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Number 4.






Appointment of Under-Sheriffs.


Employment of bailiffs by Under-Sheriffs.


Bailiff to produce warrant of authority.


Inventory of chattels seized to be made.


Certain chattels exempt from seizure.


Under-Sheriff may sell at any time.


Under-Sheriff may sell outside his bailiwick.


Validity of purchases from Under-Sheriff.


Interruption of Under-Sheriff's custody not to prejudice sale.


No action to lie against Under-Sheriff for entering or breaking premises.


Under-Sheriff not to be liable for seizing or selling in excess.


Appointment of fees to be charged by or paid to Under-Sheriffs and others.


Places in which Quarter Sessions and Civil Bill Courts may be held.


Service of civil bills and jurors summonses may be deemed good.


Power to stay execution in certain cases.


Short Title and duration.

Act Referred to

Adaptation of Enactments Act, 1922

No. 2 of 1922


Number 4.

Enforcement of Law (Occasional Powers) Act, 1923.


Appointment of Under-Sheriffs.

1.—(1) For the purpose of the application of section 11 of the Adaptation of Enactments Act, 1922 (No. 2 of 1922) to section 1 of the Sheriffs (Ireland) Act, 1920, (10 & 11 Geo. V., ch. 26), the member of the Executive Council for the time being Minister for Home Affairs shall be deemed to be the Minister or authority exercising in Saorstát Eireann functions the same as or corresponding to the functions which prior to the 6th day of December, 1921, were in the area now comprised in Saorstát Eireann exercised by the Lord Lieutenant under the said section 1 of the Sheriffs (Ireland) Act, 1920, and accordingly all the powers conferred by the said section 1 shall be vested in and exercisable by such member of the Executive Council and the expression “the Minister” wherever the same occurs in this Act means such member of the Executive Council.


(2) No oath of office or other oath shall be administered to or required to be taken by any person appointed after the passing of this Act to be Under-Sheriff but in lieu thereof every person so appointed shall before entering on his office subscribe and make a solemn declaration in a form to be prescribed by an order of the Minister that he will duly perform the duties of his office, and section 14 of the Statute 12 George I., c. 4 (Irish), shall be read as if the making by every Under-Sheriff of the Declaration so to be prescribed were substituted for the taking of the Oath prescribed by that section and for the making of the Declaration prescribed by the Sheriffs (Ireland) Adaptation of Enactments Order, 1922.


(3) If the Minister shall be at any time satisfied that any Under-Sheriff is by reason of illness, unavoidable absence, or for any cause whatever unable, or is unwilling, to perform the functions or properly to discharge the duties of his office for the time being, then and in that case the Minister may appoint any person (whether a person possessing the qualifications prescribed by sub-section (3) of section 1 of the Sheriffs (Ireland) Act, 1920, or not) to act as deputy for such Under-Sheriff during such time at such remuneration (to be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas) and upon such terms as the Minister may by Order specify and the person so appointed shall for the purposes of any and every power authority immunity and protection given by law to the Under-Sheriff be deemed to be the Under-Sheriff for the same bailiwick, and all writs decrees and other documents in the hands of the Under-Sheriff for execution shall be forthwith handed over to such deputy who shall deal with the same in all respects as if he were a lawfully appointed Under-Sheriff


Employment of bailiffs by Under-Sheriffs.

2.—(1) From and after the passing of this Act it shall not be obligatory upon any Under-Sheriff to employ any bailiff to assist him in the execution of a writ of fieri facias or writ of habere or other writ or to employ any bailiff appointed under Section 5 of the Civil Bill Courts Procedure Amendment Act (Ireland), 1864 (27 & 28 Vict., ch. 99), to assist him in the execution of his duties under that Act, but in lieu of or in addition to such bailiffs it shall be lawful for any Under-Sheriff to employ such and so many suitable persons as he shall think fit to assist him in the execution of any or every writ of fieri facias or writ of habere or other writ and of any or every decree or order (whether for debt, possession of lands or otherwise) of a Civil Bill Court.


(2) Any person employed by an Under-Sheriff as bailiff under this section may be employed at a weekly or other wage to assist him generally in the execution of such writs and decrees or orders as aforesaid or may be employed specially to assist the Under-Sheriff in the execution of a particular writ or decree or order.


(3) Wherever persons are employed by an Under-Sheriff under this section to assist him generally in the execution of such writs and decrees or orders as aforesaid the number and rate of remuneration of such persons (to be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas) shall be subject to the approval of the Minister, and the sanction of the Minister for Finance.


(4) Wherever any persons are employed specially by an Under-Sheriff under this section to assist him in the execution of a particular writ or decree or order the number and remuneration of such persons shall be in the discretion of the Under-Sheriff subject to the sanction of the County Court Judge on appeal by the debtor.


(5) Every person employed under this section by an Under-Sheriff to assist him in the execution of a writ of fieri facias or a writ of habere shall have all the powers which are by law vested in a bailiff employed by an Under-Sheriff for that purpose, and every person employed under this section by an Under-Sheriff to assist him in the execution of any decree or order of a Civil Bill Court shall have all the powers which are by law vested in a bailiff appointed under the Civil Bill Courts Procedure Amendment Act (Ireland), 1864 (27 & 28 Vict., ch. 99).


Bailiff to produce warrant of authority.

3.—It shall be the duty of a bailiff and of any other person employed by an Under-Sheriff pursuant to section 2 (1) of this Act, immediately upon entry and before seizure, to produce on demand to the defendant (or other the person in apparent possession of the lands and premises upon which he or they shall enter) the warrant of his or their authority from the Under-Sheriff, and to deliver a true copy thereof to such defendant or other person.


