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Number 10 of 1924.







Short Title.


Commencement of Act.


Interpretation of terms.

Part I



Constitution of High Court.


Constitution of Supreme Court.


Ex-officio judges.


Sitting of High Court judges in Supreme Court.


Court of Criminal Appeal.


Precedence between judges.


Mode of address.


Vacancy in office of judge.


Age of retirement.






Charge of remuneration and pension on Central Fund.


Qualification for appointment.


Jurisdiction of High Court.


Jurisdiction of Supreme Court.


Jurisdictions transferred to Chief Justice.


Reference Committee under Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910.


Transfer of pending business.


Jurisdiction to be exercised pursuant to rules of court.


Rota of judges for election petitions.


Judges to have jurisdiction to hear all cases, but no judge to hear appeal from order made by himself.


Remittal or transfer of actions.


Appeal in remitting applications.


Grand Jury not to be summoned for consideration of indictments.


Court of Criminal Appeal to sit in Dublin; one member alone to pronounce judgment.


Decision of Court of Criminal Appeal final save on certificate of Attorney-General.


Court of Criminal Appeal a superior court of record.


Appeal from Central Criminal Court and Court of High Court Circuit.


Leave to appeal in certain cases.


Hearing of appeal.


Jurisdiction to affirm or reverse conviction.


Appellant guilty but insane.


Rules of Court.

Part II.



Constitution of Circuit Court.


Mode of Address and precedence of judges.


Tenure of office.


Age of retirement.


Salaries and pensions.


Charge of salaries and pensions on Central Fund.


Qualification for appointment.


Circuits comprising Irish-speaking districts.


Vacancy in office of judge; illness and deputy.


Power to appoint temporary assistant judges.


Circuit Court a court of record.


Jurisdiction in civil cases.


Jurisdiction in criminal cases.


Jurisdiction in applications for new licences.


Jurisdiction transferred and application of Sections 21 & 22 mutatis mutandis


Exercise of jurisdiction by judges severally in civil cases.


Exercise of jurisdiction by judges severally in criminal cases.


Cases to be sent forward to Court of High Court Circuit or Central Criminal Court.


Exercise of jurisdiction in licensing cases.


Exclusions from jurisdiction.


Ancillary powers.


Powers of procuring attendance of witnesses.


Registering circuit action as lis pendens and judgment exceeding £20 over costs.


Service of documents and enforcement of judgments.


Appeal in civil cases.


Appeal on report of official stenographer and power to admit fresh evidence.


Appeal in all cases tried on indictment.


Section 27 to apply to indictments in Circuit Court.


Rule making authority for Circuit Court.


Rules of Circuit Court.

Part III



Constitution of District Court.


Justices of District Court to be appointed.


Qualification for appointment.


Vacancy in office: illness and deputy.


Court Districts comprising Irish-speaking areas.


Age of retirement.


Justices not removable from office save as mentioned in section.






Temporary Assistant Justices.


Jurisdiction of the District Court.


Jurisdiction transferred to the District Court.


Exercise by the Justices severally of jurisdictions.


“The Children's Court.”


Orders under Debtor's Act (Ireland) 1872, Section 6.


Execution of decrees.


Case stated for High Court on question of law.


Appeal in civil cases.


Appeal in criminal cases.


Case stated or appeal to be in form, etc., prescribed by rules.


Appeal in licensing cases.


Appointment of Peace Commissioners.


No further appointments under District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923.


Rule-making authority.


Rules for carrying this Part of this Act into effect.


Sanction of rules.

Part IV



Existing solicitors and commissioners for administering oaths.


Right to jury in civil cases, and costs in such cases.


Verdict of nine members of jury in civil cases.


Form of appeals in jury cases.


Report of stenographer to be certified.


Courts in Dublin Castle deemed to be situated in City and County of Dublin.


Declaration to be taken by judges and justices on appointment.


Age of retirement for existing judges appointed under this Act.


Rules not to come into operation until approved by Oireachtas.


Provisions as to existing officers.


Appeals pending to Judge of Assize shall be heard by Judges of High Court.


Trial of persons awaiting trial at commencement of Act.


Acts Referred to

Dáil Eireann Courts (Winding-Up) Act, 1923

No. 36 of 1923

Adaptation of Enactments Act, 1922

No. 2 of 1922

District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923

No. 6 of 1923


Number 10 of 1924.


AN ACT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF COURTS OF JUSTICE PURSUANT TO THE CONSTITUTION OF SAORSTAT EIREANN AND FOR PURPOSES RELATING TO THE BETTER ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE. [12th April, 1924.] WHEREAS it is necessary for the exercise of the judicial power of Saorstát Eireann and the administration of justice therein to establish public courts in accordance with the provisions in that behalf contained in the Constitution:




Short Title,

1.—This Act may be cited for all purposes as “The Courts of Justice Act, 1924.”


Commencement of Act.

2.—This Act shall come into operation on such day or days as may be fixed therefor by any Order or Orders of the Executive Council and different days may be fixed for the commencement of the Act for different purposes provided that no such day be later than five months after the passing of this Act.


Interpretation of terms.

3.—In the construction of this Act, unless there is anything in the subject or context repugnant, the several words and expressions hereinafter mentioned shall have or include the meanings following, that is to say:—


Central Criminal Court” (“Príomh-Chúirt Choiriúil”) shall mean the judge of the High Court, to whom is assigned the duty of acting as such Court for the time being:


Commissioners of the High Court Circuit” shall mean such judges or other persons as have been heretofore named in Commissions of Assize, to whom there may be assigned the exercise of any civil or criminal jurisdiction capable of being exercised by the High Court;


Court of the High Court Circuit” shall mean the Court of any such Commissioner of the High Court Circuit;


District Court,” “Circuit Court,” “High Court” and “Supreme Court” shall mean the Courts of Justice of Saorstát Eireann so named in this Act;


In lunacy” shall mean in relation to the custody of the persons and estates of idiots, lunatics, and persons of unsound mind;


In minor matters” shall mean in relation to the wardship of infants, and the care of infants' estates;


Land” shall include all incorporeal as well as corporeal tenements and hereditaments.


Part I.



Constitution of High Court.

4.—A High Court of Justice (An Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais) shall be constituted under this Act, consisting of not more than six judges (namely, a President and five ordinary judges), who shall be styled in their respective appointments “President” (“Uachtarán”) or “Judge” (“Breitheamh”) as the case may be “of the High Court of Justice of Saorstát Eireann.”


Constitution of Supreme Court.

5.—A Supreme Court of Justice (Cúirt Bhreithiúnais Uachtarach) shall be constituted under this Act to be the Supreme Court of the Irish Free State (An Chúirt Uachtarach) referred to in the Constitution and shall consist of three judges of whom the president (who is hereinafter called “the Chief Justice”) shall be styled in his appointment “Chief Justice of the Irish Free State” or “Prímh-Bhreitheamh Shaorstát Eireann,” and each of the other judges “Judge (Breitheamh) of the Supreme Court of Justice of Saorstát Eireann.”


Ex-officio judges.

6.—The President of the High Court shall be ex-officio an additional judge of the Supreme Court, and the Chief Justice shall be ex-officio an additional judge of the High Court.


Sitting of High Court judges in Supreme Court.

7.—Whenever owing to the illness of a judge of the Supreme Court or for any other unavoidable cause the number of judges of the Supreme Court requisite for the transaction of the business of that Court is not available, the Chief Justice may request any ordinary judge or judges of the High Court to sit on the hearing of any appeal in the Supreme Court, and any judge so requested shall sit on the hearing of such appeal and be an additional judge of the Supreme Court for such appeal.


Court of Criminal Appeal.

8.—The Chief Justice may, from time to time, request any two ordinary judges of the High Court to sit with himself, or with a judge of the Supreme Court, as a Court of Criminal Appeal, and the judges, so requested, or one of the same and the President of the High Court, if so requested and consenting, shall sit and with the Chief Justice or Judge of the Supreme Court shall constitute the Court of Criminal Appeal of Saorstát Eireann for the occasion in question: Provided that any other available judge or judges of the High Court or Supreme Court may at the request of the Chief Justice, attend as members of the Court of Criminal Appeal for the occasion in question.


Precedence between judges.

9.—The precedence between the judges shall be as follows:—The Chief Justice shall rank first, and next after him the President of the High Court; then shall rank the judges of the Supreme Court, according to priority of appointment, and next the ordinary judges of the High Court according to priority of appointment.


Mode of address.

10.—The judges of the High Court and the Supreme Court shall be addressed in the manner to be determined by the rules to be made under this Part of this Act, and shall have in all respects, save as in this Act is otherwise expressly provided, equal power, authority, and jurisdiction one with another.


Vacancy in office of judge.

11.—The office of any judge of the High Court or of the Supreme Court may be vacated by resignation in writing under his hand, and that of any judge of the High Court shall be vacated on his being appointed a judge of the Supreme Court, and thereupon or whenever the office of any judge of the High Court or of the Supreme Court shall become vacant a new judge may be appointed in his place. The said courts shall be deemed to be duly constituted during and notwithstanding any such vacancy, and any duties specially assigned to any judge who shall be incapacitated by illness, or shall be unable to sit, or whose office shall become vacant, shall be performed during such illness, inability or vacancy by such other judge of the said Courts as shall be available.


Age of retirement.

12.—The age of retirement of all judges of the High Court and the Supreme Court shall be 72 years.



13.—The remuneration of the judges of the High Court and of the Supreme Court shall be as follows:—


The President of the High Court shall receive £3,000 per annum, and each ordinary judge thereof £2,500 per annum, and the Chief Justice shall receive £4,000 per annum, and each judge of the Supreme Court £3,000 per annum.



14.—There shall be granted to each judge of the High Court and the Supreme Court who retires after 15 years' service or upwards in the said courts or either of them, a pension to be continued during his life of two-thirds of his salary at the time he ceases to act as judge. There shall be granted to each judge of the High Court and the Supreme Court who vacates his office owing to age or permanent infirmity after having completed five or more years' service and less than fifteen years' service a pension calculated at the rate of one-sixth of his salary at the time he vacates his office, with the addition of one-twentieth of his said salary for every completed year of service in excess of five such years, such pension to be continued during his life.


Charge of remuneration and pension on Central Fund.

15.—The remuneration and pension payable to every judge of the High Court and of the Supreme Court under this Act shall be charged upon and be payable out of the Central Fund of Saorstát Eireann or the growing produce thereof. Such remuneration and pension shall grow due from day to day, but shall be payable to the persons entitled thereto or to their executors or administrators on the usual quarterly days of payment or at such other periods in every year as the Minister for Finance may from time to time determine.


Qualification for appointment.

16.—No person shall be appointed a judge of the High Court or of the Supreme Court who is not at the date of his appointment a practising barrister of twelve years' standing at least or has not been a judge of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland or a Recorder or County Court Judge in Ireland or a Judge of the Dáil Supreme Court as defined in the Dáil Eireann Courts (Winding-Up) Act, 1923 (No. 36 of 1923), or a Judicial Commissioner appointed under that Act, but service as a judge of the Circuit Court of Justice in Saorstát Eireann shall be deemed practice at the Bar for the purpose of this provision and shall be reckoned as service within the meaning of section 14 hereof in the case of a Circuit Judge who shall be appointed a judge of the High Court or of the Supreme Court.


Jurisdiction of High Court.

17.—The High Court shall be a superior court of record with such original jurisdiction as is prescribed by the Constitution, and, subject as in this Act is provided, there shall be transferred to the High Court the jurisdiction which at the commencement of this Act was vested in or capable of being exercised by the existing High Court of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland or any division or judge thereof.


Jurisdiction of Supreme Court.

18.—The Supreme Court shall be a superior court of record with such appellate jurisdiction as is prescribed by the Constitution, and, subject as in this Act is provided, there shall be transferred to the Supreme Court the jurisdiction which at the commencement of this Act was vested in or capable of being exercised by the existing Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland or any judges or judge thereof.


Jurisdictions transferred to Chief Justice.

19.—(1) There shall be transferred to the Chief Justice and exercisable by him all such jurisdiction in lunacy and minor matters as was lately exercised by the Lord Chancellor of Ireland and is at the passing of this Act exercised by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland. An appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court from the exercise by the Chief Justice of the jurisdiction transferred by this section.


(2) There shall be transferred to the Chief Justice and exercisable by him all such jurisdiction in relation to solicitors as was lately exercised by the Lord Chancellor of Ireland and is at the passing of this Act exercised by the Lord Chief Justice of Ireland.


(3) There shall be transferred to the Chief Justice and vested in him the appointment of notaries public and of commissioners to administer oaths.


Reference Committee under Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910.

20.—From and after the commencement of this Act the Reference Committee for Saorstát Eireann mentioned in sub-section (5) of Section 33 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910, as adapted by the Adaptation of Enactments Act, 1922 (No. 2 of 1922) shall consist of the Chief Justice, the President of the High Court, and the Chairman of the Surveyors' Institution (Irish Branch), in lieu of the persons named in the said sub-section.


Transfer of pending business.

21.—From and after the commencement of this Act the several jurisdictions which by this Act are transferred to the High Court, and the Supreme Court, and the Chief Justice, shall cease to be exercised except by the High Court and the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice respectively: Provided that in all proceedings which shall have been fully heard but in which judgment shall not have been given, or having been given shall not have been perfected at the time appointed for the commencement of this Act, such judgment may be given and perfected respectively after the commencement of this Act, in the name of the same court and of the same judges and officers and generally in the same manner as if this Act had not passed; and such judgment shall take effect as if it had been duly perfected before the commencement of this Act, and every order of any court or judge whose jurisdiction is hereby transferred to the High Court or to the Supreme Court or to the Chief Justice (which order shall have been duly perfected at any time before the commencement of this Act) may be executed and enforced, and, if necessary, amended or discharged by the High Court and the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice respectively, in the same manner as if it had been an order of the High Court or of the Supreme Court or of the Chief Justice and all proceedings whether civil or criminal which shall be pending in the courts, whose jurisdiction is so transferred as aforesaid, at the commencement of this Act shall (save as otherwise expressly provided by this Act) be continued as follows, that is to say, in case of proceedings on appeal pending in the existing Court of Appeal, the same shall be continued before the Supreme Court, and in case of all other proceedings (save proceedings in matters hereinbefore transferred to the Chief Justice) the same shall be continued before the High Court, and in case of all proceedings in matters hereinbefore transferred to the Chief Justice the same shall be continued before the Chief Justice. The said courts and the Chief Justice respectively shall have the same jurisdiction in relation to all such proceedings as if such proceedings had been commenced before them respectively and continued before them respectively down to the point at which the transfer takes place, and so far as relates to the manner of procedure such proceedings or any of them may be continued either in the same or the like manner as they would have been continued, in the respective courts from which they shall have been transferred, as aforesaid, or according to the course of the respective courts to which they shall be transferred, so far as the same be applicable thereto.


Jurisdiction to be exercised pursuant to rules of court.

22.—The jurisdiction vested in and transferred to the High Court and the Supreme Court and the Chief Justice respectively shall be exercised so far as regards pleading, practice and procedure generally, including liability as to costs, in the manner provided by such rules of court as may be made pursuant to this Part of this Act, and where no provision is contained in any such rules of court and as long as there shall be no rule with reference thereto, it shall be exercised as nearly as possible in the same manner in which it might have been exercised by the respective courts from which such jurisdiction shall have been transferred, by this Act.


Rota of judge for election petitions.

23.—The judges to be placed on the rota for the trial of election petitions in Saorstát Eireann in each year under the provisions of the Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868, shall be selected out of the judges of the High Court in such manner as may be provided by any rules of court to be made for that purpose, and in the meantime and subject thereto shall be selected out of the judges of the High Court in like manner as they have heretofore been selected out of the judges of the King's Bench Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland.


Judges to have jurisdiction to hear all cases, but no judge to hear appeal from order made by himself.

24.—Each judge of the High Court and the Supreme Court(including the Chief Justice) shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine any case whether civil or criminal, in equity, or at common law, or under statute: Provided always that no judge shall sit upon the hearing of an appeal in an action tried before him whether with or without a jury, or upon an appeal from a judgment or order made by him or to which he was a party whether concurring or dissenting.


Remittal or transfer of actions.

25.—When any action shall be pending in the High Court which might have been commenced in the Circuit Court, any party to such action may, at any time before service of notice of trial therein, apply to the High Court that the action be remitted or transferred to the Circuit Court, and thereupon, in case the court shall consider that the action is fit to be prosecuted in the High Court, it may retain such action therein, or if it shall not consider the action fit to be prosecuted in the High Court it may remit or transfer such action to the Circuit Court or (where the action might have been commenced in the District Court) the District Court, to be prosecuted before the Judge assigned to such Circuit or (as the case may require) the Justice assigned to such District, as may appear to the High Court suitable and convenient, upon such terms, in either case and subject to such conditions, as to costs or otherwise as may appear to be just:


Provided that the High Court shall have jurisdiction to remit or transfer any action, whatever may be the amount of the claim formally made therein, if the court shall be of opinion that the action should not have been commenced in the High Court but in the Circuit Court or in the District Court if at all.


Appeal in remitting applications.

26.—An appeal shall lie from the High Court to the Supreme Court in all cases from the grant or refusal of any application to remit or transfer any action from the High Court to the Circuit Court, and from the exercise of the discretion of the High Court or any judge thereof in the matter.


Grand Jury not to be summoned for consideration of indictments.

27.—From and after the commencement of this Act no indictment need be preferred to or found by a Grand Jury, and no Grand Jury shall be summoned to the Central Criminal Court or to any Court of the High Court Circuit for the consideration of indictments, but every indictment shall be preferred directly to the jury which tries the accused.


Court of Criminal Appeal to sit in Dublin; one member alone to pronounce judgment.

28.—The Court of Criminal Appeal of Saorstát Eireann shall sit in Dublin, except in cases where the Chief Justice gives special directions that it shall sit elsewhere, and the President of the court shall be such member present as shall be entitled to precedence over the other members, and the determination of all questions before the court shall be according to the opinion of the majority of the members present, but unless the court direct to the contrary, the judgment of the court shall be pronounced by the President of the court, or by such other member of the court as the President directs, and no judgment with respect to the determination of any question shall be separately pronounced by any other member of the court.


Decision of Court of Criminal Appeal final save on certificate of Attorney General.

29.—The determination by the Court of Criminal Appeal of any appeal or other matter which it has power to determine shall be final, and no appeal shall lie from that court to the Supreme Court, unless that court or the Attorney-General shall certify that the decision involves a point of law of exceptional public importance and that it is desirable in the public interest that an appeal should be taken to the Supreme Court, in which case an appeal may be brought to the Supreme Court, the decision of which shall be final and conclusive.


Court of Criminal Appeal a superior court of record.

30.—The Court of Criminal Appeal shall be a superior court of record, and shall, for the purposes and subject to the provisions of this Act, have full power to determine any questions necessary to be determined for the purpose of doing justice in the case before it.


Appeal from Central Criminal Court and Court of High Court Circuit.

31.—A person convicted on indictment before the Central Criminal Court or before any court of the High Court Circuit may appeal under this Act to the Court of Criminal Appeal under the following conditions:—


(i) if the appellant obtains a certificate from the judge who tried him that the case is a fit case for appeal;


(ii) in case of refusal of such certificate if the Court of Criminal Appeal on appeal from such refusal grant leave to appeal.


