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Uimhir 7 de 1964.
[An tiontú oifigiúil.]
Réamhráiteach agus Ginearálta
1.—Féadfar an tAcht um Chaomhnóireacht Naíon, 1964, a ghairm den Acht seo.
2.—San Acht seo, ach amháin mar a n-éilíonn an comhthéacs a mhalairt—
[EN]ciallaíonn “ordú uchtála” ordú uchtála arna dhéanamh faoin Acht Uchtála, 1952, agus atá i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire;
[EN]folaíonn “athair” fear-uchtaitheoir faoi ordú uchtála ach ní fholaíonn sé athair nádúrtha naín neamhdhlisteanaigh;
[EN]ní fholaíonn “naíon neamhdhlisteanach” aon naíon a uchtaíodh faoi ordú uchtála;
[EN]ciallaíonn “naíon” duine faoi bhun bliain is fiche d'aois;
[EN]folaíonn “cothabháil” oideachas;
[EN]folaíonn “máthair” ban-uchtaitheoir faoi ordú uchtála;
[EN]ciallaíonn “tuismitheoir” athair nó máthair mar a mhínítear leis an alt seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “caomhnóir tiomnach” caomhnóir a ceapadh trí ghníomhas nó uacht;
[EN]folaíonn “leas”, maidir le naíon, leas creidimh, leas morálta, leas intleachta, leas coirp agus leas sóisialach an naín.
[EN]Tosaíocht ag leas naín.
3.—I gcás ina mbeadh, in aon imeachtaí os comhair aon chúirte, coimeád, caomhnóireacht nó tógáil naín, nó riaradh aon mhaoine leis an naíon nó a bheidh ar teachtadh don naíon nó úsáid ioncam na maoine sin, i gceist, is é leas an naín an chéad ní agus an ní is tábhachtaí ar a dtabharfaidh an chúirt aird nuair a bheidh an cheist sin á cinneadh aici.
4.—Déantar leis seo gach achtachán a shonraítear sa Sceideal a aisghairm a mhéid a shonraítear sa tríú colún den Sceideal.
[EN]Dlínse in ábhair a bhaineann le caomhnóireacht.
1886, c. 27.
5.—(1) Féadfaidh an Ard-Chúirt nó, faoi réir alt 22 d'Acht na gCúirteanna (Forálacha Forlíontacha), 1961, an Chúirt Chuarda, an dlínse a thugtar do chúirt faoin gCuid seo a fheidhmiú.
[EN](2) Dá réir sin, déanfar tagairt don Chuid seo a chur ag uimhir thagartha 45 sa Cheathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht sin in ionad na tagartha don Guardianship of Infants Act, 1886 (a aisghairtear leis an Acht seo).
[EN](3) An dlínse a thugtar leis an gCuid seo is dlínse í i dteannta aon dlínse eile chun caomhnóirí a cheapadh nó a chur as oifig nó maidir le coimircíocht naíon nó cúram eastát naíon.
[EN]Ceart tuismitheoirí chun bheith ina gcaomhnóirí.
6.—(1) Beidh athair agus máthair naín ina gcaomhnóirí i gcomhpháirt ar an naíon.
[EN](2) Ar athair naín d'fháil bháis beidh an mháthair, má mhaireann sí, ina caomhnóir ar an naíon, ina haonar nó i gcomhpháirt le haon chaomhnóir a cheap an t-athair nó an chúirt.
[EN](3) Ar mháthair naín d'fháil bháis, beidh an t-athair, má mhaireann sé, ina chaomhnóir ar an naíon ina aonar nó i gcomhpháirt le haon chaomhnóir a cheap an mháthair nó an chúirt.
[EN](4) I gcás naín neamhdhlisteanaigh is í máthair an naín a bheidh ina caomhnóir ar an naíon.
[EN]Cumhacht athar agus máthar chun caomhnóirí tiomnacha a cheapadh.
1837, c. 26.
7.—(1) Féadfaidh athair naín trí ghníomhas nó uacht, duine nó daoine a cheapadh chun bheith ina chaomhnóir nó ina gcaomhnóirí ar an naíon tar éis a bháis.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh máthair naín, trí ghníomhas nó uacht, duine nó daoine a cheapadh chun bheith ina chaomhnóir nó ina gcaomhnóirí ar an naíon tar éis a báis.
