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Uimhir 10 de 1939.




[30adh Bealtaine, 1939.]

DE BHRÍ go bhforáltar le hAirteagal 39 den Bhunreacht gurb é amháin is tréas ann ná cogadh do chur ar an Stát, no cabhrú le Stát no le duine ar bith no saigheadadh fé dhuine no bheith i gcócheilg le duine chun cogadh do chur ar an Stát, no iarracht do dhéanamh le harm no ar mhodh fhoiréigneach eile ar na horgain riaghaltais a bunuítear leis an mBunreacht do thrascairt, no páirt no baint do bheith ag neach le n-a leithéid sin d'iarracht, no éinne do shaigheadadh no bheith i gcócheilg leis chun a déanta no chun páirt no baint do bheith aige léi:

AGUS DE BHRÍ gur gá, chun go mbeadh an tAirteagal san 39 lán-éifeachtach, socrú do dhéanamh le reacht chun daoine dhéanfaidh tréas no chabhróidh chun tréas do dhéanamh do phionósú:



Pionós in éiric tréasa.

1.—(1) Gach duine dhéanfaidh tréas laistigh den Stát dlighfear, ar a chiontú ann, é chur chun báis.


(2) Gach duine bheidh ina shaoránach Éireannach no ina ghnáth-chomhnaí laistigh den Stát agus a dhéanfaidh tréas lasmuich den Stát dlighfear, ar a chiontú ann, é chur chun báis.


(3) Pé uair a déanfar duine go gcuirfear tréas ina leith do dhíotáil ann i láthair na Príomh-Chúirte Coiriúla díotálfar é amhlaidh ar gach slí díreach inar gá do réir dlí duine go gcuirtear murdar ina leith do dhíotáil, agus gach duine díotálfar i dtréas sa tslí roimhráite coireofar agus triailfear é sa tslí chéanna agus do réir an chúrsa agus an úird chéanna trialach inar gá agus gur dá réir is gá do réir dlí duine go gcuirtear murdar ina leith do choiriú agus do thriail, agus gach duine gheobhfar ciontach i dtréas ar é do choiriú agus do thriail amhlaidh ciontófar ann é agus daorfar é ina thaobh ar gach slí díreach inar gá do réir dlí duine gheibhtear ciontach i murdar do chiontú agus do dhaoradh.


(4) Ní ciontófar duine ar bith i dtréas ar fhianaise nea-neartuithe aon fhínné amháin.


Daoine bheidh ciontach i dtréas do mhisniú, do dhídeanú, no do shólású.

2.—(1) Gach duine mhisneoidh no dhídeanóidh no shólásóidh duine ar bith agus go mbeidh a fhios aige no go mbeidh cúis réasúnta aige chun a chréidiúint an duine sin do bheith ag déanamh tréasa beidh sé ciontach i bhfeleontacht agus ar a chiontú ann dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig chéad punt do chur air no, más rogha leis an gCúirt é, pian-tseirbhís ar feadh téarma nach sia ná fiche bliain no príosúntacht ar feadh téarma nach sia ná dhá bhliain no an fhíneáil sin agus an phian-tseirbhís no an phríosúntacht san le chéile.


(2) Ní ciontófar duine ar bith i bhfeleontacht fén alt so ar fhianaise nea-neartuithe aon fhínné amháin.


Tréas do cheilt.

3.—Gach duine gurb eol dó go bhfuiltear chun aon ghníomh do dhéanamh gur thréas é dhéanamh no go bhfuil beartuithe an gníomh san do dhéanamh no go bhfuil sé á dhéanamh no déanta, agus ná nochtfaidh san láithreach, maraon le gach eolas a bheidh aige air, do Bhreitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche no d'oifigeach den Ghárda Síochána no do dhuine éigin eile bheidh ag gabháil go dleathach do dhualgaisí bhainfidh le síocháin agus ordú do choimeád, beidh sé ciontach sa bhfeleontacht san tréas do cheilt agus ar a chiontú ann dlighfear pian-tseirbhís ar feadh téarma nach sia ná cúig bliana do chur air no príosúntacht ar feadh téarma nach sia ná dhá bhliain.



4.—Féadfar an tAcht Tréasa, 1939, do ghairm den Acht so.



Number 10 of 1939.






Punishment of treason.


Encouraging, harbouring, or comforting persons guilty of treason.


Misprision of treason.


Short title.


Number 10 of 1939.


AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUNISHMENT OF TREASON AND CERTAIN ANCILLARY OFFENCES. [30th May, 1939.] WHEREAS it is provided by Article 39 of the Constitution that treason shall consist only in levying war against the State, on assisting any State or person or inciting or conspiring with any person to levy war against the State, or attempting by force of arms or other violent means to overthrow the organs of government, established by the Constitution, or taking part or being concerned in or inciting or conspiring with any person to make or to take part or be concerned in any such attempt:

AND WHEREAS, in order that the said Article 39 may be fully effective, it is necessary that provision should be made by statute for the punishment of persons who commit or are accessories to the commission of treason:



Punishment of treason.

1.—(1) Every person who commits treason within the State shall be liable on conviction thereof to suffer death.


(2) Every person who, being an Irish citizen or ordinarily resident within the State, commits treason outside the State shall be liable on conviction thereof to suffer death.


(3) Whenever a person charged with treason is indicted therefor before the Central Criminal Court, he shall be so indicted in the same manner in all respects as a person charged with murder is required by law to be indicted, and every person who is indicted in manner aforesaid for treason shall be arranged and tried in the same manner and according to the same course and order of trial as a person indicted for murder is required by law to be arraigned and tried, and every person who, on such arraignment and trial, is found guilty of treason shall be convicted thereof and sentenced therefor in like manner in all respects as a person found guilty of murder is required by law to be convicted and sentenced.


(4) No person shall be convicted of treason on the uncorroborated evidence of one witness.


Encouraging, harbouring, or comforting persons guilty of treason.

2.—(1) Every person who encourages, harbours, or comforts any person whom he knows or has reasonable grounds for believing to be engaged in committing treason shall be guilty of felony and on conviction thereof shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to penal servitude for a term not exceeding twenty years or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to both such fine and such penal servitude or imprisonment.


(2) No person shall be convicted of felony under this section on the uncorroborated evidence of one witness.


Misprision of treason.

3.—Every person who, knowing that any act the commission of which would be treason is intended or proposed to be, or is being, or has been committed, does not forthwith disclose the same, together with all particulars thereof known to him, to a Justice of the District Court, or an officer of the Gárda Síochána, or some other person lawfully engaged on duties relating to the preservation of peace and order shall be guilty of the felony of misprision of treason and shall be liable on conviction thereof to penal servitude for a term not exceeding five years or imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.


Short title.

4.—This Act may be cited as the Treason Act, 1939.