As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.



No. 29 of 1924.










Re-organisation of Railway System


Amalgamation of railways.


Preparation and settlement of the amalgamation scheme.


Provisions to be contained in the amalgamation scheme.


Preparation and approval of absorption schemes.


Provisions to be contained in absorption schemes.


Saving as to transfer of liability in certain cases.


Provisions as to determination of terms and conditions of amalgamation or transfer.


Supplementary provisions as to schemes.


Preliminary scheme.


Power of trustees to invest in securities of amalgamated company.


Employees of Irish Railway Clearing House.


Establishment of Railway Tribunal


Constitution of the railway tribunal.


Qualification of members of railway tribunal.


Appointment of officers and payment of expenses of railway tribunal.


Members of railway tribunal not to hold shares in any transport undertaking.


Additional and temporary members of tribunal.


General powers of the railway tribunal.


Procedure and fees.




Decisions to be by a majority of the members present.




Transfer of functions of Railway and Canal Commission.


Railway Charges


Existing charges.


Preliminary revision.

Classification of Merchandise



Standard Charges


Submission of schedules.


Settlement of schedules.


Obligation to charge standard charges.


Protection of ports.


Charges of non-amalgamated companies.


Repeal of existing provisions.


Subsequent modifications of standard charges.

Exceptional Charges


Provisions as to existing exceptional rates.


New exceptional rates.


Variation of exceptional rates.


Review of competitive exceptional rates.


Disintegration of exceptional rates.


Exceptional fares.

Conditions of Carriage


Submission of proposed conditions.


Settlement by tribunal.


Conditions on which merchandise is to be carried.


Alteration of conditions.

Miscellaneous Provisions as to Charges


Owner's risk rates.


Minimum charges.


Collection and delivery charges.


Dangerous goods.


Publication of schedules of standard charges, etc.


Miscellaneous provisions as to rates.


Additional functions of railway tribunal.


Amendments of certain Acts.


Interpretation of expressions used in Part III.

Adjustment of Charges to Revenue


Adjustment of charges to revenue.


Periodical review of standard charges and exceptional charges.


Wages and Conditions of Service


Regulation of conditions of service of railway employees.


Appointment to clerical grades.


Preparation of scheme for superannuation fund.


Regulation of Railways


Power to make orders as to working.


Power to make orders as to acquisition of land, etc.


Power to confirm agreements for the purchase, lease or working of railways.




Baronially Guaranteed Railways


Meaning of certain expressions.


Provisions in respect of baronial guarantees.


Baronial railways vested in county councils.




Provision for applications by public authorities in certain cases.


Notices, etc.


Service of documents on amalgamated company.


Language of public notices and tickets.


Accounts, returns and statistics.


Names and addresses of share holders.


Enactments which are not to apply to amalgamated company.


Short title.

First Schedule

Amalgamating and Absorbed Companies

Second Schedule

Board of Directors of Amalgamated Company

Third Schedule

Existing Officers and Servants

Fourth Schedule

Provisions relating to the submission of Schemes

Fifth Schedule

Division and Form of Schedules of Standard Charges

Sixth Schedule

Miscellaneous Provisions as to Rates

Seventh Schedule

Enactments Amended

Eighth Schedule

Grades to which Part IV of the Act Applies

Nineth Schedule

Payments in respect of Baronial Guarantees

Tenth Schedule

Enactments not applying to Amalgamated Company

Acts Referred to

Civil Service Regulation Act, 1924

No. 5 of 1924

Statutory Undertakings (Continuance of Charges) (No. 2) Act, 1923

No. 16 of 1923


No. 29 of 1924.







1.—In this Act—


the expression “the amalgamated company” means the company constituted by the amalgamation in accordance with the provisions of this Act of the companies specified in the first column of the First Schedule to this Act and the absorption of the companies specified in the second column of the said Schedule;


the expression “amalgamating company” means one of the companies specified in the first column of the First Schedule to this Act and intended to constitute by amalgamation the amalgamated company;


the expression “absorbed company” means one of the companies specified in the second column of the First Schedule to this Act and intended to be absorbed by the amalgamated company under the provisions of this Act;


the expression “the railway tribunal” means the court to be established under that name pursuant to Part II. of this Act;


the expression “Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce.



Re-organisation of Railway System.


Amalgamation of railways.

2.—(1) With a view to the re-organisation and more efficient and economical working of the railway system of Saorstát Eireann, the amalgamated company shall be formed in accordance with the provisions of this Act by the amalgamation of the companies set out in the first column of the First Schedule to this Act, and by the absorption of the companies set out in the second column of that Schedule.


(2) For the purposes of this Act the Arigna Colliery Extension Railway, the Athy-Wolfhill Colliery Railway, and the Castle-comer Railway shall on the 1st day of January, 1925, or such earlier or later date as the railway tribunal after consultation with the Minister may fix, be absorbed by the amalgamated company on terms to be agreed with the owners of those railways or, in default of such agreement, on terms to be decided by the railway tribunal.


Preparation and settlement of the amalgamation scheme.

3.—(1) The amalgamating companies may on or before the 31st day of August, 1924, submit to the Minister an amalgamation scheme framed in accordance with the provisions of this Act which has been agreed to by all those companies.


(2) The Minister shall refer to the railway tribunal any scheme so submitted to him, and the tribunal, unless it appears to them that the scheme does not conform with the requirements of this Act or that the provisions of this Act relating to the procedure preliminary to the submission of an agreed scheme have not been complied with, shall confirm the scheme.


(3) If the amalgamating companies fail to submit an agreed amalgamation scheme framed in accordance with the provisions of this Act on or before the said date, a scheme for the amalgamation of those companies shall be prepared and settled in accordance with this Act by the railway tribunal.


Provisions to be contained in the amalgamation scheme.

4.—An amalgamation scheme under this Act—


(a) shall provide for the incorporation of the amalgamated company under an appropriate name with power to hold land for the purposes of the company, and make such provisions as appear necessary or expedient with regard to the share and loan capital of the amalgamated company and the vesting of the property, rights, powers, duties and liabilities, whether statutory or otherwise, of the amalgamating companies; and


(b) shall provide generally as to the terms and conditions of amalgamation and for the winding-up of the amalgamating companies, including the allocation to holders of securities of the amalgamating companies, in substitution therefor and in satisfaction of all claims arising thereunder, of such securities of the amalgamated company, and of such amounts, as may be specified in the scheme; and


(c) shall incorporate Part V. of the Railways Clauses Act, 1863, subject to the provisions of this Act, and may incorporate any of the provisions of the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, and the Acts amending that Act, subject to the modification that any committees appointed under section 95 of the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, may comprise persons who, though not directors of the company, are proprietors and possess such other qualifications (if any) as may be provided by the scheme; and


(d) shall give effect to the provisions contained in the Second Schedule to this Act with respect to the direction of the amalgamated company, and may, with the consent of the proprietors, provide for the payment of compensation out of the assets of an amalgamating company to any director of such company who suffers loss by abolition of office or who resigns office consequent on his being appointed a standing member of the railway tribunal, but in the latter eventuality his remuneration as such standing member of the railway tribunal shall be taken into account in fixing the amount of any such compensation; and


(e) shall contain such provisions with respect to the management of any superannuation, pension, provident, widows' and orphans' and other benefit fund or funds established by any amalgamating company as may be necessary in consequence of amalgamation, so, however, as to preserve in all other respects the management of such funds unaltered until other provision is made by the Oireachtas; and


(f) shall incorporate the provisions contained in the Third Schedule to this Act with respect to existing officers and servants; and


(g) may make such incidental and supplemental provisions as appear necessary or expedient in order to give full effect to the provisions of the scheme and the purposes of this Act.


Preparation and approval of absorption schemes.

5.—(1) The amalgamating companies may, on or before the 31st day of August, 1924, submit to the Minister a scheme or schemes framed in accordance with the provisions of this Act for the absorption by the amalgamated company of all or any of the absorbed companies, on terms agreed to by the absorbed companies to which the scheme or schemes may relate.


(2) The Minister shall refer to the railway tribunal any scheme so submitted to him, and the tribunal, unless it appears to them that the scheme does not conform with the requirements of this Act, or that the provisions of this Act relating to the procedure preliminary to the submission of an agreed scheme have not been complied with, shall confirm the scheme.


(3) If the amalgamating companies fail on or before the said date to submit an agreed scheme or schemes framed in accordance with the provisions of this Act for the absorption of all the absorbed companies, a scheme for the absorption of any such company with respect to which an agreed absorption scheme framed in accordance with the provisions of this Act has not been made shall be prepared and settled in accordance with this Act by the railway tribunal.


Provisions to be contained in absorption schemes.

6.—An absorption scheme under this Act—


(a) shall provide in such manner as appears necessary or expedient for the transfer to the amalgamated company of all the property, rights, powers, duties, and liabilities whether statutory or otherwise, of any absorbed company to which the scheme relates; and


(b) shall provide for the consideration to be given to the absorbed company or companies, and generally as to the terms and conditions of the transfer, and may provide for the consideration consisting in whole or in part of securities of the amalgamated company; and


(c) shall provide for the winding up of the absorbed company or companies, and may provide on any such winding up for the holder of any securities of the absorbed company receiving in substitution therefor and in satisfaction of all claims arising thereunder such securities of the amalgamated company forming part of the consideration for the transfer of the undertaking, and of such amounts, as may be specified in the scheme, and may, with the consent of the proprietors, provide for the payment of compensation out of the assets of an absorbed company to any director of such company who suffers loss by abolition of office or who resigns office consequent on his being appointed a standing member of the railway tribunal, but in the latter eventuality his remuneration as such standing member of the railway tribunal shall be taken into account in fixing the amount of any such compensation; and


(d) shall incorporate the provisions of Part V. of the Railways Clauses Act, 1863, subject to the provisions of this Act; and


(e) shall contain such provisions with respect to the management of any superannuation, pension, provident, widows' and orphans' and other benefit fund or funds established by any absorbed company to which the scheme relates as may be necessary in consequence of absorption so, however, as to preserve in all other respects the management of such funds unaltered until other provision is made by the Oireachtas or by agreement between the parties concerned, as the case may require; and


(f) shall incorporate the provisions contained in the Third Schedule to this Act with respect to existing officers and servants; and


(g) may make such incidental and supplemental provisions as appear necessary or expedient in order to give full effect to the provisions of the scheme and the purposes of this Act.


Saving as to transfer of liability in certain cases.

7.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, there shall not be transferred to the amalgamated company any liability of an absorbed company in respect of any dividends or interest or arrears of dividends or interest on any loan or any mortgage, bond, charge, debenture, debenture stock or other security for money on which there were six or more years arrears of dividends or interest unpaid on the 3rd day of April, 1924, and no provisions in this Act applicable to an absorption scheme shall apply to such liability: Provided that this sub-section shall not apply to the liability of an absorbed company in respect of any dividends or interest or arrears of dividends or interest on any mortgage, bond, charge, debenture, debenture stock or other security for money the holder of which was by virtue thereof in possession (whether by himself, or by a trustee on his behalf, or by a receiver appointed by him or any trustee on his behalf) on the 3rd day of April, 1924, of the property or any part of the property comprised in such mortgage, bond, charge, debenture, debenture stock or other security for money.


(2) In the event of the amalgamating companies and the absorbed companies failing to determine, for the purpose of an absorption scheme, the capital value of any loan or security mentioned in sub-section (1) of this section, the value shall be such amount (if any) as is determined by the railway tribunal having regard to the possibility of any dividends or interest being paid on such loan or security if absorption had not taken place.


Provisions as to determination of terms and conditions of amalgamation or transfer.

8.—For the purpose of determining the terms and conditions of amalgamation between the amalgamating companies or of the transfer of the undertaking of any absorbed company, the railway tribunal shall take into consideration all the circumstances of the case, and in particular the value on a net revenue earning basis of each of the amalgamating and absorbed companies as a separate company, and its value as a component part of the amalgamated company: so, however, that regard shall not be had to economies or accretions of traffic or other circumstances tending to enhance its value as such component part attributable solely to the provisions of this Act relating to amalgamation and absorption:


Provided that, in the case of the line of one company being worked by another company under an arrangement whereby a percentage of the gross receipts of the line so worked is payable to the owning company, the railway tribunal in determining the terms and conditions of transfer shall not take into account any higher charging powers than those authorised in respect of the line under the statutory provisions in force in the year 1913.


Supplementary provisions as to schemes.

9.—(1) The amalgamation scheme and every absorption scheme shall be so framed as to come into operation on the 1st day of January, 1925, or such earlier or later date, as the railway tribunal, after consultation with the Minister, may fix:


Provided that the amalgamation scheme shall be deemed to come into operation immediately before the absorption schemes.


(2) Before an agreed amalgamation or absorption scheme is referred to the railway tribunal, the scheme shall be submitted to the proprietors and debenture stock-holders of each amalgamating and absorbed company affected thereby in the manner provided in the Fourth Schedule to this Act.


(3) A scheme under this Part of this Act shall, when confirmed or settled by the railway tribunal, be binding on all persons and have effect as if enacted in this Act, and where any such scheme provides for the substitution of any securities of the amalgamated company for securities of an amalgamating or absorbed company any trustee or other person acting in a fiduciary capacity who at the date of the amalgamation or absorption held and was entitled to hold any securities of an amalgamating or absorbed company shall be entitled to hold the securities of the amalgamated company which may be substituted therefor.


(4) No stamp duty shall be payable in respect of any amalgamation or absorption scheme.


(5) Printed copies of the proposed amalgamation scheme and of every absorption scheme submitted to the Minister or prepared by the railway tribunal in accordance with the provisions of sections 3 and 5 of this Act, respectively, shall be placed on sale at such places and at such prices as the Minister may direct, and notice that such copies are on sale and the places where they may be obtained shall be published in the Iris Oifigiúil, and no such scheme shall be confirmed or settled by the railway tribunal until the expiration of twenty-one days after the publication of such notice.


(6) The amalgamation and every absorption scheme shall be deemed to be statutory rules and shall be printed, numbered, published, and sold, and may be cited, in the like manner as statutory rules are for the time being by law required to be printed, numbered, published, and sold, and permitted to be cited.


(7) If the railway tribunal postpones the date on which the amalgamation and absorption schemes are to come into operation to a date later than the said 1st day of January 1925, then, during the period of postponement, the undertakings of all the amalgamating and absorbed companies shall be used, worked, managed, maintained and repaired as one joint undertaking, and the net receipts of the joint undertaking shall be distributed amongst the amalgamating and absorbed companies upon such terms and subject to such conditions and in such proportions as may be agreed upon by the several companies with the approval of the railway tribunal or in default of agreement as may be determined by the railway tribunal, and the following provisions of this Act relating to the amalgamated company shall apply as if such joint undertaking were the undertaking of the amalgamated company and as if the governing body of the joint undertaking were the amalgamated company.


Preliminary scheme.

10.—(1) Any two or more amalgamating companies may, at any time after the passing of this Act and prior to the 31st day of August, 1924, submit to the Minister for reference to the Railway Tribunal a preliminary scheme for the amalgamation of those companies.


(2) An amalgamating company or any two or more amalgamating companies may, at any time after the passing of this Act and prior to the 31st day of August, 1924, submit to the Minister for reference to the Railway Tribunal a preliminary scheme for the absorption by such amalgamating company or companies of any absorbed company or companies upon such terms as may be agreed between those companies.


(3) The Railway Tribunal shall approve any such preliminary scheme so referred to them unless it appears to them that the provisions of this Act relating to the procedure preliminary to the submission of a scheme have not been complied with, or unless after hearing such of the other amalgamating companies as desire to be heard, the railway tribunal consider the scheme to be inconsistent with or prejudicial to the amalgamation scheme to be made in accordance with the provisions of this Act.


