As Ann Déscrolláil


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Number 42 of 1936.








Bakery to which this Act applies.


Unlawful to manufacture in bakery during period of night.


The period of night.


Exceptional work.


Biscuits for the purposes of this Act.


Laying of regulations before Dáil Eireann.


Emergency as defence.


Power of entry and investigation.




Short title and commencement.


Number 42 of 1936.




1.—In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce;


the expression “the period of night” means the period fixed as the period of night by regulations made under this Act;


the word “worker” means any person who is employed or permitted to do in a bakery work incidental to the carrying on of such bakery;


the expression “adult worker” means a worker whose age is not less than eighteen years;


the expression “representative of employers” means such association or all such associations of employers as are, in the opinion of the Minister, representative of the employers in relation to whom the expression is used or, where in the opinion of the Minister there is no such association, persons who are, in the opinion of the Minister, representative of such employers;


the expression “representative of workers” means such association or all such associations of workers as are, in the opinion of the Minister, representative of the workers in relation to whom the expression is used or, where in the opinion of the Minister there is no such association, persons who are, in the opinion of the Minister, representative of such workers;


the expression “young person” means a worker whose age is less than eighteen years;


the expression“Night Work (Bakeries) Convention, 1925,” means the convention, concerning night work in bakeries, adopted on the 8th day of June, 1925, at the Seventh Session of the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation of the League of Nations.


Bakery to which this Act applies.

2.—This Act applies to every bakery carried on for the manufacture of bread, pastry or other flour confectionery, other than a bakery in which the work of such manufacture is done by members of a household for supplying the needs of persons belonging to such household.


Unlawful to manufacture in bakery during period of night.

3.—(1) In order to carry out and give effect to the Night Work (Bakeries) Convention, 1925, it is hereby enacted that it shall not be lawful for any person who carries on a bakery to which this Act applies—


(a) to carry on or to permit any adult worker to carry on in such bakery at any time in the period of night any process of manufacture which is neither the manufacture of biscuits for sale wholesale nor exceptional work, nor


(b) to permit any young person to carry on in such bakery at any time in the period of night any process of manufacture which is not the manufacture of biscuits for sale wholesale.


(2) If any person acts in contravention of this section he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall on summary conviction thereof be liable to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


The period of night.

4.—(1) The Minister, after consultation with persons who in his opinion are representative of employers interested in bakeries and with persons who in his opinion are representative of workers so interested, may by order make regulations prescribing in accordance with this section a period of not less than seven hours as the period of night for the purposes of this Act and the Minister may, if he so thinks fit, fix different such periods in respect of different parts of the year and in respect of different specified areas.


(2) Every period prescribed as the period of night by regulations made under this section shall include the special period which, subject to the provisions of this section, shall be the period between eleven o'clock p.m. on any day and five o'clock a.m. on the next following day.


(3) The period prescribed as the period of night by any regulations made under this section, while such regulations remain in force, shall be the period of night for the purposes of this Act.


(4) The Minister may by order make regulations substituting either generally or for a particular part of the year and either for the whole of Saorstát Eireann or for a specified area, the period between ten o'clock p.m. on any day and four o'clock a.m. on the next following day for the period between eleven o'clock p.m. on any day and five o'clock a.m. on the next following day as the special period for the purpose of this section if—


(a) the Minister is of opinion that the climate or any particular season requires such substitution, or


(b) the Minister is satisfied that organisations of employers and of workers interested in bakeries are agreed that such substitution should be made,


and whenever any such regulations are for the time being in force the period so substituted thereby shall be the special period for the purpose of this section either (as the case may be) generally or for the particular part of the year specified in such regulations.


(5) Whenever the Minister has, under this section, power to make regulations in respect of specified areas the Minister may by such regulations specify such areas in such manner as he may think fit.


(6) The Minister shall, by every order made under this section, fix the date on which such order shall come into operation, which date shall not in any case be less than fourteen days after the date on which such order is made.


Exceptional work.

5.—(1) The Minister, after consultation with, persons who in his opinion are representative of employers interested in bakeries and with persons who in his opinion are representative of workers so interested, may by order make regulations prescribing as exceptional work any specified process of manufacture done in any bakery to which this Act applies if such process of manufacture is—


(a) a preparatory or complementary process the carrying on of which in the period of night is necessary to the carrying on of such bakery, or


(b) a process the carrying on of which in the period of night is necessary for the purpose of arranging a weekly rest for the workers in such bakery,


and whenever the Minister makes such regulations any process of manufacture prescribed thereby as exceptional work, so long as such regulations remain in force, shall be exceptional work for the purposes of this Act.