Inventory of chattels seized to be made.

4.—It shall be the duty of every Under-Sheriff under whose authority execution shall be levied upon goods, animals, or other chattels, to cause an itemised inventory of the chattels seized to be made out and within 48 hours of seizure and, if practicable, before any removal to cause to be furnished to the defendant (or other the person in apparent possession of such chattels) a duplicate of such inventory, signed by the Under-Sheriff or by a person acting on his behalf.


Certain chattels exempt from seizure.

5.—From and after the passing of this Act, the necessary wearing apparel and bedding of a person against whom an execution shall be levied, and the necessary wearing apparel and bedding of his family, and the tools and implements of his trade, not exceeding in the whole the value of £15, shall be exempt from liability to seizure.


Under-Sheriff may sell at any time.

6.—(1) It shall be lawful for any Under-Sheriff who shall after the passing of this Act take any goods, animals or other chattels in execution under a writ of fieri facias or under a decree of a Civil Bill Court to sell by public auction such goods, animals or other chattels at any time after the expiration of a period of twenty-four hours after he shall have taken the same in execution, but so that he shall not allow any unreasonable delay to occur, and it shall not be necessary for the Under-Sheriff to publish or announce that any such sale is a sale by an Under-Sheriff or is a sale of goods, animals or chattels taken in execution.


(2) So much of section 28 of the Civil Bill Courts Procedure Amendment Act (Ireland), 1864 (27 & 28 Vict., ch. 99), as prescribes times within which goods or cattle taken in execution under any decree of a Civil Bill Court shall or shall not be sold is hereby repealed.


Under-Sheriff may sell outside his bailiwick.

7.—(1) Notwithstanding any statute, rule of law or order to the contrary any Under-Sheriff who shall have taken goods, animals or other chattels in execution under any writ of fieri facias or under any decree of a Civil Bill Court may sell such goods, animals and chattels by public auction at such place or places, whether within or outside his bailiwick, and whether within or outside the territorial boundaries of Saorstát Eireann in which in his opinion such goods, animals and chattels can be sold to the best advantage, and may remove such goods, animals and chattels or any of them or cause same to be removed from the place where same were seized to such place or places of sale.


(2) All goods, animals and other chattels taken in execution by any Under-Sheriff under any such writ or decree as aforesaid may pending the sale thereof be impounded, stored and kept by the Under-Sheriff in such place or places whether within or outside his bailiwick and whether within or outside the territorial boundaries of Saorstát Eireann as he shall think fit, and notwithstanding that such place or places is or are not appointed or authorized by law to be used as pounds.


(3) Wherever any goods, animals or other chattels shall be removed under this section by or by order of the Under-Sheriff to any place outside his bailiwick the Under-Sheriff shall in addition to the amount of the debt stated in the writ or decree under which such goods, animals and chattels were seized and of all charges leviable by law levy for the amount of all costs incurred by him—


(a) in or about the removal of such goods, animals and chattels from the places at which they were seized to every place (including the place of sale) to which such goods, animals and chattels are removed before the sale thereof;


(b) in or about the storing, impounding and preservation of such goods, animals and chattels (including the feeding and watering of such animals) between the time of seizure and the time of sale;


(c) in or about the sale and any attempted sale of such goods, animals or chattels other than a sale or attempted sale within the bailiwick of the Under-Sheriff.


All such costs and expenses as are mentioned in this sub-section may be deducted by the Under-Sheriff from the proceeds of the sale of the goods, animals and chattels as a first charge thereon.


(4) The Under-Sheriff shall be sole judge of the place or places at which any goods, animals or other chattels taken in execution by him can be sold to the best advantage and no action shall lie against any Under-Sheriff on account of his having sold any such goods, animals or chattels as aforesaid outside his bailiwick.


(5) In this section the expression “charges leviable by law” means charges leviable under any enactment, rule or order in force at the passing of this Act or under any provision of this Act other than this section.


Validity of purchases from Under Sheriff.

8.—Every person who after the passing of this Act shall in good faith purchase at a sale held by or under the authority of an Under-Sheriff any goods, animals or other chattels taken in execution by such Under-Sheriff shall acquire a good title valid against all persons to the goods, animals and chattels so purchased notwithstanding any invalidity or irregularity in or about the seizure or sale of such goods, animals or chattels, and whether he knows or ought or could have known or is affected with any kind of notice that the sale is a sale by or under the authority of an Under-Sheriff or not.


Interruption of Under-Sheriff's custody not to prejudice sale.

9.—The power and authority of an Under-Sheriff to sell any goods, animals or other chattels taken in execution by him shall not be prejudiced or affected by reason of such goods, animals or chattels having been out of the custody of the Under-Sheriff or his custody thereof having been by any means interrupted at any time or times between the time of the seizure and the time of the actual sale of such goods, animals or chattels.


No action to lie against Under-Sheriff for entering or breaking premises.

10.—No action shall lie against an Under-Sheriff for or on account of his having entered or broken into any lands, house, close or other premises for the purpose of taking into execution any goods, animals or other chattels which were or might be on or in such lands, house, close or premises, or for or on account of any injury occasioned to such lands, house or premises by or in the course of such entry or breaking in: Provided always that before breaking into any dwelling house or other building the Under-Sheriff shall have made reasonable efforts to enter peaceably and without violence: Provided however that in any case where the Under-Sheriff shall break and enter the premises of a person other than the person against whom he has been called upon to enforce a judgment, order or decree he shall either have found any goods, animals or other chattels of such last mentioned person therein or thereon or shall have reasonable grounds for believing that there were some such goods, animals or chattels therein or thereon.


Under-Sheriff not to be liable for seizing or selling in excess.

