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Uimhir 21 de 1942.
[An tionntódh oifigeamhail.]
[29adh Iúl, 1942.]
Comhacht chuardaigh maidir le heasportáil nea-dhleathach.
1.—(1) San alt so—
foluíonn an abairt “oifigeach custum agus máil” ball den Ghárda Síochána agus duine ar bith sa tseirbhís phuiblí a bheidh ar fostú de thurus na huaire chun cosc do chur le hearraí d'easportáil no d'iomportáil go nea-dhleathach;
foluíonn tagairtí do dhuine do chuardach tagairtí d'aon bhosca no mála no pacáiste no airteagal eile bheidh ar iompar ag an duine sin d'oscailt (le héigean más gá) agus do chuardach.
(2) Baineann an t-alt so le gach earra a mbeidh a heasportáil toirmeasctha de thurus na huaire le dlí no ar gá de thurus na huaire do réir dlí ceadúnas no údarú speisialta eile chun í easportáil.
(3) Is cead (fé réir forálacha an ailt seo) d'oifigeach custum agus máil no do dhuine bheidh ag gníomhú fé orduithe oifigigh chustum agus máil duine ar bith do chuardach a mbeidh amhras réasúnach ag an oifigeach san aon earraí le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so do bheith ar iompar no ar seilbh aige d'fhonn no d'intinn na hearraí sin d'easportáil no iad do bhreith go dtí aon áit chun iad d'easportáil no cabhrú no neartú ar shlí eile le hiad d'easportáil no a thabhairt ar shlí eile iad d'easportáil.
(4) Aon uair a bheartóidh oifigeach custum agus máil duine do chuardach no a chur fé ndear é chuardach, feadfaidh an duine sin a éileamh go mbéarfaí i láthair bailitheora no oifigigh uachtaraigh eile chustum agus máil é agus, air sin, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(a) déanfaidh an t-oifigeach custum agus máil sin, chó luath agus a bheidh san réasúnach agus sara ndéanfaidh an duine sin do chuardach no a chur fé ndear é chuardach, an duine sin do thabhairt i láthair bailitheora no oifigigh uachtaraigh eile chustum agus máil;
(b) éistfidh an t-oifigeach uachtarach san le n-a mbeidh le rá ag an oifigeach san agus ag an duine sin agus déanfaidh, do réir mar a mheasfaidh is ceart, a ordú an duine sin do scaoileadh saor gan é chuardach no a ordú é chuardach láithreach;
(c) gach ordú do bhéarfaidh aon oifigeach uachtarach den tsórt san adubhradh fén mír dheiridh sin roimhe seo den fho-alt so ní foláir do gach duine le n-a mbainfidh déanamh dá réir.
(5) Ní déanfar aon duine baineann do chuardach fén alt so ach ag mnaoi.
(6) Gach duine bhacfaidh oifigeach custum agus máil no chuirfidh ina choinnibh no chuirfidh isteach air agus é ag feidhmiú na gcomhacht do bheirtear dó leis an alt so no a dhéanfaidh, go sonnrach, cur suas d'é chuardach no cur i gcoinnibh é chuardach fén alt so, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlifear pionós custum nach mó ná céad punt do chur air.
Brí na habairte “prohibited goods” sna hAchtanna Custum.
2.—Chun deireadh do chur le hamhrais, dearbhuítear leis seo—
(a) go bhfoluíonn an abairt “prohibited goods” mar a bhfuil sí in ailt 172, 182, 202, 204 agus 205 fé seach den Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, agus gur fholuigh sí riamh, earraí a bhfuil toirmeasctha iad d'easportáil chó maith le hearraí a bhfuil toirmeasctha iad d'iomportáil agus go bhfuil, agus go raibh riamh, éifeacht dá réir sin ag alt 19 (a leasuíonn an t-alt san 205) den Acht Airgid, 1936 (Uimh. 31 de 1936), agus
(b) go bhfuil gach gníomh a dearbhuítear do bheith ina chionta le halt 12 den Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1881, agus go raibh sé riamh ina chionta fén alt san pé aca gníomh ar n-a dhéanamh maidir le hearraí d'easportáil no tabhairt fé n-a n-easportáil go nea-dhleathach é no maidir le hearraí d'iomportáil no tabhairt fé n-a n-iomportáil go nea-dhleathach.
