As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.



Number 22 of 1934.





Preliminary and General



Short title and commencement.




General definition of planning scheme.


The relevant date for the purposes of this Act.


Appointment of officers by local authorities.


Public inquiries.


General regulations.


Service of notices.


Furnishing of lists by inspectors of taxes.


Obligation to give information to planning or responsible authority.


Expenses of the Minister in the execution of this Act.


Expenses of local authorities in the execution of this Act.


Payment of expenses by a statutory undertaker.


Borrowing by local authorities.


Protection of statutory undertakers.


Provisions in relation to State property.


Planning Authorities and Areas


Planning districts and district planning authorities.


Formation of planning regions.


Audit of accounts of regional planning authorities.


The Dublin and Cork planning regions.


Power to extend certain planning districts.


Overlapping of planning regions.


Overlapping between planning districts and planning regions.


Preparation of Planning Schemes


Regulations, etc., by the Minister.


Preparation and publication of model forms of planning schemes.


Resolutions for the making of planning schemes.


Overlapping of planning schemes.


Powers or examination and survey for preparation of planning scheme.


Approval of planning schemes by the Minister.


Declaration in planning scheme prohibiting compensation.


Annulment of planning scheme by the High Court.


Coming into operation of planning scheme.


Revocation by the Minister of approval of planning scheme.


Revocation, etc., of a planning scheme by a subsequent planning scheme.


Revocation or modification of planning scheme at request of responsible authority.


Appeal in respect of revocation or modification of a planning scheme.


Contents of Planning Schemes


Statement of relevant area in planning schemes.


Nomination of the responsible authority.


Establishment and maintenance of the register.


Certain provisions which may be contained in planning schemes.


Saving for national monuments.


Power for responsible authority to acquire land.


Modification of procedure for acquisition of land.


Suspension of acts, orders, etc., by planning schemes.


Appeal from control of design, etc., of structures.


Contribution by one local authority to expenses incurred by another local authority.


Execution of Planning Schemes


General duty of responsible authority.


Powers of entry, etc., for carrying out a planning scheme.


Contravention of Planning Schemes


Penalty for contravention of planning scheme.


Powers for preventing etc., contraventions of planning schemes.


Notice of intention to exercise power.



Recovery of expenses by responsible authority.


Doing of work by owner or occupier.


Application of provisions relating to compensation.


Penalty for obstruction of exercise of powers under this Part of this Act.


Permission and Prohibition of Erection, Etc., of Structures


Control of constructive and other work for planning scheme.


Power to make unlawful any contravention of a special prohibition.


Appeal to Minister in relation to permission or prohibition.


Compensation for compliance with condition.


Compensation and Payment for Betterment in Respect of Planning Schemes


Compensation for restriction, etc., on user of property.


Postponement of payment of compensation.


Compensation for exercise of powers under Part VI. of this Act.


Compensation for unnecessary refusal of permission or making of prohibition.


Compensation in certain cases where resolution is revoked.


Compensation in certain cases for abortive work or expense.


Compensation where another enactment applies or might be applied.


Compensation where work could have been done under another Act.


Prohibition of compensation where planning scheme declares no compensation to be payable.


Prohibition of compensation in certain cases.


Prohibition of double compensation.


Payment for betterment.


Calculation of amount of payment for betterment.


Application of moneys paid as payment for betterment.


Arbitration on applications for compensation or payment for betterment.


Recovery of compensation payable by the responsible authority.


Recovery by the responsible authority of payment for betterment.


Registration and enforcement of charges on property.



Acts Referred to

Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930

No. 27 of 1930

Cork City Management Act, 1929

No. 1 of 1929

Local Government Act, 1925

No. 5 of 1925

National Monuments Act, 1930

No. 2 of 1930

Acquisition of Land (Reference Committee) Act, 1925

No. 22 of 1925


Number 22 of 1934.




Preliminary and General.


Short title and commencement.

1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Town and Regional Planning Act, 1934.


(2) This Act shall come into operation on such day as shall be fixed in that behalf by order made by the Minister under this section.



2.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Local Government and Public Health;


the expression “reserved function” has in relation to the county borough of Dublin and the borough of Dun Laoghaire respectively the same meaning as it has in the Local Government (Dublin) Act, 1930 (No. 27 of 1930), and in relation to the county borough of Cork the same meaning as it has in the Cork City Management Act, 1929 (No. 1 of 1929);


the expression “planning authority” includes both a district planning authority and a regional planning authority;


the expression “district planning scheme” means a planning scheme made by a district planning authority for the whole or any part of their planning district;


the expression “regional planning scheme” means a planning scheme made by a regional planning authority for the whole or any part of their planning region;


the expression “special permission” means a permission granted under this Act by a planning authority (or the Minister on appeal) for the construction, demolition, alteration, extension, repair, or renewal of a particular structure;


the expression “general permission” means a permission granted under this Act by a planning authority (or the Minister on appeal) for the construction, demolition, alteration, extension, repair, or renewal of all structures of a particular class or classes in a particular area or part of an area;


the expression “special prohibition” means a prohibition made under this Act by a planning authority prohibiting, whether absolutely or subject to conditions, the further proceeding with the construction, demolition, alteration, extension, repair, or renewal of a particular structure;


the expression “statutory undertaker” means a person authorised by a British Statute or an Act of the Oireachtas or an order having statutory force to construct, work, or carry on a railway, canal, inland navigation, dock, harbour, tramway, gas, electricity, or other public undertaking;


the word “structure” means any building, erection, structure, excavation, or other thing constructed, erected, or made on, in, or under any land and, where the context so admits, includes the land on, in, or under which the structure is situate;


the word “work” includes any act or operation of construction, demolition, extension, alteration, repair, or renewal;


the word “road” means any road whether public or private;


the word “prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made by the Minister under this Act.


(2) For the purposes of this Act each of the following bodies shall be a local authority, that is to say:—


(a) the council of a county borough,


(b) the council of a county,


(c) the council of a borough,


(d) the council of an urban district,


(e) a joint committee of any two or more of the said councils,


(f) a board of public health,


(g) a board of health and public assistance,


(h) any joint board formed under the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931.


(3) For the purposes of this Act the placing or keeping on any land of any shed, van, tent, or other object (whether fixed or movable or collapsible) which is not a structure shall be a use of such land.


General definition of planning scheme.

3.—For the purposes of this Act, a planning scheme shall be taken to be a scheme made in accordance with this Act for the general purpose of securing the orderly and progressive development of a particular area, whether urban or rural, in the best interests of the community and of preserving, improving, and extending the amenities of such area.


The relevant date for the purposes of this Act.

4.—(1) Save as is otherwise provided by this section, the relevant date for the purposes of this Act in respect of a planning scheme or of any particular provision contained in a planning scheme shall be the date on which the planning authority by whom such planning scheme was made passed the resolution for the making of such planning scheme.


(2) Where a planning scheme (hereinafter referred to as “the subsequent scheme”) amends or wholly or partially revokes another planning scheme (hereinafter referred to as “the original scheme”), the relevant date for the purposes of this Act in respect of any provision contained in the subsequent scheme which is identical or substantially identical with a provision contained in the original scheme and revoked by the subsequent scheme shall (subject to any provision to the contrary made under the next following sub-section of this section) be the date which was the relevant date in respect of the said provision contained in the original scheme.


(3) A planning scheme may provide that the date which would, under the foregoing provisions of this section, be the relevant date for the purposes of this Act in respect of such scheme or of any particular provision contained in such scheme shall not be the relevant date in respect of such scheme or such provision (as the case may be), and that in lieu thereof any later date specified in that behalf in such scheme shall be the relevant date for the purposes of this Act in respect of such scheme or such provision, as the case may be.


(4) In this Act the expression “the relevant date” means the date which is fixed by or under this section to be the relevant date in respect of the planning scheme or the provision in relation to which the expression is used.


Appointment of officers by local authorities.

5.—Any local authority may, subject to the provisions of any enactment relating to the appointment of officers by such local authority, appoint such and so many officers as it shall consider requisite for the execution of the functions, powers, and duties conferred or imposed by this Act, and every officer so appointed shall be paid such remuneration as such local authority shall, with the consent of the Minister determine.


Public inquiries.

6.—(1) Whenever power is conferred on the Minister by this Act to make, approve of, confirm, or consent to any planning scheme, order, or regulation, to consent to any matter, to determine any appeal, difference, dispute, or other matter, or to take any other action, the Minister may before exercising such power hold a public inquiry into the matter which is the subject of such exercise of such power.


(2) Article 32 of the Schedule to the Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, shall apply in respect of every public inquiry held under this section or any other section of this Act in like manner as the said Article applies in respect of the local inquiries therein mentioned.


General regulations.

7.—(1) The Minister may by order make regulations prescribing any matter or thing which is referred to in this Act as prescribed or to be prescribed.


(2) Every regulation made by the Minister under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which such House has sat annulling such regulation, such regulation shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such regulation.


Service of notices.

8.—(1) Where a notice is required by this Act or by a planning scheme to be given to a person, such notice shall be addressed to such person and shall be given to such person in some one of the following ways, that is to say:—


(a) where such notice is addressed to such person by name, by delivering it to such person;


(b) by leaving it at the address at which such person ordinarily resides;


(c) by sending it by post in a prepaid registered letter addressed to such person at the address at which he ordinarily resides;


(d) where the address at which such person ordinarily resides cannot be ascertained by reasonable inquiry and such notice is so required to be given in respect of any land or premises, by delivering it to some person over sixteen years of age resident or employed on such land or premises or by affixing it in a conspicious position on such land or premises.


(2) Where a notice is required by this Act or by a planning scheme to be given to the owner or to the occupier of any land or premises and the name of such owner or of such occupier (as the case may be) cannot be ascertained by reasonable inquiry, such notice may be addressed to “the owner” or “the occupier” (as the case may require) without naming him.


(3) For the purposes of this section, a company registered under the Companies Acts, 1908 to 1924, shall be deemed to be ordinarily resident at its registered office, and every other body corporate and every unincorporated body shall be deemed to be ordinarily resident at its principal office or place of business.


Furnishing of lists by inspectors of taxes.

9.—(1) Whenever a planning authority or a responsible authority is required by or under this Act or a planning scheme to serve notices on the owners of property, such authority may require the inspector of taxes in whose district such property is situate to furnish to such authority a list of the names and addresses of all owners and occupiers of property shown in the assessments to income tax under Schedule A of the Income Tax Act, 1918 (as amended by subsequent enactments), last made before a specified date in a specified area which is within the district of such inspector and within the functional area of such authority.


(2) An inspector of taxes may charge for any list of names and addresses furnished by him in pursuance of this section such fee, not exceeding five shillings for every hundred entries separately numbered, as the Revenue Commissioners shall direct, and the payment of such fee by the planning authority or responsible authority requiring such list shall be a condition precedent to the furnishing of such list.


Obligation to give information to planning or responsible authority.

10.—(1) A planning authority or a responsible authority may, for any purpose arising in relation to the making, enforcement, or carrying out of a planning scheme, by notice in writing require the occupier of any land or structure in the area to which such planning scheme relates or is intended to relate or any person receiving, whether for himself or for another, rent out of any such land or structure to state in writing to such planning authority or responsible authority (as the case may be), within a specified time not less than fourteen days after being so required, particulars of the estate, interest, or right by virtue of which he occupies such land or structure or receives such rent (as the case may be), and the name and address, and the estate, interest, or right (so far as they are known to him) of every person who to his knowledge has any estate or interest in or right over or in respect of such land or structure.


(2) Every person who is required under this section to state in writing any matter or thing to a planning authority or a responsible authority (as the case may be) and either fails so to state such matter or thing within the time appointed under this section or when so stating any such matter or thing makes any statement in writing which is to his knowledge false or misleading in a material respect, shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds.


Expenses of the Minister in the execution of this Act.

11.—Save as is otherwise provided by this Act all expenses incurred by the Minister in the execution of this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Expenses of local authorities in the execution of this Act.

12.—(1) The expenses incurred by a local authority in or in relation to the making or execution of a planning scheme or otherwise in the execution of this Act shall, save as is otherwise provided by or under this Act, be raised—


(a) in the case of a county council, by means of the poor rate equally over such and so many townlands in the county health district in relation to which such expenses were so incurred as the Minister, on the application of such county council, may at any time and from time to time determine, and unless or until the Minister makes any such determination equally over the whole of such county health district, and


(b) in the case of a board of health, by means of the poor rate equally over such and so many townlands in the county health district of such board of health as the Minister, on the application of such board of health, may at any time and from time to time determine, and unless or until the Minister makes any such determination equally over the whole of such county health district, and


(c) in the case of any other local authority, in the manner in which expenses incurred by such local authority under the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931, are defrayed.


(2) Whenever any expenses are by virtue of this section to be raised by means of the poor rate over the whole of or over any particular townlands in a county health district (in this sub-section referred to as the chargeable area), the Minister may, on the application of the council or board by whom such expenses were or are to be incurred, direct that such expenses shall not be raised equally over the whole of the chargeable area but shall, as between specified townlands in the chargeable area, be raised in such proportions as the Minister shall think proper to specify, and thereupon such expenses shall, notwithstanding anything contained in this section, be raised in accordance with such direction.


Payment of expenses by a statutory undertaker.

13.—Any statutory undertaker may agree to pay and may pay to a planning authority all or any part of the expenses incurred by such planning authority in or in relation to the making of a planning scheme or to a responsible authority all or any part of the expenses incurred by such responsible authority in or in relation to the execution of a planning scheme.


Borrowing by local authorities.

14.—(1) The council of a county may borrow under Article 22 of the Schedule to the Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, for the purpose of defraying any expenses incurred by such council or by a planning authority partly appointed by such council in the making or execution of a planning scheme or otherwise in the execution of this Act in like manner as if such purpose were mentioned in that Article and money borrowed for any such purpose shall not be reckoned as part of the debt of such council for the purposes of any limitation on borrowing imposed by the said Article.


(2) The council of a county borough, a borough, or an urban district or the board of health for a county health district may borrow under the Public Health Acts, 1878 to 1931, for the purpose of defraying any expenses incurred by such council or board or by a planning authority partly appointed by such council in the making or execution of a planning scheme or otherwise in the execution of this Act as if such purpose were a purpose for which such council or board is authorised to borrow under those Acts, but money borrowed for any such purpose shall not be reckoned as part of the debt of such council or board for the purposes of any limitation on borrowing imposed by those Acts.


Protection of statutory undertakers.

15.—(1) No provision contained in a planning scheme shall apply to any land or to any structure on, in, or under any land which is at the relevant date occupied by a statutory undertaker for the purposes of his undertaking so long as such land or structure continues to be so occupied, unless or save in so far as either such statutory undertaker consents under this section to the application of such provision to such land or structure or the Minister by order made under this section directs that such provision shall apply to such land or structure.


(2) A planning authority by whom a planning scheme has been or is being made or the responsible authority under a planning scheme may request any statutory undertaker, who on the relevant date occupies for the purposes of his undertaking any land in the area to which such planning scheme relates or is intended to relate, to consent to the application of any provision in such planning scheme to such land or to any structure on, in, or under such land.


(3) Where any such request as is mentioned in the next preceding sub-section of this section has been made by a planning authority or a responsible authority to a statutory undertaker and such statutory undertaker does not, within two months after the making of such request, either give or refuse the consent mentioned in such request, such statutory undertaker shall be deemed for the purposes of this section to have given such consent at the expiration of the said period of two months.


(4) Where any such request as aforesaid made by a planning authority or a responsible authority to a statutory undertaker is refused by such statutory undertaker within two months after the making of such request, such planning authority or such responsible authority (as the case may be) may appeal to the Minister against such refusal, and on such appeal the Minister may, if he is of opinion that such refusal is unreasonable, by order declare that the provision the subject of such request shall apply or, where the planning scheme has not been made, may be applied to the land or structure mentioned in such request either, as the Minister shall think proper, without restriction or to such limited extent or subject to such conditions as the Minister shall think proper to specify in such order.


(5) Before making an order under this section in relation to any land or to any structure on, in, or under any land occupied for the purposes of a railway, canal, inland navigation, dock, harbour, tramway, gas, or electricity undertaking, the Minister shall consult with the Minister for Industry and Commerce in regard to such order.


(6) Whenever any land or structure in the area to which a planning scheme relates is at the relevant date occupied by a statutory undertaker for the purposes of his undertaking, and ceases at any time after the relevant date to be occupied by such statutory undertaker for such purposes, and either such statutory undertaker has not given the consent mentioned in this section or the Minister has not made an order under this section, every provision contained in such planning scheme which would have applied to such land or structure if it were not so occupied by such statutory undertaker shall, immediately upon such cesser, apply to such land or structure but with the modification that the date of such cesser shall be the relevant date in respect of such land or structure.


Provisions in relation to State property.

16.—(1) Any Minister or statutory board having control of land to which this section applies may, if and so far as he or they so thinks or think proper having regard to the purposes for which such land is under his or their control and to his or their primary duty in regard thereto, co-operate with a planning authority or a responsible authority with a view to securing that such land shall be so used and maintained as to conform with the general objects or any particular object of a planning scheme, and may, where he or they so thinks or think proper, enter into an agreement with such planning authority or responsible authority for the purpose of providing for such co-operation and for financial and other matters consequential thereon or incidental thereto.


(2) Where, in the case of land to which Article 11 of the Constitution applies, the making of leases of such land or, in the case of any other land to which this section applies, the alienation of such land by a Minister or a statutory board is subject to the sanction, consent, or approval of the Minister for Finance, no agreement shall be made under this section in regard to such land without the consent of the Minister for Finance.


(3) This section applies to all land which belongs to Saorstát Eireann by virtue of Article 11 of the Constitution and to all land which for the time being is state property or is vested in any Minister or statutory board whether by statute, purchase, gift, or otherwise.


(4) In this section the word “land” includes structure, and the expression “statutory board” means a board of commissioners or other board or body established by statute or statutory order and exercising any function of government or discharging any public duties in relation to public administration throughout Saorstát Eireann.



Planning Authorities and Areas.


Planning districts and district planning authorities.

17.—(1) Every county borough, every borough, every urban district, and every county health district shall be a planning district for the purposes of this Act.


(2) The council of a county borough, of a borough, or of an urban district shall be the district planning authority for the purposes of this Act for the planning district consisting of such county borough, borough, or urban district, as the case may be.


(3) The council of a county shall be the district planning authority for the purposes of this Act for every planning district consisting of a county health district situate in such county.


Formation of planning regions.

18.—(1) The respective district planning authorities for any two adjoining planning districts or for any three or more planning districts each of which adjoins another or others of such districts may, by a resolution under this section passed by each of such authorities, determine that all such planning districts or specified portions thereof shall become and be a planning region for the purposes of this Act.


(2) A resolution under this section shall define the area and boundaries of the planning region to be constituted thereby and the name by which such planning region is to be known, and may impose restrictions on the matters to be contained in or dealt with by a regional planning scheme for such planning region or any part thereof, either to secure that any such scheme shall deal only with matters affecting the common interests of the whole of such planning region or for any other purpose.


(3) A resolution under this section shall not be passed by a district planning authority unless or until the prescribed notice of the intention to propose such resolution has been given.


(4) A resolution under this section shall not have any force or effect unless or until similar resolutions have been duly passed by all the district planning authorities concerned and all such resolutions have been approved of by the Minister.


(5) When resolutions under this section have been duly passed by all the district planning authorities concerned and have been approved of by the Minister, the area specified and defined in that behalf in such resolutions shall become and be a planning region for the purpose of this Act, and the regional planning authority for such planning region shall be a joint committee of the said district planning authorities consisting of such number of persons (whether members or not members of any of the said authorities) appointed by the said authorities in such proportions as shall be agreed by the said authorities or, in default of such agreement, shall be fixed by the Minister.


(6) The Minister may by order appoint the time of appointment (including the first appointment) of the members of a joint committee which is a regional planning authority for a planning region constituted under this section, the period for which such members shall hold office, the method of filling casual vacancies in the membership of such committee, the disqualification of members of such committee who cease to be or become disqualified for being members of the district planning authority by whom they were appointed, and the conduct of the business of such committee.


(7) The expenses incurred by a regional planning authority constituted under this section in the exercise of their powers and the performance of their duties as such authority shall be defrayed by the several district planning authorities by whom such regional planning authority is appointed in such proportions as shall be agreed upon by such authorities or, in default of such agreement, shall be fixed by the Minister.


(8) The Minister may, if and whenever he thinks proper so to do, by order direct that a specified regional planning authority constituted under this section shall pay contributions towards the travelling expenses incurred by members of such authority in attending the meetings of such authority, and thereupon, as from the coming into operation of such order, section 63 of the Local Government Act, 1925 (No. 5 of 1925), and the Fifth Schedule to that Act shall apply to such regional planning authority as if such authority were a county authority within the meaning of the said section 63.


(9) In the case of the county borough of Dublin, of the borough of Dun Laoghaire, and of the county borough of Cork respectively, the passing of a resolution under this section for the constitution of a planning region shall be a reserved function.


Audit of accounts of regional planning authorities.

19.—(1) The accounts of every regional planning authority (other than the respective regional planning authorities for the Dublin planning region and the Cork planning region) shall be audited by an auditor appointed by the Minister and the following enactments, that is to say, sections 12 to 15 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1871, sub-section (2) of section 63 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, and sections 20 and 21 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1902, as amended or adapted by or under any subsequent enactment shall apply to the audit and auditor of the accounts of such authorities in the same manner as such enactments as so amended or adapted apply to the audit and auditor of the accounts of the public bodies specified therein.


(2) The Minister shall from time to time as occasion requires ascertain and determine what proportion of the salary paid to the auditor appointed under this section to audit the accounts of a regional planning authority should be charged in respect of such audit, and the amount of such proportion of such salary shall be paid by such regional planning authority to the said Minister.


The Dublin and Cork planning regions.

20.—(1) The county borough of Dublin and the counties of Dublin, Kildare, Meath and Wicklow shall for the purposes of this Act collectively form and be a planning region which shall be known and is in this Act referred to as the Dublin planning region.


(2) The county borough of Cork and the county of Cork shall for the purposes of this Act collectively form and be a planning region which shall be known and is in this Act referred to as the Cork planning region.


(3) The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Dublin shall be the regional planning authority for the Dublin planning region and the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of Cork shall be the regional planning authority of the Cork planning region.


(4) So far as is reasonably possible, the respective regional planning authorities for the Dublin planning region and the Cork planning region shall confine the exercise of their powers as such authorities to matters affecting only the county borough of Dublin or the county borough of Cork (as the case may be), but where either of such authorities proposes to exercise any of such powers in relation to any portion of the Dublin planning region or the Cork planning region (as the case may be) outside the said county borough, such authority shall ascertain the opinions and requirements of the district planning authority for every planning district which, or any portion of which, would be affected by such exercise of such powers and shall in such exercise of such powers consider the opinions and requirements so ascertained.


(5) Every doubt, question, or dispute as to whether any act (whether of commission or omission) done by the regional planning authority for the Dublin planning region or the Cork planning region is or is not a contravention of the next foregoing sub-section of this section shall be determined by the Minister whose decision thereon shall be final.


(6) All expenses incurred by the regional planning authority for the Dublin planning region or the regional planning authority for the Cork planning region in the exercise of their powers and performance of their duties under this Act as such authority shall be defrayed in the manner in which such expenses would be required to be defrayed under this Act if they were expenses incurred by the district planning authority for the county borough of Dublin or the county borough of Cork, as the case may be.


Power to extend certain planning districts.

21.—(1) The Minister may, on the application of the council of a county borough, of a borough, or of an urban district and after such notice and consideration and being satisfied as is hereinafter mentioned, by order declare that as from a specified date not prior to the date of such order a specified portion (in this Act referred to as a contiguous area) of a county health district contiguous to such county borough, borough, or urban district shall for all the purposes of this Act (save as is by this section otherwise provided) be added to and form part of the planning district which consists of or includes such county borough, borough, or urban district.


(2) The Minister shall not make an order under this section save after giving to the council of the county in which the contiguous area proposed to be the subject of such order is situate one month's notice of his intention to make such order and considering any representations thereon made to him by such council within such month.


(3) The Minister shall not make an order under this section unless he is satisfied that the development of the contiguous area proposed to be the subject of such order should be co-ordinated with the development of the planning district to which such contiguous area is proposed to be added.


(4) Whenever an order is made under this section the following provisions shall have effect on and from the day on which such order comes into effect, that is to say:—


(a) the contiguous area the subject of such order shall cease to be part of the planning district in which it was included immediately before the coming into operation of such order;


(b) the said contiguous area shall become and be for all purposes of this Act (save as is by this section otherwise provided) part of and included in the planning district to which it is added by such order;


(c) the council of the county in which the said contiguous area is situate shall cease to be the district planning authority in respect of such contiguous area;


(d) the council which immediately before the coming into operation of such order was the district planning authority for the said planning district to which the said contiguous area is added by such order shall continue to be the district planning authority for the said planning district as enlarged by the addition thereto of the said contiguous area;


(e) if, at the coming into operation of such order, the said contiguous area is part of a planning region (other than the Dublin planning region and the Cork planning region) which does not include the said planning district to which the said contiguous area is added by such order, the said contiguous area shall continue to be included in such planning region, and the regional planning authority for such planning region shall be enlarged by such order by the addition to such authority of such number of persons (whether members or not members of the authority by whom they are appointed) appointed by the district planning authority for the said planning district as shall be fixed by such order.


(5) Where an order (in this section referred to as the principal order) has been made under this section, the Minister may by order revoke the principal order at any time before but not after the district planning authority for the planning district enlarged by the principal order has passed a resolution for the making of a planning scheme for the contiguous area or an area including the contiguous area which is the subject of the principal order.


(6) In the case of the county borough of Dublin, of the borough of Dun Laoghaire, and of the county borough of Cork respectively, the making of an application for an order under this section shall be a reserved function.


Overlapping of planning regions.

22.—A planning region formed under this Act in consequence of resolutions in that behalf passed by two or more district planning authorities shall not be situate either wholly or partly within another planning region similarly formed but may be situate wholly or partly within the Dublin planning region or the Cork planning region.


Overlapping between planning districts and planning regions.

23.—(1) The fact that a planning district is situate wholly or partly within a planning region shall not prevent the extension under this Act of such planning district by the inclusion therein of a contiguous area which is within or outside or partly within and partly outside such planning region or is wholly or partly within another planning region.


(2) The fact that a planning district is not situate either wholly or partly within any planning region shall not prevent the extension under this Act of such planning district by the inclusion therein of a contiguous area which is wholly or partly within a planning region.



Preparation of Planning Schemes.


Regulations, etc., by the Minister.

24.—(1) The Minister shall by order make regulations in relation to the several matters and things mentioned in the First Schedule to this Act.


(2) Every regulation made by the Minister under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling such regulation is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which such House has sat after such regulation is laid before it, such regulation shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such regulation.


Preparation and publication of model forms of planning schemes.

25.—The Minister may, as and when he thinks fit, prepare and publish, for the use and guidance of planning authorities and other persons interested, general instructions in relation to the preparation of planning schemes, together with model forms of planning schemes and of provisions and clauses usually inserted in planning schemes.


Resolutions for the making of planning schemes.

26.—(1) A planning authority may, by resolution in the prescribed form of the intention to propose which not less than one month's notice has been given in writing to every member of such authority and notice has been published at least once in each of two successive weeks in three newspapers (of which at least one is a daily newspaper) circulating in the planning region or planning district of such authority, and for the passing of which more than half the members of such authority have voted, decide to make a planning scheme for (as the case may be) their planning region or any specified part thereof or their planning district or any specified part thereof.


(2) A resolution under this section shall not be invalidated by the making of an amendment therein after the giving and publication of notice of such resolution in accordance with this section and before the passing of such resolution, unless the effect of such amendment is to include in the area to which such resolution relates an area which was not so included when notice of such resolution was so given and published.


(3) It shall not be lawful for a planning authority to revoke a resolution duly passed under this section deciding to make a planning scheme.


(4) Where the planning authority by whom a planning scheme (in this sub-section referred to as the existing scheme) was made pass a resolution for the making of a planning scheme revoking, amending, or varying the existing scheme, the Minister may by order revoke such resolution save in so far as such resolution relates to an area to which the existing scheme does not relate or in which the existing scheme is not in force.


(5) The consideration and the making by a planning authority of a decision to make a planning scheme shall, in the case of the county borough of Dublin, the borough of Dun Laoghaire and of the county borough of Cork respectively, be a reserved function.


Overlapping of planning schemes.

27.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the making by a planning authority of a planning scheme for the whole or for any particular part of their planning region or planning district (as the case may be) shall not prevent either—


(a) the making by such planning authority of a planning scheme for any area (for which they can lawfully make a planning scheme) which wholly or partly includes or is included in the area to which such first-mentioned planning scheme relates, or


(b) the making by any other planning authority of a planning scheme for any area (for which they can lawfully make a planning scheme) which wholly or partly includes or is included in the area to which such first-mentioned planning scheme relates.


(2) Where a planning authority makes a planning scheme (in this sub-section referred to as the earlier scheme) and the same or any other planning authority subsequently makes a planning scheme (in this sub-section referred to as the later scheme) for an area which is included, wholly or partly, in the area to which the earlier scheme relates, then the later scheme shall not be inconsistent with the earlier scheme, but in order to avoid such inconsistency the later scheme or the order of the Minister approving of it may declare any specified part or provisions of the earlier scheme to be inconsistent with the later scheme and thereupon such specified part or provisions of the earlier scheme shall become and be void as from the coming into operation of the later scheme but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under the earlier scheme.


(3) For the purposes of the foregoing sub-section of this section a planning scheme shall be deemed to be made on the day of the date of the order of the Minister approving of it and the relative priorities of planning schemes shall for those purposes be determined accordingly.


Powers or examination and survey for preparation of planning scheme.

28.—(1) A planning authority may at any time cause the whole or any part of their planning region or planning district (as the case may be) to be examined and surveyed and the circumstances and requirements thereof to be investigated for the purpose of deciding whether a planning scheme should or should not be made for such planning region or planning district or any part thereof and of making such planning scheme if decided upon.


(2) Any person authorised in that behalf in writing by a planning authority may, for the purpose of any examination, survey, or investigation which such planning authority is authorised by this section to cause to be made, and on production of such written authority, enter between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the afternoon on any land in the planning region or planning district (as the case may be) of such planning authority and there do any thing which such person shall reasonably consider to be necessary for the said purpose.


(3) Every person who obstructs or interferes with any other person in the exercise by such other person of any power vested in him by virtue of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds.


Approval of planning schemes by the Minister.

29.—(1) When a planning authority has decided under this Act to make a planning scheme, such authority shall with all convenient speed give effect to such decision and make a planning scheme in accordance therewith and shall submit such scheme to the Minister for his approval.


(2) When a planning scheme is submitted by a planning authority to the Minister for his approval, the Minister may by order either (as he shall think proper) approve of such scheme without modification, or require such scheme to be modified by such planning authority in such manner (whether by addition, omission, or variation) as he shall specify, or require a new scheme to be made and submitted to him by such planning authority.


