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Number 16 of 1924.






Establishment of the Departments of State.


Ministers to be corporations sole and to have certain powers.


Allocation of Departments of State among Ministers.


Remuneration of Ministers.


Collective responsibility of Executive Council preserved.


The Attorney General.


Power to Executive Council to appoint Parliamentary Secretaries.


Constitution of the Council of Defence.


Powers of Executive Council in respect of statutory bodies.


Expenses of public services payable out of special funds.


Power to Minister to function through agency of another Minister.


Power to Executive Council to redistribute public services amongst Ministers.


Orders of Executive Council to be laid before each House of the Oireachtas.


Apportionment of funds between Ministers.


Authentication of official documents.


Executive Council to have a seal.


Proof of official Orders, etc.


References to Ministers in existing Acts.


Laying of reports before the Oireachtas.


Short title and commencement.


Act Referred to

Civil Service Regulation Act, 1923

No. 35 of 1923

Adaptation of Enactments Act, 1922

(No, 2 of 1922)


Number 16 of 1924.


AN ACT FOR CONSTITUTING AND DEFINING THE MINISTERS AND DEPARTMENTS OF STATE IN SAORSTAT EIREANN PURSUANT TO THE CONSTITUTION AND DECLARING THE FUNCTIONS AND POWERS OF THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL AND ENABLING THE APPOINTMENT OF PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARIES AND FOR PURPOSES INCIDENTAL THERETO. [21st April, 1924.] WHEREAS it is enacted by the Constitution of Saorstát Eireann that there shall be a Council responsible to Dáil Eireann to aid and advise in the Government of Saorstát Eireann, and that the said Council shall be styled the Executive Council and shall consist of not more than seven nor less than five Ministers, all being members of Dáil Eireann and appointed by the Representative of the Crown on the nomination of the President of the Executive Council with the assent of Dáil Eireann, who shall be collectively responsible for all matters concerning the Departments of State administered by Members of the Executive Council, and shall meet and act as a collective authority:

AND WHEREAS it is by the said Constitution provided that the Ministers who form the Executive Council shall include the President of the Council, the Vice-President of the Council and the Minister in charge of the Department of Finance:

AND WHEREAS it is also by the said Constitution enacted that Ministers other than those who shall be members of the Executive Council may be appointed by the Representative of the Crown, and that every such Minister shall be nominated by Dáil Eireann on the recommendation of a Committee of Dáil Eireann constituted for that purpose, and it is thereby further provided that every such Minister shall be the responsible head of the Department or Departments under his charge and shall be individually responsible to Dáil Eireann alone for the administration of the Department or Departments of which he is the head:

AND WHEREAS it is also by the said Constitution enacted that the total number of Ministers, including the Ministers who are members of the Executive Council, shall not exceed twelve, and that Ministers shall receive such remuneration as may from time to time be prescribed by law but that the remuneration of any Minister shall not be diminished during his term of office:



Establishment of the Departments of State.

1.—There shall be established in Saorstát Eireann the several Departments of State specified and named in the eleven following sub-paragraphs, amongst which the administration and business of the public services in Saorstát Eireann shall be distributed as in the said sub-paragraphs is particularly mentioned, and each of which said Departments and the powers, duties and functions thereof shall be assigned to and administered by the Minister hereinafter named as head thereof, that is to say:—


(i) The Department of the President of the Executive Council which shall comprise the business, powers, authorities, duties and functions by the Constitution or by any existing or future Act of the Oireachtas or otherwise conferred on or to be discharged or performed by the Minister, who shall hold the office of and be styled Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle or (in English) the President of the Executive Council, and also the custody of and responsibility for all public archives and records and of papers and documents of State and of grants, deeds and other instruments of title relating to the property corporeal and incorporeal, real and personal for the time being vested in Saorstát Eireann and of records of the Executive Council and also the custody of the Seal of the Executive Council and also the responsibility for and control of the official publications of the Executive Council and also the administrative control of and responsibility for such public services and the business, powers, duties and functions thereof as may not for the time being be comprised in any of the Departments of State constituted by this Act.


(ii) The Department of Finance which shall comprise the administration and business generally of the public finance of Saorstát Eireann and all powers, duties and functions connected with the same, including in particular the collection and expenditure of the revenues of Saorstát Eireann from whatever source arising (save as may be otherwise provided by law), and the supervision and control of all purchases made for or on behalf of and all supplies of commodities and goods held by any Department of State and the disposal thereof, and also the business, powers, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public service specified in the first part of the Schedule to this Act, and of which Department the head shall be, and shall be styled an t-Aire Airgid or (in English) the Minister for Finance.


(iii) The Department of Justice which shall comprise the administration and business generally of public services in connection with law, justice, public order and police, and all powers, duties and functions connected with the same (except such powers, duties and functions as are by law reserved to the Executive Council and such powers, duties and functions as are by the Constitution or by law excepted from the authority of the Executive Council or of an Executive Minister), and shall include in particular the business, powers, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public service specified in the Second Part of the Schedule to this Act, and of which Department the head shall be, and shall be styled, an t-Aire Dlí agus Cirt or (in English) the Minister for Justice.


(iv) The Department of Local Government and Public Health which shall comprise the administration and business generally of public services in connection with local government, public health, relief of the poor, care of the insane (including insane criminals), health insurance, elections to each House of the Oireachtas, elections to local bodies and authorities, registration of voters, maintenance of public roads, and highways, registration of births, deaths and marriages, and vital statistics and all powers, duties and functions connected with the same, and shall include in particular the business, powers, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public service specified in the Third Part of the Schedule to this Act, and of which Department the head shall be, and shall be styled, an t-Aire Rialtais Aitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí or (in English) the Minister for Local Government and Public Health.


(v) The Department of Education which shall comprise the administration and business generally of public services in connection with Education, including primary, secondary and university education, vocational and technical training, endowed schools, reformatories, and industrial schools, and all powers, duties and functions connected with the same, and shall include in particular the business, powers, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public services specified in the Fourth Part of the Schedule to this Act, and of which Department the head shall be, and shall be styled, an t-Aire Oideachais or (in English) the Minister for Education.


(vi) The Department of Lands and Agriculture which shall comprise the administration and business generally of public services in connection with agriculture and lands, including the fixing of rents and tenure of lands, acquisition by occupying tenants of full ownership by means of public funds, enlargement and other economic improvement of holdings of land, purchase of land for distribution by way of re-sale, relief of rural congestion and like uneconomic conditions, promotion of agriculture by means of educational grants, and of lectures on special subjects, agricultural statistics, forestry, veterinary services, survey and mapping of land, and all powers, duties and functions connected with the same, and shall include in particular the business, powers, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public services specified in the Fifth Part of the Schedule to this Act, and of which Department the head shall be, and shall be styled, an t-Aire Tailte agus Talmhaíochta or (in English) the Minister for Lands and Agriculture.


(vii) The Department of Industry and Commerce which shall comprise the administration and business generally of public services in connection with trade, commerce, industry, and labour, industrial and commercial organisations and combinations, industrial and commercial statistics, transport, shipping, natural resources, and all powers, duties and functions connected with the same, including the promotion of trade and commerce by means of educational grants, and shall include in particular the business, powers, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public services specified in the Sixth Part of the Schedule to this Act, and of which Department the head shall be, and shall be styled, an t-Aire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála or (in English) the Minister for Industry and Commerce.


(viii) The Department of Fisheries which shall comprise the administration and business generally of public services in connection with fisheries, including deep-sea fisheries, tidal waters fisheries, coastal fisheries, inland waters fisheries, and industries connected with or auxiliary to the same, and all powers duties and functions connected with the same, and shall include in particular the business powers, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public services specified in the Seventh Part of the Schedule to this Act, and of which Department the head shall be, and shall be styled, an t-Aire Iascaigh or (in English) the Minister for Fisheries.


(ix) The Department of Posts and Telegraphs which shall comprise the administration and business generally of public services in connection with posts, telegraphs, and telephones, and all powers, duties and functions connected with the same, and shall include in particular the business, powers, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public services specified in the Eighth Part of the Schedule to this Act, and of which Department the head shall be, and shall be styled, an t-Aire Puist agus Telegrafa or (in English) the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs.


(x) The Department of Defence which shall comprise the administration and business of the raising, training, organisation, maintenance, equipment, management, discipline, regulation, and control according to law of the Military Defence Forces of Saorstát Eireann, and all powers, duties and functions connected with the same, and of which Department the head shall be, and shall be styled, an t-Aire Cosanta or (in English) the Minister for Defence, and shall be assisted by a Council of Defence as hereinafter provided.


(xi) The Department of External Affairs which shall comprise the administration and business generally of public services in connection with communications and transactions between the Government of Saorstát Eireann and the Government of any other state or nation, diplomatic and consular representation of Saorstát Eireann in any country or place, international amenities, the granting of passports and of visés to passports, and all powers, duties and functions connected with the same, and of which Department the head shall be, and shall be styled, an t-Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche or (in English) the Minister for External Affairs.


Ministers to be corporations sole and to have certain powers.

2.—(1) Each of the Ministers, heads of the respective Departments of State mentioned in Section 1 of this Act, shall be a corporation sole under his style or name aforesaid (which may be lawfully expressed with equal validity and effect whether in the Irish Language or in its English equivalent as set out in the preceding section), and shall have perpetual succession and an official seal (which shall be officially and judicially noticed), and may sue and (subject to the fiat of the Attorney-General having been in each case first granted) be sued under his style or name aforesaid, and may acquire, hold and dispose of land for the purposes of the functions, powers or duties of the Department of State of which he is head or of any branch thereof.


(2) The Executive Council shall on the recommendation of the Minister appoint the principal officer of each of the said Departments and each of the said Ministers may appoint such other officers and servants to serve in the Department of which he is the head, as such Minister may, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, determine, but every appointment made under this sub-section shall be subject to the provisions of the Civil Service Regulation Act, 1923 (No. 35 of 1923) or of any Act for the time being in force replacing or amending that Act.


(3) The terms and conditions of appointment of all officers and servants appointed by any Minister shall be prescribed by the Minister for Finance and there shall be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, or if there be any fund properly applicable by law to such payment, then out of such fund to such officers and servants such salaries or remunerations as the Minister for Finance may from time to time determine.


(4) The expenses of each of the Departments of State established under this Act, to such amount as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, shall be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Allocation of Departments of State among Ministers.

3.—(1) The President of the Executive Council for the time being shall so soon as may be after his appointment as such President determine and declare how many and which of the said Departments of State established by this Act shall be assigned to and administered by the members of the Executive Council to be appointed on his nomination pursuant to the Constitution.


(2) It shall be lawful to assign two or more of the said Departments of State to a single person who in such case shall be appointed to be the Minister head of each of such Departments.


Remuneration of Ministers.

4.—There shall be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas to the President of the Executive Council an annual sum by way of salary not exceeding £2,500 and to each of the members of the Executive Council an annual sum by way of salary not exceeding £1,700 and to each Minister not a member of the Executive Council an annual sum by way of salary not exceeding £1,700 but so that no person shall be paid more than one such salary.


Collective responsibility of Executive Council preserved.