(4) Every such preliminary scheme shall, subject to such provisions in that behalf as may be contained therein, come into operation forthwith after it is approved.


(5) Subject to the provisions of this section, all the provisions of this Part of this Act relating to amalgamation and absorption schemes shall, with the necessary adaptations, apply respectively to preliminary amalgamation and absorption schemes except that a preliminary amalgamation scheme shall, instead of giving effect to the provisions contained in the Second Schedule to this Act with respect to the direction of the Company, make such alternative provision in that respect as may be agreed between the companies to be amalgamated.


(6) In the confirmation or preparation and settlement of the amalgamation scheme the Railway Tribunal shall give effect to any preliminary scheme approved by them, but so that the interests of the other amalgamating companies shall not be prejudiced thereby.


(7) Any company formed by a preliminary amalgamation scheme shall be deemed to be an amalgamating company for the purposes of this Act in lieu of the companies amalgamated by the scheme and shall not be deemed to be the amalgamated company within the meaning of this Act.


Power of trustees to invest in securities of amalgamated company.

11.—For the purposes of the provisions of the Trustee Act, 1893, relating to the securities in which trustees are authorised to invest trust funds, the amalgamated company shall be treated as if it were a railway company in Saorstát Eireann incorporated by special Act of Parliament and had, in each of the ten years immediately before the date of amalgamation, paid a dividend at the rate of not less than three per centum per annum on its ordinary stock.


Employees of Irish Railway Clearing House.

12.—(1) The provisions of the Third Schedule to this Act shall, with the modifications hereinafter mentioned, apply to every person who was on the 3rd day of April, 1924, an officer or servant of the Irish Railway Clearing House and who, as a direct result of any re-organisation of the Irish Railway Clearing House taking place within five years after the passing of this Act, is discharged on account of the abolition of his office or situation, or is required to perform duties such as are not analogous, or are an unreasonable addition, to those which he was required to perform immediately previous to the date aforesaid.


(2) For the purpose of the application of the Third Schedule to this Act to the persons aforesaid, the said Schedule shall be construed and take effect as if the Irish Railway Clearing House were substituted in the said Schedule for the amalgamated company, and the persons aforesaid were officers or servants of an amalgamating company.



Establishment of Railway Tribunal.


Constitution of the railway tribunal.

13.—(1) There shall be established a court styled the Railway Tribunal consisting of three standing members, that is to say, a chairman and two ordinary members, all of whom shall be appointed by the Governor-General on the advice of the Executive Council.


(2) Each of the standing members of the railway tribunal shall be appointed and hold office for five years and shall then retire, but shall be eligible for reappointment.


(3) A standing member of the railway tribunal may resign his office at any time.


(4) A standing member of the railway tribunal may only be removed from his office by a resolution passed by Dáil Eireann and by Seanad Eireann for incapacity or misbehaviour stated in such resolution.


(5) The railway tribunal shall be a court of record and shall have an official seal, which shall be officially and judicially noticed, and the railway tribunal may act notwithstanding a vacancy in its number.


Qualification of members of railway tribunal.

14.—(1) Every person appointed to be chairman of the railway tribunal shall at the date of his appointment either—


(a) be a practising barrister of at least twelve years' standing, or


(b) be or have been a judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or the Circuit Court, or


(c) have been a judge of the Supreme Court of Judicature in Ireland, or


(d) have been a Recorder or County Court Judge in Saorstát Eireann.


(2) A judge of the Supreme Court, the High Court, or the Circuit Court may while he holds that office be appointed, with his own consent and the consent of the Chief Justice, to be chairman of the railway tribunal on the terms that he may retain office as such judge notwithstanding his appointment as such chairman.


(3) One of the ordinary members of the railway tribunal shall be a person of experience in commercial affairs and the other of such members shall be a person of experience in railway business.


(4) A standing member of the railway tribunal shall not, while he retains that office, enter into or remain in the employment of any person, company or other undertaking engaged in the transport of persons or things, and a chairman of the railway tribunal shall not, while he retains that office, engage in practice at the bar in Saorstát Eireann.


(5) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this section, a standing member of the railway tribunal may be appointed on such terms in respect of his holding or not holding any other office or employment as the Executive Council shall, after consultation with the Minister if he is not an Executive Minister, advise the Governor-General.


Appointment of officers and payment of expenses of railway tribunal.

15.—(1) The Minister shall appoint a registrar of the railway tribunal and may, subject to the consent of the Minister for Finance as to numbers, appoint such other officers and servants of the railway tribunal as he shall consider necessary for assisting them in the execution of their duties.


(2) There shall be paid to the standing members of the railway tribunal, and to the registrar and other officers and servants of the railway tribunal such remuneration as the Minister for Finance shall determine.


(3) The Civil Service Regulation Act, 1924 (No. 5 of 1924), shall apply to the registrar and other officers and servants of the railway tribunal.


(4) The remuneration of the members (including temporary members) and of the registrar and other officers and servants of the railway tribunal and all other expenses of the railway tribunal incurred in the exercise and performance of their powers and duties shall be defrayed out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas, and a sum equal to one-half of the excess as determined by the Minister for Finance of such remuneration and expenses in each financial year over and above the amount of all fees charged and recovered by the railway tribunal under this Act in that financial year, shall, on demand made within twelve months after the end of that financial year, be paid to the Minister by the amalgamated company as part of its working expenses.


Members of railway tribunal not to hold shares in any transport undertaking.

16.—(1) Every person appointed to be a standing member of the railway tribunal shall within three months after his appointment absolutely sell and dispose of all shares in any transport undertaking which he shall at the time of his appointment own or be interested in for his own benefit, and if any shares in any transport undertaking shall come to or vest in a member of the railway tribunal by will or succession for his own benefit, he shall within three months after the same shall have so come to or vested in him, absolutely sell and dispose of the same or his interest therein.


(2) A standing member of the railway tribunal shall not, while he holds that office, purchase, take, or become interested in for his own benefit any shares in any transport undertaking.


(3) Any standing member of the railway tribunal who shall retain, purchase, take, or become or remain interested in any shares in any transport undertaking in contravention of this section shall be disqualified for and be deemed to have vacated his office as such member.


(4) In this section the expression “shares in any transport undertaking” means and includes any stock, shares, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, or other securities of any company engaged in the transport of persons or things in Great Britain or Ireland.


Additional and temporary members of tribunal.

17.—(1) There shall be constituted two panels, that is to say:—


(a) a panel (hereinafter referred to as the “general panel”) consisting of twelve persons nominated by the Governor-General on the advice of the Executive Council, such advice being given as regards three such persons after consultation with the Minister and with a view to such three persons being representative of commercial and industrial interests, and as regards two other such persons after consultation with the Minister and with a view to such two persons being representatives of the interests of labour, and as regards two other such persons after consultation with the Minister and with a view to such two persons being representative of the interests of passengers upon railways, and as regards four other such persons after consultation with the Minister for Lands and Agriculture and with a view to such four persons being representative of agricultural interests, and as regards one other such person after consultation with the Minister for Fisheries and with a view to such person being representative of fishery interests; and


(b) a panel (hereinafter referred to as the “railway and canal panel”) consisting of four persons nominated by the Governor-General on the advice of the Executive Council, such advice being given after consultation with the Minister and with a view to three of such persons being representative of the railway companies in Saorstát Eireann and the other of such persons being representative of the canal and inland navigation companies and authorities in Saorstát Eireann.


(2) Each member of the panels shall be appointed for such term not exceeding three years from the date of his appointment as the Governor-General shall on the advice of the Executive Council determine at the time of the appointment and shall then retire, but a retiring member shall be eligible for re-appointment.


(3) If a vacancy occur amongst the standing members of the railway tribunal, or if any standing member of the railway tribunal is incapacitated by prolonged illness or other unavoidable cause from attending meetings of the tribunal, then, for the purposes of Part III. of this Act only, pending the filling up of such vacancies or during such absence—


(a) in the case of the chairman, the Governor-General on the advice of the Executive Council may appoint a person to act as temporary chairman in his place; and


(b) in the case of either of the ordinary members, the Governor-General on the advice of the Executive Council may appoint a member of a panel to act in his place, the person so appointed being selected from the general panel or the railway and canal panel according to the qualification of the ordinary member in question.


(4) Whenever for the purposes of any particular case or proceeding brought under Part III. of this Act the railway tribunal either upon application by any of the parties or otherwise so request, or the Minister thinks it expedient, there shall be added to the railway tribunal two additional members nominated by the Governor-General on the advice of the Executive Council from the panel, one such additional member being selected from the general panel and the other from the railway and canal panel.


In selecting a member from either panel, regard shall be had to the particular class of case or proceeding to be heard, so that, as nearly as may be, the person so selected shall be conversant with and have knowledge of the technical matter that may arise in such particular case or proceeding.


(5) Every person appointed under this section to be temporary chairman or temporary member of the railway tribunal shall, while he holds that office, be paid such remuneration as the Minister for Finance shall determine and shall have and exercise all the powers and functions of the chairman or an ordinary member (as the case may be) of the railway tribunal.


(6) Any person appointed under this section to be an additional member of the railway tribunal shall, for the purposes of any proceedings in respect of which he may be so appointed, be a member of the railway tribunal and shall, subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act, and to the general rules made thereunder, have and exercise all the powers and functions of a member of the railway tribunal.


General powers of the railway tribunal.

18.—(1) For the purposes of this Act the railway tribunal shall have full power and jurisdiction to hear and determine all matters, whether of law or fact, which shall be duly brought before them under this Act, and shall not be subject to be restrained in the execution of their powers under this Act by the order of any other court, nor shall any proceedings before them be removed by certiorari into any other court.


(2) The railway tribunal with respect to the following matters, that is to say:—


(a) enforcing the attendance of witnesses (after a tender of their expenses), the examination of witnesses orally or by affidavit, and the production of deeds, books, papers, and documents; and


(b) punishing persons refusing to give evidence or to produce documents, or guilty of contempt in the presence of the railway tribunal or any of them sitting in open court; and


(c) the enforcement of their orders; and


(d) other matters necessary or proper for the due exercise of their several jurisdictions under this Act or otherwise for carrying this Act into effect;


shall have all such powers, rights, and privileges as are vested in the High Court for such or the like purposes, and all proceedings before the railway tribunal shall in law be deemed to be judicial proceedings before a court of record.


(3) Save as otherwise provided by this Act the costs of and incidental to every proceeding before the railway tribunal shall be in the discretion of the railway tribunal, who may order by whom and to whom the same are to be paid and by whom the same are to be taxed and allowed.


Procedure and fees.

19.—(1) The railway tribunal may, with the approval of the Minister and the Chief Justice, make general rules governing their procedure and practice and generally for carrying into effect their duties and powers under this Act, and such rules may, amongst other things, provide for—


(a) the awarding of costs by the tribunal, but so that in proceedings under this Act before the railway tribunal at the instance of any company or person, other than disputes between two or more railway companies, the tribunal shall not have power to award costs unless they are of opinion that either the application or claim or complaint or defence or objection, as the case may be, is frivolous and vexatious;


(b) the reference of any question to a member or officer of the tribunal, or any other person appointed by them, for report after holding an inquiry locally;


(c) enabling the tribunal to dispose of any proceedings before them, notwithstanding that in the course of the proceedings there has been a change in the persons sitting as members of the tribunal;


(d) the right of audience before the tribunal, provided that any party shall be entitled to be heard in person, or by a representative in the regular employment of the party duly authorised in writing, or by counsel or solicitor;


(e) the number of members of the tribunal who shall form a quorum for the hearing of different classes of cases.


(2) There shall be charged by the railway tribunal and paid in respect of proceedings before them and in respect of acts done by them or any of their officers in the execution of their respective powers and duties such fees as shall be prescribed by orders made by the Minister on the recommendation of the railway tribunal and with the sanction of the Minister for Finance.


(3) The Minister shall give to the railway tribunal such assistance as the tribunal may require, and shall place at the disposal of the tribunal any information in his possession which he may think relevant to the matter before the tribunal, and the Minister shall be entitled to appear and be heard in any proceedings before the tribunal.


(4) The railway tribunal shall annually make a report to the Minister of their proceedings under this Act, including reports of such of the cases heard and decided by them as appear to them to be of permanent or special importance, and the Minister shall lay such report before each House of the Oireachtas.



20.—The central office of the railway tribunal shall be in Dublin, but, subject to the provisions of this Act and to the rules made thereunder, the railway tribunal may hold sittings in any part of Saorstát Eireann, in such place or places as may be convenient for the determination of the proceedings before them.


Decisions to be by a majority of the members present.

21.—(1) The determination of any question before the railway tribunal shall be according to the opinion of the majority of the members (including additional members, if any) of the railway tribunal hearing the case.


(2) Every decision of the railway tribunal shall be pronounced by the chairman or other member presiding on the occasion, and no judgment or opinion shall be separately pronounced by any other member.



22.—(1) No appeal shall lie from any order made by the railway tribunal in exercise of any jurisdiction conferred on them by Part I. of this Act, nor from any decision of the railway tribunal under any other jurisdiction on a question of fact or any question regarding the locus standi of any person appearing or claiming to be heard before them.


(2) Save as otherwise provided by this Act, an appeal shall lie from every decision of the railway tribunal to the Supreme Court, but no such appeal shall be brought except in conformity with rules of court of the Supreme Court.


(3) On the hearing of an appeal from the railway tribunal the Supreme Court may draw all such inferences as are not inconsistent with the facts expressly found by the railway tribunal, and are necessary for determining the questions raised on the appeal, and shall have all such powers for that purpose as if the appeal were an appeal from a judgment of the High Court, and may make any order which the railway tribunal could have made, and also any such further or other order as may be just, and the costs of and incidental to an appeal shall be in the discretion of the Supreme Court, but neither the railway tribunal nor any member or officer thereof shall be liable to any costs by reason or in respect of any appeal.


Transfer of functions of Railway and Canal Commission.

23.—(1) Every function, jurisdiction, power, and duty which was on the 6th day of December, 1921, exercised by or imposed on the Railway and Canal Commission by statute or otherwise shall (with the exceptions hereinafter mentioned) from and after the passing of this Act be exercised and performed in Saorstát Eireann by the railway tribunal.


(2) Every mention or reference contained in any British Statute of or to the Railway and Canal Commission shall as respects the doing or not doing of any act, matter, or thing after the passing of this Act be construed and take effect, subject to the provisions of this Act and with the exceptions hereinafter mentioned, as a mention of or reference to the railway tribunal.


(3) The several functions, jurisdictions, powers, and duties conferred or imposed on the railway tribunal by this section may be exercised or performed by them for the purposes of this Act as well as for the purpose for which the same were conferred or imposed on the Railway and Canal Commission.


(4) This section shall not apply to any of the functions, jurisdictions, powers, and duties exercised by or conferred or imposed on the Railway and Canal Commission under or by sub-section (1) of section 1 of the Defence of the Realm (Acquisition of Land) Act, 1916, or under or by section 8 of the same Act, or to any mention of or reference to the Railway and Canal Commission contained in any British Statute in relation to any of those functions, jurisdictions, powers, and duties.



Railway Charges.


Existing charges.

24.—The charges of the amalgamating and absorbed companies in force on the 3rd day of April, 1924, shall remain in force as maximum charges unless and until altered in accordance with this Part of this Act.


Preliminary revision.