(3) When the Minister requires under this section a planning scheme submitted to him to be modified by a planning authority, it shall be the duty of such planning authority to modify such scheme accordingly and to re-submit such scheme as so modified to the Minister, and thereupon sub-section (2) of this section shall apply as if such scheme were then being submitted to the Minister for the first time.


(4) When the Minister requires under this section a new planning scheme to be made and submitted to him by a planning authority, it shall be the duty of such planning authority to make with all convenient speed a new planning scheme accordingly and to submit such scheme to the Minister for his approval, and thereupon sub-section (2) of this section shall apply as if such submission were the first submission of an original scheme.


(5) When a planning authority refuses or neglects to modify a planning scheme or to make and submit a new planning scheme in accordance with a requisition in that behalf made by the Minister under this section and the Minister is satisfied, after holding a public inquiry, that such refusal or neglect was unreasonable, the Minister may himself modify such planning scheme or make such new planning scheme in accordance with such requisition and by order approve of such scheme as so modified, or made, and thereupon such planning authority shall pay to the Minister on demand such sum as the Minister shall certify to be the amount of the expenses incurred by him by reason of such refusal or neglect.


(6) Whenever the Minister makes an order under this section approving of a planning scheme, the planning authority by whom such scheme was made shall cause copies of such order and of such planning scheme to be made available for public inspection at the prescribed times and places, and shall within the prescribed time cause to be published in the Iris Oifigiúil and in such other manner as shall be prescribed notice of the making of such order and of the times and places at which copies of such order and of such planning scheme are available for public inspection.


(7) Every order made by the Minister under this section approving of a planning scheme shall be laid (together with such planning scheme) before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and if a resolution annulling such order is passed by either such House within the next three weeks (omitting from the reckoning any week in which such House has not sat at all) after the week in which such order is laid before such House or notice of the making of such order is published in the Iris Oifigiúil, whichever is the later, such order shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.


(8) Whenever an order approving of a planning scheme is annulled under the next preceding sub-section of this section, such planning scheme shall be deemed to have been re-submitted, on the day on which such annulment occurred, to the Minister in the form in which such scheme was approved by the said order, and thereupon this Part of this Act shall apply in respect of such planning scheme as if such re-submission were a submission under this section of such scheme to the Minister for his approval by the planning authority by whom such scheme was made and as if such submission were the first occasion on which such planning scheme was so submitted.


(9) The making and submission of a planning scheme under this section shall, in the case of the county borough of Dublin, of the borough of Dun Laoghaire, and of the county borough of Cork respectively, be a reserved function.


Declaration in planning scheme prohibiting compensation.

30.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, a planning scheme may contain a declaration that no compensation shall be payable under this Act on account of or arising from the coming into operation of a specified provision in such planning scheme which relates to a matter mentioned in Part II (except paragraph 5 thereof) or Part III (except paragraph 1 thereof) of the Second Schedule to this Act or limits the number or prescribes the sites of new roads entering on an existing or a new road or is inserted in such planning scheme for the purpose of making effective any provision so relating, limiting or prescribing as aforesaid.


(2) The Minister shall not approve of a planning scheme containing any such declaration as is authorised by the foregoing sub-section of this section unless he is satisfied—


(a) that, having regard to local circumstances, it is just and reasonable that the provision in respect of which such declaration is made should be enforced without compensation, and


(b) that the planning scheme does not preclude the payment of compensation for loss or injury arising from—


(i) being prevented by the operation of the planning scheme from maintaining a building or other structure which was in existence on the relevant date, or from continuing to use any such building or other structure for the purpose for which it was used on the relevant date, or from making reasonable alterations in and (in proper cases) reasonable additions to any such building or other structure, or


(ii) where a building or other structure which was in existence at any time within two years before the relevant date has been demolished or been destroyed by fire or otherwise, being prevented by the operation of the planning scheme from erecting, within two years after such demolition or destruction on the site of such demolished or destroyed building or other structure a new building or other structure which substantially replaces such demolished or destroyed building or other structure or from using such new building or other structure for the purpose for which such demolished or destroyed building or other structure was last used.


(3) Every dispute and question whether a new building or other structure substantially replaces within the meaning of this section a demolished or destroyed building or other structure shall be determined by the Minister, but the Minister shall not so determine that a new building substantially replaces a demolished or destroyed building unless he is satisfied that the cubic content of so much of such new building as is above ground level is at least equal to so much of such demolished or destroyed building as was above ground level and the superficial area of the ground floor of such new building is at least equal to the superficial area of the ground floor of such demolished or destroyed building.


Annulment of planning scheme by the High Court.

31.—(1) Whenever the Minister has made an order approving of a planning scheme, any person whose property would be affected by such planning scheme may, within one month after the publication in the Iris Oifigiúil of notice of the making of such order, apply to the High Court for the annulment of such scheme or of any specified portion thereof and on such application—


(a) if the High Court is of opinion that the whole or substantially the whole of such planning scheme contravenes or is not authorised by or is not made in accordance with this Act, the High Court may annul such scheme, and


(b) if the High Court is of opinion that a part only of such planning scheme contravenes or is not authorised by or is not made in accordance with this Act, the High Court may either, as shall appear to the High Court to be most convenient to all parties, annul the said part of such planning scheme or annul the whole of such planning scheme.


(2) The annulment of part of a planning scheme by the High Court under this section shall not prevent the subsequent revocation by the Minister of the order approving of such planning scheme.


(3) Where the whole of a planning scheme is annulled by the High Court under this section, this Part of this Act shall apply and have effect in respect of such planning scheme as if the Minister had, on the day on which such planning scheme is so annulled, made an order requiring the planning authority by whom such planning scheme was made to make and submit to him a new planning scheme.


(4) The Minister shall be entitled to appear, be heard, and adduce evidence at the hearing of an application under this section, and whenever the Minister so appears on any such application the costs and expenses incurred by him of and incidental to such application shall, when taxed and ascertained, be paid by the planning authority by whom the planning scheme which is the subject of such application was made, save if and in so far as such costs and expenses are ordered by the High Court to be paid by and are recovered from any other person.


(5) On an application under this section, the High Court may order the costs and expenses of or incidental to such application incurred by any party (including the applicant and the Minister) who appears at the hearing of such application to be paid by any other such party (including as aforesaid).


(6) Where the High Court is of opinion that an application under this section is frivolous or vexatious, the High Court may order the person making such application to pay to the planning authority by whom the planning scheme the subject of such application was made such sum by way of damages (over and above any costs and expenses awarded under the next foregoing sub-section of this section) on account of loss, delay, inconvenience, or other injury occasioned by such application as the High Court shall fix.


Coming into operation of planning scheme.

32.—(1) Whenever the Minister has made an order approving of a planning scheme, the Minister may, unless such order has been annulled by a resolution passed by either House of the Oireachtas or the whole of such planning scheme has been annulled by the High Court, make at his discretion an order appointing the day on which such planning scheme or so much thereof as has not been annulled by the High Court shall come into operation.


(2) When the Minister has made an order under this section appointing the day on which a planning scheme shall come into operation, such planning scheme (except such part, if any, thereof as shall have been annulled by the High Court) shall come into operation on and have statutory force and effect as on and from the day so appointed.


Revocation by the Minister of approval of planning scheme.

33.—(1) Whenever the Minister has made an order approving of a planning scheme, he may, at any time before such scheme comes into operation but not after such order has been annulled by a resolution of either House of the Oireachtas or such scheme has been wholly annulled by the High Court, by order revoke his said order approving of such planning scheme.


(2) When an order approving of a planning scheme is revoked under this section, such planning scheme shall be deemed to have been submitted on the day of the date of such revocation order to the Minister for his approval by the planning authority by whom such scheme was made and in the form in which it was approved by the said order so revoked, and thereupon this Part of this Act shall apply in respect of such scheme as if such submission were the first occasion on which such scheme was submitted to the Minister under this Part of this Act.


Revocation, etc., of a planning scheme by a subsequent planning scheme.

34.—A planning scheme which has been approved of by order of the Minister may at any time after it has come into operation, be revoked in whole or in part, or amended or varied by a planning scheme subsequently made by the planning authority by whom such first-mentioned scheme was made and duly approved of and brought into operation under this Act.


Revocation or modification of planning scheme at request of responsible authority.

35.—(1) A responsible authority under a planning scheme may at any time apply to the planning authority by whom such planning scheme was made for the revocation or modification of such planning scheme on all or any of the following grounds, that is to say:—


(a) on account of the amount of the compensation which has been or is likely to be awarded under this Act or otherwise in respect of provisions contained in such planning scheme;


(b) on account of practical difficulties in the execution or enforcement of such planning scheme;


(c) on account of events which have occurred since the making of such planning scheme.


(2) Whenever an application under the foregoing sub-section of this section is received by a planning authority, the chief executive officer of such planning authority shall forthwith give to each member of such planning authority and publish the like notices of such application as are required by this Act to be given and published of the intention to propose a resolution for the making of a planning scheme.


(3) A planning authority to whom an application is made under this section shall after notice has been given and published in accordance with the next preceding sub-section of this section consider such application and may, as they shall think proper, either—


(a) decide to revoke such planning scheme by a revoking planning scheme and pass a resolution for the making of such revoking planning scheme accordingly, or


(b) decide to modify such planning scheme by an amending planning scheme and pass a resolution for the making of such amending planning scheme accordingly, or


(c) refuse such application.


(4) Whenever a planning authority decides under this section to make a revoking or amending planning scheme, the provisions of this Part of this Act shall apply in respect of such revoking or amending planning scheme in like manner as they apply to the planning schemes mentioned in the said Part.


(5) The provisions of this Part of this Act in relation to the passing of resolutions for the making of a planning scheme and to such resolutions when passed shall apply in respect of a resolution under consideration by or passed by a planning authority under this section for the making of a revoking or amending planning scheme as if the notice required by this section to be given and published by the chief executive officer of such planning authority were a notice of intention to propose a resolution in the terms of such application.


(6) Whenever a responsible authority has made an application under this section to a planning authority and such planning authority fails to consider and deal finally with such application within three months after the making of such application, such planning authority shall be deemed to have refused such application and, for the purpose of computing any period of time, such refusal shall be deemed to have been made on the last day of the said period of three months.


(7) The making of an application under sub-section (1) of this section and also the consideration of and dealing with an application under the said sub-section (1) shall, in the case of the county borough of Dublin, of the borough of Dun Laoghaire, and of the county borough of Cork, be reserved functions.


Appeal in respect of revocation or modification of a planning scheme.

36.—(1) Where a responsible authority has made an application under this Part of this Act to a planning authority for the revocation or modification of a planning scheme and is aggrieved by the action of such planning authority in respect of such application, such responsible authority may, within one month after such planning authority has finally dealt with or is deemed to have refused such application, appeal to the Minister and thereupon the Minister may, as he shall think proper, either confirm the action of such planning authority or require such planning authority to make a revoking or amending planning scheme.


(2) Where the Minister, on an appeal under this section, requires a planning authority to make a revoking or amending planning scheme, it shall be the duty of such planning authority to make and submit to the Minister for his approval such revoking or amending planning scheme accordingly.


(3) When a planning authority refuses or neglects to make a revoking or amending planning scheme in accordance with a requisition in that behalf made by the Minister under this section, the Minister may himself make such revoking or amending planning scheme and by order approve of such scheme as so made, and thereupon such planning authority shall pay to the Minister on demand such sum as the Minister shall certify to be the amount of the expenses incurred by him by reason of such refusal or neglect.


(4) The institution of an appeal to the Minister under this section and also the making of a revoking or amending planning scheme in pursuance of this section shall, in the case of the county borough of Dublin, of the borough of Dun Laoghaire, and of the county borough of Cork, be reserved functions.



Contents of Planning Schemes.


Statement of relevant area in planning schemes.

37.—Every planning scheme shall specify and define clearly the area to which it relates, and no provision contained in such scheme shall apply or purport to apply outside such area.


Nomination of the responsible authority.

38.—(1) Every planning scheme—


(a) shall name either one local authority to be the responsible authority for the purposes of such scheme or two or more local authorities to be the several responsible authorities for the purposes of such scheme, and


(b) may assign to a local authority so named in such scheme duties and functions in relation to the enforcement and carrying out of such scheme and in particular (subject to the provisions of this section) the doing for the purposes of such scheme of all or any of the following things, that is to say, the execution of any public work, the undertaking of any public service, or the acquisition of any land.


(2) Where a planning scheme names two or more local authorities to be the several responsible authorities for the purposes of such scheme, such scheme shall specify the area in respect of which or the purposes for which each of such local authorities is to be the responsible authority.


(3) A planning scheme shall not assign to a local authority named therein as a responsible authority the duty of executing any public work, undertaking any public service, or acquiring any land for any purpose unless such local authority has power by law to execute such work, undertake such service, or acquire such land for such purpose either under a statute other than this Act, or under a provision of this Act expressly conferring such power, or under a statute which is, by virtue of this Act, declared by a planning scheme to be in force in the area in which such work is to be executed or such service is to be undertaken or such land is to be acquired, as the case may be.


(4) In this Act (except this section) the expression “the responsible authority” shall be construed as referring to the local authority which is the responsible authority under the planning scheme in the area, and for the purpose in relation to which the expression is used.


Establishment and maintenance of the register.

39.—Every planning scheme shall provide for the establishment and maintenance by one specified responsible authority of a register (in this Act referred to as the register) in the prescribed form of all such things as are required by this Act to be entered in the register in relation to or for the purposes of such scheme, and shall also provide for the keeping of such register open to public inspection free of charge in a convenient place at all reasonable times, and, where appropriate, for the making of entries in such register by responsible authorities who are not the responsible authority charged with the duty of maintaining such register.


Certain provisions which may be contained in planning schemes.

40.—(1) A planning scheme may contain provisions for all or any of the following purposes in relation to the area to which the scheme relates and may contain different such provisions in respect of different parts of such area, that is to say:—


(a) for regulating the construction, extension, diversion, alteration, and closing of roads and ways, and in particular for all or any of the purposes mentioned in Part I of the Second Schedule to this Act;


(b) for regulating and controlling the making, alteration, and user of structures and the objects which may be affixed to structures, and in particular for all or any of the purposes mentioned in Part II of the Second Schedule to this Act;


(c) for preserving, improving, and extending the amenities of the area to which the scheme applies, and in particular for all or any of the purposes mentioned in Part III of the Second Schedule to this Act;


(d) for all or any of the purposes in relation to public services mentioned in Part IV of the Second Schedule to this Act;


(e) for all or any of the purposes in relation to transport and communication mentioned in Part V of the Second Schedule to this Act;


(f) for all or any of the miscellaneous purposes mentioned in Part VI of the Second Schedule to this Act.


(2) A planning scheme may also contain any provision which is ancillary or incidental to or consequential on any provision authorised by the next foregoing sub-section of this section.


(3) A planning scheme may, for the purpose of making effective any such provision as is authorised by the first sub-section of this section, contain provisions—


(a) controlling, restricting or prohibiting, either generally or in particular circumstances or cases, the exercise or acquisition of rights of way, rights of light, and other easements within the area or any particular part of the area to which the scheme relates, or


(b) controlling and limiting the purposes for and manner in which any particular land or all land in any particular part of the area to which the scheme relates may be used, including prohibiting the use of such land for any purpose except a specified purpose or class of purposes or in any manner except a specified manner.


(4) A planning scheme may determine the manner in and the area over which all or any of the expenses incurred by a local authority in or in relation to the making, enforcement, and carrying out of such planning scheme, (other than expenses incurred in doing any act or thing by virtue of a power or authority conferred by an enactment other than this Act) shall be defrayed and raised, and whenever a planning scheme contains any such determination, the expenses to which such determination relates shall, notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, be defrayed and raised in accordance with such determination.


(5) A planning scheme may provide that a specified statute which is not in force in the area or a particular part of the area to which such scheme relates but could lawfully be adopted or otherwise put in force in such area or particular part thereof by any person, authority, or means other than an Act of the Oireachtas shall for the purposes of such scheme be deemed to have been so put in force and that all (if any) consents and sanctions necessary for such putting in force shall be deemed to have been given and that such statute shall for the said purposes be in force accordingly.


Saving for national monuments.

41.—A planning scheme shall not contain any provision which restricts, prejudices, or affects the powers or duties of the Minister for Finance, the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, or any local authority under the National monuments Act, 1930 (No. 2 of 1930), in relation to national monuments as defined by that Act or any particular such monument.


Power for responsible authority to acquire land.

42.—(1) At any time after a planning scheme comes into operation, the responsible authority shall, in addition and without prejudice to any power of acquiring land conferred by any other Act, have power to acquire land in the area to which such scheme relates in any of the following circumstances, that is to say:—


(a) where the land is required for the improvement, in accordance with such scheme, of the frontage of any road or for controlling, in accordance with such scheme, the development of the frontage of any road or


(b) where the land is held in separate plots and, by reason of either the inconvenient arrangement or shape of such plots or the multiplicity of interests in such land, it is not reasonably practicable for such land to be developed in accordance with such scheme unless such land is acquired by the responsible authority, or


(c) where the land is part of the site of a road which has been closed in pursuance of a provision contained in such scheme.


(2) For the purpose of the acquisition of land by a responsible authority under this section, sections 203, 214, and 215 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, as amended by section 8 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1896, and section 68 of the Local Government Act, 1925 (No. 5 of 1925), shall apply as if those sections as so amended were herein re-enacted and made applicable to such responsible authority with and subject to the modifications made by this Act in the procedure under the said sections.


(3) A responsible authority may at any time, with the consent of the Minister, sell or let by public auction or private treaty in suitable lots any land acquired by such authority under this section.


Modification of procedure for acquisition of land.

43.—(1) Where a responsible authority proposes to acquire (otherwise than by agreement) land for the purposes of a planning scheme, whether in exercise of a power conferred by a statute other than this Act or of a power expressly conferred by this Act, the advertisements mentioned in sub-section (2) of section 203 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, may be published in any month and, in such case, the notices mentioned in the said sub-section shall be served in the month next succeeding the month in which the said advertisements are published.


(2) Any enactment, whereby a local authority acquiring land under the Lands Clauses Acts is required to obtain a provisional order or to carry out any other preliminary procedure before putting into force in relation to such land the powers conferred by the said Acts for taking land otherwise than by agreement, shall not have effect in relation to the acquisition by a local authority of any particular land in pursuance of a provision in a planning scheme expressly requiring that land to be acquired by such local authority for the purposes of such scheme.


Suspension of acts, orders, etc., by planning schemes.

44.—(1) Where a planning scheme contains provisions in relation to the whole or any particular part of the area to which such scheme relates which are similar in effect to or are inconsistent with any enactment contained in an Act in force in the whole or such particular part (as the case may be) of such area or any enactment contained in any order, bye-law, or regulation made by a local authority under any such Act and so in force, such planning scheme may, subject to the provisions of this section, contain any such provisions (in this section collectively referred to as suspensory provisions) as are mentioned in whichever of the following paragraphs is applicable, that is to say:—


(a) in the case of an enactment contained in a public general British statute or a public Act of the Oireachtas, suspending the operation of such enactment in the whole or such particular part (as the case may be) of such area;


(b) in the case of an enactment contained in a local British statute or a private Act of the Oireachtas, suspending the operation or amending, adapting, or modifying the provisions of such enactment in relation to the whole or such particular part (as the case may be) of such area;


(c) in the case of an enactment contained in any such order, bye-law, or regulation as aforesaid, suspending the operation or amending, adapting, or modifying the provisions of such enactment in relation to the whole or such particular part (as the case may be) of such area.


(2) Subject to the provisions of the next following sub-section of this section, no suspensory provision contained in a planning scheme shall come into operation or have effect unless or until such suspensory provision has been confirmed by a resolution passed by each House of the Oireachtas.


(3) The next preceding sub-section of this section shall not apply in respect of any suspensory provision—


(a) relating solely to an enactment which could under any Act (other than this Act) have been made in relation to the area to which such suspensory provision applies by means of an order, bye-law, or regulation not requiring confirmation by the Oireachtas, or


(b) relating solely to an enactment which had previously been the subject of a suspensory provision contained in another planning scheme and confirmed under this section by a resolution passed by each House of the Oireachtas or relating solely to an enactment having substantially the same effect as an enactment which had previously been the subject of a suspensory provision so contained and confirmed as aforesaid.


Appeal from control of design, etc, of structures.

45.—(1) Where a planning scheme contains a provision conferring on the responsible authority power to regulate and control (whether generally or in particular areas) the design, colour, or materials of structures, any person aggrieved by a decision of the responsible authority made in exercise of such power may appeal from such decision to the Justice of the District Court having jurisdiction in the district in which is situate the structure to which such decision relates, and on such appeal such Justice may, as he shall think proper, affirm, vary, reverse, or annul such decision.


(2) A planning scheme which contains any such provision as is mentioned in the next preceding sub-section of this section may contain a provision that the appeal under that sub-section shall lie to a special tribunal of persons of special knowledge or practical experience constituted in such manner as may be stated in such provision in lieu of the Justice of the District Court, but in such case an appeal shall lie from every decision of such special tribunal to the Judge of the Circuit Court having jurisdiction in the Circuit in which is situate the structure to which such decision relates, and the decision of such Judge shall be final.


(3) The grounds on which an appeal under this section may be brought shall include the ground that carrying into effect the decision the subject of such appeal would involve unreasonable expense having regard to the character of the locality in which is situate the structure to which such decision relates and to the character of the neighbouring structures.


Contribution by one local authority to expenses incurred by another local authority.

46.—A planning scheme may provide for the payment by a local authority (in this section referred to as the contributing authority) to another local authority of a contribution towards all or any of the expenses incurred by the last-mentioned local authority in or in relation to the making, enforcement, and carrying out of such planning scheme, and whenever a planning scheme contains any such provision the contributing authority shall pay such contribution accordingly.



Execution of Planning Schemes.


General duty of responsible authority.

47.—(1) When a planning scheme which names one responsible authority only comes into operation it shall be the duty of such responsible authority to carry out and enforce generally such scheme, and in particular to perform all such functions and duties and do all such things as are assigned to such authority by such scheme.


(2) When a planning scheme which names two or more responsible authorities comes into operation it shall be the duty of each of such responsible authorities to carry out and enforce generally such scheme in such area or for such purposes as are specified in that behalf in such scheme, and in particular to perform all such functions and duties and do all such things as are assigned to such authority by such scheme.


(3) Whenever a responsible authority does, in pursuance of a planning scheme, any act or thing by virtue of a power or authority conferred by an enactment other than this Act, all expenses incurred by such responsible authority in doing such act or thing shall (notwithstanding anything contained in this Act but subject and without prejudice to the right of such responsible authority to receive any contribution to such expenses payable under such scheme by any other local authority) be defrayed and raised in the manner and off the area provided by such enactment.


Powers of entry, etc., for carrying out a planning scheme.

48.—(1) Any person authorised in that behalf in writing by the responsible authority may, on production of such written authority, enter between the hours of nine o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the afternoon on any land in the area to which a planning scheme relates and there make such inspection, survey, examination and investigation as may be necessary for the purposes of the enforcement or carrying out of such scheme.


(2) Every person who shall obstruct or impede any person in the lawful exercise of any power conferred by this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds.



Contravention of Planning Schemes.


Penalty for contravention of planning scheme.

49.—(1) Without prejudice to any civil remedy which may be available in the circumstances to the responsible authority or any other person, every person who does any act (whether of commission or omission) which is a contravention of a provision contained in a planning scheme shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding twenty-five pounds together with, in the case of a continuing offence, a further fine not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the offence is continued.


(2) The powers of serving notices, entering on land, and doing particular things on such land conferred by this Part of this Act on the responsible authority may be exercised whether proceedings have or have not been taken under this section in respect of the act or default (if any) which occasioned the exercise of such powers.


Powers for preventing etc., contraventions of planning schemes.

50.—For the purposes of preventing or remedying contraventions of the provisions contained in a planning scheme, the following provisions shall, subject to the other provisions of this Part of this Act, have effect, that is to say:—


(a) whenever a structure contravenes a provision contained in such planning scheme, the responsible authority may enter on such structure and there either, as they think proper, demolish and (if necessary) remove such structure or make such alterations in such structure as will bring it into conformity with such provision;


(b) whenever the occupier of any land has, in contravention of a provision contained in such planning scheme, neglected or failed to keep such land in such proper order and condition as is appropriate to the situation of such land, the responsible authority may enter on such land and there do all such things as may be necessary to put such land in such proper order and condition as aforesaid;


(c) whenever any land has been or is being used in a manner which contravenes a provision contained in such planning scheme and the condition, character, or appearance of such land has been or is being altered by such user, the responsible authority may enter on such land and there do all such things as may be necessary to restore such land to its condition, character, and appearance before such user was begun.


Notice of intention to exercise power.

51.—(1) Before exercising in relation to any structure or land a power conferred on them by the next preceding section of this Act, the responsible authority shall serve, on every owner and on every occupier of such structure or land and on every person having a right over or in respect of such structure or land which in the opinion of the responsible authority may be affected by such exercise, a notice stating—


(a) the intention of the responsible authority to exercise such power, and


(b) the structure or land in respect of which such power is intended to be exercised, and


(c) the relevant provision of the planning scheme and the contravention thereof in respect of which such power is intended to be exercised, and


(d) the general nature of the work or things intended to be done in exercise of such power, and


(e) the date on or after which the said intended exercise of such power is intended to be begun.


(2) The date stated in a notice served under this section as the date on or after which the intended exercise of the power therein mentioned is intended to be begun shall not be less than one month after the service of such notice and the responsible authority shall not do any act or thing in exercise of such power in relation to the structure or land mentioned in such notice before the said date.


(3) In this section the word “owner” means, in relation to any land or any structure, any person (other than a mortgagee not in possession) who is for the time being entitled to sell or otherwise dispose of the fee simple of such land or structure or of any term of years for the time being subsisting in respect of such land or structure of which the unexpired residue exceeds three years.

52.—(1) Whenever the responsible authority has served on any person under this Part of this Act a notice of their intention to exercise in relation to any structure or land a power conferred by this Part of this Act, such person may, before the date stated in such notice for the commencement of such exercise of such power, apply to the Justice of the District Court having jurisdiction in the district in which such structure or land is situate and on notice to the responsible authority, for an order quashing such notice, and thereupon the Justice, unless he is satisfied that circumstances exist entitling the responsible authority to exercise such power in relation to such structure or land in the manner indicated in such notice, may make an order quashing such notice.


(2) When an application has been made to the District Court under this section, the responsible authority shall not exercise the power mentioned in such notice in relation to the structure or land mentioned in such notice either in the manner indicated in such notice or at all unless or until such application has been finally refused.


Recovery of expenses by responsible authority.

53.—(1) Whenever the responsible authority in exercise of a power conferred by this Part of this Act has done any work or thing on or in respect of any structure or any land and such doing of such work or thing was rendered necessary by any work, act, or thing done or omitted (in this section referred to as the occasioning matter) by any person on or in respect of such structure or such land (as the case may be) after the relevant date, the responsible authority shall, save as is otherwise provided by this section, be entitled to be paid by and to recover (as a civil debt in any court of competent jurisdiction) from the person or the personal representative or successor in title of the person who was responsible for the occasioning matter all expenses reasonably incurred by the responsible authority in doing the said work or thing so done by them as aforesaid.


(2) The responsible authority shall not be entitled to recover under this section expenses incurred by them where either the occasioning matter was done or omitted under and in accordance with a special permission or the occasioning matter was an act which consisted solely of the completion of work which either was begun before and was in progress on the relevant date or was begun under and in accordance with a general permission and in either case was not done in contravention of a special prohibition.


(3) All moneys recoverable under this section by the responsible authority in respect of expenses incurred by such responsible authority shall, immediately upon completion of the work or thing in the doing of which such expenses were so incurred, become and be a charge on the land on which such work or thing was done or, in the case of any work or thing done on or to a structure, on such structure (if and so far as it still exists) and the rateable hereditament or tenement consisting of or including such land or structure.


(4) No matter or thing on which an order of the District Court quashing a notice under this Part of this Act could have been grounded shall be raised or admitted as a defence to proceedings for the recovery under this section (whether by action of debt or by enforcement of the charge created by this section) of expenses incurred by the responsible authority in the execution of any work or thing to which such notice related.


Doing of work by owner or occupier.

54.—(1) Whenever the responsible authority could by a proper exercise under and in accordance with this Part of this Act of a power conferred on them by this Part of this Act do any work or thing on or in respect of any structure or any land, the responsible authority may, if they so think fit, arrange with the owner or the occupier of such structure or such land (as the case may be) that he will himself do such work or thing to the satisfaction of the responsible authority.


(2) Where, in pursuance of an arrangement made under this section, any work or thing is done to the satisfaction of the responsible authority by the owner or the occupier of any structure or any land and the circumstances are such that the responsible authority, if they had done such work or thing themselves, would not have been entitled to recover under this Part of this Act the expenses incurred by them in doing the same, the responsible authority may pay to such owner or such occupier (as the case may be) a reasonable sum in respect of the expenses incurred by him in so doing such work or thing.


Application of provisions relating to compensation.

55.—For the purposes of the provisions of this Act in relation to compensation payable by the responsible authority, any work or thing which is done by the responsible authority in exercise of a power conferred on them by this Act and is so done in consequence of or for the purpose of preventing a contravention of a provision contained in a planning scheme shall be deemed to have been done by the responsible authority under or in pursuance of such provision.


Penalty for obstruction of exercise of powers under this Part of this Act.

56.—Every person who obstructs or interferes with the exercise by the responsible authority of any power vested in them under or by virtue of this Part of this Act shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds.



Permission and Prohibition of Erection, etc., of Structures.


Control of constructive and other work for planning scheme.

57.—(1) When a planning authority has passed a resolution for the making of a planning scheme such planning authority may, at any time after passing such resolution and before such planning scheme comes into operation, do all or any of the following things, that is to say:—


(a) grant to any person applying therefor permission in writing to construct, demolish, alter, extend, repair, or renew a particular structure in the area to which such planning scheme is proposed to relate;


(b) grant, either on the application of some person interested or without any such application, a permission applicable to the whole of the said area or to a particular part thereof only for the construction, demolition, alteration, extension, repair, or renewal of structures of a particular class or classes;


(c) prohibit the further proceeding with the construction, demolition, alteration, extension, repair, or renewal of any particular structure situate in the said area.


(2) A planning authority may attach to a permission granted under this section such (if any) conditions as they think proper and specify in such permission.


(3) A planning authority may at any time revoke or amend a general permission previously granted by such authority, but such revocation or amendment shall not prejudice or affect the validity of such general permission during any period prior to such revocation or amendment.


(4) A special prohibition made by a planning authority may either (as such planning authority shall think proper) prohibit absolutely the further proceeding with the work to which such special prohibition relates or prohibit the further proceeding with such work otherwise than under and in accordance with conditions specified in such special prohibition.


(5) A special prohibition may be made by a planning authority notwithstanding that the work to which such special prohibition relates is, at the date of the making of such special prohibition, within the permission afforded by a general permission previously granted by such planning authority.


(6) Where an application is duly made to a planning authority for a special permission or a general permission under this section and no decision on such application is made by such planning authority within two months after the date of such application, such application shall be deemed for all purposes to have been granted by such planning authority at the expiration of the said period of two months.


