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Uimhir 21 de 1938.





1.—(1) San Acht so cialluíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” Acht na nOispidéal Puiblí, 1933 (Uimh. 18 de 1933).


(2) Léireofar an Príomh-Acht agus an tAcht so le chéile, agus dá réir sin gach focal agus abairt dá dtugtar brí áirithe leis an bPríomh-Acht no ann chun crícheanna an Achta san tá leis san Acht so an bhrí tugtar dó amhlaidh.


Bord Iontaobhais na nOispidéal do bhunú.

2.—(1) Ar theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so bunófar bord (dá ngairmtear an Bord san Acht so) ar a dtabharfar mar ainm agus mar theideal Bord Iontaobhais na nOispidéal chun na bhfeidhmeanna ceaptar dóibh leis an Acht so do chólíonadh.


(2) Beidh an Bord ina gcólucht chorpruithe go síor-chomharbas agus có-shéala (ar a dtabharfar áird i gcúrsaí breithiúntais) agus féadfaid dul chun dlí, agus féadfar dul chun dlí leo, fé n-a n-ainm chorpruithe agus féadfaid talamh do shealbhú agus do chur de láimh.


Ballraíocht an Bhúird agus téarma oifige na mball.

3.—(1) Cúig bhall a bheidh ar an mBord.


(2) Fé réir forálacha an chéad fho-ailt ina dhiaidh seo, déanfaidh an tAire o am go ham fé mar is gá é gach ball fé leith den Bhord do cheapadh le hordú ar n-a dhéanamh fén alt so agus, maran éag no eirghe as no cur as oifig roimhe sin dó, beidh gach ball fé leith den Bhord i seilbh oifige mar bhall den tsórt san go ceann tréimhse cúig mblian ón lá tar éis dáta an orduithe le n-a gceapfar é, ach beidh sé ion-athcheaptha.


(3) Gach duine ba dhuine d'Iontaobhaithe Náisiúnta na nOispidéal díreach roimh theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so, tiocfa sé chun bheith agus beidh sé, ar theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so, ina bhall den Bhord agus, maran éag no eirghe as no cur as oifig roimhe sin dó, beidh sé i seilbh oifige mar bhall den tsórt san go ceann tréimhse cúig mblian o theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so, ach beidh sé ion-athcheaptha.


(4) Féadfaidh an tAire tráth ar bith, le hordú, aon bhall den Bhord do chur as an oifig sin, agus beidh éifeacht ag aon chur-asoifig den tsórt san an lá tar éis dáta an orduithe le n-a gcuirfear an ball san as oifig.


(5) Féadfaidh aon bhall den Bhord eirghe as a oifig tráth ar bith tré leitir a chur chun an Aire, agus cuirfidh an tAire an t-eirghe-as san in úil don Bhord, agus beidh éifeacht ag gach eirghe-as den tsórt san i dtosach an chéad chruinnithe den Bhord a comórfar tar éis don Aire an t-eirghe-as san do chur in úil dóibh.


Imeachta an Bhúird.

4.—(1) Ag gach cruinniú den Bhord déanfaidh na baill den Bhord a bheidh i láthair duine dá líon do thoghadh chun bheith ina chathaoirleach ar an gcruinniú.


(2) Déanfar gach ceist ag cruinniú den Bhord do shocrú le móráireamh de vótanna na mball a bheidh i láthair agus a vótálfaidh ar an gceist, agus i gcás na vótanna bheith roinnte go có-ionann beidh an dara vóta no vóta réitigh ag cathaoirleach an chruinnithe ach amháin nuair a bheidh an cathaoirleach á thogha.


(3) Triúr is quorum do chruinniú den Bhord.


(4) Féadfaidh an Bord gníomhú d'ainneoin folúntas amháin, ach ní d'ainneoin níos mó ná folúntas amháin, do bheith ina mballraíocht.


(5) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo, déanfaidh an Bord a nós imeachta agus a ngnó féin do rialáil.


Séala an Bhúird.

5.—(1) Déanfaidh an Bord, an túisce bunófar iad, có-shéala do chur ar fáil dóibh féin.