Leave to appeal in certain cases.

32.—Leave to appeal shall be granted by the Court of Criminal Appeal in cases where the court is of opinion that a question of law is involved, or where the trial appears to the court to have been unsatisfactory, or there appears to the court to be any other sufficient ground of appeal, and the court shall have power to make all consequential orders it may think fit, including an order admitting the appellant to bail pending the determination of his appeal.


Hearing of appeal.

33.—The appeal, in case such certificate or leave to appeal is granted, shall be heard and determined by the Court of Criminal Appeal on the report of an official stenographer present at the trial of the appellant, with power to the court to hear new or additional evidence, and to refer any matter for report by the judge before whom the case was tried.


Jurisdiction to affirm or reverse conviction.

34.—The Court of Criminal Appeal shall have jurisdiction to affirm or to reverse the conviction in whole or in part, and to remit, or to reduce, or to increase or otherwise vary the sentence, and generally to make such order, including any order as to costs as may be necessary for the purpose of doing justice in the case before the court.


Appellant guilty but insane.

35.—If on any appeal pursuant to certificate or leave granted, as aforesaid, it appears to the Court of Criminal Appeal that although the appellant was guilty of the act or omission charged against him, he was insane at the time the act was done or omission made, so as not to be responsible according to law for his actions, the court may quash the sentence passed at the trial and order the appellant to be kept in custody as a criminal lunatic, in the same manner as if the verdict had been found by the jury to that effect.


Rules of Court.

36.—The Minister for Home Affairs may at any time and from time to time after the passing and before or after the commencement of this Act, but with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance in respect of any matter affecting public revenue or expenditure make rules to be styled “Rules of Court” for carrying Part I. of this Act into effect (including the hearing of appeals from the Circuit Court and cases stated by the District Court) and may annul or alter the said rules and make new rules. In particular rules may be made for all or any of the following matters:—


(i) pleading, practice and procedure generally (including the entering-up of judgment and the granting of summary judgment in appropriate cases) in all civil cases, including revenue cases and proceedings as to the validity of any law having regard to the provisions of the Constitution and proceedings in the nature of a petition of right;


(ii) pleading, practice and procedure generally in all criminal cases before the Central Criminal Court or any court of the High Court Circuit or the Court of Criminal Appeal;


(iii) the sending out of Commissioners of the High Court Circuit at such times, to such centres and for such amalgamated districts as shall seem fit;


(iv) the sittings of the Central Criminal Court for Dublin and such neighbouring counties as shall be determined by such rules and the cases that shall be disposed of by it, which shall include all cases not disposed of by Commissioners of the High Court Circuit, or in which the venue has been changed to the Central Criminal Court at the instance of the Attorney-General or the accused;


(v) the use of the national language of Saorstát Eireann in the said courts;


(vi) the mode of address to be adopted to the judges and the robes and official dress to be worn by the Bench and the Bar;


(vii) the commencement and duration of the sittings and the vacations;


(viii) the fixing and collection of fees;


(ix) the adaptation or modification of any statute that may be requisite for any of the purposes of this Act and all subsidiary matters.


Such rules of court shall be made or annulled or altered only with the concurrence of a majority of a committee consisting of the judges of the Supreme Court and the High Court, the President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, and two practising barristers, of the senior and junior Bar respectively, to be selected by the Council of the Bar of Ireland.


Part II.



Constitution of Circuit Court.

37.—A Circuit Court of Justice (An Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Chuarda) shall be constituted under this Act consisting of not more than eight judges, each of whom shall be styled in his appointment “Judge (Breitheamh) of the Circuit Court of Justice in Saorstát Eireann.” Such judges shall discharge within the several groups of counties specified in the Schedule to this Act (which groups are hereinafter termed Circuits) such duties as are by this Act imposed upon judges of the Circuit Court. The Minister for Home Affairs may, with the consent of the Chief Justice, and the judges for the time being of the respective Circuits affected, at any time and from time to time transfer any county or part of a county from one Circuit to another Circuit, or otherwise alter the areas comprised in the several Circuits as he shall think proper, but not so as to alter the total number of Circuits.


Mode of Address and precedence of judges.

38.—All the judges of the Circuit Court (hereinafter called Circuit Judges) shall be addressed in such manner as may be determined by the rules to be made under this Part of this Act, and shall rank amongst themselves according to priority of appointment.


Tenure of office.

39.—The Circuit Judges shall hold office by the same tenure as the Judges of the High Court and the Supreme Court.


Age of retirement.

40.—The age of retirement of Circuit Judges shall be 70 years.


Salaries and pensions.

41.—Every Circuit Judge shall receive a salary of £1,700 per annum. Every Circuit Judge who resigns or otherwise for any cause vacates his office after having completed fifteen or more years' service shall be entitled for his life to a pension amounting to two-thirds of his salary at the time he resigns or vacates his office, and every Circuit Judge who vacates his office owing to age or permanent infirmity, after having completed five or more years' service and less than fifteen years' service shall be entitled for his life to a pension calculated at the rate of one-sixth of his salary at the time he vacates his office, with the addition of one-twentieth of his said salary for every completed year of service in excess of five such years.


Charge of salaries and pensions on Central Fund.

42.—The remuneration and pension payable to every Circuit Judge shall be charged upon and payable out of the Central Fund of Saorstát Eireann in like manner in all respects as the remuneration and pension payable to the judges of the High Court and the Supreme Court.


Qualification for appointment.

43.—No person shall be appointed a judge of the Circuit Court who is not at the date of his appointment a practising barrister of ten years' standing at least or has not been a Recorder or a County Court Judge in Ireland, but in the case of a barrister service as a justice of the District Court of Saorstát Eireann shall be deemed practice at the Bar for the purpose of this provision and shall be reckoned as service within the meaning of Section 41 hereof in the case of a justice of the District Court who shall be appointed a judge of the Circuit Court.


Circuits Comprising Irish speaking districts.

44.—So far as may be practicable having regard to all relevant circumstances, the Circuit Judge assigned to any Circuit which includes a district where the Irish language is in general use shall possess such a knowledge of the Irish language as would enable him to dispense with the assistance of an interpreter when evidence is given in that language.


Vacancy in office of judge: illness and deputy.

45.—The office of any Circuit Judge may be vacated by writing under his hand, and shall be vacated on his being appointed a Judge of the High Court or of the Supreme Court, and thereupon, or whenever the office of any Circuit Judge shall become vacant a new Circuit Judge shall be appointed in his place. In case of the illness of any Circuit Judge, a deputy may be appointed to act in his place, on the recommendation of the Attorney-General, at such remuneration as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance: Provided however that no one other than a practising barrister of ten years' standing at least shall be qualified for appointment as deputy of a Circuit Judge.


Power to appoint temporary assistant judges.

46.—Whenever within three years after the commencement of this Part of this Act the accumulation of business so requires there may be appointed such number of temporary Assistant Circuit Judges on such terms and conditions as the Minister for Home Affairs with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance may determine: Provided that no person not qualified for appointment as a Circuit Judge shall be appointed a temporary Assistant Circuit Judge: Provided also that no temporary Assistant Circuit Judge appointed under this section shall continue to hold office after the expiration of three years from the commencement of this Part of this Act.


Circuit Court a court of record.

47.—The Circuit Court, shall be a court of record.


Jurisdiction in civil cases.

48.—The Circuit Court shall have and exercise the following jurisdiction in civil cases:—


(i) on consent—jurisdiction without any limit as to amount of claim or value of property involved in the proceedings before the court where all necessary parties sign, before the hearing, the form of consent prescribed by the rules to be made under this Part of this Act; such consent may provide that the decision of the Circuit Court shall be final and conclusive, in which case the decision shall not be appealable;


(ii) in contract and tort (save matrimonial and criminal conversation actions)—jurisdiction when the claim does not exceed £300;


(iii) in title to land and rectification of the register—jurisdiction when the Poor Law Valuation of the property in question does not exceed £60;


(iv) in probate matters and actions, and suits for administration of estates—jurisdiction when the value of the personalty does not exceed £1,000 and the Poor Law Valuation of the land does not exceed £60;


(v) in equity cases (including winding-up of companies)—jurisdiction within the same limits as in the preceding paragraph (iv) and in winding-up cases where the issued capital of the company does not exceed £10,000;


(vi) in bankruptcy—in Local Bankruptcy Courts which may be established under the Local Bankruptcy (Ireland) Act, 1888, for which purpose that Act shall be construed and take effect as if the expressions “Executive Council,” “Order of the Executive Council,” “Minister for Finance,” and “Chief Justice” were respectively substituted for the expressions “Lord Lieutenant,” “Order in Council,” “Treasury” and “Lord Chancellor” wherever those expressions respectively occur in the said Act, and the words “in any circuit” were substituted for the words “in Londonderry, Galway, Waterford, and Limerick, respectively, or in any of those places” where those words occur in section 5 of the said Act;


(vii) in proceedings at the suit of the State or any Minister or Government Department or any officer thereof to recover any sum not exceeding £300 due to or recoverable by or on behalf of the State, whether by way of penalty, debt, or otherwise, and notwithstanding any enactment now in force requiring such sum to be sued for in any other court:


Provided that any party to an action commenced in the Circuit Court and pending therein may at any time apply to the Circuit Judge that the action may be sent forward to the High Court, and thereupon in case the action is one fit to be prosecuted in the High Court and the High Court appears to be the more appropriate tribunal in the circumstances, the Circuit Judge may send forward such action to the High Court upon such terms and subject to such conditions as to costs or otherwise as may appear to be just, and an appeal shall lie from the exercise of the discretion of the Circuit Judge in granting or refusing any such application:


Provided also that a Circuit Judge may on the application of any party or without any such application, if he thinks fit, change the venue for the trial of any action pending before him from any one place of hearing to any other within his circuit and an appeal shall lie under Section 61 of this Act from the exercise of the discretion of the Circuit Judge in making or refusing to make such an order.


Jurisdiction in criminal cases.

49.—The Circuit Court shall have the following jurisdiction in criminal cases, that is to say:—jurisdiction in all felonies and misdemeanours save in the case of persons charged with murder, attempt to murder, or conspiracy to murder, high treason, treason felony, or treasonable conspiracy, or piracy, including accessories before or after the fact.


Jurisdiction in applications for new licences.

50.—The Circuit Court shall have jurisdiction in all cases of application for a new licence entitling the applicant to sell intoxicating liquor for consumption on the premises.


Jurisdiction transferred and application of Sections 21 & 22 mutatis mutandis.

51.—There shall be transferred to the Circuit Court all jurisdiction not hereinbefore expressly excepted which, at the commencement of this Act, was vested in or capable of being exercised by Recorders, County Court Judges, and Chairmen and Courts of Quarter Sessions, or any of the same in Saorstát Eireann (save such jurisdiction of Justices at or of Courts of Quarter Sessions as is hereinafter conferred on or transferred to the District Court) and the provisions of Sections 21 and 22 of this Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the jurisdiction vested in and transferred to the Circuit Court by this Act.


Exercise of jurisdiction by judges severally in civil cases.

52.—Provided that the jurisdiction hereinbefore vested in and transferred to the Circuit Court in civil cases shall be exercised by the Circuit Judges severally as follows:—


(i) in actions relating to title to land and rectification of the register, by the judge for the time being assigned to the Circuit where the lands in question are situate, or where are situate, the lands out of or in respect of which any incorporeal hereditaments in dispute issue or arise, or where the larger portion of any such lands may be situate;


(ii) in equity cases, by the judge for the time being assigned to the Circuit where matters of such kind have been heretofore heard by the courts superseded by the Circuit Court;


(iii) in probate matters and actions, and suits for administration of estates of deceased persons, by the judge for the time being assigned to the Circuit where the testator or intestate at the time of his death had a fixed place of abode;


(iv) in lunacy, by the judge for the time being assigned to the Circuit where the lunatic or alleged lunatic ordinarily resides;


(v) if the plaintiff so elects, in any action founded on contract, whether the claim be to enforce, rescind, dissolve or annul the contract, or for damages or other relief for the breach thereof, by the judge for the time being assigned to the Circuit within which the contract was made;


(vi) in all other cases, by the judge for the time being assigned to the Circuit where the defendant or one of the defendants ordinarily resides or carries on any profession, business or occupation.


Exercise of jurisdiction by judges severally in criminal cases.

53.—Provided that the jurisdiction hereinbefore vested in and transferred to the Circuit Court in criminal cases shall be exercised by the Circuit Judges severally as follows:—the Circuit Judge having jurisdiction shall be the judge for the time being assigned to the Circuit in which the crime has been committed or in which the accused person has been arrested or ordinarily resides, and no accused person shall be tried on any criminal charge without a jury.


Cases to be sent forward to Court of High Court Circuit or Central Criminal Court.

54.—Provided that the Attorney-General or the accused person shall be entitled on application to have any case, the maximum penalty in which exceeds one year's imprisonment or five years' penal servitude, sent forward to a court of the High Court Circuit or to the Central Criminal Court.


Exercise of jurisdiction in licensing cases.

55.—Provided that the jurisdiction hereinbefore vested in and transferred to the Circuit Court in relation to the granting of new licences shall be exercised by the judge for the time being assigned to the Circuit where the premises are situate.


Exclusions from jurisdiction.

56.—The following matters shall be excluded from the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court:—


Habeas Corpus, Certiorari, Quo Warranto, Prohibition, Information and Mandamus.


Ancillary powers.

57.—The Circuit Judges shall have powers of attachment, injunction, garnishee, interpleader, and all powers (including the power to appoint a receiver) ancillary to any jurisdiction vested in transferred to or exercisable by them. They shall have power also to adjourn the hearing of any action or proceedings pending before them respectively, to any other court within their respective Circuits, and to make out of court any orders of course which they may deem to be urgent,


Powers of procuring attendance of witnesses.

58.—A Circuit Judge shall have the same powers for procuring the attendance of witnesses in the Circuit Courts as a judge of the High Court of Justice in Ireland formerly exercised for procuring the attendance of witnesses in the High Court.


Registering circuit action as lis pendens and judgment exceeding £20 over costs.

59.—Any action in the Circuit Court may be registered as a lis pendens where similar action in the High Court could at present be so registered and the judgment in any action for any sum exceeding £20 over and above costs may be registered in the Central Office of the High Court in like manner as actions and judgments of the High Court.


Service of documents and enforcement of judgments.

60.—The rules to be made under this Part of this Act shall provide for the service of all originating or other documents or notices both inside and outside the circuit of the judge before whom the matter is intended to be brought or is pending. Any judgment or order of the Circuit Court may be enforced in any part of Saorstát Eireann in any of the modes in which a like judgment or order of the High Court might be enforced.


Appeal in civil cases.

61.—Save as in this Act is otherwise expressly provided, an appeal shall lie from any judgment or order of the Circuit Court in civil cases to two judges of the High Court sitting in Dublin. If such two judges agree in their opinion, their decision, shall be final unless they certify that their decision involves a question of law or fact of such importance as to be fit to be the subject of an appeal to the Supreme Court, in which case an appeal shall lie at the instance of any party from the decision of such two judges to the Supreme Court. If such two judges differ in their opinion, they shall affirm with costs the judgment or order appealed against, and an appeal shall lie at the instance of any party from such affirmance to the Supreme Court. The appeal under this section shall be on law and fact or upon either, save that where the appeal from the exercise by the County Court of any particular statutory jurisdiction transferred by this Act to the Circuit Court is expressly or by implication limited by statute to an appeal on questions of law, the appeal from the exercise of that jurisdiction by the Circuit Court shall be similarly limited.


Appeal οn report of official stenographer and power to admit fresh evidence.

62.—Such appeal shall be grounded on the report of an official stenographer, but the court which hears such appeal may if it think fit admit fresh evidence, either oral or on affidavit, and may refer any matter arising on the report of the official stenographer to the Circuit Judge for his observations thereon and may either order a new trial or enter such judgment, in the case, as to the Court shall seem fit.


Appeal in all cases tried on indictment.

63.—An appeal shall lie from the Circuit Court in all cases tried on indictment to the Court of Criminal Appeal under like conditions and in like manner and with like incidents and subject to like provisions as are hereinbefore enacted with respect to an appeal from the Central Criminal Court or any Court of the High Court Circuit to the Court of Criminal Appeal.


Section 27 to apply to indictments in Circuit Court.

64.Section 27 of this Act shall apply to indictments in the Circuit Court.


Rule making authority for Circuit Court.

65.—The rule-making authority for the Circuit Court shall be the Minister for Home Affairs with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance in respect of any matter affecting public revenue or expenditure and with the concurrence of a majority of a committee consisting of (a) five Circuit Judges selected by the Bench of Circuit Judges; (b) two practising barristers selected by the Council of the Bar of Ireland, and (c) two solicitors selected by the Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, of whom one shall be a solicitor having his office and carrying on the practice of his profession outside the City and County of Dublin: Provided that at least two members of the committee shall be certified by the Minister for Home Affairs as possessing an adequate knowledge of the Irish language· Each member of the said committee shall hold office for five years and be eligible for re-election and casual vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the foregoing principle of selection. The Chairman of the committee shall be such one of the five Circuit Judges as the members of the committee shall elect.


Rules of Circuit Court.

66.—The rule-making authority for the Circuit Court may at any time and from time to time after the passing and before or after the commencement of this Act make rules to be styled “Rules of the Circuit Court” for carrying into effect this Part of this Act (except the hearing of appeals from the Circuit Court but including the hearing of appeals from the District Court) and may annul or alter such rules and make new rules. In particular rules may be made for all or any of the following matters:—


For regulating the sessions, vacations and circuits of the Circuit Judges and the practice, pleading and procedure generally (including liability of parties as to costs and also the entering-up of judgment and granting of summary judgment in appropriate cases) of the Circuit Court and the use of the national language of Saorstát Eireann therein and the fixing and collection of fees and the adaptation or modification of any statute that may be necessary for any of the purposes aforesaid and all subsidiary matters.


Part III.



Constitution of District Court.

67.—A District Court of Justice (An Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Dúithche) shall be constituted under this Act consisting of such justices as shall be appointed as hereinafter mentioned.


Justices of District Court to be appointed.

68.—When and so soon as the Minister for Home Affairs has divided Saorstát Eireann into suitable Districts there shall be appointed so many Justices (Breitheamhain) of the District Court as may be necessary: Provided that the number of such justices at any time shall not exceed thirty-three.


Qualification for appointment.

69.—No person shall be appointed a Justice of the District Court who is not at the date of his appointment a practising barrister or solicitor of six years' standing at least or has not been a Divisional Justice of the Police District of Dublin Metropolis or a District Justice under the District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923); but service as a judge of the Dáil Supreme Court as defined in the Dáil Eireann Courts (Winding-Up) Act, 1923 (No. 36 of 1923), or as a Judicial Commissioner appointed under that Act, shall be deemed practice at the Bar for the purpose of this provision.


Vacancy in office: illness and deputy.