5.—Nothing in this Act contained shall derogate from the collective responsibility of the Executive Council as provided by the Constitution notwithstanding that members of the Executive Council may be appointed individually to be Ministers, heads of particular Departments of State.


The Attorney General.

6.—(1) There shall be vested in the Attorney-General of Saorstát Eireann (who shall be styled in Irish Príomh-Atúrnae Shaorstáit Eireann and shall be appointed by the Governor-General on the nomination of the Executive Council) the business, powers, authorities, duties and functions formerly vested in or exercised by the Attorney-General for Ireland, the Solicitor-General for Ireland, the Attorney-General for Southern Ireland, the Solicitor-General for Southern Ireland, the Law Adviser to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and any or all of them respectively, and the administration and control of the business, powers, authorities, duties and functions of the branches and officers of the public services specified in the Ninth Part of the Schedule to this Act and also the administration and business generally of public services in connection with the representation of the Government of Saorstát Eireann and of the public in all legal proceedings for the enforcement of law, the punishment of offenders and the assertion or protection of public rights and all powers, duties and functions connected with the same respectively, together with the duty of advising the Executive Council and the several Ministers in matters of law and of legal opinion.


(2) The Attorney-General may be or become a member of Dáil Eireann, and if he is a member of Dáil Eireann at the time of his appointment he shall not be under any obligation to resign his seat or to submit himself for re-election. He shall hold office so long only as the President of the Executive Council by whom he was nominated continues to hold office.


Power to Executive Council to appoint Parliamentary Secretaries.

7.—(1) The Executive Council may from time to time, on the nomination of the President of the Council, appoint so many persons, being members of the Oireachtas and not exceeding seven in number as the Executive Council shall consider necessary, to be Parliamentary Secretaries to the Executive Council or to Executive Ministers, and may at any time remove any Parliamentary Secretary so appointed.


(2) Every person appointed under the next preceding sub-section to be a Parliamentary Secretary shall continue to hold office so long only as he continues to be a member of the Oireachtas and the President of the Executive Council by whom he was nominated continues to hold office.


(3) A Minister who is not a member of the Executive Council may, with the approval of Dáil Eireann expressed by resolution, appoint a person being a member of the Dáil to be his Parliamentary Secretary and may at any time remove a Parliamentary Secretary so appointed.


(4) Every person appointed under the next preceding sub-section shall continue to hold office only so long as he continues to be a member of the Dáil and the Minister by whom he was appointed continues to hold his office.


(5) There shall be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas to each Parliamentary Secretary appointed under this Act who shall not by his appointment be declared to be appointed without salary such annual salary not exceeding in any case the annual sum of £1,200 as shall from time to time be fixed by the President of the Executive Council, with the consent of the Minister for Finance: Provided however that the total number of persons who shall at any one time be in receipt of salaries as Ministers or as Parliamentary Secretaries shall not exceed fifteen.


(6) Not more than one Parliamentary Secretary shall be appointed in respect of any one Department of State.


(7) Each of the Parliamentary Secretaries appointed under this section shall by his appointment be assigned to act as Parliamentary Secretary to the Executive Council or to a Minister and shall have such powers and perform such duties as the Executive Council or such Minister with the consent of the Executive Council (as the case may be) may from time to time delegate or assign to him.


Constitution of the Council of Defence.

8.—(1) There shall be and there is hereby constituted a Council of Defence to assist the Minister for Defence in the administration of the business of the Department of Defence, but without derogating from the responsibility of the Minister for Defence to the Dáil for all the administration and business of the Department of Defence and for the exercise and performance of all the powers, duties and functions connected therewith.


(2) The Council of Defence shall consist of the following members, namely the Minister for Defence, who (under the style of “Commander-in-Chief”) shall be Chairman of the Council of Defence, and four other members amongst whom shall be distributed the principal divisions or branches of the business of the Council of Defence, that is to say, a civil member being a member of Dáil Eireann who shall be responsible to the Minister for Defence for the finance of the Military Defence Forces and for so much of the other business of the Council of Defence as may be from time to time assigned to him by the Minister for Defence and who shall act as Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence and three military members being commissioned members of the said Defence Forces who shall be the Chief of Staff, the Adjutant-General and the Quartermaster-General and shall be respectively responsible to the Minister for Defence for the administration of so much of the business relating to the raising, training, organisation, disposition, personnel, supply, equipment, armament, management, discipline, control and maintenance of the Defence Forces as shall be from time to time assigned to them or any of them by the Minister for Defence.


(3) The Minister for Defence may specially reserve to himself any of the business of the Council of Defence.


(4) The Secretary of the Department of Defence shall act as Secretary of the Council of Defence and shall perform such duties as may be from time to time assigned to him by the Minister for Defence.


(5) Each of the military members of the Council of Defence shall hold that office at the pleasure of the Executive Council acting upon the recommendation of the Minister for Defence, but in no case for a longer period continuously than three years.


(6) The Council of Defence shall meet and act as a collective body and shall be collectively responsible to the Minister for Defence for all matters entrusted to it in its collective capacity whether by any Act of the Oireachtas or otherwise.


(7) The Council of Defence may, subject to the approval of the Minister for Defence, regulate its own procedure and time and place of meeting but it shall meet whenever required by the Minister for Defence so to do and in any case there shall be at least one meeting of the Council every six months.


Powers of Executive Council in respect of statutory bodies.

9.—(1) It shall be lawful for the Executive Council—


(a) by an Order of the Executive Council, to dissolve any Board of Commissioners or statutory body to which this section applies; and


(b) by the same Order to transfer to, or confer or impose on, the Minister or Ministers who is or are head or heads of the appropriate Department or Departments of State concerned with the public services of any Board of Commissioners or statutory body dissolved under this section, all or any of the jurisdictions, powers, duties, and functions of such dissolved Board of Commissioners or statutory body; and


(c) by the same or any subsequent Order to vest in the Minister or respective Ministers who is or are the head or heads of such appropriate Department or Departments of State as aforesaid, all or any part of the lands, hereditaments, tenements and premises situate in Saorstát Eireann and all other property and assets (including choses-in-action) which were on the 6th day of December, 1921, or shall at the time of making any such Order under this sub-section be vested, whether by statute, deed, contract, or otherwise, in or held in trust for any Board of Commissioners or statutory body dissolved by an Order under this sub-section, so that the same shall under and by virtue of such Order without the necessity for any other conveyance or assignment whatsoever but subject where necessary to transfer in the books of any bank, company or corporation become and be vested in such Minister or respective Ministers for all the estate, term, and interest, or respective estates, terms, and interests for which the same were immediately before the making of such Order vested in or held by such dissolved Board of Commissioners or statutory body, but subject to such (if any) trusts and equities as shall affect the said lands, hereditaments, tenements and premises property and assets respectively at the time of making such Order and shall be then legally subsisting and capable of being performed; and


(d) by the same or any subsequent Order to determine and declare which is or are the appropriate Department or Departments of State for the purposes of this sub-section to or on whose Minister or respective Ministers the jurisdictions, powers, duties, and functions of any such dissolved Board of Commissioners or statutory body shall be transferred, conferred, or imposed as aforesaid; and


(e) by the same or any subsequent Order to make such adaptations and modifications as the Executive Council may consider necessary of or in any British Statute relating to any Board of Commissioners or other statutory body dissolved under this section.


(2) It shall be lawful for the Executive Council—


(a) by an Order of the Executive Council to transfer to and confer or impose on any Minister any of the jurisdictions, powers, duties, and functions of any Board of Commissioners or statutory body to which this section applies, and to declare that the public services and officers concerned with the jurisdictions, powers, duties and functions transferred, conferred, or imposed by such Order as aforesaid are comprised and included in the public services and officers of the Department of State administered by or under such Minister as head thereof; and


(b) by the same or any subsequent Order to vest in the Minister or respective Ministers who is or are the head or heads of such appropriate Department or Departments of State as aforesaid all or any part of the lands, hereditaments, tenements, and premises situate in Saorstát Eireann and all other property and assets (including choses-in-action) which were on the 6th day of December, 1921, or shall at the time of making any such Order under this sub-section be vested, whether by statute, deed, contract or otherwise, in or held in trust for any such Board of Commissioners or statutory body and which were connected with the exercise or performance of any of the jurisdictions, powers, duties or functions transferred, conferred, or imposed by an Order under this sub-section so that the same shall under and by virtue of such Order without the necessity for any other conveyance or assignment whatsoever but subject where necessary to transfer in the books of any bank, company or corporation become and be vested in such Minister or respective Ministers for all the estate, term and interest, or respective estates, terms and interests for which the same were immediately before the making of such Order vested in or held by such Board of Commissioners or statutory body, but subject to such (if any) trusts and equities as shall affect the said lands, hereditaments, tenements and premises property and assets respectively at the time of making such Order and shall be then legally subsisting and capable of being performed; and


(c) by the same or any subsequent Order to determine and declare which is or are the appropriate Department or Departments of State for the purposes of this sub-section to or on whose Minister or respective Ministers the jurisdictions, powers, duties and functions of any Board of Commissioners or statutory body shall be transferred, conferred, or imposed as aforesaid; and


(d) by the same or any subsequent Order to make such adaptations and modifications as the Executive Council may consider necessary of or in any British Statute relating to any Board of Commissioners or statutory body whose or any of whose jurisdictions, powers, duties and functions are transferred, conferred, or imposed by an Order under this sub-section.


(3) So long as any Board of Commissioners or statutory body to which this section applies shall continue to exist, and until the same shall be dissolved under this section, the jurisdictions, powers, duties and functions of such Board of Commissioners or statutory body, or such of those jurisdictions, powers, duties or functions as shall not have been divested or transferred from such Board of Commissioners or statutory body by any Order under this section, and the exercise and performance thereof shall be and remain subject to the direction and control of the Minister who is head of the appropriate Department of State concerned with the public services of such Board of Commissioners or statutory body, and such Minister shall be responsible for the administration of the services of such Board of Commissioners or statutory body, and if any question shall arise as to which is the Minister or appropriate Department of State concerned with any public service for the purposes of this sub-section, such question shall be determined by the President of the Executive Council, whose decision shall be final.


(4) The Boards of Commissioners and statutory bodies to which this section applies are all statutory Boards of Commissioners and other statutory boards and bodies exercising any function of government or discharging any public duties in relation to public administration in Saorstát Eireann, and also any Board of Commissioners established by Order of the Executive Council under Section 7 of the Adaptation of Enactments Act, 1922 (No, 2 of 1922), but this section shall not apply to or affect any university established by Royal Charter or any body corporate similarly established for the regulation of the admission, qualification, and conduct of the members of any profession or business notwithstanding that such university or body is in other respects a statutory body.


Expenses of public services payable out of special funds.