25.—The railway tribunal shall, at a date not later than three months after the passing of this Act, review the existing charges of the amalgamating and absorbed companies with a view to the modification of such charges or any of them having regard to the circumstances under which increased charges were authorised as from the 1st day of September, 1920, and to any changes in those circumstances, including any reduction in working expenses since that date, and shall appoint a day when any modifications so determined shall come into operation.

Classification of Merchandise.



26.—The railway tribunal shall consider and, after hearing all parties interested and who are desirous of being heard, shall determine the classification of merchandise applicable to the amalgamated company and shall have power to divide the classification into such number of classes containing such descriptions of merchandise as they think fit, and in determining the class in which any particular merchandise shall be placed they shall, in addition to all other relevant circumstances, have regard to the value, the bulk in comparison to weight, the risk of damage, and the cost of handling such merchandise, and the saving of cost which may result when such merchandise is forwarded in large quantities.

Standard Charges.


Submission of schedules.

27.—(1) The amalgamated company shall submit to the railway tribunal not later than the 31st day of December, 1925, or such later date as the Minister may allow, schedules of the standard charges proposed to be made according to the classification fixed as aforesaid, and shall (except as hereinafter provided), show the rates for the conveyance of merchandise, the amount of terminal charges, and the fares for the conveyance of passengers and their luggage, and every such schedule shall be published in such manner as the railway tribunal may direct.


(2) The schedules so submitted shall be divided into the parts and be in the form mentioned in the Fifth Schedule to this Act or into such other parts or in such other similar forms as the railway tribunal may prescribe.


Settlement of schedules.

28.—The railway tribunal shall consider the schedules of proposed standard charges so submitted to them and any objections thereto which may be lodged within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner, and, after hearing all parties interested and who are desirous of being heard shall, in accordance with the provisions hereinafter contained, settle the said schedules and fix the date of the appointed day on which the same are to come into operation.


Obligation to charge standard charges.

29.—(1) On and from the appointed day the charges appearing in a schedule of standard charges as fixed by the railway tribunal for the amalgamated company shall be the charges which the said company shall be entitled to make for all services rendered in respect of which charges are fixed, and no variation either upwards or downwards shall be made from such authorised charges unless by way of an exceptional rate or an exceptional fare continued, granted, or fixed under the provisions of this Part of this Act, or in respect of competitive traffic in accordance therewith.


(2) The railway tribunal shall have power on any representations made to them, whether by the amalgamated company when submitting the schedules of standard charges proposed to be made, or by any party interested, or by the Minister at any time to determine the amount which the amalgamated company shall contribute to and receive out of any through rate or fare.


Protection of ports.

30.—(1) All the terms, conditions and provisions of any statutory enactment or any agreement confirmed by or scheduled to a statutory enactment which, at the passing of this Act, are in force and binding on any amalgamating or absorbed company, by which the forwarding of traffic is affected, or for any other purpose, shall continue in full force and effect, save in so far as the same are rescinded or varied by this Act; but no such statutory enactment or agreement shall be construed as affecting or extending to any part of the railway of the amalgamated company or the traffic thereon which was not at the passing of this Act subject to or affected by such statutory enactment or agreement.


(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act the amalgamated company shall not by the rates or fares charged, whether through or local, or by the facilities provided or the accommodation afforded by it, or otherwise, place any one port in Saorstát Eireann at an undue disadvantage as compared with any other port in Saorstát Eireann to, from, or through which traffic is or may be carried.


(3) The amalgamated company shall if required by any person interested use all proper endeavours to provide a reasonable system of through booking with through rates, fares and facilities by all reasonable routes.


(4) No rebates, commissions, or agency or other allowances shall be given by the amalgamated company to traders at or using any port in Saorstát Eireann which are not given by the company in similar circumstances to traders at or using any other port in Saorstát Eireann, and the word “traders” shall include any incorporated railway or steamship company.


(5) If any dispute shall at any time arise under the provisions of this section or as to any matter or thing under this section, or as to whether the amalgamated company are fulfilling their obligations hereunder or taking all reasonable or necessary steps for that purpose, the same shall from time to time be referred to and determined by the railway tribunal.


Charges of non-amalgamated companies.

31.—The rates, fares, tolls and dues charged by railway companies other than the amalgamating and absorbed companies at the passing of this Act shall, in so far as they relate to those portions of their undertakings situate in Saorstát Eireann, remain in force as maximum charges unless and until altered in accordance with this section:


Provided that at any time after the passing of this Act—


(i) any representative body of railway users may apply to the railway tribunal to reduce the aforesaid charges or any of them;


(ii) any trader interested in any particular charge may apply to the railway tribunal to reduce that charge;


(iii) any such company may apply to the railway tribunal to increase the aforesaid charges or any of them;


(iv) any amalgamating or absorbed company or the amalgamated company or any representative body of traders or a body of persons representative of trade or a locality may apply to the railway tribunal to modify any reduction made by any such company in the aforesaid charges or any of them otherwise than under an order of the railway tribunal.


Any such application shall be published in such a manner as the railway tribunal prescribe and the tribunal after hearing all parties interested and who are desirous of being heard may make such modifications in the said charges or any of them as to the tribunal may seem just, and shall fix a day upon which the modifications are to come into force.


Repeal of existing provisions.

32.—As from the appointed day all statutory provisions, and the provisions of all agreements with respect to classification of merchandise and with respect to charges for or in connection with the carriage of merchandise or passengers by the amalgamated company, shall to the extent to which those provisions relate to the matters aforesaid be repealed and cease to be operative, except so far as any statutory provision authorises for the purpose of calculation of distance a special mileage to be allotted in respect of any portion of the railway of the amalgamated company and except so far as, in the case of any such agreement or in the case of a statutory provision fixing a special charge, it may be continued under the provisions of this Part of this Act or by an order of the railway tribunal.


Subsequent modifications of standard charges.

33.—The amalgamated company or any representative body of traders or any person who may obtain a certificate from the Minister that he is a proper person for the purpose, shall be entitled at any time to apply to the railway tribunal to modify the standard charges or any of them or any conditions relative thereto, and, if such company or body of traders or person, as the case may be, prove to the satisfaction of the railway tribunal that the standard charges or conditions or any of them ought to be modified, the tribunal shall make such modifications as they think fit, and shall fix the date as from which the modified standard charges or conditions shall be effective:


Provided that sub-sections (3), (4), (5), and (6) of section 54 of this Act shall apply to any application for a general revision or variation of standard charges of the amalgamated company under this section, as if such application were a review of standard charges and exceptional charges under that section.

Exceptional Charges.


Provisions as to existing exceptional rates.

34.—(1) On and from the appointed day all exceptional rates in operation immediately before the appointed day on the railway of the amalgamated company shall cease to operate, with the exception of such exceptional rates as—


(a) are not less than five per cent. below the standard rates which would otherwise on and from the appointed day become chargeable; and


(b) have been continued by agreement in writing between the railway company and the trader concerned, or, failing agreement, have been notified in writing to the secretary of the railway company by the trader with a request that they should be referred to the railway tribunal for determination by them, in which case the rates shall continue until determined by the railway tribunal, and the onus of proving that any such rates should be altered or discontinued shall be upon the railway company;


so nevertheless that no rate which has not been applied to the charging of merchandise actually forwarded within the two years preceding the 1st day of January, 1926, shall be continued unless the trader can prove to the satisfaction of the railway company, or, failing agreement with the railway company, to the satisfaction of the railway tribunal—


(i) that its non-application is solely due to abnormal conditions of trade; or


(ii) that a rate of equal amount to the same destination remains in operation at other stations or sidings in the same group or area:


Provided that, if the trader and the railway company agree to continue any rate which will be more than forty per cent. below the standard rate chargeable as aforesaid, the rate shall, before the appointed day, be referred to the railway tribunal, and, if so referred, shall continue until the tribunal have determined the matter.


(2) Any such agreement or determination may provide for the continuance of any exceptional rate for a specified period of time and at the same or any higher figure or charge, not being, in the case of an agreement between the amalgamated company and a trader, less than five per cent. nor more than forty per cent. below the standard rate chargeable.


New exceptional rates.

35.—(1) On and after the appointed day the amalgamated company shall be at liberty to grant new exceptional rates in respect of the carriage of any merchandise, which rates shall within fourteen days, or such longer period as the Minister may allow, be reported to the Minister; so, however, that a new exceptional rate so granted shall not, without the consent of the railway tribunal, be less than five per cent. or more than forty per cent. below the standard rate chargeable.


(2) If the Minister is of opinion that the amalgamated company is granting new exceptional rates in such manner as prejudicially to affect any class of users of the railway not benefited by such rates, or so as to jeopardise the realisation of the standard revenue of the company, he may refer the matter to the railway tribunal, who may, after giving all parties interested an opportunity of being heard, take either or both of the following courses:—


(a) revise the standard charges;


(b) cancel or modify all or any of such exceptional rates.


(3) Any trader may, at any time, apply to the railway tribunal, to fix a new exceptional rate.


Variation of exceptional rates.

36.—(1) The amalgamated company shall not be entitled to increase or cancel any exceptional rate which has been fixed by the railway tribunal without first obtaining the sanction of that tribunal.


(2) The amalgamated company may, at any time, reduce any exceptional rate, so, however, that the rate shall not, without the consent of the railway tribunal, be reduced so as to be more than forty per cent. below the standard rate which would be chargeable, but any such reduction shall be reported to the Minister in like manner as if it were the grant of a new exceptional rate.


(3) The amalgamated company may, at any time, increase any exceptional rate which has not been fixed by the railway tribunal on giving thirty days' notice in such manner as the tribunal may prescribe of the proposed increase, and on the expiration of such notice may, if no objection be raised by any trader interested forthwith bring the increased rate into force, provided that it is not less than five per cent. below the standard rate chargeable, but, if such an objection be raised or if the rate when increased would be less than five per cent. below the standard rate chargeable, the increase shall not have effect unless and until the railway tribunal, after giving the company an opportunity of being heard, so determine:


Provided that no trader shall be entitled to object to an increase of an exceptional rate reduced by the amalgamated company since the appointed day unless the effect of the increase is to make the rate applicable to his traffic higher than the rate applicable thereto immediately before the reduction.


(4) The amalgamated company may, at any time, cancel any exceptional rate which has not been fixed by the railway tribunal on giving thirty days” notice in such manner as the railway tribunal may prescribe of the proposed cancellation, and on the expiration of such notice may, if no objection be raised by any trader interested, forthwith cancel the rate as proposed, but, if any such objection be raised, the cancellation shall not have effect unless and until the railway tribunal, after giving the company an opportunity of being heard, so determine:


Provided that no trader shall be entitled to object to the cancellation of an exceptional rate granted by the amalgamated company since the appointed day unless the effect of the cancellation is to make the rate applicable to his traffic higher than the rate applicable thereto at the date when the exceptional rate was granted.


(5) No such increase or cancellation shall take effect in the case of any exceptional rate referred to the railway tribunal under paragraph (b) of sub-section (1) of section 34 of this Act pending the decision of the tribunal with reference thereto, and any exceptional rate agreed under the said section 34 shall not be increased or cancelled for a period of twelve months after the appointed day except as part of a general increase under this part of this Act or to abate an undue preference.


(6) Any trader or representative body of traders interested in the rate, or the amalgamated company, shall be entitled to apply to the railway tribunal at any time to cancel or vary any exceptional rate.


(7) The amalgamated company may cancel any exceptional rate existing after the appointed day, which for a period of two years shall not have been applied to the charging of merchandise actually forwarded by the railway.


Review of competitive exceptional rates.

37.—If it should appear to the Minister or if representations amounting to a prima facie case to the satisfaction of the Minister are made to him by any body of persons which in the opinion of the Minister has a substantial interest in the conveyance of traffic by way of shipping services or inland navigation, to the effect that exceptional rates are being charged by the amalgamated company which by reason of their effect on such conveyance are detrimental to the public interest, the Minister shall refer the matter to the railway tribunal for review, and the railway tribunal may, after hearing all parties whose interests are affected, vary or cancel such rates or make such other order as may seem to them expedient.


Disintegration of exceptional rates.

38.—(1) Where application is made to the railway tribunal to fix or sanction any exceptional rate for the carriage of merchandise between two stations, or between a station and a siding, or between two sidings, or between either a station or a siding and a junction, the railway tribunal in fixing or sanctioning the exceptional rate shall determine the amounts (if any) to be included in the rate for the following services:—


(a) conveyance;


(b) station terminals;


(c) service terminals;


(d) accommodation provided and services rendered at or in connection with a private siding.


(2) Where the amalgamated company grants an exceptional rate for the carriage of merchandise between two stations or between a station and a siding, or between two sidings, or between either a station or a siding and a junction, without reference to the railway tribunal, and the company shows in the quotation for the rate and in the rate book the amount (if any) included therein for such several services as aforesaid, the disintegration of the exceptional rate as so shown shall be conclusive unless a trader interested in the rate complains that the amount allocated to any particular service is unreasonable, in which event the onus of proof shall be on the amalgamated company.


(3) Where the amalgamated company in granting such an exceptional rate has not distinguished in the quotation for the rate or in the rate book the amounts included therein for such several services as aforesaid—


(a) the rate in the case of a station-to-station rate shall be deemed to be composed of conveyance rate and terminal charges in proportion to the amounts included in the corresponding standard rate for the same service and accommodation in respect of similar goods between the same stations; and


(b) in the case of any other rate, the company shall, within fourteen days after application in writing by any person interested in the disintegration of the rate, afford that person information of the amounts (if any) included in the rate for the several services aforesaid.


(4) Any dispute as to the disintegration of any such exceptional rate shall be determined by the railway tribunal at the instance of either a trader or the amalgamated company.


(5) For the purposes of determining any question of an alleged undue or unreasonable preference or advantage, the railway tribunal shall not have regard to the separate component parts of any rate as shown in the rate book or as determined by this section, but shall, unless in any case in which an application has been made for the purpose it is proved to the satisfaction of the railway tribunal that a consideration of the component parts of the rate would be fair and reasonable, determine the question in reference to the total rate for carriage applicable to the merchandise in respect of which such undue or unreasonable preference or advantage is alleged to arise and the conditions under which the rate applies.


Exceptional fares.

39.—(1) The amalgamated company may charge fares below the standard fares in such circumstances as the company may think fit, but the circumstances in which such exceptional fares, if below ordinary fares, may be charged and the amount of reduction below the standard fare, shall be reported to the Minister within fourteen days, or such longer period as the Minister may allow, after the decision has been arrived at.


(2) If the Minister is of opinion that the amalgamated company has granted exceptional fares in such a manner as prejudicially to affect any other class of users of the railway, or so as to jeopardise the realisation of the standard revenue of the company, he may refer the matter to the railway tribunal, who may, after giving the parties interested an opportunity of being heard, cancel or modify all or any of the exceptional fares so granted.

Conditions of Carriage.


Submission of proposed conditions.

40.—Within six months from the passing of this Act, or within such further time as the railway tribunal may permit, the amalgamating companies shall submit to, and publish in such manner as may be prescribed by the railway tribunal—


(a) the terms and conditions (hereinafter called “company's risk conditions”) on and subject to which merchandise other than live stock, and live stock, will respectively be carried if carried at ordinary rates;


(b) the terms and conditions (hereinafter called “owner's risk conditions”) on and subject to which merchandise other than live stock, and subject as hereinafter provided, live stock, will respectively be carried if carried at owner's risk rates;


(c) the terms and conditions on and subject to which damageable goods not properly protected by packing will be carried.


Settlement by tribunal.