Power to make unlawful any contravention of a special prohibition.

58.—(1) When a planning authority has passed a resolution for the making of a planning scheme and has, before such planning scheme comes into operation, made a special prohibition in relation to any work, such planning authority may, if they are of opinion that the prejudicial effect of proceeding with or doing the work to which such special prohibition relates would be of such nature as to be incapable of being remedied after the coming into operation of such planning scheme, declare, at any time before such planning scheme comes into operation, that any contravention of such special prohibition before such coming into operation shall be unlawful.


(2) Without prejudice to any civil remedy which may be available in the circumstances to the planning authority or any other person, every person who proceeds with or does any work which is a contravention of a special prohibition and is by virtue of a declaration under this section an unlawful contravention of such prohibition shall be guilty of an offence under this section, and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds together with, in the case of a continuing offence, a further fine not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the offence is continued, or, at the discretion of the court, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months or to both such fine or fines and such imprisonment.


Appeal to Minister in relation to permission or prohibition.

59.—(1) Any person aggrieved by the grant or the refusal by a planning authority of a special permission or a general permission or by the making of a special prohibition by such planning authority may appeal within the prescribed time to the Minister and thereupon the Minister may do such one or more of the following things as are applicable to the case and he thinks proper, that is to say:—


(a) confirm the grant, refusal or prohibition the subject of such appeal;


(b) revoke the grant of the permission or the making of the prohibition which is the subject of such appeal;


(c) in the case of an appeal from a refusal to grant a permission, give the said permission with such (if any) omissions, and variations and subject to such (if any) conditions as he shall think proper;


(d) in the case of an appeal from the grant of a general or special permission, amend (by deletion, addition, or variation) such permission or the conditions attached to such permission and confirm such permission with and subject to such amendments;


(e) in the case of an appeal from the grant of a general permission or the making of a special prohibition, amend (by deletion, addition, or variation) the permission or prohibition (as the case may be) in relation to the statement therein of the area, lands, structures, work, and uses to which such permission or prohibition applies and confirm such permission or prohibition with and subject to such amendment;


(f) in the case of an appeal from the making of a special prohibition amend such special prohibition by inserting conditions therein or deleting conditions therefrom or varying conditions contained therein and confirm such special prohibition with and subject to such amendments;


(g) in the case of an appeal from a special prohibition any contravention of which has been declared by a planning authority to be unlawful, revoke such declaration.


(2) Where on an appeal under this section from the making of a special prohibition, such prohibition is revoked by the Minister, or is confirmed by the Minister with new conditions inserted therein or with amendments of the conditions contained therein, the Minister may, if he thinks proper, as part of his determination of the matters the subject of such appeal, direct the planning authority by whom such prohibition was made to pay to the person by whom such appeal was brought such sum as the Minister shall think proper to specify by way of compensation for loss suffered by such person by reason of such prohibition during the period between the making of such prohibition and the determination of such appeal.


(3) The determination by the Minister of an appeal under this section shall be final and, in so far as it directs a planning authority to do any act or thing, shall be complied with by such planning authority.


Compensation for compliance with condition.

60.—(1) Whenever a condition is attached to or inserted in a special permission, a general permission, or a special prohibition and the value of any property is reduced by the due and proper performance or observance of such condition, the provisions of this Act in relation to compensation payable by the responsible authority shall, upon the coming into operation of the planning scheme in connection with which such permission or prohibition was granted or made, apply as if such reduction in value had been occasioned by a restriction on the user of such property effected by a provision contained in such planning scheme.


(2) The foregoing sub-section of this section shall not apply or have effect where the condition referred to in that sub-section is of such nature that, if the planning scheme referred to in the said sub-section had been in operation when such condition was imposed, such condition could have been enforced by a provision in such planning scheme and no compensation would be payable under this Act on account of or arising from the coming into operation of such provision.



Compensation and Payment for Betterment in Respect of Planning Schemes.


Compensation for restriction, etc., on user of property.

61.—(1) Whenever a provision in a planning scheme restricts or controls the purposes for which any particular property may be used or curtails or limits the legal rights and powers exercisable or enjoyed in respect of any particular property by the owner or the occupier thereof and the value of such property is reduced by such restriction, control, curtailment, or limitation, every person having any estate or interest in or right over or in respect of such property shall, save as is otherwise provided by this Act, be entitled, on making an application under this section, to be paid by the responsible authority by way of compensation the amount (if any) by which his estate or interest in or right over or in respect of such property is so reduced in value and, in the case of the occupier of such property, the damage (if any) to his trade, business or profession, occasioned by such restriction, control, curtailment, or limitation.


(2) Every application for the payment of compensation under this section shall be made to the responsible authority within twelve months (or such longer time as shall be specified in the planning scheme) after the coming into operation of the provision on account of which such compensation is claimed.


Postponement of payment of compensation.

62.—(1) The responsible authority under a planning scheme may, within one month after the date of an award of compensation under the next preceding section of this Act to any person, give notice (in this section referred to as a suspensory notice) to such person of the intention of such authority to take steps to effect or obtain the revocation or amendment of the provision in such planning scheme on account of the coming into operation of which such compensation was awarded.


(2) No award of compensation under the said next preceding section shall be enforceable until the happening of the event specified in whichever of the following paragraphs is applicable, that is to say:—


(a) if within one month from the date of such award the responsible authority has given a suspensory notice in relation to such award and within four months from the giving of such notice the appropriate planning authority has passed a resolution for the making of a planning scheme to revoke or amend the provision to which such notice relates:—the coming into operation of a planning scheme made in pursuance of such resolution or the revocation by the Minister of such resolution, as the case may be;


(b) if within one month from the date of such award the responsible authority has given a suspensory notice in relation to such award and within four months after the giving of such notice the responsible authority has appealed to the Minister against a refusal by the appropriate planning authority of an application for a revocation or modification of the provision to which such notice relates:—the determination of such appeal by the Minister;


(c) if, in the case mentioned in the next preceding paragraph of this sub-section, the Minister when determining the appeal requires the planning authority to make a revoking or amending planning scheme:—the coming into operation of such revoking or amending planning scheme;


(d) in any other case in which the responsible authority has, within one month after the date of such award, given a suspensory notice in respect of such award:—the expiration of four months from the giving of such notice;


(e) in any other case whatsoever:—the expiration of one month from the date of such award.


(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-sections of this section, the right of any person to recover the amount of an award of compensation under the next preceding section of this Act on account of the coming into operation of a provision in a planning scheme shall cease on the coming into operation of a later planning scheme by which such provision is revoked or amended, but such cesser shall not prejudice or affect the right (if any) of such person to recover compensation under the said next preceding section on account of the coming into operation of a provision in such later planning scheme.


Compensation for exercise of powers under Part VI. of this Act.

63.—(1) Every person who suffers damage by reason of any act or thing done by the responsible authority in exercise of a power conferred on them by Part VI of this Act shall, save as is otherwise provided by this Act, be entitled on making an application under this section to be paid by the responsible authority by way of compensation the amount of such damage.


(2) Every application for the payment of compensation under this section shall be made to the responsible authority within 12 months (or such longer time as shall be specified in the relevant planning scheme) after the completion of the act or thing on account of the doing of which by the responsible authority such application is made.


Compensation for unnecessary refusal of permission or making of prohibition.

64.—(1) Any person who, after the relevant date and before the coming into operation of a planning scheme, has refrained from doing any particular work for which a special permission in relation to such planning scheme was applied for and was refused or has refrained in pursuance of a special prohibition made in relation to such planning scheme from doing any particular work and has suffered loss by so refraining shall, on making an application under this section, be entitled to be paid by the responsible authority by way of compensation the amount of such loss, unless in the opinion of the arbitrator the doing of such particular work would have prejudiced the efficient and economical execution of such planning scheme.


(2) Any person who, in the doing of any particular work after the relevant date and before the coming into operation of a planning scheme, has complied with a condition attached to a special permission or contained in a special prohibition granted or made in relation to such planning scheme and has by such compliance suffered loss (other than loss arising from the reduction in value of any property), shall be entitled, on the coming into operation of such planning scheme, to be paid by the responsible authority by way of compensation the amount of such loss, unless in the opinion of the arbitrator the doing of such particular work without complying with such condition would have prejudiced the efficient and economical execution of such planning scheme.


(3) Every application for payment of compensation under this section shall be made within 12 months after the coming into operation of the planning scheme upon the coming into operation of which the applicant becomes entitled to be paid such compensation.


Compensation in certain cases where resolution is revoked.

65.—(1) Whenever—


(a) a planning authority passes a resolution for the making of a planning scheme (in this section referred to as the proposed scheme) which if made would revoke or amend a previous planning scheme, and


(b) such resolution is revoked by the Minister, and


(c) any person has, after the passing of such resolution and before such revocation, refrained from doing any work in an area to which such previous planning scheme related and the proposed scheme if made would relate, and


(d) either such person applied to such planning authority, after the passing of such resolution and before such revocation, for a special permission in respect of such work and such special permission was refused, or such person so refrained in pursuance of a special prohibition made after the passing of such resolution and before such revocation, and


(e) such person suffered loss by refraining from doing such work,


such person shall, on making an application under this section, be entitled to be paid by such planning authority by way of compensation the amount of such loss.


(2) Every application for the payment of compensation under this section shall be made to the responsible authority within twelve months after the date of the order by which the revocation mentioned in the next preceding sub-section of this section was effected.


Compensation in certain cases for abortive work or expense.

66.—(1) Whenever a person, on account of or in reliance on a provision contained in a planning scheme, has done work or incurred expense on or in relation to property owned or occupied by him (whether such work or expense was done or incurred voluntarily or in pursuance of an obligation imposed by such planning scheme) and such work or expense becomes wholly or partly abortive by reason of a revocation, amendment or avoidance of the said provision by a subsequent planning scheme, such person shall be entitled on making an application under this section to recover from the responsible authority compensation in respect of such work or expense in so far as the same so becomes abortive.


(2) Whenever a person incurs costs and expenses in making a claim for compensation or resisting a claim for betterment on account of a provision contained in a planning scheme and such provision is so revoked, amended or avoided by a subsequent planning scheme that the incurring of such costs and expenses becomes wholly or partly abortive, such person shall, save as is otherwise provided by this Act, be entitled on making application under this section to recover from the responsible authority compensation in respect of such costs and expenses in so far as the same so becomes abortive.


(3) Every application for the payment of compensation under this section shall be made to the responsible authority within twelve months after the coming into operation of the planning scheme effecting the revocation or amendment by reason of which such compensation becomes payable.


Compensation where another enactment applies or might be applied.

67.—(1) This section applies to every provision in a planning scheme which is identical or substantially identical with or to the same effect as any of the following enactments (in this section referred to as identical enactments), that is to say:—


(a) an enactment contained in a statute (whether public general, public, local or private) which, at the date of the coming into operation of such provision, is in force in the area to which such provision applies, or


(b) an enactment contained in an order, bye-law, or regulation in force at the date and in the area mentioned in the next preceding paragraph of this sub-section and made under any such statute as is mentioned in that paragraph, or


(c) an enactment which could, at the date of the coming into operation of such provision, have been lawfully contained in an order, bye-law, or regulation made by a local authority (without confirmation or other action by the Oireachtas) in respect of the area to which such provision applies under any such statute as is mentioned in the first paragraph of this sub-section, or


(d) an enactment contained in a public general or public statute which, at the date of the coming into operation of such provision, is not in force in the area to which such provision relates but could at that date have been lawfully adopted by a local authority or otherwise put in force in that area without confirmation or other action by the Oireachtas, or


(e) an enactment which could, at the date of the coming into operation of such provision, have been lawfully contained in an order, bye-law, or regulation made by a local authority (without confirmation or other action by the Oireachtas) in respect of the area to which such provision applies under any such statute as is mentioned in the next preceding paragraph of this sub-section if such statute were at that date in force in that area.


(2) Where, in the case of a provision in a planning scheme to which this section applies, no compensation is payable under the identical enactment, or would have been payable thereunder if it had been in force, in respect of injury caused by the coming into operation of such identical enactment or by the doing of any particular thing under such identical enactment, then no compensation shall be payable under this Act in respect of the coming into operation of the said provision or the doing of such particular thing under such provision, as the case may be.


(3) Where, in the case of a provision in a planning scheme to which this section applies, compensation is payable under the identical enactment, or would have been payable thereunder if it had been in force, in respect of injury caused by the coming into operation of such identical enactment or the doing of any particular thing under such identical enactment, then no greater amount of compensation shall be payable under this Act in respect of the coming into operation of the said provision or the doing of such particular thing under such provision (as the case may be) than is or would be payable in the same circumstances under such identical enactment.


Compensation where work could have been done under another Act.

68.—Where a provision in a planning scheme requires the execution by the responsible authority of public work which could lawfully be executed by such responsible authority under any enactment other than this Act, no compensation shall be payable under this Act in respect of the execution of such work by such authority, and such work shall, for the purpose of determining the right (if any) to compensation in respect of the execution thereof and for the purpose of the assessment and payment of such compensation (if any), be deemed to have been executed under such other enactment.


Prohibition of compensation where planning scheme declares no compensation to be payable.

69.—No person shall be entitled to be paid under this Part of this Act by the responsible authority any compensation where the provision in the planning scheme on account of which such compensation would but for this section have been payable is a provision in respect of which it is declared by such scheme that no compensation shall be payable under this Act on account of or arising from the operation of that provision.


Prohibition of compensation in certain cases.

70.—The following provisions shall have effect in regard to the compensation payable or which, but for this section, would be payable to any person under this Act or under any other Act in respect or on account of anything contained in or done under a planning scheme, that is to say:—


(a) no such compensation shall be payable in respect of any structure the erection of which was begun after the relevant date unless such erection was begun under and in accordance with a special permission or a general permission;


(b) in assessing such compensation in respect of any structure, no account shall be taken of or compensation allowed in respect of any work on or in relation to such structure which was begun after the relevant date unless such work was begun under and in accordance with a special permission or a general permission;


(c) in assessing such compensation in respect of any structure, no account shall be taken of and no compensation shall be allowed in respect of any portion of any work on or in relation to such structure done in contravention of a special prohibition.


Prohibition of double compensation.

71.—Where a person would, but for this section, be entitled to compensation under this Act in respect of any matter or thing and also to compensation under any other enactment in respect of the same matter or thing, he shall not be entitled to compensation in respect of such matter or thing both under this Act and under such other enactment, and shall not be entitled to any greater amount of compensation under this Act in respect of such matter or thing than the amount of the compensation to which he would be entitled under such other enactment in respect of such matter or thing.


Payment for betterment.

72.—(1) Whenever the value of any property is increased by the coming into operation or enforcement of any provision contained in a planning scheme or by the execution of any work by the responsible authority in pursuance of any such provision, every person having any estate or interest in such property shall be liable to pay to the responsible authority, on application by the responsible authority, a sum (in this Act referred to as payment for betterment) equal to three-fourths of the amount (if any) by which the value of the estate or interest of such person in such property is so increased.


(2) Every application by a responsible authority for payment for betterment shall be made, in the case of a claim in respect of the coming into operation or enforcement of a provision contained in a planning scheme, within twelve months (or such longer period as shall be fixed by such planning scheme) after such enforcement or coming into operation (as the case may be) or, in the case of a claim in respect of the execution of work, within twelve months (or such longer period as shall be fixed by such planning scheme) after the completion of such work.


(3) Whenever a responsible authority makes an application under this section for payment of betterment, such authority shall, within one week after making such application, enter the prescribed particulars of such application in the register, and, if such responsible authority does not so enter such particulars, such application shall, at the expiration of such week, be and be deemed always to have been null and void.


Calculation of amount of payment for betterment.

73.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section the amount of a payment for betterment shall be calculated by reference to the value of the property in respect of which such payment is claimed at the time at which application for such payment is made by the responsible authority.


(2) Any person to whom an application for payment for betterment is made (otherwise than by virtue of the subsequent provisions of this section) by a responsible authority may, by notice served on such responsible authority within twenty-eight days after the making of such application, require that the amount of such payment for betterment shall be calculated on the basis that the purposes for and manner in which the property in respect of which such payment for betterment is so applied for can lawfully be used is effectively and permanently restricted to the purposes for and the manner in which such property is actually used at the date of such application for payment for betterment.


(3) When such requisition as is mentioned in the next preceding sub-section of this section has been duly made, the amount of the payment for betterment to which such requisition relates shall be calculated in accordance with such requisition.


(4) When the amount of a payment for betterment is calculated in accordance with a requisition under the foregoing provisions of this section, and within fourteen years after the date of the application for such payment for betterment the property which was the subject of such application or any portion of such property is sold, leased, or let on any form of tenancy for any term not less than two years or is used for a purpose or in a manner substantially different from the purpose for or the manner in which it was used at the date of such application, the responsible authority shall be entitled to apply for, receive, and recover under this Act from the person by whom such requisition was made or from any other person upon whom such property or such portion thereof (as the case may be) has devolved by operation of law, a payment for betterment calculated by reference to the value of such property or such portion thereof at the date of such last-mentioned application and on the basis that there is no such special restriction as is mentioned in the said requisition on the use of such property or such portion thereof but with due allowance for (as the case may require) the payment for betterment (if any) already made in respect of such property or a proper proportion of such payment for betterment (if any).


(5) Every application by the responsible authority under the next preceding sub-section of this section for a payment of betterment calculated in accordance with that sub-section shall be made within twelve months (or such longer period as shall be allowed by the planning scheme) after the property or the portion thereof, in relation to which such application is made, is so sold, leased, or let or is begun to be so used as to entitle the responsible authority to make such application.


(6) Where a requisition is made under the foregoing provisions of this section by a statutory undertaker in respect of property occupied by him, then so long as such property continues to be occupied by such statutory undertaker and is used by him for the purposes or any of the purposes of his undertaking, such property shall not be deemed to be used for a purpose or in a manner substantially different within the meaning of this section from the purpose for and the manner in which it was used at the date of the application for payment of betterment in relation to which such requisition was so made.


(7) Every responsible authority shall enter in the register the prescribed particulars of every such requisition, and shall not be entitled to any further payment for betterment under sub-section (4) of this section in respect of any property unless the said particulars of the said requisition in relation to such property are so entered in the register within one week after the service of such requisition.


(8) Whenever any property which is the subject of a requisition duly entered in the register in accordance with the foregoing sub-section of this section or any portion of such property is, within fourteen years after the date of the application which occasioned the service of such requisition, sold, leased for any term, or let in any form of tenancy or is used for a purpose or in a manner substantially different from the purpose for or manner in which it was used at the date of such application, it shall be the duty of the person by whom such application was made or of any other person upon whom such property or such portion thereof has devolved by operation of law to serve on the responsible authority by whom such requisition is so entered in the register notice in writing of such sale, lease, letting, or change of user (as the case may be) within fourteen days after the occurrence thereof, and if he fails so to do he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds together with a further fine not exceeding one pound for every day during which such failure continues.


Application of moneys paid as payment for betterment.

74.—Moneys received by a responsible authority as payment for betterment shall be applied by such authority in accordance with the following provisions, that is to say:—


(a) in so far as such moneys consist of payment for betterment in respect of the execution of work by such responsible authority, such moneys shall be applied in or towards the payment of the expenses incurred by such responsible authority in the execution of such work, and the balance (if any) of such moneys remaining after discharging such expenses shall be applied towards discharging the expenses incurred by such responsible authority in the execution of the planning scheme in pursuance of which such work was so executed;


(b) in so far as such moneys consist of payment for betterment in respect of the enforcement or coming into operation of a provision contained in a planning scheme, such moneys shall be applied in or towards the payment of compensation payable by such responsible authority in respect of the enforcement or coming into operation of such provision, and the balance (if any) of such moneys remaining after the payment of such compensation shall be applied towards discharging the expenses incurred by such responsible authority in the execution of such planning scheme.


Arbitration on applications for compensation or payment for betterment.

75.—(1) Every application by any person for payment of compensation under this Part of this Act by the responsible authority and every application by the responsible authority for payment for betterment by any person shall, in default of agreement, be determined by arbitration under and in accordance with the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, as amended by the Acquisition of Land (Reference Committee) Act, 1925 (No. 22 of 1925), in like manner in all respects as if such application arose in relation to the compulsory acquisition of land and such compensation or payment for betterment were the price of land compulsorily acquired, and the said Acts shall apply accordingly but subject to the subsequent provisions of this section.


(2) On any arbitration under this section, the arbitrator shall have jurisdiction to determine whether compensation or payment for betterment is in the circumstances of the particular case payable at all, and if such arbitrator finds that such compensation or payment for betterment is payable he shall have jurisdiction to determine the amount thereof, and (in the case of compensation) the person to whom it is payable, and (in the case of payment for betterment) the person by whom it is payable, and (in any case) the time or times at which such compensation or payment for betterment shall be paid and, in particular, whether it is to be paid in one sum or by instalments and, if it is to be paid by instalments, the number, amount, and times of payment of such instalments and the provision to be made for payment of interest on the amount for the time being outstanding and unpaid.


(3) When the amount of any compensation or payment for betterment is being determined on an arbitration under this section, the arbitrator shall have regard, in the case of compensation, to any undertaking given by the planning authority or the responsible authority and, in the case of payment for betterment, to any undertaking given by the person from whom such payment for betterment is claimed.


Recovery of compensation payable by the responsible authority.

76.—(1) All compensation payable under this Part of this Act by the responsible authority shall, when the amount thereof has been determined by agreement or by arbitration in accordance with this Act, be recoverable from such authority as a civil debt in any Court of competent jurisdiction, and all costs and expenses of parties to an arbitration to determine the amount of any such compensation shall, in so far as such costs and expenses are payable by the responsible authority, be likewise recoverable from such authority as a civil debt in any Court of competent jurisdiction.


(2) Sections 69 to 79 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, as amended or adapted by or under the Second Schedule to the Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890, or any other Act, shall apply in relation to moneys by this section made recoverable as a civil debt as if such moneys were a price or compensation under the said Act as so amended or adapted.


(3) Where money is paid into the High Court under section 69 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, as applied by this section, by the responsible authority, no costs shall be payable by such responsible authority to any person in respect of any proceedings for the investment, payment of income, or payment of capital of such money.


Recovery by the responsible authority of payment for betterment.

77.—Every sum of money payable under this Act to the responsible authority by way of payment for betterment shall, when the amount thereof has been determined by agreement or by arbitration in accordance with this Act, be recoverable by such authority as a civil debt in any court of competent jurisdiction and shall also become and be, as on and from the date on which the amount thereof is so determined, a charge on the estate or interest in property in respect of which it is payable.


Registration and enforcement of charges on property.

78.—(1) Whenever any sum of money becomes by virtue of this Act a charge on any land, structure, or other property, or on any estate or interest therein, the responsible authority shall enter the prescribed particulars of such charge in the register within one month after the date on which such sum so becomes such charge, and, if such responsible authority does not enter such particulars, such charge shall, at the expiration of the said month, be and be deemed always to have been unenforceable, but without prejudice to proceedings by way of action for debt for recovery of the said sum of money.


(2) Whenever the Minister is satisfied, on the application of the responsible authority, that any charge created by this Act on any land, structure, or other property, or on any estate or interest therein cannot be enforced by legal proceedings by reason of uncertainty as to the ownership of such property or such estate or interest the Minister may by order empower such responsible authority to sell the property or the estate or interest therein affected by such charge.


(3) No order shall be made by the Minister under the next preceding sub-section of this section unless or until notice of the intention to make such order has been published by advertisement at least once in each of two newspapers circulating in the district in which the property to which such order is intended to relate is situate.


(4) When an order is made by the Minister under this section empowering the responsible authority to sell any property or any estate or interest in property, it shall be lawful for such authority to sell such property or estate or interest by public auction, to bid and buy at such auction, to receive the purchase money, and to convey effectively such property or estate or interest to the purchaser thereof.


(5) When the responsible authority sells any property or any estate or interest in property under this section, such authority shall, out of the purchase money, retain the costs of such sale and (so far as such purchase money will extend) the moneys for the recovery of which such sale was held and shall pay the balance (if any) of such purchase money into the High Court under section 69 of the Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, as amended or adapted by or under any subsequent Act as if such balance were such price or compensation as is mentioned in that section, and thereupon that section and section 70 of the said Act as so amended or adapted shall apply in relation to such balance, but no costs shall be payable by such authority to any person in respect of any proceedings for the investment, payment of income, or payment of capital of such balance.



Regulations by the Minister.

1. The notices to be given by the planning authority and the times at or within which such notices are to be given and in the case of notices to persons, the persons to whom and the manner in which such notices are to be given, and in the case of notices to the public, the nature of the advertisements or other means by which such notices are to be given and published.

2. The documents (including maps and plans) to be deposited by the planning authority, the places in which and times at or within which such documents are to be deposited.

3. The inspection by persons interested of documents (including maps and plans) deposited in pursuance of the regulations.

4. The matters to be specified in particular documents or shown on particular maps or plans and the scale on which any particular map or plan is to be drawn.

5. The manner in which planning schemes are to be submitted to the Minister for his approval.

6. The documents and information to be furnished by a planning authority to the Minister for the purpose of the consideration by him of a planning scheme.

7. The manner in which, and the times at or within which objections to or representations in respect of a planning scheme may be made to the planning authority or to the Minister.

8. Securing co-operation by the planning authority with owners of property and other persons likely to be affected by the planning scheme.

9. For securing that local authorities who are likely to be affected by a planning scheme shall, as soon as possible after the passing of a resolution for the preparation of a planning scheme, receive notice of the passing of such resolution, and shall be furnished by the planning authority with a copy of the planning scheme before it is submitted to the Minister, and shall be entitled to be heard at any public inquiry held in relation to the planning scheme.

10. For enabling planning authorities and responsible authorities to obtain (with or without charge) information, which they require for the purposes of or in connection with the preparation, making, or carrying into effect of planning schemes, by inspection of or obtaining copies from rate books and other similar documents which are not in their custody.



Particular Matters for which Provision may be made by Planning Schemes.



1. Providing for the construction of new roads, the improvement of existing roads, and the establishment of public rights of way by the responsible authority.

2. Providing for the closing or diverting of existing roads and public and private rights of way.

3. Restricting and controlling the construction of new roads and the alteration of existing roads, whether by the responsible authority or private owners.

4. Regulating the line, width, level, construction and general dimensions and character of roads, whether new or existing.

5. Enabling the responsible authority to require an owner of land, as a condition of his developing such land in any manner, either—

(a) to construct new roads or improve existing roads, or

(b) to contribute to the cost of the construction of new roads or the improvement of existing roads by the responsible authority.

6. Providing for and generally regulating the construction, or execution, whether by the responsible authority or by private owners of works incidental to the making or improvement of any road, including the erection of shelters, provision of seats, and planting and protecting of grass, trees, or shrubs on or adjoining such road.


Buildings and other Structures.

1. Regulating and controlling, either generally or in particular areas, all or any of the following matters, that is to say:—

(a) the size, character, height, spacing, and frontage line of buildings and other structures,

(b) the objects which may be affixed to structures,

(c) the extent of the yards, gardens, and curtilage of buildings and other structures,

(d) the purposes for and the manner in which structures may be used or occupied.

2. Regulating and controlling or enabling the responsible authority to regulate and control the design, colour, and materials of buildings and other structures.

3. Reserving or allocating any particular land or all land in any particular area for structures of a specified class or classes or prohibiting or restricting, either permanently or temporarily, the making of any structures or any particular class or classes of structures on any specified land.

4. Limiting the number of structures or the number of structures of a specified class which may be constructed, erected, or made on, in, or under any area.

5. Providing for the demolition or alteration of structures which are inconsistent with or obstruct the operation of the planning scheme.



1. Providing for the reservation of particular lands for use as public parks, recreation grounds, open spaces, allotments, or other particular purposes, whether public or private.

2. Providing for the preservation of views and prospects and of the amenities of places and features of natural beauty or interest.

3. Providing for the preservation of structures and objects of artistic, architectural, archæological, or historical interest.

4. Providing for the preservation or protection of forests, woods, trees, shrubs, plants, and flowers.

5. Prohibiting, restricting, or controlling, either generally or in particular places the exhibition, whether on the ground, on any structure, or any temporary erection, on any vehicle, boat or other movable object (whether on land or on or in water) or in the air, of all or any particular forms of advertisements or other public notices.

6. Preventing, remedying, or removing injury to amenities arising from the ruinous or neglected condition of any structure or by the objectionable or neglected condition of any land attached to a structure or abutting on a road or situate in a residential area.

7. Enabling the responsible authority, with the consent of the Minister, to make regulations for the prevention of injury to amenities by noise.


Public Services.

Providing for the undertaking, improvement, or extension by the responsible authority of public services in relation to water supply, sewage, drainage, sewage disposal, and refuse disposal or any of them.


Transport and Communication.

1. Facilitating the establishment, extension or improvement of systems of transport, whether by land, water, or air.

2. Allocating sites for use in relation to transport and providing for the reservation of land for that purpose.

3. At the request and with the co-operation of the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs, facilitating the establishment, extension, or improvement of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communication, allocating sites for use in relation to such communication and providing for the reservation of land for that purpose.



1. Declaring the persons by whom and the manner in which the cost of the execution of works (whether of construction, demolition, removal, or alteration) in pursuance of the planning scheme are to be borne.

2. Subject to the regulations made by the Minister under this Act, declaring the notices to be served for the purposes of the planning scheme by the responsible authority and the persons on whom, the manner in which, and the times at or within which such notices are to be served.

3. Subject to this Act and the said regulations, declaring the manner in which and the times at or within which notices for the purposes of the planning scheme may be served on the responsible authority by other persons.

4. Providing for and regulating the making of agreements for the purposes of the planning scheme by the responsible authority with owners of property and other persons and by such persons with one another.


Uimhir 22 de 1934.




[29adh Bealtaine, 1934.]



Roimhraiteach agus Generalta.


Gearr-theideal agus tosach feidhme.

1.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht um Bailte agus Líomatáistí do Shíneadh Amach, 1934, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Tiocfaidh an tAcht so i bhfeidhm pé lá ceapfar chuige sin le hordú dhéanfaidh an tAire fén alt so.



