No. 34 of 1932

Finance Act, 1933

No. 15 of 1933

Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 2) Act, 1932

No. 11 of 1932


No. 31 of 1936.




Income Tax.


Income tax and sur-tax for the year 1936-37.

1.—(1) Income tax shall be charged for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1936, at the rate of four shillings and six pence in the pound.


(2) Sur-tax for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1936, shall be charged in respect of the income of any individual the total of which from all sources exceeds one thousand five hundred pounds and shall be so charged at the same rates as those at which it was charged for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1935.


(3) The several statutory and other provisions which were in force during the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1935, in relation to income tax and sur-tax shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, have effect in relation to the income tax and sur-tax to be charged as aforesaid for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1936.


Certain assessments on officers of local authorities.

2.—(1) In this section the word “salary” has the meaning given to it for the purposes of the Local Services (Temporary Economies) Act, 1934 (No. 16 of 1934), by sub-section (1) of section 3 of that Act as modified or qualified by the subsequent sub-sections of the said section.


(2) This section applies to every person who, for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1934, was entitled under sub-section (2) of section 3 of the Finance Act, 1934 (No. 31 of 1934), to the deduction mentioned in that sub-section and was charged for both the said year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1934, and the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1935, under Schedule E of the Income Tax Act, 1918, by reference to the income of the year which was, in the case of each such year, the preceding year.


(3) Where the aggregate amount (in this sub-section referred to as the first aggregate) of—


(a) the income as computed for the purpose of the assessments made under Schedule E of the Income Tax Act, 1918, for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1934, upon a person to whom this section applies in respect of his salary, and


(b) the income as computed for the purpose of the assessments made under the said Schedule E for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1935, upon such person in respect of his salary,


exceeds the aggregate amount (in this sub-section referred to as the second aggregate) of—


(c) the salary (as reduced under the Local Services (Temporary Economies) Act, 1934) actually earned by such person for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1933, and


(d) the salary (as reduced as aforesaid) actually earned bysuch person for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1934,


the amount by which the first aggregate exceeds the second aggregate may, unless allowance for income tax in respect thereof has been given otherwise, be treated as a deduction in computing the amount of the income of such person assessable to income tax for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1936, in respect of his salary.


(4) Where the aggregate amount (in this sub-section referred to as the first aggregate) of—


(a) the salary (as reduced under the Local Services (Temporary Economies) Act, 1934) actually earned by a per son to whom this section applies for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1933, and


(b) the salary (as reduced as aforesaid) actually earned by such person for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1934,


exceeds the aggregate amount (in this sub-section referred to as the second aggregate) of—


(c) the income as computed for the purpose of the assessments made under Schedule E of the Income Tax Act, 1918, (as adjusted by repayment or otherwise) for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1934, upon such person in respect of his salary, and


(d) the income, as computed for the purpose of the assessments made under the said Schedule E (as adjusted by repayment or otherwise) for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1935, upon such person in respect of his salary,


the amount by which the first aggregate exceeds the second aggregate may be treated as an addition in computing the amount of the income of such person assessable to income tax for the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1936, in respect of his salary.


Extension of certain time limits for making assessments.

3.—(1) Section 8 (which relates to time limits for making assessments) of the Finance Act, 1925 (No. 28 of 1925), shall be and is hereby amended by—


(a) deleting in sub-section (1) the words “not later than six years after the expiration of the year of assessment”, and


(b) deleting in sub-section (2) the words “not later than six years after the end of the year for which the person surcharged ought to have been charged”, and


(c) deleting in sub-section (3) the words “not later than six years after the end of the year of assessment”.


(2) Rule 18 (as amended by section 5 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932)) of the General Rules applicable to Schedules A, B, C, D, and E, of the Income Tax Act, 1918, shall be and is hereby amended by—


(a) deleting in paragraph (1) the words “one or more of the six years next preceding that year” and inserting in the said paragraph, in lieu of the said words so deleted, the words “previous year not earlier than the year beginning on the 6th day of April, 1922”, and


(b) deleting in paragraph (2) the words “later than six years after the expiration of the year of assessment, nor in any case”.


(3) Sub-section (3) of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1925 (No. 28 of 1925), shall, in its application to sur-tax by virtue of sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Finance Act, 1928 (No. 11 of 1928), have effect with and subject to the amendment thereof made by sub-section (1) of this section.


Alteration of allowance in respect of children.

4.—Sub-section (3) (which amends the sub-section next hereinafter-mentioned) of section 3 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof it is hereby enacted that sub-section (1) (which relates to allowances in respect of children) of section 21 of the Finance Act, 1920, shall be construed and have effect as if the words “each such child to a deduction of sixty pounds” were substituted therein for the words “one child to a deduction of thirty-six pounds and in respect of each subsequent child to a deduction of twenty-seven pounds.”


Extension of allowance for wear and tear of machinery.

5.—Throughout Rules 6 and 7 (which relate to the allowance of deductions in respect of the wear and tear of machinery and plant and in respect of the replacement of obsolete machinery and plant) of the Rules applicable to Cases I and II of Schedule D of the Income Tax Act, 1918, every reference to the profits or gains of a trade shall be construed as including profits or gains of a profession or vocation chargeable to income tax under the said Schedule D, and the said Rules 6 and 7 shall apply and have effect accordingly.


Relief from double income tax on profits from the business of air transport.

6.Section 4 (which relates to relief from double income tax on profits from the business of shipping) of the Finance Act, 1927 (No. 18 of 1927), shall apply in relation to profits or gains arising from the business of air transport in like manner in all respects as it applies in relation to profits or gains arising from the business of shipping, and, in order to give effect to such application, the said section 4 is hereby amended as follows, that is to say:—


(a) by the insertion in sub-section (1) of the words “or the business of air transport” after the words “business of shipping”, and


(b) by the insertion in sub-section (6) of the words “the expression ‘business of air transport’ means the business carried on by an owner of aircraft” after the words “owner of ships”, and


(c) by the deletion of the word “definition” where it occurs in the said sub-section (6) and the insertion in that sub-section of the word “sub-section” in lieu of the word so deleted.



Customs and Excise.


Imposition of duties in the First Schedule.

7.—(1) There shall be charged, levied, and paid on every of the articles mentioned in the second column of the First Schedule to this Act imported into Saorstát Eireann on or after the 13th day of May, 1936, a duty of customs at the rate stated in the third column of the said First Schedule opposite the mention of the article in the said second column.


(2) Where a percentage is stated in the third column of the First Schedule to this Act opposite the mention of any article in the second column of that Schedule, such statement shall be construed as meaning a rate of duty equal to that percentage of the value of such article.


(3) Wherever it is stated in the fourth column of the First Schedule to this Act that the provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall apply to a duty mentioned in that Schedule, the provisions of the said section 8 shall apply to that duty with the substitution of the expression “Saorstát Eireann” for the expression “Great Britain and Ireland” and as though the articles chargeable with the said duty were included in the Second Schedule to the said Finance Act, 1919, in the list of goods to which two-thirds of the full rate is made applicable as a preferential rate.


(4) Subject to the provisions of the next preceding sub-section of this section, the provisions (if any) set forth in the fourth column of the First Schedule to this Act at any reference number in that Schedule shall have effect in respect of the duty mentioned at that reference number.


Alteration of duties on sugar.

8.—(1) In lieu of the present customs duties, drawbacks, and allowance (other than duties imposed by a statutory order (for the time being in force) made by the Executive Council and confirmed by Act of the Oireachtas) in respect of sugar, molasses, glucose, and saccharin, there shall be charged, levied, and paid in respect of all sugar, molasses, glucose, and saccharin imported into Saorstát Eireann on or after the 1st day of August, 1936, the customs duties specified in the second column of Part I of the Second Schedule to this Act, and there shall be paid and allowed in respect of all sugar, molasses, glucose, and saccharin so imported: the drawbacks and allowance set out in Part II of the said Second Schedule.


(2) In lieu of the present excise duties, drawbacks, and allowance in respect of sugar, molasses, glucose, and saccharin, there shall, as on and from the 1st day of August, 1936, be charged, levied, and paid in respect of all sugar, molasses, glucose, and saccharin made in Saorstát Eireann the excise duties specified in the third and fourth columns of Part I of the Second Schedule to this Act, and be paid and allowed in respect of all sugar, molasses, glucose, and saccharin so made the drawbacks and allowances set out in Part II of the said Second Schedule.


(3) Section 40 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), shall apply in relation to the customs duties imposed by this section in like manner as the said section applies in relation to the duties mentioned therein.


(4) The provisions contained in Part III of the First Schedule to the Finance Act, 1925 (No. 28 of 1925), shall apply in relation to the duties, drawbacks, and allowances imposed or allowed by this section in like manner as those provisions apply in relation to the duties, drawbacks, and allowances mentioned in the said First Schedule, but with and subject to the following modifications, that is to say:—


(a) in clause 5, the 1st day of August, 1936, shall be substituted for the 6th day of May, 1925;


(b) in clause 7, the reference to sections 26 and 27 of the said Finance Act, 1925, shall be construed as a reference to this section.


