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Number 40 of 1926.
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Number 40 of 1926.
Establishment of Tariff Commission.
1.—(1) As soon as conveniently may be after the passing of this Act the Minister for Finance shall establish a Commission (in this Act referred to as “the Commission”) which shall be styled “the Tariff Commission” and shall consist of three members of whom one, who shall be chairman, shall be nominated by the Minister for Finance, one shall be nominated by the Minister for Industry and Commerce, and one shall be nominated by the Minister for Lands and Agriculture.
(2) Nominations of members of the Tariff Commission shall be made from time to time as occasion requires, and every member shall, unless he previously dies or resigns, retain his membership for two years from the date of his nomination but shall be eligible for renomination.
Functions of Tariff Commission.
2.—(1) Whenever an application is made to the Minister for Finance by any persons substantially representative of the persons engaged or proposing to engage in the production in Saorstát Eireann of goods of any particular class or description for the imposition, modification, abolition, or renewal of a customs duty on the importation of goods of that class or description, the said Minister may if he so thinks fit refer such application to the Commission.
(2) The Commission shall consider every application referred to it under this section by the Minister for Finance and shall report to the said Minister on the several aspects specified in the Schedule to this Act of such application or such of those aspects as are applicable thereto.
(3) When considering any application referred to it as aforesaid the Commission shall hear every person who desires so to be heard and appears to the Commission to be substantially representative of persons, trades, or interests who would or might reasonably be expected to be affected by the granting or refusing, in whole or in part, of the concessions asked for in such application and shall receive and consider any evidence tendered by any such person.
Regulations for proceedings before Tariff Commission.
3.—The Commission shall make regulations for the governance of its proceedings and may by such regulations make provision for all or any of the following matters, that is to say:—
(a) the times and places of the sittings of the Commission,
(b) the persons to whom and the times at and manner in which notice of the sittings of the Commission shall be given,
(c) the form and manner in which submissions shall be made and evidence given to the Commission and in particular whether such submissions and evidence shall be given viva voce or in writing,
(d) the attendance for viva voce examination or cross-examination of persons who have made submissions or given evidence in writing,
(e) the admission or exclusion of the public to or from sittings of the Commission,
(f) such matters as appear to the Commission to be necessary or expedient for the proper conduct of its business.
Fees payable to Tariff Commission.
4.—(1) Whenever an application to the Minister is referred by him under this Act to the Commission, the persons by whom such application is made shall, as a condition precedent to the consideration of the application by the Commission, pay to the Commission in accordance with regulations to be made by the Minister for Finance such fee not less than ten pounds nor more than one hundred pounds as the Commission with the sanction of the said Minister shall fix having regard to the length of time and the expense which in the opinion of the Commission will be involved in the consideration of the application.
(2) All fees paid to the Commission under this section shall be paid into or disposed for the benefit of the Exchequer by the Commission in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.
Powers of Tariff Commission.
5.—(1) The Commission shall have all such powers, rights, and privileges for enforcing the attendance of witnesses and examining them on oath or otherwise and for compelling the production of documents as are vested in the High Court or a Judge thereof in respect of the trial of an action, and a summons signed by the members of the Commission shall be equivalent to and have the like effect as a formal process issued by the High Court for enforcing the attendance of witnesses and compelling the production of documents.
(2) If any person—
(a) on being duly summoned as a witness before the Commission makes default in attending, or
(b) being in attendance as a witness refuses to take an oath legally required by the Commission to be taken, or to produce any document in his power or control legally required by the Commission to be produced by him, or to answer any question to which the Commission may legally require an answer, or
(c) does any other thing which would, if the Commission were a court of justice having power to commit for contempt of court, be contempt of such court,
the Commission may certify the offence of that person under their hands to the High Court and that Court may after such inquiry as it thinks proper to make punish or take steps for the punishment of that person in like manner as if he had been guilty of contempt of the said Court.
(3) A witness before the Commission shall be entitled to the same immunities and privileges as if he were a witness before the High Court.
Remuneration and staff of Commissioners.
6.—(1) Any member of the Commission may, if the Minister for Finance so directs, be paid such remuneration as the said Minister shall determine.
(2) The Minister for Finance may appoint such and so many persons as he shall consider necessary to be officers of the Commission, and such persons shall hold office upon such terms and be remunerated at such rates and in such manner as the said Minister shall direct.