2.—(1) San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí;


sa mhéid go mbaineann an abairt “feidhm fhorcoimeádtha” le contae-bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath agus le contae-bhuirg Dhún Laoghaire fé seach tá an brí céanna léi atá léi san Acht Rialtais Áitiúla (Baile Atha Cliath), 1930 (Uimh. 27 de 1930), agus sa mhéid go mbaineann sí le contae-bhuirg Chorcaighe tá an brí céanna léi atá léi in Acht Bainistí Chathair Chorcaighe, 1929 (Uimh. 1 de 1929);


foluíonn an abairt “údarás pleanála” údarás pleanála ceanntair agus údarás pleanála réigiúin;


cialluíonn an abairt “scéim phleanála ceanntair” scéim phleanála dhéanfaidh údarás pleanála ceanntair dá gceanntar pleanála ar fad no d'aon chuid de;


cialluíonn an abairt “scéim phleanála réigiúin” scéim a dhéanfaidh údarás pleanála réigiúin dá réigiúin pleanála ar fad no d'aon chuid de;


cialluíonn an abairt “cead speisialta” cead a dheonfaidh údarás pleanála (no an tAire, ar athchomharc do dhéanamh chuige) fén Acht so chun déanmhais áirithe do dhéanamh, do leagadh, d'atharú, do leathnú, do dheisiú, no d'athnuachaint;


cialluíonn an abairt “cead generálta” cead a dheonfaidh údarás pleanála (no an tAire, ar athchomharc do dhéanamh chuige) fén Acht so chun na ndéanmhas go léir de shaghas no de shaghsanna áirithe i líomatáiste áirithe no i gcuid áirithe de líomatáiste do dhéanamh, do leagadh, d'atharú, do leathnú, do dheisiú, no d'athnuachaint;


cialluíonn an abairt “toirmeasc speisialta” toirmeasc a dhéanfaidh údarás pleanála fén Acht so agus le n-a dtoirmeascfar, ar fad no fé réir choinníollacha, dul ar aghaidh a thuilleadh le déanmhas áirithe do dhéanamh, do leagadh, d'atharú, do leathnú, do dheisiú, no d'athnuachaint;


cialluíonn an abairt “gnóthaire reachtúil” duine dá n-údaruítear le Reacht Briotáineach no le hAcht den Oireachtas no le hordú go bhfeidhm reachtúil gnó bóthair iarainn, canála, slí loingseoireachta intíre, duga, cuain, trambhealaigh, geas no leictreachais no gnó puiblí eile do dhéanamh, d'oibriú, no do bheith ar siúl aige;


cialluíonn an focal “déanmhas” aon fhoirgint, tógáil, déanmhas, tochailt no rud eile atá déanta no tógtha ar aon talamh no ann no fé agus, i gcás ina gceaduíonn an có-théacs é, foluíonn sé an talamh ar a bhfuil no ina bhfuil no fé n-a bhfuil an déanmhas suidhte;


foluíonn an focal “obair” aon ghníomh no oibriú déanta, leaghta, leathnuithe, atharuithe, deisithe, no athnuaite;


cialluíonn an focal “bóthar” aon bhóthar, puiblí no príobháideach;


cialluíonn an focal “orduithe” orduithe le rialacháin ar n-a ndéanamh ag an Aire fén Acht so.


(2) Chun crícheanna an Achta so beidh gach cólucht acu so leanas ina údarás áitiúil, sé sin le rá:—


(a) comhairle chontae-bhuirge,


(b) comhairle chontae,


(c) comhairle bhuirge,


(d) comhairle bhailecheanntair,


(e) có-choiste d'aon dá chomhairle no níos mó de sna comhairlí sin,


(f) bord sláinte puiblí,


(g) bord sláinte agus conganta phuiblí,


(h) aon chó-bhord a bheidh bunuithe fé sna hAchtanna Sláinte Puiblí, 1878 go 1931.


(3) Chun crícheanna an Achta so is ionann aon tsiúntán, van, puball, no rud eile (pe'ca do-aistrithe no so-aistrithe no soleagtha dho) nách déanmhas do chur no do choimeád ar aon talamh agus an talamh san d'úsáid.


Míniú generálta ar scéim phleanála.

3.—Chun crícheanna an Achta so isé tuigfear le scéim phleanála ná scéim a déanfar do réir an Achta so agus san go generálta chun a chur in áirithe go ndéanfar líomatáiste áirithe, pe'ca baile-líomatáiste no tuath-líomatáiste é, d'fhorbairt go hordúil agus do réir a chéile sa tslí is mó raghaidh chun tairbhe so sna daoine agus chun na taithneamhachta bhaineas leis an líomatáiste sin do bhuanchoimeád, d'fheabhsú, agus do leathnú.


An dáta oiriúnach chun crícheanna an Achta so.

4.—(1) Lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an alt so isé is dáta oiriúnach chun crícheanna an Achta so maidir le scéim phleanála no maidir le haon fhoráil áirithe i scéim phleanála ná an dáta ar a ndearna an t-údarás pleanála do cheap an scéim sin rún do rith chun na scéime pleanála san do cheapadh.


(2) Má deintear le scéim phleanála (dá ngairmtear “an scéim nua” anso feasta) scéim phleanála eile (dá ngairmtear “an bhunscéim” anso feasta) do leasú no í do cheiliúradh i bpáirt no go hiomlán isé is dáta oiriúnach chun crícheanna an Achta so, maidir le haon fhoráil a bheidh sa scéim nua agus gur mar a chéile no gur beag ná gur mar a chéile í agus foráil do bhí sa bhun-scéim agus do ceiliúradh leis an scéim nua, ná (fé réir aon tsocruithe, contrárdha dho san, a déanfar fén gcéad fho-alt eile den alt so) an dáta ba dháta oiriúnach maidir leis an bhforáil sin do bhí sa bhun-scéim.


(3) An dáta do bheadh, fé sna forálacha san roimhe seo den Acht so, mar dháta oiriúnach chun crícheanna an Achta so maidir le scéim phleanála no le haon fhoráil áirithe bheidh sa scéim sin, féadfar a shocrú leis an scéim sin nách é sin is dáta oiriúnach maidir leis an scéim sin no leis an bhforáil sin (pe'ca aca é) agus, ina ionad san, gur dáta ar bith ina dhiaidh sin a luadhfar chuige sin sa scéim sin is dáta oiriúnach chun crícheanna an Achta so maidir leis an scéim sin no leis an bhforáil sin (pe'ca aca é).


(4) San Acht so cialluíonn an abairt “an dáta oiriúnach” an dáta socruítear leis an alt so no socrófar fé chun bheith mar dháta oiriúnach maidir leis an scéim phleanála no leis an bhforáil gur ina taobh a húsáidtear an abairt.


Údaráis áitiúla do cheapadh oifigeach.

5.—Féadfaidh aon údarás áitiúil, fé réir forálacha aon achtacháin a bhaineann leis an údarás áitiúil sin do cheapadh oifigeach, pé oifigigh agus pé méid oifigeach do cheapadh is dóich leo is gá chun na bhfeidhmeanna, na gcomhacht agus na ndualgaisí bronntar no forchuirtear leis an Acht so d'fheidhmiú agus íocfar le gach oifigeach a ceapfar amhlaidh pé luach saothair a cheapfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil sin le toiliú an Aire.


Fiosrúcháin phuiblí.

6.—(1) Pé uair a bronntar comhacht ar an Aire leis an Acht so chun aon scéime pleanála no orduithe, no rialacháin do dhéanamh no do dhaingniú no chun aontuithe no toilithe leis, no chun toilithe le héinní, no chun breithe do thabhairt ar aon athchomharc, easaontas, aighneas, no ní eile, no chun aon ghnímh eile do dhéanamh, féadfaidh an tAire, sara bhfeidhmeoidh an chomhacht san, fiosrúchán puiblí do dhéanamh i dtaobh an chúrsa go mbeidh an chomhacht san le feidhmiú ina thaobh amhlaidh.


(2) Beidh feidhm ag Airtiogal 32 den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, maidir le gach fiosrúchán puiblí déanfar fén alt so no fé aon alt eile den Acht so fé mar a bhíonn feidhm ag an Airtiogal san maidir leis na fiosrúcháin áitiúla luaidhtear ann.


Rialacháin ghenerálta.

7.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh ag ordú éinní no aon ruda dá dtagartar san Acht so mar ní no mar rud atá orduithe no le hordú.


(2) Gach rialachán a dhéanfaidh an tAire fén Acht so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh acu san, laistigh den lá is fiche shuidhfidh an Tigh sin ina dhiaidh sin, rún do rith ag cur an rialacháin sin ar nea-mbrí beidh an rialachán san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén rialachán san.


Fógraí do sheirbheáil.

8.—(1) Más gá do réir an Achta so no do réir scéime pleanála fógra do thabhairt do dhuine díreofar an fógra san chun an duine sin agus bhéarfar don duine sin é i slí éigin acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) má bhíonn an fógra san dírithe chun an duine sin fé n-a ainm, tré n-a sheachadadh don duine sin;


(b) tré n-a fhágaint ag gnáth-áit chomhnaithe an duine sin;


(c) tré n-a chur tríd an bpost i litir chláruithe roimh-íoctha bheidh dírithe chun an duine sin ag á ghnáth-áit chomhnaithe;


(d) maran féidir a fháil amach, tré fhiosrú réasúnta, cad is gnáth-áit chomhnaithe don duine sin agus más i dtaobh aon tailimh no áitreibh is gá an fógra san do thabhairt amhlaidh, tré n-a sheachadadh do dhuine éigin os cionn sé bliana déag d'aois ina chomhnaí no ar fostú ar an talamh no san áitreabh san no tré n-a ghreamú in áit sho-fheicse ar an talamh san no san áitreabh san.


(2) Más gá do réir an Achta so no do réir scéime pleanála fógra do thabhairt d'únaer no do shealbhaire aon tailimh no áitreibh agus nách féidir ainm an únaera no an tsealbhaire sin (pe'ca aca é) d'fháil amach tré fhiosrú réasúnta féadfar an fógra san do dhíriú go dtí “an t-únaer” no “an sealbhaire” (fé mar is gá sa chás) gan a ainm do luadh.


(3) Chun crícheanna an ailt seo tuigfear gurb í a n-oifig chláruithe is gnáth-áit chomhnaithe do chuideachtain a bheidh cláruithe fé sna hAchtanna Cuideachtain, 1908 go 1924, agus tuigfear gurb í a bpríomh-oifig no a bpríomh-áit ghnótha is gnátháit chomhnaithe do gach cólucht corpráideach eile agus do gach cólucht neamh-ionchorpruithe.


Cigirí cánach do thabhairt liostaí uatha.

9.—(1) Pé uair is gá d'údarás phleanála no d'údarás fhreagarthach, do réir an Achta so no fé no do réir scéime pleanála no fúithí, fógraí do sheirbheáil ar únaerí maoine féadfaidh an t-údarás san a cheangal ar an gcigire cánach go mbeidh an mhaoin sin ina cheanntar liost do thabhairt don údarás san d'ainmneacha agus de sheolta na n-únaerí maoine agus na sealbhairí maoine uile taisbeánfar sna measta chun cánach ioncuim, fé Sceideal A den Income Tax Act, 1918 (agus é leasuithe le hachtacháin ina dhiaidh sin), is déanaí do rinneadh roimh dháta áirithe i líomatáiste áirithe bheidh laistigh de cheanntar an chigire sin agus laistigh de líomatáiste feidhmiúcháin an údaráis sin.


(2) Féadfaidh cigire cánach pé táille, nách mó ná cúig scillinge an céad iontráil go n-uimhreacha fé leith ortha, ordóidh na Coimisinéirí Ioncuim d'éileamh ar aon liost d'ainmneacha agus de sheolta do bhéarfaidh uaidh do réir an ailt seo agus beidh sé ina choinníoll an t-údarás pleanála no an t-údarás freagarthach iarrfaidh an liost san d'íoc na táille sin sara dtabharfar an liost san dóibh.


Oblagáid ar dhaoine áirithe eolas do thabhairt d'údarás phleanála no d'údarás fhreagarthach.

10.—(1) Chun aon chríche eireoidh i dtaobh scéime pleanála do cheapadh no d'fhoirfheidhmiú no do chur in éifeacht féadfaidh údarás pleanála no údarás freagarthach, le fógra i scríbhinn, a cheangal ar shealbhaire aon tailimh no déanmhais sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim phleanála san no go mbeidh beartuithe baint do bheith aici leis, no ar éinne do gheibheann cíos, do féin no do dhuine eile, as aon talamh no déanmhas den tsórt san, mioninnste i dtaobh an éstáit no an leasa no an chirt gur dá bhuadh atá sé i seilbh an tailimh no an déanmhais sin no do gheibheann sé an cíos san (pe'ca aca é) do thabhairt i scríbhinn don údarás phleanála no don údarás fhreagarthach san (pe'ca aca é) laistigh d'aimsir áirithe nách giorra ná ceithre lá déag tar éis an cheangail sin do chur air agus farais sin (sa mhéid gurb eol do iad) ainm agus seoladh agus estát, leas, no ceart gach duine ag á bhfuil, go bhfios do, aon estát no leas sa talamh no sa déanmhas san no aon cheart air no maidir leis.


(2) Gach duine go gceanglófar air fén alt so éinní no aon rud do chur in úil i scríbhinn d'údarás phleanála no d'údarás fhreagarthach (pe'ca aca é) agus go dteipfidh air an ní no an rud san do chur in úil amhlaidh laistigh den aimsir a ceapfar fén alt so no dhéanfaidh, le linn éinní no aon rud den tsórt san do chur in úil amhlaidh, aon ráiteas do chur i scríbhinn is eol dó bheith bréagach no mí-threorach i bponc táchtach, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air.


Costaisí fé n-a raghaidh an tAire chun an Achta so d'fheidhmiú.

11.—Lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so agus sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar na costaisí uile fé n-a raghaidh an tAire chun an Achta so d'fheidhmiú.


Costaisí fé n-a raghaidh údaráis áitiúla chun an Achta so d'fheidhmiú.

12.—(1) Lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar no dá bhforálfar a mhalairt leis an Acht so no fé isé slí ina gcruinneofar na costaisí fé n-a raghaidh údarás áitiúil chun scéime pleanála do cheapadh no d'fheidhmiú no maidir leis sin no ar aon tslí eile i bhfeidhmiú an Achta so ná—


(a) i gcás comhairle contae, tríd an ráta dealbhais go cothrom ar pé bailte fearainn agus pé méid bailte fearainn, sa cheanntar shláinte chontae gur maidir leis do chuathas fé sna costaisí sin amhlaidh, a cheapfaidh an tAire aon uair agus o am go ham ar n-a iarraidh sin air don chomhairle chontae agus, mara ndeinidh no go dtí go ndéanfaidh an tAire aon cheapadh den tsórt san, go cothrom ar iomlán an cheanntair shláinte chontae sin, agus


(b) i gcás búird shláinte, tríd an ráta dealbhais go cothrom ar pé bailte fearainn agus pé méid bailte fearainn, i gceanntar sláinte contae an bhúird shláinte sin, a cheapfaidh an tAire aon uair agus o am go ham ar n-a iarraidh sin air don bhord shláinte sin agus, mara ndeinidh no go dtí go ndéanfaidh an tAire aon cheapadh den tsórt san, go cothrom ar iomlán an cheanntair shláinte chontae sin, agus


(c) i gcás aon údaráis áitiúla eile, sa tslí ina n-íoctar costaisí fé n-a dtéigheann an t-údarás áitiúil sin fé sna hAchtanna Sláinte Puiblí, 1878 go 1931.


(2) Pé uair a bheidh aon chostaisí, de bhuadh an ailt seo, le cruinniú tríd an ráta dealbhais ar iomlán ceanntair shláinte chontae no ar aon bhailte fearainn áirithe ann (dá ngairmtear an líomatáiste ionmhuirir sa bhfo-alt so), féadfaidh an tAire, ar n-a iarraidh sin air don chomhairle no don bhord do chuaidh no bheidh le dul fé sna costaisí sin, a ordú ná cruinneofar na costaisí sin go cothrom ar iomlán an líomatáiste ionmhuirir ach go ndéanfar, maidir le bailte fearainn áirithe sa líomatáiste ionmhuirir, iad do chruinniú i pé cionúireachtaí is dóich leis an Aire is ceart do luadh agus leis sin déanfar, in ainneoin éinní atá san alt so, na costaisí sin do chruinniú do réir an orduithe sin.


Gnóthaire reachtúil d'íoc costaisí.

13.—Féadfaidh aon ghnóthaire reachtúil aontú le híoc do dhéanamh agus féadfaidh íoc do dhéanamh le húdarás pleanála sna costaisí uile no in aon chuid de sna costaisí fé n-a raghaidh an t-údarás pleanála san chun scéime pleanála do cheapadh no maidir leis sin, no le húdarás freagarthach sna costaisí uile no in aon chuid de sna costaisí fé n-a raghaidh an t-údarás freagarthach san chun scéime pleanála d'fheidhmiú no maidir leis sin.


Údaráis áitiúla d'fháil iasachtaí.

14.—(1) Féadfaidh comhairle chontae iasacht d'fháil fé Airtiogal 22 den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, chun aon chostaisí d'íoc fé n-a raghaidh an chomhairle sin, no fé n-a raghaidh údarás pleanála ar n-a cheapadh go leathrannach ag an gcomhairle sin, chun scéime pleanála do cheapadh no d'fheidhmiú no ar aon tslí eile i bhfeidhmiú an Achta so fé is dá mbeadh an chríoch san luaidhte san Airtiogal san agus ní déanfar airgead do ghcobhfar ar iasacht chun aon chríche den tsórt san d'áireamh mar chuid d'fhiacha na comhairle sin chun crícheanna aon teorann a chuireann an tAirtiogal san le hiasachtaí d'fháil.


(2) Féadfaidh comhairle chontae-bhuirge, bhuirge no bhaile líomatáiste no bord sláinte ceanntair shláinte chontae iasacht d'fháil fé sna hAchtanna Sláinte Puiblí, 1878 go 1931, chun aon chostaisí d'íoc fé n-a raghaidh an chomhairle no an bord san, no údarás pleanála ar n-a cheapadh go leathrannach ag an gcomhairle sin, chun scéime pleanála do cheapadh no d'fheidhmiú no ar aon tslí eile i bhfeidhmiú an Achta so fé is dá mba chríoch an chríoch san chun a n-údaruítear don chomhairle no don bhord san iasacht d'fháil fé sna hAchtanna san, ach ní déanfar aon airgead do gheobhfar ar iasacht chun aon chríche den tsórt san d'áireamh mar chuid d'fhiacha na comhairle no an bhúird sin chun crícheanna aon teorann a chuireann na hAchtanna san le hiasachtaí d'fháil.


Cosaint do ghnóthairí reachtúla.

15.—(1) Aon talamh a bheidh, ar an dáta oiriúnach, ar seilbh ag gnóthaire reachtúil chun crícheanna a ghnótha ní bhainfidh aon fhoráil i scéim phleanála leis, ná le haon déanmhas air no ann no fé, faid a leanfaidh an talamh no an déanmhas san ar seilbh amhlaidh, ach amháin sa chás no sa mhéid go dtoileoidh an gnóthaire reachtúil sin fén alt so chun baint do bheith ag an bhforáil sin leis an talamh no leis an déanmhas san no go n-ordóidh an tAire, le hordú ar n-a dhéanamh fén alt so, go mbainfidh an fhoráil sin leis an talamh no leis an déanmhas san.


(2) Féadfaidh údarás pleanála go mbeidh scéim phleanála ceaptha no á ceapadh acu no féadfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach fé scéim phleanála a iarraidh ar aon ghnóthaire reachtúil a bheidh ar an dáta oiriúnach, chun crícheanna a ghnótha, i seilbh aon tailimh sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim phleanála san, no go mbeidh beartuithe baint do bheith aici leis, toiliú chun baint do bheith ag aon fhoráil sa scéim phleanála san leis an talamh san no le haon déanmhas ar an talamh san no ann no fé.


(3) I gcás aon údarás pleanála no údarás freagarthach do dhéanamh aon iarratais, den tsórt a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so, chun gnóthaire reachtúla agus gan an gnóthaire reachtúil sin do thoiliú ná do dhiúltú do thoiliú, mar a luaidhtear san iarratas san, laistigh de dhá mhí tar éis an iarrtais sin do dhéanamh, tuigfear chun crícheanna an ailt seo gur thoiligh an gnóthaire reachtúil sin amhlaidh ar bheith caithte don tréimhse sin de dhá mhí.


(4) I gcás gnóthaire reachtúil chun a ndéanfaidh údarás pleanála no údarás freagarthach aon iarratas den tsórt san roimhráite do dhiúltú don iarratas san laistigh de dhá mhí tar éis an iarratais sin do dhéanamh féadfaidh an t-údarás pleanála san no an t-údarás freagarthach san (pe'ca aca é) athchomharc do dhéanamh chun an Aire i gcoinnibh an diúltuithe sin, agus nuair a déanfar an t-athchomharc san féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, más dóich leis gur diúltú mí-réasúnta an diúltú san, a dhearbhú go mbainfidh an fhoráil is abhar don iarratas san no, mara mbeidh an scéim phleanála ceaptha, go bhféadfar an fhoráil sin do chur i mbaint leis an talamh no leis an déanmhas a luaidhtear san iarratas san agus san i pé slí acu so is oiriúnach leis an Aire, eadhon, gan srian no sa mhéid teoranta no fé réir na gcoinníoll is dóich leis an Aire is ceart do luadh san ordú san.


(5) Sara ndéanfaidh an tAire ordú fén alt so maidir le haon talamh a bheidh ar seilbh chun crícheanna gnótha bhóthair iarainn, chanála, shlí loingseoireachta intíre, dhuga, chuain, thrambhealaigh, gheas, no leictreachais, no maidir le haon déanmhas ar an talamh san no ann no fé, ragha sé i gcomhairle leis an Aire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála i dtaobh an orduithe sin.


(6) Pé uair a bheidh aon talamh no déanmhas, sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann scéim phleanála, ar seilbh ar an dáta oiriúnach ag gnóthaire reachtúil chun crícheanna a ghnótha agus a scuirfe sé, aon am tar éis an dáta oiriúnaigh, de bheith ar seilbh ag an ngnóthaire reachtúil chun na gcrícheanna san, agus ná beidh toilithe ag an ngnóthaire reachtúil sin mar a luaidhtear san alt so no ná beidh ordú déanta fén alt so ag an Aire, bainfidh gach foráil sa scéim phleanála san do bhainfeadh leis an talamh no leis an déanmhas san dá mba ná beadh sé ar seilbh amhlaidh ag an ngnóthaire reachtúil sin, bainfe sí, láithreach tar éis an scuir sin, leis an talamh no leis an déanmhas san ach tuigfear gurb é dáta an scuir sin an dáta oiriúnach maidir leis an talamh no leis an déanmhas san.


Forálacha i dtaobh maoine Stáit.

16.—(1) Féadfaidh aon Aire no bord reachtúil go n-urláimh ar thalamh le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so, más rud é agus sa mhéid gur dóich leis no leo gur ceart é ag féachaint do sna crícheanna chun a bhfuil urlámh aige no acu ar an talamh san agus don phríomh-dhualgas atá air no ortha maidir leis an gcéanna, dul i gcomhar le húdarás pleanála no le húdarás freagarthach d'fhonn a chur in áirithe go ndéanfar an talamh san d'úsáid agus do choimeád i dtreo ar chor go mbeidh sé do réir chuspóirí generálta scéime pleanála no do réir aon chuspóra áirithe acu agus féadfa sé no siad, más dóich leis no leo gur ceart é, có-aontú do dhéanamh leis an údarás pleanála no leis an údarás freagarthach san chun socruithe i gcóir an chomhair sin agus i gcóir cúrsaí airgeadais agus cúrsaí eile do leanfadh as an gcomhar san no do bhainfeadh leis.


(2) Más gá ceadú no toiliú no aontú an Aire Airgid, i gcás tailimh le n-a mbaineann Airtiogal 11 den Bhunreacht, chun Aire no búird reachtúla do thabhairt léasanna ar an talamh san no, i gcás aon tailimh eile le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so, chun Aire no búird reachtúla d'aistriú an tailimh sin, ní déanfar có-aontú ar bith fén alt so i dtaobh an tailimh sin gan toiliú an Aire Airgid.


(3) Baineann an t-alt so le gach talamh is le Saorstát Éireann de bhuadh Airtiogail 11 den Bhunreacht agus le gach talamh is maoin stáit de thurus na huaire no atá dílsithe in aon Aire no bord reachtúil pe'ca tré reacht, tré cheannach, tré bhronnadh no ar shlí eile é.


(4) San alt so foluíonn an focal “talamh” déanmhas, agus cialluíonn an abairt “bord reachtúil” bord coimisinéirí no bord no cólucht eile do bunuíodh le reacht no le hordú reachtúil agus fheidhmíonn aon fheidhm rialtais no chólíonann aon dualgaisí puiblí bhaineann le riarachán puiblí ar fuaid Shaorstáit Éireann.


Udarais Phleanala agus Liomataisti Pleanala.


Ceanntair phleanála agus údaráis phleanála cheanntair.

17.—(1) Beidh gach contae-bhuirg, gach buirg, gach bailecheanntar agus gach ceanntar sláinte contae ina cheanntar phleanála chun crícheanna an Achta so.


(2) An chomhairle is comhairle chontae-bhuirge, bhuirge, no bhailecheanntair isí is údarás pleanála ceanntair, chun crícheanna an Achta so, don cheanntar phleanála is ionann agus an chontaebhuirg, an bhuirg, no an bailecheanntar san, pe'cá aca é.


(3) An chomhairle is comhairle chontae isí is údarás pleanála ceanntair, chun crícheanna an Achta so, do gach ceanntar pleanála is ionann agus ceanntar sláinte contae sa chontae sin.


Réigiúin phleanála do bhunú.

18.—(1) Féadfaidh na húdaráis phleanála cheanntair fé seach d'aon dá cheanntar phleanála chó-theoranta no d'aon trí cinn no níos mó de cheanntair phleanála go dteorainn ag gach ceann acu le ceann no le cinn eile acu a shocrú, le rún fén alt so ar n-a rith ag gach údarás acu san, go dtiocfaidh na ceanntair phleanála san uile no coda áirithe dhíobh chun bheith, agus go mbeid, ina réigiún pleanála chun crícheanna an Achta so.


(2) I rún ar bith fén alt so leagfar amach achar agus teoranta an réigiúin phleanála bheidh le bunú thríd agus an ainn a bheidh le tabhairt ar an réigiún pleanála san agus féadfar leis an rún san teora do chur leis na nithe bheidh, no le n-a ndeighleálfar, i scéim phleanála réigiúin don réigiún phleanála san no d'aon chuid de, chun a chur in áirithe ná deighleálfaidh aon scéim áirithe den tsórt san ach le nithe do dhéanfadh deifir do chó-leas iomláin an réigiúin phleanála san no chun aon chríche eile.


(3) Ní dhéanfaidh údarás pleanála ceanntair rún fén alt so do rith mara dtugaid ná go dtí go dtabharfaid an fógra orduithe á rá go bhfuiltear chun an rúin sin do thairisgint.


(4) Ní bheidh aon fheidhm ná éifeacht ag rún fén alt so mara ndeinidh ná go dtí go ndéanfaidh na húdaráis phleanála cheanntair uile le n-a mbaineann an scéal rúin den tsaghas chéanna do rith go cuibhe ná mara n-aontuighidh ná go dtí go n-aontóidh an tAire leis na rúin sin uile.


(5) Nuair a bheidh rúin fén alt so rithte go cuibhe ag na húdaráis phleanála cheanntair uile le n-a mbaineann an scéal agus a bheidh aontuithe leo ag an Aire tiocfaidh an líomatáiste bheidh luaidhte agus leagtha amach chuige sin sna rúin sin chun bheith, agus beidh sé, ina réigiún phleanála chun críche an Achta so agus isiad a bheidh ina n-údarás pleanála réigiúin don réigiún phleanála san ná có-choiste de sna húdaráis phleanála réigiúin sin ar a mbeidh daoine (pe'ca baill d'aon údarás aca san iad no nách eadh) a cheapfaidh na húdaráis sin, pé méid acu agus iad i pé cionúireachtaí ar a gcó-aontóidh na húdaráis sin no, cheal có-aontuithe den tsórt san, ar a gcinnfidh an tAire.


(6) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, am a gceaptha (agus an chéad cheapadh d'áireamh) do cheapadh do bhaill chó-choiste is údarás pleanála réigiúin do réigiún phleanála bunófar fén alt so agus fós an tréimhse bheidh na baill sin i seilbh oifige, an tslí ina líonfar foth-fholúntaisí i mballraíocht an choiste sin, dí-cháiliú ball den choiste sin a scuirfidh de bheith, no thiocfaidh chun bheith dí-cháilithe chun bheith, ina mbaill den údarás phleanála cheanntair do cheap iad, agus modh stiúrtha gnótha an choiste sin.


(7) Na costaisí fé n-a raghaidh údarás pleanála réigiúin a bunófar fén alt so agus iad ag feidhmiú a gcomhacht agus ag cóilíonadh a ndualgas mar údarás den tsórt san déanfaidh na húdaráis phleanála cheanntair uile agus fé seach a cheapfaidh an t-údarás pleanála réigiúin sin iad d'íoc i pé cionúireachtaí ar a gcó-aontóidh na húdaráis sin no, cheal có-aontuithe den tsórt san, ar a gcinnfidh an tAire.


(8) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, más dóich leis agus pé uair is dóich leis gur ceart san do dhéanamh, a ordú go ndéanfaidh údarás áirithe pleanála réigiúin a bunófar fén alt so síntiúisí d'íoc mar chabhair chun íoctha na gcostaisí taistil fé n-a raghaidh baill den údarás san agus iad ag freastal chruinnithe an údaráis sin agus, leis sin, o theacht i ngníomh don ordú san, bainfidh alt 63 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 (Uimh. 5 de 1925), agus an Cúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht san, leis an údarás pleanála réigiúin sin fé is dá mb'údarás contae do réir bhrí an ailt sin 63 an t-údarás san.


(9) I gcás contae-bhuirge Bhaile Atha Cliath, buirge Dhún Laoghaire agus contae-bhuirge Chorcaighe fé seach is feidhm fhorcoimeádtha rún do rith fén alt so chun réigiúin phleanála do bhunú.


Cuntaisí údarás pleanála réigiúin d'iniúchadh.

19.—(1) Déanfar, agus is iniúchóir a cheapfaidh an tAire dhéanfaidh, cuntaisí gach údaráis phleanála réigiúin (seachas na húdaráis phleanála réigiúin fé seach do réigiún phleanála Bhaile Atha Cliath agus do réigiún phleanála Chorcaighe) d'iniúchadh, agus na hachtacháin seo leanas, sé sin le rá, ailt 12 go 15 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1871, fo-alt (2) d'alt 63 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, agus ailt 20 agus 21 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1902, agus iad leasuithe no oiriúnuithe le haon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin no fé, bainfid le hiniúchadh agus le hiniúchóir cuntaisí na n-údarás san fé mar a bhaineann na hachtacháin sin agus iad leasuithe no oiriúnuithe amhlaidh le hiniúchadh agus le hinúchóir cuntaisí na gcólucht puiblí atá luaidhte ionta.


(2) Déanfaidh an tAire o am go ham fé mar is gá é a fháil amach agus a shocrú cadé an cion den tuarastal a híocfar le hiniúchóir a ceapfar fén alt so chun cuntaisí údaráis phleanála réigiúin d'iniúchadh ba cheart d'éileamh alos an iniúchta san agus íocfaidh an t-údarás pleanála réigiúin sin leis an Aire sin méid an cheana san den tuarastal san.


Réigiúin phleanála Bhaile Atha Cliath agus Chorcaighe.

20.—(1) Chun crícheanna an Achta so beidh contae-bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath agus contaethe Bhaile Atha Cliath, Chill Dara, na Midhe agus Chill Mantán le chéile ina réigiún pleanála ar a dtabharfar agus dá ngairmtear san Acht so réigiún pleanála Bhaile Atha Cliath.


