As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.


Uimhir 21 de 1926.




[18adh Meitheamh, 1926.]


An brí a bheidh le “bliain tsochair.”

1.—Chun crícheanna na nAchtanna um Arachas Díomhaointis 1920 go 1924 mar a leasuítear leis an Acht so iad ciallóidh an focal “Bliain tSochair,” nuair a bhainfe sé le haon tsíntiúsaire-fé-árachas, an tréimhse de dhá mhí dhéag dar tosach an chéad dáta ar a n-iarrfidh an síntiúsaire sin sochar tar éis dáta rithte an Achta so agus gach tréimhse de dhá mhí dhéag ina dhiaidh sin dar tosach an dáta is túisce ar a n-iarrfidh an síntiúsaire sin sochar tar éis deire na bliana sochair deiridh aige roimhe sin:


Ach má bhíonn aon tsíntiúsaire-fé-árachas buan-díomhaoin ar dháta rithte an Achta so, ansan, an bhliain tsochair a mínítear leis na hAchtanna um Arachas Díomhaointis 1920 go 1924 agus a bheidh ann fós i dtosach feidhme an Achta so, beidh sí, mara n-orduighidh an tAire a mhalairt, ar marthain maidir leis an síntiúsaire sin go dtí an dáta ar a mbeidh deire le tréimhse an bhuan-díomhaointis ach ní mhairfe sí tar éis an 13adh lá de Dheire Fomhair, 1926, in aon chás.


Leasú i dtaobh síntiúisí d'aisíoc.

2.—(1) Más rud é, ar fháil iarratais fén alt so don Aire, gur deimhin leis, maidir le héinne atá no a bhí ina shíntiúsaire-fé-árachas, gur dhin an duine sin roimh dháta an ailt seo do theacht i ngníomh—


(a) síntiúisí d'íoc in aghaidh caoga seachtain ar a laighead do réir forálacha generálta an Phríomh-Achta; agus


(b) aois a chaoga blian do shlánú;


beidh teideal ag an duine sin no ag á ionadaí pearsanta chun go n-íocfí leis amach as an gciste díomhaointis suim is ionann ar an dáta san le luach láithreach méid breis-luach na síntiúisí d'íoc sé agus an breis-luach san méaduithe (i gcás síntiúsaire-fé-árachas fé bhun trí fichid bliain d'aois) le hús ar ús do réir dó go leith per cent. per annum ar mhéid an bhreis-luacha ón dáta roimhráite go dtí an dáta ar a mbeadh sé trí fichid bliain d'aois.


(2) Is sa tslí orduithe agus laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis dáta an ailt seo do theacht i ngníomh a caithfar iarratas do dhéanamh ar íocaíocht fén alt so.


(3) Chun crícheanna an ailt seo—


(a) tuigfar gurb é méid atá i méid breis-luach na síntiúisí d'íoc síntiúsaire-fé-árachas ná an bhreis a bheidh ag méid iomlán na síntiúisí d'íoc sé ar iomlán na suimeanna a fuair sé, mar shochar, maraon le hús ar ús ar an mbreis sin go dtí dáta an ailt seo do theacht i ngníomh do réir an ráta agus áirithe sa tslí a horduítear le halt 25 den Phríomh-Acht;


(b) nuair a beifear ag déanamh amach breis-luach na síntiúisí:—


(i) déanfar síntiúisí agus sochar a híocadh tar éis an 7adh lá de Mhí na Samhna, 1920, d'áireamh fé is dá n-íoctí iad do réir na rátaí gur dá réir a bhí síntiúisí agus sochar fé seach iníoctha fén bPríomh-Acht mar a céad-achtuíodh é; agus


