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Number 38 of 1926.








Prohibition of acting as bookmaker without licence.


Certificate of personal fitness.


Grounds for refusal of certificate of personal fitness.


Issue of bookmaker's licences.


The register of bookmaking offices.


Certificate of suitability of premises.


Grounds for refusal of certificate of suitability of premises.


Registration in register of bookmaking offices.


Appeal from refusal of certificate.


Temporary licences and registration pending appeal.


Cancellation of licences or registration by court.


Removal of premises from register of bookmaking offices.


Provisions as to joint registered proprietors.


Business permitted in registered premises.


Hours of business in registered premises.


Display of certificate of registration.


Production of bookmaker's licences on demand.


Powers of entry and investigation.


Saving for persons employed by bookmakers.


Prohibition of betting with persons outside Saorstát Eireann.


Powers of the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs.


Prohibition of unlicensed totalisators.


Grant of totalisator licences.


Totalisators set up by Revenue Commissioners.


Disposal of totalisator fees and profits.


Regulations in regard to totalisators.






Short title, commencement and duration.

Acts Referred to

Courts of Justice Act, 1924

No. 10 of 1.924


Number 38 of 1926.




1.—In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Finance;


the expression “licensed bookmaker” means a person (not being a body corporate or an unincorporated body of persons) who is the holder of a bookmaker's licence issued to him under this Act and for the time being in force;


the word “premises” means any house or other building and includes a defined part of a house or other building;


the expression “registered premises” means premises for the time being registered in the register of bookmaking offices established and maintained under this Act;


the word “proprietor” means the person entitled to the exclusive occupation of the premises in relation to which the word is used, and, where the context so admits, includes a number of persons jointly so entitled, the expression “registered proprietor” means a person who is for the time being entered in the said register of bookmaking offices as the proprietor of premises registered in that register, and where the context so admits the said expression includes a number of persons entered in the said register as joint proprietors of premises so registered;


the word “totalisator” means an apparatus or organisation by means of which an unlimited number of persons can each stake money in respect of a future event on the terms that the amount to be won by the successful stakers is dependent on or to be calculated with reference to the total amount staked by means of the apparatus or organisation in relation to that event but not necessarily on the same contingency, and the said word includes all offices, tickets, recorders, and other things ancillary or incidental to the working of the apparatus or organisation, the word “bet” includes wager, and cognate words shall be construed accordingly;


the word “prescribed” when used in relation to the District Court or a member of the Gárda Síochána means prescribed by the Minister for Justice and when used in relation to the Revenue Commissioners means prescribed by the Minister for Finance.


Prohibition of acting as bookmaker without licence.

2.—(1) No person shall carry on business or act as a bookmaker or hold himself out or represent himself to be a bookmaker or a licensed bookmaker unless he holds a bookmaker's licence granted to him under this Act and for the time being in force.


(2) Every person who carries on business or acts as a bookmaker in contravention of this section and every person who holds himself out or represents himself to be a bookmaker or a licensed bookmaker in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of five hundred pounds


Certificate of personal fitness.

3.—(1) Any person (other than a body corporate or an un-incorporated body of persons) desiring to obtain a bookmaker's licence may apply in the prescribed manner to the Superintendent of the Gárda Síochána of the district in which he has or proposes to have an office registered under this Act or, if he has not and does not propose to have any such office, to the Superintendent of the Gárda Síochána for the district in which he ordinarily resides for a certificate (in this Act referred to as a certificate of personal fitness) that he is a fit and proper person to have a bookmaker's licence. Such application must be approved by two Peace Commissioners for the district in which the applicant re-sides, whose approval shall be testified by their signature to the application; and an advertisement shall be inserted by the applicant in at least two newspapers circulating in the district of his intention to apply for such bookmaker's licence not less than a fortnight nor more than a month before the date of the making of the application.


(2) A superintendent of the Gárda Síoehána to whom an application for a certificate of personal fitness is duly made under this section shall, within fourteen days after the receipt of such application, do one or other as he in his discretion shall think proper of the following things, that is to say, either give to the applicant a certificate in the prescribed form that he is a fit and proper person to have a bookmaker's licence or on any one or more of the grounds hereinafter authorised refuse to give such certificate.


Grounds for refusal of certificate of personal fitness.

4.—A certificate of personal fitness may be refused on any one or more of the following grounds and on no other ground whatsoever, that is to say:—


(a) that at the time of the application for the certificate arrears of any duty for the time being payable on or in respect of bets are due and owing by the applicant;


(b) that the applicant had been previously convicted of a crime or of an offence under this Act or had since the commencement of this Act been convicted of an offence under any Act relating to gaming or gaming houses;


(c) that a bookmaker's licence previously held by the applicant had been revoked under this Act;


(d) that a previous refusal by a superintendent of the Gárda Síochána to give a certificate of personal fitness had been confirmed on appeal to the District Court;


(e) that the applicant is by reason of his general character or his known habits not a fit person to hold a bookmaker's licence.


Issue of bookmaker's licences.

5.—(1) Any person to whom a certificate of personal fitness has been given may within twenty-one days after the issue of such certificate apply to the Revenue Commissioners in writing in the prescribed form for a bookmaker's licence for such period not exceeding one year and commencing on such date not later than fourteen days after the date of the application as he shall specify in the application.


(2) Upon delivery of such application as aforesaid to the Revenue Commissioners and payment to the Revenue Commissioners by the applicant of the excise duty for the time being required by law to be paid by persons taking out a bookmaker's licence for the period specified in the application, the Revenue Commissioners shall issue to the applicant a bookmaker's licence expressed to be in force for such period not exceeding one year and commencing on such date not being later than fourteen days after the date of such application as shall have been specified in that behalf in such application.


(3) Every bookmaker's licence shall be in the prescribed form and shall operate and be expressed to authorise the person to whom it is issued (who shall be named therein) to act and carry on business as a bookmaker so long as the licence remains in force, but subject and without prejudice to all restrictions and prohibitions for the time being imposed by law in respect of the places in which the business of bookmaking may be carried on.


(4) Unless and until revoked under this Act, every bookmaker's licence shall remain in force during the period specified in that behalf therein.


The register of bookmaking offices.

6.—(1) The Revenue Commissioners shall keep a register (in this Act referred to as the register of bookmaking offices) in the prescribed form of premises in which the business of bookmaking is carried on and shall register therein all such premises as they are by virtue of this Act required to register therein.


(2) There shall be entered in the register of bookmaking offices in respect of all premises registered therein the name of the proprietor thereof, a precise description of the premises, and such other particulars as shall be prescribed.


Certificate of suitability of premises.

7.—(1) Any person desiring to register or continue the registration of any premises of which he is the proprietor in the register of bookmaking offices may apply in the prescribed manner to the superintendent of the Gárda Síochána of the district in which the premises are situate for a certificate (in this Act referred to as a certificate of suitability of premises) that such premises are suitable for registration in the register of book-making offices. Such application must be approved by two Peace Commissioners for the district in which the applicant resides, whose approval shall be testified by their signature to the application; and an advertisement shall be inserted by the applicant in at least two newspapers circulating in the district of his intention to apply for such certificate not less than a fortnight nor more than a month before the date of the making of the application.


(2) A superintendent of the Gárda Síochána to whom an application for a certificate of suitability of premises is duly made under this section shall, if he is satisfied that the applicant is either a licensed bookmaker or the holder of a certificate of personal fitness issued after or not more than seven days before the date of the application, do one or other as he in his discretion shall think proper of the following things within fourteen days after the receipt by him of such application, that is to say, either give to the applicant a certificate in the prescribed form that the premises the subject of the application are suitable for registration in the register of bookmaking offices or on any one or more of the grounds hereinafter authorised refuse to give such certificate.


Grounds for refusal of certificate of suitability of premises.

8.—A certificate of suitability of premises may be refused on any one or more of the following grounds and on no other ground whatsoever, that is to say:—


(a) that the applicant is neither a licensed bookmaker nor the holder of a certificate of personal fitness;


(b) that the applicant is not the proprietor of the premises;


(c) that the premises are in close proximity to a place of worship, a religious institution, a school, an employment exchange, a factory or works, or other similar place in or near which large numbers of persons congregate, or are situate in a residential area;


(d) that the premises are in close proximity to premises known to be resorted to habitually by evilly-disposed persons;


(e) that the premises communicate internally with other premises;


(f) that the premises had previously been registered in the register of bookmaking offices and had been removed from that register pursuant to an order of the court;


(g) that the premises are registered in the register of bookmaking premises and during such registration irregularities had occurred owing to the close proximity of the premises to premises licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor;


(h) that the applicant had previously been convicted of an offence under this or any other Act in relation to the premises or in relation to any other registered premises of which he was the registered proprietor at the time the offence was committed;


(i) if the premises are or had been previously registered in the register of bookmaking offices, that at some time while the applicant was the registered proprietor thereof the business of bookmaking had been conducted therein in a disorderly manner or in such manner as to cause or encourage persons to congregate and loiter in large numbers in or outside the premises;


(j) that the applicant is or had previously been the registered proprietor of other registered premises and that the business of bookmaking is being or had while the applicant was such registered proprietor been conducted in such premises in a disorderly manner or in such manner as to cause or encourage persons to congregate and loiter in large numbers in or outside the premises.


Registration in register of bookmaking offices.