(5) Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1931 (No. 31 of 1931), shall apply in relation to the duties, drawbacks, and allowances imposed or allowed by this section in like manner as it applies in relation to the duties, drawbacks, and allowances mentioned therein.


Alteration of duties on articles made from or containing sugar, etc.

9.—(1) In lieu of the duties of customs chargeable under section 13 of the Finance Act, 1935 (No. 28 of 1935), there shall be charged, levied, and paid on all articles (with the exceptions hereinafter mentioned) imported into Saorstát Eireann on or after the 1st day of August, 1936, and made from or containing sugar or other sweetening matter, a duty of customs at the following rates, that is to say:—


(a) if the article is prescribed in the official import list to be entered on importation by weight, at the rate of two pence the pound, and


(b) if the article, is prescribed in the official import list to be entered on importation by measure, at the rate of one shilling and eight pence the gallon.


(2) The duty imposed by this section shall not be charged or levied on any of the following articles, that is to say:—


(a) beer,


(b) cider,


(c) cocoa preparations,


(d) condensed full cream milk,


(e) fruits in syrup in sealed tins or cans,


(f) glucose,


(g) herb beer,


(h) honey, including artificial honey,


(i) molasses (including invert sugar and all other sugar and extracts from sugar which cannot be completely tested by the polariscope),


(j) perry,


(k) polishing preparations,


(l) prepared liquid or quasi-liquid sauces or condiments,


(m) saccharin (including substances of a like nature or use),


(n) soaps and soap powders and all descriptions of soap substitutes,


(o) soups,


(p) spirits,


(q) sugar,


(r) articles charged with duty as sugar confectionery


(s) table waters,


(t) tobacco,


(u) toilet preparations,


(v) wine.


(3) The duty imposed by this section shall be in addition to any duty for the time being chargeable under a statutory order made by the Executive Council and confirmed by Act of the Oireachtas, and shall also be in addition to any duty chargeable in respect of any spirits used in the manufacture or preparation, of the article, but in lieu of any duty which might otherwise be chargeable on any other ingredient used in the manufacture or preparation of the article.


(4) Section 40 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), shall apply in relation to the duty imposed by this section in like manner as the said section applies in relation to the duties mentioned therein.


Duty on sheet or plate glass.

10.—(1) There shall be charged, levied, and paid on every of the following articles (subject to the exceptions mentioned in the next following sub-section of this section) imported into Saorstát Eireann on or after the 13th day of May, 1936, a duty of customs at the several rates hereinafter respectively mentioned, that is to say:—


(a) on sheet or plate glass which has not been subjected to any process of working other than polishing, but excluding any such glass which is ribbed, fluted, figured, foliated, decorated, reinforced, coloured, or opal—at the rate of twenty shillings the hundredweight;


(b) on sheet or plate glass which has been silvered or metallised—at the rate of one hundred and twenty shillings the hundredweight;


(c) on all other sheet or plate glass—at the rate of sixty shillings the hundredweight;


(d) on mirrors (whether framed or not framed or backed or not backed), shelves, and table-tops made wholly or mainly of sheet glass or of plate glass or of a combination of sheet glass and plate glass—at the rate of one hundred and twenty shillings the hundredweight.


(2) The duty imposed by this section shall not be charged or levied on any article mentioned in the next preceding sub-section of this section in respect of which it is shown to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners that such article or any glass forming part of such article has been subjected to a process of bending: or curving.


(3) Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty imposed by this section any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Entertainments duty in respect of cinematographic exhibitions.

11.—(1) In this section—


the expression “entertainments duty” means the excise duty referred to by that name in and chargeable under section 1 of the Finance (New Duties) Act, 1916, as amended by subsequent enactments;


the expression “personal performance” means an entertainment the performers in which are personally present and performing and which consists of one or more of the following matters, that is to say:—


(a) a dramatic performance,


(b) a musical concert, whether vocal or instrumental or both vocal and instrumental,


(c) a number of variety items or turns such as are ordinarily given in a music-hall;


the expression “cinematographic exhibition” means an entertainment which consists of an exhibition of moving pictures or other optical effects produced by means of a cinematograph or similar apparatus, whether accompanied or not accompanied by vocal or other sounds produced by mechanical means.


(2) On and after the 5th day of July, 1936, entertainments duty on all payments for admission to any entertainment which consists wholly or mainly of a cinematographic exhibition shall (save as is otherwise provided by the next following sub-section of this section) be charged, levied, and paid at the following rates in lieu of the rates specified in sub-section (2) of section 24 of the Finance Act, 1935 (No. 28 of 1935), that is to say:—

Where the payment for admission, excluding duty,

Rate of Duty










and does

not exceed



1 ½

















4 ½


























1s. 6d. for the first 4s. and 1s. 6d. for every additional 4s. or part of 4s.


(3) Section 22 (which relates to the exemption of stage plays, etc., from entertainments duty) of the Finance Act, 1931 (No. 31 of 1931), shall not apply, on or after the 23rd day of August, 1936, to any entertainment in a theatre in respect of which letters patent have been issued and are in force under the Act of the Parliament of Ireland passed in the year 1786 and entitled “An Act for Regulating the Stage in the City and County of Dublin,” and in lieu thereof the following provisions shall have effect as on and from the said 23rd day of August, 1936, that is to say:—


(a) entertainments duty shall not be charged or levied on payments for admission to any entertainment in any such theatre as aforesaid where the Revenue Commissioners are satisfied either—


(i) that such entertainment consists wholly of a personal performance, or


(ii) that such entertainment consists partly of a personal performance and partly of a cinematographic exhibition and that such personal performance constitutes not less than seventy-five per cent. of the whole entertainment;


(b) entertainments duty shall be charged, levied, and paid on all payments for admission to any entertainment in any such theatre as aforesaid at the rates set forth in the next preceding sub-section of this section where the Revenue Commissioners are satisfied—


(i) that such entertainment consists partly of a personal performance and partly of a cinematographic exhibition, and


(ii) that the next preceding paragraph of this sub-section does not apply to such entertainment;


(c) where—


(i) entertainments duty has been paid on payments for admission to an entertainment in any such theatre as aforesaid, and


(ii) such duty was charged on the basis of certified returns of such payments for admission furnished by the proprietor of such theatre to the Revenue Commissioners, and


(iii) the Revenue Commissioners are satisfied that such entertainment consisted partly of a personal performance and partly of a cinematographic exhibition and that such personal performance constituted less than seventy-five per cent. and not less than thirty-five per cent. of the whole entertainment,


the Revenue Commissioners shall repay to the proprietor of such entertainment an amount equal to one-half of the said duty so charged and paid.


Certain exemptions from entertainments duty.

12.—As on and from the 1st day of July, 1936, entertainments duty within the meaning of and chargeable under section 1 of the Finance (New Duties) Act, 1916, as amended by subsequent enactments shall not be charged or levied on any entertainment in respect of which it is proved to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners—


(a) that the entertainment is promoted by the Irish Amateur Fencing Federation or by a club duly affiliated to or under the direct control of that Federation and that the entertainment consists solely of an exhibition of the sport of fencing, or


(b) that the entertainment is promoted by the Irish Free State Table Tennis Association or by a club duly affiliated to or under the direct control of that Association and that the entertainment consists solely of an exhibition of the game of table tennis.


Termination of certain customs duties.

13.—(1) The several duties mentioned in the third column of the Third Schedule to this Act and respectively imposed by the enactments mentioned in the second column of that Schedule shall not be charged or levied on any articles imported into Saorstát Eireann on or after the 13th day of May, 1936.


(2) The particulars stated in the fourth column of the Third Schedule to this Act are inserted in the said Third Schedule solely to facilitate identification of the several duties mentioned in the third column of the said Third Schedule, and accordingly nothing contained in the said fourth column shall affect the construction or limit or control the operation of this section and the second and third columns of the said Third Schedule.


Termination of duty on glass in sheets or strips.

14.—The duty of customs imposed by section 11 of the Finance Act, 1935 (No. 28 of 1935), and mentioned at reference number 13 in the Second Schedule to that Act shall not be charged or levied on any article imported into Saorstát Eireann on or after the 1st day of September, 1936.


Amendments of certain Finance Acts.

15.—(1) Every Act mentioned at the head of a Part of the Fourth Schedule to this Act shall be amended as follows, that is to say, every section, sub-section, schedule, or reference number of or in such Act which is mentioned in the second column of the said Part of the said Fourth Schedule shall be amended in the manner stated in the third column of the said Part of the said Fourth Schedule opposite the mention of such section, sub-section, schedule, or reference number (as the case may be) in the said second column.