(ii) ní déanfar aon áireamh ar shíntiúisí a haisíocadh, ar shochar a cuireadh san áireamh roimhe sin chun crícheanna aisíoctha fé aon cheann d'fhorálacha an Phríomh-Achta, ar dheontaisí ná ar shíntiúisí a híocadh fén Unemployed Workers' Dependents (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1921, ar shíntiúisí gur híocadh íocaíocht ar a scór fé fho-alt (10) d'alt 18 den Phríomh-Acht leis an gcólucht go raibh riara scéime speisialta de chúram ortha, ná, i gcás ina raibh éinne gan aon tsíntiúisí do bheith íoctha ar a shon i rith tréimhse ina raibh cúig bliana árachais, ar shíntiúisí do híocadh ar a shon, ná ar shochar do híocadh leis, roimh an tréimhse dheiridh sin; agus


(c) is sa tslí a hordófar le rialacháin a déanfar amach luach láithreach méid breis-luach síntiúisí agus an breis-luach san méaduithe le haon ús ar ús den tsórt san roimhráite (más ann do), agus ordófar le haon rialacháin a déanfar chuige sin go dtabharfar aire nuair a beifear ag déanamh an áirimh don ní seo síos, chó maith le nithe eile, eadhon, go mb'fhéidir íoc síntiúisí ar son an tsíntiúsaire-fé-árachas do bheith ina stad ar feadh tréimhse ina raibh cúig bliana árachais agus, i gcás síntiúsaire-fé-árachas ná fuil trí fichid bliain slán aige, go mb'fhéidir ná mairfadh sé chó fada san.


(4) Má íoctar íocaíocht le síntiúsaire-fé-árachas fén alt so ní dhéanfidh san aon difir don oblagáid atá air síntiúisí d'íoc.


(5) Scuirfidh alt 25 den Phríomh-Acht d'éifeacht do bheith aige ach amháin, má tháinig éinne, roimh dháta an ailt seo do theacht i ngníomh, chun bheith i dteideal aisíoc d'éileamh fén alt san, go bhféadfar iarratas air sin do dhéanamh fén alt san in ionad é do dhéanamh fén alt so agus é sin aon uair laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis dáta an ailt seo do theacht i ngníomh, agus ní déanfar aon aisíoc chun a mbeidh teideal ag éinne fé alt 95 den National Insurance Act, 1911, mara ndintar, laistigh den tréimhse sin de dhá mhí dhéag, aisíoc d'iarraidh ar an Aire.


(6) Más rud é, in aon chás ina mbeidh aon iarratas den tsórt san a luaidhtear san alt so gan déanamh laistigh den tréimhse de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis dáta an ailt seo do theacht i ngníomh, go dtaisbeánfar chun sástacht an Aire go raibh cúis mhaith chun gan a dhéanamh, féadfidh an tAire a lomháil go ndéanfar an t-iarratas aon uair laistigh de dhá bhliain tar éis deire na tréimhse sin.


(7) Tiocfidh an t-alt so i ngníomh an 5adh lá d'Iúl, 1926.


Forálacha i dtaobh rialachán i gcásanna áirithe.

3.—Aireofar mar chuid den chomhacht chun rialacháin do dhéanamh fé alt 35 den Phríomh-Acht comhacht chun rialacháin do dhéanamh—


(a) chun duine do cheapa a ghlacfidh thar ceann síntiúsairefé-árachas ar a dtiocfidh easláinte mheabhrach no a éagfidh, no mar ionadaí dho, aon tsuimeanna is iníoctha leis no ar a shon as an gciste díomhaointis; agus


(b) á ordú, go generálta no maidir le haon aicme speisialta de chásanna, i gcás tréimhse fhostaíochta do thosnuigh lá do leanúint ar feadh oíche an lae sin agus isteach sa lá ina dhiaidh, go n-áireofar an té a bhí ar fostú do bheith ar fostú pé lá den dá lá san a hordófar leis na rialacháin sin agus an lá san amháin.


Leasuithe ar alt 17 den Phríomh-Acht.