9.—(1) Any licensed bookmaker to whom a certificate of suitability of premises has been given in respect of any premises of which he is the proprietor may within twenty-one days after the issue of such certificate apply to the Revenue Commissioners in writing in the prescribed form to register or renew the registration of the premises mentioned in such certificate in the register of bookmaking premises and upon delivery of such application to the Revenue Commissioners and payment to the Revenue Commissioners by the applicant of the excise duty for the time being required by law to be paid on the registration or the renewal of the registration of premises in the register of bookmaking offices, the Revenue Commissioners shall register or renew the registration of the said premises in the register of bookmaking offices and shall issue to the applicant a certificate in the prescribed form of such registration or renewal of registration.


(2) Unless and until removed from the register under or by virtue of this Act, any premises registered in the register of bookmaking offices shall continue to be so registered until midnight on the 31st day of October next after the registration thereof and shall then (unless the registration has been renewed under this Act) be removed from the said register.


(3) Every renewal of the registration of any premises in the register of bookmaking offices shall commence and take effect as from the expiration of the registration or the last renewal of the registration (as the case may require) of the said premises in the said register and, unless and until removed from the register under or by virtue of this Act, such premises shall continue so registered until midnight on the 31st day of October next after the commencement of such renewal and shall then (unless the registration is again renewed under this Act) be removed from the said register.


(4) An application for the renewal of the registration of any premises in the register of bookmaking offices shall be made before but not more than fourteen days before the expiration of the registration or the last renewal of the registration of such premises in the said register.


Appeals from refusal of certificate.

10.—(1) Whenever a superintendent of the Gárda Síochána refuses to give a certificate of personal fitness or a certificate of suitability of premises, he shall, on demand made by the applicant for the certificate within six days after the refusal, give to such applicant a statement in writing in the prescribed form of the grounds on which he refused to give the certificate.


(2) Any person to whom a certificate of personal fitness or a certificate of suitability of premises has been refused by a superintendent of the Gárda Síochána may, within twenty-one days after receiving from such superintendent a statement in writing of the grounds of such refusal, appeal in the prescribed manner from such refusal to the District Court.


(3) Every person who appeals to the District Court under this section shall in the prescribed manner and within the prescribed time give notice of such appeal to the said superintendent of the Gárda Síochána and also to the Revenue Commissioners.


(4) On the hearing of any such appeal the District Court may either confirm or disallow the refusal of the certificate, and, whenever the District Court so disallows a refusal of the certificate, the said superintendent of the Gárda Síochána shall within three days after such disallowance give to the appellant a certificate of personal fitness or a certificate of suitability of premises, as the case may require.


(5) The following provisions shall apply to every appeal under this section, that is to say:


(a) no party except the superintendent of the Gárda Síochána and the Revenue Commissioners shall be heard in opposition to the appeal;


(b) Section 27 of the Inland Revenue Regulation Act, 1890, shall apply to the appeal in like manner as it applies to the proceedings relating to inland revenue;


(c) any ground of refusal mentioned in the written statement of grounds of refusal and no other ground may be advanced in opposition to the appeal;


(d) whenever the refusal is confirmed the Court may order the appellant to pay the costs of the superintendent of the Gárda Síochána and may measure the amount of such costs;


(e) no appeal shall lie to the Circuit Court under section 84 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1924 (No. 10 of 1.924).


Temporary licences and registration pending appeal.

11.—(1) Whenever an application for a certificate of personal fitness is refused by a superintendent of the Gárda Síochátia and an appeal from such refusal to the District Court is lodged, then if the applicant at the time of making the application was and had been for not less than nine months previously a licensed bookmaker, the Revenue Commissioners may, without payment of any duty but subject to such conditions as they may think fit to impose, issue to such applicant a temporary bookmaker's licence for such period not extending beyond the expiration of seven days after the decision of such appeal as they may think fit, and every such temporary bookmaker's licence shall while it remains in force be a bookmaker's licence within the meaning of this Act.


(2) Whenever an application for a certificate of suitability of premises in respect of premises which are registered premises at the date of such application is refused by the superintendent of the Gárda Síochána and an appeal from such refusal to the District Court is lodged the Revenue Commissioners may, without the payment of any duty but subject to such conditions as they may think fit to impose, retain such premises on the register of bookmaking offices pending the decision of such appeal.


Cancellation of licences or registration by court.

12.—(1) Whenever a licensed bookmaker is convicted of any crime or of any offence under this or any other Act and the Court by or before whom such bookmaker is so convicted is of opinion that such crime or offence was of such nature or character or was committed in such circumstances that the commission thereof rendered such bookmaker unfit to continue to hold a bookmaker's licence, such Court may when imposing sentence revoke the bookmaker's licence held by such bookmaker.


(2) Whenever the registered proprietor of any registered premises is convicted of an offence under any section of this Act in relation to such premises and the Court by or before whom such proprietor is so convicted is of opinion that, having regard to the nature and character of the offence and the circumstances in which it was committed, it is not expedient that such premises should continue to be registered in the register of bookmaking offices, such Court may, when imposing sentence and with or without revoking the bookmaker's licence held by such proprietor direct that such premises be removed from the register of bookmaking offices.


(3) Whenever a bookmaker's licence is revoked by a court under this section or a court directs under this section any registered premises to be removed from the register of bookmaking offices, the registrar, clerk, or other principal officer of such court shall communicate the fact of such revocation or such direction (as the case may be) to the Revenue Commissioners and the Revenue Commissioners shall thereupon record such revocation or remove such premises from the register of bookmaking offices, as the case may require.


(4) Whenever a bookmaker's licence is revoked under this section, the bookmaker or other person who has possession or custody of such licence at the time of such revocation shall within seven days after such revocation deliver such licence to an officer of customs and excise and such officer shall forthwith cancel such licence, and every such bookmaker or other person who fails so to deliver such licence shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of ten pounds.


Removal of premises from register of bookmaking offices.

13.—(1) Whenever the sole registered proprietor of any registered premises ceases to be a licensed bookmaker or ceases to be the proprietor of such premises, the Revenue Commissioners shall, immediately upon such cesser coming to their knowledge, remove the said premises from the register of bookmaking offices.


(2) Whenever a number of persons are registered in the register of bookmaking offices as joint registered proprietors of any registered premises and all such persons cease to be proprietors of such premises, the Revenue Commissioners shall immediately upon such cesser coming to their knowledge, remove the said premises from the register of bookmaking offices.


(3) Whenever a number of persons are registered in the register of bookmaking offices as joint registered proprietors of any registered premises and all or any one or more of such persons cease or ceases to be licensed bookmakers or a licensed bookmaker, the Revenue Commissioners shall, immediately upon such cesser coming to their knowledge, remove the said premises from the register of bookmaking offices.


(4) Whenever any registered premises are removed from the register of bookmaking premises by the Revenue Commissioners under this section or pursuant to a direction of the court, the person who was the registered proprietor of such premises immediately before such removal shall on demand in writing delivered at or sent by post to such premises deliver or send to the Revenue Commissioners the latest certificate of the registration or renewal of registration of such premises and every such person who fails so to deliver or send such certificate within seven days after such demand shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of twenty pounds.


Provisions as to joint registered proprietors.

14.—(1) Two or more licensed bookmakers may be registered in the register of bookmaking offices as joint proprietors of any premises registered in that register.


(2) Whenever a licensed bookmaker becomes a proprietor jointly with the registered proprietor or proprietors, of any registered premises, the Revenue Commissioners shall, on proof to their satisfaction of the facts and of the consent of the registered proprietor or proprietors, enter such licensed bookmaker in the register of bookmaking offices as a registered proprietor of the said premises jointly with the person or persons already registered as such proprietor or proprietors.


(3) Whenever one of the several joint registered proprietors of any registered premises ceases to be one of the proprietors of such premises the Revenue Commissioners shall, on proof to their satisfaction of the facts and of the consent of the other registered proprietors or proprietor, remove the name of the first-mentioned registered proprietor from the portion of the register of book-making offices which relates to such premises.


Business permitted in registered premises.

15.—(1) It shall be lawful for the registered proprietor of any registered premises, so long as he continues to be a licensed book-maker, to carry on in such premises the business of bookmaking subject, to the provisions of this Act.


(2) No person except the registered proprietor of the premises shall carry on any trade, profession, or business whatsoever on any registered premises.


(3) The registered proprietor of any registered premises shall not carry on nor permit to be carried on in such premises nor permit such premises to be used for the purpose of carrying on any trade, profession or business whatsoever save and except only the business of bookmaking carried on by the registered proprietor.


(4) The registered proprietor of any registered premises shall not set up or maintain in such premises any attraction (other than the mere carrying on of his business of bookmaking) which causes or induces or is likely to cause or induce persons to congregate in or outside such premises.


(5) The Betting Houses Act, 1853, shall not apply to registered premises.


(6) Every person who carries on or permits to be carried on in any registered premises or permits any registered premises to be used for carrying on any trade, profession, or business in contravention of this section or sets up or maintains in any registered premises any attraction in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of one hundred pounds.


Hours of business in registered premises.

16.—(1) Registered premises shall not be opened or kept open for the transaction of business at any time on any Sunday, Christmas Day, or Good Friday, nor before the hour of nine o'clock in the morning nor after the hour of six o'clock in the afternoon on any other day.


(2) If and whenever any registered premises are opened or kept open in contravention of this section the registered proprietor of such premises shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of fifty pounds.


Display of certificate of registration.

17.—(1) The registered proprietor of any registered premises shall cause the certificate of registration or, where such registration has been renewed, the latest certificate of renewal of registration of those premises to be displayed prominently in the said premises at all times during which such premises are open for the transaction of business.


