As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.


Uimhir 34 de 1925.




An ainm-liost d'iarrthóirí docheapa.

1.—(1) Roimh gach toghachán Seanaid ceapfidh an tUachtarán le hordú lá oiriúnach mar lá deiridh ar a bhféadfidh daoine ba bhaill de Sheanad Éireann aon uair a chur in úil do réir Airtiogal 33 den Bhunreacht gur mian leo go gcuirfí iad ar an ainm-liost d'iarrthóirí don toghachán san, agus i ndeire an lae a ceapadh amhlaidh tuigfar ceapa an ainm-liosta san do bheith críochnuithe.


(2) Gach ordú a dhéanfidh an tUachtarán fén alt so foillseofar é san Iris Oifigiúil chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta.


Laetheanta do cheapa do thoghachán an tSeanaid.

2.—Athghairmtear leis seo fo-alt (2) d'alt 46 den Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923) agus ina ionad san achtuítear leis seo go ndéanfidh an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí, le furógra, laistigh de choicíos tar éis ceapa an ainm-liosta d'iarrthóirí do thoghachán Seanaid do bheith críochnuithe, an lá ar a mbeidh an toghachán Seanaid sin do cheapa, agus an lá a ceapfar amhlaidh ní bheidh sé níos luatha ná seacht lá tar éis dáta an fhurógra san ná níos déanaí ná sé seachtaine tar éis ceapa an ainm-liosta d'iarrthóirí do bheith críochnuithe.


Fuirm na bpáipéirí ballóide.

3.—Ní bheidh sé riachtanach ainmneacha na n-iarrthóirí i dtoghachán Seanaid do chlóbhuala ar na páipéirí ballóide in aon cholún leanúnach amháin, agus ina ionad san, ach gan dul ón ord aibítre a horduítear leis an Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923), féadfar na hainmneacha san do shocrú ar na páipéirí ballóide i pé slí is dó leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí is fearr a chabhródh le marcáil agus le comhreamh.


Iarrthóir d'fháil bháis tar éis ceapa an ainm-liosta.

4.—(1) I gcomhreamh na vótanna a tugadh i dtoghachán Seanaid, gheobhfar thar gach rogha a breacadh d'iarrthóir a fuair bás tar éis ceapa an ainm-liosta agus roimh oscailt na vótaíochta agus ina ionad san tabharfar aire do sna céad roghna eile ar fáil.


(2) I gcomhreamh na vótanna a tugadh i dtoghachán Seanaid, tabharfar aire chuibhe do sna roghna a breacadh d'iarrthóirí a gheobhaidh bás tar éis oscailt na vótaíochta agus sara mbeidh comhreamh na vótanna san críochnuithe ag Ceann Comhrimh an tSeanaid agus, más gá é agus sa mhéid gur gá é do réir na roghna san, tuigfar na hiarrthóirí sin do bheith tofa do réir brí an Tríú Sceidil a ghabhann leis an Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923) ach ní níos mó ná san ná in aon tslí eile.


(3) Leanfar de sna vótanna a tugadh i dtoghachán Seanaid do chomhreamh go dtí gur có-ionann leis an méid folúntaisí atá le líona an méid iarrthóirí a tuigfar a bheith tofa, do réir brí an Tríú Sceidil a ghabhann leis an Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923), tar éis na hiarrthóirí sin (más ann dóibh) a fuair bás mar a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo do ghearra amach, agus na hiarrthóirí sin a tuigfar amhlaidh a bheith tofa agus ná fuair bás amhlaidh isiad amháin a bheidh tofa agus a tuairisceofar a bheith tofa agus is ina n-ord ceart féin, gan na hiarrthóirí a fuair bás amhlaidh do bhac, a bheid tofa amhlaidh agus a tuairisceofar iad amhlaidh.


Rialacha chun ord toghacháin do dhéanamh amach.

5.—Na hiarrthóirí a fuarthas a bheith tofa tar éis comhreamh na vótanna i dtoghachán Seanaid, is san ord a déanfar amach do réir na rialacha so a leanas a bheid tofa agus a tuairisceofar iad do bheith tofa, sé sin le rá:—


(a) iarrthóirí gurb ionann agus an quota no gur mó ná an quota an méid vótanna a cuireadh ina leith beid tofa san ord in ar haistríodh a mbarrachaisí fé seach no ina n-aistreofaí iad mara mbeadh clás (5) de riail 6 den Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923);


(b) iarrthóir gurb ionann agus an quota agus nách mó ná an quota an méid vótanna a cuireadh ina leith tuigfar an barrachas ba lú do bheith aige sa chomhreamh ina bhfuair sé a quota;


(c) más ionann barrachaisí beirt iarrthóirí no níos mó agus nách gá fén Tríú Sceideal san iad d'aistriú, tuigfar gurb é barrachas an iarrthóra is mó gur cuireadh bunvótanna ina leith an barrachas is mó;


(d) i gcásanna le n-a mbaineann an chéad riail sin roimhe seo má bhíonn ionannas bun-vótanna idir bheirt iarrthóirí no níos mó tabharfar aire don líon iomlán de vótanna a cuireadh i leith na n-iarrthóirí sin fé seach sa chéad chomhreamh ina raibh neamh-ionannas vótanna eatorra agus tuigfar gurb é barrachas an iarrthóra ba mhó vótanna sa chomhreamh san an barrachas is mó, agus i gcás ionannas vótanna do bheith curtha i leith na n-iarrthóirí sin i ngach comhreamh cinnfidh Ceann Comhrimh an tSeanaid le chrannchur cadé an t-ord ina bhfuil na hiarrthóirí sin tofa;


