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Number 45 of 1924.
Section | |
Minister for Finance may make leases or licences of State lands. | |
Number 45 of 1924.
Minister for Finance may make leases or licences of State lands.
1.—(1) If in the opinion of the Minister for Finance it is in the public interest that any land which by virtue of Article 11 of the Constitution belongs to Saorstát Eireann should be granted by way of lease or licence to any person, the said Minister may by deed under his official seal either—
(a) demise such lands or any part thereof, with the buildings, if any, thereon but without the mines and minerals therein, to such person by way of lease for such term not exceeding ninety-nine years as the said Minister shall think proper, or
(b) grant to such person a licence to use and occupy such lands with the buildings, if any, thereon but without the mines and minerals therein, for such term not exceeding ninety-nine years as the said Minister shall think proper.
(2) Every lease or licence made or granted under this section shall (unless the Minister for Finance is of opinion that such lease or licence should in the public interest be made or granted free of any payment) be made or granted subject to the payment to the Minister for Finance for the use of the Central Fund of such moneys whether by way of fine or other preliminary payment or by way of rent or other periodical payment or by both such ways, as the said Minister shall think proper and shall agree upon with the person to whom such lease or licence is made or granted.
(3) Every such lease or licence as aforesaid shall be made or granted subject to and shall contain such covenants, conditions, and agreements (other than for the renewal of the lease or licence) as the Minister for Finance shall consider proper or desirable in the public interest or otherwise and shall agree upon with the person to whom such lease or licence is made or granted.
(4) No lease or licence made or granted under this section shall relate or extend to or include any mines or minerals.
Statement of lease or licence to be laid before Oireachtas.
2.—(1) Where the Minister for Finance proposes to make or grant a lease or licence under this Act he shall lay before each House of the Oireachtas a statement showing the person to whom such lease or licence is proposed to be made or granted, the property proposed to be included in such lease or licence, the fine, rent, or other payments (if any) proposed to be charged for such lease or licence, and the covenants, conditions, and agreements proposed to be inserted in such lease or licence.
(2) No lease or licence shall be made or granted under this Act until either—
(a) each House of the Oireachtas has by resolution authorised the making or granting of such lease or licence either with or without modification of any of the proposed provisions of such lease or licence, or
(b) the expiration of whichever of the following periods shall be the longer, that is to say:—
(i) twenty-one days after the first day on which either House of the Oireachtas shall sit next after the statement in accordance with this section shall have been laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas, or
(ii) twelve days on which either House of the Oireachtas shall have sat after the said statement shall have been so laid before the Houses.
(3) Where a resolution of either House of the Oireachtas authorises the making or granting of a licence under this Act subject to any modification of the proposed provisions of such lease or licence, such lease or licence shall not be granted save with and subject to such modification of its provisions.
(4) This section shall not apply to any lease or licence which may be made or granted under this Act and within three months after the passing thereof in relation to any of the lands and buildings specified in the Schedule to this Act or to any part of those lands or buildings and in accordance with the proposals specified in the said Schedule.
Short title.
3.—This Act may be cited as the State Lands Act, 1924.
Lands and Buildings | Purpose of proposed lease or licence | Proposed lessee or licensee | Duration of proposed lease or licence | Terms of proposed lease or licence |
1. The lands and buildings formerly known as Richmond Barracks and now known as Keogh Barracks, situate in the City of Dublin. | Housing of the working classes. | Council of the County Borough of Dublin | 99 years | Terms to be settled by arbitration. |
2. The lands and buildings known as Nos. 23, 24 and 25 Pearse St., situate in the Parish of St. Mark and City of Dublin. | Commercial purposes, Premises no longer required for State purposes. | Mr. B. B. Hopkins, Tailor & Outfitter, 26 Pearse Street, Dublin. | 99 years | Payment of fine of £1625 and sub-leases for 99 years on same terms as the premises are held by the State. No. 23 is held on lease expiring in September, 1930, at a rent of £60 per annum, lessor paying rates, and from September, 1930, on lease for 900 years at a rent of £70 per annum, lessee paying rates. Nos. 24 and 25 are held on lease for 999 years from 1904, at a rent of £140 per annum, lessor paying rates. |
3. The lands and buildings known as No. 14 Upper Sack-ville St. (commonly called Upper O'Connell Street) situate in the Parish of St. Thomas and City of Dublin. | Commercial or other purposes. Site no longer required for State purposes. | — | Will not exceed 99 years. | — |
4. The lands and buildings known as No. 15 Upper Sack-ville St. (commonly called Upper O'Connell St.), situate in the Parish of St. Thomas and City of Dublin. | Commercial or other purposes. Site no longer required for State purposes. | — | Will not exceed 99 years | — |
5. Part of the lands of Tallaght, now or lately used as an aerodrome and known as Tallaght Aerodrome, containing nine acres or thereabouts, statute measure, situate in the Barony of Uppercross and County of Dublin. | Commercial purposes. Premises no longer required for State purposes. | Messrs. Urney Chocolates, Ltd., 14 Lr. O'Connell St., Dublin. | 99 years | Arent of £50 per annum for the land. A rent-charge of £300 a year running for 15 years, in consideration of the buildings, lessees to pay rates. Water to be supplied at rate to be agreed upon. Fencing and sewage tank to be maintained by lessees. |
6. The lands and buildings situate in King Street, in the town of Clonmel and South Riding of the County of Tipperary, comprising a rifle range and military drill and exercise ground, and containing eighteen acres, three roods and thirty-eight perches, or thereabouts, Statute Measure. | Housing of the working classes. | Clonmel Urban District Council. | 99 years | Terms to be settled by arbitation. |
Uimhir 45 de 1924.
