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Number 38 of 1924.
Act Referred to | |
No. 30 of 1923 |
Number 38 of 1924.
Continuance of the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923.
1.—The Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 30 of 1923) (hereinafter referred to as the Principal Act) shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, continue in force until the 31st day of March, 1925, and shall then expire.
Amendment of the Principal Act.
2.—The words “member of the Dublin Metropolitan Police or of the Gárda Síochána” shall be substituted for the word “constable” wherever that word occurs in the Principal Act.
Amendment of section 3 of the Principal Act.
3.—Section 3 of the Principal Act (which defines the meaning of certain words and expressions used in the Principal Act) shall be and is hereby amended as follows:—
(a) In paragraph (3) the words “the Military defence forces to be raised under Part 1 of this Act” shall be substituted for the words “the armed forces to be raised under this Act;”
(b) Paragraph (25) shall be deleted;
(c) In paragraph (26) the words “Gárda Síochána” shall be substituted for the words “Civic Guard.”
Amendment of section 4 of the Principal Act.
4.—In section 4 of the Principal Act (which relates to the raising and number of the Defence Forces) the words “raise, train, equip, arm, pay and maintain a military defence force” shall be substituted for the words. “raise and maintain an armed force.”
Amendment of section 6 of the Principal Act.
5.—Sub-section (2) of section 6 of the Principal Act shall have effect as though the words “and allowances, (including conditions applicable thereto)” were inserted therein after the word “pay.”
Amendment of section 9 of the Principal Act.
6.—Section 9 of the Principal Act (which relates to the non-commissioned ranks in the Forces) shall be and is hereby amended by the substitution of the following paragraphs for paragraphs (a) and (b) of that section, that is to say:—
“(a) Non-commissioned officers—
(1) Sergeant-Major;
(2) Battalion Quartermaster-Sergeant;
(3) Company-Sergeant;
(4) Company-Quartermaster-Sergeant;
(5) Sergeant;
(6) Corporal.
(b) Men—
(7) Private.”
Amendment of section 10 of the Principal Act.
7.—Section 10 of the Principal Act (which relates to the granting of commissions) shall be and is hereby amended by the addition thereto of the following sub-section:—
“(2) Where a person holding appointment as an officer in the National Forces at the date of the Proclamation mentioned in section 22 of this Act is appointed to commissioned rank in the Forces, such person may, in the event of his failing to pass the qualifying tests prescribed for the rank mentioned in his commission, be reduced by the Minister from that rank to the highest commissioned rank for which he passes the prescribed qualifying tests.”
Promotions and reductions.
8.—The following two sections shall be inserted in the Principal Act after section 11 thereof:—
“11A. The Minister may from time to time promote officers and soldiers of the Forces in accordance with regulations to be made by him.”
“11B. The Minister or any officer duly authorised by him in that behalf may reduce a non-commissioned officer to a lower non-commissioned rank or to the ranks.”
Oath to be taken by soldiers.
9.—The form of oath or declaration to be taken or made pursuant to section 21 of the Principal Act shall be as follows in lieu of the form of oath or declaration set out in the Second Schedule to the Principal Act, that is to say:—
“I, do solemnly swear (or declare) that I have this day freely and voluntarily enlisted as a soldier in Oglaigh na hEireann; that I will faithfully serve as such for the period of, from the day of, 19 (unless sooner discharged by proper authority) and under the conditions prescribed in accordance with law; and I will accept such pay, bounty, rations and clothing as may from time to time be prescribed in accordance with law.
And I do further solemnly swear (or declare) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to, and against all enemies whomsoever, defend, Saorstát Eireann and its Constitution as by law established and I will render good and true service and obedience to the Oireachtas and Government of Saorstát Eireann under the Constitution and that I will submit myself to discipline and obey without question the orders of the officers appointed over me according to law and further that I will not while I am a soldier in Oglaigh na hEireann join, or be a member of, or subscribe to, any political society or organisation whatsoever or any secret society whatsoever.”
Oath to be taken by officers.
10.—The following section shall be inserted in the Principal Act after section 21 thereof:—
“21A.—(1) Every officer in the Forces shall, upon his appointment to be an officer in the Forces, take an oath or make a declaration, as the case may be, of fidelity, in the following form:—
“I, do solemnly and sincerely swear (or declare) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to, and against all enemies whomsoever, defend, Saorstát Eireann and its Constitution as by law established, and that I will render good and true service and obedience to the Oireachtas and Government of Saorstát Eireann under the Constitution, and that I will observe and obey without question, such orders and directions as I shall from time to time receive from any of my superior officers, according to law; and further, that I will not, while I am an officer in Oglaigh na hEireann, join or be a member of or subscribe to any political society or organisation whatsoever, or any secret society whatsoever.”
(2) The oath or declaration of fidelity in the last preceding sub-section set forth, shall be taken or made and subscribed by each such officer in the presence of such officer as shall be nominated for that purpose by the Minister.
(3) Any officer of the Forces who declines or neglects to take the oath or the declaration aforesaid in the manner aforesaid, shall be deemed to have resigned his commission and appointment as an officer in the Forces.”
Employment of civilians.
11.—The following section shall be inserted in the Principal Act after section 30 thereof:—
“30A.—(1) The Minister may employ for duty with the Forces such numbers of civilians (male or female) as medical doctors, nurses, clerks, or in any other capacity as may be necessary.
(2) Civilians so employed shall serve under such conditions and at such rates of pay and allowances as may be prescribed.”
Amendment of section 31 of the Principal Act.
12.—The following paragraph shall be inserted in the Principal Act after paragraph (j) of section 31 of the Principal Act (which relates to the making of Regulations):—
“(jj) The uniforms to be worn by members of the Forces.”
Amendment of section 44 of the Principal Act.
13.—Section 44 of the Principal Act (which relates to the offence of fraudulent enlistment) shall have effect as though the words “or such less punishment” were inserted therein after the words “to suffer imprisonment.”
Amendment of section 46 of the Principal Act.
14.—Section 46 of the Principal Act (which relates to the offence of scandalous conduct by an officer) shall have effect as though the words “or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned” were inserted therein after the words “dismissal with ignominy.”
Amendment of section 63 of the Principal Act.
15.—Section 63 of the Principal Act (which relates to the offence of ill-treating a soldier) shall have effect as though the words “person subject to military law as an” were inserted therein after the word “Every.”
Amendment of section 65 of the Principal Act.
16.—Section 65 of the Principal Act (which relates to the offence of withholding pay) shall have effect as though the words “person subject to military law as an” were inserted therein after the word “Every.”
Provost Marshal and Military Police.
17.—The following section shall be inserted in the Principal Act after section 75 thereof:—
“75A. (1) For the prompt repression of all offences a provost marshal of commissioned rank with assistants of commissioned rank may from time to time be appointed.
(2) A provost marshal or his assistants may at any time arrest and detain for trial any persons subject to military law (even though of higher or equal rank) committing offences against this Act, and may also carry into execution any punishments to be inflicted in pursuance of the sentence of a court martial.
(3) A non-commissioned officer belonging to the military police may at any time arrest and detain for trial any soldier (even though of higher or equal rank) committing an offence against this Act.”
Amendment of section 78 of the Principal Act.
18.—Section 78 of the Principal Act (which relates to charges against an officer below the rank of commandant which may be summarily dealt with) shall be and is hereby amended as follows:—
The words “Where a person subject to Military Law, as an officer being an officer below the rank of commandant, is charged with an offence against this Act in this section mentioned, the charge may be summarily dealt with in the manner hereinafter provided” shall be substituted for the words “Where an officer below the rank of commandant is charged with an offence in this section mentioned, the charge may be summarily dealt with in the manner hereinafter mentioned.”
Amendment of section 79 of the Principal Act.