(2) Every registered proprietor who fails to comply with this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of ten pounds together with, in the case of a continuing offence, a further excise penalty of ten pounds for every day during which the offence continues.


Production of bookmaker's licences on demand.

18.—(1) Any officer of customs and excise or any member of the Gárda Síochána may demand of any person whom he observes to be engaged in or carrying on the business of bookmaking the production of his bookmaker's licence, and if such person refuses or fails to produce such licence, or if such person produces such licence but refuses or fails to permit such officer or member to read and examine such licence he shall be guilty of an offence under this section.


(2) Whenever any person of whom the production of his bookmaker's licence is lawfully demanded under this section refuses or fails to produce such licence or produces such licence but fails or refuses to permit the officer of customs and excise or the member of the Gárda Síochána making the demand to read and examine such licence, such officer or member may demand of such person his name and address and if such person refuses or fails to give his name or fails or refuses to give his address or gives a name or an address which is false or misleading he shall be guilty of an offence under this section.


(3) Any member of the Gárda Síochána may arrest without warrant—


(a) any person who, when the production of his bookmaker's licence is lawfully demanded of him under this section, refuses or fails to produce such licence or produces such licence but refuses or fails to permit the officer of customs and excise or the member of the Gárda Síochána making the demand to read and examine such licence, or


(b) any person who, when his name and address is lawfully demanded of him under this section, refuses or fails to give his name or refuses or fails to give his address or gives a name or an address which is known to the officer of customs and excise or the member of the Gárda Síochána making the demand to be false or misleading.


(4) Any person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of twenty pounds.


(5) A person, who when the production of his bookmaker's licence is lawfully demanded of him under this section, does not produce such licence because he is not a licensed bookmaker shall be deemed to fail to produce his bookmaker's licence within the meaning of this section.


Powers of entry and investigation.

19.—(1) Any officer of customs and excise or any member of the Gárda Síochána may enter any registered premises at any time during which such premises are or suspected by such officer or member of being open for the transaction of any business, and may there make such searches and investigations as such officer or member shall think proper and may ask of any person found in such premises such questions in relation to the said premises and the business carried on therein as such officer or member shall think proper.


(2) Any officer of customs and excise may at any time enter any premises (not being registered premises) in which the business of bookmaking is or is suspected by such officer to be carried on and may there make such searches and investigations as such officer shall think proper and may demand of any person found in such premises his name and address and may ask of any such person such questions in relation to such premises and the business carried on therein as such officer shall think proper.


(3) Every person who shall do any of the following things, that is to say:—


(a) obstruct or impede any officer of customs and excise or any member of the Gárda Síochána in the exercise of any of the powers conferred on such officer or member by this section, or


(b) fail or refuse to answer to the best of his knowledge and ability any question asked of him by any such officer or member in exercise of a power in that behalf conferred by this section, or


(c) give an answer to any such question which is to his knowledge false or misleading, or


(d) when his name or his address is demanded of him by any such officer in exercise of a power in that behalf conferred by this section, fail or refuse to give his name, or fail or refuse to give his address, or give a name or an address which is false or misleading,


shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of twenty pounds.


Saving for persons employed by bookmakers.

20.—(1) A person shall not be deemed for the purposes of this Act to act or carry on business as a bookmaker merely by reason of his being employed by a licensed bookmaker to act as his clerk or assistant provided such person only acts as such clerk or assistant either in registered premises of which such licensed bookmaker is the registered proprietor or in the personal presence of such licensed bookmaker and the amount of such person's remuneration is not wholly or partly dependent on or calculated by reference to the amount of business done or profits made by such licensed bookmaker.


(2) It shall be lawful for the registered proprietor of registered premises to employ in those premises such clerks and assistants as shall be reasonably necessary for the carrying on of his business as a bookmaker in the said premises provided the amount of the respective remunerations of such clerks and assistants is not wholly or partly dependent on or calculated by reference to the amount of business done or profits made by such licensed bookmaker.


(3) A person who is employed by the registered proprietor of registered premises as a clerk or assistant in those premises and whose employment as such clerk or assistant is lawful under the foregoing sub-section shall not be deemed for the purposes of this Act to act or carry on business as a bookmaker merely by reason of his acting as such clerk or assistant.


Prohibition of betting with persons outside Saorstát Eireann.

21.—(1) It shall not be lawful for any person while in Saorstát Eireann to make or enter into or attempt to make or enter into a bet with a person who is then outside Saorstát Eireann or to employ, commission, or instruct or attempt to employ, commission, or instruct any person who is for the time being outside Saorstát Eireann to make or enter into a bet for him or on his behalf.


(2) Every person who makes or enters into or attempts to make or enter into a bet in contravention of this section or who employs, commissions, or instructs any person to make or enter into a bet in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of one hundred pounds.


Powers of the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs.

22.—(1) The Minister for Posts and Telegraphs may detain any postal packet suspected to contain a communication to which this section applies and shall forward every postal packet so detained to the Revenue Commissioners and those Commissioners may open and examine the packet, and if they find therein any communication to which this section applies may detain the packet and its contents for the purpose of prosecution, and if they find no such communication therein shall forward the packet and its contents by post to the person to whom it was addressed.


(2) Whenever the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs receives for transmission by telegraph a message which appears to be a communication to which this section applies, he may send to the Revenue Commissioners a copy of such message and such information in regard thereto as he shall think fit to send or the Revenue Commissioners may ask for.


(3) The Minister for Posts and Telegraphs may after consultation with the Revenue Commissioners make regulations for the exercise of the powers and the performance of the duties conferred or imposed on him by this section.


(4) This section applies to every communication from a person in Saorstát Eireann (hereinafter called the sender) to a person outside Saorstát Eireann (hereinafter called the addressee) by which the sender purports either on his own behalf or on behalf of another person to make or enter into a bet with the addressee or by which the sender purports to employ, commission, or instruct the addressee to make or enter into a bet for or on behalf of the sender or any other person.


(5) This section in so far as it relates to postal packets shall be read and construed together with the Post Office Acts, 1908 to 1920 and in so far as it relates to telegrams shall be read and construed as one with the Telegraph Acts, 1863 to 1920.


Prohibition of unlicensed totalisators.

23.—(1) Subject to the exceptions hereinafter mentioned, it shall not be lawful for any person to set up, maintain, or work a totalisator save in so far and in such manner as such setting up, maintenance and working is authorised by a licence in that behalf granted under this Act.


(2) Every person who sets up, maintains, or works a totalisator in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to an excise penalty of five hundred pounds.


(3) This section shall not apply to any totalisator set up, maintained, and worked by the Revenue Commissioners under an authority in that behalf conferred on them by the Minister under this Act.


Grant of totalisator licences.

24.—(1) The Minister may if and whenever he thinks fit grant to such persons as he thinks fit licences (in this Act referred to as totalisator licences) to set up, maintain, and work totalisators, and every such licence shall operate to authorise the person to whom it is granted (who shall be named in the licence) to set up, maintain, and work a totalisator at the place and on the occasion or occasions or during the period specified therein but subject to the conditions, restrictions, and regulations stated in or, by virtue of this Act, incorporated with the licence.


(2) The Minister may charge for the grant of any totalisator licence such sum or sums as he shall think fit to charge in respect of such licence, and the sum or sums so charged may be either a single payment or a series of periodical payments and may be either of fixed or of variable amount and in the latter case may be calculated by reference to the sums staked by means of the totalisator to which the licence relates.


(3) A totalisator licence may be granted in respect of any one or more specified places or in respect of all places of one or more specified classes or descriptions in Saorstát Eireann or any specified part of Saorstát Eireann and may be granted for one or more specified occasions or for all occasions of one or more specified classes or descriptions occurring during a specified period as the Minister shall think fit.


(4) The Minister may attach such restrictions and conditions as he shall think fit to each totalisator licence granted by him.


Totalisators set up by Revenue Commissioners.

25.—(1) The Minister may authorise the Revenue Commissioners to set up, maintain and work a totalisator in such places and on such occasions as he shall think fit or, if the Minister so thinks fit, in such place and on such occasions as the Revenue Commissioners shall with the consent of the Minister think fit.


(2) This section shall not authorise the setting up of a totalisator in any place without the consent of the person who owns or has control of the use of or admission to such place.


Disposal of totalisator fees and profits.

26.—All fees paid on the grant of totalisator licences under this Act and all profits derived from the working of totalisators by the Revenue Commissioners under this Act shall be paid into or disposed for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.


Regulations in regard to totalisators.

27.—(1) The Minister may by order make regulations for controlling and regulating the setting up, maintenance, and working of totalisators under totalisator licences, and every such regulation shall be deemed to be incorporated with every totalisator licence which is in force while such regulation is in force.


(2) The Minister may by order make regulations for regulating and controlling the working of totalisators set up by the Revenue Commissioners under this Act and the use of such totalisators by the public or the members of the public having access to the places in which such totalisators are set up.


(3) Any regulation made under this section may provide that any contravention or breach thereof shall be an offence triable summarily and may prescribe the penalty or the maximum penalty which may be inflicted on persons found guilty on summary conviction of such offence and may also provide that such penalty shall be an excise penalty.



28.—(1) The Minister for Finance may by order make regulations prescribing any matter or thing relating to the Revenue Commissioners which is in this Act referred to as prescribed or to be prescribed.