4.—(1) Beidh éifeacht ag alt 17 den Phríomh-Acht (alt le n-a bhforáltar socruithe do dhéanamh le comhlachais a íocann íocaíochtaí le n-a mbaill le linn iad do bheith díomhaoin chun suimeanna d'íoc leis na comhlachais sin as an gciste díomhaointis i gcothrom an méid a gheobhadh na baill sin mar shochar díomhaointis) mar a leasuítear é le haon achtachtán ina dhiaidh sin, fé is dá gcuirtí na focail “which those persons would have been entitled to receive” in ionad na bhfocal “which those persons would have received” i bhfo-alt (1) de.


(2) I gcás in ar dhin cumann no comhlachas eile, de dheascaibh breith oifigigh árachais no eadargánaí no de dheascaibh mola cúirte réiteoirí, aon tsuim d'íoc le duine dá mbaill mar sholáthar in aghaidh díomhaointis, ansan, má ceartuítear an bhreith no an mola ina dhiaidh sin agus mara dtaisbeánaidh an duine sin go bhfuair sé an tsuim sin go macánta agus gan a fhios aige ná raibh teideal aige chúichi, féadfar, gan dochar d'aon leigheas eile, oiread den tsuim sin is a bheidh i gcothrom an méid sochair a bheadh iníoctha leis an duine sin mara mbeadh an socrú san d'fháil thar n-ais tré lascainí do bhaint as aon tsochar no as aon íocaíocht, ón gcumann no ón gcomhlachas eile, 'na dtiocfidh teideal ag an duine sin chuige ina dhiaidh sin.


Is ar an gcuma gcéanna ina socrófí éileamh ar shochar a socrófar aon cheist i dtaobh ce'ca dlightear no ná dlightear fé fhorálacha an fho-ailt seo lascaine do bhaint as aon tsochar no íocaíocht atá dlite do dhuine.


Rialacháin i dtaobh na bliana árachais.

5.—Féadfidh an tAire, le rialacháin, a ordú cadé an dáta is tosach don tréimhse is bliain árachais ann agus féadfidh forálacha iarmarta fóirlíontacha bheith in aon rialacháin den tsórt san fé mar a chifar don Aire bheith riachtanach chun deighleáil leis an atharú ón seana-thréimhse go dtí an tréimhse nua no chun an t-atharú san do regleáil, agus go sonnrách chun socrú do dhéanamh i dtaobh aon tréimhse aimsire idir deire bliana árachais agus tosach na céad bhliana eile árachais.


Leasú ar alt 8 (4) den Phríomh-Acht.

6.—Beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (4) d'alt 8 den Phríomh-Acht fé is dá gcuirtí na focail “being an Insurance Year which terminated prior to the commencement of his current Benefit Year” i ndiaidh an fhocail “year” sa dara líne dhe.


Cur le fostaíochtaí eiscithe.

7.—Beidh éifeacht ag Cuid II. den Chéad Sceideal den Phríomh-Acht o dháta rithte an Achta so fé is dá gcuirtí na míreanna nua so a leanas ann i ndiaidh mír (e):—


(ee) Employment, as a teacher, of any person in an institution certified by the Minister for Education to be a secondary school;


(eee) Employment as a teacher in any of the following capacities:—


(i) a junior assistant mistress in a national school,


(ii) a recognised lay assistant in a convent or monastery national school,


(iii) a work mistress or an industrial teacher in a national school.


Daoine i seirbhís mhileata.

8.—D'ainneoin éinní atá in alt 4 den Acht um Arachas Díomhaointis, 1924 (Uimh. 26 de 1924), ní híocfar aon tsíntiúisí ná ní bheid iníoctha tar éis an 26adh lá de Mhárta, 1926, fén alt san thar ceann éinne a bhí ar fostú an 30adh lá de Mheitheamh, 1924, no ina dhiaidh sin, i seirbhís mhileata Shaorstáit Éireann.



9.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an focal “an tAire” an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála, agus


cialluíonn an focal “Príomh-Acht” an Unemployment Insurance Act, 1920.