(2) The Minister may after such consultation as is mentioned in the foregoing sub-section by order make regulations prescribing as exceptional work for a limited period specified in such regulations all or any of the processes of manufacture carried on in any bakery to which this Act applies if the carrying on of such processes in the period of night is in the opinion of the Minister necessary for the carrying on of such bakery during such specified period owing to—


(a) an unusual pressure of work, or


(b) national emergency,

and whenever the Minister makes such regulations any process of manufacture prescribed thereby as exceptional work shall, for the period specified in such regulations, be exceptional work for the purposes of this Act


Biscuits for the purposes of this Act.

6.—(1) No goods shall be deemed to be biscuits for the purposes of this Act other than goods prescribed under this section as goods which shall be biscuits for the purposes of this Act.


(2) The Minister, after consultation with persons who in his opinion are representative of employers interested in the manufacture of biscuits for sale wholesale and with persons who in his opinion are representative of workers so interested, may by order make regulations prescribing the goods which shall be biscuits for the purposes of this Act.


(3) Whenever regulations made under this section are for the time being in force the goods prescribed by such regulations shall be biscuits for the purposes of this Act.


Laying of regulations before Dáil Eireann.

7.—Every regulation made by the Minister under this Act shall be laid before Dáil Eireann as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution is passed by Dáil Eireann within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which Dáil Eireann has sat annulling such regulation, such regulation shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such regulation.


Emergency as defence.

8.—It shall be a good defence to any proceedings taken against any person for breach of any of the provisions of this Act if such person shows to the satisfaction of the court before which such proceedings are brought that any act occasioning such breach was—


(a) necessary to avoid serious interference with the ordinary working of a bakery to which this Act applies, and


(b) that such necessity arose from any one or more of the following causes, that is to say:—


(i) through an accident,


(ii) through avoiding an accident,


(iii) through doing urgent repairs to plant or machinery, or


(iv) through an act of God.


Power of entry and investigation.

9.—(1) Any member of the Gárda Síochána, if authorised in writing by any Inspector of the Gárda Síochána so to do, may enter at any time in the period of night any premises which are or which he believes or suspects to be a bakery to which this Act applies and may there make such searches and investigations as such member shall think proper, may ask of any person found in such premises such questions in relation to the said premises and the work done and business carried on therein as such member shall think proper, and may demand of any such person his name and address.


(2) The occupier of any premises, which a member of the Gárda Síochána is entitled to enter under this section, shall do all such things and take all such steps as shall be reasonably required by such member to facilitate, in respect of such premises, the exercise by such member of any of the powers conferred on him by this section, and if any such occupier shall fail or refuse to do anything or to take any steps required of him as aforesaid he shall be guilty of an offence under this sub-section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds,


(3) Every person who shall do any of the following things, that is to say:—


(a) obstruct or impede any member of the Gárda Síochána in the exercise of any of the powers conferred on such member by this section, or


(b) fail or refuse to answer to the best of his knowledge and ability any question asked of him by any such member in exercise of a power in that behalf conferred by this section, or


(c) give an answer to any such question which is to his knowledge false or misleading, or


(d) when his name or his address is demanded of him by any such member in exercise of a power in that behalf conferred by this section fail or refuse to give his name or fail or refuse to give his address or give a name or an address which is false or misleading,


shall be guilty of an offence under this sub-section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.



10.—All expenses incurred by the Minister in the execution of this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Short title and commencement.

11.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Night Work (Bakeries) Act, 1936.


(2) This Act shall come into operation on such day as shall be fixed for that purpose by order of the Minister.


Uimhir 42 de 1936.





