As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.



Number 17 of 1933.




Part I.




Short title.


Commencement of Act.




Non-application of the Control of Manufactures Act, 1932.


Prosecution of offences.





Part II.



Restriction on manufacture of cement.


Standard of Portland cement.


Applications for cement manufacture licences.


Grant of cement manufacture licence.


Form and operation of cement manufacture licences.


Attachment of conditions to cement manufacture licences.


Breach of conditions of cement manufacture licence.


Payment of fair wages.


Revocation of cement manufacture licences.

Part III.





Compulsory acquisition orders.


Applications for compulsory acquisition orders.


Restriction on making compulsory acquisition orders.


Provisions in relation to compulsory acquisition orders.


Local inquiries.




Transport works.


Applications for orders authorising transport works.


Deposit of draft order and notice of application.


Fees on applications.


Local inquiries into applications for transport works order.


Grant of transport works order.


Provisions of transport works orders.


Amendment of transport works order.


Laying of orders before Houses of the Oireachtas.




Restriction on importation of cement.


Applications for import licences.


Grant of import licences.


Operation of import licences.


Fees in respect of import licences.


Collections, etc., of fees on import licences.


Revocation of import licences.


Periodical publication of particulars in relation to import licences.


Application of Customs Acts.

Act Referred to

Control of Manufactures Act, 1932

No. 21 of 1932


Number 17 of 1933.




Preliminary and General.


Short title.

1.—This Act may be cited as the Cement Act, 1933.


Commencement of Act.

2.—This Act shall come into operation on such day as may be fixed for that purpose by order of the Minister.



3.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce;


the word “cement” means Roman cement, Portland cement or any other hydraulic cement;


the word “prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made by the Minister under this Act.


(2) Each of the following persons shall for the purposes of this Act be a national of Saorstát Eireann, that is to say:—


(a) a person born in Saorstát Eireann or in the area now comprised in Saorstát Eireann;


(b) a person who at the relevant time is and for not less than five consecutive years immediately preceding that time has been ordinarily resident in Saorstát Eireann.


Non-application of the Control of Manufactures Act, 1932.

4.—The Control of Manufactures Act, 1932 (No. 21 of 1932), shall not apply to the process of manufacturing cement or the adapting for sale at a factory of any cement manufactured at such factory.


Prosecution of offences.

5.—Any offence under any section of this Act may be prosecuted by or at the suit of the Minister as prosecutor.



6.—The Minister may by order make regulations in relation to any matter or thing referred to in this Act as prescribed.



7.—All expenses incurred by the Minister under this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.



Control of Manufacture of Cement.


Restriction on manufacture of cement.

8.—(1) It shall not be lawful for any person to manufacture, by way of trade or for the purposes of gain, cement in Saorstát Eireann unless—


(a) such person is the holder of a licence (in this Part of this Act referred to as a cement manufacture licence) granted by the Minister under this Part of this Act and such manufacture is carried on by such person within the area specified in such licence, or


(b) such manufacture is carried on in direct succession to a deceased person who was at the date of his death manufacturing cement under a cement manufacture licence and such manufacture is carried on during the currency of such licence within the area specified in such licence, between the date of the death of such person and the grant of probate of his will or letters of administration of his personal estate, or after such grant by his personal representative in due course of administration, or


(c) such manufacture is carried on by an assignee in bankruptcy, a trustee of an arranging debtor, or a receiver or manager appointed by a court in continuation of the business of a person who, immediately before such assignee, trustee, receiver or manager commenced to carry on such manufacture, was the holder of a cement manufacture licence authorising the manufacture of cement within the area where such manufacture is so carried on and such manufacture is carried on during the currency of such licence.


(2) Every person who acts in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five hundred pounds and in the case of a continuing offence a further fine not exceeding fifty pounds for every day during which the offence is continued.


(3) Where the manufacture of cement is being carried on by a person lawfully entitled, by virtue of paragraph (b) or paragraph (c) of sub-section (1) of this section, to carry on such manufacture in succession to a deceased person or in continuation of the business of a person who was the holder of a cement manufacture licence, such first mentioned person shall, for the purposes of the succeeding provisions of this Act, be deemed to be the holder of such licence.


Standard of Portland cement.

9.—(1) The Minister shall, as soon as may be after the commencement of this Act, by order under this sub-section appoint by reference to quality the standard to which Portland cement manufactured by holders of cement manufacture licences is to conform.


(2) The Minister may from time to time by order under this sub-section amend the order made under the immediately preceding sub-section.


(3) Every order made by the Minister under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution annulling such order is passed by either House of the Oireachtas within the next subsequent ten days on which that House has sat after such order is so laid before it, such order shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such order.


(4) If any holder of a cement manufacture licence manufactures any Portland cement the quality of which does not conform to the standard for the time being appointed under this section, such holder shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable, on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds.


Applications for cement manufacture licences.

10.—(1) Any person who proposes to manufacture cement may apply to the Minister for a cement manufacture licence.


(2) The following provisions shall have effect in relation to applications for cement manufacture licences, that is to say:—


(a) every application shall be in the prescribed form and be made in the prescribed manner;


(b) every application shall state—


(i) the area within which the applicant proposes to manufacture cement;


(ii) such other particulars as may be prescribed.


(3) Every person who applies for a cement manufacture licence shall, when required by the Minister so to do, furnish to the Minister all such information as the Minister may require for the consideration of such application.


(4) If any person in furnishing any information in pursuance of a requisition of the Minister under the immediately preceding sub-section, makes any statement which is false or misleading in any material respect, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof in the case of a first offence to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds and, in the case of a second or any subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds.


Grant of cement manufacture licence.

11.—Whenever an application is made to the Minister for the grant of a cement manufacture licence, the Minister may, in his discretion, grant or refuse to grant to the applicant such licence.


Form and operation of cement manufacture licences.

12.—(1) Every cement manufacture licence shall be in the prescribed form and be expressed and operate to authorise the person who is for the time being the holder of such licence to manufacture cement within the area specified in such licence, but subject to the provisions of this Act relating to standard of Portland cement and to the conditions (if any) attached to such licence.


(2) The Minister may, if he so thinks proper, on the application of the holder of a cement manufacture licence, alter the area specified in such licence.


Attachment of conditions to cement manufacture licences.

13.—(1) Whenever the Minister grants a cement manufacture licence in respect of a particular area, the Minister may attach to such licence conditions in respect of all or any of the following matters, that is to say:—


(a) the manufacture of cement within such area by the holder of such licence at one specified factory only;


(b) the extent to which materials for the construction or adaptation by such holder of any factory within such area and the plant, equipment and apparatus of such factory shall be materials, plant, equipment and apparatus produced or manufactured in Saorstát Eireann;


(c) the time within which such holder shall commence to manufacture cement within such area;


(d) the maximum quantity of cement which may be manufactured in any year at the factory in such area at, which such holder manufactures cement;


(e) the maximum quantity of cement manufactured at such-factory which may be sold in any year by such holder;


(f) the minimum quantity of cement which may be manufactured in any year at such factory;


(g) the maximum price which may be charged by such holder for any cement manufactured at such factory;


(h) the mode of manufacture of cement at such factory;


(i) the packing of cement manufactured at such factory;


(j) the employment at such factory of nationals of Saorstát Eireann;


(k) the extent to which the raw materials and articles used for the manufacture of cement at such factory shall be materials and articles produced or made in Saorstát Eireann;


(l) the extent to which the capital invested in the business carried on under such licence is from time to time to be owned by nationals of Saorstát Eireann;


(m) the extent to which the management of such business is from time to time to be controlled by nationals of Saorstát Eireann;


(n) the transfer of such licence;


(o) the returns to be made to the Minister by such holder;


(p) the records to be kept at such factory and the production of such records for inspection by an officer of the Minister;


(q) the powers of inspection of such factory by an officer of the Minister;


(r) the right of taking samples of cement manufactured at such factory.