(2) Every amendment which is so stated as aforesaid in the Fourth Schedule to this Act shall (save as is otherwise provided in the third column of the said Fourth Schedule) have effect as on and from the 13th day of May, 1936.


(3) The particulars stated in the fourth column of the Fourth Schedule to this Act are inserted in the said Fourth Schedule solely to facilitate the identification of the duties respectively affected by the several amendments mentioned in the said Fourth Schedule, and accordingly nothing contained in the said fourth column shall affect the construction of this section or the said Fourth Schedule or operate to extend, limit, or control the extent or effect of any amendment mentioned in the said Fourth Schedule.


Amendment of Section 20 of and the Third Schedule to the Finance Act, 1926.

16.—(1) The Third Schedule to the Finance Act, 1926 (No. 35 of 1926), shall be and is hereby amended as on and from the 13th day of May, 1936, as follows, and section 20 of that Act and the said Third Schedule shall have effect accordingly, that is to say:—


(a) the following proviso shall be inserted in paragraph 5 of the said Third Schedule at the end of that paragraph, that is to say:— “In the case of a vehicle to which this paragraph applies and which is not electrically propelled and which exceeds one ton but does not exceed one and one-quarter tons in weight unladen and in respect of which it is shown to the satisfaction of the Minister for Industry and Commerce that such vehicle was assembled in Saorstát Éireann in a manner and to an extent for the time being approved of by the said Minister and was so assembled, either wholly or to an extent for the time being approved of by the said Minister, from parts manufactured in Saorstát Éireann, duty shall be charged, levied, and paid in respect of such vehicle at the rate of twenty pounds in lieu of the above-mentioned rate of thirty pounds.”;


(b) the following proviso shall be inserted in paragraph 6 of the said Third Schedule at the end of that paragraph, that is to say:— “In the case of any vehicle to which sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph applies and which is not electrically propelled, and which exceeds sixteen horse-power, and in respect of which it is shown to the satisfaction of the Minister for Industry and Commerce that such vehicle was assembled in Saorstát Éireann in a manner and to an extent for the time being approved of by the said Minister and was so assembled, either wholly or to an extent for the time being approved of by the said Minister, from parts manufactured in Saorstát Éireann, no duty shall be charged or levied in respect of the excess of the horse-power of such vehicle above sixteen horse-power.”


(2) Paragraphs (b) and (f) of section 7 of the Finance (Customs and Excise Duties) Act, 1933 (No. 52 of 1933), shall be repealed as on and from the 13th day of May, 1936.


(3) The amendment and repeal effected by the foregoing sub-sections of this section shall not apply or have effect in relation to any vehicle which is shown to the satisfaction of the Minister for Industry and Commerce to have been assembled before the 13th day of May, 1936.


Exemption of articles for the personal use of the importer.

17.—Whenever the Revenue Commissioners are satisfied, in respect of an article imported into Saorstát Eireann on or after the 13th day of May, 1936, and chargeable with a duty of customs in force on the said 13th day of May, 1936, or lawfully imposed by any means at any time after that day—


(a) that the importer of such article either has, within six months before the importation of such article, begun to reside in Saorstát Eireann or bona fide intends at the time of such importation to begin to reside in Saorstát Eireann within six months after such importation and, in either case, bona fide intends to reside permanently in Saorstát Eireann, and


(b) that prior to the commencement of such permanent residence in Saorstát Eireann or to such importation (whichever is the earlier) such article had been used by the importer thereof or his family or household living with him or had been used (otherwise than as stock-in-trade or as manufactured or partly manufactured stock-in-trade, or as material, ingredient, or component part for the manufacture of stock-in-trade) by the importer for the purpose of his trade or business and in either case had been bought or acquired by such importer or by a member of his family or household living with him for substantial use outside Saorstát Eireann, and


(c) that such article is being imported into Saorstát Eireann for the use of the importer or his family or household living with him or for use (otherwise than as aforesaid) by the importer for the purpose of his trade or business,


the Revenue Commissioners may, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, permit such article to be imported without payment of the said duty.


Divers exemptions from all duties of Customs.

18.—The Revenue Commissioners may, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, allow any of the following articles, imported into Saorstát Eireann after the passing of this Act and chargeable on such importation with a duty of customs (whenever and however imposed), to be imported without payment of such duty or repay any such duty paid on the importation of such article, that is to say:—


(a) an article which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, is an article of personal, domestic, or household use or ornament of a portable character and in respect of which the Revenue Commissioners are satisfied that it was given by a person ordinarily resident outside Saorstát Eireann as a wedding present to a person who is about to be married or was married within six months before the importation of such article and who is, or was before such marriage, ordinarily resident outside Saorstát Eireann and intends to reside permanently in Saorstát Eireann after such marriage;


(b) an article in respect of which the Revenue Commissioners are satisfied that it is part of the personal estate of a person who has died outside Saorstát Eireann, and that the article is being imported by the personal representative of such deceased person or by a person who was related by blood to or connected by marriage with such deceased person and has become entitled to the article under the will or by virtue of the intestacy of such deceased person;


(c) a photograph, print, framed picture, article of sculpture, or article of pottery which is shown, to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners, to be imported for inclusion in an exhibition of like articles promoted or organised by an academy, society, or club in Saorstát Eireann not established or conducted for profit, notwithstanding that such article may in certain events be retained in Saorstát Eireann after the conclusion of such exhibition;


(d) a cup, bowl, shield, or other similar article which is shown, to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners, to have been presented by a foreign government or a department of a foreign government or by the head of a foreign state or government to an academy, society, club, or other organisation in Saorstát Eireann which is not established or conducted for profit;


(e) an article which is shown, to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners, to have been awarded or presented outside Saorstát Eireann to the person by or on whose behalf it is imported for distinction in art, literature, science, or sport, or for public service, or otherwise as a reward for or record of meritorious conduct or achievement;


(f) an article which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, is a religious medal, religious badge, or religious leaflet and is shown, to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners, to be imported by the organisers in Saorstát Eireann of a pious or charitable organisation the headquarters of which are outside Saorstát Eireann or by a member of or subscriber to any such organisation;


(g) a religious medal which is shown, to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners, to be imported personally by a pilgrim returning to Saorstát Eireann from a pilgrimage and to be so imported for a purpose other than sale;


(h) an article which is imported for or on behalf of the Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and in respect of which it is shown to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners that such article is being so imported solely for use in the maintenance or repair of postal, telegraphic, or telephonic communications;


(i) a ship or other vessel which is shown, to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners, to be brought to Saorstát Eireann for the purpose of being broken up in Saorstát Eireann or an article which is shown, to the satisfaction aforesaid, to form part of or to have been and, at the time of importation, to be part of the ordinary fittings or equipment of any such ship or other vessel.


Amendment of Section 205 of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876.

19.—Whenever an officer of customs and excise is entitled, by virtue of section 205 of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, to enter and search, under a warrant issued under that section, a house or other place and seize and carry away uncustomed or prohibited goods found therein, such officer shall also be entitled (whether he does or does not seize or carry away any such goods) to seize and carry away all or any books or other documents found by him in such house or other place which he reasonably believes to relate to transactions in contravention of the laws relating to customs.


Provisions in aid of the detection and conviction of smugglers.

20.—(1) In this section the expression “officer of customs and excise” includes any person in the public service who is for the time being employed in the prevention of smuggling.


(2) This section applies to all goods which would, if they were imported into Saorstát Eireann, be chargeable on such importation with a duty of customs (whenever or however imposed) and to all goods of a class or description the importation of which into Saorstát Eireann is for the time being prohibited by law or for the importation of which a licence or other special authorisation is for the time being required by law.


(3) Whenever an officer of customs and excise or a member of the Gárda Síochána reasonably suspects that any goods to which this section applies have been imported into Saorstát Eireann or have been so imported without payment of a duty of customs chargeable on such importation or without a licence or other special authorisation required by law for such importation, such officer or member (as the case may be) may require any person in whose possession or control or on or in whose land or premises or in the immediate vicinity of whose land or premises such goods are found by such officer or member, to give to such officer or member all information relevant to all or any of the following subjects of inquiry which is in the possession or knowledge of such person and to produce to such officer or member all documents relevant to any such subject of inquiry which are in the possession or custody of such person, that is to say:—


(a) whether such goods were or were not imported into Saorstát Eireann, and


(b) if such goods were so imported, the person by whom and the place and time at which they were so imported, and


(c) if such goods were so imported and were chargeable with a duty of customs on such importation, whether such duty was or was not paid and, if such duty was paid, the time and place of payment, and


(d) if such goods were so imported and a licence or other special authorisation was required by law for such importation, whether such licence or authorisation was or was not obtained.