(2) The Minister for Justice may by order make regulations prescribing any matter or thing relating to members of the Gárda Síochána or the District Court which is in this Act referred to as prescribed or to be prescribed.



29.—All expenses incurred in carrying this Act into execution shall to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Short title, commencement, and duration.

30.—This Act may be cited as the Betting Act, 1926, and shall come into operation on the 1st day of November, 1926, and shall, continue in force for two years from that date and shall then expire.


Uimhir 38 de 1926.





1.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an focal “an tAire” an tAire Airgid;


cialluíonn an focal “geall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe” duine (nách cólucht corparáideach ná cólucht neamh-ionchorparuithe de dhaoine) a bheidh ina shealbhóir ar cheadúnas geall-ghlacadóra a tugadh amach do fén Acht so agus a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire;


cialluíonn an focal “áitreabh” aon tigh no foirgint eile agus foluíonn sé cuid teoranta de thigh no d'fhoirgint eile;


cialluíonn an focal “áitreabh cláruithe” áitreabh a bheidh cláruithe de thurus na huaire sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall a bunófar agus a coinneofar suas fén Acht so;


cialluíonn an focal “dílseánach” an té a bheidh i dteideal aontseilbh an áitribh go n-úsáidtear an focal ina thaobh agus, i ngach áit ina gceaduíonn an có-théacs é, foluíonn sé roinnt daoine i gcótheideal na seilbhe sin, cialluíonn an focal “dílseánach cláruithe” duine a bheidh iontrálta de thurus na huaire sa chlár san d'oifigí glactha geall mar dhílseánach ar áitreabh a bheidh cláruithe sa chlár san agus, i ngach áit ina gceaduíonn an có-théacs é, foluíonn an focal san roinnt daoine a bheidh iontrálta sa chlár san mar chó-dhílseánaigh ar an áitreabh a bheidh cláruithe amhlaidh;


cialluíonn an focal “suimitheoir” apparatus no có-ghléasa tré n-ar féidir do gach duine fé leith d'aon mhéid daoine airgead do chur ina gheall ar ní atá le teacht ar na téarmaí, an méid a bhéarfidh an lucht curtha geall go n-eireoidh leo, go bhfuil sé ag brath ar an méid iomlán no le háireamh tré fhéachaint chun an méid iomlán a cuireadh ina gheall ar an ní sin tríd an apparatus no tríd an gcó-ghléasa cé nách ar aon tora amháin a bheidh ar an ní sin a cuirfí an t-iomlán agus foluíonn an focal san gach oifig, ticéad, breacthóir, agus rud eile a chabhruíonn no a bhaineann le hoibriú an apparatuis no an chó-ghléasa san, foluíonn an focal “geall” stáca agus léireofar dá réir sin focail atá gaolmhar do;


nuair a húsáidtear an focal “orduithe” maidir leis an gCúirt Dúithche no le ball den Ghárda Síochána cialluíonn sé orduithe ag an Aire Dlí agus Cirt agus nuair a húsáidtear é maidir leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim cialluíonn sé orduithe ag an Aire Airgid.


Toirmeasc ar ghníomhú mar gheall-ghlacadóir gan ceadúnas.

2.—(1) Ní dhéanfidh éinne gnó ná gníomhú mar gheallghlacadóir ná a thabhairt le tuisgint ná a chur in úil gur geallghlacadóir no geall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe é mara mbeidh ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra aige a deonadh do fén Acht so agus a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire.


(2) Gach éinne a dhéanfidh gnó no a ghníomhóidh mar gheallghlacadóir contrárdha don alt so agus gach éinne a thabharfidh le tuisgint no a chuirfidh in úil gur geall-ghlacadóir no geallghlacadóir ceadúnuithe é contrárdha don alt so beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil mháil de chúig céad punt do chur air.


Deimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta.

3.—(1) Einne (nách cólucht corparáideach ná cólucht neamhionchorparuithe de dhaoine) gur mian leis ceadúnas geallghlacadóra d'fháil féadfa sé deimhniú (dá ngairmtear deimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta san Acht so) gur duine ceart oiriúnach é chun ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra bheith aige d'iarraidh sa tslí orduithe ar Cheannphort Ghárda Síochána an cheanntair ina bhfuil oifig aige atá cláruithe fén Acht so no ina bhfuil sé ar aigne a leithéid a bheith aige, no mara bhfuil aon oifig den tsórt san aige agus ná fuil sé ar aigne a leithéid a bheith aige ar Cheannphort Ghárda Síochána an cheanntair ina bhfuil gnáthchomhnaí air. Ní foláir beirt Fheadhmannach Síochána don cheanntar ina gcomhnuíonn an t-iarratasóir do bheith ag aontú leis an iarratas san agus deimhneoid a n-aontú tríd an iarratas do shighniú; agus coicíos ar a laighead no mí ar a mhéid roimh dháta déanta an iarratais cuirfidh an t-iarratasóir i dhá bpáipeur nuachta ar a laighead a léightear sa cheanntar fógrán go bhfuil sé chun an ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra san d'iarraidh.


(2) Aon cheannphort den Ghárda Síochána ar a n-iarrfar deimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta go cuibhe fén alt so, déanfa sé ceachtar den dá ní seo a leanas laistigh de cheithre lá déag tar éis an t-iarratas san d'fháil, pé ní acu is dó leis ina aigne féin is ceart, sé sin le rá, deimhniú do thabhairt don iarratasóir, sa bhfuirm orduithe, gur duine ceart oiriúnach é chun ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra do bheith aige no, ar aon scór no scóranna dá n-údaruítear ina dhiaidh seo anso, diúltú don deimhniú san do thabhairt uaidh.


Scóranna ar ar féidir deimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta do dhiúltú.

4.—Féadfar deimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta do dhiúltú ar aon scór no scóranna acu so a leanas agus ní har aon scór eile in aon chor, sé sin le rá:—


(a) go bhfuil dlite ar an iarratasóir, le linn iarrtha an deimhnithe dho, riaráiste aon diúité is iníoctha de thurus na huaire ar gheallta no ina dtaobh;


(b) gur ciontuíodh an t-iarratasóir roimhe sin i gcoir no i gcionta fén Acht so no gur ciontuíodh é, o thosach feidhme an Achta so, i gcionta fé aon Acht a bhaineann le cearrbhachas no le tithe cearrbhachais;


(c) gur ceiliúradh fén Acht so ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra a bhí ar seilbh ag an iarratasóir roimhe sin;


(d) gur daingníodh, de bharr athchomhairc chun na Cúirte Dúithche, diúltú a dhin ceannphort den Ghárda Síochána roimhe sin do dheimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta do thabhairt uaidh;


(e) mar gheall ar a charachtar ghenerálta no ar a bhéasa aitheanta nách duine oiriúnach chun ceadúnas geallghlacadóra do bheith aige an t-iarratasóir.


Ceadúnaisí geallghlacadóra do thabhairt amach.

5.—(1) Einne dá dtabharfar deimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta féadfa sé, laistigh de lá is fiche tar éis tabhairt-amach an deimhnithe sin, ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra d'iarraidh i scríbhinn ar na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim sa bhfuirm orduithe i gcóir pé tréimhse nách sia ná bliain agus dar tosach pé dáta nách déanaí ná ceithre lá déag tar éis dáta an iarratais a luadhfa sé san iarratas.


(2) Nuair a seachadfar iarratas den tsórt san roimhráite do sna Coimisinéirí Ioncuim agus a íocfidh an t-iarratasóir leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim an diúité máil a bheidh do réir dlí de thurus na huaire le n'íoc ag lucht ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra do thógaint amach i gcóir na tréimhse a luaidhtear san iarratas, tabharfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim amach don iarratasóir ceadúnas geallghlacadóra ina mbeidh sé ráite go mbeidh an ceadúnas san i bhfeidhm ar feadh pé tréimhse nách sia ná bliain agus dar tosach pé dáta nách déanaí ná ceithre lá déag tar éis dáta an iarratais sin a luadhadh chuige sin san iarratas san.


(3) Beidh gach ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra sa bhfuirm orduithe agus oibreoidh sé chun a údarú agus déarfar ann go n-údaruíonn sé don té dá dtabharfar amach é (agus ainmneofar ann é) gníomhú agus gnó do dhéanamh mar gheall-ghlacadóir faid a fhanfidh an ceadúnas i bhfeidhm ach san fé réir na sriantachtaí agus na dtoirmeasc uile agus gan dochar dóibh a bheidh forchurtha le dlí de thurus na huaire maidir leis na háiteanna ina bhféadfar gnó glactha geall do dhéanamh.


(4) Mara gceiliúrtar agus go dtí go gceiliúrfar fén Acht so é fanfidh gach ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra i bhfeidhm ar feadh na tréimhse a bheidh luaidhte ann chuige sin.


An clár d'oifigí glactha geall.

6.—(1) Cimeádfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim clár (dá ngairmtear an clár d'oifigí glactha geall san Acht so) sa bhfuirm orduithe, d'áitreabhacha ina mbeidh gnó glactha geall á dhéanamh agus cláróid ann gach áitreabh a bheidh ortha, de bhua an Achta so, a chlárú ann.


(2) Iontrálfar sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall, maidir le gach áitreabh a bheidh cláruithe ann, ainm a dhílseánaigh, tuairisc chruinn ar an áitreabh, agus pé mion-innste eile a bheidh orduithe.


Deimhniú oiriúnachta áitribh.