[EN](3) Gníomhóidh caomhnóir tiomnach i gcomhpháirt le tuismitheoir marthanach an naín an fad is beo an tuismitheoir marthanach mura gcuirfidh an tuismitheoir marthanach in aghaidh an chaomhnóra gníomhú amhlaidh.
[EN](4) Má chuireann an tuismitheoir marthanach in aghaidh caomhnóra tiomnaigh amhlaidh nó má mheasann caomhnóir tiomnach go bhfuil an tuismitheoir marthanach neamhoiriúnach chun an naíon a bheith faoina choimeád, féadfaidh an caomhnóir tiomnach iarratas ar ordú faoin alt seo a dhéanamh chun na cúirte.
[EN](5) Féadfaidh an chúirt—
[EN](a) diúltú ordú a dhéanamh (agus sa chás sin is é an tuismitheoir marthanach an t-aon chaomhnóir amháin a bheidh ann), nó
[EN](b) ordú a dhéanamh go ngníomhóidh an caomhnóir tiomnach i gcomhpháirt leis an tuismitheoir marthanach, nó
[EN](c) ordú a dhéanamh go ngníomhóidh sé mar chaomhnóir ar an naíon agus go n-eisiafar, a mhéid is cuí leis an gcúirt, an tuismitheoir marthanach.
[EN](6) Sa chás a luaitear i mír (c) d'fho-alt (5) féadfaidh an chúirt cibé ordú is cuí léi a dhéanamh maidir le coimeád an naín agus leis an gceart rochtana ar an naíon a bheidh ag an tuismitheoir marthanach, agus féadfaidh an chúirt a ordú freisin go n-íocfaidh an tuismitheoir marthanach leis an gcaomhnóir nó na caomhnóirí nó le haon duine acu cibé suim sheachtainiúil nó suim thréimhsiúil eile i leith chothabháil an naín a mheasfaidh an chúirt a bheith réasúnach ag féachaint d'acmhainn an tuismitheora mharthanaigh.
[EN](7) Beidh duine faoi bhun bliain is fiche d'aois i dteideal caomhnóirí a cheapadh le huacht d'ainneoin alt 7 den Wills Act, 1837.
[EN](8) Féadfar ceapadh caomhnóra le gníomhas a chúlghairm le gníomhas eile ina dhiaidh sin nó le huacht.
[EN]Caomhnóirí a cheapadh agus a chur as oifig ag cúirt.
8.—(1) Mura mbeidh aon chaomhnóir ag naíon, féadfaidh an chúirt, ar iarratas ó aon duine nó daoine, an t-iarratasóir nó na hiarratasóirí, nó aon duine acu, a cheapadh chun bheith ina chaomhnóir nó ina gcaomhnóirí ar an naíon.
[EN](2) Nuair nach mbeidh aon chaomhnóir ceaptha ag tuismitheoir éagtha nó má éagann caomhnóir a ceapadh amhlaidh nó ná dhiúltaíonn sé gníomhú, féadfaidh an chúirt caomhnóir nó caomhnóirí a cheapadh chun gníomhú i gcomhpháirt leis an tuismitheoir marthanach.
[EN](3) Aon chaomhnóir a cheapfaidh an chúirt chun gníomhú i gcomhpháirt le tuismitheoir marthanach leanfaidh sé air ag gníomhú mar chaomhnóir tar éis an tuismitheoir marthanach d'fháil bháis.
[EN](4) Féadfaidh an chúirt aon chaomhnóir a ceapadh le huacht nó gníomhas nó le hordú cúirte, a chur as oifig.
[EN](5) Féadfaidh an chúirt caomhnóir eile a cheapadh in ionad caomhnóir a cuireadh as oifig amhlaidh nó in ionad caomhnóir a ceapadh le haon ordú den sórt sin agus atá tar éis bháis.
[EN]Forálacha i gcás ina gceapfar dhá chaomhnóir nó níos mó.
9.—(1) I gcás ina gceapfar dhá dhuine nó níos mó chun bheith ina gcaomhnóirí gníomhóidh siad i gcomhpháirt agus i gcás duine acu d'fháil bháis, leanfaidh an marthanóir air, nó na marthanóirí orthu, ag gníomhú.
