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Uimhir 11 de 1957.
[An tiontó oifigiúil.]
ACHT DO LEASÚ AGUS DO LEATHNÚ NA nACHT UM THITHE BEAGA CÓNAITHE d'FHÁIL, 1899 GO 1956. [26 Meitheamh, 1957.] ACHTAÍTEAR AG AN OIREACHTAS MAR LEANAS:— [EN]Alt 32 d'Acht na Tithe (Leasú), 1950, a leasú.
1.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo alt 32 d'Acht na dTithe (Leasú), 1950 (Uimh. 25 de 1950), tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur in ionad míre (a):
[EN]“(a) i gcás tí atá ar áitiú nó le háitiú den chéad uair, an tsuim is dóigh leis an údarás áitiúil is comhionann le costas réasúnach tógála an tí (lena n-áirítear na caiteachais theagmhasacha réasúnacha go léir) agus luach an leasa a bheas ag an duine dá dtabharfar an t-airleacan i láithreán an tí sin, agus ina theannta sin, i gcás ina bhfaighidh an duine dá dtabharfar an t-airleacan sin únaeracht an tí, na caiteachais réasúnacha go léir a ghabhas leis an bhfáil sin.”
[EN](2) Aon ní a rinne údarás áitiúil tar éis an 24ú lá de Nollaig, 1956, agus roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith agus a rinneadh in oirchill ar fho-alt (1) den alt seo d'achtú, beidh sé bailí chun gach críche amhail is dá mbeadh an fo-alt sin i ngníomh nuair a rinneadh é.
[EN]Iarratas chun an Choimisinéara Luachála i gcásanna áirithe.
2.—(1) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “an Coimisinéir” an Coimisinéir Luachála;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an táille forordaithe” pé táille is cuí do réir scála táillí arna fhorordú chun críocha an ailt seo le rialacháin arna ndéanamh ag an Aire Airgeadais tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil.
[EN](2) I gcás ina mbeidh údarás áitiúil tar éis suim a chur in iúl do dhuine faoi mhír (a) d'alt 32 d'Acht na dTithe (Leasú), 1950 (Uimh. 25 de 1950), arna leasú le halt 1 den Acht seo, agus go gcuirfidh an duine sin i gcointinn go bhféadfaí go cuí suim is mó ná sin a chur in iúl, féadfaidh an duine sin, ar an táille forordaithe d'íoc, a chointinn a chur chun an Choimisinéara lena bhreithniú.
[EN](3) Tar éis don Choimisinéir cointinn a cuirfear chuige faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo a bhreithniú agus tar éis dó pé fiosruithe a dhéanamh is dóigh leis is gá, déarfaidh sé cé acu a mheasas sé nó nach measann sé go bhfuil bunús maith leis an gcointinn sin agus, má mheasann sé go bhfuil bunús maith léi, an tsuim is dóigh leis d'fhéadfadh an t-údarás áitiúil a chur in iúl go cuí.
[EN](4) Ní dhéanfaidh aon ráiteas ón gCoimisinéir faoi fho-alt (3) den alt seo difir do dhiscréid an údaráis áitiúil maidir leis an airleacan ná le méid an airleacain.
[EN](5) Ní bheidh feidhm ag an Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, maidir le táillí faoin alt seo agus déanfar na táillí sin uile a bhailiú nó a thógaint i pé slí a ordós an tAire Airgeadais ó am go ham agus íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste nó cuirfear chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste iad do réir mar ordós an tAire sin.
[EN](6) Íocfar as airgead a sholáthrós an tOireachtas aon chaiteachais faoina raghaidh an tAire Airgeadais ag tabhairt éifeachta don alt seo.
[EN](7) Gach rialachán a déanfar faoin alt seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu sin, laistigh den lá agus fiche a shuífeas an Teach sin tar éis an rialachán sin a leagadh faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an rialacháin, beidh an rialachán ar neamhní dá réir sin, ach sin gan dochar d'aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin rialachán sin.
[EN]Gearrtheideal, forl iriú agus comhlua.
3.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht um Thithe Beaga Cónaithe d'Fháil, 1957, a ghairm den Acht seo.
[EN](2) Déanfar an tAcht seo agus na hAchta um Thithe Beaga Cónaithe d'Fháil, 1899 go 1956, a léamh agus d'fhorléiriú mar aon ní amháin agus féadfar na hAchta um Thithe Beaga Cónaithe d'Fháil, 1899 go 1957, a ghairm díobh le chéile.
Number 11 of 1957.
Section | |
Act Referred to | |
No. 25 of 1950 |
Number 11 of 1957.
Amendment of section 32 of Housing (Amendment) Act, 1950.
1.—(1) Section 32 of the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1950 (No. 25 of 1950), is hereby amended by the substitution for paragraph (a) of the following paragraph:
[GA]“(a) in the case of a house occupied or to be occupied for the first time, the amount which, in the opinion of the local authority, represents the reasonable cost (including all reasonable incidental expenses) of building the house and the value of the interest of the person to whom the advance is made in the site thereof, together with, where the ownership of the house is acquired by the person to whom the advance is made, all reasonable expenses incidental to such acquisition.”
[GA](2) Anything which was effected by a local authority after the 24th day of December, 1956, and before the passing of this Act and which was effected in anticipation of the enactment of subsection (1) of this section shall be valid for all purposes in like manner as if that subsection had been in operation when it was effected.
[GA]Application to Commissioner of Valuation in certain cases.
2.—(1) In this section—
[GA]“the Commissioner” means the Commissioner of Valuation;
[GA]“the prescribed fee” means such fee as may be appropriate in accordance with a scale of fees prescribed for the purposes of this section by regulations made by the Minister for Finance after consultation with the Minister for Local Government.
[GA](2) Where an amount has been indicated to a person by a local authority under paragraph (a) of section 32 of the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1950, (No. 25 of 1950), as amended by section 1 of this Act, and that person contends that a greater amount might properly have been indicated, that person may, on payment of the prescribed fee, submit his contention for consideration by the Commissioner.
[GA](3) The Commissioner, after consideration of a contention submitted under subsection (2) of this section and after making such inquiries as he considers necessary, shall state whether or not he considers that the contention is well founded and, if he considers that it is well founded, the amount which he considers might properly have been indicated by the local authority.
[GA](4) A statement by the Commissioner under subsection (3) of this section shall not affect the discretion of the local authority with respect to the advance or the amount thereof.
[GA](5) The Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, shall not apply in respect of fees under this section, and all such fees shall be collected or taken in such manner as the Minister for Finance directs from time to time and shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in accordance with the directions of that Minister.
[GA](6) Any expenses incurred by the Minister for Finance in giving effect to this section shall be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
[GA](7) Every regulation made under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling the regulation is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the regulation is laid before it, the regulation shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to anything previously done thereunder.
[GA]Short title, construction and collective citation.
3.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Small Dwellings Acquisition Act, 1957.
[GA](2) This Act shall be read and construed as one with the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, 1899 to 1956, and may be cited together therewith as the Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts, 1899 to 1957.