As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.



Number 2 of 1922.






Central Fund of Saorstát Eireann substituted for Consolidated Fund.


Interpretation of “Exchequer” and “Comptroller and Auditor-General.”


The name “Ireland” to mean Saorstát Eireann.


Interpretation of “Dublin Gazette”.


Oireachtas substituted for Parliament.


Powers of Justices of the Peace and Resident Magistrates to be exercised by District Justices.


Power to establish Commissioners to function in Saorstát Eireann.


Power to establish separate Funds for Saorstát Eireann.


Minister for Finance may apportion Grants, etc.


Orders in Council.


General Adaptations of References to Government Departments.


Power for Executive Council to make further Adaptations.


Adaptation of Customs Acts to a land frontier.


Adaptations by British Statutes.


Adaptation of pending Government Contracts.


Application to Statutory Rules, Orders and Regulations.


Application to Local and Personal Acts.


Public Funds of the late United Kingdom, Great Britain, and Saorstát Eireann to be Trustee Investments.


Orders to be laid before the Oireachtas.




Short Title.


Number 2 of 1922.


AN ACT TO INTERPRET AND TO ADAPT TO THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF SAORSTÁT EIREANN CERTAIN ACTS OF THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT HAVING THE FORCE OF LAW IN SAORSTÁT EIREANN AND CERTAIN STATUTORY RULES ORDERS AND REGULATIONS AND CERTAIN CONTRACTS. [20th December, 1922.] WHEREAS it is provided by Article 73 of the Constitution of Saorstát Eireann that subject to that Constitution and to the extent to which they are not inconsistent therewith the laws in force in Saorstát Eireann at the date of the coming into operation of that Constitution shall continue to be of full force and effect until the same or any of them shall have been repealed or amended by enactment of the Oireachtas:

AND WHEREAS all Acts passed by the British Parliament which were in force on the 6th day of December, 1922 (being the date of the coming into operation of the Constitution aforesaid) in the area now comprised in Saorstát Eireann will by virtue of the said Article 73 have the force of law in Saorstát Eireann:

AND WHEREAS it is necessary in order to enable such Acts to have full force and effect in Saorstát Eireann that certain interpretations and adaptations of such Acts and of all orders rules and regulations made thereunder should be made:

AND WHEREAS it is desirable to make provision for the continuance of pending Government contracts:



Central Fund of Saorstát Eireann substituted for Consolidated Fund.

1.—(1) The Fund mentioned in Article 61 of the Constitution of Saorstát Eireann as the one fund to be formed subject as therein of all the revenues of Saorstát Eireann shall be called and known as “The Central Fund of Saorstát Eireann,” and may for brevity be referred to in any Act of the Oireachtas, Statutory Rule or Order or other state or official document as “The Central Fund.”


(2) Every mention of and reference to the Consolidated Fund contained in any British Statute shall, where the context so requires or admits, be construed and take effect as respects the doing or not doing after the 6th day of December, 1922, of any act, matter or thing in Saorstát Eireann under or in pursuance of such Statute as a mention of or reference to The Central Fund.


Interpretation of “Exchequer” and “Comptroller and Auditor-General.”

2.—Every mention of or reference to the Exchequer or the Comptroller and Auditor-General contained in any British Statute shall in respect of the doing or not doing of any act, matter or thing after the 6th day of December, 1922, in Saorstát Eireann, under or in pursuance of such Statute be respectively construed and take effect where the context so admits or requires as a mention of or reference to the Exchequer of Saorstát Eireann or to the Comptroller and Auditor-General of Saorstát Eireann as the case may require.


The name “Ireland” to mean Saorstát Eireann.

3.—For the purpose of the construction of any British Statute the name “Ireland,” whether used alone or in conjunction with the expression “Great Britain,” or by implication as being included in the expression “United Kingdom” shall mean Saorstát Eireann.


Interpretation of “Dublin Gazette.”

4.—Every mention of or reference to the Dublin Gazette contained in any British Statute shall, as respects the doing or not doing of any act, matter or thing in Saorstát Eireann after the 6th day of December, 1922, be construed and take effect as a mention of or reference to the official gazette called Iris Oifigiúil.


Oireachtas substituted for Parliament.

5.—(1) Every mention of or reference to Parliament or to both or each or either of the Houses of Parliament contained in any British Statute shall as respects the doing or not doing of any act, matter or thing after the 6th day of December, 1922, in Saorstát Eireann be construed as a mention of or reference to both or each or either of the Houses or the corresponding House (as the case may require) of the Oireachtas and the expression “Parliamentary” in every such Statute shall be construed accordingly.


(2) Every mention of or reference to the presentation of an address to His (or Her) Majesty by both or each or either of the Houses of Parliament contained in any British Statute shall as from the 6th day of December, 1922, be construed and take effect as a mention of or reference to the passing of a resolution by both or each or either of the Houses or by the corresponding House (as the case may require) of the Oireachtas


(3) For the purposes of this section Seanad Eireann shall be deemed to be the House of the Oireachtas corresponding to the Peers' House of the British Parliament and Dáil Eireann shall be deemed to be the House of the Oireachtas corresponding to the Commons' House of the British Parliament.


(4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Section the expression “Act of Parliament” contained in any British Statute shall mean and include either Act of the British Parliament or Act of the Oireachtas, as the case may require.


Powers of Justices of the Peace and Resident Magistrates to be exercised by District Justices.