70.—The office of any Justice of the District Court may be vacated by writing under his hand and shall be vacated on his being appointed a Judge of the Circuit Court, and thereupon or whenever the office of any justice shall become vacant a new justice may be appointed in his place. In case of the illness of any justice a deputy may be appointed to act in his place on the recommendation of the Attorney-General on such terms as to payment of the deputy out of the salary of the justice or otherwise as may be provided by the rules to be made under this Part of this Act: Provided however that no one other than a practising barrister or solicitor of six years' standing at least shall be qualified for appointment as deputy of a justice.


Court Districts comprising Irish-speaking areas.

71.—So far as may be practicable having regard to all relevant circumstances the Justice of the District Court assigned to a District which includes an area where the Irish language is in general use shall possess such a knowledge of the Irish language as would enable him to dispense with the assistance of an interpreter when evidence is given in that language.


Age of retirement.

72.—The age of retirement of a Justice of the District Court for the time being assigned to the Police District of Dublin Metropolis or to a district comprising or including the City of Cork shall be 70 years, and the age of retirement of every other Justice of the District Court shall be 65 years: Provided that in the case of a Justice of the District Court who shall have been a District Justice under the District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923), and at the date of his appointment to the last-mentioned office was over 55 years of age and under 60 years of age, the Chief Justice may, if he thinks fit, extend the age of retirement of such Justice to such date as will enable him to complete a period of service sufficient to qualify him for a pension.


Justices not removable from office save as mentioned in section.

73.—No Justice of the District Court shall be removable from office save for incapacity or physical or mental infirmity or misbehaviour in office or misconduct, which shall be certified under the hands of the Attorney-General and the Chief Justice. It shall be the duty of the Attorney-General and the Chief Justice to give such certificate in case they are satisfied that such incapacity or infirmity exists or that any such misbehaviour or misconduct has taken place. No such certificate shall be questioned or made the subject of proceedings in any Court.



74.—The senior of the Justices of the District Court for the time being assigned to the Police District of Dublin Metropolis shall receive a salary of £1,200 per annum, and every other of the Justices aforesaid and also the Justice for the time being assigned to a District comprising or including the City of Cork shall receive a salary of £1,100 per annum.


Every other Justice of the District Court shall receive a salary of £1,000 per annum.


The several salaries aforesaid shall until the end of the financial year ending on the 31st day of March, 1927, be paid out of moneys to be annually provided by the Oireachtas, and shall thereafter be charged on and be payable out of the Central Fund or the growing produce thereof.



75.—Subject to his being in good health at the date of his appointment to the office, the office of a Justice of the District Court shall be a pensionable office within the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1919, and the pension, gratuity or allowance granted to or in respect of a Justice of the District Court on his retirement or death shall be ascertained in the manner and subject to the conditions prescribed by those Acts, and a certificate by the Chief Justice shall be a sufficient certificate for the purposes of Section 8 of the Superannuation Act, 1859: Provided that any Divisional Justice aforesaid or any District Justice under the District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923) who may be appointed a justice of the District Court shall be entitled to count time served as a Divisional Justice or a District Justice under such last mentioned Act as time served as a justice of the District Court hereunder.


Temporary Assistant Justices.

76.—In case the accumulation of business or the absence of a Justice of the District Court on vacation so requires there may be appointed such number of temporary Assistant Justices of the District Court as the Minister for Home Affairs with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance may determine. No person not qualified for appointment as a Justice of the District Court shall be appointed a temporary Assistant Justice thereof and the terms and conditions of such temporary appointments shall be such as the said Ministers shall settle between them.


Jurisdiction of the District Court.

77.—The District Court shall have and exercise all powers, jurisdictions, and authorities which immediately before the 6th day of December, 1922, were vested by statute or otherwise in Justices or a Justice of the Peace sitting at Petty Sessions and also (by way of addition and not of exception) the following jurisdictions:—


A.—In Civil Cases—


(i) in contract and breach of contract where the claim does not exceed £25;


(ii) in tort, (except slander, libel, criminal conversation, seduction, slander of title, malicious prosecution and false imprisonment) and claims for damages unconnected with contract where the claim does not exceed £10: Provided that no justice shall have jurisdiction when a bona-fide question of title to any land the Poor Law Valuation whereof exceeds ten pounds is in issue and the act giving rise to the proceedings before him was done bona-fide in assertion of such title;


Provided also that the jurisdiction of a Justice shall not be ousted by reason of a question of title to land the Poor Law Valuation whereof does not exceed £10 being brought into issue, but in such case the decision of the Justice shall not operate as an estoppel in or bar to a suit in any court in relation to such land;


(iii) in ejectment for non-payment of rent or overholding in any class of tenancy where the rent does not exceed such sum as amounts or might amount to £26 per annum;


(iv) in proceedings at the suit of the State or any Minister or Government Department or any officer thereof to recover any sum not exceeding £25 due to or recoverable by or on behalf of the State, whether by way of penalty, debt, or otherwise, and notwithstanding any enactment now in force requiring such sum to be sued for in the High Court or other superior court.


B.—In Criminal Cases—in any of the following cases, if the Justice shall be of opinion that the facts proved against the accused constitute a minor offence fit to be tried summarily and the accused (inquiry having been made of him by the Justice) does not object to being so tried:—


(i) in larceny, receiving, embezzlement or false pretences—jurisdiction where the money or property involved does not exceed £20 in value;


(ii) in assault—jurisdiction in assault occasioning actual bodily harm;


(iii) in indecent assault—any such case may be heard in camera and when so heard, if the assaulted person is a female, one other female person nominated by the assaulted person shall be entitled to be present in court during the whole hearing of the case;


(iv) in burglary or housebreaking or attempts at either;


(v) in riot or unlawful assembly—jurisdiction in cases in which the Justice shall be of opinion that the crime was not in furtherance of an organised conspiracy or if it was in furtherance of an organised conspiracy that such conspiracy is at an end;


(vi) in malicious damage to property—jurisdiction in cases of damage not exceeding £20:


Provided that a sentence of six months' imprisonment with or without hard labour shall be the maximum sentence to be imposed in any of the said cases disposed of summarily: Provided also that any criminal cases not disposed of summarily shall be sent forward for trial (subject as is in this Act otherwise provided) if within the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court to the Judge of the Circuit or of one of the Circuits (to be determined by the Justice) within which the District lies, and, if not within such jurisdiction to the next ensuing Court of the High Court Circuit for the District or to the Central Criminal Court in cases within its ambit.


C.—In granting certificates for spirit and other licences—all licensing jurisdiction heretofore exercised by Justices of the Peace at Petty Sessions or at Quarter Sessions or by Courts of Quarter Sessions or by Recorders or by Justices of the Peace out of Petty Sessions except the power of granting new licences conferred on the Circuit Court by Section 50 of this Act.


Jurisdiction transferred to the District Court.

78.—There shall be transferred to the District Court all jurisdiction which at the commencement of this Act was vested in or capable of being exercised by District Justices under the provisions of the District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923), or under any Act now in force, and also all jurisdiction which at the commencement of this Act was vested in or capable of being exercised by the Divisional Justices of the Police District of Dublin Metropolis, and also all jurisdiction which at the commencement of this Act was vested in or capable of being exercised by the Court of Conscience, or by a person acting as Justice of the Peace under the Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, and the provisions in Sections 21 and 22 of this Act contained shall apply mutatis mutandis to the jurisdictions by this Act vested in and transferred to the District Court.


Exercise by the Justices severally of jurisdictions.

79.—Provided that the jurisdictions by this Act vested in and transferred to the District Court shall be exercised by the Justices severally as follows:—


In civil cases, by a Justice for the time being assigned to the District wherein the defendant or one of the defendants ordinarily resides or carries on any profession, business or occupation;


In criminal cases, by a Justice for the time being assigned to the District wherein the crime has been committed or the accused has been arrested or resides;


In licensing cases, by a Justice for the time being assigned to the District wherein the licensed premises are situate.


“The Children's Court.”

80.—A Justice of the District Court shall sit once a week, if requisite, in a special Court in the Cities of Dublin, Cork, Limerick and Waterford to be called “The Children's Court” and shall there deal in such manner as shall seem just with all charges against children, except charges which by reason of their gravity or other special circumstances he shall not consider fit to be so dealt with. Children herein shall include young persons of either sex under the age of 16 years.


Orders under Debtor's Act (Ireland) 1872, Section 6.

81.—A Justice of the District Court shall have power to make such orders under Section 6 of the Debtor's Act (Ireland), 1872, and any Act amending the same for the enforcement of any decree of the District Court as may seem just.


Execution of decrees.

82.—The decree of the District Court in civil cases shall be executed, where necessary, by the Sheriff or other officer executing decrees of the Circuit Court.


Case stated for High Court on question of law.

83.—A Justice of the District Court shall (if requested by any party to any proceedings before him unless he consider the request frivolous) and may (without request) refer any question of law arising in any case before him to the High Court for determination, and the determination of the High Court thereon shall be final and conclusive and not appealable.


Appeal in civil cases.

84.—An appeal shall lie in all cases other than criminal cases from any decision of a Justice of the District Court to the Judge of the Circuit Court within whose Circuit the District or any part of the District of the Justice, lies, and the decision of the Judge of the Circuit Court on any such appeal shall be final and conclusive and not appealable.


Appeal in criminal cases.

85.—An appeal shall lie in criminal cases from a Justice of the District Court to the Judge of the Circuit Court within whose Circuit the District or any part of the District of the Justice lies, against any order for payment of a penal or other sum exceeding twenty shillings or for the doing of anything at greater expense than twenty shillings or for the estreating of any recognizance to a greater amount than twenty shillings or for any term of imprisonment exceeding one month, by the person against whom the order shall have been made but not otherwise, and the decision of the Judge of the Circuit Court on any such appeal shall be final and conclusive and not appealable.


Case stated or appeal to be in form, etc., prescribed by rules.

86.—Every case stated or appeal shall be in such form and manner in every respect and subject to such conditions whether as to time or otherwise (including the lodgment of any moneys in civil cases and the entering into a bond with sureties in criminal cases) as the rules to be made under this Part of this Act may prescribe.


Appeal in licensing cases.

87.—In licensing cases the applicant or the persons at present entitled by law to object may appeal pursuant to such provisions as may be prescribed by the rules to be made under this Part of this Act.


Appointment of Peace Commissioners.

88.—(1) The Minister for Home Affairs may from time to time by warrant under his hand appoint and remove such and so many fit and proper persons as he shall think expedient in each county to be called “Feadhmannaigh Shíochána” or (in English) “Peace Commissioners” and to perform and exercise within such county and (if so expressed in his warrant of appointment) within the counties immediately adjoining such county the duties and powers of Peace Commissioners under this Act.


(2) So far as may be practicable having regard to all relevant circumstances, every person appointed to be a Peace Commissioner in a County which includes an area in which the Irish language is in general use shall have a knowledge of the Irish language adequate for the transaction of the business of his office in that language.


(3) A Peace Commissioner shall have all the powers and authorities which immediately before the 6th day of December, 1922, were vested in a Justice of the Peace in respect of the several matters following, that is to say:—


(a) signing summonses;


(b) signing warrants;


(c) administering oaths and taking declarations, affirmations, informations, bonds and recognizances;


(d) committing dangerous lunatics and idiots to lunatic asylums under Section 10 of the Lunacy (Ireland) Act, 1867, and providing for the remuneration of the medical officer and the examiner of lunatics under Section 14 of the Lunatic Asylums (Ireland) Act, 1875;


(e) signing certificates for the admission of lunatics and idiots to lunatic asylums;


(f) signing the certificate required by Section 2 of the Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904;


(g) condemning and ordering the destruction or disposal of any article intended for the food of man which appears to him to be diseased or unsound or unwholesome or unfit for the food of man under Section 133 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, as amended by Section 28 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890:


Provided always that any summons against any member of the Gárda Síochána shall be signed by a Justice of the District Court.


(4) Whenever any person charged with having committed an indictable offence shall be arrested by a member of the Gárda Síochána such person shall unless a Justice of a District Court is immediately available forthwith be brought before a Peace Commissioner, who after hearing such evidence as may be offered shall remand such person either in custody or in such bail as the Peace Commissioner shall think fit and remit the case for hearing before a Justice of the District Court on a date not later than the next sitting of the District Court to be held in the District where such person was arrested.


No further appointments under District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923.

89.—From and after the passing of this Act no appointment of District Justices shall be made under the District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923).


Rule-making authority.

90.—The rule-making authority for the District Court shall be the Minister for Home Affairs with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance in respect of matters affecting public revenue or expenditure and the assistance of a Committee consisting of such of the Justices of the District Court as the Minister for Home Affairs may from time to time nominate for this purpose, being not less than five, including one at least of the Justices for the time being assigned to the District including the Police District of Dublin Metropolis, two practising solicitors nominated by the President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, of whom one shall be a solicitor having his office and carrying on the practice of his profession outside the City and County of Dublin, and one practising barrister nominated by the Council of the Bar of Ireland.


Rules for carrying this Part of this Act into effect.

91.—Such rule-making authority may at any time and from time to time after the passing and before or after the commencement of this Act make rules to be styled “District Court Rules” for carrying into effect this Part of this Act (except the hearing by the Circuit Court of appeals from the District Court and the hearing by the High Court of cases stated by the District Court), and may annul or alter such rules and make new rules. In particular rules may be made for all or any of the following matters, viz., for regulating the sittings and the vacations and the districts of the Justices and the places where proceedings are to be brought and the forms of process, summons, case stated, appeal or otherwise, and the conditions which a party who requires a case stated or an appellant must comply with in civil cases or in criminal cases or in licensing cases as the case may be and the practice and procedure of the District Court generally including questions of costs and the times for taking any step in the District Court, the entering-up of judgment and granting of summary judgment in appropriate cases and the use of the national language of Saorstát Eireann therein and the fixing and collection of fees and the adaptation or modification of any statute that may be necessary for any of the purposes aforesaid and all subsidiary matters.


Sanction of rules.

92.—Such rules shall be approved of by a majority of the Committee aforesaid and signed and sanctioned by the Attorney-General and Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Finance and shall have no validity until so approved of, signed and sanctioned.


Part IV.



Existing solicitors and commissioners for administering oaths.

93.—All existing solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland and all existing commissioners to administer oaths shall be transferred to and become solicitors and commissioners respectively of the several courts established under this Act.


Right to jury in civil cases, and costs in such cases.

94.—Nothing contained in this Act shall take away or prejudice the right of any party to any action in the High Court or the Circuit Court (not being an action for a liquidated sum, or an action for the enforcement, or for damages for the breach of a contract) to have questions of fact tried by a jury in such cases as he might heretofore of right have so required in the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland, and with like directions as to law and evidence, but no party to an action in the High Court or the Circuit Court for a liquidated sum, or an action for the enforcement or for damages for the breach of a contract or in an action for the recovery of land shall be entitled to a jury unless the judge shall consider a jury to be necessary or desirable for the proper trial of the action, and shall of his own motion or on the application of any party so order. Subject to all existing enactments limiting, regulating, or affecting the costs payable in any action by reference to the amount recovered therein, the costs of every civil action, and of every civil question and issue, tried by a jury in the High Court or the Circuit Court shall follow the event, unless, upon application made, the Judge at the trial shall for special cause shown and mentioned in the order otherwise direct; and any order of a Judge as to such costs may be discharged or varied by the appellate tribunal.


Verdict of nine members of jury in civil cases.

95.—In every trial whether in the High Court or the Circuit Court of a civil case before a judge and jury, the jury shall consist of twelve members and a majority vote of nine of those twelve members shall be necessary and sufficient to determine the verdict. The judge shall so inform the jury and the verdict of such nine members or upwards shall be taken and recorded as the verdict of the jury, without disclosure of the dissentients, if any such there be.


Form of appeals in jury cases.

96.—Every appeal from a judgment of the High Court or the Circuit Court in an action tried by a judge and jury, or from any other judgment of the High Court or the Circuit Court founded on the verdict of a jury in a civil case, shall be made by way of motion before the appellate tribunal for a new trial, and, in the case of an appeal from the Circuit Court, the allegations on which such motion may be grounded shall include the allegation that the verdict of the jury was against the weight of the evidence or was otherwise perverse. In any appeal to which this section applies the appellate tribunal may, in lieu of ordering a new trial, set aside the verdict, findings, and judgment appealed against and enter such judgment as the court considers proper.


Report of stenographer to be certified.

97.—Whenever under this Act an appeal is required to be grounded or heard on the report of an official stenographer, such report shall include both the original shorthand notes and the transcript thereof, and shall be certified by the judge of the Court of first instance to be such report.


Courts in Dublin Castle deemed to be situated in City and County of Dublin.

98.—So much of the buildings and premises commonly known as Dublin Castle and of the precincts thereof as shall for the time being be appropriated for the holding of any Court established under Parts I. or II. of this Act or for the use or accommodation of any judge or officer of any such Court or for the transaction of the business of any office attached to any such Court shall be deemed and is hereby declared to be situate for all purposes both in the County of the City of Dublin and in the County of Dublin.


Declaration to be taken by judges and justices on appointment.

99.—The Declaration to be taken on appointment by every Judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, and the Circuit Court and by every Justice of the District Court shall be as follows:—


I                 do solemnly and sincerely before God promise and declare that I will duly and faithfully and to the best of my skill and power execute the office of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (or President of the High Court, or Judge of the Supreme Court or of the High Court or of the Circuit Court or Justice of the District Court as the case may be) of Saorstát Eireann without fear or favour, affection, or ill-will towards any man, and that I will uphold the Constitution of Saorstát Eireann as by law established.


Such declaration shall be made and subscribed by the Chief Justice in the presence of the Governor-General and by each of the other judges and justices aforesaid in the presence of the Chief Justice in open court.


Any judge or justice who declines or neglects to take the declaration aforesaid in the manner aforesaid shall be disqualified from entering on and shall be deemed to have vacated his office of judge or justice (as the case may be).


Age of retirement for existing judges appointed under this Act.

100.—Where any person who is at the passing of this Act a judge of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland, a Recorder, County Court Judge, or District Justice in Saorstát Eireann, or a Divisional Justice of the Police District of Dublin Metropolis is appointed to be a judge of any Court under this Act after he has attained the age of retirement prescribed by this Act for the judges of such Court, such age of retirement shall in his case be extended by the addition of three years thereto.


Rules not to come into operation until approved by Oireachtas.

101.—No rules of court made under this Act shall come into operation unless and until they have been laid before each House of the Oireachtas and have been approved by resolution of each such House.


Provisions as to existing officers.

102.—Unless and until otherwise determined by the Oireachtas, all registrars, clerks and other officers attached to the existing Supreme Court of Judicature or to the Lord Chief Justice in the exercise of the jurisdiction in Lunacy vested in him and to the Courts of existing Recorders, County Court Judges and District Justices or the Divisional Magistrates of the Police District of Dublin Metropolis shall continue to hold office by the same tenure as heretofore, and to discharge the duties heretofore discharged by them or duties analogous thereto. Every question which shall arise as to whether any duties are analogous to any other duties shall be determined by the Chief Justice, whose decision shall be final. Nothing in this Section shall prejudice the rights of any officer under Section 10 of the Articles of Agreement for a Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland signed at London on the 6th day of December, 1921.


Appeals pending to Judge of Assize shall be heard by Judges of High Court.

