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Uimh. 13 de 1935.





1.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Dlí agus Cirt; foluíonn an focal “leagáideacht” oifig Ard-Choimisinéara; nuair a húsáidtear an focal “saoránach” maidir le Saorstát Éireann foluíonn sé (lasmuich d'áit ná ceaduíonn an có-théacs é) duine is saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 3 den Bhunreacht agus nuair a húsáidtear é maidir le tír seachas Saorstát Éireann foluíonn sé géilliúnach no náisiúnach den tír sin agus léireofar an focal “saoránacht” dá réir sin; foluíonn an focal “orduithe” orduithe le rialacháin a dhéanfaidh an tAire fén Acht so.


Saoránaigh dhúthchais.

2.—(1) Beidh na daoine seo leanas ina saoránaigh dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann, sé sin le rá:—


(a) gach duine do rugadh i Saorstát Éireann an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, no dá éis agus roimh dháta an Achta so do rith, agus


(b) gach duine a béarfar i Saorstát Éireann ar dháta an Achta so do rith no dá éis, agus


(c) gach duine do rugadh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922. no dá éis agus roimh dháta an Achta so do rith i luing do bhí cláruithe i Saorstát Éireann, agus


(d) gach duine a béarfar an dháta an Achta so do rith no dá éis i luing a bheidh cláruithe i Saorstát Éireann, agus


(e) gach duine do rugadh lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, no dá éis agus roimh dháta an Achta so do rith, agus gur shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann a athair an lá do rugadh an duine sin, agus


(f) fé réir na bhforálacha anso ina dhiaidh seo den alt so, gach duine béarfar lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann ar dháta an Achta so do rith no dá éis agus gur saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann a athair an lá béarfar an duine sin.


(2) I gcás—


(a) duine do bheith lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann ar dháta an Achta so do rith no dá éis, agus


(b) athair an duine sin do bheith, an lá béarfar an duine sin, ina shaoránach dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann do rugadh lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann no ina shaoránach eadóirsithe de Shaorstát Éireann, agus


(c) gan athair an duine sin do bheith ar fostú i seirbhís Rialtais Shaorstáit Éireann an lá béarfar an duine sin,


ní bheidh an duine sin ina shaoránach dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann mara ndeintear, fé cheann bliana no, i gcás an tAire dá cheadú de bhíthin cúrsaí speisialta, fé cheann dhá bhlian tar éis an lae béarfar an duine sin, breith an duine sin do chlárú—


(d) más i dTuaisceart Éireann a béarfar an duine sin, sa chlár de bheireataisí i dTuaisceart Éireann, no (in aon chás eile),


(e) másé áit ina mbéarfar an duine sin ná i dtír ina mbeidh leagáideacht no consulacht le Saorstát Éireann an lá béarfar é, sa leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche bheidh á choimeád sa leagáideacht no sa chonsulacht san no sa chlár de bheireataisí coigríche, no


(f) másé áit ina mbéarfar an duine sin ná i dtír ná beidh leagáideacht ná consulacht le Saorstát Éireann inti an lá béarfar é, sa chlár de bheireataisí coigríche.


(3) Gach saoránach dúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann go mbeidh a cheart chun na saoránachta san ag brath ar a bhreith do bheith iontrálta sa chlár de bheireataisí coigríche no i leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche scuirfe sé de bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann i gceann bliana, no i gceann pé tréimhse is sia ná san a cheadóidh an tAire in aon chás áirithe de bhíthin cúrsaí speisialta, tar éis lá slánuithe bliana is fiche don duine sin maran rud é, tar éis slánuithe na haoise sin do agus fé cheann na bliana san no na tréimhse sin is sia ná san adubhradh, go ndéanfaidh an duine sin dearbhú sa bhfuirm orduithe ag coinneáil saoránachta Shaorstáit Éireann agus go gcláróidh sa tslí orduithe leis an Aire é agus fós, más saoránach de thír choigríche é, go gcuirfidh saoránacht na tíre sin uaidh do réir dlithe na tíre sin.


(4) Gach duine nách saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 3 den Bhunreacht ach do rugadh roimh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, in Éirinn no do thuismitheoirí gur rugadh duine amháin ar a laighead acu in Éirinn—


(a) tuigfear, má tá an duine sin le linn an Achta so do rith no má thagann sé chun bheith dá éis sin ina bhuanchomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann, gur saoránach dúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann é, no


(b) tuigfear, má tá an duine sin le linn an Achta so do rith ina bhuan-chomhnaí lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann agus nách saoránach eadóirsithe d'aon tír eile é, gur saoránach dúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann é ar é chlárú do réir an chéad fho-ailt ina dhiaidh seo den alt so.


(5) Einne go bhforáltar leis an bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so a cheart chun é d'áireamh mar shaoránach dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann fén bhfo-alt san do bheith ag brath ar é chlárú do réir an fho-ailt seo ní tuigfear gur saoránach dúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann é mara ndeintear, fé cheann bliana no, i gcás an tAire dá cheadú (fé cheann no tar éis na bliana san) de bhíthin cúrsaí speisialta, fé cheann dhá bhlian tar éis an Achta so do rith, ainm an duine sin do chlárú—


(a) má tá an duine sin, le linn an Achta so do rith, ina bhuan-chomhnaí i dtír ina bhfuil leagáideacht no consulacht le Saorstát Éireann, sa chlár de náisiúnaigh a coimeádtar sa leagáideacht no sa chonsulacht san no sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh, no


(b) má tá an duine sin, le linn an Achta so do rith, ina bhuan-chomhnaí i dtír ná fuil leagáideacht le Saorstát Éireann ná consulacht le Saorstát Éireann inti, sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh.


(6) Gach duine do rugadh roimh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, agus atá, le linn an Achta so do rith, ar fostú lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann i Stát-Sheirbhís Rialtais Shaorstáit Éireann mar oifigeach bhunuithe ach nách saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 3 den Bhunreacht tuigfear gur saoránach dúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann é.


(7) D'ainneoin éinní atá sna forálacha san roimhe seo den alt so—


(a) ní bheidh duine do rugadh no béarfar i Saorstát Éireann an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, no ina dhiaidh (pe'ca roimh an Acht so do rith no dá éis sin é) ina shaoránach dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann i gcás athair an duine sin do bheith, ar dháta an duine sin do bhreith, ina envoyé extraordinaire agus ina Aire lán-chomhachtach no ina cheann ar shlí eile ar mhisiún taidhleoireachta choigríche do bunuíodh i Saorstát Éireann no do bheith ina rúnaí leagáideachta no ina bhall de shaghas eile d'fhuireann taidhleoireachta an mhisiúin sin gur cuireadh a cheapadh chun na hoifige sin in úil go hoifigiúil don Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche no do bheith i dteideal ar shlí eile chun saoirsí taidhleoireachta agus do bheith in aon chás acu ina náisiúnach den tír d'údaruigh an misiún san, agus


(b) duine do rugadh no béarfar i Saorstát Éireann an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, no ina dhiaidh (pe'ca roimh an Acht so do rith no dá éis sin é) agus go raibh no go mbeidh a athair, ar dháta an duine sin do bhreith, ina árd-chonsul, ina chonsul, ina leas-chonsul no ina oifigeach de shaghas eile do thír eile agus misiún oifigiúil i Saorstát Éireann de chúram air agus é ina náisiúnach den tír do cheap no cheapfaidh é scuirfe sé, más rud é, le linn a bheirthe agus de bhuadh dlithe na tíre sin do cheap no cheapfaidh a athair amhlaidh, go bhfuair no go bhfuighidh náisiúntacht na tíre sin, de bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann i gcás agus le linn athair an duine sin do dhéanamh agus do lóisteáil dearbhuithe eachtrannachta leis an Aire thar ceann an duine sin sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe sara mbeidh bliain is fiche slán ag an duine sin no i gcás agus le linn an duine sin dá dhéanamh san tar éis slánuithe na haoise sin do.


Iarratas ar dheimhniú eadóirseachta.

3.—(1) Féadfaidh duine ar bith nách saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann deimhniú eadóirseachta d'iarraidh ar an Aire sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe.


(2) Gach duine iarrfaidh deimhniú eadóirseachta fén alt so bhéarfaidh don Aire, ina fhuirm iarratais no i slí eile, gach eolas iarrfaidh an tAire sa bhfuirm sin no i slí eile chun an iarratais sin do bhreithniú go cuibhe agus má iarrann agus nuair iarrfaidh an tAire air san do dhéanamh fíoróidh an t-eolas san go léir no aon chuid de tré dhearbhú reachtúil o dhuine éigin (pe'ca isé an t-iarratasóir no duine eile é) go mbeidh fios an scéil aige.


(3) Má theipeann ar dhuine ar bith aon eolas no fíorú do thabhairt uaidh iarrfaidh an tAire air fén alt so do thabhairt uaidh féadfaidh an tAire, ar scór na teipe sin agus gan dochar d'aon chomhacht eile chun diúltuithe bronntar leis an Acht so, diúltú don iarratas gur ina thaobh do hiarradh an t-eolas no an fíorú san.


(4) Má dheineann duine ar bith, chun crícheanna no i dtaobh iarratais fén alt so, éinní do rá leis an Aire no aon eolas do thabhairt dó is eol dó do bheith bréagach no mí-threorach in aon phonc táchtach beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt do chur air no, más rogha leis an gcúirt é, príosúntacht ar feadh tréimhse ar bith nách sia ná sé mhí no an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúntacht san le chéile.


Deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach.

4.—(1) Pé uair a hiarrfar deimhniú eadóirseachta go cuibhe ar an Aire féadfaidh an tAire, más rogha leis é ach fé réir na gcoinníollacha fhorchuireann an t-alt so—


(a) géilleadh don iarratas san agus deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach don iarratasóir dá réir sin, no


(b) diúltú don iarratas san.


(2) Ní tabharfar amach deimhniú eadóirseachta do dhuine nách slán meabhair ná (lasmuich de chás dá n-údaruítear san go soiléir leis an Acht so) do dhuine ná beidh bliain is fiche slán aige.


(3) Ní thabharfaidh an tAire deimhniú eadóirseachta amach do dhuine ar bith maran deimhin ná go dtí gur deimhin leis—


(a) gur duine measúil an duine sin, agus


(b) lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so, gur chomhnuigh an duine sin go leanúnach i Saorstát Éireann ar feadh na tréimhse de bhliain dar chríoch an dáta ar ar iarr sé an deimhniú san agus fós gur chomhnuigh sé i Saorstát Éireann, i rith na n-ocht mblian díreach roimh an tréimhse sin de bhliain, ar feadh tréimhse leanúnaighe de cheithre bliana no ar feadh tréimhsí nea-leanúnacha gur ceithre bliana a n-iomlán, agus


(c) go bhfuil beartuithe bona fide ag an duine sin, má tugtar agus nuair do bhéarfar an deimhniú san amach do, a ghnáth-áit no a phríomh-áit chomhnuithe do bheith aige i Saorstát Éireann, agus


(d) go bhfuil an duine sin tar éis dearbhú do dhéanamh sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe ag glacadh le saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann.


(4) Más céile do dhuine a háirmhítear fén Acht so (de bhuadh buan-chomhnuithe i Saorstát Éireann) mar shaoránach dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann an té bheidh ag iarraidh deimhnithe eadóirseachta féadfaidh an tAire, más dóich leis gur ceart é, a cheadú, i gcás an iarrtasóra san, gan a bheith air bheith do réir an méid sin den alt so bhaineann le comhnaí i Saorstát Éireann roimh dheimhniú eadóirseachta d'iarraidh.