Presentation of reports of Commission.
7.—Every report made by the Commission shall be laid upon the Tables of both Houses of the Oireachtas.
8.—The expenses of the Commission (including the remuneration of the members and officers of the Commission) and all other expenses of carrying this Act into execution shall, to such extent as shall be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
Short title.
9.—This Act may be cited as the Tariff Commission Act, 1926.
1. The efficiency, extent, and relative importance of the industry in respect of which the application is made, the amount of capital invested therein, the number of persons employed therein, the total annual value of the goods produced by the said industry, and the cost of production of such goods in Saorstát Eireann as compared with such cost in other countries.
2. The cost, efficiency, conditions of labour, and rates of wages in Saorstát Eireann in the industry in respect of which the application is made as compared with such cost, efficiency, conditions, and rates in other countries.
3. The effect which the granting in whole or in part of the concessions asked for in the application would be likely to have on the several matters mentioned in paragraph 1 of this Schedule.
4. The effect which the granting in whole or in part of the concessions asked for in the application would be likely to have on other trades and industries in Saorstát Eireann.
5. The effect which the granting in whole or in part of the concessions asked for in the application would be likely to have on consumers of the goods produced by the industry in respect of which the application is made and on the cost of living.
6. The effect which the granting in whole or in part of the concessions asked for in the application would be likely to have on the public revenues of Saorstát Eireann.
7. The prospects, if any, which the industry in respect of which the application is made has of establishing itself eventually on a permanent basis without the continued aid of a customs duty or with a modification of such duty after a period.
8. Such other economic, industrial, and administrative aspects of the application as appear to the Commission to be relevant to the determination of the merits and demerits of the application.
9. To what extent, if at all, the competition from imported goods to which the industry in respect of which the application is made is exposed is unfair by reason of currency depreciation or the grant of subsidies or bounties in the country in which such goods are manufactured.
10. Such other economic, industrial, and administrative aspects of the application as appear to the Commission to be relevant to the determination of the merits and demerits of the application.
Uimhir 40 de 1926.
[31adh Iúl, 1926.]
Bunú Choimisiún na nDleacht.
1.—(1) Chó luath agus bheidh sé caothúil tar éis rithte an Achta so bunóidh an tAire Airgid Coimisiún (dá ngairmtear “an Coimisiún” san Acht so) ar a dtabharfar Coimisiún na nDleacht agus a bheidh có-dhéanta de thriúr ball dá n-ainmneofar duine, a bheidh ina chathaoirleach, ag an Aire Airgid, duine ag an Aire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála, agus duine ag an Aire Tailte agus Talmhaíochta.
(2) Ainmneofar baill chun Coimisiún na nDleacht o am go ham fé mar is gá agus, mara bhfagha sé bás no mara n-eirighe sé as roimhe sin, coinneoidh gach ball a bhallraíocht go ceann dhá bhlian o dháta a ainmnithe ach féadfar é d'ath-ainmniú.
Feidhmeanna Choimisiún na nDleacht.
2.—(1) Má iarrtar ar an Aire Airgid, ag aon daoine atá sáthach ionadathach do sna daoine atá ar gabháil no ar aigne bheith ag gabháil d'earraí d'aon aicme no saghas áirithe do dhéanamh i Saorstát Éireann, diúité custum d'fhorchur ar earraí den aicme no den tsaghas san a hiomportáltar no é d'atharú no deire do chur leis no é d'athnuachaint, féadfidh an tAire sin an t-iarratas san do chur fé bhráid an Choimisiúin más oiriúnach leis é.
(2) Breithneoidh an Coimisiún gach iarratas a chuirfidh an tAire Airgid fé n-a mbráid fén alt so agus tuairisceoid don Aire sin ar na puíntí uile agus fé seach a luaidhtear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so maidir leis an iarratas san no ar pé puíntí acu a bhaineann leis an iarratas.
(3) Nuair a bheidh an Coimisiún ag breithniú aon iarratais a cuirfar fé n-a mbráid mar adubhradh éistfid gach éinne gur mian leis go n-éistfí é amhlaidh agus a dheabhróidh don Choimisiún a bheith sáthach ionadathach do dhaoine, do thrádálanna, no do dhreamanna go ndéanfadh sé no nár mhiste a mheas go ndéanfadh sé difir dóibh na nithe a hiarrtar san iarratas san do dheona no do dhiúlta i bpáirt no go hiomlán agus glacfid agus breithneoid aon fhianaise a thairgfidh éinne den tsórt san.
