
Number 1 (Private) of 1953.







Short title.




Extension of city boundary.


Preparation of official maps.


Financial adjustments between County Council and Corporation.


Compensation for increase of burden.


Resolutions etc., relating to the added area.


Jurors books in the city and county.


Special provision for the purpose of the Valuation Acts.


Contribution for year 1953/54 to vocational education committees.


Adjustment of agricultural grant.


Saving from disqualification of members of County Council in certain cases.

Acts Referred to

Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930

No. 27 of 1930

Vocational Education Act, 1930

No. 29 of 1930

Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Act, 1939

No. 23 of 1939

Local Government (Dublin) (Amendment) Act, 1940

No. 21 of 1940


Number 1 (Private) of 1953.



WHEREAS the City of Dublin (Extension of Boundary) Provisional Order, 1953, set out in the Schedule to this Act has been duly made by the Minister for Local Government under the Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930 (No. 27 of 1930), but will not have effect until confirmed by the Oireachtas:



1.The City of Dublin (Extension of Boundary) Provisional Order, 1953, set out in the Schedule to this Act is hereby confirmed.

Short title.

2.This Act may be cited as the Local Government Provisional Order Confirmation Act, 1953.


City of Dublin (Extension of Boundary) Provisional Order, 1953.

WHEREAS in pursuance of section 27 of the Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930 (No. 27 of 1930) the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of Dublin, acting by the Council, did on the Third day of July, 1951, cause to be presented to the Minister for Local Government a petition, making application for a Provisional Order extending the boundary of the City of Dublin so as to include therein the portions of the County of Dublin described in the Schedule hereunto annexed:

AND WHEREAS the said portions of the said County do not form part of the Borough of Dun Laoghaire:

AND WHEREAS the Minister after receiving the said application caused a local inquiry to be held into the subject matter thereof:

AND WHEREAS the Minister has considered any representations that have been made to him by the Council of the County of Dublin:

AND WHEREAS the Minister thinks it proper to give effect to the proposal contained in the said application, with modification, and to make the provisions included in this Order for the matters mentioned in subsection (7) of the said section 27:

NOW THEREFORE, the Minister, in exercise of the powers vested in him by section 27 of the Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930 (No. 27 of 1930), hereby orders as follows:—


1. This Order may be cited as the City of Dublin (Extension of Boundary) Provisional Order, 1953.


2. This Order shall come into force upon the 1st day of April, 1953, or in the event of the Act confirming this Order not becoming law on or before the said day, on such day as the Minister shall, by order, appoint.


3. (1) In this Order—

the Corporation” means the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of Dublin;

the County Council” means the Council of the County of Dublin;

the City” means the County Borough of Dublin;

the County” means the County of Dublin;

the Minister” means the Minister for Local Government;

the added area” means the area described in the Schedule hereunto annexed;

the existing boundary” means the boundary of the City as existing immediately before the commencement of this Order;

the commencement of this Order” means the day on which this Order comes into force.

(2) In the Schedule to this Order, a reference to a line drawn along any road or fence shall, save where the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to a line drawn along the centre of the road or fence.

Extension of city boundary.

4. (1) On and after the commencement of this Order the added area shall be detached from the County and from the jurisdiction and powers of the County Council, and shall be added to the City and thenceforward the said area shall be included in and form part of the City for all purposes and the boundary of the City shall be extended accordingly.

(2) Any building through which or through any part of which the boundary of the City as extended by this Order shall pass shall be deemed to be within such boundary.

Preparation of official maps.

5. (1) As soon as may be after the commencement of this Order the Commissioner of Valuation shall prepare in triplicate a map drawn to such convenient scale and in such convenient number of separate sheets as shall be approved by the Minister showing in suitable manner approved by the Minister the added area and the City, and shall seal each of such maps and shall deposit one of such maps in the principal office of the said Commissioner, the office of the Corporation, and the offices of the County Council respectively.