11.—From and after the passing of this Act and notwithstanding any enactment, rule of law or order to the contrary no action shall lie against and no penalty shall be incurred by any Under-Sheriff in the absence of fraud, malice or gross negligence for or on account of his having seized or sold under any writ of fieri facias or any decree of a Civil Bill Court more or less goods, animals or other chattels than would or might be sufficient to meet the full amount of the debt or sum of money and all costs, fees, charges and expenses leviable by law (including this Act) under or by virtue of such writ or decree.


Appointment of fees to be charged by or paid to Under-Sheriffs and others.

12.—(1) The Minister may by order appoint and from time to time revise a scale of the fees to be charged by and paid to Under-Sheriffs, Bailiffs and other persons for their services in or about the execution of writs of fieri facias and writs of habere and in or about the execution of decrees (whether for debt, possession of land or otherwise) of Civil Bill Courts.


(2) The fees specified in any scale of fees appointed under this section shall be in lieu of and substitution for the fees now by law chargeable by or payable to Under-Sheriffs, Bailiffs and other persons for the like service, and every enactment relating to the payment or recovery of the fees now chargeable or payable as aforesaid shall apply to the fees which shall respectively be substituted therefor by such scale as aforesaid as fully as same now applies to the fees now chargeable and payable as aforesaid.


(3) Every power which at the passing of this Act is vested in any person, body or authority to appoint or regulate the fees to be charged by or paid to Under-Sheriffs, Bailiffs and other persons shall be suspended and incapable of being exercised while this Act is in force.


(4) Every scale of fees appointed or revised by the Minister under this section shall be published in the Iris Oifigiúil and primâ facie evidence of every or any such scale may be given in all Courts of Justice and in all legal proceedings by the production of a copy of the Iris Oifigiúil purporting to contain such scale or by the production of a copy of such scale purporting to be printed under the superintendence or authority of the Stationery Office of the Government of Saorstát Eireann.


Places in which Quarter Sessions and Civil Bill Courts may be held.

13.—(1) Wherever the sessions of a Court of Quarter Sessions or of a Civil Bill Court for any division were pursuant to an order or purported order of the County Court Judge at any time after the 6th day of December, 1922, and before the passing of this Act held at any place other than the place at which or outside the county, division or other area in which such court was by any enactment, rule or order required to be held, the place in which such sessions were actually held shall be deemed to have been at the time of the holding of such sessions the place and within the county division or area at or in which such court was by such enactment, rule or order required to be held.


(2) From and after the passing of this Act the Sessions of the Court of Quarter Sessions and of the Civil Bill Court for any division of any County may in lieu of being held in a town in such division be held in the Courthouse in such other town in any other division of the same county as the County Court Judge shall with the approval of the Minister from time to time appoint.


(3) For the purpose of any enactment requiring the Courts of Quarter Sessions or the Civil Bill Courts to be held in any particular Courthouse or building or within any particular county division or other area the Courthouse appointed under this section for the holding of any Sessions of a Court of Quarter Sessions or of a Civil Bill Court shall be deemed to be the Courthouse or building and to be within the county division or other area in or within which such Court or Sessions is or are by such enactment required to be held.


(4) Primâ facie evidence of any order made by a County Court Judge under this section may be given in all Courts of Justice and all legal proceedings by the production of a copy thereof purporting to be certified to be true by the Registrar of the County Court Judge by whom the order was made, which copy the Registrar aforesaid shall be bound to furnish to any person on payment of the fee prescribed by the Minister, and it shall not be necessary to prove the signature of such Registrar or that he is in fact the Registrar of such County Court Judge.


(5) In this section the expression “County Court Judge” includes a Recorder or Judge of a Borough.


Service of civil bills and jurors summonses may be deemed good.

14.—(1) Any County Court Judge may deem any document to which this section applies to have been validly served notwithstanding that same was not served in the manner required by the law in force at the passing of this Act if the County Court Judge is satisfied—


(a) that it was not reasonably possible to effect service of such document in the manner required by the law aforesaid; and


(b) that such document or a copy thereof or reasonable notice of such document and of the contents thereof did in fact reach the person required to be served therewith.


(2) This section applies—


(a) to all civil bills, whether ordinary, title, equity or otherwise;


(b) to all documents summoning or requiring the attendance of grand jurors, special jurors or common jurors, whether for criminal or civil business at any Court of Quarter Sessions or Civil Bill Court.


(3) In this section the expression “County Court Judge” includes a Recorder and the Judge of a Borough.


Power to stay execution in certain cases.

15.—(1) Upon the hearing of any Civil Bill for debt or damages, if the County Court Judge before whom the proceedings are pending is satisfied that the defendant is unable to satisfy by an immediate payment in full the judgment and costs, and that such inability does not arise from his own conduct, act, or default, and that there is reasonable ground for granting an extension of time to pay, the County Court Judge may put a stay upon the execution of the judgment or decree of the Court, or upon the execution of the writ of fieri facias for such time as the County Court Judge thinks reasonable, and the County Court Judge may, if he thinks fit, order that the amount of such judgment or decree and the costs shall be paid by such instalments as the County Court Judge may appoint.


(2) If the County Court Judge is of opinion that the defendant can pay the first of such instalments forthwith, he shall so order. If default is made in complying with the order of the court for the payment of the first or any subsequent instalment, the stay upon the execution of the judgment or decree, or upon the execution of the writ of fieri facias shall be removed, and it may thereupon be executed forthwith.


(3) This section shall not apply to any judgment or decree given or pronounced before the passing of this Act.


(4) In this Section the expression “County Court Judge” includes a Recorder and the Judge of a Borough.


Short Title and duration.