Rialacháin d'imeachta i láthair Choimisiún na nDleacht.
3.—Déanfidh an Coimisiún rialacháin chun a n-imeachta do rialú agus leis na rialacháin sin féadfid socrú i dtaobh gach ní no éinní acu so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(a) amanta agus áiteanna suidheanna an Choimisiúin,
(b) na daoine dá dtabharfar agus na hamanta agus an tslí ina dtabharfar fógra i dtaobh suidheanna an Choimisiúin,
(c) an fhuirm agus an tslí ina leagfar nithe fé bhráid an Choimisiúin agus ina dtabharfar fianaise dhóibh agus go sonnrách ce'ca viva voce no i scríbhinn a bheidh na nithe agus an fhianaise sin.
(d) daoine a chuir nithe fé bhráid an Choimisiúin no a thug fianaise dhóibh i scríbhinn do theacht i láthair chun a gceistnithe no a gcros-cheistnithe viva voce,
(e) an phuiblíocht do leigint isteach chun suidheanna an Choimisiúin no do dhúna amach uatha,
(f) pé nithe is dó leis an gCoimisiún is gá no is oiriúnach chun a ngnó do dhéanamh sa cheart.
Táillí is iníoctha le Coimisiún na nDleacht.
4.—(1) Má dhineann an tAire iarratas a dineadh chuige do chur fé bhráid an Choimisiúin fén Acht so, déanfidh lucht déanta an iarratais sin, mar choiníoll nách foláir a chólíona roimh bhreithniú an iarratais don Choimisiún, táille d'íoc leis an gCoimisiún do réir rialachán a dhéanfidh an tAire Airgid, pé táille, nách lú ná deich bpúint ná nách mó ná céad punt, a shocróidh an Coimisiún, le cead an Aire sin, ag féachaint dóibh ar fhaid na haimsire a thógfidh breithniú an iarratais agus ar an gcostas a bhainfidh leis dar leis an gCoimisiún.
(2) Iocfidh an Coimisiún isteach sa Stát-Chiste no socróid chun tairbhe dho, ar pé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgid, gach táille a híocfar leis an gCoimisiún fén alt so.
Comhachta Choimisiún na nDleacht.
5.—(1) Chun a chur fhiachaint ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair agus chun a gceistnithe fé mhionn no ar aon tslí eile agus chun a chur fhiachaint ar dhaoine scríbhinní do thabhairt i láthair beidh ag an gCoimisiún gach comhacht, ceart, agus príbhléid atá dílsithe san Ard-Chúirt no i mBreitheamh den Ard-Chúirt maidir le triail aicsin, agus beidh gairm a bheidh sighnithe ag baill an Choimisiúin ar aon dul agus ar aon éifeacht le próiseas fuirmeálta a thabharfidh an Ard-Chúirt amach chun a chur fhiachaint ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair agus chun a chur fhiachaint ar dhaoine scríbhinní do thabhairt i láthair.
(2) Má dhineann éinne—
(a) faillí ar theacht i láthair an Choimisiúin agus é gairmthe go cuibhe chun teacht ina láthair mar fhínné, no
(b) ar bheith i láthair do mar fhínné, diúltú do mhionn do thabhairt a éileoidh an Coimisiún air go dlíthiúil a thabhairt no d'aon scríbhinn fé n-a chomhacht no fé n-a chúram do thabhairt i láthair a éileoidh an Coimisiún air go dlíthiúil a thabhairt i láthair no d'aon cheist d'fhreagairt 'na bhféadfadh an Coimisiún freagra uirthi d'éileamh go dlíthiúil, no
(c) éinní eile dob ionann is droch-mheas do chaitheamh ar an gcúirt dá mba chúirt bhreithiúnais an Coimisiún agus comhacht aici chun duine do chur i bpríosún mar gheall ar dhroch-mheas do chaitheamh uirthi,
féadfidh an Coimisiún cionta an duine sin do dheimhniú fé n-a lámhaibh don Ard-Chúirt agus féadfidh an Chúirt sin, tar éis pé fiosrú is oiriúnach léi do dhéanamh, an duine sin do phionósú no céimeanna do thógaint chun go bpionósfar é díreach fé is dá mbeadh sé ciontach i ndroch-mheas do chaitheamh ar an gCúirt sin.
