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Uimhir 23 de 1945.



[An tionntó oifigiúil.]



1.—(1) San Acht so—

[EN]na hAchta.

ciallaíonn an abairt “na hAchta” na hAchta um Arachas Díomhaointis, 1920 go 1943;

[EN]Acht 1923.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1923” an tAcht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forála Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 30 de 1923);

[EN]na Fórsaí Cosanta.

ciallaíonn an abairt “na Fórsaí Cosanta” na Fórsaí agus an Cúltaca;


ciallaíonn an focal “scaoileadh” scaoileadh, aistriú nó athaistriú chun an Chúltaca, saoradh ó bhuan-tseirbhís, díbheadh, coimisiún do thabhairt suas, scor, agus éirí as, ach ní fholaíonn sé—


(a) éirí as coimisiún d'fhonn bheith ceaptha mar dhalta nó mar oifigeach de na Fórsaí, ná


(b) scaoileadh d'fhonn bheith ceaptha chun céime coimisiúnta nó chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaí, ná


(c) deireadh do theacht, trí bhás, le seirbhís, ná


(d) aistriú nó athaistriú chun an Chúltaca ná tagann briseadh seirbhíse dhe,


agus léireofar an briathar “scaoileadh” dá réir sin;

[EN]an tréimhse éigeandála.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an tréimhse éigeandála” an tréimhse do thosnaigh ar an 3ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1939, agus a chríochnós ar an dáta ar a gcúlghairmfear an tOrdú um an Acht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forála Sealadacha) (Uimh. 2), 1940 (Staid Phráinne), 1940 (R. & O. R., Uimh. 163 de 1940);

[EN]na Fórsaí.

ciallaíonn an abairt “na Fórsaí” na Fórsaí do bunaíodh faoi Chuid I d'Acht 1923;

[EN]an Comh-Chiste Arachais.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an Comh-Chiste Arachais” an ciste a bunaíodh faoin Scéim;

[EN]comhalta de na Fórsaí Cosanta.

ciallaíonn an abairt “comhalta de na Fórsaí Cosanta” oifigeach nó saighdiúir ar bith de na Fórsaí Cosanta, seachas—


(a) oifigeach ag a bhfuil buan-choimisiún sna Fórsaí, nó


(b) oifigeach ag a bhfuil coimisiún gearr-sheirbhíse san Aer-Chór, nó


(c) oifigeach nó saighdiúir a scaoiltear sara mbíonn trí mhí seirbhíse (agus aon tseirbhís a thug sé díreach roimh an 3ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1939, d'áireamh) críochnaithe aige, nó


(d) comhalta den Chór Déantais;

[EN]an dáta feidhme.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an dáta feidhme” dáta rite an Achta so;

an Cúltaca.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an Cúltaca” an fórsa cúltaca do bunaíodh faoi Chuid III d'Acht 1923;

an Scéim.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an Scéim” Scéim Arachais Dífhostaíochta Ghnótha an Arachais a bunaíodh faoi na hAchta;


ciallaíonn an focal “seirbhís”, maidir le comhalta de na Fórsaí Cosanta, seirbhís lán-aimsire sna Fórsaí Cosanta a raibh páigh ineisithe ina haghaidh, ach ní fholaíonn sé—

(a) i gcás é bheith ina oifigeach den Chúltaca Oifigeach, seirbhís i ndiaidh é do ghlaodhach amach ar seirbhís lánaimsire tar éis deireadh na tréimhse éigeandála, ná

(b) aon tréimhse thréineála bliantúla, ná

(c) aon tseirbhís a thug sé sar ar shlánaigh sé sé bliana déag d'aois.

(2) Chun críocha an Achta so, is tuigthe gurb é an toradh a gheibhtear tríd an uimhir de laethanta ar a dtug comhalta de na Fórsaí Cosanta seirbhís mar chomhalta den tsórt san tar éis an 2ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1939, do roinnt ar a seacht an uimhir de sheachtainí a dtug sé seirbhís ar a bhfeadh mar chomhalta den tsórt san tar éis an dáta san, agus áireofar mar sheachtain aon chodán a bheas fágtha.