(5) Má dheineann an té bheidh ag iarraidh deimhnithe eadóirseachta a chur ina luighe ar an Aire—


(a) gur baintreach í, agus


(b) nár shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann a fear céile díreach roimh a bhás, agus


(c) gur shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann í díreach sarar phós sí, agus


(d) gur leig sí saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann di fén Acht so toisc gur phós sí duine nár shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann, agus


(e) go raibh sí ar dháta báis a fir chéile agus go bhfuil sí ar dháta an iarratais ina gnáth-chomhnaí lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann,


féadfaidh an tAire, más dóich leis gur ceart é, a cheadú, i gcás an iarratasóra san, gan a bheith uirthi bheith do réir an méid sin den alt so bhaineann le duine bheith ina chomhnaí no le n-a bheith beartuithe aige bheith ina chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann.


(6) Féadfaidh an tAire, más oiriúnach leis é i gcás éinne áirithe bheidh ag iarraidh deimhnithe eadóirseachta, aon tréimhse áirithe sheirbhíse thug an t-iarratasóir sin lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann i bhfostaíocht Rialtais Shaorstáit Éireann d'áireamh mar chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann chun crícheanna an ailt seo.


Deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach i gcásanna speisialta.

5.—(1) Féadfaidh an Ard-Chomhairle, más dóich leo agus pé uair is dóich leo é bheith ceart, a chur fé ndeár deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach fén Acht so do dhuine ar bith, no do dhuine chlainne no chlainne clainne le duine ar bith, is dóich leis an Ard-Chomhairle do thug mór-onóir no seirbhís oirdhearc do Náisiún na hÉireann.


(2) Féadfaidh an Ard-Chomhairle a údarú don Aire, maidir le deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach fén alt so, an té dá dtabharfar amach an deimhniú san do shaoradh o gach coinníoll no o pé coinníoll no coinníollacha is dóich leis an Aire is ceart de sna coinníollacha nách foláir, de bhuadh an Achta so, iad do chólíonadh sara ndeontar deimhniú eadóirseachta.


Deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach chun amhrais do chur ar ceal.

6.—(1) Má iarrann duine deimhniú eadóirseachta ar an Aire fén Acht so agus go ndéarfaidh san iarratas san go n-áirmheann sé é féin mar shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann agus gur eirigh amhras éigin i dtaobh ce'ca tá sé i dteideal na saoránachta san no ná fuil agus gur chuige amháin atá an t-iarratas san á dhéanamh aige chun an amhrais sin do chur ar ceal féadfaidh an tAire, más dóich leis gur ceart é ag féachaint do chúrsaí uile an cháis, deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach don duine sin ina ndéarfar go soiléir gur chuige amháin atá sé á thabhairt amach chun amhrais do chur ar ceal.


(2) Má bheirtear deimhniú eadóirseachta amach d'éinne fén alt so ní fianaise ná admháil é sin nár shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann an duine sin roimh an deimhniú san do thabhairt amach ná ní dhéanfaidh dochar ná deifir don duine sin dá dhéanamh amach gur shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann é tráth ar bith roimh an tabhairt amach san.


Deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach do mhionaciseach.

7.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire aon uair deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach do dhuine ná beidh bliain is fiche slán aige d'ainneoin gan an aois sin do bheith slán aige agus pe'ca bheidh no ná beidh na coinníollacha san cólíonta aige nách foláir, de bhuadh an Achta so, iad do chólíonadh sara ndeontar deimhniú cadóirseachta dho más dóich leis an Aire as a chomhairle féin gur ceart an deimhniú san do thabhairt amach don duine sin toisc gur de bhunadh Éireannach an duine sin no toisc baint éigin do bheith aige le cúrsaí na hÉireann agus ag féachaint do chúrsaí eile an cháis.


(2) Ní tabharfar amach deimhniú eadóirseachta fén alt so ach amháin ar iarratas, sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe, o thuismitheoir no o chaomhnóir an duine go mbeidh beartuithe an deimhniú san do bhaint leis.


(3) Duine go dtabharfar deimhniú eadóirseachta amach do fén alt so féadfaidh, fé cheann bliana tar éis bliain is fiche do shlánú dho, dearbhú eachtrannachta do dhéanamh agus do lóisteáil leis an Aire sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe agus air sin scuirfidh an duine sin de bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann.


Fuirm agus feidhm deimhnithe eadóirseachta.

8.—(1) Is sa bhfuirm orduithe a bheidh gach deimhniú eadóirseachta do bhéarfar amach fén Acht so agus beidh sé séaluithe le séala oifigiúil an Aire agus déarfa sé agus, o am a thabhartha amach agus faid a bheidh sé gan ceiliúradh, déanfa sé an seasamh céanna bhíonn ag saoránach dúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann do bhronnadh ar an té bheidh ainmnithe ann.


(2) Eileofar agus íocfar ar gach deimhniú cadóirseachta do bhéarfar amach fén Acht so pé táille bheidh orduithe.


(3) Ar n-a iarraidh sin air sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe féadfaidh an tAire cóip d'aon deimhniú eadóirseachta do tugadh amach fén Acht so, agus í deimhnithe sa tslí orduithe mar chóip dhílis, do thabhairt amach ar íoc na táille orduithe.


(4) Duine go dtabharfar deimhniú eadóirseachta amach do fén Acht so beidh sé, o dháta an deimhnithe sin do thabhairt amach agus faid a bheidh an deimhniú san gan ceiliúradh, i dteideal agus i seilbh (fé réir forálacha an Achta so) gach cirt, comhachta agus príbhléide, poiliticiúil agus eile, a bhíonn ag saoránach dúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann agus fé gach oblagáid, dualgas agus freagarthacht a bhíonn ar shaoránach dhúthchais den tsórt san ach, i gcás deimhnithe eadóirseachta do bhéarfar amach do dhuine ná beidh bliain is fiche slán aige, beidh san, faid a bheidh an duine sin fé bhun na haoise sin, gan dochar do sna teoranta bheidh ann toisc gan an aois sin do bheith slán aige.


(5) Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach fén Acht so foillseoidh an tAire san Iris Oifigiúil fógra i dtaobh an deimhnithe sin do thabhairt amach agus ainm an duine ann dar tugadh amach é agus pé mion-innste eile (más aon cheann é) ina thaobh is dóich leis an Aire is ceart.


Ainmneacha clainne do luadh i ndeimhniú eadóirseachta.

9.—(1) I ngach deimhniú eadóirseachta do bhéarfar amach fén Acht so luadhfar ainm gach duine chlainne, leis an té le n-a mbaineann an deimhniú, a bheidh, ar dháta an deimhnithe sin do thabhairt amach, fé bhun bliain is fiche d'aois agus gan bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann.


(2) An luadh bheidh i ndeimhniú eadóirseachta do réir an ailt seo ar ainm dhuine chlainne leis an té le n-a mbaineann an deimhniú san oibreoidh sé chun seasamh saoránaigh dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann do bhronnadh ar an duine clainne sin ach féadfaidh aon duine clainne den tsórt san, fé cheann bliana tar éis bliain is fiche do shlánú dho, dearbhú eachtrannachta sa bhfuirm orduithe do dhéanamh agus do lóisteáil leis an Aire sa tslí orduithe agus air sin scuirfidh an duine clainne sin de bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann.


Deimhniú eadóirseachta do cheiliúradh.

10.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire aon uair, as a chomhairle féin agus más rogha leis féin é, aon deimhniú eadóirseachta do tugadh amach fén Acht so do cheiliúradh le hordú.


(2) Ceiliúrfaidh an tAire deimhniú eadóirseachta pé uair is deimhin leis—


(a) gur tré chalaois do tugadh chun críche an deimhniú san do thabhairt amach no tré cham-thuairisc (calaoiseach no neamh-urchóideach) no tré fhíora no cúrsaí táchtacha do cheilt, no


(b) go ndearnadh, laistigh de chúig bliana tar éis an deimhnithe sin do thabhairt amach, an té le n-a mbaineann an deimhniú san do dhaoradh ag aon chúirt (agus áireamh do dhéanamh ar chúirt i dtír ina mbíonn ag saoránaigh de Shaorstát Éireann, do réir chonvensiúin no do réir dhlí, an seasamh céanna bhíonn ag saoránaigh den tír sin no teideal chun an tseasaimh sin) chun fíneála nách lugha ná céad púnt no chun príosúntachta ar feadh téarma nách giorra ná bliain no chun pian-tseirbhíse ar feadh téarma ar bith, no


(c) nár dhuine measúil an duine sin ar dháta an deimhnithe sin do thabhairt amach, no


(d) go raibh an duine sin (ach amháin i gcás gur duine é ná fuil bliain is fiche slán aige no gur duine é gur chuir an Ard-Chomhairle fé ndeár deimhniú eadóirseachta do thabhairt amach do), ar feadh tréimhse leanúnaighe nár ghiorra ná seacht mbliana tar éis an deimhnithe sin do thabhairt amach, ina ghnáthchomhnaí lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann (ar shlí eile seachas de bharr bheith ar fostú i seirbhís Rialtais Shaorstáit Éireann no mar ghníomhaire no ionadaí do dhuine bhí ina chomhnaí no ag gabháil do ghnó i Saorstát Éireann) gan aon bhaint mhór aige le Saorstát Éireann, no


(e) go bhfuil an duine, fé dhlí thíre atá i gcogadh le Saorstát Éireann, ina náisiúnach den tír sin.


(3) Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis deimhniú eadóirseachta do cheiliúradh foillseoidh an tAire san Iris Oifigiúil fógra i dtaobh ceiliúrtha an deimhnithe sin.


(4) Pé uair a ceiliúrfar deimhniú eadóirseachta déanfaidh an té le n-ar bhain an deimhniú san é do sheachadadh don Aire fé cheann trí mí tar éis an cheiliúrtha san agus má theipeann air san do dhéanamh beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air agus fíneáil bhreise ná raghaidh thar púnt in aghaidh gach lae leanfaidh an teip sin.


(5) Beidh sé ina chosaint mhaith ar chúiseamh i dtaobh cionta do dhéanamh fén alt so a chruthú gur dithíodh an deimhniú gur maidir leis adeirtear do rinneadh an cionta.


Saoránacht chéile dhuine go gceiliúrfar a dheimhniú.

11.—Pé uair a cheiliúrfaidh an tAire deimhniú eadóirseachta, ansan, má bhíonn an duine le n-ar bhain an deimhniú san pósta le linn an cheiliúrtha san agus gur shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann, díreach roimh an gceiliúradh san, bean chéile no fear céile an duine sin (pe'ca aca é), beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ní dhéanfaidh an ceiliúradh san ann féin dochar ná deifir don tsaoránacht san na mná céile no an fhir chéile sin;


(b) má ba shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann an bhean chéile no an fear céile sin (pe'ca aca é), díreach roimh an gceiliúradh san, de bhuadh deimhnithe eadóirseachta do tugadh amach di no dho, féadfaidh an tAire, leis an ordú dheineann an ceiliúradh san no le hordú ina dhiaidh sin a déanfar fé cheann bliana tar éis an cheiliúrtha san, an deimhniú eadóirseachta do tugadh amach amhlaidh don mhnaoi chéile no don fhear chéile sin do cheiliúradh;


(c) féadfaidh an bhean chéile no an fear céile sin (marar ceiliúradh a deimhniú no a dheimhniú eadóirseachta fé sna forálacha san roimhe seo den alt so) dearbhú eachtrannachta do dhéanamh agus do lóisteáil leis an Aire sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe fé cheann bliana tar éis an cheiliúrtha san agus air sin scuirfidh an bhean chéile no an fear céile sin (pe'ca aca é) de bheith ina saoránach no ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann.


Saoránacht duine chlainne le duine go gceiliúrfar a dheimhniú.

12.—Pé uair a cheiliúrfaidh an tAire deimhniú eadóirseachta, ansan, más rud é, le linn an cheiliúrtha san, go raibh ag an duine le n-a bhain an deimhniú san duine clainne fé bhun bliain is fiche d'aois do bhí, díreach roimh an gceiliúradh san, ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ní dhéanfaidh an ceiliúradh san ann féin dochar ná deifir don tsaoránacht san an duine chlainne sin;


(b) féadfaidh an tAire, leis an ordú dheineann an ceiliúradh san no le hordú ina dhiaidh sin a déanfar fe cheann bliana tar éis an cheiliúrtha san, deireadh do chur le saoránacht an duine chlainne sin agus air sin scuirfidh an duine clainne sin de bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann.