(3) Beidh teideal ag fínné i láthair an Choimisiúin chun na saoirsí agus na bpríbhléidí céanna chun a mbeadh teideal aige dá mb' fhínné i láthair na hArd-Chúirte é.
Luach saothair agus fuireann na gCoimisinéirí.
6.—(1) Má orduíonn an tAire Airgid é, féadfar pé luach saothair a shocróidh an tAire sin d'íoc le haon bhall den Choimisiún.
(2) Féadfidh an tAire Airgid pé daoine agus pé méid is dó leis is gá do cheapa chun bheith ina n-oifigigh don Choimisiún, agus beidh na daoine sin i seilbh oifige ar pé téarmaí agus tabharfar luach saothair dóibh do réir pé rátaí agus ar pé slí a ordóidh an tAire sin.
Tíolaca tuarasgabhála an Choimisiúin.
7.—Leagfar ar Bhúird dhá Thigh an Oireachtais gach tuarasgabháil a dhéanfidh an Coimisiún.
8.—Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é íocfar amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas costaisí an Choimisiúin (ar a n-áirítear luach saothair ball agus oifigeach an Choimisiúin) agus gach costas eile a bhainfidh leis an Acht so do chur i bhfeidhm.
9.—Féadfar an tAcht um Choimisiún na nDleacht, 1926, do ghairm den Acht so.
1. Eifeachtúlacht, méid, agus tácht chompráideach an cheárdais go bhfuil an t-iarratas á dhéanamh ina thaobh, an méid caipitail atá súncálta ann, an méid daoine atá ar fostú ann, luach iomlán bliantúil na n-earraí a saothruítear sa cheárdas san, agus costas na n-earraí sin do shaothrú i Saorstát Éireann i gcompráid le costas den tsórt san i dtíortha eile.
2. An costas, an éifeachtúlacht, staid an lucht oibre agus na rátaí páigh i Saorstát Éireann sa cheárdas go bhfuil an t-iarratas á dhéanamh ina thaobh i gcompráid le costas, éifeachtúlacht, staid, agus rátaí den tsórt san i dtíortha eile.
3. Conus is dócha oibreoidh sé ar na nithe uile agus fé seach a luaidhtear i mír 1 den Sceideal na nithe a hiarrtar san iarratas do dheona i bpáirt no go hiomlán.
4. Conus is dócha oibreoidh sé ar thrádála agus ar cheárdaisí eile i Saorstát Éireann na nithe a hiarrtar san iarratas do dheona i bpáirt no go hiomlán.
5. Conus is dócha oibreoidh sé ar lucht caithte na n-earraí a saothruítear sa cheárdas go bhfuil an t-iarratas á dhéanamh ina thaobh agus ar an gcostas beatha na nithe a hiarrtar san iarratas do dheona i bpáirt no go hiomlán.
6. Conus is dócha oibreoidh sé ar ioncum phuiblí Shaorstáit Éireann na nithe a hiarrtar san iarratas do dheona i bpáirt no go hiomlán.
7. Cadé an dóchas atá ann (más ann do) go bhféadfar an ceárdas go bhfuil an t-iarratas á dhéanamh ina thaobh do bhunú sa deire ar bhása bhuan gan síor-chabhair o dhiúité chustum no le laghdú ar an diúité sin i gcionn tréimhse.
8. An méid minimum de dhiúité chustum is dócha a bheadh riachtanach chun go n-eireodh i Saorstát Éireann leis an gceárdas go bhfuil an t-iarratas á dhéanamh ina thaobh.
9. Maidir leis an gcomórtas o earraí iomportálta atá á fhulag ag an gceárdas go bhfuil an t-iarratas á dhéanamh ina thaobh, a mhéid atá sé, má tá sé, éagcórach tré laghdú luach airgid reatha no tré dheona congnaimh airgid no toirbheartas sa tír ina ndintar na hearraí sin.
10. Pé puíntí eile, maidir le heconomíocht, ceárdas agus riarachán an iarratais, is dó leis an gCoimisiún a bhaineann le breith do thabhairt ar mhaitheas agus ar olcas an iarratais.