(2) Whenever the Minister attaches any conditions to a cement manufacture licence he shall specify such conditions in such licence.


(3) The Minister may, if he so thinks fit, on the application of the holder of a cement manufacture licence, alter any conditions attached to such licence.


Breach of conditions of cement manufacture licence.

14.—If any person who is the holder of a cement manufacture licence fails, neglects, or refuses to observe or comply with any of the conditions attached to such licence, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds and in the case of a continuing offence a further fine not exceeding fifty pounds for every day during which the offence is continued.


Payment of fair wages.

15.—(1) The wages paid by the holder of a cement manufacture licence to persons employed by him for the purposes of the business authorised by such licence shall not be less than would be payable if such business were carried on under a contract between the Minister and such holder containing a fair wage clause similar to that for the time being contained in contracts made by Ministers and Government Departments.


(2) If any person who is the holder of a cement manufacture licence acts in contravention of this section, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.


Revocation of cement manufacture licences.

16.—(1) The Minister may at any time revoke a cement manufacture licence on the application of the holder of such licence.


(2) The Minister may, at any time, on his own motion, revoke a cement manufacture licence, if the holder of such licence has been convicted of an offence under any section contained in this Part of this Act.



Compulsory Acquisition of Land for the Purposes of Cement Factories.



17.—In this Part of this Act the word “land” includes easements and profits á prendre.


Compulsory acquisition orders.

18.—Where the Minister is satisfied that a person who is the holder of a cement manufacture licence is unable to acquire by agreement any land which, in the opinion of the Minister, is necessary for the purposes of the business authorised by such licence, the Minister may, on the application of such person, but subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act, make if he so thinks fit, an order (in this Part of this Act referred to as a compulsory acquisition order) putting into force as respects such land the provisions of the Lands Clauses Acts with respect to the purchase and taking of lands otherwise than by agreement.


Applications for compulsory acquisition orders.

19.—(1) Every application for a compulsory acquisition order shall—


(a) be in the prescribed form;


(b) contain the prescribed particulars of the land in respect of which the order is sought, and the names and addresses of the occupiers, lessees and owners of such land;


(c) contain particulars of the efforts made by the applicant to acquire such land by agreement;


(d) contain such other particulars as may be prescribed.


(2) Whenever an application for a compulsory acquisition order is sent to the Minister the applicant shall within the prescribed time to do the following things, that is to say:—


(a) serve in the prescribed manner on such persons as may be prescribed copies of such application;


(b) publish in such newspaper or newspapers as may be specified by the Minister notice of the making of such application.


(3) Any person who claims to be interested in any land the subject of an application for a compulsory acquisition order may make representations to the Minister in relation to such application.


Restriction on making compulsory acquisition orders.

20.—(1) The Minister shall not make a compulsory acquisition order until the expiration of the period of six weeks from the date of the application for such order and until he has considered any representations received by him before the expiration of such period.


(2) The Minister shall not make a compulsory acquisition order in relation to any land which at the date of the application therefor forms part of any park, demesne, garden or pleasure ground or forms part of the home farm attached to and occupied with a mansion house or is otherwise required for the amenity or convenience of any dwelling-house or is the property of any local authority or has been acquired by any corporation or company for the purposes of a railway, dock, canal, water, or other public undertaking or is the site of an ancient monument or is the site of any factory in respect of which a cement manufacture licence is in force.


Provisions in relation to compulsory acquisition orders.

21.—The following provisions shall have effect in relation to every compulsory acquisition order, that is to say:—


(a) such order shall be expressed and operate to put in force, as respects the land specified therein, the provisions of the Lands Clauses Acts with respect to the purchase and taking of lands otherwise than by agreement;


(b) such order shall be in the prescribed form and shall contain such provisions as the Minister shall think necessary and proper for the purpose of carrying the order into effect, and shall incorporate, subject to the necessary adaptations, the Lands Clauses Acts (except the provisions thereof relating to superfluous land and access to the special Act), but subject to this modification that any question of disputed compensation shall be determined by an official arbitrator under and in accordance with the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919;


(c) in construing, for the purposes of this section or such order, any enactment incorporated with such order, this section together with such order shall be deemed to be the special Act and the person upon whose application such order was made shall be deemed to be the promoters of the undertaking.


Local inquiries.

22.—(1) For the purposes of considering an application for a compulsory acquisition order the Minister may appoint an officer of the Minister to hold a public inquiry into such application in the locality in which the land the subject of such application is situate, and the applicant and all persons interested in such lands shall be entitled to appear and be heard at any such inquiry.


(2) Evidence given before an officer of the Minister appointed to hold an inquiry under this section shall, if such officer so requires, be given on oath (which oath such officer is hereby empowered to administer) and any person who gives false evidence before any such officer shall be guilty of perjury and punishable accordingly.



Construction, Maintenance and Operation of Transport Works.


Transport works.

23.—Each of the following works shall be transport works for the purposes of this Part of this Act, that is to say:—


(a) a railway;


(b) a tramway;


(c) an aerial ropeway;


(d) any other works for the transport of goods.


Applications for orders authorising transport works.

24.—(1) The holder of a cement manufacture licence may apply to the Minister for an order (in this Part of this Act referred to as a transport works order) under this Part of this Act authorising him to construct, maintain, and operate, for the purposes of the business authorised by such licence, transport works of a particular kind.


(2) Every application for a transport works order shall be accompanied by a draft of the proposed order, a plan, in the prescribed form, of the proposed transport works and a book of reference, in the prescribed form, to such plan.


Deposit of draft order and notice of application.

25.—(1) Whenever an application is made for a transport works order the applicant shall forthwith do the following things, that is to say:—


(a) deposit and keep deposited at the place or at each of the places appointed by the Minister a copy of the draft order, the plan and the book of reference to such plan, which accompanied the application;


(b) publish a notice in such newspaper or newspapers as the Minister may direct, of the making of such application and of the deposit of a copy of such draft order, plan and book of reference, and the place of such deposit.


(2) Any person may inspect at all reasonable hours the copy of any draft order, plan, or book of reference deposited under this section.


Fees on applications.

26.—(1) There shall be paid to the Minister by the applicant for a transport works order such fee as the Minister, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, may fix.


(2) All fees received by the Minister under this section shall be collected and accounted for in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Minister with the sanction of the Minister for Finance.


Local inquiries into applications for transport works order.

27.—(1) Whenever an application is made to the Minister for a transport works order the Minister shall appoint an officer of the Minister to hold a public inquiry into such application in the locality in which it is proposed to construct the transport works the subject of the application, and the applicant, every owner, lessee and occupier of the land on or over which it is proposed to construct such transport works, every local authority within whose area such works are intended to pass, and every other person who, in the opinion of such officer, is substantially interested in the subject matter of such inquiry shall be entitled to appear and be heard at such inquiry.


