As Ann Déscrolláil
Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.
Number 22 of 1928.
Section | |
Act Referred to | |
No. 24 of 1927 |
Number 22 of 1928.
1.—In this Act—
the expression “the Principal Act” means the Agricultural Credit Act, 1927 (No. 24 of 1927);
the expression “the Act of 1891” means the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891;
the expression “the Corporation” means the Agricultural Credit Corporation, Limited; and
the word “registration” means registration in a register maintained under the Act of 1891 and cognate words shall be construed accordingly.
Priority of certain charges in favour of the Corporation.
2.—(1) Where—
(a) a person is registered in a register of free-holders maintained under the Act of 1891 as full owner of land, and
(b) such registration is subject to a note (in this Act referred to as a note as to equities) that such land is registered subject to the rights or equities (if any) arising from the interest vested in a purchaser thereof under the Land Purchase Acts being deemed to be a graft on such purchaser's previous interest or arising in any other manner from the existence of such previous interest, and
(c) such person charges such land in favour of the Corporation with payment of a principal sum not exceeding four hundred pounds, and
(d) such charge is duly registered in such register as a burden affecting such land, and
(e) no lis pendens is entered in the register against such land;
then (subject to the provisions of this section) such charge shall as against such land be in priority to and shall override all estates and interests in and all incumbrances on and all claims against such land which at the date of the registration of such charge are not entered in the register but are preserved by virtue of the said note as to equities.
(2) Where, at the date of an instrument creating a charge on registered land which would on registration be entitled to priority under this section, a caution under section 69 of the Act of 1891 appears on the register in respect of such land and such caution was lodged by a person claiming to be entitled to an equitable claim as defined by this section in respect of such land and such equitable claim is at any time after the registration of such charge registered as an estate or interest in or burden on such land, the relative priorities of such charge and such equitable claim shall notwithstanding anything contained in this Act be determined as if this Act had not been passed.
(3) In this Act—
land registered in a register of free-holders maintained under the Act of 1891 is referred to as registered land;
a charge on registered land to which priority is given by this section is referred to as a priority charge;
a person by whom a priority charge is given is referred to as a mortgagor;
estates and interests in and incumbrances on and claims against registered land which at the date of the registration of a priority charge against such land are not entered in the said register but are preserved by virtue of a note as to equities are collectively referred to as equitable claims;
a person entitled to an equitable claim against registered land is referred to as an equitable claimant; and
the expression “permanent improvement charge” means a priority charge in respect of which it is shown by the mortgagor that the principal sum secured by such charge was advanced by the Corporation solely for the purpose of constructing buildings on the land the subject of such charge or for the purpose of making on such land improvements of a permanent character calculated to increase or facilitate or conduce to the increase of the productivity of such land and that the said principal sum was actually expended wholly for one or more of those purposes.
Rights of persons having equitable interests.
3.—(1) A priority charge which is not a permanent improvement charge shall as between the mortgagor by whom such charge was given and equitable claimants (other than such mortgagor) against land affected by such charge be deemed to be charged on all and every (if any) estate and interest in such land to which such mortgagor was at the date of the registration of such charge or becomes at any time thereafter beneficially entitled in indemnification of all equitable claims against such land by equitable claimants other than such mortgagor.
(2) All moneys paid to the Corporation by, or out of the share estate or interest of, an equitable claimant (other than the mortgagor) against registered land on foot of a priority charge which is not a permanent improvement charge on such land shall be repaid to such claimant by the mortgagor on demand with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent. per annum and until so repaid such moneys and the said interest thereon shall be a debt due by the mortgagor to such person and shall be deemed to be charged in favour of such person on all and every (if any) estate and interest to which the mortgagor is beneficially entitled in such land or the proceeds of the sale thereof at the date of such payment to the Corporation.
Protection of minors and lunatics.
4.—(1) Where registered land is subject to a priority charge which is not a permanent improvement charge and a person entitled at the date of the registration of such charge to an equitable claim against such land is at the date of such registration under the age of twenty-one years, or of unsound mind, such person shall be entitled at any time after such registration but, in the case of a person under the age of twenty-one years at the time of such registration, not after he attains the age of twenty-five years to obtain from the Circuit Court an order that the mortgagor do, by giving security, lodgment of money in court or such other means as shall be approved of by the court, give to such person an indemnity which in the opinion of the Court adequately protects the equitable claim of such person against the said priority charge and that in default of the mortgagor giving such indemnity within three months after the date of such order the said registered land be sold by the Court and the proceeds of such sale be applied according to law and that in any event the costs of such person in relation to such order, the application therefor and all proceedings thereunder when taxed as between solicitor and client be paid by the mortgagor.
(2) An indemnity given by a mortgagor in pursuance of an order under the foregoing sub-section shall be enforceable, with the leave of the Circuit Court and in such manner as that Court shall direct, whenever the priority charge in respect of which such indemnity was given is enforced to the prejudice of the equitable claim for the protection of which such indemnity was given or in such other circumstances as in the opinion of the said Court render it just and equitable that such indemnity should be enforced.