6.—(1) Every power, authority and duty conferred or imposed by any British Statute on a Justice or on two or more Justices acting together shall as from the passing of this Act cease to be exercisable or to be performed by such Justice or Justices and in lieu thereof as respects any act, matter or thing to be done or not done after the passing of this Act every such power or authority may be exercised and every such duty shall be performed by one District Justice.


(2) Every power, authority and duty conferred or imposed by any British Statute on a Resident Magistrate or on two or more Resident Magistrates acting together shall as from the passing of this Act cease to be exercisable or to be performed by such Magistrate or Magistrates and in lieu thereof as respects any act, matter or thing to be done or not done after the passing of this Act, every such power or authority may be exercised and every such duty shall be performed by one District Justice.


(3) In this section (a) the expression “Justice” includes the expression “Justice of the Peace,” and does not mean or include a Divisional Magistrate of the City of Dublin, and nothing in this Section shall affect the powers, authority and duties of such Divisional Magistrates; (b) the expression “District Justice” means a Magistrate appointed since the 6th day of December, 1922, under the British Statute 6 & 7 William IV., Chapter 13.


Power to establish Commissioners to function in Saorstát Eireann.

7.—(1) Wherever any statutory Board of Commissioners or other statutory body to which this section applies was in existence on the 6th day of December, 1921, and had jurisdictions, powers or duties extending to the whole of the late United Kingdom, or to any part thereof, which included the area now comprised in Saorstát Eireann, the Executive Council may, by Order, establish a Board of Commissioners to exercise in Saorstát Eireann the functions which were on the 6th day of December, 1921, exercisable by such statutory Commissioners or statutory body as aforesaid in the area now comprised in Saorstát Eireann.


(2) In exercising the powers conferred by this section, the Executive Council may confer or impose on any one Board of Commissioners established under this section all or any of the several jurisdictions, powers and duties of two or more such statutory Boards of Commissioners or statutory bodies as aforesaid, and may divide the jurisdictions, powers and duties of any such statutory Commissioners or statutory body amongst two or more Boards of Commissioners established under this section: Provided that no Order of the Executive Council made in pursuance of this sub-section shall come into operation unless and until it has been laid before each House of the Oireachtas, and approved by resolution of each such House.


(3) Whenever the Executive Council establishes under this section any Board of Commissioners, the Executive Council shall, by the Order establishing such Board, apply to such Board with such adaptations and modifications as may be necessary the several British Statutes regulating the Boards of Commissioners or other body or bodies whose or any of whose jurisdictions, powers or duties are by such Order conferred or imposed on such Board.


(4) This section applies to any statutory Board of Commissioners or other statutory Board or body exercising any function of government or discharging any public duties in relation to public administration.


Power to establish separate Funds for Saorstát Eireann.

8.—(1) Whenever any statutory fund was in existence on the 6th day of December, 1921, and served purposes relating to the whole of the late United Kingdom, or to any part thereof which included the area now comprised in Saorstát Eireann, the Executive Council may by Order establish a fund to serve in Saorstát Eireann the like purposes as were on the 6th day of December, 1921, served in the area aforesaid by such statutory fund.


(2) Whenever the Executive Council establishes a fund under this section to serve the purposes of any statutory fund, the Executive Council shall, by the Order establishing such fund, apply to such fund with the necessary adaptations and modifications the several Acts of the British Parliament regulating such statutory fund.


Minister for Finance may apportion Grants, etc.

9.—Wherever under any British Statute any grant, whether annual or capital or any loan or advance is directed or authorized to be made by the Treasury out of the Consolidated Fund or by the Treasury or any other Government Department out of any other fund or any sum of money is authorised to be borrowed by the Treasury or any other Government Department and the amount or the maximum or minimum limit of such grant, loan, advance or sum of money is by such Statute or otherwise fixed either for the whole of the late United Kingdom or for any part thereof which included the area now comprised in Saorstát Eireann, the Minister for Finance (in addition to the adaptations of such Statute made by or under this Act) may by Order apportion such amount or limit between Saorstát Eireann and the rest of the area in respect of which such amount or limit is fixed as aforesaid, and may by such Order fix the amount or the maximum or minimum limit (as the case may be) of such grant, loan, advance or sum of money to be made or borrowed under such Statute in Saorstát Eireann.


Orders in Council.

10.—Wherever it is provided in any British Statute that any act or thing shall or may be made or done by Order in Council, or by the King (or Queen) in Council, or by Proclamation of the King (or Queen) or of the King (or Queen) in Council, then every such act or thing may be made or done in Saorstát Eireann by an Order of the Governor-General of the Irish Free State upon the advice of the Executive Council of the Irish Free State.


General Adaptations of References to Government Departments.

11.—(1) Subject and without prejudice to the specific adaptations made by this Act or by any Order made under the authority of this Act, every mention or reference contained in any British Statute of or to any Minister, Official, Department or Authority of the Government of the late United Kingdom or of the late British Government in Ireland including the Lord Lieutenant exercising executive functions shall in respect of the doing or not doing of any act, matter or thing after the 6th day of December, 1922, be construed and take effect as a mention of or reference to the Minister, Official, Department or Authority in Saorstát Eireann exercising in Saorstát Eireann functions, the same as or corresponding to the functions exercised in respect of the area now comprised in Saorstát Eireann by such Minister, Official, Department or Authority of the Government of the late United Kingdom or the late British Government in Ireland prior to the 6th day of December, 1921; but this section shall not apply to any provision contained in any such Statute relating to the remuneration of any Minister or other official.