(2) Evidence given before an officer of the Minister appointed to hold an enquiry under this section shall, if such officer so requires, be given on oath (which such officer is hereby empowered to administer) and any person who gives false evidence before any such officer shall be guilty of perjury and punishable accordingly.


Grant of transport works order.

28.—After the completion of a public inquiry under the immediately preceding section into an application for a transport works order the Minister shall consider such application and the report of the officer who made such inquiry, and if, after such consideration, the Minister is of opinion that the application should be granted, the Minister shall make an order authorising the applicant to construct, maintain, and operate the transport works specified in such order and such order shall have effect accordingly.


Provisions of transport works orders.

29.—The following provisions shall have effect in relation to every transport works order granted to the holder of a cement manufacture licence, that is to say:—


(a) such order shall contain such provisions as the Minister thinks necessary or expedient for carrying such order into effect;


(b) without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, such order may contain provisions for the compulsory acquisition of any land the acquisition of which is necessary for giving effect to such order, and shall contain provisions for the grant by the Minister of any rights the grant of which is necessary for giving effect to such order;


(c) such order shall contain provisions in relation to the payment of compensation in respect of any land so acquired or of any rights so granted;


(d) such order shall provide that any question of disputed compensation shall be determined by an official arbitrator under and in accordance with the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919;


(e) such order shall specify the manner in which the transport works to which such order relates are to be constructed, maintained, and operated;


(f) such order shall contain provisions limiting the use of such transport works to purposes relating to the business authorised by such licence and to such other purposes, in addition to the purposes aforesaid, as may be specified in such order;


(g) such order shall contain all such provisions as the Minister thinks proper for the protection of the public;


(h) such order shall contain such other provisions, in addition to the foregoing provisions, as the Minister considers necessary and proper.


Amendment of transport works order.

30.—The Minister may, if he so thinks proper, amend by order a transport works order.


Laying of orders before Houses of the Oireachtas.

31.—Every order made by the Minister under this Part of this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and if a resolution annulling such order is passed by either House of the Oireachtas within the next subsequent ten days on which that House has sat after such order is so laid before it, such order shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such order.



Importation of Cement.


Restriction on importation of cement.

32.—(1) It shall not be lawful for any person to import any cement into Saorstát Eireann unless—


(a) such person is the holder of a licence (in this Part of this Act referred to as an import licence) granted by the Minister under this Part of this Act authorising him to import cement, and


(b) such cement is of the nature and quality specified in such licence, and


(c) such cement does not exceed in quantity the amount specified in such licence, and


(d) such cement is manufactured in the country specified in that behalf in such licence, and


(e) such cement is imported direct from the country specified in that behalf in such licence, and


(f) such cement is imported through the port specified in such licence, and


(g) such cement is imported within the time specified in such licence.


(2) If any person imports into Saorstát Eireann any cement in contravention of this section such person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof, in the case of a first offence, to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds and, in the case of a second or any subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding two hundred pounds.


Applications for import licences.

33.—(1) Any person who proposes to import into Saorstát Eireann any cement may apply to the Minister for the grant to him of an import licence to import such cement.


(2) Every application for an import licence shall—


(a) be in the prescribed form;


(b) state the following particulars:—


(i) the nature and quality of the cement proposed to be imported under such licence;


(ii) the quantity of such cement;


(iii) the country in which such cement was manufactured;


(iv) the country from which it is proposed to import such cement;


(v) the port in Saorstát Eireann through which it is proposed that such cement be imported;


(vi) the time within which it is proposed to import such cement;


(vii) such other particulars as may be prescribed.


(3) Every application for an import licence shall be accompanied by a statement in the prescribed form signed by the applicant stating the price of the cement proposed to be imported under such licence, such price being calculated as the price, after deduction of any discounts, rebates or other remissions allowed or agreed to be allowed, on delivery of such cement on the quay side of the port in Saorstát Eireann through which it is proposed to import such cement.


(4) If any statement sent with an application for an import licence in pursuance of the immediately preceding sub-section is false or misleading in any material respect, the person signing such statement shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.


Grant of import licences.

34.—(1) The Minister may refuse an application for an import licence on any one or more of the following grounds and on no other ground whatsoever, that is to say:—


(a) that the applicant has not complied with the provisions of the immediately preceding section, or


(b) that the applicant has been convicted of an offence under the immediately preceding section, or


(c) that, having regard to the existing stocks of cement in Saorstát Eireann and the quantity (if any) of cement about to be imported under import licences already issued, it is not in his opinion expedient to grant such licence.


(2) Where an application is made to the Minister for the grant of an import licence and such application is not refused, the Minister shall notify the applicant of the amount of the licence fee payable under this Part of this Act in respect of such licence and upon payment by the applicant to him of such fee the Minister shall grant such licence.


Operation of import licences.

35.—Every import licence shall operate and be expressed to authorise the licensee under such licence to import into Saorstát Eireann from the country, through the port, and within the time specified in the application for such licence, cement manufactured in the country specified in that behalf in such application and of the nature and quality and of the amount specified in such application.


Fees in respect of import licences.

36.—(1) There shall be payable in respect of every import licence a fee calculated by reference to the number of tons of cement authorised by such licence to be imported, and at such rate per ton as the Minister may, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, fix in respect of such licence.


(2) Where the Minister has in any calendar month granted an import licence to import cement manufactured in a particular country and of a particular nature and quality through a particular port in Saorstát Eireann, and in the same calendar month subsequently grants any other import licence or licences to import cement manufactured in such country and of the like nature and quality through such port the rate per ton fixed in respect of such other import licence or licences shall be the same as that fixed in respect of such first mentioned import licence.


Collections, etc., of fees on import licences.

37.—All fees received by the Minister under this Part of this Act in respect of import licences shall be collected and accounted for in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Minister with the sanction of the Minister for Finance.


Revocation of import licences.

38.—(1) The Minister may, on the application of the licensee under an import licence, revoke such licence.


(2) Where the Minister revokes an import licence, he shall repay to the licensee under such licence the fee paid under this Part of this Act in respect of such licence.


Periodical publication of particulars in relation to import licences.

39.—(1) The Minister shall as soon as may be after the expiration of every appointed period publish in the Iris Oifigiúil


(a) in case no import licence has been granted during such period, a notice to that effect; and


(b) in case any import licence or licences has or have been granted during such period, a notice stating in respect of each such licence the following particulars, namely:—


(i) the name and address of the licensee;


(ii) the rate fixed by the Minister for the purpose of the calculation of the fee payable under this Part of this Act in respect of such licence;


(iii) the quantity of cement authorised by such licence to be imported;


(iv) the nature and quality of such cement;


(v) the country in which such cement was manufactured;


(vi) the country from which such cement is authorised by such licence to be imported;


(vii) the port in Saorstát Eireann through which such cement is authorised by such licence to be imported.


(2) Each of the following periods shall be an appointed period for the purposes of this section, that is to say:—


(a) the period commencing on the 1st day of every calendar month and ending on the 15th day of such month;


(b) the period commencing on the 16th day of every calendar month and ending on the last day of such month.


Application of Customs Acts.