(3) The rights and benefits conferred on any person by this section shall be in addition and without prejudice to any other rights or benefits to which such person may be entitled under this Act.
(4) No order under sub-section (1) of this section shall be granted without notice to the mortgagor unless the Court shall think proper to dispense with such notice.
Short title and citation.
5.—This Act may be cited as the Agricultural Credit Act, 1928, and the Principal Act and this Act may be cited together as the Agricultural Credit Acts, 1927 and 1928.
Uimhir 22 de 1928.
[30adh Iúl, 1928.]
1.—San Acht so—
cialluíonn an focal “an Príomh-Acht” an tAcht Cáirde Talmhaíochta, 1927 (Uimh. 24 de 1927);
cialluíonn an focal “Acht 1891” an Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891;
cialluíonn an focal “an Chorparáid” Corparáid an Cháirde Thalmhaíochta, Teoranta; agus
cialluíonn an focal “clárú” clárú i gclár a cimeádtar fé Acht 1891 agus is dá réir sin a léireofar atá gaolmhar leis.
Tosach ag muirir áirithe i bhfabhar don Chorparáid.
2.—(1) I gcás—
(a) duine do bheith cláruithe i gclár de shaor-shealbhairí a cimeádtar fé Acht 1891 mar lán-únaer tailimh, agus
(b) an clárú san do bheith fé réir nóta (dá ngairmtear san Acht so nóta i dtaobh cothromaí) go bhfuil an talamh san cláruithe fé réir na gceart no na gcothrom (más ann dóibh) a tháinig as an leas do dílsíodh i nduine do cheannuigh é fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannuigh d'áireamh mar ghreamú ar roimh-leas an cheannuitheora san no a tháinig in aon tslí eile as an roimh-leas san do bheith ann, agus
(c) an duine sin do chur íoc suime colna nách mó ná ceithre chéad punt mar mhuirear ar an talamh san i bhfabhar don Chorparáid, agus
(d) an muirear san do bheith cláruithe go cuibhe sa chlár san mar ualach a dhineann deifir don talamh san, agus
(e) gan aon lis pendens do bheith iontrálta sa chlár i gcoinnibh an tailimh sin;
ansan (fé réir forálacha an ailt seo), i gcoinnibh an tailimh sin, beidh tosach ag an muirear san agus déanfa sé sárú ar gach estát, leas, eire agus éileamh a bheidh sa talamh san no air no ina choinnibh agus a bheidh, ar dháta cláruithe an mhuirir sin, gan bheith iontrálta sa chlár ach iad á gcimeád de bhua an nóta san i dtaobh cothromaí.
(2) Más rud é ar dháta instruimide le n-a gcruthnuítear muirear ar thalamh chláruithe a bheadh, ar a chlárú, i dteideal tosach do bheith aige fén alt so, go mbíonn foláramh fé alt 69 d'Acht 1891 ar an gclár i dtaobh an tailimh sin agus gurb é do lóisteáil an foláramh san ná duine adeir go bhfuil teideal aige chun éilimh chothruim, mar a mínítear é leis an alt so, maidir leis an talamh san agus má dintar aon uair tar éis clárú an mhuirir sin an t-éileamh cothrom san do chlárú mar estát no mar leas sa talamh san no mar ualach air, ansan, d'ainneoin éinní atá san Acht so, is fé is ná rithfí an tAcht so a socrófar cadé an tosach atá ag an muirear san agus ag an éileamh cothrom san ar a chéile.
(3) San Acht so—
gairmtear talamh cláruithe de thalamh atá cláruithe i gclár de shaor-shealbhairí a coinnítear fé Acht 1891;
gairmtear muirear tosaíochta de mhuirear ar thalamh chláruithe dá dtugtar tosach leis an alt so;
gairmtear morgáisteoir de dhuine do thug muirear tosaíochta uaidh;
gairmtear éilithe cothroma de sna nithe seo le chéile, eadhon, estáit, leasanna, eirí agus éilithe, i dtalamh cláruithe no air no ina choinnibh, a bheidh, ar dháta cláruithe muirir thosaíochta i gcoinnibh an tailimh sin, gan bheith iontrálta sa chlár san ach iad á gcimeád de bhua nóta i dtaobh cothromaí;
gairmtear éilitheoir cothrom de dhuine i dteideal éilimh chothruim i gcoinnibh tailimh chláruithe; agus
cialluíonn an focal “muirear buan-fheabhais” muirear tosaíochta 'na dtaisbeánfidh an morgáistéoir ina thaobh gur dhin an Chorparáid an tsuim cholna a hurruítear leis an muirear san do roimh-íoc chuige seo amháin, eadhon, chun foirgintí do thógáil ar an talamh is abhar don mhuirear san no chun buanfheabhsuithe do dhéanamh ar an talamh san do raghadh chun torthúlacht an tailimh sin do mhéadú no chun a méadú san do chur in usacht no chun cabhruithe leis, agus gur chun ceann amháin no níos mó de sna crícheanna san agus chuige sin amháin a dineadh an tsuim cholna san do chaitheamh.
