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Number 12 of 1930.






Definitions and application of Act.


Appointment of Committee and submission of scheme.


Sanction of scheme by Minister and consequent legality of sweepstakes.


Deposit of amount or value of prizes.


Application of proceeds of sweepstakes.


Audit of accounts of sweepstakes.


Provisions as to advertisements and tickets in sweepstakes.


Furnishing of accounts with scheme.


Calculation of amount of money received from sale of tickets.


Use of Saorstat Eireann labour and materials.


Short title and duration.


Number 12 of 1930.



Definitions and application of Act.

1.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Justice; the word “sweepstake” means a drawing or distribution of prizes by lot or chance whether with or without reference to the result of a future uncertain event;


the word “hospital” means and includes any hospital, sanatorium, or other institution which affords medical surgical or dental treatment; and


the expression “governing body” means the council, board, committee or other body having the control and management of the hospital in relation to which the expression is used.


(2) This Act applies to every hospital which complies with all the following conditions and to no other hospitals, that is to say, that such hospital—


(a) is situate in Saorstát Eireann; and


(b) is in receipt of voluntary subscriptions from the public; and


(c) during the financial year of such hospital next preceding the passing of this Act actually used on a daily average taken over the whole of such financial year not less than twenty-five per cent of its total accommodation for indoor patients for patients who did not pay for treatment in such hospital or who paid or on whose behalf there was paid for such treatment payment at a rate not exceeding ten shillings per week or in the case of a dental hospital accorded free treatment to not less than twenty-five per cent, of the patients treated.


Appointment of Committee and submission of scheme.

2.—(1) Whenever the governing body of a hospital to which this Act applies desires or the governing bodies of two or more such hospitals jointly desire to hold a sweepstake under this Act to raise funds for such hospital or hospitals, such governing body or bodies may appoint for the purposes of such sweepstake a committee of such number of such persons as it or they thinks or think proper.


(2) Vacancies occurring by death or resignation in the membership of a committee appointed under this section may be filled by the governing body or bodies by which such committee was appointed.


(3) No member of a committee appointed under this section shall receive any remuneration for acting as a member of such committee or for any services rendered or work done by him in relation to the sweepstake for the purposes of which such committee was appointed.


(4) A committee appointed under this section for the purposes of a sweepstake shall prepare and submit to the Minister a scheme specifying in relation to such sweepstake the following matters, that is to say:—


(a) the name or names of the hospital or hospitals the governing body or bodies of which desire to hold such sweepstake, and such particulars of such hospital or hospitals as may be necessary to establish the fact that it is or they are a hospital or hospitals to which this Act applies, and


(b) the names of the members of such committee, and


(c) particulars of the prizes intended to be distributed in such sweepstake, including the money value of any prize which is not a sum of money, and


(d) the number of drawings of prizes intended to be made in such sweepstake and the date on which, the place at which, and the manner in which such drawing or each of such drawings (if more than one) is intended to be made, and


(e) the price intended to be charged for tickets in such sweepstake, and


(f) the amount or the maximum amount proposed to be allowed or expended by way of commission, prize, or other remuneration in relation to the sale of tickets in such sweepstake and the proportion of free tickets proposed to be allotted by way of reward to the seller of any particular number of tickets in such sweepstake, and


(g) the manner in which it is intended to apply, in accordance with this Act the money received from the sale of tickets in such sweepstake, and


(h) the trustees in whose names and the bank in which the deposit or deposits required by this Act of the amount of the prizes is or are intended to be made and, where such deposit or deposits is or are intended to be made wholly or partly by the deposit of securities, particulars of such securities, and


(i) the date before which such deposit is to be made or (where the case so requires) the respective dates before which each such deposit is to be made, and


(j) the person intended to be employed in accordance with this Act to audit the accounts relating to such sweepstake.


Sanction of scheme by Minister and consequent legality of sweepstake.

3.—(1) When a scheme is submitted to the Minister under this Act, the Minister may, if he so thinks proper, and he is satisfied that the hospital or hospitals named in such scheme is or are a hospital or hospitals to which this Act applies, sanction such scheme either without modification or with such modifications as he may think fit to make therein.