1.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála;


cialluíonn an abairt “tréimhse na hoíche” an tréimhse ceapfar mar thréimhse na hoíche le rialacháin a déanfar fén Acht so;


cialluíonn an focal “oibrí” duine ar bith bheidh ar fostú chun obair do dhéanamh no dá mbeidh ceaduithe obair do dhéanamh i mbácús is obair a ghabhann leis an mbácús san do choimeád ar siúl;


cialluíonn an abairt “oibrí fásta” oibrí ná fuil fé bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois;


cialluíonn an abairt “ionadathach d'fhostóirí” an comhlachas san no na comhlachaisí uile sin d'fhostóirí atá, dar leis an Aire, ionadathach do sna fostóirí gur ina dtaobh a húsáidtear an abairt no, i gcás gan aon chomhlachas den tsórt san do bheith ann dar leis an Aire, daoine atá, dar leis an Aire, ionadathach do sna fostóirí sin;


cialluíonn an abairt “ionadathach d'oibrithe” an comhlachas san no na comhlachaisí uile sin d'oibrithe atá, dar leis an Aire, ionadathach do sna hoibrithe gur ina dtaobh a húsáidtear an abairt no, i gcás gan aon chomhlachas den tsórt san do bheith ann dar leis an Aire, daoine atá, dar leis an Aire, ionadathach do sna hoibrithe sin;


cialluíonn an abairt “duine óg” oibrí atá fé bhun ocht mbliana déag d'aois;


cialluíonn an abairt “Convensiún um Obair Oíche (Bácúis), 1925,” an convensiún, i dtaobh oibre oíche i mbácúis, le n-ar glacadh an 8adh lá de Mheitheamh, 1925, ag an Seachtú Siosón den Chódháil Ghenerálta de Chóghléasadh Eadarnáisiúnta an Oibreachais fé Chumann na Náisiún.


Bácús le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so.

2.—Baineann an tAcht so le gach bácús a coimeádtar ar siúl chun arán no taosach no milseoga plúir eile do dhéanamh, seachas bácús gur baill de líntighe dheineann an obair dhéantóireachta san ann chun riaradh ar riachtanaisí daoine den líntighe sin.


E bheith nea-dhleathach déantóireacht do bheith ar siúl i mbácús i rith tréimhse na hoíche.

3.—(1) Chun feidhm agus éifeacht do thabhairt don Chonvensiún um Obair Oíche (Bácúis), 1925, achtuítear leis seo ná beidh sé dleathach d'éinne ag á mbíonn bácús le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so ar siúl—


(a) aon phróiseas déantóireachta, nach déantóireacht brioscaí chun a ndíolta ina mór-choda ná obair nea-choitianta, do bheith ar siúl aige ná a cheadú d'aon oibrí fásta é bheith ar siúl aige sa bhácús san aon tráth i dtréimhse na hoíche, ná


(b) a cheadú d'aon duine óg aon phróiseas déantóireachta nach déantóireacht brioscaí chun a ndíolta ina mór-choda do bheith ar siúl aige sa bhácús san aon tráth i dtréimhse na hoíche.


(2) Má dheineann duine ar bith éinní contrárdha don alt so beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar deich bpúint do chur air.


Tréimhse na hoíche.

4.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle le daoine atá, dar leis, ionadathach d'fhostóirí ag á bhfuil leas i mbácúis agus le daoine atá, dar leis, ionadathach d'oibrithe ag á bhfuil leas amhlaidh, rialacháin do dhéanamh le hordú ag ordú, do réir an ailt seo, tréimhse nach giorra ná seacht n-uaire a chluig mar thréimhse na hoíche chun crícheanna an Achta so agus féadfaidh an tAire, más oiriúnach leis é, tréimhsí deifriúla den tsórt san do cheapadh alos codacha deifriúla den bhliain agus alos líomatáistí áirithe deifriúla.


(2) Gach tréimhse a hordófar mar thréimhse na hoíche le rialacháin a déanfar fén alt so folóidh sí an tréimhse speisialta gurb é bheidh inti, fé réir forálacha an ailt seo, ná an tréimhse idir a haon déag a chlog p.m. aon lá agus a cúig a chlog a.m. an lá ina dhiaidh sin.


(3) An tréimhse a hordófar mar thréimhse na hoíche le haon rialacháin a déanfar fén alt so isí bheidh, faid a leanfaidh na rialacháin sin i bhfeidhm, mar thréimhse na hoíche chun crícheanna an Achta so.