[EN](2) I gcás ina ndéanfaidh an dá thuismitheoir caomhnóirí a cheapadh gníomhóidh na caomhnóirí a cheapfar amhlaidh i gcomhpháirt tar éis an tuismitheoir marthanach d'fháil bháis.
[EN]Cumhachtaí agus dualgais caomhnóirí.
10.—(1) Beidh gach caomhnóir faoin Acht seo ina chaomhnóir ar phearsa agus ar eastát an naín mura bhforálfar a mhalairt i dtéarmaí a cheapacháin, i gcás caomhnóir a ceapadh le gníomhas nó uacht nó le hordú na cúirte.
[EN](2) Faoi réir téarmaí aon ghníomhais, uachta nó ordaithe den sórt sin, beidh caomhnóir faoin Acht seo i dteideal—
[EN](a) mar chaomhnóir ar an bpearsa amhail in aghaidh gach duine nach bhfuil, i gcomhpháirt leis, ina chaomhnóir ar an bpearsa, coimeád an naín a bheith aige, agus beidh sé i dteideal imeachtaí a thionscnamh chun coimeád an naín a fháil ar ais in aghaidh aon duine a thabharfaidh an naíon chun bealaigh nó a choinneoidh an naíon, go héagórach, agus chun damáistí a ghnóthú ar mhaithe leis an naíon mar gheall ar aon díobháil do phearsa an naín nó aon fhoghail air;
[EN](b) mar chaomhnóir ar an eastát, maoin uile an naín, réadach agus pearsanta, a bheith ina sheilbh agus faoina urláimh, agus déanfaidh sé an mhaoin go léir den sórt sin a bhainistí agus na cíosanna agus na brabúis a ghlacadh thar ceann an naín agus ar mhaithe leis go dtí go slánóidh an naíon bliain is fiche d'aois nó i gcaitheamh aon tréimhse is giorra ná sin dá mbeidh sé ceaptha mar chaomhnóir agus féadfaidh sé aon imeachtaí a thionscnamh maidir leis an gcéanna is féidir le haon duine is caomhnóir ar eastát naín a thionscnamh de réir dlí.
[EN](3) Ní dhéanann forálacha an ailt seo dochar d'fhorálacha aon achtacháin eile ná d'aon chumhachtaí a thugtar nó dualgais a fhorchuirtear, le dlí, ar thuismitheoirí agus ar chaomhnóirí naíon nó ar iontaobhaithe maoin naíon.
[EN]Iarratais chun na cúirte.
11.—(1) Féadfaidh aon duine is caomhnóir ar naíon iarratas a dhéanamh chun na cúirte ag iarraidh treorach uirthi maidir le haon cheist a bhainfidh le leas an naín agus féadfaidh an chúirt cibé ordú a dhéanamh is cuí léi.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh an chúirt le hordú faoin alt seo—
[EN](a) cibé treoracha is cuí léi a thabhairt maidir le coimeád an naín agus leis an gceart rochtana ar an naíon a bheidh ag an athair nó an mháthair;
[EN](b) a ordú don athair nó don mháthair cibé suim sheachtainiúil nó suim thréimhsiúil eile a íoc i leith chothabháil an naín a mheasfaidh an chúirt a bheith réasúnach, ag féachaint d'acmhainn an athar nó na máthar.
[EN](3) Féadfar ordú faoin alt seo a dhéanamh ar iarratas ó cheachtar tuismitheoir d'ainneoin na tuismitheoirí a bheith in aontíos an uair sin ach ní fhéadfar ordú a dhéanfar faoi fho-alt (2) a chur i bhfeidhm agus ní fhaibhreoidh aon dliteanas dá thairbhe fad a bheidh siad in aontíos, agus scoirfidh an t-ordú d'éifeacht a bheith aige má leanann siad orthu in aontíos ar feadh trí mhí tar éis an t-ordú a dhéanamh.
[EN](4) I gcás naín neamhdhlisteanaigh beidh ag athair nádúrtha an naín an ceart chun iarratas a dhéanamh faoin alt seo maidir le coimeád an naín maraon leis an gceart rochtana ar an naíon atá ag a athair nó a mháthair air agus chun na críche seo déanfar tagairtí san alt seo d'athair nó do thuismitheoir naín a fhorléiriú mar thagairt a fholaíonn eisean; ach ní dhéanfar, ar iarratas den sórt sin, aon ordú faoi mhír (b) d'fho-alt (2).