10.—Wherever the expenses or any part of the expenses of any public service assigned by or under this Act to any Department of State are now payable out of any specific departmental or other public funds other than the Central Fund or moneys provided by the Oireachtas, or any specific departmental or other public funds other than as aforesaid are now applicable to or towards the discharge of the expenses or any part of the expenses of any such public service, it shall be lawful for the Executive Council by Order to do all or any of the following things:—


(a) to provide for the continued discharge of any such expenses as aforesaid or any part thereof out of the funds out of which the same are now payable or which are now applicable to or towards the discharge thereof;


(b) to make all such apportionments of public funds as may be rendered necessary by reason of the allotment by this Act of different portions of any such public service to different Departments of State;


(c) to provide for the winding-up and the payment into or disposal for the benefit of the Exchequer, in such manner as the Minister for Finance may appoint, of the whole or any part of the specific departmental or other public funds out of which such expenses or any part thereof have heretofore been payable or which have heretofore been applicable in or towards the discharge of such expenses or any part thereof as aforesaid, and to declare that such expenses shall hereafter be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Power to Minister to function through agency of another Minister.

11.—It shall be lawful for any Minister pursuant to any arrangement or agreement previously authorised by an Order of the Executive Council to exercise or perform any of the duties or public services of any other Minister as agent for such other Minister and without relieving such other Minister of his responsibility for the administration of such public service.


Power to Executive Council to redistribute public services amongst Ministers.

12.—(1) It shall be lawful for the Executive Council from time to time by Order to prescribe the organisation of all or any of the said Departments of State and of the business and administration thereof in any manner which may seem to the Executive Council to be expedient or proper in the public interests and in particular to create units of administration to be called offices (divisions or branches) which may be wholly self-contained or not as may seem expedient and to make such Orders consequential on or necessary for giving effect to any such scheme of organisation as the Executive Council may consider expedient or proper: Provided, however, that in the case of any Department of State the Minister in charge of which is not for the time being a member of the Executive Council no such Order shall be made without the concurrence of such Minister first obtained.


(2) It shall be lawful for the Executive Council from time to time by Order to re-distribute all or any of the public services and officers, and the administration, jurisdiction, powers, duties and functions thereof amongst the several Ministers and Departments of State or any of them in any manner which may seem to the Executive Council to be expedient or proper in the public interests, and to make such Orders consequential on or necessary for giving effect to any such re-distribution as the Executive Council may consider expedient or proper.


Orders of Executive Council to be laid before each House of the Oireachtas.

13.—Every Order made by the Executive Council under this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas forthwith, and unless and until a resolution annulling such Order is passed by either House of the Oireachtas within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after such Order is laid before it, such Order shall have effect as if enacted in this Act, but no such resolution shall operate to prejudice the validity of anything previously done under such Order.


Apportionment of funds between Ministers.

14.—If and whenever any question or doubt shall arise as to the apportionment of any lands, moneys, funds, or other property which shall become transferable to or liable to be vested in any two or more Ministers under or by virtue of this Act or any order made thereunder, every such question or doubt shall be determined by the Minister for Finance, whose decision shall be final and conclusive.


Authentication of official documents.

15.—(1) The seal of each Minister who is a head of a Department of State established under this Act shall, when affixed to any instrument or document, be authenticated by the signature of such Minister, or of some person authorised by that Minister to act in that behalf.


(2) Every document purporting to be an order or other instrument issued by a Minister who is the head of a Department of State established by this Act, and to be sealed with the seal of such Minister authenticated in manner aforesaid, or to be signed by such Minister, shall be received in evidence and be deemed to be such order or instrument without further proof, unless the contrary is shown.


(3) A certificate signed by a Minister that any order or other instrument purporting to be made or issued by such Minister, or by the Department of State for the time being assigned to him, or by any branch or officer thereof, is so made or issued, shall be conclusive evidence of the fact so certified.


(4) Nothing in this Act shall render the affixing of the official seal of a Minister who is the head of a Department of State established by this Act to any order or other instrument (not being a deed, conveyance or other instrument which if made by a person other than a corporation would be required by law to be sealed with the seal of such person) made by such Minister necessary to the validity of such order or other instrument, and any such order or other instrument, unless expressly required by any statute to be under seal, shall be sufficiently authenticated by the signature of such Minister or of the secretary or other officer of such Department of State duly authorised by such Minister to authenticate such orders and instruments.


Executive Council to have a seal.

16.—(1) The Executive Council shall have an official seal which shall be officially and judicially noticed.


(2) The seal of the Executive Council shall, when affixed to any instrument or document, be authenticated by the signature of the President of the Executive Council or of the Vice-President or of a secretary or other officer of the Executive Council authorised by the President of the Executive Council to act in that behalf.


(3) Every document purporting to be an Order or other instrument issued by the Executive Council, and to be sealed with the seal of the Executive Council authenticated in manner aforesaid, shall be received in evidence and be deemed to be such Order or instrument without further proof, unless the contrary is shown.


(4) A certificate signed by the President or the Vice-President of the Executive Council that any Order or other instrument, purporting to be made or issued by the Executive Council, is so made or issued shall be conclusive evidence of the fact so certified.


Proof of official Orders, etc.

17.Prima facie evidence of any Order, regulation or other official instrument made or issued by the Executive Council or by any Minister who is the head of a Department of State established by this Act may be given in all Courts of Justice and in all legal proceedings in all or any of the ways hereinafter mentioned, that is to say:—


(a) by the production of a copy of the Iris Oifigiúil purporting to contain such Order, regulation or instrument; or


(b) by the production of a copy of such Order, regulation or instrument purporting to be printed under the superintendence or authority of the Stationery Office; or


(c) by the production of a copy or extract purporting to be certified to be true, in the case of an Order, regulation or instrument made or issued by the Executive Council, by a secretary or other officer authorised in that behalf by the President of the Executive Council, and in the case of an Order, regulation or instrument made or issued by a Minister, by the secretary of such Minister or of the Department of State of which he is head or some other officer authorised in that behalf by the Minister to whom such Department of State is for the time being assigned, and it shall not be necessary in either case to prove the signature of such secretary or officer or that he is in fact such secretary or officer or was in fact authorised as aforesaid.


References to Ministers in existing Acts.

18.—Every mention or reference contained in any Act of the Oireachtas passed before this Act or which shall be passed in the present Session of the Oireachtas or in any Order, rule, or regulation made or to be made under any such Act, of or to any of the Ministers mentioned in the first column of the Tenth Part of the Schedule to this Act shall be construed and take effect as a mention of or reference to the Minister, head of a Department of State established under this Act, mentioned in the second column of the said Tenth Part of the said Schedule opposite the Minister mentioned in the said first column.


Laying of reports before the Oireachtas.

19.—Wherever any statutory board of commissioners or other statutory or public board or body or public authority is by any existing law required to present any annual or other report to the Lord Lieutenant or to Parliament or to any Parliamentary head of any Department of State, every such report shall after the passing of this Act be presented in the first instance to the Minister who is head of the Department of State for the time being concerned with the services or functions of such board, body, or authority, and if such Minister be for the time being an Executive Minister he shall present the report to the Executive Council, which shall cause the report to be laid before each House of the Oireachtas, but if such Minister be not for the time being an Executive Minister he shall himself cause the report to be laid before each House of the Oireachtas.


Short title and commencement.

20.—(1) This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924.


(2) This Act shall come into operation on such day as may be fixed by an Order of the Executive Council either generally or with reference to any particular provision of this Act and different days may be appointed for different purposes and different provisions of this Act.


(3) In every case if any person has prior to the actual passing of this Act been acting as and discharging the functions by this Act attributed to the office of any Minister or Secretary constituted by this Act, his acts shall be as valid and effective as if this Act had been already passed at the time when he so purported to act.



First Part.

Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Airgid (The Department of Finance).

The business and functions formerly administered, and discharged by the British Treasury in Ireland.

The Revenue Commissioners.

The Paymaster General and Deputy Paymaster for Ireland.

The Government Actuary.

The Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland.

The Civil Service Commission.

The Commissioner of Valuation and Boundary Surveyor for Ireland.

The Ordnance Survey.

The Superintendent of the Teachers' Pension Office.

The Stationery Office.

The Old Age Pensions, save as regards appeals governed by Statute.

The Post Office Savings Bank (administered through the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs as agent).

The Registrar of Friendly Societies.

Second Part.

Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Dlí agus Cirt (The Department of Justice).

All Courts of Justice and the Offices thereof save in so far as the same are reserved to the Executive Council or are excepted from the authority of the Executive Council or of an Executive Minister.


The General Prisons Board for Ireland and all Prisons.

The Registrar of District Court Clerks.

The Public Record Office.

The Registry of Deeds.

The Land Registry.

The Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland.

Third Part.

Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Rialtais Aitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí (The Department of Local Government and Public Health).

The Local Government Board for Ireland, including appeals under the Old Age Pensions Acts.

The Inspectors of Lunatic Asylums in Ireland.

National Health Insurance Commission.

The Registrar-General of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Ireland.

Roads Department (formerly Ministry of Transport).

Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper so far as concerned with Elections.

General Nursing Council and Central Midwives Board.

Fourth Part.

Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Oideachais (The Department of Education).

The Commissioners of National Education in Ireland.

The Intermediate Education Board for Ireland.

The Commissioners of Education in Ireland (Endowed Schools).

The Inspector of Reformatory and Industrial Schools.

The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland (business and functions relating to Technical Instruction only).

The College of Science.

The Geological Survey in Ireland.

The National Museum of Science and Art.

The National Library of Ireland.

The National Gallery of Ireland.

The Metropolitan School of Art.

Meteorological Services.

Fifth Part.

Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Tailte agus Talmhaíochta (The Department of Lands and Agriculture).

The Irish Land Commission (including the late Congested District Board for Ireland—Agricultural and Land Branches).

The Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland (except the business and functions relating to Fisheries and Technical Instruction).

The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries except so far as concerned with the Ordnance Survey.

The Royal Veterinary College of Ireland.

The Public Trustee in Ireland.

The Forestry Commission.

Farm Institutes of or controlled by Government.

Royal Botanic Gardens.

Sixth Part.

Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Tionnscail agus Tráchtála (The Department of Industry and Commerce).

Ministry of Transport (excluding the Roads Department).

The Board of Trade.

Registrar of Companies.

Registrar of Business Names.

Registration of Shipping.

Minister for Labour.

Electricity Commissioners.

Chief and other Inspectors of Factories.

Seventh Part.

Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Iascaigh (The Department of Fisheries).

Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland—Fisheries Branch.

Congested Districts Board for Ireland—Fisheries Branch, and Rural Industries Branch.

The Conservators of Fisheries.

Eighth Part.

Particular Branches of Administration assigned to an Roinn Puist agus Telegrafa (The Department of Posts and Telegraphs).

Postmaster General.

Ninth Part.

Particular Services assigned to an Príomh-Atúrnae (The Attorney-General)

Chief Crown Solicitor for Ireland.

Chief State Solicitor's Department and all local State Solicitors.

Treasury Solicitor for Ireland.

Parliamentary Draftsman.


Estates of illegitimate deceased persons.

Tenth Part.

Ministers named in former Acts.

Corresponding Ministers under this Act.