(4) Every person who is required by an officer of customs and excise or a member of the Gárda Síochána under the powers in that behalf conferred by the next preceding sub-section of this section to give to such officer or member (as the case may be) any such information as is mentioned in that sub-section or to produce any such document as is so mentioned, shall forthwith to the best of his knowledge and ability so give such information or produce such document (as the case may be), and if he fails or refuses so to do or gives any such information which is to his knowledge false or misleading he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a customs penalty of fifty pounds.


(5) Whenever a person is guilty of any such failure or refusal as is declared by the next preceding sub-section of this section to be an offence under this section, such failure or refusal (whether such person has or has not been prosecuted for such offence) shall, in any proceedings against such person for an offence against or contravention of the laws relating to customs alleged to have been committed by him in regard to the goods to which such failure or refusal related, be evidence until the contrary is proved that such goods had been imported into Saorstát Eireann by such person and had been so imported without payment of the duties of customs (if any) chargeable on such importation and without the licence or other special authorisation (if any) required by law for such importation.


(6) Whenever a person, in whose possession or control or on or in whose land or premises or in the immediate vicinity of whose land or premises any goods to which this section applies were found by an officer of customs and excise or by a member of the Gárda Síochána, is charged in any legal proceedings with an offence against or a contravention of the laws relating to customs alleged to have been committed by him in relation to those goods, such goods shall, until the contrary is proved by such person, be presumed without further evidence to have been imported into Saorstát Eireann by such person and to have been so imported without payment of the duties of customs (if any) chargeable on such importation and without the licence or other special authorisation (if any) required by law for such importation.


Exemptions from duty for certain air-services.

21.—Whenever the Minister for Finance so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may, subject to compliance with any conditions which they may think fit to prescribe, permit the importation or delivery without payment of any duty of customs or of excise of any article required for or in connection with any of the following things, that is to say:—


(a) the establishment or maintenance of a transatlantic air service using or involving the use of an airport in Saorstát Eireann, or


(b) the establishment or maintenance of radio or meteorological services or other aids to air navigation ancillary to any such transatlantic air service, or


(c) experimental purposes in connection with the establishment or maintenance of any such transatlantic air service.


Warehousing of dutiable hydrocarbon oil.

22.—The Revenue Commissioners may, if they so think fit, allow any hydrocarbon oil which is liable to a duty of excise to be warehoused without payment of duty, and may, if and so far as they so think proper, remit duty on any deficiency arising in oil so warehoused where they are satisfied that no part of such deficiency was caused by illegal or improper means.


Payment of licence duty by cheque.

23.—Any person required or authorised by law to grant a licence on being paid a duty of excise payable on or in respect of such licence may, if he so thinks fit, grant such licence on receiving a cheque for the amount of such duty, and whenever any such licence is so granted the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(a) if such cheque is dishonoured, such licence shall be void as from the grant thereof;


(b) the person by whom such licence was so granted (in this section referred to as the licensor) shall, as soon as may be after such dishonour comes to his knowledge, send to the person to whom such licence was so granted (in this section referred to as the licensee) a notice in writing requiring him to deliver up such licence to the licensor within ten days after the sending of such notice;


(c) the licensee shall deliver up such licence to the licensor within the said ten days and if he fails so to do he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of fifty pounds;


(d) the said notice shall be sent to the licensee by registered post addressed to him at his address as stated in such licence or, where no such address is so stated, at the address furnished by him to the licensor at the time of the grant of such licence.


Amendment of Section 27 of the Finance Act, 1934.

24.—The powers to which section 27 (which is a general provision for penalty for breach of condition) of the Finance Act, 1934 (No. 31 of 1934), applies shall include every power to impose any such condition as is mentioned in that section which is or shall be conferred, expressly or by implication, on the Revenue Commissioners by this Act or by any other Act passed (whether before or after this Act) after the said Finance Act, 1934, and accordingly the penal provision of the said section 27 shall extend and apply to every act (whether of commission or omission) done after the passing of this Act which is a breach of a condition so imposed either before or after the passing of this Act,



Stamp Duty.


Stamping of certain foreign bills of exchange.

25.—Notwithstanding any enactment to the contrary, a bill of exchange which is presented for acceptance or is accepted or payable outside Saorstát Eireann shall not be invalid in Saorstát Eireann by reason only that it is not stamped in accordance with the law for the time being in force in Saorstát Eireann in relation to stamp duties, and section 14 and sub-section (1) of section 15 of the Stamp Act, 1891, shall apply to every such bill of exchange which is unstamped or insufficiently or not properly stamped as if it were an instrument which may legally be stamped after the execution thereof within the meaning of the said section and sub-section.





Transfer of money from the Road Fund to the Exchequer.

26.—With a view to providing moneys to meet charges which will fall upon the Central Fund in relation to schemes for the provision of employment and the relief of distress, the sum of one hundred thousand pounds shall be transferred and paid from the Road Fund to the Exchequer at such time or times in the financial year ending on the 31st day of March, 1937, and in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.



27.—(1) The several enactments specified in the Fifth Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed, to the extent mentioned in the third column of the said Schedule, as on and from the 13th day of May, 1936.


(2) The repeal of paragraphs (b) and (f) of section 7 of the Finance (Customs and Excise Duties) Act, 1933 (No. 52 of 1933), is without prejudice to the validity or effect of any certificate given by the Minister for Industry and Commerce for the purposes of either of those paragraphs before the 13th day of May, 1936.


Care and management of taxes and duties.

28.—All taxes and duties (except the excise duties on mechanically propelled vehicles) imposed by this Act are hereby placed under the care and management of the Revenue Commissioners.


Short title, construction and commencement.

29.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Finance Act, 1936.


(2) Part I of this Act shall be construed together with the Income Tax Acts, and Part II of this Act, so far as it relates to duties of customs, shall be construed together with the Customs Acts and, so far as it relates to duties of excise, shall be construed together with the British Statutes and Acts of the Oireachtas which relate to the duties of excise and the management of those duties.


(3) Part I of this Act shall be deemed to come into force on and shall take effect as on and from the 6th day of April, 1936.



Certain Customs Duties.

Ref. No

Description of article liable to duty

Rate of duty

Special provisions.


Plaster of Paris, Keene's cement, and Parian cement.

Per cwt. 9d.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Whip-thongs and whip-lashes which are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, made wholly or mainly of leather or of skin or of an imitation of leather or skin or of a combination of any two or more of those substances and are imported separately.



Spice of any of the following descriptions which has, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, been ground before importation, that is to say:—

(a) white pepper,

(b) black pepper,

(c) ginger,

(d) nutmeg,

(e) cinnamon,

(f) clove,

(g) mace,

(h) pimento or all-spice,

(i) chilli or cayenne pepper,

(j) cassia,

(k) bay-leaf,

(l) caraway,

(m) curry powder consisting of a mixture of all or any of the spices hereinbefore mentioned, whether with or without any other spice,

(n) mixed spice consisting of a mixture of all or any of the spices hereinbefore mentioned, whether with or without any other spice.

Per lb. 6d.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


(a) Pipes made wholly or mainly of wood which are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, designed, constructed, and suitable for use in smoking tobacco or other substances and of which the value at importation is not less than one shilling and three pence;

(b) component parts (made wholly or mainly of wood) of any pipes suitable for use in smoking tobacco or other substances.

37 ½%

The provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall apply to the duty, mentioned at this reference number.

The duty mentioned at this reference number shall not be chargeable or leviable on any component part which consists of a pipe-bowl complying, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, with all the following conditions, that is to say:—

(a) it is not polished, and

(b) it is not stained, and

(c) it is not bored in the stem to an extent greater than three-sixteenths of an inch in diameter.


Straps (whether completely or partially manufactured and whether imported separately or as part of another article) which are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, made wholly or mainly of leather or of skin or of an imitation of leather or of skin or of a combination of any two or more of those substances and are, in the opinion aforesaid, designed, constructed, and intended for use in connection with watches.

Whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say, 40% or six pence the article.

The duty imposed by section 10 of the Finance Act, 1935 (No. 28 of 1935), and mentioned at reference number 20 in the First Schedule to that Act shall not be charged or levied on any article on which the duty mentioned at this reference number is chargeable.


Carbon-tetra-chloride imported in a container which at importation does not contain more than 35 gallons of carbon-tetra-chloride.

Per gall. 10s. 0d.


(a) Bells made of metal and not less than nine inches in diameter measured externally at the mouth;

(b) the following fittings and accessories for bells (imported separately or as part of any such bell as is mentioned in the foregoing paragraph), that is to say:—

(a) tongues,

(b) clappers,

(c) staples,

(d) bridges,

(e) head-stocks,

(f) gudgeons,

(g) crosses,

(h) standards,

(i) wheels.


The duty mentioned at this reference number is in lieu of any other duty which may be chargeable on the article.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


(a) Ladders made wholly or mainly of wood;

(b) component parts (made wholly or mainly of wood) of ladders.