(2) Chun crícheanna an Achta so beidh contae-bhuirg Chorcaighe agus contae Chorcaighe le chéile ina réigiún pleanála ar a dtabharfar agus dá ngairmtear san Acht so réigiún pleanála Chorcaighe.


(3) Is iad Ard-Mhéara Ró-Onórach, Seanóirí, agus Buirgéisigh Bhaile Atha Cliath is údarás pleanála réigiúin do réigiún phleanála Bhaile Atha Cliath agus isiad Ard-Mhéara, Seanóirí, agus Buirgéisigh Chorcaighe is údarás pleanála réigiúin do réigiún phleanála Chorcaighe.


(4) Sa mhéid gur féidir é do réir réasúin, déanfaidh na húdaráis phleanála réigiúin fé seach do réigiún phleanála Bhaile Atha Cliath agus do réigiún phleanála Chorcaighe a gcomhachta mar údaráis den tsórt san d'fheidhmiú i dtaobh cúrsaí ná baineann ach le contae-bhuirg Bhaile Atha Cliath no le contaebhuirg Chorcaighe (pe'ca aca é) agus ina dtaobh san amháin ach má bheartuíonn aon údarás acu san aon chomhacht acu san d'fheidhmiú maidir le haon chuid de réigiún phleanála Bhaile Atha Cliath no de réigiún phleanála Chorcaighe (pe'ca aca é) lasmuich den chontae-bhuirg sin gheobhaidh an t-údarás san amach barúla agus riachtanaisí an údaráis phleanála cheanntair do gach ceanntar pleanála go ndéanfadh an feidhmiú san na gcomhacht san deifir do no d'aon chuid de agus ag feidhmiú na gcomhacht san dóibh amhlaidh féachfaid do sna barúla agus do sna riachtanaisí do fuarthas amach amhlaidh.


(5) Isé an tAire do bhéarfaidh breith ar gach amhras, ceist, no aighneas i dtaobh ce'ca sárú ar an bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so no nách eadh éinní do rinne an t-údarás pleanála réigiúin do réigiún phleanála Bhaile Atha Cliath no do réigiún phleanála Chorcaighe (tré ghníomh no tré fhaillí) agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith-sean air.


(6) Isé slí ina n-íocfar na costaisí uile fé n-a raghaidh an t-údarás pleanála réigiúin do réigiún phleanála Bhaile Átha Cliath no an t-údarás pleanála réigiúin do réigiún phleanála Chorcaighe agus iad ag feidhmiú a gcomhacht agus ag cólíonadh a ndualgas fén Acht so mar údarás den tsórt san ná fé mar ba ghá na costaisí sin d'íoc fén Acht so dá mba chostaisí iad fé n-a raghadh an t-údarás pleanála ceanntair do chontae-bhuirg Bhaile Átha Cliath no do chontae-bhuirg Chorcaighe, pe'ca aca é.


Comhacht chun ceanntracha pleanála áirithe do leathnú.

21.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire a dhearbhú le hordú, ar iarratas comhairle contae-bhuirge, buirge, no bailecheanntair agus tar éis fógra agus breithnithe agus bheith deimhnitheach mar a luaidhtear anso ina dhiaidh seo, cuid áirithe (dá ngairmtear líomatáiste teorannach san Acht so) de cheanntar shláinte chontae ar theorainn na contae-bhuirge, na buirge, no an bhailecheanntair sin do bheith, o dháta áirithe nách túisce ná dáta an orduithe sin agus chun críchcanna uile an Achta so (lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an alt so), curtha leis an gceanntar pleanála agus ina cuid den cheanntar phleanála is ionann agus an chontaebhuirg, an bhuirg, no an bailecheanntar san no ina bhfuil an céanna.


(2) Ní dhéanfaidh an tAire ordú fén alt so ach amháin tar éis fógra míosa do thabhairt do chomhairle na contae ina mbeidh suidheamh ar an líomatáiste teorannach a bheidh beartuithe mar abhar don ordú san, á rá go bhfuil sé chun an orduithe sin do dhéanamh agus go mbreithneoidh aon chúis a phléifidh an chomhairle sin leis ina thaobh laistigh den mhí sin.


(3) Ní dhéanfaidh an tAire ordú fén alt so maran deimhin leis gur cheart forbairt an líomatáiste theorannaigh a bheidh beartuithe mar abhar don ordú san do dhéanamh i gcó-réir le forbairt an cheanntair phleanála go mbeidh sé beartuithe an líomatáiste teorannach san do chur leis.


(4) Pé uair a déanfar ordú fén alt so beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas an lá thiocfaidh an t-ordú san in éifeacht agus ón lá san amach, sé sin le rá:—


(a) scuirfidh an líomatáiste teorannach is abhar don ordú san de bheith ina chuid den cheanntar phleanála ina raibh sé díreach roimh an ordú san do theacht i ngníomh;


(b) chun crícheanna uile an Achta so (lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an alt so) tiocfaidh an líomatáiste teorannach san chun bheith agus beidh sé ina chuid den cheanntar le n-a gcuirfear é tríd an ordú san;


(c) scuirfidh comhairle na contae ina mbeidh an líomatáiste teorannach san suidhte de bheith ina údarás phleanála cheanntair maidir leis an líomatáiste teorannach san;


(d) an chomhairle do bhí, díreach roimh theacht i ngníomh don ordú san, ina n-údarás pleanála ceanntair don cheanntar phleanála san le n-a gcuirtear an líomatáiste teorannach san tríd an ordú san leanfaid de bheith ina n-údarás pleanála ceanntair don cheanntar phleanála san agus é méaduithe tríd an líomatáiste teorannach san do chur leis;


(e) má bhíonn an líomatáiste teorannach san, le linn teacht i ngníomh don ordú san, ina chuid de réigiún phleanála (seachas réigiún pleanála Bhaile Atha Cliath no réigiún pleanála Chorcaighe) nách cuid de an ceanntar pleanála san le n-a gcuirtear an líomatáiste teorannach san tríd an ordú san, leanfaidh an líomatáiste teorannach san de bheith ina chuid den réigiún phleanála san agus déanfar an t-údarás pleanála réigiúin don réigiún phleanála san do mhéadú leis an ordú san tré dhaoine cheapfaidh an t-údarás pleanála ceanntair don cheanntar phleanála san do chur leis an údarás san (pe'ca baill den údarás a cheapfaidh iad na daoine sin no nách eadh), pé méid acu socrófar leis an ordú san.


(5) I gcás ordú (dá ngairmtear an príomh-ordú san alt so) do dhéanamh fén alt so féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, an príomhordú do cheiliúradh aon uair sara ndéanfaidh an t-údarás pleanála ceanntair don cheanntar phleanála do méaduíodh leis an bpríomh-ordú rún do rith chun scéime pleanála do cheapadh don líomatáiste theorannach no do líomatáiste gur cuid de an líomatáiste teorannach is abhar don phríomh-ordú ach ní ina dhiaidh sin.


(6) I gcás contae-bhuirge Bhaile Atha Cliath, buirge Dhún Laoghaire, agus contae-bhuirge Chorcaighe fé seach, is feidhm fhorcoimeádtha ordú fén alt so d'iarraidh.


Réigiúin phleanála ag cur isteach ar a chéile.

22.—Réigiún pleanála bunófar fén Acht so de bhíthin rún a rithfidh dhá údarás phleanála cheanntair no níos mó chuige sin ní bheidh sé suidhte, i bpáirt ná go hiomlán, laistigh de réigiún phleanála eile bunófar sa tslí chéanna ach féadfa sé bheith suidhte, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, laistigh de réigiún phleanála Bhaile Atha Cliath no de réigiún phleanála Chorcaighe.


Ceanntair phleanála agus réigiúin phleanála ag cur isteach ar a chéile.

23.—(1) Má bhíonn ceanntar pleanála suidhte, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, laistigh de réigiún phleanála ní choiscfidh san an ceanntar pleanála san do leathnú fén Acht so tré líomatáiste theorannach do chur isteach ann a bheidh laistigh no lasmuich no go leathrannach laistigh agus go leathrannach lasmuich den réigiún phleanála san no bheidh i bpáirt no go hiomlán laistigh de réigiún phleanála eile.


(2) Má bhíonn ceanntar pleanála gan bheith suidhte i bpáirt ná go hiomlán laistigh d'aon réigiún pleanála ní choiscfidh san an ceanntar pleanála san do leathnú fén Acht so tré líomatáiste theorannach do chur isteach ann a bheidh i bpáirt no go hiomlán laistigh de réigiún phleanála.


Sceimeanna Pleanala d'Ullamhu.


An tAire do dhéanamh Rialachán, etc.

24.—(1) Déanfaidh an tAire, le hordú, rialacháin i dtaobh na nithe agus na rudaí uile agus fé seach a luaidhtear sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so.


(2) Gach rialachán a dhéanfaidh an tAire fén alt so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh acu san, laistigh den lá is fiche shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis an rialacháin sin do leagadh fé n-a bhráid amhlaidh, rún do rith ag cur an rialacháin sin ar nea-mbrí beidh an rialachán san curtha ar neambrí dá réir sin, ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén rialachán san.


Fuirmeacha eisiompláireacha de scéimeanna pleanála d'ullamhú agus d'fhoillsiú.

25.—Chun úsáide agus chun treorach d'údaráis phleanála agus do dhaoine eile le n-a mbainfeadh féadfaidh an tAire, mar is oiriúnach agus pé uair is oiriúnach leis é, treoracha generálta d'ullamhú agus d'fhoillsiú i dtaobh scéimeanna pleanála d'ullamhú, maraon le fuirmeacha cisiompláireacha de scéimeanna pleanála agus d'fhorálacha agus de chlásanna cuirtear isteach do ghnáth i scéimeanna pleanála.


Rúin chun scéimeanna pleanála do cheapadh.

26.—(1) Le rún sa bhfuirm orduithe go ndearnadh ina thaobh fógra míosa ar a laighead, á rá go rabhthas chun a thairgthe, do thabhairt i scríbhinn do gach ball d'údarás phleanála agus fógra sa chéill chéanna d'fhoillsiú uair amháin ar a laighead gach seachtain de dhá sheachtain as a chéile i dtrí páipéirí nuachta (agus ceann amháin ar a laighead acu san ina pháipéar nuachta laethúil) a léightear i réigiún pleanála no i gceanntar pleanála an údaráis sin, agus gur vótáil níos mó ná leath na mball den údarás san go rithfí é, féadfaidh an t-údarás pleanála san cinneadh ar scéim phleanála do cheapadh dá réigiún pleanála no d'aon chuid áirithe dhe no dá gceanntar pleanála no d'aon chuid áirithe dhe (pe'ca aca é).


(2) Ní bheidh rún fén alt so nea-dhleathach de dheascaibh leasú do dhéanamh air tar éis fógra i dtaobh an rúin sin do thabhairt agus d'fhoillsiú do réir an ailt seo agus roimh an rún san do rith marab é éifeacht an leasuithe sin líomatáiste do chur sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an rún san ná raibh ann nuair do rinneadh fógra i dtaobh an rúin sin do thabhairt agus d'fhoillsiú amhlaidh.


(3) Ní bheidh sé dleathach d'údarás phleanála rún do cheiliúradh do ritheadh go cuibhe fén alt so agus le n-ar cinneadh scéim do cheapadh.


(4) Má dheineann an t-údarás pleanála do cheap scéim phleanála (dá ngairmtear an tseana-scéim sa bhfo-alt so) rún do rith chun scéime pleanála do cheapadh, ag ceiliúradh, ag leasú, no ag atharú na seana-scéime, féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, an rún san do cheiliúradh ach amháin sa mhéid go mbaineann an rún san le líomatáiste ná baineann an tseana-scéim leis no ná fuil an tseanascéim i bhfeidhm ann.


(5) I gcás contae-bhuirge Bhaile Atha Cliath, buirge Dhún Laoghaire agus contae-bhuirge Chorcaighe fé seach is feidhm fhorcoimeádtha údarás áitiúil dá fhéachaint an socróid, agus do shocrú, ar scéim phleanála do cheapadh.


Scéimeanna pleanála ag cur isteach ar a chéile.

27.—(1) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo má cheapann údarás pleanála scéim phleanála d'iomlán a réigiúin phleanála no a gceanntair phleanála (pe'ca aca é) no d'aon chuid áirithe dhe ní chuirfidh san cosc—


(a) leis an údarás pleanála san do cheapadh scéime pleanála d'aon líomatáiste (dá bhféadfaid go dleathach scéim phleanála do cheapadh) a bheidh i bpáirt no go hiomlán sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim phleanála san do céad-luadhadh no ina mbeidh an líomatáiste sin i bpáirt no go hiomlán, no


(b) le haon údarás pleanála eile do cheapadh scéime pleanála d'aon líomatáiste (dá bhféadfaid go dleathach scéim phleanála do cheapadh) a bheidh i bpáirt no go hiomlán sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim phleanála san do céad-luadhadh no ina mbeidh an líomatáiste sin i bpáirt no go hiomlán.


(2) Má cheapann údarás pleanála scéim phleanála (dá ngairmtear an chéad scéim sa bhfo-alt so) agus má cheapann an t-údarás céanna no údarás pleanála eile scéim phleanála (dá ngairmtear an dara scéim sa bhfo-alt so) ina dhiaidh sin do líomatáiste bheidh, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an chéad scéim, ansan ní bheidh an dara scéim buiniscionn leis an gcéad scéim, ach d'fhonn buiniscionntaíocht den tsórt san do sheachaint féadfar a dhearbhú leis an dara scéim no leis an ordú ón Aire tré n-a n-aontófar léi aon chuid no forálacha áirithe den chéad scéim do bheith buiniscionn leis an dara scéim agus leis sin tiocfaidh an chuid no na forálacha áirithe sin den chéad scéim chun bheith agus beid gan bhrí o theacht i ngníomh don dara scéim ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén gcéad scéim.


(3) Chun crícheanna an fho-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt so tuigfear scéim phleanála do cheapadh an lá is dáta don ordú ón Aire tré n-a n-aontófar léi agus chun na gcrícheanna san is dá réir sin a socrófar ce'ca scéim phleanála is túisce ná a chéile.


Comhachta chun scrúduithe agus suirbhéireachta do dhéanamh chun scéime pleanála d'ullamhú.

28.—(1) Féadfaidh údarás pleanála a chur fé ndeár, tráth ar bith, scrúdú agus suirbhéireacht do dhéanamh ar iomlán a réigiúin phleanála no a gceanntair phleanála (pe'ca aca é) no ar aon chuid de agus cúrsaí agus riachtanaisí an chéanna d'iniúchadh féachaint ce'ca ba cheart no nár cheart scéim phleanála do cheapadh don réigiún phleanála no don cheanntar phleanála san no d'aon chuid de agus d'fhonn an scéim phleanála san do cheapadh má socruítear air sin.


(2) Einne go n-údarás aige chuige sin i scríbhinn o údarás phleanála féadfaidh, chun críche aon scrúduithe no suirbhéireachta no iniúchta go n-údaruítear leis an alt so don údarás phleanála san a chur fé ndeár go ndéanfaí é agus ar thaisbeáint an údaráis sin i scríbhinn, dul isteach idir a naoi a chlog ar maidin agus a sé a chlog tráthnóna ar aon talamh i réigiún pleanála no i gceanntar pleanála an údaráis phleanála san (pe'ca aca é) agus éinní do dhéanamh ansan is dóich leis an duine sin go réasúnta is gá chun na críche sin.


(3) Gach éinne chuirfidh bac no chuirfidh isteach ar aon duine eile agus an duine eile sin ag feidhmiú aon chomhachta bheidh dílsithe ann de bhuadh an ailt seo, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air.


An tAire d'aontú le scéimeanna pleanála.

29.—(1) Nuair a bheidh cinnte ag údarás pleanála fén alt so ar scéim phleanála do cheapadh déanfaidh an t-údarás san, chó tapaidh agus is féidir é, an cinneadh sin do chur in éifeacht agus scéim phleanála do cheapadh dá réir agus cuirfid an scéim sin fé bhráid an Aire chun aontuithe léi.


(2) Nuair a chuirfidh údarás pleanála scéim phleanála fé bhráid an Aire chun aontuithe léi féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, aontú leis an scéim sin gan atharú do dhéanamh uirthi, no a cheangal ar an údarás pleanála san an scéim sin d'atharú i pé slí (pe'ca tré chur leis, tré fhágaint ar lár no éinní eile é) a luadhfa sé, no a cheangal ar an údarás pleanála san scéim nua do cheapadh agus do chur fé n-a bhráid (pe'ca aca is oiriúnach leis).


(3) Nuair a cheanglóidh an tAire ar údarás phleanála fén alt so scéim phleanála do cuireadh fé n-a bhráid d'atharú beidh sé de dhualgas ar an údarás pleanála san an scéim sin d'atharú dá réir sin agus an scéim sin agus í atharuithe amhlaidh do chur fé bhráid an Aire arís, agus leis sin beidh feidhm ag fo-alt (2) den alt so fé is dá mb' ansan do bheadh an scéim sin á cur fé bhráid an Aire den chéad uair.


(4) Nuair a cheanglóidh an tAire ar údarás phleanála fén alt so scéim phleanála nua do cheapadh agus do chur fé n-a bhráid beidh sé de dhualgas ar an údarás pleanála san scéim phleanála nua do cheapadh dá réir sin chó luath agus is féidir é agus an scéim sin do chur fé bhráid an Aire chun aontuithe léi, agus leis sin beidh feidhm ag fo-alt (2) den alt so fé is dá mba bhun-scéim do chur fé n-a bhráid den chéad uair an scéim sin do chur fé n-a bhráid amhlaidh.


(5) Nuair a dhiúltóidh údarás pleanála no leigid i bhfaillí scéim phleanála d'atharú no scéim phleanála nua do cheapadh agus do chur isteach do réir iarratais chuige sin ón Aire fén alt so agus nuair is deimhin leis an Aire, tar éis fiosrúcháin phuiblí do dhéanamh, go raibh an diúltadh no an fhaillí sin mí-réasúnta, féadfaidh an tAire féin an scéim phleanála d'atharú no an scéim phleanála nua san do cheapadh do réir an iarratais sin agus féadfaidh, le hordú, aontú leis an scéim sin agus í atharuithe no ceaptha amhlaidh, agus leis sin íocfaidh an t-údarás pleanála san leis an Aire, ar n-a éileamh san ortha, pé suim a dheimhneoidh an tAire do bheith có-ionann le méid na gcostaisí fé n-a ndeachaidh sé de dheascaibh an diúltuithe no na faillí sin.


(6) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh an tAire ordú fén alt so ag aontú le scéim phleanála déanfaidh an t-údarás pleanála do cheap an scéim sin a chur fé ndeár cóipeanna den ordú san agus den scéim phleanála san do chur ar fáil chun a n-iniúchta ag an bpuiblíocht ar na tráthanna agus sna háiteanna orduithe agus déanfaid, laistigh den am orduithe, a chur fé ndeár go bhfoillseofar, san Iris Oifigiúil agus i pé slí eile a hordófar, fógra á rá go ndearnadh an t-ordú san agus cadiad na tráthanna bheidh agus na háiteanna ina mbeidh cóipeanna den ordú san agus den scéim phleanála san ar fáil chun a n-iniúchta ag an bpuiblíocht.


(7) Gach ordú dhéanfaidh an tAire fén alt so ag aontú le scéim phleanála leagfar é (maraon leis an scéim phleanála san) fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh acu san, laistigh den trí seachtaine shuidhfidh an Tigh sin ina dhiaidh sin (ach gan aon tseachtain d'áireamh ná suidhfidh an Tigh sin in aon chor) tar éis na seachtaine do leagadh an t-ordú san fé bhráid an Tighe sin no do foillsíodh fógra san Iris Oifigiúil a rá go ndearnadh an t-ordú san, pé'ca aca san is déanaí, rún do rith ag cur an orduithe sin ar nea-mbrí beidh an t-ordú san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén ordú san.


(8) Pé uair a déanfar ordú ag aontú le scéim phleanála do chur ar nea-mbrí fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so tuigfear go ndearnadh, an lá do thárla an cur ar nea-mbrí sin, an scéim phleanála san do chur fé bhráid an Aire athuair sa bhfuirm inar haontuíodh leis an scéim sin tríd an ordú san, agus leis sin beidh feidhm ag an gCuid seo den Acht so maidir leis an scéim phleanála san fé is dá mb'é rud é an t-ath-chur fé bhráid sin ná an t-údarás pleanála do cheap an scéim sin do chur na scéime sin fé bhráid an Aire fén alt so chun aontuithe léi agus fé is dá mb'í uair a curtha fé n-a bhráid amhlaidh an chéad uair do cuirfí an scéim phleanála san fé n-a bhráid amhlaidh.


(9) I gcás contae-bhuirge Bhaile Atha Cliath, buirge Dhún Laoghaire, agus contae-bhuirge Chorcaighe fé seach is feidhm fhorcoimeádtha scéim phleanála do cheapadh agus do chur fé bhráid an Aire fén alt so.


Dearbhú i scéim phleanála ag toirmeasc cúitimh.

30.—(1) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo féadfaidh dearbhú bheith i scéim phleanála á rá ná beidh aon chúiteamh iníoctha fén Acht so toisc no de dhruim foráil áirithe sa scéim phleanála san do theacht i ngníomh, eadhon, foráil a bhaineann le ní luaidhtear i gCuid II (ach amháin mír 5 di) no i gCuid III (ach amháin mír 1 di) den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so, no chuireann teora leis an méid bóthar nua no orduíonn cá ndéanfar bóithre nua raghaidh isteach ar sheana-bhóthar no ar bhóthar nua, no a cuirfear isteach sa scéim phleanála san chun aon fhorála bhaineann no chuireann teora no orduíonn amhlaidh mar adubhradh do dhéanamh éifeachtúil.


(2) Ní aontóidh an tAire le scéim phleanála ina mbeidh aon dearbhú den tsórt a húdaruítear leis an bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so maran deimhin leis—


(a) gur ceart agus gur réasúnta, ag féachaint do chúrsaí áitiúla, an fhoráil gur ina taobh do rinneadh an dearbhú san d'fhoirfheidhmiú gan cúiteamh d'íoc, agus


(b) ná coisceann an scéim phleanála cúiteamh d'íoc i gcaillteanas no i ndíobháil a thiocfaidh—


(i) de dheascaibh oibriú na scéime pleanála do chur coisc le cothabháil fhoirginte no dhéanmhais eile do bhí ann ar an dáta oiriúnach no le leanúint d'aon fhoirgint no déanmhas eile den tsórt san d'úsáid chun na críche chun a raibh sé á úsáid ar an dáta oiriúnach no le hatharuithe réasúnta agus (i gcásanna oiriúnacha) breisiúcháin réasúnta do dhéanamh ar aon fhoirgint no déanmhas eile den tsórt san, no


(ii) i gcás foirgint no déanmhas eile do bhí ann aon uair laistigh de dhá bhliain roimh an dáta oiriúnach do leagadh no do dhíthiú tré theine no ar shlí eile, de dheascaibh oibriú na scéime pleanála do chur coisc le foirgint nua do thógaint, laistigh de dhá bhliain tar éis an leagtha no an dithithe sin, ar láithreán na foirginte no an déanmhais eile sin do leagadh no do díthíodh agus an fhoirgint no an déanmhas san ina mhalairt shubstainteach ar an bhfoirgint no ar an déanmhas leagtha no díthithe sin no leis an bhfoirgint no an déanmhas nua san d'úsáid chun na críche is déanaí chun ar húsáideadh an fhoirgint no an déanmhas eile sin do leagadh no do díthíodh.


(3) Isé an tAire do bhéarfaidh breith ar gach aighneas agus ceist i dtaobh ce'ca tá no ná fuil foirgint no déanmhas nua eile ina mhalairt shubstainteach do réir bhrí an ailt seo ar fhoirgint no ar dhéanmhas eile do leagadh no do díthíodh ach ní thabharfaidh an tAire de bhreith amhlaidh go bhfuil foirgint nua ina malairt shubstainteach ar fhoirgint leagtha no dhíthithe maran deimhin leis go bhfuil luchtmhaireacht chúbach na coda san den fhoirgint nua san atá os cionn leibhéil na talmhan có-ionann ar a laighead le n-a raibh os cionn leibhéil na talmhan den fhoirgint leagtha no dhíthithe sin agus go bhfuil tonn-achar urláir thalmhan na foirginte nua san có-ionann ar a laighead le tonn-achar urláir thalmhan na foirginte leagtha no díthithe sin.


An Ard-Chúirt do chur scéime pleanála ar nea-mbrí.

31.—(1) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh an tAire ordú ag aontú le scéim phleanála féadfaidh éinne go ndéanfadh an scéim phleanála san deifir dá mhaoin a iarraidh ar an Ard-Chúirt, laistigh de mhí tar éis fógra á rá go ndearnadh an t-ordú san d'fhoillsiú san Iris Oifigiúil, an scéim sin no aon chuid áirithe dhi do chur ar nea-mbrí agus ar dhéanamh an iarratais sin—


(a) más dóich leis an Ard-Chúirt an scéim phleanála san do bheith ar fad no nách mór ar fad contrárdha don Acht so no gan bheith údaruithe leis no gan bheith ceaptha dá réir féadfaidh an Ard-Chúirt an scéim phleanála san do chur ar nea-mbrí, agus


(b) más dóich leis an Ard-Chúirt ná fuil ach cuid den scéim phleanála san contrárdha don Acht so no gan bheith údaruithe leis no gan bheith ceaptha dá réir féadfaidh an Ard-Chúirt an chuid sin den scéim phleanála san do chur ar nea-mbrí no iomlán na scéime pleanála san do chur ar nea-mbrí, pé'ca aca do chífear don Ard-Chúirt is oiriúnaí do sna páirtithe uile.


(2) Má dheineann an Ard-Chúirt cuid de scéim phleanála do chur ar nea-mbrí fén alt so ní choiscfidh san ar an Aire an t-ordú tré n-ar haontuíodh leis an scéim phleanála san do cheiliúradh ina dhiaidh sin.


(3) Má dheineann an Ard-Chúirt iomlán scéime pleanála do chur ar nea-mbrí fén alt so beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag an gCuid seo den Acht so maidir leis an scéim phleanála san fé is dá ndeineadh an tAire, an lá cuirfear an scéim phleanála san ar nea-mbrí amhlaidh, ordú á cheangal ar an údarás pleanála do cheap an scéim phleanála san scéim phleanála nua do cheapadh agus do chur fé n-a bhráid.


(4) Beidh an tAire i dteideal teacht i láthair agus éisteacht d'fháil agus fianaise do thabhairt uaidh agus iarratas á éisteacht fén alt so agus pé uair a thiocfaidh an tAire i láthair le linn aon iarratais den tsórt san déanfaidh an t-údarás pleanála do cheap an scéim phleanála is abhar don iarratas san na costaisí agus na caiteachaisí fé n-a raghaidh an tAire agus a bhainfidh agus a gheobhaidh leis an iarratas san d'íoc, nuair a bheid measta agus faighte amach, ach amháin sa chás agus sa mhéid go n-ordóidh an Ard-Chúirt d'aon duine eile na costaisí agus na caiteachaisí sin d'íoc agus go mbainfear den duine sin iad.


(5) Ar éisteacht iarratais fén alt so féadfaidh an Ard-Chúirt a ordú gurb é íocfaidh na costaisí agus na caiteachaisí bhainfidh no gheobhaidh leis an iarratas san agus fé n-a raghaidh aon pháirtí (agus an t-iarratasóir agus an tAire d'áireamh) a bheidh i láthair le linn éisteachta an iarratais sin ná aon pháirtí eile den tsórt san (agus iad san adubhradh thuas d'áireamh).


(6) Más dóich leis an Ard-Chúirt iarratas fén alt so do bheith suaibhreosach no ciapthach féadfaidh an Ard-Chúirt a ordú do neach déanta an iarratais sin pé suim a cheapfaidh an Ard-Chúirt d'íoc leis an údarás pleanála do cheap an scéim phleanála dob abhar don iarratas san mar airgead damáiste (de bhreis ar aon chostaisí agus caiteachaisí deonfar fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so) mar gheall ar chaillteanas, ar mhoill, ar cheataí no ar dhíobháil eile do tháinig as an iarratas san.


Scéim phleanála do theacht i ngníomh.

32.—(1) Pé uair a bheidh ordú déanta ag an Aire ag aontú le scéim phleanála féadfaidh an tAire, maran rud é go mbeidh an t-ordú san curtha ar nea-mbrí le rún do rith ceachtar Tigh den Oireachtas no go mbeidh iomlán na scéime pleanála san curtha ar nea-mbrí ag an Ard-Chúirt, ordú do dhéanamh, más rogha leis é, ag ceapadh an lae thiocfaidh an scéim phleanála san i ngníomh no pé cuid di ná beidh curtha ar nea-mbrí ag an Ard-Chúirt.


(2) Nuair a bheidh ordú déanta ag an Aire fén alt so ag ceapadh an lae thiocfaidh scéim phleanála i ngníomh tiocfaidh an scéim phleanála san i ngníomh (ach amháin an chuid sin di, más aon chuid é, a bheidh curtha ar nea-mbrí ag an Ard-Chúirt), agus beidh feidhm agus éifeacht reachtúil aici, an lá agus ón lá bheidh ceaptha amhlaidh.


An tAire do dhéanamh ceiliúrtha ar aontú le scéim phleanála.

33.—(1) Pé uair a bheidh ordú déanta ag an Aire ag aontú le scéim phleanála féadfa sé, aon uair sara dtiocfaidh an scéim sin i ngníomh ach ní tar éis an orduithe sin do chur ar nea-mbrí le rún o cheachtar Tigh den Oireachtas ná tar éis don Ard-Chúirt an scéim sin do chur ar nea-mbrí go hiomlán, an t-ordú san uaidh ag aontú leis an scéim phleanála san do cheiliúradh le hordú.


(2) Nuair a déanfar ceiliúradh fén alt so ar ordú ag aontú le scéim phleanála tuigfear go ndearna an t-údarás do cheap an scéim phleanála san an scéim sin do chur fé bhráid an Aire an lá ba dháta don ordú cheiliúrtha san, chun go n-aontódh sé léi agus san sa bhfuirm inar haontuíodh léi tríd an ordú san do ceiliúradh amhlaidh, agus leis sin beidh feidhm ag an gCuid seo den Acht so maidir leis an scéim sin fé is dá mb' í uair a curtha fé bhráid an Aire amhlaidh an chéad uair a cuirfí an scéim sin fé n-a bhráid fén gCuid seo den Acht so.


Scéim phleanála do cheiliúradh, etc., le scéim phleanála ceapfar ina dhiaidh sin.

34.—Aon tráth tar éis teacht i ngníomh do scéim phleanála le n-ar haontuíodh tré ordú ón Aire féadfar í do cheiliúradh i bpáirt no go hiomlán no í do leasú no d'atharú le scéim phleanála ceapfar ina dhiaidh sin, ag an údarás áitiúil do cheap an scéim sin do céad-luadhadh, agus le n-a n-aontófar go cuibhe agus a cuirfear i ngníomh fén Acht so.


