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Uimhir 23 de 1950.



[An tiontó oifigiúil]


An Príomh-Acht.

1.—San Acht seo, ciallaíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” an tAcht Forbartha Móna, 1946 (Uimh. 10 de 1946).


Deontais don Bhord i leith costas trialach agus taighde.

2.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 52 den Phríomh-Acht trí na fo-ailt seo a leanas a chur in ionad fo-alt (1) agus (2):


“(1) Faoi réir na teorann a forchuirtear le fo-alt (2) den alt seo, féadfaidh an tAire, as airgead a sholáthrós an tOireachtas, deontais de pé méideanna a chinnfeas an tAire, le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais, d'íoc leis an mBord ó am go ham i leith na gcaiteachas faoina raghaidh an Bord faoi alt 19 (a bhaineas le trialacha agus taighde ag an mBord maidir le móin agus táirgí móna) den Acht seo.


(2) Ní mó ná dhá chéad agus caoga míle punt méid iomlán na ndeontas a deonfar faoin alt seo”.


Airleacain leis an mBord as an bPríomh-Chiste.

3.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 53 den Phríomh-Acht tríd an bhfo-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad fo-ailt (1):


“(1) Chun a chumasú don Bhord a fheidhmeanna d'fheidhmiú nó a chomhlíonadh, féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais, faoin alt seo agus ar mholadh an Aire, pé suimeanna (nach mó san iomlán ná ocht milliún dhá chéad agus seachtó míle punt) a iarrfas an Bord ó am go ham d'airleacan ó am go ham leis an mBord as an bPríomh-Chiste nó a thoradh fáis”.


Us ar airleacain áirithe leis an mBord a tharscaoileadh.

4.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 57 den Phríomh-Acht tríd an bhfo-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad fo-ailt (1):


“(1) Beidh feidhm ag na forála seo a leanas maidir le hairleacain a bhéarfar don Bhord faoi alt 53 den Acht seo:


(a) ní bheidh aon ús iníoctha ag an mBord ar airleacain a bhéarfar i rith na tréimhse chúig mblian dar tosach an 21ú lá de Mheitheamh, 1946, maidir leis an gcéad chlár forbartha móna ag an mBord (dá ngairmtear airleacain an chéad chláir sa bhfo-alt seo) i leith aon tréimhse roimh an lá a dhéanfas an tAire Airgeadais ordú faoi mhír (b) den fho-alt seo,


(b) déanfaidh an tAire Airgeadais, díreach i ndiaidh na tréimhse chúig mblian dá dtagartar i mír (a) den fho-alt seo, cúrsaí airgeadais an Bhoird a scrúdú agus ansin, ag féachaint don staid ina mbeidh cúrsaí airgeadais an Bhoird an tráth sin agus d'ionchais an Bhoird ó thaobh airgeadais san am le teacht, déanfaidh—


(i) le hordú (dá ngairmtear an t-ordú díolúine i bhfo-alt (3) den alt seo), díolúine a thabhairt don Bhord ón dliteanas chun ús d'íoc ar airleacain an chéad chláir i leith na tréimhse a bheas an t-ordú i bhfeidhm, nó


(ii) le hordú, a dhearbhú é a bheith de dhliteanas ar an mBord ús d'íoc ar airleacain an chéad chláir i leith aon tréimhse dar tosach dáta an orduithe a dhéanamh nó dáta dá éis sin,


(c) ní bheidh aon ús iníoctha ag an mBord ar airleacain a bhéarfar i rith na tréimhse chúig mblian dar tosach an lú lá d'Iúil, 1950, maidir leis an dara clár forbartha móna ag an mBord (dá ngairmtear airleacain an dara cláir sa bhfo-alt seo) i leith aon tréimhse roimh an lá a dhéanfas an tAire Airgeadais ordú faoi mhír (d) den fho-alt seo,


(d) déanfaidh an tAire Airgeadais, díreach i ndiaidh na tréimhse chúig mblian dá dtagartar i mír (c) den fho-alt seo, cúrsaí airgeadais an Bhoird a scrúdú agus ansin, ag féachaint don staid ina mbeidh cúrsaí airgeadais an Bhoird an tráth sin agus d'ionchais an Bhoird ó thaobh airgeadais san am le teacht, déanfaidh—


(i) le hordú (dá ngairmtear an t-ordú díolúine i bhfo-alt (3) den alt seo), díolúine a thabhairt don Bhord on dliteanas chun ús d'íoc ar airleacain an dara cláir i leith na tréimhse a bheas an t-ordú i bhfeidhm, nó


(ii) le hordú, a dhearbhú é a bheith de dhliteanas ar an mBord ús d'íoc ar airleacain an dara cláir i leith aon tréimhse dar tosach dáta an orduithe a dhéanamh nó dáta dá éis sin,


(e) i gcás ordú a dhéanamh mar adúradh ag tabhairt díolúine don Bhord ón dliteanas chun ús d'íoc ar airleacain an chéad chláir nó an dara cláir, féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais aon tráth dá éis sin é a chúlghairm le hordú eile”.