40.—Cement prohibited to be imported by virtue of this Part of this Act shall be deemed to be included among the goods enumerated and described in the Table of Prohibitions and Restrictions Inwards contained in section 42 of the Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, and the provisions of that Act, as amended or extended by any subsequent Act, applying to the importation of prohibited or restricted goods, shall apply accordingly.


Uimhir 17 de 1933.




[27adh Iúl, 1933.]



Roimhraiteach agus Generalta.



1.—Féadfar an tAcht Stroighne, 1933, do ghairm den Acht so.


Tosach feidhme an Achta.

2.—Tiocfaidh an tAcht so i bhfeidhm pé lá socrófar chuige sin le hordú ón Aire.



3.—(1) San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála;


cialluíonn an focal “stroighin” stroighin Rómhánach, stroighin Phortland no stroighin ar bith eile chruadhann fé uisce;


cialluíonn an focal “orduithe” orduithe le rialacháin ar n-a ndéanamh ag an Aire fén Acht so.


(2) Chun crícheanna an Achta so is náisiúnach de Shaorstát Éireann gach duine acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) duine do rugadh i Saorstát Éireann no sa líomatáiste gurb é Saorstát Éireann anois é;


(b) duine bheidh ina ghnáth-chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann le linn an ama bhaineann leis an gcás agus a bheidh tar éis bheith ina ghnáth-chomhnaí i Saorstát Éireann ar feadh cúig mblian ar a laighead as a chéile díreach roimh an am san.


An tAcht chun Déantúisí do Rialú, 1932, gan bheith i mbaint.

4.—Ní bhainfidh an tAcht chun Déantúisí do Rialú, 1932 (Uimh. 21 de 1932), le stroighin do dhéanamh ná le haon stroighin a déanfar i monarchain do chur in oiriúint sa mhonarchain sin chun a díolta.


Ciontaí do chúiseamh.

5.—Féadfaidh an tAire no féadfar ar agra an Aire mar chúisitheoir aon chionta fé aon alt den Acht so do chúiseamh.



6.—Féadfaidh an tAire le hordú rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh éinní no aon ruda dá dtagartar san Acht so mar ní no mar rud atá orduithe.



7.—Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar gach costas fé n-a raghaidh an tAire fén Acht so.


Deantoireacht Stroighne do Stiuradh.


Srian le déantóireacht stroighne.

8.—(1) Ní bheidh sé dleathach do dhuine ar bith stroighin do dhéanamh i Saorstát Éireann, mar thrádáil ná chun sochair d'fháil, maran rud é—


(a) gur sealbhóir ceadúnais (dá ngairmtear ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne sa Chuid seo den Acht so) ar n-a dheonadh ag an Aire fén gCuid seo den Acht so an duine sin agus gur laistigh den líomatáiste bheidh luaidhte sa cheadúnas san a bheidh an déantóireacht san ar siúl ag an duine sin, no


(b) go mbeidh an déantóireacht san ar siúl i gcomharbas dhíreach do dhéantóireacht dhuine mhairbh do bhí ar dháta a bháis ag déanamh stroighne fé cheadúnas déantóireachta stroighne agus go mbeidh an déantóireacht san ar siúl le linn ré an cheadúnais sin laistigh den líomatáiste bheidh luaidhte sa cheadúnas san, idir an lá do fuair an duine sin bás agus lá deonta probháide a uachta no leitreacha riaracháin a estáit phearsanta, no tar éis an deonta san ag á ionadaí pearsanta i gcúrsaí cuibhe riaracháin, no


(c) go mbeidh an déantóireacht san ar siúl ag sannaí i ngnó-bhriseadh, ag iontaobhaí d'fhéicheamh a bheidh ag déanamh socruithe, no ag glacadóir no bainisteoir ar n-a cheapadh ag cúirt, agus é ag leanúint de ghnó duine do bhí, díreach sarar thosnuigh an sannaí, an t-iontaobhaí, an glacadóir no an bainisteoir sin ar an déantóireacht san do bheith ar siúl aige, ina shealbhóir ar cheadúnas déantóireachta stroighne á údarú dho stroighin do dhéanamh laistigh den líomatáiste ina mbeidh an déantóireacht san ar siúl amhlaidh agus gur le linn ré an cheadúnais sin a bheidh an déantóireacht san ar siúl.


(2) Gach duine dhéanfaidh ní ar bith contrárdha don alt so beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig céad púnt do chur air agus, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, fíneáil bhreise ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt in aghaidh gach lae leanfar den chionta.


(3) I gcás déantóireachta stroighne do bheith ar siúl ag duine bheidh i dteideal do réir dlí, de bhuadh míre (b) no míre (c) d'fho-alt (1) den alt so, an déantóireacht san do bheith ar siúl aige i gcomharbas do dhuine mharbh no ag leanúint de ghnó dhuine ba shealbhóir ar cheadúnas déantóireachta stroighne, tuigfear, chun crícheanna na bhforálacha ina dhiaidh seo den Acht so, gurb é an duine sin do céad-luadhadh is sealbhóir ar an gceadúnas san.


Caighdeán stroighne Portland.

9.—(1) Déanfaidh an tAire le hordú fén bhfo-alt so, chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis tosach feidhme an Achta so, a shocrú, tré cháilíocht do luadh, cadé an caighdeán gur dá réir a bheidh stroighin Phortland a dhéanfaidh sealbhóirí ceadúnaisí déantóireachta stroighne.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire o am go ham, le hordú fén bhfo-alt so, an t-ordú déanfar fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo do leasú.


(3) Gach ordú dhéanfaidh an tAire fén alt so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh den Oireachtas, laistigh den deich lá shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis an orduithe sin do leagadh fé n-a bhráid amhlaidh, rún do rith ag cur an orduithe sin ar nea-mbrí beidh an t-ordú san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin, ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén ordú san.


(4) Má dheineann aon tsealbhóir ceadúnais déantóireachta stroighne aon stroighin Phortland ná beidh a cáilíocht do réir an chaighdeáin a bheidh socair de thurus na huaire fén alt so, beidh an sealbhóir sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad púnt do chur air.


Iarrataisí ar cheadúnaisí déantóireachta stroighne.

10.—(1) Féadfaidh duine ar bith a bheidh ar aigne stroighin do dhéanamh ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne d'iarraidh ar an Aire.


(2) Beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir le hiarrataisí ar cheadúnaisí déantóireachta stroighne, sé sin le rá:—


(a) is sa bhfuirm orduithe bheidh gach iarratas agus is sa tslí orduithe déanfar é;


(b) luadhfar i ngach íarratas—


(i) an líomatáiste gur laistigh de atá an t-iarratasóir ar aigne stroighin do dhéanamh;


(ii) pé mion-innste eile bheidh orduithe.


(3) Gach duine iarrfaidh ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne déanfa sé, ar an Aire do cheangal san air, an t-eolas go léir do thabhairt don Aire a theastóidh ón Aire chun an iarratais sin do bhreithniú.


(4) Má dheineann duine ar bith, agus é ag tabhairt aon eolais uaidh do réir iarratais ón Aire fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo, aon ráiteas a bheidh bréagach no mí-threorach in aon phonc táchtach, beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt do chur air má sé an chéad chionta aige é, agus fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad púnt má sé an dara cionta aige é no aon chionta ina dhiaidh sin.


Ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne do dheonadh.

11.—Pé uair a hiarrfar ar an Aire ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne do dheonadh, féadfaidh an tAire, fé mar is rogha leis, an ceadúnas san do dheonadh no diúltadh d'é do dheonadh don iarratasóir.


Fuirm agus oibriú ceadúnaisí déantóireachta stroighne.

12.—(1) Is sa bhfuirm orduithe bheidh gach ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne agus déarfaidh agus déanfaidh a údarú don duine is sealbhóir ar an gceadúnas san de thurus na huaire stroighin do dhéanamh laistigh den líomatáiste bheidh luaidhte sa cheadúnas san ach san fé réir na bhforálacha den Acht so bhaineann le caighdeán stroighne Portland agus fé réir na gcoinníoll (más aon cheann é) bheidh ag gabháil leis an gceadúnas san.


(2) Ar iarratas an té is sealbhóir ar cheadúnas déantóireachta stroighne féadfaidh an tAire, más dóich leis san do bheith ceart, an líomatáiste bheidh luaidhte sa cheadúnas san d'atharú.


Coinníollacha do chur le ceadúnaisí déantóireachta stroighne.

13.—(1) Pé uair a dheonfaidh an tAire ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne maidir le líomatáiste áirithe, féadfaidh an tAire coinníollacha do chur leis an gceadúnas san i dtaobh gach ní no éinní acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) sealbhóir an cheadúnais sin do dhéanamh stroighne laistigh den líomatáiste sin i monarchain áirithe agus sa mhonarchain sin amháin;


(b) a mhéid gur abhair, gléasra, feisteas agus fearas do saothruíodh no do rinneadh i Saorstát Éireann a bheidh sna habhair dá ndéanfaidh an sealbhóir sin aon mhonarcha no tré n-a gcuirfidh aon mhonarcha in oiriúint laistigh den líomatáiste sin agus i ngléasra, i bhfeisteas agus i bhfearas na monarchan san;


(c) an t-am gur laistigh de thosnóidh an sealbhóir sin ar stroighin do dhéanamh laistigh den líomatáiste sin;


(d) an méid maximum stroighne féadfar do dhéanamh bliain ar bith sa mhonarchain sa líomatáiste sin ina mbíonn stroighin á déanamh ag an sealbhóir sin;


(e) an méid maximum den stroighin a déanfar sa mhonarchain sin fhéadfaidh an sealbhóir sin do dhíol bliain ar bith;


(f) an méid minimum stroighne féadfar do dhéanamh bliain ar bith sa mhonarchain sin;


(g) an praghas maximum fhéadfaidh an sealbhóir sin d'éileamh ar aon stroighin a déanfar sa mhonarchain sin;


(h) an módh ina ndéanfar stroighin sa mhonarchain sin;


(i) stroighin a déanfar sa mhonarchain sin do phacáil;


(j) náisiúnaigh de Shaorstát Éireann d'fhostú sa mhonarchain sin;


(k) a mhéid gur abhair agus earraí do saothruíodh no do rinneadh i Saorstát Éireann a bheidh sna bun-abhair agus sna hearraí a húsáidfear chun stroighne do dhéanamh sa mhonarchain sin;


(l) an méid den chaipital a bheidh suncálta sa ghnó bheidh ar siúl fén gceadúnas san is gá o am go ham do bheith ar únaeracht ag náisiúnaigh de Shaorstát Éireann;


(m) a mhéid gur gá o am go ham bainistí an ghnótha san do bheith fé stiúradh ag náisiúnaigh de Shaorstát Éireann;


(n) an ceadúnas san d'aistriú;


(o) na cuntaisí bhéarfaidh an sealbhóir sin don Aire;


(p) na breacacháin a bheidh le coimeád sa mhonarchain sin agus na breacacháin sin do thaisbeáint d'oifigeach don Aire chun iad d'iniúchadh;


(q) na comhachta bheidh ag oifigeach don Aire chun na monarchan san d'iniúchadh;


(r) ceart chun samplaí den stroighin a déanfar sa mhonarchain sin do thógaint.


(2) Pé uair a chuirfidh an tAire aon choinníollacha le ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne luadhfaidh na coinníollacha san sa cheadúnas san.


(3) Ar iarratas an té is sealbhóir ar cheadúnas déantóireachta stroighne féadfaidh an tAire, más oiriúnach leis é, aon choinníollacha bheidh ag gabháil leis an gceadúnas san d'atharú.


Coinníollacha ceadúnais déantóireachta stroighne do bhriseadh.

14.—Má theipeann ar dhuine ar bith is sealbhóir ar cheadúnas déantóireachta stroighne déanamh do réir aon cheann de sna coinníollacha bheidh ag gabháil leis an gceadúnas san no é do chólíonadh no má thugann faillí no má dheineann diúltadh maidir le déanamh dá réir sin no é do chólíonadh, beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad púnt do chur air agus, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, fíneáil bhreise ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt in aghaidh gach lae leanfar den chionta.


Págh cothrom d'íoc.

15.—(1) An págh íocfaidh sealbhóir ceadúnais déantóireachta stroighne le daoine bheidh ar fostú aige chun crícheanna an ghnótha bheidh údaruithe leis an gceadúnas san ní bheidh sé níos lugha ná an págh do bheadh iníoctha dá mba fé chonnradh idir an tAire agus an sealbhóir sin do bheadh an gnó san ar siúl agus clás i dtaobh páigh chothruim sa chonnradh san den tsamhail do bheadh de thurus na huaire i gconnartha ar n-a ndéanamh ag Airí agus Ranna Rialtais.


(2) Má dheineann duine ar bith is sealbhóir ar cheadúnas déantóireachta stroighne ní ar bith contrárdha don alt so, beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt do chur air.


Ceadúnaisí déantóireachta stroighne do cheiliúradh.

16.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire uair ar bith ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne do cheiliúradh ar n-a iarraidh sin do shealbhóir an cheadúnais sin.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire uaidh féin, uair ar bith, ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne do cheiliúradh i gcás sealbhóra an cheadúnais sin do chiontú i gcionta fé aon alt atá sa Chuid seo den Acht so.


Talamh do Thogaint go hEigeanta chun Cricheanna Monarcharna Stroighne.



17.—Sa Chuid seo den Acht so foluíonn an focal “talamh” éasáidí agus profits á prendre.


Orduithe um thógaint éigeanta.

18.—Más deimhin leis an Aire ná fuil duine is sealbhóir ar cheadúnas déantóireachta stroighne ábalta ar aon talamh d'fháil tré chó-aontú is talamh is gá, dar leis an Aire, chun crícheanna an ghnótha bheidh údaruithe leis an gceadúnas san, féadfaidh an tAire, ar iarratas an duine sin ach fé réir forálacha na Coda so den Acht so, féadfaidh, más oiriúnach leis é, ordú (dá ngairmtear ordú um thógaint éigeanta sa Chuid seo den Acht so) do dhéanamh chun na bhforálacha d'Achtanna na gClásanna Talmhan a bhaineann le tailte do cheannach agus do thógaint ar shlí seachas tré chó-aontú do chur i bhfeidhm maidir leis an talamh san.


Iarrataisí ar orduithe um thógaint éigeanta.