103.—All appeals and other applications to Judges of Assize pending at the commencement of Part II. of this Act shall be heard and determined by such Judge or Judges of the High Court as shall be nominated for the purpose by the President of the High Court and at such times and places as the Minister for Home Affairs shall, by order, prescribe and direct.


Trial of persons awaiting trial at commencement of Act.

104.—Every person who shall at the commencement of Part I. of this Act have been sent forward for trial at Assizes or any other Commission of Oyer and Terminer and gaol delivery, and be awaiting trial, and every person who shall at the commencement of this Act have been sent forward for trial by the County Court Judge, or by any Dáil Court as defined by the Dáil Eireann Courts (Winding-Up) Act, 1923 (No. 36 of 1923), on any charge excluded from the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court and be awaiting trial on such charge, shall be deemed to have been sent forward for trial by and shall be tried by the Central Criminal Court or, if so directed by the Attorney-General, a court of the High Court Circuit. Every person who shall at the commencement of Part II. of this Act have been sent forward for trial by the County Court Judge, or by any such Dáil Court as aforesaid, on any charge within the jurisdiction of the Circuit Court, and be awaiting trial, shall be deemed to have been sent forward for trial by and shall be tried by the appropriate Circuit Court.


Schedule in the foregoing Act referred to.



Dublin City and County



Cork City and County














































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Uimhir 10 de 1924.



ACHT CHUN CÚIRTEANNA BREITHIÚNAIS DO BHUNÚ DO RÉIR BUNREACHT SHAORSTÁIT ÉIREANN AGUS CHUN CRÍCHEANNA A BHAINEAS LE FEABHASÚ RIARA CIRT. [12adh Abrán, 1924.] DE BHRÍ go bhfuil sé riachtanach chun comhacht bhreithiúnais Shaorstáit Éireann d'fheidhmiú agus chun ceart do riara i Saorstát Éireann, cúirteanna puiblí do bhunú do réir na bhforálacha atá sa Bhunreacht chuige sin:





1.—Féadfar chun gach críche an tAcht Cúirteanna Breithiúnais, 1924, do ghairm den Acht so.


Tosach feidhm an Achta.

2.—Tiocfidh an tAcht so i ngníomh pé lá no laethanta a ceapfar ina chóir sin le haon Ordú no Orduithe ón Ard-Chomhairle agus féadfar laetheanta difriúla do cheapa i gcóir tosach feidhm an Achta chun crícheanna difriúla ach gan aon lá dhíobh do bheith níos déanaí ná cúig mhí tar éis rithte an Achta so.


Míniú ar théarmaí.

3.—I léiriú an Achta so, mara bhfuil éinní san abhar no sa chó-théacs ina choinnibh, beidh leis na focail agus leis na habairtí a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso, no folóid, na bríonna so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—


Ciallóidh “Príomh-Chúirt Choiriúil” an breitheamh den Ard-Chúirt dá gceapfar mar dhualgas gníomhú mar Phríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil de thurus na huaire;


Ciallóidh “Coimisinéirí den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte” pé breithimh no daoine eile a hainmnití go dtí so i gCoimisiúin Ard-Shiosóin agus dá gceapfar feidhmiú do dhéanamh ar aon údarás síbhialta no coiriúil is féidir don Ard-Chúirt a fheidhmiú;


Ciallóidh “Cúirt den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte” Cúirt aon Choimisinéara den tsórt san den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte;


Ciallóidh “Cúirt Dúithche,” “Cúirt Chuarda,” “Ard-Chúirt” agus “Cúirt Uachtarach” na Cúirteanna Breithiúnais de Shaorstát Éireann a hainmnítear amhlaidh san Acht so;


Ciallóidh “i gcúrsaí gealtachta” i gcúrsaí cimeád pearsana agus estáití daoine gan meabhair, geilteanna agus daoine nách slán meabhair;


Ciallóidh “i gcúrsaí mion-aoiseach” i gcúrsaí bhárdacht mion-aoiseach agus cúram estáití mion-aoiseach;


Folóidh “talamh” gach tionóntachán agus ionoighreachta nea-chorportha chó maith le gach tionóntachán agus ionoighreachta corportha.

Cuid I.



Có-dhéanamh na hArd-Chúirte.

4.—Bunófar fén Acht so Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais a bheidh có-dhéanta de sheisear breithiún an chuid is mó dhe (eadhon, Uachtarán agus cúigear gnáth-bhreithiún), dá ngairmfar ina gceapacháin fé seach “Uachtarán Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Shaorstáit Éireann” no “Breitheamh d'Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Shaorstáit Éireann,” fé mar a bheidh.


Có-dhéanamh na Cúirte Uachtaraí

5.—Bunófar Cúirt Bhreithiúnais Uachtarach fén Acht so chun bheith mar Chúirt Uachtarach do Shaorstát Éireann mar a luaidhtear sa Bhunreacht agus beidh sí có-dhéanta de thriúr breithiún agus, ina gceapacháin dóibh, gairmfar “Prímh-Bhreitheamh Shaorstát Éireann” dá n-uachtarán (dá ngairmtear “an Prímh-Bhreitheamh” ina dhiaidh seo anso) agus “Breitheamh de Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Uachtarach Shaorstáit Éireann” de gach duine de sna breithimh eile.


Breithimh ex-officio.

6.—Beidh Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte ina bhreitheamh bhreise ex-officio den Chúirt Uachtaraigh, agus beidh an Prímh-Bhreitheamh ina bhreitheamh bhreise ex-officio den Ard-Chúirt.


Suidhfidh Breithimh den Ard Chúirt sa Chúirt Uachtaraigh i gcásanna áirithe.

7.—Más rud é, toisc breitheamh den Chúirt Uachtaraigh do bheith breoite no ar aon chúis dho-sheachanta eile, ná beidh ar fáil an méid breithiún den Chúirt Uachtaraigh is gá chun gnó na Cúirte sin do dhéanamh, féadfidh an Prímh-Bhreitheamh a iarraidh ar aon ghnáth-bhreitheamh no gnáth-bhreithimh den Ard-Chúirt suidhe le linn éisteacht aon athchomhairc sa Chúirt Uachtaraigh agus aon bhreitheamh ar a n-iarrfar san suidhfe sé le linn éisteacht an athchomhairc sin agus beidh sé ina bhreitheamh bhreise den Chúirt Uachtaraigh i gcóir an athchomhairc sin.


Cúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla.

8.—Féadfidh an Prímh-Bhreitheamh, o am go ham, a iarraidh ar bheirt ghnáth-bhreithiún den Ard-Chúirt suidhe in éineacht leis féin, no le breitheamh den Chúirt Uachtaraigh mar Chúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla, agus suidhfidh na breithimh ar a n-iarrfar san, no duine acu agus Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte, má iarrtar air é agus go dtoileoidh sé chuige, agus i gcóir na hócaide sin, is díobh-san, maraon leis an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh no leis an mBreitheamh den Chúirt Uachtaraigh, a bheidh Cúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla Shaorstáit Éireann có-dhéanta: Ach ar iarratas an Phrímh-Bhreithimh féadfidh aon bhreitheamh no breithimh sho-fhálta eile den Ard-Chúirt no den Chúirt Uachtaraigh beith i láthair mar bhaill den Chúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla i gcóir na hocáide a bheidh ann.


Tosaíocht na mbreithiún.

9.—Mar leanas a bheidh tosaíocht na mbreithiún:—Beidh an Prímh-Bhreitheamh ar tosach agus tiocfidh Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte ina dhiaidh; ansan tiocfidh breithimh na Cúirte Uachtaraí, do réir ord a gceaptha, agus ina ndiaidh sin gnáthbhreithimh na hArd-Chúirte do réir ord a gceaptha.


Conus beannú.

10.—Ar an gcuma a ceapfar leis na rialacha a déanfar fén gCuid seo den Acht so isea beannófar do bhreithimh na hArd-Chúirte agus na Cúirte Uachtaraí agus beid chó mór comhacht agus údarás le n-a chéile ar gach slí ach amháin sa chás ina bhforáltar a mhalairt go soiléir san Acht so.


Folúntas in oifig breithimh.

11.—Féadfar oifig aon bhreithimh den Ard-Chúirt no den Chúirt Uachtaraigh d'fholamhú tríd an mbreitheamh féin d'éirghe aisti le scríbhinn uaidh fé n-a láimh, agus folamhófar oifig aon bhreithimh den Ard-Chúirt nuair a ceapfar an breitheamh san mar bhreitheamh den Chúirt Uachtaraigh, agus ansan no aon uair a bheidh oifig aon bhreithimh den Ard-Chúirt no den Chúirt Uachtaraigh folamh féadfar breitheamh nua do cheapa in áit an bhreithimh sin. Tuigfar na Cúirteanna san do bheith bunuithe go cuibhe le linn agus d'ainneoin aon fholúntais den tsórt san, agus aon dualgaisí a ceapadh go speisialta d'aon bhreitheamh a thiocfidh fé mhí-chumas tré bhreoiteacht, no ná féadfidh suidhe, no 'na mbeidh a oifig folamh, déanfidh pé breitheamh eile de sna Cúirteanna san a bheidh le fáil iad do chó-líona le linn na breoiteachta, an mhí-chumais no an fholúntais sin.


Aois chun dul as oifig.

12.—Is 72 bhliain an aois chun dul as oifig do bhreithimh uile na hArd-Chúirte agus na Cúirte Uachtaraí.


Luach saothair.

13.—Mar leanas a bheidh luach saothair breithiún na hArd Chúirte agus na Cúirte Uachtaraí:—


Gheobhaidh Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte £3,000 per annum, agus gach gnáth-bhreitheamh den Chúirt sin £2,500 per annum, agus gheobhaidh an Prímh-Bhreitheamh £4,000 per annum, agus gach breitheamh den Chúirt Uachtaraigh £3,000 per annum.



14.—Gach breitheamh den Ard-Chúirt agus den Chúirt Uachtaraigh, a imeoidh as oifig tar éis seirbhís 15 mblian no níos mó sna cúirteanna san no in aon cheann acu, deonfar do pinsean a leanfidh aige go deire a shaoil agus a bheidh co-ionann le dhá dtrian an tuarastail a bhí dho le linn do scur de bheith ag gníomhú mar bhreitheamh. Gach breitheamh den Ard-Chúirt agus den Chúirt Uachtaraigh a fhágfidh a oifig mar gheall ar aostacht no easláinte bhuan tar éis cúig bliana no breis agus cúig bliana seirbhíse agus fé bhun cúig mblian ndéag seirbhíse do chríochnú deonfar do pinsean a háireofar do réir an séú cuid den tuarastal a bhí dho le linn do a oifig d'fhágaint, maraon leis an bhfichiú cuid den tuarastal san aige in aghaidh gach bliana iomlán seirbhíse sa bhreis ar chúig bliana den tsórt san, agus leanfidh an pinsean san aige go deire a shaoil.


Beidh muirear an luach saothair agus an phinsin ar an bPrímh-Chiste.

15.—Ar Phrímh-Chiste Shaorstáit Éireann no ar a thora fáis a bheidh muirear agus íoc an luach saothair agus an phinsin is iníoctha le gach breitheamh den Ard-Chúirt agus den Chúirt Uachtaraigh fén Acht so. Tuitfidh an luach saothair agus an pinsean san dlite o ló go ló ach isé am ina mbeidh sé iníoctha leis na daoine 'na mbeidh teideal acu chuige no le n-a seiceadúirí no a riarthóirí ná ar na gnáth-laetheanta ráithiúla íocaíochta no i gceann pé tréimhsí eile i ngach bliain a shocróidh an tAire Airgid o am go ham.


Cáilíocht i gcóir ceapacháin.

16.—Ní ceapfar éinne mar bhreitheamh den Ard-Chúirt ná den Chúirt Uachtaraigh maran rud é, ar dháta a cheaptha, gurb abhcóide ag cleachta a ghairme é agus seasamh dhá bhliain déag ar a luíod aige no gur bhreitheamh de Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis in Éirinn é, tráth, no Breacthóir no Breitheamh Cúirte Contae in Éirinn no Breitheamh den Dáil-Chúirt Uachtaraigh mar a mínítear san in Acht Cúirteanna Dháil Éireann (Críochnú a nGnótha), 1923 (Uimh. 36 de 1923), no Coimisinéir Breithiúnais a ceapadh fén Acht san, ach chun críche na forála so tuigfar gur cleachta ag an mBarra seirbhís mar bhreitheamh den Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Chuarda i Saorstát Éireann agus áireofar an tseirbhís sin mar sheirbhís do réir brí alt 14 de seo i gcás Breithimh Chuarda a ceapfar mar bhreitheamh den Ard-Chúirt no den Chúirt Uachtaraigh.


Údarás na hArd-Chúirte.

17.—Beidh an Ard-Chúirt ina cúirt breacacháin árd-chéime agus pé údarás bunaidh aici a horduítear leis an mBunreacht, agus, fé réir a bhforáltar san Acht so, aistreofar chun na hArd-Chúirte an t-údarás a bhí dílsithe i sean-Ard-Chúirt Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis in Éirinn, no in aon roinn no breitheamh di, no a bhí infheidhmithe ag an gcéanna i dtosach feidhm an Achta so.


Údarás na Cúirte Uachtaraí.

18.—Beidh an Chúirt Uachtarach ina cúirt breacacháin árdchéime agus pé údarás athchomhairc aici a horduítear leis an mBunreacht, agus, fé réir a bhforáltar san Acht so, aistreofar chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí an t-údarás a bhí dílsithe i seana-Chúirt Athchomhairc Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis in Éirinn, no in aon bhreithimh no breitheamh di, no a bhí infheidhmithe ag an gcéanna i dtosach feidhm an Achta so.


Údaráis a haistreo-ar chun an Phrímh-Bhreithimh.

19.—(1) Aistreofar chun an Phrímh-Bhreithimh agus beidh infheidhmithe aige gach údarás i gcúrsaí gealtachta agus i gcúrsaí mion-aoiseach a bhí á fheidhmiú le déanaí ag Tiarna Seansailéir na hÉireann agus atá á fheidmhiú, le linn rithte an Achta so, ag Tiarna Prímh-Ghiúistís na hÉireann. Luighfidh athchomharc chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí i gcóinnibh an Prímh-Bhreithimh d'fheidhmiú an údaráis a haistrítear leis an alt so.


(2) Aistreofar chun an Phrímh-Bhreithimh agus beidh infheidhmithe aige gach údarás i dtaobh atúrnaethe a bhí á fheidhmiú le déanaí ag Tiarna Seansailéir na hÉireann agus atá á fheidhmiú, le linn rithte an Achta so, ag Tiarna Prímh-Ghiúistís na hÉireann.


(3) Aistreofar chun an Phrímh-Bhreithimh agus dílseofar ann an chomhacht chun nótairí puiblí agus coimisinéirí mionn do cheapa.


An Coiste Aithcheiste fén Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910.

20.—O thosach feidhm an Achta so agus dá éis beidh an Coiste Aithcheiste do Shaorstát Éireann, a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (5) d'Alt 33 den Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910, mar a hoiriúnuíodh é leis an Acht um Oiriúnú Achtanna, 1922 (Uimh. 2 de 1922), beidh sé có-dhéanta den Phrímh-Bhreitheamh, d'Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte, agus de Chathaoirleach Fúndúireacht na Suirbhéirí (an Brainse Éireannach), in ionad na ndaoine a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san.


Gnó atá ar fionnraoi d'aistriú,

21.—Na húdaráis uile a haistrítear leis an Acht so chun na hArd-Chúirte agus na Cúirte Uachtaraí agus an Phrímh-Bhreithimh scuirfid de bheith á bhfeidhmiú ach ag an Ard-Chúirt agus ag an gCúirt Uachtaraigh agus ag an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh fé seach o thosach feidhm an Achta so agus dá éis: Ach i ngach imeacht a bheidh éistithe go hiomlán ach ná beidh breith tugtha ann no, ar bheith tugtha dhi, ná beidh sí críochnuithe ar an am a ceapadh i gcóir tosach feidhm an Achta so, féadfar an bhreith sin do thabhairt agus do chríochnú fé seach tar éis tosach feidhm an Achta so, in ainm na cúirte céanna agus na mbreithiún gcéanna agus na n-oifigeach gcéanna agus go generálta fé is dá mba ná rithfí an tAcht so; agus beidh éifeacht ag an mbreith sin fé mar a críochnófí í go cuibhe roimh thosach feidhm an Achta so, agus gach ordú a dhin aon chúirt no breitheamh 'na ndintar leis seo a údarás d'aistriú chun na hArd-Chúirte no chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí no chun an Phrímh-Bhreithimh (má críochnuíodh an t-ordú san go cuibhe aon uair roimh thosach feidhm an Achta so), féadfidh an Ard-Chúirt agus an Chúirt Uachtarach agus an Prímh-Bhreitheamh fé seach é chur i bhfeidhm agus in éifeacht agus, más gá é, é leasú no é chur ar neamhní díreach fé is dá mb'ordú é a dhéanfadh an Ard-Chúirt no an Chúirt Uachtarach no an Prímh-Bhreitheamh, agus gach imeacht, síbhialta no coiriúil, a bheidh gan críochnú, le linn tosach feidhm an Achta so, sna cúirteanna 'na n-aistrítear a n-údarás mar adubhradh, leanfar díobh mar leanas (ach amháin mar a foráltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so go soiléir), sé sin le rá, i gcás imeachta athchomhairc a bheith gan críochnú sa tseana-Chúirt Athchomhairc leanfar díobh i láthair na Cúirte Uachtaraí, agus i gcás gach imeachta eile (lasmuich d'imeachta i gcúrsaí nithe a haistríodh chun an Phrímh-Bhreithimh roimhe seo anso) leanfar díobh i láthair na hArd-Chúirte, agus i gcás gach imeachta i gcúrsaí nithe a haistríodh chun an Phrímh-Bhreithimh roimhe seo anso, leanfar díobh i láthair an Phrímh-Bhreithimh. Beidh ag na cúirteanna san agus ag an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh fé seach, maidir leis na himeachta san go léir, an t-údarás céanna a bheadh acu dá dtosnuítí na himeachta san ina láthair fé seach agus go leanfí dhíobh fé seach síos go dtí an puínte ina ndéanfar an t-aistriú, agus chó fada is bhaineann le nós-imeachta leanfar de sna himeachta san no d'aon cheann acu ar an gcuma gcéanna, no ar chuma den tsórt chéanna, ina leanfí dhíobh sna cúirteanna fé seach o n-a n-aistreofar iad, mar adubhradh thuas, no do réir cúrsa na gcúirteanna fé seach chun a n-aistreofar iad, sa mhéid go mbainfidh an céanna leo.


Is do réir rialacha cúirte a feidhmeofar údarás.

22.—Chó fada is bhaineann le pléideáil, cleachta agus nósimeachta i gcoitinne, maraon le fiachas costaisí, ar an gcuma a forálfar le pé rialacha cúirte a déanfar do réir na Coda so den Acht so isea a feidhmeofar an t-údarás a dílsítear san Ard-Chúirt agus sa Chúirt Uachtaraigh agus sa Phrímh-Bhreitheamh fé seach agus a haistrítear chúcha fé seach, agus mara mbeidh aon fhoráil ina thaobh in aon rialacha cúirte den tsórt san agus faid ná beidh aon riail ann ina thaobh, isé cuma ina bhfeidhmeofar é ná chó geairid agus is féidir don chuma ina bhfeidhmeofí é ag na cúirteanna fé seach o n-ar haistríodh an t-údarás san leis an Acht so.


