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Uimhir 3 de 1935.





1.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” an Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875;


cialluíonn an abairt “Acht 1879” an Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879;


cialluíonn an abairt “Acht 1899” an Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1899;


cialluíonn an abairt “na hAchtanna” na Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875 to 1907;


cialluíonn an abairt “údarás áitiúil” údarás áitiúil ar bith go n-údarás chun mionscrúdóra do cheapadh chun crícheanna na nAchtanna;


foluíonn an focal “soláthróir” díoltóir a dhíolann i mór-choda no i mion-choda;


cialluíonn an focal “fíor-bhainne” bainne nár baineadh aon cheann dá tháthchoda as ach amháin de thoradh aon phróisis ghlantóireachta (agus pasteuráil agus seascadh d'áireamh) fé n-ar cuireadh an bainne sin.


Bainne, etc., nách den tsaghas, den tsubstaint agus den cháilíocht cheart, do dhíol.

2.—(1) Má dheineann duine ar bith, an lá ceaptha no dá éis—


(a) aon earra bhídh do dhíol mar fhíor-bhainne agus—


(i) níos lugha ná an percentáiste orduithe (más aon cheann é) de gheir bhainne inti; agus


(ii) níos lugha ná an percentáiste orduithe (más aon cheann é) de sholaid bhainne, seachas geir bhainne, inti; no


(b) aon earra bhídh ina mbeidh níos lugha ná an percentáiste orduithe (más aon cheann é) de sholaid bhainne, seachas geir bhainne, do dhíol mar bhainne bhearrtha no mar bhainne dheighilte; no


(c) aon earra bhídh ina mbeidh níos lugha ná an percentáiste orduithe (más aon cheann é) de gheir bhainne do dhíol mar uachtar; no


(d) aon earra bhídh ina mbeidh níos lugha ná an percentáiste orduithe (más aon cheann é) de sholaid bhainne, seachas geir bhainne, do dhíol mar bhláthaigh;


tuigfear, chun crícheanna ailt 6 den Phríomh-Acht, gur dhíol an duine sin, chun dochair don cheannuitheoir, earra bhídh nách de shaghas, de shubstaint agus de cháilíocht na hearra d'iarr an ceannuitheoir sin.


(2) Tar éis do dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí féadfaidh an tAire Talmhaíochta, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh ag ceapadh percentáiste ar bith dá dtagartar sa bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo mar phercentáiste orduithe agus féadfar percentáistí deifriúla de gheir bhainne do cheapadh maidir le fíor-bhainne agus le huachtar agus percentáistí deifriúla de sholaid bhainne, seachas geir bhainne, do cheapadh maidir le fíor-bhainne, le bainne bearrtha no bainne deighilte, agus le bláthaigh agus cialluíonn an focal “orduithe” sa bhfo-alt san orduithe leis na rialacháin sin.


(3) Tar éis do dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí féadfaidh an tAire Talmhaíochta, le hordú, lá do cheapadh chun bheith ina lá cheaptha chun crícheanna an ailt seo agus an lá ceapfar amhlaidh beidh sé ina lá cheaptha chun na gcrícheanna san.


(4) An lá ceaptha agus dá éis beidh alt 4 d'Acht 1899, leasuithe tré sna focail “genuine milk, cream” agus na focail “milk (including condensed milk) cream” agus na focail “milk, cream” atá anois ann do scriosadh amach agus léireofar an t-alt san agus beidh éifeacht aige dá réir sin.


(5) Pé uair a díolfar aon earra bhídh mar bhainne gan í thuairisciú ná í cháiliú ar aon tslí eile tuigfear, chun crícheanna an ailt seo, gur mar fhíor-bhainne do díoladh an earra bhídh sin.


(6) Gach rialachán a déanfar fén alt so leagfar fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas é chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis an rialacháin sin do dhéanamh agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh den Oireachtas, laistigh den lá is fiche shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis an rialacháin sin do leagadh fé n-a bhráid amhlaidh, rún do rith ag cur an rialacháin sin ar nea-mbrí beidh an rialachán san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén rialachán san.


Míniú ar bhainne.

3.—Chun crícheanna ailt 3 agus 4 d'Acht 1879, agus ailt 10 d'Acht 1899 agus na bhforálacha ina dhiaidh seo den Acht so ciallóidh an focal “bainne” aon earra bhídh is fíor-bhainne, bainne bearrtha no deighilte, uachtar no bláthach.