(2) If any question shall arise as to which Minister, Official, Department or Authority exercises in Saorstát Eireann functions the same as or corresponding to the functions exercised by any Minister, Official, Department or Authority of the Government of the late United Kingdom or of the late British Government in Ireland, such question shall be determined by the President of the Executive Council, whose decision shall be final.


Power for Executive Council to make further Adaptations.

12.—(1) The Executive Council of Saorstát Eireann may from time to time by Order make all such general or specific adaptations of or modifications in any British Statute which in the opinion of the Executive Council are necessary in order to enable such Statute to have full force and effect in Saorstát Eireann


(2) Any such adaptation or modification as is mentioned in this section may be made notwithstanding that same is covered or effected by any general adaptation or modification made by this Act but no adaptation or modification shall be made under this section which is inconsistent with any adaptation or modification made by this Act.


Adaptation of Customs Acts to a land frontier.

13.—(1) The Minister for Finance may make regulations to apply to the importation and exportation of any goods into and from the Irish Free State by land, any of the provisions of the Customs Act subject to such modifications as may be necessary and in particular, the regulations may:—


(a) Prohibit the importation and exportation of all·goods or any classes of goods except by such routes within the Irish Free State and during such hours as may be prescribed;


(b) Prescribe the places where and the form and manner in which entry of goods imported or exported shall be made and duty on goods imported shall be paid.


(2) If any person contravenes or fails to comply with any such regulations, he shall be guilty of an offence under the Customs Acts and shall for every such offence, in addition to any other penalty to which he may be liable, incur a fine not exceeding £100, and the goods in respect of which the offence is committed shall be forfeited.


Adaptations by British Statutes.

14.—Wherever any British Statute adapted or modified or authorised to be adapted or modified by this Act has been adapted or modified by or under the authority of any subsequent British Statute, this Act shall be construed as referring to such Statute as so adapted or modified.


Adaptation of pending Government Contracts.

15.—(1) Every deed and every contract and agreement in writing made before the 6th day of December, 1922, with or by any person by or with any Minister, Department or Authority of the late British Government in Ireland or the late Provisional Government of Ireland, or by or with any Official of either of those Governments acting on behalf of such Government, shall if and so far as the terms and provisions of such deed, contract or agreement were not fully executed and completed on the 6th day of December, 1922, be construed and read as if the name of the Minister, Department, Authority or Official exercising in Saorstát Eireann functions the same as or corresponding to the functions exercised at the date of such deed, contract or agreement in respect of the area now comprised in Saorstát Eireann by the Minister, Department, Authority or Official named in such deed, contract or agreement was substituted in such deed, contract or agreement for the name of the Minister, Department, Authority or Official actually named therein.


(2) The benefits conferred and the obligations imposed by any such deed, contract or agreement as is mentioned in the preceding sub-section of this section on the Minister, Department, Authority or Official named therein shall, so far as the same on the 6th day of December, 1922, remained to be performed, be as from that day respectively vested in or imposed on the Minister, Department, Authority or Official whose name is by the preceding sub-section of this section substituted in such deed, contract or agreement for the name of the Minister, Department, Authority or Official actually named therein as fully as if such substituted Minister, Department, Authority or Official were actually named in such deed, contract or agreement.


(3) If any question shall arise as to which Minister, Department, Authority or Official exercises in Saorstát Eireann functions the same as or corresponding to the functions exercised at the date of such deed, contract or agreement as is mentioned in this section, by any Minister, Department, Authority or Official of the late British Government in Ireland, or of the late Provisional Government of Ireland, as the case may be, such question shall be determined by the President of the Executive Council whose decision shall be final and binding on all parties.


Application to Statutory Rules, Orders and Regulations.

16.—(1) Every interpretation, adaptation or modification made by this Act in the construction or application of any British Statute shall apply to every Order, Rule and Regulation made under such Statute and having the force of law in Saorstát Eireann, and every such Order, Rule and Regulation shall be construed and interpreted in conformity with the British Statute (as applied, adapted or modified by or under this Act) under which the same is made.


(2) Whenever any power is given by this Act of applying, interpreting, adapting or modifying any British Statute, such power shall extend and apply to every Order, Rule or Regulation made under such Statute and having the force of law in Saorstát Eireann.


Application to Local and Personal Acts.

17.—This Act shall apply to Local and Personal Acts as well as to Public and General Acts passed by the British Parliament, and accordingly in this Act the expression “British Statute” shall include Local and Personal Acts having effect in Saorstát Eireann.


Public Funds of the late United Kingdom, Great Britain, and Saorstát Eireann to be Trustee Investments.

18.—(1) A trustee unless expressly forbidden by the instrument (if any) creating the trust may in addition to any other mode of investment for the time being authorised, invest any trust funds in his hands whether at the time in a state of investment or not in:—


(a) any of the existing Parliamentary Stocks or public funds or Government Securities of the late United Kingdom;


(b) any of the Parliamentary Stocks or public funds or Government Securities of Great Britain;


(c) any of the Parliamentary Stocks or public funds or Government Securities of Saorstát Eireann.


(2) In the foregoing sub-section the word “Parliamentary” is to be construed as referring in clause (a) to the Parliament of the late United Kingdom; in clause (b) to the Parliament of Great Britain, and in clause (c) to the Oireachtas.


Orders to be laid before the Oireachtas.