(2) When a scheme is submitted to the Minister under this Act, the Minister may, for the purpose of satisfying himself that a hospital named in such scheme is a hospital to which this Act applies, require such evidence by statutory declaration or otherwise as he thinks fit.


(3) When a scheme submitted to the Minister under this Act has been sanctioned (whether with or without modification) by the Minister it shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other Act, be lawful for the governing body of the hospital or the governing bodies of the hospitals named in such scheme to hold the sweepstake to which such scheme relates, subject to and in accordance with the following conditions and not otherwise, that is to say:—


(a) such sweepstake shall be conducted and managed by the committee appointed under this Act by whom such scheme was so submitted, and


(b) such sweepstake shall be held, conducted, and managed in all respects in accordance with such scheme as sanctioned by the Minister, and


(c) the provisions of this Act requiring anything to be done or prohibiting the doing of anything in relation to a sweepstake held under this Act shall be observed in relation to such sweepstake.


Deposit of amount or value of prizes.

4.—(1) Whenever a sweepstake is held under this Act the committee managing such sweepstake shall, where it is intended that there shall be only one drawing of prizes in such sweepstake, cause to be deposited in accordance with this section a sum equal to the total amount or value of the prizes in such sweepstake or, where it is intended that there shall be two or more drawings of prizes in such sweepstake, cause to be deposited in relation to each such drawing and in accordance with this section a sum equal to the total amount or value of the prizes in such sweepstake to be drawn for at such drawing.


(2) A deposit under this section may be made either by the deposit of money or by the deposit of sound marketable stocks, shares or securities, and if made by the deposit of such securities, the value of such securities shall for the purposes of this section be taken to be the market price thereof on the day on which such deposit is made.


(3) Every deposit under this section shall be made before the date named in that behalf in the scheme relating to such sweepstake as sanctioned, by the Minister, and in the bank and in the names of the trustees named in such scheme, and where made by the deposit of securities, shall be made by depositing the securities specified in that behalf in such scheme.


(4) A deposit under this section shall be made in a public bank in Saorstát Eireann and shall be made in the names of not less than three trustees.


(5) The trustees in whose names moneys or securities are deposited under this section shall, out of such moneys or securities, pay or provide, to or for the person entitled thereto under the terms of the drawing in relation to which such deposit was made, every (if any) prize drawn at such drawing which is not duly paid or provided by the committee managing the sweepstake in which such drawing is made, and for that purpose such trustees may realise all or any of such securities.


(6) When all prizes drawn at the drawing in relation to which a deposit is made under this section have been fully paid or provided, whether without resort to such deposit or wholly or partly out of such, deposit, the trustees in whose name such deposit is standing shall return to the person by whom the moneys or securities comprised in such deposit were provided the whole or so much as is not otherwise applied under this section (as the case may require) of such moneys and securities.


(7) If the drawing of prizes in relation to which a deposit is made under this section is, with the consent of the Minister, not made the trustees in whose name such deposit is standing shall return the moneys or securities comprised in such deposit to the person by whom they were provided.


(8) All interest accruing during the continuance of a deposit made under this section on the moneys or securities comprised in such deposit shall belong and be payable to the person by whom such moneys or securities were provided.


Application of proceeds of Sweepstakes.

5.—(1) The balance of the moneys received from the sale of tickets in a sweepstake held under this Act remaining after paying or providing for the prizes distributed in such sweepstake and the expenses incurred in holding such sweepstake shall, where such sweepstake is held by the governing body of one hospital only, be paid to such governing body and, where such sweepstake is held by the governing bodies of two or more hospitals, be distributed amongst and paid to such governing bodies in the proportions stated in the scheme sanctioned by the Minister in relation to such sweepstake.