19.—The following section shall be substituted for section 79 of the Principal Act:—
“79.—Where an officer, to whom section 78 of this Act applies, is charged with any of the offences mentioned in section 78 of this Act, the prescribed officer may, if satisfied as to the guilt of the accused and subject to the provisions of section 84 of this Act, summarily award any one or more of the following punishments:—
(1) Fine not exceeding £5.
(2) Severe reprimand or reprimand”
Amendment of section 80 of the Principal Act.
20.—Section 80 of the Principal Act (which relates to charges against a soldier which may be summarily dealt with) shall be and is hereby amended as follows:—
The words “Where a person subject to military law as a non-commissioned officer or private soldier is charged with an offence against this Act in this section mentioned, the charge may be summarily dealt with in the manner hereinafter provided” shall be substituted for the words “When a non-commissioned officer or private soldier is charged with any of the offences mentioned in this section the charge may be summarily dealt with in the manner hereinafter provided”
Amendment of section 81 of the Principal Act.
21.—The following section shall be substituted for section 81 of the Principal Act:—
“81.—(1) Where a non-commissioned officer is charged with any of the offences mentioned in section 80 of this Act, the commanding officer of the accused may, if satisfied as to the guilt of the accused and subject to the provisions of section 85 of this Act, summarily award one and one only (save as provided by paragraph (vi) of this sub-section) of the punishments following:—
(i) In the case of offences other than drunkenness, fine not exceeding £3;
(ii) Fines in cases of drunkenness not on duty as follows:—
First offence not exceeding 10s.;
Second offence not exceeding 20s.;
Third and every subsequent offence not exceeding 40s.;
(iii) Deprivation of acting rank;
(iv) Severe reprimand;
(v) Reprimand;
(vi) In addition to or without any other punishment, any deduction from pay authorised by this Act to be made by a commanding officer pursuant to paragraph (c) of section 131 of this Act.
(2)—(a) For the purposes of this sub-section any punishment mentioned in sub-section (1) of this section shall be deemed to be less than any punishment preceding it in the same sub-section.
(b) When a commanding officer has awarded punishment or punishments in accordance with this section, the prescribed officer may mitigate or remit such punishment or punishments or commute or reduce such award for any less punishment or punishments to which the offender might have been sentenced by his commanding officer”
Amendment of section 82 of the Principal Act.
22.—The following section shall be substituted for section 82 of the Principal Act:—
“82.—(1) Where a private soldier is charged with any of the offences mentioned in section 80 of this Act, the commanding officer of the accused may, if satisfied as to the guilt of the accused, and subject to the provisions of section 86 of this Act, summarily award any of the following punishments:—
(i) Detention for a period not exceeding twenty-eight days; in cases of absence without leave for a period not exceeding seven days, detention shall not be awarded for a period exceeding seven days; where the absence exceeds seven days, detention may be awarded for a period equal to the period of absence without leave, but in no case for a period exceeding twenty-eight days;
(ii) In case of offences other than drunkenness fine not exceeding £2;
(iii) Fines in cases of drunkenness as follows:—
First offence, not exceeding 5s.;
Second offence, not exceeding 10s.;
Third and every subsequent offence, not exceeding 30s.;
(iv) Confinement to barracks for a period not exceeding 14 days;
(v) Extra guards and pickets:
(vi) Warning;
(vii) Any deduction from pay authorised by this Act to be made by a commanding officer pursuant to paragraph (c) of section 131 of this Act.
(2) A commanding officer in awarding punishment, may in a proper case, at the same time, sentence a private soldier to—
(a) Detention, fine for drunkenness and the deduction from pay mentioned in paragraph (vii) of sub-section (1) of this section; or
(b) Fine for drunkenness, confinement to barracks, and the deduction from pay mentioned in paragraph (vii) of sub-section (1) of this section; or
(c) The deduction from pay mentioned in paragraph (vii) of sub-section (1) of this section and any one of the other punishments mentioned in sub-section (1) of this section.
(3) No combination of punishments by a commanding officer shall be lawful save those mentioned in sub-section (2) of this section.
(4)—(a) For the purposes of this sub-section, any punishment mentioned in sub-section (1) of this section shall be deemed to be less than the punishment preceding it in the same sub-section.
(b) When a commanding officer has awarded any punishment or punishments in accordance with this section, the prescribed officer may mitigate or remit such punishment or punishments or commute or reduce such award for any less punishment or punishments to which the offender might have been sentenced by his commanding officer.”
Repeal of section 83 of the Principal Act.
23.—Section 83 of the Principal Act (which relates to the punishments which may be summarily awarded to a private soldier by a company commander) is hereby repealed.
Amendment of Section 84 of the Principal Act.
24.—Section 84 of the Principal Act (which relates to the investigation of a charge against an officer) shall be and is hereby amended as follows:—
(a) At the end of sub-section (1) there shall be added the following words “or by some other officer appointed in that behalf by the Adjutant General.”
(b) The words “officer investigating the charge” shall be substituted for the words “commanding officer” where the same occur in sub-sections (2) and (3).
(c) The following sub-paragraph shall be substituted for sub-paragraph (ii) of paragraph (b) of sub-section (4):—
“(ii) If he considers the case is one which should be dealt with summarily he shall, where the finding involves an automatic forfeiture of pay under paragraph (a) of section 127 of this Act, or where he proposes to award a fine, first ask the officer charged whether he desires to be dealt with summarily or to be tried by court martial, and if the officer elects to be tried by court martial he shall remand him for trial by court martial, but otherwise shall proceed to deal summarily with the case.”
Amendment of section 85 of the Principal Act,
25.—The following section shall be substituted for section 85 of the Principal Act:—
“85.—(1) A charge against a non-commissioned officer shall in the first instance be investigated by his commanding officer who after such investigation shall proceed as follows:—
(a) If satisfied that there is no evidence disclosing an offence against this Act or if he considers the charge ought not to be proceeded with he shall dismiss the charge.
(b) If he does not dismiss the charge he shall proceed as follows:—
(i) If the offence is not one of those mentioned in section 80 of this Act, or, being one of the offences mentioned in section 80 of this Act, he considers the case is one which should be dealt with by court martial, he shall remand the accused for trial by court martial.
(ii) If he considers the case is one which should be dealt with summarily, he shall, where the finding involves an automatic forfeiture of pay under paragraphs (a) or (g) of section 128 of this Act or where he proposes to award a fine or a deduction from pay, first ask the non-commissioned officer charged whether he desires to be dealt with summarily or to be tried by court martial, and if the non-commissioned officer elects to be tried by court martial he shall remand him for trial by court martial, but otherwise shall proceed to deal summarily with the case.
(2) Where a non-commissioned officer has been charged with any of the offences mentioned in section 80 of this Act and has been remanded by his commanding officer for trial by court martial other than as a result of the accused electing to be tried by court martial, the officer having authority to convene such court martial may, if he consider it proper, return the case to the commanding officer with instructions to deal summarily with the case and thereupon such commanding officer shall re-hear the case and deal summarily with it subject to the provisions of this section.”
Amendment of section 86 of the Principal Act.
26.—The following section shall be substituted for section 86 of the Principal Act:—
“86.—(1) A charge against a private soldier shall, subject to the provisions of section 86A of this Act, in the first instance be investigated by his commanding officer, who after such investigation shall proceed as follows:—
(a) If he is satisfied that there is no evidence disclosing an offence against this Act or if he considers the charge ought not to be proceeded with, he shall dismiss the charge.
(b) If he does not dismiss the charge he shall proceed as follows:—
I. (i) If the offence is one of those mentioned in section 80 of this Act and if he considers the offence is one which should be dealt with by court martial, he shall remand the accused for trial by court martial.