Tithe do sheirbhísigh an Bhoird.

5.—(1) Féadfaidh an Bord ó am go ham scéimeanna a chur faoi bhráid an Aire chun an Bord do dhéanamh tithe lena n-áitiú ag seirbhísigh don Bhord.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire, más cuí leis é, aontú le scéim a cuirfear faoina bhráid faoin alt seo agus air sin féadfaidh an Bord an scéim sin a chur i gcrích.


(3) Féadfaidh an Bord tithe a déanfar de bhun scéime faoin alt seo a ligean le seirbhísigh don Bhord.


(4) Ní bheidh feidhm ag an Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Rátaí ar Thithe Beaga Cónaithe), 1928 (Uimh. 4 de 1928), maidir le tigh a déanfar de bhun scéime faoin alt seo.


(5) Ní tabharfar deontas faoi Acht na dTithe (Leasú), 1948 (Uimh. 1 de 1948), i leith tí a déanfar de bhun scéime faoin alt seo.


Deontais agus airleacain a thabhairt don Bhord i leith caiteachas faoi scéimeanna faoi alt 5 den Acht seo.

6.—Faoi réir na dteorann a forchuirtear le fo-alt (2) den alt seo, féadfaidh an tAire, as airgead a sholáthrós an tOireachtas, deontais de pé méideanna a chinnfeas an tAire, le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais, d'íoc leis an mBord ó am go ham i leith na gcaiteachas faoina raghaidh an Bord faoi aon scéimeanna faoi alt 5 den Acht seo.


(2) Na deontais a bhéarfar faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo beid faoi réir na dteorann seo a leanas:


(a) ní mó ná trí chéad agus seasca míle punt a méid iomlán,


(b) ní mó ná céad agus ochtó punt an deontas i leith aon tí áirithe.


(3) Faoi réir na teorann a forchuirtear le fo-alt (4) den alt seo, féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais, ar mholadh an Aire, airleacain inaisíoctha i leith na gcaiteachas faoina raghaidh an Bord faoi aon scéimeanna faoi alt 5 den Acht seo a thabhairt don Bhord ó am go ham as an bPríomh-Chiste nó a thoradh fáis.


(4) Ní mó ná sé chéad agus octó míle punt méid iomlán na n-airleacan a bhéarfar faoi fho-alt (3) den alt seo.


(5) Beidh feidhm ag forála alt 54, 55 agus 56 den Phríomh-Acht (ach amháin an chosaint atá i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 55 le haghaidh ailt 57 den Phríomh-Acht) maidir le hairleacain faoi fho-alt (3) den alt seo, agus chun críocha na feidhme sin beidh éifeacht ag na tagairtí atá sna hailt sin d'alt 53 den Phríomh-Acht mar thagairt d'fho-alt (3) den alt seo.


Forléiriú an Phríomh-Achta agus an Achta seo.

7.—(1) Forléireofar mar aon ní amháin an Príomh-Acht agus an tAcht seo.


(2) Gan dochar do ghinearáltacht fo-ailt (1) den alt seo déanfar tagairt sa Phríomh-Acht don Acht sin d'fhorléiriú, mura n-éilíonn an comhthéacs a mhalairt, mar thagairt a fholaíos tagairt don Acht seo.


Gearrtheideal agus comhlua.

8.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Forbartha Móna, 1950, a ghairm den Acht seo.


(2) Féadfar na hAchta Forbartha Móna, 1946 agus 1950, a ghairm den Phríomh-Acht agus den Acht seo le chéile.



Number 23 of 1950.






The Principal Act.


Grants to the Board in respect of expenses of experimental and research work.


Advances to the Board out of the Central Fund.


Waiver of interest on certain advances to the Board.


Houses for servants of the Board.


Grants and advances to the Board towards expenses under schemes under Section 5 of this Act.


Construction of Principal Act and this Act.


Short title and collective citation.

Acts Referred to

Turf Development Act, 1946

No. 10 of 1946

Local Government (Rates on Small Dwellings) Act, 1928

No. 4 of 1928

Housing (Amendment) Act, 1948

No. 1 of 1948


Number 23 of 1950.



The Principal Act.

1.—In this Act, the expression “the Principal Act” means the Turf Development Act, 1946 (No. 10 of 1946).


Grants to the Board in respect of expenses of experimental and research work.

2.—Section 52 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of the following subsections for subsections (1) and (2):


“(1) Subject to the limitation imposed by subsection (2) of this section, the Minister may pay to the Board from time to time, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, grants, towards the expenses incurred by the Board under section 19 (which relates to experimental and research work by the Board in relation to turf and turf products) of this Act, of such amounts as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may fix.