16.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Enforcement of Law (Occasional Powers) Act, 1923.


(2) This Act shall come into force immediately on the passing thereof and shall continue in force for six months thereafter and shall then expire.


Uimhir 4.




Fo-Shirriaimh do cheapa.

1.—(1) Chun alt 11 den Acht um Oiriúnú Achtanna, 1922 (Uimh. 2 de 1922) do chur i mbaint le h-alt 1 d'Acht na Sirriamh (Éirinn), 1920, (10 & 11 Geo. V. ch. 26), pé ball den Ard-Chomhairle a bheidh 'na Aire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche de thuras na huaire tuigfear gurb é sin Aire no údarás a fheidhmeoidh i Saorstát Éireann feidhmeanna a bheidh ionann no ar có-réir leis na feidhmeanna d'fheidhmíodh an Fear Ionaid fén alt 1 roimh-ráite d'Acht na Sirriamh (Éirinn), 1920, roimh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921, san líomatáiste gurb é Saorstát Éireann anois é, agus dá réir sin gach comhacht dá mbronntar leis an alt 1 roimh-ráite tabharfar í don bhall san den Árd-Chomhairle agus beidh sí infheidhmithe aige, agus sé chialluíonn an abairt “an t-Aire,” pé áit 'na bhfuil an céanna san Acht so, ná an ball san den Árd-Chomhairle.


(2) Aon duine a ceapfar tar éis rithte an Achta so chun bheith 'na Fho-Shirriamh ní cuirfear é fé aon mhionn oifige ná fé aon mhionn eile, ná ní bheidh air a leithéid do thabhairt, ach ina ionad san gach duine a ceapfar amhlaidh déanfa sé roimh dhul in oifig do faisnéis sholamanta do thabhairt agus do shighniú, i bhfuirm a leagfar amach le hordú ón Aire, go gcó-líonfa sé dualgaisí a oifige go cuibhe, agus léighfear alt 14 den Reacht 12 George 1, c. 4 (Éireannach) fé is dá ndéanfaí tabhairt na Faisnéise ag gach Fo-Shirriamh, fé mar a leagfar amach é, do chur in ionad tabhairt an Mhionna a leagann an t-alt san amach agus in ionad tabhairt na Faisnéise a eagtar amach leis an ordú um Oiriúnú Achtanna Sirriamh (Éirinn), 1922.


(3) Má bhíonn an t-Aire sásta aon tráth ná fuil ar chumas Fo-Shirriaimh, toisc é do bheith breoite no as láthair gan leigheas aige air sin, no toisc cúis ar bith, no nách toil leis feidhmeanna a oifige do chó-líona no dualgaisí a oifige do dhéanamh go cuibhe de thuras na huaire, ansan agus sa chás san féadfaidh an t-Aire aon duine do cheapa (pe'ca duine é go bhfuil aige na cáilíochta a leagtar amach le fo-alt (3) d'alt 1 d'Acht na Sirriamh (Éirinn), 1920, no nách eadh) chun gníomhú mar ionaduí don bhFo-Shirriamh san ar feadh na haimsire sin ar an luach saothair sin (a díolfar as airgead a sholáthróidh an t-Oireachtas) agus ar na téarmaí sin a luadhfaidh an t-Aire le hOrdú agus, chun crícheanna aon cheann agus gach ceann de sna comhachtanna, údaráis, saoirsí agus caomhnaisí dá dtugann an dlí don bhFo-Shirriamh tuigfear gurb é an duine a ceapfar mar sin Fo-Shirriamh na báillíochta céanna, agus gach rit gach aithne agus gach scríbhinn eile a bheidh i láimh an Fho-Shirriaimh chun a bhfeidhmithe tabharfar iad láithreach don ionaduí sin agus déanfa sé leo i ngach slí fé is dá mba Fo-Shirriamh é a ceapadh go dleathach.


Báillí á bhfostú ag Fo-Shirriaimh.

2.—(1) Ó rith an Achta so agus dá éis ní bheidh ceangailte ar aon Fho-Shirriamh aon bháille d'fhostú chun cabhruithe leis i bhfeidhmiú riteach de fieri facias no riteach de habere no riteach eile, ná aon bháille do ceapadh fé Alt 5 d'Acht Leasuithe Imeachta Cúirteanna na mBillí Síbhialta (Éirinn), 1864 (27 & 28 Vict., ch. 99), d'fhostú chun cabhruithe leis i bhfeidhmiú a dhualgaisí fén Acht san, ach in ionad na mbáillí sin no 'na dteanta beidh sé dleathach d'aon Fho-Shirriamh fostú do dhéanamh ar pé daoine oiriúnacha agus ar pé méid díobh is oiriúnach leis chun cabhruithe leis i bhfeidhmiú aon riteach agus gach riteach de fieri facias no riteach de habere no riteach eile agus i bhfeidhmiú aon aithne no ordú agus gach aithne no ordú (pe'ca chun dílsiú fiacha no sealbhú talaimh no chun einní eile é) de Chúirt Bhille Síbhialta.


(2) Einne a bheidh ar fostú ag Fo-Shirriamh mar bháille fén alt so féadfar é d'fhostú ar phágh seachtainiúil no ar aon tsórt éile págh chun cabhruithe leis go generálta i bhfeidhmiú na riteanna san agus na n-aitheanta no na n-órduithe sin roimhráite no féadfar é d'fhostú go speisialta chun cabhruithe leis an bhFo-Shirriamh i bhfeidhmiú riteach no aithne no órdú áirithe.