(ii) If the offence is one of those mentioned in section 80 of this Act and he considers the case is one which should be dealt with summarily, he shall, where the finding or award which he proposes to make involves an automatic forfeiture of pay under paragraphs (a) (d) (f) or (g) of section 128 of this Act, or where he proposes to award a fine or a deduction from pay, first ask the private soldier charged whether he desires to be dealt with summarily or to be tried by court martial, and if the private soldier elects to be tried by court martial he shall remand him for trial by court martial but otherwise shall proceed to deal summarily with the case.
II. (i) If the offence is not one of those mentioned in section 80 of this Act and he considers the case is one which should not be dealt with by court martial, he shall apply to the prescribed officer for authority to deal with the case in the same manner as if the offence had been one of those mentioned in section 80 of this Act and on receiving such authority from such prescribed officer (who is hereby empowered to grant such authority if he thinks fit) he shall deal summarily with the case but subject to the provisions of this section as regards the accused's right to elect to be tried by court martial. In the event of such authority being withheld he shall remand the accused for trial by court martial.
(ii) If the offence is not one of those mentioned in section 80 of this Act and he does not apply for authority to deal with the case summarily, he shall remand the accused for trial by court martial.
(2) Where a private soldier has been charged with an offence against this Act and has been remanded by his commanding officer for trial by court martial other than as the result of the accused electing to be tried by court martial, the officer having power to convene such court martial may, if he consider it proper, return the case to the commanding officer with instructions to deal summarily with the case and thereupon such commanding officer shall re-hear the case and deal summarily with it subject to the provisions of this section.”
Summary disposition of a charge against a private soldier by a subordinate officer.
27.—The following section shall be inserted in the Principal Act after section 86 thereof:—
“86A.—(1) A commanding officer may, in accordance with regulations to be made by the Minister in this behalf, authorise an officer serving under him (hereinafter referred to as a subordinate officer) to investigate and, subject as is in this section mentioned, to deal summarily with charges against private soldiers.
(2) Where a private soldier is charged with any of the offences mentioned in section 80 of this Act, such subordinate officer may, if duly authorised as aforesaid and if satisfied as to the guilt of the accused, summarily award, subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) of this section, one and one only of the following punishments:—
(i) Fines in cases of drunkenness as follows:—
First offence, not exceeding 2/6;
Second offence, not exceeding 5/-;
Third offence and every subsequent offence not exceeding 10/-;
(ii) Confinement to barracks for a period not exceeding seven days;
(iii) Extra guards and pickets;
(iv) Warning.
(3) Where a subordinate officer is duly authorised as aforesaid the procedure on investigation shall be as follows:—
(a) if upon investigation of the charge such subordinate officer is satisfied that there is no evidence disclosing an offence against this Act, he shall dismiss the charge;
(b) if he does not dismiss the charge after investigation he shall proceed as follows:—
(i) if the offence is one of those mentioned in section 80 of this Act and he considers the case one which should be dealt with by him summarily, he shall, in every case where the finding involves an automatic forfeiture of pay under paragraphs (a) or (g) of section 128 of this Act, or where he proposes to award a fine, first ask the accused whether he elects to be dealt with summarily by him or to have the case referred to the commanding officer and if the accused elects to have the case referred to the commanding officer he shall refer the case to the commanding officer who shall deal with the case in the manner mentioned in section 86 of this Act as if the case had in the first instance come before such commanding officer for investigation, but otherwise such subordinate officer shall proceed to deal summarily with the case;
(ii) if the offence is not one of those mentioned in section 80 of this Act or, being one of those offences, he considers the case is one which should not be dealt with summarily by him, he shall refer the case to the commanding officer, who shall deal with the case in the manner mentioned in section 86 of this Act as if the case had in the first instance come before such commanding officer for investigation.”
Amendment of section 87 of the Principal Act.
28.—At the end of section 87 of the Principal Act there shall be added the following words “and the oath or declaration to be made by such witness shall be in the same form as that to be administered to a witness before a court martial.”
Non-compliance with sections 84, 85, 86, 86A, or 87 of the Principal Act not to oust the jurisdiction of a court martial.
29.—The following section shall be inserted in the Principal Act after section 87 thereof:—
“87A.—Where a person subject to military law has been remanded for trial by court martial by an officer having power so to remand him, and a court martial has been convened for the trial of such person, the jurisdiction of a court martial to try such person shall not be ousted by reason only of the non-compliance with sections 84, 85, 86, 86A, or 87 of this Act or any of those sections, but nothing herein contained shall remove the responsibility of an officer for contravention of any of the provisions of any of the said sections.”
Power to order accused for trial without prescribed preliminary investigation.
30.—The following section shall be inserted in the Principal Act after section 87A thereof:—
“87B.—An officer having authority to convene a court martial may, if satisfied that an offence or offences against this Act have been committed by a person subject to military law, order any person or persons subject to military law alleged to have committed such offence or offences to be tried by court martial without any previous investigation as prescribed by sections 84, 85, 86, 86A or 87 of this Act.”
Amendment of section 93 of the Principal Act.
31.—Paragraph (1) of section 93 of the Principal Act (which relates to disqualifications for membership of a court martial) shall have effect as though the words “an officer or” were inserted therein after the words “the trial of.”
Amendment of section 108 of the Principal Act.
32.—Sub-section (3) of section 108 of the Principal Act (which relates to the summoning and privilege of witnesses at courts martial) shall have effect as though the words “rules of procedure made under” were inserted therein after the words “summary of evidence in accordance with.”
Quashing of finding of a court martial.
33.—The following section shall be inserted in the Principal Act after section 116 thereof:—
“116A.—Where a finding of a court martial has been confirmed, the Minister may quash such finding.”
Amendment of section 126 of the Principal Act.
34.—Section 126 of the Principal Act (which relates to pay) shall have effect as though the words “by the Minister” were inserted therein after the words “to be made thereunder.”
Amendment of section 128 of the Principal Act.
35.—The following paragraph shall be inserted in the Principal Act after paragraph (f) of section 128 thereof:—
“(g) Whilst he is in hospital on account of sickness certified by the proper medical officer attending on him at hospital to have been caused by an offence against this Act committed by him and of which he has been found guilty by a court martial or a commanding officer.”
Amendment of section 129 of the Principal Act.
36.—The following section shall be substituted for section 129 of the Principal Act:—
“129.—For the purposes of sections 127 and 128 of this Act the Minister may by regulation or order from time to time declare what shall be deemed a day of absence, a day in custody, a day of imprisonment or detention, or a day in hospital so however that—
(a) no person shall be treated as absent, in custody, imprisoned, detained, or in hospital for the purposes aforesaid unless such absence, custody, imprisonment, detention, or stay in hospital has lasted six hours or upwards, except where the absence prevented the absentee from performing some military duty which was thereby thrown on some other person;
(b) a period of absence, a period in custody, a period of imprisonment or detention or a period in hospital which commences before and ends after midnight may be reckoned a day;
(c) the number of days shall be reckoned as from the time when the absence, custody, imprisonment, detention or stay in hospital commences;
(d) no period less than twenty-four hours shall be reckoned as more than one day.”
Amendment of section 130 of the Principal Act.
37.—Section 130 of the Principal Act (which relates to deductions from pay of officers) shall be and is hereby amended as follows:—
(a) The word “penal” shall be added after the words “The following” and the word “ordinary” shall be deleted.
(b) In paragraph (c) the words “or the prescribed officer under section 79 of this Act” shall be inserted after the words “fine awarded by a court martial.”
Amendment of section 131 of the Principal Act.
38.—Section 131 of the Principal Act (which relates to deductions from the pay of soldiers) shall be and is hereby amended as follows:—
(a) The word “penal” shall be added after the words “The following” and the word “ordinary” shall be deleted.
(b) Paragraph (a) is hereby repealed.