(2) The total amount of grants to be made under this section shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds.”


Advances to the Board out of the Central Fund.

3.—Section 53 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of the following subsection for subsection (1):


“(1) For the purpose of enabling the Board to exercise or perform its functions, the Minister for Finance may, under this section and on the recommendation of the Minister, advance from time to time to the Board, out of the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof, such sums (not exceeding in the aggregate eight million two hundred and seventy thousand pounds) as the Board may from time to time request.”


Waiver of interest on certain advances to the Board.

4.—Section 57 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the substitution of the following subsection for subsection (1):


“(1) The following provisions shall apply in respect of advances made to the Board under section 53 of this Act:


(a) no interest shall be payable by the Board on advances made during the period of five years commencing on the 21st day of June, 1946, in relation to the Board's first turf development programme (in this subsection referred to as first programme advances) in respect of any period preceding the day on which the Minister for Finance makes an order under paragraph (b) of this subsection,


(b) the Minister for Finance shall, immediately after the period of five years referred to in paragraph (a) of this subsection, examine the finances of the Board and shall then, having regard to the existing state of the finances of the Board and its future financial prospects, either—


(i) by order (in subsection (3) of this section referred to as the exemption order) exempt the Board from the liability to pay interest on first programme advances in respect of the period during which the order is in force, or


(ii) by order declare the Board liable to pay interest on first programme advances in respect of any period commencing on or after the day on which the order is made,


(c) no interest shall be payable by the Board on advances made during the period of five years commencing on the 1st day of July, 1950, in relation to the Board's second turf development programme (in this subsection referred to as second programme advances) in respect of any period preceding the day on which the Minister for Finance makes an order under paragraph (d) of this subsection,


(d) the Minister for Finance shall, immediately after the period of five years referred to in paragraph (c) of this subsection, examine the finances of the Board and shall then, having regard to the existing state of the finances of the Board and its future financial prospects, either—


(i) by order (in subsection (3) of this section referred to as the exemption order) exempt the Board from the liability to pay interest on second programme advances in respect of the period during which the order is in force, or


(ii) by order declare the Board liable to pay interest on second programme advances in respect of any period commencing on or after the day on which the order is made,


(e) where an order is made as aforesaid exempting the Board from the liability to pay interest on first or second programme advances, the Minister for Finance may at any time thereafter revoke it by a further order.”


Houses for servants of the Board.

5.—(1) The Board may from time to time submit to the Minister schemes for the building by the Board of houses for occupation by servants of the Board.


(2) The Minister may, if he so thinks proper, approve of a scheme submitted under this section and thereupon the Board may carry out such scheme.


(3) The Board may let houses built pursuant to a scheme under this section to servants of the Board.


(4) The Local Government (Rates on Small Dwellings) Act, 1928 (No. 4 of 1928), shall not apply in relation to a house built pursuant to a scheme under this section.


(5) A grant shall not be made under the Housing (Amendment) Act, 1948 (No. 1 of 1948), in respect of a house built pursuant to a scheme under this section.


Grants and advances to the Board towards expenses under schemes under Section 5 of this Act.

6.—(1) Subject to the limitations imposed by subsection (2) of this section, the Minister may pay to the Board from time to time, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, grants, towards the expenses incurred by the Board under any schemes under section 5 of this Act, of such amounts as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may fix.


(2) The grants to be made under subsection (1) of this section shall be subject to the following limitations:


(a) the total amount thereof shall not exceed three hundred and sixty thousand pounds,


(b) a grant in relation to any particular house shall not exceed one hundred and eighty pounds.


(3) Subject to the limitation imposed by subsection (4) of this section, the Minister for Finance may, on the recommendation of the Minister, make to the Board from time to time, out of the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof, repayable advances towards the expenses incurred by the Board under any schemes under section 5 of this Act.


(4) The total amount of the advances to be made under subsection (3) of this section shall not exceed six hundred and eighty thousand pounds.


(5) The provisions of sections 54, 55 and 56 of the Principal Act (except the saver in subsection (1) of section 55 for section 57 of the Principal Act) shall apply in relation to advances under subsection (3) of this section, and for the purposes of such application the references in those sections to section 53 of the Principal Act shall have effect as references to subsection (3) of this section.


Construction of Principal Act and this Act.

7.—(1) The Principal Act and this Act shall be construed together as one Act.


(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) of this section, a reference in the Principal Act to that Act shall, save where the context otherwise requires, be construed as including a reference to this Act.


Short title and collective citation.

8.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Turf Development Act, 1950.


(2) The Principal Act and this Act may be cited together as the Turf Development Acts, 1946 and 1950.