(a) On ladders— whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:— 50%: or whichever of the following rates is applicable, that is to say, on extension ladders (including sections of extension ladders)— three shillings per rung, round, step, or tread, and on other ladders, one shilling and sixpence per rung, round, step, or tread;

(b) on component parts—50%

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Discs, of cardboard, pasteboard, strawboard millboard, or any similar material which are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, suitable for use as stoppers or caps for bottles or jars.

33 1/3%

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Any article which is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, bias binding or bias banding designed, constructed, and intended for use in the manufacture or repair of articles made of textile material.



(a) Apparatus which is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, designed constructed, and suitable for mixing mechanically any two or more of the following substances, that is to say, sand, lime, stone, cement, and other like substances;

(b) component parts (other than the engine) of any such apparatus as is mentioned in the foregoing paragraph.


Whenever the Minister-for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Toilet paper imported in rolls.


The provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall apply to the duty mentioned at this reference number.

The duty mentioned at this reference number is in lieu of any other duty which may be chargeable on the article.


Cider and perry.

Per gall. 1s. 6d.

Any article on which the duty mentioned at this reference number is charged and paid shall not also be chargeable with duty in respect of any sugar or other sweetening matter contained in the article.


(a) Any of the following articles which is made or the framework of which is made wholly or mainly of non-galvanized sheet metal or of non-galvanized tubular metal or of a combination of non-galvanized sheet metal and non-galvanized tubular metal and which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, is at importation completely or substantially assembled, that is to say:—

(1) tables,

(2) floor-stands,

(3) trolleys,

(4) settees,

(5) chairs,

(6) stools,

(7) seats,

(8) cabinets,

(9) cupboards,

(10) lockers,

(11) storage bins,

(12) sterilising cases,

(13) sterilising drums,

(14) trays,

(15) racks,

(16) screens,

(17) chart holders and frames,

(18) surgical bed cradles,

(19) surgical walking frames,

(20) leg rests,

(21) back rests;

(b) any article made wholly or mainly of non-galvanized sheet metal or of non-galvanized tubular metal or of a combination of non-galvanized sheet metal and non-galvanized tubular metal which is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, designed, constructed, and suitable primarily for use as a component part of an article mentioned in the foregoing paragraph.


The duty mentioned at this reference number is in lieu of any other duty which may be chargeable on the article.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


(a) Artificial flies suitable, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, for use in fishing and of a value not exceeding twenty shillings per gross;

(b) fishing hooks with gut attached.


The duty imposed by section 11 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), and mentioned at reference number 35 in the First Schedule to that Act (as amended by subsequent enactments) shall not be charged or levied on any article on which the duty mentioned at this reference number is chargeable.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Parchment (including vellum) having matter printed thereon and imported in bulk quantities.


Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Sheets or slabs made wholly or mainly of fibre (other than asbestos) or pulp which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, have not been varnished, painted, or polished before importation and are designed, constructed, and suitable for use in building.

Per sq. yard 6d.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


(a) Safety razor blades;

(b) unsharpened blanks for safety razor blades

Whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:— 75% or twelve shillings the gross.

The duty imposed by section 11 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), and mentioned at reference number 27 in the First Schedule to that Act (as amended by subsequent enactments) shall not be charged or levied on any article on which the duty mentioned at this reference number is chargeable. Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Untempered steel strip which is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, suitable for use i the manufacture of safety razor blades.

Per lb. 10s. 0d.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Advertising cards, price cards, show cards, and similar articles made wholly or mainly of cardboard, pasteboard, strawboard, millboard, or similar material.


The duty imposed by section 11 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932) and mentioned at reference number 16 in the First Schedule to that Act (as amended by subsequent enactments) shall not be charged or levied on any article on which the duty mentioned at this reference number is chargeable.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Paper which at importation is pasted on or otherwise firmly adhering to cardboard, pasteboard, straw-board, millboard, or similar material and has printed thereon any matter which is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, so printed wholly or mainly by the use of movable type, but excluding calendars and empty containers, and also excluding any article on which the duty mentioned at the next preceding reference number in this Schedule is chargeable.


Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Paper which at importation is pasted on or otherwise firmly adhering to cardboard, pasteboard, straw-board, millboard, or similar material and has any matter printed thereon, but excluding calendars and empty containers, and also excluding any article on which a duty mentioned at either of the two next prece-ding reference numbers in this Schedule is chargeable.


The provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall apply to the duty mentioned at this reference number.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Ribbons for use in typewriting machines, addressing machines, and similar apparatus.

Whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:—50% or whichever of the following rates is applicable, that is to say, in the case of a ribbon not exceeding three inches in width—three shillings and fourpence on every twelve yards or fraction of twelve yards in the length of the ribbon, or in the case of a ribbon exceeding three inches in width—six shillings and eight pence on every three yards or fraction of three yards in the length of the ribbon.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Carbon copying paper.

Whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:— 50% or two pounds ten shillings the pound.

The duty mentioned at this reference number is in lieu of every (if any) other duty which may be chargeable on the article.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


(a) Articles which consist of a sheet of coated material attached to a backing, frame, or similar thing (whether with or without a protective paper covering) and are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, designed, constructed, and suitable for use in making stencils by means of type-writing machines or similar apparatus;

(b) articles which consist of a sheet of coated material not attached to anything in the nature of a backing or frame (whether with or without protective paper covering) and are, in the opinion aforesaid, designed, constructed, and suitable for such use as aforesaid.

Whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:— 50% or six pence the article

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Any of the following articles made wholly or mainly of iron, steel, copper, brass, bronze, or gunmetal, or of a combination of any two or more of those metals, that is to say:—

(a) screws which have a slotted head and a tapered thread and are not less than one-quarter of one inch nor more than five inches in length.

(b) nails, sprigs, brads, and tacks which are not more than six inches in length, but excluding any such nail, sprig, brad, or tack of which the smaller or smallest diameter or width of the head exceeds one-half of one inch, and also excluding any such nail, sprig, brad, or tack, made mainly of iron or steel, of which the head is covered with brass, bronze, copper, leather, or any textile material,

(c) staples,

(d) rivets of which the shank, at its narrowest point, does not exceed one-quarter of one inch in diameter.


The duty mentioned at this reference number is in addition to any duty in force on the 8th day of November, 1935, by virtue of a statutory order made by the Executive Council and confirmed by Act of the Oireachtas, but in lieu of any other duty which may be chargeable on the article.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Articles (other than any article which is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, a toy) of any of the following descriptions made wholly or mainly of any material which is composed wholly or partly of any cellulose ester or of casein or of any substance which is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, a synthetic resin or a substance of a like nature to synthetic resin, that is to say:—

(a) cups,

(b) saucers,

(c) plates,

(d) goblets,

(e) containers for salt, pepper, and mustard, or any of them,

(f) egg-cups and egg-stands,

(g) spoons,

(h) napkin or serviette rings,

(i) ash-trays,

(j) screw caps for bottles or for jars,

(k) salad servers,

(l) milk-jugs and cream-jugs,

(m) sugar basins,

(n) door finger-plates,

(o) trays,

(p) teapot stands, flower-pot stands, and other similar stands.


The provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall apply to the duty mentioned at this reference number.


Preparations consisting wholly or mainly of acid calcium phosphate which are imported in powder form and are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, suitable for use as a flour improver.

33 1/3%

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Articles of any of the following descriptions which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, are made wholly or mainly of clay, and have been subjected to a process of glazing, and are not toys, that is to say:—

(a) tea sets, breakfast sets, coffee sets, morning sets,

(b) articles of any of the following descriptions when imported otherwise than as part of any of the sets mentioned in the next preceding paragraph, that is to say, cups, saucers, sugar-basins, slop-basins, jugs, tea-pots, and coffee pots,

(c) plates imported otherwise than as part of a dinner set or as part of any of the sets mentioned in the foregoing paragraph (a).

Whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:—50% or thirty shillings the hundred-weight.

The duty imposed by section 8 of the Finance Act, 1934 (No. 31 of 1934), and mentioned at reference number 34 in the First Schedule to that Act shall not be charged or levied on any article on which the duty mentioned at this reference number is chargeable.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Toys which exceed nine pence in value and are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, completely or substantially manufactured and either:—

(a) are made wholly or mainly of wood, or

(b) are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, soft toys not made wholly or mainly of rubber.

Whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:— 50% or one shilling the article.


Balls which are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, designed, constructed, and suitable for use in the game of lawn tennis.


The duty imposed by section 11 of the Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), and mentioned at reference number 35 in the First Schedule to that Act shall not be charged or levied on any article on which the duty mentioned at this reference number is chargeable.


