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Uimhir 11 de 1961.



[An tiontú oifigiúil.]


An Priomh-Acht.

1927, Uimh. 23.

1.—San Acht seo ciallaíonn “an Príomh-Acht” Acht na nGiúirithe, 1927, arna leasú agus arna leathnú le hachtacháin ina dhiaidh sin.


Giúiréithe don Ard-Chúirt, don Phríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil agus don Chúirt Chuarda ina suí, agus do choimisiún de lunatico inquirendo ina shuí, i gcontaebhuirg.

2.—(1) Gach saincheist, sibhialta nó coiriúil, is intriailte le giúiré ag an Ard-Chúirt ina suí, nó ag breitheamh di ina shuí, i gcontae-bhuirg, ag coimisinéir faoi choimisiún de lunatico inquirendo ina shuí amhlaidh nó ag breitheamh den Chúirt Chuarda ina shuí amhlaidh agus gach saincheist is intriailte ag an bPríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil ina suí amhlaidh, beidh siad intriailte le giúiré a ghairfear as rolla giúróirí a tharraingeofar go páirteach ón gcontae-bhuirg agus go páirteach—


(a) más í contae-bhuirg Bhaile Átha Cliath an chontaebhuirg—


(i) i gcás ordú faoin alt seo a bheith i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire ag sonrú ceantar giúiré nó ceantair ghiúiré i gcontae Bhaile Átha Cliath chun críocha an fho-ailt seo, ón gceantar giúiré nó ó na ceantair ghiúiré a bheidh sonraithe amhlaidh, agus


(ii) in aon chás eile, ó chontae Bhaile Átha Cliath,


(b) más í chontae-bhuirg Chorcaí an chontae-bhuirg—


(i) i gcás ordú faoin alt seo a bheith i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire ag sonrú ceantar giúiré nó ceantair ghiúiré i gcontae Chorcaí chun críocha an fho-ailt seo, ón gceantar giúiré nó ó na ceantair ghiúiré a bheidh sonraithe amhlaidh, agus


(ii) in aon chás eile, ó chontae Chorcaí,


(c) más í chontae-bhuirg Luimnigh an chontae-bhuirg—


(i) i gcás ordú faoin alt seo a bheith i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire ag sonrú ceantar giúiré nó ceantair ghiúiré i gcontae Luimnigh chun críocha an fho-ailt seo, ón gceantar giúiré nó ó na ceantair ghiúiré a bheidh sonraithe amhlaidh, agus


(ii) in aon chás eile, ó chontae Luimnigh, agus


(d) más í chontae-bhuirg Phort Láirge an chontae-bhuirg—


(i) i gcás ordú faoin alt seo a bheith i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire ag sonrú ceantar giúiré nó ceantair ghiúiré i gcontae Phort Láirge chun críocha an fho-ailt seo, ón gceantar giúiré nó ó na ceantair ghiúiré a bheidh sonraithe amhlaidh, agus


(ii) in aon chás eile, ó chontae Phort Láirge,


agus ní dhéanfar aon saincheist den sórt sin a thriail ag an gCúirt sin ina suí amhlaidh, ná ag an mbreitheamh sin ná ag an gcoimisinéir sin ina shuí amhlaidh, le haon ghiúiré eile.


(2) (a) Is contae lena mbaineann an fo-alt seo gach contae acu seo a leanas:


(i) contae Bhaile Átha Cliath,


(ii) contae Chorcaí,


(iii) contae Luimnigh, agus


(iv) contae Phort Láirge.


(b) I gcás ina bhfuil dhá cheantar ghiúiré nó níos mó i gcontae lena mbaineann an fo-alt seo, féadfaidh an tAire ó am go ham le hordú, de réir mar is cuí leis agus nuair is cuí leis, ceantar giúiré nó ceantair ghiúiré sa chontae a shonrú chun críocha fho-alt (1) den alt seo agus féadfaidh sé aon tráth, de réir mar is cuí leis agus nuair is cuí leis, an t-ordú sin a chúlghairm nó a athrú le hordú.


Giúiréithe don Ard-Chúirt agus don Phríomh-Chuirt Choiriúil ina suí, agus do choimisiún de lunatico inquirendo ina shuí, i gcontae.

3.—(1) Gach saincheist, sibhialta nó coiriúil, is intriailte le giúiré ag an Ard-Chúirt ina suí, nó ag breitheamh di ina shuí, i gcontae nó ag coimisinéir faoi choimisiún de lunatico inquirendo ina shuí amhlaidh agus gach saincheist is intriailte ag an bPríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil ina suí amhlaidh, beidh siad intriailte le giúiré a ghairfear as rolla giúiróirí a tharraingeofar—


(a) i gcás ordú faoin alt seo a bheith i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire ag sonrú ceantar giúiré nó ceantair ghiúiré sa chontae chun críocha an fho-ailt seo, ón gceantar giúiré nó ó na ceantair ghiúiré a bheidh sonraithe amhlaidh, agus


(b) in aon chás eile, ón gcontae,


agus ní dhéanfar aon saincheist a thriail ag an gCúirt sin ina suí amhlaidh, ná ag an mbreitheamh sin ná ag an gcoimisinéir sin ina shuí amhlaidh, le haon ghiúiré eile.