19.—(1) Maidir le gach iarratas ar ordú um thógaint éigeanta—


(a) is sa bhfuirm orduithe bheidh;


(b) beidh ann na mion-innste orduithe i dtaobh an tailimh gur mar gheall air a bheidh an t-ordú á iarraidh, agus fós ainmneacha agus seolta sealbhairí, léasaithe agus únaerí an tailimh sin;


(c) beidh ann mion-innste i dtaobh na n-iarrachtaí do rinne an t-iarratasóir chun an tailimh sin d'fháil tré chó-aontú;


(d) beidh ann pé mion-innste eile bheidh orduithe.


(2) Pé uair a cuirfear iarratas ar ordú um thógaint éigeanta chun an Aire déanfaidh an t-iarratasóir, laistigh den am orduithe, na nithe seo leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) cóipeanna den iarratas san do sheirbheáil sa tslí orduithe ar pé daoine bheidh orduithe;


(b) fógra i dtaobh déanamh an iarratais sin d'fhoillsiú i pé páipéar no páipéirí nuachta luadhfaidh an tAire.


(3) Féadfaidh duine ar bith adeir go bhfuil leas aige in aon talamh is abhar d'iarratas ar ordú um thógaint éigeanta cúis do phlé leis an Aire i dtaobh an iarratais sin.


Srian le horduithe um thógaint éigeanta do dhéanamh.

20.—(1) Ní dhéanfaidh an tAire ordú um thógaint éigeanta go ceann tréimhse de shé seachtainí o dháta iarrtha an orduithe sin ná go dtí go mbreithneoidh aon chúis a pléidhfear leis roimh dheireadh na tréimhse sin.


(2) Ní dhéanfaidh an tAire ordú um thógaint éigeanta maidir le haon talamh a bheidh, ar dháta iarrtha an orduithe sin, ina chuid d'aon pháirc, fearann oighreachta, gáirdín no faithche shúgraidh no ina chuid den fheirm bhaile ghabhann le agus a sealbhuítear maraon le tigh mór, no ag teastáil ar aon tslí eile chun taithneamhachta no chún áisiúlachta aon tighe chomhnaithe, no dá gcuid féin ag aon údarás áitiúil, no tógtha ar seilbh ag aon chorporáid no ag aon chuideachtain chun crícheanna bóthair iarainn, duga, canáile, uisce, no gnótha phuiblí eile, no mar láithreán do shéadchomhartha ársa no mar láithreán d'aon mhonarchain go mbeidh ceadúnas déantóireachta stroighne i bhfeidhm ina taobh.


Forálacha i dtaobh orduithe um thógaint éigeanta.

21.—Beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir le gach ordú um thógaint éigeanta, sé sin le rá:—


(a) déarfaidh agus déanfaidh an t-ordú san na forálacha d'Achtanna na gClásanna Talmhan a bhaineann le tailte do cheannach agus do thógaint ar shlí seachas tré chó-aontú do chur i bhfeidhm maidir leis an talamh a bheidh luaidhte ann;


(b) is sa bhfuirm orduithe bheidh an t-ordú san agus beidh ann pé forálacha is dóich leis an Aire is gá agus is ceart chun an orduithe do chur in éifeacht, agus beidh ionchorpruithe ann, fé réir na n-oiriúnuithe is gá, Achtanna na gClásanna Talmhan (ach amháin na forálacha dhíobh a bhaineann le talamh ná teastuíonn agus le fáil do bheith ar an Acht speisialta), ach san fé réir an atharuithe seo, eadhon, gur eadrascánaí oifigiúil a shocróidh agus gur fén Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, agus dá réir, a socrófar aon cheist i dtaobh cúitimh is abhar aighnis;


(c) nuair a beifear, chun crícheanna an ailt seo no an orduithe sin, ag léiriú aon achtachán a bheidh ionchorpruithe leis an ordú san, tuigfear gurb é an t-alt so maraon leis an ordú san an tAcht speisialta agus gurab é an duine gur ar a iarratas do rinneadh an t-ordú san bunathóirí an ghnótha.


Fiosrúcháin áitiúla.

22.—(1) Chun iarratais ar ordú um thógaint éigeanta do bhreithniú féadfaidh an tAire oifigeach don Aire do cheapadh chun fiosrúcháin phuiblí do dhéanamh i dtaobh an iarratais sin san áit ina bhfuil an talamh is abhar don iarratas san, agus beidh an t-iarratasóir agus gach duine ag á mbeidh leas sna tailte sin i dteideal teacht i láthair agus éisteacht d'fháil ag aon fhiosrúchán den tsórt san.


(2) Fianaise do bhéarfar os cóir oifigigh don Aire a ceapfar chun fiosrúcháin do dhéanamh fén alt so, déanfar, má éilíonn an t-oifigeach san amhlaidh, í do thabhairt fé mhionn (agus bheirtear comhacht leis seo don oifigeach san daoine do chur fén mionn san) agus éinne do bhéarfaidh fianaise bhréagach uaidh os cóir aon oifigigh den tsórt san beidh sé ciontach i mionn éithigh agus beidh sé ionphionósuithe dá réir sin.


Oibreacha Iompair do Dheanamh, do Choinneail i dTreo agus d'Oibriu.


Oibreacha iompair

23.—Chun crícheanna na Coda so den Acht so is oibreacha iompair gach ceann de sna hoibreacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) bóthar iarainn;


(b) trambhealach;


(c) cábla-bhealach san aer;


(d) aon oibreacha eile chun earraí d'iompar.


Iarrataisí ar orduithe ag údarú oibreacha iompair.

24.—(1) Féadfaidh an té is sealbhóir ar cheadúnas déantóireachta stroighne ordú (dá ngairmtear sa Chuid seo den Acht so ordú oibreacha iompair) fén gCuid seo den Acht so d'iarraidh ar an Aire á údarú dho oibreacha iompair de chineál áirithe do dhéanamh, do choinneáil i dtreo, agus d'oibriú, chun crícheanna an ghnótha bheidh údaruithe leis an gceadúnas san.


(2) Beidh i dteanta gach iarratais ar ordú oibreacha iompair dréacht den ordú bheidh á iarraidh, plean, sa bhfuirm orduithe, de sna hoibreacha iompair a bheidh beartuithe a dhéanamh agus leabhar eolais, sa bhfuirm orduithe, don phlean san.


An dréachtordú do lóisteáil agus fógra d'fhoillsiú i dtaobh an iarratais.

25.—(1) Pé uair a déanfar iarratas ar ordú oibreacha iompair déanfaidh an t-iarratasóir láithreach na nithe seo leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) cóip den dréacht-ordú, den phlean agus den leabhar eolais don phlean san, do bhí i dteanta an iarratais, do lóisteáil agus do choimeád lóisteálta san áit no i ngach ceann de sna háiteanna cheapfaidh an tAire;


(b) fógra d'fhoillsiú, i pé páipéar no páipéirí nuachta ordóidh an tAire, i dtaobh an iarratais sin do dhéanamh agus i dtaobh cóipe den dréacht-ordú, den phlean agus den leabhar eolais sin do lóisteáil, agus ag luadh ionaid na lóisteála san.


(2) Féadfaidh duine ar bith an chóip de dhréacht-ordú, de phlean no de leabhar eolais ar bith a lóisteálfar fén alt so d'iniúchadh gach tráth réasúnta.