(3) Pé cás ina bhfostóidh Fo-Shirriamh daoine fén alt so chun cabhruithe leis go generálta i bhfeidhmiú na riteanna san agus na n-aitheanta no na n-órduithe sin roimh-ráite ní mór mola an Aire agus cead an Aire Airgid d'fháil i dtaobh uimhir agus ráta luach saothair (a díolfar as airgead a sholáthróidh an t-Oireachtas) na ndaoine sin.


(4) Pé cás ina bhfostóidh Fo-Shirriamh aon daoine go speisialta fén alt so chun cabhruithe leis i bhfeidhmiú riteach, aithne no ordú áirithe beidh uimhir agus luach saothair na ndaoine sin fén bhFo-Shirriamh ach go gcaithfear cead an Bhreithimh Chúirte Contae d'fháil ar an bhfiachúnach d'éileamh aith-éisteachta.


(5) Gach duine a bheidh ar fostú fén alt so ag Fo-Shirriamh chun cabhruithe leis i bhfeidhmiú riteach de fieri facias no riteach de habere beidh aige na comhachtanna uile a thugann an dlí do bháille ar fostú ag Fo-Shirriamh chuige sin, agus gach duine a bheidh ar fostú fén alt so ag Fo-Shirriamh chun cabhruithe leis i bhfeidhmiú aon aithne no ordú de Chúirt Bhille Shíbhialta beidh aige na comhachtanna uile a thugann an dlí do bháille a ceaptar fé Acht Leasuithe Imeachta Cúirteanna na mBillí Síbhialta (Éirinn), 1864 (27 & 28 Vict., ch. 99).


Taisbeánfaidh an Báille barántas a údaráis

3—Beidh sé de dhualgas ar bháille agus ar aon duine eile a fostófar ag Fo-Shirriamh do réir ailt 2 (1) den Acht so, chó luath is a raghaidh sé isteach, agus roimh ghabháil do dhéanamh, barántas a údaráis no a n-údaráis ón bhFo-Shirriamh do theasbáint, nuair éileofar é, don chosantach (no don duine eile is deallrathach atá i seilbh na dtailte agus an áitreibh ina raghaidh seisean no iadsan) agus fíor-chóip de do thabhairt don chosantach no don duine eile sin.


Déanfar cuntas ar an maoin a gheofar.

4.—Beidh sé de dhualgas ar gach Fo-Shirriamh 'na ndéanfar fé n-a údarás feidhmiúchán do leaga ar earraí, ainmhithe no mhaoin eile, féachaint chuige go ndéanfar cuntas ina n-áireofar gach maoin a gheofar agus féachaint chuige go dtabharfar don chosantach (no don duine eile is deallrathach atá i seilbh na maoine sin) laistigh de 48 n-uaire tar éis na gabhála agus, más féidir é, sara n-aistreofar éinní, dúbailtín den chuntas san agus é sighnithe ag an bhFo-Shirriamh no ag duine ag gníomhú thar a cheann.


Maoin áirithe saor ó ghabháil.

5.—O aimsir rithte an Achta so agus dá héis beidh saor ó bhaol gabhála an chuid éadaigh is gá do dhuine 'na leagfar feidhmiúchán 'na choinnibh, maille le n-a chuid éadaigh leapthan, agus an chuid éadaigh is gá dá mhuirín maille le n-a gcuid éadaigh leapthan, agus úirlisí agus gléasanna a chéirde ná raghaidh a luach ar fad thar £15.


Féadfaidh Fo-Shirriamh díol aon tráth.

6.—(1) Aon Fho-Shirriamh a dhéanfaidh tar éis rithte an Achta so aon earraí no ainmhithe no mhaoin eile do thógaint i bhfeidhmiúchán fé rit fieri facias no fé aithne de Chúirt Bhille Shíbhialta beidh sé dleathach dó na hearraí, na hainmhithe no an mhaoin eile sin do dhíol ar cheaint phuiblí aon tráth tar éis deire tréimhse cheithre uaire fichead tar éis do an céanna do thógaint i bhfeidhmiúchán, ach san do dhéanamh gan aon mhoill mhí-réasúnta, ach ní gá don Fho-Shirriamh a fhoillsiú ná a chraobhscaoile gur díolachán ag Fo-Shirriamh aon díolachán den tsórt san ná gur díolachán é d'earraí, d'ainmhithe no de mhaoin do tógadh i bhfeidhmiúchán.


(2) Ath-ghairmtear leis seo an méid sin d'alt 28 d'Acht Leasuithe Imeachta Cúirteanna na mBillí Síbhialta (Éirinn), 1864 (27 & 28 Vict., ch. 99), a leagann amach tráthanna ina gcaithfear laistigh díobh earraí no ainmhithe a tógtar i bhfeidhmiúchán fé aon aithne de Chúirt Bhille Shíbhialta do dhíol no d'fhágaint gan díol.


Féadfaidh Fo-Shirriamh díol lasmuich dá bháillíocht.

7.—(1) In ainneoin aon reachta, riail dlí no ordú 'na choinnibh sin, aon Fho-Shirriamh go mbeidh earraí, ainmhithe no maoin eile tógtha aige i bhfeidhmiúchán fé rit de fieri facias no fé aon aithne de Chúirt Bhille Shíbhialta féadfa sé na hearraí, na hainmhithe agus an mhaoin sin do dhíol ar cheaint phuiblí san áit no sna háiteanna san, pe'ca laistigh no lasmuich dá bháillíocht atáid, no laistigh no lasmuich de theoranta críche Shaorstáit Éireann, is tairbhí ina bhféadfar, dar leis, na hearraí, na hainmhithe agus an mhaoin sin do dhíol agus féadfa sé na hearraí, na hainmhithe agus an mhaoin sin no aon cheann díobh d'aistriú no féachaint chuige go n-aistreofar an céanna ón áit inar gabhadh an céanna go dtí an áit no na háiteanna díolacháin sin.