(2) I gcás ina bhfuil dhá cheantar ghiúiré nó níos mó i gcontae, féadfaidh an tAire ó am go ham le hordú, de réir mar is cuí leis agus nuair is cuí leis, ceantar giúiré nó ceantair ghiúiré sa chontae a shonrú chun críocha fho-alt (1) den alt seo agus féadfaidh sé aon tráth, de réir mar is cuí leis agus nuair is cuí leis, an t-ordú sin a chúlghairm nó a athrú le hordú.


Giúiréithe don Chúirt Chuarda ina suí i gcontae.

4.—(1) Gach saincheist choiriúil is intriailte le giúiré ag breitheamh den Chúirt Chuarda ina shuí i gcontae beidh siad intriailte le giúiré a ghairfear ó rolla giúróirí a tharraingeofar—


(a) i gcás ordú faoin alt seo a bheith i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire ag sonrú ceantar giúiré nó ceantair ghiúiré sa chontae chun críocha an fho-ailt seo, ón gceantar giúiré nó ó na ceantair ghiúiré a bheidh sonraithe amhlaidh, agus


(b) in aon chás eile, ón gcontae,


agus ní dhéanfar aon saincheist den sórt sin a thriail ag na mbreitheamh sin ina shuí amhlaidh le haon ghiúiré eile.


(2) I gcás ina bhfuil dhá cheantar ghiúiré nó níos mó i gcontae, féadfaidh an tAire ó am go ham le hordú de réir mar is cuí leis agus nuair is cuí leis, ceantar giúiré nó ceantair ghiúiré sa chontae a shonrú chun críocha fho-alt (1) den alt seo agus féadfaidh sé aon uair is cuí leis agus nuair is cuí leis, an t-ordú sin a chúlghairm nó a athrú le hordú.


(3) Gach saincheist shibhialta is intriailte le giúiré ag breitheamh den Chúirt Chuarda ina shuí i gcontae beidh sí intriailte le giúiré a ghairfear as rolla giúróirí a tharraingeofar ó cheantar giúiré ina mbeidh an breitheamh sin ina shuí tráth na trialach, agus ní dhéanfar aon saincheist den sórt sin a thriail ag an mbreitheamh sin ina shuí amhlaidh le haon ghiúiré eile.


Feidhm Chuid V den Phriomh-Acht.

5.—Aon uair a bheidh rolla giúróirí i láthair go dleathach os comhair coimisinéir faoi choimisiún de lunatico inquirendo, ansin, chun críche feidhme Chuid V den Phríomh-Acht, measfar gur cúirt an coimisinéir agus gurb é breitheamh na cúirte sin é freisin.


Orduithe faoi alt 33 den Phríomh-Acht do leanúint i bhfeidhm.

6.—Má bhíonn aon orduithe faoi alt 33 den Phríomh-Acht i bhfeidhm le linn tosach feidhme an Achta seo, leanfaidh gach ordú den sórt sin i bhfeidhm, d'ainneoin an t-alt sin a aisghairm le halt 8 den Acht seo, go dtí tosach feidhm ordú faoi alt 4 den Acht seo maidir leis an gcontae ina bhfuil an chathair nó an baile lena mbaineann an t-ordú faoin alt sin 33.


Alt 36 den Phríomh-Acht a leathnú.

7.—Bainfidh alt 36 den Phríomh-Acht le gach suí ag coimisinéir faoi choimisiún de lunatico inquirendo chun saincheist a thriail le giúiré.



8.—Aisghairtear leis seo ailt 31, 32, 33, fo-alt (5) d'alt 36 agus alt 65 den Phríomh-Acht.


Gearrtheideal, forléiriú, comhlua agus tosach feidhme.

9.—(1) Féadfar Acht na nGiúiréithe, 1961, a ghairm den Acht seo.


(2) Déanfar Achtanna na nGiúirithe, 1927 agus 1945, agus an tAcht seo a fhorléiriú le chéile mar aon Acht amháin agus féadfar Achtanna na nGiúiréithe, 1927 go 1961, a ghairm díobh le chéile.


(3) Tiocfaidh an tAcht seo i ngníomh cibé lá a cheapfaidh an tAire le hOrdú.



Number 11 of 1961.






The Principal Act.


Juries for High Court, Central Criminal Court, Circuit Court and commission de lunatico inquirendo sitting in a county borough.


Juries for High Court, Central Criminal Court and commission de lunatico inquirendo sitting in a county.


Juries for Circuit Court sitting in a county.


Application of Part V of the Principal Act.


Continuance of orders under section 33 of the Principal Act.


Extension of section 36 of the Principal Act.




Short title, construction, collective citation and commencement.

Act Referred to

Juries Act, 1927

1927, No. 23


Number 11 of 1961.



The Principal Act. 1927, No. 23.

1.—In this Act “the Principal Act” means the Juries Act, 1927, as amended and extended by subsequent enactments.