[5adh Lúnasa, 1924.]
Féadfidh an tAire Airgid tailte Stáit do chur ar léas no ar ceadúnas.
1.—(1) Más dó leis an Aire Airgid gurb é leas na puiblíochta aon talamh is le Saorstát Éireann de bhua Airtiogal 11 den Bhunreacht do dheona d'éinne ar léas no ar ceadúnas, féadfidh an tAire sin le dintiúir fé n-a shéala oifigiúil—
(a) na tailte sin no aon chuid díobh, maraon leis na foirgintí atá ar an gcéanna, más ann dóibh, ach d'éamais na mianach agus na minearál atá sa chéanna, do dheona don duine sin ar léas ar feadh pé téarma is dó leis an Aire sin is ceart agus nách sia ná naoi mbliana is nócha, no
(b) ceadúnas do dheona don duine sin chun na tailte sin d'úsáid agus do bheith ar seilbh aige, maraon leis na foirgintí atá ortha, más ann dóibh, ach d'éamais na mianach agus na minearál atá ionta, ar feadh pé téarma is dó leis an Aire is ceart agus nach sia ná naoi mbliana is nócha.
(2) Gach léas no ceadúnas a déanfar no a deonfar fén alt so is amhlaidh a déanfar no a deonfar é (maraon dó leis an Aire Airgid gur cheart, ar mhaithe leis an bpuiblíocht, é dhéanamh no é dheona in aisce) fé réir íoc do dhéanamh leis an Aire Airgid, chun úsáid an Phrímh-Chiste, mar fhíneáil no íoc eile roimh ré no mar chíos no íoc tréimhsiúil eile no ar an dá slí sin, i pé airgead is dó leis an Aire sin is ceart agus ar a socróidh sé leis an duine dá ndéanfar no dá ndeonfar an léas no an ceadúnas san.
(3) Is amhlaidh a déanfar no a deonfar gach léas no ceadúnas den tsórt san roimhráite fé réir pé cumhnanta, coiníollacha agus có-aontuithe agus beidh ann pé cumhnanta, coiníollacha agus có-aontuithe (nách cinn chun an léas no an ceadúnas d'athnuachaint) is dó leis an Aire Airgid is ceart no is maith chun an leasa phuiblí no ar aon tslí eile agus ar a socróidh sé leis an duine dá ndéanfar no dá ndeonfar an léas no an ceadúnas san.
(4) Aon léas no ceadúnas a déanfar no a deonfar fén alt so ní bhainfidh sé le haon mhianaigh ná minearáil, ná ní shroisfidh ná ní fholóidh sé iad.
Leagfar ráiteas i dtaobh an léasa no an cheadúnais fé bhráid an Oireachtais.
2.—(1) Má bhíonn an tAire Airgid ar aigne léas no ceadúnas do dhéanamh no do dheona fén Acht so leagfa sé fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas ráiteas ina dtaisbeánfar cé dho go bhfuiltar chun an léas no an ceadúnas san do dhéanamh no do dheona, an mhaoin atáthar ar aigne a chur sa léas no sa cheadúnas san, an fhíneáil, an cíos no na híocanna eile (más ann dóibh) atáthar ar aigne a éileamh ar son an léasa no an cheadúnais sin, agus na cumhnanta, na coiníollacha, agus na có-aontuithe atáthar ar aigne a chur sa léas no sa cheadúnas san.
(2) Ní déanfar na ní deonfar aon léas ná ceadúnas fén Acht so go dtí—
(a) go ndéanfidh gach Tigh den Oireachtas, le rún, a údarú go ndéanfar no go ndeonfar an léas no an ceadúnas san tar éis no gan atharú do dhéanamh ar aon cheann de sna forálacha atáthar ar aigne a chur sa léas no sa cheadúnas san, no
(b) go mbeidh deire le pe'ca ceann de sna tréimhsí seo leanas is sia, sé sin le rá:—
(i) lá is fiche tar éis an chéad lá a shuidhfidh aon Tigh den Oireachtas tar éis an ráiteas a bheith leagtha fé bhráid Tithe an Oireachtais do réir an ailt seo, no
(ii) dhá lá dhéag a shuidhfidh aon Tigh den Oireachtas tar éis an ráiteas san a bheith leaghta amhlaidh fé bhráid na dTithe.
(3) Má údaruítear le rún a rithfidh aon Tigh den Oireachtas ceadúnas do dhéanamh no do dheona fén Acht so fé réir aon atharú dhéanamh ar na forálacha atáthar ar aigne a chur sa léas no sa cheadúnas san, ní deonfar an léas ná an céadúnas san ach tar éis agus fé réir an atharú san do dhéanamh ar a fhorálacha.