19.—Every Order made by the Executive Council under this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas forthwith and unless and until a resolution annulling such Order is passed by either House of the Oireachtas within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after such Order is laid before it, such Order shall have effect as if enacted in this Act, but no such resolution shall operate to prejudice the validity of anything previously done under such Order.



20.—The expression “British Statute” shall, where the context so requires or admits, mean Act of the Parliament of the late United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland which was on the 6th day of December, 1922, in force in the area now comprised in Saorstát Eireann.


Short Title.

21.—This Act may be cited as the Adaptation of Enactments Act, 1922.


Uimhir 2 de 1922.



ACHT CHUN ACHTANNA ÁIRITHE DE PHÁIRLIMINT NA BREATAINE GO BHFUIL FEIDHM DLÍ ACA I SAORSTÁT ÉIREANN AGUS CHUN RIALACHA, ORDUITHE AGUS RIALACHÁIN REACHTÚLA ÁIRITHE AGUS CONNARTHA ÁIRITHE DO LÉIRIÚ AGUS DO CHUR IN OIRIÚINT DO CHÚRSAÍ SHAORSTÁIT ÉIREANN. [20adh Mí na Nodlag, 1922.] DE BHRÍ go bhforálann Airtiogal 73 de Bhun-reacht Shaorstáit Éireann na dlithe a bhí i bhfeidhm i Saorstát Éireann le linn teacht i ngníomh don Bhun-reacht san do leanúint i lánneart agus i lán-fheidhm gan dochar don Bhun-reacht san agus sa mhéid ná fuilid buiniscionn leis, go dtí go n-ath-ghairmfear no go leasófar gach ceann no aon cheann aca le hachtú den Oireachtas:

AGUS DE BHRÍ go mbeidh feidhm dlí i Saorstát Éireann de bhuadh an Airtiogail 73 roimh-ráite ag na hAchtanna uile do rith Páirlimint na Breataine agus do bhí i bhfeidhm ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922 (an dáta a tháinig an Bunreacht roimh-ráite i bhfeidhm) san líomatáiste gurb é Saorstát Éireann anois é:

AGUS DE BHRÍ go bhfuil sé riachtanach na hAchtanna san agus na horduithe, na rialacha agus na rialacháin uile a déanfar fútha do léiriú agus do chur in oiriúint i slite áirithe chun go mbeidh lán-neart agus lán-fheidhm ag na hAchtanna san i Saorstát Éireann:

AGUS DE BHRÍ gur mhaith an ní é foráil do dhéanamh chun leanúint de sna connartha Rialtais atá ar fionnraí:



Prímh-Chiste Shaorstáit Éireann do chur in ionad an Ciste Códhlúite.

1.—(1) An Ciste atá luaidhte in Airtiogal 61 de Bhun-reacht Shaorstáit Éireann mar an t-aon chiste amháin a dhéanfaidh d'fháltas uile Shaorstáit Éireann gan dochar do ní áirithe mar a luaidhtear ann glaofar “Prímh-Chiste Shaorstáit Éireann” air agus is mar sin aithneofar é, agus féadfar mar chomhgar “An Prímh-Chiste” do ghairm de in aon Acht den Oireachtas no in aon Riail no Ordú Reachtúil no in aon scríbhinn stáit no scríbhinn oifigiúil eile.


(2) Nuair a éilíonn no a cheaduíonn an có-théacs é déanfar gach luadh agus tagairt don Chiste Chó-dhlúite atá in aon Reacht Briotáineach do léiriú agus d'fheidhmiú mar luadh agus mar thagairt do An Phrímh-Chiste i dtaobh aon ghníomha, ruda no ní do dhéanamh no d'fhágaint gan déanamh tar éis an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, i Saorstát Éireann fén Reacht san no dá réir.


‘ Stát-Chiste” agus “Árd-Scrúdóir” do mhíniú.

2.—Nuair a cheaduíonn no a éilíonn an co-théacs é déanfar gach luadh no tagairt don Stát-Chiste no don Árd-Scrúdóir atá in aon Reacht Briotáineach do léiriú agus d'fheidhmiú fé seach mar luadh no mar thagairt do Stát-Chiste Shaorstáit Éireann no d'Árd-Scrúdóir Shaorstáit Éireann fé mar a theastóidh i dtaobh aon ghníomha, ruda no ní do dhéanamh no d'fhágaint gan déanamh tar éis an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, i Saorstát Éireann fén Reacht san no dá réir.


Ciallóidh an ainm “Ireland” Saorstát Éireann.

3.—Chun críche léirithe aon Reachta Bhriotáinigh ciallóidh an ainm “Ireland” Saorstát Éireann, pe'ca bheidh “Ireland” ’na aonar no i dteanta na habairte “Great Britain” no go dtuigfear é do bheith foluithe san abairt “United Kingdom.”


An “Dublin Gazette” do mhíniú.

4.—Déanfar gach luadh no tagairt don Dublin Gazette atá in aon Reacht Briotáineach do léiriú agus d'fheidhmiú mar luadh no mar thagairt don Iris Oifigiúil i dtaobh aon ghníomha, ruda no ní do dhéanamh no d'fhágaint gan déanamh i Saorstát Éireann tar éis an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922.


Oireachtas do chur in ionad Páirlimint.