Comhacht a ghabhann le somplaí do thógaint.

4.—Duine ar bith a bheidh údaruithe leis na hAchtanna no fútha chun sompla de bhainne do thógaint féadfaidh, chun an tsompla san do thógaint, aon ghabhadán ina mbeidh bainne d'oscailt agus aon ghníomh eile do dhéanamh is dóich leis is gá do dhéanamh chuige sin.


Alt 3 d'Acht 1879 do leasú agus alt 14 d'Acht 1899 do leasú dá dheascaibh sin.

5.—(1) Sa mhéid gur le bainne amháin a bhaineann sé déanfar alt 3 d'Acht 1879, mar a leasuítear san leis an Acht so, do léiriú agus beidh éifeacht aige fé is dá ndeintí—


(a) na focail “take without payment” do chur in ionad an fhocail “procure” atá anois ann;


(b) na focail “at the place of delivery” atá anois ann do scriosadh amach as, agus


(c) na focail “in course of transit or delivery” do chur in ionad na bhfocal “in course of delivery” atá anois ann.


(2) Scuirfidh alt 14 d'Acht 1899 d'éifeacht do bheith aige sa mhéid go mbaineann sé le bainne.


Alt 10 d'Acht 1899 do leasú.

6.—Sa mhéid gur le bainne amháin a bhaineann sé déanfar alt 10 d'Acht 1899, mar a leasuítear san leis an Acht so, do léiriú agus beidh éifeacht aige fé is dá gcuirtí na focail “transit or” isteach ann roimh an bhfocal “delivery” atá anois ann.


Soláthróir bainne do nochtadh ainm an díoltóra, etc.

7.—(1) Má gheibhtear sompla de bhainne fé Alt 13 den Phríomh-Acht ó sholáthróir bhainne féadfaidh an té gheobhaidh no gur thar a cheann a gheobhfar an sompla san, marab é an soláthróir sin táirgtheoir an bhainne sin, fógra do sheirbheáil ar an soláthróir sin á cheangal air eolas do chur chun an duine sin, laistigh de cheithre huaire fichead tar éis an fhógra san do sheirbheáil, i dtaobh na nithe seo leanas, sé sin le rá, ainm agus seoladh an díoltóra no an chonsighneora óna bhfuair an soláthróir sin an bainne sin agus an t-am a seachadfar agus an áit ina seachadfar consighneachtaí bainne feasta don tsoláthróir sin ón díoltóir no ón gconsighneoir sin agus modh iompartha na gconsighneacht san ón díoltóir no ón gconsighneoir sin chun an tsoláthróra san.


(2) Má theipeann ar aon tsoláthróir bainne, ar a seirbheálfar fógra fén alt so, no má fhaillíonn no má dhiúltann an t-eolas a luadhfar sa bhfógra san do thabhairt uaidh laistigh de cheithre huaire fichead tar éis na seirbheála san beidh an soláthróir sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar deich bpúint do chur air.


(3) Féadfar fógra fén alt so do sheirbheáil tré n-a sheachadadh don té chun a mbeidh sé dírithe no tré n-a chur tríd an bpost cláruithe chun an té chun a mbeidh sé dírithe san áit chomhraithe is déanaí is eol do bheith aige no ag an seoladh a bheidh cláruithe mar sheoladh dho in aon chlár de sholáthróirí bainne bheidh á choimeád do réir aon achtacháin ag údarás sláintíochta do réir bhrí na nAchtanna Sláinte Puiblí, 1878 go 1931.


Imeachta fé sna hAchtanna i gcoinnibh soláthróirí bainne.

8.—Má gheibhtear sompla de bhainne (dá ngairmtear sompla an tsoláthróra san alt so) ó sholáthróir bhainne fé alt 13 den Phríomh-Acht beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) i gcás nár mheascán bainne do cheannuigh an soláthróir sin o níos mó ná duine amháin an bainne as ar tógadh sompla an tsoláthróra féadfaidh an soláthróir sin, laistigh de sheasca uair a' chluig tar éis sompla an tsoláthróra do thógaint, fógra (dá ngairmtear fógra an tsoláthróra san alt so) do sheirbheáil ar an údarás áitiúil gur ina gceanntar do tógadh sompla an tsoláthróra agus eolas i dtaobh na nithe seo leanas ann, sé sin le rá:—