(4) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le haon léas ná ceadúnas a déanfar no a deonfar fén Acht so agus laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis rithe an Achta so, maidir le haon cheann de sna tailte agus na foirgintí sin a luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so ná maidir le haon chuid de sna tailte ná na foirgintí sin, agus do réir na dtairisgintí a luaidhtear sa Sceideal san.
3.—Féadfar Acht na dTailte Stáit, 1924, do ghairm den Acht so.
Tailte agus Foirgintí | Cad chuige an léas no an ceadúnas atá beartuithe | Cé atá beartuithe chun bheith ina léasaí no ina cheadúnach | Faid an léasa no an cheadúnais atá beartuithe | Téarmaí an léasa no an cheadúnais atá beartuithe |
1. Na tailte agus na foirgintí dá ngairmtí Richmond Barracks agus dá ngairmtear Beairic Mac Eochaidh agus atá suidhte i gCathair Bhaile Atha Cliath. | Chun tithe do sholáthar don lucht oibre. | Comhairle Chontae-Bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath. | 99 mbliana | Socrófar na téarmaí le headarascán |
2. Na tailte agus na foirgintí dá ngairmtear Uimh. 23, 24 agus 25 Sráid Mac Piarais, atá suidhte i bParóiste Naomh Marcus agus i gCathair Bhaile Atha Cliath. | Chun crícheanna tráchtála. Ní theastuíonn an t-áitreabh níos sia i gcóir crícheanna Stáit. | B. Mac Oibcín Táilliúir agus Eadathóir, 26 Sráid Mac Piarais, Baile Atha Cliath. | 99 mbliana | Ioc fíneáil £1625 agus fo-léasanna 99 mbliana ar na téarmaí céanna ar a bhfuil an t-áitreabh ar seilbh ag an Stát. Tá Uimh. 23 ar léas a bheidh caithte i Meán Fhomhair 1930, ar chíos £60 per annum, an léasóir ag íoc na rátaí, agus, o Mheán Fhomhair, 1930, ar léas 900 bliain ar chíos £70 per annum, an léasaí ag íoc na rátaí. Tá Uimh. 24 agus 25 ar léas 999 mbliana o 1904, ar chíos £140 per annum, an léasóir ag íoc na rátaí. |
3. Na tailte agus na foirgintí dá ngairmtear Uimh. 14 Sráid Uachtarach Sackville (ar a nglaotar do ghnáth Sráid Uachtarach I Chonaill) atá suidhte i bParóiste Naomh Tomás agus i gCathair Bhaile Atha Cliath. | Chun crícheanna tráchtála no chun crícheanna eile. Ní theastuíonn an t-ionad níos sia i gcóir crícheanna Stáit. | -- | Ní ragha sí thar 99 mbliana | -- |
4. Na tailte agus na foirgintí dá ngairmtear Uimh. 15 Sráid Uachtarach Sackville (ar a nglaotar do ghnáth Sráid Uachtarach I Chonaill) atá suidhte i bParóiste Naomh Tomás agus i gCathair Bhaile Atha Cliath. | Chun crícheanna tráchtála no chun crícheanna eile. Ní theastuíonn an t-ionad níos sia i gcóir crícheanna Stáit. | -- | Ní ragha sí thar 99 mbliana | -- |
5. Cuid de thailte Thamhlachta atá an-ois no a bhí le déanaí á n-úsáid mar thigh eitealláin agus dá ngairmtear Tigh Eitealláin Thamhlachta, agus ina bhfuil naoi n-acra no mar sin, do réir an tomhais Shasanaigh, agus a luíonn i mBarúntacht Upper Cross agus i gContae Bhaile Atha Cliath. | Chun crícheanna tráchtála. Ní theastuíonn an t-áitreabh níos sia i gcóir crícheanna Stáit. | Messrs. Urney Chocolates, Tta. 14 Sráid Iochtarach I Chonaill, Baile Atha Cliath. | 99 mbliana | Cíos £50 per annum ar an talamh. Cíos mhuirear £300 sa bhliain ar feadh 15 mblian ar son na bhfoirgintí, agus na rátaí le n-íoc ag na léasaithe. Soláthrófar uisce ar ráta 'na gcó-aontófar ina thaobh. An daingniú agus an dabhach chamrachta le coinneáil suas ag na léasaithe. |
6. Na tailte agus na foirgintí atá suidhte i Sráid an Rí, i m b a i l e Chluain Meala agus sa Trian Theas de Chontae Thiobrad Arann, agus ina bhfuil raon muscaeid a g u s faithche drille agus cleachta mhileata, agus ar a bhfuil ocht n-acra déag trí róid agus ocht bpéirse tríochad, no mar sin, do réir an tomhais Shasanaigh. | Chun tithe do sholáthar don lucht oibre. | Comhairle Bhailecheanntair Chluain Meala. | 99 mbliana | Socrófar na téarmaí le headarascán. |