5.—(1) Déanfar gach luadh no tagairt do Pháirlimint no do sna Tighthe Páirliminte araon no do gach ceann no d'aon cheann aca atá in aon Reacht Briotáineach do léiriú mar luadh no mar thagairt don dá Thigh no do gach ceann no d'aon cheann aca no don Tigh chó-réire (fé mar a theastóidh) den Oireachtas i dtaobh aon ghníomha, ruda no ní do dhéanamh no d'fhágaint gan déanamh tar éis an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, i Saorstát Éireann agus léireofar dá réir sin an focal “Parliamentary” i ngach Reacht dá shórt.


(2) Gach luadh no tagairt do thairisgint dileagra dá Shoillse ó sna Tighthe Páirliminte araon no ó gach ceann no aon cheann aca atá in aon Reacht Briotáineach léireofar agus feidhmeofar iad ón 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, mar luadh no mar thagairt do rún do rith Tighthe an Oireachtais araon no gach ceann no aon cheann aca no an Tigh có-réire (fé mar a theastóidh).


(3) Chun crícheanna an ailt seo tuigfear gurb é Seanad Éireann an Tigh Oireachtais atá ar có-réir le Tigh na dTiarnaí de Pháirlimint na Breataine agus tuigfear gurb í Dáil Éireann an Tigh Oireachtais atá ar có-réir le Tigh na gCoitiannach de Pháirlimint na Breataine.


(4) In ainneoin éinní dá mhalairt atá san Alt so ciallóidh agus folóidh an abairt “Act of Parliament” atá in aon Reacht Briotáineach Acht de Pháirlimint na Breataine no Acht den Oireachtas, fé mar a theastoidh.


Feidhmeoidh Giúistísí Dúithche Comhachta Giúistísí Síochána agus Giúistísí Comhnuithe.

6.—(1) Gach comhacht, údarás agus dualgas do bronnadh no do cuireadh le haon Reacht Briotáineach ar Ghiúistís no ar bheirt no níos mó Giúistísí ag gníomhú le chéile ní dhéanfaidh an Giúistís ná na Giúistísí sin iad d'fheidhmiú ná do chó-líona tar éis rithte an Achta so agus ’na n-ionad san féadfaidh aon Ghiúistís Dúithche amháin gach comhacht no údarás dá sórt d'fheidhmiú agus déanfa sé gach dualgas dá shórt do chó-líona i dtaobh aon ghníomha, ruda no ní a bheidh le déanamh nó le fágaint gan déanamh tar éis rithte an Achta so.


(2) Gach comhacht, údarás agus dualgas do bronnadh no do cuireadh le haon Reacht Briotáineach ar Ghiúistís Chomhnuithe no ar bheirt no níos mó Giúistísí Comhnuithe ag gníomhúle chéile ní dhéanfaidh an Giúistís ná na Giúistísí sin iad d'fheidhmiú ná do chó-líona tar éis rithte an Achta so agus ’na n-ionad san féadfaidh aon Ghiúistís Dúithche amháin gach comhacht no údarás dá sórt d'fheidhmiú agus déanfa sé gach dualgas dá shórt do chó-líona i dtaobh aon ghníomha, ruda no ní a bheidh le déanamh no le fágaint gan déanamh tar éis rithte an Achta so.


(3) San alt so (a) foluíonn an focal “Giúistís” an abairt “Giúistís Síochána,” agus ní chialluíonn ná ní fholuíonn sé Giúistís Roinne de Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, agus ní dhéanfaidh éinní san alt so difríocht do chomachta, d'údarás ná do dhualgaisí na nGiúistísí Roinne sin; (b) cialluíonn an abairt “Giúistís Dúithche” Giúistís do ceapadh tar éis an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, fén Reacht Briotáineach, 6 & 7 William IV., Caibideal 13.


Comhacht chun Coimisinéirí do bhunú chun feidhmiú i Saorstát Éireann.

7.—(1) Pé áit ina raibh Bórd reachtúil Coimisinéirí no aon chólucht reachtúil eile le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so, ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921, agus agá raibh údaráis, comhachtanna no dualgaisí ar fuaid iomláine no coda den Ríocht Aontuithe a bhí ann le déanaí agus ina raibh an líomatáiste gurb é Saorstát Éireann anois é, féadfaidh an Árd-Chomhairle, le hOrdú, Bórd Coimisinéirí do bhunú chun na feidhmeanna san d'fheidhmiú i Saorstát Éireann, a bhí infheidhmithe ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921, ag na Coimisinéirí reachtúla san no ag an gcólucht reachtúil sin mar roimh-ráite san líomatáiste gurb é Saorstát Éireann anois é.


(2) I bhfeidhmiú na gcomhacht a bronntar leis an alt so, féadfaidh an Árd-Chomhairle gach ceann no aon cheann d'údaráis, de chomhachtanna agus de dhualgaisí dhá cheann no breis de sna Búird reachtúla san de Choimisinéirí no de sna cóluchtaí reachtúla san mar roimh-ráite do bhronna no do chur ar aon Bhórd Coimisinéirí fé leith a bunófar fén alt so; agus féadfaidh sí údaráis, comhachtanna agus dualgaisí aon Choimisinéirí reachtúla no aon chóluchta reachtúla den tsórt san do roinnt ar dhá cheann no breis de Bhúird Choimisinéirí a bunófar fén alt so: Ar choiníoll ná tiocfaidh i bhfeidhm aon Ordú dá ndéanfaidh an Árd-Chomhairle do réir an fho-ailt seo mara ndéanfar agus go dtí go ndéanfar é do leaga fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas agus é do mhola le rún ó gach Tigh díobh.