(c) In paragraph (e) the words “a subordinate officer under the powers contained in section 86A of this Act” shall be substituted for the words “company commander.”
Deductions from pay other than penal deductions.
39.—The following section shall be inserted in the Principal Act after section 131 thereof:—
“131A.—The Minister may by regulations provide for the making of deductions, other than penal deductions, from the pay due to an officer or soldier.”
Amendment of section 133 of the Principal Act.
40.—In section 133 of the Principal Act (which relates to deductions from pay) the word “ordinary” shall be deleted where it occurs.
Amendment of section 151 of the Principal Act.
41.—Section 151 of the Principal Act (which relates to the effect of appointment to a corps and provision for transfers) shall be and is hereby amended as follows:—
(a) In paragraph (1) the words “of the same arm or branch of the service” shall be deleted.
(b) In paragraph (3) the words “in an arm or branch” and the words “in the arm or branch” shall be deleted and the words “in the corps” substituted for the words “in the arm or branch.”
Amendment of section 208 of the Principal Act.
42.—Section 208 of the Principal Act (which relates to persons subject to military law as officers) shall be and is hereby amended as follows:—
For paragraph (1) there shall be substituted the following paragraph:—
“(1) All officers of the Forces.”
Short title and construction.
43.—This Act may be cited as the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (Continuance and Amendment) Act, 1924, and shall be construed as one with the Principal Act and that Act and this Act may be cited together as the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Acts, 1923 and 1924.
Uimhir 38 de 1924.
[1adh Lúnasa, 1924.]
An tAcht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923, do bhuanú.
1.—Leanfidh an tAcht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 30 de 1923) (dá ngairmtear an Príomh-Acht ina dhiaidh seo anso) i bhfeidhm, fé réir forálacha an Achta so, go dtí an 31adh lá de Mhárta, 1925, agus ragha sé in éag ansan.
Leasú ar an bPríomh-Acht.
2.—Cuirfar na focail “ball de Phóilíneacht Chathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath no den Ghárda Síochána” in ionad an fhocail “constábla” pé áit ina bhfuil an focal san sa Phríomh-Acht.
Leasú ar alt 3 den Phríomh-Acht.
3.—Déanfar alt 3 den Phríomh-Acht (ina bhfuil míniú ar fhocail agus abairtí áirithe a húsáidtear sa Phríomh-Acht) do leasú agus leasuítear leis seo é mar leanas:—
(a) I mír (3) cuirfar na focail “na fórsaí cosanta Mileata a tógfar fé Chuid I. den Acht so” in ionad na bhfocal “na fórsaí armtha a tógfar fén Acht so;”
(b) Scriosfar mír (25);
(c) I mír (26) cuirfar na focail “Gárda Síochána” in ionad na bhfocal “Civic Guard.”
Leasú ar alt 4 den Phríomh-Acht.
4.—In alt 4 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le tógáil agus uimhir na bhFórsaí Cosanta) cuirfar na focail “fórsa cosanta mileata do thógáil, do thréineáil, do ghléasa, d'armáil, d'íoc agus do choin neáil suas” in ionad na bhfocal “fórsa armtha do thógáil agus do choinneáil suas.”
Leasú ar alt 6 den Phríomh-Acht.
5.—Beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (2) d'alt 6 den Phríomh-Acht fé is dá gcuirtí na focail “agus liúntaisí (maraon le coiníollacha is ionchurtha i mbaint leo)” ann i ndiaidh an fhocail “págh.”
Leasú ar alt 9 den Phríomh-Acht.
6.—Déanfar alt 9 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le céimeanna nea-choimisiúnta sna Fórsaí) do leasú agus leasuítear leis seo é tríd na míreanna seo a leanas do chur in ionad míreanna (a) agus (b) den alt san, sé sin le rá:—
“(a) Oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta—
(1) Maor-Sháirsint;
(2) Ceathrú-Sháirsint Catha;
(3) Sáirsint Complachta;
(4) Ceathrú-Sháirsint Complachta;
(5) Sáirsint;
(6) Corporal.
(b) Fir—
(7) Saighdiúir.”
Leasú ar alt 10 den Phríomh-Acht.
7.—Déanfar alt 10 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le coimisiúin do dheona) do leasú agus leasuítear leis seo é tríd an fo-alt so a leanas do chur leis:—
“(2) Má dintar duine atá ceaptha mar oifigeach sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta ar dháta an Fhurógra a luaidhtear in alt 22 den Acht so a cheapa chun céim choimisiúnta sna Fórsaí, féadfidh an tAire, más rud é go dteipeann ar an duine sin sna tástála cáilíochta atá orduithe don chéim a luaidhtear ina choimisiún, é ísliú ón gcéim sin go dtí an chéim choimisiúnta is aoirde go n-éireoidh leis sna tástála cáilíochta atá orduithe ina cóir.”
Arduithe agus luíoduithe.
8.—Cuirfar an dá alt so a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht i ndiaidh alt 11 de:—
“11A. Féadfidh an tAire o am go ham oifigigh agus saighdiúirí de sna Fórsaí d'árdú do réir rialachán a dhéanfa sé féin.”
“11B. Féadfidh an tAire no aon oifigeach a údaróidh sé go cuibhe chuige sin oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta do luíodú go céim nea-choimisiúnta is ísle no go dtí na ranganna.”
An mionn a thabharfidh saighdiúirí.
9.—Is mar seo a leanas a bheidh fuirm an mhionna no na faisnéise a tabharfar no a déanfar do réir alt 21 den Phríomh-Acht in ionad fuirm an mhionna no na faisnéise atá leagtha amach sa Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht, sé sin le rá:—
“Dinim-se, , a mhionnú (no a fhaisnéis) go solamanta gur liostálas iniu, dem' dheoin agus dem' shaorthoil féin, mar shaighdiúir in Oglaigh na hÉireann; go bhfónfad go dílis mar shaighdiúir den tsórt san ar feadh tréimhse , ón lá de , 19 (mara scuirtar mé le ceart-údarás roimhe sin) agus fé sna coiníollacha atá orduithe do réir dlí; agus glacfad le pé págh, toirbheartas, scaireanna lóin agus cuid éadaigh a hordófar o am go ham do réir dlí.
Agus dinim a mhionnú (no a fhaisnéis) go solamanta fós go dtabharfad fíor-dhílseacht agus géillsine do Shaorstát Éireann agus dá Bhunreacht mar atá sé bunuithe do réir dlí, agus go gcosnód iad i gcoinnibh a naimhde go léir, is cuma cé hiad, agus go mbéarfad seirbhís agus géille dílis macánta d'Oireachtas agus do Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann fén mBunreacht, agus go luighfad fé smacht agus go ngéillfad, gan ceist do chur, d'orduithe na n-oifigeach a bheidh ceaptha os mo cionn do réir dlí agus fós, an fhaid a bhead im' shaighdiúir in Oglaigh na hÉireann, ná ceanglód agus ná cabhród le haon chumann ná có-ghléasa polaitíochta in aon chor ná le haon chumann sicréideach in aon chor agus ná bead im' bhall d'aon chumann ná có-ghléasa den tsórt san.”
An mionn a thabharfidh oifigigh.