(2) The following limitations shall apply in respect of the application of the moneys received from the sale of tickets in a sweepstake held under this Act, that is to say :—


(a) the amount applied out of such moneys for paying the expenses incurred in holding such sweepstake (other than tickets, commission, prizes or other remuneration given in relation to the sale of tickets) shall not exceed thirty per cent. of such moneys;


(b) where a payment is made to a person for promoting such sweepstake such payment shall be deemed for the purposes of this Act to be part of the expenses of holding such sweepstake and shall not exceed seven per cent. of the said moneys received from the sale of tickets in such sweepstake;


(c) the amount paid in pursuance of sub-section (1) of this section to the governing body or governing bodies holding such sweepstake shall not be less than twenty per cent. of the said moneys received from the sale of tickets in such sweepstake,


Audit of accounts of sweepstakes.

6.—(1) Within three months after the drawing of prizes or, where there is more than one such drawing, the last drawing of prizes in a sweepstake held under this Act the committee managing such sweepstake shall cause the accounts of all receipts and disbursements of money in relation to such sweepstake to be audited by a chartered or other qualified auditor or accountant and shall furnish to the Minister and also to every member of the Oireachtas a copy of such accounts as so audited and of the auditor's certificate and report thereon.


(2) The person by whom the accounts of a sweepstake are audited under this section shall be the person named in that behalf in the scheme sanctioned by the Minister in relation to such sweepstake or, where for any reason that person is not available, some other person possessing the qualifications required by the foregoing sub-section of this section and approved of by the Minister.


(3) If the committee managing a sweepstake held under this Act makes default in complying in relation to such sweepstake with the provisions of this section each member of such committee shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, and in the case of a continuing offence a further fine not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the offence is committed.


Provisions as to advertisements and tickets in sweepstakes.

7.—(1) Every book of tickets in a sweepstake held under this Act shall have clearly printed thereon—


(a) where such sweepstake is held by the governing body of one hospital only, the name of such hospital, or where such sweepstake is held by the governing bodies of two or more hospitals, the names of such hospitals and the proportions in which the funds raised by means of such sweepstake will be divided amongst such hospitals, and


(b) a statement to the effect that such sweepstake is held under this Act.


(2) No advertisement, memorandum, circular, ticket or other document issued by a committee in relation to a sweepstake held under this Act shall contain any words indicating or which could reasonably be construed as indicating that such sweepstake is being held under the auspices or patronage of the Government of Saorstát Eireann or any Minister head of a Department of State.


(3) If any book of tickets in a sweepstake held under this Act does not comply with the provisions of sub-section (1) of this section or if any advertisement, memorandum, circular, ticket or other document issued by a committee in relation to such a sweepstake contravenes the provisions of sub-section (2) of this section, each member of the committee managing such sweepstake shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.


(4) Each ticket shall have clearly printed, thereon a statement requesting the purchaser to notify the Committee direct in the event of its failing to acknowledge receipt of remittance.


Furnishing of accounts with scheme.

8.—A committee submitting a scheme to the Minister under this Act shall furnish to the Minister with such scheme a copy of the audited accounts for the next preceding financial year of the hospital or every of the hospitals named in such scheme and no such scheme shall be considered by the Minister unless or until this section has been complied with.


Calculation of amount of money received from sale of tickets.

9.—When calculating for the purposes of this Act the amount of moneys received from the sale of tickets in a sweepstake the value of tickets issued free by way of reward to a seller of tickets shall be excluded from the calculation and there shall be deducted from the nominal selling price of all other tickets all commissions, prizes and other remuneration given in relation to the selling of such tickets and no tickets shall be issued free, except by way of reward to a seller of tickets.


Use of Saorstát Eireann labour and materials.

10.—So far as may be practicable, all printing for or in connection with a sweepstake held under this Act shall be done in Saorstát Eireann and all paper and other materials used for the purpose of such sweepstakes shall be of Saorstát Eireann manufacture.


Short title and duration.

11.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Public Charitable Hospitals (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1930.


(2) This Act shall remain in force until the 1st day of July, 1934, and shall then expire.


Uimhir 12 de 1930.




[4adh Meitheamh, 1930.]


Mínithe agus cad leis go mbaineann an tAcht.