Minister for Finance

Aire Airgid (Minister for Finance)

Minister for Home Affairs

Aire Dlí agus Cirt (Minister for Justice)

Minister for Local Government

Aire Rialtais Aitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí (Minister for Local Government and Public Health)

Minister for Education

Aire Oideachais (Minister for Education)

Minister for Agriculture

Aire Tailte agus Talmhaíochta (Minister for Lands and Agriculture)

Minister for Industry and Commerce

Aire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála (Minister for Industry and Commerce)

Minister for Fisheries

Aire Iascaigh (Minister for Fisheries)


Aire Puist agus Telegrafa (Minister for Posts and Telegraphs)

Minister for Defence

Aire Cosanta (Minister for Defence)

Minister for External Affairs

Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche (Minister for External Affairs)


Uimhir 16 de 1924.



ACHT CHUN BUNUITHE AGUS CHUN MÍNITHE NA nAIRÍ AGUS NA RANNA STÁIT I SAORSTÁT ÉIREANN DO RÉIR AN BHUNREACHTA AGUS CHUN FEIDHMEANNA AGUS COMHACHTA AN PHRÍOMH-ATÚRNAE D'FHAISNÉIS AGUS CHUN COMHACHT DO THABHAIRT CHUN RÚNAITHE PÁIRLIMINTE DO CHEAPA AGUS CHUN CRÍCHEANNA A BHAINEAS LEIS NA NITHE SIN. [21adh Abrán, 1924.] DE BHRÍ go n-achtuítear le Bunreacht Shaorstáit Éireann go mbeidh Comhairle ann a bheidh freagarthach do Dháil Éireann, chun cabhruithe agus comhairlithe i rialú Shaorstáit Éireann, agus go ngairmfar an Ard-Chomhairle den Chomhairle sin agus go mbeidh sí có-dhéanta de sheachtar Airí an chuid is mó dhe no de chúigear Airí an chuid is 1ú dhe, Airí a bheidh ina dteachtaí de Dháil Éireann agus a ceapfar ag Ionadaí na Coróinneach ar ainmniú Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle le toil Dháil Éireann agus a bheidh freagarthach in éineacht i ngach cúrsa a bhaineann leis na Ranna Stáit a riarfidh Baill den Ard-Chomhairle, agus a thiocfidh le chéile agus a ghníomhóidh mar aon údarás amháin:

AGUS DE BHRÍ go bhforáltar leis an mBunreacht san go mbeidh ar na hAirí dá mbeidh an Ard-Chomhairle có-dhéanta Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle, Leas-Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle agus an tAire a bheidh i gceannas Roinn an Airgid:

AGUS DE BHRÍ go n-achtuítear leis an mBunreacht san, leis, go bhféadfidh Ionadaí na Coróinneach Airí seachas iad súd a bheidh ina mbaill den Ard-Chomhairle do cheapa, agus, go n-ainmneoidh Dáil Éireann gach Aire den tsórt san ar mhola Choiste de Dháil Éireann a bunófar chun na críche sin, agus go bhforáltar leis, fós, go mbeidh gach Aire den tsórt san ina cheann fhreagarthach ar an Roinn no ar na Ranna a bheidh fé n-a chúram agus go mbeidh sé freagarthach uaidh féin do Dháil Éireann amháin i riara na Roinne no na Rann ar a mbeidh sé ina cheann:

AGUS DE BHRÍ go n-achtuítear leis an mBunreacht san, leis, ná raghaidh lán-uimhir na nAirí, agus na hAirí a bheidh ina mbaill den Ard-Chomhairle d'áireamh ortha, thar dháréag, agus go bhfuighidh Airí pé luach saothair a socrófar ó am go ham le dlí, ach ná luíodófar luach saothair aon Aire i rith a théarma oifige:



Bunú na Ranna Stáit.

1.—Bunófar i Saorstát Éireann gach Roinn Stáit dá n-áiritear agus dá n-ainmnítear san aon cheann déag d'fho-mhíreanna so a leanas, agus roinnfar riara agus gnó na seirbhísí puiblí i Saorstát Éireann ortha fé mar a luaidhtear go sonnrách sna fo-mhíreanna san, agus isé duine dá gceapfar agus a riarfidh gach Roinn fé leith díobh san, agus comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna na Roinne sin, ná an tAire a hainmnítear mar cheann uirthi ina dhiaidh seo anso, sé sin le rá:—


(i) Roinn Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi an gnó, na comhachta, na húdaráis, na dualgaisí agus na feidhmeanna 'na ndintar leis an mBunreacht no le haon Acht den Oireachtas atá no a bheidh ann, no ar aon tslí eile, iad do bhronna no do thabhairt le déanamh no le cólíona don Aire ag a mbeidh oifig, agus dá ngairmfear, Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle no (i mBéarla) the President of the Executive Council, agus fós cimeád na n-annálacha agus na mbreacachán bpuiblí go léir agus cimeád páipéirí agus scríbhinní Stáit agus cimeád deontaisí, dintiúirí agus instruimidí eile teidil a bhaineann leis an maoin, corportha agus nea-chorportha, réalta agus pearsanta, a bheidh dílsithe i Saorstát Éireann de thurus na huaire agus cimeád breacachán na hArd-Chomhairle agus freagarthacht ionta san go léir, agus, ina theanta san, cimeád Séala na hArd-Chomhairle agus fós freagarthacht i bhfoillseacháin oifigiúla na hArd-Chomhairle agus a gcúram agus fós an smacht riaracháin agus an fhreagarthacht maidir le pé seirbhísí puiblí ná beidh de thurus na huaire fé aon Roinn Stáit dá mbunuítear leis an Acht so agus maidir leis an ngnó, na comhachta, na dualgaisí agus na feidhmeanna a bhaineann leo.


(ii) An Roinn Airgid 'na mbeidh riara agus gnó generálta airgeadas puiblí Shaorstáit Éireann ag gabháil léi agus na comhachta, na dualgaisí agus na feidhmeanna uile a bhaineann leis an gcéanna agus ar a n-áirítear go sonnrách bailiú agus caitheamh ioncumaí Shaorstáit Éireann pé as iad (ach amhain sa chás dá bhforálfidh an dlí a mhalairt), agus maoirseacht agus cúram gach ceannaigh a déanfar d'aon Roinn Stáit no thar a ceann agus maoirseacht agus cúram gach soláthar gréithre agus earraí atá aici agus riara na rudaí sin, agus fós gnó, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna na mbrainsí agus na n-oifigeach den tseirbhís phuiblí a háirítear sa Chéad Chuid den Sceideal don Acht so, agus beidh mar cheann ar an Roinn sin agus gairmfar de an tAire Airgid no (i mBéarla) the Minister for Finance.


(iii) An Roinn Dlí agus Cirt 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi riara agus gnó generálta na seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le dlí, ceart, ordú puiblí agus póilíneacht, agus gach comhacht, dualgas agus feidhm a bhaineann leis an gcéanna (lasmuich de pé comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a cimeádtar le dlí i gcóir na hArd-Chomhairle agus de pé comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna a cuirtar, leis an mBunreacht no le dlí, lasmuich d'údarás na hArd-Chomhairle no d'údarás Aire den Ard-Chomhairle) agus beidh ag gabháil léi go sonnrách gnó, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna na mbrainsí agus na n-oifigeach den tseirbhís phuiblí a háirítear sa Dara Cuid den Sceideal don Acht so, agus beidh mar cheann ar an Roinn sin agus gairmfar de an tAire Dlí agus Cirt no (i mBéarla) the Minister for Justice.


(iv) An Roinn Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi riara agus gnó generálta seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le rialtas áitiúil, sláinte phuiblí, fóirithin na mbocht, aire thabhairt do gheilteanna (agus gealtchuirpthigh d'áireamh), árachas sláinte, toghacháin i gcóir gach Tighe den Oireachtas, toghacháin i gcóir cóluchtaí agus údarásanna áitiúla, clárú vótálaithe, coinneáil-suas bóithre puiblí agus prímh-bhealaí, clárú beireataisí, básanna agus póstaíocha, agus statistíocht bheatha, agus gach comhacht, dualgas, agus feidhm a bhaineann leis an gcéanna agus 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi go sonnrách gnó, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna na mbrainsí agus na n-oifigeach den tseirbhís phuiblí a háirítear sa Tríú Cuid den Sceideal don Acht so, agus beidh mar cheann ar an Roinn sin agus gairmfar de an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí no (i mBéarla) the Minister for Local Government and Public Health.


(v) An Roinn Oideachais 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi riara agus gnó generálta seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le hOideachas idir bhun-oideachas, meán-oideachas agus oideachas príomhscoile, tréineáil chun gairme agus tréineáil teicniciúil, scoileanna fé bhronntanas, scoileanna ceartúcháin agus scoileanna saothair, agus gach comhacht, dualgas agus feidhm a bhaineann leis an gcéanna agus beidh ag gabháil léi go sonnrách gnó, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna brainsí agus oifigeach na seirbhísí puiblí a háirítear sa Cheathrú Cuid den Sceideal don Acht so, agus beidh mar cheann ar an Roinn sin agus gairmfar de an tAire Oideachais no (i mBéarla) the Minister for Education.


(vi) An Roinn Tailte agus Talmhaíochta 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi riara agus gnó generálta seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le talmhaíocht agus tailte agus ar a n-áirítear cíosanna agus sealbhaíocht tailte do shocrú, tionóntaithe i seilbh do cheannach lán-únaereachta tré chistí puiblí, gabháltaisí tailimh do mhéadú agus feabhas economiciúil eile do chur ortha, talamh do cheannach chun é roinnt tré n'athdhíol, cumhangracht thuatha agus cúrsaí neamh-economiciúla dá shórt do leigheas, talmhaíocht do chur ar aghaidh tré dheontaisí oideachais, agus tré léigheachtaí ar abhair speisialta, statistíocht thalmhaíochta, foraoiseacht, seirbhísí sréidliaghachta, suirbhéireacht agus mapáil tailimh, agus gach comhacht, dualgas, agus feidhm a bhaineann leis an gcéanna, agus beidh ag gabháil léi go sonnrách gnó, comhachta, dualgaisí, agus feidhmeanna brainsí agus oifigeach na seirbhísí puiblí a háirítear sa Chúigiú Cuid den Sceideal don Acht so, agus beidh mar cheann ar an Roinn sin agus gairmfar de an tAire Tailte agus Talmhaíochta no (i mBéarla) the Minister for Lands and Agriculture.


(vii) An Roinn Tionnscail agus Tráchtála 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi riara agus gnó generálta seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le trádáil, tráchtáil, tionnscal, agus oibreachas, có-ghléasanna agus có-cheangail tionnscail agus tráchtála, statistíocht tionnscail agus tráchtála, iompar, loingsiú, maoin nádúrtha na tíre, agus gach comhacht, dualgas agus feidhm a bhaineann leis an gcéanna, maraon le trádáil agus tráchtáil do chur ar aghaidh tré dheontaisí oideachais, agus beidh ag gabháil léi go sonnrách gnó, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna brainsí agus oifigeach na seirbhísí puiblí a háirítear sa Séú Cuid den Sceideal don Acht so, agus beidh mar cheann ar an Roinn sin agus gairmfar de an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála no (i mBéarla) the Minister for Industry and Commerce.