Saoránacht leanbhaí faighte.

13.—Gach leanbh faighte gur i Saorstát Éireann do fuarthas no do gheobhfar é den chéad uair ina leanbh thréigthe tuigfear go dtí go gcruthófar a mhalairt gur i Saorstát Éireann do rugadh é.


Baintreach d'athghlacadh saoránachta.

14.—Má chuireann bean ina luighe ar an Aire—


(a) gur baintreach í, agus


(b) nár shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann a fear céile díreach roimh a bhás, agus


(c) gur shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann í díreach sarar phós sí, agus


(d) gur leig sí saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann di fén Acht so toisc gur phós sí duine nár shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann, agus


(e) go bhfuil gnáth-chomhnaí uirthi i Saorstát Éireann,


beidh teideal ag an mnaoi sin dearbhú do dhéanamh agus do lóisteáil leis an Aire sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe á rá go bhfuil beartuithe aici leanúint de bheith ina gnáth-chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann agus gur mian léi saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann d'ath-ghlacadh chúichi agus ar dhéanamh agus ar lóisteáil an dearbhuithe sin amhlaidh tuigfear saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann do bheith ath-ghlactha chúichi ag an mnaoi sin.


Ní dhéanfaidh pósadh deifir do shaoránacht.

15.—(1) Má phós saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann, tar éis an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, agus roimh dháta an Achta so do rith, duine nár shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann ní oibreoidh san ann féin ná ní tuigfear gur oibrigh riamh ann féin chun saoránachta Shaorstáit Éireann do bhaint den pháirtí sa phósadh san ba shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann roimh an bpósadh san ná chun saoránachta Saorstáit Éireann do bhronnadh ar an bpáirtí sa phósadh san nár shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann roimh an bpósadh san.


(2) Má phósann saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann, ar dháta an Achta so do rith no dá éis, duine nách saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann ní oibreoidh san ann féin chun saoránachta Shaorstáit Éireann do bhaint den pháirtí sa phósadh san is saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann roimh an bpósadh san ná chun saoránachta Shaorstáit Éireann do bhronnadh ar an bpáirtí sa phósadh san nách saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann roimh an bpósadh san.


Saoránacht shaoránaigh atá pósta le heachtrannach.

16.—(1) I gcás—


(a) duine de lánamhain do pósadh (pe'ca in Éirinn é no lasmuich dhi) roimh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, do theacht chun bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 3 den Bhunreacht agus gan an duine eile den lánamhain sin do theacht chun bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh an Airtiogail sin, no


(b) duine de lánamhain do pósadh (pe'ca i Saorstát Éireann é no lasmuich dhe) an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, no dá éis, agus roimh dháta an Achta so do rith, do bheith, díreach roimh an bpósadh san, ina shaorá nach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 3 den Bhunreacht agus gan an duine eile den lánamhain sin do bheith, díreach roimh an bpósadh san, ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhunadh an Airtiogail sin,


agus, i gceachtar cás acu, an lánamha san do bheith ina ngnáthchomhnaí lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann ar feadh dhá bhlian ar a laighead roimh an Acht so do rith no, más i rith an dá bhlian san do pósadh iad, go leanúnach o am an phósta san agus é bheith ar aigne acu leanúint de bheith ina ngnáth-chomhnaí lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann, ansan, an duine den lánamhain sin do tháinig chun bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 3 den Bhunreacht no (neachtar acu) do bhí, díreach roimh an bpósadh san, ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh an Airtiogail sin, scuirfidh, ar an am a ceaptar leis an gcéad fho-alt ina dhiaidh seo den alt so, de bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann maran rud é go ndéanfaidh agus go lóisteálfaidh leis an Aire, fé cheann dhá bhlian tar éis an Achta so do rith, dearbhú sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe gurb é a rogha saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann do choinneáil mar shaoránacht iar-phósta dho féin no dhi féin.


(2) Isé tráth a scuirfidh aon duine áirithe de bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so ná pé tráth acu so leanas a bhaineann le cás an duine sin, sé sin le rá:—


(a) má fuair an duine sin náisiúntacht chéile an duine sin roimh an Acht so do rith—i gceann bliana tar éis an Achta so do rith, no


(b) má gheibheann an duine sin náisiúntacht chéile an duine sin fé cheann dhá bhlian tar éis an Achta so do rith— i gceann na tréimhse sin, no


(c) mara bhfaghaidh an duine sin náisiúntacht chéile an duine sin fé cheann dhá bhlian tar éis an Achta so do rith—an dáta ar a bhfuighidh an náisiúntacht san.


(3) I gcás duine de lánamhain a pósfar (pe'ca i Saorstát Éireann é no lasmuich dhe) ar dháta an Achta so do rith no dá éis do bheith, direach roimh an bpósadh san, ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann agus gan an duine eile den lánamhain sin do bheith, díreach roimh an bpósadh san, ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann agus é bheith ar aigne ag an lánamhain sin bheith ina ngnáth-chomhnaí go buan lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann tar éis an phósta san, ansan, an duine den lánamhain sin a bheidh díreach roimh an bpósadh san ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann, scuirfidh ar an am a ceaptar leis an gcéad fho-alt ina dhiaidh seo den alt so de bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann maran rud é go ndéanfaidh agus go lóisteálfaidh leis an Aire fé cheann bliana tar éis an phósta san dearbhú sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe gurb é a rogha saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann do choinneáil mar shaoránacht iar-phósta dho féin no dhi féin.


(4) Isé tráth a scuirfidh aon duine áirithe de bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so ná pé tráth acu so leanas a bhaineann le cás an duine sin, sé sin le rá:—


(a) má fuair an duine sin náisiúntacht chéile an duine sin ar phósadh no fé cheann bliana tar éis pósta don duine sin—i gceann na bliana san, no


(b) mara bhfaghaidh an duine sin náisiúntacht chéile an duine sin fé cheann bliana tar éis pósta don duine sin— an dáta ar a bhfuighidh an náisiúntacht san.


Deimhniú eadóirseachta eachtrannaigh do pósadh roimhe seo le saoránach.

17.—I gcás—


(a) (i) duine de lánamhain do pósadh (pe'ca in Éirinn é no lasmuich dhi) roimh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, do theacht chun bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 3 den Bhunreacht agus gan an duine eile den lánamhain sin do theacht chun bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh an Airtiogail sin, no


(ii) duine de lánamhain do pósadh (pe'ca i Saorstát Éireann é no lasmuich dhe) an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, no dá éis, agus roimh dháta an Achta so do rith, do bheith, díreach roimh an bpósadh san, ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 3 den Bhunreacht agus gan an duine eile den lánamhain sin do bheith, díreach roimh an bpósadh san, ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh an Airtiogail sin, agus


(b) go ndéanfaidh an duine den lánamhain sin nár tháinig chun bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 3 den Bhunreacht, no (neachtar acu) nár shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh an Airtiogail sin díreach roimh an bpósadh san, deimhniú eadóirseachta d'iarraidh go cuibhe fén Acht so, agus go lóisteálfaidh leis an Aire, i dteanta an iarratais ar an deimhniú san, dearbhú sa bhfuirm orduithe gurb é a rogha saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann do ghlacadh mar shaoránacht iar phósta dho féin no dhi féin, agus go gcruthóidh, sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe, chun sástachta an Aire go bhfuil scurtha aige no aici, no go scuirfidh ar shaoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann d'fháil, de bheith ina shaoránach d'aon tír eile, agus


(c) gur deimhin leis an Aire an lánamha san do bheith, ar dháta an iarratais sin, ina ngnáth-chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann agus iad do bheith ina ngnáth-chomhnaí amhlaidh go leanúnach o am an Achta so do rith agus ar feadh dhá bhlian ar a laighead roimh an am san no, más i rith an dá bhlian san do pósadh iad, ar feadh na tréimhse idir an pósadh san agus an t-am san,


ceadóidh an tAire gan a bheith ar an duine sin a bheidh ag iarraidh deimhnithe eadóirseachta amhlaidh bheith do réir na bhforálacha den Acht so bhaineann le duine do bheith ina chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann roimh an iarratas mar choinníoll nách foláir do a chólíonadh sara dtugtar deimhniú eadóirseachta amach do.


Deimhniú eadóirseachta eachtrannaigh a pósfar ina dhiaidh seo le saoránach.

18.—I gcás—


(a) duine de lánamhain a pósfar (pe'ca i Saorstát Éireann é no lasmuich dhe) ar dháta an Achta so do rith, no dá éis, do bheith díreach roimh an bpósadh san ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann agus gan an duine eile den lánamhain sin do bheith díreach roimh an bpósadh san ina shaoránach no ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann, agus


(b) é bheith ar aigne ag an lánamhain sin bheith ina ngnáthchomhnaí go buan i Saorstát Éireann, agus


(c) go ndéanfaidh an duine den lánamhain sin nár shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann díreach roimh an bpósadh san deimhniú eadóirseachta d'iarraidh go cuibhe fén Acht so agus go lóisteálfaidh leis an Aire, i dteanta an iarratais ar an deimhniú san, dearbhú sa bhfuirm orduithe gurb é a rogha saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann do ghlacadh mar shaoránacht iar-phósta dho féin no dhi féin agus go gcruthóidh, sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe, chun sástachta an Aire go bhfuil scurtha aige no aici, no go scuirfidh ar shaoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann d'fháil, de bheith ina shaoránach no ina saoránach d'aon tír eile,


ansan, na forálacha den Acht so bhaineann le duine do bheith ina chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann, roimh an iarratas, do bheith mar choinníoll nách foláir do a chólíonadh sara dtugtar deimhniú eadóirseachta amach do, beid, maidir leis an duine sin a bheidh ag iarraidh an deimhnithe sin amhlaidh, fé réir na n-atharuithe seo leanas, sé sin le rá, más fear an duine sin, isé a bheidh sa choinníoll san ná an duine sin do bheith ina ghnáth-chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann ar feadh tréimhse de dhá bhliain dar críoch dáta an iarratais sin agus más bean an duine sin ceadóidh an tAire gan a bheith ar an duine sin bheith do réir an choinníll sin maidir le comhnaí i Saorstát Éireann.


Bás no atharú saoránachta duine de lánamhain phósta.

19.—(1) Ní thiocfaidh de bhás duine saoránacht na mná céile no an fhir chéile mhairfidh i ndiaidh an duine sin d'atharú ná do chailliúint.


(2) Má gheibheann duine saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann ní dhéanfaidh san ann féin saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann do bhronnadh ar mhnaoi chéile no ar fhear chéile an duine sin agus má chailleann duine saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann ní bhainfidh san an tsaoránacht san de mhnaoi chéile no d'fhear chéile an duine sin.


(3) Má gheibheann duine saoránacht tíre eile seachas Saorstát Éireann ní dhéanfaidh san ann féin saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann do bhaint de mhnaoi chéile no d'fhear chéile an duine sin.


Saoránacht duine chlainne ar thuismitheoir d'atharú a shaoránachta.

20.—I gcás duine is saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann do scur de bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann ní bhainfidh an scur san saoránacht Shaorstáit Éireann d'aon duine clainne leis an duine sin a bheidh fé bhun bliain is fiche d'aois ar dháta an scuir sin.


Saoránacht do chailliúint ar shaoránacht tíre eile d'fháil.

21.—(1) Gach saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann a thiocfaidh chun bheith ina shaoránach d'aon tír eile tar éis bliain is fiche do shlánú dho scuirfidh air sin de bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann ach amháin i gcás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so.