(4) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh chun na tréimhse idir a deich a chlog p.m. aon lá agus a ceathair a chlog a.m. an lá ina dhiaidh sin do chur, go generálta no ar feadh coda áirithe den bhliain agus i gcóir Shaorstáit Éireann ar fad no i gcóir líomatáiste áirithe, in ionad na tréimhse idir a haon déag a chlog p.m. aon lá agus a cúig a chlog a.m. an lá ina dhiaidh sin mar an tréimhse speisialta chun críche an ailt seo más rud é—


(a) gur gá an malairtiú san, dar leis an Aire, mar gheall ar an aeráid no ar aon tsaosúr áirithe, no


(b) gur deimhin leis an Aire go n-aontuíonn có-ghléasanna d'fhostóirí agus d'oibrithe ag á bhfuil leas i mbácúis gur ceart an malairtiú san do dhéanamh,


agus pé uair a bheidh aon rialacháin den tsórt san i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire isí an tréimhse chuirfid san mar mhalairt amhlaidh a bheidh mar thréimhse speisialta chun críche an ailt seo go generálta no in aghaidh na coda áirithe den bhliain a luadhfar sna rialacháin sin (do réir mar bheidh).


(5) Pé uair a bheidh comhacht ag an Aire, fén alt so, chun rialacháin do dhéanamh alos líomatáistí áirithe féadfaidh an tAire, leis na rialacháin sin, na líomatáistí sin do luadh i pé slí is oiriúnach leis.


(6) Ceapfaidh an tAire, le gach ordú déanfar fén alt so, an dáta ar a dtiocfaidh an t-ordú san i ngníomh, agus ní bheidh an dáta san níos luatha in aon chás ná ceithre lá déag tar éis dáta déanta an orduithe sin.


Obair nea-choitianta.

5.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle le daoine atá, dar leis, ionadathach d'fhostóirí ag á bhfuil leas i mbácúis agus le daoine atá, dar leis, ionadathach d'oibrithe ag á bhfuil leas amhlaidh, rialacháin do dhéanamh, le hordú á ordú aon phróiseas áirithe déantóireachta deintear in aon bhácús le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so do bheith ina obair nea-choitianta más rud é—


(a) gur próiseas ullamhuithe no cólíontach is gá do choimeád ar siúl i rith tréimhse na hoíche chun an bhácúis sin do choimeád ar siúl an próiseas déantóireachta san, no


(b) gur próiseas is gá do choimeád ar siúl i rith tréimhse na hoíche chun sos seachtainiúil do shocrú do sna hoibrithe sa bhácús san an próiseas déantóireachta san, agus pé uair a dhéanfaidh an tAire rialacháin den tsórt san beidh aon phróiseas déantóireachta a hordófar leo do bheith ina obair nea-choitianta beidh sé, faid a leanfaidh na rialacháin sin i bhfeidhm, ina obair nea-choitianta chun crícheanna an Achta so.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle mar a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo, rialacháin do dhéanamh, le hordú, á ordú gur obair nea-choitianta ar feadh tréimhse teoranta luadhfar sna rialacháin sin gach próiseas no aon phróiseas déantóireachta bheidh á choimeád ar siúl in aon bhácús le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so más gá, dar leis an Aire, na próiseasaí sin do choimeád ar siúl i rith tréimhse na hoíche chun an bhácúis sin do choimeád ar siúl ar feadh na tréimhse áirithe sin—


(a) mar gheall ar bhruid nea-ghnáthach oibre, no


(b) mar gheall ar phráinn náisiúnta,


agus pé uair a dhéanfaidh an tAire rialacháin den tsórt san beidh aon phróiseas déantóireachta a hordófar leo do bheith ina obair neachoitianta beidh sé, ar feadh na tréimhse luadhfar sna rialacháin sin, ina obair nea-choitianta chun crícheanna an Achta so.


Brioscaí chun crícheanna an Achta so.

6.—(1) Ní tuigfear gur brioscaí chun crícheanna an Achta so aon earraí seachas earraí a hordófar fén alt so mar earraí is brioscaí chun crícheanna an Achta so.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle le daoine atá, dar leis, ionadathach d'fhostóirí ag á bhfuil leas i ndéantóireacht brioscaí chun a ndíolta ina mór-choda agus le daoine atá, dar leis, ionadathach d'oibrithe ag á bhfuil leas amhlaidh, rialacháin do dhéanamh, le hordú, á ordú cadiad na hearraí is brioscaí chun crícheanna an Achta so.