[EN]Orduithe cúirte a athrú agus a urscaoileadh.
12.—Féadfaidh an chúirt aon ordú a athrú nó a urscaoileadh a rinne an chúirt roimhe sin faoin gCuid seo.
Ceart Coimeádta a chur i bhFeidhm
[EN]Mínithe do Chuid III.
13.—Sa Chuid seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “an chúirt” an Ard-Chúirt;
[EN]tá ag “údarás sláinte” an bhrí a thugtar dó le fo-alt (1) d'alt 2 den Acht Sláinte, 1947, arna leasú le halt 9 den Acht um Údaráis Sláinte, 1960;
[EN]folaíonn “tuismitheoir” caomhnóir ar an bpearsa agus aon duine a dhlíonn de réir dlí naíon a chothabháil nó atá i dteideal é a bheith ina choimeád aige;
[EN]folaíonn “duine” aon scoil nó foras.
[EN]Cumhacht na cúirte maidir le naíon a thabhairt ar aird.
14.—I gcás ina ndéanfaidh tuismitheoir naín iarratas chun na cúirte ar ordú chun an naíon a thabhairt ar aird agus gurb é tuairim na cúirte gur thréig an tuismitheoir sin an naíon nó d'eile, gur iompair sé é féin ar dhóigh gur chóir don Chúirt diúltú a cheart a chur i bhfeidhm chun coimeád an naín a bheith aige, féadfaidh an chúirt, dá rogha féin, diúltú an t-ordú a dhéanamh.
[EN]Cumhacht don chúirt ordú a thabhairt go n-aisíocfar costais tógála naín.
15.—Má chinneann an chúirt, ar iarratas ó thuismitheoir chun naíon a thabhairt ar aird—
[EN](a) go bhfuil an naíon á thógáil ar chostas duine eile, nó
[EN](b) gur sholáthraigh údarás sláinte cúnamh don naíon aon uair faoi alt 55 den Acht Sláinte, 1953,
[EN]féadfaidh an chúirt, dá rogha féin, má ordaíonn sí an naíon a thabhairt suas don tuismitheoir, ordú eile a dhéanamh go n-íocfaidh an tuismitheoir leis an duine sin nó leis an údarás sláinte sin iomlán na gcostas faoina ndeachaigh an duine nó an t-údarás sláinte sin go cuí ag tógáil an naín nó ag soláthar cúnaimh dó nó cibé cion de na costais sin a mheasann an chúirt a bheith réasúnach ag féachaint d'imthosca uile an cháis, lena n-áirítear, go sonrach, acmhainn an tuismitheora.
[EN]Tabharfaidh an chúirt aird ar iompar tuismitheora nuair a bheidh ordú á dhéanamh aioi.
16.—I gcás—
[EN](a) inar thréig tuismitheoir naíon, nó
[EN](b) inar cheadaigh tuismitheoir naíon a thógáil ag duine eile ar chostas an duine sin, nó cúnamh a sholáthar dó ag údarás sláinte faoi alt 55 den Acht Sláinte, 1953, ar feadh an fhad sin ama agus in imthosca gur deimhin leis an gcúirt gur neamhshuim leis an tuismitheoir sin a dhualgais mar thuismitheoir,
[EN]ní dhéanfaidh an chúirt ordú chun an naíon a thabhairt suas don tuismitheoir murar dheimhnigh an tuismitheoir don chúirt gur duine oiriúnach é chun coimeád an naín a bheith aige.
[EN]Cumhacht na cúirte maidir le hoideachas creidimh naín.
17.—(1) I gcás aon iarratas ó thuismitheoir á iarraidh naíon a thabhairt ar aird nó a chur ina choimeád, beidh cumhacht ag an gcúirt, más é a tuairim nach ceart go mbeadh coimeád an naín ag an tuismitheoir sin, cibé ordú a dhéanamh is oiriúnach léi chun a áirithiú go dtogfar an naíon leis an gcreideamh a bhfuil ceart dlíthiúil ag na tuismitheoirí nó ag tuismitheoir a cheangal go dtógfar an naíon leis.
[EN](2) Ní dhéanfaidh aon ní san Acht seo díth ná difear do chumhacht na cúirte chun a fháil amach cad is mian leis an naíon nuair a bheidh sí ag breithniú cad é an t-ordú ba chóir a dhéanamh ná laghdú ar an gceart atá ag aon naíon anois.