(2) Gach saoránach dúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann is saoránach de thír eile le linn a bheirthe no thiocfaidh chun bheith ina shaoránach de thír eile tar éis bliain is fiche do shlánú dho agus a dhéanfaidh agus a lóisteálfaidh dearbhú eachtrannachta sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe leis an Aire fé cheann bliana tar éis bliain is fiche do shlánú dho scuirfidh, o am an dearbhuithe sin do lóisteáil, de bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann ach beidh san gan dochar d'é chailliúint na saoránachta san aon uair roimhe sin.


Gan oblagáidí, etc., do dhul ar ceal ar dhuine do scur de bheith ina shaoránach.

22.—Pé uair a scuirfidh duine de bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann ní cibreoidh an scur san ann féin agus gan a thuilleadh chun duine do shaoradh o aon oblagáid no dualgas no freagarthacht do ghlac sé air féin no do cuireadh air no fé n-a ndeachaidh roimh an scur san.


Có-chearta saoránachta idir Saorstát Éireann agus tíortha eile.

23.—(1) Pé uair a foráltar le convensiún ar n-a dhéanamh, roimh an Acht so do rith no dá éis, idir Saorstát Éireann agus aon tír eile no idir Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann agus Rialtas aon tíre eile gach ceann no aon cheann de sna cearta agus de sna príbhléidí bhíonn ag saoránaigh den tír eile sin do bheith ag saoránaigh de Shaorstát Éireann sa tír eile sin (gan coinníoll no fé réir coinníollacha do chólíonadh) agus gach ceann no aon cheann de sna cearta agus de sna príbhléidí bhíonn ag saoránaigh de Shaorstát Éireann do bheith ag saoránaigh den tír eile sin i Saorstát Éireann (gan coinníoll no fé réir coinníollacha do chólíonadh), ansan agus i ngach cás den tsórt san, faid a leanfaidh an convensiún san i bhfeidhm beidh ag saoránaigh den tír eile sin i Saorstát Éireann, do réir agus fé réir téarmaí an chonvensiúin sin, pé cinn de chearta agus de phríbhléidí saoránach Shaorstáit Éireann a háirithíthear dóibh chuige sin leis an gconvensiún san.


(2) Pé uair is deimhin leis an Ard-Chomhairle gach ceann no aon cheann de sna cearta agus de sna príbhléidí bhíonn ag saoránaigh d'aon tír áirithe do bheith ag saoránaigh de Shaorstát Éireann sa tír sin (gan coinníoll no fé réir coinníollacha do chólíonadh) de bhuadh an dlí bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire sa tír sin féadfaidh an Ard-Chomhairle le hordú a dhearbhú go mbeidh ag saoránaigh den tír sin i Saorstát Éireann pé cearta agus príbhléidí (den tsamhail a bronntar leis an dlí sin ar shaoránaigh de Shaorstát Éireann sa tír sin) a luadhfar san ordú san ach beidh san fé réir cólíonadh pé coinníollacha, más aon cheann é, (de shamhail na gcoinníollacha, más aon cheann é, a forchuirfear leis an dlí sin) a luadhfar san ordú san.


(3) Faid a leanfaidh ordú i bhfeidhm a dhéanfaidh an Ard-Chomhairle fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so beidh i Saorstát Éireann ag saoránaigh den tír le n-a mbaineann an t-ordú san, do réir an orduithe sin, na cearta agus na príbhléidí luadhfar chuige sin san ordú san ach beidh san fé réir cólíonadh pé coinníollacha (más aon cheann é) a luadhfar san ordú san.


(4) Féadfaidh an Ard-Chomhairle aon uair, le hordú, ordú do rinneadar roimhe sin fén alt so do leasú no do cheiliúradh.


(5) Ní oibreoidh éinní san alt so ná in aon ordú déanfar fén alt so—


(a) chun aon chirt no príbhléide do bhronnadh ar dhuine ar bith a bronntar le hAcht den Oireachtas (ar n-a rith roimh an Acht so no dá éis) ar aon aicme no drong daoine, pe'ca mar shaoránaigh no mar náisiúnaigh de Shaorstát Éireann no ar aon tslí eile tuairiscítear iad, nách duine dhíobh an duine sin an t-am a bheidh i gceist, ná


(b) chun aon chirt no príbhléide do bhronnadh ar mhnaoi ar bith is bean chéile do shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann agus nár tháinig chun bheith ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhíthin a pósta leis an saoránach san agus ná raibh, díreach roimh an bpósadh san, ina saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann ná d'aon cheann de sna tíortha eile le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so, ná


(c) chun éinne do chur i dteideal teacht chun bheith no bheith ina únaer ar luing no ar scair i luing a bheidh cláruithe i Saorstát Éireann agus ag á mbeidh seasamh luinge do bheadh cláruithe fén Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, maran saoránach an duine sin de thír go mbeidh idir í agus Saorstát Éireann no idir a Rialtas agus Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann convensiún a bheidh i bhfeidhm agus go mbeidh teideal dá bhuadh ag saoránaigh den tír sin aon long den tsórt san no scair in aon luing den tsórt san adubhradh do bheith ar únaeracht acu.


(6) Gach ordú dhéanfaidh an Ard-Chomhairle fén alt so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh den Oireachtas, laistigh den lá is fiche shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis an orduithe sin do leagadh fé n-a bhráid, rún do rith ag cur an orduithe sin ar nea-mbrí beidh an t-ordú san curtha ar neambrí dá réir sin ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén ordú san.


An leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche.

24.—(1) Cuirfidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche fé ndeár go gcoimeádfar, i ngach leagáideacht agus i ngach consulacht, leabhar ar a dtabharfar mar ainm agus mar theideal agus dá ngairmtear san Acht so an leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche.


(2) Leanbh a béarfar in aon tír lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann agus, le linn a bheirthe, gur saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann a athair beidh a bhreith ionchláruithe, do réir rialachán a déanfar fén alt so, sa leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche bheidh á choimeád sa leagáideacht (más ann di) no in aon chonsulacht (más ann di) sa tír sin.


(3) O am go ham, uair amháin ar a laighead gach bliain, cuirfear chun an Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche o gach leagáideacht agus o gach consulacht, do réir rialachán a déanfar fén alt so, cóip de gach iontráil (más aon cheann é) a bheidh déanta sa leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche bheidh á choimeád sa leagáideacht no sa chonsulacht san agus ná beidh cóip di curtha chun an Aire sin amhlaidh cheana.


(4) Gach scríbhinn a bheireann le tuiscint gur cóip í d'iontráil i leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche agus í bheith fíoruithe go cuibhe do réir rialachán a déanfar fén alt so glacfar léi i bhfianaise i ngach cúirt bhreithiúnais gan cruthú ar an séala ná ar an sighniú tré n-a dtugann an scríbhinn sin le tuiscint í bheith fíoruithe amhlaidh ná ar údarás an té do ghreamuigh an séala san di no do rinne an sighniú san agus, go dtí go gcruthófar a mhalairt, tuigfear gur cóip dhílis den iontráil sin í agus glacfar léi mar chruthú mhaith dhiongbhálta ar an iontráil sin agus ar théarmaí na hiontrála san.


(5) Féadfaidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní no éinní acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) fuirm an leabhair iontrálta beireataisí coigríche agus an t-oifigeach a choimeádfaidh an leabhar san agus, i gcoitinne, an tslí ina gcoimeádfar é;


(b) na daoine fhéadfaidh agus an tslí ina bhféadfar beireataisí do chlárú i leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche;


(c) na mion-innste a hiontrálfar sa leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche i dtaobh gach beireatais a clárófar ann;


(d) daoine den phuiblíocht d'iniúchadh leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche;


(e) cóipeanna d'iontrála i leabhair iontrálta beireataisí coigríche do thabhairt do dhaoine den phuiblíocht agus na cóipeanna san d'fhíorú;


(f) cóipeanna d'iontrála sa leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche do chur chun an Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche do réir an ailt seo;


(g) le toiliú an Aire Airgid, na táillí (más aon cheann é) a héileofar ar bheireataisí do chlárú i leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche, ar iontrála sa leabhar san d'iniúchadh, agus ar chóipeanna d'iontrála sa leabhar san.


Cláir de bheireataisí.

25.—(1) Cuirfidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche fé ndeár go gcoimeádfar:—


(a) clár ar a dtabharfar mar ainm agus mar theideal agus agus dá ngairmtear san Acht so clár de bheireataisí i dTuaisceart Éireann, agus


(b) clár ar a dtabharfar mar ainm agus mar theideal an clár de bheireataisí coigríche.


(2) Leanbh a béarfar i dTuaisceart Éireann agus, le linn a bheirthe, gur saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann a athair beidh a bhreith ionchláruithe, do réir rialachán a déanfar fén alt so, sa chlár de bheireataisí i dTuaisceart Éireann.


(3) Leanbh a béarfar lasmuich d'Éirinn agus, le linn a bheirthe, gur saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann a athair beidh a bhreith ionchláruithe, do réir rialachán a déanfar fén alt so, sa chlár de bheireataisí coigríche.


(4) Cuirfidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche fé ndeár go gclárófar sa chlár de bheireataisí coigríche gach breith a hiontrálfar i leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche agus 'na gcuirfear cóip dá hiontráil sa leabhar san chun an Aire sin do réir an Achta so.


(5) Gach scríbhinn a bheireann le tuiscint gur cóip í d'iontráil i gceachtar de sna cláir a bheidh á gcoimeád do réir an ailt seo agus í do bheith fíoruithe go cuibhe do réir rialachán a déanfar i dtaobh an chláir sin fén alt so glacfar léi i bhfianaise i ngach cúirt bhreithiúnais gan cruthú ar an séala ná ar an sighniú tré n-a dtugann an scríbhinn sin le tuiscint í bheith fíoruithe amhlaidh ná ar údarás an duine do ghreamuigh an séala san di no rinne an sighniú san agus, go dtí go gcruthófar a mhalairt, tuigfear gur cóip dhílis den iontráil sin í agus glacfar léi mar chruthú mhaith dhiongbhálta ar an iontráil sin agus ar théarmaí na hiontrála san.


(6) Féadfaidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní no éinní acu so leanas maidir le gach clár fé leith den dá chlár a bheidh á gcoimeád do réir an ailt seo, sé sin le rá:—


(a) fuirm an chláir sin agus an t-oifigeach a choimeádfaidh an clár san agus an áit agus, i gcoitinne, an tslí ina gcoimeádfar é;


(b) na daoine fhéadfaidh agus an tslí ina bhféadfar beireataisí do chlárú sa chlár san;


(c) na mion-innste a hiontrálfar sa chlár san i dtaobh gach beireatais a clárófar ann;


(d) daoine den phuiblíocht d'iniúchadh an chláir sin;


(e) cóipeanna d'iontrála sa chlár san do thabhairt do dhaoine den phuiblíocht agus na cóipeanna san d'fhíorú;


(f) i gcás an chláir de bheireataisí coigríche, beireataisí d'iontráil sa chlár san 'na ndéanfar cóipeanna dá n-iontráil sa leabhar iontrálta beireataisí coigríche do chur chun an Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche fén Acht so;


(g) le toiliú an Aire Airgid, na táillí (más aon cheann é) a héileofar ar bheireataisí do chlárú sa chlár san, ar iontrála sa chlár san d'iniúchadh, agus ar chóipeanna d'iontrála sa chlár san.


An clár de náisiúnaigh.

26.—(1) Cuirfidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche fé ndeár go gcoimeádfar, i ngach leagáideacht agus i ngach consulacht, clár ar a dtabharfar mar ainm agus mar theideal agus dá ngairmtear san Acht so an clár de náisiúnaigh.




(a) gach duine is saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann agus a chomhnuíonn go sealadach no go buan i dtír ina mbeidh clár de náisiúnaigh á choimeád, agus


(b) gach duine chomhnuíonn go buan i dtír ina mbeidh clár de náisiúnaigh á choimeád agus go mbeidh a cheart chun é d'áireamh mar shaoránach dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann ag brath, fén Acht so, ar é bheith cláruithe sa chlár de náisiúnaigh no sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh,


beidh a n-ainm ionchláruithe, do réir rialachán a déanfar fén alt so, sa chlár de náisiúnaigh a bheidh á choimeád sa leagáideacht (más ann di) no in aon chonsulacht (más ann di) sa tír ina gcomhnuíonn amhlaidh.