(2) Déanfar séala an Bhúird do dhílse-dheimhniú le sighniú aon dá bhall den Bhord a bheidh údaruithe ag an mBord chun gníomhú chuige sin.


(3) Gach scríbhinn a bhéarfaidh le tuisgint í bheith séaluithe le séala an Bhúird agus í bheith dílse-dheimhnithe do réir an ailt seo beidh sí, in aon imeachta dlí, ina fianaise, go dtí go gcruthófar a mhalairt, gurb iad an Bord do thug amach í no gur fé údarás an Bhúird do tugadh amach í.


Feidhmeanna Iontaobhaithe Náisiúnta na nOispidéal d'aistriú chun an Bhúird agus oiriúnuithe iarmartacha do dhéanamh ar an bPríomh-Acht.

6.—(1) Deintear leis seo comhachta, dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna Iontaobhaithe Náisiúnta na nOispidéal fén bPríomh-Acht d'aistriú chun an Bhúird agus do bhronnadh agus d'fhorchur ortha.


(2) Chun lán-éifeacht do thabhairt d'fho-alt (1) den alt so beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) déanfar na tagairtí d'Iontaobhaithe Náisiúnta na nOispidéal atá sa Phríomh-Acht do léiriú mar thagairtí don Bhord;


(b) déanfar, ar theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so, Ciste Iontaobhais na nOispidéal d'aistriú chun ainm an Bhúird;


(c) an t-airgead agus na suncála gurbh iad caipital Chiste Iontaobhais na nOispidéal iad díreach roimh theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so agus fós an mhaoin uile, réalta no pearsanta (agus rudaí-ar-fiunraoi d'áireamh), a bhí, díreach roimh theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so, dílsithe in Iontaobhaithe Náisiúnta na nOispidéal agus ar seilbh acu mar Iontaobhaithe den tsórt san ar iontaoibh chun aon chríche de chrícheanna an Phríomh-Achta, agus gach ceart, comhacht agus príbhléid a bhaineann no ghabhann leis an gCiste sin no le haon mhaoin den tsórt san, tiocfaid chun bheith agus beid, ar theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so agus gan leithliú ná sannadh ar bith ach fé réir a n-aistrithe i leabhair aon bhainc, corpráide no cuideachtan más gá san, dílsithe sa Bhord chun an estáit, an téarma no an leasa uile chun a rabhadar, díreach roimh theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so, dílsithe sna hIontaobhaithe sin;


(d) aon mhaoin (le n-a n-áirmhítear Ciste Iontaobhais na nOispidéal) a haistrítear leis an alt so agus a bhí, díreach roimh theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so, i leabhair aon bhaine no cláruithe i leabhair aon bhainc, corpráide no cuideachtan in ainm no in ainmneacha aon duine no daoine, aistreoidh an banc no an chorpráid no an chuideachta san í sna leabhair sin chun ainm an Bhúird, ar n-a iarraidh sin don Bhord ar theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so no tráth ar bith dá éis sin;


(e) gach rud-ar-fiunraoi a haistrítear leis an alt so chun an Bhúird féadfaidh an Bord, ar theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so agus dá éis sin, dul chun dlí mar gheall air no é bhaint amach no é d'fhoirfheidhmiú ina n-ainm féin agus ní gá don Bhord fógra, i dtaobh an aistrithe deintear leis an alt so, do thabhairt don té ar a mbeidh an rud-ar-fiunraoi sin ina cheangal;


(f) na fiacha agus na fiachaisí eile go léir (ar a n-áirmhítear fiachaisí nea-shocruithe do tháinig as torta no as sáruithe connartha) a bhí, díreach roimh theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so, dlite ar Iontaobhaithe Náisiúnta na nOispidéal no ar aon duine no níos mó acu ag gníomhú thar ceann na ndaoine no an duine eile acu agus gan íoc ag an gcéanna no curtha suas agus gan glanadh ag an gcéanna, tiocfaid chun bheith agus beid, ar theacht i bhfeidhm don Acht so, ina bhfiacha no ina bhfiachaisí ar an mBord agus íocfaidh no glanfaidh an Bord iad agus féadfar iad a bhaint den Bhord no iad d'fhoirfheidhmiú i gcoinnibh an Bhúird dá réir sin.