(3) Léireofar an tAcht so agus na hAchta mar éinní amháin.


Forála á chumasú comhaltaí scaoilte áirithe de na Fórsaí Cosanta do cháiliú chun sochar dífhostaíochta d'fháil.

2.—(1) Gach comhalta scaoilte de na Fórsaí Cosanta lena mbaineann an t-alt so, deighleálfar leis chun críocha na bhforál de na hAchta a bhaineas le cearta sintiúsaire árachaithe maidir le sochar dífhostaíochta ach ní chun aon chríche eile—


(a) más roimh an dáta feidhme do scaoileadh é agus ná raibh sé ag tabhairt seirbhíse ar an dáta san, fé is dá mba shintiúsaire árachaithe é a raibh íoctha ina leith ar an dáta feidhme uimhir de shíntiúis dob ionann agus an uimhir de sheachtainí a dtug sé seirbhís ar a bhfeadh mar chomhalta den tsórt san tar éis an 2ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1939,


(b) más ar an dáta feidhme nó dá éis a scaoiltear é, fé is dá mba shíntiúsaire árachaithe é ar dháta an scaoilte sin a raibh íoctha ina leith ar dháta an scaoilte sin uimhir de shíntiúis dob ionann agus an uimhir de sheachtainí a dtug sé seirbhís ar a bhfeadh mar chomhalta den tsórt san tar éis an 2ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1939 (gan aon tseachtain den tsórt san d'áireamh a cuireadh san áireamh roimhe sin faoi mhír (a) den fho-alt so nó faoin mír seo).


(2) Íocfar isteach sa Chiste Dífhostaíochta as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, mar shíntiúis fostóirí agus síntiúis dhaoine fostaithe, pé suimeanna is leor, dar leis an Aire Airgeadais, chun a thabhairt go bhféadfar deighleáil mar foráltar le fo-alt (1) den alt so le comhaltaí scaoilte de na Fórsaí Cosanta lena mbaineann an t-alt so.


(3) Déanfar na suimeanna a bheas le n-íoc faoi fho-alt (2) den alt so isteach sa Chiste Dífhostaíochta do ríomh sa tslí a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais agus íocfar iad sa tslí agus ar na dátaí ar a gcomhaontóidh an tAire Airgeadais agus an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála.


(4) Baineann an t-alt so le gach comhalta de na Fórsaí Cosanta (seachas comhalta de na Fórsaí Cosanta lena mbaineann alt 3 den Acht so) a scaoiltear aon uair tar éis an 2ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1939.


Forála á chumasú comhaltaí scaoilte áirithe de na Fórsaí Cosanta do cháiliú chun sochar díth oibre faoin Scéim d'fháil.

3.—(1) Gach comhalta scaoilte de na Fórsaí Cosanta lena mbaineann an t-alt so, deighleálfar leis, chun críocha na bhforál den Scéim a bhaineas le cearta duine maidir le sochar díth oibre faoin Scéim ach ní chun aon chríche eile—


(a) más roimh an dáta feidhme do scaoileadh é agus ná raibh sé ag tabhairt seirbhíse ar an dáta san, fé is dá mba dhuine é a raibh íoctha ina leith isteach sa Chomh-Chiste Arachais ar an dáta feidhme uimhir de shíntiúis dob ionann agus an uimhir de sheachtainí a dtug sé seirbhís ar a bhfeadh mar chomhalta den tsórt san tar éis an 2ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1939,


(b) más ar an dáta feidhme nó dá éis a scaoiltear é, fé is dá mba dhuine é ar dháta an scaoilte sin a raibh íoctha ina leith isteach sa Chomh-Chiste Arachais ar dháta an scaoilte sin uimhir de shíntiúis dob ionann agus an uimhir de sheachtainí a dtug sé seirbhís ar a bhfeadh mar chomhalta den tsórt san tar éis an 2ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1939 (gan aon tseachtain den tsórt san d'áireamh a cuireadh san áireamh roimhe sin faoi mhír (a) den fho-alt no faoin mír seo).