(2) The said maps when so deposited in the said offices of the said Commissioner, the Corporation and the County Council respectively shall be retained in such offices, and such maps or true copies thereof shall be open for inspection free of charge in such offices by any person at any time at which such offices respectively are open for the transaction of public business, and it shall be lawful for the said Commissioner, the Corporation and the County Council respectively to prepare and supply to any person requesting the same a true copy of the map so deposited with him or them or any particular part thereof and to charge for such copy such sum as the Minister, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, shall direct.

(3) It shall be the duty of the said Commissioner and of the Corporation and the County Council respectively, whenever required so to do by any Court of Justice, to prepare and produce to such Court a true copy of the map or any specified part of the map deposited with him or them under this section and to verify such copy to such Court by the oath of one of his or their officers, and, upon any such copy being so produced and verified to such Court, such Court shall receive such copy in evidence and thereupon such copy shall be conclusive evidence of the boundary (so far as the same is shown on such copy) of the added area, notwithstanding any discrepancy between such copy and the description contained in the Schedule to this Order or any ambiguity or uncertainty in such description or in the application thereof.

Financial adjustments between County Council and Corporation.

6. (1) The County Council and the Corporation may, from time to time as occasion requires, make by mutual agreement an equitable adjustment (in this Article referred to as an agreed adjustment) in regard to any matter or thing requiring to be adjusted between the County Council and the Corporation in consequence of the inclusion of the added area in the City and not otherwise provided for by this Order and in particular may make such agreed adjustment in regard to property, whether real or personal (including choses-in-action), vested in or belonging to or held in trust for the County Council and wholly or partly situate in or relating to the added area or any particular portion thereof and in regard to debts and liabilities (including mortgage debts, charges created by statute, accruing and prospective liabilities and unliquidated liabilities arising from torts or breaches of contract) due and unpaid or incurred and undischarged by the County Council and relating wholly or in part to the added area or any particular portion thereof.

(2) An agreed adjustment in relation to property may provide for the retention of such property by the County Council or for the transfer of such property to the Corporation or for the joint user of such property by the County Council and the Corporation and may also provide for the payment of money, in one or more than one instalment, by or to the County Council to or by the Corporation on account of the retention, transfer, or joint user of such property.

(3) An agreed adjustment in relation to any debt or other liability may provide for the whole of such debt or liability being borne by the County Council or for the whole of such debt or liability being borne by the Corporation or (except in the case of mortgage debts) for the apportionment of the liability for such debt or liability between the County Council and the Corporation and may also provide for the payment of money, in one or more than one instalment, to or by the County Council by or to the Corporation in respect of such debt or liability.

(4) Whenever the County Council and the Corporation fail to agree upon an equitable adjustment of any matter or thing which could be the subject of an agreed adjustment under this Article, the Minister shall, upon the request of either the County Council or the Corporation and after holding such (if any) local inquiry as he may think proper, make an equitable adjustment (in this Article referred to as a compulsory adjustment) of such matter or thing and may by such adjustment make any provision in relation to such matter or thing which could under this article have been made by an agreed adjustment.

(5) Every agreed adjustment and every compulsory adjustment shall have effect according to the terms thereof and shall be enforceable by the Corporation and the County Council respectively against the other of them accordingly.

Compensation for increase of burden.

7. (1) A sum shall be paid by the Corporation to the County Council each year for a period of fifteen years in respect of the average annual increase (if any) of burden which will properly be thrown on the ratepayers of the County in meeting the cost incurred by the County Council in the execution of any of their powers and duties as a consequence of the extension of the boundary of the City by this Order.

(2) The following matters shall be determined by agreement between the Corporation and the County Council:—

(a) the amount of such sum and the period or periods by reference to which the average annual increase of burden shall be calculated;

(b) the method and times of payment of such sum.

(3) If the Corporation and the County Council fail to agree upon the matters specified in the preceding subarticle, the Minister shall, upon the request of either the Corporation or the County Council, fix the amount of such sum and the method and times of payment of such sum.

Resolutions etc., relating to the added area.