Táillí ar iarrataisí.

26.—(1) An té is iarratasóir ar ordú oibreacha iompair íocfaidh leis an Aire pé táille shocróidh an tAire le ceadú an Aire Airgid.


(2) Déanfar gach táille do gheobhaidh an tAire fén alt so do bhailiú agus cuntas do thabhairt ina taobh i pé slí ordóidh an tAire le ceadú an Aire Airgid.


Fiosrúcháin áitiúla i dtaobh iarrataisí ar ordú oibreacha iompair.

27.—(1) Pé uair a hiarrfar ordú oibreacha iompair ar an Aire ceapfaidh an tAire oifigeach don Aire chun fiosrúcháin phuiblí do dhéanamh i dtaobh an iarratais sin san áit ina mbeidh sé beartuithe na hoibreacha iompair is abhar don iarratas do dhéanamh, agus beidh an t-iarratasóir, agus gach éinne is únaer, léasaí no sealbhaire ar an talamh go mbeidh sé beartuithe na hoibreacha iompair sin do dhéanamh air no os a chionn, agus gach údarás áitiúil go mbeidh sé beartuithe na hoibreacha san do ghabháil laistigh dá líomatáiste, agus fós gach duine eile gur dóich leis an oifigeach san abhar an fhiosrúcháin sin do bhaint leis go substainteach, beid san uile i dteideal teacht i láthair agus éisteacht d'fháil ag an bhfiosrúchán san.


(2) Fianaise do bhéarfar os cóir oifigigh don Aire a ceapfar chun fiosrúcháin do dhéanamh fén alt so, déanfar má éilíonn an t-oifigeach san amhlaidh í do thabhairt fé mhionn (agus bheirtear comhacht leis seo don oifigeach san daoine do chur fén mionn san) agus éinne do bhéarfaidh fianaise bhréagach uaidh os cóir aon oifigigh den tsórt san beidh sé ciontach i mionn éithigh agus beidh sé ionphionósuithe dá réir sin.


Ordú oibreacha iompair do dheonadh.

28.—Tar éis fiosrúcháin phuiblí fén alt deiridh sin roimhe seo, i dtaobh iarratais ar ordú oibreacha iompair, do chríochnú, breithneoidh an tAire an t-iarratas san maraon le tuarasgabháil an oifigigh do rinne an fiosrúchán san, agus más dóich leis an Aire, tar éis an bhreithnithe sin, gur ceart géilleadh don iarratas, déanfaidh an tAire ordú á údarú don iarratasóir na hoibreacha iompair a luadhfar san ordú san do dhéanamh, do choinneáil i dtreo, agus d'oibriú, agus beidh éifeacht ag an ordú san dá réir sin.


Forálacha ordú oibreacha iompair.

29.—Beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir le gach ordú oibreacha iompair a deonfar do shealbhóir cheadúnais déantóireachta stroighne, sé sin le rá:—


(a) beidh san ordú san pé forálacha is dóich leis an Aire is gá no is oiriúnach chun an orduithe sin do chur in éifeacht;


(b) gan dochar do gheneráltacht na míre sin roimhe seo, féadfaidh forálacha do bheith san ordú san is forálacha chun tailimh ar bith do thógaint go héigeanta is gá do thógaint chun éifeachta do thabhairt don ordú san, agus beidh forálacha ann chun an Aire do dheonadh ceart ar bith is gá do dheonadh chun éifeachta do thabhairt don ordú san;


(c) beidh san ordú san forálacha i dtaobh cúitimh d'íoc alos tailimh ar bith a tógfar amhlaidh no alos ceart ar bith a deonfar amhlaidh;


(d) forálfar leis an ordú san gur eadrascánaí oifigiúil a shocróidh agus gur fén Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, agus dá réir, a socrófar aon cheist i dtaobh cúitimh is abhar aighnis;


(e) luadhfar san ordú san an tslí ina ndéanfar, ina gcoinneofar i dtreo, agus ina n-oibreofar na hoibreacha iompair le n-a mbaineann an t-ordú san;


(f) beidh san ordú san forálacha á fhoráil gan na hoibreacha iompair sin d'úsáid ach chun crícheanna bhaineann leis an ngnó bheidh údaruithe leis an gceadúnas san agus chun pé crícheanna eile, i dteanta na gcrícheanna roimhráite, a luadhfar san ordú san;


(g) beidh san ordú san na forálacha san uile is dóich leis an Aire is ceart chun na puiblíochta do chosaint;


(h) beidh san ordú san pé forálacha eile, i dteanta na bhforálacha san roimhe seo, is dóich leis an Aire is gá agus is ceart.


Ordú oibreacha iompair do leasú.

30.—Más dóich leis an Aire gur ceart san do dhéanamh féadfaidh, le hordú, ordú oibreacha iompair do leasú.


Orduithe do leagadh fé bhráid Tithe an Oireachtais.

31.—Gach ordú dhéanfaidh an tAire fén gCuid seo den Acht so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh den Oireachtas, laistigh den deich lá shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis an orduithe sin do leagadh fé n-a bhráid amhlaidh, rún do rith ag cur an orduithe sin ar nea-mbrí beidh an t-ordú san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin, ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén ordú san.


Stroighin d'Iomportail.


Srian le stroighin d'iomportáil.

32.—(1) Ní bheidh sé dleathach do dhuine ar bith aon stroighin d'iomportáil isteach i Saorstát Éireann maran rud é—


(a) gur sealbhóir an duine sin ar cheadúnas (dá ngairmtear ceadúnas iomportála sa Chuid seo den Acht so) ar n-a dheonadh ag an Aire fén gCuid seo den Acht so á údarú don duine sin stroighin d'iomportáil, agus


(b) gur den chineál agus den cháilíocht a bheidh luaidhte sa cheadúnas san an stroighin sin, agus


(c) nách mó caindíocht na stroighne sin ná an chaindíocht a bheidh luaidhte sa cheadúnas san, agus


(d) gur sa tír a bheidh luaidhte chuige sin sa cheadúnas san do rinneadh an stroighin sin, agus


(e) gur díreach ón tír a bheidh luaidhte chuige sin sa cheadúnas san a hiomportálfar an stroighin sin, agus


(f) gur tríd an bport a bheidh luaidhte sa cheadúnas san a hiomportálfar an stroighin sin, agus


(g) gur laistigh den am a bheidh luaidhte sa cheadúnas san a hiomportálfar an stroighin sin.


(2) Má dheineann duine ar bith aon stroighin d'iomportáil isteach i Saorstát Éireann contrárdha don alt so beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad púnt do chur air má sé an chéad chionta aige é, agus fíneáil ná raghaidh thar dhá chéad púnt má sé an dara cionta aige é no aon chionta ina dhiaidh sin.


Iarrataisí ar cheadúnaisí iomportála.

33.—(1) Féadfaidh duine ar bith a bheidh ar aigne aon stroighin d'iomportáil isteach i Saorstát Éireann a iarraidh ar an Aire ceadúnas iomportála do dheonadh dho chun na stroighne sin d'iomportáil.