(2) Íocfar isteach sa Chomh-Chiste Arachais as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, mar shíntiúis, pé suimeanna is leor, dar leis an Aire Airgeadais, chun a thabhairt go bhféadfar deighleáil mar foráltar le fo-alt (1) den alt so le comhaltaí scaoilte de na Fórsaí Cosanta lena mbaineann an t-alt so, ach ní bheidh iomlán na suimeanna san níos mó ná suim arna ríomh do réir scilling in aghaidh gach seachtaine seirbhíse a thug gach comhalta de na Fórsaí Cosanta lena mbaineann an t-alt so.


(3) Déanfar na suimeanna a bheas le n-íoc faoi fho-alt (2) den alt so isteach sa Chomh-Chiste Arachais do ríomh sa tslí a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais agus íocfar iad sa tslí agus ar na dátaí ar a gcomhaontóidh an tAire Airgeadais agus an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála.


(4) Baineann an t-alt so le gach comhalta de na Fórsaí Cosanta—


(a) a ndearnadh, i rith an dá bhlian roimh é do dhul isteach sna Fórsaí Cosanta, fiche síntiús ar a laghad d'íoc ina leith faoin Scéim, agus


(b) a scaoiltear tráth nach déanaí ná bliain ó dheireadh na tréimhse éigeandála.


Gearr-theideal agus comhluadh.

4.—Féadfar an tAcht Arachais Dífhostaíochta, 1945, do ghairm den Acht so, agus féadfar na hAchta Arachais Dífhostaíochta, 1920 go 1945, do ghairm de na hAchta agus den Acht so le chéile.



Number 23 of 1945.








Provisions enabling certain discharged members of the Defence Forces to qualify for unemployment benefit.


Provisions enabling certain discharged members of the Defence Forces to qualify for out-of-work benefit under the Scheme.


Short title and collective citation.

Acts Referred to

Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923

No. 30 of 1923

Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) (No. 2) Act, 1940 (State of Emergency) Order, 1940

S. R. & O., No. 163 of 1940


Number 23 of 1945.




1.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Acts” means the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1943;


the expression “the Act of 1923” means the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 30 of 1923);


the expression “the Defence Forces” means the Forces and the Reserve;


the word “discharge” means discharge, transfer or re-transfer to the Reserve, release from permanent service, dismissal, relinquishment of commission, retirement, and resignation, but does not include—


(a) the resignation of a commission for the purpose of appointment as a cadet or officer of the Forces, or


(b) discharge for the purpose of appointment to commissioned rank or temporary commissioned rank, or


(c) termination of service by death, or


(d) transfer or re-transfer to the Reserve not involving interruption of service,


and the word “discharged” shall be construed accordingly;


the expression “the emergency period” means the period which commenced on the 3rd day of September, 1939, and will end on the date on which the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) (No. 2) Act, 1940 (State of Emergency) Order, 1940 (S. R. & O., No. 163 of 1940), is revoked;


the expression “the Forces” means the forces established under Part I of the Act of 1923;


the expression “the Joint Insurance Fund” means the fund established under the Scheme;


the expression “member of the Defence Forces” means any officer or soldier of the Defence Forces, other than—


(a) an officer holding a permanent commission in the Forces, or


(b) an officer holding a short service commission in the Air Corps, or


(c) an officer or soldier who is discharged before he has completed three months' service (including any service rendered immediately before the 3rd day of September, 1939), or


(d) a member of the Construction Corps;


the expression “the operative date” means the date of the passing of this Act;


the expression “the Reserve” means the reserve force established under Part III of the Act of 1923;


the expression “the Scheme” means The Insurance Industry Unemployment Insurance Scheme established under the Acts;


the word “service” means, in relation to a member of the Defence Forces, full-time service in the Defence Forces in respect of which pay was issuable but does not include—


(a) in case he is an officer of the Reserve of Officers, service subsequent to his being called out on full-time service after the expiration of the emergency period, or


(b) any period of annual training, or


(c) any service rendered by him before he attained the age of sixteen years.