8. Every resolution passed, order made, and notice served by the County Council before the commencement of this Order in relation to the added area or any part thereof or anything done or to be done therein and the operation, effect, or term of which had not ceased or expired before the said commencement shall, on and after the said commencement and so far as it is not inconsistent with this Order, continue in force and have effect in so far as it relates to the added area or any part thereof or anything done or to be done therein as if it were a resolution passed, order made, or notice served by the Corporation on the date on which the same was actually passed, made, or served by the County Council, and as if the added area were on the said date already included in the City.

Jurors books in the city and county.

9. The following provisions shall have effect in the City and the County in relation to the preparation of jurors books, the preparation of panels of jurors, and the summoning of jurors, and in relation to the panels from which jurors are to be drawn for the trial of issues by a Court or a Judge sitting in the City or the County:—

(a) until the jurors book in force in the City or the jurors book in force in the County (including the added area) on the commencement of this Order becomes exhausted, the law in force immediately before the commencement of this Order shall continue in force and be observed as if this Order had not become operative, and

(b) when and so soon as one of the said jurors books becomes exhausted after the commencement of this Order, the other of the said jurors books shall be deemed to have become exhausted and new jurors books shall forthwith come into force in the City and the County.

Special provision for the purpose of the Valuation Acts.

10. For the purposes of the Valuation Acts the revised valuation list received by the County Council from the Commissioner of Valuation last before the commencement of this Order shall, in so far as it relates to the added area, be deemed to have been sent to the Corporation.

Contribution for year 1953/54 to vocational education committees.

11. (1) The rateable value of the area of charge at the commencement of the local financial year 1953/54 shall be the rateable value by reference to which the minimum and maximum amounts of the annual local contribution payable to the City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee and the County Dublin Vocational Education Committee pursuant to section 43 of the Vocational Education Act, 1930 (No. 29 of 1930) in respect of the said local financial year by the Corporation and the County Council respectively shall be calculated.

(2) In this Article—

the expression “area of charge” and the expression “annual local contribution” have the same meaning as in Part IV of the Vocational Education Act, 1930.

Adjustment of agricultural grant.

12. (1) The portion of the agricultural grant payable to the Corporation under section 50 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, shall be £4,610 instead of the sum specified in subsection (6) of section 4 of the Act of 1939.

(2) The sum of £53,871 stated in the second column of the Schedule to the Act of 1939 as being payable to the County Council shall for the purposes of the application of the said Schedule to the agricultural grant be reduced by the sum of £2,250 to £51,621.

(3) In this Article, “the Act of 1939” means the Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Act, 1939 (No. 23 of 1939) as amended by the Local Government (Dublin) (Amendment) Act, 1940 (No. 21 of 1940).

Saving from disqualification of members of County Council in certain cases.

13. A member of the County Council who ceases to be a local government elector in the County in consequence of the inclusion of the added area in the City shall not, by reason only of such cesser, be disqualified from continuing to hold office as a member of the Council until the ordinary day of retirement of the members of the County Council after the election of the members of the County Council held next after the commencement of this Order.


GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Minister for Local Government this Sixteenth day of February One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-three.


Minister for Local Government.


Area of the County of Dublin added to the City of Dublin.