41.—(1) The railway tribunal shall consider the terms and conditions so submitted, or, if terms and conditions are not so submitted within the time so allowed, shall themselves prepare and publish provisional terms and conditions, and after hearing any representative body of traders who may desire to be heard, and any other party whom the Minister considers entitled to be heard, shall settle, and when settled publish in the Iris Oifigiúil, the terms and conditions which they consider just and reasonable, and shall fix a date not earlier than two months after such publication upon which those terms and conditions are to come into force.


(2) When the terms and conditions so settled come into force they shall be the standard terms and conditions of carriage for the amalgamated company, and shall be deemed to be reasonable.


Conditions on which merchandise is to be carried.

42.—(1) On and after the date so fixed as aforesaid the terms and conditions upon and subject to which merchandise is, apart from special contract, to be carried by the amalgamated company shall be company's risk conditions, and those conditions shall apply without any special contract in writing to the carriage of merchandise at ordinary rates:


Provided that, in any case where an owner's risk rate is in operation and the company has been requested in writing to carry at that rate, the terms and conditions upon and subject to which such goods shall be carried shall be owner's risk conditions.


(2) The terms and conditions upon and subject to which damageable goods not properly protected by packing (if accepted for carriage) shall be carried by the amalgamated company, shall be the conditions settled by the railway tribunal as aforesaid, but the company shall not be under any obligation to carry damageable goods not properly protected by packing.


(3) Nothing in this Act shall preclude the company and a trader from agreeing in writing, subject to the provisions of the Railway and Canal Traffic Acts, 1854 and 1888, to any terms and conditions they think fit for the carriage of merchandise, live stock or damageable goods not properly protected by packing, or dangerous goods.


Alteration of conditions.

43.—At any time after the date when the terms and conditions so settled as aforesaid come into force the amalgamated company or any representative body of traders may apply to the railway tribunal to amend, alter or add to those terms and conditions, and the tribunal may, after hearing all parties whom they consider entitled to be heard, make such amendments, alterations, or additions of or to such terms and conditions as the railway tribunal think just and reasonable, and fix a date as from which they are to come into operation.

Miscellaneous Provisions as to Charges.


Owner's risk rates.

44.—(1) When settling a schedule of charges, or within twelve months or such longer period thereafter as in any case the Minister may allow, the railway tribunal shall determine what reductions shall be made from the standard charges where damageable merchandise is carried by the amalgamated company under owner's risk conditions, and such reductions shall be shown or indicated in the schedule in such manner as the railway tribunal prescribes.


(2) Where an exceptional rate is in operation and the conditions applicable to that rate are company's risk conditions, or, as the case may be, owner's risk conditions, and the difference in the company's liability under the two sets of conditions in respect of the merchandise in question is not insignificant, the amalgamated company shall, on request in writing by a trader, quote a corresponding rate under the other conditions, and, if within twenty-eight days from such request the company fails to quote such a rate to the satisfaction of the trader, the trader may apply to the railway tribunal, and the railway tribunal shall settle such corresponding rate and determine the date as from which it is to come into operation.


(3) The difference between an ordinary rate and an owner's risk rate shall be such as in the opinion of the railway tribunal is fairly equivalent to the amount by which the risk of the company in the case of the merchandise in question differs under the two sets of conditions.


(4) The amalgamated company shall be under no obligation to carry livestock at owner's risk rates in cases in which livestock is not at the date of the passing of this Act carried at reduced rates under owner's risk conditions.


Minimum charges.

45.—The amalgamated company shall be entitled to charge for the conveyance of merchandise as for a minimum distance of such number of miles as the railway tribunal may determine, or such minimum sum as the railway tribunal may determine, but such minimum distances shall not vary according to whether charges for station terminals are or are not made.


Collection and delivery charges.

46.—(1) On and after the appointed day the amalgamated company may collect and deliver by road any merchandise which is to be or has been carried by railway and may make reasonable charges therefor in addition to the charges for carriage by railway, and shall publish in the rate book kept at the station where it undertakes the services of collection and delivery the charges in force for the collection and delivery of merchandise ordinarily collected and delivered.


(2) The amalgamated company may, and upon being required to do so and upon payment of the proper charges shall, at any place where the company holds itself out to collect and deliver merchandise, perform the services of collection and delivery in respect of such merchandise as is for the time being ordinarily collected and delivered by the company at that place:


Provided that the company shall not be required to make delivery to any person who is unwilling to enter into an agreement, terminable by him on reasonable notice, for the delivery by the company at the charges included in the rate book of the whole of his traffic, or the whole of his perishable traffic, from the station at which those charges apply.


(3) Where any person does not so agree, the company shall not be required to deliver any of his merchandise, but, if such person fails to take delivery of any merchandise within a reasonable time, the company may deliver such merchandise and make such reasonable charges therefor as it thinks fit.


(4) Any dispute as to whether or not any charge for the services of collection and delivery is reasonable, or whether the length of notice for the termination of an agreement under this section is reasonable, shall be determined by the railway tribunal.


Dangerous goods.

47.—(1) Nothing contained in this Act shall impose any obligation on the amalgamated company to accept dangerous goods for conveyance, or shall prejudice or derogate from the powers of any Government department under the Explosives Act, 1875, or affect the validity or operation of any order, rule, or byelaw made under the powers contained in that Act.


(2) If on or after the appointed day the amalgamated company accepts dangerous goods for conveyance, the goods shall be conveyed subject to such byelaws, regulations and conditions as the company may think fit to make in regard to the conveyance or storage thereof, and the owner or consignor of such goods shall indemnify the company from and against all loss or damage which may result to the company or to which the company may be or become liable owing to non-compliance with the before-mentioned byelaws, regulations, and conditions as to such goods and shall pay full compensation for all injury to the company's servants and damage to its property so arising unless it be proved that the injury or damage is due to the wilful misconduct of the company's servants, but, subject as aforesaid, the provisions of this Part of this Act as to ordinary rates and owner's risk rates shall apply.


(3) Any question as to whether goods are dangerous goods shall be determined by the railway tribunal:


Provided that, where the amalgamated company has declared any article to be dangerous, it shall lie on the person requiring the article to be carried to show that it is not dangerous.


Publication of schedules of standard charges, etc.

48.—(1) The schedules of standard charges and the standard terms and conditions of carriage when settled in accordance with the provisions of this Part of this Act, and any orders of the railway tribunal modifying standard charges or standard terms and conditions shall be printed, numbered, published, and sold, and may be cited in the like manner as statutory rules are for the time being required by law to be printed, numbered, published, and sold, and permitted to be cited.


(2) Printed copies of the general classification of merchandise and schedule of standard charges for the time being in force shall be kept for sale by the amalgamated company at such places and at such reasonable prices as the Minister may direct


(3) On and after the appointed day the amalgamated company shall keep for public inspection at each station at which merchandise is received for conveyance, or where merchandise is received for conveyance at some other place than a station, then, at the station nearest to such place, a copy of the general classification of merchandise carried on the railway and a book or books stating—


(i) the chargeable distance from that station or place of every place to which they book, and such distance shall be the actual shortest distance with any additions authorised by statute:


(ii) the scales of standard charges applicable to each class of merchandise conveyed on the railway;


(iii) all exceptional rates in operation from such station or place;


(iv) any charges in force for the collection and delivery of merchandise at such station or place.


The general classification of merchandise and every such book shall, during all reasonable hours, be open to the inspection of any person without the payment of any fee.


(4) On and after the appointed day the amalgamated company shall for a period of ten years keep open for inspection at its head office, the books, schedules, or other papers specifying the rates, charges, and conditions of transport in use on the 1st day of January, 1916, upon the several railways owned or worked by the amalgamating and absorbed companies, and shall, upon demand and upon payment of a reasonable charge, supply copies of or extracts from such books, schedules and papers.


(5) If the amalgamated company fails to comply with the provisions of this section it shall, for each offence, and in the case of a continuing offence for every day during which the offence continues, be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding, five pounds.


Miscellaneous provisions as to rates.

49.—The provisions contained in the Sixth Schedule to this Act (being provisions similar to those now contained in the various railway rates and charges orders) shall, as from the appointed day, apply to the amalgamated company.


Additional functions of railway tribunal.

50.—The railway tribunal shall, in addition to any other powers conferred upon it under this Part of this Act, have power to determine after hearing all parties interested and desirous of being heard any questions that may be brought before it in regard to the following matters:—


(a) the alteration of the classification of merchandise, or the alteration of the classification of any article, or the classification of any article not at the time classified, or any question as to the class in which any article is classified;


(b) the institution, variation, or cancellation of through rates;


(c) the institution of new, and the continuance, modification, or cancellation of existing group rates;


(d) the variation of any toll payable by a trader;


(e) the amount to be allowed for any terminal services not performed at a station, or for accommodation and services in connection with a private siding not provided or performed at that siding;


(f) the reasonableness or otherwise of any charge made by the amalgamated company for any services or accommodation for which no authorised charge is applicable;


(g) the reasonableness or otherwise of any conditions as to packing of articles specially liable to damage in transit or liable to cause damage to other merchandise;


(h) the articles and things that may be conveyed as passengers' luggage;


(i) the constitution of local joint committees representing traders and the amalgamated company and their functions and the centres at which they are to be established.


Amendments of certain Acts.

51.—(1) As from the appointed day the Acts mentioned in the Seventh Schedule to this Act shall, in their application to the amalgamated company, have effect subject to the amendments specified in the third column of that schedule.


(2) Where any existing special Act relating to any amalgamating or absorbed company does not incorporate a section of any of the Railways Clauses Acts which is amended or repealed by the said schedule but contains provisions corresponding to such section, the like amendment or repeal shall be made of such corresponding provision as is made by the said schedule of the section of the Railways Clauses Act.


(3) For the purpose of the application of sub-section (5) of section 1 and section 2 of the Harbours, Docks and Piers (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920, to the Orders specified in the Third Schedule to the Statutory Undertakings (Continuance of Charges) (No. 2) Act, 1923 (No. 16 of 1923), pursuant to sub-section (2) of section 3 of the last-mentioned Act, but for no other purpose, the said sub-section (5) of section 1 and section 2 of the first-mentioned Act shall be modified as follows, that is to say:—


(a) the railway tribunal shall be substituted for the rates advisory committee;


(b) a committee consisting of such of the permanent members of the railway tribunal as the railway tribunal with the approval of the Minister shall nominate, such and so many members of the general panel established under Part II of this Act as the Minister shall nominate, and such members (equal in number to the members of the general panel so nominated) of the railway and canal panel established under Part II of this Act as the Minister shall nominate, shall be substituted for the sub-committee mentioned in the said section 2.


Interpretation of expressions used in Part III.

52.—In this Part of this Act—


the word “charges” includes rates, fares, tolls, dues, and other charges;


the word “rates” means rates and other charges in connection with the carriage of merchandise;


the word “fares” means fares and other charges in connection with the conveyance of passengers and their luggage;


the word “modifications” in relation to charges includes modifications whether by way of decrease or of increase, and the word “modify” and other cognate words shall be construed accordingly;


the word “merchandise” includes goods, minerals, live-stock, and animals of all descriptions;


the expression “exceptional charges” means charges below the standard charges, and includes special charges continued subject to adjustment under the provisions of this Part of this Act, and the expressions “exceptional rates” and “exceptional fares” shall be construed accordingly;


the word “conditions” includes regulations;


the expression “railway rates and charges orders” means provisional orders fixing maximum rates and charges applicable to a railway company and made and confirmed by the United Kingdom Parliament in pursuance of section 24 of the Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888;


the expression “the appointed day” means the day fixed by the railway tribunal as the appointed day on which the schedules of standard charges settled by them are to come into operation;


the expression “standard charges” means the charges fixed by the schedules of standard charges settled by the railway tribunal under this Part of this Act;


the word “prescribed” means prescribed by the railway tribunal.

Adjustment of Charges to Revenue.


Adjustment of charges to revenue.

53.—(1) The standard charges to be fixed in the first instance for the amalgamated company shall be such as will, together with the other sources of revenue, in the opinion of the railway tribunal, so far as practicable yield, with efficient and economical working and management, an annual net revenue (hereinafter referred to as the standard revenue) equivalent to the average annual aggregate net revenue for the three years of account ended next before the 1st day of January, 1914, of the amalgamating companies and the absorbed companies, together with—


(a) a sum equal to five per cent. on capital expenditure forming the basis on which interest was allowed at the end of the period during which the amalgamating and absorbed companies were in the possession of the British Government; and


(b) such allowance as may be necessary to remunerate adequately any additional capital which may have been raised or provided in respect of expenditure on capital account incurred since the 1st day of January, 1913, and not included in the expenditure referred to in the last preceding paragraph, unless it can be shown that such expenditure has not enhanced the value of the undertaking; and


(c) such allowance as appears to the railway tribunal to be reasonable in respect of capital expenditure not being less than one thousand pounds in the case of any work and not being capital expenditure included in paragraph (a), on works which enhance the value of the undertaking, but which had not at the beginning of the year 1913 become fully remunerative:


Provided that, in determining the sum which charges will, with efficient and economical working and management, yield, the tribunal shall, with a view to encouraging the taking of early steps for effecting economies in working and management expenses rendered possible by or in anticipation of amalgamation, take into consideration the economies effected by such steps already taken, and shall make such allowance in respect thereof as the tribunal may consider fair and equitable to an amount not exceeding thirty-three and one-third per cent. of such economies.


(2) The railway tribunal when fixing charges in pursuance of the provisions of this section shall have regard to the means which in their opinion are best calculated to ensure the maximum development and extension in the public interest of the carriage by railway of merchandise and of passengers and their luggage, and shall accordingly ascertain as far as may be practicable the effect which the existing charges, or any of them, have had upon the merchandise or passenger traffic to which they are applicable, and, in particular, whether the application of such charges has tended or, if continued, would be likely to tend towards causing the increase or diminution of the said traffic.


(3) If on any such review as is mentioned in the next following section it appears to the railway tribunal that the allowance made under paragraph (c) of sub-section (1) of this section was too high or too low, the tribunal may revise the allowance and make such adjustment in the amount of the standard revenue as may be necessary.


(4) When fixing the charges necessary to produce the standard revenue, the railway tribunal shall take into consideration the charges in respect of any business carried on by the company ancillary or subsidiary to its railways, the charges for which are not subject to the jurisdiction of the railway tribunal, and if, in the opinion of the railway tribunal, the company is not making, or has not taken reasonable steps to enable it to make adequate charges in respect of any such business, the railway tribunal shall, in fixing the charges under this Part of this Act, take into account the revenue which would be produced by any such business if adequate charges were in operation.


Periodical review of standard charges and exceptional charges.

54.—(1) The railway tribunal shall review the standard charges and exceptional charges of the amalgamated company at the end of the first complete financial year after the appointed day, or, if the appointed day is the 1st day of January in any year, at the end of that year, and unless directions are given by the Minister to the contrary in manner hereinafter appearing, at the end of each succeeding year, and the review shall be made on the experience of the operation of those charges for the period during which the standard charges have been in operation, or, if that period is more than three years, then on the experience of the operation of those charges during the preceding three years.


(2) The Minister may direct as respects any year after the second annual review that a review shall not be held provided that no such directions shall be given as respects any year for which the amalgamated company or any representative body of traders has applied to the Minister for a review.


(3) If on any such review the railway tribunal finds that the net revenue or the average annual net revenue obtained, or which could, with efficient and economical management, have been obtained by the company during the period on the experience of which the review is based is substantially in excess of the standard revenue of the company with such allowance (if any) as appears to the railway tribunal necessary to remunerate adequately any additional capital which may have been raised or provided in respect of expenditure on capital account incurred since the date upon which the standard charges were fixed in the first instance, the railway tribunal shall, unless it is of opinion that owing to change in circumstances the excess is not likely to continue, modify all or any of the standard charges and make a corresponding general modification of the exceptional charges of the company so as to effect a reduction of the net revenue of the company in subsequent years to an extent equivalent to eighty per cent. of such excess.