Róta breithiún i gcóir athchomharcanna toghacháin.

23.—Na breithimh a cuirfar ar an róta chun achuingheacha toghacháin i Saorstát Éireann do thriail gach bliain fé fhorálacha an Parliamentary Elections Act, 1868, roghnófar iad as breithimh na hArd-Chúirte ar pé cuma a forálfar le haon rialacha cúirte a déanfar chuige sin, agus idir an dá linn agus fé réir na rialacha san roghnófar iad as breithimh na hArd-Chúirte fé mar a roghnuítí iad as breithimh Roinn Bhinnse an Rí d'Ard-Chúirt an Bhreithiúnais in Éirinn.


Beidh údarás ag na breithimh chun gach cás d'éisteacht, ach ní éistfidh aon bhreitheamh athchomharc i gcoinnibh ordú a dhin sé féin

24.—Beidh údarás ag gach duine de bhreithimh na hArd-Chúirte agus na Cúirte Uachtaraí (ar a n-áirítear an Prímh-Bhreitheamh) chun aon chás, síbhialta no coiriúil, i gcothrom no sa dlí choitiann no fé reacht, d'éisteacht agus breith do thabhairt air: Ach mar sin féin ní shuidhfidh aon bhreitheamh ar éisteacht athchomhairc in aicsean a trialadh ina láthair, pe'ca i dteanta no d'éamais coiste dháréag é, ná ar éisteacht athchomhairc i gcoinnibh breith no ordú a dhin sé féin, no ina raibh sé páirteach pe'ca aontú no easaontú leis a dhin sé.


Aicsin do chur no d'aistriú o chúirt go cúirt eile.

25.—Nuair a bheidh ar bun san Ard-Chúirt aon aicsean d'fhéadfí a thosnú sa Chúirt Chuarda, féadfidh aon pháirtí san aicsean san, aon uair roimh sheirbheáil fógra trialach ann, a iarraidh ar an Ard-Chúirt an t-aicsean do chur no d'aistriú chun na Cúirte Cuarda agus, leis sin, más dó leis an gcúirt gurb aicsean é is oiriúnach le plé san Ard-Chúirt féadfa sí an t-aicsean san do choinneáil san Ard-Chúirt no, más rud é nách dó léi gurb aicsean é is oiriúnach le plé san Ard-Chúirt, féadfa sí an t-aicsean san do chur no d'aistriú chun na Cúirte Cuarda no (sa chás ina bhféadfí an t-aicsean do thosnú sa Chúirt Dúithche) chun na Cúirte Dúithche, chun é do phlé i láthair an Bhreithimh a ceapfar do pé Cuaird no (marab é sin é) i láthair an Bhreithimh a ceapfar do pé Dúthaigh a dheabhróidh don Ard-Chúirt bheith oiriúnach agus comhgarach, ar pé téarmaí, in aon chás díobh san, agus fé pé coiníollacha, i dtaobh costaisí no éinní eile, a dheabhróidh bheith cóir:


Ach beidh údarás ag an Ard-Chúirt aon aicsean do chur no d'aistriú chun cúirte eile, pé méid a heilíodh go fuirmeálta san aicsean, má sé tuairim na cúirte nách san Ard-Chúirt ba cheart an t-aicsean do thosnú ach sa Chúirt Chuarda no sa Chúirt Dúithche má ba cheart é thosnú in aon chor.


Athchomharc i gcás iarratas chun aicsean d'aistriú.

26.—Luighfidh athchomharc chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí i gcoinnibh na hArd-Chúirte i ngach cás i gcoinnibh deona no eiteach aon iarratas a dineadh chun aon aicsean do chur no d'aistriú ón Ard-Chúirt chun na Cúirte Cuarda, agus i gcoinnibh an Ard-Chúirt no aon bhreitheamh di do dhéanamh a rogha rud sa scéal.


Ní gairmfar Ard-Choiste chun díotála do bhreithniú.

27.—O thosach feidhm an Achta so agus dá éis, ní gá aon díotáil do chur fé bhráid Ard-Choiste ná ní gá d'Ard-Choiste aontú le díotáil, agus ní gairmfar aon Ard-Choiste chun na Príomh-Chúirte Coiriúla ná chun aon Chúirte den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte chun díotála do bhreithniú, ach déanfar gach díotáil do leaga díreach fé bhráid an choiste dháréag a thrialfidh an duine cúisithe.


I mBaile Atha Cliath a shuidhfidh an Chúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla; aon bhall amháin a chraobhscaoilfidh an bhreith.

28.—I mBaile Atha Cliath a shuidhfidh Cúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla Shaorstáit Éireann, ach amháin i gcásanna ina dtabharfidh an Prímh-Bhreitheamh ordú speisialta í shuidhe ina mhalairt d'áit, agus pé ball dá mbeidh i láthair agus teideal aige chun tosach a bheith aige ar na baill eile isé bheidh ina Uachtarán ar an gcúirt, agus do réir tuairim furmhór na mball a bheidh i láthair isea réiteofar gach ceist a bheidh os cóir na cúirte ach, mara n-orduighidh an chúirt a mhalairt isé Uachtarán na Cúirte a chraobhscaoilfidh breith na cúirte, no pé ball eile den Chúirt a ordóidh an tUachtarán, agus ní dhéanfidh aon bhall eile den chúirt ina aonar aon bhreith i dtaobh réiteach aon cheiste do chraobhscaoile.


Ní bheidh dul thar breith na Cúirte Athchomhairc Choiriúla ach amháin ar dheimhniú ón bPríomh-Atúrnae.

29.—Ní bheidh dul thar breith na Cúirte Athchomhairc Choiriúla ar aon athchomharc ná ar éinní eile 'na bhfuil comhacht aici chun breith do thabhairt air, agus ní luighfidh aon athchomharc chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí i gcoinnibh na cúirte sin mara ndeimhnighidh an chúirt sin no an Príomh-Atúrnae go bhfuil fighte leis an mbreith ponc dlí le n-a mbaineann tácht phuiblí nea-ghnáth agus gur mhaith an rud, ar mhaithe leis an bpuiblíocht, athchomharc do bhreith chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí, agus sa chás san féadfar athchomharc do thabhairt chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí agus ní bheidh dul thar breith na cúirte sin.


Beidh an Chúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla ina cúirt breacacháin árd-chéime.

30.—Beidh an Chúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla ina cúirt breacacháin árd-chéime, agus, chun crícheanna agus fé réir forálacha an Achta so, beidh lán-chomhacht aici chun aon cheisteanna do réiteach is gá réiteach chun ceart do dhéanamh sa chás a bheidh os a cóir.


Athchomharc ón bPríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil agus o Chúirt den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte.

31.—Einne a ciontófar ar dhíotáil i láthair na Príomh-Chúirte Coiriúla no i láthair aon Chúirte den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte, féadfa sé fén Acht so athchomharc do dhéanamh chun na Cúirte Athchomhairc Choiriúla fé sna coiníollacha so a leanas:—


(i) má gheibheann an t-athchomharcach ón mbreitheamh a thriail é deimhniú gur cás oiriúnach chun athchomhairc an cás;


(ii) i gcás an deimhniú san d'eiteach air, má dhineann an Chúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla de bharr athchomhairc i gcoinnibh an eiteachais sin cead athchomhairc do dheona.


Cead athchomhairc i gcásanna áirithe.

32.—Deonfidh an Chúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla cead athchomhairc i gcásanna le n-a bhfuil ponc dlí fighte dar leis an gcúirt no ina bhfeictar don chúirt go raibh an triail nea-shásúil, no ina bhfeictar don chúirt aon scór eile is leor chun athchomhairc, agus beidh comhacht ag an gcúirt chun gach ordú iarmarta is oiriúnach léi do dhéanamh, orduithe ar a n-áirítear ordú chun an t-athchomharcach do leigint amach ar bhannaí go dtí go dtabharfar breith ar a athchomharc.


Eisteacht an athchomhairc.

33.—Má deontar an deimhniú no an cead athchomhairc sin déanfidh an Chúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla an t-athchomharc d'éisteacht agus breith do thabhairt air ar thuairisc o luathscríbhneoir a bhí i láthair ar triail an athchomharcaigh, ach beidh comhacht ag an gcúirt chun fianaise nua no bhreise d'éisteacht agus chun éinní do chur chun an bhreithimh gur trialadh an cás ina láthair chun tuairisc air d'fháil uaidh.


Údarás chun ciontú do dhaingniú no do chlaochló.

34.—Beidh údarás ag an gCúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla chun an ciontú do dhaingniú no do chlaochló i bpáirt no go hiomlán, agus chun an daora do mhaitheamh, no do luíodú, no do mhéadú no d'atharú ar aon tslí eile agus, go generálta, chun pé ordú do dhéanamh, maraon le haon ordú i dtaobh costaisí, a bheidh riachtanach chun ceart do dhéanamh sa chás a bheidh i láthair na cúirte.


An t-athchomharcach ciontach ach é as a mheabhair.

35.—Má dintar athchomharc do réir deimhniú no cead a deonadh, mar adubhradh thuas, agus go bhfeicfar don Chúirt Athchomhairc Choiriúla, cé go raibh an t-athchomharcach ciontach sa ghníomh no sa bhfaillí i n-ar cúisíodh é, go raibh sé as a mheabhair le linn an gníomh no an fhaillí a bheith á dhéanamh, i dtreo ná raibh sé freagarthach ina ghníomhartha do réir dlí, féadfidh an chúirt an daora a tugadh sa triail do chur ar neamhní agus a ordú go gcoinneofar an t-athchomharcach i gcimeád mar ghealt choiriúil, díreach fé mar a thabharfadh an coiste dháréag breith sa chéill sin.


Rialacha Cúirte.

36.—Uair ar bith agus o am go ham tar éis rithte an Achta so agus roimh thosach a fheidhme no dá éis sin, ach le toil an Aire Airgid i dtaobh éinní a bhainfidh le hioncum no le caiteachas puiblí, féadfidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche rialacha dá ngairmfar “Rialacha Cúirte” do dhéanamh chun Cuid I. den Acht so do chur in éifeacht (maraon le héisteacht athchomharc i gcoinnibh na Cúirte Cuarda agus éisteacht cásanna aithriste ón gCúirt Dúithche) agus na rialacha san do chur ar nea-mbrí no d'atharú agus rialacha nua do dhéanamh. Féadfar go sonnrách rialacha dhéanamh i gcóir gach ní no éinní dhíobh so a leanas:—


(i) pléideáil, cleachta agus nós-imeachta i gcoitinne (maraon le breith d'iontráil agus breith ar an slí achmair do dheona i gcásanna oiriúnacha) i ngach cás síbhialta, maraon le cásanna ioncuim agus imeachta i dtaobh dleathacht aon dlí fé sholus forálacha an Bhunreachta agus imeachta i bhfuirm achuinghe cirt;


(ii) pléideáil, cleachta agus nós-imeachta i gcoitinne i ngach cás coiriúil i láthair na Príomh-Chúirte Coiriúla no aon chúirt den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte no na Cúirte Athchomhairc Choiriúla;


(iii) Coimisinéirí den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte do chur amach ar pé uaire, go pé áiteanna agus i gcóir pé ceanntracha có-nasctha a chífar a bheith oiriúnach;


(iv) suidheanna na Príomh-Chúirte Coiriúla do Bhaile Atha Cliath agus do pé contaethe comhursanachta a ceapfar leis na rialacha san agus na cásanna a chríochnóidh sí, ar a mbeidh gach cás ná beidh críochnuithe ag Coimisinéirí den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte no in ar haistríodh ionad a thrialta chun na Príomh-Chúirte Coiriúla ar iarratas an Phríomh-Atúrnae no an duine chúisithe;


(v) teanga náisiúnta Shaorstáit Éireann d'úsáid sna cúirteanna san;


(vi) an cuma ina mbeannófar do sna breithimh agus na róbaí agus an gléas éadaigh oifigiúil a bheidh le caitheamh ag na Breithimh agus ag na hAbhcóidí;


(vii) tosach agus faid na suidheanna agus na n-aimsir shaoire;


(viii) táillí do cheapa agus do bhailiú;


(ix) an t-oiriúnú no an t-atharú is gá a dhéanamh ar aon reacht chun aon chríche de chrícheanna an Achta so agus gach mion-rud a bhaineann leis sin.


Furmhór coiste a bheidh có-dhéanta de bhreithimh na Cúirte Uachtaraí agus na hArd-Chúirte, d'Uachtarán Dlí-Chumann Ionchorpruithe na hÉireann, agus de bheirt abhcóidí a chleachtann a ngairm, as Barra na sinsear agus na sóisear fé seach, agus a roghnófar ag Comhairle Bharra na hÉireann, is le n-a dtoil sin amháin a déanfar no a cuirfar ar neambrí no a hatharófar na rialacha cúirte sin.

Cuid II.



Bunú na Cúirte Cuarda.

37.—Bunófar fén Acht so Cúirt Bhreithiúnais Chuarda a bheidh có-dhéanta d'ochtar breithiún an chuid is mó dhe agus, ina cheapachán do, gairmfar “Breitheamh den Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Chuarda i Saorstát Éireann” de gach duine dhíobh. Laistigh de sna grúpaí uile agus fé leith de chontaethe a háirítear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so (grúpaí dá ngairmtear Cuarda anso feasta) có-líonfidh na breithimh sin pé dualgaisí a cuirtar leis an Acht so ar bhreithimh den Chúirt Chuarda. Le toil an Phrímh-Bhreithimh agus le toil na mbreithiún a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire do sna Cuarda fé seach le n-a mbainfidh an scéal, féadfidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche, aon uair agus ó am go ham, aon chontae no cuid de chontae d'aistriú o Chuaird go Cuaird eile, no aon atharú eile is dó leis is ceart do dhéanamh ar na líomatáistí a bheidh istigh sna Cuarda uile agus fé leith ach gan uimhir iomlán na gCuarda d'atharú.


Conus beannú agus tosaíocht na mbreithiún.

38.—Ar pé cuma a ceapfar leis na rialacha a déanfar fén gCuid seo den Acht so isea beannófar do gach breitheamh den Chúirt Chuarda (dá ngairmtear Breithimh Chuarda anso feasta), agus is dó réir ord a gceaptha a bheid níos uaisle no níos ísle céim ná a chéile.


Sealbhaíocht oifige.

39.—Mar an sealbhaíocht a bheidh ag Breithimh na hArd-Chúirte agus na Cúirte Uachtaraí isea a bheidh sealbhaíocht oifige na mBreithiún gCuarda.


Aois chun dul as oifig.

40.—Is 70 mbliana an aois chun dul as oifig do Bhreithimh Chuarda.


Tuarastail agus Pinsin.

41.—Gheobhaidh gach Breitheamh Cuarda tuarastal £1,700 per annum. Gach Breitheamh Cuarda a imeoidh as oifig no a fhágfidh a oifig ar aon tslí eile ar chúis ar bith tar éis cúig bliana déag no breis agus cúig bliana déag seirbhíse do chríochnú beidh teideal aige chun pinsin a leanfidh aige go deire a shaoil agus a bheidh có-ionann le dhá dtrian an tuarastail a bhí dho le linn do a oifig do thabhairt suas no d'fhágaint, agus gach Breitheamh Cuarda a fhágfidh a oifig mar gheall ar aostacht no easláinte bhuan tar éis cúig bliana no breis agus cúig bliana seirbhíse agus fé bhun cúig mbliana déag seirbhíse do chríochnú beidh teideal aige chun pinsin a leanfidh aige go deire a shaoil agus a háireofar do réir an séú cuid den tuarastal a bhí dho le linn do a oifig d'fhágaint, maraon leis an bhfichiú cuid den tuarastal san aige in aghaidh gach bliana iomlán seirbhíse sa bhreis ar chúig bliana den tsórt san.


Beidh muirear na dtuarastal agus na bpinsean ar an bPrímh-Chiste

42.—An luach saothair agus an pinsean is iníoctha le gach Breitheamh Cuarda is ar Phrímh-Chiste Shaorstáit Éireann a bheidh a muirear agus a n-íoc, ar gach slí díreach mar a bheidh muirear agus íoc an luach saothair agus an phinsin is iníoctha le breithimh na hArd-Chúirte agus na Cúirte Uachtaraí.


Cáilíocht i gcóir ceapacháin.

43.—Ní ceapfar éinne mar bhreitheamh den Chúirt Chuarda maran rud é, ar dháta a cheaptha, gurb abhcóide ag cleachta a ghairme é agus seasamh deich mblian ar a luíod aige, no gur Bhreacthóir no Breitheamh Cúirte Contae in Éirinn é, tráth, ach i gcás abhcóide tuigfar chun críche na forála so gur cleachta ag an mBarra seirbhís mar bhreitheamh de Chúirt Dúithche Shaorstáit Éireann agus áireofar an tseirbhís sin mar sheirbhís do réir brí Alt 41 de seo i gcás breithimh den Chúirt Dúithche a ceapfar mar bhreitheamh den Chúirt Chuarda.


Cuarda ina bhfuil ceanntair Ghaedhlacha.

44.—Sa mhéid gur féidir é agus gach ní a bhaineann leis an scéal d'áireamh, beidh ag an mBreitheamh Cuarda, a ceapfar d'aon Chuaird ina bhfuil an Ghaedhilg in úsáid ghenerálta, oiread eolais ar an nGaedhilg agus chuirfadh ar a chumas déanamh in éamais conganta o fhear teangan agus fianaise á tabhairt sa teangain sin.


Folúntas in oifig breithimh: breoiteacht agus fear ionaid.

45.—Féadfar oifig aon Bhreithimh Chuarda d'fholamhú le scríbhinn fé láimh an Bhreithimh féin, agus folamhófar í nuair a ceapfar an Breitheamh san mar Bhreitheamh, den Ard-Chúirt no den Chúirt Uachtaraigh, agus ansan, no aon uair a bheidh oifig aon Bhreithimh Chuarda folamh, ceapfar Breitheamh Cuarda nua in áit an bhreithimh sin. I gcás aon Bhreitheamh Cuarda bheith breoite, féadfar fear ionaid a cheapa chun gníomhú ina áit, ar mhola ón bPríomh-Atúrnae, ar pé luach saothair a cheadóidh an tAire Airgid: Ach mar sin féin éinne nach abhcóide atá ag cleachta a ghairme agus seasamh deich mblian ar a luíod aige ní bheidh sé cáilithe chun a cheaptha mar fhear ionaid do Bhreitheamh Chuarda.


Comhacht chun breithimh chon ganta sealadacha do cheapa.