Iontaobhaithe Náisiúnta na nOispidéal d'fhuascailt.

7.—Féadfaidh an tAire, más deimhin leis a gcuid feidhmeanna fén bPríomh-Acht do bheith cólíonta go cuibhe ag Iontaobhaithe Náisiúnta na nOispidéal, an méid sin do dheimhniú fé n-a shéala oifige, agus oibreoidh an deimhniú san chun Iontaobhaithe Náisiúnta na nOispidéal, a n-oighrí, a seiceadúirí agus a riarthóirí d'fhuascailt o gach aicsean agus éileamh eireoidh de bhuadh fo-ailt (6) d'alt 20 den Phríomh-Acht.


Comhachta an Bhúird maidir le hoifigí do chur ar fáil do choistí scuabghill.

8.—(1) Féadfaidh an Bord, pé uair iarrfaidh coiste scuab-ghill ortha san do dhéanamh, glacadh le scéim chun oifigí agus cóiríocht eile do chur ar fáil do choistí scuab-ghill agus d'fhostaithe coistí scuab-ghill agus do dhaoine eile go bhfuil leas acu i scuab-ghill do bhunú agus do bhainistí, no baint acu le scuab-ghill do bhunú agus do bhainistí, do bhun forálacha an Phríomh-Achta.


(2) Luadhfar i ngach scéim le n-a nglacfaidh an Bord fén alt so an tslí ina mbeidh an Bord ar intinn an chuid sin de Chiste Iontaobhais na nOispidéal dá ndéanfaidh an scéim sin deifir d'úsáid, agus cuirfidh an Bord an scéim sin fé bhráid an Aire chun a cheaduithe d'fháil agus ní raghaid fé aon chaiteachas fén alt so maidir leis an scéim sin (seachas caiteachas maidir le hí ullamhú) gan ceadú ón Aire.


(3) Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis don Aire aon scéim a cuirfear fé n-a bhráid fén alt so do cheadú, féadfaidh an Bord cromadh ar an scéim sin do chur i ngníomh, agus chuige sin féadfaid talamh ar bith do thógaint chúcha (tré cheannach no tré mhalairtiú no ar shlí eile), agus féadfaid foirgintí ar bith do chur suas air, agus féadfaid aon fhoirgintí bheidh air cheana do thógaint chúcha agus d'ath-dhéanamh agus troscán do chur ionta, agus féadfaid go generálta gach ní do dhéanamh a húdarófar dóibh leis an scéim sin do dhéanamh.


(4) Aon talamh no foirgint a thógfaidh an Bord chúcha no chuirfid suas do bhun scéime bheidh ceaduithe ag an Aire fén alt so féadfaidh an Bord é chur ar léas, chun crícheanna na scéime sin agus chun na gcrícheanna eile sin (más ann dóibh) a luadhfar sa léas san, ar feadh an téarma san agus ar na coinníollacha san i dtaobh cíosa agus eile is oiriúnach leis an mBord.


(5) Aon talamh no foirgint a thógfaidh an Bord chúcha no chuirfid suas fén alt so agus ná beidh ag teastáil chun crícheanna scéime bheidh ceaduithe ag an Aire fén alt so féadfaidh an Bord é chur ar léas chun na ndaoine sin agus ar feadh an téarma san agus ar na coinníollacha san is oiriúnach leis an mBord, no féadfaidh an Bord é dhíol no é chur de láimh ar shlí eile.


(6) Is amach as Ciste Iontaobhais na nOispidéal a híocfar na costaisí uile fé n-a raghaidh an Bord fén alt so.


(7) Íocfar isteach i gCiste Iontaobhais na nOispidéal aon chíosanna agus sochair a gheobhaidh an Bord as aon talamh no foirgint a chuirfidh an Bord ar léas fén alt so agus fós an t-airgead a thiocfaidh as an mBord do dhíol aon tailimh no foirginte fén alt so.


Cuid d'alt 20 den Phríomh-Acht d'athghairm.