(4) If on any such review the railway tribunal finds that the net revenue or the average annual net revenue obtained by the company during the period on the experience of which the review is based is less than the standard revenue of the company, with such allowance (if any) as appears to the railway tribunal necessary to remunerate adequately any additional capital which may have been raised or provided in respect of expenditure on capital account incurred since the date upon which the standard charges were fixed in the first instance, and that the deficiency is not due to lack of efficiency or economy in the management, the railway tribunal shall, unless in its opinion owing to change of circumstances the deficiency is not likely to continue, make such modifications in all or any of the standard charges and such a corresponding general modification of the exceptional charges of the company as it may think necessary to enable the company to earn the standard revenue with such allowance (if any) as aforesaid.


(5) Whenever on any such review such an excess as aforesaid is found, then, for the purpose of subsequent reviews, sub-section (3) of this section shall have effect as if for the standard revenue there were substituted a sum (hereinafter referred to as the “increased standard”) equal to the standard revenue with the addition of twenty per cent. of such excess, and whenever on any such subsequent review an excess is found above the increased standard together with the allowance (if any) for additional capital, then, for the purpose of subsequent reviews, the increased standard shall be increased by a sum equal to twenty per cent. of such excess, and so on:


Provided that, if at any time after such an excess has been found, the standard charges and exceptional charges are modified in pursuance of sub-section (4) of this section on account of a deficiency, no such substitution shall be made until an excess above the standard revenue together with the allowance (if any) for additional capital is again found.


(6) The railway tribunal, when modifying charges on any such review, shall have regard to the like considerations as when fixing charges in the first instance:


Provided that the tribunal shall have regard to the financial results obtained from the operation of any ancillary or subsidiary business carried on by the company, and if satisfied that the net revenue resulting therefrom is, having regard to all the circumstances, unduly low, may, for the purpose of such review, make such deductions from the charges which would otherwise have been fixed as they think proper.


(7) The modifications of standard charges and exceptional charges made in pursuance of this section shall take effect as from the 1st day of July in the year following the last year under review or such other date as the railway tribunal may fix.



Wages and Conditions of Service.


Regulation of conditions of service of railway employees.

55.—(1) From and after the passing of this Act the rates of pay, hours of duty, and other conditions of service of railway employees shall be regulated in accordance with agreements made or to be from time to time made between the trade unions representative of such employees of the one part and the railway companies and other persons by whom they are respectively employed of the other part.


(2) The original or a counterpart, or a copy, certified in such manner as the Minister shall direct to be a true copy, of every such agreement as is mentioned in the foregoing sub-section shall be deposited with the Minister within one month after the passing of this Act or the making of such agreement, whichever shall be the later.


(3) In this Part of this Act the expression “railway employee” means a person who is employed by a railway company or the Irish Railway Clearing House, in any of the grades specified in the Eighth Schedule to this Act, and in such other grades as may hereafter be brought within the scope of the agreements referred to in this section by agreement between the parties thereto, and whose station, depôt, or other place of employment is situate in Saorstát Eireann.


Appointment to clerical grades.

56.—(1) Save as is hereinafter in this section provided, all appointments to any office or situation in the clerical grades of the service of the amalgamated company shall be made by means of open competitive examination in accordance with regulations made by the amalgamated company. Irish shall be a compulsory subject at such examinations.


(2) Every such open competitive examination shall be open to all persons desiring to attend the same who are ordinarily resident in Ireland and pay the fees and possess the qualifications as to age, health and character prescribed by the regulations relating to the examination.


(3) The amalgamated company may by special regulation provide that such proportion as may be approved by the Minister of the vacancies in the clerical grades of its service shall be filled by means of limited competitive examinations, and where an examination is so limited only persons in or who have been in the employment of the amalgamated company or the children of such persons shall be admitted thereto.


Preparation of scheme for superannuation fund.

57.—(1) The amalgamated company shall, within one year after the 1st day of January, 1925, or such other period as may be fixed by the Minister, prepare for discussion with the trade unions representing the employees of the amalgamated company a scheme for providing on a contributory basis a superannuation fund for such of the employees of the amalgamated company as can, with due regard to actuarial considerations, be provided for out of such a fund.


(2) The scheme so to be prepared by the amalgamated company shall provide for representatives of the employees being associated in the management of the superannuation fund.



Regulation of Railways.


Power to make orders as to working.

58.—(1) With a view to securing and promoting the public safety, or the interests of the public, or of trade, or of any particular locality, the railway tribunal may, on the application of any body of persons representing any such interests, by order require the amalgamated company or any other railway company in respect to that portion of its undertaking situate in Saorstát Eireann to afford such reasonable railway services, facilities, and conveniences upon and in connection with its undertaking (including the provision of such minor alterations and extensions and improvements of existing works as will not involve in any one case an expenditure exceeding ten thousand pounds) as may be specified in the order:


Provided that, if on any such application a company satisfies the railway tribunal that under all the circumstances the capital required for the purpose cannot be provided or expended as proposed without prejudicially affecting the interests of the then existing stockholders, the order shall not be made:


Provided further that the powers under this sub-section shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other existing powers of requiring measures for securing the safety of the public or the provision of reasonable facilities.


(2) The Minister may by order require the amalgamated company or any other railway company in respect to that portion of its undertaking situate in Saorstát Eireann to comply with any recommendation of an inspector duly appointed under the Regulation of Railways Act, 1871.


(3) Where any coroner holds, or is about to hold, an inquest on the death of any person occasioned by an accident, of which notice for the time being is required by or in pursuance of the Regulation of Railways Acts, 1840 to 1889, to be sent to the Minister, and makes a written request to the Minister in this behalf, the Minister may appoint an inspector or some person possessing legal or special knowledge to assist in holding such inquest, and the person so appointed shall act as the assessor of the coroner, and the return to be made by the coroner to the Minister under the Acts aforesaid shall be made by such person in lieu of by the coroner, and the return shall be made public in like manner as in the case of a formal investigation of an accident under the Regulation of Railways Act, 1871.


(4) The provisions of the Regulation of Railways Acts, 1840 to 1889, with respect to the opening of any railway, shall be extended to apply to the inspection of all new or reconstructed works, including bridges and viaducts.


(5) Any order of the Minister under this section shall be complied with by any railway company to which the order relates, and in the event of non-compliance shall (subject as hereinbefore provided) be enforceable by order of the railway tribunal on the application of the Minister.


Power to make orders as to acquisition of land, etc.

59.—(1) For enabling a railway company to effect alterations, extensions, and improvements of existing works in pursuance of an order of the railway tribunal or of the Minister or, on the application of a railway company, for enabling such company to make and provide any alteration, extension or improvement mentioned in section 45 of the Railway Clauses Act, 1845, the Minister may, after compliance with the provisions of this section, authorise the railway company to acquire the land and easements and to construct the works necessary to effect the alterations, extensions, and improvements aforesaid.


(2) Before an order is made under this section the railway company shall deposit with the Minister such plans, specifications, and other documents as shall be required by the Minister, and after the deposit of such documents the Minister shall give public notice, to be published once in the Iris Odfigiúil and once in each of three successive weeks in some one and the same newspaper circulating in the county or counties in which the land is situate, of his intention to consider the making thereof and of the manner in which and the time within which representations and objections in respect of the order may be made, and shall, if he shall consider it expedient so to do, cause a public inquiry to be held in regard to any matter relating to the making of such order.


(3) An order made under this section may incorporate—


(a) the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, with the modification that the expression “public authority” shall include the said railway company, and


(b) the Lands Clauses Acts, so far as the same are not inconsistent with the said Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919.


(4) No order shall be made under this section in respect of any matter which the Minister is of opinion, as a result of representations made to him or the report of the person holding a public inquiry, or otherwise, is of such a character or magnitude that it ought not to be proceeded with without the authority of the Oireachtas obtained by way of Private Bill.


Power to confirm agreements for the purchase, lease or working of railways.

60.—(1) Any agreement which may hereafter be entered into for the purchase, lease, or working by the amalgamated company of any part of the system of another railway company may, subject to the provisions of this section and after such notices and inquiries as the Minister shall consider necessary or expedient, be confirmed by the Minister.


(2) No such agreement as aforesaid shall, without the authority of the Oireachtas, be valid or effectual unless and until it is confirmed by the Minister under this section, but if and when so confirmed shall be of full force and validity and may be carried into effect by the parties thereto without any further authorisation by the Oireachtas.


(3) No agreement shall be confirmed by the Minister under this section which, in his opinion, is of such a character or magnitude that it ought not to be proceeded with without the authority of the Oireachtas obtained by way of Private Bill.



61.—(1) From and after the passing of this Act it shall not be lawful for any amalgamating or absorbed company or the amalgamated company to vary or rescind any agreement or arrangement (not being an agreement or arrangement confirmed by or scheduled to a statutory enactment) with any railway company or other transport undertaking for the allocation or routing of traffic, or the pooling of receipts, or for differential rates on traffic passing by sea to or from Saorstát Eireann, or to enter into agreements for any of those purposes, except so far as authorised or required by an order made with due regard to the provisions of this Act by the railway tribunal.


(2) No such order as aforesaid shall be made by the railway tribunal save on the application—


(a) of any party to such agreement or arrangement; or


(b) of the amalgamated company; or


(c) of a representative body of traders; or


(d) of a body of persons representative of trade or a locality; or


(e) of a railway company or other transport undertaking affected by such agreement or arrangement.


(3) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this section, nothing in this Act shall prejudice or affect the rights or liabilities of any amalgamating or absorbed company under any agreement or arrangement (not being an agreement or arrangement confirmed by or scheduled to a statutory enactment) in existence at the passing of this Act except in so far as such rights or liabilities are inconsistent with the express provisions of this Act.


(4) Every amalgamating company and every absorbed company, and also every other railway company whose or any part of whose railway lies within Saorstát Eireann shall—


(a) within one month after being required in writing by the Minister so to do, or in the absence of such requisition not later than the 31st day of January, 1925, furnish to the Minister a schedule containing written particulars of all agreements and arrangements to which this sub-section applies in existence at the date of such requisition or in the absence thereof, on the 31st day of December, 1924, and to which such company is a party, and


(b) within one fortnight after the date of any agreement or arrangement to which this sub-section applies made after the date of the said requisition or the 31st day of December, 1924 (as the case may be), and to which such company is a party, furnish to the Minister written particulars of such agreement or arrangement, and


(c) within one week after being required in writing by the Minister so to do, furnish to the Minister such further particulars and information as the Minister shall so require in respect of the contents of any agreement or arrangement of which particulars shall have been previously furnished under either of the foregoing paragraphs.


If any company shall fail to furnish any particulars or information in accordance with this section or shall furnish under this section any false or misleading information, such company shall be liable to pay to the Minister for the use of the Exchequer such penalty not exceeding twenty-five pounds together with, in the case of a continuing offence, such further penalty not exceeding five pounds for every day during which the offence is continued, as the railway tribunal shall on the application of the Minister, impose.


This sub-section applies to all agreements and arrangements (whether made under statutory powers or otherwise) whereby provision is made for the allocation or routing of traffic by railway to or from any place in Saorstát Eireann or for the pooling of receipts from such traffic, or for differential rates on traffic passing by sea to or from Saorstát Eireann.


(5) After the passing of this Act it shall be lawful for the Postmaster-General or any of the amalgamating or absorbed companies or the amalgamated company to apply to the railway tribunal—


(a) for a revision of any agreement whether statutory or otherwise, which at the date of the passing of this Act is in existence between the Postmaster-General and any of the amalgamating or absorbed companies; or


(b) where no such agreement is so in existence, for the determination of any difference or dispute which may exist or arise between the Postmaster-General and any of the amalgamating or absorbed companies or the amalgamated company as regards the remuneration to be paid for services rendered by such company to the Postmaster-General, such services (notwithstanding any statutory or other provision to the contrary) to continue to be rendered by such company pending the decision of the railway tribunal.



Baronially Guaranteed Railways.


Meaning of certain expressions.

62.—In this Part of this Act—


the expression “baronially guaranteed dividends” means the dividends on the paid-up share capital of included baronial railways which at the passing of this Act are guaranteed by certain baronies or parts of baronies in Saorstát Eireann under guarantees given under the Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883, or any other Act or any Order in Council made under any such Act;


the expression “guaranteeing barony” means a barony or part of a barony by which baronially guaranteed dividends are guaranteed under any guarantee given under any such Act or Order in Council as aforesaid;

the expression “included baronial railway” means a railway or section of a railway the dividends on any part of the paid-up capital of which are baronially guaranteed dividends and which is to be included (whether by amalgamation or absorption) under the provisions of this Act in the undertaking of the amalgamated company.


Provisions in respect of baronial guarantees.

63.—(1) The Minister shall during each of the ten years mentioned in Part I. of the Ninth Schedule to this Act pay to the amalgamated company by equal half-yearly instalments out of monies to be provided by the Oireachtas the sum specified in the said Part I. of the said schedule as payable in each of such years respectively.


(2) The councils of the several counties mentioned in Part II. of the Ninth Schedule to this Act shall, during each of the years specified in the said Part II. in respect of the said counties respectively, pay to the Minister by equal half-yearly instalments on such dates as may be fixed by the Minister the sums specified in the said Part II. in respect of the said counties respectively, such sums being the amounts raised and paid by the said councils respectively for the period of account ended next before the 1st day of January, 1914, in respect of the liability of guaranteeing baronies in the county for baronially guaranteed dividends.


(3) The several sums to be paid to the Minister by the council of a county under the foregoing sub-section shall be raised by such council off the same areas and in the same proportions and manner as the sum paid by such council for the period of account ended next before the 1st day of January, 1914, in respect of the liability of guaranteeing baronies in the county for baronially guaranteed dividends was raised:


Provided that the Minister may, on the application of any such council and with the concurrence of the Minister for Local Government and Public Health, by order authorise such council to enlarge the area off which or to vary the proportions or manner in which the sums to be paid by such council to the Minister shall be raised.


(4) The liability (whether present, future, or contingent) of the several councils of counties in which guaranteeing baronies are situate in respect of baronially guaranteed dividends or the completion, working, or maintenance of included baronial railways under any guarantee given under the Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883, or any other Act or any Order in Council made under any such Act shall cease as from the 31st day of December, 1924, but such cesser shall not prejudice or affect any such liability as aforesaid of any such council in respect of any period previous to the 1st day of January, 1925.


(5) The liability (whether present, future, or contingent) of the several included baronial railways to the Minister for Finance or the councils of counties in which guaranteeing baronies are situate under the Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883, or under any other Act under the authority of which the dividends, completion, working, or maintenance of an included baronial railway are guaranteed, or under any Order in Council made under any such Act, shall cease as from the 31st day of December, 1924.


(6) The contingent liability (if any) of any amalgamating or absorbed company to the Minister for Finance or the Council of any county under the Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883, or under any other Act under the authority of which the dividends, completion, working, or maintenance of the railway or any section thereof of such company are or were guaranteed or under any Order in Council made under any such Act, or under any judgment, decree or order founded on any such Act or Order shall cease as from the 31st day of December, 1924.


(7) No moneys shall be payable out of the Local Taxation Account under sub-section (4) of section 58 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, to the council of any county for any period after the 31st day of December, 1924, in respect of any included baronial railway, and in lieu of such payments there shall be paid to the Minister out of the Local Taxation Account during each of the ten years mentioned in Part III. of the Ninth Schedule to this Act, the sum specified in the said Part III. of the said Schedule as payable in each of such years, respectively. The provisions of sub-section (5) of section 58 of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, shall not apply to any sum paid to the Minister under this sub-section.