46.—Más rud é, aon uair laistigh de thrí bliana tar éis tosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so, go mbeidh sé riachtanach mar gheall ar ana-bhroid gnótha, féadfar pé méid Breithiún Cuarda Conganta sealadacha do cheapa ar pé téarmaí agus coiníollacha a shocróidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche le toil an Aire Airgid: Ach ní ceapfar mar Bhreitheamh Cuarda Conganta sealadach éinne ná fuil cáilithe chun a cheaptha mar Bhreitheamh Cuarda: Agus fós ní dhéanfidh aon Bhreitheamh Cuarda Conganta sealadach a ceapfar fén alt so leanúint i seilbh oifige tar éis trí bliana bheith caithte o thosach feidhme na Coda so den Acht so.


An Chúirt Chuarda ina cúirt breacacháin.

47.—Beidh an Chúirt Chuarda ina cúirt breacacháin.


Údarás i gcásanna síbhialta.

48.—Beidh an t-údarás so a leanas ag an gCúirt Chuarda i gcásanna síbhialta agus feidhmeoidh sí é:—


(i) i gcás toiliú—údarás gan aon teora maidir le méid an éilimh no luach na maoine a bheidh i gceist sna himeachta i láthair na cúirte má shighníonn gach páirtí riachtanach, sara n-éistear an cás, an fhuirm toilíochta a hordófar leis na rialacha a déanfar fén gCúid seo den Acht so; féadfar a fhoráileamh leis an toilíocht san ná beidh dul thar breith na Cúirte Cuarda, agus sa chás san ní féadfar athchomharc a dhéanamh i gcoinnibh na breithe;


(ii) i gcás connartha agus tort (lasmuich d'aicsin i gcúrsaí pósa agus comhráidh choiriúla)—údarás nuair nách mó an t-éileamh ná £300;


(iii) i gcás teideal chun tailimh agus ceartú an chláir— údarás nuair nách mó ná £60 fé Dhlí na mBocht Luacháil na maoine atá i gceist;


(iv) i gcúrsaí agus in aicsin promháide, agus i gcúiseanna dlí chun estáití do riara—údarás nuair nách mó ná £1,000 luach na pearsantachta agus nách mó ná £60 Luacháil an tailimh fé Dhlí na mBocht;


(v) i gcásanna cothruim (ar a n-áirítear críochnú gnó cuideachtanna)—údarás laistigh de sna teoranna a luaidhtear sa mír sin (iv) roimhe seo agus i gcásanna críochnú gnótha maran mó ná £10,000 an méid caipitail a thug an chuideachta amach;


(vi) i gcúrsaí banc-bhrise—i gCúirteanna Áitiúla Banc-Bhrise a féadfar a bhunú fén Local Bankruptcy (Ireland) Act, 1888, agus chun na críche sin léireofar an tAcht san agus ragha sé in éifeacht fé mar a déanfí fé seach na focail “Executive Council,” “Order of the Executive Council,” “Minister for Finance,” agus “Chief Justice” do chur in ionad na bhfocal “Lord Lieutenant,” “Order in Council,” “Treasury” agus “Lord Chancellor” i ngach áit ina bhfuil na focail sin fé seach san Acht san, agus fé mar a cuirfí na focail “in any circuit” in ionad na bhfocal “in Londonderry, Galway, Waterford, and Limerick, respectively, or in any of those places” i ngach áit ina bhfuil na focail sin in alt 5 den Acht san;


(vii) in imeachta a bhunóidh an Stát no aon Aire no Roinn Rialtais no aon oifigeach den chéanna chun aon tsuim nách mó ná £300 do bhaint amach, suim atá dlite don Stát no go bhféadfadh an Stát no go bhféadfí thar cheann an Stáit í bhaint amach, pe'ca mar phionós, mar fhiach no mar éinní eile í, agus in ainneoin aon achtacháin atá i bhfeidhm anois agus le n-a n-iarrtar dlí do chur in aon chúirt eile chun an tsuim sin do bhaint amach:


Ach aon pháirtí in aicsean a tosnuíodh sa Chúirt Chuarda agus atá gan críochnú inti féadfa sé aon uair a iarraidh ar an mBreitheamh Cuarda an t-aicsean do chur ar aghaidh chun na hArd-Chúirte agus ansan, más aicsean é is oiriúnach le plé san Ard-Chúirt agus gurb í an Ard-Chúirt do réir deabhraimh an binse is oiriúnaí sa chás, féadfidh an Breitheamh Cuarda an t-aicsean san do chur ar aghaidh chun na hArd-Chúirte ar pé téarmaí agus fé pé coiníollacha, i dtaobh costaisí no éinní eile, a fhéachfidh a bheith ceart, agus luighfidh athchomharc i gcoinnibh an Breitheamh Cuarda do dhéanamh, fé mar is rogha leis féin, an ní a hiarradh do dheona no d'eiteach:


Agus fós, ar iarratas aon pháirtí no d'éamais a leithéide, féadfidh Breitheamh Cuarda, más oiriúnach leis é, ionad triail aon aicsin a bheidh ar bun os a chóir d'atharú o aon áit áirithe éisteachta go dtí aon áit eile éisteachta laistigh dá chuaird, agus fé Alt 61 den Acht so luighfidh athchomharc i gcoinnibh an Breitheamh Cuarda do dhéanamh, fé mar is rogha leis féin, ordú den tsórt san no do dhiúltú d'é dhéanamh.


Údarás i gcásanna coiriúla.

49.—Beidh an t-údarás so a leanas ag an gCúirt Chuarda i gcásanna coiriúla, sé sin le rá:—údarás i gcúrsaí gach feleontachta agus mí-iompair ach amháin i gcás daoine a cúiseofar i ndúnmharbhú, in iarracht ar dhúnmharbhú, no i gcogar chun dúnmharbhú, in árd-thréasún, i bhfeleontacht thréasúin, no i gcogar tréasúnta, no i bpíoráideacht, maraon le páirteacht sa choir pe'ca roimpi no ina diaidh é.


Údarás maidir le hiarrataisí ar cheadúnaisí nua.

50.—Beidh údarás ag an gCúirt Chuarda i ngach cás ina n-iarrtar ceadúnas nua a thabharfadh teideal don iarratasóir chun deochanna meisciúla do dhíol chun iad d'ól san áitreabh.


Aistriú údaráis agus baint Altanna 21 & 22 mutatis mutandis.

51.—Gach údarás nár dineadh eisceacht de go soiléir roimhe seo anso agus a bhí dílsithe i mBreacthóirí, i mBreithimh Chúirte Contae, agus i gCathaoirligh agus i gCúirteanna Ceathrú Shiosóin, no in aon cheann díobh san i Saorstát Éireann, no a bhí infheidhmithe ag an gcéanna, i dtosach feidhm an Achta so (ach amháin pé údarás a bhí ag Giúistísí i gCúirteanna Ceathrú Shiosóin no ag Giúistísí de sna Cúirteanna san agus a bronntar no a haistrítear ina dhiaidh seo anso don Chúirt Dúithche) beidh sé aistrithe chun na Cúirte Cuarda agus bainfidh forálacha Altanna 21 agus 22 den Acht so mutatis mutandis leis an údarás a dílsítear agus a haistrítear don Chúirt Chuarda leis an Acht so.


Cásanna síbhialta ina bhfeidhmeoidh breithimh údarás go haonaránach.

52.—Foráltar gur go haonaránach, mar leanas, a fheidhmeoidh na Breithimh Chuarda an t-údarás a dílsítear agus a haistrítear roimhe seo anso don Chúirt Chuarda i gcásanna síbhialta:—


(i) in aicsin a bhainean le teideal chun tailimh agus le ceartú an chláir, an breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Chuaird ina luigheann na tailte atá i gceist, no ina luigheann na tailte gurb asta no mar gheall ortha a tháinig no d'éirigh aon ionoighreachtai nea-chorpartha atá fé aighneas, no ina luigheann furmhór aon tailte den tsórt san;


(ii) i gcásanna cothruim, an breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Chuaird ina ndintí roimhe seo nithe den tsórt san d'éisteacht sna cúirteanna go mbeidh an Chúirt Chuarda ina n-ionad;


(iii) i gcúrsaí agus in aicsin promháide, agus i gcúiseanna dlí chun estáití daoine marbha do riara, an breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Chuaird ina raibh buan-áit chomhnaithe ag an uachtóir no ag an neamh-uachtóir ar uair a bháis;


(iv) i gcúrsaí gealtachta, an breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Chuaird ina bhfuil gnáthchomhnaí ar an ngealt no ar an té adeirtar a bheith ina ghealt;


(v) más rogha leis an ngearánaí é, in aon aicsean a bheidh bunuithe ar chonnra, pe'ca an connra d'fheidhmiú, d'athghairm no do chur ar neamhní no ar nea-mbrí a bheidh á éileamh no damáiste no faoiseamh eile mar gheall ar bhrise an chonnartha, an breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Chuaird in ar dineadh an connra;


(vi) i ngach cás eile, an breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Chuaird ina gcomhnuíonn an cosantóir no duine de sna cosantóirí do ghnáth no ina mbíonn aon ghairm, gnó no ceárd ar siúl aige.


Cásanna coiriúla ina bhfeidhmeoidh breithimh údarás go haonaránach.

53.—Foráltar gur go haonaránach, mar leanas, a fheidhmeoidh na Breithimh Chuarda an t-údarás a dílsítear agus a haistritear roimhe seo anso don Chúirt Chuarda i gcásanna coiriúla:—isé Breitheamh Cuarda go mbeidh údarás aige ná an breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Chuaird in ar dineadh an choir no in ar gabhadh an duine cúisíthe no ina gcomhnuíonn sé do ghnáth, agus ní trialfar aon duine cúisíthe in aon chúis choiriúil gan choiste dháréag.


Cásanna le cur ar aghaidh chun Cúirte den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte no chun na Príomh-Chúirte Coiriúla.

54.—Foráltar go mbeidh teideal ag an bPríomh-Atúrnae no ag an duine cúisithe chun do ndéanfí dho, ar iarratas, aon chás, gur mó ná príosúntacht bliana no pian-tseirbhís cúig mblian an pionós maximum ann, do chur ar aghaidh chun cúirte den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte no chun na Príomh-Chúirte Coiriúla.


Feidhmiú údaráis i gcásanna ceadúnais.

55.—An breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Chuaird ina luíonn an t-aitreabh, foráltar gurb é a fheidhmeoidh an t-údarás a dílsítear agus a haistrítear anso roimhe seo don Chúirt Chuarda maidir le deona ceadúnaisí nua.


Nithe a bheidh dúnta amach o údarás na Cúirte Cuarda.

56.—Beidh na nithe seo a leanas dúnta amach o údarás na Cúirte Cuarda:—


Habeas Corpus, Certiorari, Quo Warranto, Cosc, Scéala agus Mandamus.



57.—Beidh ag na Breithimh Chuarda comhachta ceangail, stop, garnisé, idirphléideála, agus gach comhacht (maraon le comhacht chun glacadóir do cheapa) fé bhun aon údaráis a dílsíodh no a haistríodh dóibh no is infheidhmithe acu. Beidh comhacht acu, leis, chun éisteacht aon aicsin no imeacht a bheidh ar bun os a gcóir fé seach do chur siar chun aon chúirte eile laistigh dá gCuarda fé seach, agus aon orduithe gnáth-chúrsa is dó leo bheith práinneach do dhéanamh lasmuich den chúirt.


Comhachta chun a thabhairt ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair.

58.—Chun a thabhairt ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair sna Cúirteanna Cuarda beidh ag Breitheamh Cuarda na comhachta céanna d'fheidhmíodh breitheamh d'Ard-Chúirt an Bhreithiúnais in Éirinn roimhe seo chun a thabhairt ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair san Ard-Chúirt.


Aicsean sa Chúirt Chuarda do chlárú mar lis pendens agus breith i suim is mó ná £20 sa bhreis ar chostaisí do chlárú.

59.—Féadfar aon aicsean sa Chúirt Chuarda do chlárú mar lis pendens i gcás ina bhféadfí fé láthair a leithéid d'aicsean san Ard-Chúirt do chlárú amhlaidh agus féadfar an bhreith in aon aicsean in aon tsuim is mó ná £20 sa bhreis ar chostaisí do chlárú i bPríomh-Oifig na hArd-Chúirte fé mar a cláruítear aicsin agus breitheanna na hArd-Chúirte.


Seirbheáil scríbhinní agus feidhmiú breitheanna.

60.—Leis na rialacha a déanfar fén gCuid seo den Acht so forálfar go seirbheálfar gach scríbhinn no fógra, pe'ca rud bunaidh é no a mhalairt, laistigh agus lasmuich de chuaird an bhreithimh go bhfuiltar chun an scéal do thabhairt os a chóir no go bhfuil an scéal os a chóir. Féadfar aon bhreith no ordú a dhin an Chúirt Chuarda d'fheidhmiú in aon pháirt de Shaorstát Éireann ar aon tslí de sna slite ina bhféadfí feidhmiú do dhéanamh ar bhreith no ordú den tsórt san a dhéanfadh an Ard-Chúirt.


Athchomharc i gcásanna síbhialta.

61.—Ach amháin sa chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt go soiléir san Acht so, luighfidh athchomharc chun beirte breithiún den Ard-Chúirt ina suidhe i mBaile Atha Cliath i gcoinnibh aon bhreith no ordú a thabharfidh an Chúirt Chuarda i gcásanna síbhialta. Má bhíonn an bheirt bhreithiún san ar aon aigne, ní bheidh dul thar a mbreith mara ndeimhníd go bhfuil fighte ina mbreith ceist dlí no fírinne atá táchtach a dóthain chun bheith ina habhar athchomhairc chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí, agus sa chás san féadfidh aon pháirtí athchomharc do dhéanamh chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí i gcoinnibh breith na beirte breithiún san. Mara mbeidh an bheirt bhreithiún san ar aon aigne, daingneoid an bhreith no an t-órdú gur dineadh athchomharc ina choinnibh agus lomhálfid costaisí ina theanta san, agus féadfidh aon pháirtí athchomharc do dhéanamh chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí i gcoinnibh an daingnithe sin. Ar dhlí agus ar fhírinne no ar cheachtar acu, a bheidh an t-athchomharc fén alt so bunuithe, ach, má hiarrtar le reacht, go soiléir no i dtuisgint, gan ach athchomharc ar cheisteanna dlí do bheith san athchomharc i gcoinnibh na Cúirte Contae d'fheidhmiú aon údaráis reachtúla áirithe a haistrítear leis an Acht so chun na Cúirte Cuarda, beidh an teora chéanna san leis an athchomharc i gcoinnibh na Cúirte Cuarda d'fheidhmiú an údaráis sin.


Athchomharc do bharr tuairisc luascríbhneora oifigiúla agus comhacht chun fianaise nua do ghlaca.

62.—Ar thuairisc lua-scríbhneora oifigiúla a bheidh an t-athchomharc san bunuithe, ach an chúirt a éistfidh an t-athchomharc san féadfa sí, más oiriúnach léi é, fianaise nua do ghlaca, do ráite béil no tré mhóid-scríbhinn, agus féadfa sí éinní a eireoidh as tuairisc an lua-scríbhneora do chur chun an Bhreithimh Chuarda chun a thuairim air d'fháil agus féadfa sí triail nua d'ordú no pé breith sa chás is oiriúnach leis an gCúirt d'iontráil.


Lomhálfar athchomharc i ngach cás a trialfar ar dhíotáil

63.—I ngach cás a trialfar ar dhíotáil, luighfidh athchomharc chun na Cúirte Athchomhairc Choiriúla i gcoinnibh na Cúirte Cuarda fé choiníollacha agus ar chuma agus maraon le teagmhaisí agus fé réir forálacha den tsórt a hachtuítear roimhe seo anso i dtaobh athchomhairc chun na Cúirte Athchomhairc Choiriúla i gcoinnibh na Príomh-Chúirte Coiriúla no aon Chúirte den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte.


Bainfidh Alt 27 le díotála sa Chúirt Chuarda.

64.—Bainfidh Alt 27 den Acht so le díotála sa Chúirt Chuarda.


An t-údarás a dhéanfidh rialacha don Chúirt Chuarda.

65.—Isé údarás a dhéanfidh rialacha don Chúirt Chuarda ná an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche, le haontú an Aire Airgid i dtaobh éinní a bhainean le hioncum no caiteachas puiblí, agus le haontú móráireamh coiste a bheidh có-dhéanta (a) de chúigear Breithiún Cuarda a roghnófar ag Bínse na mBreithiún gCuarda; (b) beirt abhcóidí a chleachtann a ngairm agus a roghnófar ag Comhairle Abhcóidí na hÉireann, agus (c) beirt atúrnaethe a roghnófar ag Comhairle Dlí-Chumann Ionchorpruithe na hÉireann, ach duine acu bheith ina atúrnae go bhfuil a oifig agus cleachta a ghairme lasmuich de Chathair agus de Chontae Bhaile Atha Cliath aige: Ach deimhneoidh an tAire um Gnóthaí Dúithche leor-eolas a bheith ag beirt bhall ar a luíod den choiste ar an nGaedhilg. Beidh gach ball den choiste sin cúig bliana i seilbh oifige agus beidh sé ion-athtofa agus is le roghanaíocht ar an gcuma san thuas a líonfar foth-fholúntaisí. Isé bheidh ina Chathaoirleach ar an gcoiste ná pé duine den chúigear Breithiún Cuarda a thoghfid baill an choiste.


Rialacha na Cúirte Cuarda.

66.—Aon uair agus o am go ham tar éis rithte an Achta so agus roimh thosach feidhm an Achta so no ina dhiaidh sin, féadfidh an t-údarás chun rialacha dhéanamh don Chúirt Chuarda rialacha dá ngairmfar “Rialacha Cúirte Cuarda” do dhéanamh chun an Chuid seo den Acht so do chur in éifeacht (Rialacha ná bainfidh le héisteacht athchomharcanna i gcoinnibh na Cúirte Cuarda ach a bhainfidh le héisteacht athchomharcanna i gcoinnibh na Cúirte Dúithche) agus féadfa sé na rialacha san do nea-mbríochaint no d'atharú agus rialacha nua a dhéanamh. Féadfar go sonnrách rialacha dhéanamh i gcóir gach ní no éinní de sna nithe seo a leanas:—


Chun regleáil a dhéanamh ar shiosóin, laetheanta saoire agus cuarda na mBreithiún gCuarda agus ar chleachta, pléideáil agus nós-imeachta i gcoitinne (maraon le freagarthacht páirtithe i dtaobh costaisí agus fós iontráil breithe agus deona breithe ar an slí achmair i gcásanna oiriúnacha) na Cuirte Cuarda agus ar úsáid teangan náisiúnta Shaorstáit Éireann inti agus ar cheapa agus bailiú táillí agus ar oiriúnú no atharú aon reachta fé mar is gá chun aon chríche de sna crícheanna roimhráite agus ar gach fo-rud.

Cuid III.



Bunú na Cúirte Dúithche.

67.—Bunófar fén Acht so Cúirt Bhreithiúnais Dúithche a bheidh có-dhéanta de pé breithiúin a ceapfar mar a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso.


Ceapfar Breithiúin Chúirte Dúithche.

68.—Nuair a dhéanfidh agus chó luath agus a dhéanfidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche Saorstát Éireann do roinnt ina Dhúithchí oiriúnacha ceapfar oiread Breithiún den Chúirt Dúithche agus bheidh riachtanach: Ach ní bheidh thar triúr breithiún déag ar fhichid den tsórt san ann aon uair.