(viii) An Roinn Iascaigh 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi riara agus gnó generálta seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le hiascach, ar a n-áirítear iascach mara móire, iascach uiscí taoide, iascach cósta agus iascach uiscí intíre, agus tionnscail a bhaineann no a chabhruíonn leis an gcéanna, agus gach comhacht, dualgas agus feidhm a bhaineann leis an gcéanna, agus beidh ag gabháil léi go sonnrách gnó, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna brainsí agus oifigeach na seirbh ísí puiblí a háirítear sa Seachtú Cuid den Sceideal don Acht so, agus beidh mar cheann ar an Roinn sin agus gairmfar de an tAire Iascaigh no (i mBéarla) the Minister for Fisheries.


(ix) An Roinn Puist agus Telegrafa 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi riara agus gnó generálta seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le postanna, le telegrafanna agus le telefóna, agus gach comhacht, dualgas agus feidhm a bhaineann leis an gcéanna, agus beidh ag gabháil léi go sonnrách gnó, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna brainsí agus oifigeach na seirbhísí puiblí a háirítear san Ochtú Cuid den Sceideal don Acht so, agus beidh mar cheann ar an Roinn sin agus gairmfar de an tAire Puist agus Telegrafa no (i mBéarla) the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs.


(x) An Roinn Cosanta 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi riara agus gnó Fórsaí Cosanta Mileata Shaorstáit Éireann do thógáil, do thréineáil, do chó-ghléasa, do choinneáil suas, do ghléasa, do bhainistí, do smachtú, do regleáil, agus do stiúrú do réir dlí, agus gach comhacht, dualgas, agus feidhm a bhaineann leis an gcéanna, agus beidh mar cheann ar an Roinn sin, agus gairmfar de, an tAire Cosanta nó (i mBéarla) the Minister for Defence, agus cabhróidh Comhairle Cosanta leis fé mar a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso.


(xi) An Roinn Gnóthaí Coigríche 'na mbeidh ag gabháil léi riara agus gnó generálta seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le conbharsáidí agus gnóthaí idir Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann agus Rialtas aon stáit no náisiúin eile, ionadaíocht diplomáideach agus chonsúlach Shaorstáit Éireann in aon tír no áit, nósmhaireacht idirnáisiúnta, pasanna agus visés le pasanna do dheona, agus gach comhacht, dualgas, agus feidhm a bhaineann leis an gcéanna, agus beidh mar cheann ar an Roinn sin, agus gairmfar de, an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche no (i mBéarla) the Minister for External Affairs.


Beidh gach Aire ina chorporáid aon-fhir agus comhachtanna áirithe aige.

2.—(1) Beidh gach duine de sna hAirí, de chinn na Ranna Stáit fé seach a luaidhtear in Alt 1 den Acht so, ina chorporáid aon-fhir fén teideal no fén ainm roimhráite sin aige (a féadfar a chur in úil go dleathach le dleathacht agus le héifeacht chó-ionann pe'ca tríd an nGaedhilg no tré a có-fhocal Béarla fé mar atáid san alt so roimhe seo a déanfar san), agus beidh síor-chombharbas aige agus séala oifigiúil (ar a dtabharfar áird go hoifigiúil agus i gcúrsaí breithiúntais) agus fén teideal no fén ainm roimhráite sin aige féadfa sé dul chun dlí agus (tar éis fiat an Phríomh-Atúrnae bheith deonta i ngach cás fé leith ar dtúis) féadfar dul chun dlí leis, agus féadfa sé talamh d'fháil, do shealbhú agus do chur dá láimh chun crícheanna na bhfeidhm, na gcomhacht no na ndualgaisí a bhaineann leis an Roinn Stáit gur ceann uirthi é no le haon bhrainse dhi.


(2) Ar mhola an Aire ceapfaidh an Ard-Chomhairle príomhoifigeach gach Roinne dhíobh san agus féadfaidh gach Aire dhíobh san oifigigh eile agus seirbhísigh do cheapa, fé mar a shocróidh an tAire sin le cead an Aire Airgid, chun fónamh sa Roinn gur ceann uirthi é ach gach ceapachán a déanfar fén bhfo-alt so, beidh sé fé réir forálacha Acht Rialuithe na Seirbhíse Síbhialta, 1923 (Uimh. 35 de 1923) no fé réir forálacha aon Achta a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire agus a cuireadh in ionad an Achta san no le n-ar leasuíodh é.


(3) Isé an tAire Airgid a cheapfaidh téarmaí agus coiníollacha ceapacháin gach oifigigh agus seirbhísigh a cheapfidh aon Aire agus amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas íocfar leis na hoifigigh agus na seirbhísigh sin pé tuarastail no luach saothair ar a socróidh an tAire Airgid o am go ham, no má bhíonn aon chiste ann is féidir a úsáid do réir dlí san íoc san is amach as an gciste sin a déanfar an t-íoc.


(4) Amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas isea a híocfar costaisí gach Roinne Stáit dá mbunófar fén Acht so, oiread agus cheadóidh an tAire Airgid.


Roinnfar na Ranna Stáit ar na hAirí.

3.—(1) An té a bheidh de thurus na huaire ina Uachtarán ar an Ard-Chomhairle déanfa sé chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis é bheith ceaptha mar Uachtarán den tsórt san a shocrú agus a fhaisnéis cá mhéid, agus ce 'ca cinn, de sna Ranna Stáit a bunófar leis an Acht so, a cuirfar fé agus a riarfar ag na baill den Ard-Chomhairle a ceapfar ar ainmniú uaidh do réir an Bhunreachta.


(2) Beidh sé dleathach dhá ceann no níos mó de sna Ranna Stáit sin do chur fé éinne amháin agus sa chás san ceapfar an duine sin chun bheith ina Aire-cheann ar gach ceann fé leith de sna Ranna san.


Luach saothair na nAirí.

4.—Amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas íocfar mar thuarastal le hUachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle suim bhliantúil ná raghaidh thar £2,500 agus íocfar mar thuarastal le gach duine de bhaill na hArd-Chomhairle suim bhliantúil ná raghaidh thar £1,700 agus íocfar mar thuarastal le gach Aire nách ball den Ard-Chomhairle suim bhliantúil ná raghaidh thar £1,700, ach san ar shlí ná híocfar le héinne níos mó ná aon tuarastal amháin den tsórt san.


Beidh lucht na hArd-Chomhairle freagarthach in éineacht.

5.—In ainneoin go bhféadfar baill den Ard-Chomhairle do cheapa, gach duine ina aonar, chun bheith ina nAirí, ina gcinn ar Ranna Stáit ar leithligh, ní bhainfidh éinní san Acht so ón Ard-Chomhairle bheith freagarthach in éineacht fé mar a foráltar leis an mBunreacht.


An Príomh-Atúrnae.

6.—(1) Dílseofar i bPríomh-Atúrnae Shaorstáit Éireann (a ceapfar ag an Seanascal ar ainmniú ón Ard-Chomhairle) an gnó, na comhachta, na húdaráis, na dualgaisí agus na feidhmeanna a bhí dílsithe roimhe seo i bPríomh-Atúrnae na hÉireann, in Atúrnae Generálta na hÉireann, i bPríomh-Atúrnae Deiscirt Éireann, in Atúrnae Generálta Deiscirt Éireann sa Chomhairleach Dlí do Lord Lieutenant na hÉireann, agus in éinne acu no san uile dhuine acu fé seach, agus a bhí á bhfeidhmiú acu san, agus riara agus stiúrú gnótha, comhachtanna, údarásanna, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna brainsí agus oifigeacha na seirbhísí puiblí a háirítear sa Naoú Cuid den Sceideal don Acht so, agus fós riara agus gnó generálta na seirbhísí puiblí a bhaineann le hionadú Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann agus na puiblíochta i ngach imeacht dlí chun an dlí do chur i bhfeidhm, chun ciontathóirí do phionósú agus chun cearta puiblí do dhéanamh deimhnitheach no do chosaint, agus gach comhacht, dualgas agus feidhm a bhaineann leis na nithe sin fé seach, maraon le n-a bheith de dhualgas air an Ard-Chomhairle agus gach duine de sna hAirí do chomhairliú i gcúrsaí dlí agus oipineoin dlí.


(2) Féadfaidh an Príomh-Atúrnae bheith no teacht chun bheith ina bhall de Dháil Éireann, agus más ball de Dháil Éireann é le linn a cheaptha ní bheidh sé fé aon oblagáid a shuíochán do thabhairt suas ná dul fé aththogha. Ní bheidh sé i seilbh oifige ach an fhaid a bheidh seilbh oifige ag Uachtarán san na hArd-Chomhairle d'ainmnigh é.


Comhacht don Ard-Chomhairle chun Rúnaithe Páirliminte do cheapa.

7.—(1) Féadfaidh an Ard-Chomhairle o am go ham, ar ainmniú o Uachtarán na Comhairle, pé méid daoine is dó leis an Ard-Chomhairle is gá do cheapa chun bheith ina Rúnaithe Páirliminte don Ard-Chomhairle no d'Airí den Ard-Chomhairle, ach iad do bheith ina mbaill den Oireachtas agus gan a líon do bheith thar seachtar, agus féadfa sí aon uair aon Rúnaí Páirliminte a ceapadh amhlaidh do chur as oifig.


(2) Gach duine a ceapfar fén bhfo-alt atá díreach roimhe seo chun bheith ina Rúnaí Pháirliminte ní leanfa sé i seilbh oifige ach an fhaid a leanfa sé ina bhall den Oireachtas agus a bheidh seilbh oifige ag Uachtarán san na hArd-Chomhairle a cheap é.


(3) Fé mhola o Dháil Éireann, a cuireadh in úil le rún, féadfaidh Aire nách ball den Ard-Chomhairle duine atá ina bhall den Dáil do cheapa chun bheith ina Rúnaí Pháirliminte dho agus féadfa sé aon uair Rúnaí Páirliminte a ceapadh amhlaidh do chur as oifig.


(4) Gach éinne a ceapfar fén bhfo-alt atá díreach roimhe seo ní leanfa sé i seilbh oifige ach an fhaid a leanfa sé ina bhall den Dáil agus a leanfidh an tAire a cheap é i seilbh a oifige.


(5) Amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas íocfar le gach Rúnaí Páirliminte a ceapfar fén Acht so, agus ná faisneófar, tré n-a cheapa, a bheith á cheapa gan tuarastal, pé tuarastal bliantúil a shocróidh Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle o am go ham le haontú an Aire Airgid ach gan é bheith níos mó ná suim bhliantúil £1,200 i gcás ar bith: Ach mar sin féin ní mó ná cuig dhuine dhéag a bheidh líon iomlán na ndaoine a bheidh ag fáil tuarastal aon uair mar Airí no mar Rúnaithe Páirliminte.


(6) Ni ceapfar thar aon Rúnaí Páirliminte amháin in aghaidh aon Roinne Stáit áirithe amháin.


(7) Tré n-a cheapachán déanfar gach Rúnaí Páirliminte dá gceapfar fén alt so do cheapa chun gníomhú mar Rúnaí Páirliminte don Ard-Chomhairle no d'Aire agus beidh aige pé comhachtanna agus có-líonfa sé pé dualgaisí a bronnfar air no a ceapfar do, o am go ham, ag an Ard-Chomhairle no ag an Aire sin le toil na hArd-Chomhairle (pe'ca aca é).