Baronial railways vested in county councils.

64.—Where the undertaking of any included baronial railway and the property of any company connected with it have become the property of a grand jury or county council under provisions contained in an Order in Council pursuant to sub-section (2) of section 10 of the Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883, then for the purpose of the application of Part I. of this Act to that included baronial railway—


(a) the shareholders for the time being of the company to which the said undertaking and property belonged immediately before the same became the property of the grand jury or county council, shall be deemed to be the proprietors of the said railway, and


(b) the consent of the county council shall not be necessary to any scheme for the absorption of the undertaking of the said railway by the amalgamated company.





Provision for applications by public authorities in certain cases.

65.—(1) Where under this Act an application to the railway tribunal may be made by a representative body of traders or by a body of persons representative of trade or a locality, the application may be made by any of the following authorities or bodies:—


(a) any harbour board, or the council of any county or borough or district; or


(b) any chamber of commerce or association representative of shipping, agriculture, traders, freighters or passengers which may obtain a certificate from the Minister that it is a proper body to make such an application.


(2) Subject as in this section provided, no company, body, or person not directly interested in the subject-matter of any application shall be entitled to make such application.


(3) Any authority or body as aforesaid may appear in opposition to any application, representation, or submission in any case where such authority, or the persons represented by them, appear to the Minister to be likely to be affected by the decision on any such application, representation, or submission.


(4) The Minister may, if he thinks fit, require as a condition of giving a certificate under this section, that security be given in such manner and to such amount as he thinks necessary, for costs which may be incurred.


(5) Any certificate granted under this section shall, unless withdrawn, be in force for twelve months from the date on which it was given.


(6) Any expenses incurred by any such authority in or incidental to any such application or opposition shall be defrayed out of the rate or fund out of which the expenses of the authority in the execution of their ordinary duties are defrayed.


Notices, etc.

66.—Any notice, application, request, or other document authorised or required by this Act to be sent to a railway company may, unless some other manner is prescribed by the railway tribunal, be sent by post in a prepaid registered letter addressed to the secretary of the company at the principal office of the company.


Service of documents on amalgamated company.

67.—Any document required by or authorised by law other than this Act to be served on the amalgamated company may be so served by—


(a) handing it to the secretary of the amalgamated company at the principal office in Saorstát Eireann of the amalgamated company, or


(b) leaving it at the principal office aforesaid in an envelope addressed to the secretary of the amalgamated company, or


(c) sending it by post in a prepaid registered letter addressed to the secretary of the amalgamated company at the principal office aforesaid.


Language of public notices and tickets.

68.—The amalgamated company shall, as soon as may be practicable, replace all public notices and signs (including names of stations) which are now in the English Language only by notices and signs in both Irish and English, and shall within one year from the 1st January, 1925, submit to the Minister a scheme for the printing of their passenger card tickets for journeys within the Saorstát in both the Irish and English languages and the Minister shall, unless he is of opinion that the adoption of the scheme would jeopardise the standard revenue and result in increased rates and fares, order the amalgamated company to put such scheme into operation: Provided that existing stocks of tickets may be used until exhausted.


Accounts, returns and statistics.

69.—(1) The accounts to be rendered by the amalgamated company under the Railway Companies (Accounts and Returns) Act, 1911, shall be compiled in such manner as may be prescribed by the Minister after consultation with the amalgamated company.


(2) It shall be the duty of the amalgamated company to compile and render to the Minister in such manner and form as he may direct such statistics and returns as he may require.


(3) For the purpose of this Act the Minister or any officer duly authorised by him shall have power to make such investigations into the affairs of the amalgamated company as he may deem necessary, and shall have access to the books, accounts and returns of the amalgamated company, and the officers and servants of the company shall afford to the Minister or any such duly authorised officer such facilities as he may require.


(4) The powers of the Minister under this section shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any powers of holding enquiries conferred on him under this or any other Act.


(5) In the event of non-compliance on the part of the amalgamated company with any requirements of this section, the requirement shall be enforceable by order of the railway tribunal on the application of the Minister.


(6) Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to authorise any limitation of or interference with the control of the proprietors of any undertaking over the purposes to which its expenditure is to be applied.


Names and addresses of shareholders.

70.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 10 of the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, it shall be lawful for the amalgamated company to substitute for the Shareholders' Address Book provided for under that section a card or other index (of a type to be approved by the auditors of the amalgamated company) containing the names and addresses of the several shareholders of the amalgamated company and that section in its application to the amalgamated company shall be read and have effect accordingly, and when such card or other index has been so substituted section 34 of the Regulation of Railways Act, 1868, shall cease to apply to the amalgamated company: Provided that the charge made for a copy of such card or other index shall not exceed the sum of £2 10s. 0d.


(2) If the amalgamated company act in contravention of section 10 of the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, as varied by this section, they shall be liable for each offence to a penalty not exceeding twenty pounds, which shall be recoverable and applied in the same manner as penalties imposed by the Railway Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, are for the time being recoverable and applicable.


Enactments which are not to apply to amalgamated company.

71.—As from the appointed day the enactments specified in the Tenth Schedule to this Act to the extent mentioned in the third column of that Schedule shall not apply to the amalgamated company.


Short title.

72.—This Act may be cited as the Railways Act, 1924.



First Schedule.

Amalgamating and Absorbed Companies.

Sections 1 and 2 (1).



Amalgamating Companies

Absorbed Companies

Great Southern and Western Railway Company, including the Geashill Extension separate undertaking.

Athenry and Tuam Extension to Claremorris Railway Company, Limited.

Ballinascarthy and Timoleague Junction Light Railway Company.

Midland Great Western Railway Company of Ireland.

Ballinrobe and Claremorris Light Railway Company, Limited.

Dublin and South Eastern Railway Company, including City of Dublin Junction Railways and New Ross and Waterford Extension Railways.

Baltimore Extension Railway Company, Limited.

Bantry Extension Railway Company.

Cork, Bandon and South Coast Railway Company including the Bantry Bay Extension.

Cavan and Leitrim Railway Company, Limited.

Clonakilty Extension Railway Company.

Cork, Blackrock and Passage Railway Company.

Cork and Macroom Direct Railway Company.

Cork and Muskerry Light Railway Company, Limited.

Cork City Railways.

Donoughmore Extension Light Railway Company, Limited.

Dublin and Kingstown Railway Company.

Loughrea and Attymon Light Railway Company, Limited.

Schull and Skibbereen Tramway and Light Railway Company. (West Carberry Tramways and Light Railways Company, Limited).

South Clare Railways Company, Limited.

Southern Railway Company.

Timoleague and Courtmacsherry Extension Light Railway Company.

Tralee and Dingle Light Railway Company, Limited.

Tralee and Fenit Railway Company.

Waterford and Tramore Railway Company.

West Clare Railway Company, Limited.


Second Schedule

Board of Directors of Amalgamated Company.


First Year.

Section 4 (d).

1. For the period commencing on the date when the amalgamation scheme comes into operation and ending on the date of the general meeting of the amalgamated company in the following year, the company shall be directed by a board consisting of such number of persons as may be fixed by the amalgamation scheme or schemes, and not exceeding fifteen or less than twelve.

2. Before the date when the amalgamation scheme comes into operation the proprietors of each amalgamating company shall elect from amongst the directors of such company holding office at the time such number as may be fixed by the scheme to serve as a director or directors of the amalgamated company as aforesaid.

3. The directors so elected shall hold office until the date of the said general meeting and shall then retire, but any director so retiring may, if otherwise qualified, be elected as a director of the company under the provisions hereinafter contained.

4. In the event of a casual vacancy occurring during the said period amongst the directors, the vacancy shall be filled by a person co-opted by the directors, being a person who was a director of the amalgamating company by the proprietors of which the vacating director was elected.


After the First Year.

1. As from the date of the general meeting of the amalgamated company in the year following that in which the amalgamation scheme comes into operation, the company shall be directed by a board of directors consisting of such number of members elected by the proprietors of the company as may be specified in the scheme not exceeding fifteen or less than twelve.

2. The qualification of a director shall be the holding in his own right of such amount of the share capital of the amalgamated company as may be specified in the scheme, and, subject as hereinafter provided, the term of office of such a director shall be three years, but on retirement he may, if otherwise qualified, be re-elected.

3. Any casual vacancy occurring amongst the directors shall be filled by a person co-opted by the other directors, and any director co-opted to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office for the same period as that for which his predecessor would have held office.

4. On the first election of directors, one-third of the total number of directors, or if their number is not a multiple of three, then the number nearest but not exceeding one-third (failing agreement to be selected by lot) shall be deemed to have been elected for one year, and one-third or such nearest number as aforesaid (failing agreement to be selected by lot) for two years.

5. Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Schedule, the provisions of the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, with respect to the appointment and rotation of directors shall apply.


Third Schedule.

Existing Officers and Servants.

Sections 4 (f), 6 (f), and 12 (2).

Every person who on the 3rd day of April, 1924, was for a period of less than five years an officer or servant of any amalgamating company or absorbed company, and who shall not, prior to the amalgamation or absorption of such amalgamating or absorbed company, have voluntarily retired or have been removed from the service of any such amalgamating or absorbed company by reason of misconduct or incapacity and who does not become an officer or servant of the amalgamated company, shall be entitled to a gratuity calculated on the basis of one-sixth of the amount of his annual salary and emoluments for every completed year of his service.

The following provisions shall apply in respect to persons who on the 3rd day of April, 1924, were, and for a period of not less than five years have been, officers or servants of any amalgamating company or absorbed company, and who shall not, prior to the amalgamation or absorption of such amalgamating or absorbed company, have become pensioners or annuitants in accordance with the rules of any railway pension or superannuation fund of which they may be members, or have voluntarily retired, or have been removed from the service of any such amalgamating or absorbed company by reason of misconduct or incapacity (all of which officers and servants are in this Schedule hereinafter referred to as “existing officers and servants”):—

(1) Every existing officer and servant shall, as from the date of amalgamation or absorption, become an officer or servant of the amalgamated company.

(2) The amalgamated company may abolish the office or situation of any existing officer or servant which they may deem unnecessary, and any existing officer or servant required to perform duties such as are not analogous or which are an unreasonable addition to those which as an officer or servant of the company from which he was transferred he was required to perform may relinquish his office or situation.

(3) No existing officer or servant so transferred shall without his consent be by reason of such transfer in any worse position in respect to the conditions of his service as a whole (including tenure of office, remuneration, gratuities, pension, superannuation, sick fund or any benefits or allowances, whether obtaining legally or by customary practice of the amalgamating or absorbed company) as compared with the conditions of service formerly obtaining with respect to him.

(4) If any existing officer or servant so transferred is, without his consent, in any such worse position as aforesaid by reason of such transfer and has thereby suffered any loss or injury, he shall be entitled to be paid by the amalgamated company such lump sum as would reasonably compensate him for such loss or injury, the amount of such lump sum to be determined by the amalgamated company (subject to appeal as hereinafter provided).

(5) Every existing officer or servant whose office or situation is so abolished, or who so relinquishes his office or situation, or whose services are dispensed with on the ground that they are not required or for any other reason not being on account of any misconduct or incapacity, or whose remuneration or emoluments are reduced on the ground that his duties have been diminished, or who otherwise suffers any direct pecuniary loss by reason of the amalgamation or absorption (including any loss of prospective superannuation or other retiring or death allowances and allowances to his widow or orphan children, whether obtaining legally or by customary practice of the amalgamating or absorbed company), shall be entitled to be paid compensation by the amalgamated company, the amount of such compensation to be determined by the amalgamated company (subject to appeal as hereinafter provided) in accordance with the following rules, that is to say:—

(a) the compensation shall be an annual allowance to be paid to the existing officer or servant during his life not exceeding in any case two-thirds of his remuneration and emoluments, and, subject to that limitation, to be calculated at the rate of one-sixtieth of his remuneration and emoluments for every completed year of his service with the amalgamated company or any amalgamating or absorbed company, with an addition thereto based on the number of completed years of his service and calculated according to the following scale:—

if he has twenty or more completed years of service, an addition of ten-sixtieths of his remuneration and emoluments,

if he has fifteen or more completed years of service and less than twenty such years, an addition of seven-sixtieths of his remuneration and emoluments,

if he has ten or more completed years of service and less than fifteen such years, an addition of five-sixtieths of his remuneration and emoluments,

if he has five or more completed years of service and less than ten such years, an addition of three-sixtieths of his remuneration and emoluments:

(b) where any existing officer or servant was temporarily absent from his employment as such officer or servant and during the whole of such absence was engaged in service in the National Forces of Saorstát Eireann, or any military forces serving under the authority of the First Dáil Eireann, the Second Dáil Eireann, or the Provisional Government of Ireland, or the British Army, Navy or Air Force, such temporary absence shall for the purposes of this Schedule be reckoned and included in his period of service as such officer or servant:

(c) in the case of an existing officer or servant who was appointed to his office as a specially qualified person at an age exceeding that at which railway service usually begins, his actual period of service with an amalgamating or absorbed company may be increased by the addition of such number of years as may seem just, having regard to the particular circumstances of the case, and thereupon his compensation shall be calculated on such increased period of service:

(d) in the case of an existing officer or servant who suffers any such loss of prospective superannuation or other retiring or death allowance as aforesaid, such addition as may seem just, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, may be made to the compensation otherwise authorised by this Schedule to be awarded to him:

(e) for the purpose of the calculation of the compensation under this Schedule, the remuneration and emoluments of an existing officer or servant shall be taken to be the annual value of the remuneration and emoluments of which he was in receipt from the amalgamated company or any amalgamating or absorbed company on the date of the happening of the event giving rise to the claim for compensation, unless he received promotion (other than promotion within any of the grades dealt with in the agreements between the railway companies and the trades unions) subsequent to the 3rd day of April, 1923, in which case his remuneration and emoluments shall for the purpose aforesaid be taken to be the annual value of the remuneration and emoluments of which he was in receipt immediately before such promotion. In the event of an existing officer being appointed a standing member of the railway tribunal he shall be regarded as an existing officer whose office is abolished as from the date of amalgamation and shall be entitled to be compensated accordingly, but during the period for which he acts as such standing member of the railway tribunal his compensation shall only be the difference (if any) between his remuneration as a standing member of the railway tribunal and the annual allowance granted to him under paragraph (5) (a) of this Schedule.

(6) For the purpose of this Schedule, any solicitor who for the period of five years next before the date of the passing of this Act has acted solely for an amalgamating or absorbed company as their chief or assistant legal adviser on a salary shall be deemed to be an existing officer of that company.

(7) Any person who is in receipt of an annual allowance by way of compensation under this Schedule may, within one year from the date on which the amount of such allowance is fixed, apply to the amalgamated company to commute not more than one-fourth of such annual allowance by payment of a capital sum of money to be calculated by the amalgamated company in accordance with the provision in that behalf contained in the amalgamation scheme, and no such application for commutation shall be unreasonably refused by the amalgamated company.

(8) If any existing officer or servant shall feel aggrieved by the decision of the amalgamated company on any matter to be determined by it under the foregoing rules, or if any dispute or question shall arise between any existing officer or servant and the amalgamated company on any matter arising under this Schedule, such existing officer or servant may appeal to a standing arbitrator or board of arbitrators appointed by the Chief Justice, who shall hear and determine such appeal and whose decision thereon shall be final. The amount of the fee payable to such standing arbitrator or to each member of such board of arbitrators on any such appeal shall be fixed by the Chief Justice and shall be paid by the amalgamated company.