[EN]Coimeád i gcás na tuismitheoirí a bheith scartha ó chéile.
18.—(1) In aon chás ina ndéanfar foraithne idirscartha a mensa et thoro a fhógairt, féadfaidh an chúirt a dhearbhú leis an bhforaithne sin gur duine atá neamhoiriúnach chun na leanaí (más ann) den phósadh nó aon leanaí a d'uchtaigh na tuismitheoirí i gcomhpháirt faoin Acht Uchtála, 1952, a bheith ina choimeád ag tuismitheoir arbh é a mhí-iompar ba chúis leis an bhforaithne a dhéanamh; agus i gcás den sórt sin, ní bheidh an tuismitheoir a dhearbhófar a bheith neamhoiriúnach i dteideal, de cheart, coimeád na leanaí a bheith aige, ar bhás an tuismitheora.
[EN](2) Ní bheidh foráil a bheidh in aon chomhaontú idirscartha a dhéanfaidh athair agus máthair naín neamhbhailí de bhíthin amháin go bhforálann sí go dtabharfaidh duine acu coimeád nó urlámh an naín don duine eile.
Seisiún agus Caibidil | Gearrtheideal | Méid na hAisghairme |
14 & 15 Chas. 2, sess. 4, c. 19. | An tAcht um Chealú Tionachtaí, 1662. | Ailt 6, 7, 15 agus 16. |
36 Vict. c. 12. | Custody of Infants Act, 1873. | An tAcht iomlán. |
49 & 50 Vict. c. 27. | Guardianship of Infants Act, 1886. | An tAcht iomlán. |
54 Vict. c. 3. | Custody of Children Act, 1891. | An tAcht iomlán. |
Number 7 of 1964.
Preliminary and General
Section | |
Power of father and mother to appoint testamentary guardians. | |
Enforcement of Right of Custody
Power to court to order repayment of costs of bringing up infant. | |
Acts Referred to | |
1952, No. 25. | |
1961, No. 39. | |
Guardianship of Infants Act, 1886 | 1886, c. 27. |
Wills Act, 1837 | 1837, c. 26. |
1947, No. 28. | |
1960, No. 9. | |
1953, No. 26. |
Number 7 of 1964.
Preliminary and General
[GA]Short title.
1.—This Act may be cited as the Guardianship of Infants Act, 1964.
2.—In this Act, except where the context otherwise requires—
[GA]“adoption order” means an adoption order made under the Adoption Act, 1952, and for the time being in force;
[GA]“father” includes a male adopter under an adoption order but does not include the natural father of an illegitimate infant;
[GA]“illegitimate infant” does not include any infant adopted under an adoption order;
[GA]“infant” means a person under twenty-one years of age;
[GA]“maintenance” includes education;
[GA]“mother” includes a female adopter under an adoption order;
[GA]“parent” means a father or mother as defined by this section;
[GA]“testamentary guardian” means a guardian appointed by deed or will;
[GA]“welfare”, in relation to an infant, comprises the religious and moral, intellectual, physical and social welfare of the infant.
[GA]Welfare of infant to be paramount.
3.—Where in any proceedings before any court the custody, guardianship or upbringing of an infant, or the administration of any property belonging to or held on trust for an infant, or the application of the income thereof, is in question, the court, in deciding that question, shall regard the welfare of the infant as the first and paramount consideration.
4.—Each enactment specified in the Schedule is hereby repealed to the extent indicated in the third column of the Schedule.
[GA]Jurisdiction in guardianship matters.
5.—(1) The jurisdiction conferred on a court by this Part may be exercised by the High Court or, subject to section 22 of the Courts (Supplemental Provisions) Act, 1961, by the Circuit Court.
[GA](2) Accordingly, a reference to this Part shall be substituted at reference number 45 in the Fourth Schedule to the said Act for the reference to the Guardianship of Infants Act, 1886 (repealed by this Act).
[GA](3) The jurisdiction conferred by this Part is in addition to any other jurisdiction to appoint or remove guardians or as to the wardship of infants or the care of infants' estates.
[GA]Rights of parents to guardianship.
6.—(1) The father and mother of an infant shall be guardians of the infant jointly.
