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Uimhir 50 de 1947.
[An tiontó oifigiúil.]
1.—San Acht seo, ciallaíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Dlí agus Cirt.
[EN]An tuarastal d'oifig choróinéara.
2.—Is é is tuarastal d'oifig choróinéara ná pé tuarastal a dhéanfas údarás áitiúil íoctha an tuarastail a shocrú ó am go ham faoi réir formheasa an Aire, nó, mura socraí an t-údarás sin an tuarastal, pé tuarastal a shocrós an tAire.
[EN]Comhuascadh ceantar.
3.—(1) Ar choróinéir d'éag nó d'éirí as oifig, féadfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil a cheap é, agus, má cheanglann an tAire orthu é, déanfaid, in ionad comharba dhó a cheapadh, scéim a chur faoi bhráid an Aire chun a cheantar nó cuid dá cheantar a chomhnascadh le ceantar nó ceantair aon choróinéara nó coróinéirí eile a bheas ceaptha ag an údarás áitiúil sin.
[EN](2) Tiocfaidh scéim faoin alt seo i bhfeidhm, má fhormheasann an tAire í tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil, ar pé dáta a chinnfeas an tAire.
[EN]Tuarastail d'athscrúdú.
4.—(1) Laistigh de shé mhí tar éis scéim faoi alt 3 den Acht seo a theacht i bhfeidhm, déanfar tuarastal coróinéara ar méadaíodh a cheantar faoin scéim d'athscrúdú ag údarás áitiúil íoctha an tuarastail.
[EN](2) Laistigh do shé mhi tar éis an tAcht seo a rith, déanfar tuarastal coróinéara a bhí in oifig le linn a rite d'athscrúdú ag údarás áitiúil íoctha an tuarastail.
[EN](3) Ar athscrúdú a dhéanamh faoin alt seo ar thuarastal, déanfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil, faoi réir a fhormheasta ag an Aire, cinneadh (dá ngairmtear cinneadh sealadach san alt seo) go méadófar an tuarastal ar mhodh sonraithe nó go ndaingneofar é.
[EN](4) Aon údarás áitiúil a dhéanfas cinneadh sealadach, cuirfid téarmaí an chinnte in iúl don choróinéir lena mbainfidh laistigh de mhí tar éis a dhéanta.
[EN](5) Má bhíonn coróinéir míshásta le cinneadh sealadach, féadfaidh sé, laistigh de mhí tar éis téarmaí an chinnte a chur in iúl dó, achomharc ina choinne a chur chun an Aire.
[EN](6) I gcás ina ndéanfar achomharc i gcoinne cinnte shealadaigh, díbheoidh an tAire an t-achomharc nó cinnfidh go ndéanfar an tuarastal a bheas i gceist a mhéadú ar mhodh sonraithe.
[EN](7) I gcás ina ndéanfar cinneadh sealadach agus ná déanfar achomharc ina choinne nó, má déantar, go ndíbheofar é, beidh an tuarastal a bheas i gceist arna dhaingniú nó arna mhéadú do réir an chinnte.
[EN](8) I gcás ina ndéanfar achomharc i gcoinne cinnte shealadaigh agus ina gcinnfidh an tAire, ar an achomharc, go ndéanfar an tuarastal a bheas i gceist a mhéadú ar mhodh sonraithe, beidh an tuarastal arna mhéadú amhlaidh.
[EN](9) Más rud é, i gcás údaráis áitiúil a gceanglann an t-alt seo orthu tuarastal coróinéara d'athscrúdú, go ndiúltóid é d'athscrúdú nó, ar mhí a bheith caite tar éis deireadh na tréimhse ina gceangaltar orthu an tuarastal d'athscrúdú, ná beidh téarmaí an chinnte shealadaigh a rinneadar i leith an tuarastail curtha in iúl acu don choróinéir—
[EN](a) féadfaidh an coróinéir a iarraidh ar an Aire an tuarastal d'athscrúdú,
[EN](b) athscrúdóidh an tAire an tuarastal agus de thoradh an athscrúduithe sin cinnfidh go méadófar an tuarastal ar mhodh sonraithe nó go ndaingnófar é,
[EN](c) beidh an tuarastal arna mhéadú nó arna dhaingniú do réir mar chinnfeas an Aire.
[EN](10) Aon mhéadú a déanfar ar thuarastal faoin alt seo beidh éifeacht aige—
[EN](a) más méadú de dhroim scéime faoi alt 3 den Acht seo é— amhail ón scéim a theacht i bhfeidhm, agus
[EN](b) in aon chás eile—amhail ó dháta an Achta seo a rith.
[EN]Srianta le formheas, etc.
5.—Ní dhéanfaidh an tAire, faoin Acht seo, formheas a thabhairt, achomharc a dhíbhe, ná tuarastal a shocrú ná d'athscrúdú ná cinneadh a thabhairt ina leith ach amháin tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúil.
[EN]Cosaint maidir le tuarastail láithreacha.
6.—An tuarastal a bheas ag coróinéir a bheas in oifig le linn an Achta seo a rith is é a bheas mar thuarastal aige go deireadh a théarma oifige, ach ní dhéanfaidh an fhoráil seo dochar—
[EN](a) d'aon mhéadú ar a thuarastal a déanfar faoin Acht seo, ná
[EN](b) i gcás a thuarastal a mhéadú amhlaidh, d'aon laghdú air ná laghdóidh é faoi bhun an tuarastail a bhí aige le linn an Achta seo a rith.
7.—Déantar leis seo na hachtacháin a luaitear sa Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo d'athghairm a mhéid a sonraítear sa tríú colún den Sceideal sin.
[EN]Gearrtheideal agus comhlua.
8.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Coróinéirí (Leasú), 1947, a ghairm den Acht seo.
[EN](2) Féadfar na hAchta Coróinéirí (Leasú), 1927 agus 1947, a ghairm den Acht Coróinéirí (Leasú), 1927 (Uimh. 1 de 1927), agus den Acht seo le chéile.
Achtachain a hAthghairmtear.
Siosón agus Caibidil nó Uimhir agus Bliain | Gearrtheideal | Meid na hAthghairme |
61 & 62 Vic., c. 37 | Local Government (Ireland). Act, 1898. | Na focail “and shall be fixed with the approval of the Local Government Board by the county or borough council by whom the salary is payable, or in default of the same being so fixed then by the Local Government Board, and shall not be subject to increase or diminution during his tenure of office” i bhfo-alt (6) d'alt 14. |
Alt 19. |
Number 50 of 1947.
Section | |
Acts Referred to | |
No. 1 of 1927 |
Number 50 of 1947.
The Minister.
1.—In this Act, the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Justice.
[GA]Salary of office of coroner.
2.—The salary of the office of coroner shall be such as may be fixed from time to time, subject to the approval of the Minister, by the local authority who pay the salary or, where that authority fail so to fix the salary, such salary as may be fixed by the Minister.
[GA]Amalgamation of districts.
3.—(1) Upon the death or resignation of a coroner, the local authority by whom he was appointed, in lieu of appointing a successor, may, and if required by the Minister shall, submit to the Minister a scheme for the amalgamation of his district or part of his district with the district or districts of any other coroner or coroners appointed by that local authority.
[GA](2) A scheme under this section, if approved of by the Minister after consultation with the Minister for Local Government, shall come into force on such date as the Minister determines.
[GA]Review of salaries.
4.—(1) Within six months after a scheme under section 3 of this Act has come into force, the salary of a coroner whose district has been enlarged under the scheme shall be reviewed by the local authority who pay the salary.
[GA](2) Within six months after the passing of this Act, the salary of a coroner in office at such passing shall be reviewed by the local authority who pay the salary.
[GA](3) On a review under this section of a salary, the local authority shall, subject to the approval of the Minister, make a determination (in this section referred to as a provisional determination) that the salary shall be increased in a specified manner or that it shall be confirmed.
[GA](4) A local authority who make a provisional determination shall inform the coroner to whom the determination relates of the terms of the determination within one month after it is made.
[GA](5) Where a coroner is dissatisfied with a provisional determination, he may, within one month after being informed of the terms of the determination, appeal against it to the Minister.
[GA](6) Where an appeal is taken against a provisional determination, the Minister shall either dismiss the appeal or determine that the salary in question shall be increased in a specified manner.
[GA](7) Where a provisional determination is made and an appeal against it is not taken or, if taken, is dismissed, the salary in question shall stand confirmed or increased in accordance with the determination.
[GA](8) Where an appeal is taken against a provisional determination and on the appeal the Minister determines that the salary in question shall be increased in a specified manner, the salary shall stand so increased.
[GA](9) Where a local authority who are required by this section to review the salary of a coroner refuse to review it or, on the expiration of one month after the expiration of the period during which they are required to review the salary, have failed to inform the coroner of the terms of a provisional determination made by them in respect of the salary—
[GA](a) the coroner may request the Minister to review the salary,
[GA](b) the Minister shall review the salary and on such review shall determine either that the salary shall be increased in a specified manner or that it shall be confirmed,
[GA](c) the salary shall thereupon stand increased or confirmed in accordance with the determination of the Minister.
[GA](10) An increase of salary under this section shall have effect—
[GA](a) where the increase is consequent on a scheme under section 3 of this Act—as from the coming into force of the scheme, and
[GA](b) in any other case—as from the passing of this Act.
[GA]Restriction on approvals, etc.
5.—The Minister shall not under this Act give an approval, dismiss an appeal or fix, review or make a determination in relation to a salary save after consultation with the Minister for Local Government.
[GA]Saver for existing salaries.
6.—The salary which a coroner in office at the passing of this Act then has shall continue to be his salary for the remainder of his term of office, but this provision shall be without prejudice—
[GA](a) to any increase of his salary that may be effected under this Act, and
[GA](b) where his salary has been so increased, to any reduction thereof which does not reduce it below the salary which he had at the passing of this Act.
7.—The enactments mentioned in the Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent specified in the third column of that Schedule.
[GA]Short title and collective citation.
8.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Coroners (Amendment) Act, 1947.
[GA](2) The Coroners (Amendment) Act, 1927 (No. 1 of 1927), and this Act may be cited together as the Coroners (Amendment) Acts, 1927 and 1947.
Enactments Repealed.
Session and Chapter or Number and Year | Short title | Extent of Repeal |
61 & 62 Vic., c. 37 | Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898. | The words “and shall be fixed with the approval of the Local Government Board by the county or borough council by whom the salary is payable, or in default of the same being so fixed then by the Local Government Board, and shall not be subject to increase or diminution during his tenure of office” in subsection (6) of section 14. |
No. 1 of 1927 |