7.—(1) Einne gur mian leis aon áitreabh dar dílseánach é do chlárú no a chlárú do bhuanú sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall, féadfa sé deimhniú (dá ngairmtear deimhniú oiriúnachta áitribh san Acht so) go bhfuil an t-áitreabh san oiriúnach chun a chláruithe sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall d'iarraidh sa tslí orduithe ar cheannphort Ghárda Síochána an cheanntair ina bhfuil an t-áitreabh suidhte. Ní foláir beirt Fheadhmannach Síochána don cheanntar ina gcomhnuíonn an t-iarratasóir do bheith ag aontú leis an iarratas san agus deimhneoid a n-aontú tríd an iarratas do shighniú; agus coicíos ar a laighead no mí ar a mhéid roimh dháta déanta an iarratais cuirfidh an t-iarratasóir i dhá bpáipeur nuachta ar a laighead a léightear sa cheanntar fógrán go bhfuil sé chun an deimhniú san d'iarraidh.


(2) Aon cheannphort den Ghárda Síochána ar a n-iarrfar deimhniú oiriúnachta áitribh go cuibhe fén alt so, más deimhin leis gur geall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe an t-iarratasóir no gur sealbhóir é ar dheimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta a tugadh amach tar éis dáta an iarratais no seacht lá ar a mhéid roimhe sin, déanfa sé ceachtar den dá ní seo a leanas laistigh de cheithre lá déag tar éis do an t-iarratas san d'fháil, pé ní acu is dó leis ina aigne féin is ceart, sé sin le rá, deimhniú do thabhairt don iarratasóir, sa bhfuirm orduithe, go bhfuil an t-áitreabh le n-a mbaineann an t-iarratas oiriúnach chun a chláruithe sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall no, ar aon scór no scóranna dá n-údaruítear ina dhiaidh seo anso, diúltú don deimhniú san do thabhairt uaidh.


Scóranna ar ar féidir deimhniú oiriúnachta áitribh do dhiúltú.

8.—Féadfar deimhniú oiriúnachta áitribh do dhiúltú ar aon scór no scóranna acu so a leanas agus ní har aon scór eile in aon chor, sé sin le rá:—


(a) nách geall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe ná sealbhóir deimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta an t-iarratasóir;


(b) nách é an t-iarratasóir dílseánach an áitribh;


(c) go bhfuil an t-áitreabh ana-chomhgarach d'áit adhartha Dé, d'fhundúireacht chreidimh, do scoil, do bhureau fostaíochta, do mhonarchain no d'oibreacha, no d'áit eile den tsórt san gur ann no in aice leis a chruinníonn sluaite móra daoine, no go bhfuil an t-áitreabh i líomatáiste chomhnathóireachta;


(d) go bhfuil an t-áitreabh ana-chomhgarach d'áitreabh is eol a bheith á ghnáthú ag lucht droch-fhuadair;


(e) go bhfuil slí isteach san áitreabh chun áitribh eile;


(f) gur cláruíodh an t-áitreabh cheana sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall agus gur baineadh as an gclár san é do réir ordú ón gcúirt;


(g) go bhfuil an t-áitreabh cláruithe sa chlár d'áitreabhacha glactha geall agus le linn a bheith cláruithe amhlaidh gur thárla nea-rialtachtaí de dheascaibh an t-áitreabh do bheith ana-chomhgarach d'áitreabh fé cheadúnas chun deocha meisciúla do dhíol;


(h) gur ciontuíodh an t-iarratasóir roimhe sin i gcionta fén Acht so no fé aon Acht eile maidir leis an áitreabh no maidir le haon áitreabh cláruithe eile dar dhílseánach cláruithe é nuair a dineadh an cionta;


(i) má tá an t-áitreabh no má bhí sé roimhe sin cláruithe sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall, gur thárla uair éigin le linn an t-iarratasóir do bheith ina dhílseánach chláruithe ar an áitreabh gur dineadh gnó glactha na ngeall ann ar chuma mhí-ordúil no i slí a chur fé ndeár mórán daoine bheith ag cruinniú agus ag leadránacht san áitreabh no lasmuich de no a mheall iad chuige sin;


(j) go bhfuil an t-iarratasóir ina dhílseánach chláruithe ar áitreabh chláruithe eile no go raibh roimhe sin agus go bhfuil gnó glactha na ngeall á dhéanamh no, le linn an t-iarratasóir do bheith ina dhílseánach chláruithe amhlaidh, go raibh an gnó san á dhéanamh san áitreabh san ar chuma mhí-ordúil no i slí a chur fé ndeár mórán daoine bheith ag cruinniú agus ag leadránacht san áitreabh no lasmuich de no a mheall iad chuige sin.


Clárú sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall.

9.—(1) Aon gheall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe dar tugadh deimhniú oiriúnachta áitribh i dtaobh aon áitribh dar dílseánach é féadfa sé, laistigh de lá is fiche tar éis tabhairt-amach an deimhnithe sin, a iarraidh ar na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim i scríbhinn sa bhfuirm orduithe an t-áitreabh a luaidhtear sa deimhniú san do chlárú no a chlárú d'athnuachaint sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall agus, nuair a seachadfar an t-iarratas san do sna Coimisinéirí Ioncuim agus a íocfidh an t-iarratasóir leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim an diúité máil is gá do réir dlí de thurus na huaire a íoc nuair a cláruítear áitreabh no a hathnuaitear clárú áitribh sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall, cláróidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim an t-áitreabh san no athnuafid a chlárú sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall agus tabharfid amach don iarratasóir deimhniú sa bhfuirm orduithe ar an gclárú san no ar an athnuachaint sin ar chlárú.


(2) Mara ndintar agus go dtí go ndéanfar é bhaint as an gclár fén Acht so no dá bhua, leanfidh aon áitreabh a clárófar sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall de bheith cláruithe amhlaidh go meán oíche an chéad 31adh lá de Dheire Fomhair tar éis a chláruithe agus bainfar as an gclár san ansan é (marar hathnuadh an clárú fén Acht so).


(3) Gach athnuachaint ar chlárú aon áitribh sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall tosnóidh sí agus raghaidh sí in éifeacht o dhul in éag do chlárú an áitribh sin no don athnuachaint is déanaí a dineadh ar an gclárú san (pe'ca aca is gá sa chás) sa chlár san agus, mara ndintar agus go dtí go ndéanfar é bhaint as an gclár fén Acht so no dá bhua, leanfidh an t-áitreabh san de bheith cláruithe amhlaidh go meán oíche an chéad 31adh lá de Dheire Fomhair tar éis tosach feidhme na hathnuachainte sin agus bainfar as an gclár san ansan é (mar n-athnuaitear an clárú arís fén Acht so).


(4) Isé am ina n-iarrfar go n-athnuafí clárú aon áitribh sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall ná roimh dhul in éag ach ní níos luatha ná ceithre lá déag roimh dhul in éag do chlárú no don athnuachaint is déanaí a dineadh ar chlárú an áitribh sin sa chlár san.


Athchomharc i gcoinnibh deimhniú do dhiúltú.

10.—(1) Má dhiúltuíonn ceannphort den Ghárda Síochána do dheimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta no deimhniú oiriúnachta áitribh do thabhairt uaidh, ansan, ar a éileamh san don té d'iarr an deimhniú laistigh de shé lá tar éis an diúltuithe déanfa sé ráiteas i scríbhinn do thabhairt don iarratasóir sin sa bhfuirm orduithe i dtaobh na scóranna ar ar dhiúltuigh sé don deimhniú do thabhairt uaidh.


(2) Einne dar dhiúltuigh ceannphort den Ghárda Síochána deimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta no deimhniú oiriúnachta áitribh, féadfa sé athchomharc do dhéanamh sa bhfuirm orduithe chun na Cúirte Dúithche i gcoinnibh an diúltuithe sin laistigh de lá is fiche tar éis ráiteas i scríbhinn d'fháil ón gceannphort san i dtaobh na scóranna ar ar dineadh an diúltú san.


(3) Gach éinne a dhéanfidh athchomharc chun na Cúirte Dúithche fén alt so déanfa sé, sa tslí orduithe agus laistigh den aimsir orduithe, fógra i dtaobh an athchomhairc sin do thabhairt don cheannphort san den Ghárda Síochána agus fós do sna Coimisinéirí Ioncuim.


(4) Ar éisteacht aon athchomhairc den tsórt san féadfidh an Chúirt Dúithche diúltú an deimhnithe do dhaingniú no do nealomháil, agus, má nea-lomhálann an Chúirt Dúithche amhlaidh diúltú a dineadh um an deimhniú, déanfidh an ceannphort san den Ghárda Síochána deimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta no deimhniú oiriúnachta áitribh, pe'ca aca is gá sa chás, do thabhairt don athchomharcóir laistigh de thrí lá tar éis na nea-lomhála san.


(5) Bainfidh na forálacha so a leanas le gach athchomharc fén alt so, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ní héistfar aon pháirtí i gcoinnibh an athchomhairc ach ceannphort an Ghárda Síochána agus na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim;


(b) bainfidh alt 27 den Inland Revenue Regulation Act, 1890, leis an athchomharc sa tslí chéanna ina mbaineann sé leis na himeachta a bhaineann le hioncum dúithche;


(c) aon scór chun diúltuithe a luaidhtear sa ráiteas scríbhte i dtaobh scóranna chun diúltuithe féadfar é sin agus ní féadfar aon scór eile do chur i gcoinnibh an athchomhairc;


(d) má daingnítear an diúltú féadfidh an Chúirt a ordú don athchomharcóir costaisí cheannphort an Ghárda Síochána d'íoc agus féadfa sí méid na gcostaisí sin do mheas;


(e) ní luighfidh aon athchomharc chun na Cúirte Cuarda fé alt 84 den Acht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924 (Uimh. 10 de 1924).