(3) Aon uair a dhéanfaidh an Árd-Chomhairle aon Bhórd Coimisinéirí do bhunú fén alt so, cuirfidh an Árd-Chomhairle i mbaint leis an mBórd san, le hOrdú bunuithe an Bhúird sin, na Reachtanna Briotáineacha iomdha maraon le pé oiriúnuithe agus atharuithe ortha a bheidh riachtanach a rialuíonn na Búird Choimisinéirí no an cólucht no na cóluchtaí eile go ndineann an t-Ordú san a n-údaráis, a gcomhachtanna no a ndualgaisí no aon cheann aca do bhronna no do chur ar an mBórd san.


(4) Baineann an t-alt so le haon Bhórd reachtúil Coimisinéirí no le haon Bhórd no cólucht reachtúil eile a fheidhmíonn aon fheidhm rialúcháin no a chó-líonann aon dualgaisí puiblí a bhaineann le riara puibli.


Comhacht chun Cistí fé leith do bhunú do Shaorstát Éireann.

8.—(1) I gcás aon chiste reachtúla a bhí ann ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921, agus é ag fónamh chun crícheanna a bhain le hiomlán no le cuid den Ríocht Aontuithe a bhí ann le déanaí agus ina raibh an líomatáiste gurb é Saorstát Éireann anois é, féadfaidh an Árd-Chomhairle le hOrdú ciste do bhunú chun fónamh chun na gcrícheanna gcéanna i Saorstát Éireann go raibh an ciste reachtúil sin ag fónamh chúcha sa líomatáiste roimh-ráite ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921.


(2) Aon uair a bhunóidh an Árd-Chomhairle ciste fén alt so chun fónamh chun crícheanna ciste reachtúla ar bith, cuirfidh an Árd-Chomhairle i mbaint leis an gciste sin, le hOrdú bunuithe an chiste sin, na hAchtanna iomdha de Pháirlimint na Breataine a rialuíonn an ciste reachtúil sin agus iad oiriúnuithe agus atharuithe mar a bheidh riachtanach.


Féadfaidh an t-Aire um Airgead Deontaisí, etc., do roinnt.

9.—Pé áit, fé aon Reacht Briotáineach, go n-orduítear no go n-údaruítear don Chisteán aon deontas, bíodh sé bliantúil no mar bhun-airgead, no aon iasacht no aon roimh-íoc d'íoc as an gCiste Có-dhlúite no go n-orduítear no go n-údaruítear don Chisteán no d'aon Roinn eile Rialtais íoc mar sin as aon chiste eile no go n-údaruítear don Chisteán no d'aon Roinn eile Rialtais aon tsuim airgid d'fháil ar iasacht agus go bhfuil méid no teora méide no luighid an deontais, na hiasachta, an roimhíoca no na suime airgid sin socair ag an Reacht san no ar aon nós eile i gcóir iomláine nó aon choda den Ríocht Aontuithe a bhí ann le déanaí agus ina raibh an líomatáiste gurb é Saorstát Éireann anois é, féadfaidh an t-Aire um Airgead (i dteanta na n-oiriúnuithe a déanfar ar an Reacht san leis no fén Acht so) le hOrdú an méid no an teora san do roinnt idir Shaorstát Éireann agus an chuid eile den líomatáiste gur socruíodh an méid sin no an teora san ’na thaobh mar roimh-ráite, agus féadfa sé leis an Ordú san socrú do dhéanamh ar mhéid no ar theora méide no luighid (fé mar a bheidh) an deontais no na hiasachta no an roimh-íoca no na suime airgid sin a bheidh le n'íoc no le fáil ar iasacht fén Reacht san i Saorstát Éireann.


Orduithe i gComhairle.

10.—Pé áit ina bhforáltar in aon Reacht Briotáineach go ndéanfar aon ghníomh no ní no go bhféadfar iad do dhéanamh le hOrdú i gComhairle no leis an Rí (no an Bhainríoghain) i gComhairle no le Furógra ón Rí (no ón mBainríoghain) no ón Rí (no ón mBainríoghain) i gComhairle, féadfar gach gníomh no ní den tsórt san do dhéanamh i Saorstát Éireann le hOrdú ó Sheanascal Shaorstáit Éireann ar chomhairle Árd-Chomhairle Shaorstáit Éireann.


Oiriúnuithe Generálta ar Thagartha do Ranna Rialtais.

11.—(1) Gan dochar ná díobháil do sna hoiriúnuithe áirithe a dintear leis an Acht so no a déanfar le haon Ordú a déanfar fé údarás an Achta so, gach luadh no tagairt atá in aon Reacht Briotáineach d'aon Aire, Oifigeach, Roinn no Údarás de Rialtas na Ríochta Aontuithe a bhí ann le déanaí no den Rialtas Briotáineach a bhí in Éirinn mar aon le Fear Ionaid an Rí ag feidhmiú feidhmeanna léireofar agus feidhmeofar iad i dtaobh aon ghníomha ruda no ní do dhéanamh no d'fhágaint gan déanamh tar éis an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, mar luadh no mar thagairt don Aire, don Oifigeach, don Roinn no don Údarás i Saorstát Éireann a fheidhmíonn i Saorstát Éireann feidhmeanna atá ionann no ar có-réir leis na feidhmeanna d'fheidhmíodh an t-Aire, an t-Oifigeach, an Roinn no an t-Údarás san de Rialtas na Ríochta Aontuithe a bhí ann le déanaí no den Rialtas Briotáineach a bhí in Éirinn roimh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921, i dtaobh an líomatáiste gurb é Saorstát Éireann anois é: ach ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le haon fhoráil atá in aon Reacht den tsórt san i dtaobh luach saothair aon Aire no oifigigh eile.