Scéim phleanála do cheiliúradh no do leasú ar n-a iarraidh sin d'údarás fhreagarthach.

35.—(1) Féadfaidh údarás freagarthach fé scéim phleanála a iarraidh aon uair ar an údarás pleanála do cheap an scéim phleanála san ceiliúradh no atharú do dhéanamh ar an scéim phleanála san ar gach scór no aon scór acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) mar gheall ar mhéid an chúitimh do deonadh no is cósúil a deonfar fén Acht so no neachtar acu alos forálacha sa scéim phleanála san;


(b) mar gheall ar dheacrachtaí praiticiúla a bhaineann leis an scéim phleanála san d'fheidhmiú no d'fhoirfheidhmiú;


(c) mar gheall ar nithe do thárla o ceapadh an scéim phleanála san.


(2) Pé uair do gheobhaidh údarás pleanála iarratas fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so bhéarfaidh príomh-oifigeach feidhmiúcháin an údaráis phleanála san láithreach do gach ball den údarás phleanála san agus foillseoidh láithreach i dtaobh an iarratais sin fógraí den tsórt is gá do réir an Achta so do thabhairt agus d'fhoillsiú á rá é bheith beartuithe rún do thairisgint go gceapfaí scéim phleanála.


(3) Déanfaidh údarás pleanála chun a ndéanfar iarratas fén alt so an t-iarratas san do bhreithniú tar éis fógra do thabhairt agus d'fhoillsiú do réir an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so agus féadfaid pé ní acu so leanas is oiriúnach leo do dhéanamh:—


(a) cinneadh ar an scéim phleanála san do cheiliúradh le scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach agus rún do rith chun na scéime pleanála ceiliúrthaighe sin do cheapadh dá réir sin, no


(b) cinneadh ar an scéim phleanála san d'atharú le scéim phleanála leasuitheach agus rún do rith chun na scéime pleanála leasuithighe sin do cheapadh dá réir sin, no


(c) diúltú don iarratas san.


(4) Pé uair a chinnfidh údarás pleanála fén alt so ar scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach no leasuitheach do cheapadh beidh feidhm ag forálacha na Coda so den Acht so maidir leis an scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach no leasuitheach san fé mar atá acu maidir leis na scéimeanna pleanála luaidhtear sa Chuid sin.


(5) Na forálacha den Chuid seo den Acht so bhaineann le rúin do rith chun scéime pleanála do cheapadh agus leis na rúin sin ar bheith rithte dhóibh beidh feidhm acu maidir le rún a bheidh fé bhreithniú no rithte ag údarás pleanála fén alt so chun scéime pleanála ceiliúrthaighe no leasuithighe do cheapadh fé is dá mb'fhógra i dtaobh é bheith beartuithe rún do thairisgint i dtéarmaí an iarratais sin an fógra ceangailtear leis an alt so ar phríomh-oifigeach fheidhmiúcháin an údaráis phleanála san do thabhairt agus d'fhoillsiú.


(6) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh údarás freagarthach iarartas fén alt so chun údaráis phleanála agus a theipfidh ar an údarás pleanála san an t-iarratas san do bhreithniú agus an deighleáil deiridh do dhéanamh leis laistigh de ráithe tar éis an iarratais sin do dhéanamh tuigfear gur dhiúltuigh an t-údarás pleanála san don iarratas san agus, chun aon tréimhse aimsire d'áireamh, tuigfear gur ar an lá deiridh den tréimhse ráithe sin do tugadh an diúltú san.


(7) I gcás contae-bhuirge Bhaile Atha Cliath, buirge Dhún Laoghaire, agus contae-bhuirge Chorcaighe is feidhmeanna forcoimeádtha iarratas do dhéanamh fé fho-alt (1) den alt so agus iarratas do bhreithniú agus deighleáil leis fén bhfo-alt san (1).


Athchomharc maidir le scéim phleanála do cheiliúradh no d'atharú.

36.—(1) Má iarrann údarás freagarthach ar údarás phleanála fén gCuid seo den Acht so scéim phleanála do cheiliúradh no d'atharú agus go ngoillfidh ortha an ní dhéanfaidh an t-údarás pleanála san maidir leis an iarratas san féadfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach san athchomharc do dhéanamh chun an Aire laistigh de mhí tar éis don údarás phleanála san an deighleáil deiridh do dhéanamh leis an iarratas san no tar éis é bheith tuigthe gur dhiúltadar don iarratas san agus leis sin féadfaidh an tAire pé ní acu so is dóich leis is ceart do dhéanamh, eadhon, an ní do rinne an t-údarás pleanála san do dhaingniú no a cheangal ar an údarás pleanála san scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach no leasuitheach do cheapadh.


(2) Má dheineann an tAire, ar athchomharc do dhéanamh chuige fén alt so, a cheangal ar údarás phleanála scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach no leasuitheach do cheapadh beidh sé de dhualgas ar an údarás pleanála san an scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach no leasuitheach san do cheapadh agus do chur fé bhráid an Aire dá réir sin chun go n-aontódh sé léi.


(3) Má dhiúltann údarás pleanála do scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach no leasuitheach do cheapadh, no go leigfid i bhfaillí í do cheapadh, do réir éilimh chuige sin a bheidh déanta ag an Aire fén alt so, féadfaidh an tAire féin an scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach no leasuitheach san do cheapadh agus, le hordú, aontú leis an scéim sin mar a bheidh sí ceaptha amhlaidh, agus leis sin íocfaidh an t-údarás pleanála san leis an Aire, ar n-a éileamh san ortha, pé suim a dheimhneoidh an tAire do bheith có-ionann le méid na gcostaisí fé n-a ndeachaidh sé de dheascaibh an diúltuithe no na faillí sin.


(4) I gcás contae-bhuirge Bhaile Atha Cliath, buirge Dhún Laoghaire, agus contae-bhuirge Chorcaighe is feidhmeanna forcoimeádtha athchomharc chun an Aire do bhunú fén alt so agus fós scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach no leasuitheach do cheapadh do réir an ailt seo.


Na Nithe Bheidh i Sceim Phleanala.


Ráiteas i scéimeanna pleanála i dtaobh an líomatáiste le n-a mbainid.

37.—Luadhfar agus leagfar amach go soiléir i ngach scéim phleanála an líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann sí agus ní bheidh feidhm lasmuich den líomatáiste sin ag aon fhoráil sa scéim sin ná ní thabharfaidh le tuisgint go bhfuil.


An t-údarás freagarthach d'ainmniú.

38.—(1) Le gach scéim phleanála—


(a) ainmneofar údarás áitiúil amháin chun bheith ina n-aonúdarás freagarthach chun crícheanna na scéime sin no dhá údarás áitiúla no níos mó chun bheith ina n-údaráis fhreagarthacha iomdha chun crícheanna na scéime sin, agus


(b) féadfar dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna do cheapadh, d'údarás áitiúil a hainmneofar amhlaidh sa scéim sin maidir le feidhmiú agus foirfheidhmiú na scéime sin agus go sonnrách (fé réir forálacha an ailt seo) maidir le gach ní no éinní acu so leanas do dhéanamh chun crícheanna na scéime sin, sé sin le rá, aon obair phuiblí do dhéanamh no aon tseirbhís phuiblí do ghabháil de láimh no aon talamh do thógaint.


(2) Má deintear le scéim phleanála dhá údarás áitiúla no níos mó d'ainmniú chun bheith ina n-údaráis fhreagarthacha iomdha chun crícheanna na scéime sin luadhfar sa scéim sin an líomatáiste dá mbeidh agus na crícheanna chun a mbeidh gach údarás áitiúil fé leith acu san ina n-údarás freagarthach.


(3) Ní déanfar le scéim phleanála a cheapadh mar dhualgas d'údarás áitiúil a bheidh ainmnithe inti mar údarás fhreagarthach aon obair phuiblí do dhéanamh ná aon tseirbhís phuiblí do ghabháil de láimh ná aon talamh do thógaint chun críche ar bith mara mbeidh comhacht do réir dlí ag an údarás san an obair sin do dhéanamh, an tseirbhis sin do ghabháil de láimh no an talamh san do thógaint chun na críche sin fé reacht seachas an tAcht so, no fé fhoráil den Acht so le n-a mbronntar an chomhacht san go soiléir, no fé reacht go ndearbhófar le scéim phleanála, de bhuadh an Achta so, é bheith i bhfeidhm sa líomatáiste ina mbeidh an obair sin le déanamh no an tseirbhís sin le gabháil de láimh no an talamh san le tógaint, pe'ca aca é.


(4) San Acht so (lasmuich den alt so) léireofar an abairt “an t-údarás freagarthach” mar thagairt don údarás áitiúil is údarás freagarthach fén scéim phleanála sa líomatáiste, agus chun na críche, gur maidir leo a húsáidtear an abairt.


An clár do bhunú agus do choinneáil ar siúl.

39.—Déanfar le gach scéim phleanála socrú chun aon údarás freagarthach amháin áirithe do bhunú cláir (dá ngairmtear an clár san Acht so) sa bhfuirm orduithe agus dá choinneáil ar siúl, eadhon, clár de sna nithe sin uile is gá do réir an Achta so d'iontráil sa chlár maidir leis an scéim sin no chun crícheanna na scéime sin agus déanfar léi freisin socrú chun go bhféadfaidh an phuiblíocht an clár san d'iniúchadh in aisce in áit chaothúil gach tráth réasúnta agus i gcás ina n-oirfidh san, chun údaráis fhreagarthacha, seachas an t-údarás freagarthach dar dualgas an clár san do choinneáil ar siúl, do dhéanamh iontrálanna sa chlár san.


Forálacha áirithe fhéadfaidh bheith i scéimeanna pleanála.

40.—(1) Féadfaidh socruithe bheith i scéim phleanála chun gach críche no aon chríche acu so leanas maidir leis an líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim agus féadfaidh socruithe deifriúla den tsórt san bheith inti maidir le coda deifriúla den líomatáiste sin, sé sin le rá:—


(a) chun rialáil do dhéanamh maidir le bóithre agus bealaighe do dhéanamh. do leathnú, do chlaonadh, d'atharú agus do dhúnadh agus go sonnrách chun gach críche no aon chríce dá luaidhtear i gCuid I den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so;


(b) chun rialáil agus stiúradh do dhéanamh maidir le déanmhais, agus na rudaí féadfar do cheangal de dhéanmhais, do dhéanamh, d'atharú agus d'úsáid, agus go sonnrách chun gach críche no aon chríche dá luaidhtear i gCuid II den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so;


(c) chun taithneamhachtaí an líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim do bhuanchoimeád, d'fheabhsú, agus do leathnú, agus go sonnrách chun gach críche no aon chríche dá luaidhtear i gCuid III den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so;


(d) chun gach críche no aon chríche maidir le seirbhísí puiblí, dá luaidhtear i gCuid IV den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so;


(e) chun gach críche no aon chríche, maidir le hiompar agus le conbharsáid, dá luaidhtear i gCuid V den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so;


(f) chun gach críche no aon chríche de sna crícheanna ilghnéitheacha luaidhtear i gCuid VI den Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so.


(2) Aon tsocrú chabhruíonn no bhaineann le haon tsocrú no leanann as aon tsocrú a húdaruítear leis an bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so, féadfaidh san, leis, bheith i scéim phleanála.


(3) Chun éifeachta do thabhairt d'aon fhoráil den tsórt a húdaruítear leis an gcéad fho-alt den alt so féadfaidh socruithe bheith i scéim phleanála—


(a) chun rialú, srianadh no toirmeasc do dhéanamh, go generálta no i gcúrsaí no i gcásanna áirithe, maidir le cearta slí, cearta soluis, agus éasáidí eile d'fheidhmiú no do thógaint laistigh den líomatáiste no d'aon chuid áirithe den líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim, no


(b) chun rialú agus teorannú do dhéanamh ar na crícheanna chun a bhféadfar agus ar an slí ina bhféadfar aon talamh áirithe no an talamh go léir in aon chuid áirithe den líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim d'úsáid agus fós chun a thoirmeasc an talamh san d'úsáid chun aon chríche lasmuich de chríche áirithe no de shaghsanna áirithe crícheanna ná in aon tslí lasmuich de shlí áirithe.


(4) Féadfar le scéim phleanála cinneadh ar an slí ina ndéanfar agus ar an líomatáiste óna ndéanfar gach costas no aon chostas d'íoc agus do chruinniú de sna costaisí fé n-a raghaidh údarás áitiúil chun na scéime pleanála san do cheapadh agus do chur in éifeacht agus d'fhoirfheidhmiú maidir leis na nithe sin (seachas costaisí fé n-a raghfar chun aon ghnímh no ruda do dhéanamh de bhuadh comhachta no údaráis a bronntar le hachtachán seachas an tAcht so) agus pé uair a bheidh aon chinneadh den tsórt san i scéim phleanála déanfar, d'ainneoin éinní atá san Acht so, na costaisí le n-a mbaineann an cinneadh sin d'íoc agus do chruinniú do réir an chinnte sin.


(5) Féadfar le scéim phleanála, maidir le reacht áirithe ná beidh i bhfeidhm sa líomatáiste no i gcuid áirithe den líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim sin ach go bhféadfadh aon duine no údarás no go bhféadfaí ar aon tslí seachas le hAcht den Oireachtas glacadh leis no é do chur i bhfeidhm ar shlí eile sa líomatáiste sin no sa chuid áirithe sin de, a shocrú go dtuigfear chun crícheanna na scéime sin é bheith curtha i bhfeidhm amhlaidh agus gach toiliú agus ceadú (más aon cheann é) do bheith tugtha ba ghá chun an cur-i-bhfeidhm sin do dhéanamh agus go mbeidh an reacht san i bhfeidhm dá réir sin chun na gcrícheanna san.


Cosaint do shéadchomharthaí náisiúnta.

41.—Ní bheidh i scéim phleanála aon fhoráil do chuirfeadh srian le comhachta no le dualgaisí no do dhéanfadh dochar no deifir do chomhachta no do dhualgaisí an Aire Airgid, Choimisinéirí na nOibreacha Puiblí in Éirinn, no aon údaráis áitiúla fé Acht na Séadchomharthaí Náisiúnta, 1930 (Uimh. 2 de 1930), maidir le séadchomharthaí náisiúnta mar a mínítear san leis an Acht san no maidir le haon tséadchomhartha áirithe den tsórt san.


Comhacht d'údarás fhreagarthach chun tailimh do thógaint.

42.—(1) Aon uair tar éis scéime pleanála do theacht i ngníomh beidh ag an údarás freagarthach, i dteanta aon chomhachta agus gan dochar d'aon chomhacht a bronntar le haon Acht eile chun tailimh do thógaint, comhacht chun tailimh do thógaint, sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim sin, in aon chás acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) i gcás inar gá an talamh chun taobh aon bhóthair d'fheabhsú do réir na scéime sin no chun forbairte taobh aon bhóthair do rialú do réir na scéime sin, no


(b) i gcás an talamh do bheith ar seilbh ina phaistí ar leithligh agus, de bhíthin eagair no crotha nea-chaothúla na bpaistí sin no iomadúlachta na leasanna sa talamh san, go mbeadh sé ró-dheacair an talamh san d'fhorbairt do réir na scéime sin mara dtógaidh an t-údarás freagarthach an talamh san, no


(c) i gcás an talamh do bheith ina chuid de láithreán bóthair do dúnadh do réir forála sa scéim sin.


(2) Chun údaráis fhreagarthaigh do thógaint tailimh fén alt so, beidh feidhm ag ailt 203, 214, agus 215 den Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, mar atáid leasuithe le halt 8 den Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1896, agus le halt 68 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 (Uimh. 5 den 1925), fé is dá ndeintí na hailt sin mar atáid leasuithe amhlaidh d'ath-achtú san Acht so agus do chur i mbaint leis an údarás freagarthach san i dteanta agus fé réir na n-atharuithe deintear leis an Acht so ar an nós imeachta fé sna hailt sin.


(3) Féadfaidh údarás freagarthach aon uair, le toiliú an Aire, aon talamh a thógfaidh an t-údarás san fén alt so do dhíol no do chur ar cíos, tré cheant phuiblí no tré chonnradh phríobháideach, ina ranna oiriúnacha.


Atharú ar an nós imeachta chun tailimh do thógaint.

43.—(1) Má bheartuíonn údarás freagarthach talamh do thógaint (ar shlí eile seachas tré chó-aontú) chun crícheanna scéime pleanála pe'ca i bhfeidhmiú comhachta bronntar le reacht seachas an tAcht so é no i bhfeidhmiú comhachta bronntar go soiléir leis an Acht so, féadfar na fógráin a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 230 den Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, d'fhoillsiú i mí ar bith, agus sa chás san déanfar na fógráin a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san do sheirbheáil sa mhí díreach tar éis an mhí ina bhfoillseofar na fógráin sin.


(2) Aon achtachán le n-a gceangailtear ar údarás áitiúil a thógann talamh fé Achtanna na gClásanna Talmhan ordú sealadach d'fháil no aon roimh-chúrsa eile do leanúint sara gcuirid i bhfeidhm, maidir leis an talamh san, na comhachta bronntar leis na hAchtanna san chun tailimh do thógaint ar shlí eile seachas tré chó-aontú, ní bheidh éifeacht aige maidir le húdarás áitiúil do thógaint aon tailimh áirithe do réir forála i scéim phleanála le n-a gceangailtear go soiléir ar an údarás áitiúil sin an talamh san do thógaint chun crícheanna na scéime sin.


Achtanna, orduithe, etc., do chur ar fiunraoi le scéimeanna pleanála.

44.—(1) Má bhíonn forálacha i scéim phleanála maidir le hiomlán an líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an scéim sin no le haon chuid áirithe dhe agus iad cosúil ina n-éifeacht no bunoscionn le haon achtachán in Acht a bheidh i bhfeidhm in iomlán an líomatáiste sin no sa chuid áirithe sin de (pe'ca aca é) no le haon achtachán in aon ordú, fo-dhlí, no rialachán do rinne údarás áitiúil fé aon Acht den tsórt san agus a bheidh i bhfeidhm amhlaidh féadfaidh aon fhorálacha (dá ngairmtear le chéile forálacha fiunraíochta san alt so) den tsórt a luaidhtear i pé mír acu so leanas a bhaineann leis an gcás bheith sa scéim phleanála san fé réir forálacha an ailt seo, sé sin le rá:—


(a) i gcás achtacháin i reacht Briotáineach generálta puiblí no in Acht puiblí den Oireachtas, forálacha le n-a gcuirfear oibriú an achtacháin sin ar fiunraoi in iomlán an líomatáiste sin no sa chuid áirithe sin de (pe'ca aca é);


(b) i gcás achtacháin i reacht Briotáineach áitiúil no in Acht príobháideach den Oireachtas, forálacha le n-a ndéanfar oibriú an achtacháin sin do chur ar fiunraoi no a fhorálacha do leasú, d'oiriúnú no d'atharú maidir le hiomlán an líomatáiste sin no leis an gcuid áirithe sin de (pe'ca aca é);


(c) i gcás achtacháin in aon ordú, fo-dhlí no rialachán den tsórt san roimhráite, forálacha le n-a ndéanfar oibriú an achtacháin sin do chur ar fiunraoi no a fhorálacha do leasú, d'oiriúnú no d'atharú maidir le hiomlán an líomatáiste sin no leis an gcuid áirithe sin de (pe'ca aca é).


(2) Fé réir forálacha na céad fho-mhíre ina dhiaidh seo den alt so ní thiocfaidh aon fhoráil fhiunraíochta i scéim phleanála i ngníomh ná ní bheidh éifeacht aici mara ndeintear ná go dtí go ndéanfar an fhoráil fhiunraíochta san do dhaingniú le rún a rithfidh gach Tigh den Oireachtas.


(3) Ní bheidh feidhm ag an bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so maidir le haon fhoráil fhiunraíochta—


(a) ná baineann ach le hachtachán d'fhéadfaí do dhéanamh fé aon Acht (seachas an tAcht so), maidir leis an líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an fhoráil fhiunraíochta san, le hordú, fo-dhlí, no rialachán nár ghá a dhaingniú ag an Oireachtas, no


(b) ná baineann ach le hachtachán dob abhar roimhe sin d'fhoráil fhiunraíochta do bhí i scéim phleanála eile agus do daingníodh fén alt so le rún do rith gach Tigh den Oireachtas no ná baineann ach le hachtachán is có-ionann nách mór ina éifeacht le hachtachán dob abhar roimhe sin d'fhoráil fhiunraíochta do bhí i scéim phleanála eile agus do daingníodh amhlaidh mar adubhradh.


Athchomharc in aghaidh patrún, etc., déanmhaisí do rialú.

45.—(1) Má bhíonn i scéim phleanála foráil le n-a mbronntar comhacht ar an údarás freagarthach chun rialáil agus stiúradh do dhéanamh (go generálta no i líomatáistí áirithe) maidir le patrún, dath no abhair dhéanmhaisí, féadfaidh éinne ar a ngoillfidh breith do bhéarfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach uatha i bhfeidhmiú na comhachta san athchomharc do dhéanamh i gcoinnibh na breithe sin chun an Bhreithimh den Chúirt Dúithche go ndlighinse sa cheanntar ina mbeidh an déanmhas le n-a mbaineann an bhreith sin agus ar an athchomharc san do dhéanamh féadfaidh an Breitheamh san an bhreith sin do dhaingniú, d'atharú, do chlaochlódh no do chur ar nea-mbrí, do réir mar is dóich leis is ceart.


(2) Scéim phleanála ina mbeidh aon fhoráil den tsórt a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so féadfaidh foráil bheith inti gur chun binse speisialta, de dhaoine go n-eolas speisialta no go dtaithí phraiticiúil, a bunófar i pé slí a luadhfar sa bhforáil sin, a luighfidh an t-athchomharc fén bhfo-alt san in ionad é luighe chun an Bhreithimh den Chúirt Dúithche, ach sa chás san luighfidh athchomharc i gcoinnibh gach breithe ón mbinse speisialta san chun an Bhreithimh den Chúirt Chuarda go ndlighinse sa Chuaird ina mbeidh an déanmhas le n-a mbaineann an bhreith sin agus ní bheidh dul thar breith an Bhreithimh sin.


(3) Airmheofar mar scór de sna scóranna ar a bhféadfar athchomharc do dhéanamh fén alt so go mbeadh an costas do thiocfadh as éifeacht do thabhairt don bhreith dob abhar don athchomharc san mí-réasúnta ag féachaint do shaghas na háite ina bhfuil an déanmhas le n-a mbaineann an bhreith sin agus do shaghas na ndéanmhas ina chomharsanacht.


Údarás áitiúil d'íoc coda de sna costaisí fé n-a raghaidh údarás áitiúil eile.

46.—Féadfar le scéim phleanála socrú do dhéanamh chun údaráis áitiúla (dá ngairmtear an t-údarás rann-íocach san alt so) d'íoc rann-íoca le húdarás áitiúil eile mar chabhair chun íoctha gach costais no aon chostais fé n-a raghaidh an t-údarás áitiúil deiridh sin a luaidhtear chun na scéime pleanála san do cheapadh, d'fhoirfheidhmiú agus do chur in éifeacht no maidir leis na nithe sin, agus pé uair a bheidh aon tsocrú den tsórt san i scéim phleanála íocfaidh an t-údarás rann-íocach an rann-íoc san dá réir sin.


Sceimeanna Pleanala d'Fheidhmiu.


Dualgas generálta údaráis fhreagarthaigh.

47.—(1) Nuair a thiocfaidh scéim phleanála i ngníomh ná luaidhtear inti ach aon údarás freagarthach amháin beidh sé de dhualgas ar an údarás freagarthach san an scéim sin do chur in éifeacht agus d'fhoirfheidhmiú go generálta agus, go sonnrách, gach feidhm agus dualgas do chólíonadh agus gach ní do dhéanamh a ceaptar don údarás san leis an scéim sin.


(2) Nuair a thiocfaidh scéim phleanála i ngníomh ina luaidhtear dhá údarás fhreagarthacha no níos mó beidh sé de dhualgas ar gach údarás freagarthach fé leith acu san an scéim sin do chur in éifeacht agus d'fhoirfheidhmiú go generálta i pé líomatáiste no chun pé crícheanna luaidhtear chuige sin sa scéim sin agus, go sonnrách, gach feidhm agus dualgas do chólíonadh agus gach ní do dhéanamh a ceaptar don údarás san leis an scéim sin.


(3) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh údarás freagarthach, do réir scéime pleanála, aon ghníomh no rud de bhuadh comhachta no údaráis a bronntar le hachtachán seachas an tAcht so is sa tslí agus ón líomatáiste foráltar leis an achtachán san a híocfar agus a cruinneofar gach costas fé n-a raghaidh an t-údarás freagarthach san agus iad ag déanamh an ghnímh no an ruda san (agus san d'ainneoin éinní san Acht so ach fé réir chirt agus gan dochar do cheart an údaráis fhreagarthaigh sin chun aon rann-íoca is iníoctha fén scéim sin ag aon údarás áitiúil eile d'fháil mar chabhair chun íoctha na gcostaisí sin).


Comhachta chun dul isteach ar thalamh, etc., chun scéime pleanála do chur in éifeacht.

48.—(1) Féadfaidh éinne go n-údarás chuige sin i scríbhinn ón údarás freagarthach, ar an údarás san i scríbhinn do thaisbeáint, dul isteach idir a naoi a chlog ar maidin agus a sé a chlog um thráthnóna ar aon talamh sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann scéim phleanála agus pé iniúchadh, suirbhéireacht, scrúdú agus fiosrú do dhéanamh ann is gá chun na scéime sin d'fhoirfheidhmiú no do chur in éifeacht.


(2) Gach duine chuirfidh bac no cosc le héinne agus aon chomhacht a bronntar leis an alt so á feidhmiú go dleathach aige beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air.


Saru ar Sceimeanna Pleanala.


Pionós mar gheall ar scéim phleanála do shárú.

49.—(1) Gan dochar d'aon leigheas síbhialta bheidh ar fáil sa chás don údarás fhreagarthach no d'éinne eile, beidh gach duine dhéanfaidh (tré ghníomh no tré fhaillí) éinní is sárú ar fhoráil i scéim phleanála beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint fhichead do chur air agus ina theanta san, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, fíneáil bhreise ná raghaidh thar cúig púint in aghaidh gach lae leanfaidh an cionta.


(2) Na comhachta bronntar leis an gCuid seo den Acht so ar an údarás freagarthach chun fógraí do sheirbheáil, chun dul isteach ar thalamh, agus chun nithe áirithe do dhéanamh ar an talamh san féadfar iad d'fheidhmiú pe'ca bheidh imeachta bunuithe fén alt so no ná beidh mar gheall ar an ngníomh no ar an bhfaillí (má rinneadh san) ba bhun leis na comhachta san d'fheidhmiú.


Comhachta chun sárú arscéimeanna pleanála do chosc etc.

50.—Chun sárú ar na forálacha i scéim phleanála do chosc no do leigheas beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas fé réir na bhforálacha eile den Chuid seo den Acht so, sé sin le rá:—


(a) pé uair a bheidh déanmhas gan bheith do réir forála sa scéim phleanála san féadfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach, fé mar is dóich leo is ceart, dul isteach sa déanmhas san agus, san áit sin, an déanmhas san do leagadh agus (más gá é) é d'aistriú no pé atharú do dhéanamh ar an déanmhas san do bhéarfaidh go mbeidh sé do réir na forála san;


(b) pé uair a leigfidh sealbhaire aon tailimh i bhfaillí no a theipfidh air, contrárdha d'fhoráil sa scéim phleanála san, an talamh san do choimeád san ordú agus sa staid cheart san is oiriúnach do shuidheamh an tailimh sin, féadfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach dul isteach ar an talamh san agus gach ní do dhéanamh ann is gá chun an tailimh sin do chur san ordú agus sa staid cheart san adubhradh;


(c) pé uair a bheidh úsáid déanta no á déanamh d'aon talamh i slí is sárú ar fhoráil sa scéim phleanála san agus a bheidh staid, carachtar no deallramh an tailimh sin atharuithe no á atharú de dhruim na húsáide sin féadfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach dul isteach ar an talamh san agus gach ní do dhéanamh ann is gá chun an tailimh sin do chur sa riocht ina raibh sé maidir le staid, carachtar agus deallramh sarar tosnuíodh ar é d'úsáid amhlaidh.


Fógra go bhfuiltear chun comhachta d'fheidhmiú.

51.—(1) Sara bhfeidhmeoidh an t-údarás freagarthach, maidir le déanmhas no talamh ar bith, comhacht a bronntar ortha leis an alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den Acht so déanfaid fógra ina luadhfar na nithe seo leanas do sheirbheáil ar gach éinne is únaer no is sealbhaire ar an déanmhas no ar an talamh san agus ar gach éinne go mbeidh aige, ar an déanmhas no ar an talamh san no maidir le ceachtar acu, ceart gur dóich leis an údarás freagarthach go mb'fhéidir go ndéanfaidh an feidhmiú san deifir do:—


(a) go bhfuil an t-údarás freagarthach chun na comhachta san d'fheidhmiú, agus


(b) an déanmhas no an talamh gur maidir leis atáthar chun na comhachta san d'fheidhmiú, agus


(c) an fhoráil den scéim phleanála atá i gceist agus an sárú uirthi go bhfuiltear chun na comhachta san d'fheidhmiú mar gheall air, agus


(d) nádúir ghenerálta na hoibre no na nithe atá beartuithe do dhéanamh i bhfeidhmiú na comhachta san, agus


(e) an dáta gur air no dá éis atáthar chun tosnú ar an bhfeidhmiú atá beartuithe do dhéanamh ar an gcomhacht san.


(2) An dáta luadhfar i bhfógra seirbheálfar fén Acht so mar dháta gur air no dá éis atáthar chun tosnú ar an bhfeidhmiú atá beartuithe do dhéanamh ar an gcomhacht a luaidhtear ann ní bheidh sé níos luaithe ná mí tar éis an fhógra san do sheirbheáil agus ní dhéanfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach roimh an dáta san aon ghníomh ná rud i bhfeidhmiú na comhachta san maidir leis an déanmhas ná leis an talamh a luadhfar so bhfógra san.


(3) San alt so cialluíonn an focal “únaer,” maidir le haon talamh no le haon déanmhas, duine ar bith (seachas morgáistí ná beidh i seilbh) a bheidh i dteideal de thurus na huaire bithdhílse an tailimh no an déanmhais sin, no aon téarma de bhlianta bheidh ar marthain de thurus na huaire maidir leis an talamh no leis an déanmhas san agus gur sia ná trí bliana a iarsma neachaithte, do dhíol no do chur dá láimh.


A iarraidh ar an gCúirt Dúithche fógra do chur ar neamhní.