Bunú na Comhairle Cosanta.

8.—(1) Beidh bunuithe agus bunuítear leis seo Comhairle Cosanta chun cabhrú leis an Aire Cosanta i riara gnó na Roinne Cosanta, gan baint, áfach, ón méid a bheidh an tAire Cosanta freagarthach don Dáil i riara agus i ngnó uile na Roinne Cosanta agus i bhfeidhmiú agus i gcó-líona gach comhachta, dualgais agus feidhme a bhaineann léi.


(2) Beidh an Chomhairle Cosanta có-dhéanta de sna baill seo a leanas, eadhon, an tAire Cosanta, a bheidh (fén teideal “Ceann an Airm”) ina Chathaoirleach ar an gComhairle Cosanta agus ceathar ball eile ar a roinnfar príomh-ranna no príomhbhrainsí gnó na Comhairle Cosanta, sé sin le rá, ball síbhialta, eadhon, ball de Dháil Éireann, a bheidh freagarthach don Aire Cosanta in airgeadas na bhFórsaí Cosanta Mileata agus in oiread de ghnó eile na Comhairle Cosanta agus a leagfidh an tAire Cosanta amach do o am go ham, agus a ghníomhóidh mar Rúnaí Páirliminte don Aire Cosanta, agus triúr ball mileata, eadhon, baill choimisiúnta de sna Fórsaí Cosanta san 'na mbeidh duine acu ina Cheann Fuirinne, duine ina Ard-Chongantóir agus duine ina Ard-Sholáthraí, agus a bheidh freagarthach fé seach don Aire Cosanta i riara an ghnótha a bhaineann le tógáil, tréineáil, có-ghléasa, roinnt, pearsanta, soláthar, gléasa, armáil, bainistí, smacht, stiúrú agus coinneáil-suas na bhFórsaí Cosanta, oiread agus leagfaidh an tAire Cosanta amach dóibh no d'éinne acu ó am go ham.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire Cosanta aon chuid de ghnó na Comhairle Cosanta do chimeád fé n-a chúram féin ar leithligh.


(4) Gníomhóidh Rúnaí na Roinne Cosanta mar Rúnaí don Chomhairle Cosanta agus có-líonfa sé pé dualgaisí a leagfaidh an tAire Cosanta amach do ó am go ham.


(5) Beidh seilbh ag gach duine de bhaill mhileata na Comhairle Cosanta ar an oifig sin an fhaid is toil leis an Ard-Chomhairle é agus í ag gníomhú de réir mar a mholfidh an tAire Cosanta sa chás, ach ní leanfidh an tseilbh sin, i gcás ar bith, ar feadh tréimhse is sia ná trí bliana as a chéile.


(6) Tiocfidh an Chomhairle Cosanta le chéile agus gníomhóid in éineacht mar aon chólucht amháin agus beid freagarthach in éineacht don Aire Cosanta i ngach ní a cuirfar ina n-iocht mar chólucht aonair pe'ca le haon Acht den Oireachtas no ar a mhalairt de shlí.


(7) Féadfidh an Chomhairle Cosanta, fé réir mola an Aire Cosanta, a nós-imeachta féin agus am agus áit a cruinnithe do regleáil ach tiocfe sí le chéile aon uair a iarrfidh an tAire Cosanta uirthe é agus pé scéal é beidh cruinniú amháin ar a luíod den Chomhairle ann gach sé mhí.


Comhachta don Ard-Chomhairle i dtaobh cóluchtaí reachtúla.

9.—(1) Beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle—


(a) le hordú ón Ard-Chomhairle, aon Bord Coimisinéirí no cólucht reachtúil le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so do scur; agus


(b) leis an Ordú céanna, gach ceann no aon cheann d'údaráis, de chomhachta, de dhualgaisí agus d'fheidhmeanna aon Bhúird Coimisinéirí no cóluchta reachtúla, a scuirfear fén alt so, d'aistriú chun an Aire no chun na nAirí no do bhronna no d'fhorchur ar an Aire no ar na hAirí a bheidh mar cheann no mar chinn ar an Roinn no na Ranna Stáit cearta le n-a mbaineann seirbhísí puiblí an Bhúird Coimisinéirí no na coluchta reachtúla san a scuireadh agus


(c) leis an Ordú céanna no le haon Ordú ina dhiaidh sin, maidir le gach cuid no aon chuid de sna tailte, na hionoighreachtaí, na tionóntacháin agus na háitreibh, suidhte i Saorstát Éireann, agus gach maoin agus sócmhainn eile (maraon le rudaí-ar-fionnraoi) a bhí, ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921, no a bheidh, le linn aon Ordú den tsórt san do bheith á dhéanamh fén bhfo-alt so, dílsithe, pe'ca le reacht, dintiúir, connra no a malairt é, in aon Bhord Coimisinéirí no cólucht reachtúil a scuireadh le hOrdú fén bhfo-alt so, no i gcimeád ar iontaoibh don chéanna, iad do dhílsiú san Aire no sna hAirí fé seach, a bheidh mar cheann no mar chinn ar an Roinn no na Ranna Stáit cearta san mar adubhradh, agus san i dtreo, fén Ordú san agus dá bhua, gan gá le haon aistriú ná sanna eile in aon chor, ach fé réir aistriú i leabhair aon bhainc, cuideachtan no corporáide más gá san, go ndílseoid agus go mbeid dílsithe san Aire sin no sna hAirí sin fé seach chun an estáit, an téarma agus an leasa go léir, no chun na n-estáití, na dtéarmaí, agus na leasanna fé seach gur chúcha a bhí an céanna, díreach roimh dhéanamh an Orduithe sin, dílsithe sa Bhord Coimisinéirí no sa chólucht reachtúil sin a scuireadh, no ar seilbh ag ceachtar acu, ach san fé réir pé iontaobhaisí agus cothromaí (más ann dóibh) 'na mbeidh baint acu leis na tailte, na hionoighreachtaí, na tionóntacháin agus na háitreibh sin agus leis an maoin agus na sócmhainní sin, fé seach, le linn an tOrdú san a bheith á dhéanamh, agus a bheidh ann, agus a féadfar a chó-líona, go dlíthiúil an uair sin; agus


(d) leis an Ordú céanna no le haon Ordú ina dhiaidh sin a shocrú agus a fhaisnéis cé 'ca Roinn no Ranna Stáit gur ceart, chun crícheanna an fho-ailt seo, údaráis, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna aon Bhúird Coimisinéirí scurtha no cóluchta reachtúla scurtha den tsórt san d'aistriú chun no do bhronna no d'fhorchur ar a hAire no a nAirí fé seach mar adubhradh; agus


(e) leis an Ordú céanna no le haon Ordú ina dhiaidh sin pé oiriúnuithe agus atharuithe is dó leis an Ard-Chomhairle is gá do dhéanamh ar no in aon Reacht Briotáineach a bhaineann le haon Bhord Coimisinéirí no le haon chólucht reachtúil eile a scuireadh fén alt so.


(2) Beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle—


(a) le hOrdú ón Ard-Chomhairle aon cheann d'údaráis, de chomhachta, de dhualgaisí, agus d'fheidhmeanna aon Bhúird Coimisinéirí no cóluchta reachtúla le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so d'aistriú chun aon Aire agus do bhronna no d'fhorchur air, agus a fhaisnéis gur cuid de sheirbhísí puiblí agus d'oifigigh na Roinne Stáit atá á riara ag an Aire sin no fé mar cheann uirthi, na seirbhísí puiblí agus na hoifigigh go raibh baint acu leis na húdaráis na comhachta, na dualgaisí agus na feidhmeanna gur dineadh leis an Ordú san iad a aistriú, a bhronna no a fhorchur mar adubhradh; agus


(b) leis an Ordú céanna, no le haon Ordú ina dhiaidh sin, maidir le gach cuid no aon chuid de sna tailte, na hionoighreachtaí, na tionóntacháin, agus na háitreibh, suidhte i Saorstát Éireann, agus gach maoin agus sócmhainn eile (maraon le rudaí-ar-fionnraoi) a bhí, ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921, no a bheidh, le linn aon Ordú den tsórt san do bheith á dhéanamh fén bhfo-alt so, dílsithe, pe'ca le reacht, dintúir, connra no a malairt é, in aon Bhord Coimisinéirí no cólucht reachtúil den tsórt san, no i gcimeád ar iontaoibh don chéanna, agus 'na raibh baint acu le feidhmiú no le có-líona aon cheann de sna húdaráis, na comhachta, na dualgaisí no na feidhmeanna a haistreofar, a bronnfar no a forchuirfar le hOrdú fén bhfo-alt so, iad do dhílsiú san Aire no sna hAirí fé seach, a bheidh mar cheann no mar chinn ar an Roinn no na Ranna Stáit cearta san mar adubhradh, agus san i dtreo, fén Ordú san agus dá bhua, gan gá le haon aistriú ná sanna eile in aon chor, ach fé réir aistriú i leabhair aon bhainc, cuideachtan no corporáide más gá san, go ndílseoid agus go mbeid dílsithe san Aire sin no sna hAirí sin fé seach chun an estáit, an téarma agus an leasa go léir, no chun na n-estáití, na dtéarmaí, agus na leasanna fé seach gur chúcha a bhí an céanna, díreach roimh dhéanamh an Orduithe sin, dílsithe sa Bhord Coimisinéirí no sa chólucht reachtúil sin, no ar seilbh ag ceachtar acu, ach san fé réir pé iontaobhaisí agus cothromaí (más ann dóibh) 'na mbeidh baint ach leis na tailte, na hionoighreachtaí, na tionóntacháin agus na háitreibh sin agus leis an maoin agus na sócmhainní sin, fé seach, le linn an tOrdú san a bheith á dhéanamh, agus a bheidh ann, agus a féadfar a chó-líona, go dlíthiúil an uair sin; agus


(c) leis an Ordú céanna, no le haon Ordú in a dhiaidh sin, a shocrú agus a fhaisnéis ce'ca Roinn no Ranna Stáit gur ceart, chun crícheanna an fho-ailt seo, údaráis, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna aon Bhúird Coimisinéirí no cóluchta reachtúla d'aistriú chun no do bhronna no d'fhorchur ar a hAire no a nAirí fé seach mar adubhradh; agus


(d) leis an Ordú céanna, no le haon Ordú in a dhiaidh sin, pé oiriúnuithe agus atharuithe is dó leis an Ard-Chomhairle is gá do dhéanamh ar no in aon Reacht Briotáineach a bhaineann le haon Bhord Coimisinéirí no cólucht reachtúil gur dineadh le hOrdú fén bhfo-alt so a n-údaráis, a gcomhachta, a ndualgaisí agus a bhfeidhmeanna, no aon cheann acu, d'aistriú, do bhronna no d'fhorchur.