9.—Athghairmtear leis seo fo-ailt (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) agus (6) d'alt 20 den Phríomh-Acht.


Gearr-theideal, có-luadh agus tosach feidhme.

10.—(1) Féadfar Acht na nOispidéal Puiblí (Leasú), 1938, do ghairm den Acht so, agus féadfar Achtanna na nOispidéal Puiblí, 1933 agus 1938, do ghairm den Phríomh-Acht agus den Acht so le chéile.


(2) Tiocfaidh an tAcht so i ngníomh an lá san a ceapfar chuige sin le hordú ón Aire.



Number 21 of 1938.








Establishment of Hospitals Trust Board.


Membership of the Board and term of office of members.


Proceedings of the Board.


Seal of the Board.


Transfer of functions of the National Hospital Trustees to the Board and consequential adaptations of the Principal Act.


Release of National Hospital Trustees.


Powers of the Board in relation to providing office accommodation for sweepstake committees.


Repeal of part of section 20 of the Principal Act.


Short title, collective citation and commencement.

Act Referred to

Public Hospitals Act, 1933

No. 18 of 1933


Number 21 of 1938.




1.—(1) In this Act the expression “the Principal Act” means the Public Hospitals Act, 1933 (No. 18 of 1933).


(2) The Principal Act and this Act shall be construed together and accordingly every word and expression to which a particular meaning is given by or in the Principal Act for the purposes of that Act has, in this Act, the meaning so given to it.


Establishment of Hospitals Trust Board.

2.—(1) Upon the commencement of this Act there shall be established a board (in this Act referred to as the Board) to be styled and known as the Hospitals Trust Board, to fulfil the functions assigned to it by this Act.


(2) The Board shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal (which shall be judicially noticed) and power to sue and be sued in its corporate name and to hold and dispose of land.


Membership of the Board and term of office of members.

3.—(1) The Board shall consist of five members.


(2) Subject to the provisions of the next following sub-section, each member of the Board shall from time to time as occasion requires, be appointed by the Minister by order made under this section, and shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns or is removed from office, hold office as such member for a period of five years from the day after the date of the order appointing him, but shall be eligible for reappointment.


(3) Each person who, immediately before the commencement of this Act, was one of the National Hospital Trustees shall upon such commencement become and be a member of the Board and shall, unless he sooner dies, resigns or is removed from office, hold office as such member for a period of five years from such commencement, but shall be eligible for reappointment.


(4) The Minister may at any time by order remove any member of the Board from that office, and any such removal shall take effect on the day after the date of the order removing such member.


(5) Any member of the Board may, at any time resign his office by a letter sent to the Minister, who shall notify the Board of such resignation, and every such resignation shall take effect at the commencement of the meeting of the Board held next after the receipt of such notification.


Proceedings of the Board.

4.—(1) At each meeting of the Board, the members of the Board who are present shall choose one of their number to be chairman of the meeting.


(2) Every question at a meeting of the Board shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting on the question, and in case of an equal division of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote save where the question is the election of the chairman.


(3) The quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be three.


(4) The Board may act notwithstanding one, but not more than one, vacancy in its membership.


(5) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Board shall regulate its own procedure and business.


Seal of the Board.

5.—(1) The Board shall immediately upon its establishment provide itself with a common seal.


(2) The seal of the Board shall be authenticated by the signature of any two members of the Board, authorised by the Board to act in that behalf.


(3) Every document purporting to be sealed with the seal of the Board and authenticated in accordance with this section shall, in any legal proceedings, be evidence, until the contrary is proved, that such document is issued by or under the authority of the Board.


Transfer of functions of the National Hospital Trustees to the Board and consequential adaptations of the Principal Act.

6.—(1) The powers, duties and functions of the National Hospital Trustees under the Principal Act are hereby transferred to and conferred and imposed on the Board.