Juries for High Court, Central Criminal Court, Circuit Court and commission de lunatico inquirendo sitting in a county borough.

2.—(1) Every issue, whether civil or criminal, which is triable with a jury by the High Court or a judge thereof sitting in a county borough, by a commissioner under a commission de lunatico inquirendo so sitting or by a judge of the Circuit Court so sitting and every issue which is triable by the Central Criminal Court so sitting shall be triable with a jury called from a panel of jurors drawn partly from the county borough and partly—


(a) where the county borough is the county borough of Dublin, from—


(i) in case an order under this section specifying a jury district or jury districts in the county of Dublin for the purposes of this subsection is for the time being in force, the jury district or jury districts so specified, and


(ii) in any other case, the county of Dublin,


(b) where the county borough is the county borough of Cork, from—


(i) in case an order under this section specifying a jury district or jury districts in the county of Cork for the purposes of this subsection is for the time being in force, the jury district or jury districts so specified, and


(ii) in any other case, the county of Cork,


(c) where the county borough is the county borough of Limerick, from—


(i) in case an order under this section specifying a jury district or jury districts in the county of Limerick for the purposes of this subsection is for the time being in force, the jury district or jury districts so specified, and


(ii) in any other case, the county of Limerick, and


(d) where the county borough is the county borough of Waterford, from—


(i) in case an order under this section specifying a jury district or jury districts in the county of Waterford for the purposes of this subsection is for the time being in force, the jury district or jury districts so specified, and


(ii) in any other case, the county of Waterford,


and no such issue shall be tried by such Court, judge or commissioner so sitting with any other jury.


(2) (a) Each of the following counties shall be a county to which this subsection relates:


(i) the county of Dublin,


(ii) the county of Cork,


(iii) the county of Limerick, and


(iv) the county of Waterford.


(b) Where there are two or more jury districts in a county to which this subsection relates, the Minister may by order from time to time, as and when he shall think fit, specify a jury district or jury districts in the county for the purposes of subsection (1) of this section and may at any time, as and when he shall think fit, by order revoke or vary such order.


Juries for High Court, Central Criminal Court and commission de lunatico inquirendo sitting in a county.

3.—(1) Every issue, whether civil or criminal, which is triable with a jury by the High Court or a judge thereof sitting in a county or by a commissioner under a commission de lunatico inquirendo so sitting and every issue which is triable by the Central Criminal Court so sitting shall be triable with a jury called from a panel of jurors drawn from—


(a) in case an order under this section specifying a jury district or jury districts in the county for the purposes of this subsection is for the time being in force, the jury district or jury districts so specified, and


(b) in any other case, the county,


and no such issue shall be tried by such Court, judge, or commissioner so sitting with any other jury.


(2) Where there are two or more jury districts in a county, the Minister may by order from time to time, as and when he shall think fit, specify a jury district or jury districts in the county for the purposes of subsection (1) of this section and may at any time, as and when he shall think fit, by order revoke or vary such order.


Juries for Circuit Court sitting in a county.

4.—(1) Every criminal issue which is triable with a jury by a judge of the Circuit Court sitting in a county shall be triable with a jury called from a panel of jurors drawn from—


(a) in case an order under this section specifying a jury district or jury districts in the county for the purposes of this subsection is for the time being in force, the jury district or jury districts so specified, and


(b) in any other case, the county,


and no such issue shall be tried by such judge so sitting with any other jury.


(2) Where there are two or more jury districts in a county, the Minister may by order from time to time, as and when he shall think fit, specify a jury district or jury districts in the county for the purposes of subsection (1) of this section and may at any time, as and when he shall think fit, by order revoke or vary such order.


(3) Every civil issue which is triable with a jury by a judge of the Circuit Court sitting in a county shall be triable with a jury called from a panel of jurors drawn from the jury district in which such judge is sitting at the time of the trial, and no such issue shall be tried by such judge so sitting with any other jury.


Application of Part V of the Principal Act.

5.—Whenever a panel of jurors is lawfully in attendance before a commissioner under a commission de lunatico inquirendo, then, for the purpose of the application of Part V of the Principal Act, the commissioner shall be deemed to be a court and also the judge of such court.


Continuance of orders under section 33 of the Principal Act.

6.—Where there are in force at the commencement of this Act any orders under section 33 of the Principal Act, each such order shall, notwithstanding the repeal of that section by section 8 of this Act, continue in force until the commencement of an order under section 4 of this Act in relation to the county in which the city or town to which the order under the said section 33 relates is situated.


Extension of section 36 of the Principal Act.

7.—Section 36 of the Principal Act shall apply to every sitting of a commissioner under a commission de lunatico inquirendo for the trial of an issue with a jury.



8.—Sections 31, 32, 33, subsection (5) of section 36 and section 65 of the Principal Act are hereby repealed.


Short title, construction, collective citation and commencement.

9.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Juries Act, 1961.


(2) The Juries Acts, 1927 and 1945, and this Act shall be construed together as one Act and may be cited together as the Juries Acts, 1927 to 1961.


(3) This Act shall come into operation on such day as the Minister appoints by Order.