10.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht i ndiaidh alt 21 de:—
“21A.—(1) Déanfidh gach oifigeach sna Fórsaí, nuair a ceapfar é chun bheith ina oifigeach sna Fórsaí, mionn dílse do thabhairt no faisnéis dhílse do dhéanamh, do réir mar bheidh, sa bhfuirm seo a leanas:—
“Dinim-se, , a mhionnú (no a fhaisnéis) go solamanta agus go macánta go dtabharfad fíor-dhílseacht agus géillsine do Shaorstát Éireann agus dá Bhunreacht mar atá sé bunuithe do réir dlí, agus go gcosnód iad i gcoinnibh a naimhde go léir, is cuma cé hiad, agus go mbéarfad seirbhís agus géille dílis macánta d'Oireachtas agus do Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann fén mBunreacht, agus go gcó-líonfad pé orduithe agus treoracha a gheobhad o am go ham ó éinne dem' oifigigh uachtaracha do réir dlí agus go ngéillfad dóibh gan ceist do chur; agus fós, an fhaid a bhead im' oifigeach in Oglaigh na hÉireann, ná ceanglód agus ná cabhród le haon chumann ná có-ghléasa polaitíochta in aon chor ná le haon chumann sicréideach in aon chor agus ná bead im' bhall d'aon chumann ná có-ghléasa den tsórt san.”
(2) Ní mór do gach oifigeach den tsórt san an mionn no an fhaisnéis dhílse atá leagtha amach sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo do thabhairt no do dhéanamh agus do shighniú i bhfianaise pé oifigigh a ainmneoidh an tAire chun na críche sin.
(3) Aon oifigeach de sna Fórsaí a dhiúltóidh don mhionn no don fhaisnéis roimhráite do thabhairt ar an gcuma roimhráite no a thabharfidh faillí sa tabhairt sin, tuigfar é bheith tar éis eirghe as a choimisiún agus as a cheapachán mar oifigeach sna Fórsaí.”
Síbhialtaigh d'fhostú.
11.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht i ndiaidh alt 30 de:—
“30A.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire fostú do dhéanamh ar pé méid síbhialtach (fireann no baineann) is gá chun oibriú i dteanta na bhFórsaí mar dhochtúirí, banaltraí, cléirigh no in aon fhostaíocht eile.
(2) Síbhialtaigh a fostófar amhlaidh fónfaid fé pé coiníollacha agus do réir pé rátaí páigh agus liúntaisí a hordófar.”
Leasú ar alt 31 den Phríomh-Acht.
12.—Cuirfar an mhír seo a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht i ndiaidh míre (j) d'alt 31 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le déanamh Rialachán):—
“(jj) Na héideanna a bheidh le caitheamh ag baill de sna Fórsaí.”
Leasú ar alt 44 den Phríomh-Acht.
13.—Beidh éifeacht ag alt 44 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le cionta liostála chalaoisighe) fé is dá ndintí na focail “no pé pionós fé n-a bhun san” do chur ann i ndiaidh na bhfocal “féadfar príosúntacht.”
Leasú ar alt 46 den Phríomh-Acht.
14.—Beidh éifeacht ag alt 46 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le hoifigeach do bheith ciontach in iompar scannalach) fé is dá ndintí na focail “no é do chur fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so” do chur ann i ndiaidh na bhfocal “é do bhrise fé aithis.”
Leasú ar alt 63 den Phríomh-Acht.
15.—Beidh éifeacht ag alt 63 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le bheith ciontach i ndroch-úsáid do shaighdiúir) fé is dá ndintí na focail “duine fé dhlí airm mar” do chur ann i ndiaidh an fhocail “Gach.”
Leasú ar alt 65 den Phríomh-Acht.
16.—Beidh éifeacht ag alt 65 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le bheith ciontach i bpágh do chimeád siar) fé is dá ndintí na focail “duine fé dhlí airm mar” do chur ann i ndiaidh an fhocail “Gach.”
Príomh-Mharascal agus Poilíneacht Mhileata.
17.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht i ndiaidh alt 75 de:—
“75A.—(1) Chun gach cionta do chosc go tapaidh féadfar o am go ham príomh-mharascal de chéim choimisiúnta maraon le congantóirí de chéim choimisiúnta do cheapa.
(2) Féadfidh príomh-mharascal no a chongantóirí gabháil agus coinneáil i gcóir trialach do dhéanamh aon uair ar aon daoine atá fé dhlí airm (bíodh go bhfuil na daoine sin ar céim níos aoirde ná céim an lucht gabhála agus coinneála no ar có-chéim leo) agus a dhineann ciontaí i gcoinnibh an Achta so, agus féadfid fós feidhmiú do dhéanamh ar aon phionóisí a bheidh le gearra do réir daortha arm-chúirte.
(3) Féadfidh oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta atá ina bhall den phóilíneacht mhileata gabháil agus coinneáil i gcóir trialach do dhéanamh aon uair ar aon tsaighdiúir (bíodh go bhfuil an saighdiúir sin ar céim níos aoirde ná céim an fhir ghabhála agus coinneála no ar có-chéim leis) a dhineann cionta i gcoinnibh an Achta so.”
Leasú ar alt 78 den Phríomh-Acht.
18.—Déanfar alt 78 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le cúiseanna i gcoinnibh oifigigh is ísle céim ná ceannphort go bhféadfar deighleáil leo ar an slí achmair) do leasú agus leasuítear leis seo é mar leanas:—
Cuirfar na focail “Má dintar duine atá fé Dhlí Airm, mar oifigeach gur oifigeach é is ísle céim ná ceannphort, do chúiseamh i gcionta i gcoinnibh an Achta so a luaidhtear san alt so, féadfar deighleáil leis an gcúis ar an slí achmair ar an gcuma a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso” in ionad na bhfocal “Má dintar oifigeach is ísle céim ná ceannphort do chúiseamh i gcionta a luaidhtear san alt so, féadfar deighleáil leis an gcúis ar an slí achmair ar an gcuma a luaidhtear anso ina dhiaidh seo.”
Leasú ar alt 79 den Phríomh-Acht.
19.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas in ionad alt 79 den Phríomh-Acht:—
“79.—Má dintar oifigeach, le n-a mbaineann alt 78 den Acht so, do chúiseamh in aon chionta dá luaidhtear in alt 78 den Acht so, féadfidh an t-oifigeach orduithe, más deimhin leis go bhfuil an duine cúisithe ciontach agus fé réir forá lacha alt 84 den Acht so, aon phionós no pionóisí dhíobh so a leanas do ghearra air ar an slí achmair:—
(1) Fíneáil ná raghaidh thar £5.
(2) Dian-imdhearga no imdhearga.”
Leasú ar alt 80 den Phríomh-Acht.
20.—Déanfar alt 80 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le cúiseanna i gcoinnibh saighdiúra go bhféadfar deighleáil leo ar an slí achmair) do leasú agus leasuítear leis seo é mar leanas:—
Cuirfar na focail “Má dintar duine atá fé dhlí airm mar oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta no mar shaighdiúir shingil do chúiseamh i gcionta i gcoinnibh an Achta so a luaidhtear san alt so, féadfar deighleáil leis an gcúis ar an slí achmair ar an gcuma a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso” in ionad na bhfocal “Nuair a déanfar oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta no saighdiúir singil do chúiseamh in aon chionta dá luaidhtear san alt so féadfar deighleáil leis an gcúis ar an slí achmair ar a gcuma a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso.”
Leasú ar alt 81 den Phríomh-Acht.
21.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas in ionad alt 81 den Phríomh-Acht:—
“81.—(1) Má cúisítear oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta in aon chionta dá luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so, féadfidh oifigeach ceannais an duine chúisithe, más deimhin leis go bhfuil an duine sin ciontach agus fé réir forálacha alt 85 den Acht so, pionós amháin agus ní a thuille (ach mar a foráltar le mír (vi) den fho-alt so) de sna pionóisí seo a leanas do ghearra air ar an slí achmair:—
(i) I gcás ciontaí nách ciontaí meisce, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar £3;
(ii) I gcásanna bheith ar meisce le linn gan bheith ar diúité, fíneála mar leanas:—
An chéad chionta, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar 10s.;
An dara cionta, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar 20s.;
An tríú cionta agus gach cionta ina dhiaidh sin, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar 40s.;
(iii) A chéim ghníomhachta do chailliúint;
(iv) Dian-imdhearga;
(v) Imdhearga;
(vi) I dteanta no d'éamais aon phionóis eile, aon bhaint as págh a údaruíonn an tAcht so d'oifigeach ceannais a dhéanamh do réir mír (c) d'alt 131 den Acht so.