(9) For the purposes of this Schedule every person in the employment of an amalgamating company or an absorbed company shall be deemed to be an officer or servant of that company: Subject in the case of any solicitor to the provisions of paragraph (6) of this Schedule.


Fourth Schedule.

Provisions relating to the submission of Schemes.

Section 9 (2).

The scheme to be submitted shall be submitted to the proprietors and debenture stock-holders of each company affected thereby at a meeting held specially for that purpose.

Such meeting shall be called by advertisement inserted once in each of two consecutive weeks in some one and the same newspaper published in Dublin, and in some one and the same newspaper of the county or counties in which the principal office or offices of any such company is or are situate; and also by a circular addressed to each proprietor and debenture stock-holder at his last known or usual address, and sent by post or delivered at such address not less than seven days before the holding of such meeting, enclosing a blank form of proxy, with proper instructions for the use of the same; and the same form of proxy and the same instructions, and none other shall be sent to every such proprietor and debenture stock-holder; but no such form of proxy shall be stamped before it is sent out, nor shall the funds of any company be used for the stamping of any proxies, nor shall intimation be sent as to any person in whose favour the proxy may be granted, and no other circular or form of proxy relating to such meeting shall be sent to any proprietor or debenture stock-holder from the office of any company, or by any director or officer of any company so describing himself.

Such meeting shall be held not earlier than the seventh day after the last insertion of such advertisement, and may be held on the same day as an ordinary general meeting of the company.

At such meeting the said scheme shall be submitted to the proprietors and debenture stock-holders aforesaid then present, and shall be approved of by the proprietors present in person or by proxy and holding at least three-fourths of the paid-up capital of the company (being capital carrying a right to vote at all ordinary meetings of the company) held by proprietors present as aforesaid at the meeting. Proprietors of any paid-up shares or stock, including debenture stock, not qualified to vote at ordinary meetings, whose interests may be affected by the scheme, may tender their votes at the meeting, and all votes so tendered shall be recorded separately.

The names of the proprietors and debenture stock-holders present in person at the meeting shall be recorded by the company and a copy of such record shall be sent to the railway tribunal. For this purpose the meeting, and any other consecutive meetings, whether general or special, and whether preceding or following it, shall be deemed to be the same meeting. A poll may be demanded by any proprietor present in person at the meeting.


Fifth Schedule.

Division and Form of Schedules of Standard Charges.

Section 27 (2).

The parts into which every schedule of charges submitted by the amalgamated company to the railway tribunal is to be divided shall be as follows:—

Part I containing the charges in respect of the goods and minerals comprised in the several classes of merchandise (including dangerous goods and goods specially liable to damage) specified in the classification;

Part II containing the charges in respect of animals;

Part III containing the charges in respect of carriages;

Part IV containing the charges in respect of perishable merchandise by passenger train or other similar service;

Part V containing the charges in respect of small parcels;

Part VI containing the charges in respect of merchandise of an exceptional character;

Part VII containing the fares and charges to be taken for the conveyance of passengers and their luggage, and for live stock, carriages, parcels, and articles of merchandise (other than those included in Part IV) by passenger train or other similar service;

Part VIII containing the charges in respect of any toll payable by a trader.

The forms of the various Parts shall in the case of Parts V, VI, VII, and VIII, be such as the railway tribunal direct, and in the case of Parts I, II, III, and IV, be the following forms:—


Goods and Minerals.

Class in respect of Merchandise to which Charges are Applicable

Standard Rate for Conveyance

Standard Terminals

For the first Miles or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles or any part of such Distance

For the remainder of the Distance

Station Terminal at each end

Service Terminals





Per Ton per Mile

Per Ton per Mile

Per Ton per Mile

Per Ton per Mile

Per Ton per Mile

Per Ton

Per Ton

Per Ton

Per Ton

Per Ton






Animal Class.

Rate for Conveyance per Mile

Service Terminals


For the first Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the remainder of the Distance

Station Terminal at each End


Un loading

Minium charge as for Animals




















Rate for Conveyance per Mile

Service Terminals


For the first Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the remainder of the Distance

Station Terminal at each End

























Perishable Merchandise by Passenger Train.

Division I.


Division II.



Division I.

Rate for Conveyance

Service Terminals

For any Distance not exceeding Miles

For any Distance exceeding Miles but not exceeding Miles

For any Distance exceeding Miles but not exceeding Miles

For any Distance exceeding Miles but not exceeding Miles

For any Distance exceeding Miles but not exceeding Miles

For any Distance exceeding Miles

Station Terminal at each end



Per Imperial Gallon

Per Imperial Gallon

Per Imperial Gallon

Per Imperial Gallon

Per Imperial Gallon

Per Imperial Gallon

Per Can

Per Can

Per Can




















Per Can

Per Can

Per Can

Per Can

Per Can

Per Can

Per Can

Per Can

Per Can










Divisions II. and III.

Rate for Conveyance

Service Terminals

For the first Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the next Miles, or any part of such Distance

For the remainder of the Distance

Station Terminal at each end



Per Cwt. per Mile

Per Cwt. per Mile

Per Cwt. per Mile

Per Cwt. per Mile

Per Cwt. per Mile

Per Cwt.

Per Cwt.

Per Cwt.










Sixth Schedule.

Miscellaneous Provisions as to Rates.

Section 49.

Calculation of distance.

1. In calculating the distance along the railway for the purpose of the charge for conveyance of any merchandise the company shall not include any portion of its railway which may in respect of that merchandise be the subject of a charge for a station terminal.

Calculation of charges on weight and measurement.

2. Unless otherwise agreed between the company and the trader, all charges shall, so far as practicable, be based upon the gross weight of the merchandise when received by the company determined according to the imperial avoirdupois weight, but the railway tribunal may specify any articles of merchandise upon which the charges may be calculated in reference to cubic capacity, and shall prescribe the method by which the cubic contents for the purpose of charge is to be calculated.

Terminal services at other than the Company's terminal places.

3. Where merchandise conveyed in a separate truck is loaded or unloaded elsewhere than in a shed or building of the company the company may not charge to a trader any service terminal for the performance by the company of any of the said services if the trader has requested the company to allow him to perform the service for himself, and the company has unreasonably refused to allow him to do so. Any dispute between the trader and the company in reference to any service terminal charged to a trader who is not allowed by the company to perform for himself the service shall be determined by the railway tribunal.

Charges for sidings and accommodation.

4. Nothing in this Act shall prevent the company from making and receiving, in addition to the charges authorised by this Act, charges and payments by way of rent or otherwise for sidings or other structural accommodation provided or to be provided for the private use of traders and not required by the company for dealing with the traffic for the purposes of conveyance:

Provided that the amount of such charges or payments shall be fixed by an agreement in writing signed by the trader or by some person duly authorised on his behalf or determined, in cases of difference, by the railway tribunal.

Charges for transhipment.

5. In respect of merchandise received from or delivered to another railway company having a railway of a different gauge or interchanged between broad and narrow gauge sections of the company's railway, the company may make a reasonable charge for any service of transhipment performed by it, the amount of such charge to be determined in case of difference by the railway tribunal.

Charges for use of trucks.

6.—(1) The company may charge for the use of trucks provided by it for the conveyance of merchandise, when the provision of trucks is not included in the rates for conveyance, such sums as the railway tribunal determine.

(2) Where, for the conveyance of merchandise other than merchandise in respect of which the rates for conveyance do not include the provision of trucks, the company does not provide trucks, the charge for conveyance shall be reduced by such sum as the railway tribunal determine.

(3) The company shall not be required to provide trucks for the conveyance of merchandise in respect of which the provision of trucks is not included in the rate for conveyance, nor for the conveyance of lime in bulk or salt in bulk or any merchandise liable to injure trucks:

Provided that any dispute between the company and a trader as to whether any specific kind of merchandise is liable to injure trucks may be referred to the railway tribunal, but on any such reference it shall lie on the trader requiring the merchandise to be carried to show that such merchandise will not injure the trucks.

Charges when railway company conveying on railway of the company.

7. Subject to the provisions of this Act, any railway company conveying merchandise on the railway of the company or performing any of the services for which rates or charges are authorised by this Act, shall be entitled to charge and make the same rates and charges as the company are authorised to make.

Dock and shipping charges.

8. Nothing in this Act shall affect the right of the company to make any charges which it is authorised by any statute to make in respect of any accommodation or services provided or rendered by the company at or in connection with docks or shipping places.

Provisions as to perishables.

9. The following provisions and regulations shall be applicable to the conveyance of perishable merchandise by passenger train:—

(a) The company shall afford reasonable facilities for the expeditious conveyance of the articles classified as perishables, either by passenger train or other similar service:

(b) Such facilities shall be subject to the reasonable regulations of the company for the convenient and punctual working of its passenger train service, and shall not include any obligation to convey perishables by any particular train:

(c) The company shall not be under obligation to convey by passenger train, or other similar service, any merchandise other than perishables:

(d) Any question as to the facilities afforded by the company under these provisions and regulations shall be determined by the railway tribunal.

Charges for services not otherwise provided for.

10.—(1) The company may charge a reasonable sum for the services hereunder mentioned, or any of them when rendered to a trader at his request or for his convenience:—

(i) Services rendered by the company at or in connection with sidings not belonging to the company in respect of which no rate or charge is otherwise provided;

(ii) The collection or delivery outside a terminal station, otherwise than is provided for by section 46 of this Act, of merchandise which is to be, or has been, carried by railway;

(iii) Weighing merchandise;

(iv) The detention of trucks or the use or occupation of any accommodation before or after carriage beyond such period as shall be reasonably necessary for enabling the company to deal with merchandise as carriers thereof, or the consignor or consignee to give or take delivery thereof; or, in cases in which the merchandise is consigned to an address other than the terminal station, beyond a reasonable period from the time when notice has been delivered at such address that the merchandise has arrived at the terminal station for delivery and services rendered in connection with such use and occupation;

(v) Loading or unloading, covering or uncovering, merchandise in respect of which no charge is provided;

(vi) The use of coal drops;

(vii) The provision by the company of accommodation at a waterside wharf and special services rendered thereat by the company in respect of loading and unloading merchandise into or out of vessels or barges where no special charge is prescribed by any statute, provided that the charge under this sub-paragraph shall, for the purpose of any disintegration of rate, be deemed to be a dock charge;

(viii) Any accommodation or services provided or rendered by the company within the scope of its undertaking, and in respect of which no provisions are made by this Schedule.

(2) Any difference arising under this paragraph shall be determined by the railway tribunal at the instance of either party, provided that where before any service is rendered, a trader has given notice in writing to the company that he does not require it, the service shall not be deemed to be rendered at the trader's request or for his convenience.

(3) Subject to the provisions of this paragraph, any charge here under made by the company in accordance with an order of the railway tribunal in force for the time being may be recovered by action in a court of law.

11. The standard rate for conveyance is the rate which the company may charge for the conveyance of merchandise by merchandise train and, subject to the exceptions and provisions specified in this Schedule, includes the provision of locomotive power and trucks by the company and every other expense incidental to such conveyance not otherwise herein provided for.

12. The standard station terminal is the charge which the company may make to a trader for the use of the accommodation (exclusive of coal drops) provided and for the duties undertaken by the company, for which no provision is made in this Schedule at the terminal station for or in dealing with merchandise as carriers thereof before or after conveyance.

13. The standard service terminals are the charges which the company may make to a trader for the following services when rendered to or for a trader, that is to say, loading, unloading, covering, and uncovering merchandise; which charges shall, in respect of each service, be deemed to include all charges for the provision by the company of labour, machinery, plant, stores and sheets.

14. Where a consignment by merchandise train is over three hundred weight, a fraction of a quarter of a hundred weight may be charged for as a quarter of a hundredweight.

15. For a fraction of a mile the company may charge according to the number of quarters of a mile in that fraction, and a fraction of a quarter of a mile may be charged for as a quarter of a mile.

16. Articles sent in large aggregate quantities, although made up of separate parcels such as bags of sugar, coffee, and the like, shall not be deemed to be small parcels.

17. For any quantity of merchandise less than a truck load which the company either receive or deliver in one truck on or at a siding not belonging to the company, or which from the circumstances in which the merchandise is tendered or the nature of the merchandise the company is obliged or required to carry in one truck, the company may charge as for a reasonable minimum load having regard to the nature of the merchandise.

18. The term “terminal station” means a station or place upon the railway at which a consignment of merchandise is loaded or unloaded before or after conveyance on the railway, but does not include any station or junction at which the merchandise in respect of which any terminal is charged has been exchanged with, handed over to, or received from any railway company, or a junction between the railway and a siding let by or not belonging to the company, or in respect of merchandise passing to or from such siding, any station with which such siding may be connected, or any dock or shipping place the charges for the use of which are regulated by statute.

The term “siding” includes branch railways not belonging to a railway company.

19. In this Schedule the expression “the company” means the amalgamated company, and the word “trader” includes any person sending or receiving or desiring to send or receive merchandise by railway.


Seventh Schedule

Enactments Amended.

Section 51.

Session and Chapter

Short Title

Nature of Amendment

11 Geo. 4 and 1 Will. 4, c. 68.

The Carriers Act, 1830

In section one, the words “silks in a manufactured or unmanufactured state and whether wrought up or not wrought up with other materials” shall be repealed, and the word “twenty-five” shall be substituted for “ten.”

In section two the word “twenty-five” shall be substituted for the word “ten.”

The following new section shall be added after section 10:—

“11. In this Act the expression ‘common carrier by land’ shall include a common carrier by land who is also a carrier by water, and as regards every such common carrier this Act shall apply to carriage by water in the same manner as it applies to carriage by land.”

8 & 9 Vict. c. 20

The Railways Clauses Act, 1845, as incorporated in any Act, whether passed before or after the passing of this Act.

In section three after the words “The word ‘toll’ shall include any rate or charge or other payment payable under the special Act” there shall be inserted the words “or fixed by the railway tribunal under the provisions of the Railways Act, 1924.”

In section ninety-eight for the words “number or quantity of goods conveyed by any such carriage” there shall be substituted the words full name and address of the consignee and such particulars of the nature, weight (inclusive of packing), and number of parcels or articles of merchandise handed to the company for conveyance as may be necessary to enable the company to calculate the charges therefor.”

The following subsection shall be added at the end of section ninety-eight:—

“(2) The company shall be entitled to refuse to convey any merchandise delivered to them for conveyance as aforesaid in respect of which the foregoing provisions of this section have not been complied with, or to examine, weigh or count the same and make such reasonable charge therefor as they think fit:

“Provided that the company shall not refuse to convey the parcels or articles of merchandise handed to them for conveyance as aforesaid without giving the person an opportunity of having them weighed or counted upon payment of a reasonable charge.”

17 & 18 Vict. c. 31

The Railway and Canal Traffic Act 1854.

In section seven, for the words “for any horse fifty pounds, for any neat cattle per head fifteen pounds, for any sheep or pigs per head two pounds” there shall be substituted the words “for any horse one hundred pounds, for neat cattle per head fifty pounds, for any other animal five pounds.”


Eighth Schedule.

Grades to which Part IV of the Act Applies.

Section 55 (3).



Grades Embraced


Station Masters

Station Masters, Goods Agents, Yard Masters, Assistant Yard Masters, Passenger and Parcels Agents.


Clerks (Male and Female).


Traffic Controllers, Traffic Department Inspectors, Goods Department Inspectors and Foremen, Permanent Way Inspectors, Signal and Telegraph Inspectors, Locomotive Foremen, Locomotive Running Inspectors, Carriage and Wagon Inspectors, Ticket Inspectors.