Cáilíocht i gcóir ceapacháin.

69.—Ní ceapfar éinne mar Bhreitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche maran rud é, ar dháta a cheaptha, gurb abhcóide no atúrnae ag cleachta a ghairme é agus seasamh sé mblian ar a luíod aige, no gur Ghiúistís Roinne de Cheanntar Póilíneachta Chathair Bhaile Cliath é, tráth, no Giúistís Dúithche fén Acht um Ghiúistísí Dúithche (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 6 de 1923); ach chun críche na forála so tuigfar gur cleachta ag an mBarra seirbhís mar bhreitheamh de Chúirt Uachtarach na Dála mar a mínítear san in Acht Cúirteanna Dháil Éireann (Críochnú a nGnótha), 1923 (Uimh. 36 de 1923), no mar Choimisinéir Breithiúnais a ceapadh fén Acht san.


Folúntas in oifig: breoiteacht agus fear ionaid.

70.—Féadfar oifig aon Bhreithimh den Chúirt Dúithche d'fholamhú le scríbhinn fé láimh an Bhreithimh féin, agus folamhófar í nuair a ceapfar é mar Bhreitheamh den Chúirt Chuarda, agus ansan no aon uair a bheidh oifig aon bhreithimh folamh féadfar breitheamh nua do cheapa ina áit. I gcás aon bhreitheamh a bheith breoite, féadfar fear ionaid a cheapa chun gníomhú ina áit ar mhola ón bPríomh-Aturnae, ar pé téarmaí a forálfar leis na rialacha a déanfar fén gCuid seo den Acht so maidir leis an bhfear ionaid d'íoc amach as tuarastal an bhreithimh no ar aon tslí eile: Ach mar sin féin éinne nách abhcóide no aturnae ag cleachta a ghairme agus seasamh sé mblian ar a luíod aige ní bheidh sé cáilithe chun bheith ina fhear ionaid do bhreitheamh.


Dúithchí Cúirte ina bhfuil líomatáistí Gaedhlacha.

71.—Sa mhéid gur féidir é agus gach ní a bhaineann leis an scéal d'áireamh, beidh ag an mBreitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche, a ceapfar do Dhúthaigh ina bhfuil líomatáiste ina bhfuil an Ghaedhilg in úsáid ghenerálta, oiread eolais ar an nGaedhilg agus chuirfadh ar a chumas déanamh in éamais conganta o fhear teangan agus fianaise á tabhairt sa teangain sin.


Aois chun dul as oifig.

72.—Is 70 mbliana an aois chun dul as oifig do Bhreitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire do Cheanntar Póilíneachta Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath no do cheanntar gur cuid de, no ina bhfuil, Cathair Chorcaighe, agus 65 bliana an aois chun dul as oifig do gach Breitheamh eile den Chúirt Dúithche: Ach i gcás Breithimh den Chúirt Dúithche a bhí ina Ghiúistís Dúithche fén Acht um Ghiúistísí Dúithche (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 6 de 1923) agus a bhí os cionn 55 bliana d'aois agus fé bhun 60 blian d'aois ar dháta a cheaptha chun na hoifige deiridh sin adubhradh, féadfidh an Prímh-Bhreitheamh, más oiriúnach leis é, an aois chun dul as oifig don Bhreitheamh san do shíne chun pé dáta a chuirfidh ar a chumas tréimhse seirbhíse is leor chun pinsin do a chríochnú.


Ní féidir Breithiúin a chur as oifig ach mar gheall ar nithe a luaidhtear san alt.

73.—Ní bheidh aon Bhreitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche ionchurtha as oifig ach mar gheall ar mhí-chumas no easláinte chuirp no mheabhrach no droch-iompar in oifig no mí-iompar a deimhneofar fé lámhaibh an Phríomh-Atúrnae agus an Phrímh-Bhreithimh. Beidh sé de dhualgas ar an bPríomh-Atúrnae agus ar an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh an deimhniú san do thabhairt más deimhin leo go bhfuil an mí-chumas no an easláinte sin ann no gur dineadh aon droch-iompar no mí-iompar den tsórt san. Ní caithfar amhras ar aon deimhniú den tsórt san ná ní déanfar abhar imeacht de in aon Chúirt.


Luach saothair.

74.—Tuarastal £1,200 per annum a gheobhaidh sinsear na mBreithiún den Chúirt Dúithche a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire do Cheanntar Póilíneachta Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, agus tuarastal £1,100 per annum a gheobhaidh gach duine eile de sna Breithimh roimhráite agus fós an Breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire, do Dhúthaigh gur cuid di, no ina bhfuil Cathair Chorcaighe.


Tuarastal £1,000 per annum a gheobhaidh gach Breitheamh eile den Chúirt Dúithche.


Is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas gach bliain a híocfar gach ceann de sna tuarastail roimhráite go dtí deire na bliana airgeadais dar críoch an 31adh lá de Mhárta, 1927, agus ina dhiaidh sin is ar an bPrímh-Chiste no ar a thora fáis a bheidh a muirear agus a n-íoc.



75.—Má bhíonn an tsláinte go maith ag Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche ar dháta a cheaptha chun na hoifige, beidh a oifig ina hoifig inphinsin do réir na nAchtanna Aois-liúntais, 1834 go 1919, agus is ar an gcuma agus fé sna coiníollacha a horduítear leis na hAchtanna san a déanfar amach an pinsean, an aisce no an liúntas a deonfar do Bhreitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche no a deonfar mar gheall air ar dhul as oifig no ar fháil bháis do, agus chun crícheanna Alt 8 den Superannuation Act, 1859, is leor mar dheimhniú deimhniú ón bPrímh-Bhreitheamh: Ach aon Ghiúistís Roinne den tsórt roimhráite no aon Ghiúistís Dúithche fén Acht um Ghiúistísí Dúithche (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 6 de 1923), a ceapfar mar bhreitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche, beidh teideal aige chun aimsir a thug sé ina Ghiúistís Roinne no ina Ghiúistís Dúithche fén Acht san is déanaí a luadhadh d'áireamh mar aimsir a thug sé ina bhreitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche fén Acht so.


Breithiúin Chonganta Sealadacha

76.—Más gá é mar gheall ar ana-bhroid gnótha no mar gheall ar Bhreitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche bheith as láthair ar laethanta saoire féadfar Breithiúin Chonganta sealadacha den Chúirt Dúithche do cheapa, pé méid ar a socróidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche le haontú an Aire Airgid. Ní ceapfar mar Bhreitheamh Chonganta shealadach den Chúirt Dúithche éinne ná fuil cáilithe chun a cheaptha mar Bhreitheamh den Chúirt sin agus is mar a shocróidh na hAirí sin eatorra féin a bheidh téarmaí agus coiníollacha na gceaptha san.


Údarás na Cúirte úithche.

77.—Beidh ag an gCúirt Dúithche agus feidhmeoidh sí gach comhacht agus údarás a bhí, díreach roimh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, dílsithe le reacht no ar aon tslí eile i nGiúistisí no i nGiúistís Síochána ina shuidhe no ina shuidhe i nGearr-Shíosón agus fós (ina theanta san agus ní mar eisceacht uaidh) na húdaráis seo a leanas:—


A.—I gCásanna Síbhialta—


(i) i gcúrsaí connra agus brise connra maran mó an t-éileamh ná £25;


(ii) i gcúrsaí tort (ach clú-mhille ráiteach, clú-mhille scríbhte, comhrá coiriúil, meabhlú, clú-mhille teidil, próiseacht mhailíseach agus príosúntacht éagcórtha) agus i gcúrsaí éilithe damáiste ná baineann le connra maran mó an t-éileamh ná £10: Ach ní bheidh údarás ag aon Bhreitheamh nuair a bheidh i dtreis ceist bona fide i dtaobh teidil chun aon tailimh gur mó ná deich bpúint a luach do réir Lúachála fé Dhlí na mBocht agus nuair a dineadh bona fide chun an teidil sin do chur in úil an gníomh as ar eirigh na himeachta a cuireadh ar siúl ina láthair:


Agus fós ní thuitfidh údarás Breithimh ar lár de dheascaibh ceist teideal chun tailimh nách mó ná £10 a luach do réir Luachála fé Dhlí na mBocht do thabhairt i dtreis, ach sa chás san ní oibreoidh breith an Bhreithimh mar estopal i gcúis dlí ná mar bhac ar chúis dlí in aon chúirt i dtaobh an tailimh sin;


(iii) i gcúrsaí caitheamh-amach mar gheall ar neamh-íoc cíosa no seilbh-thar-téarma in aon tsórt tionóntachta nách mó an cíos uirthi ná suim atá no a fhéadfadh a bheith chó mór le £26 per annum;


(iv) in imeachta a bhunóidh an Stát no aon Aire no Roinn Rialtais no aon Oifigeach don chéanna chun aon tsuim, nách mó ná £25 agus atá dlite don Stát no ionbhainte amach aige no thar a cheann, do bhaint amach, pe'ca mar phionós, mar fhiach no mar éinní eile í agus in ainneoin aon achtacháin atá i bhfeidhm anois agus le n-a n-iarrtar an tsuim sin do lorg san Ard-Chúirt no in aon chúirt árd-chéime eile.


B.—I gCásanna Coiriúla—in aon chás díobh so a leanas, má sé barúil an Bhreithimh gur mion-chionta is intrialta ar an slí achmair an méid a cruthuíodh i gcoinnibh an duine chúisithe agus mara ndinidh an duine cúisithe (tar éis don Bhreitheamh é fhiarfaí dhe) cur i gcoinnibh é thriail amhlaidh:—


(i) i gcúrsaí ladranntachta, glaca, claonchasa no feallaireachta—údarás i gcás nách mó ná £20 an méid is fiú an t-airgead no an mhaoin atá i gceist;


(ii) i gcúrsaí ionnsaí—údarás i gcásanna ionnsaí tré n-ar dineadh díobháil chuirp;


(iii) i gcúrsaí ionnsaí mhí-mhorálta—féadfar aon chás den tsórt san d'éisteacht in camera agus nuair a héistfar amhlaidh é, más baineannach an té a hionsaíodh, beidh teideal ag baineannach eile, a ainmneoidh an té a hionnsaíodh, chun bheith i láthair sa chúirt ar feadh na haimsire go léir a bheidh an cás á éisteacht;


(iv) i gcúrsaí burglaerachta no brise isteach i dtigh no tabhairt fé cheachtar acu;


(v) i gcúrsaí ciréibe no tionóil nea-dhleathaigh—údarás i gcásanna gurb é barúil an Bhreithimh nách chun cogar có-ghléasta do chur ar aghaidh a dineadh an choir no, má b'ea féin, go bhfuil deire leis an gcogar san;


(vi) i gcúrsaí damáiste mhailísigh do mhaoin—údarás i gcásanna nách mó an damáiste ná £20:


Ach isé an daora is mó a féadfar a chur ar dhuine in aon chás díobh san a trialfar ar an slí achmair ná sé mhí príosúntachta i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre: Agus fós aon chásanna coiriúla ná trialfar ar an slí achmair cuirfar iad ar aghaidh chun a dtrialta (fé réir forálacha eile atá san Acht so) go dtí Breitheamh na Cuarda, no Breitheamh cheann de sna Cuarda (an ceann a shocróidh an Breitheamh) ina luigheann an Dúthaigh más cásanna laistigh d'údarás na Cúirte Cuarda iad agus, marab ea, go dtí an chéad Chúirt eile den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte a bheidh ina suidhe don Dúthaigh, no go dtí an Phríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil más cásanna laistigh de chompás na Cúirte sin iad.


C.—I gcúrsaí deimhnithe do dheona i gcóir ceadúnaisí biotáille agus ceadúnaisí eile—gach údarás ceadúnais atá go dtí so á fheidhmiú ag Giúistísí Síochána i nGearr-Shíosóin no i gCeathrú Shiosóin no ag Cúirteanna Ceathrú Shiosón no ag Breacthóirí no ag Giúistísí Síochána lasmuich de Ghearr-Shiosóin ach amháin an chomhacht a bronntar le hAlt 50 den Acht so ar an gCúirt Chuarda chun ceadúnaisí nua do dheona.


Údarás a haistreo far chun na Cúirte Dúithche.

78.—Gach údarás a bhí dílsithe i nGiúistísí Dúithche, no infheidhmithe acu, i dtosach feidhm an Achta so, fé fhorálacha an Achta um Ghiúistísí Dúithche (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 6 de 1923), no fé aon Acht atá i bhfeidhm anois, agus fós gach údarás a bhí dílsithe i nGiúistísí Roinne Cheanntar Póilíneachta Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, no a bhí infheidhmithe acu, i dtosach feidhm an Achta so, agus, ina theanta san, gach údarás a bhí dílsithe no infheidhmithe, i dtosach feidhm an Achta so, sa Chúirt Choinsiais no aici, no i nduine no ag duine ag gníomhú mar Ghiúistís Síochána fén Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854, aistreofar iad chun na Cúirte Dúithche, agus na forálacha atá in Altanna 21 agus 22 den Acht so bainfid mutatis mutandis leis na húdaráis a dílsítear agus a haistrítear don Chúirt Chuarda leis an Acht so.


Na húdaráis á fheidhmiú go haonaránach ag na Breithiúin

79.—Foráltar gur go haonaránach, mar leanas, a fheidhmeoidh na Breithiúin na húdaráis a dílsítear agus a haistrítear don Chúirt Dúithche leis an Acht so:—


I gcásanna síbhialta, Breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Dúthaigh ina gcomhnuíonn an cosantóir no duine de sna cosantóirí do ghnáth no ina mbíonn aon ghairm, gnó no ceárd ar siúl aige;


I gcásanna coiriúla, Breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Dúthaigh in ar dineadh an choir no in ar gabhadh no ina gcomhnuíonn an duine cúisithe;


I gcásanna ceadúnais, Breitheamh a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Dúthaigh ina bhfuil an t-áitreabh ceadúnaithe suidhte.


“Cúirt na Leanbh.”

80.—Suidhfidh Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche uair sa tseachtain, más gá é, i gCúirt speisialta i gCathracha Bhaile Atha Cliath, Chorcaighe, Luimnigh agus Phortláirge, dá ngairmfar “Cúirt na Leanbh” agus deighleálfa sé sa chúirt sin, ar pé cuma a dheabhróidh bheith ceart, le gach cúis i gcoinnibh leanbhaí, ach amháin cúiseanna gur dó leis nách cóir deighleáil leo amhlaidh mar gheall ar a dtruime no mar gheall ar nithe eile fé leith a bhaineann leo. Aireofar mar leanbhaí anso daoine óga, fireann no baineann, atá fé bhun sé mblian ndéag.


Orduithe fén Debtor's Act (Ireland), 1872, Alt 6

81.—Beidh comhacht ag Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche chun pé orduithe a dheabhróidh bheith ceart do dhéanamh fé Alt 6 den Debtor's Act (Ireland), 1872, agus fé aon Acht le n-a leasuítear an céanna, chun aon aithne a dhéanfidh an Chúirt Dúithche do chur i bhfeidhm.


Feidhmiú aitheanta.

82.—In aon chás gur gá é isé duine a fheidhmeoidh aithne na Cúirte Dúithche i gcásanna síbhialta ná an Sirriam no an t-oifigeach eile a fheidhmíonn aitheanta a dhineann an Chúirt Chuarda.


Cás aithriste i gcóir na hArd-Chúirte ar cheist dlí.

83.—Déanfidh Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche (má dhineann aon pháirtí in aon imeachta a bheidh os a chóir é iarraidh air agus maran dó leis gurb iarratas suaibhreosach é) agus féadfa sé (gan iarratas d'fháil) aon cheist dlí a eireoidh in aon chás a bheidh os a chóir do chur chun na hArd-Chúirte chun breith do thabhairt uirthi, agus ní bheidh dul thar an mbreith a thabharfidh an Ard-Chúirt uirthi ná ní féadfar athchomharc a dhéanamh i gcoinnibh na breithe sin.


Athchomharc i gcásanna síbhialta.

84.—I ngach cás nách cás coiriúil féadfar athchomharc i gcoinnibh aon bhreithe a thug Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche do dhéanamh chun an Bhreithimh den Chúirt Chuarda 'na luigheann Dúthaigh no aon chuid de Dhúthaigh an Bhreithimh laistigh dá Chuaird, agus ní bheidh dul thar an mbreith a thabharfidh Breitheamh na Cúirte Cuarda ar aon athchomharc den tsórt san ná ní féadfar athchomharc a dhéanamh i gcoinnibh na breithe sin.


Athchomharc i gcásanna coiriúla.

85.—I gcásanna coiriúla ina ndéanfidh Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche ordú go n-íocfar fíneáil no suim eile is mó ná fiche scilling no go ndéanfar éinní ar chostas is mó ná fiche scilling no go ndéanfar banna in aon tsuim is mó ná fiche scilling d'estréatáil no go bhfuilingeofar aon téarma príosúntachta is sia ná mí, féadfidh an té gur dineadh an t-ordú ina choinnibh, ach ní fhéadfidh éinne eile, athchomharc a dhéanamh i gcoinnibh an orduithe sin chun an Bhreithimh den Chúirt Chuarda 'na luigheann Dúthaigh no aon chuid de Dhúthaigh an Bhreithimh laistigh dá Chuaird agus ní bheidh dul thar an mbreith a thabharfidh Breitheamh na Cúirte Cuarda ar aon athchomharc den tsórt san ná ní féadfar athchomharc a dhéanamh i gcoinnibh na breithe sin.


Beidh gach cás aithriste no athchomharc sa bhfuirm, etc., a hordófar le rialacha

86.—Fé mar a hordófar leis na rialacha a déanfar fén gCuid seo den Acht so isea bheidh gach cás aithriste no athchomharc maidir leis an bhfuirm agus leis an gcuma ina mbeid, agus san ar gach slí, agus maidir leis na coiníollacha fé n-a mbeidh, pe'ca i dtaobh aimsire iad no i dtaobh éinní eile (ar a n-áirítear lóisteáil aon airgid i gcásanna síbhialta agus dul fé bhannaí maraon le huraí i gcásanna coiriúla).


Athchomharc i gcásanna ceadúnais

87.—I gcásanna céadúnais féadfidh an t-iarratasóir, no na daoine go bhfuil teideal acu do réir dlí fé láthair chun cur-igcoinnibh a dhéanamh, athchomharc a dhéanamh do réir pé forálacha a hordófar leis na rialacha a déanfar fén gCuid seo den Acht so.


Feadhmannaigh Shíochána do cheapa.

88.—(1) Le barántas fé n-a láimh féadfidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche o am go ham daoine córa oiriúnacha, dá ngairmfar “Feadhmannaigh Shíochána” no (i mBéarla) “Peace Commissioners,” do cheapa i ngach contae, pé daoine agus pé méid díobh is oiriúnach leis, chun dualgaisí agus comhachta Feadhmannach Síochána fén Acht so do chó-líona agus d'fheidhmiú laistigh den chontae sin agus (má deirtar é ina bharántas ceapacháin) laistigh de sna contaethe díreach có-theorainn leis an gcontae sin agus féadfa sé ar an gcuma gcéanna iad do chur chun siúil.