(2)—(a) Chun crícheanna an fho-ailt seo tuigfar aon phionós a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt so do bheith níos lú ná aon phionós a théigheann roimhe sa bhfo-alt céanna.
(b) Nuair a bheidh oifigeach ceannais tar éis pionós no pionóisí do ghearra do réir an ailt seo, féadfidh an t-oifigeach orduithe an pionós no na pionóisí sin do luíodú no do mhaitheamh no an gearra san d'atharú no d'ísliú go dtí aon phionós no pionóisí is lú ná san agus a fhéadfadh a oifigeach ceannais a ghearra ar an gciontach.”
Leasú ar alt 82 den Phríomh-Acht.
22.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas in ionad alt 82 den Phríomh-Acht:—
“82.—(1) Má cúisítear saighdiúir singil in aon chionta dá luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so, féadfidh oifigeach ceannais an duine chúisithe, más deimhin leis go bhfuil an duine sin ciontach, agus fé réir forálacha alt 86 den Acht so, aon phionós díobh so a leanas do ghearra air ar an slí achmair:—
(i) Coinneáil ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná ocht lá fichead; i gcásanna nea-láithreacht gan cead ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná seacht lá, ní gearrfar ar dhuine é do chur fé choinneáil ar feadh tréimhse is sia ná seacht lá; i gcás an nea-láithreacht do bheith níos sia ná seacht lá, féadfar an duine do chur fé choinneáil ar feadh tréimhse is ionann agus an tréimhse a bhí sé as láthair gan cead, ach ní bheidh an tréimhse cionneála níos sia ná ocht lá fichead i gcás ar bith;
(ii) I gcás ciontaí nách ciontaí meisce, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar £2;
(iii) Fíneála mar leanas i gcásanna meisce:—
An chéad chionta, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar 5s.;
An dara cionta, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar 10s.;
An tríú cionta agus gach cionta ina dhiaidh sin, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar 30s.;
(iv) Coinneáil i mbearaic ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná 14 lá;
(v) Diúité gárda agus diúité picéid sa bhreis;
(vi) Foláramh;
(vii) Aon bhaint as págh a údaruíonn an tAcht so d'oifigeach ceannais a dhéanamh do réir mír (c) d'alt 131 den Acht so.
(2) Nuair a bheidh pionós á ghearra ag oifigeach ceannais féadfa sé san am gcéanna, i gcás cóir, saighdiúir singil do dhaora—
(a) Chun coinneála, fíneála i dtaobh bheith ar meisce agus chun an bhaint sin as págh a luaidhtear i mír (vii) d'fho-alt (1) den alt so; no
(b) Chun fíneála i dtaobh bheith ar meisce, chun coinneála i mbearaic, agus chun an bhaint sin as págh a luaidhtear i mír (vii) d'fho-alt (1) den alt so; no
(c) Chun an bhaint sin as págh a luaidhtear i mír (vii) d'fhó-alt (1) den alt so agus chun aon cheann de sna pionóisí eile a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt so.
(3) Ní có-nasca dleathach aon chó-nasca pionóisí a ghearrfidh oifigeach ceannais ach amháin iad so a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (2) den alt so.
(4).—(a) Chun crícheanna an fho-ailt seo tuigfar aon phionós a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt so do bheith níos lú ná an pionós a théigheann roimhe sa bhfo-alt céanna.
(b) Nuair a bheidh oifigeach ceannais tar éis aon phionós no pionóisí do ghearra do réir an ailt seo, féadfidh an t-oifigeach orduithe an pionós no na pionóisí sin do luíodú no. do mhaitheamh no an gearra san d'atharú no d'ísliú go dtí aon phionós no pionóisí is lú ná san agus a fhéadfadh a oifigeach ceannais a ghearra ar an gciontach.”
Athghairm ar alt 83 den Phríomh-Acht.
23.—Athghairmtear leis seo alt 83 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas leis na pionóisí a fhéadfidh ceannasaí complachta a ghearra, ar an slí achmair, ar shaighdiúir shingil).
Leasú ar alt 84 den Phríomh-Acht.
24.—Déanfar alt 84 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le cúis i gcoinnibh oifigigh d'iniúcha) do leasú agus leasuítear leis seo é mar leanas:—
(a) I ndeire fo-alt (1) cuirfar na focail seo a leanas “no oifigeach éigin eile a cheapfidh an tArd-Chongantóir chuige sin.”
(b) Cuirfar na focail “oifigeach atá ag iniúcha na cúise” in ionad na bhfocal “oifigeach ceannais” sna háiteanna ina bhfuil an céanna i bhfo-ailt (2) agus (3).
(c) Cuirfar an fho-mhír seo a leanas in ionad fo-mhír (ii) de mhír (b) d'fho-alt (4):—
“(ii) Más dó leis gur cás gur ceart deighleáil leis ar an slí achmair gurb ea an cás déanfa sé, má ghabhann leis an mbreith págh do chailliúint go hátomaitigiúil fé mhír (a) d'alt 127 den Acht so, no má bheartuíonn sé fíneáil do ghearra, a fhiafraí ar dtúis den oifigeach cúisithe an mian leis go ndeighleáilfí leis ar an slí achmair no go dtrialfadh arm-chúirt é, agus más rogha leis an oifigeach go dtrialfadh arm-chúirt é cuirfe sé siar é chun go dtrialfidh arm-chúirt é, ach maran rogha deighleálfa sé leis an gcás ar an slí achmair.”
Leasú ar alt 85 den Phríomh-Acht.
25.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas in ionad alt 85 den Phríomh-Acht:—
“85.—(1) Isé a oifigeach ceannais a iniúchfaidh cúis i gcoinnibh oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta sa chéad dul síos agus tar éis an iniúcha san déanfa sé mar leanas:—
(a) Más deimhin leis ná fuil aon fhianaise a nochtann cionta a luaidhtear san Acht so do bheith déanta nó más dó leis nách ceart dul ar aghaidh leis an gcúis caithfe sé amach an chúis.
(b) Mara gcaithfe sé amach an chúis déanfa sé mar leanas:—
(i) Maran cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so an cionta, nó más cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so é agus gur dó leis gur cás gur chóir d'armchúirt deighleáil leis gurb ea an cás, déanfa sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh arm-chúirt é.
(ii) Más dó leis gur cás gur ceart deighleáil leis ar an slí achmair gurb ea an cás déanfa sé, má ghabhann leis an mbreith págh do chailliúint go hátomaitigiúil fé mhíreanna (a) no (g) d'alt 128 den Acht so, no má bheartuíonn sé fíneáil no baint as págh do ghearra, a fhiafraí ar dtúis den oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta atá cúisithe an mian leis go ndeighleáilfí leis ar an slí achmair no go dtrialfadh arm-chúirt é, agus más rogha leis an oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta go dtrialfadh arm-chúirt é cuirfe sé siar é chun go dtrialfidh arm-chúirt é, ach maran rogha deighleálfa sé leis an gcás ar an slí achmair.
(2) Má cúisítear oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta in aon chionta dá luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so agus go ndineann a oifigeach ceannais é do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh armchúirt é agus nár iarr an duine cúisithe go dtrialfadh armchúirt é, féadfidh an t-oifigeach ag a bhfuil údarás chun an arm-chúirt sin do chó-ghairm, más cóir é dar leis, an cás do chur thar n-ais chun an oifigigh cheannais agus a ordú dho san deighleáil leis an gcás ar an slí achmair agus ansan ath-éistfidh an t-oifigeach ceannais sin an cás agus deighleálfa sé leis ar an slí achmair fé réir forálacha an ailt seo.”