Ceadúnaisí sealadacha agus clárú sealadach go breith ar athchomharc.

11.—(1) Má dhiúltuíonn ceannphort den Ghárda Síochána do ghéille d'iarratas ar dheimhniú oiriúnachta pearsanta agus go lóisteálfar athchomharc chun na Cúirte Dúithche i gcoinnibh an diúltuithe sin, ansan, má ba gheall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe an t-iarratasóir le linn an t-iarratas do dhéanamh agus ar feadh naoi mí ar a laighead roimhe sin, féadfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim, gan íoc aon diúité ach fé réir pé coiníollacha is oiriúnach leo d'fhorchur, ceadúnas sealadach geall-ghlacadóra do thabhairt amach don iarratasóir sin i gcóir pé tréimhse is oiriúnach leo ach gan í dhul thar dheire na seacht lá tar éis breith a bheith tabhartha ar an athchomharc san agus faid a bheidh gach ceadúnas sealadach geall-ghlacadóra den tsórt san i bhfeidhm beidh sé ina cheadúnas gheall-ghlacadóra do réir bhrí an Achta so.


(2) Má dhiúltuíonn ceannphort an Ghárda Síochána do ghéille d'iarratas ar dheimhniú oiriúnachta áitribh i dtaobh áitribh is áitreabh cláruithe ar dháta an iarratais sin, agus go lóisteálfar athchomharc chun na Cúirte Dúithche i gcoinnibh an diúltuithe sin, féadfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim, gan íoc aon diúité ach fé réir pé coiníollacha is oiriúnach leo d'fhorchur, an t-áitreabh san do choinneáil ar an gclár d'oifigí glactha geall go dtí go dtabharfar breith ar an athchomharc san.


Féadfidh an chúirt ceadúnaisí no clárú do chur ar ceal.

12.—(1) Má ciontuítear geall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe in aon choir no in aon chionta fén Acht so no fé aon Acht eile agus gur dó leis an gCúirt a chiontóidh no gur ina láthair a ciontófar an geall-ghlacadóir sin amhlaidh, maidir leis an gcoir no leis an gcionta san, gur ní é de shaghas no de charachtar no a dineadh ina leithéid de chás go mbeadh an geall-ghlacadóir a dhin é ina dhuine neamh-oiriúnach chun leanúint i seilbh cheadúnais gheallghlacadóra, féadfidh an Chúirt sin an ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra a bhí ag an ngeall-ghlacadóir sin do cheiliúra nuair a bheidh sí ag tabhairt breithe air.


(2) Má ciontuítear dílseánach cláruithe aon áitribh chláruithe i gcionta fé aon alt den Acht so maidir leis an áitreabh san agus, mar gheall ar shaghas agus ar charachtar an chionta agus mar gheall ar an gcás in ar dineadh é, gur dó leis an gCúirt a chiontóidh no gur ina láthair a ciontófar an dílseánach san ná fuil sé oiriúnach go leanfadh an t-áitreabh san de bheith cláruithe sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall, féadfidh an Chúirt sin, le linn breith do thabhairt ar an dílseánach san agus i dteanta no d'éamais an ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra a bheidh ar seilbh aige do cheiliúra, a ordú go mbainfar an t-áitreabh san as an gclár d'oifigí glactha geall.


(3) Má dhineann cúirt ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra do cheiliúra fén alt so no má orduíonn cúirt fén alt so aon áitreabh cláruithe do bhaint as an gclár d'oifigí glactha geall, déanfidh clárathóir, cléireach, no príomh-oifigeach eile na cúirte sin an ceiliúra san no an t-ordú san (pe'ca aca é) do chur in úil do sna Coimisinéirí Ioncuim agus leis sin cuirfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim an ceiliúra san ar breaca no bainfid an t-áitreabh san as an gclár d'oifigí glactha geall, pe'ca aca is gá sa chás.


(4) Má ceiliúrtar ceadúnas geall-ghlacadóra fén alt so déanfidh an geall-ghlacadóir no an duine eile go mbeidh an ceadúnas san ar seilbh no i gcimeád aige le linn an cheiliúrtha san an ceadúnas san do sheachada d'oifigeach custum agus máil laistigh de sheacht lá tar éis an cheiliúrtha san agus cuirfidh an t-oifigeach san an ceadúnas san ar ceal láithreach, agus gach geall-ghlacadóir no duine eile den tsórt san ná seachadfidh an ceadúnas san amhlaidh beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil mháil de dheich bpúint do chur air.


Aitreabh do bhaint as clár d'oifigí glactha geall.

13.—(1) Má scuireann dílseánach cláruithe aonair aon áitribh chláruithe de bheith ina gheall-ghlacadóir cheadúnuithe no de bheith ina dhílseánach ar an áitreabh san, bainfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim an t-áitreabh san as an gclár d'oifigí glactha geall láithreach ar fháil eolais dóibh ar an scur san.


(2) Má bhíonn roinnt daoine cláruithe sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall mar chó-dhílseánaigh chláruithe ar aon áitreabh cláruithe agus go scuirfidh na daoine sin uile de bheith ina ndílseánaigh ar an áitreabh san, bainfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim an t-áitreabh san as an gclár d'oifigí glactha geall láithreach ar fháil eolais dóibh ar an scur san.


(3) Má bhíonn roinnt daoine cláruithe sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall mar chó-dhílseánaigh chláruithe ar aon áitreabh cláruithe agus go scuirfidh gach duine no aon duine no daoine acu san de bheith ina gheall-ghlacadóir no ina ngeall-ghlacadóirí ceadúnuithe, bainfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim an t-áitreabh san as an gclár d'oifigí glactha geall láithreach ar fháil eolais dóibh ar an scur san.


(4) Má bhaineann na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim aon áitreabh cláruithe as an gclár d'oifigí glactha geall fén alt so no do réir ordú ón gcúirt, ansan, an té ba dhílseánach cláruithe ar an áitreabh san díreach sarar baineadh an t-áitreabh san as an gclár amhlaidh déanfa sé, ar éileamh i scríbhinn a seachadfar ag an áitreabh san no a cuirfar tríd an bpost chun an áitribh sin, an deimhniú is déanaí ar chlárú no ar athnuachaint chlárú an áitribh sin do sheachada do sna Coimisinéirí Ioncuim no do chur chucha agus gach duine den tsórt san ná déanfidh an deimhniú san do sheachada dhóibh no do chur chúcha amhlaidh laistigh de sheacht lá tar éis an éilimh sin beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil mháil d'fhiche punt do chur air.


Forálacha i dtaobh có-dhílseánach cláruithe.

14.—(1) Féadfar beirt gheall-ghlacadóirí ceadúnuithe no níos mó do chlárú sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall mar chó-dhílseánaigh ar aon áitreabh a bheidh cláruithe sa chlár san.


(2) Má thagann geall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe chun bheith ina dhílseánach, i dteanta an dílseánaigh no na ndílseánach cláruithe, ar aon áitreabh cláruithe, agus go gcruthófar na dátáin agus aontú an dílseánaigh no na ndílseánach cláruithe chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Ioncuim déanfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim an geallghlacadóir ceadúnuithe sin d'iontráil sa chlár d'oifigí glactha geall mar dhílseánach chláruithe ar an áitreabh san i dteanta an duine no na ndaoine a bheidh cláruithe cheana mar dhílseánach no mar dhílseánaigh den tsórt san.


(3) Má scuireann éinne amháin de chó-dhílseánaigh chláruithe uile agus fé seach aon áitribh chláruithe de bheith ar dhuine de dhílseánaigh an áitribh sin agus go gcruthófar na dátáin agus aontú na ndílseánach no an dílseánaigh chláruithe eile chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Ioncuim déanfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim ainm an dílseánaigh chláruithe a céad-luaidhtear do bhaint as an gcuid den chlár d'oifigí glactha geall a bhaineann leis an áitreabh san.


Cead gnó do dhéanamh in áitreabh cláruithe.

15.—(1) Beidh sé dleathach do dhílseánach chláruithe aon áitribh chláruithe faid a leanfa sé de bheith ina gheall-ghlacadóir cheadúnuithe gnó glactha geall do dhéanamh san áitreabh san fé réir forálacha an Achta so.


(2) Ní dhéanfidh éinne ach dílseánach cláruithe an áitribh aon cheárd, gairm, ná gnó in aon chor do chleachta in aon áitreabh cláruithe.


(3) Ní chleachtfidh dílseánach cláruithe aon áitribh chláruithe san áitreabh san, ná ní cheadóidh sé go gcleachtfí ann, ná go n-úsáidfí é chun go gcleachtfí ann, aon cheárd, gairm ná gnó in aon chor ach amháin an gnó glactha geall a dhineann an dílseánach cláruithe ann.


(4) Ní bhunóidh dílseánach cláruithe aon áitribh chláruithe ná ní chimeádfa sé ar siúl san áitreabh san aon tarrac (lasmuich dá ghnó glactha geall amháin do dhéanamh) a dhéanfadh no is dócha a dhéanfadh daoine do thabhairt no do mhealla chun cruinniú le chéile istigh san áitreabh san no lasmuich de.