Cirt daoine ag a bhfuil leasanna cothroma.
3.—(1) Chó fada leis an ord a bheidh idir an morgáisteoir do thug muirear tosaíochta uaidh nách muirear buan-fheabhais agus éilitheoirí cothroma (lasmuich den mhorgáisteoir sin) 'na mbeidh éileamh acu i gcoinnibh tailimh dá ndineann an muirear san deifir, tuigfar an muirear san do bheith muirearuithe ar gach aon estát agus leas (más ann dóibh), sa talamh san, 'na raibh an morgáisteoir sin, ar dháta cláruithe an mhuirir sin, no 'na dtáinig sé chun bheith aon uair ina dhiaidh sin, i dteideal chun a dtairbhe mar shlánú ar gach éileamh cothrom ag éilitheoirí cothroma lasmuich den mhorgáisteoir sin i gcoinnibh an tailimh sin.
(2) Gach airgead a híocfar leis an gCorparáid ag éilitheoir cothrom no as scair, as estát no as leas éilitheora chothruim (lasmuich den mhorgáisteoir) 'na mbeidh éileamh aige i gcoinnibh tailimh chláruithe ar scór muirir thosaíochta nách muirear buan-fheabhais ar an talamh san, aisíocfidh an morgáisteoir leis an éilitheoir sin é, ar a éileamh san air, maraon le hús air do réir ráta cúig per cent. per annum agus go dtí go n-aisíocfar san amhlaidh beidh an t-airgead san agus an t-ús san air ina bhfiacha ag an duine sin ar an morgáisteoir agus tuigfar iad do bheith muirearuithe i bhfabhar don duine sin ar gach aon leas agus estát (más ann dóibh) 'na mbeidh an morgáisteoir sin i dteideal chun a dtairbhe sa talamh san no i dtora a dhíola ar dháta íoctha an airgid sin leis an gCorporáid.
Cosaint do mhion-aoisigh agus do gheilteanna.
4.—(1) I gcás talamh cláruithe do bheith fé mhuirear thosaíochta nách muirear buan-fheabhais agus duine a bheidh ar dháta cláruithe an mhuirir sin i dteideal éilimh chothruim i gcoinnibh an tailimh sin do bheith ar dháta an chláruithe sin fé bhun bliain is fiche d'aois no gan meabhair shlán aige, beidh an duine sin aon uair tar éis an chláruithe sin ach, i gcás duine fé bhun bliain is fiche d'aois ar dháta an chláruithe sin, ní tar éis a chúig bliana fichead do shlánú dho i dteideal ordú d'fháil ón gCúirt Chuarda á ordú go dtabharfadh an morgáisteoir don duine sin, tré urrús do thabhairt uaidh, tré airgead do lóisteáil sa chúirt no ar pé slí eile a cheadóidh an chúirt, slánú is dó leis an gCúirt is leor mar chosaint don éileamh chothrom a bheidh ag an duine sin i gcoinnibh an mhuirir thosaíochta san agus, mara dtugaidh an morgáisteoir an slánú san uaidh laistigh de ráithe tar éis dáta an orduithe sin, go ndíolfadh an Chúirt an talamh cláruithe sin agus go gcuirfí tora an díola san chun críche do réir dlí agus, in aon chás, go n-íocfadh an morgáisteoir na costaisí do bhí ar an duine sin maidir leis an ordú san, leis an iarratas air, agus le gach imeacht fé, nuair a bheidís measta mar chostaisí idir atúrnae agus cliant.
(2) Aon tslánú a thabharfidh morgáisteoir uaidh do réir ordú fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo beidh sé ionchurtha i bhfeidhm, le cead na Cúirte Cuarda agus ar pé slí a ordóidh an Chúirt sin, pé uair a déanfar an muirear tosaíochta gur tugadh an slánú san ina thaobh do chur i bhfeidhm i slí a dhéanfadh dochar don éileamh chothrom gur tugadh an slánú san chun a chosanta no i pé cás eile is dó leis an gCúirt sin a dhéanfadh é bheith cóir agus cothrom an slánú san do chur i bhfeidhm.
(3) Na cirt agus na tairbhí a bronntar ar éinne leis an alt so beid mar bhreis ar aon chirt no tairbhí eile chun a mbeidh teideal ag an duine sin fén Acht so agus beid gan dochar dóibh.
(4) Ní deonfar aon ordú fé fho-alt (1) den alt so gan fógra do thabhairt don mhorgáisteoir maran dó leis an gCúirt gur ceart déanamh in éamais an fhógra san.
Gearr-theideal agus luadh.
5.—Féadfar an tAcht Cáirde Talmhaíochta, 1928, do ghairm den Acht so agus féadfar na hAchtanna Cáirde Talmhaíochta, 1927 agus 1928, do ghairm den Phríomh-Acht agus den Acht so le chéile.