Leasú ar alt 86 den Phríomh-Acht.
26.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas in ionad alt 86 den Phríomh-Acht:—
“86.—(1) Isé a oifigeach ceannais a iniúchfaidh, fé réir forálacha alt 86A den Acht so, cúis i gcoinnibh saighdiúra shingil sa chéad dul síos, agus tar éis an iniúcha san déanfa sé mar leanas:—
(a) Más deimhin leis ná fuil aon fhianaise a nochtann cionta a luaidhtear san Acht so do bheith déanta no más dó leis nách ceart dul ar aghaidh leis an gcúis caithfe sé amach an chúis.
(b) Mara gcaithfe sé amach an chúis déanfa sé mar leanas:—
I. (i) Más cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so an cionta agus gur dó leis gur cionta gur chóir d'arm-chúirt deighleáil leis gurb ea an cionta, déanfa sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh arm-chúirt é.
(ii) Más cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so an cionta agus gur dó leis gur cás gur ceart deighleáil leis ar an slí achmair gurb ea an cás, déanfa sé, má ghabhann leis an mbreith no leis an ngearra, atá beartuithe aige a dhéanamh, págh do chailliúint go hátomaitigiúil fé mhíreanna (a), (d), (f) no (g) d'alt 128 den Acht so, no má bheartuíonn sé fíneáil no baint as págh do ghearra, a fhiafraí ar dtúis den saighdiúir singil atá cúisithe an mian leis go ndeighleáilfí leis ar an slí achmair no go dtrialfadh arm-chúirt é, agus más rogha leis an saighdiúir singil go dtrialfadh arm-chúirt é cuirfe sé siar é chun go dtrialfidh arm-chúirt é ach maran rogha deighleálfa sé leis an gcás ar an slí achmair.
II. (i) Maran cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so an cionta agus gur dó leis gur cás nách ceart d'arm-chúirt deighleáil leis gurb ea an cás iarrfa sé ar an oifigeach orduithe údarás do thabhairt do chun deighleáil leis an gcás ar an gcuma gcéanna is dá mba cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so an cionta agus ar fháil an údaráis sin do ón oifigeach udaruithe sin (dá dtugtar comhacht leis seo chun an t-údarás san do dheona más oiriúnach leis é) deighleálfa sé leis an gcás ar an slí achmair ach beidh an deighleáil sin fé réir forálacha an ailt seo maidir le ceart an duine chúisithe chun a roghnú go dtrialfadh arm-chúirt é. Má cimeádtar an t-údarás san uaidh cuirfe sé an duine cúisithe siar chun go dtriailfidh arm-chúirt é.
(ii) Maran cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so an cionta agus na hiarrfa sé údarás chun deighleáil leis an gcúis ar an slí achmair, cuirfe sé an duine cúisithe siar chun go dtrialfidh arm-chúirt é.
(2) Má cúisítear saighdiúir singil i gcionta i gcoinnibh an Achta so agus go ndineann a oifigeach ceannais é do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh arm-chúirt é agus nár iarr an duine cúisithe go dtrialfadh arm-chúirt é, féadfidh an t-oifigeach ag a bhfuil údarás chun an arm-chúirt sin do chó-ghairm, más cóir é dar leis, an cás do chur thar n-ais chun an oifigigh cheannais agus a ordú dho san deighleáil leis an gcás ar an slí achmair agus ansan ath-éistfidh an t-oifigeach ceannais sin an cás agus deighleálfa sé leis ar an slí achmair fé réir forálacha an ailt seo.”
Féadfar deighleáil ar an slí achmair le cúis a bheidh ag fo-oifigeach i gcoinnibh saighdiúra shingil.
27.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht i ndiaidh alt 86 de:—
“86A.—(1) Féadfidh oifigeach ceannais, do réir rialachán a dhéanfidh an tAire chuige sin, a údarú d'oifigeach a bheidh ag fónamh fé (dá ngairmtear fo-oifigeach ina dhiaidh seo anso) iniúcha do dhéanamh ar chúiseanna i gcoinnibh saighdiúirí singile agus deighleáil leo ar an slí achmair fé réir mar a luaidhtear san alt so.
(2) Má cúisítear saighdiúir singil in aon chionta dá luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so, féadfidh an fo-oifigeach san, má tá sé údaruithe go cuibhe mar adubhradh agus más deimhin leis go bhfuil an duine sin ciontach, féadfa sé, fé réir forálacha fo-alt (3) den alt so, aon phionós amháin agus gan a thuille dhíobh so a leanas do ghearra air ar an slí achmair:—
(i) I gcásanna bheith ar meisce fíneála mar leanas:—
An chéad chionta, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar 2/6;
An dara cionta, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar 5/-;
An tríú cionta agus gach cionta ina dhiaidh sin, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar 10/-;
(ii) Coinneáil i mbeairic ar feadh tréimhse nach sia ná seacht lá;
(iii) Diúité gárda agus diúité picéid sa bhreis;
(iv) Foláramh.
(3) Má tá fo-oifigeach údaruithe go cuibhe mar adubhradh is mar seo a leanas a déanfar tar éis an iniúcha:—
(a) más rud é tar éis do an chúis d'iniúcha gur deimhin leis an bhfo-oifigeach san ná fuil aon fhianaise a nochtann cionta a luaidhtear san Acht so do bheith déanta, caithfe sé amach an chúis;
(b) mara gcaithfe sé amach an chúis tar éis í d'iniúcha déanfa sé mar leanas:—
(i) más cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so an cionta agus gur dó leis gur cás gur ceart do deighleáil leis ar an slí achmair gurb ea an cás, déanfa sé, i ngach cás ina ngabhann leis an mbreith págh do chailliúint go hátomaitigiúil fé míreanna (a) no (g) d'alt 128 den Acht so, no má bheartuíonn sé fíneáil do ghearra, a fhiafraí ar dtúis den duine cúisithe an mian leis go ndeighleálfadh sé féin leis ar an slí achmair no go gcuirfí an cás chun an oifigigh cheannais agus más rogha leis an duine cúisithe go gcuirfí an cás chun an oifigigh cheannais cuirfe sé an cás chun an oifigigh cheannais agus deighleálfidh seisean leis an gcás sa chuma a luaidhtear in alt 86 den Acht so fé is dá dtagadh an cás sa chéad dul síos fé bhráid an oifigigh cheannais sin chun é iniúcha, ach maran rogha deighleálfidh an fo-oifigeach san leis an gcás ar an slí achmair;
(ii) maran cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in alt 80 den Acht so an cionta no gur cionta dhíobh san é agus gur dó leis gur cás nách ceart do deighleáil leis ar an slí achmair gurb ea an cás, cuirfe sé an cás chun an oifigigh cheannais, agus deighleálfidh seisean leis sa chuma a luaidhtear in alt 86 den Acht so fé is dá dtagadh an cás sa chéad dul síos fé bhráid an oifigigh cheannais sin chun é iniúcha.”
Leasú ar alt 87 den Phríomh-Acht.
28.—I ndeire alt 87 den Phríomh-Acht cuirfar na focail seo a leanas “agus an mionn no an fhaisnéis a bheidh le tabhairt no le déanamh ag an bhfínné sin beidh sé sa bhfuirm chéanna ina bhfuil an ceann gur fúithi a cuirfar fínne i láthair arm-chúirte.”
Ní cuirfar údarás armchúirte ar ceal mar gheall ar fhaillí do dhéanamh i gcó-líona ailt 84, 85, 86, 86A, no 87 den Phríomh-Acht.