(2) Má éiríonn aon cheist i dtaobh ce'ca Aire, ce'ca Oifigeach, ce'ca Roinn no ce'ca Údarás a fheidhmíonn i Saorstát Éireann feidhmeanna atá ionann no ar có-réir leis na feidhmeanna d'fheidhmíodh aon Aire, Oifigeach, Roinn no Údarás de Rialtas na Ríochta Aontuithe a bhí ann le déanai no den Rialtas Briotáineach a bhí in Éirinn, socróidh Uachtarán na hArd-Comhairle an cheist sin agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith.


Comhacht don Árd-Chomhairle chun tuille Oiriúnuithe do dhéanamh.

12.—(1) Na hoiriúnuithe no na hatharuithe sin uile, generálta no áirithe, ar aon Reacht Briotáineach a bheidh riachtanach do réir oipineoin na hÁrd-Chomhairle chun lán-fheidhm agus lánéifeacht do bheith ag an Reacht san i Saorstát Éireann féadfaidh Árd-Chomhairle Shaorstáit Éireann iad do dhéanamh ó am go ham le hOrdú


(2) Féadfar aon oiriúnú no atharú den tsórt a luaidhtear san alt so do dhéanamh in ainneoin é bheith foluithe no déanta le haon oiriúnú no atharú generálta a dintar leis an Acht so ach ní déanfar fén alt so aon oiriúnú ná atharú a bheidh buiniscionn le haon oiriúnú no atharú a dintar leis an Acht so.


Na hAchtanna Custuim do chur in oiriúint do theorainn talaimh.

13.—(1) Tar éis aon atharuithe a bheidh riachtanach do dhéanamh orra, féadfaidh an t-Aire um Airgead rialacháin do dhéanamh chun aon cheann d'fhorálacha Achtanna na gCustum do chur i mbaint le haon earraí d'aistriú de thír isteach i Saorstát Éireann no amach as agus, go sonnrách, féadfaidh na rialacháin:—


(a) Gach earra no aon tsaghas earra do chosc ar theacht isteach no ar dhul amach ach tré pé bealaighe laistigh de Shaorstát Éireann agus le linn pé uaire a ceapfar;


(b) Na háiteanna, an fhuirm agus an chuma do cheapa ina ndéanfar earraí do thabhairt isteach no do chur amach agus diúité ar earraí isteach d'íoc.


(2) Má bhriseann éinne aon cheann de sna rialacháin sin no má theipeann air iad do chó-liona, beidh sé ciontach i gcionnta fé Achtanna na gCustum agus beidh sé i mbaol fíneála ná raghaidh thar £100 mar gheall ar gach cionnta den tsórt san i dteanta aon phionóis eile is baol do agus caillfidh sé na hearraí gur ina dtaobh a bheidh an cionnta déanta aige.


Oiriúnuithe do dhin Reachtanna Briotáineacha.

14.—I gcás aon Reachta Bhriotáinigh go ndintar leis an Acht so é do chur in oiriúint no é d'atharú no údarás a thabhairt chuige sin agus gur dineadh é do chur in oiriúint no é d'atharú le húdarás no fé údarás aon Reachta Bhriotáinigh a tháinig ina dhiaidh, tuigfear an tAct so do bheith ag tagairt don Reacht san fé mar do cuireadh in oiriúint no mar do hatharuíodh é.


Connartha Rialtais atá ar fionnraí do chur in oiriúint.

15.—(1) Gach cairt agus gach connra agus marga i scríbhinn a dhin aon Aire, Roinn no Údarás den Rialtas Briotáineach a bhí in Éirinn le déanaí no de Rialtas Sealadach na hÉireann a bhí ann le déanai, no aon Oifigeach d'aon cheann de sna Rialtaisí sin thar ceann an Rialtais sin, le haon duine no do dhin aon duine le haon cheann aca roimh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, déanfar, má's rud é ná raibh agus sa mhéid ná raibh, téarmaí agus forálacha na cairte, an chonnartha no an mhargaidh sin i lán-fheidhm agus i lán-chrích ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, iad do léiriú is do léigheamh fé is dá ndéanfaí ainm an Aire, na Roinne, an Údaráis no an Oifigigh atá ag feidhmiú i Saorstát Éireann feidhmeanna atá ionann no ar có-réir leis na feidhmeanna do bhí dá bhfeidhmiú, i dtaobh an líomatáiste gurb é Saorstát Éireann anois é, ag an Aire, an Roinn, an Údarás no an Oifigeach atá ainmnithe sa chairt, sa chonnra no sa mharga san le linn dáta na cairte, an chonnartha no an mhargaidh sin, do chur in ionad ainm an Aire, na Roinne, an Údaráis no an Oifigigh atá ainmnithe sa chairt, sa chonnra no sa mharga san.