(2) Gach earra, ainmhidhe agus maoin eile a thógfaidh aon Fho-Shirriamh i bhfeidhmiúchán fé aon rit no aithne den tsórt san roimh-ráite féadfaidh an Fo-Shirriamh iad do chur, go dtí go ndíolfar iad, i bpóna, i stór agus i gcimeád san áit no sna háiteanna is oiriúnach leis, pe'ca laistigh no lasmuich dá bháillíocht atáid, no laistigh no lasmuich de theoranta críche Shaorstáit Éireann, cé ná beidh an áit no na háiteanna san ceaptha ná údaruithe do réir dlí chun iad d'úsáid mar phónaí.


(3) Pé cás ina ndeánfaidh an Fo-Shirriamh no ina ndéanfar le n-a ordú aon earraí, ainmhithe no mhaoin eile d'aistriú fén alt so go dtí áit lasmuich dá bháillíocht, déanfaidh an Fo-Shirriamh, i dteanta leaga do dhéanamh i méid na bhfiacha a bheidh luaidhte sa rit no san aithne gur fúithe do gabhadh na hearraí agus na hainmhithe agus an mhaoin sin, agus i dteanta leaga do dhéanamh i ngach muirear a bheidh inleagtha do réir dlí déanfa sé leaga i méid na gcostas uile a bheidh curtha suas aige—


(a) le linn no i dtaobh aistriú na n-earraí, na n-ainmhithe agus na maoine sin ós na háiteanna inar gabhadh iad go dtí gach áit (mar aon le háit an díolacháin) 'na n-aistreofar na hearraí, na hainmhithe agus an mhaoin sin chuige roimh iad do dhíol;


(b) le linn no i dtaobh na hearraí, na hainmhithe agus an mhaoin sin do chimeád i stór, i bpóna agus i dtaisce (mar aon le beatha agus uisce do thabhairt do sna hainmhithe sin) idir aimsir na gabhála agus aimsir an díolacháin;


(c) le linn no i dtaobh díolachán agus aon iarracht ar dhíolachán na n-earraí, na n-ainmhithe no na maoine sin nách díolachán ná iarracht ar dhíolachán laistigh de bháillíocht an Fho-Shirriaimh.


Féadfaidh an Fo-Shirriamh gach costas agus caiteachas den tsórt atá luaidhte sa bhfo-alt so do bhaint as sochar díolachán na n-earraí, na n-ainmhithe agus na maoine mar chéad mhuirear ar an sochar san.


(4) Is é an Fo-Shirriamh is aon bhreitheamh ar an ait no na háiteanna is tairbhí na bhféadfar aon earraí, ainmhithe no mhaoin eile a thógfa sé i bhfeidhmiúchán do dhíol, agus ní féadfar aon aicsean do thógaint i gcoinnibh aon Fho-Shirriaimh i dtaobh é do dhíol aon earraí, ainmhithe no mhaoin den tsórt san roimhráite lasmuich dá bháillíocht.


(5) San alt so cialluíonn an abairt “gach muirear a bheidh inleagtha do réir dlí” gach muirear atá inleagtha fé aon acht, riail no ordú atá i bhfeidhm le linn rithte an Achta so no fé aon fhoráil den Acht so lasmuich den alt so.


Eifeachtúlacht ceannuíochtanna ó Fho-Shirriamh.

8.—Gach duine a dhéanfaidh tar éis rithte an Achta so aon earraí, ainmhithe no mhaoin eile a thógfaidh Fo-Shirriamh i bhfeidhmiúchán do cheannach go macánta ar dhíolachán a comórfar ag Fo-Shirriamh no fé n-a údarás, beidh aige dea-theideal éifeachtúil i gcoinnibh gach n-aon chun na n-earraí, na n-ainmhithe agus na maoine a cheannóidh sé mar sin, in ainneoin aon neamh-éifeachta no nea-rialtachta i ngabháil no i ndíolachán na n-earraí, na n-ainmhithe no na maoine sin, no ina dtaobh, agus pe'ca is fíor no nách ea go raibh a fhios aige no gur cheart a fhios do bheith aige no go bhféadfadh sé a fhios do bheith aige no go bhfuair sé aon tsaghas fógra gur díolachán ag Fo-Shirriamh no fé n-a údarás an díolachán san.


Ní dochar do dhíolachán aon chur isteach a déanfar ar chimeád an Fho-Shirriaimh.

9.—Ní dochar ná difríocht do chomhacht ná d'údarás Fo-Shirriaimh chun aon earraí, ainmhithe no mhaoin eile a thógfa sé i bhfeidhmiúchán do dhíol, na hearraí, na hainmhithe no an mhaoin sin do bheith as cimeád an Fho-Shirriaimh no aon chur isteach a déanfar in aon tslí ar a chimeád ortha aon tráth no tráthanna idir aimsir na gabhála agus an aimsir 'na ndíolfar na hearraí, na hainmhithe agus an mhaoin sin.


Ní féadfar aon aicsean do thabhairt i gcoinnibh an Fho-Shirriaimh i dtaobh dul isteach in áitreabh ná i dtaobh é do bhrise.