29.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht i ndiaidh alt 87 de:—
“87A.—Má dhineann oifigeach duine fé dhlí airm do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh arm-chúirt é agus go bhfuil comhacht ag an oifigeach chun é chur siar amhlaidh, agus go gcóghairmtear arm-chúirt chun an duine sin do thriail ní déanfar údarás arm-chúirte, chun an duine sin do thriail, do chur ar ceal mar gheall ar fhaillí do dhéanamh, agus mar gheall ar sin amháin, i gcó-líona ailt 84, 85, 86, 86A, no 87 den Acht so no aon cheann de sna hailt sin ach ní bhainfidh éinní atá anso d'oifigeach an fhreagarthacht is leis i dtaobh aon cheann d'fhorálacha aon chinn de sna hailt sin do shárú.”
Comhacht chun a ordú go dtrialfar duine cúisithe gan an t-iniúcha roimh ré atá orduithe do dhéanamh.
30.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht i ndiaidh alt 87A de:—
“87B.—Féadfidh oifigeach ag a bhfuil údarás chun armchúirt do chó-ghairm, más deimhin leis gur dhin duine fé dhlí airm cionta no ciontaí i gcoinnibh an Achta so, a ordú go ndéanfar aon duine no daoine atá fé dhlí airm agus adeirtar a dhin an cionta no na ciontaí sin do thriail ag armchúirt gan aon iniúcha roimh ré do dhéanamh fé mar atá orduithe le hailt 84, 85, 86, 86A, no 87 den Acht so.”
Leasú ar alt 93 den Phríomh-Acht.
31.—Beidh éifeacht ag mír (1) d'alt 93 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le mí-cháilíochta i dtaobh ballraíochta arm-chúirte) fé is dá gcuirtí na focail “oifigeach no” ann i ndiaidh na bhfocal “Cúirt chun.”
Leasú ar alt 108 den Phríomh-Acht.
32.—Beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (3) d'alt 108 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le gairm fínnithe agus an phríbhléid a bheidh acu ag arm-chúirteanna) fé is dá gcuirtí na focail “rialacha nós imeachta a déanfar fén Acht” ann i ndiaidh na bhfocal “achmaireachta scríbhte ar fhianaise do réir” agus in ionad na bhfocal “an Achta.”
Breith armchúirte do chur ar neamh-ní.
33.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht i ndiaidh alt 116 de:—
“116A.—Má daingnítear breith arm-chúirte féadfidh an tAire an bhreith sin do chur ar neamh-ní.”
Leasú ar alt 126 den Phríomh-Acht.
34.—Beidh éifeacht ag alt 126 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le págh) fé is dá gcuirtí na focail “ag an Aire” ann i ndiaidh na bhfocal “a déanfar fé.”
Leasú ar alt 128 den Phríomh-Acht.
35.—Cuirfar an mhír seo a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht tar éis mír (f) d'alt 128 de:—
“(g) Faid a bheidh sé in óispidéal de dheascaibh breoiteachta go ndeimhneoidh an t-oifigeach ceart leighis a bheidh á fhreastal san óspidéal gurb é fé ndeár í ná cionta a dhin an saighdiúir sin i gcoinnibh an Achta so, cionta ina bhfuair arm-chúirt no oifigeach ceannais ciontach é.”
Leasú ar alt 129 den Phríomh-Acht.
36.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas in ionad alt 129 den Phríomh-Acht:—
“129.—Chun crícheanna altanna 127 agus 128 den Acht so féadfidh an tAire o am go ham le rialachán no le hordú a fhaisnéis cad a tuigfar a bheith ina lá nea-láithreachta, ina lá i gcimeád, ina lá príosúntachta no coinneála, no ina lá in óispidéal, i dtreo ámh—
(a) ná háireofar chun na gcrícheanna roimhráite duine do bheith as láthair, i gcimeád, i bpríosún, fé choinneáil, ná in óispidéal marar mhair an nealáithreacht, an cimeád, an phríosúntacht, no an choinneáil sin, no an fhanúint sin in óispidéal, sé huaire a'chluig no thairis sin, ach amháin sa chás gur dhin an nea-láithreacht an nea-láithreach do chosc ar dhualgas mileata éigin do dhéanamh i dtreo go raibh ar dhuine éigin eile é do dhéanamh;
(b) go bhféadfar tréimhse nea-láithreachta, tréimhse i gcimeád, tréimhse príosúntachta no coinneála no tréimhse in óispidéal a thosnuigh roimh mheánoíche agus a chríochnuigh tar éis meán-oíche d'áireamh mar lá;
(c) go gcomhreofar uimhir na laetheanta ón am a thosnuigh an nea-láithreacht, an cimeád, an phríosúntacht, an choinneáil no an fhanúint in óispidéal.
(d) ná háireofar mar bhreis agus lá aon tréimhse is giorra na cheithre huaire fichead.”
Leasú ar alt 130 den Phríomh-Acht.
37.—Déanfar alt 130 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le gearra siar i bpágh oifigeach) do leasú agus leasuítear leis seo é mar leanas:—
(a) Cuirfar an focal “pionósach” isteach i ndiaidh na bhfocal “gearra siar” agus scriosfar an focal “ghnáth.”
(b) I mír (c) cuirfar na focail “no an t-oifigeach orduithe fé alt 79 den Acht so” i ndiaidh na bhfocal “a chuir arm-chúirt.”
Leasú ar alt 131 den Phríomh-Acht.
38.—Déanfar alt 131 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le gearra siar i bpágh saighdiúirí) do leasú agus leasuítear leis seo é mar leanas:—
(a) Cuirfar an focal “pionósach” isteach i ndiaidh na bhfocal “gearra siar” agus scriosfar an focal “ghnáth.”
(b) Athghairmtear mír (a) leis seo.
(c) I mír (e) cuirfar na focail “fo-oifigeach fé sna comhachta atá in alt 86A den Acht so” in ionad na bhfocal “a cheannasaí complachta.”
Gearra siar i bpágh nách gearra siar pionósach.
39.—Cuirfar an t-alt so a leanas sa Phríomh-Acht i ndiaidh alt 131 de:—
“131A.—Féadfidh an tAire le rialacháin slí a cheapa chun gearra siar, nách gearra siar pionósach, do dhéanamh sa phágh a bheidh dlite d'oifigeach no do shaighdiúir.”
Leasú ar alt 133 den Phríomh-Acht.
40.—In alt 133 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le gearra siar i bpágh) cuirfar an focal “págh” in ionad an fhocail “gnáthphágh” agus cuirfar an focal “bpágh” in ionad an fhocail “ngnáth-phágh.”
Leasú ar alt 151 den Phríomh-Acht.
41.—Déanfar alt 151 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le cad a thiocfidh as duine do cheapa chun cóir agus le forálacha i dtaobh aistrithe) do leasú agus leasuítear leis seo é mar leanas:—
(a) I mír (1) scriosfar na focail “den ghéig no den bhrainse chéanna sheirbhíse.”
(b) I mír (3) scriosfar na focail “i ngéig no i mbrainse” agus na focail “sa ghéig no sa bhrainse” agus cuirfar na focail “sa chóir” in ionad na bhfocal “sa ghéig no sa bhrainse.”
Leasú ar alt 208 den Phríomh-Acht
42.—Déanfar alt 208 den Phríomh-Acht (a bhaineas le daoine fé dhlí airm mar oifigigh) do leasú agus leasuítear leis seo é mar leanas:—
Cuirfar an mhír seo a leanas in ionad mír (1):—
“(1) Gach oifigeach de sna Fórsaí.”
Gearr-theideal agus léiriú.
43.—Féadfar an tAcht um an Acht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Buanú agus Leasú), 1924, do ghairm den Acht so, agus léireofar é mar éinní amháin leis an bPríomh-Acht agus féadfar na hAchtanna Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 agus 1924, do ghairm den Acht san agus den Acht so le chéile.