(2) Sa mhéid gur féidir é, agus gach ní a bhaineann leis an scéal d'áireamh, beidh ag gach éinne a ceapfar chun bheith ina Fheadhmannach Síochána, i gcontae ina bhfuil líomatáiste ina bhfuil an Ghaedhilg in úsáid ghenerálta, a dhóthain eolais ar an nGaedhilg chun gnó a oifige do dhéanamh sa teangain sin.


(3) Beidh ag Feadhmannach Síochána gach comhacht agus údarás a bhí dílsithe i nGiúistís Síochána, díreach roimh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, i dtaobh gach ní fé leith díobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) gairmeacha do shighniú;


(b) barántaisí do shighniú;


(c) daoine do chur fé mhionn agus faisnéisí, dearbhuithe, scéala, naisc agus bannaí do ghlaca;


(d) geilteanna contabharthacha agus daoine gan meabhair do chur isteach i ngealtlanna fé Alt 10 den Lunacy (Ireland) Act, 1867, agus socrú do dhéanamh i dtaobh luach saothair don dochtúir oifigiúil agus do scrúdóir na ngealt fé Alt 14 den Lunatic Asylums (Ireland) Act, 1875;


(e) deimhnithe do shighniú chun gealtanna agus daoine gan meabhair do leigint isteach i ngealtlanna;


(f) an deimhniú a hiarrtar le hAlt 2 den Registration of Clubs (Ireland) Act, 1904, do shighniú;


(g) aon earra atá ceaptha mar bhia do dhaoine agus is dó leis a bheith fé ghalar no mí-fholáin no neamhoiriúnach mar bhia do dhaoine fé Alt 133 den Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, fé mar atá sé leasuithe le hAlt 28 den Public Health Acts Amendment Act, 1890, —an t-earra san do dhaora agus a ordú go ndéanfar díthiú no rud éigin eile air:


Ach mar sin féin is Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche a shighneoidh aon ghairm in aghaidh aon bhall den Ghárda Síochána.


(4) Má ghabhann ball den Ghárda Síochána éinne a bheidh cúisithe i gcionta indíotálta do dhéanamh tabharfar an duine sin i láthair Feadhmannaigh Shíochána láithreach mara mbeidh Breitheamh de Chúirt Dúithche le fáil láithreach agus tar éis pé fianaise a tairgfar d'éisteacht déanfidh an Feadhmannach Síochána an duine sin do chur siar, i gcimeád no fé pé bannaí is oiriúnach leis an bhFeadhmannach Síochána, agus cuirfe sé an cás siar chun go n-éistfar é i láthair Breithimh den Chúirt Dúithche ar dháta nach déanaí ná an chéad uair eile a shuidfidh an Chúirt Dúithche sa Dúthaigh in ar gabhadh an duine sin.


Ní ceapfar a thuille Giúistísí fén Acht um Ghiúistísí Dúithche (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923.

89.—O am rithte an Achta so agus dá éis ní ceapfar aon Ghiúistís Dúithche fén Acht um Ghiúistísí Dúithche (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 6 de 1923).


An t-údarás a dhéanfidh na rialacha.

90.—Isé údarás a dhéanfidh rialacha don Chúirt Dúithche ná an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche le haontú an Aire Airgid, i dtaobh nithe a bhaineann le hioncum no caiteachas puiblí, agus le cognamh Coiste a bheidh có-dhéanta de pé Breithiúin de Bhreithiúin na Cúirte Dúithche a ainmneoidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche chun na críche sin o am go ham, eadhon, cúigear ar a luíod ar a mbeidh éinne amháin ar a luíod de sna Breithiúin a bheidh ceaptha de thurus na huaire don Dúthaigh ina bhfuil Ceanntar Póilíneachta Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, agus de bheirt atúrnae a chleachtann a ngairm agus a ainmneoidh Uachtarán Dlí-Chumann Ionchorpruithe na hÉireann, ach duine acu bheith ina atúrnae go bhfuil a oifig agus cleachta a ghairme lasmuich de Chathair agus Contae Bhaile Atha Cliath aige, agus d'aon abhcóide amháin a chleachtann a ghairm agus a ainmneoidh Comhairle Abhcóidí na hÉireann.


Rialacha chun an Chuid seo den Acht so chur in éifeacht.

91.—Aon uair agus o am go ham tar éis rithte an Achta so agus roimh thosach feidhm an Achta so no dá éis sin, féadfidh an t-údarás san chun rialacha dhéanamh rialacha dá ngairmfar “Rialacha Cúirte Dúithche” do dhéanamh chun an Chuid seo den Acht so do chur in éifeacht (ach ní hi dtaobh na Cúirte Cuarda d'éisteacht athchomharcanna i gcoinnibh na Cúirte Dúithche ná i dtaobh na hArd-Chúirte d'éisteacht cásanna d'aithris an Chúirt Dúithche) agus na rialacha san do chur ar nea-mbrí no d'atharú agus rialacha nua do dhéanamh. Féadfar go sonnrách rialacha dhéanamh i gcóir gach ní no éinní dhíobh so a leanas, eadhon, chun regleáil a dhéanamh ar shuidheanna agus ar laetheanta saoire agus ar dhúithchí na mBreithiún agus ar na háiteanna ina mbeidh imeachta le bunú agus ar na fuirmeacha próisis, gairme, cáis aithriste, athchomhaire no éinní eile, agus ar na coiníollacha nách foláir do pháirtí a iarrfidh aithris cáis no d'athchomharcach a chó-líona i gcásanna síbhialta no i gcásanna coiriúla no i gcásanna ceadúnais, pe'ca aca é, agus ar chleachta agus nós-imeachta na Cúirte Dúithche i gcoitinne, maraon le ceisteanna costaisí agus na trátha chun aon chéim do thabhairt sa Chúirt Dúithche agus ar bhreith d'iontráil agus ar bhreith do dheona ar an slí achmair i gcásanna oiriúnacha, agus ar úsáid teangan náisiúnta Shaorstáit Éireann sa chúirt sin agus ar cheapa agus bailiú táillí agus ar oiriúnú no atharú aon reachta fé mar is gá chun aon críche de sna crícheanna roimhráite agus ar gach fo-rud.


Ceadú na ri lacha.

92.—Móráireamh den choiste roimhráite a mholfidh agus an Príomh-Atúrnae agus an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche agus an tAire Airgid a shighneoidh agus a cheadóidh na rialacha san agus ní bheid dleathach go dtí go ndéanfar iad do mhola, do shighniú agus do cheadú amhlaidh.

Cuid IV.



Atúrnaethe agus coimisinéirí mionn atá ann fé láthair.

93.—Gach atúrnae a bhaineann leis an gCúirt Uachtarach Údaráis in Éirinn fé láthair agus gach coimisinéir mionn atá ann fé láthair aistreofar iad chun na gCúirt uile agus fé leith a bunuítear fén Acht so agus déanfidh díobh atúrnaethe agus coimisinéirí fé seach de sna cúirteanna san.


Ceart chun tríalach fé choiste dháréag i gcásanna síbhialta agus costaisí i gcásanna den tsórt san.

94.—Ní dhéanfidh éinní dá bhfuil san Acht so díth ná dochar do cheart aon pháirtí in aon aicsean san Ard-Chúirt ná sa Chúirt Chuarda (nách aicsean chun suim réithithe d'fháil ná aicsean chun connra chur i bhfeidhm ná chun cúiteamh d'fháil i mbrise connra) chun ceisteanna fírinne chur á dtriail fé choiste dháréag i gcásanna ina bhféadfadh sé, le corp cirt, an ní sin d'éileamh roimhe seo sa Chúirt Uachtarach Údaráis in Éirinn agus treoracha ag an gcoiste dháréag den tsórt chéanna, i dtaobh dlí agus fianaise, a bheadh acu sna cásanna san, ach ní bheidh teideal chun coiste dháréag ag aon pháirtí in aicsean san Ard-Chúirt ná sa Chúirt Chuarda chun suim réitithe d'fháil ná in aicsean chun connra chur i bhfeidhm no chun cúiteamh d'fháil ná in aicsean chun talamh d'fháil maran dó leis an mbreitheamh gur gá coiste dháréag, no gur mhaith an rud é, chun an t-aicsean do thriail sa cheart, agus mara n-orduighe sé amhlaidh uaidh féin no ar iarratas aon pháirtí. Fé réir gach achtacháin atá ann cheana agus a theorannuíonn no a regleálann na costaisí is iníoctha in aon aicsean, no a dhineann difir dóibh, tré iad d'áireamh do réir an méid a baintear amach san aicsean, geobhaidh leis an gcúis costaisí gach aicsin shíbhialta agus gach ceiste agus caingne síbhialta a trialfar fé choiste dháréag san Ard-Chúirt no sa Chúirt Chuarda, mara ndinidh an Breitheamh a bheidh ar an triail a mhalairt d'ordú ar iarratas a dineadh agus ar chúis fé leith a taisbeánfar agus a luadhfar san ordú; agus féadfidh an bínse athchomhaire aon ordú o Bhreitheamh i dtaobh na gcostaisí sin do chur ar nea-mbrí no d'atharú.


Breith-fhocal o naonúr ball den choiste dháréag i gcásanna síbhialta.

95.—I ngach triail ar chás síbhialta i láthair breithimh agus coiste dháréag, pe'ca san Ard-Chúirt no sa Chúirt Chuarda a déanfar í, is de dhá bhall déag a bheidh an coiste có-dhéanta agus is gá agus is leor chun an breith-fhocal do shocrú vóta móráirimh de naonúr as an dá bhall déag san. Cuirfidh an breitheamh an méid sin in úil don choiste agus déanfar breithfhocal an naonúir sin no níos mó do thógaint agus do chur ar breaca mar bhreith-fhocal ón gcoiste, gan scéith ar an méid nár aontuigh léi, má bhí a leithéidí ann.


Fuirm athchomharc i gcásanna a trialadh fé choiste dháréag

96.—Gach athchomharc i gcoinnibh breithe a thug an Ard-Chúirt no an Chúirt Chuarda in aicsean a trialadh fé bhreitheamh agus fé choiste dháréag no i gcoinnibh aon bhreithe eile a thug an Ard-Chúirt no an Chúirt Chuarda agus atá bunuithe ar bhreithfhocal a thug coiste dháréag i gcás síbhialta, tré n-a thairsgint i láthair an bhínse athchomhairc go mbunófar triail nua isea a déanfar é, agus i gcás athchomhairc i gcoinnibh na Cúirte Cuarda, beidh ar na curtha-i-leith ar a bhféadfar an tairsgint sin do bhunú a chur i leith breith-fhocal an choiste dháréag go raibh sí bunoscionn le trom na fianaise no go raibh sí claon ar shlí éigin eile. In aon athchomharc le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so, féadfidh an binse athchomhairc, in ionad triail nua d'ordú, an breith-fhocal, an breith-thora agus an bhreith gur hathchomharcadh ina gcoinnibh do chur i leataoibh, agus pé breith is dó leis an gcúirt is ceart d'iontráil.


Deimhniú ar thuairisc o luascríbhneoir.

97.—Aon uair is gá fén Acht so athchomharc do bhunú no d'éisteacht ar thuairisc o lua-scríbhneoir oifigiúil, beidh sa tuairisc sin na céad-nótaí lua-scríbhneoireachta agus an t-athscríobh a dineadh ortha agus deimhneoidh breitheamh na Cúirte céad-chéime gurb í an tuairisc sin í.


Tuigfar cúirteanna i gCaisleán Bhaile Atha Cliath do bheith suidhte i gCathair agus i gContae Bhaile Atha Cliath.

98.—Chun gach críche tuigfar agus faisnítear leis seo gur i gContae Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath agus i gContae Bhaile Atha Cliath a luigheann na foirgintí agus an t-áitreabh dá ngairmtear go coitianta Caisleán Bhaile Atha Cliath, agus a ngar-chomhursanacht san, oiread díobh agus cuirfar i leithreas de thurus na huaire chun aon Chúirt a bunuítear fé Chuid I. no fé Chuid II. den Acht so do chomóra ann no chun úsáid no chun cóiríocht d'aon bhreitheamh no oifigeach d'aon chúirt den tsórt san no chun gnó aon oifig a bhaineann le haon Chúirt den tsórt san do dhéanamh ann.


An fhaisnéis a dhéanfidh breithimh tar éis a gceaptha.

99.—Mar leanas a bheidh an Fhaisnéis a dhéanfidh gach Breitheamh den Chúirt Uachtaraigh, den Ard-Chúirt, agus den Chúirt Chuarda, agus gach Breitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche, tar éis a gceaptha:—


Dinim-se                   a gheallúint agus a fhaisnéis go solamanta agus go macánta i láthair Dé go bhfeidhmeod go cuibhe agus go dílis agus chó fada lem' éirim agus lem' chomhacht oifig Phrímh-Bhreitheamh Chúirt Uachtarach (no Uachtarán Ard-Chúirt, no Breitheamh de Chúirt Uachtarach no d'Ard-Chúirt no de Chúirt Chuarda no Breitheamh de Chúirt Dúithche, pe'ca aca é) Shaorstáit Éireann gan faitios ná fabhar, gan grá ná fuath d'éinne, agus go seasód le Bunreacht Shaorstáit Éireann mar atá sé bunuithe do réir dlí.


Déanfar agus sighneofar an fhaisnéis sin ag an bPrímh-Bhreitheamh i bhfianaise an tSeanascail agus ag gach duine de sna breithimh roimhráite i bhfianaise an Phrímh-Bhreithimh sa chúirt go hoscailte.


Aon bhreitheamh a eiteoidh no a leigfidh i bhfaillí an fhaisnéis roimhráite a dhéanamh ar an gcuma roimhráite beidh sé gan teideal chun dul i mbun a oifige mar bhreitheamh agus tuigfar é bheith tar éis an oifig sin d'fhágaint.


An aois chun dul as oifig do bhreithimh atá ann cheana agus a ceapfar fén Acht so.

100.—Einne atá ina bhreitheamh den Chúirt Uachtarach Údaráis in Éirinn, ina Bhreacthóir, ina Bhreitheamh Cúirte Contae, no ina Ghiúistís Dúithche i Saorstát Éireann, no ina Ghiúistís Roinne de Cheanntar Póilíneachta Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath le linn rithte an Achta so, má ceaptar é chun bheith ina bhreitheamh d'aon Chúirt fén Acht so tar éis an aois a horduítear leis an Acht so mar aois chun dul as oifig do bhreithimh den Chúirt sin a bheith slán aige déanfar, ina chás san, an aois chun dul as oifig do mhéadú tré thrí bliana do chur léi.


Ní thiocfidh rialacha i ngníomh go dtí go gceadóidh an tOireachtas iad.

101.—Ní thiocfidh aon rialacha cúirte a déanfar fén Acht so i ngníomh mara ndintar ná go dtí go ndéanfar iad do leaga fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas agus iad do cheadú le rún o gach Tigh den Oireachtas.


Forálacha i dtaobh oifigeach atá ann cheana.

102.—Gach clárathóir, cléireach agus oifigeach eile a bhaineann leis an gCúirt Uachtarach Údaráis atá ann fé láthair no leis an Tiarna Prímh-Ghiúistís agus é ag feidhmiú an údaráis atá aige i gcúrsaí gealtachta, agus le Cúirteanna Breacthóirí, Breithiún Cúirte Contae agus Giúistisí Dúithche atá ann fé láthair no le Cúirteanna Máistreoirí Roinne Cheanntar Póilíneachta Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, leanfid de bheith i seilbh oifige fén sealbhaíocht gcéanna fé n-a bhfuilid go dtí so agus de bheith ag có-líona na ndualgaisí atáid a chó-líona go dtí so no ag có-líona dualgaisí a bheidh có-ghaolmhar de sna dualgaisí sin mara ndinidh agus go dtí go ndéanfidh an tOireachtas a mhalairt d'ordú. Socróidh an Prímh-Bhreitheamh gach ceist a eireoidh i dtaobh ce'ca tá aon dualgaisí có-ghaolmhar d'aon dualgaisí eile no ná fuil agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith. Ní dhéanfidh éinní san Alt so dochar do sna cirt atá ag aon oifigeach fé Alt 10 de sna hAirtiogail Chó-aontuithe do Chonnra idir an mBreatain Mhóir agus Éire a sighníodh i Lundain an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921.


Breithimh den Ard-Chúirt isea éistfidh athchomhairc chun Breithimh Ard-Shiosóin agus a bheidh gan críochnú.

103.—Gach athchomharc agus iarratas eile chun Breithiún Ard-Shíosóin agus a bheidh gan críochnú i dtosach feidhm Chuid II. den Acht so éistfar agus socrófar iad ag pé Breitheamh no Breithimh den Ard-Chúirt a hainmneofar chun na críche sin ag Uachtarán na hArd-Chúirte agus san ar pé uaire agus i pé aiteanna a ordóidh agus a cheapfidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche le hordú.


Triail daoine a bheidh ag feitheamh le n-a dtriail i dtosach feidhm an Achta so.

104.—Gach duine a bheidh curtha ar aghaidh, i dtosach feidhm Chuid I. den Acht so, chun a thrialta in Ard-Shíosón no i láthair aon Choimisiúin eile Eisteachta agus Socrúcháin agus scage príosúnach, agus a bheidh ag feitheamh le n-a thriail agus gach duine a bheidh curtha ar aghaidh, i dtosach feidhm an Achta so, chun a thrialta fé Bhreitheamh Cúirte Contae, no fé aon Dáil-Chúirt mar a mínítear le hAcht Cúirteanna Dháil Éireann (Críochnú a nGnótha), 1923 (Uimh. 36 de 1923), in aon chúis lasmuich d'údarás na Cúirte Cuarda, agus a bheidh ag feitheamh le n-a thriail sa chúis sin, tuigfar iad a bheith curtha ar aghaidh chun iad do thriail agus déanfar iad do thriail ag an bPríomh-Chúirt Choiriúil no, má orduíonn an Príomh-Atúrnae é, ag cúirt den Chuaird Ard-Chúirte. Gach duine a bheidh curtha ar aghaidh, i dtosach feidhm Chuid II. den Acht so, chun a thrialta ag Breitheamh Cúirte Contae, no ag aon Dáil-Chúirt den tsórt san roimhráite, in aon chúis laistigh d'údarás na Cúirte Cuarda, agus a bheidh ag feitheamh le n-a thriail, tuigfar é bheith curtha ar aghaidh chun é thriail ag an gCúirt Chuarda oiriúnach agus trialfidh an Chúirt sin é.

An Sceideal dá dtagartar san Acht san thuas.

Líon daoine

1.   Cathair agus Contae Bhaile Atha Cliath




2.   Cathair agus Contae Chorcaighe





3.   Tír Chonaill










4.   Muigheo








5.   Sligeach


An Iarmhidhe


I Fáilghe


I lár baill






6.   Lughmhagh

An Mhidhe

Cill Dara

Cill Manntáin

Loch gCarmain







7.   Ciarraighe


An Clár

Thiar Theas






8.   Tiobraid Arann

Cill Choinnigh