(2) For the purposes of this Act, the number of weeks during which a member of the Defence Forces rendered service as such member after the 2nd day of September, 1939, shall be taken to be the result obtained by dividing the number of days during which he rendered service as such member after the said date by the number seven, any fraction over being treated as one week.


(3) This Act shall be construed as one with the Acts.


Provisions enabling certain discharged members of the Defence Forces to qualify for unemployment benefit.

2.—(1) Every discharged member of the Defence Forces to whom this section applies shall, for the purposes of the provisions of the Acts relating to the rights of an insured contributor with respect to unemployment benefit but for no other purpose—


(a) in case he was discharged before, and was not rendering service on, the operative date, be treated as though he were an insured contributor in respect of whom a number of contributions equal to the number of weeks during which he rendered service as such member after the 2nd day of September, 1939, had been paid on the operative date,


(b) in case he is discharged on or after the operative date, be treated as though he were on the date of such discharge an insured contributor in respect of whom a number of contributions equal to the number of weeks during which he rendered service as such member after the 2nd day of September, 1939 (excluding any such week which was previously taken into account under paragraph (a) of this subsection or this paragraph) had been paid on the date of such discharge.


(2) There shall be paid into the Unemployment Fund out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, by way of employers' and employed persons' contributions, such sums as will, in the opinion of the Minister for Finance, be sufficient to enable discharged members of the Defence Forces to whom this section applies to be treated in the manner provided by subsection (1) of this section.


(3) The sums to be paid under subsection (2) of this section into the Unemployment Fund shall be calculated in such manner as the Minister for Finance may direct and shall be paid in such manner and at such dates as may be agreed upon by the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Industry and Commerce.


(4) This section applies to every member of the Defence Forces (other than a member of the Defence Forces to whom section 3 of this Act applies) who is discharged at any time after the 2nd day of September, 1939.


Provisions enabling certain discharged members of the Defence Forces to qualify for out-of-work benefit under the Scheme.

3.—(1) Every discharged member of the Defence Forces to whom this section applies shall, for the purposes of the provisions of the Scheme relating to the rights of a person with respect to out-of-work benefit under the Scheme but for no other purpose—


(a) in case he was discharged before, and was not rendering service on, the operative date, be treated as though he were a person in respect of whom a number of contributions equal to the number of weeks during which he rendered service as such member after the 2nd day of September, 1939, had been paid on the operative date into the Joint Insurance Fund,


(b) in case he is discharged on or after the operative date, be treated as though he were on the date of such discharge a person in respect of whom a number of contributions equal to the number of weeks during which he rendered service as such member after the 2nd day of September, 1939 (excluding any such week which was previously taken into account under paragraph (a) of this subsection or this paragraph) had been paid on the date of such discharge into the Joint Insurance Fund.


(2) There shall be paid into the Joint Insurance Fund out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, by way of contributions, such sums as will, in the opinion of the Minister for Finance, be sufficient to enable discharged members of the Defence Forces to whom this section applies to be treated in the manner provided by subsection (1) of this section, subject however to the limitation that the aggregate of the said sums shall not exceed a sum calculated at the rate of one shilling for each week of service of each member of the Defence Forces to whom this section applies.


(3) The sums to be paid under subsection (2) of this section into the Joint Insurance Fund shall be calculated in such manner as the Minister for Finance may direct and shall be paid in such manner and at such dates as may be agreed upon by the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Industry and Commerce.


(4) This section applies to every member of the Defence Forces—


(a) in respect of whom, during the two years prior to his joining the Defence Forces, there were paid at least twenty contributions under the Scheme, and


(b) who is discharged not later than the first anniversary of the expiration of the emergency period.


Short title and collective citation.

4.—This Act may be cited as the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1945, and the Acts and this Act may be cited together as the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1945.