1. That part of the County situated between the existing boundary and a line drawn as follows:—

Starting at the point where the existing boundary intersects the centre line of Ratoath Road, thence in a northerly direction along Ratoath Road to the northern boundary of the townland of Pelletstown, thence in a westerly direction along the northern boundary of the townland of Pelletstown to the point on the townland boundary where it is intersected by the imaginary southerly projection of the fence forming the boundary between the holdings rated in the names of Hilda J. Lambert and J. J. Parkinson, thence in a northerly direction along the imaginary southerly projection of the said fence and along the said fence to its termination at the road to Scribbles-town House, thence in a straight line in a northerly direction across the said road to the southerly termination of the fence forming the boundary between the holdings rated in the names of Lady Eva Forbes and J. J. Parkinson, then successively in a northerly and westerly direction along the said last-mentioned fence to meet the western boundary of the townland of Cardiffsbridge, thence in a northerly direction along the said townland boundary to the intersection of the townland boundaries of Cappoge, Cardiffsbridge and Cardiffscastle, thence successively in a northerly, easterly, and northerly direction along the western boundary of the townland of Cardiffscastle to its intersection with the imaginary southerly projection of the line of the eastern fence of the 25.701 acres field rated in the name of John J. Byrne in the townland of Cardiffscastle, thence in a northerly direction along the imaginary southerly projection of the said fence, thence along the said fence in a northerly direction and along its imaginary northerly projection to meet the northern boundary of the townland of Cardiffscastle, thence in an easterly direction along the said townland boundary to the point of intersection of the townland boundaries of Cardiffscastle, Kildonan and Stockens, thence successively in a northerly and easterly direction along the boundary of the townland of Stockens to the point of intersection of the townland boundaries of Charles-town, Stockens and Glebe, thence successively in an easterly and southerly direction along the boundary of the townland of Glebe to the point of intersection of the townland boundaries of Glebe, Jamestown Little and Charlestown, thence in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of the townland of Jamestown Little to the western fence of the 4.668 acres field rated in the name of William Kearney in the townland of Jamestown Little, thence in a southerly direction along the said fence and in an easterly direction along the southern fence of the said field, thence in a northerly direction along the eastern fence of the said field to the south-western corner of the 4.860 acres field rated in the name of Thomas Duke, thence in a south-easterly direction along the southern fence of the said last-mentioned field to meet the western fence of the 5.017 acres field rated in the name of Thomas Duke, thence in a southerly direction along the said last-mentioned fence and in an easterly direction along the southern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the south-eastern corner of the said field, thence in a south-easterly direction along the southern fence of the 5.876 acres field rated in the name of Thomas Duke and along the imaginary south-easterly projection of the said last-mentioned fence to the eastern boundary of the townland of Jamestown Little, thence in a south-easterly direction in a straight line to the south-western corner of the farm store rated in the name of Ellie Carton in the townland of Jamestown Great, thence in an easterly direction along the face of the southern wall of the said farm store to the south-eastern corner of the said farm store, thence in an easterly direction along the southern fence of the .572 acre farmyard enclosure rated in the name of Ellie Carton to the south-eastern corner of the said farmyard enclosure, thence in an easterly direction along the southern fence of the .789 acre lane rated in the name of Ellie Carton to the south-eastern corner of the said lane, thence successively in an easterly, southerly, and south-easterly direction along the western and southern fences of the 12.712 acres field rated in the name of Ellie Carton to the western fence of the 5.253 acres field rated in the name of Ellie Carton, thence successively in a southerly and south-easterly direction along the western and southern fences of the said field to the western fence of the 12.717 acres field rated in the name of Ellie Carton, thence in a southerly direction along the said fence and along its imaginary southerly projection to meet the northern boundary of the townland of Stang, thence successively in an easterly and southerly direction along the boundary of the townland of Stang to the point of intersection of the townland boundaries of Stang, Jamestown Great and Clonmel, thence in a northerly direction along the western boundary of the townland of Clonmel to its point of intersection with the imaginary westerly projection of the southern fence of the 21.775 acres field rated in the name of the Housing Investment Trust, Ltd., in the townland of Clonmel, thence in an easterly direction along the imaginary westerly projection of the said fence and along the said fence to the south-eastern corner of the said 21.775 acres field, thence in a northerly direction along the eastern fence of the said last-mentioned field to meet the northern boundary of the townland of Clonmel, thence in a south-easterly direction along the boundary of the townland of Clonmel to the point of intersection of the townland boundaries of Clonmel, Balbutcher and Stormans-town, thence successively in a north-easterly, northerly, easterly and northerly direction along the boundary of the townland of Stormanstown to its point of intersection with the imaginary westerly projection of the northern fence of the 9.578 acres field occupied by the Minister for Agriculture in the townland of Stormanstown, thence in an easterly direction along the imaginary westerly projection of the said fence and along the said fence to meet the eastern boundary of the townland of Stormanstown, thence successively in a southerly and south-easterly direction along the said townland boundary to its point of intersection with the imaginary westerly projection of the northern fence of the 12.907 acres field rated in the name of Timothy Burke in the townland of Santry, thence in an easterly direction along the imaginary westerly projection of the said fence and along the said fence to the north-eastern corner of the said field, thence successively in a southerly and easterly direction along the fence of the said field to its termination at Swords Road, thence in a south-easterly direction along the imaginary south-easterly projection of the said fence to its