Gearr-theideal, léiriú agus luadh.

10.—Féadfar an tAcht um Arachas Díomhaointis, 1926, do ghairm den Acht so agus léireofar é mar éinní amháin leis na hAchtanna um Arachas Díomhaointis, 1920 go 1924, agus féadfar na hAchtanna um Arachas Díomhaointis, 1920 go 1926, do ghairm de sna hAchtanna san agus den Acht so le chéile.



Number 21 of 1926.






Meaning of “benefit year.


Amendment as to refunds of contributions.


Provision as to regulations in certain cases.


Amendments to section 17 of Principal Act.


Regulations as to insurance year.


Amendment of section 8 (4) of Principal Act.


Addition to excepted employments.


Persons in military service.




Short title, construction and citation.

Act Referred to

Unemployment Insurance Act, 1924

No. 26 of 1924


Number 21 of 1926.



Meaning of “benefit year.

1.—For the purposes of the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1924, as amended by this Act the expression “Benefit Year” shall mean in relation to any insured contributor the period of twelve months commencing on the date on which that contributor makes an application for benefit next after the date of the passing of this Act and every subsequent period of twelve months commencing on the date on which that contributor first makes an application for benefit next after the termination of his last preceding benefit year:


Provided that if any insured contributor is continuously unemployed at the date of the passing of this Act the benefit year within the meaning of the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1924, current at the commencement of this Act shall, unless the Minister otherwise directs, continue in relation to him until the date on which the period of continuous unemployment ceases but not in any case beyond the 13th day of October, 1926.


Amendment as to refunds of contributions.

2.—(1) If on an application made under this section the Minister is satisfied that any person who is or has been an insured contributor had before the date on which this section comes into operation—


(a) paid contributions in respect of not less than fifty weeks in accordance with the general provisions of the Principal Act; and


(b) reached the age of fifty years;


that person or his personal representative shall be entitled to be paid out of the unemployment fund a sum representing the present worth as on that date of the amount of the excess value of the contributions paid by him as increased (in the case of an insured contributor who has not attained the age of sixty years) by compound interest at the rate of two-and-a-half per cent. per annum on the amount of that excess value from the date aforesaid until the date on which he would attain the age of sixty years.


(2) An application for a payment under this section must be made in the prescribed manner and within twelve months after the date on which this section comes into operation.


(3) For the purposes of this section—


(a) the amount of the excess value of the contributions paid by an insured contributor shall be taken to be the amount by which the total amount of the contributions actually paid by him exceeds the aggregate of the sums received by him by way of benefit, together with compound interest on that excess up to the date on which this section comes into operation at such rate and calculated in such manner as is directed by section 25 of the Principal Act;


(b) in calculating the excess value of contributions:—


(i) contributions and benefit paid subsequently to the 7th day of November, 1920, shall be reckoned as if they had been paid at the rates at which contributions and benefit were respectively payable under the Principal Act as originally enacted; and


(ii) no account shall be taken of contributions repaid or refunded, of benefit taken into account previously for the purposes of a refund under any of the provisions of the Principal Act, of grants or contributions paid under the Unemployed Workers' Dependents (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1921, of contributions on account of which a payment has been made under sub-section (10) of section 18 of the Principal Act to the body charged with the administration of a special scheme, or, where no contributions have been paid in respect of any person for a period comprising five insurance years, of contributions paid in respect of him, or benefit paid to him, before the last such period; and


(c) the present worth of the amount of the excess value of contributions as increased by any such compound interest as aforesaid (if any) shall be calculated in manner prescribed by regulations, and any regulations made for that purpose shall direct that in making the calculation regard shall be had, among other matters, to the fact that contributions may cease for a period comprising five insurance years to be paid in respect of the insured contributor, and, in the case of an insured contributor who has not attained the age of sixty years, to the fact that he may not live to attain that age.


(4) Payment to an insured contributor under this section shall not affect his liability to pay contributions.