1.—(1) San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Dlí agus Cirt;


cialluíonn an focal “scuab-gheall” duaiseanna do tharrac no do thabhairt amach le crannchur no le cor na cinniúna pe'ca bheidh baint aige sin le tora ní nea-chinnte san am le teacht no ná beidh;


cialluíonn agus foluíonn an focal “óispidéal” aon óispidéal, sanatorium, no fundúireacht eile ina bhfachtar cóir liaghachta, cóir mháinliaghachta no cóir fhiaclóireachta; agus


cialluíonn an abairt “cólucht rialúcháin” an chomhairle, an bord, an coiste no an cólucht eile ag a bhfuil stiúra agus bainistí an óispidéil gur ina thaobh a húsáidtear an abairt.


(2) Baineann an tAcht so le gach óispidéal atá do réir gach coiníoll acu so leanas, agus ní le haon óispidéil eile, sé sin le rá:—


(a) go bhfuil an t-óispidéal san suidhte i Saorstát Éireann; agus


(b) go bhfaghann sé saor-shíntiúisí ón bpuiblíocht; agus

(c) i rith na bliana, de bhlianta airgeadais an óispidéil sin, is déanaí bhí ann roimh an Acht so do rith go ndearnadh, do réir mheánachta laethiúla na bliana airgeadais sin go hiomlán, cúig is fiche per cent. ar a laighead den chóiríocht iomláin do bhí san óispidéal san d'othair laistigh do thabhairt d'othair nár íoc as cóir leighis san óispidéal san no d'íoc no gur híocadh thar a gceann, as cóir leighis den tsórt san, do réir ráta nár mhó ná deich scillinge sa tseachtain no go ndearnadh, i gcás óispidéil fhiaclóireachta, cóir leighis in aisce do chur ar cúig is fiche per cent. ar a laighead de sna hothair ar ar cuireadh cóir leighis san óispidéal san.


Coiste do cheapa agus scéim do leaga fé bhráid an Aire.

2.—(1) Pé uair is mian le cólucht rialúcháin óispidéil le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so no le cóluchtaí rialúcháin dhá óispidéal no níos mó den tsórt san le chéile scuab-gheall do chur ar siúl fén Acht so chun airgead do dhéanamh don óispidéal san no do sna hóispidéil sin, féadfaidh an cólucht no na cóluchtaí rialúcháin sin coiste ar a mbeidh pé líon de pé daoine is dó leis an gcólucht no leis na cóluchtaí sin is ceart do cheapa chun crícheanna an scuabghill sin.


(2) Aon fholúntaisí thárlóidh, tré bhás no eirghe as, imeasc ballra coiste do ceapadh fén alt so, féadfaidh an cólucht no na cóluchtaí rialúcháin do cheap an coiste sin iad do líona.


(3) Ní bhfuighidh ball ar bith de choiste ceapfar fén alt so luach saothair ar bith mar gheall ar ghníomhú mar bhall den choiste sin ná mar gheall ar aon tseirbhísí thug sé uaidh ná mar gheall ar aon obair do rinne sé maidir leis an scuab-gheall gur ina chóir do ceapadh an coiste sin.


(4) Aon choiste ceapfar fén alt so chun crícheanna scuab-ghill, ullamhóid agus leagfaid fé bhráid an Aire scéim ina luadhfar na nithe seo leanas, maidir leis an scuab-gheall san, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ainm no ainmneacha an óispidéil no na n-óispidéal gur mian le n-a chólucht no le n-a gcóluchtaí rialúcháin an scuab-gheall san do chur ar siúl, agus pé mion-innste ar an óispidéal no ar na hóispidéil sin is gá chun a chruthú gur óispidéal é no gur óispidéil iad le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so, agus


(b) ainmneacha ball an choiste sin, agus


(c) mion-innste ar na duaiseanna atá beartuithe do thabhairt amach sa scuab-gheall san, maraon le hairgead-luach aon duaise nach suim airgid, agus