(3) Faid a bheidh ar bith aon Bhord Coimisinéirí no cólucht reachtúil le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so, agus go dtí go scuirfear an céanna fén alt so, beidh, agus fanfidh, fé stiúrú agus fé smacht an Aire a bheidh mar cheann ar an Roinn Stáit cheart 'na mbeidh baint aici le seirbhísí puiblí an Bhúird Coimisinéirí no an chóluchta reachtúla san, údaráis, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna an Bhúird Coimisinéirí no an chóluchta reachtúla san, no pé cinn de sna húdaráis, na comhachta, na dualgaisí agus na feidhmeanna san ná beidh dí-dhílsithe ná aistrithe ón mBord Coimisinéirí ná ón gcólucht reachtúil sin le haon Ordú fén alt so, agus a bhfeidhmiú agus a gcó-líona san, agus beidh an tAire sin freagarthach i riara seirbhísí an Bhúird Coimisinéirí no an chóluchta reachtúla san, agus má eiríonn aon cheist i dtaobh ce'ca Aire an tAire, no ce'ca Roinn Stáit an Roinn cheart, le n-a mbaineann aon tseirbhís phuiblí chun crícheanna an fho-ailt seo, isé Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle a réiteoidh an cheist sin agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith sin.


(4) Siad Búird Coimisinéirí agus cóluchtaí reachtúla le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so ná gach Bord Coimisinéirí reachtúil agus gach bord agus cólucht reachtúil eile a fheidhmíonn aon fheidhm rialtais no a chólíonann aon dualgaisí puiblí a bhaineann le riara puiblí i Saorstát Éireann, agus fós aon Bhord Coimisinéirí a bunuíodh le hOrdú ón Ard-Chomhairle fé Alt 7 den Acht um Oiriúnú Achtanna, 1922 (Uimh. 2 de 1922), ach ní feidhmeofar an t-alt so ná ní dhéanfa sé aon difir maidir le haon phríomhscoil a bunuíodh le Cairt Ríoga ná le haon chólucht corporuithe a bunuíodh ar an gcuma gcéanna chun glaca-isteach, cáilíocht, agus iompar lucht aon ghairme no gnótha do regleáil, in ainneoin an phríomh-scoil no an cólucht san do bheith ina chólucht reachtúil ar shlite eile.


Costaisí seirbhísí puiblí a híoctar as cistí speisialta.

10.—I gcás costaisí no aon chuid de chostaisí aon tseirbhíse puiblí, a ceaptar leis an Acht so no fé d'aon Roinn Stáit, do bheith iníoctha fé láthair amach as aon chistí áirithe roinne no cistí puiblí eile seachas an Prímh-Chiste no airgead a sholáthródh an tOireachtas, no sa chás gur féidir aon chistí áirithe roinne no cistí puiblí eile seachas mar adubhradh do chur chun costaisí no aon chuid de chostaisí aon tseirbhíse puiblí den tsórt san d'íoc i bpáirt no go hiomlán, beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle gach ní no éinní dhíobh so a leanas do dhéanamh le hOrdú:—


(a) socrú dhéanamh chun go leanfar d'aon chostaisí den tsórt san roimhráite no aon chuid acu d'íoc amach as na cistí go bhfuil an céanna iníoctha amach asta anois no atá ionchurtha anois chun an céanna d'íoc i bpáirt no go hiomlán;


(b) gach roinnt a dhéanamh ar chistí puiblí is gá a dhéanamh de dheascaibh cuideanna difriúla d'aon tseirbhís phuiblí den tsórt san do bheith roinnte ar Ranna Stáit difriúla do réir an Achta so;


(c) socrú dhéanamh chun go nglanfar suas agus chun go n-íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste, no go socrófar chun tairfe don Stát-Chiste, ar pé slí a cheapfidh an tAire Airgid, an t-iomlán no aon chuid de sna cistí áirithe roinne no de sna cistí puiblí eile go bhfuil na costaisí sin no aon chuid acu iníoctha amach asta go dtí so no atá ionchurtha go dtí so chun na costaisí sin no aon chuid acu, mar adubhradh, d'íoc i bpáirt no go hiomlán, agus a fhaisnéis gur amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar na costaisí sin ina dhiaidh seo.


Comhacht d'Aire feidhmiú tré Aire eile.

11.—Beidh sé dleathach d'aon Aire, do réir aon tsocrú no aon réitigh a húdaruíodh roimh ré le hOrdú ón Ard-Chomhairle, aon cheann de dhualgaisí no de sheirbhisí puiblí aon Aire eile d'fheidhmiú no do chó-líona mar ghníomhaire don Aire eile sin ach gan freagarthacht an Aire eile sin i riara na seirbhíse puiblí sin do thógaint de.


Comhacht don Ard-Chomhairle chun seirbhísí puiblí d'athroinnt ar Airí.

12.—(1) Beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle ó am go ham le hOrdú a ordú go ndéanfar gach ceann no aon cheann de sna Ranna Stáit sin agus gnó agus riara an chéanna do chó-ghléasa ar aon tslí a chífar don Ard-Chomhairle bheith oiriúnach no ceart ar mhaithe leis an bpuiblíocht agus, go sonnrách, aontáin riaracháin dá ngairmfar oifigí (ranna no brainsí) do chruthú, aontáin a bheidh iomlán ionta féin no gan bheith amhlaidh, fé mar a dheabhróidh bheith oiriúnach agus Orduithe dhéanamh a leanfadh de bharr aon scéime có-ghléasa den tsórt san no is gá chun an scéim sin do chur in éifeacht, pé Orduithe is dó leis an Ard-Chomhairle is oiriúnach no is ceart: Ach mar sin féin i gcás aon Roinne Stáit nach ball den Ard-Chomhairle de thurus na huaire an tAire a bheidh os a cionn ní déanfar aon Ordú den tsórt san gan aontú an Aire sin d'fháil ar dtúis.


(2) Beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle ó am go ham le hOrdú gach ceann no aon cheann de sna seirbhísí puiblí agus na hoifigigh, agus riara, údarás, comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna an chéanna, d'ath-roinnt ar na hAirí agus na Ranna Stáit uile no ar éinne acu in aon tslí is dó leis an Ard-Chomhairle is oiriúnach no is ceart ar mhaithe leis an bpuiblíocht agus Orduithe dhéanamh a leanfadh de bharr na hath-roinnte sin no is gá chun an ath-roinnt sin do chur in éifeacht, pé Orduithe is dó leis an Ard-Chomhairle is oiriúnach no is ceart.


Leagfar Orduithe na hArd-Chomhairle fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas

13.—Gach Ordú a dhéanfidh an Ard-Chomhairle fén Acht so leagfar fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas é láithreach, agus mara ndinidh agus go dtí go ndéanfidh ceachtar de dhá Thigh an Oireachtais, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis leagtha an Orduithe sin fé n-a bhráid, rún do rith chun an tOrdú san do chur ar nea-mbrí, beidh éifeacht ag an Ordú san fé mar a hachtófí san Acht so é, ach ní oibreóidh aon rún den tsórt san chun dochair do dhleathacht éinní a dineadh roimhe sin fén Ordú san.


Roinnt cistí ar Airí

14.—Má eiríonn agus nuair eireoidh aon cheist no amhrus i dtaobh roinnt aon tailte, airgid, cistí, no maoine eile a thiocfidh chun bheith ionaistrithe chun aon bheirt Airí no níos mó no chun bheith indílsithe ionta fén Acht so no fé aon Ordú a déanfar fé no de bhua ceachtar acu san, isé an tAire Airgid a réiteoidh an cheist no an t-amhrus san agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith sin.


Scríbhinní oifigiúla do dheimhniú.

15.—(1) Nuair a cuirfar ar aon instruimid no scríbhinn é, déanfar séala gach Aire fé leith a bheidh ina cheann ar Roinn Stáit a bunófar fén Acht so do dheimhniú le sighniú an Aire sin no le sighniú duine éigin go mbeidh údarás chuige sin aige ón Aire sin.


(2) Gach scríbhinn a bheidh in ainm bheith ina hordú, no ina hinstruimid eile, a tugadh amach ag Aire atá ina cheann ar Roinn Stáit a bunuíodh fén Acht so, agus in ainm bheith séaluithe le séala an Aire sin fé dheimhniú ar an slí roimhráite, no bheith sighnithe ag an Aire sin, glacfar i bhfianaise í agus tuigfar gurb é an tOrdú no an instruimid sin í gan a thuille cruthúnais, mara gcruthuítear a mhalairt.


(3) Má dheimhníonn Aire fé n-a láimh gur ag an Aire sin, no ag an Roinn Stáit a bheidh ceaptha dho de thurus na huaire, no ag aon bhrainse no oifigeach den Roinn sin, a dineadh no a tugadh amach aon ordú no instruimid eile a bheidh in ainm bheith déanta no tugtha amach amhlaidh, beidh an deimhniú san in fhianaise dho-chlaoite ar an ní a deimhníodh amhlaidh.


(4) Chun dleathacht do thabhairt d'aon ordú no instruimid eile (nach dintiúir, leithliú ná instruimid eile nár mhór do réir dlí é shéalú le séala an té a dhéanfadh é dá mba dhuine nár chorporáid a dhéanfadh é) a dhéanfidh Aire a bheidh ina cheann ar Roinn Stáit a bunuíodh fén Acht so ní bheidh sé riachtanach de bharr éinní san Acht so, séala oifigiúil an Aire sin do chur ar an ordú no ar an instruimid sin, agus, mara n-iarrtar go soiléir le haon reacht a leithéid sin d'ordú no d'instruimid eile bheith fé shéala is leor mar dheimhniú ar é bheith údarásach sighniú an Aire sin do bheith leis no sighniú an rúnaí, no an oifigigh eile den Roinn Stáit sin, a bheidh údaruithe go cuibhe ag an Aire sin chun orduithe agus instruimidí den tsórt san do dheimhniú.


Beidh séala ag an Ard-Chomhairle

16.—(1) Beidh ag an Ard-Chomhairle séala oifigiúil go dtabharfar áird air go hoifigiúil agus i gcúrsaí breithiúnais.


(2) Nuair a cuirfar ar aon instruimid no scríbhinn é deimhneofar séala na hArd-Chomhairle le sighniú Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle no le sighniú an Leas-Uachtaráin no le sighniú rúnaí no oifigigh eile den Ard-Chomhairle go mbeidh údarás chuige sin aige o Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle.


(3) Gach scríbhinn a bheidh in ainm bheith ina hOrdú no ina hinstruimid eile, a thug an Ard-Chomhairle amach, agus bheith séaluithe le séala na hArd-Chomhairle fé dheimhniú ar an slí roimhráite, glacfar i bhfianaise í agus tuigfar gurb é an tOrdú no an instruimid sin í gan a thuille cruthúnais, mara gcruthuítear a mhalairt.


(4) Má dheimhníonn Uachtarán no Leas-Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle fé n-a láimh gurb í an Ard-Chomhairle a dhin no a thug amach aon Ordú no instruimid eile a bheidh in ainm bheith déanta no tugtha amach amhlaidh beidh an deimhniú san ina fhianaise dho-chlaoite ar an ní a deimhníodh amhlaidh.


Cruthúnas ar Orduithe oifigiúla etc.