(e) i gcás iarrthóirí a tuigfar a bheith tofa fé fhorálacha riail 9 den Tríú Sceideal san isé is ord toghacháin dóibh ná ord méid na vótanna a cuireadh ina leith fé seach, ag tosnú leis an méid is mó, agus i gcás ionannas idir aon mhéideanna den tsórt san socrófar an t-ord idir na hiarrthóirí sin fé sna rialacha san roimhe seo fé is dá mba bharrachaisí na méideanna san;


(f) ní bhainfidh clás (3) de riail 9 den Tríú Sceideal san le comhreamh na vótanna i dtoghachán Seanaid;


(g) bainfidh riail 12 den Tríú Sceideal san leis na rialacha san roimhe seo fé mar a bhaineann sí leis na rialacha atá sa sceideal san.


Gearr-theideal agus léiriú.

6.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Toghacháin (Toghacháin an tSeanaid), 1925, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Léireofar an tAcht so mar éinní amháin leis an Acht Timpeal Toghachán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923).



Number 34 of 1925.






Formation of the panel of candidates.


Appointment of days of Seanad election.


Form of ballot papers.


Death of candidate after formation of panel.


Rules for determining order of election.


Short title and construction.

Act Referred to

Electoral Act, 1923

No. 12 of 1923


Number 34 of 1925.



Formation of the panel of candidates.

1.—(1) Before every Seanad election the President shall by order appoint a convenient day to be the last day on which persons who have at any time been members of Seanad Eireann may signify pursuant to Article 33 of the Constitution, their desire to be included in the panel of candidates for that election, and at the conclusion of the day so appointed the formation of the said panel shall be deemed to have been completed.


(2) Every order made by the President under this section shall be published in the Iris Oifigiúil as soon as may be after it is made.


Appointment of days of Seanad election.

2.—Sub-section (2) of section 46 of the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923) is hereby repealed and in lieu thereof it is hereby enacted that the Minister for Local Government and Public Health shall within one fortnight after the completion of the formation of the panel of candidates for a Seanad election appoint by proclamation the day on which such Seanad election shall take place, and the day so appointed shall be not less than seven days after the date of such proclamation and not more than six weeks after the completion of the formation of the panel of candidates.


Form of ballot papers.

3.—It shall not be obligatory for the names of candidates at a Seanad election to be printed on the ballot papers in one continuous column, and in lieu thereof, but without departing from the alphabetical order prescribed by the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923), such names may be arranged on the ballot papers in such manner as in the opinion of the Minister for Local Government and Public Health is best calculated to facilitate marking and counting.


Death of candidate after formation of panel.

4.—(1) In the counting of the votes cast at a Seanad election all the preferences recorded for a candidate who has died after the formation of the panel and before the opening of the poll shall be disregarded and regard shall be had in lieu thereof to the next available preferences.


(2) In the counting of the votes cast at a Seanad election, dueregard shall be had to the preferences recorded for candidates who die after the opening of the poll and before the completion of the counting of such votes by the Seanad Returning Officer and, if and so far as such preferences so require, such candidates shall be deemed to be elected within the meaning of the Third Schedule to the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923) but no further or otherwise.


(3) The counting of the votes cast at a Seanad election shall be continued until the number of candidates deemed to be elected within the meaning of the Third Schedule to the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923) excluding those candidates (if any) who have died as mentioned in the foregoing sub-section is equal to the number of vacancies to be filled, and those candidates who are so deemed to have been elected and have not so died shall alone be and be returned as having been elected and shall be so elected and returned in their proper order without regard to the candidates who have so died.


Rules for determining order of election.

5.—At a Seanad election the candidates who are found on the counting of the votes to be elected shall be and be returned as having been elected in the order ascertained according to the following rules, that is to say:—


(a) candidates credited with a number of votes equal to or greater than the quota shall be elected in the order in which their respective surpluses were transferred or would have been transferred but for clause (5) of rule 6 of the Third Schedule to the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923);


(b) a candidate credited with votes equal to and not greater than the quota shall be regarded as having had the smallest surplus at the count at which he obtained his quota;


(c) where the surpluses of two or more candidates are equal and under the said Third Schedule need not be transferred, the surplus of the candidate credited with the greatest number of original votes shall be deemed the largest;


(d) where, in cases within the next preceding rule, the numbers of original votes of two or more candidates are equal, regard shall be had to the total number of votes credited to such candidates respectively at the first count at which they had an unequal number of votes and the surplus of the candidate with the greatest number of votes at that count shall be deemed the largest, and where the number of votes credited to such candidates was equal at all counts the Seanad Returning Officer shall determine by lot the order in which such candidates are elected;


(e) in the case of candidates who are deemed to be elected under the provisions of rule 9 of the said Third Schedule, the order of election shall be the order of magnitude of the numbers of votes credited to them respectively beginning with the largest, and where any such numbers are equal the order shall be determined between such candidates under the foregoing rules as if such numbers were surpluses;


(f) clause (3) of rule 9 of the said Third Schedule shall not apply to the counting of the votes at a Seanad election;


(g) rule 12 of the said Third Schedule shall apply to the foregoing rules in like manner as it applies to the rules contained in that schedule.


Short title and construction,

6.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Electoral (Seanad Elections) Act, 1925.


(2) This Act shall be construed as, one with the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923).