(d) an méid crannchur duaiseanna atá beartuithe do dhéanamh sa scuab-gheall san agus an lá, an áit agus an modh atá beartuithe don chrannchur san no de gach ceann de sna crannchurtha san (má bhíonn níos mó ná aon chrannchur amháin beartuithe), agus


(e) an praghas atá beartuithe d'éileamh ar thicéidí don scuabgheall san, agus


(f) an méid no an méid maximum atá beartuithe do lomháil no do chaitheamh mar choimisiún, mar dhuais, no mar luach saothair eile maidir le ticéidí don scuab-gheall san do dhíol agus an cion de thicéidí atá beartuithe do thabhairt amach in aisce mar luach saothair don té dhéanfaidh aon líon áirithe de thicéidí don scuab-gheall san do dhíol, agus


(g) an tslí ina bhfuil beartuithe an t-airgead do gheobhfar, as ticéidí don scuab-gheall san do dhíol, d'úsáid do réir an Achta so, agus


(h) na hiontaobhaithe gur ina n-ainmneacha agus an banc gurb ann atá beartuithe an taisce no na taiscí, is gá do réir an Achta so, de shuim na nduais do lóisteail agus, i gcás ina bhfuil beartuithe an taisce no na taiscí sin do lóisteail, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, tré urrúis do lóisteail, mion-innste ar na hurrúis sin, agus


(i) an dáta gur roimhe a lóisteálfar an taisce sin no (más gá sa chás é) na dátaí fé seach gur rómpa a lóisteálfar gach taisce den tsórt san, agus


(j) an té atá beartuithe d'fhostú do réir an Achta so chun cuntaisí an scuab-ghill sin d'iniúcha.


An tAire do cheadú na scéime agus an scuab-gheall do bheith dleathach dá bhíthin sin.

3.—(1) Nuair a leagfar scéim fé bhráid an Aire fén Acht so féadfaidh an tAire, más oiriúnach leis é agus más deimhin leis gur óispidéal no gur óispidéil le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so an t-óispidéal no na hóispidéil a hainmnítear sa scéim sin, féadfa sé an scéim sin do cheadú gan í d'atharú no tar éis pé atharú is oiriúnach leis do dhéanamh uirthi.


(2) Nuair a leagfar scéim fé bhráid an Aire fén Acht so, ansan, chun a dheimhniú dho féin gur óispidéal le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so óispidéal a hainmnítear sa scéim sin, féadfaidh an tAire pé fianaise, tré dhearbhú reachtúil no ar aon tslí eile, is oiriúnach leis d'éileamh.


(3) Nuair a dhéanfaidh an tAire scéim a leagfar fé n-a bhráid fén Acht so do cheadú (pe'ca tar éis a hatharuithe é no gan í d'atharú) beidh sé dleathach do chólucht rialúcháin no óispidéil no do chóluchtaí rialúcháin na n-óispidéal a hainmnítear sa scéim sin an scuab-gheall le n-a mbaineann an scéim sin do chur ar siúl, d'ainneoin éinní contrárdha dho san atá in aon Acht eile, fé réir agus do réir na gcoiníollacha so leanas agus ní ar aon tslí eile, sé sin le rá:—


(a) déanfaidh an coiste do ceapadh fén Acht so agus do leag an scéim sin fé bhráid an Aire amhlaidh an scuabgheall san do stiúra agus do bhainistí, agus


(b) déanfar an scuab-gheall san do chur ar siúl, do stiúra, agus do bhainistí ar gach slí díreach do réir na scéime sin mar do cheaduigh an tAire í, agus


(c) cólíonfar, maidir leis an scuab-gheall san, na forálacha den Acht so le n-a n-éilítear go ndéanfaí rud ar bith áirithe no le n-a dtoirmiscthear rud ar bith áirithe do dhéanamh maidir le scuab-gheall a cuirfear ar siúl fén Acht so.


Suim no luach na nduais do lóisteail.