Imeachta chun pionóis fé na hAchtanna Custum do bhaint amach.
3.—Chun deireadh do chur le hamhrais, achtuítear leis seo maidir le himeachta in aon chúirt dlighinse inniúla chun pionós fé na hAchtanna Custum do bhaint amach gur dleathach, agus gur dhleathach riamh, iad do bhunú in ainm no ar agra an Ard-Aighne.
Gearr-theideal agus léiriú.
4.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Custum (Leasú), 1942, do ghairm den Acht so.
(2) Léireofar an tAcht so i dteanta na nAchtanna Custum.
Number 21 of 1942.
Section | |
Meaning of the expression “prohibited goods” in the Customs Acts. | |
Act Referred to | |
No. 31 of 1936 |
Number 21 of 1942.
Power of search in relation to unlawful exportation.
1.—(1) In this section—
the expression “officer of customs and excise” includes a member of the Gárda Síochána and any person in the public service who is for the time being employed in the prevention of the illegal importation or exportation of goods;
references to the searching of a person include the opening (if necessary by force) and searching of any box, bag, package, or other article carried by such person.
(2) This section applies to all goods the exportation of which is for the time being prohibited by law or for the exportation of which a licence or other special authorisation is for the time being required by law.
(3) An officer of customs and excise or a person acting on the instructions of an officer of customs and excise may (subject to the provisions of this section) search any person whom such officer reasonably suspects of carrying or having in his possession any goods to which this section applies for the purpose or with the intent of exporting such goods or of bringing them to any place for exportation or of otherwise aiding, abetting, or procuring the exportation thereof.
(4) Whenever an officer of customs and excise proposes to search, or cause to be searched, any person, that person may demand that he be brought before a collector or other superior officer of customs and excise, whereupon the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—
(a) such officer of customs and excise shall, with all reasonable speed and before searching him or causing him to be searched, bring such person before a collector or other superior officer of customs and excise;
(b) such superior officer shall hear the representations of such officer and of such person and shall either, as he shall think proper, direct that such person be discharged without being searched or direct that he be searched forthwith;
(c) every direction given under the next preceding paragraph of this sub-section by any such superior officer as aforesaid shall be complied with by all persons concerned.
(5) No female person shall be searched under this section otherwise than by a woman.
(6) Every person who obstructs, resists, or interferes with an officer of customs and excise in the exercise of the powers conferred on him by this section or, in particular, refuses to be or resists being searched under this section, shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a customs penalty not exceeding one hundred pounds.
Meaning of the expression “prohibited goods” in the Customs Acts.
2.—For the purpose of removing doubts, it is hereby declared—
(a) that the expression “prohibited goods” where it occurs in sections 172, 182, 202, 204, and 205, respectively, of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, includes and always included goods the export of which is prohibited as well as goods the import of which is prohibited and that section 19 (amending the said section 205) of the Finance Act, 1936 (No. 31 of 1936), has and always had effect accordingly, and
(b) that every act which is declared by section 12 of the Customs and Inland Revenue Act, 1881, to be an offence is and always was an offence under that section whether done in relation to the illegal exportation or attempted exportation of goods or the illegal importation or attempted importation of goods.
Proceedings for, penalties under the Customs Acts.
3.—In order to remove doubts, it is hereby enacted that proceedings in any court of competent jurisdiction for the recovery of a penalty under the Customs Acts may be, and might always have been, brought in the name or at the suit of the Attorney-General.
Short title and construction.
4.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Customs (Amendment) Act, 1942.
(2) This Act shall be construed together with the Customs Acts.