point of intersection with the centre line of Swords Road, thence in a southerly direction along Swords Road to its point of intersection with the imaginary westerly projection of the southern fence of the 12.745 acres field rated in the name of Peter Lightfoot, thence in an easterly direction along the imaginary westerly projection of the said fence, thence in an easterly direction along the said fence to the south-eastern corner of the said 12.745 acres field, thence in a northerly direction along the eastern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the south-western corner of the 18.944 acres field rated in the name of Margaret Menton, thence successively in a south-easterly and northerly direction along the southern and eastern fences of the said field to meet the southern fence of the 32.627 acres field rated in the name of Margaret Menton, thence successively in a south-easterly, northerly and easterly direction along the southern fence of the said last-mentioned field to its junction with the western boundary of the townland of Kilmore Big, thence in a northerly direction along the western boundary of the townland of Kilmore Big to its intersection with the imaginary westerly projection of the southern fence of the 14.208 acres field rated in the name of Margaret Menton in the townland of Kilmore Big, thence in a south-easterly direction along the imaginary westerly projection of the said fence and along the said fence in a south-easterly, north-easterly and south-easterly direction to the south-eastern corner of the said last-mentioned field, thence successively in a south-easterly and northerly direction along the southern and eastern fences of the .705 acre lane rated in the name of Margaret Menton to the south-western corner of the 5.226 acres field rated in the name of Margaret Menton, thence in a south-easterly direction along the said last-mentioned fence to the western fence of the 20.770 acres field rated in the name of Margaret Menton, thence in a northerly direction along the said last-mentioned fence to its termination at the public road from Santry to Coolock, thence in a straight line in a northerly direction across the said road to the southerly termination of the eastern fence of the 5.949 acres field rated in the name of Daniel Keating, thence in a northerly direction along the said last-mentioned fence to its termination at Santry River, thence in a northerly direction along the imaginary northerly projection of the said fence to its point of intersection with the northern boundary of the townland of Kilmore Big, thence in an easterly direction along the northern boundary of the townland of Kilmore Big to the point of intersection of the townland boundaries of Kilmore Big, Shrubs and Bonnybrook, thence successively in a northerly, easterly and southerly direction along the boundary of the townland of Bonnybrook to the point of intersection of the townland boundaries of Bonnybrook, Fairfield and Oldtown, thence successively in an easterly, southerly and south-easterly direction along the boundary of the townland of Oldtown to the point of intersection of the townland boundaries of Oldtown, Newtown and Tonlegee, thence in a north-easterly direction along the western boundary of the townland of Tonlegee to its point of intersection with the imaginary north-westerly projection of the fence forming the boundary between the .572 acre field rated in the name of Patrick Byrne in the townland of Tonlegee, and the 4.071 acres field rated in the name of Richard O'Connell, thence in a south-easterly direction along the imaginary north-westerly projection of the said fence and in a south-easterly direction along the said fence to the south-western corner of the said last-mentioned field, thence in a south-easterly direction along the southern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the south-eastern corner of the said 4.071 acres field, thence in an easterly direction along the southern fence of the 4.383 acres field rated in the name of Richard O'Connell to the south-eastern corner of the said last-mentioned field, thence in a northerly direction along the eastern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the north-western corner of the 11.294 acres field rated in the name of Richard O'Connell, thence in an easterly direction along the northern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the western fence of the 7.773 acres field rated in the name of Vincent Wilson, thence in a northerly direction along the said last-mentioned fence to the south-western corner of the 10.149 acres field rated in the name of Vincent Wilson, thence in an easterly direction along the southern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the western face of the wall of the outbuilding forming part of the .634 acre enclosure at Tonlegee House, thence in a southerly direction along the western face of the said wall to the south-western corner of the said outbuildings, thence in an easterly direction along the southern face of the wall of the said outbuildings, thence in an easterly direction along the southern face of the wall dividing the .634 acre farm enclosure to the point where the said wall abuts on the face of the south-western wall of Tonlegee House, thence in a south-easterly direction along the southern face of the south-western wall of Tonlegee House to the southern corner of Tonlegee House, thence in a north-easterly direction along the face of the south-eastern wall of Tonlegee House to the eastern corner of Tonlegee House, thence in an easterly direction along the southern face of the wall terminating at the eastern corner of Tonlegee House to the western fence of the 12.171 acres field rated in the name of Vincent Wilson, thence in a northerly direction along the western fence of the said last-mentioned field to the north-western corner of the said field, thence in a south-easterly direction along the northern fence of the said field to the south-western corner of the 11.589 acres field rated in the name of Vincent Wilson, thence in a south-easterly direction along the southern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the eastern boundary of the townland of Tonlegee, thence successively in a northerly and easterly direction along the said townland boundary to the point of intersection of the townland boundaries of Tonlegee, Newbrook and Kilbarrack Upper, thence successively in a southerly and easterly direction along the northern boundary of the townland of Kilbarrack Upper to its point of intersection with an imaginary line running midway between the up and down lines of the Great Northern Railway main line, thence in a northerly direction along the said imaginary line to its point of intersection with the northern boundary of the townland of Baldoyle, thence successively in an easterly, northerly and easterly direction along the said townland boundary and along its imaginary easterly projection to its first intersection with Low Water Mark.