(3) O am go ham, uair amháin ar a laighead gach bliain, cuirfear chun an Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche o gach leagáideacht agus o gach consulacht, do réir rialachán a déanfar fén alt so, cóip de gach iontráil (más aon cheann é) a bheidh déanta sa chlár de náisiúnaigh a bheidh á choimeád sa leagáideacht no sa chonsulacht san agus ná beidh cóip di curtha chun an Aire sin amhlaidh cheana.


(4) Gach scríbhinn a bheireann le tuiscint gur cóip í d'iontráil i gclár de náisiúnaigh agus í bheith fíoruithe go cuibhe do réir rialachán a déanfar fén alt so glacfar léi i bhfianaise i ngach cúirt bhreithiúnais gan cruthú ar an séala ná ar an sighniú tré n-a dtugann an scríbhinn sin le tuiscint í bheith fíoruithe amhlaidh ná ar údarás an té do ghreamuigh an séala san di no do rinne an sighniú san agus, go dtí go gcruthófar a mhalairt, tuigfear gur cóip dhílis den iontráil sin í agus glacfar léi mar chruthú mhaith dhiongbhálta ar an iontráil sin agus ar théarmaí na hiontrála san.


(5) Féadfaidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní no éinní acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) fuirm an chláir de náisiúnaigh agus an t-oifigeach a choimeádfaidh an clár san agus, i gcoitinne, an tslí ina gcoimeádfar é;


(b) na daoine fhéadfaidh agus an tslí ina bhféadfar ainmneacha do chlárú i gclár de náisiúnaigh;


(c) na mion-innste a hiontrálfar sa chlár de náisiúnaigh i dtaobh gach ainme clárófar ann;


(d) daoine den phuiblíocht d'iniúchadh clár de náisiúnaigh;


(e) cóipeanna d'iontrála i gcláir de náisiúnaigh do thabhairt do dhaoine den phuiblíocht agus na cóipeanna san d'fhíorú;


(f) cóipeanna d'iontrála sa chlár de náisiúnaigh do chur chun an Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche do réir an ailt seo;


(g) le toiliú an Aire Airgid, na táillí (más aon cheann é) a héileofar ar ainmneacha do chlárú i gclár de náisiúnaigh, ar iontrála sa chlár san d'iniúchadh, agus ar chóipeanna d'iontrála sa chlár san.


(6) Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis ainm éinne d'iontráil gclár de náisiúnaigh go mbeidh a cheart chun saoránachta dúthchais Shaorstáit Éireann ag brath, fén Acht so, ar é bheith cláruithe sa chlár san no sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh foillseoidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche san Iris Oifigiúil fógra go ndearnadh an iontráil sin agus ainm an té le n-a mbaineann an iontráil sin maraon le pé mion-innste eile (más aon cheann é) is dóich leis an Aire sin is ceart.


An clár generálta de náisiúnaigh.

27.—(1) Cuirfidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche fé ndeár go gcoimeádfar clár ar a dtabharfar mar ainm agus mar theideal agus dá ngairmtear san Acht so an clár generálta de náisiúnaigh.


(2) Gach duine chomhnuíonn go buan lasmuich de Shaorstát Éireann agus go mbeidh a cheart chun é d'áireamh mar shaoranach dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann ag brath, fén Acht so, ar é bheith cláruithe sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh no, neachtar acu, sa chlár san no i gclár de náisiúnaigh beidh a ainm ionchláruithe, do réir rialachán a déanfar fén alt so, sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh.


(3) Cuirfidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche fé ndeár go gclárófar, sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh, gach ainm a bheidh cláruithe i gclár de náisiúnaigh agus 'na ndéanfar cóip dá hiontráil sa chlár san do chur chun an Aire sin do réir an Achta so.


(4) Gach scríbhinn a bheireann le tuiscint gur cóip í d'iontráil sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh agus í bheith fíoruithe go cuibhe do réir rialachán a déanfar fén alt so glacfar léi i bhfianaise i ngach cúirt bhreithiúnais gan cruthú ar an séala ná ar an sighniú tré n-a dtugann an scríbhinn sin le tuiscint í bheith fíoruithe amhlaidh ná ar údarás an té do ghreamuigh an séala san di no do rinne an sighniú san agus, go dtí go gcruthófar a mhalairt, tuigfear gur cóip dhílis den iontráil sin í agus glacfar léi mar chruthú mhaith dhiongbhálta ar an iontráil sin agus ar théarmaí na hiontrála san.


(5) Féadfaidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní no éinní acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) fuirm an chláir ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh agus an t-oifigeach a choimeádfaidh, agus an áit agus, i gcoitinne, an tslí ina gcoimeádfar, an clár generálta de náisiúnaigh;


(b) na daoine fhéadfaidh agus an tslí ina bhféadfar ainmneacha do chlárú sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh;


(c) na mion-innste a hiontrálfar sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh i dtaobh gach ainme clárófar ann;


(d) daoine den phuiblíocht d'iniúchadh an chláir ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh;


(e) cóipeanna d'iontrála sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh do thabhairt do dhaoine den phuiblíocht agus na cóipeanna san d'fhíorú;


(f) ainmneacha d'iontráil sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh 'na ndéanfar cóipeanna dá n-iontráil i gclár de náisiúnaigh do chur chun an Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche do réir an Achta so;


(g) le toiliú an Aire Airgid, na táillí (más aon cheann é) a héileofar ar ainmneacha do chlárú sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh, ar iontrála sa chlár san d'iniúchadh, agus ar chóipeanna d'iontrála sa chlár san.


(6) Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis ainm éinne d'iontráil sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh go mbeidh a cheart chun é d'áireamh mar shaoránach dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann ag brath, fén Acht so, ar é bheith cláruithe sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh no, neachtar acu, sa chlár san no i gclár de náisiúnaigh foillseoidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche san Iris Oifigiúil, i ngach cás ná beidh ainm an duine sin iontrálta i gclár de náisiúnaigh, fógra go ndearnadh an iontráil sin sa chlár ghenerálta de náisiúnaigh agus ainm an té le n-a mbaineann an iontráil sin maraon le pé mion-innste eile (más aon cheann é) is dóich leis an Aire sin is ceart.



28.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh éinní no aon ruda dá dtagartar san Acht so mar ní no mar rud atá orduithe no le hordú ach ní déanfar aon rialachán den tsórt san i dtaobh méid ná bailiú táillí gan toiliú an Aire Airgid.


(2) Gach rialachán a dhéanfaidh an tAire fén alt so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh acu san, laistigh den lá is fiche shuidhfidh an Tigh sin ina dhiaidh sin, rún do rith ag cur an rialacháin sin ar nea-mbrí beidh an rialachán san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén rialachán san.


Deimhniú náisiúntachta.

29.—Ar n-a iarraidh sin d'éinne is saoránach (seachas saoránach eadóirsithe) de Shaorstát Éireann agus ar an duine sin d'íoc na táille orduithe féadfaidh an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche no aon oifigeach taidhleoireachta no consulachta go n-údarás aige chuige sin ón Aire Gnóthaí Coigríche deimhniú i scríbhinn do thabhairt amach don duine sin á rá gur saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann an duine sin ar dháta an deimhnithe sin.



30.—Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar gach costas fé n-a raghaidh an tAire no an tAire Gnóthaí Coigríche chun an Achta so do chur i bhfeidhm.


Táillí is iníoctha ar dhearbhú.

31.—Pé uair a bheidh ar dhuine ar bith no a bheidh de chomhacht aige do réir an Achta so dearbhú do dhéanamh chun crícheanna an Achta so féadfar a chur de cheangal ar an duine sin, le rialacháin a déanfar fén Acht so, pé táille a hordófar d'íoc ar é do dhéanamh an dearbhuithe sin.


Táillí do bhailiú agus do chur de láimh.

32.—(1) Is i pé slí ordóidh an tAire Airgid o am go ham a baileofar agus a tógfar na táillí uile is iníoctha fén Acht so agus íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste no cuirfear chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste iad do réir orduithe an Aire sin.


(2) Ní bheidh feidhm ag an Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, maidir le haon táillí is iníoctha fén Acht so.



33.—(1) Athghairmtear leis seo an British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914, agus an British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1918, más rud é agus sa mhéid go bhfuil no go raibh feidhm riamh acu fé seach i Saorstát Éireann.


(2) An dlí coiteann a bhaineann le náisiúntacht Bhriotáineach scuirfidh d'éifeacht do bheith aige más rud é agus sa mhéid go bhfuil no go raibh riamh i bhfeidhm, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, i Saorstát Éireann.


(3) Na fíora no na teagmhaisí gur dá mbíthin a bheidh duine ina shaoránach dhúthchais de Shaorstát Éireann tráth ar bith ní oibreoid, ionta féin, chun aon tsaoránachta no náisiúntachta eile do bhronnadh ar an duine sin.


Scóip dhlí na saoránachta.

34.—Gach duine is saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 3 den Bhunreacht agus gach duine is saoránach de Shaorstát Éireann no thiocfaidh chun bheith ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann tríd an Acht so no fé beidh sé ina shaoránach de Shaorstát Éireann chun gach críche, dúthchasach agus eadarnáisiúnta.



35.—Féadfar Acht Náisiúntachta agus Saoránachta Éireann, 1935, do ghairm den Acht so.



Number 13 of 1935.








Natural-born citizens.


Application for certificate of naturalisation.


Issue of certificate of naturalisation.


Issue of certificate of naturalisation in special cases.


Issue of certificate of naturalisation to remove doubts.


Issue of certificate of naturalisation to a minor.


Form and operation of certificate of naturalisation.


Statement of children's names in certificate of naturalisation.


Revocation of certificate of naturalisation.


Citizenship of spouse of person whose certificate is revoked.


Citizenship of child of person whose certificate is revoked.


Citizenship of foundlings.


Resumption of citizenship by a widow.


Non-effect of marriage on citizenship.


Citizenship of citizen married to an alien.


Certificate of naturalisation of alien heretofore married to a citizen.


Certificate of naturalisation of alien hereafter married to a citizen.


Death or change of citizenship of one of married couple.


Citizenship of child on change of citizenship of parent.


Loss of citizenship on acquisition of citizenship of another country.


Preservation of obligations, etc., on cesser of citizenship.


Mutual citizenship rights between Saorstát Eireann and other countries.


The foreign births entry book.


Registers of births.


The register of nationals.


The general register of nationals.




Certificates of nationality.




Fees payable on declaration.


Collection and disposal of fees.




Scope of citizenship law.


Short title.


Number 13 of 1935.




1.—In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Justice; the word “legation” includes the office of a High Commissioner; the word “citizen” when used in relation to Saorstát Eireann includes (save where precluded by the context) a person who is a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 3 of the Constitution and when used in relation to a country other than Saorstát Eireann includes a subject or national of such country, and the word “citizenship” shall be construed accordingly; the word “prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made by the Minister under this Act.


Natural-born citizens.

2.—(1) The following persons shall be natural-born citizens of Saorstát Eireann, that is to say:—


(a) every person who was born in Saorstát Eireann on or after the 6th day of December, 1922, and before the date of the passing of this Act, and


(b) every person who is born in Saorstát Eireann on or after the date of the passing of this Act, and


(c) every person who was born on or after the 6th day of December 1922, and before the date of the passing of this Act in a ship registered in Saorstát Eireann, and


(d) every person who is born on or after the date of the passing of this Act in a ship registered in Saorstát Eireann, and


(e) every person who was born outside Saorstát Eireann on or after the 6th day of December, 1922, and before the date of the passing of this Act and whose father was, on the day of such person's birth, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and


(f) subject to the subsequent provisions of this section, every person who is born outside Saorstát Eireann on or after the date of the passing of this Act and whose father was, on the day of such person's birth, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann.