4.—(1) Pé uair a cuirfear scuab-gheall ar siúl fén Acht so déanfaidh coiste bainistí an scuab-ghill sin, i gcás go mbeidh beartuithe gan níos mó ná aon chrannchur duaiseanna amháin do dhéanamh sa scuab-gheall san, a chur fé ndeár go lóisteálfar do réir an ailt seo suim a bheidh chó mór le suim no le luach iomlán na nduais sa scuab-gheall san no, i gcás ina mbeidh beartuithe dhá chrannchur duaiseanna no níos mó do dhéanamh sa scuabgheall san, a chur fé ndeár go lóisteálfar, maidir le gach crannchur fé leith acu san agus do réir an ailt seo, suim a bheidh chó mór le suim no le luach iomlán na nduais sa scuab-gheall san a cuirfear ar chrannaibh sa chrannchur san.


(2) Féadfar taisce fén alt so do lóisteail tré airgead do lóisteail no tré stocanna, scaireanna no urrúsanna maithe indíolta do lóisteail, agus más tré urrúsanna den tsórt san do lóisteail a déanfar amhlaidh tuigfear gurb é luach na n-urrús san chun crícheanna an ailt seo ná an praghas a bheidh ortha sa mharga an lá lóisteálfar an taisce sin.


(3) Déanfar gach taisce fén alt so do lóisteail roimh an dáta bheidh ainmnithe chuige sin sa scéim a bhaineann leis an scuabgheall san mar a bheidh sí ceaduithe ag an Aire agus is sa bhanc agus in ainmneacha na n-iontaobhaithe bheidh ainmnithe sa scéim sin a lóisteálfar í agus, i gcás gur tré urrúsanna do lóisteail a déanfar amhlaidh, is tríd na hurrúsanna bheidh luaidhte chuige sin sa scéim sin do lóisteail a déanfar san.


(4) Is i mbanc puiblí i Saorstát Éireann a lóisteálfar taisce fén alt so agus is in ainmneacha triúr iontaobhaithe ar a laighead a lóisteálfar í.


(5) Na hiontaobhaithe gur ina n-ainmneacha a lóisteálfar airgead no urrúsanna fén alt so íocfaid no soláthróid, as an airgead no as na hurrúsanna san, leis an té no don té ag a mbeidh teideal chúichi sin fé théarmaí an chrannchuir gur maidir leis do lóisteáladh an taisce sin, gach duais (más ann di) a tarraingeofar sa chrannchur san agus ná híocfar no ná soláthrófar go cuibhe ag coiste bainistí an scuab-ghill ina ndéanfar an crannchur san agus chun na críche sin féadfaidh na hiontaobhaithe sin airgead do dhéanamh de gach ceann no d'aon cheann de sna hurrúsanna san.


(6) Nuair a bheidh na duaiseanna go léir a tarraingeofar sa chrannchur gur maidir leis a lóisteálfar taisce fén alt so íoctha no soláthruithe go hiomlán pe'ca gan baint leis an taisce sin é no i bpáirt no go hiomlán as an taisce sin, déanfaidh na hiontaobhaithe gur ina n-ainmneacha bheidh an taisce sin iomlán an airgid no na n-urrús a bheidh sa taisce sin, no pé méid den chéanna ná cuirfear chun críche ar aon tslí eile fén alt so (pe'ca aca is gá sa chás), do thabhairt thar n-ais don té do sholáthruigh an t-airgead no na hurrúsanna san.


(7) Más rud é, le toil an Aire, go bhfágfar gan déanamh an crannchur duaiseanna gur maidir leis a lóisteálfar taisce fén alt so, déanfaidh na hiontaobhaithe gur ina n-ainmneacha bheidh an taisce sin an t-airgead no na hurrúsanna bheidh sa taisce sin do thabhairt thar n-ais don té do sholáthruigh an céanna.


(8) Gach ús fhásfaidh, le linn taisce do bheith ann do lóisteáladh fén alt so, ar an airgead no ar na hurrúsanna bheidh sa taisce sin, is leis an té do sholáthruigh an t-airgead no na hurrúsanna san é agus beidh sé iníoctha leis.