[GA](2) On the death of the father of an infant the mother, if surviving, shall be guardian of the infant, either alone or jointly with any guardian appointed by the father or by the court.
[GA](3) On the death of the mother of an infant the father, if surviving, shall be guardian of the infant, either alone or jointly with any guardian appointed by the mother or by the court.
[GA](4) The mother of an illegitimate infant shall be guardian of the infant.
[GA]Power of father and mother to appoint testamentary guardians.
7.—(1) The father of an infant may by deed or will appoint a person or persons to be guardian or guardians of the infant after his death.
[GA](2) The mother of an infant may by deed or will appoint a person or persons to be guardian or guardians of the infant after her death.
[GA](3) A testamentary guardian shall act jointly with the surviving parent of the infant so long as the surviving parent remains alive unless the surviving parent objects to his so acting.
[GA](4) If the surviving parent so objects or if a testamentary guardian considers that the surviving parent is unfit to have the custody of the infant, the testamentary guardian may apply to the court for an order under this section.
[GA](5) The court may—
[GA](a) refuse to make an order (in which case the surviving parent shall remain sole guardian), or
[GA](b) make an order that the testamentary guardian shall act jointly with the surviving parent, or
[GA](c) make an order that he shall act as guardian of the infant to the exclusion, so far as the court thinks proper, of the surviving parent.
[GA](6) In the case mentioned in paragraph (c) of subsection (5) the court may make such order regarding the custody of the infant and the right of access to the infant of the surviving parent as the court thinks proper, and the court may further order that the surviving parent shall pay to the guardian or guardians, or any of them, towards the maintenance of the infant such weekly or other periodical sum as, having regard to the means of the surviving parent, the court considers reasonable.
[GA](7) A person under the age of twenty-one years shall be entitled to appoint guardians by will notwithstanding section 7 of the Wills Act, 1837.
[GA](8) An appointment of a guardian by deed may be revoked by a subsequent deed or by will.
[GA]Appointment and removal of guardians by court.
8.—(1) Where an infant has no guardian, the court, on the application of any person or persons, may appoint the applicant or applicants or any of them to be the guardian or guardians of the infant.
[GA](2) When no guardian has been appointed by a deceased parent or if a guardian so appointed dies or refuses to act, the court may appoint a guardian or guardians to act jointly with the surviving parent.
[GA](3) A guardian appointed by the court to act jointly with a surviving parent shall continue to act as guardian after the death of the surviving parent.
[GA](4) The court may remove from office any guardian appointed by will or deed or order of court.
[GA](5) The court may appoint another guardian in place of a guardian so removed or in place of a guardian appointed by any such order who dies.
[GA]Provisions where two or more guardians appointed.
9.—(1) Where two or more persons are appointed to be guardians they shall act jointly and on the death of any of them the survivor or survivors shall continue to act.
[GA](2) Where guardians are appointed by both parents the guardians so appointed shall after the death of the surviving parent act jointly.
[GA]Powers and duties of guardians.
10.—(1) Every guardian under this Act shall be a guardian of the person and of the estate of the infant unless, in the case of a guardian appointed by deed, will or order of the court, the terms of his appointment otherwise provide.
[GA](2) Subject to the terms of any such deed, will or order, a guardian under this Act—
[GA](a) as guardian of the person, shall, as against every person not being, jointly with him, a guardian of the person, be entitled to the custody of the infant and shall be entitled to take proceedings for the restoration of his custody of the infant against any person who wrongfully takes away or detains the infant and for the recovery, for the benefit of the infant, of damages for any injury to or trespass against the person of the infant;
[GA](b) as guardian of the estate, shall be entitled to the possession and control of all property, real and personal, of the infant and shall manage all such property and receive the rents and profits on behalf and for the benefit of the infant until the infant attains the age of twenty-one years or during any shorter period for which he has been appointed guardian and may take such proceedings in relation thereto as may by law be brought by any guardian of the estate of an infant.
[GA](3) The provisions of this section are without prejudice to the provisions of any other enactment or to any other powers or duties conferred or imposed by law on parents, guardians or trustees of the property of infants.
[GA]Applications to court.
11.—(1) Any person being a guardian of an infant may apply to the court for its direction on any question affecting the welfare of the infant and the court may make such order as it thinks proper.