(2) Where—


(a) a person is born outside Saorstát Eireann on or after the date of the passing of this Act, and


(b) such person's father is, on the day of such person's birth, a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann born outside Saorstát Eireann, or a naturalised citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and


(c) such person's father is, on the day of such person's birth, not employed, in the service of the Government of Saorstát Eireann,


such person shall not be a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann unless within one year or, where the Minister because of special circumstances so permits, within two years after the day of such person's birth the fact of such person's birth is registered—


(d) if such person is born in Northern Ireland, in the Northern Ireland births register, or (in any other case),


(e) if such person is born in a country in which there is, on the day of his birth, a Saorstát Eireann legation or consulate, in the foreign births entry book kept at such legation or consulate or in the foreign births register, or


(f) if such person is born in a country in which there is, on the day of his birth, neither a Saorstát Eireann legation nor a Saorstát Eireann consulate, in the foreign births register.


(3) Every natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann whose right to such citizenship is conditional on the entry in the Northern Ireland births register or in the foreign births register or in a foreign births entry book of the fact of his birth shall cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann at the expiration of one year or such longer period as the Minister (before or after the expiration of such year) shall, in any particular case because of special circumstances, permit after the day on which such person attains the age of twenty-one years, unless such person, after attaining that age and before the expiration of the said year or longer period aforesaid, makes in the prescribed form and registers with the Minister in the prescribed manner a declaration of retention of his citizenship of Saorstát Eireann and also, if he is a citizen of a foreign country, divests himself, in accordance with the laws of that country, of his citizenship thereof.


(4) Every person who is not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 3 of the Constitution but was born before the 6th day of December, 1922, either in Ireland or of parents of whom at least one was born in Ireland shall—


(a) if such person is at the passing of this Act or becomes thereafter permanently resident in Saorstát Eireann, be deemed to be a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann, or


(b) if such person at the passing of this Act is permanently resident outside Saorstát Eireann and is not a naturalised citizen of any other country, be deemed, upon being registered in accordance with the next following sub-section of this section, to be a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann.


(5) No person whose right to be deemed to be a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann under the next preceding sub-section of this section is made by that sub-section conditional on registration in accordance with this sub-section shall be deemed to be a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann unless, within one year or, where the Minister (before or after the expiration of such year) because of special circumstances so permits, within two years after the passing of this Act, the name of such person is registered—


(a) if such person is, at the passing of this Act, permanently resident in a country in which there is a Saorstát Eireann legation or consulate, in the register of nationals kept at such legation or consulate or in the general register of nationals, or


(b) if such person is, at the passing of this Act, permanently resident in a country in which there is neither a Saorstát Eireann legation nor a Saorstát Eireann consulate, in the general register of nationals.


(6) Every person born before the 6th day of December, 1922, who is, at the passing of this Act, employed outside Saorstát Eireann in the civil service of the Government of Saorstát Eireann as an established officer but is not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 3 of the Constitution shall be deemed to be a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann.


(7) Nothwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing provisions of this section—


(a) a person who was or is born in Saorstát Eireann on or after the 6th day of December, 1922, (whether before or after the passing of this Act) shall not be a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann if such person's father was or is, on the day of such person's birth, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary or other the head of a foreign diplomatic mission established in Saorstát Eireann or is the secretary of legation, or other member of the diplomatic staff of such mission whose appointment as such has been officially notified to the Minister for External Affairs or is otherwise entitled to diplomatic immunities and in any case possesses the nationality of the country by which such mission is accredited, and


(b) a person who was or is born in Saorstát Eireann on or after the 6th day of December, 1922, (whether before or after the passing of this Act) and whose father, on the day of the birth of such person, was or is a consul-general, consul, vice-consul, or other official of another country charged with an official mission in Saorstát Eireann and possessed or possesses the nationality of the country by which he was or is appointed,

shall, if such person at his birth acquired or acquires by the laws of the said country by which his father was or is so appointed the nationality of such country, cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann if and when a declaration of alienage is made and lodged with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner by such person's father on behalf of such person before such person has attained the age of twenty-one years or by such person after he has attained that age.


Application for certificate of naturalisation.

3.—(1) Any person who is not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann may apply to the Minister in the prescribed form and manner for a certificate of naturalisation.


(2) Every person who applies under this section for a certificate of naturalisation shall furnish to the Minister, in his form of application or otherwise, all such information as the Minister shall, in such form or otherwise, require for the due consideration of such application, and shall, if and when required by the Minister so to do, verify all or any of such information by the statutory declaration of some person (whether the applicant or another person) having knowledge of the facts.


(3) If any person fails to furnish any information or any verification which he is required by the Minister under this section to furnish, the Minister may, on the ground of such failure and without prejudice to any other power of refusal conferred by this Act, refuse the application in relation to which such information or verification was so required.


(4) If any person, for the purposes of or in relation to an application under this section, gives or makes to the Minister any statement or information which is to his knowledge false or misleading in any material respect, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or, at the discretion of the court, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


Issue of certificate of naturalisation.

4.—(1) Whenever an application is duly made to the Minister for a certificate of naturalisation, the Minister may, at his absolute discretion but subject to the limitations imposed by this section, either—


(a) grant such application and issue to the applicant a certificate of naturalisation accordingly, or


(b) refuse such application.


(2) A certificate of naturalisation shall not be issued to a person of unsound mind, nor (save as is expressly authorised by this Act) to a person who has not attained the age of twenty-one years.


(3) The Minister shall not issue to any person a certificate of naturalisation unless or until he is satisfied—


(a) that such person is of good character, and


(b) that, save as is otherwise provided by this Act, such person resided continuously in Saorstát Eireann for the period of one year expiring on the date of his application for such certificate and also resided, during the eight years next preceding the said period of one year, in Saorstát Eireann for a continuous period of four years or for a number of discontinuous periods amounting in the aggregate to four years, and


(c) that such person bona fide intends, if and when such certificate is issued to him, to have his usual or principal place of residence in Saorstát Eireann, and


(d) that such person has made, in the prescribed form and manner, a declaration of acceptance of citizenship of Saorstát Eireann.


(4) Where the applicant for a certificate of naturalisation is the spouse of a person who is under this Act deemed (in virtue of permanent residence in Saorstát Eireann) to be a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann, the Minister may, if he so thinks proper, dispense in the case of such applicant with compliance by such applicant with so much of this section as relates to residence in Saorstát Eireann prior to the application for a certificate of naturalisation.


(5) Where the applicant for a certificate of naturalisation satisfies the Minister—


(a) that she is a widow, and


(b) that her husband, immediately before his death, was not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and


(c) that she was, immediately before her marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and


(d) that she relinquished under this Act her citizenship of Saorstát Eireann on account of her marriage to a person who was not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and


(e) that she was at the date of the death of her husband and is at the date of such application ordinarily resident outside Saorstát Eireann,


the Minister may, if he so thinks proper, dispense in the case of such applicant with compliance by her with so much of this section as relates to residence or to intended residence in Saorstát Eireann.


(6) The Minister may, if he so thinks fit in the case of any particular applicant for a certificate of naturalisation, deem any particular period of service by such applicant outside Saorstát Eireann in the employment of the Government of Saorstát Eireann to be residence in Saorstát Eireann for the purposes of this section.


Issue of certificate of naturalisation in special cases.

5.—(1) The Executive Council may, if and whenever they so think proper, cause a certificate of naturalisation to be issued under this Act to any person or to a child or grandchild of any person who, in the opinion of the Executive Council, has done signal honour or rendered distinguished service to the Irish Nation.


(2) The Executive Council may authorise the Minister to dispense, in relation to the issue of a certificate of naturalisation under this section, with compliance by the person to whom such certificate is issued with all or such one or more as the Executive Council shall think proper of the conditions which are by virtue of this Act conditions precedent to the grant of a certificate of naturalisation.


Issue of certificate of naturalisation to remove doubts.

6.—(1) Where a person applies under this Act to the Minister for a certificate of naturalisation and states in such application that he claims to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and that some doubt has arisen as to whether he is or is not entitled to such citizenship, and that he makes such application solely for the purpose of removing such doubt, the Minister may, if he thinks proper so to do having regard to all the circumstances of the case, issue to such person a certificate of naturalisation containing an express statement that it is issued solely to remove doubts.


(2) The issue to any person of a certificate of naturalisation under this section shall not be evidence or an admission that such person was not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann prior to the issue of such certificate and shall not prejudice or affect any claim by such person to have been a citizen of Saorstát Eireann at any time prior to such issue.


Issue of certificate of naturalisation to a minor.

7.—(1) The Minister may at any time, if in his absolute discretion he thinks proper so to do on account of the Irish descent or Irish associations of a person who has not attained the age of twenty-one years and having regard to the other circumstances of the case, issue to such person a certificate of naturalisation notwithstanding that such person has not attained the said age, and whether such person does or does not comply with the conditions which are by virtue of this Act conditions precedent to the grant to him of a certificate of naturalisation.


(2) A certificate of naturalisation shall be issued under this section only on the application, in the prescribed form and manner, of a parent or guardian of the person to whom such certificate is intended to relate.


(3) A person to whom a certificate of naturalisation has been issued under this section may, within one year after attaining the age of twenty-one years, make and lodge with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner a declaration of alienage, and thereupon such person shall cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann.


Form and operation of certificate of naturalisation.

8.—(1) Every certificate of naturalisation issued under this Act shall be in the prescribed form and sealed with the official seal of the Minister and shall be expressed and shall, as from the issue thereof and so long as it remains unrevoked, operate to confer on the person named therein the same status as a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann.


(2) There shall be charged and paid on the issue of every certificate of naturalisation under this Act such fee as may be prescribed.


(3) The Minister may, on application being made to him in the prescribed form and manner, issue, on payment of the prescribed fee, a copy, certified in the prescribed manner to be a correct copy, of any certificate of naturalisation issued under this Act.


(4) A person to whom a certificate of naturalisation is issued under this Act shall, as from the issue of such certificate and so long as such certificate remains unrevoked, be entitled to and have (subject to the provisions of this Act) all the political and other rights, powers, and privileges of a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann and be subject to all the obligations, duties, and liabilities of such natural-born citizen, but, in the case of a certificate of naturalisation issued to a person who has not attained the age of twenty-one years, without prejudice while he is under that age to the limitations arising from the fact of his not having attained the said age.


(5) As soon as may be after the issue, under this Act, of a certificate of naturalisation, the Minister shall publish in the Iris Oifigiúil notice of the fact of the issue of such certificate and of the name of the person to whom it was issued and such other (if any) particulars thereof as the Minister shall think proper.


Statement of children's names in certificate of naturalisation.

9.—(1) Every certificate of naturalisation issued under this Act shall state the name of every child of the person to whom it relates who, at the date of the issue of such certificate, is under the age of twenty-one years and is not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann.


(2) The statement in a certificate of naturalisation in pursuance of this section of the name of a child of the person to whom such certificate relates shall operate to confer on such child the status of a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann, but any such child may, within one year after attaining the age of twenty-one years, make and lodge with the Minister in the prescribed manner a declaration of alienage in the prescribed form, and thereupon such child shall cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann.


Revocation of certificate of naturalisation.

10.—(1) The Minister may at any time, on his own motion and at his absolute discretion, by order revoke any certificate of naturalisation issued under this Act.


(2) The Minister shall revoke a certificate of naturalisation whenever he is satisfied—


(a) that the issue of such certificate was procured by fraud, or by misrepresentation (whether fraudulent or innocent), or by concealment of material facts or circumstances, or


(b) that within five years after the issue of such certificate the person to whom such certificate relates was sentenced by any court (including a court in a country in which, by convention or by law, citizens of Saorstát Eireann enjoy or are entitled to enjoy the same status as citizens of such country) to a fine of not less than one hundred pounds or to imprisonment for a term of not less than twelve months or to penal servitude for any term, or


(c) that such person was not of good character at the date of the issue of such certificate, or


(d) that (except in the case of a person who has not attained the age of twenty-one years and the case of a person to whom the Executive Council have caused a certificate of naturalisation to be issued) such person has, for a continuous period of not less than seven years subsequent to the issue of such certificate, been ordinarily resident outside Saorstát Eireann (otherwise than in the course of employment in the service of the Government of Saorstát Eireann or as agent for or representative of a person resident or carrying on business in Saorstát Eireann) without maintaining substantial connection with Saorstát Eireann, or


(e) that such person is, under the law of a country which is at war with Saorstát Eireann, a citizen of such country.