(i) i gcás gur sompla d'fhíor-bhainne sompla an tsoláthróra, ainm agus seoladh an díoltóra óna bhfuair an soláthróir sin an fíor-bhainne sin, an t-am a seachadfar agus an áit ina seachadfar consighneachtaí don tsoláthróir sin ón díoltóir sin feasta d'fhíor-bhainne de chrúdh (maidne no tráthnóna) a bheidh ar có-réir leis an gcrúdh ag á bhfuarthas an fíor-bhainne as ar tógadh sompla an tsoláthróra, agus modh iompartha na gconsighneacht san ón díoltóir sin chun an tsoláthróra san;


(ii) i gcás ar bith eile, ainm agus seoladh an díoltóra óna bhfuair an soláthróir sin an bainne as a bhfuarthas sompla an tsoláthróra, an t-am a seachadfar agus an áit ina seachadfar consigh neachtaí feasta don tsoláthróir sin ón díoltóir sin de bhainne den tsaghas chéanna agus modh iompartha na consighneachta san ón díoltóir sin chun an tsoláthróra san;


agus á iarraidh ar an údarás áitiúil sin slí do ghlacadh láithreach chun sompla de bhainne, de shaghas an bhainne as a bhfuarthas sompla an tsoláthróra, d'fháil chó luath agus is féidir é le linn an bhainne do bheith á iompar ón díoltóir sin go dtí an soláthróir sin mara mbeifear tar éis sompla do thógaint ón uair a tógadh sompla an tsoláthróra no laistigh de cheithre huaire fichead a' chluig roimh shompla an tsoláthróra do thógaint;


(b) má bunuítear imeachta i gcoinnibh an tsoláthróra san fé sna hAchtanna i dtaobh sompla an tsoláthróra agus gur theip ar an soláthróir sin fógra soláthróra do sheirbheáil ní bheidh an soláthróir sin i dteideal urraíocht do phléideáil mar chosaint sna himeachta san;


(c) i gcás an soláthróir sin do sheirbheáil fógra soláthróra ar an údarás áitiúil sin ach gan an t-údarás áitiúil sin do dhéanamh do réir an iarratais do bhí sa bhfógra san ní bunófar aon imeachta fé sna hAchtanna i gcoinnibh an tsoláthróra san i dtaobh sompla an tsoláthróra;


(d) i gcás an t-údarás áitiúil sin d'fháil sompla de bhainne (dá ngairmtear sompla an díoltóra san alt so) ón díoltóir sin, le linn an bhainne do bheith á iompar go dtí an soláthróir sin, de shaghas an bhainne as a bhfuarthas sompla an tsoláthróra, cuirfear sompla an díoltóra, chun a mhionscrúduithe, go dtí an mionscrúdóir chun a gcuirfear no chun ar cuireadh sompla an tsoláthróra;


(e) má bunuítear imeachta fé sna hAchtanna i gcoinnibh an tsoláthróra san i dtaobh sompla an tsoláthróra bhéarfar don tsoláthróir sin cóip den deimhniú ar thoradh an mhionscrúduithe do rinneadh ar shompla an díoltóra agus, fé réir forálacha ailt 21 den Phríomh-Acht, beidh gach deimhniú den tsórt sin ina leor-fhianaise ar na nithe adeirtear ann agus beidh sé ionghlactha mar fhianaise maidir le haon cheist i dtaobh ce'ca sa riocht chéanna inar cheannuigh sé é do díoladh an bainne do dhíol an soláthróir sin no nách eadh.


Fógra do dhíoltóir bhainne i dtaobh sompla do thógaint.

9.—An méid sin de chonnradh ar bith a chuirfidh de cheangal ar sholáthróir bhainne, ar shompla bainne do bheith tógtha fé sna hAchtanna no fén Acht so, aon chuid den tsompla san do chur chun an té óna bhfuair sé an bainne no fógra do thabhairt don duine sin á rá gur tógadh sompla amhlaidh beidh sé gan bhrí.


Costaisí an Aire Talmhaíochta.

10.—Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar gach costas fé n-a raghaidh an tAire Talmhaíochta fén Acht so.


Gearr-theideal agus luadh.