52.—(1) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach fógra do sheirbheáil fén gCuid seo den Acht so ar dhuine ar bith go bhfuilid chun comhachta a bronntar leis an gCuid seo den Acht so d'fheidhmiú maidir le haon déanmhas no talamh féadfaidh an duine sin, ar fhógra do thabhairt don údarás fhreagarthach, agus roimh an dáta luaidhtear sa chéad fhógra san chun tosnú ar an gcomhacht san d'fheidhmiú amhlaidh, a iarraidh ar an mBreitheamh den Chúirt Dúithche go ndlighinse sa cheanntar ina mbeidh an déanmhas no an talamh san suidhte ordú do dhéanamh ag cur an chéad fhógra san ar neamhní agus leis sin féadfaidh an Breitheamh ordú do dhéanamh ag cur an chéad fhógra san ar neamhní maran deimhin leis go bhfuil cúrsaí ag baint leis an scéal a chuireann an t-údarás freagarthach i dteideal an chomhacht san d'fheidhmiú maidir leis an déanmhas no leis an talamh san sa tslí luaidhtear sa chéad fhógra san.


(2) Nuair a bheidh iarratas déanta chun na Cúirte Dúithche fén alt so ní dhéanfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach an chomhacht a luaidhtear sa bhfógra san d'fheidhmiú, maidir leis an déanmhas no leis an talamh a luaidhtear sa bhfógra san, sa tslí luaidhtear sa bhfógra san ná ar aon chor mara ndiúltuítear ná go dtí go ndiúltófar ar fad don iarratas san.


Údarás freagarthach do bhaint chostaisí amach.

53.—(1) Pé uair a bheidh aon obair no rud déanta ag an údarás freagarthach, i bhfeidhmiú comhachta bronntar leis an gCuid seo den Acht so, ar aon déanmhas no ar aon talamh no maidir leis agus gur ghá an obair no an rud san do dhéanamh amhlaidh de bhíthin aon oibre, gnímh no ruda do rinne duine ar bith no d'fhág sé gan déanamh (agus dá ngairmtear an trúig-ní san alt so) ar an déanmhas no ar an talamh san (pe'ca aca é) no maidir leis tar éis an dáta oiriúnaigh, beidh an t-údarás freagarthach, lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an alt so, i dteideal an duine no ionadaí pearsanta no comharba teidil an duine ba shiocair leis an trúig-ní d'íoc gach costais leo fé n-a ndeachaidh an t-údarás freagarthach go réasúnta chun na hoibre no an ruda san do dhéanamh do rinneadar amhlaidh mar adubhradh agus an costas san do bhaint de (mar fhiacha síbhialta in aon chúirt dlighinse inniúla).


(2) Ní bheidh an t-údarás freagarthach i dteideal fén alt so costaisí fé n-a ndeachadar do bhaint amach más fé chead speisialta agus dá réir do rinneadh an trúig-ní no do fágadh gan déanamh é no má ba ghníomh an trúig-ní ná raibh ann ach obair do chríochnú do tosnuíodh roimh an dáta oiriúnach agus do bhí ar siúl ar an dáta san no do tosnuíodh fé chead ghenerálta agus dá réir agus ná dearnadh i gceachtar cás acu contrárdha do thoirmeasc speisialta.


(3) Gach airgead is ionbhainte amach fén alt so ag an údarás freagarthach alos costaisí fé n-a ndeachaidh an t-údarás freagarthach san tiocfa sé chun bheith agus beidh sé, díreach ar chríochnú na hoibre no an ruda gur chun a dhéanta do chuathas fé sna costaisí sin amhlaidh, ina mhuirear ar an talamh ar a ndearnadh an obair no an rud san no, más aon obair no rud é do rinneadh ar dhéanmhas no do rinneadh leis, ar an déanmhas san (má bhíonn agus sa mhéid go mbeidh sé fós ann) agus ar an ionoighreacht no an tionóntachán ionrátuithe is ionann agus an talamh no an déanmhas san no ina mbeidh an céanna.


(4) Einní no aon rud ar a bhféadfaí ordú ón gCúirt Dúithche ag cur fógra ar neamhní fén gCuid seo den Acht so do bhunú ní déanfar é do tharrac anuas ná é do cheadú mar chosaint ar imeachta chun costaisí fé n-a ndeachaidh an t-údarás freagarthach agus iad ag déanamh aon oibre no ruda le n-ar bhain an fógra san do bhaint amach fén alt so (pe'ca tré aicsean um fhiacha é no tré fhoirfheidhmiú an mhuirir a bunuítear leis an alt so).


An t-únaer no an sealbhaire do dhéanamh oibre.

54.—(1) Pé uair d'fhéadfadh an t-údarás freagarthach, tré fheidhmiú cheart do dhéanamh fén gCuid seo den Acht so agus dá réir ar chomhacht a bronntar ortha leis an gCuid seo den Acht so, aon obair no rud do dhéanamh ar aon déanmhas no ar aon talamh, no maidir leis, féadfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach, más oiriúnach leo é, a shocrú le húnaer no le sealbhaire an déanmhais sin no an tailimh sin (pe'ca aca é) go ndéanfa sé féin an obair no an rud san chun sástachta an údaráis fhreagarthaigh.


(2) Más rud é, do réir socruithe déanfar fén alt so, go ndéanfaidh únaer no sealbhaire aon déanmhais no aon tailimh aon obair no rud chun sástachta an údaráis fhreagarthaigh agus, toisc an chuma ina mbeidh an scéal, ná beadh an t-údarás áitiúil, dá mb'iad féin do dhéanfadh an obair no an rud san, i dteideal na costaisí fé n-a raghaidís chun a dhéanta do bhaint amach fén gCuid seo den Acht so féadfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach suim réasúnta d'íoc leis an únaer sin no leis an sealbhaire sin (pe'ca aca é) alos na gcostaisí fé n-a ndeachaidh sé chun na hoibre no an ruda san do dhéanamh.


Feidhm forálacha bhaineann le cúiteamh.

55.—Aon obair no rud a dhéanfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach i bhfeidhmiú comhachta bronntar ortha leis an Acht so agus gur chuige déanfar amhlaidh é toisc foráil i scéim phleanála do shárú no chun cosc do chur le sárú forála den tsórt san tuigfear chun crícheanna na bhforálacha den Acht so bhaineann le cúiteamh is iníoctha ag an údarás freagarthach gur fén bhforáil sin no dá réir do rinne an t-údarás freagarthach é.


Pionós mar gheall ar fheidhmiú comhachta fen uid seo den cht so do bhac.

56.—Gach duine chuirfidh bac no chuirfidh isteach ar an bhfeidhmiú bheidh á dhéanamh ag an údarás freagarthach ar aon chomhacht a bheidh dílsithe ionta fén gCuid seo den Acht so no dá buadh beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air.


Togail Deanmhaisi, etc., do Cheadu agus do Thoirmeasc.


Obair dhéanta éanmhais agus bair eile i gcóir céime pleanála o rialú.

57.—(1) Nuair a bheidh rún rithte ag údarás pleanála chun scéime pleanála do cheapadh féadfaidh an t-údarás pleanála san, aon tráth tar éis an rúin sin do rith agus roimh an scéim phleanála san do theacht i bhfeidhm, gach ní no éinní acu so leanas do dhéanamh, sé sin le rá:—


(a) cead i scríbhinn do dheonadh d'éinne iarrfaidh é chun déanmhais áirithe do dhéanamh, do leagadh, d'atharú, do leathnú, do dheisiú no d'athnuachaint sa líomatáiste go mbeidh sé beartuithe baint do bheith ag an scéim phleanála san leis;


(b) cead a bhainfidh le hiomlán an líomatáiste sin no ná bainfidh ach le cuid áirithe dhe do dheonadh, ar iarratas duine éigin le n-a mbaineann an scéal no d'éamais aon iarratais den tsórt san, chun déanmhaisí de shaghas no de shaghsanna áirithe do dhéanamh, do leagadh, d'atharú, do leathnú, do dheisiú no d'athnuachaint;


(c) a ordú gan dul níos sia le haon déanmhas áirithe sa líomatáiste sin do dhéanamh, do leagadh, d'atharú, do leathnú, do dheisiú no d'athnuachaint.


(2) Féadfaidh údarás pleanála coinníollacha do chur ag gabháil le cead a deonfar fén alt so, pé coinníollacha (más aon cheann é) is dóich leo is ceart agus a luadhfaid sa chead san.


(3) Féadfaidh údarás pleanála aon tráth cead generálta do dheon an t-údarás san roimhe sin do cheiliúradh no do leasú ach ní dhéanfaidh an ceiliúradh no an leasú san dochar ná deifir do dhleathacht do bheith ag an gcead generálta san ar feadh aon tréimhse roimh an gceiliúradh no roimh an leasú san.


(4) Féadfar, le toirmeasc speisialta dhéanfaidh údarás pleanála, a ordú gan dul níos sia leis an obair le n-a mbaineann an toirmeasc speisialta san no a ordú gan dul níos sia leis an obair sin ar shlí eile seachas fé choinníollacha no do réir choinníollacha luaidhtear sa toirmeasc speisialta san (pe'ca aca is dóich leis an údarás san is ceart).


(5) Féadfaidh údarás pleanála toirmeasc speisialta do dhéanamh in ainneoin na hoibre le n-a mbaineann an toirmeasc speisialta san do bheith, ar dháta déanta an toirmisc speisialta san, do réir cheada do tugadh le cead generálta do dheon an t-údarás pleanála san roimhe sin.


(6) Má deintear cead speisialta no cead generálta d'iarraidh go cuibhe ar údarás phleanála fén alt so agus ná tabharfaidh an t-údarás pleanála san aon bhreith ar an iarratas san laistigh de dhá mhí tar éis dáta an iarratais sin tuigfear chun gach críche an t-údarás pleanála san do ghéilleadh don iarratas san i gcionn na tréimhse sin de dhá mhí.


Comhacht chun on tsarú ar hoirmeasc peisialta do héanamh ea-dhleathach.

58.—(1) Nuair a bheidh rún rithte ag údarás pleanála chun scéime pleanála do cheapadh agus a bheidh toirmeasc speisialta déanta acu maidir le haon obair roimh theacht i ngníomh don scéim phleanála san, ansan, más dóich leis an údarás pleanála san an dochar do thiocfadh as dul ar aghaidh leis an obair le n-a mbaineann an toirmeasc speisialta san no as an obair sin do dhéanamh do bheith de shaghas nárbh fhéidir é do leigheas tar éis teacht i ngníomh don scéim phleanála san, féadfaid a dhearbhú, aon uair roimh theacht i ngníomh don scéim phleanála san, aon tsárú ar an toirmeasc speisialta san roimh an teacht-ingníomh san do bheith nea-dhleathach.


(2) Gan dochar d'aon leigheas síbhialta bheidh ar fáil sa chás don údarás fhreagarthach no d'éinne eile beidh gach duine ciontach i gcionta fén alt so a raghaidh ar aghaidh le haon obair no dhéanfaidh aon obair is sárú ar thoirmeasc speisialta agus is sárú nea-dhleathach, de bhuadh dearbhuithe fén alt so, ar an toirmeasc san agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair, dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt do chur air agus ina theanta san, más cionta leanúnach é, fíneáil bhreise ná raghaidh thar cúig púint in aghaidh gach lae leanfar den chionta no, más rogha leis an gcúirt é, príosúntacht ar feadh aon téarma nách sia ná sé mhí no an fhíneáil no na fíneála san agus an phríosúntacht san le chéile.


Athchomharc hun an Aire aidir le cead no oirmeasc.

59.—(1) Einne ar a ngoillfidh údarás pleanála do dheonadh no do dhiúltadh ceada speisialta no ceada ghenerálta no an t-údarás pleanála san do dhéanamh toirmisc speisialta, féadfaidh ath chomhare do dhéanamh chun an Aire laistigh den aimsir orduithe agus leis sin féadfaidh an tAire pé ní no nithe acu so leanas do dhéanamh a bhaineann leis an gcás agus is dóich leis is ceart, sé sin le rá:—


(a) an deonadh, an diúltadh no an toirmeasc is abhar don athchomharc san do dhaingniú;


(b) deonadh an cheada no déanamh an toirmisc is abhar don athchomharc san do cheiliúradh;


(c) i gcás athchomhairc i gcoinnibh diúltadh do chead do dheonadh, an cead san do thabhairt uaidh tar éis pé nithe d'fhágaint ar lár agus pé nithe d'atharú ann (más éinní é) agus fé réir pé coinníollacha (más aon cheann é) is dóich leis is ceart;


(d) i gcás athchomhairc i gcoinnibh cead generálta no speisialta do dheonadh, an cead san no na coinníollacha ghabhann leis do leasú (tré scriosadh amach no cur leis no atharú do dhéanamh) agus an cead san do dhaingniú gus na leasuithe sin agus fé réir na leasuithe sin;


(e) i gcás athchomhairc i gcoinnibh cead generálta do dheonadh no i gcoinnibh toirmeasc speisialta do dhéanamh, an cead no an toirmeasc (pe'ca aca é) do leasú (tré scriosadh amach no cur leis no atharú do dhéanamh) maidir leis an gcuntas a bheidh ann ar an líomatáiste, ar na tailte, ar na déanmhaisí, ar an obair agus ar na húsáideanna le n-a mbaineann an cead no an toirmeasc san agus an cead no an toirmeasc san do dhaingniú gus an leasú san agus fé réir an leasuithe sin;


(f) i gcás athchomhairc i gcoinnibh toirmeasc speisialta do dhéanamh, an toirmeasc speisialta san do leasú tré choinníollacha do chur isteach ann no coinníollacha do scriosadh amach as no coinníollacha bheidh ann d'atharú agus an toirmeasc speisialta san do dhaingniú gus na leasuithe sin agus fé réir na leasuithe sin;


(g) i gcás athchomhairc i gcoinnibh toirmisc speisialta go mbeidh sé dearbhuithe ag údarás pleanála aon tsárú air do bheith nea-dhleathach, an dearbhú san do cheiliúradh.


(2) Más rud é, ar athchomharc do dhéanamh fén alt so i gcoinnibh toirmeasc speisialta do dhéanamh, go gceiliúrfaidh an tAire an toirmeasc san no neachtar acu go ndaingneoidh an tAire é agus coinníollacha nua curtha isteach ann no leasuithe déanta ar na coinníollacha bheidh ann féadfaidh an tAire, más dóich leis gur ceart san, mar chuid den bhreith do bhéarfaidh ar na nithe is abhar don athchomharc san, a ordú don údarás phleanála do rinne an toirmeasc san pé suim d'íoc le neach déanta an athchomhairc sin is dóich leis an Aire is ceart do luadh mar chúiteamh ina mbeidh caillte ag an neach san de bhíthin an toirmisc sin i rith na tréimhse idir an toirmeasc san do dhéanamh agus breith do thabhairt ar an athchomharc san.


(3) Ní bheidh dul thar an mbreith do bhéarfaidh an tAire ar athchomharc fén alt so agus sa mhéid go n-ordófar léi d'údarás phleanála aon ghníomh no ní do dhéanamh déanfaidh an t-údarás pleanála san dá réir.


Cúiteamh i coinníoll do hólíonadh.

60.—(1) Pé uair a cuirfear coinníoll ag gabháil le cead speisialta, le cead generálta no le toirmeasc speisialta no a cuirfear isteach ann é, agus a laigheadófar luach aon mhaoine tríd an gcoinníoll san do chólíonadh no do choimeád go cuibhe agus go ceart, ansan, ar theacht i ngníomh don scéim phleanála gur maidir léi do deonadh an cead san no do rinneadh an toirmeasc san, beidh feidhm ag na forálacha den Acht so bhaineann le cúiteamh is iníoctha leis an údarás freagarthach fé is dá mba de bhíthin srian do chur le húsáid na maoine tré fhoráil sa scéim phleanála san a déanfaí an laigheadú luacha san.


(2) Ní bheidh feidhm ná éifeacht ag an bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so i gcás an coinníoll dá dtagartar sa bhfo-alt san do bheith de shaghas go bhféadfaí, dá mbeadh an scéim phleanála dá dtagartar sa bhfo-alt san i ngníomh le linn an choinníll sin d'fhorchur, an coinníoll san d'fhoirfheidhmiú tré fhoráil sa scéim phleanála san agus ná beadh cúiteamh ar bith iníoctha fén Acht so toisc no de dhruim an fhoráil sin do theacht i ngníomh.


Cuiteamh agus Iocaiocht as Feabhsu alos Sceimeanna Pleanala.


Cúiteamh in ufada/>sáid mhaoine do hrianadh, etc.

61.—(1) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh foráil i scéim phleanála srianadh no rialú ar na crícheanna chun ar féidir aon mhaoin áirithe d'úsáid, no giorrú no teorannú ar na cearta agus na comhachta dlí is infheidhmithe no bheidh ar seilbh ag únaer no ag sealbhaire aon mhaoine áirithe maidir leis an maoin sin, agus a laigheadófar luach na maoine sin tríd an srianadh, tríd an rialú, tríd an ngiorrú, no tríd an teorannú san, ansan, gach duine ag á mbeidh aon estát no leas sa mhaoin sin no aon cheart uirthi no maidir léi, beidh sé, lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so agus ar iarratas do dhéanamh fén alt so, i dteideal an t-údarás freagarthach do dhéanamh íoca leis, mar chúiteamh, sa mhéid (más aon mhéid é) do laigheaduíodh amhlaidh luach a estáit no a leasa sa mhaoin sin no luach a chirt uirthi no maidir léi agus, i gcás sealbhaire na maoine sin, sa damáiste (más ann do) do rinneadh dá thrádáil, dá ghnó no dá ghairm tríd an srianadh, tríd an rialú, tríd an ngiorrú, no tríd an teorannú san.


(2) Is chun an údaráis fhreagarthaigh a déanfar gach iarratas ar chúiteamh d'íoc fén alt so agus san laistigh de bhliain (no laistigh de pé tréimhse, níos sia ná san, a luadhfar sa scéim phleanála) tar éis teacht i ngníomh don fhoráil gur mar gheall uirthi bheidh an cúiteamh san á éileamh.


Ioc cúitimh do hur ar athló.

62.—(1) Féadfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach fé scéim phleanála, laistigh de mhí tar éis an dáta ar a molfar cúiteamh d'éinne fén alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den Acht so, fógra (dá ngairmtear fógra fiunraíochta san alt so) do thabhairt don duine sin go bhfuil an t-údarás san chun slí do ghlacadh chun a chur in áirithe no a thabhairt chun críche go gceiliúrfar no go leasófar an fhoráil sa scéim phleanála san gur mar gheall ar í do theacht i ngníomh do moladh an cúiteamh san.


(2) Ní bheidh aon mholadh cúitimh fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo ionfhoirfheidhmithe go dtí go dtárlóidh an teagmhas a luaidhtear i pé mír acu so leanas a bhaineann leis an gcás, sé sin le rá:—


(a) más rud é, laistigh de mhí o dháta an mholta san, go mbeidh fógra fiunraíochta tugtha ag an údarás freagarthach maidir leis an moladh san agus, laistigh de cheithre mhí ón bhfógra san do thabhairt, go mbeidh rún rithte ag an údarás pleanála oiriúnach chun scéime pleanála do cheapadh chun na forála le n-a mbaineann an fógra san do cheiliúradh no do leasú:—scéim phleanála ar n-a déanamh do réir an rúin sin do theacht i ngníomh no an tAire do cheiliúradh an rúin sin, pe'ca aca é;


(b) más rud é, laistigh de mhí o dháta an mholta san, go mbeidh fógra fiunraíochta tugtha ag an údarás freagarthach maidir leis an moladh san agus, laistigh de cheithre mhí tar éis an fhógra san do thabhairt, go mbeidh athchomharc déanta ag an údarás freagarthach chun an Aire i gcoinnibh an údaráis phleanála oiriúnaigh do dhiúltadh d'iarratas ar an bhforáil le n-a mbaineann an fógra san do cheiliúradh no d'atharú:— an tAire do thabhairt bhreithe ar an athchomharc san:


(c) más rud é, sa chás a luaidhtear sa bhfo-mhír dheiridh sin roimhe seo den fho-alt so, go ndéanfaidh an tAire, le linn breithe do thabhairt ar athchomharc, a cheangal ar an údarás pleanála scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach no leasuitheach do cheapadh:—an scéim phleanála cheiliúrthach no leasuitheach san do theacht i ngníomh;


(d) in aon chás eile ina mbeidh fógra fiunraíochta tugtha ag an údarás freagarthach maidir leis an moladh san laistigh de mhí tar éis dáta an mholta san:— ceithre mhí do bheith caithte ón bhfógra san do thabhairt;


(e) in aon chás eile ar bith:—mí do bheith caithte o dháta an mholta san.


(3) An ceart a bheidh ag éinne chun an méid do bhaint amach a molfar mar chiteamh fén alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den Acht so mar gheall ar fhoráil i scéim phleanála do theacht i ngníomh scuirfe sé de bheith aige, d'ainneoin éinní sna fo-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt so, ar theacht i ngníomh do scéim phleanála ceapfar níos déanaí agus le n-a gceiliúrfar no le n-a leasófar an fhoráil sin ach ní dhéanfaidh an scur san dochar ná deifir don cheart a bheidh (má bhíonn) ag an duine sin chun cúitimh do bhaint amach fén alt deiridh sin roimhe seo mar gheall ar theacht i ngníomh d'fhoráil sa scéim phleanála san is déanaí.


Cúiteamh i comhachta fé huid VI den cht so d'fheidhmiú.

63.—(1) Einne dá ndéanfar damáiste de bhíthin aon ghnímh no ruda dhéanfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach agus iad ag feidhmiú comhachta bronntar ortha le Cuid VI den Acht so beidh sé, lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so, i dteideal, ar iarratas do dhéanamh fén alt so, an t-údarás freagarthach d'íoc méide an damáiste sin leis mar chúiteamh.


(2) Is chun an údaráis fhreagarthaigh a déanfar gach iarratas ar chúiteamh d'íoc fén alt so agus san laistigh de bhliain (no laistigh de pé tréimhse, níos sia ná san, a luadhfar sa scéim phleanála oiriúnach) tar éis an ghnímh no an ruda do chríochnú gur mar gheall ar an údarás freagarthach dá dhéanamh a déanfar an t-iarratas san.


Cúiteamh i cead do hiúltadh no i dtoirmeasc do dhéanamh go nea-riachtanach.

64.—(1) Einne staonfaidh, tar éis an dáta oiriúnaigh agus roimh theacht i ngníomh do scéim phleanála, o aon obair áirithe do dhéanamh gur hiarradh agus gur diúltadh cead speisialta ina cóir maidir leis an scéim phleanála san no staonfaidh, do réir thoirmisc speisialta do rinneadh maidir leis an scéim phleanála san, o aon obair áirithe do dhéanamh agus a chaillfidh de dheascaibh staonadh amhlaidh beidh sé, ar iarratas do dhéanamh fén alt so, i dteideal an t-údarás freagarthach d'íoc méide na cailliúna san leis mar chúiteamh maran dóich leis an eadrascánaí go ndéanfadh sé dochar don scéim phleanála san do chur i bhfeidhm go héifeachtúil agus go heacnamúil an obair áirithe sin do dhéanamh.


(2) Einne dhéanfaidh, le linn aon oibre áirithe do dhéanamh tar éis an dáta oiriúnaigh agus roimh theacht i ngníomh do scéim phleanála, coinníoll do chólíonadh a bheidh ag gabháil le cead speisialta no a bheidh i dtoirmeasc speisialta do deonadh no do rinneadh maidir leis an scéim phleanála san agus ar a mbeidh cailliúint (seachas cailliúint a thiocfaidh as luach aon mhaoine do laigheadú) de dheascaibh an chólíonta san, beidh sé, ar theacht i ngníomh don scéim phleanála san, i dteideal an t-údarás áitiúil d'íoc méide na cailliúna san leis mar chúiteamh maran dóich leis an eadrascánaí go ndéanfadh sé dochar don scéim phleanála san do chur i bhfeidhm go héifeachtúil agus go heacnamúil an obair áirithe sin do dhéanamh gan an coinníoll san do chólíonadh.


(3) Isé am a déanfar gach iarratas ar chúiteamh d'íoc fén alt so ná laistigh de bhliain tar éis teacht i ngníomh don scéim phleanála gur ar theacht i ngníomh di thiocfaidh an t-iarratasóir i dteideal an cúiteamh san d'íoc leis.


Cúiteamh i gcásanna áirithe ina gceiliúrfar rún.

65.—(1) Pé uair—


(a) a rithfidh údarás pleanála rún chun scéime pleanála (dá ngairmtear an scéim bheartuithe san alt so) do cheapadh do dhéanfadh, dá gceaptaí í, seana-scéim phleanála do cheiliúradh no do leasú, agus


(b) a cheiliúrfaidh an tAire an rún san, agus


(c) a staonfaidh éinne, tar éis an rúin sin do rith agus roimh an gceiliúradh san, o aon obair do dhéanamh i líomatáiste le n-ar bhain an tseana-scéim phleanála san agus le n-a mbainfeadh an scéim bheartuithe dá gceaptaí í, agus


(d) a dhéanfaidh an duine sin, tar éis an rúin sin do rith agus roimh an gceiliúradh san, cead speisialta d'iarraidh ar an údarás pleanála san i gcóir na hoibre sin agus a diúltófar an cead speisialta san do, no a staonfaidh an duine sin amhlaidh do réir thoirmisc speisialta déanfar tar éis an rúin sin do rith agus roimh an gceiliúradh san, agus


(e) a bheidh cailliúint ar an duine sin de dheascaibh staonadh ón obair sin do dhéanamh,


beidh an duine sin, ar iarratas do dhéanamh fén alt so, i dteideal an t-údarás pleanála san d'íoc méide na cailliúna san leis mar chúiteamh.


(2) Is chun an údaráis fhreagarthaigh a déanfar gach iarratas ar chúiteamh d'íoc fén alt so agus san laistigh de bhliain tar éis dáta an orduithe le n-a ndéanfar an ceiliúradh a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so.


Cúiteamh, i gcásanna áirithe, in obair no i gcostas in aistear.

66.—(1) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh duine obair no a ragha sé fé chostas, alos no i muinighin forála i scéim phleanála, ar mhaoin no maidir le maoin a bheidh dá chuid féin no ar seilbh aige (pe'ca de shaorthoil no do réir oblagáide a forchuirtear leis an scéim phleanála a déanfar an obair sin no a raghfar fén gcostas san) agus a thiocfaidh an obair no an costas san i bpáirt no go hiomlán chun bheith ina obair no ina chostas in aistear de bhíthin na forála san do cheiliúradh, do leasú, no do chur ar ceal le scéim phleanála nua, beidh an duine sin, ar iarratas do dhéanamh fén alt so, i dteideal cúiteamh do bhaint den údarás fhreagarthach san obair no sa chostas san sa mhéid go dtiocfa sé chun bheith ina obair no ina chostas in aistear.


(2) Pé uair a raghaidh duine fé chostaisí agus fé chaiteachaisí, ag déanamh éilimh ar chúiteamh do no ag cur i gcoinnibh éilimh ar íocaíocht as feabhsú mar gheall ar fhoráil i scéim phleanála, agus a déanfar an fhoráil sin do cheiliúradh no do leasú no do chur ar ceal le scéim phleanála nua i slí go dtiocfaidh na costaisí agus na caiteachaisí sin chun bheith, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, ina gcostaisí agus ina gcaiteachaisí in aistear, ansan, lasmuich de chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so beidh an duine sin, ar iarratas do dhéanamh fén alt so, i dteideal cúiteamh do bhaint den údarás fhreagarthach sna costaisí agus sna caiteachaisí sin sa mhéid go dtiocfaid chun bheith ina gcostaisí agus ina gcaiteachaisí in aistear amhlaidh.


(3) Is chun an údaráis fhreagarthaigh a déanfar gach iarratas ar chúiteamh d'íoc fén alt so agus san laistigh de bhliain tar éis teacht i ngníomh don scéim phleanála le n-a ndéarfar an ceiliúradh no an leasú tré n-a dtiocfaidh an cúiteamh san chun bheith iníoctha.


Cúiteamh i gcás le n-a mbaineann achtachán eile no le n-a bhféadfaí é do chur i mbaint.

67.—(1) Baineann an t-alt so le gach foráil i scéim phleanála is có-ionann ar fad no nách mór ar fad no is có-ionann ina brí le haon achtachán acu so leanas (dá ngairmtear achtacháin chóionanna san alt so), sé sin le rá:—


(a) achtachán i reacht (pe'ca reacht puiblí generálta, puiblí, áitiúil no príobháideach é) a bheidh, ar dháta na forála san do theacht i ngníomh, i bhfeidhm sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an fhoráil sin, no


(b) achtachán in ordú, i bhfo-dhlí, no i rialachán a bheidh i bhfeidhm ar an dáta agus sa líomatáiste luaidhtear sa mhír dheiridh sin roimhe seo den fho-alt so agus do rinneadh fé aon reacht den tsórt a luaidhtear sa mhír sin, no


(c) achtachán d'fhéadfadh go dleathach, ar dháta na forála san do theacht i ngníomh, bheith i n-ordú, i bhfodhlí, no i rialachán do dhéanfadh údarás áitiúil (gan an tOireachtas dá dhaingniú ná do dhéanamh éinní eile ina thaobh) maidir leis an líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an fhoráil sin fé aon reacht den tsórt a luaidhtear sa chéad mhír den fho-alt so, no


(d) achtachán i reacht puiblí generálta no puiblí ná beidh, ar dháta na forála san do theacht i ngníomh, i bhfeidhm sa líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an fhoráil sin ach 'na bhféadfadh údarás áitiúil go dleathach ar an dáta san glacadh léi no í do chur i bhfeidhm ar shlí eile sa líomatáiste sin (gan an tOireachtas dá dhaingniú ná do dhéanamh éinní eile ina thaobh), no


(e) achtachán d'fhéadfadh go dleathach, ar dháta na forála san do theacht i ngníomh, bheith i n-ordú, i bhfo-dhlí, no i rialachán do dhéanfadh údarás áitiúil (gan an tOireachtas dá dhaingniú ná do dhéanamh éinní eile ina thaobh) maidir leis an líomatáiste le n-a mbaineann an fhoráil sin fé aon reacht den tsórt a luaidhtear sa mhír dheiridh sin roimhe seo den fho-alt so dá mbeadh an reacht san i bhfeidhm sa líomatáiste sin ar an dáta san.


(2) Más rud é, i gcás forála i scéim phleanála le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so, ná beidh aon chúiteamh iníoctha fén achtachán cóionann, no ná beadh sé iníoctha fé dá mbeadh sé i bhfeidhm, alos díobhála de dheascaibh an t-achtachán có-ionann san do theacht i ngníomh no éinní áirithe do dhéanamh fén achtachán có-ionann san, ansan ní bheidh aon chúiteamh iníoctha fén Acht so mar gheall ar an bhforáil sin do theacht i ngníomh no an ní áirithe sin do dhéanamh fén bhforáil sin, pe'ca aca é.


(3) Más rud é, i gcás forála i scéim phleanála le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so, go mbeidh cúiteamh iníoctha fén achtachán có-ionann, no go mbeadh sé iníoctha fé dá mbeadh sé i bhfeidhm, alos díobhála de dheascaibh an t-achtachán có-ionann san do theacht i ngníomh no éinní áirithe do dhéanamh fén achtachán có-ionann san, ansan ní bheidh aon mhéid cúitimh iníoctha fén Acht so mar gheall ar an bhforáil sin do theacht i ngníomh no an ní áirithe sin do dhéanamh fén bhforáil sin (pe'ca aca é) thar mar a bheidh no do bheadh iníoctha sa chás chéanna fén achtachán có-ionann san.