(2) Na tairbhí a bronntar agus na hoblagáidí a cuirtear le haon chairt, aon chonnra no aon mharga den tsórt atá luaidhte sa bhfo-alt roimhe seo den alt so ar an Aire, an Roinn, an Údarás no an Oifigeach atá ainmnithe ann déanfar, sa mhéid go rabhadar gan có-líona ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, iad do bhronna no do chur fé seach ón lá san ar an Aire, an Roinn, an Údarás no an Oifigeach go ndineann an fo-alt roimhe seo den alt so a ainm do chur in ionad ainm an Aire, na Roinne, an Údaráis no an Oifigigh atá ainmnithe sa chairt, sa chonnra no sa mharga san chó hiomlán is dá mbé ainm an Aire, na Roinne, an Údaráis no an Oifigigh go bhfuil a ainm malairtithe a bheadh sa chairt, sa chonnra no sa mharga san.


(3) Má éirionn aon cheist i dtaobh ce'ca Aire, ce'ca Roinn, ce'ca Údarás no ce'ca Oifigeach a fheidhmíonn i Saorstát Éireann feidhmeanna atá ionann no ar có-réir leis na feidhmeanna a bhí dá bhfeidhmiú le linn dáta na cairte, an chonnartha no an mhargaidh sin a luaidhtear san alt so ag aon Aire, aon Roinn, aon Údarás no aon Oifigeach den Rialtas Briotáineach a bhí in Éirinn le déanaí no de Rialtas Sealadach na hÉireann a bhí ann le déanaí (fé mar a bheidh), socróidh Uachtarán na hÁrd-Chomhairle an cheist sin agus ní bheidh dul thar a bhreith agus beidh ar gach n-aon géille don bhreith sin.


A chur i mbaint le Rialacha, Orduithe agus Rialacháin Reachtúla.

16.—(1) Gach míniú, oiriúnú no atharú a dhineann an t-Acht so ar léiriú no ar bhaint aon Reachta Bhriotáinigh bainfe sé le gach Ordú, Riail agus Rialachán a dineadh fén Reacht san agus ag a bhfuil feidhm dlí i Saorstát Éireann agus léireofar agus míneofar gach Ordú, Riail agus Rialachán den tsórt san do réir an Reachta Bhriotáinigh (fé mar a feidhmítear, oiriúnuítear no atharuítear é leis an Acht so no fé) fé n-ar dineadh iad.


(2) Pé uair a tugtar comhacht leis an Acht so chun aon Reacht Briotáineach do chur i mbaint, do mhíniú, do chur in oiriúint no d'atharú, sroisfidh agus bainfidh an chomhacht san le gach Ordú, Riail no Rialachán a dineadh fén Reacht san agus ag a bhfuil feidhm dlí i Saorstát Éireann.


A chur i mbaint le hAchtanna Áitiúla agus Pearsanta.

17.—Bainfidh an t-Acht so le hAchtanna Áitiúla agus Pearsanta chó maith le hAchtanna Puiblí agus Generálta do rith Páirlimint na Breataine agus dá réir sin san Acht so folóidh an abairt “Reacht Briotáineach” Achtanna Áitiúla agus Pearsanta ’na bhfuil éifeacht i Saorstát Éireann acu.


Cistí Puiblí den Ríocht Aontuithe a bhí ann le déanaí, den Bhreatain Mhóir agus de Shaor stát Éireann do bheith ’na Súncála Iontaobhuí.

18.—(1) Mara bhfuil sé coiscithe go soiléir air leis an ngléas (má bhíonn ann) le n-a mbunuítear an iontaoibh féadfaidh iontaobhuí aon chistí iontaoibhe atá ar láimh aige, pe'ca cistí súncálta iad an uair sin no nách eadh, do shúncáil in:—


(a) aon cheann dá mbeidh ann de Stuic Pháirliminte no de chistí puiblí no d'Urúsanna Rialtais na Ríochta Aontuithe a bhí ann le déanaí;


(b) aon cheann de Stuic Pháirliminte no de chistí puiblí no d'Urúsanna Rialtais na Breataine Móire;


(c) aon cheann de Stuic Pháirliminte no de chistí puiblí no d'Urúsanna Rialtais Shaorstáit Éireann;


no iad do shúncáil in aon tslí eile a bheidh údaruithe de thuras na huaire.

(2) Sa bhfo-alt roimhe seo ní foláir an focal “Pháirliminte” do léiriú mar thagairt i gclás (a) do Pháirlimint na Ríochta Aontuithe a bhí ann le déanaí; i gclás (b) do Pháirliminit na Breataine Móire, agus i gclás (c) don Oireachtas.


Orduithe do leaga fé bhraid an Oireachtais.

19.—Gach Ordú a dhéanfaidh an Árd-Chomhairle fén Acht so déanfar é do leaga fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas láithreach agus mara ndéanfaidh agus go dtí go ndéanfaidh Tigh den Oireachtas rún do rith ag cur an Orduithe sin ar neamh-ní laistigh den lá is fiche ’na dhiaidh sin go suidhfidh an Tigh tar éis an t-Ordú san do leaga féna bhráid, beidh éifeacht san Ordú san fé is dá n-achtuítí san Acht so é, ach ní fheidhmeoidh aon rún den tsórt san chun dochair do dhleathacht éinní a déanfar roimis sin fén Ordú san.



20.—Ciallóidh an abairt “Reacht Briotáineach,” nuair éilíonn no a cheaduíonn an có-théacs é, Acht a dhin Páirlimint Ríochta Aontuithe na Breataine Móire agus na hÉireann a bhí ann le déanaí agus go raibh feidhm aige ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1922, sa líomatáiste gurb é Saorstát Éireann anois é.



21.—Féadfar an t-Acht um Oiriúnú Achtanna, 1922, do ghairm den Acht so.