11.—Féadfar an tAcht um Biadh agus Druganna do Dhíol (Bainne), 1935, do ghairm den Acht so agus féadfar na hAchtanna um Biadh agus Druganna do Dhíol, 1875 go 1935, do ghairm de sna Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875 to 1907, agus den Acht so le chéile.



Number 3 of 1935.








Sale of milk, etc., not of the proper nature, substance and quality.


Definition of milk.


Power incidental to the taking of samples.


Amendment of section 3 of the Act of 1879 and consequential amendment of section 14 of the Act of 1899.


Amendment of section 10 of the Act of 1899.


Disclosure by purveyor of milk of seller's name, etc.


Proceedings under the Acts against purveyors of milk.


Notice of sampling to vendor of milk.


Expenses of Minister for Agriculture.


Short title and citation.


Number 3 of 1935.




1.—In this Act—


the expression “the Principal Act” means the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875;


the expression “the Act of 1879” means the Sale of Food and Drugs Act Amendment Act, 1879;


the expression “the Act of 1899” means the Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1899;


the expression “the Acts” means the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875 to 1907;


the expression “local authority” means any local authority authorised to appoint an analyst for the purposes of the Acts;


the word “purveyor” includes a seller whether wholesale or by retail;


the expression “whole milk” means milk from which none of the constituents have been abstracted otherwise than as a result of any cleansing process (including pasteurisation and sterilisation) to which such milk has been subjected.


Sale of milk, etc., not of the proper nature, substance and quality.

2.—(1) If on or after the appointed day any person—


(a) sells as whole milk, any article of food which contains—


(i) less than the prescribed percentage (if any) of milk-fat; and


(ii) less than the prescribed percentage (if any) of milk-solids, other than milk-fat; or


(b) sells as skimmed or separated milk any article of food which contains less than the prescribed percentage (if any) of milk-solids, other than milk-fat; or


(c) sells as cream any article of food which contains less than the prescribed percentage (if any) of milk-fat; or


(d) sells as buttermilk any article of food which contains less than the prescribed percentage (if any) of milk solids, other than milk-fat;


such person shall be deemed for the purposes of section 6 of the Principal Act to have sold to the prejudice of the purchaser an article of food which is not of the nature, substance and quality of the article demanded by such purchaser.


(2) The Minister for Agriculture, after consultation with the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, may by order make regulations fixing any percentage referred to in the immediately preceding sub-section as prescribed, and different percentages of milk-fat may be fixed in relation to whole milk, and cream, and different percentages of milk-solids, other than milk-fat, may be fixed in respect of whole milk, skimmed or separated milk, and buttermilk, and the word “prescribed” in the said sub-section means prescribed by such regulations.


(3) The Minister for Agriculture, after consultation with the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, may by order fix a day to be the appointed day for the purposes of this section, and the day so appointed shall be the appointed day for those purposes.


(4) As from the appointed day, section 4 of the Act of 1899, shall be amended by the deletion of the words “genuine milk, cream”, the words “milk (including condensed milk) cream” and the words “milk, cream” now contained therein and the said section shall be construed and have effect accordingly.


(5) Whenever an article of food is sold as milk without any other description or qualification, such article of food shall be deemed for the purposes of this section to have been sold as whole milk.


(6) Every regulation made under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after such regulation is made, and if a resolution annulling such regulation is passed by either House of the Oireachtas within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after such regulation is so laid before it such regulation shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such regulation.


Definition of milk.

3.—For the purposes of sections 3 and 4 of the Act of 1879, section 10 of the Act of 1899, and the subsequent provisions of this Act, the word “milk” shall mean any article of food which is whole milk, skimmed or separated milk, cream or buttermilk.


Power incidental to the taking of samples.

4.—Any person authorised by or under the Acts to take a sample of milk may for the purposes of taking such sample open any receptacle containing milk and do any other act which he may deem necessary for the said purposes.


Amendment of section 3 of the Act of 1879 and consequential amendment of section 14 of the Act of 1899.

5.—(1) Section 3 of the Act of 1879 as amended by this Act shall, so far as it relates to milk only, be construed and have effect as if—


(a) the words “take without payment” were substituted for the word “procure” now contained therein;


(b) the words “at the place of delivery” now contained therein were deleted, and


(c) the words “in course of transit or delivery” were substituted for the words “in course of delivery” now contained therein.


(2) Section 14 of the Act of 1899 shall, in so far as it relates to milk, cease to have effect.