17.—Féadfar fianaise prima facie ar aon Ordú, rialachán no instruimid oifigiúil eile, a dineadh no a tugadh amach ag an Ard-Chomhairle, no ag aon Aire a bheidh ina cheann ar Roinn Stáit a bunuíodh fén Acht so, do thabhairt i ngach Cúirt Bhreithiúnais agus i ngach imeacht dlí ar gach slí no ar aon tslí dá luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso, sé sin le rá:—


(a) tré chóip den Iris Oifigiúil go mbeidh an tOrdú, an rialachán no an instruimid sin in ainm bheith inti do thabhairt i láthair; no


(b) tré chóip den Ordú, rialachán no instruimid sin a bheidh in ainm bheith clóbhuailte fé mhaoirseacht no fé údarás Oifig an tSoláthair do thabhairt i láthair; no


(c) tré chóip no sliocht a thabhairt i láthair a bheidh in ainm bheith deimhnithe mar chóip no mar shliocht dílis, i gcás Ordú, rialachán no instruimid a dhin an Ard-Chomhairle no a thug sí amach, ag rúnaí no oifigeach eile go mbeidh údarás chuige sin aige ó Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle, agus i gcás Ordú, rialachán no instruimid a dhin Aire no a thug sé amach, ag rúnaí an Aire sin no na Roinne Stáit gur ceann uirthi é, no ag oifigeach éigin eile go mbeidh údarás chuige sin aige ón Aire dá mbeidh an Roinn Stáit sin ceaptha de thurus na huaire, agus ní bheidh sé riachtanach in aon chás díobh san cruthúnas do thabhairt ar shighniú an rúnaí no an oifigigh sin ná ar é bheith ina rúnaí mar sin dáiríribh ná ar an údarás roimhráite a bheith aige dáiríribh.


Tagairt d'Airí in Achtanna atá ann cheana.

18.—Gach luadh no tagairt atá no a bheidh in aon Acht den Oireachtas a ritheadh roimh an Acht so no a rithfar sa tSiosón so den Oireachtas, no in aon Ordú, riail no rialachán a dineadh no a déanfar fé aon Acht den tsórt san, agus gur luadh é no tagairt d'éinne de sna hAirí a luaidhtear sa chéad cholún den Deichiú Cuid den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so, léireofar é agus ragha sé in éifeacht mar luadh no mar thagairt don Aire, atá ina cheann ar Roinn Stáit a bunuíodh fén Acht so, agus a luaidhtear sa dara colún den Deichiú Cuid sin den Sceideal san os coinne an Aire a luaidhtear sa chead cholún san.


Tuarasgabhála do leaga fé bhráid an Oireachtais.

19.—In aon chás ina n-iarrtar le haon dlí atá ann fé láthair go ndéanfadh aon Bhord Coimisinéirí reachtúil no bord no cólucht reachtúil no puiblí eile no údarás puiblí eile aon tuarasgabháil bhliantúil no tuarasgabháil eile do thíolaca don Lord Lieutenant no don Pháirlimint no do cheann Pháirliminte aon Roinne Stáit tar éis rithte an Achta so déanfar gach tuarasgabháil den tsórt san do thíolaca i dtosach báire don Aire a bheidh ina cheann ar an Roinn Stáit go mbeidh baint aici de thuras na huaire le seirbísí no le feidhmeanna an bhúird, an chóluchta no an údaráis sin, agus más Aire den Ard-Chomhairle de thuras na huaire an tAire sin tíolacfa sé an tuarasgabháil don Ard-Chomhairle, agus cuirfidh an Ard-Chomhairle fé ndeár an tuarasgabháil do leaga fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas ach marab Aire den Ard-Chomhairle de thuras na huaire an tAire sin cuirfe sé féin fé ndeár an tuarasgabháil do leaga fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas.


Gearr-theideal agus tosach feidhme.

20.—(1) Chun gach críche féadfar an tAcht Airí agus Rúnaithe, 1924, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Tiocfidh an tAcht so i bhfeidhm pé lá a ceapfar le hOrdú ón Ard-Chomhairle go generálta no i gcóir aon fhorála áirithe den Acht so agus féadfar laetheanta difriúla do cheapa chun crícheanna difriúla agus i gcóir forálacha difriúla den Acht so.


(3) I ngach cás, más rud é, sarar ritheadh an tAcht so, go raibh éinne ag gníomhú mar aon Aire no Rúnaí mar a bunuítear leis an Acht so agus ag có-líona na bhfeidhmeanna a ceaptar leis an Acht so dá leithéid, beidh a ghníomhartha chó dleathach agus chó héifeachtúil agus dá mbeadh an tAcht so rithte cheana féin nuair a bhí sé in ainm bheith ag gníomhú amhlaidh.



Céad Chuid.

Brainsí áirithe Riaracháin atá ceaptha don Roinn Airgid.

An gnó agus na feidhmeanna a bhíodh á riara agus á gcó-líona ag an gCisteán Briotáineach in Éirinn tráth.

Na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim.

Págh-mháistir Generálta agus Págh-mháistir Ionaid na hÉireann.

Achtuáire an Rialtais.

Coimisinéirí na nOibreacha Puiblí in Éirinn.

Coimisiún na Stát-Sheirbhíse.

Coimisinéir Luachála agus Suirbhéir Teorann na hÉireann.

Suirbhéireacht an Ordonáis.

Maoirseoir Oifig Phinsean na Múinteoirí.

Oifig an tSoláthair.

Na Pinsin Sean-Aoise ach amháin i dtaobh athchomharcanna fé rialú Reachta.

Banc Taisce Oifig an Phuist (a riartar tríd an Aire Puist agus Telegrafa mar ghníomhaire).

Clárathóir na gCara-Chumann.

Dara Cuid.

Brainsí áirithe Riaracháin atá ceaptha don Roinn Dlí agus Cirt.

Na Cúirteanna Breithiúnais go léir agus a nOifigí ach amháin sa mhéid go bhfuilid ar cosnamh don Ard-Chomhairle no curtha lasmuich d'údarás na hArd-Chomhairle no Aire den Ard-Chomhairle.


Bord Generálta na bPríosún in Éirinn agus gach Príosún

Clárathóir na gCléireach Cúirte Dúithche.

Oifig na nAnnálacha Puiblí.

Oifig Chlárathacht na nDintiúirí.

Oifig Chlárathacht na Talmhan.

Coimisinéirí na dTabharthas agus na dTiomna Déirciúla in Éirinn.

Tríú Cuid.

Brainsí áirithe Riaracháin atá ceaptha don Roinn Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí.

Bord Rialtais Áitiúla na hÉireann, maraon le hathchomhairc fé Achtanna na bPinsean Sean-Aoise.

Cigirí Gealtlanna na hÉireann.

Coimisiún an Arachais Sláinte Náisiúnta.

An tArd-Chlárathóir Beireataisí, Básanna, agus Póstaíocha in Éirinn.

Roinn na mBóthar (a bhí ina hAireacht Iompair tráth).

Cléireach na Coróinneach agus an Hanaperium sa mhéid go mbaineann sé le Toghacháin.

An Príomh-Chomhairle Bhanaltrais agus Príomh-Bhord na mBan gCabhartha.

Ceathrú Cuid.

Brainsí áirithe Riaracháin atá ceaptha don Roinn Oideachais.

Coimisinéirí an Oideachais Náisiúnta in Éirinn.

Bord Oideachais Idirmheánaigh na hÉireann.

Coimisinéirí Oideachais na hÉireann (Scoileanna fé Bhronntanas).

Cigire na Scoileanna Ceartúcháin agus na Scoileanna Saothair.

Roinn Talmhaíochta agus Ceárd-Oideachais na hÉireann (gnó agus feidhmeanna a bhaineann le Ceárd-Oideachas amháin).

Coláiste na hEolaíochta.

Suirbhéireacht Gheolaighe na hÉireann.

Museum Náisiúnta na nEolaíocht agus na nEaladhan.

Leabharlann Náisiúnta na hÉireann.

Gealraí Náisiúnta na hÉireann.

Scoil Ealadhan na hArd-Chatharach.

Seirbhísí Méteoraíochta.

Cúigiú Cuid.

Brainsí áirithe Riaracháin atá ceaptha don Roinn Tailte agus Talmhaíochta.

Coimisiún Talmhan na hÉireann (maraon le Bord na gCeanntar gCumhang in Éirinn, a bhí ann le déanaí—na Brainsí Talmhaíochta agus Talmhan).

Roinn Talmhaíochta agus Ceárd-Oideachais na hÉireann (ach amháin an gnó agus na feidhmeanna a bhaineann le hIascach agus le Ceárd-Oideachas).

Aireacht na Talmhaíochta agus an Iascaigh ach amháin sa mhéid go mbaineann sí le Suirbhéireacht an Ordonáis.

Coláiste Ríoga Sréidliaghachta na hÉireann.

Iontaobhaí Puiblí na hÉireann.

Coimisiún na Foraoiseachta.

Fúndúireachta Feirme leis an Rialtas no fé chúram an Rialtais.

Garraí Ríoga na Lus.

Séú Cuid.

Brainsí áirithe Riaracháin atá ceaptha don Roinn Tionnscail agus Tráchtála.

Aireacht an Iompair (gan Roinn na mBóthar d'áireamh).

An Bord Trádála.

Clárathóir na gCuideachtan.

Clárathóir na nAinmneacha Gnótha.

Clárathacht na Loingeas.

Aire an Oibreachais.

Coimisinéirí Leictreachais.

Ard-Chigiro agus Cigirí eile na Monarchan

Seachtú Cuid.

Brainsí áirithe Riaracháin atá ceaptha don Roinn Iascaigh.

Roinn Talmhaíochta agus Ceárd-Oideachais na hÉireann—Brainse an Iascaigh.

Bord na gCeanntar gCumhang in Éirinn—Brainse an Iascaigh, agus Brainse na gCeárdaisí Tuatha.

Cimeádaithe an Iascaigh.

Ochtú Cuid.

Brainsí áirithe Riaracháin atá ceaptha don Roinn Puist agus Telegrafa.

Aire an Phuist.

Naoú Cuid.

Seirbhísí áirithe atá ceaptha don Phríomh-Atúrnae.

Ard-Atúrnae na Coróinneach in Éirinn.

Roinn an Ard-Atúrnae Stáit agus gach Atúrnae Stáit áitiúil.

Atúrnae Cisteáin na hÉireann.

An Dreachtóir Páirliminte.


Estáit daoine nea-dhlisteannacha marbha.

Deichiú Cuid.

Airí a hainmnítear in Achtanna roimhe seo.

Na hAirí có-réire fén Acht so.

Aire Airgid.

Aire Airgid.

Aire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche.

Aire Dlí agus Cirt.

Aire um Rialtas Áitiúil.

Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí

Aire Oideachais.

Aire Oideachais

Aire um Thalmhaíocht.

Aire Tailte agus Talmhaíochta.

Aire um Thiúscal agus Thráchtáil.

Aire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála.

Aire um Iascach.

Aire Iascaigh.

Aire an Phuist.

Aire Puist agus Telegrafa.

Aire um Chosaint.

Aire Cosanta.

Aire um Ghnóthaí Coigríche.

Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche.