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Uimhir 5 de 1953.



[An tiontó oifigiúil.]



1.—San Acht seo—


ciallaíonn “ Acht 1924 ” Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1924 (Uimh. 48 de 1924) ;


ciallaíonn “ Acht 1934 ” Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1934 (Uimh. 43 de 1934) ;


ciallaíonn “ Acht 1949 ” Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata Leasú), 1949 (Uimh. 29 de 1949) ;


ciallaíonn “ an tAire ” an tAire Cosanta.


Méadú ar phinsin.

2.—(1) Déanfar pinsean faoi Acht 1924 nó faoi Acht 1934 a mhéadú an tsuim iomchuí.


(2) Tosnóidh méaduithe faoin alt seo mar leanas :


(a) i gcás pinsin arb é an lú lá d'Eanáir, 1953, nó aon lá roimhe sin, lá a thosnuithe, tosnóidh an méadú amhail ón lú lá d'Eanáir, 1953, agus


(b) i gcás pinsin ar lá tar éis an lú lá d'Eanáir 1953, lá a thosnuithe, tosnóidh an méadú amhail ó lá tosnuithe an phinsin.


(3) Nuair a beifear ag tabhairt feidhme d'fho-alt (1) den alt seo i gcás an pinsean a dheonadh lá an Achta seo a rith nó i ndiaidh an lae sin, déanfar ar dtúis méid an phinsin a chinneadh gan aird a thabhairt ar an alt seo agus ansin méadófar an méid sin.


(4) Chun críocha an ailt seo, is í an tsuim iomchuí maidir le pinsean—


(a) mura mó ná £100 sa bhliain méid an phinsin, 50 faoin gcéad de mhéid an phinsin,


(b) más mó ná £100 sa bhliain ach nach mó ná £125 sa bhliain méid an phinsin, £50 sa bhliain,


(c) más mó ná £125 sa bhliain ach nach mó ná £150 sa bhliain méid an phinsin, 40 faoin gcéad de mhéid an phinsin,


(d) más mó ná £150 sa bhliain ach nach mó ná £200 sa bhliain méid an phinsin, £60 sa bhliain,


(e) más mó ná £200 sa bhliain ach nach mó ná £346 3s. 1d. sa bhliain méid an phinsin, 30 faoin gcéad de mhéid an phinsin,


(f) más mó ná £346 3s. 1d. sa bhliain méid an phinsin, oiread agus a bhéarfadh méid an phinsin go dtí £450 sa bhliain,


Rogha maidir le pinsin áirithe.

3.—(1) Má bhíonn duine ba chomhalta den Bhuan-Fhórsa an lú lá d'Eanáir, 1953, ina shealbhóir ar dheimhniú seirbhíse míleata faoi Acht 1924, féadfaidh sé, lá nach déanaí ná trí mhí tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith nó an deimhnithe sin a dheonadh (pé dáta acu is déanaí), fógra i scríbhinn a thabhairt don Aire go mbainfidh an t-alt seo le haon phinsean faoi Acht 1924 a deonfar dó.


(2) Beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo a leanas maidir le pinsean faoi Acht 1924 arna dheonadh do dhuine a thug fogra faoin alt seo :


(a) in ionad é do thosnú lá urscaoilte an duine sin as an mBuan-Fhórsa, tosnóidh an pinsean—


(i) más roimh an lú lá d'Eanáir, 1953, a deonadh an deimhniú seirbhíse míleata—amhail ón lú lá d'Eanáir, 1953, agus


(ii) más ar an lú lá d'Eanáir, 1953, nó dá éis sin, a deonadh an deimhniú sin—amhail ó pé lá (nach luaithe ná an lú lá d'Eanáir, 1953, ná nach déanaí ná an lá díreach roimh lá urscaoilte an duine sin as an mBuan-Fhórsa) a cheapfas an tAire,


(b) in ionad é a bhunú ar an gcéim dá dtagartar i bhfo-alt (3) d'alt 4 d'Acht 1924, bunófar an pinsean ar chéim shubstainteach an duine sin lá tosnuithe an phinsin, agus


(c) nuair a beifear ag ríomh an phinsin, déanfar na tagairtí sna rialacha atá leagtha amach sa Dara Sceideal a ghabhas le hAcht 1924 don dáta scortha d'fhorléiriú mar thagairtí do lá tosnuithe an phinsin agus ní tabharfar aird ar an mír dheiridh (dar tosach na focail “ Má b'aoirde an chéim ”) de na Rialacha sin.


(3) San alt seo, ciallaíonn an abairt “ an Buan-Fhórsa ” an fórsa a bunaíodh faoi Chuid I den Acht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forála Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 30 de 1923).


Roghna áirithe a tharraingt siar.

5.—(1) Más rud é, roimh an Acht seo a rith, gur ghlac duine—


(a) de roghain faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 8 d'Acht 1924 a phinsean faoi Acht 1924 a thabhairt suas, nó


(b) de roghain faoi fho-alt (2) d'alt 20 d'Acht 1934 a phinsean faoi Acht 1934 a thabhairt suas,


féadfaidh an duine sin, lá nach déanaí ná trí mhí tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith, fógra i scríbhinn a thabhairt don Aire gur mian leis an rogha a tharraingt siar.


(2) Má thugann duine fógra faoin alt seo—


(a) beidh an rogha lena mbainfidh an fógra arna tarraingt siar,


(b) beidh éifeacht chúlghabhálach ag an tarraingt siar amhail ón tráth a glacadh an rogha, agus


(c) aon ró-íocaíochta, as airgead a sholáthraigh an tOireachtas, a cruthnaíodh tríd an bhfógra a thabhairt gnóthófar iad trí mhéid is comhionann leis na ró-íocaíochta sin d'fhágaint gan íoc de phinsin an duine sin.


(3) I mír (c) d'fho-alt (2) den alt seo, ciallaíonn “ pinsin ”, maidir le duine, pé ceann acu seo a leanas is iomchuí—

(a)  (i) pinsean an duine sin faoi Acht 1924, agus

(ii) an t-aoisliúntas, an pinsean nó an liúntas don duine sin a luaitear i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 8 d'Acht 1924 arna leasú le fo-alt (1) d'alt 4 d'Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1930 (Uimh. 8 de 1930), nó

(b)  (i) pinsean an duine sin faoi Acht 1934, agus

(ii) an t-aoisliúntas, an pinsean nó an liúntas don duine sin a luaitear i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 20 d'Acht 1934.


Leasú ar alt 4 d'Acht 1924.

5.—(1) Déanfar an tagairt do dhuine a scor atá i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 4 d'Acht 1924 agus an tagairt chéanna atá i bhfo-alt (3) den alt sin d'fhorléiriú mar thagairtí nach bhfolaíonn tagairt do dhuine d'urscaoileadh chun é a cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta.


(2) Más rud é, roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith, gur deonadh do dhuine faoi alt 4 d'Acht 1924 pinsean faoin Acht sin a thosnaigh amhail ar dháta a urscaoilte chun é a cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta, beidh an pínsean arna chúlghairm amhail ón dáta a tháinig sé chun bheith iníoctha.


(3) I gcás—


(a) pinsean a deonadh faoi alt 4 d'Acht 1924 do dhuine a bheith arna chúlghairm de bhuaidh fo-ailt (2) den alt seo, agus


(b) pinsean nua faoi Acht 1924, a thosnaigh amhail ar lá roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith, a dheonadh don duine sin faoi alt 4 den Acht sin tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith,


beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo a leanas :


(i) má bhíonn breis ag iomlán na n-íocaíocht a rinneadh i leith an phinsin chúlghairmthe ar iomlán riaráistí an phinsin nua, ní híocfar na riaráistí agus gnóthófar an bhreis trí mhéid is comhionann leis an mbreis d'fhágaint gan íoc den phinsean nua,


(ii) má bhíonn iomlán na n-íocaíocht a rinneadh i leith an phinsin chúlghairmthe comhionann le hiomlán riaráistí an phinsin nua, ní híocfar na riaráistí,


(iii) má bhíonn iomlán na n-íocaíocht a rinneadh i leith an phinsin chúlghairmthe faoi bhun iomláin riaráistí an phinsin nua, ní híocfar ach an méid sin de na riaráistí is comhionann leis an méid atá iomlán na n-íocaíocht a rinneadh i leith an phinsin chúlghairmthe faoi bhun iomláin riaráistí an phinsin nua.


Fadú na tréimhse chun achainí a dhéanamh faoi Acht 1949.

6.—Déanfar an tagairt d'ocht mí dhéag tar éis dáta Achta 1949 a rith atá i mír (c) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 6 den Acht sin agus an tagairt chéanna atá i mír (c) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 11 den Acht sin d'fhorléiriú mar thagairt de shé mhí tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith.


Deireadh le fionraíochta is feidir a dhéanamh i bpinsin nó i leith pinsean.

7.—(1) Athghairmtear leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 8 d'Acht 1924 agus fo-alt (1) d'alt 20 d'Acht 1934.


(2) (a) Ní tabharfar aird ar phinsean faoi Acht 1924 nó faoi Acht 1934—


(i) nuair a beifear á chinneadh an bhfuil feidhm maidir leis an bpinsinéir ag foráil fhionraitheach, agus


(ii) má cinntear go bhfuil feidhm maidir leis an bpinsinéir ag an bhforáil fhionraitheach sin, i gcás na feidhme sin.


(b) I mír (a) den fho-alt seo ciallaíonn “ foráil fhionraitheach ” foráil arna déanamh le reacht nó faoi reacht agus faoina ndéanann fáil phinsin faoi Acht 1924 nó faoi Acht 1934 difir, chun dochair an phinsinéara, dá cháilíocht le haghaidh íocaíochta eile, nó difir chun dochair dó maidir le fáil íocaíochta eile nó maidir lena méid.


(c) Ní dhéanfaidh aon ní sa bhfo-alt seo difir—


(i) d'alt 7 den Acht Arm-Phinsean, 1943 (Uimh. 14 de 1943), ná d'aon chomhordacháin faoi fho-alt (9) den alt sin, ná


(ii) d'alt 77, d'alt 105, ná d'alt 106 den Acht Leasa Shóisialaigh, 1952 (Uimh. 11 de 1952), ná don Seachtú Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht sin, ná


(iii) d'aon fhoráil arna déanamh le reacht nó faoi reacht á thoirmeasc an tréimhse chéanna d'áireamh chun críocha pinsin faoi Acht 1924 nó faoi Acht 1934 agus fós chun críocha aon phinsin eile nó aon aoisliúntais, páighe scoir, aisce, cnapshuime nó íocaíochta aoisliúntais eile.


(3) Beidh éifeacht ag an alt seo amhail ar an lú lá d'Eanáir, 1953, agus ón lá sin amach.


Gearrtheideal agus comhlua.

8.—(1) Féadfar Acht na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata (Leasú), 1953, a ghairm den Acht seo.


(2) Féadfar Achta na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1924 go 1953, a ghairm d'Achta na bPinsean Seirbhíse Míleata, 1924 go 1949, agus den Acht seo le chéile.



Number 5 of 1953.








Increase of pensions.


Option with respect to certain pensions.


Withdrawal of certain options.


Amendment of section 4 of Act of 1924.


Extension of time for making petitions under Act of 1949.


Termination of suspensions which may be made in or by reference to pensions.


Short title and collective citation.

Acts Referred to

Military Service Pensions Act, 1924

No. 48 of 1924

Military Service Pensions Act, 1934

No. 43 of 1934

Military Service Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1949

No. 29 of 1949

Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923

No. 30 of 1923

Military Service Pensions Act, 1930

No. 8 of 1930

Army Pensions Act, 1943

No. 14 of 1943

Social Welfare Act, 1952

No. 11 of 1952


Number 5 of 1953.




1.—In this Act—


the Act of 1924” means the Military Service Pensions Act, 1924 (No. 48 of 1924);


the Act of 1934” means the Military Service Pensions Act, 1934 (No. 43 of 1934);


the Act of 1949” means the Military Service Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1949 (No. 29 of 1949);


the Minister” means the Minister for Defence.


Increase of Pensions.

2.—(1) A pension under the Act of 1924 or the Act of 1934 shall be increased by the appropriate sum.


(2) Increases under this section shall commence as follows:


(a) in the case of a pension the day of commencement of which is on or before the 1st day of January, 1953, the increase shall commence as from the 1st day of January, 1953, and


(b) in the case of a pension the day of commencement of which is after the 1st day of January, 1953, the increase shall commence as from the day of the commencement of the pension.


(3) In applying subsection (1) of this section where the pension is granted on or after the day of the passing of this Act, the amount of the pension shall first be determined without regard to this section and that amount shall then be increased.


(4) For the purposes of this section, the appropriate sum in relation to a pension shall be—


(a) where the amount of the pension does not exceed £100 a year, 50 per cent. of the amount of the pension,


(b) where the amount of the pension exceeds £100 a year but does not exceed £125 a year, £50 a year,


(c) where the amount of the pension exceeds £125 a year but does not exceed £150 a year, 40 per cent. of the amount of the pension,


(d) where the amount of the pension exceeds £150 a year but does not exceed £200 a year, £60 a year,


(e) where the amount of the pension exceeds £200 a year but does not exceed £346 3s. 1d. a year, 30 per cent. of the pension,


(f) where the amount of the pension exceeds £346 3s. 1d. a year, sufficient to bring the amount of the pension to £450 a year.


Option with respect to certain pensions.

3.—(1) Where a person who was a member of the Permanent Force on the 1st day of January, 1953, is the holder of a certificate of military service under the Act of 1924, he may, not later than three months after the passing of this Act or the granting of such certificate (whichever is the later), give notice in writing to the Minister that this section is to apply to any pension under the Act of 1924 that may be granted to him.


(2) The following provisions shall have effect in relation to a pension under the Act of 1924 granted to a person who has given a notice under this section:


(a) in lieu of commencing on the day of such person's discharge from the Permanent Force, the pension shall commence—


(i) if the certificate of military service was granted before the 1st day of January, 1953—as from the 1st day of January, 1953, and


(ii) if such certificate was granted on or after the 1st day of January, 1953—as from such day (not being earlier than the 1st day of January, 1953, or later than the day immediately preceding the day of such person's discharge from the Permanent Force) as the Minister may appoint,


(b) in lieu of being based on the rank referred to in subsection (3) of section 4 of the Act of 1924, the pension shall be based on the substantive rank held by such person on the day of the commencement of the pension, and


(c) in calculating the pension; the references in the rules set out in the Second Schedule to the Act of 1924 to the date of discharge shall be construed as references to the day of the commencement of the pension and the last paragraph (beginning with the words “Where an applicant”) of those Rules shall be disregarded.


(3) In this section “the Permanent Force” means the force established under Part I of the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 30 of 1923).


Withdrawal of certain options.

4.—(1) Where a person has, before the passing of this Act—

(a) opted under subsection (2) of section 8 of the Act of 1924 to surrender his pension under the Act of 1924, or

(b) opted under subsection (2) of section 20 of the Act of 1934 to surrender his pension under the Act of 1934,

such person may, not later than three months after the passing of this Act, give notice in writing to the Minister that he wishes to withdraw the option.

(2) Where a person gives a notice under this section—

(a) the option to which the notice relates shall stand withdrawn,

(b) the withdrawal shall have retrospective effect as from the time when the option was exercised, and

(c) the overpayments out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas created by the giving of the notice shall be recovered by non-payment of the pensions of such person to an extent equivalent to the over-payments.

(3) In paragraph (c) of subsection (2) of this section “the pensions” means, in relation to a person, either (as may be appropriate)—

(a) (i) the pension of such person under the Act of 1924, and

(ii) the superannuation allowance, pension or allowance of such person referred to in subsection (2) of section 8 of the Act of 1924 as amended by subsection (1) of section 4 of the Military Service Pensions Act, 1930 (No. 8 of 1930), or

(b) (i) the pension of such person under the Act of 1934, and

(ii) the superannuation allowance, pension or allowance of such person referred to in subsection (2) of section 20 of the Act of 1934.


Amendment of section 4 of Act of 1924.

5.—(1) The reference to discharge contained in subsection (1) of section 4 of the Act of 1924 and the same reference contained in subsection (3) of that section shall each be construed as not including a reference to discharge for the purpose of being appointed to commissioned rank.


(2) Where a person was, before the passing of this Act, granted under section 4 of the Act of 1924 a pension under that Act commencing as from the day of his discharge for the purpose of being appointed to commissioned rank, the pension shall stand revoked as from the day from which it became payable.


(3) Where—


(a) a pension granted under section 4 of the Act of 1924 to a person stands revoked by virtue of subsection (2) of this section, and


(b) such person is granted after the passing of this Act under section 4 of the Act of 1924 a new pension under that Act commencing as from a day before the passing of this Act,


the following provisions shall have effect:


(i) if the aggregate of the payments made in respect of the revoked pension exceeds the aggregate of the arrears of the new pension, the arrears shall not be paid and the excess shall be recovered by nonpayment of the new pension to an extent equivalent to the excess,


(ii) if the aggregate of the payments made in respect of the revoked pension equals the aggregate of the arrears of the new pension, the arrears shall not be paid,


(iii) if the aggregate of the payments made in respect of the revoked pension is less than the aggregate of the arrears of the new pension, so much only of the arrears shall be paid as is equal to the amount by which the aggregate of the payments made in respect of the revoked pension is less than the aggregate of the arrears of the new pension.


Extension of time for making petitions under Act of 1949.

6.—The reference to eighteen months after the passing of the Act of 1949 contained in paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 6 of that Act and the same reference contained in paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section 11 of that Act shall each be construed as a reference to six months after the passing of this Act.


Termination of suspensions which may be made in or by reference to pensions.

7.—(1) Subsection (1) of section 8 of the Act of 1924 and subsection (1) of section 20 of the Act of 1934 are hereby repealed.


(2) (a) A pension under the Act of 1924 or the Act of 1934 shall be disregarded—


(i) in determining whether a suspending provision applies in relation to the pensioner, and


(ii) if it is determined that that provision applies in relation to him, in that application.


(b) In paragraph (a) of this subsection “suspending provision” means a provision which is made by or under statute and under which the receipt of a pension under the Act of 1924 or the Act of 1934 affects to the detriment of the pensioner qualification for or the receipt or amount of another payment.


(c) Nothing in this subsection shall affect—


(i) section 7 of the Army Pensions Act, 1943 (No. 14 of 1943), or any joint directions under subsection (9) of that section, or


(ii) section 77, section 105 or section 106 of the Social Welfare Act, 1952 (No. 11 of 1952), or the Seventh Schedule to that Act, or


(iii) any provision which is made by or under statute and which prohibits the reckoning of the same period of time both for the purposes of a pension under the Act of 1924 or the Act of 1934 and also for the purposes of any other pension or any superannuation allowance, retired pay, gratuity, lump sum or other superannuation payment.


(3) This section shall have effect as on and from the 1st day of January, 1953.


Short title and collective citation.

8.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Military Service Pensions (Amendment) Act, 1953.


(2) The Military Service Pensions Acts, 1924 to 1949, and this Act may be cited together as the Military Service Pensions Acts, 1924 to 1953.