2. That part of the County situated between the existing boundary and a line drawn as follows:—

Starting at the point of intersection of the existing boundary and the townland boundaries of Whitehall and Churchtown Upper, thence in a southerly direction along the boundary between the townlands of Whitehall and Churchtown Upper to its point of intersection with the imaginary easterly projection of the northern fence of the 10.576 acres field rated in the name of Lamb Brothers in the townland of Whitehall, thence in a westerly direction along the said imaginary easterly projection of the said fence and along the said fence to the north-eastern corner of the 3.550 acres field rated in the name of Lamb Brothers, thence successively in a westerly and south-westerly direction along the northern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the north-eastern corner of the 4.756 acres field rated in the name of Lamb Brothers, thence in a westerly direction along the northern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the south-eastern corner of the 3.274 acres field rated in the name of Hughes Brothers, thence in a westerly direction along the southern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the western fence of the said field, thence in a southerly direction along the imaginary southerly projection of the western fence of the said field to its point of intersection with the northern fence of the 3.606 acres field rated in the name of Lamb Brothers, thence in a westerly direction along the northern fence of the said field to the north-eastern corner of the 9.644 acres field rated in the name of Lamb Brothers, thence in a southerly direction along the eastern fence of the 9.644 acres field to the south-eastern corner of the said field, thence in a north-westerly direction along the southern fence of the said field and along the imaginary north-westerly projection of the said last-mentioned fence to the eastern fence of the 15.090 acres field rated in the name of Rental Holdings Ltd. in the townland of Rathfarnham, thence successively in a southerly and westerly direction along the eastern and southern fences of the last-mentioned field to the south-eastern corner of the 7.049 acres field rated in the name of the Superioress, Loreto Abbey, and thence in a north-westerly direction along the eastern and northern fences of the said last-mentioned field to the existing boundary.

3. That part of the County situated between the existing boundary and a line drawn as follows:—

Starting at the point where the existing boundary is intersected by the centre line of the new road known as Shelton Grove leading south from Kimmage Road West, thence in a northerly direction along the said new road to its point of intersection with the centre line of Kimmage Road West, thence in a westerly direction along Kimmage Road West to its intersection with St. Agnes Road, thence in a north-easterly direction along St. Agnes Road to its point of intersection with the existing boundary.