[GA](2) The court may by an order under this section—
[GA](a) give such directions as it thinks proper regarding the custody of the infant and the right of access to the infant of his father or mother;
[GA](b) order the father or mother to pay towards the maintenance of the infant such weekly or other periodical sum as, having regard to the means of the father or mother, the court considers reasonable.
[GA](3) An order under this section may be made on the application of either parent notwithstanding that the parents are then residing together but an order made under subsection (2) shall not be enforceable and no liability thereunder shall accrue while they reside together, and the order shall cease to have effect if for a period of three months after it is made they continue to reside together.
[GA](4) In the case of an illegitimate infant the right to make an application under this section regarding the custody of the infant and the right of access thereto of his father or mother shall extend to the natural father of the infant and for this purpose references in this section to the father or parent of an infant shall be construed as including him; but no order shall, on such application, be made under paragraph (b) of subsection (2).
[GA]Variation and discharge of court orders.
12.—The court may vary or discharge any order previously made by the court under this Part.
Enforcement of Right of Custody
[GA]Definitions for Part III.
13.—In this Part—
[GA]“the court” means the High Court;
[GA]“health authority” has the meaning assigned to it by subsection (1) of section 2 of the Health Act, 1947, as amended by section 9 of the Health Authorities Act, 1960;
[GA]“parent” includes a guardian of the person and any person at law liable to maintain an infant or entitled to his custody;
[GA]“person” includes any school or institution.
[GA]Power of court as to production of infant.
14.—Where a parent of an infant applies to the court for an order for the production of the infant and the court is of opinion that that parent has abandoned or deserted the infant or that he has otherwise so conducted himself that the court should refuse to enforce his right to the custody of the infant, the court may in its discretion decline to make the order.
[GA]Power to court to order repayment of costs of bringing up infant.
15.—Where, upon application by a parent for the production of an infant, the court finds—
[GA](a) that the infant is being brought up at the expense of another person, or
[GA](b) that at any time assistance has been provided for the infant by a health authority under section 55 of the Health Act, 1953,
[GA]the court may, in its discretion, if it orders the infant to be given up to the parent, further order that the parent shall pay to that person or health authority the whole of the costs properly incurred by the person or health authority in bringing up or providing assistance for the infant or such portion thereof as the court considers reasonable, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, including, in particular, the means of the parent.
[GA]Court in making order to have regard to conduct of parent.
16.—Where a parent has—
[GA](a) abandoned or deserted an infant, or
[GA](b) allowed an infant to be brought up by another person at that person's expense, or to be provided with assistance by a health authority under section 55 of the Health Act, 1953, for such a length of time and under such circumstances as to satisfy the court that the parent was unmindful of his parental duties,
[GA]the court shall not make an order for the delivery of the infant to the parent unless the parent has satisfied the court that he is a fit person to have the custody of the infant.
[GA]Power of court as to infant's religious education.
17.—(1) Upon any application by a parent for the production or custody of an infant, if the court is of opinion that that parent ought not to have the custody of the infant, the court shall have power to make such order as it thinks fit to secure that the infant be brought up in the religion in which the parents, or a parent, have or has a legal right to require that the infant should be brought up.
[GA](2) Nothing in this Act shall interfere with or affect the power of the court to consult the wishes of the infant in considering what order ought to be made or diminish the right which any infant now possesses to the exercise of his own free choice.
[GA]Custody where parents are separated.
18.—(1) In any case where a decree for divorce a mensa et thoro is pronounced, the court may thereby declare the parent by reason of whose misconduct the decree is made to be a person unfit to have the custody of the children (if any) of the marriage or of any children adopted under the Adoption Act, 1952, by the parents jointly; and in such case, the parent so declared to be unfit shall not, on the death of the other parent, be entitled as of right to the custody of the children.
[GA](2) A provision contained in any separation agreement made between the father and mother of an infant shall not be invalid by reason only of its providing that one of them shall give up the custody or control of the infant to the other.
Session and Chapter | Short Title | Extent of Repeal |
14 & 15 Chas. 2, sess. 4, c. 19. | Tenures Abolition Act, 1662. | Sections 6, 7, 15 and 16. |
36 Vict. c. 12. | Custody of Infants Act, 1873. | The whole Act. |
49 & 50 Vict. c. 27. | Guardianship of Infants Act, 1886. | The whole Act. |
54 Vict. c. 3. | Custody of Children Act, 1891. | The whole Act. |