(5) Ní bhainfidh an Betting Houses Act, 1853, le háitreabhacha cláruithe.


(6) Gach éinne a chleachtfidh aon cheárd, gairm, no gnó in aon áitreabh cláruithe no a cheadóidh a leithéid do chleachta ann no a cheadóidh aon áitreabh cláruithe d'úsáid chun a leithéid do chleachta ann contrárdha don alt so no a bhunóidh no a chimeádfidh ar siúl in aon áitreabh cláruithe aon tarrac contrárdha don alt so, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil mháil de chéad punt do chur air.


Uaire gnótha in áitreabh cláruithe.

16.—(1) Ní déanfar áitreabh cláruithe d'oscailt ná do chimeád ar oscailt chun gnó do dhéanamh aon uair aon Domhnach, Lá Nodlag, ná Aoine an Chéasta ná roimh a naoi a chlog ar maidin ná tar éis a sé a chlog tráthnóna aon lá eile.


(2) Má dintar agus nuair a déanfar aon áitreabh cláruithe d'oscailt no do chimeád ar oscailt contrárdha don alt so beidh dílseánach cláruithe an áitribh sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil mháil de chaoga punt do chur air.


An deimhniú ar chlárú do bheith ar taisbeáint.

17.—(1) Cuirfidh dílseánach cláruithe aon áitribh chláruithe fé ndeár an deimhniú ar chlárú an áitribh sin no, má athnuadhadh an clárú san, an deimhniú is déanaí ar athnuachaint chlárú an áitribh sin do bheith ar taisbeáint go so-fheicse san áitreabh san gach aon uair a bheidh an t-áitreabh san ar oscailt chun gnó do dhéanamh.


(2) Gach dílseánach cláruithe ná cólíonfidh an t-alt so beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil mháil de dheich bpúint do chur air maraon le fíneáil mháil eile de deich bpúint, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, in aghaidh gach lae a leanfidh an cionta.


Taisbeánfar ceadúnaisí geallghlacadóra nuair a héileofar san.

18.—(1) Féadfidh aon oifigeach custuim agus máil no aon bhall den Ghárda Síochána a éileamh ar éinne a thabharfa sé fé ndeara a bheith i mbun no ag déanamh gnó glactha geall a cheadúnas geall-ghlacadóra do thaisbeáint, agus más rud é go n-eiteoidh an duine sin no ná déanfa sé an ceadúnas san do thaisbeáint, no má thaisbeánann an duine sin an ceadúnas san ach go n-eiteoidh sé no ná déanfa sé a leigint don oifigeach no don bhall san an ceadúnas san do léigheamh agus do scrúdú beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so.


(2) Einne ar a n-éileofar go dleathach fén alt so a cheadúnas geall-ghlacadóra do thaisbeáint agus a eiteoidh no ná déanfidh an ceadúnas san do thaisbeáint no a thaisbeánfidh an ceadúnas san ach ná déanfidh no a eiteoidh a leigint don oifigeach custuim agus máil no don bhall den Ghárda Síochána do dhin an t-éileamh an ceadúnas san do léigheamh agus do scrúdú, féadfidh an t-oifigeach no an ball san a ainm agus a sheola d'éileamh ar an duine sin agus más rud é go n-eiteoidh no ná déanfidh an duine sin a ainm do thabhairt uaidh, no ná déanfidh no go n-eiteoidh sé a sheola do thabhairt uaidh, no go dtabharfa sé uaidh ainm no seola atá bréagach no mí-threorach, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so.


(3) Féadfidh aon bhall den Ghárda Síochána gabháil gan barántas do dhéanamh—


(a) ar éinne a eiteoidh no ná déanfidh a cheadúnas geall ghlacadóra do thaisbeáint nuair a héileofar air go dleathach fén alt so an ceadúnas san do thaisbeáint, no a thaisbeánfidh an ceadúnas san ach a eiteoidh no ná déanfidh a leigint don oifigeach custum agus máil no don bhall den Ghárda Síochána do dhin an t-éileamh an ceadúnas san do léigheamh agus do scrúdú, no


(b) ar éinne a eiteoidh no ná déanfidh a ainm do thabhairt uaidh no a eiteoidh no ná déanfidh a sheola do thabhairt uaidh nuair a héileofar a ainm agus a sheola air go dleathach fén alt so, no a thabharfidh uaidh ainm no seola atá bréagach no mí-threorach go bhfios don oifigeach custum agus máil no don bhall den Ghárda Síochána do dhin an t-éileamh.


(4) Einne a bheidh ciontach i gcionta fén alt so dlighfar, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair, fíneáil mháil d'fhiche punt do chur air.


(5) Einne ná déanfidh, toisc nách geall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe é, a cheadúnas geall-ghlacadóra do thaisbeáint nuair a héileofar air go dleathach fén alt so an ceadúnas san do thaisbeáint tuigfar do réir bhrí an ailt seo nár thaisbeáin sé a cheadúnas geallghlacadóra.


Comhachta chun dul isteach agus lorgaireacht do dhéanamh.

19.—(1) Féadfidh aon oifigeach custuim agus máil no aon bhall den Ghárda Síochána dul isteach in aon áitreabh cláruithe aon uair a bheidh an t-áitreabh san no a bheidh amhras ar an oifigeach no ar an mball san an t-áitreabh san do bheith ar oscailt chun aon ghnó do dhéanamh, agus pé cuardach agus lorgaireacht do dhéanamh ann is dó leis an oifigeach no leis an mball san is ceart agus pé ceisteanna is dó leis an oifigeach no leis an mball san is ceart i dtaobh an áitribh sin agus i dtaobh an ghnótha a dintar ann do chur chun éinne a gheobhfar san áitreabh san.


(2) Féadfidh aon oifigeach custum agus máil aon uair dul isteach in aon áitreabh (nách áitreabh cláruithe) ina ndintar no go bhfuil amhras ar an oifigeach san go ndintar ann gnó glactha geall, agus pé cuardach agus lorgaireacht do dhéanamh ann is dó leis an oifigeach san is ceart, agus a ainm agus a sheola d'éileamh ar éinne a gheobhfar san áitreabh san, agus pé ceisteanna is dó leis an oifigeach san is ceart i dtaobh an áitribh sin agus i dtaobh an ghnótha a dintar ann do chur chun éinne den tsórt san.


(3) Gach éinne a dhéanfidh éinní acu so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) aon oifigeach custum agus máil no aon bhall den Ghárda Síochána do bhac no do chosc agus é ag feidhmiú aon chomhachta dá mbronntar ar an oifigeach no ar an mball san leis an alt so, no


(b) faillí no diúltú um fhreagra do thabhairt, chó fada le n-a eolas agus le n-a chumas, ar aon cheist a chuirfidh aon oifigeach no ball den tsórt san chuige i bhfeidhmiú comhachta a bronntar chuige sin leis an alt so, no


(c) freagra is eol do a bheith bréagach no mí-threorach do thabhairt ar aon cheist den tsórt san, no


(d) nuair a héileofar a ainm no a sheola air ag aon oifigeach den tsórt san i bhfeidhmiú comhachta a bronntar chuige sin leis an alt so, faillí no diúltú um a ainm do thabhairt uaidh, no faillí no diúltú um a sheola do thabhairt uaidh, no ainm no seola, bréagach no míthreorach, do thabhairt uaidh,


beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair, dlighfar fíneáil mháil d'fhiche punt do chur air.


Cosaint do dhaoine ar fostú ag geallghlacadóirí.

20.—(1) Chun crícheanna an Achta so ní tuigfar duine do bheith ag gníomhú ná ag déanamh gnótha mar gheall-ghlacadóir de bhrí é bheith ar fostú ag geall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe chun gníomhuithe mar chléireach no mar chongantóir do agus dá bhrí sin amháin más rud é ná dineann an duine sin ach gníomhú mar chléireach no mar chongantóir den tsórt san in áitreabh cláruithe dar dílseánach cláruithe an geall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe sin no i láthair pearsan an gheall-ghlacadóra cheadúnuithe sin agus ná fuil luach saothair an duine sin i bpáirt no go hiomlán ag brath ar an méid gnótha no proifite a dhineann an geall-ghlacadóir ceadúnuithe sin ná ná háirítear é i bpáirt no go hiomlán tré fhéachaint chun an chéanna.


(2) Beidh sé dleathach do dílseánach chláruithe áitribh chláruithe cléirigh agus congantóirí do bheith ar fostú aige san áitreabh san fé mar a bheidh riachtanach do réir réasúin chun a ghnó do dhéanamh mar gheall-ghlacadóir san áitreabh san, ach gan luacha saothair fé seach na gcléireach agus na gcongantóirí sin do bheith ag brath i bpáirt no go hiomlán ar an méid gnótha no proifite a dhineann an geall-ghlacadóir sin agus gan iad d'áireamh i bpáirt no go hiomlán tré fhéachaint chun an chéanna.


(3) Einne a bheidh ar fostú ag dílseánach cláruithe áitribh chláruithe mar chléireach no mar chongantóir san áitreabh san agus 'na mbeidh a fhostú mar chléireach no mar chongantóir den tsórt san dleathach fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo, ní tuigfar chun crícheanna an Achta so é bheith ag gníomhú ná ag déanamh gnótha mar gheall-ghlacadóir de bhrí é bheith ag gníomhú mar chléireach no mar chongantóir den tsórt san agus dá bhrí sin amháin.


Toirmiscthear geall do chur le daoine lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann.