Amendment of section 10 of the Act of 1899.

6.—Section 10 of the Act of 1899 as amended by this Act shall, so far as it relates to milk, be construed and have effect as if the words “transit or” were inserted before the word “delivery” now contained therein.


Disclosure by purveyor of milk of seller's name, etc.

7.—(1) Where a sample of milk is procured under Section 13 of the Principal Act from a purveyor of milk, the person by whom or on whose behalf such sample was procured, may, unless such purveyor is the producer of such milk, serve a notice on such purveyor requiring him to furnish to such person within twenty-four hours after the service of such notice particulars of the following matters, that is to say, the name and address of the seller or consignor from whom such purveyor received such milk, and the time and place of delivery to such purveyor of future consignments of milk from such seller or consignor and the mode of conveying such consignments from such seller or consignor to such purveyor.


(2) If any purveyor of milk upon whom a notice has been served under this section fails, neglects, or refuses within twenty-four hours after such service to furnish the particulars specified in such notice, such purveyor shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


(3) A notice under this section may be served by delivering it to the person to whom it is addressed or by sending it by registered post to the person to whom it is addressed at his last known place of abode or at the address registered as his address in any register of milk purveyors kept in pursuance of any enactment by a sanitary authority within the meaning of the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931.


Proceedings under the Acts against purveyors of milk.

8.—Where a sample (in this section referred to as the purveyor's sample) of milk is procured from a purveyor of milk under section 13 of the Principal Act, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(a) where the milk from which the purveyor's sample was taken was not a mixture of milk purchased by such purveyor from more than one person such purveyor may, within sixty hours after the purveyor's sample was taken, serve a notice (in this section referred to as a purveyor's notice) on the local authority in whose district the purveyor's sample was taken containing particulars of the following matters, that is to say:—


(i) in case the purveyor's sample is a sample of whole milk, the name and address of the seller from whom such purveyor received such whole milk, the time and place of delivery to such purveyor of future consignments from such seller of whole milk of a milking (morning or evening) corresponding to the milking at which the whole milk from which the purveyor's sample was taken was obtained, and the mode of conveying such consignments from such seller to such purveyor.


(ii) in any other case, the name and address of the seller from whom such purveyor obtained the milk from which the purveyor's sample was obtained, the time and place of delivery to such purveyor of future consignments from such seller of milk of a similar kind and the mode of conveying such consignment from such seller to such purveyor;


and requesting such local authority to take immediate steps to procure as soon as practicable a sample of milk of a kind similar to that from which the purveyor's sample was obtained, in course of transit from such seller to such purveyor unless a sample has been so taken since the purveyor's sample was taken or within twenty-four hours prior to the purveyor's sample being taken;


(b) if proceedings are brought against such purveyor under the Acts in respect of the purveyor's sample and such purveyor has failed to serve a purveyor's notice, such purveyor shall not be entitled to plead a warranty as a defence to such proceedings;


(c) where such purveyor has served a purveyor's notice on such local authority, but such local authority has not complied with the request contained in such notice no proceedings under the Acts shall be taken against such purveyor in respect of the purveyor's sample;


(d) where such local authority has procured in the course of transit to such purveyor a sample (in this section referred to as the seller's sample) of milk of a kind similar to that from which the purveyor's sample was obtained, from such seller, the seller's sample shall be submitted for analysis to the analyst to whom the purveyor's sample is or was submitted;


(e) if proceedings are taken under the Acts against such purveyor in respect of the purveyor's sample, a copy of the certificate of the result of the analysis of the seller's sample shall be furnished to such purveyor, and every such certificate shall, subject to the provisions of section 21 of the Principal Act, be sufficient evidence of the facts stated therein, and shall be admissible as evidence on any question whether the milk sold by such purveyor was sold in the same state as he purchased it.


Notice of sampling to vendor of milk.

9.—So much of any contract as requires a purveyor of milk, on a sample of milk being taken under the Acts or this Act, to send to the person from whom he procured the milk any part of such sample, or to give to that person notice that a sample has been so taken, shall be void.


Expenses of Minister for Agriculture.

10.—All expenses incurred by the Minister for Agriculture under this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Short title and citation.

11.—This Act may be cited as the Sale of Food and Drugs (Milk) Act, 1935, and this Act and the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875 to 1907, may be cited together as the Sale of Food and Drugs Acts, 1875 to 1935.