As Ann Déscrolláil
Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.
Number 6 of 1949.
Preliminary and General
Section | |
Committal to the School of persons liable to be committed to a certified industrial school
Committal to the School of persons liable to be committed to a certified industrial school. | |
Act Referred to | |
No. 12 of 1941 |
Number 6 of 1949.
Preliminary and General.
Short title and collective citation.
1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Children (Amendment) Act, 1949.
(2) The Children Acts, 1908 to 1941, and this Act may be cited together as the Children Acts, 1908 to 1949.
2.—(1) In this Act—
the expression “the Principal Act” means the Children Act, 1908, as adapted by or under any enactment, and as amended and extended by the Children Act, 1941 (No. 12 of 1941), and this Act;
the expression “the School” means St. Anne's Reformatory School, Kilmacud, County Dublin.
(2) This Act shall be construed as one with the Principal Act.
Commencement of Part II.
3.—(1) Part II of this Act shall not come into operation save as is provided by subsection (2) of this section.
(2) The Minister may, at the request of the managers of the School, make an order declaring that Part II of this Act shall come into operation on a specified date, and thereupon the said Part II shall come into operation on the date specified in the order.
Committal to the School of persons liable to be committed to a certified industrial school.
Committal to the School of persons liable to be committed to a certified industrial school.
4.—(1) Where—
(a) a Court may, under any subsection of section 58 of the Principal Act, order a person to be sent to a certified industrial school, and
(b) the Court has previously ascertained that the managers of the School are willing to receive that person,
the Court may, in lieu of ordering that person to be sent to a certified industrial school, order that person to be sent to the School.
(2) The following provisions of the Principal Act, namely, subsection (6) of section 74 and subsection (18) of section 133, apply to the making of an order under this section in like manner as those provisions apply to the making of an order under section 58 of the Principal Act.
Application of the Principal Act.
5.—Whenever a Court makes an order under section 4 of this Act ordering a person to be sent to the School, the Principal Act shall apply in respect of such person as if the order were a detention order and the School were a certified industrial school.
Extension of period of detention.
(a) the period of detention originally fixed by an order made under section 4 of this Act ends before the person to whom the order relates attains the age of seventeen years, and
(b) the managers and the medical officer of the School certify that such person requires further training,
the Minister may direct that the period of detention of such person shall be extended to the time when he will attain the age of seventeen years and thereupon such order shall, notwithstanding anything contained in section 65 of the Principal Act, have effect so as to conform with the direction and such person shall be detained accordingly.
Uimhir 6 de 1949.
[An tiontó oifigiúil.]
Reamhraiteach agus Ginearalta.
Gearrtheideal agus comhlua.
1.—(1) Féadfar Acht na Leanaí (Leasú), 1949, a ghairm den Acht seo.
(2) Féadfar Achta na Leanaí, 1908 go 1949, a ghairm d'Achta na Leanaí, 1908 go 1941 agus den Acht seo le chéile.
2.—(1) San Acht seo—
ciallaíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” an Children Act, 1908, arna oiriúnú le haon achtachán nó faoi, agus arna leasú agus arna leathnú le hAcht na Leanaí, 1941 (Uimh. 12 de 1941), agus leis an Acht seo;
ciallaíonn an abairt “an Scoil” Scoil Cheartúcháin Naomh Anna, Cill Mochuda, Contae Bhaile Atha Cliath.
(2) Léireofar mar aon ní amháin an tAcht seo agus an príomh-Acht.
Tosach feidhme Coda II.
3.—(1) Ní thiocfaidh Cuid II den Acht seo i ngníomh ach mar foráltar le fo-alt (2) den alt seo.
(2) Féadfaidh an tAire, ar bhainisteoirí na Scoile dá iarraidh sin, ordú a dhéanamh á dhearbhú go dtiocfaidh Cuid II den Acht seo i ngníomh ar dháta sonraithe, agus air sin tiocfaidh an Chuid sin II i ngníomh ar an dáta a sonrófar san ordú.
Daoine a dlitear a choimiteail chun scoile saothair deimhnithe a choimiteail chun na Scoile.
Daoine a dlitear a choimiteáil chun scoile saothair deimhnithe a choimiteáil chun na Scoile.
4.—(1) I gcás—
(a) ina bhféadfaidh Cúirt, faoi aon fho-alt d'alt 58 den Phríomh-Acht, a ordú duine a chur chun scoile saothair deimhnithe, agus
(b) inar chinntigh an Chúirt roimh ré go bhfuil bainisteoirí na Scoile toilteanach an duine sin a ghlacadh,
féadfaidh an Chúirt, in ionad a ordú an duine sin a chur chun scoile saothair deimhnithe, a ordú an duine sin a chur chun na Scoile.
(2) Baineann na forála seo a leanas den Phríomh-Acht, eadhon fo-alt (6) d'alt 74 agus fo-alt (18) d'alt 133, le hordú a dhéanamh faoin alt seo amhail mar bhaineas na forála sin le hordú a dhéanamh faoi alt 58 den Phríomh-Acht.
Feidhm an Phríomh-Achta.
5.—Aon uair a dhéanfas Cúirt ordú faoi alt 4 den Acht seo á ordú duine a chur chun na Scoile, beidh feidhm ag an bPríomh-Acht maidir leis an duine sin amhail is dá mba ordú coinneála an t-ordú agus go mba scoil saothair deimhnithe an Scoil.
An tréimhse choinneála d'fhaidiú
6.—Más rud é—
(a) go gcríochnóidh an tréimhse choinneála a socraíodh i dtosach le hordú arna dhéanamh faoi alt 4 den Acht seo sar a slánóidh an duine lena mbaineann an t-ordú seacht mbliana déag d'aois, agus
(b) go ndeimhneoidh bainisteoirí agus dochtúir oifigiúil na scoile go bhfuil gá ag an duine sin le tuilleadh oiliúna,
féadfaidh an tAire a ordú tréimhse choinneála an duine sin d'fhaidiú go dtí an t-am a shlánós sé seacht mbliana déag d'aois agus air sin beidh éifeacht ag an Ordú sin, d'ainneoin aon ní in alt 65 den Phríomh-Acht, chun bheith i gcomhréir leis an ordú sin agus coinneofar an duine sin dá réir sin.