4. That part of the County situated between the existing boundary and a line drawn as follows:—

Starting on the existing boundary at the junction of the centre lines of St. Agnes Road and Windmill Road in the townland of Crumlin, thence successively in a north-westerly and north-easterly direction along Crumlin Road through Crumlin Village to its point of intersection with the existing boundary.

5. That part of the County situated between the existing boundary and a line drawn as follows:—

Starting at the point where the existing boundary meets the boundary between the townlands of Drimnagh and Wilkins-town, thence in a westerly direction along the said townland boundary to its point of intersection with the centre-line of Wilkinstown Road, thence in a south-westerly direction along Wilkinstown Road to its intersection with the southern boundary of the townland of Wilkinstown, thence in a westerly direction along the said townland boundary to its point of intersection with the imaginary southerly projection of the fence forming the boundary between the holdings rated in the names of Hussey, Egan, Pickmere (Ireland) Ltd., and Esther Tyrrell, thence in a north-westerly direction along the imaginary southerly projection of the said fence and in a north-westerly direction along the said fence to the southern fence of the 9.373 acres field rated in the name of Laurence Redmond in the townland of Wilkinstown, thence successively in a north-westerly and northerly direction along the said last-mentioned fence to the southern boundary of the townland of Drimnagh, thence successively in a south-westerly, westerly, easterly and northerly direction along the boundary of the said townland to its point of intersection with the centre line of Robinhood Road, thence in a northerly direction along Robinhood Road and its imaginary northerly projection to its intersection with the western boundary of the townland of Drimnagh, thence in a northerly direction along the said town-land boundary to its intersection with the imaginary south-easterly projection of the centre line of Bluebell Lane, leading to the Nugget Polish Factory, thence in a north-westerly direction along the said projection and Bluebell Lane to its point of intersection with the imaginary north-easterly projection of the northern fence of the 12.712 acres field rated in the names of John and Mary Josephine Grennan, in the townland of Bluebell, thence in a south-westerly direction along the imaginary north-easterly projection of the said fence and along the said fence to the eastern corner of the 6.788 acres field rated in the names of John and Mary Josephine Grennan, thence in a north-westerly direction along the north-eastern fence of the said last-mentioned field to the south-eastern fence of the 15.506 acres field rated in the names of Anne and Lily Flood, thence successively in a north-easterly and northerly direction along the south-eastern and eastern fences of the said 15.506 acres field and along the imaginary northerly projection of the eastern fence of the said field to its point of intersection with the centre line of the Grand Canal, thence in an easterly direction along the centre line of the Grand Canal to the southern boundary of the townland of Ballyfermot Lower, thence successively in a westerly and northerly direction along the boundary of the townland of Ballyfermot Lower to its point of intersection with an imaginary line running midway between the up and down lines of the Córas Iompair Éireann main line, thence in a westerly direction along the said imaginary line to its point of intersection with the southern boundary of the townland of Ballyfermot Upper, thence successively in a northerly, westerly and northerly direction along the boundary of the townland of Ballyfermot Upper to its intersection with the imaginary southerly projection of the eastern fence of the 26.093 acres field rated in the name of Patrick Cassells in the townland of Ballyfermot Upper, thence in a northerly direction along the said imaginary southerly projection, along the said fence and along its imaginary northerly projection to the northern boundary of the townland of Ballyfermot Upper, thence in an easterly direction along the said townland boundary to its intersection with the western fence of the 1.504 acres field rated in the name of Christopher O'Toole in the townland of Johnstown, thence in a northerly direction along the western fence of the said field to the south-eastern corner of the 8.181 acres field rated in the name of Christopher O'Toole in the townland of Johnstown, thence in a northerly direction along the eastern fence of the said field to its intersection with the northern boundary of the townland of Johnstown and thence in an easterly direction along the said town-land boundary to the existing boundary.

6. That part of the County situated between the existing boundary and Low Water Mark.