(2) For the purposes of giving full effect to sub-section (1) of this section, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(a) references to the National Hospital Trustees in the Principal Act shall be construed as references to the Board;


(b) the Hospitals Trust Fund shall, upon the commencement of this Act, be transferred to the name of the Board;


(c) the moneys and investments which, immediately before the commencement of this Act, formed the capital of the Hospitals Trust Fund and also all property, whether real or personal (including choses-in-action), which immediately before such commencement was vested in the National Hospital Trustees and held by them as such Trustees on trust for any of the purposes of the Principal Act, and all rights, powers and privileges relating to or connected with the said Fund or any such property shall, on such commencement and without any conveyance or assignment but subject, where necessary to transfer in the books of any bank, corporation or company, become and be vested in the Board for all the estate, term or interest for which the same was immediately before such commencement vested in the said Trustees;


(d) any property (including the Hospitals Trust Fund) transferred by this section which, immediately before the commencement of this Act, was standing in the books of any bank, or was registered in the books of any bank, corporation, or company, in the name or names of any person or persons shall, upon the request of the Board made on or at any time after such commencement, be transferred in such books by such bank, corporation, or company into the name of the Board;


(e) on and after the commencement of this Act, every chose-in-action transferred by this section to the Board may be sued upon, recovered, or enforced by the Board in its own name, and it shall not be necessary for the Board to give notice to the person bound by such chose-in-action of the transfer effected by this section;


(f) every debt and other liability (including unliquidated liabilities arising from torts or breaches of contract) which immediately before the commencement of this Act was owing and unpaid or has been incurred and is undischarged by the National Hospital Trustees, or any one or more of them acting on behalf of the others or other of them, shall, on such commencement, become and be the debt or liability of the Board, and shall be paid or discharged by and may be recovered from or enforced against the Board accordingly.


Release of National Hospital Trustees.

7.—The Minister may, if he is satisfied that the National Hospital Trustees have duly performed their functions under the Principal Act, so certify under his seal of office, and such certificate shall operate as a release to the National Hospital Trustees their heirs, executors and administrators from all actions, claims and demands arising by virtue of sub-section (6) of section 20 of the Principal Act.


Powers of the Board in relation to providing office accommodation for sweepstake committees.

8.—(1) The Board may, whenever they are requested by a sweepstake committee so to do, adopt a scheme for the provision of office and other accommodation for sweepstake committees and for the employees of sweepstake committees and other persons interested in or connected with the organisation and management of sweepstakes in pursuance of the provisions of the Principal Act.


(2) Every scheme adopted by the Board under this section shall set out the manner in which the Board intend to apply that part of the Hospitals Trust Fund affected by such scheme, and the Board shall submit such scheme to the Minister for his approval, and shall not incur any expenditure under this section in connection with such scheme (otherwise than in the preparation thereof) without the approval of the Minister.


(3) So soon as may be after the Minister has approved of any scheme submitted to him under this section, the Board may proceed to put such scheme into operation, and for that purpose may acquire (whether by purchase, exchange or otherwise) any land, and may construct any buildings thereon, and may acquire, reconstruct and furnish any buildings already erected thereon, and generally may do all such things as they are by such scheme authorised to do.


(4) Any land or buildings acquired or constructed by the Board in pursuance of a scheme approved by the Minister under this section may be leased by the Board, for the purposes of such scheme and for such other purposes (if any) as may be specified in such lease, for such term and upon such conditions as to rent and otherwise as the Board think fit.


(5) Any land or buildings acquired or constructed by the Board under this section which are not required for the purposes of a scheme approved by the Minister under this section may be leased by the Board to such persons for such term and upon such conditions as the Board think fit, or may be sold or otherwise disposed of by the Board.


(6) All expenses incurred by the Board under this section shall be paid out of the Hospitals Trust Fund.


(7) Any rents and profits received by the Board out of any land or buildings leased by the Board under this section and the moneys arising from any sale of any land or buildings by the Board under this section shall be paid into the Hospitals Trust Fund.


Repeal of part of section 20 of the Principal Act.

9.—Sub-sections (1), (2) (3), (4), (5) and (6) of section 20 of the Principal Act are hereby repealed.


Short title, collective citation and commencement.

10.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Public Hospitals (Amendment) Act, 1938, and the Principal Act and this Act may be cited together as the Public Hospitals Acts, 1933 and 1938.


(2) This Act shall come into operation on such day as may be appointed for the purpose by order of the Minister.