(3) Pé uair a bheidh rialacháin a déanfar fén alt so i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire beidh na hearraí a hordófar leis na rialacháin sin ina mbrioscaí chun crícheanna an Achta so.


Rialacháin do leagadh fé bhráid Dháil Éireann.

7.—Gach rialachán a dhéanfaidh an tAire fén Acht so leagfar é fé bhráid Dháil Éireann chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dheineann Dáil Éireann, laistigh den lá is fiche shuidhfidh Dáil Éireann ina dhiaidh sin, rún do rith ag cur an rialacháin sin ar nea-mbrí beidh an rialachán san curtha ar neambrí dá réir sin, ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén rialachán san.


Práinn mar chosaint.

8.—Beidh sé ina chosaint mhaith in aon imeachta bunófar i gcoinnibh duine ar bith mar gheall ar aon fhoráil d'fhorálacha an Achta so do shárú an duine sin á chur ina luighe ar an gcúirt gur os a cóir a bunófar na himeachta san—


(a) gur ghá aon ghníomh gurbh é an sárú san é chun gan cur isteach go mór ar ghnáth-oibriú bhácúis le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so, agus


(b) gur tré chúis no cúiseanna acu so leanas do thárla an gá san, sé sin le rá:—


(i) tré thionóisc,


(ii) tré bheith ag seachaint tionóisce,


(iii) tré bheith ag déanamh deisithe práinneacha ar ghléasra no ar mheaisínteacht, no


(iv) tré fhoiche Dé.


Comhacht chun dul isteach in áitreabh agus iniúchadh do dhéanamh.

9.—(1) Má bhíonn údarás i scríbhinn aige o aon Chigire den Ghárda Síochána chun san do dhéanamh, féadfaidh ball ar bith den Ghárda Síochána dul isteach aon uair i rith tréimhse na hoíche in aon áitreabh is bácús, no chreideann sé no is amhras leis is bácús, le n-a mbaineann an tAcht so agus féadfaidh ansan pé cuardach agus fiosrú do dhéanamh is dóich leis an mball san is ceart, agus pé ceisteanna, is dóich leis an mball san is ceart, i dtaobh an áitreibh sin agus i dtaobh na hoibre deintear agus an ghnótha bhíonn ar siúl ann do chur chun duine ar bith do gheobhfar san áitreabh san, agus a ainm agus a sheoladh d'éileamh ar dhuine ar bith den tsórt san.


(2) Déanfaidh sealbhaire aon áitreibh, go bhfuil ball den Ghárda Síochána i dteideal dul isteach ann fén alt so, gach ní éileoidh an ball san do réir réasúin chun a chur in usacht don bhall san, maidir leis an áitreabh san, aon chomhacht dá mbronntar air leis an alt so d'fheidhmiú, agus má theipeann ar aon tsealbhaire den tsórt san no má dhiúltann sé éinní do dhéanamh dá n-éileofar air mar adubhradh beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar deich bpúint do chur air.


(3) Gach éinne—


(a) a dhéanfaidh aon bhall den Ghárda Síochána do bhac no do chosc agus é ag feidhmiú aon chomhachta dá mbronntar ar an mball san leis an alt so, no


(b) go dteipfidh air no dhiúltóidh freagra do thabhairt, chó fada le n-a eolas agus le n-a chumas, ar aon cheist a chuirfidh aon bhall den tsórt san chuige agus é ag feidhmiú comhachta bronntar chuige sin leis an alt so, no


(c) do bhéarfaidh ar aon cheist den tsórt san freagra is eol dó a bheith bréagach no mí-threorach, no


(d) go dteipfidh air no dhiúltóidh a ainm do thabhairt uaidh no a sheoladh do thabhairt uaidh nuair a éileoidh aon bhall den tsórt san a ainm no a sheoladh air agus é ag feidhmiú comhachta bronntar chuige sin leis an alt so, no do bhéarfaidh uaidh sa chás san ainm no seoladh a bheidh bréagach no mí-threorach,


beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar deich bpúint do chur air.



10.—Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar gach costas fé n-a raghaidh an tAire chun an Achta so do chur i bhfeidhm.


Gearr-theideal agus tosach feidhme.

11.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht um Obair Oícne (Bácúis), 1936, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Tiocfaidh an tAcht so i ngníomh pé lá ceapfar chuige sin le hordú an Aire.