(3) As soon as may be after the revocation of a certificate of naturalisation, the Minister shall publish in the Iris Oifigiúil notice of the revocation of such certificate.


(4) Whenever a certificate of naturalisation is revoked, the person to whom such certificate related shall deliver such certificate to the Minister within three months after such revocation, and if he fails so to do he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds and a further fine not exceeding one pound for every day during which such failure is continued.


(5) It shall be a good defence to a charge of having committed an offence under this section to prove that the certificate in relation to which such offence is alleged to have been committed has been destroyed.


Citizenship of spouse of person whose certificate is revoked.

11.—Whenever the Minister revokes a certificate of naturalisation, then, if the person to whom such certificate related is, at the time of such revocation, married and his wife or her husband (as the case may be) was immediately before such revocation a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(a) such revocation shall not of itself prejudice or affect such citizenship of such wife or husband;


(b) if such wife or husband (as the case may be) was, immediately before such revocation, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of a certificate of naturalisation issued to her or him, the Minister may, by the order effecting such revocation or by a subsequent order made within one year after such revocation, revoke the certificate of naturalisation so issued to such wife or husband;


(c) such wife or husband may (unless her or his certificate of naturalisation has been revoked under the foregoing provisions of this section) make and lodge with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner within one year after such revocation a declaration of alienage, and thereupon such wife or husband (as the case may be) shall cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann.


Citizenship of child of person whose certificate is revoked.

12.—Whenever the Minister revokes a certificate of naturalisation then, if the person to whom such certificate related had, at the time of such revocation, a child under the age of twenty-one years who was, immediately before such revocation, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(a) such revocation shall not of itself prejudice or affect such citizenship of such child;


(b) the Minister may, by the order effecting such revocation or by a subsequent order made within one year after such revocation, terminate the citizenship of such child and thereupon such child shall cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann.


Citizenship of foundlings.

13.—Every foundling who was or is first found as a deserted infant in Saorstát Eireann shall, until the contrary is proved, be deemed to have been born in Saorstát Eireann.


Resumption of citizenship by a widow.

14.—Where a woman satisfies the Minister—


(a) that she is a widow, and


(b) that her husband, immediately before his death, was not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and


(c) that she was, immediately before her marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and


(d) that she relinquished under this Act her citizenship of Saorstát Eireann on account of her marriage to a person who was not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and


(e) that she is ordinarily resident in Saorstát Eireann,


such woman shall be entitled to make and lodge with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner a declaration that she intends to continue to be ordinarily resident in Saorstát Eireann and desires to resume her citizenship of Saorstát Eireann, and upon so making and lodging such declaration such woman shall be deemed to have resumed her citizenship of Saorstát Eireann.


Non-effect of marriage on citizenship.

15.—(1) The marriage, after the 6th day of December, 1922, and before the date of the passing of this Act, of a citizen of Saorstát Eireann to a person who was not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann shall not of itself operate or be deemed ever to have operated to deprive the party to such marriage who was previous thereto a citizen of Saorstát Eireann of his said citizenship or to confer citizenship of Saorstát Eireann on the party to the said marriage who was not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann previous thereto.


(2) The marriage, on or after the date of the passing of this Act, of a citizen of Saorstát Eireann to a person who is not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann shall not of itself operate to deprive the party to such marriage who is previous thereto a citizen of Saorstát Eireann of his said citizenship or to confer citizenship of Saorstát Eireann on the party to the said marriage who is not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann previous thereto.


Citizenship of citizen married to an alien.

16.—(1) Where either—


(a) one of the parties to a marriage solemnised (whether in or outside Ireland) before the 6th day of December, 1922, became a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 3 of the Constitution and the other of such parties did not become a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of the said Article, or


(b) one of the parties to a marriage solemnised (whether in or outside Saorstát Eireann) on or after the 6th day of December, 1922, and before the date of the passing of this Act was, immediately before such marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 3 of the Constitution and the other of the said parties was not, immediately before such marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of the said Article,


and in either such case the parties to such marriage have for at least two years before the passing of this Act or, where such marriage was solemnised within those two years, continuously since such solemnisation been ordinarily resident outside Saorstát Eireann and intend to continue ordinarily resident outside Saorstát Eireann, the party to such marriage who (as the case may be) became a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 3 of the Constitution or was, immediately before such marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of the said Article shall, at the time appointed by the next following sub-section of this section cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann unless he or she shall before the expiration of two years after the passing of this Act make and lodge with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner a declaration of election to retain Saorstát Eireann citizenship as his or her post-nuptial citizenship.


(2) The time at which any particular person shall cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of the next preceding sub-section of this section shall be whichever of the following times is applicable to his or her case, that is to say:—


(a) if such person has, before the passing of this Act, acquired the nationality of his or her spouse—the expiration of two years after the passing of this Act, or


(b) if such person, within two years after the passing of this Act, acquires the nationality of his or her spouse—the expiration of such period, or


(c) if such person has not, before the expiration of two years from the passing of this Act, acquired the nationality of his or her spouse—the date on which he or she acquires such nationality.


(3) Where one of the parties to a marriage solemnised (whether in or outside Saorstát Eireann) on or after the date of the passing of this Act is, immediately before such marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann and the other of such parties is, immediately before such marriage, not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and such parties intend permanently to have their ordinary residence outside Saorstát Eireann after such marriage, the said party who is, immediately before such marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann shall at the time appointed by the next following sub-section of this section cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann unless he or she shall before the expiration of one year after such marriage make and lodge with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner a declaration of election to retain Saorstát Eireann citizenship as his or her post-nuptial citizenship.


(4) The time at which any particular person shall cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of the next preceding sub-section of this section shall be whichever of the following times is applicable to his or her case, that is to say:—


(a) if such person shall, on or within one year after his or her marriage, acquire the nationality of his or her spouse—the expiration of such year, or


(b) if such person has not, before the expiration of one year after his or her marriage, acquired the nationality of his or her spouse—the date on which he or she acquires such nationality.


Certificate of naturalisation of alien heretofore married to a citizen.



(a) either—


(i) one of the parties to a marriage solemnised (whether in or outside Ireland) before the 6th day of December, 1922, became a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 3 of the Constitution and the other of such parties did not become a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of the said Article, or


(ii) one of the parties to a marriage solemnised (whether in or outside Saorstát Eireann) on or after the 6th day of December, 1922, and before the date of the passing of this Act was, immediately before such marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 3 of the Constitution and the other of such parties was not, immediately before such marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of the said Article, and


(b) the party to such marriage who (as the case may be) did not become a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 3 of the Constitution or was not, immediately before such marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of the said Article duly applies under this Act for a certificate of naturalisation and lodges with the Minister with the application for such certificate a declaration in the prescribed form electing to take citizenship of Saorstát Eireann as his or her postnuptial citizenship, and proves in the prescribed form and manner to the satisfaction of the Minister that he or she has ceased or will, upon the acquisition of citizenship of Saorstát Eireann, cease to be a citizen of any other country, and


(c) the Minister is satisfied that the said parties are at the date of the said application ordinarily resident in Saorstát Eireann and have been so ordinarily resident continuously since the passing of this Act and for at least two years before such passing or, where such marriage was solemnised within those two years, for the period between such solemnisation and such passing,

the Minister shall, in respect of the said party so applying for a certificate of naturalisation, dispense with compliance with the provisions of this Act in relation to residence in Saorstát Eireann before the application as a condition precedent to the issue of a certificate of naturalisation.


Certificate of naturalisation of alien hereafter married to a citizen.



(a) one of the parties to a marriage solemnised (whether in or outside Saorstát Eireann) on or after the date of the passing of this Act is, immediately before such marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann and the other of such parties is, immediately before such marriage, not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, and


(b) such parties intend permanently to have their ordinary residence in Saorstát Eireann, and


(c) the party to such marriage who, immediately before such marriage, was not a citizen of Saorstát Eireann duly applies under this Act for a certificate of naturalisation and lodges with the Minister with the application for such certificate a declaration in the prescribed form electing to take citizenship of Saorstát Eireann as his or her post-nuptial citizenship, and proves in the prescribed form and manner to the satisfaction of the Minister that he or she has ceased or will, upon the acquisition of citizenship of Saorstát Eireann, cease to be a citizen of any other country,


the provisions of this Act in relation to residence in Saorstát Eireann before the application as a condition precedent to the issue of a certificate of naturalisation shall, in respect of the said party so applying for such certificate, be subject to the following modifications, that is to say, if the said party is a man the said condition in relation to residence shall be that such party shall have been ordinarily resident in Saorstát Eireann for a period of two years ending on the date of such application, and if such party is a woman the Minister shall dispense with compliance by such party with the said condition in relation to residence.


Death or change of citizenship of one of married couple.

19.—(1) The death of a person shall not effect any change in or loss of the citizenship of the surviving wife or husband of such person.


(2) The acquisition of citizenship of Saorstát Eireann by a person shall not of itself confer citizenship of Saorstát Eireann on the wife or husband of such person, and the loss of citizenship of Saorstát Eireann by a person shall not deprive the wife or husband of such person of such citizenship.


(3) The acquisition by a person of citizenship of a country other than Saorstát Eireann shall not of itself deprive the wife or husband of such person of citizenship of Saorstát Eireann.


Citizenship of child on change of citizenship of parent.

20.—Where a person who is a citizen of Saorstát Eireann ceases to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, such cesser shall not deprive any child of such person who is, at the date of such cesser, under the age of twenty-one years of citizenship of Saorstát Eireann.


Loss of citizenship on acquisition of citizenship of another country.

21.—(1) Save as is otherwise provided by this Act, every citizen of Saorstát Eireann who, after he has attained the age of twenty-one years, becomes a citizen of another country shall thereupon cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann.


(2) Every natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann who is at birth or becomes before he attains the age of twenty-one years a citizen of another country and within one year after attaining the age of twenty-one years makes and lodges with the Minister in the prescribed form and manner a declaration of alienage shall, as from the lodgment of such declaration, cease to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, but without prejudice to any previous loss of such citizenship.


Preservation of obligations, etc., on cesser of citizenship.

22.—Whenever a person ceases to be a citizen of Saorstát Eireann, such cesser shall not, by itself and without more, operate to discharge any obligation, duty, or liability undertaken, imposed, or incurred before such cesser.


Mutual citizenship rights between Saorstát Eireann and other countries.

23.—(1) Whenever a convention made, whether before or after the passing of this Act, between Saorstát Eireann and any other country or between the Government of Saorstát Eireann and the Government of any other country provides for the enjoyment in such other country (either absolutely or subject to compliance with conditions) by citizens of Saorstát Eireann of all or any of the rights and privileges of citizens of such other country and for the enjoyment in Saorstát Eireann (either absolutely or subject to such compliance as aforesaid) by citizens of such other country of all or any of the rights and privileges of citizens of Saorstát Eireann, then and in every such case citizens of such other country shall, so long as such convention continues in force, enjoy in Saorstát Eireann, in accordance with and subject to the terms of such convention, such of the rights and privileges of citizens of Saorstát Eireann as are secured to them in that behalf by such convention.


(2) Whenever the Executive Council is satisfied that, by virtue of the law for the time being in force in any country, citizens of Saorstát Eireann enjoy in such country (either absolutely or subject to compliance with conditions) all or any of the rights and privileges of citizens of such country, the Executive Council may by order declare that citizens of such country shall enjoy in Saorstát Eireann such rights and privileges (similar to those so conferred by such law on citizens of Saorstát Eireann in such country) as shall be specified in such order, but subject to compliance with such (if any) conditions (similar to the conditions (if any) imposed by such law) as shall be specified in such order.