10.—Ní féadfar aon aicsean do thabhairt i gcoinnibh an Fho-Shirriaimh i dtaobh ná mar gheall ar é do dhul no do bhrise isteach in aon tailte, in aon tigh, in aon chlós no in aon áitreabh eile chun aon earraí, ainmhithe no mhaoin eile a thógaint i bhfeidhmiúchán a bhí no d'fhéadfadh a bheith ar na tailte sin no sa tigh, sa chlós no san áitreabh san, ná i dtaobh ná mar gheall ar aon díobháil a déanfar do sna tailte, don tigh no don áitreabh san leis an dul isteach no leis an mbrise isteach san no lena linn: Más rud é gur dhin an Fo-Shirriamh sarar bhris sé isteach in aon tigh comhnuithe no fhoirgneamh eile iarrachtaí réasúnta ar dhul isteach go síochánta agus gan fóiréigean: Agus más rud é in aon chás in ar bhris an Fo-Shirriamh isteach agus in ar chuaidh sé isteach in áitreabh aon duine seachas an duine gur 'na choinnibh d'iarradh air breith, órdú no aithne d'fheidhmiú, go bhfuair sé ann no air aon earraí, ainmhithe no mhaoin eile leis an duine sin is déanaí luadhadh no go raibh cúis réasúnta aige chun a chreidiúint go raibh earraí, ainmhithe no maoin éigin den tsórt san ann no air.


Ní bheidh Fo-Shirriamh freagarthach i dtaobh an iomarca do ghabháil ná do dhíol.

11.—O aimsir rithte an Achta so agus dá héis agus in ainneoin aon achta, riail dlí no ordú 'na choinnibh sin, ní féadfar aon aicsean do thabhairt i gcoinnibh aon Fho-Shirriaimh agus ní chuirfe sé é féin fé aon phionós nuair ná déanfaidh sé calaois, mailís, ná mór-fhaillí i dtaobh no mar gheall ar gur dhin sé fé aon rit de fieri facias no aon aithne de Chúirt Bhille Shíbhialta, níos mó no níos lú earraí, ainmhithe no maoine eile do ghabháil no do dhíol ná mar do bheadh no d'fhéadfadh a bheith dóthanach chun íoc do dhéanamh i lán-mhéid na bhfiacha no na suime airgid maille le gach costas, táille, muirear agus caiteachas a bheidh inleagtha do réir dlí (an t-Acht so do chomhaireamh) de bhua na riteach no na haithne sin no fúithe.


Na táillí a éileoidh Fo-Shirriaimh agus daoine eile no a íocfar leo do cheapa.

12.—(1) Féadfaidh an t-Aire le hordú scála do cheapa de sna táillí a éileoidh Fo-Shirriaimh, Báillí, agus daoine eile agus a íocfar leo as ucht a seirbhísí i bhfeidhmiúchán no mar gheall ar fheidhmiúchán riteanna de fieri facias agus riteanna de habere agus i bhfeidhmiúchán no mar gheall ar fheidhmiúchán aitheanta (pe'ca chun dílsiú fiacha no sealbhú talaimh no éinní eile iad) de Chúirteanna Bille Shíbhialta agus féadfaidh an t-Aire le h-ordú an scála san d'aith-fhéachaint ó am go ham.


(2) Na táillí a luadhfar in aon scála táillí a ceapfar fén alt so beid in ionad na dtáillí agus mar mhalairt ar na táillí is inéilithe ag Fo-Shirriaimh, Báillí agus daoine eile no is iníoctha leo anois do réir dlí as ucht na seirbhíse céanna, agus gach acht i dtaobh íoc no fáil na dtáillí is inéilithe no is iníoctha anois mar roimhráite bainfe sé leis na táillí, a cuirfear 'na n-ionad fé seach leis an scála san roimh-ráite, chó hiomlán agus a bhaineann an céanna anois leis na táillí is inéilithe agus is iníoctha mar roimh-ráite.


(3) Gach comhacht atá le linn aimsir rithte an Achta so ag aon duine, chólucht no údarás chun ceaptha no rialaithe na dtáillí a éileofar ag Fo-Shirriaimh, Báillí agus daoine eile no a íocfar leo cuirfear í ar fionnraoi agus ní féadfar í d'fheidhmiú an fhaid a bheidh an t-Acht so i bhfeidhm.


(4) Foillseofar san Iris Oifigiúil gach scála táillí a ceapfar no a aith-fhéachfar ag an Aire fén alt so agus féadfar fianuise prima facie ar gach scála no ar aon scála den tsórt san do thabhairt i ngach Cúirt Chirt agus i ngach imeachta dlí trí sholáthar cóipe den Iris Oifigiúil ina dtuigfear an scála san do bheith no trí sholáthar cóipe den scála san a tuigfear a clóbhuaileadh fé stiúra no údarás Oifig an tSoláthair de Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann.


Aiteanna ina bhféadfar Cúirteanna de Cheathrú Shiosón agus de Bhillí Sibhialta do chomóra.

13.—(1) In aon chás gur comóradh aon uair tar éis an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, agus roimh aimsir rithte an Achta so, siosóin de Chúirt Cheathrú Shiosón no de Chúirt Bhille Shíbhialta i gcóir aon roinne, do réir orduithe no ní do tuigeadh a bheith 'na ordú ó Bhreitheamh Chúirte Contae, in aon áit ach an áit inar éilíodh, no lasmuich den chontae, den roinn no den líomatáiste eile inar éilíodh, le haon acht, riail no ordú an chúirt sin do chomóra, pé áit gur comóradh na siosóin sin ann tuigfear gurbh é sin, le linn comóra na siosón san, an áit gur éilíodh agus go raibh sé laistigh den chontae, den roinn no den líomatáiste gur éilíodh leis an acht, an ordú no an riail sin an chúirt sin do chomóra ann.


(2) Ó aimsir rithte an Achta so agus dá héis, in ionad Siosóin na Cúirte Ceathrú Siosón agus Cúirte na mBillí Síbhialta i gcóir aon roinne d'aon Chontae do chomóra i mbaile sa roinn sin, féadfar iad do chomóra sa Tigh Cúirte sa mbaile eile sin, in aon roinn eile den chontae chéanna, a cheapfaidh Breitheamh na Cúirte Contae ó am go ham le mola an Aire.