Articles of any of the following descriptions (whether completely or partially manufactured) made wholly or mainly of cast iron, that is to say:—

(a) pavement gutters and component parts thereof,

(b) sewer-pipe ventilators,

(c) air-bricks and air-grids,

(d) furnace pans, furnace doors, furnace door frames, and furnace bottom grates,

(e) angle and other wall brackets of which the arm or one of the arms is not less than seven inches in length,

(f) stands, frames, and other supports for lavatory basins, kitchen sinks, and similar articles, and also component parts of any such supports,

(g) kerbs for fire-places,

(h) earth-rammers, whether imported with or without handles,

(i) shoe anvils (including sockets and stands therefor) and foot or hobbing irons,

(j) name-plates, number plates, and indicator plates not otherwise liable to duty,

(k) fire-grates, ranges, stoves (other than stoves primarily adapted for use for heating water in connection with hot water circulating systems) and mantel registers, and also component parts of any such articles, but excluding any such articles heated by electricity, gas, or oil,

(l) chimney-pieces and mantelpieces and component parts thereof,

(m) pots, pans, and kettles, of all descriptions suitable for domestic or household use and component parts of any such articles,

(n) glue pots and glue cups,

(o) smoothing irons of every description and also stands for any such irons, but excluding any such irons heated internally by gas, electricity, or oil,

(p) safes and strong-boxes.


Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Articles of any of the following descriptions (whether completely or partially manufactured) made wholly or mainly of iron or steel, that is to say, covers for pots, pans, and kettles of any description suitable for domestic or household use.


Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Paper which has not any matter or design printed thereon and is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, either manilla paper or packing or wrapping paper (whether of manilla or any other description) and, in either case, is imported in sheets or rolls and is, when fully extended, of a weight equivalent to more than eleven pounds but not more than ninety pounds to the ream of four hundred and eighty double crown sheets measuring thirty inches by twenty inches, but excluding any paper which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, comes within any of the following descriptions, that is to say:—

(a) imitation parchment (including vegetable parchmentised paper),

(b) grease-proof paper,

(c) paper which has been subjected to a process of water-proofing by means of oil, wax, tar, or pitch,

(d) paper so coated or treated as to produce a surface which is an imitation of metal,

(e) transparent cellulose wrapping paper,

(f) glazed transparent paper


The duty mentioned at this reference number shall not be charged or levied on any article which is made from paper chargeable with the said duty nor on any paper which is, at importation, used as packing or wrapping for another article.

The duty mentioned at this reference number is in addition to and not in substitution for the duty imposed by section 11 of the Finance Act, 1935 (No. 28 of 1935), and mentioned at reference number 15 in the Second Schedule to that Act.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Woven piece goods of any of the following descriptions, that is to say:—

(a) linen piece goods;

(b) cotton piece goods;

(c) union piece goods consisting only of a combination of two or more of the following fibres, that is to say, cotton, flax, hemp, ramie, jute, hair (other than mohair and camel hair), silk, and artificial silk;

(d) union piece goods which consist wholly or mainly of cotton and wool, and are less than seven ounces in weight per square yard, and are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, of a type ordinarily used for the manufacture of any of the following articles, that is to say, shirts, towels, sheets, bed ticks, table napery, and dungarees.

33 1/3%

The duty mentioned at this reference number is in lieu of the duty imposed by section 8 of the Finance Act, 1934 (No. 31 of 1934), and mentioned at reference number 22 in the First Schedule to that Act.

Whenever the Revenue Commissioners are satisfied, in respect of any woven piece goods chargeable with the duty mentioned at this reference number, that such woven piece goods—

(a) have been subjected to a process of proofing, or

(b) have been subjected to a process of permanent painting or printing on the surface which is outermost in wear whereby there is permanently painted or printed on such surface a bona fide design or pattern (including a design or pattern consisting of or containing words or figures or both words and figures) covering the whole of such surface or having a definite relation to the area and shape of such surface, or

(c) have been so fabricated as to resemble blanketing and are of a type ordinarily used for the manufacture of blankets, or

(d) are terry, or chenille, or brocade, or velveteen, or holland blind cloth, or

(e) are less than twelve inches in width and have two selvedges, or

(f) are cotton piece goods (other than tabling and towelling) which are less than four and one-half ounces in weight per square yard, or

(g) are union piece goods containing a quantity of silk or artificial silk or silk and artificial silk which forms a substantial proportion of the whole article, or

(h) are piqué cloth or imitation tweed cloth of cotton, other than cloth of a type ordinarily used for the manufacture of dungarees or overalls, or

(i) are coutil of the type ordinarily used for the manufacture of corsets, or

(j) are suitable and intended for use for one or more of the following purposes and no other purpose, that is to say:—

(i) the upholstering or the covering of furniture, or

(ii) the manufacture of curtains, or

(iii) the upholstering of vehicles, or

(iv) the binding of books, or

(k) are union piece goods containing a quantity of wool which forms a substantial proportion of the whole article,

the Revenue Commissioners may, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, allow such woven piece goods to be imported without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number or repay any such duty paid thereon at importation.

For the purposes of chargeability with the duty mentioned at this reference number, two or more towels joined together only by the warp yarns shall be deemed to be piece goods.

Any article chargeable with the duty mentioned at this reference number which is imported into Saorstát Eireann after exportation therefrom shall be exempt from such duty if it is shown, to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners, that such article was manufactured in Saorstát Eireann and was exported from Saorstát Eireann solely for the purpose of undergoing one or more of the processes of proofing, bleaching, dyeing, painting, printing, and finishing, and did not undergo any other process of manufacture while so outside Saorstát Eireann.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Any rabbit skin or part of a rabbit skin which has, before importation, been dressed or dressed and dyed, and is not chargeable with any other duty of customs.

Per article 6d.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Uncovered buttons which are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, designed, constructed, and primarily intended for use in fastening personal clothing or wearing apparel, but excluding buttons made wholly or mainly of wood, glass, stone, metal, leather, mother-of-pearl, or an imitation of mother-of-pearl, and also excluding buttons which at importation form part of another article.

Whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:— 75% or one shilling and sixpence the gross.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


(a) Boxes, cartons and similar articles (whether with or without a lid or other covering or means of closing) which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, are ordinarily used or are suitable for containing goods for sale or for transport or for storage, and are, in the opinion aforesaid, made wholly or mainly of paper or of cardboard, pasteboard, millboard, strawboard, or similar material and are imported either empty or in a partially manufactured condition;

(b) Component parts (made, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, wholly or mainly of paper or of cardboard, pasteboard, millboard, strawboard, or similar material and whether completely ο r partially manufactured) of any of the articles mentioned in the foregoing paragraph.


The provisions of Section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall apply to the duty mentioned at this reference number.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Cases of the nature of trunks, suit cases, hat-boxes, or attaché cases for personal use (whether completely or partially manufactured and whether fitted or not fitted internally with articles for personal use) which are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, wholly or mainly coated or covered externally with cloth or leather-cloth permanently affixed to the article, but excluding trunks made wholly or mainly of wood.

Whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:— 331/3% or whichever of the following rates is applicable, that is to say, on cases which are not less than fourteen inches in length (measured externally)—one shilling and sixpence the case, or on cases which are less than fourteen inches in length (measured externally)—one shilling the case.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Articles and appliances which are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, designed, constructed, and intended to apply or supply heat by means of the combustion of gas and are, in the opinion aforesaid, assembled or substantially assembled.


The provisions of Section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall apply to the duty mentioned at this reference number.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


(a) Laces which are, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, suitable for use for any one or for any two or more of the following purposes, that is to say, as boot-laces, shoe-laces, hat-laces, breeches-laces, corset-laces, and legging-laces, but excluding any such laces the textile portion of which is shown, to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners, to have been made otherwise than on or by means of a braiding machine

(b) material which is imported in the piece or in lengths and is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, suitable for use in the manufacture of any such laces as are mentioned in the preceding paragraph (a) but excluding all such material which is shown, to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners, to have been made otherwise than on or by means of a braiding machine.

(a) On laces, whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:— the rate of an amount equal to the value of the article or whichever of the following rates is applicable, that is to say, on laces imported in bulk— two shillings the gross, or on laces imported together with an article of personal clothing or wearing apparel— three pence the lace;

(b) on material, the rate of an amount equal to the value of the article.

Laces chargeable with the duty mentioned at this reference number shall not be chargeable with duty as articles or accessories of personal clothing or wearing apparel.

Section 25 of the Finance Act, 1924 (No. 27 of 1924), shall not apply to the duty mentioned at this reference number in so far as that duty is chargeable on laces, and accordingly the minimum charge imposed by that section shall not be chargeable in respect of any laces chargeable with the said duty.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Knitted fabric of all descriptions imported in the piece.


The provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall apply to the duty mentioned at this reference number.

Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Yarns (other than white yarns) wholly or partly of wool or worsted or a combination of wool and worsted which are imported otherwise than on bobbins, cheeses, cones, or cops.


Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commisssioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of these or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.