(3) So long as an order made by the Executive Council under the next preceding sub-section of this section remains in force, citizens of the country to which such order relates shall enjoy in Saorstát Eireann in accordance with such order the rights and privileges specified in that behalf in such order but subject to compliance with the conditions (if any) specified in such order.


(4) The Executive Council may at any time by order amend or revoke any order previously made by them under this section.


(5) Nothing in this section or any order made under this section shall operate—


(a) to confer on any person any right or privilege which is conferred by any Act of the Oireachtas (whether passed before or after this Act) on any class or group of persons, whether defined as citizens or as nationals of Saorstát Eireann or in any other manner whatsoever of which such person is, at the relevant time, not a member, or


(b) to confer any right or privilege on any woman who is the wife of a citizen of Saorstát Eireann and did not, on account of her marriage to such citizen, become a citizen of Saorstát Eireann and was not, immediately before such marriage, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann or of any of the other countries to which this section relates, or


(c) to entitle any person to become or be the owner of a ship or of a share in a ship registered in Saorstát Eireann and having the status of a ship registered under the Merchant Shipping Act, 1894, unless such person is a citizen of a country between which and Saorstát Eireann or between the Government of which and the Government of Saorstát Eireann a convention exists and is in force by virtue of which citizens of such country are entitled to own any such ship or a share in any such ship as aforesaid.


(6) Every order made by the Executive Council under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution is passed by either House of the Oireachtas within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which such House has sat after the order is laid before it annulling such order, such order shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such order.


The foreign births entry book.

24.—(1) The Minister for External Affairs shall cause to be kept in every legation and every consulate a book to be called and known and in this Act referred to as the foreign births entry book.


(2) The birth in any country outside Saorstát Eireann of a child whose father is, on the day of such birth, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann shall be registrable, in accordance with regulations made under this section, in the foreign births entry book kept in the legation (if any) or any consulate (if any) in such country.


(3) From time to time, but not less than once in every year, there shall be transmitted, in accordance with regulations made under this section, from every legation and every consulate to the Minister for External Affairs a copy of every entry (if any) made in the foreign births entry book kept in such legation or consulate of which a copy was not previously so transmitted to the said Minister.


(4) Every document which purports to be a copy of an entry in a foreign births entry book and to be duly authenticated in accordance with regulations made under this section shall be admitted in evidence in every court of justice without proof of the seal or signature by which such document purports to be so authenticated or of the authority of the person by whom such seal was affixed or such signature was made and, until the contrary is proved, shall be deemed to be a true copy of such entry and be accepted as good and sufficient proof of the fact and terms of such entry.


(5) The Minister for External Affairs may by order make regulations in respect of all or any of the following matters, that is to say:—


(a) the form of the foreign births entry book and the officer by whom and the manner generally in which such book is to be kept;


(b) the persons by whom and the manner in which births may be registered in a foreign births entry book;


(c) the particulars to be entered in the foreign births entry book in respect of every birth registered therein;


(d) the inspection of foreign births entry books by members of the public;


(e) the furnishing to members of the public of copies of entries in foreign births entry books and the authentication of such copies;


(f) the transmission in pursuance of this section of copies of entries in the foreign births entry book to the Minister for External Affairs;


(g) with the consent of the Minister for Finance, the fees (if any) to be charged for the registration of births in a foreign births entry book, for the inspection of entries in such book, and for copies of entries in such book.


Registers of births.

25.—(1) The Minister for External Affairs shall cause to be kept:—


(a) a register to be called and known and in this Act referred to as the Northern Ireland births register, and


(b) a register to be called and known and in this Act referred to as the foreign births register.


(2) The birth in Northern Ireland of a child whose father is, on the day of such birth, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann shall be registrable, in accordance with regulations made under this section, in the Northern Ireland births register.


(3) The birth outside Ireland of a child whose father is, on the day of such birth, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann shall be registrable, in accordance with regulations made under this section, in the foreign births register.


(4) The Minister for External Affairs shall cause to be registered in the foreign births register every birth which is entered in a foreign births entry book and a copy of the entry of which in such book is transmitted to the said Minister in pursuance of this Act.


(5) Every document which purports to be a copy of an entry in either of the registers kept in pursuance of this section and to be duly authenticated in accordance with regulations made in respect of such register under this section shall be admitted in evidence in every court of justice without proof of the seal or signature by which such document purports to be so authenticated or of the authority of the person by whom such seal was affixed or such signature was made and, until the contrary is proved, shall be deemed to be a true copy of such entry and be accepted as good and sufficient proof of the fact and terms of such entry.


(6) The Minister for External Affairs may by order make regulations relating to all or any of the following matters in respect of each of the registers kept in pursuance of this section, that is to say:—


(a) the form of such register and the officer by whom and the place and manner generally in which such register is to be kept;


(b) the persons by whom and the manner in which births may be registered in such register;


(c) the particulars to be entered in such register in respect of every birth registered therein;


(d) the inspection of such register by members of the public;


(e) the furnishing to members of the public of copies of entries in such register and the authentication of such copies;


(f) in the case of the foreign births register, the entry in such register of births copies of the entry of which in the foreign births entry book are transmitted to the Minister for External Affairs under this Act;


(g) with the consent of the Minister for Finance, the fees (if any) to be charged for the registration of births in such register, for the inspection of entries in such register, and for copies of entries therein.


The register of nationals.

26.—(1) The Minister for External Affairs shall cause to be kept in every legation and every consulate a register to be called and known and in this Act referred to as the register of nationals.


(2) The name—


(a) of every person who is a citizen of Saorstát Eireann and is residing either temporarily or permanently in a country in which a register of nationals is kept, and


(b) of every person permanently resident in a country in which a register of nationals is kept whose right to to be deemed a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann is under this Act conditional upon registration in the register of nationals or in the general register of nationals,


shall be registrable, in accordance with regulations made under this section, in the register of nationals kept in the legation (if any) or any consulate (if any) in the country in which he is so resident.


(3) From time to time, but not less than once in every year, there shall be transmitted, in accordance with regulations made under this section, from every legation and every consulate to the Minister for External Affairs a copy of every entry (if any) made in the register of nationals kept in such legation or consulate of which a copy was not previously so transmitted to the said Minister.


(4) Every document which purports to be a copy of an entry in a register of nationals and to be duly authenticated in accordance with regulations made under this section shall be admitted in evidence in every court of justice without proof of the seal or signature by which such document purports to be so authenticated or of the authority of the person by whom such seal was affixed or such signature was made and, until the contrary is proved, shall be deemed to be a true copy of such entry and be accepted as good and sufficient proof of the fact and terms of such entry.


(5) The Minister for External Affairs may by order make regulations in respect of all or any of the following matters, that is to say:—


(a) the form of the register of nationals and the officer by whom and the manner generally in which such register is to be kept;


(b) the persons by whom and the manner in which names may be registered in a register of nationals;


(c) the particulars to be entered in the register of nationals in respect of every name registered therein;


(d) the inspection of registers of nationals by members of the public;


(e) the furnishing to members of the public of copies of entries in registers of nationals and the authentication of such copies;


(f) the transmission in pursuance of this section of copies of entries in the register of nationals to the Minister for External Affairs;


(g) with the consent of the Minister for Finance, the fees (if any) to be charged for the registration of names in a register of nationals, for the inspection of entries in such register, and for copies of entries in such register


(6) As soon as may be after the entry in a register of nationals of the name of any person whose right to natural-born citizenship of Saorstát Eireann is under this Act conditional upon registration in such register or in the general register of nationals, the Minister for External Affairs shall publish in the Iris Oifigiúil notice of the fact of such entry and the name of the person to whom such entry relates and such other particulars (if any) as the said Minister may think proper.


The general register of nationals.

27.—(1) The Minister for External Affairs shall cause to be kept a register to be called and known and in this Act referred to as the general register of nationals.


(2) The name of every person who is permanently resident outside Saorstát Eireann and whose right to be deemed a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann is under this Act conditional upon registration in the general register of nationals or in either that register or a register of nationals shall be registrable, in accordance with regulations made under this section, in the general register of nationals.


(3) The Minister for External Affairs shall cause to be registered in the general register of nationals every name which is entered in a register of nationals and a copy of the entry of which in such register is transmitted to the said Minister in pursuance of this Act.


(4) Every document which purports to be a copy of an entry in the general register of nationals and to be duly authenticated in accordance with regulations made under this section shall be admitted in evidence in every court of justice without proof of the seal or signature by which such document purports to be so authenticated or of the authority of the person by whom such seal was affixed or such signature was made and, until the contrary is proved, shall be deemed to be a true copy of such entry and be accepted as good and sufficient proof of the fact and terms of such entry.


(5) The Minister for External Affairs may by order make regulations in respect of all or any of the following matters, that is to say:—


(a) the form of the general register of nationals and the officer by whom and the place and manner generally in which the general register of nationals is to be kept;


(b) the persons by whom and the manner in which names may be registered in the general register of nationals;


(c) the particulars to be entered in the general register of nationals in respect of every name registered therein;


(d) the inspection of the general register of nationals by members of the public;


(e) the furnishing to members of the public of copies of entries in the general register of nationals and the authentication of such copies;


(f) the entry in the general register of nationals of names, copies of the entry of which in a register of nationals are transmitted to the Minister for External Affairs in pursuance of this Act;


(g) with the consent of the Minister for Finance, the fees (if any) to be charged for the registration of names in the general register of nationals, for the inspection of entries in such register, and for copies of entries in such register.


(6) As soon as may be after the entry in the general register of nationals of the name of any person whose right to be deemed a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann is under this Act conditional upon registration in the general register of nationals or in either that register or a register of nationals, the Minister for External Affairs shall, in every case where the name of such person has not been entered in a register of nationals, publish in the Iris Oifigiúil notice of the fact of such entry in the general register of nationals and the name of the person to whom such entry relates and such other particulars (if any) as the said Minister may think proper.



28.—(1) The Minister may by order make regulations in relation to any matter or thing referred to in this Act as prescribed or to be prescribed, but no such regulation shall be made in relation to the amount or collection of fees without the consent of the Minister for Finance.


(2) Every regulation made by the Minister under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution annulling such regulation is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after such regulation is so laid before it, such regulation shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.


Certificates of nationality.

29.—The Minister for External Affairs, or any diplomatic or consular officer authorised in that behalf by the Minister for External Affairs may, upon the application of any person who is a citizen (other than a naturalised citizen) of Saorstát Eireann and upon payment by such person of the prescribed fee, issue to such person a certificate in writing stating that such person is, at the date of such certificate, a citizen of Saorstát Eireann.



30.—All expenses incurred by the Minister or by the Minister for External Affairs in carrying this Act into effect shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Fees payable on declaration.

31.—Whenever any person is by this Act required or empowered to make a declaration for the purposes of this Act, regulations made under this Act may require that such person shall pay, on the making of such declaration, such fee as may be prescribed.


Collection and disposal of fees.

32.—(1) All fees payable under this Act shall be collected and taken in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall, from time to time, direct and shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in accordance with the directions of the said Minister.


(2) The Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, shall not apply in respect of any fees payable under this Act.



33.—(1) The British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1914, and the British Nationality and Status of Aliens Act, 1918, if and so far as they respectively are or ever were in force in Saorstát Eireann, are hereby repealed.


(2) The common law relating to British nationality, if and so far as it is or ever was, either wholly or in part, in force in Saorstát Eireann, shall cease to have effect.


(3) The facts or events by reason of which a person is at any time a natural-born citizen of Saorstát Eireann shall not of themselves operate to confer on such person any other citizenship or nationality.


Scope of citizenship law.

34.—Every person who is a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 3 of the Constitution and every person who is or becomes a citizen of Saorstát Eireann by or under this Act shall be such citizen for all purposes, municipal and international.


Short title.

35.—This Act may be cited as the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act, 1935.