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Uimhir 13 de 1934.
[30adh Abrán, 1934.]
1.—San Acht so—
cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála;
cialluíonn an abairt “croicne caorach” croicne caorach ná beidh an t-olann bainte dhíobh.
Ordú ag toirmeasc croicne caorach d'easportáil.
2.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire le hordú, pé uair agus chó minic agus is dóich leis is ceart, toirmeasc do chur le heasportáil chroicne caorach ach amháin fé cheadúnas agus do réir cheadúnais ar n-a thabhairt amach chuige sin fén Acht so, agus féadfaidh toirmeasc do chur amhlaidh leis an easportáil sin faid a bheidh an t-ordú san i bhfeidhm no ar feadh tréimhse áirithe no ar feadh dhá thréimhse no níos mó de thréimhsí áirithe nealeanúnacha.
(2) Gach ordú déanfar fén alt so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh acu san, tráth ar bith faid a bheidh an t-ordú san i bhfeidhm, rún do rith ag cur an orduithe sin ar nea-mbrí, beidh an t-ordú san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin, ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén ordú san.
(3) Féadfaidh an tAire tráth ar bith, le hordú, ceiliúradh no leasú do dhéanamh ar ordú do rinne sé roimhe sin fén alt so.
E bheith ina chionta croicne caorach d'easportáil.
3.—(1) Ní bheidh sé dleathach do dhuine ar bith easportáil do dhéanamh, ach amháin fé cheadúnas agus do réir cheadúnais ar n-a thabhairt amach chuige sin fén Acht so, ar aon chroicne caorach tráth ar bith a bheidh an easportáil sin toirmeasctha le hordú ar n-a dhéanamh fén Acht so.
(2) Má dheineann duine ar bith croicne caorach d'easportáil contrárdha don alt so beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad púnt do chur air.
(3) Féadfaidh aon oifigeach Custum agus Máil earraí ar bith, a bheidh á n-easportáil no go mbeifear a d'iarraidh iad d'easportáil contrárdha don alt so, do choinneáil agus do thógaint agus chuige sin féadfaidh pacáid ar bith d'oscailt ina mbeidh earra ar bith den tsórt san no na mbeidh amhrás aige a leithéid do bheith inti, agus na forálacha den Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, i dtaobh earraí tógfar fén Acht san d'ordú a bheith geallbhruidthe agus do chur de láimh bainfid le gach earra tógfar fén alt so fé is dá mba fén Acht san do tógfaí í.
(4) Na forálacha den alt so bhaineann le heasportáil earraí do thoirmeasc beidh éifeacht acu fé is dá mbeadh na forálacha san sa Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, agus beidh baint dá réir sin ag an Acht san agus ag aon Acht le n-a leasuítear no le n-a leathnuítear an tAcht san, agus má deintear earraí ar bith go dtoirmeasctar a n-easportáil leis an alt so d'easportáil contrárdha don alt so no iad do thabhairt go dtí aon ché no áit eile chun go ndéanfaí iad d'easportáil amhlaidh no iad d'iompar ar uisce chun go ndéanfaí iad d'easportáil amhlaidh dlighfear an pionós céanna do chur ar an easportálaí no ar a ghníomhaire dlightear do chur ar dhuine, fé alt 186 den Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, mar gheall ar earraí toirmiscithe d'iomportáil go nea-dhleathach.
Ceadúnaisí chun croicne caorach d'easportáil.
4.—Féadfaidh an tAire, más oiriúnach leis é tar éis do dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Talmhaíochta, ceadúnas do thabhairt amach aon tráth do dhuine ar bith á cheadúnú dho croicne caorach d'easportáil tráth a bheidh sé toirmeasctha leis an Acht so croicne caorach d'easportáil ach amháin fé cheadúnas, agus féadfaidh an tAire a shocrú leis an gceadúnas san cad é an méid croicne caorach a féadfar a easportáil fén gceadúnas san agus an t-am gur laistigh de agus na tíortha gur chúcha a féadfar na croicne caorach san d'easportáil amhlaidh.
5.—Féadfar an tAcht um Chroicne Caorach (Easportáil do Rialú), 1934, do ghairm den Acht so.
Number 13 of 1934.
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Number 13 of 1934.
1.—In this Act—
the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce;
the word “sheepskin” means sheepskin from which the wool has not been removed.
Order prohibiting export of sheepskin.
2.—(1) The Minister may, whenever and so often as he thinks proper, by order prohibit the export of sheepskin otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence in that behalf issued under this Act, and may so prohibit such export either for so long as such order is in force or for a specified period or for two or more specified discontinuous periods.
(2) Every order made under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and, if a resolution annulling such order is passed by either such House at any time during the continuance of such order, such order shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such order.
(3) The Minister may at any time by order revoke or amend an order previously made by him under this section.
Offence of exporting sheepskin.
3.—(1) It shall not be lawful for any person to export, otherwise than under and in accordance with a licence in that behalf issued under this Act, any sheepskin at any time when such export is prohibited by an order made under this Act.
(2) If any person exports sheepskin in contravention of this section, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds.
(3) Any officer of Customs and Excise may detain and seize any articles being or attempted to be exported in contravention of this section, and for that purpose may open any packet containing, or suspected by him of containing, any such article, and the provisions of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, in relation to the condemnation and disposal of goods seized under that Act shall apply to all articles seized under this section in like manner as if they had been seized under that Act.
(4) The provisions of this section relating to the prohibition of the export of articles shall have effect as though those provisions were included in the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, and that Act and any Act amending or extending that Act shall apply accordingly, and if any articles the export of which is prohibited by this section are exported in contravention of this section or are brought to any quay or other place for the purpose of being so exported, or are waterborne to be so exported, the exporter or his agent, shall be liable to the same penalty as that to which a person is liable under section 186 of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, for illegally importing prohibited goods.
Licences to export sheepskin.
4.—The Minister, if he so thinks fit after consulation with the Minister for Agriculture, may at any time issue to any person a licence to export sheepskin at a time when the export of sheepskin otherwise than under licence is prohibited by this Act and the Minister may by such licence fix the quantity of sheepskin which may be exported thereunder and the time within which and the countries to which such sheepskin may be so exported.
Short title.
5.—This Act may be cited as the Sheepskin (Control of Export) Act, 1934.