(5) Section 25 of the Principal Act shall cease to have effect except that, where any person had before the date upon which this section comes into operation become entitled to claim a repayment under that section, an application may be made in that behalf under that section instead of under this section at any time within twelve months after the date on which this section comes into operation, and no repayment to which any person may be entitled under section 95 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, shall be made unless an application for repayment is made to the Minister within the said period of twelve months.


(6) If in any case where there is a failure to make any such application as is mentioned in this section within the period of twelve months after the date on which this section comes into operation it is shown to the satisfaction of the Minister that there was good cause for the failure, the Minister may allow the application to be made at any time within two years after the expiration of the said period.


(7) This section shall come into operation on the 5th day of July, 1926.


Provision as to regulations in certain cases.

3.—The power of making regulations under section 35 of the Principal Act shall include the power of making regulations—


(a) for the appointment of a person to receive on behalf of or as representative of an insured contributor who becomes of unsound mind or dies any sums payable out of the unemployment fund to or in respect of him; and


(b) prescribing, either generally or with respect to any special class of cases, that where a period of employment begun on one day extends over midnight into another day the person employed shall be treated as having been employed on such one or other only of those two days as the regulations may direct.


Amendments to section 17 of Principal Act.

4.—(1) Section 17 of the Principal Act (which provides for arrangements being made with associations which make payments to their members while unemployed for the payment to such associations of sums out of the unemployment fund equivalent to the amount which those members would have received by way of unemployment benefit) as amended by any subsequent enactment shall have effect as if in sub-section (1) thereof there were substituted for the words “which those persons would have received” the words “which those persons would have been entitled to receive.”


(2) Where in consequence of a decision of an insurance officer or umpire or a recommendation of a court of referees a society or other association has paid to one of its members any sum by way of provision for unemployment, then, if the decision or recommendation is subsequently revised, so much of that sum as represented the amount of benefit which but for the arrangement would have been payable to that person may, unless that person shows that the sum was received by him in good faith and without knowledge that he was not entitled thereto, be recovered, without prejudice to any other remedy, by means of deductions from any benefit or from any payment from the society or other association to which that person thereafter becomes entitled.


Any question whether a person is liable under the provisions of this sub-section to have a deduction made from any benefit or payment due to him shall be determined in the same manner as a claim for benefit.


Regulations as to insurance year.

5.—The Minister may by regulations prescribe the date on which the period constituting the insurance year is to commence and any such regulations may contain such consequential and supplemental provisions as appear to the Minister to be necessary for dealing with or regulating the transition from the old to the new period, and in particular for making provision with respect to any period of time between the end of one insurance year and the commencement of the next insurance year.


Amendment of section 8 (4) of Principal Act.

6.—Sub-section (4) of section 8 of the Principal Act shall have effect as if after the word “year” in the second line thereof, there were added the words “being an Insurance Year which terminated prior to the commencement of his current Benefit Year.”


Addition to excepted employments.

7.—Part II. of the First Schedule of the Principal Act shall, as from the date of the passing of this Act, have effect as though there were inserted therein after paragraph (e) the following new paragraphs:—


(ee) Employment, as a teacher, of any person in an institution certified by the Minister for Education to be a secondary school;


(eee) Employment as a teacher in any of the following capacities:—


(i) a junior assistant mistress in a national school,


(ii) a recognised lay assistant in a convent or monastery national school,


(iii) a work mistress or an industrial teacher in a national school.


Persons in military service.

8.—Notwithstanding anything contained in section 4 of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1924 (No. 26 of 1924), no contributions shall after the 26th day of March, 1926, be paid or payable under that section for any person who was employed on or after the 30th day of June, 1924, in the military service of Saorstát Eireann.



9.—In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce, and


the expression “Principal Act” means the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1920.


Short title, construction and citation.

10.—This Act may be cited as the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1926, and shall be construed as one with the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1924, and those Acts and this Act may be cited together as the Unemployment Insurance Acts, 1920 to 1926.