Cúiteamh i gcás ina bhféadfaí an obair do dhéanamh fé Acht eile.

68.—Má deintear le foráil i scéim phleanála a cheangal ar an údarás freagarthach obair phuiblí do dhéanamh d'fhéadfadh an t-údarás freagarthach san do dhéanamh go dleathach fé aon achtachán seachas an tAcht so ní bheidh aon chúiteamh iníoctha fén Acht so mar gheall ar an údarás freagarthach san do dhéanamh na hoibre sin agus, chun breith do thabhairt ar an gceart (más ann do) chun cúitimh mar gheall ar an obair sin do dhéanamh agus chun an chúitimh sin (más ann do) do mheas agus d'íoc, tuigfear gur fén achtachán eile sin do rinneadh an obair sin.


Toirmeasc ar chúiteamh má dearbhuítear le scéim phleanála gan aon chúiteamh do bheith iníoctha.

69.—Ní bheidh éinne i dteideal, fén gCuid seo den Acht so, an t-údarás freagarthach d'íoc aon chúitimh leis i gcás an fhoráil sa scéim phleanála go mbeadh an cúiteamh san iníoctha mar gheall uirthi mara mbeadh an t-alt so do bheith ina foráil go ndearbhuítear leis an scéim sin ina taobh ná beidh aon chúiteamh iníoctha fén Acht so alos no de dhruim an fhoráil sin d'fheidhmiú.


Toirmeasc ar chúiteamh i gcásanna áirithe.

70.—Beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir leis an gcúiteamh a bheidh, no do bheadh mara mbeadh an t-alt so, iníoctha le héinne fén Acht so no fé aon Acht eile alos no de bhíthin éinní bheidh i scéim phleanála no déanfar fúithi, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ní bheidh aon chúiteamh den tsórt san iníoctha alos aon déanmhais gur tosnuíodh ar é do chur suas tar éis an dáta oiriúnaigh maran fé chead speisialta agus dá réir no fé chead ghenerálta agus dá réir do tosnuíodh ar é do chur suas;


(b) nuair a beifear ag meas aon chúitimh den tsórt san alos aon deánmhais ní háirmheofar aon obair ar an déanmhas san no maidir léi do tosnuíodh tar éis an dáta oiriúnaigh ná ní lomhálfar cúiteamh alos na hoibre sin maran fé chead speisialta agus dá réir no fé chead ghenerálta agus dá réir do tosnuíodh an obair sin;


(c) nuair a beifear ag meas cúitimh den tsórt san alos aon déanmhais ní háirmheofar aon chuid áirithe, d'aon obair ar an déanmhas san no maidir léi, do rinneadh contrárdha do thoirmeasc speisialta ná ní lomhálfar aon chúiteamh alos na coda san.


Toirmeasc ar chúiteamh dhúbalta.

71.—I gcás ina mbeadh duine, mara mbeadh an t-alt so, i dteideal cúitimh fén Acht so alos éinní no aon ruda agus fós i dteideal cúitimh fé aon achtachán eile alos an ní no an ruda chéanna ní bheidh sé i dteideal cúitimh alos an ní no an ruda san fén Acht so agus fén achtachán eile sin agus ní bheidh sé i dteideal aon mhéid cúitimh fén Acht so alos an ní no an ruda san is mó ná méid an chúitimh go mbeadh sé ina theideal fén achtachán eile sin alos an ní no an ruda san.


Iocaíocht as feabhsú.

72.—(1) Pé uair a méadófar luach aon mhaoine tré aon fhoráil i scéim phleanála do theacht i ngníomh no tré n-a foirfheidhmiú no tríd an údarás áitiúil do dhéanamh aon oibre do réir aon fhorála den tsórt san dlighfidh gach éinne go n-estát no go leas aige sa mhaoin sin suim (dá ngairmtear íocaíocht as feabhsú san Acht so) is có-ionann le trí cheathrú den mhéid (más aon mhéid é) do meáduíodh amhlaidh luach estáit no leasa an duine sin sa mhaoin sin d'íoc leis an údarás freagarthach ar n-a iarraidh sin air don údarás fhreagarthach.


(2) Isé am a déanfar gach iarratas o údarás fhreagarthach ar so ar íocaíocht as feabhsú déanfaidh an t-údarás san, laistigh de phleanála do theacht i ngníomh no d'fhoirfheidhmiú, laistigh de bhliain (no laistigh de pé tréimhse, níos sia ná san, a socrófar leis an scéim phleanála san) tar éis na forála san do theacht i ngníomh no d'fhoirfheidhmiú (pe'ca aca é) no, i gcás éilimh alos oibre do dhéanamh, laistigh de bhliain (no de pé tréimhse, níos sia ná san, a socrófar leis an scéim phleanála san) tar éis na hoibre sin do chríochnú.


(3) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh údarás freagarthach iarratas fén alt so ar íocaíocht as feabhsú déanfaidh an t-údarás san, laistigh de sheachtain tar éis an iarratais sin do dhéanamh, na mion-innste orduithe i dtaobh an iarratais sin d'iontráil sa chlár agus, mara ndeinidh an t-údarás freagarthach san na mion-innste sin d'iontráil amhlaidh, beidh an t-iarratas san i gceann na seachtaine sin gan brí gan éifeacht agus tuigfear é do bheith amhlaidh riamh.


Méid na híocaíochta as feabhsú d'áireamh.

73.—(1) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo isé slí ina n-áirmheofar méid íocaíochta as feabhsú ná do réir an méid is fiú an mhaoin, gur maidir léi bheidh an íocaíocht san á héileamh, an tráth iarrfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach an íocaíocht san.


(2) Einne ar a n-iarrfaidh údarás freagarthach íocaíocht as feabhsú (ar aon tslí seachas de bhuadh na bhforálacha ina dhiaidh seo den alt so) féadfa sé, tré fhógra do sheirbheáil ar an údarás freagarthach san laistigh d'ocht lá fichead tar éis an iarratais sin de dhéanamh, a chur mar cheangal go n-áirmheofar méid na híocaíochta san as feabhsú ar an bhforas go bhfuil cosc buan éifeachtúil ann i gcaoi ná féadfar go dleathach an mhaoin, gur maidir léi bheidh an iocaíocht san as feabhsú á hiarraidh amhlaidh, d'úsáid ach chun na gcrícheanna chun a raibh agus sa tslí ina raibh an mhaoin sin dá húsáid ar dháta an iarratais sin ar íocaíocht as feabhsú.


(3) Nuair a bheidh ceangal den tsórt a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so déanta go cuibhe áirmheofar do réir an cheangail sin méid na híocaíochta as feabhsú le n-a mbaineann an ceangal san.


(4) Nuair a déanfar méid íocaíochta as feabhsú d'áireamh do réir cheangail fé sna forálacha san roimhe seo den alt so agus a déanfar, laistigh de cheithre bliana déag tar éis dáta iarrtha na híocaíochta san as feabhsú, an mhaoin dob abhar don iarratas san no aon chuid den mhaoin sin do dhíol no do léasú no do chur ar cíos fé aon tsaghas tionóntachta ar feadh aon téarma nách giorra ná dhá bhliain no í d'úsáid chun críche no i slí go mbeidh deifríocht mhaith mhór idir í agus an chríoch chun a raibh no an tslí ina raibh sí á húsáid ar dháta an iarratais sin, beidh an t-údarás freagarthach i dteideal íocaíocht as feabhsú d'iarraidh fén Acht so ar an té do rinne an ceangal san no ar éinne eile chun ar thuit an mhaoin sin no an chuid sin di (pe'ca aca é) tré oibriú dlí, no í d'fháil uaidh no do bhaint de fén Acht so, agus an íocaíocht san ar n-a háireamh do réir an méid is fiú an mhaoin sin no an chuid sin di ar dháta an iarratais deiridh sin a luaidhtear agus ar an bhforas ná fuil aon chosc speisialta den tsórt a luaidhtear sa cheangal san ar an maoin no ar an gcuid sin di d'úsáid ach go lomháil chuibhe (fé mar is gá sa chás) in aghaidh na híocaíochta as feabhsú (más aon cheann é) a bheidh déanta cheana maidir leis an maoin sin no in aghaidh ceart-chionúireachta den íocaíocht san as feabhsú (más ann cheann é).


(5) Isé am a dhéanfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach gach iarratas fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so ar íocaíocht as feabhsú ar n-a háireamh do réir an fho-ailt sin ná laistigh de bhliain (no laistigh de pé tréimhse, níos sia ná san, a ceadófar leis an scéim phleanála) tar éis na maoine no na coda dhi gur maidir léi bheidh an t-iarratas san á dhéanamh do dhíol no do léasú no do chur ar cíos no tar éis tosnú ar í d'úsáid i slí go mbeidh an t-údarás freagarthach i dteideal an t-iarratas san do dhéanamh.


(6) I gcás gnóthaire reachtúil do dhéanamh ceangail fé sna forálacha san roimhe seo den alt so maidir le maoin a bheidh ar seilbh aige, ansan faid a leanfaidh an mhaoin sin de bheith ar seilbh ag an ngnóthaire reachtúil sin agus a bheidh sí á húsáid aige chun crícheanna ghnótha no chun aon chríche acu ní tuigfear an mhaoin sin do bheith á húsáid chun críche ná i slí go bhfuil deifríocht mhaith mhór do réir bhrí an ailt seo idir í agus an chríoch chun a raibh sí no an tslí ina raibh sí á húsáid ar dháta an iarratais ar íocaíocht as feabhsú gur maidir léi do rinneadh an ceangal san amhlaidh.


(7) Déanfaidh gach údarás freagarthach na mion-innste orduithe i dtaobh gach ceangail den tsórt san d'iontráil sa chlár agus ní bheid i dteideal aon íocaíochta eile as feabhsú fé fho-alt (4) den alt so maidir le haon mhaoin mara ndeintear na mioninnste sin i dtaobh an cheangail sin maidir leis an maoin sin d'iontráil amhlaidh sa chlár laistigh de sheachtain tar éis an cheangail sin do sheirbheáil.


(8) Pé uair a déanfar aon mhaoin is abhar do cheangal a bheidh iontráltha go cuibhe sa chlár do réir an fho-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt so no aon chuid den mhaoin sin do dhíol no do léasú ar feadh aon téarma no do chur ar cíos fé aon tsaghas tionóntachta no í d'úsáid chun críche no i slí go mbeidh deifríocht mhaith mhór idir í agus an chríoch chun a raibh sí no an tslí ina raibh sí á húsáid ar dháta an iarratais ba thrúig le seirbheáil an cheangail sin, agus san laistigh de cheithre bliana déag tar éis dáta an iarratais sin, beidh sé de dhualgas ar neach déanta an iarratais sin, no ar éinne eile chun ar thuit an mhaoin sin no an chuid sin di tré oibriú dlí, fógra i scríbhinn do sheirbheáil ar an údarás freagarthach ag á mbeidh an ceangal san iontrálta sa chlár san amhlaidh i dtaobh an díola, an léasuithe, an churtha-ar-cíos, no an aithearraigh úsáide sin (pe'ca aca é) laistigh de cheithre lá déag tar éis é do thárlachtaint, agus má theipeann air san do dhéanamh amhlaidh beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air maraon le fíneáil bhreise ná raghaidh thar púnt in aghaidh gach lae leanfaidh an teip sin.


Airgead a híocfar, mar íocaíocht as feabhsú, do chur chun críche.

74.—Airgead do gheobhaidh údarás freagarthach mar íocaíocht as feabhsú cuirfidh an t-údarás freagarthach san chun críche é do réir na bhforálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) sa mhéid gur íocaíocht as feabhsú, alos an t-údarás freagarthach san do dhéanamh oibre, an t-airgead san cuirfear an t-airgead san chun no mar chabhair chun íoctha na gcostaísí fé n-a ndeachaidh an t-údarás freagarthach san chun na hoibre sin do dhéanamh, agus an t-iarmhéid (más ann do) a bheidh fanta den airgead san tar éis no gcostaisí sin do ghlanadh cuirfear é chun glanta na gcostaisí fé n-a ndeachaidh an t-údarás freagarthach san chun na scéime pleanála go ndearnadh an obair sin dá réir do chur in éifeacht;


(b) sa mhéid gur íocaíocht as feabhsú, alos forála i scéim phleanála do theacht i ngníomh no d'fhoirfeidhmiú, an t-airgead san, cuirfear an t-airgead san chun no mar chabhair chun íoctha cúitimh is iníoctha ag an údarás freagarthach san alos na forála san do theacht i ngníomh do d'fhoirfheidhmiú, agus an t-iarrmhéid (más ann do) a bheidh fanta den airgead san tar éis an chúitimh sin d'íoc cuirfear é chun glanta na gcostaisí fé n-a ndeachaidh an t-údarás freagarthach san chun na scéime pleanála san do chur in éifeacht.


Eadrascán maidir le hiarrataisí ar chúiteamh no ar íocaíocht as feabhsú.

75.—(1) Gach iarratas a dhéanfaidh éinne á iarraidh go n-íocfadh an t-údarás cúiteamh fén gCuid seo den Acht so agus gach iarratas a dhéanfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach á iarraidh go n-íocfadh éinne íocaíocht as feabhsú déanfar, cheal có-aontuithe, breith do thabhairt air tré eadrascán fén Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, agus do réir an Achta san, fé mar tá san leasuithe leis an Acht chun Talamh do Thógaint (Coiste Réitigh), 1925 (Uimh. 22 de 1925), ar gach slí díreach fé is dá mba maidir le talamh do thógaint go héigeanta déanfaí an t-iarratas san agus fé is dá mba phraghas tailimh do tógfaí go héigeanta an cúiteamh san no an íocaíocht san as feabhsú agus beidh feidhm ag na hAchtanna san dá réir sin ach san fé réir na bhforálacha ina dhiaidh seo den alt so.


(2) Le linn aon eadrascáin fén alt so beidh dlighinse ag an eadrascánaí a chinneadh an bhfuil cúiteamh no íocaíocht as feabhsú iníoctha chor ar bith do réir chúrsaí an cháis a bheidh fé eadrascán agus má gheibheann an t-eadrascánaí sin go bhfuil an cúiteamh san no an íocaíocht san as feabhsú iníoctha beidh dlighinse aige a chinneadh cadé a mhéid agus (i gcás cúitimh) cé leis go bhfuil sé iníoctha agus (i gcás íocaíochta as feabhsú) cé aige go bhfuil sé iníoctha agus (in aon chás) cadé an tráth no cadiad na tráthanna a híocfar an cúiteamh no an íocaíocht san as feabhsú agus go sonnrách ce'ca in aon tsuim amháin no ina thráthchoda a híocfar é agus, más ina thráthchoda é, cad is líon, méid agus tráthanna íoctha do sna tráthchoda san agus cadé an socrú déanfar chun úis d'íoc ar an méid a bheidh de thurus na huaire gan glanadh gan íoc.


(3) Nuair a bheidh méid aon chúitimh no íocaíochta as feabhsú á chinneadh le linn eadrascáin fén alt so féachfaidh an t-eadrascánaí, i gcás cúitimh, d'aon ghealltanas do thug an t-údaras pleanála no an t-údarás freagarthach uatha agus, i gcás íocaíochta as feabhsú, d'aon ghealltanas do thug an duine ar a mbeidh an íocaíocht san as feabhsú á éileamh.


Cúiteamh is iníoctha ag an údarás freagarthach do bhaint amach.

76.—(1) Gach cúiteamh is iníoctha ag an údarás freagarthach fén gCuid seo den Acht so féadfar é do bhaint den údarás san mar fhiacha síbhialta in aon Chúirt dlighinse inniúla nuair a bheidh a mhéid socair tré chó-aontú no tré eadrascán do réir an Achta so agus gach costas agus caiteachas a bheidh ar pháirtithe in eadrascán chun méid aon chúitimh den tsórt san do shocrú féadfar, sa mhéid go mbeidh na costaisí agus na caiteachaisí sin iníoctha ag an údarás freagarthach, iad do bhaint den údarás san mar an gcéanna mar fhiacha síbhialta in aon Chúirt dlighinse inniúla.


(2) Ailt 69 go 79 den Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, mar atá san leasuithe no oiriúnuithe leis an Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Housing of the Working Classes Act, 1890, no fé, no le haon Acht eile no fé, beidh feidhm acu maidir le hairgead a foráltar leis an alt so do bheith ionbhainte amach mar fhiacha síbhialta fé is dá mba phraghas no cúiteamh fén Acht san, mar atá san leasuithe no oiriúnaithe amhlaidh, an t-airgead san.


(3) Má dheineann an t-údarás freagarthach airgead d'íoc isteach san Ard-Chúirt fé alt 69 den Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, mar a cuirtear i mbaint tríd an alt so é, ní bheidh aon chostaisí iníoctha ag an údarás freagarthach san le héinne alos aon imeachta chun an airgid sin do shuncáil, chun ioncuim d'íoc as, no chun a chaipitail d'íoc.


An t-údarás freagarthach do bhaint amach íocaíochta as feabhsú.

77.—Gach suim airgid is iníoctha leis an údarás freagarthach fén Acht so mar íocaíocht as feabhsú féadfaidh an t-údarás san í do bhaint amach mar fhiacha síbhialta in aon Chúirt dlighinse inniúla nuair a bheidh a méid socair tré chó-aontú no tré eadrascán do réir an Achta so agus fós tiocfa sí chun bheith agus beidh sí, ar dháta socruithe a méide amhlaidh agus as san amach, ina muirear ar an estát i maoin no ar an leas i maoin gur maidir leis a bheidh sí iníoctha.


Muirir ar mhaoin do chlárú agus d'fhoirfheidhmiú.

78.—(1) Pé uair a thiocfaidh aon tsuim airgid, de bhuadh an Achta so, chun bheith ina muirear ar aon talamh, déanmhas no maoin eile no ar aon estát no leas sa chéanna déanfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach na mion-innste orduithe i dtaobh an mhuirir sin d'iontráil sa chlár laistigh de mhí tar éis an dáta ar a dtiocfaidh an tsuim sin chun bheith ina muirear amhlaidh agus mara ndeinidh an t-údarás freagarthach san na mion-innste sin d'iontráil beidh an muirear san, i gcionn an mhí sin, agus tuigfear í do bheith riamh neamh-ionfhoirfheidhmithe ach beidh san gan dochar d'imeachta, i bhfuirm aicsin um fhiacha, chun na suime airgid sin do bhaint amach.


(2) Pé uair is deimhin leis an Aire, ar iarratas d'fháil ón údarás freagarthach, nách féidir aon mhuirear áirithe chuireann an tAcht so ar aon talamh, déanmhas no maoin eile no ar aon estát no leas sa chéanna d'fhoirfheidhmiú le himeachta dlí de bhíthin nea-chinnteachta maidir le húnaeracht na maoine sin no an estáit no an leasa san féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, comhacht do thabhairt don údarás fhreagarthach san an mhaoin no an t-estát inti no an leas inti dá ndeineann an muirear san deifir do dhíol.


(3) Ní dhéanfaidh an tAire aon ordú fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so mara ndeintear ná go dtí go ndéanfar fógra, i dtaobh é bheith beartuithe an t-ordú san do dhéanamh, d'fhoillsiú tré fhógrán aon uair amháin ar a laighead i ngach páipéar de dhá pháipéar nuachta léightear sa cheanntar ina mbeidh an mhaoin go mbeidh sé beartuithe baint do bheith ag an bhfógra san léi.


(4) Nuair a dhéanfaidh an tAire ordú fén alt so ag tabhairt comhachta don údarás fhreagarthach aon mhaoin no aon estát i maoin no leas i maoin do dhíol beidh sé dleathach don údarás san an mhaoin no an t-estát no an leas san do dhíol tré cheant phuiblí, tairisgint agus ceannach do dhéanamh ar an gceant sin, an t-airgead ceannaigh do ghlacadh agus an mhaoin no an t-estát no an leas san do leithliú go héifeachtúil chun an té cheannóidh é.


(5) Nuair a dhíolfaidh an t-údarás freagarthach aon mhaoin no aon estát i maoin no leas i maoin fén alt so coinneoidh an t-údarás san as an airgead ceannaigh, costaisí an díola san agus (chó fada is raghaidh an t-airgead ceannaigh sin) an t-airgead gur chun é do bhaint amach do rinneadh an díol san agus déanfaid an t-iarmhéid (más ann do) a bheidh fanta den airgead san d'íoc isteach san Ard-Chúirt fé alt 69 den Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, mar a bheidh san leasuithe no oiriúnaithe le haon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin no fé, amhail is dá mba phraghas no cúiteamh den tsórt a luaidhtear san alt san an t-iarmhéid sin agus leis sin beidh feidhm ag an alt san agus ag alt 70 den Acht san, mar a bheidh san leasuithe no oiriúnuithe amhlaidh, maidir leis an iarmhéid sin ach ní bheidh aon chostaisí iníoctha ag an údarás san le héinne alos aon imeachta chun an iarmhéide sin do shúncáil, chun ioncuim d'íoc as, no chun a chaipitail d'íoc.


Rialachain on Aire.

1. Na fógraí do bhéarfaidh an t-údarás pleanála agus na hamanta do bhéarfar no gur laistigh díobh do bhéarfar na fógraí sin agus, i gcás fógraí do dhaoine, na daoine dá dtabharfar agus an tslí ina dtabharfar na fógraí sin agus, i gcás fógraí don phuiblíocht, saghas na bhfógrán no na meán eile tré n-a ndéanfar na fógraí sin do thabhairt agus d'fhoillsiú.

2. Na scríbhinní (ar a n-áirmhítear mapaí agus pleananna) lóisteálfaidh an t-údarás pleanála, na háiteanna ina ndéanfar agus na hamanta déanfar no gur laistigh díobh a déanfar na scríbhinní sin do lóisteáil.

3. Daoine le n-a mbainid d'iniúchadh scríbhinní (ar a n-áirmhítear mapaí agus pleananna) lóisteálfar do réir na rialachán.

4. Na nithe luadhfar i scríbhinní áirithe no taisbeánfar ar mhapaí no ar phleananna áirithe agus an scála ar a dtarraiceofar aon mhapa no plean áirithe.

5. An tslí ina gcuirfear scéimeanna pleanála fé bhráid an Aire chun aontuithe leo.

6. Na scríbhinní agus an t-eolas do bhéarfaidh údarás pleanála don Aire chun go mbreithneodh sé scéim phleanála.

7. An tslí ina ndéanfar agus na hamanta déanfar no gur laistigh díobh a déanfar agóidí i gcoinnibh scéime pleanála do chur fé bhráid an údaráis phleanála no an Aire no cúis do phlé leo no leis ina taobh.

8. A chur in áirithe go gcó-oibreoidh an t-údarás pleanála le húnaerí maoine agus le daoine eile gur dócha go ndéanfaidh scéim phleanála deifir dóibh.

9. Chun a chur in áirithe d'údaráis áitiúla 'nar dócha go ndéanfaidh scéim phleanála deifir dóibh go bhfuighid, chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis rúin do rith chun scéime pleanála d'ullamhú, fógra i dtaobh an rúin sin do rith agus go dtabharfaidh an t-údarás pleanála cóip den scéim phleanála dhóibh sara leagfar fé bhráid an Aire í agus go mbeid i dteideal éisteacht d'fháil le linn aon fhiosrúcháin phuiblí déanfar i dtaobh scéime pleanála.

10. Chun a chur ar chumas údarásanna áitiúla agus údarásanna freagarthacha eolas d'fháil (in aisce no ar íoc) a theastóidh uatha chun na gcrícheanna bhaineann le scéimeanna pleanála no maidir le scéimeanna pleanála d'ullamhú, do cheapadh no do chur in éifeacht, tré leabhair rátaí agus scríbhinní eile den tsaghas san ná beidh ina gcoimeád d'iniúchadh no cóipeanna d'fháil asta.


Nithe Airithe go bhFeadfar le Sceimeanna Pleanala Socru do Dheanamh ina dTaobh.



1. An t-údarás freagarthach do dhéanamh bóithre nua, d'fheabhsú seana-bhóithre agus do bhunú cearta slí puiblí.

2. Seana-bhóithre agus cearta slí, puiblí agus príobháideach, do dhúnadh no do chlaonadh.

3. Srianadh agus rialú maidir leis an údarás freagarthach no le húnaerí príobháideacha do dhéanamh bóithre nua agus d'atharú seana-bhóithre.

4. Rialáil maidir le líne, le leithead, le leibhéal, le déanamh agus le tuisí agus cineál generálta bóithre nua no seana-bhóithre.

5. A chur ar chumas an údaráis fhreagarthaigh a cheangal ar únaer tailimh, mar choinníoll le hé d'fhorbairt an tailimh sin in aon tslí—

(a) bóithre nua do dhéanamh no seana-bhóithre d'fheabhsú, no

(b) rann-íoc do dhéanamh sa chostas a bhainfidh leis an údarás freagarthach do dhéanamh bóithre nua no d'fheabhsú seana-bhóithre.

6. An t-údarás freagarthach no únaerí príobháideacha do dhéanamh oibreacha bhainfidh le haon bhóthar do dhéanamh no d'fheabhsú, oibreacha ar a n-áirmhítear scáthlanna do thógáil, suidheacháin do chur ar fáil agus féar, crainn, no tuim do phlandáil agus do chosaint fan an bhóthair sin no le n-a ais, agus rialáil ghenerálta maidir leis na hoibreacha san do dhéanamh.


Foirginti agus Deanmhaisi eile.

1. Gach ní no éinní acu so leanas do rialáil agus do rialú go generálta no i líomatáistí áirithe, sé sin le rá:—

(a) méid, cineál, aoirde, spásáil, agus aghaidh-líne foirgintí agus déanmhaisí eile,

(b) na rudaí féadfar do cheangal de dhéanmhaisí.

(c) a mhéid a bheidh clóis, gáirdíní agus cúirt-mhaighe foirgintí agus déanmhaisí eile,

(d) na crícheanna chun a bhféadfar agus an tslí ina bhféadfar déanmhaisí d'úsáid no do shealbhú.

2. Crot, dath, agus abhair foirgintí agus déanmhaisí eile do rialáil agus do rialú no a chur ar chumas an údaráis fhreagarthaigh san do dhéanamh.

3. Aon talamh áirithe no an talamh uile in aon líomatáiste áirithe d'fhorcoimeád no do cheapadh do dhéanmhaisí de shaghas no de shaghsanna áirithe no toirmeasc no srianadh, buan no sealadach, do dhéanamh maidir le haon déanmhaisí no le haon tsaghas no saghsanna áirithe déanmhaisí do dhéanamh ar aon talamh áirithe.

4. Teora do chur leis an méid déanmhaisí no leis an méid déanmhaisí de shaghas áirithe féadfar do dhéanamh no do thógáil ar aon líomatáiste no ann no fé.

5. Déanmhaisí ná fuil do réir na scéime pleanála no chuireann bac ar a hoibriú do leagadh no d'atharú.



1. Tailte áirithe d'fhorcoimeád chun iad d'úsáid mar pháirceanna puiblí, faithchí imeartha, spásanna oscailte, no plásáin, no chun crícheanna áirithe eile, puiblí no príobháideach.

2. Radhairc agus taithneamhachtaí áiteanna agus airdheana go bhfuil áilneacht nádúrtha no suimiúlacht ag baint leo do bhuanchoimeád.

3. Déanmhaisí agus rudaí eile do bhuanchoimeád do bheadh inspéise o thaobh na healadhanachta, na hailtireachta, na hársaíochta, no na staire.

4. Foraoiseacha, coillte, crainn, tuim, plandaí agus bláthanna do bhuanchoimeád no do chaomhnadh.

5. Toirmeasc, srianadh, no rialú do dhéanamh, go generálta no in áiteanna áirithe, maidir le gach saghas no aon tsaghsanna áirithe fógrán no fógraí puiblí eile do thaisbeáint, pe'ca ar an talamh, ar aon déanmhas no ar aon tógáil shealadach é, no ar aon fheithicil, bád, no rud ionaistir eile (ar tír no ar uisce no in uisce) no san aer.

6. Cosc do chur le díobháil do thaithneamhachtaí de dheascaibh aon déanmhas do bheith imithe chun donais no leigthe i léig no de dheascaibh aon talamh atá ag dul le déanmhas no ar imeall bóthair i líomatáiste comhnathóireachta do bheith ar dhroch-staid no leigthe i léig, no an díobháil sin do leigheas no do chur ar ceal.

7. A chur ar chumas an údaráis fhreagarthaigh, le toiliú an Aire, rialacháin do dhéanamh chun cosc do chur le díobháil do thaithneamhachtaí de dheascaibh fothraim.


Seirbhisi Puibli.

An t-údarás freagarthach do ghabháil seirbhísí puiblí do láimh maidir le soláthar uisce, camraíocht, dréineáil, camraíocht do chur de láimh, agus salachar do chur de láimh no maidir le haon cheann díobh, no an t-údarás san d'fheabhsú no do leathnú na seirbhísí sin.


Iompar agus Conbharsaid.

1. A chur in usacht córuisí iompair, ar talamh no ar uisce no san aer, do bhunú no do leathnú no d'fheabhsú.

2. Láithreáin do dháiliú chun iad d'úsáid i gcúrsaí bhaineann le hiompar agus talamh d'fhorcoimeád chuige sin.

3. A chur in usacht conbharsáid phuist, thelegrafa agus thelefóna do bhunú no do leathnú no d'fheabhsú, láithreáin do dháiliú chun iad d'úsáid i gcúrsaí bhaineann leis an gconbharsáid sin agus talamh d'fhorcoimeád chuige sin ar iarratas agus le có-oibriú an Aire Puist agus Telegrafa.



1. A dhearbhú cé hiad na daoine íocfaidh agus cadé an tslí ina n-íocfar costas oibreacha do dhéanamh (pe'ca rud do dhéanamh, do leagadh, d'aistriú, no d'atharú a bheidh i gceist) do réir scéime pleanála.

2. Fé réir na rialachán a dhéanfaidh an tAire fén Acht so, a dhearbhú cadiad na fógraí sheirbheálfaidh an t-údarás freagar-thach chun crícheanna na scéime pleanála agus cé hiad na daoinear a seirbheálfar, cadé an tslí ina seirbheálfar agus cadiad nahamanta a seirbheálfar no gur laistigh díobh a seirbheálfar na fógraí sin.

3. Fé réir an Achta so agus na rialachán san, a dhearbhú cadé an tslí ina bhféadfaidh daoine eile agus cadiad na hamanta fhéadfaid no gur laistigh díobh fhéadfaid fógraí chun crícheanna na scéime pleanála do sheirbheáil ar an údarás freagarthach.

4. An t-údarás freagarthach do dhéanamh có-aontuithe chun crícheanna na scéime pleanála le húnaerí maoine agus le daoine eile agus na daoine sin do dhéanamh có-aontuithe den tsórt san le n-a chéile, agus na nithe sin do rialáil.