21.—(1) Ní bheidh sé dleathach d'éinne agus é i Saorstát Éireann geall do chur ná do dhéanamh ná tabhairt fé gheall do chur no do dhéanamh le duine a bheidh lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann an uair sin ná éinne a bheidh lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann de thurus na huaire d'fhostú ná comhacht ná ordú do thabhairt do chun geall do chur no do dhéanamh do no ar a shon, ná tabhairt fé éinne den tsórt san d'fhostú no comhacht no ordú do thabhairt do chuige sin.


(2) Gach éinne a chuirfidh no a dhéanfidh geall, no a thabharfidh fé gheall do chur no do dhéanamh, contrárdha don alt so, no a fhostóidh éinne no a thabharfidh comhacht no ordú dho chun geall do chur no do dhéanamh, contrárdha don alt so, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil mháil do chéad punt do chur air.


Comhachta don Aire Puist agus Telegrafa.

22.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire Puist agus Telegrafa aon phacáid phuist do choinneáil 'na mbeidh amhras scéala le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so do bheith inti agus cuirfe sé chun na gCoimisinéirí Ioncuim gach pacáid phuist a coinneofar amhlaidh agus féadfidh na Coimisinéirí sin an phacáid d'oscailt agus do scrúdú agus má gheibhid inti aon scéala le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so féadfid an phacáid agus a mbeidh inti do choinneáil chun cúiseamh do dhéanamh, agus mara bhfaghaid aon scéala den tsórt san inti cuirfid an phacáid agus a mbeidh inti tríd an bpost chun an té chun ar seoladh í.


(2) Má gheibheann an tAire Puist agus Telegrafa, le cur chun siúil tríd an telegraf, teachtaireacht a dheabhruíonn a bheith ina scéala le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so, féadfa sé cóip den teachtaireacht san do chur chun na gCoimisinéirí Ioncuim maraon le pé eolas ina taobh is oiriúnach leis a chur chúcha no a iarrfidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim.


(3) Féadfidh an tAire Puist agus Telegrafa, tar éis do dul i gcomhairle leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim, rialacháin do dhéanamh chun na comhachta d'fheidhmiú agus chun na dualgaisí do dhéanamh a bronntar no a forchuirtar air leis an alt so.


(4) Baineann an t-alt so le gach scéala o dhuine i Saorstát Éireann (dá ngairmtear an seoltóir ina dhiaidh seo anso) chun duine lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann (dá ngairmtear an seolaí ina dhiaidh seo anso) tré n-a dtugann an seoltóir le tuisgint ar a shon féin no ar son duine eile go bhfuil sé ag cur no ag déanamh gill leis an seolaí no tré n-a dtugann an seoltóir le tuisgint go bhfuil sé ag fostú an tseolaí no ag tabhairt comhachta no orduithe dho chun geall do chur no do dhéanamh don tseoltóir no d'éinne eile no ar a shon.


(5) Sa mhéid go mbaineann an t-alt so le pacáidí puist léighfar agus léireofar é i dteanta na Post Office Acts, 1908 to 1920, agus sa mhéid go mbaineann sé le telegrama léighfar agus léireofar é mar éinní amháin leis na Telegraph Acts, 1863 to 1920.


Toirmiscthear suimitheoirí neacheadúnuithe.

23.—(1) Fé réir na n-eisceacht a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso ní bheidh sé dleathach d'éinne suimitheoir do chur ar bun, do choinneáil ar siúl, ná d'oibriú ach sa mhéid agus sa tslí go n-údarófar an cur-ar-bun, an choinneáil-ar-siúl agus an t-oibriú san le ceadúnas a deonfar chuige sin fén Acht so.


(2) Gach éinne a chuirfidh ar bun, a choinneoidh ar siúl no a oibreoidh suimitheoir contrárdha don alt so beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfar fíneáil mháil de chúig céad punt do chur air.


(3) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le haon tsuimitheoir a cuirfar ar bun, a coinneofar ar siúl agus a hoibreofar ag na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim fé údarás a bheidh bronnta ortha ag an Aire chuige sin fén Acht so.


Deona ceadúnaisí suimitheora.

24.—(1) Más oiriúnach agus nuair is oiriúnach leis é féadfidh an tAire ceadúnaisí (dá ngairmtear ceadúnaisí suimitheora san Acht so) do dheona do pé daoine is oiriúnach leis chun suimitheoirí do chur ar bun, do choinneáil ar siúl agus d'oibriú, agus oibreoidh gach ceadúnas den tsórt san chun a údarú don duine dá ndeonfar é (agus a ainmneofar sa cheadúnas) suimitheoir do chur ar bun, do choinneáil ar siúl agus d'oibriú san áit agus ar an ócáid no ar na hócáidí no ar feadh na tréimhse a bheidh luaidhte ann ach san fé réir na gcoiníoll, na sriantacht, agus na rialachán a bheidh luaidhte sa cheadúnas no a bheidh, de bhua an Achta so, ionchorparuithe leis an gceadúnas.


(2) Féadfidh an tAire a éileamh ar son deona aon cheadúnais tsuimitheora pé suim no suimeanna is oiriúnach leis a éileamh ar an gceadúnas san, agus féadfar an tsuim no na suimeanna a héileofar amhlaidh d'íoc ina híocaíocht amháin no ina sreath d'íocaíochtaí tréimhsiúla agus féadfa sí bheith ar mhéid shocruithe no ar mhéid atharathach agus sa chás dheiridh sin féadfar í áireamh tré fhéachaint chun na suimeanna do cuireadh ina ngill tríd an suimitheoir le n-a mbaineann an ceadúnas.


(3) Féadfar ceadúnas suimitheora do dheona i gcóir aon áit no áiteanna áirithe no i gcóir gach áite d'aicme no de shaghas no de shaghasanna, áirithe i Saorstát Éireann no in aon pháirt áirithe de Shaorstát Éireann agus féadfar é dheona i gcóir ócáide no ócáidí áirithe no i gcóir gach ócáide d'aicme no d'aicmí, no de shaghas no de shaghasanna, áirithe a eireoidh i rith tréimhse áirithe fé mar a bheidh oiriúnach dar leis an Aire.


(4) Féadfidh an tAire pé sriantachtaí agus coiníollacha is oiriúnach leis do chur le gach ceadúnas suimitheora fé leith a dheonfa sé.


Suimitheoirí a cuirfar ar bun ag na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim.

25.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire a údarú do sna Coimisinéirí Ioncuim suimitheoir do chur ar bun, do choinneáil ar siúl agus d'oibriú i pé áiteanna agus ar pé ócáidí is oiriúnach leis, no, más oiriúnach leis an Aire é, i pé áit agus ar pé ócáidí is oiriúnach leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim le toil an Aire.


(2) Ní údaróidh an t-alt so suimitheoir do chur ar bun in aon áit gan toil an té gur leis an áit no go bhfuil úsáid na háite sin no dul isteach chun na háite sin fé n-a stiúra.


Cad déanfar le táillí agus le proifit shuimitheora.

26.—Íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste no socrófar chun tairbhe dho ar pé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgid gach táille a híocfar ar dheona ceadúnaisí suimitheora fén Acht so agus gach proifit a gheobhaidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim as suimitheoirí d'oibriú fén Acht so.


Rialacháin i dtaobh suimitheoirí.

27.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh chun smacht do chimeád agus chun regleáil do dhéanamh ar shuimitheoirí do chur ar bun, do choinneáil ar siúl agus d'oibriú fé cheadúnaisí suimitheora, agus tuigfar gach rialachán den tsórt san do bheith ionchorparuithe le gach ceadúnas suimitheora a bheidh i bhfeidhm le linn feidhm an rialacháin sin.


(2) Féadfidh an tAire, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh chun regleáil do dhéanamh agus chun smacht do chimeád ar oibriú suimitheoirí a bheidh curtha ar bun ag na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim fén Acht so agus ar úsáid na suimitheoirí sin ag an bpuiblíocht no ag daoine den phuiblíocht dar féidir dul isteach sna háiteanna ina mbeidh na suimitheoirí sin curtha ar bun.


(3) Le haon rialachán a déanfar fén alt so féadfar a fhoráil go mbeidh aon tsárú no brise air ina chionta a bheidh intrialta ar an slí achmair agus a ordú cadé an fhíneáil no an fhíneáil is mó a féadfar a chur ar dhaoine a gheobhfar ciontach ar a gciontú sa chionta san ar an slí achmair agus féadfar a fhoráil leis fós go mbeidh an fhíneáil sin ina fíneáil mháil.



28.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire Airgid, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh ag ordú éinní no aon ruda a bhaineann leis na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim agus dá dtagartar san Acht so mar ní no mar rud atá orduithe no le hordú.


(2) Féadfidh an tAire Dlí agus Cirt, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh ag ordú éinní no aon ruda a bhaineann le baill den Ghárda Síochána no leis an gCúirt Dúithche agus dá dtagartar san Acht so mar ní no mar rud atá orduithe no le hordú.



29.—Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é íocfar amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas gach costas fé n-a raghfar ag cur an Achta so i bhfeidhm.


Gearr-theideal, tosach feidhme agus buaine.

30.—Féadfar an tAcht um Gheall-Chur, 1926, do ghairm den Acht so, agus tiocfa sé i ngníomh an 1adh lá de Mhí na Samhna, 1926, agus leanfa sé i bhfeidhm go ceann dhá bhlian ón dáta san agus ragha sé in éag ansan.