Tora scuabgheall do chur chun críche.

5.—(1) An farasbár a bheidh fágtha den airgead do gheobhfar as ticéidí do dhíol do scuab-gheall a cuirfear ar siúl fén Acht so tar éis na duaiseanna do bhéarfar amach sa scuab-gheall san agus na costaisí fé n-a raghfar ag cur an scuab-ghill sin ar siúl d'íoc no soláthar ina gcóir, déanfar, más cólucht rialúcháin aon óispidéil amháin a chuirfidh an scuab-gheall san ar siúl, an farasbár san d'íoc leis an gcólucht rialúcháin sin agus, más cóluchtaí rialúcháin dhá óispidéal no níos mó a chuirfidh an scuab-gheall san ar siúl, déanfar an farasbár san do roinnt ar na cóluchtaí rialúcháin sin agus d'íoc leo do réir na gcionúireacht a bheidh luaidhte sa scéim do cheaduigh an tAire maidir leis an scuab-gheall san.


(2) Bainfidh na teoranta so leanas leis an airgead do chur chun críche do gheobhfar as ticéidí do dhíol do scuab-gheall a cuirfear ar siúl fén Acht so, sé sin le rá:—


(a) an méid den airgead san a cuirfear chun íoctha na gcostaisí fé n-a raghfar maidir leis an scuab-gheall san do chur ar siúl (lasmuich de thicéidí, coimisiún, duaiseanna no luach saothair eile do bhéarfar i dtaobh ticéidí do dhíol) ní ragha sé thar triocha per cent. den airgead san;


(b) má tugtar íocaíocht do dhuine mar gheall ar an scuabgheall san do chur chun cinn tuigfear chun crícheanna an Achta so an íocaíocht san do bheith ina cuid de sna costaisí bhaineann leis an scuab-gheall san do chur ar siúl agus ní ragha sí thar seacht per cent. den airgead san do gheobhfar as ticéidí do dhíol don scuab-gheall san;


(c) an méid a híocfar do réir fo-alt (1) den alt so leis an gcólucht rialúcháin no leis na colúchtaí rialúcháin a chuirfidh an scuab-gheall san ar siúl, ní bheidh sé níos lú ná fiche per cent. den airgead san do gheobhfar as ticéidí do dhíol don scuab-gheall san.


Cuntaisí scuab-gheall d'iniúcha.

6.—(1) Laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis an chrannchuir dhuaiseanna no, má bhíonn níos mó ná crannchur amháin den tsórt san ann, tar éis an chrannchuir dheiridh dhuaiseanna i scuab-gheall a cuirfear ar siúl fén Acht so déanfaidh coiste bainistí an scuabghill sin a chur fé ndeár go n-iniúchfaidh iniúchóir no cuntasóir, fé phár no ar n-a cháiliú ar aon tslí eile, cuntaisí gach airgid do fuarthas agus do híocadh maidir leis an scuab-gheall san agus bhéarfaidh don Aire agus fós do gach ball den Oireachtas cóip de sna cuntaisí sin mar do hiniúchadh iad amhlaidh agus cóip de dheimhniú an iniúchóra agus dá thuarasgabháil ortha.


(2) Isé duine iniúchfaidh cuntaisí scuab-ghill fén alt so ná an duine a hainmnítear chuige sin sa scéim a cheaduigh an tAire maidir leis an scuab-gheall san no, más rud é, ar réasún ar bith, ná beidh an duine sin ar fáil, duine éigin eile ag a mbeidh na cáilíochta is gá do réir an fho-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt so agus le n-a mbeidh an tAire sásta.


(3) Má dheineann coiste bainistí scuab-ghill a cuirfear ar siúl fén Acht so faillí do thabhairt i bhforálacha an ailt seo do chólíona maidir leis an scuab-gheall san beidh gach ball fé leith den choiste sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt do chur air agus, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, fíneáil eile ná raghaidh thar cúig púint in aghaidh gach lá déanfar an cionta.


Forálacha i dtaobh fógraí agus ticéidí do scuab-ghill.