Substances which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, are compounds consisting partly of rubber and containing more than ten per cent, by weight of carbon black, but excluding articles (other than treads for pneumatic tyres) in respect of which the Revenue Commissioners are of opinion that the articles are manufactured wholly or partly from any such substance and that such substance has been completely vulcanised whether before or during such manufacture.

Per lb. 2s. 6d.



Sugar, Molasses, Glucose, Saccharin.—Rates of Duties, Drawbacks and Allowances.

Part I.—Duties.


Excise Duties

Customs Duties

Sugar and Molasses made wholly from Beet grown in Saorstát Éireann

All other Goods







Sugar which, when tested by the polariscope, indicates a polarisation exceeding ninety-eight degrees

the cwt.







Sugar of a polarisation not exceeding seventy-six degrees







Sugar of a polarisation:—



and not exceeding



the cwt.















































































































































































Molasses (except when cleared for use by a licensed distiller in the manufacture of spirits) and invert sugar and all other sugar and extracts from sugar which cannot be completely tested by the polariscope, and on which duty is not specially charged by reference to the other provisions of this Part of this Schedule:—







If containing 70 per cent. or more of sweetening matter

the cwt.







If containing less than 70 per cent. and more than 50 per cent of sweetening matter

the cwt.







If containing not more than 50 per cent. of sweetening matter

the cwt.







The amount of sweetening matter to be taken to be the total amount of sugar contained in the article as determined by analysis in manner directed by the Revenue Commissioners.



the cwt.






the cwt.





Saccharin (including substances of a like nature or use)

the oz.





Part II.

Drawbacks and Allowances.


Nature of Drawback or Allowance

Amount or Rate of Drawback or Allowance

(1) Drawback on the export, or on the shipment or deposit in a bonded warehouse for use as ship's stores, of duty-paid sugar or molasses (including sugar or molasses produced from duty-paid sugar or molasses) which has passed a refinery in Saorstát Eireann.

In the case of molasses produced in bond, an amount equal to the duty paid, and, in any other case, an amount equal to the duty which would be chargeable on the importation of the like article.

(2) Drawback on the deposit in a bonded warehouse for export of beer in the brewing of which duty-paid sugar or glucose has been used.

An amount equal to the duty paid in respect of the sugar or glucose.

Drawback on the export, or on the shipment or deposit in a bonded warehouse for use as ship's stores, of goods (other than beer) in the manufacture or preparation of which in Saorstát Éireann any duty-paid sugar, molasses, glucose or saccharin has been used.

An amount equal to the duty chargeable in respect of that quantity of the sugar, molasses, glucose or saccharin which appears to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners to have been used in the manufacture or preparation of the goods, or, in the case of residual products, to be contained in the goods

(4) Drawback to be allowed to a refiner on molasses produced in Saorstát Éireann from sugar on which the import duty has been paid at the current rate and delivered to a licensed distiller for use in the manufacture of spirits                                              the cwt.

4s. 6d.

(5) Allowance to a refiner on molasses, used solely for the purpose of food for stock, produced in Saorstát Éireann from sugar on which the import duty has been paid at the current rate                                                 the cwt.

4s. 6d.

B.—Excise.—Sugar and Molasses made Wholly from Beet Grown in Saorstát Eireann.

Nature of Drawback or Allowance

Amount or Rate of Drawback or Allowance

(1) Drawback on the export, or on the shipment or deposit in a bonded warehouse for use as ship's stores, of duty-paid sugar or molasses.

An amount equal to the duty paid.

(2) Drawback on the deposit in a bonded warehouse for export of beer in the brewing of which duty-paid sugar has been used.

An amount equal to the duty paid in respect of the sugar.

(3) Drawback on the export, or on the shipment or deposit in a bonded warehouse for use as ship's stores, of goods (other than beer) in the manufacture or preparation of which in Saorstát Éireann any duty-paid sugar or molasses has been used.

An amount equal to the duty paid in respect of that quantity of the sugar or molasses which appears to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners to have been used in the manufacture or preparation of the goods.

(4) Drawback to be allowed to a refiner on molasses produced in Saorstát Éireann from sugar on which the excise duty has been paid and delivered to a licensed distiller for use in the manufacture of spirits                               the cwt.

0s. 7d.

(5) Allowance to a refiner on molasses, used solely for the purpose of food for stock, produced in Saorstát Eireann from sugar on which the excise duty has been paid                                  the cwt.

0s. 7d.

C.—EXCISE.—All Other Goods.

Nature of Drawback or Allowance

Amount or Rate of Drawback or Allowance

(1) Drawback on the export, or on the shipment or deposit in a bonded warehouse for use as ship's stores, of duty-paid sugar, molasses, glucose or saccharin.

An amount equal to the duty paid.

(2) Drawback on the deposit in a bonded warehouse for export of beer in the brewing of which duty-paid sugar or glucose has been used.

An amount equal to the duty paid.

(3) Drawback on the export, or on the shipment or deposit in a bonded warehouse for use as ship's stores, of goods (other than beer) in the manufacture or preparation of which in Saorstát Eireann any duty-paid sugar, molasses, glucose or saccharin has been used.

An amount equal to the duty paid in respect of that quantity of the sugar, molasses, glucose or saccharin which appears to the satisfaction of the Revenue Commissioners to have been used in the manufacture or preparation of the goods.

(4) Drawback to be allowed to a refiner on molasses produced in Saorstát Eireann from sugar on which the excise duty has been paid at the current rate and delivered to a licensed distiller for use in the manufacture of spirits                                   the cwt.

4s. 6d.

(5) Drawback on the deposit of duty-paid glucose in a warehouse approved by the Revenue Commissioners under section 2 of the Manufactured Tobacco Act, 1863, for the manufacture of cavendish and negrohead tobacco.

An amount equal to the drawback which would have been payable on the export of the glucose.

(6) Allowance to a refiner on molasses, used solely for the purpose of food for stock, produced in Saorstát Eireann from sugar on which the excise duty has been paid at the current rate                                    the cwt.

4s. 6d.



Customs Duties Terminated.

Ref. No.

Enactment imposing or defining the duty

Particulars of the duty

General description of the duty


The Finance Act, 1916, section 8.

The duty imposed by the said section 8.

The duty on cider and perry.


The Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), section 11 and reference number 28 in the First Schedule.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 28.

The duty on certain photographic apparatus.


The Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), section 11 and reference number 31 in the First Schedule.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 31, as amended at reference number 13 in the Third Schedule to the Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 4) Act, 1932 (No. 34 of 1932).

The duty on certain tobacco pipes.


The Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932), section 11 and reference number 37 in the First Schedule.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 37.

The duty on knitted fabric in the piece.


The Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 4) Act, 1932 (No. 34 of 1932), section 1 and reference number 1 in the First Schedule.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 1.

The duty on certain woollen or worsted yarns.


The Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 4) Act, 1932 (No. 34 of 1932), section 1 and reference number 16 in the First Schedule.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 16, but so far only as that duty is chargeable:—

(a) on articles mentioned at sub-paragraph (10) in paragraph (d) in the second column at the said reference number, and,

(b) on articles mentioned at sub-paragraph (12) in the said paragraph (d), as amended at reference number 10 in the Seventh Schedule to the Finance Act, 1934 (No. 31 of 1934).

The duty on ladders and the duty on wooden toys.


The Finance Act, 1933 (No. 15 of 1933), section 5 and reference number 1 in the Second Schedule.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 1.

The duty on certain empty containers.


The Finance Act, 1933 (No. 15 of 1933) section 4 and reference number 16 in Part I of the First Schedule.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 16.

The duty on gas heaters and gas cookers.


The Finance Act, 1934 (No. 31 of 1934), section 8 and reference number 22 in the First Schedule.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 22.

The duty on certain woven piece goods.


The Finance Act, 1934 (No. 31 of 1934), section 8 and reference number 23 in the First Schedule.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 23, as amended at reference number 19 in the Eighth Schedule to the Finance Act, 1935 (No. 28 of 1935).

The duty on certain bias binding.


The Finance Act, 1935 (No. 28 of 1935), section 11 and reference number 9 in the Second Schedule.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 9.

The duty on wool and wool waste.



Amendments of Certain Finance Acts.

Part I.

Finance (Customs Duties) (no. 2) Act, 1932 (No. 11 of 1932).

Ref. No.

Section or Schedule Amended

Nature of Amendment

General Subject Matter of Amendment


Section 12.

In relation to the charging and levying of the duty imposed by the said section 12, any article which is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, a lozenge or a pastille shall be sugar confectionery within the meaning and for the purposes of the said section 12, whether such article is or is not of a medicinal nature or use.

The duty on sugar confectionery.

Part II.

Finance Act, 1932 (No. 20 of 1932).

Ref. No.

Section or Schedule Amended

Nature of Amendment

General Subject Matter of Amendment


Section 22, as amended by subsequent enactments.