(2) Maidir le gach iarratas ar cheadúnas iomportála—


(a) is sa bhfuirm orduithe bheidh;


(b) luadhfar ann na mionn-innste seo leanas:—


(i) cineál agus cáilíocht na stroighne atáthar ar aigne d'iomportáil fén gceadúnas san;


(ii) caindíocht na stroighne sin;


(iii) an tír ina ndearnadh an stroighin sin;


(iv) an tír gur uaithe atáthar ar aigne an stroighin sin d'iomportáil;


(v) an port i Saorstát Éireann gur tríd atáthar ar aigne an stroighin sin d'iomportáil;


(vi) an t-am gur laistigh de atáthar ar aigne an stroighin sin d'iomportáil;


(vii) pé mion-innste eile bheidh orduithe.


(3) Beidh i dteanta gach iarratais ar cheadúnas iomportála ráiteas sa bhfuirm orduithe fé láimh an iarratasóra ag luadh praghais na stroighne atáthar ar aigne d'iomportáil fén gceadúnas san, agus isé a háirmheofar mar an praghas san ná an praghas a bheidh, tar éis aon lascainí, lascáistí no laigheaduithe eile lomhálfar no có-aontófar do lomháil do bhaint de, ar an stroighin sin ar í do sheachadadh ar thaobh an ché den phort i Saorstát Éireann gur tríd atáthar ar aigne an stroighin sin d'iomportáil.


(4) Má bhíonn aon ráiteas a cuirfear i dteanta iarratais ar cheadúnas iomportála do réir an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo bréagach no mí-threorach in aon phonc táchtach, beidh an duine gur fé n-a láimh a bheidh an ráiteas san ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt do chur air.


Ceadúnaisí iomportála do dheonadh.

34.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire diúltadh do ghéilleadh d'iarratas ar cheadúnas iomportála ar aon scór no scóranna acu so leanas, ach ní har aon scór eile ar bith, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ná dearna an t-iarratasóir do réir forálacha an ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo, no


(b) gur ciontuíodh an t-iarratasóir i gcionta fén alt deiridh sin roimhe seo, no


(c) ag féachaint do sna stocanna stroighne i Saorstát Éireann i láthair na huaire sin agus don méid stroighne (más aon mhéid é) atáthar ar aigne d'iomportáil fé cheadúnaisí iomportála bheidh tugtha amach cheana, gur dóich leis an Aire ná fuil sé oiriúnach an ceadúnas san do dheonadh.


(2) I gcás ina n-iarrfar ar an Aire ceadúnas iomportála do dheonadh agus ná diúltófar do ghéilleadh don iarratas san, cuirfidh an tAire in úil don iarratasóir cadé méid na táille ceadúnais is iníoctha fén gCuid seo den Acht so alos an cheadúnais sin agus ar an iarratasóir d'íoc na táille sin leis deonfaidh an tAire an ceadúnas san.


Oibriú ceadúnaisí iomportála.

35.—Déanfaidh agus déarfaidh gach ceadúnas iomportála a údarú don té is ceadúnaí fén gceadúnas san stroighin do rinneadh sa tír a bheidh luaidhte chuige sin san iarratas ar an gceadúnas san, agus í den chineál, den cháilíocht agus den chaindíocht a bheidh luaidhte san iarratas san, d'iomportáil isteach i Saorstát Éireann ón tír, tríd an bport, agus laistigh den am a bheidh luaidhte san iarratas san.


Táillí alos ceadúnaisí iomportála.

36.—(1) Beidh táille iníoctha alos gach ceadúnais iomportála agus is do réir an méid tonnaí stroighne bheidh údaruithe leis an gceadúnas san d'iomportáil, agus do réir pé ráta an tonna dhéanfaidh an tAire, le haontú an Aire Airgid, do cheapadh alos an cheadúnais sin a háirmheofar an ráta san.


(2) Má dheonann an tAire i mí chaileandair ar bith ceadúnas iomportála chun stroighne do rinneadh i dtír áirithe agus í de chineál agus de cháilíocht áirithe d'iomportáil tré phort áirithe i Saorstát Éireann, agus má dheonann ina dhiaidh sin sa mhí chaileandair chéanna ceadúnas no ceadúnaisí iomportála ar bith eile chun stroighne do rinneadh sa tír sin agus í den chineál agus den cháilíocht chéanna d'iomportáil tríd an bport san, beidh an ráta an tonna ceapfar alos an cheadúnais no na gceadúnaisí iomportála eile sin có-ionann leis an ráta bheidh ceaptha alos an chéad cheadúnais iomportála san a luaidhtear.


Táillí ar cheadúnaisí iomportála do bhailiú, etc.

37.—Déanfar gach táille do gheobhaidh an tAire fén gCuid seo den Acht so alos ceadúnaisí iomportála do bhailiú agus cuntas do thabhairt ina taobh i pé slí ordóidh an tAire le ceadú an Aire Airgid.


Ceadúnaisí iomportála do cheiliúradh.

38.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, ar iarratas an té is ceadúnaí fé cheadúnas iomportála, an ceadúnas san do cheiliúradh.


(2) I gcás an Aire do cheiliúradh ceadúnais iomportála aisíocfaidh leis an té ba cheadúnaí fén gceadúnas san an táille do híocadh fén gCuid seo den Acht so alos an cheadúnais sin.


Mion-innste i dtaobh ceadúnaisí iomportála d'fhoillsiú go tréimhsiúil.

39.—(1) Foillseoidh an tAire san Iris Oifigiúil chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis deireadh gach tréimhse ceaptha—


(a) i gcás gan aon cheadúnas iomportála do dheonadh i rith na tréimhse sin, fógra sa chéill sin; agus


(b) i gcás ceadúnais no ceadúnas iomportála ar bith do dheonadh i rith na tréimhse sin, fógra ina luadhfar alos gach ceadúnais acu san na mion-innste seo leanas, eadhon:—


(i) ainm agus seoladh an cheadúnaí,


(ii) an ráta do cheap an tAire chun na táille is iníoctha fén gCuid seo den Acht so alos an cheadúnais sin d'áireamh,


(iii) an méid stroighne bheidh údaruithe leis an gceadúnas san d'iomportáil,


(iv) cineál agus cáilíocht na stroighne sin,


(v) an tír ina ndearnadh an stroighin sin,


(vi) an tír gur uaithe bheidh údaruithe leis an gceadúnas san an stroighin sin d'iomportáil,


(vii) an port i Saorstát Éireann gur tríd a bheidh údaruithe leis an gceadúnas san an stroighin sin d'iomportáil.


(2) Is tréimhse cheaptha chun crícheanna an ailt seo gach tréimhse acu so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) an tréimhse dar tosach an 1adh lá de gach mí caileandair agus dar críoch an 15adh lá den mhí sin;


(b) an tréimhse dar tosach an 16adh lá de gach mí caileandair agus dar críoch an lá deiridh den mhí sin.


Baint na nAchtanna Custum.

40.—Tuigfear stroighin go dtoirmeasctar de bhuadh na Coda so den Acht so í d'iomportáil do bheith ar na hearraí a háirmhítear agus a tuairiscítear ar Chlár na dToirmeasc agus na Srian maidir le hEarraí do Theacht Isteach atá in alt 42 den Customs Consolidation Act, 1876, agus na forálacha den Acht san, mar atá san leasuithe no leathnuithe le haon Acht ina dhiaidh sin, a bhaineann le hearraí toirmeasctar no sriantar d'iomportáil beidh baint acu dá réir sin.