7.—(1) Gach leabhar ticéad do scuab-gheall a cuirfear ar siúl fén Acht so beidh na nithe seo leanas clóbhuailte go soiléir air:—


(a) más cólucht rialúcháin aon óispidéil amháin a chuirfidh an scuab-gheall san ar siúl, ainm an óispidéil sin, no más cóluchtaí rialúcháin dhá óispidéal no níos mó chuirfidh an scuab-gheall san ar siúl, ainmneacha na n-óispidéal san agus na cionúireachtaí ina roinnfear ar na hóispidéil sin an t-airgead a déanfar tríd an scuabgheall san, agus


(b) ráiteas sa chéill gur fén Acht so atáthar ag cur an scuabghill sin ar siúl.


(2) Ní bheidh in aon fhógra, memorandum, cearcalán, ticéad, ná scríbhinn eile do bhéarfaidh coiste amach maidir le scuabgheall a cuirfear ar siúl fén Acht so aon fhocail á thaisbeáint no dob fhéidir go réasúnta do léiriú mar fhocail a thaisbeánann go bhfuil an scuab-gheall san á chur ar siúl fé choimirce no fé thearmann Rialtais Shaorstáit Éireann no aon Aire is ceann ar Roinn Stáit.


(3) Má bhíonn aon leabhar ticéad do scuab-gheall a cuirfear ar siúl fén Acht so gan bheith do réir forálacha fo-alt (1) den alt so no má sháruíonn aon fhógra, memorandum, cearcalán, ticéad no scríbhinn eile do bhéarfaidh coiste amach maidir le scuab-gheall den tsórt san forálacha fo-alt (2) den alt so, beidh gach ball fé leith de choiste bhainistí an scuab-ghill sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt do chur air.


(4) Beidh clóbhuailte go soiléir ar gach ticéad ráiteas á iarraidh ar an gceannuitheoir más rud é ná faghfar admháil ón gcoiste ar airgead an ticéid an méid sin do chur in úil don choiste féin.


Cuntaisí do chur isteach i dteanta na scéime.

8.—Coiste ar bith a bheidh ag leaga scéime fé bhráid an Aire fén Acht so bhéarfaidh don Aire, i dteanta na scéime sin, cóip de chuntaisí iniúchta an óispidéil no gach ceann de sna hóispidéil, a hainmnítear sa scéim sin, in aghaidh na bliana airgeadais is déanaí bhí ag an óispidéal no ag gach ceann de sna hóispidéil sin roimhe sin, agus ní bhreithneoidh an tAire aon scéim den tsórt san mara ndeintear ná go dtí go ndéanfar an t-alt so do chólíona.


Méid an airgid do fuarthas as ticéidí do dhíol d'áireamh.

9.—Nuair a beifear, chun crícheanna an Achta so, ag áireamh méid an airgid do fuarthas as ticéidí do dhíol do scuab-gheall ní cuirfear san áireamh luach na dticéad do tugadh amach in aisce mar luach saothair do dhíoltóir ticéad agus bainfear as ainmphraghas díola gach ticéid eile gach coimisiún, duais, agus luach saothair eile do tugadh amach maidir leis na ticéidí sin do dhíol agus ní tabharfar aon ticéidí amach in aisce ach iad so a tabharfar amach mar luach saothair do dhíoltóir ticéad.


Saothar agus abhair de chuid Shaorstáit Éireann d'úsáid.

10.—Chó fada agus is féidir é is i Saorstát Éireann a déanfar an chlódóireacht go léir do scuab-gheall no maidir le scuab-gheall a cuirfear ar siúl fén Acht so agus an páipeur agus na habhair eile go léir a húsáidfear chun críche scuab-gheall den tsórt san beid de dhéantús Shaorstáit Éireann.


Gearr-theideal agus buaine.

11.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht um Oispidéil Phuiblí Dhéirciúla (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1930, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Leanfaidh an tAcht so i bhfeidhm go dtí an 1adh lá d'Iúl, 1934, agus ragha sé in éag ansan.