In sub-section (7) of the said section 22, the paragraph (k) inserted by amendment at reference number 2 in the Eighth Schedule to the Finance Act, 1935 (No. 28 of 1935), shall be deleted, and the following paragraphs and words shall be added at the end of the said sub-section (7), that is to say:––

“(k) surgical dressings of textile material or of cotton wool or of wadding (made wholly or mainly of cotton or of wool or of cotton and wool) or of a combination of any two or more of those substances, and

(l) starch which is, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, suitable for use in the laundering of textile materials, and

(m) gasket cement”

Additions to articles liable to package duty.


First Schedule, reference number 12.

(a) In the second column, the words “primarily intended for office use” shall be deleted, and

(b) the following provision shall be added at the end of the fifth column, that is to say,—

“Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation, with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.”

Extension of duty on adhesive pastes.

Part III.

Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 4) Act, 1932 (No. 34 of 1932).

Ref. No.

Section or Schedule Amended

Nature of Amendment

General Subject Matter of Amendment


First Schedule, reference number 20.

(a) The duty mentioned at the said reference number 20 shall be charged, levied, and paid at the rate of an amount equal to seventy-five per cent. of the value of the article in lieu of the rate mentioned in the third column at the said reference number, and

(b) the provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall not apply to the said duty.

Change of rate of duty on flock.


First Schedule, reference number 24.

(a) The duty mentioned at the said reference number 24 shall be charged, levied, and paid at the rate of an amount equal to fifty per cent. of the value of the article in lieu of the rate mentioned in the third column at the said reference number, and

(b) the provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall not apply to the said duty.

Change of rate of duty on certain jute piece goods.


First Schedule, reference number 28.

(a) The following words shall be added in the second column after the word “articles,” that is to say, “and also Christmas crackers,” and

(b) the duty mentioned at the said reference number 28 shall, in lieu of being charged and levied at the rate mentioned in the third column at the said reference number, be charged, levied, and paid at whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:—the rate of an amount equal to thirty-three and one-third per cent. of the value of the article or the rate of three pence the article, and

(c) the provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall not apply to the said duty, and

(d) the following provision shall be added at the end of the fifth column, that is to say:—

“Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any Christmas crackers chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.”

The duty on Christmas stockings, etc.


First Schedule, reference number 31.

The provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall not apply to the duty mentioned at the said reference number 31.

The duty on sparking plugs.


First Schedule, reference number 32.

(a) The duty mentioned at the said reference number 32 shall, in lieu of being charged and levied at the rate mentioned in the third column at the said reference number, be charged, levied, and paid at whichever of the following rates produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:—the rate of an amount equal to fifty per cent. of the value of the article or the rate of two pence on each sack or bag, and

(b) the provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall not apply to the said duty.

Change of rate of duty on empty jute sacks and bags.

Part IV.

Finance Act, 1933 (No. 15 of 1933).

Ref. No.

Section or Schedule Amended

Nature of Amendment

General Subject Matter of Amendment


First Schedule, Part I, reference number 14.

Paragraph (f) in the second column shall be deleted and the following paragraph shall be inserted in the said second column in lieu of the said paragraph so deleted, that is to say:—

“(f) bottles made of cut glass or imitation cut glass which are of a value exceeding twenty shillings per gross.”

The duty on certain empty glass bottles and empty glass jars.


First Schedule, Part II, reference number 2.

The following provision shall be added at the end of the fifth column, that is to say:·—

“Whenever the Minister for Finance, after consultation with the Minister for Industry and Commerce, so thinks proper, the Revenue Commissioners may by licence authorise any particular person, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, to import without payment of the duty mentioned at this reference number any articles chargeable with such duty either, as the Revenue Commissioners shall think proper, without limit as to time or quantity or either of them or within a specified time or in a specified quantity.”

The duty on varnish.


First Schedule, Part II, reference number 4.

(a) The duty mentioned at the said reference number 4 shall be charged, levied, and paid at the rate of thirty-six shillings the hundredweight in lieu of the rate mentioned in the third column at the said reference number, and

(b) the provisions of section 8 of the Finance Act, 1919, shall not apply to the said duty.

Change of rate of duty on yeast.

Part V.

Finance (Customs And Excise Duties) Act, 1933 (No. 52 of 1933).

Ref. No.

Section or Schedule Amended

Nature of Amendment

General Subject Matter of Amendment


First Schedule, reference number 2.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 2 shall be charged, levied, and paid at the rate of an amount equal to fifty per cent, of the value of the article in lieu of the rate mentioned in the third column at the said reference number.

Change of rate of duty on inside soles.

Part VI.

Finance Act, 1934 (No. 31 of 1934).

Ref. No.

Section or Schedule Amended

Nature of Amendment

General Subject Matter of Amendment


First Schedule, reference number 2.

(a) The letter and brackets “(a)” shall be inserted at the beginning of the second column, and

(b) the following paragraph shall be added at the end of the said second column, that is to say:—

“(b) component parts (made wholly or mainly of metal) of any such apparatus as is hereinbefore mentioned at this reference number as chargeable with duty.”

The duty on certain fire extinguishers.


First Schedule, reference number 6.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 6, as amended at reference number 15 in the Eighth Schedule to the Finance Act, 1935 (No. 28 of 1935), shall be charged, levied, and paid at the rate of an amount equal to forty per cent, of the value of the article in lieu of the rate mentioned in the third column at the said reference number 6.

Change of rate of duty on certain cast iron articles.


First Schedule, reference number 13

The following words shall be added at the end of the second column, that is to say:— “and also excluding single copies of photographic prints which are prints from photographs (whether on film or plate) taken, outside Saorstát Éireann and are imported by the proprietor of a newspaper, magazine, or other publication for the purposes of his trade or business as such proprietor.”

The duty on photograph i c prints.


First Schedule, reference number 18.

The duty mentioned at the said reference number 18 shall be charged, levied, and paid at the rate of an amount equal to fifty per cent, of the value of the article in lieu of the rate mentioned in the third column at the said reference number.

Change of rate of duty on filled shot cartridges.

Part VII.

Finance Act, 1935 (No. 28 of 1935).

Ref. No.

Section or Schedule Amended

Nature of Amendment

General Subject Matter of Amendment


Section 17.

The following paragraphs shall be added at the end of sub-section (1), that is to say:—

“(e) clock-cases and clock-faces made wholly or mainly of marble—whichever of the following rates of duty produces in each particular case the greater amount of duty, that is to say:—a sum equal to seventy-five per cent, of the value of the article or five shillings on each clock-case or clock-face;

(f) component parts (made wholly or mainly of marble) of clocks or clock-cases—a sum equal to seventy-five per cent of the value of the article.”

Additions to the duty on clocks.


First Schedule, reference number 28.

(a) In paragraph (a) in the second column, the words “and is, in the opinion aforesaid, constructed, designed, and suitable for use for commercial purposes” shall be deleted, and

(b) in paragraph (c) in the second column, the following words shall be inserted after the word “compressors,” that is to say:— “for use with motors exceeding ten horse power,” and

(c) the duty mentioned at the said reference number 28 shall be charged, levied, and paid at the rate of an amount equal to fifty per cent, of the value of the article in lieu of the rate mentioned in the third column at the said reference number.

The duty on refrigerating apparatus.


Second Schedule, reference number 6.

(a) In the second column, the words “excluding any preparation which, in the opinion of the Revenue Commissioners, is made from rice husk” shall be deleted, and

(b) the duty mentioned at the said reference number 6 shall, in so far as it is charged and levied on ground rice or on rice flour, be charged, levied, and paid at the rate of four shillings the hundred weight in lieu of the rate mentioned in the third column at the said reference number.

The duty on rice, rice flour and rice meal.


Second Schedule, reference number 7.

In the second column, the words “Tiles and slabs” shall be deleted, and the words “Tiles, slabs, slates, and sheets” shall be inserted in lieu of the words so deleted.

The duty on certain tiles and slabs.


Second Schedule, reference number 15.

Whenever the Revenue Commissioners are satisfied that any paper imported on or after the 13th day of June, 1936, and chargeable with the duty mentioned at the said reference number 15 is intended for use in the printing of newspapers or periodicals, the Revenue Commissioners may, subject to compliance with such conditions as they may think fit to impose, permit such paper to be imported without payment of the said duty or may repay any such duty paid at importation.

The duty on unprinted paper.



Enactments Repealed.

Number and Year

Short Title

Extent of Repeal

No. 11 of 1932.

Finance (Customs Duties) (No. 2) Act, 1932.

Sub-section (3) of section 8; sub-section (4) of section 11.

No. 20 of 1932.

Finance Act, 1932.

Section 42.

No. 52 of 1933.

Finance (Customs and Excise Duties) Act, 1933.

Paragraphs (b) and (f) of section 7.

No. 31 of 1934.

Finance Act, 1934.

Sub-section (6) of section 12; sub-section (4) of section 13.