(3) Chun críche aon Achta a éilíonn na Cúirteanna Ceathrú Siosón no Cúirteanna na mBillí Síbhialta do chomóra in aon Tigh Cúirte no foirgneamh áirithe no laistigh d'aon chontae, d'aon roinn no d'aon líomatáiste áirithe eile, pé Tigh Cúirte a ceapfar fén alt so chun chomóra aon tSiosón de Chúirt Cheathrú Shiosón no de Chúirt Bhille Shíbhialta tuigfear gurb é sin Tigh Cúirte no foirgneamh go n-éilítear agus go bhfuil sé laistigh den chontae, den roinn no den líomatáiste eile go n-éilítear, leis na hachtanna san an Chúirt no na Siosóin sin do chomóra ann no laistigh de.


(4) Féadfar fianuise prima facie ar aon ordú a dhéanfaidh Breitheamh Cúirte Contae fén alt so do thabhairt i ngach Cúirt Chirt agus i ngach imeachta dlí trí sholáthar cóipe dhi a tuigfear a deimhníodh a bheith fíor ag Clárathóir an Bhreithimh Chúirte Contae a dhin an t-ordú agus beidh ar an gClárathóir roimhráite an chóip sin do thabhairt d'aon duine a dhíolfaidh an táille a leagfaidh an t-Aire amach, agus ní gá sighniú an Chlárathóra san do chruthú ná a chruthú gurb é sin le fírinne is Clárathóir don Bhreitheamh Cúirte Contae sin.


(5) San alt so foluíonn an abairt “Breitheamh Cúirte Contae” Breacathóir no Breitheamh Buirge.


Féadfar a thuisgint gur seirbheáladh Billí Síbhialta agus Gairmeacha Coisteoirí go héifeachtúil.

14.—(1) Féadfaidh aon Bhreitheamh Cúirte Contae a thuisgint gur seirbheáladh go héifeachtúil aon scríbhinn le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so cé ná déanfar an céanna do sheirbheáil sa tslí a éilíonn an dlí atá i bhfeidhm le linn aimsir rithte an Achta so má bhíonn Breitheamh na Cúirte Contae sásta—


(a) Nár bhféidir go réasúnta an scríbhinn sin do sheirbheáil sa tslí a éilíonn an dlí roimh-ráite; agus


(b) gur shroich an scríbhinn sin no cóip de no fógra réasúnta i dtaobh na scríbhinne sin agus a raibh ann an duine a éilítear a sheirbheáil léi.


(2) Baineann an t-alt so—


(a) le gach bille síbhialta, pe'ca gnáth-bhille, bille teidil, bille cothruim no aon tsórt eile bille é;


(b) le gach scríbhinn a ghairmfidh no a éileoidh ar árdchoisteoirí, coisteoirí speisialta no coisteoirí comónta bheith i láthair i gcóir gnótha choiriúla no shíbhialta in aon Chúirt Cheathrú Shiosóin no Chúirt Bhille Shíbhialta.


(3) San alt so foluíonn an abairt “Breitheamh Cúirte Contae” Breacathóir agus Breitheamh Buirge.


Comhacht chun feidhmiúchán do mhoilliú i gcásanna áir the.

15.—(1) Ar éisteacht aon Bhille Shíbhialta um fhiacha no dhamáiste, má bhíonn an Breitheamh Cúirte Contae gur os a chóir a bheidh na himeachta ar fionnraoi, má bhíonn sé sásta ná fuil ar chumas an chosantaigh an bhreith agus na costaisí do shásamh le lán-íoc láithreach, agus nách as a iompar, a ghníomh ná a fhaillí féin a tháinig an mí-chumas san agus go bhfuil cúis réasúnta ann chun síne aimsire i gcóir an íoca do dheona, féadfaidh an Breitheamh Cúirte Contae moill do chur ar fheidhmiúchán breithe no aithne na Cúirte, no ar fheidhmiúchán na riteach de fieri facias ar feadh na haimsire sin is réasúnta dar leis an mBreitheamh Cúirte Contae, agus féadfaidh an Breitheamh Cúirte Contae, más oiriúnach leis é, a ordú go n-íocfar méid na breithe no na haithne sin maille leis na costaisí 'na chuid is 'na chuid do réir mar a cheapfaidh an Breitheamh Cúirte Contae.


(2) Más é tuairim an Bhreithimh Chúirte Contae go bhfuil ar chumas an chosantaigh an chéad cheann de sna codanna san d'íoc láithreach, ordóidh sé amhlaidh. Má dintear faillí i gcólíona ordú na Cúirte i dtaobh an chéad chuid no aon chuid ina dhiaidh d'íoc déanfar an mhoill a bheidh ar fheidhmiúchán na breithe no na haithne no ar fheidhmiúchán na riteach de fieri facias do bhaint de agus féadfar í d'fheidhmiú láithreach ansan.


(3) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le haon bhreith ná aithne a tugadh no a labhradh roimh rith an Achta so.


(4) San alt so foluíonn an abairt “Breitheamh Cúirte Contae” Breacathóir agus Breitheamh Buirge.


Gearr-Theideal agus Buaine.

16.—(1) Féadfar an t-Acht um Fheidhmiú Dlí (Comhacht Ocáideach), 1923, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Tiocfaidh an t-Acht so i bhfeidhm an túisce 'na rithfear é agus leanfa sé i bhfeidhm ar feadh sé mhí 'na dhiaidh sin agus raghaidh sé in éag ansan.