Signalmen, etc.

Guards, etc.

Signalmen, Crossing Keepers.

Passenger Guards, Goods Guards, Ballast Guards, Passenger Shunters, Goods Shunters, Yard Foremen.

Traffic Staff

Cloakroom and Lost Property Office Attendants, Excess Luggage Collectors, Station Foremen, Porters, Parcels Foremen, Parcels Porters, Ticket Collectors, Head Porters, Messengers.

Goods Staff

Cartage Staff

Carriage and Wagon Examiners.

Checkers, Callers-off, Porters, Working Foremen, Head Porters.

Carters, Road Motor Drivers, Working Foremen.

Carriage Examiners, Chargemen, Wagon Examiners, Carriage and Wagon Oilers and Greasers.


Drivers, etc.

Shed Staff, etc.

Engine Drivers, and Rail Motor Men, Firemen, Cleaners.

Chargemen, Engine Cleaners, Barmen, Boilerwashers, Callers-Up, Coalmen, Cranemen, Fire-droppers, Gland Packers, Pumping Enginemen, Sandmen, Shed Labourers, Steam Raisers, Stores Issuers, Timekeepers (Non-clerical), Tube Cleaners.


Gangers, etc.

Signal and Telegraph Linemen, etc.

Gangers (Permanent Way), Platelayers, Inspectors, Timekeepers, Labourers, Toolmen.

Chief Linemen, Chargemen, Linemen, Gangers (Signal and Telegraph), Installers, Labourers, Wiremen and Fixers.


Ninth Schedule.

Payments in respect of Baronial Guarantees.

Section 63.

Part I.

Part II.

Part III.

Amount to be Paid by the Minister to the Amalgamated Company in each of the following years.

Amounts to be Paid by the following County Councils to the Minister in each year from 1925 to 1934, inclusive.

Amount to be Paid out of the Local Taxation A/c. to the Minister in each year from 1925 to 1934, inclusive.










































Amount to be Paid by the undermentioned County Council to the Minister in each year from 1925 to 1929 inclusive:



Tipperary, South Riding.



Tenth Schedule.

Enactments not applying to Amalgamated Company.

Section 69.

Session and Chapter

Short Title.

Extent of Repeal.

31 & 32 Vict. ch. 119

Regulation of Railways Act, 1868.

Section 34.

36 & 37 Vict. ch. 48

The Regulation of Railways Act, 1873.

Sections 14 and 15.

57 & 58 Vict. ch. 54

The Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1894.

Sections 1, 3 and 4.

11 & 12 Geo. V. ch. 55.

The Railways Act, 1921.

Section 84, sub-section (1), and the words “save as aforesaid” in sub-section (2).


Uimhir 29 de 1924.








1.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an focal “an chuideachta chó-nasctha” an chuideachta a bunófar tré sna cuideachtana a luaidhtear sa chéad cholún den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so do chó-nasca do réir forálacha an Achta so agus tré sna cuideachtana a luaidhtear sa dara colún den Sceideal san do thógaint isteach;


cialluíonn an focal “cuideachta chó-nascthach” ceann de sna cuideachtana a luaidhtear sa chéad cholún den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so agus 'na bhfuiltar chun an chuideachta chó-nasctha do dhéanamh di tré chó-nasca;


cialluíonn an focal “cuideachta thógtha-isteach” ceann de sna cuideachtana a luaidhtear sa dara colún den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so agus 'na bhfuiltar chun í thógaint isteach sa chuideachtain chó-nasctha fé fhorálacha an Achta so;


cialluíonn an focal “an bínse bóthair iarainn” an chúirt a bunófar fén ainm sin do réir Cuid II. den Acht so;


cialluíonn an focal “Aire” an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála.



Ath-choghleasa Suisteam na mBothar Iarainn.


Có-nasca na mbóthar iarainn.

2.—(1) Chun suisteam bóithre iarainn Shaorstáit Éireann d'ath-chóghléasa agus é oibriú níos fearr agus níos saoire códhéanfar an chuideachta chó-nasctha do réir forálacha an Achta so tré sna cuideachtana a luaidhtear sa chéad cholún den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so do chó-nasca, agus tré sna cuideachtana a luaidhtear sa dara colún den Sceideal san do thógaint isteach.


(2) Chun crícheanna an Achta so, déanfidh an chuideachta chónasctha ar an 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1925, no ar pé dáta roimhe sin no ina dhiaidh a cheapfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire, Mion-Bhóthar Iarainn Gual-Choiléar Airgne, Bóthar Iarainn Bhaile Ath hI agus Gual-Choiléar Chnocán na Mactíre, agus Bóthar Iarainn Chaisleán an Chumair do thógaint isteach ar théarmaí a socrófar le húnaerí na mbóthar iarainn sin, no, mara socruítear mar sin é, ar théarmaí a shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn.


Ullamhú agus socrú na scéime có-nascthachta.

3.—(1) Féadfidh na cuideachtana có-nascthacha, ar an 31adh lá de Lúnasa, 1924, no roimhe sin, scéim chó-nascthachta a cuireadh le chéile do réir forálacha an Achta so agus le n-ar aontuigh na cuideachtana san uile, do chur fé bhráid an Aire.


(2) Cuirfidh an tAire chun an bhínse bhóthair iarainn aon scéim a cuirfar fé n-a bhráid mar sin, agus daingneoidh an bínse an scéim mara bhfeictar dóibh ná fuil an scéim do réir mar a hiarrtar leis an Acht so í bheith no nár có-líonadh na forálacha den Acht so a bhaineas leis an nós-imeachta is inleanta sara gcuirtar fé bhráid an Aire scéim le n-ar haontuíodh.


(3) Mara ndinidh na cuideachtana có-nascthacha scéim chónascthachta le n-ar haontuíodh, agus a cuireadh le chéile do réir forálacha an Achta so, do chur fé bhráid an Aire ar an dáta san no roimhe sin, ullamhóidh agus socróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn do réir an Achta so scéim chun na cuideachtana san do chó-nasca.


Forálacha nách foláir a bheith sa scéim chónascthachta.

4.—I scéim chó-nascthachta fén Acht so—


(a) beidh forálacha chun an chuideachta chó-nasctha d'ionchorporú fé ainm oiriúnach agus comhacht aici chun talamh a bheith ar seilbh aici chun crícheanna na cuideachtan, agus pé forálacha a dheabhróidh bheith riachtanach no oiriúnach i dtaobh caipital scaire agus iasacht na cuideachtan có-nasctha agus dílsiú maoin, ceartanna, comhachtanna, dualgaisí agus fiachaisí, reachtúil no nea-reachtúil, na gcuideachtan gcónascthach; agus


(b) socrófar go generálta i dtaobh téarmaí agus coiníollacha an chó-nasctha agus i gcóir críochnú gnótha na gcuideachtan gcó-nascthach, maraon le hurúsanna ón gcuideachtain chó-nasctha, pé cinn agus pé méideanna ionta a luadhfar sa scéim, do roinnt ar shealbhóirí urúsanna o sna cuideachtana có-nascthacha in ionad na n-urús san agus mar shásamh ar gach éileamh a eireoidh dá mbarr; agus


(c) ionchorporófar Cuid V. den Railways Clauses Act, 1863, fé réir forálacha an Achta so, agus féadfar aon cheann d'fhorálacha an Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, agus d'fhorálacha na nAcht le n-ar leasuíodh an tAcht san d'ionchorporú fé réir an atharuithe seo: go bhféadfidh daoine atá ina n-únaerí, agus 'na bhfuil pé cáilíochtaí eile acu a forálfar (má foráltar iad) leis an scéim, bheith ar aon choistí a ceapfar fé alt 95 den Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, bíodh nách stiúrthóirí ar an gcuideachtain na daoine sin; agus


(d) cuirfar in éifeacht na forálacha atá sa Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so i dtaobh stiúrú na cuideachtan có-nasctha, agus féadfar, le toil na n-únaerí, socrú i dtaobh cúiteamh d'íoc amach as sócmhainní cuideachtan có-nascthaighe le héinne de stiúrthóirí na cuideachtan san go mbainfidh cailliúint do tré dheire bheith curtha len' oifig no a eireoidh as oifig toisc é bheith ceaptha mar bhall seasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn, ach sa chás deiridh sin cuimhneofar ar a luach saothair mar bhall seasmhach den tsórt san den bhínse bhóthair iarainn nuair a beifear ag socrú méid aon chúitimh den tsórt san; agus


(e) beidh pé forálacha is gá de dheascaibh an chó-nasctha maidir le bainistí aon chiste no cistí i gcóir aoisliúntais, pinsin, soláthair, baintreacha agus dílleachtaithe agus sochair eile, a bunuíodh ag aon chuideachtain chónascthach, ach san i dtreo go gcimeádfar bainistí na gcistí sin ar gach slí eile gan atharú go dtí go ndéanfidh an tOireachtas socrú eile; agus


(f) ionchorporófar na forálacha atá sa Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so maidir le sean-oifigigh agus seana-sheirbhísigh; agus


(g) féadfar pé foth-fhorálacha agus forálacha breise do dhéanamh a dheabhróidh bheith riachtanach no oiriúnach chun forálacha na scéime agus crícheanna an Achta so do chur i lán-éifeacht.


Ullamhú agus ceadú scéimeanna tógainteisteach.

5.—(1) Féadfidh na cuideachtana có-nascthacha, ar an 31adh lá de Lúnasa, 1924, no roimhe sin, scéim no scéimeanna do chur fé bhráid an Aire a cuirfar le chéile do réir forálacha an Achta so chun gach ceann no aon cheann de sna cuideachtana tógthaisteach do thógaint isteach sa chuideachtain chó-nasctha, ar théarmaí le n-a n-aontóidh na cuideachtana tógtha-isteach le n-a mbainfidh an scéim no na scéimeanna.


(2) Cuirfidh an tAire chun an bhínse bhóthair iarainn aon scéim a cuirfar fé n-a bhráid mar sin, agus daingneoidh an bínse an scéim mara bhfeictar dóibh ná fuil an scéim do réir mar a hiarrtar leis an Acht í bheith no nár có-líonadh na forálacha den Acht so a bhaineann leis an nós-imeachta is inleanta sara gcuirtar fé bhráid an Aire scéim le n-ar haontuíodh.


(3) Mara gcuiridh na cuideachtana có-nascthacha fé bhráid an Aire, ar an dáta san no roimhe sin, scéim no scéimeanna le n-ar haontuíodh agus a cuireadh le chéile do réir forálacha an Achta so chun gach cuideachta thógtha-isteach do thógaint isteach, ullamhóidh agus socróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn do réir an Achta so scéim chun tógaint-isteach do dhéanamh ar aon chuideachta den tsórt san nár dineadh ina cóir scéim thógainte-isteach le n-ar haontuíodh agus a cuireadh le chéile do réir forálacha an Achta so.


Forálacha a bheidh i scéimeanna tógainteisteach.

6.—I scéim thógainte-isteach fén Acht so—


(a) socrófar ar pé slí a dheabhróidh bheith riachtanach no oiriúnach i dtaobh maoin, ceartanna, comhachtanna, dualgaisí, agus fiachaisí uile, reachtúil no nea-reachtúil, aon chuideachtan tógtha-isteach le n-a mbaineann an scéim, d'aistriú chun na cuideachtan có-nasctha; agus


(b) socrófar i dtaobh na comaoine a tabharfar don chuideachtain no do sna cuideachtana tógtha-isteach, agus go generálta i dtaobh téarmaí agus coiníollacha an aistrithe, agus féadfar a shocrú go mbeidh an chomaoine có-dhéanta, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, d'urúsanna ón gcuideachtain chó-nasctha; agus


(c) socrófar i dtaobh críochnú gnótha na cuideachtan no na gcuideachtana tógtha-isteach agus féadfar a shocrú go bhfuighidh sealbhóir aon urúsanna de chuid na cuideachtan tógtha-isteach, nuair a déanfar aon chríochnú-gnótha den tsórt san, in ionad na n-urús san agus mar shásamh ar gach éileamh a eireoidh dá mbarr, urúsanna de chuid na cuideachtan có-nasctha atá ina gcuid den chomaoine a híocfar as aistriú an ghnótha, pé cinn agus pé méideanna ionta a luadhfar sa scéim, agus féadfar, le toil na n-únaerí, socrú i dtaobh cúiteamh d'íoc amach as sócmhainní cuideachtan tógtha-isteach le héinne de stiúrthóirí na cuideachtan san go mbainfidh cailliúint do tré dheire do bheith curtha len' oifig no a eireoidh as oifig toisc é bheith ceaptha mar bhall seasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn, ach sa chás deiridh sin cuimhneofar ar a luach saothair mar bhall seasmhach den tsórt san den bhínse bhóthair iarainn nuair a beifear ag socrú méid aon chúitimh den tsórt san; agus


(d) ionchorporófar forálacha Cuid V. den Railways Clauses Act, 1863, fé réir forálacha an Achta so; agus


(e) beidh pé forálacha is gá de dheascaibh na tógainteisteach maidir le bainistí aon chiste no cistí i gcóir aois-liúntais, pinsin, soláthair, baintreacha agus dílleachtaithe, agus sochair eile, a bunuíodh ag aon chuideachtain thógtha-isteach le n-a mbaineann an scéim, ach san i dtreo go gcimeádfar bainistí na gcistí sin ar gach slí eile gan atharú go dtí go ndéanfar socrú eile ag an Oireachtas no tré chó-aontú idir na páirtithe le n-a mbaineann an scéal, pe'ca aca is gá sa chás; agus


(f) ionchorporófar na forálacha atá sa Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so maidir le sean-oifigigh agus seana-sheirbhísigh; agus


(g) féadfar pé foth-fhorálacha agus forálacha breise do dhéanamh a dheabhróidh bheith riachtanach no oiriúnach chun forálacha na scéime agus crícheanna an Achta so do chur i lán-éifeacht.


I gcásanna áirithe ní haistreofar fiachas.

7.—(1) In ainneoin éinní atá san Acht so, ní haistreofar chun na cuideachtan có-nasctha aon fhiachas atá ar chuideachtain tógtha-isteach maidir le haon dividenda no ús no riaráiste dividenda no úis ar aon iasacht no ar aon mhorgáiste, banna, muirear, debentiúir, stoc debentiúra no urús eile ar airgead ar a raibh riaráiste dividenda no úis sé mblian no breis gan íoc ar an 3adh lá d'Abrán, 1924, agus ní bhainfidh leis an bhfiachas san aon fhorálacha san Acht so a bhaineann le scéim thógainte-isteach: Ach ní bhainfidh an fo-alt so leis an bhfiachas atá ar chuideachtain tógtha-isteach maidir le haon dividenda no ús no riaráiste dividenda no úis ar aon mhorgáiste, banna, muirear, debentiúir, stoc debentiúra no urús eile ar airgead, 'na raibh a shealbhóir de bhua an chéanna (pe'ca tríd féin é no tré iontaobhaí thar a cheann, no tré ghlacadóir a cheap sé no tré aon iontaobhaí thar a cheann san), ar an 3adh lá d'Abrán, 1924, i seilbh na maoine no aon chuid den mhaoin gurb é an morgáiste, an banna, an muirear, an debentiúir, no an stoc debentiúra san no an t-urús eile sin ar airgead í.


(2) Mara socruighidh na cuideachtana có-nascthacha agus na cuideachtana tógtha-isteach chun críche scéime tógainte-isteach, cad is luach caipitiúil d'aon iasacht no urús áirithe dá luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt so, isé méid a bheidh sa luach ná pé méid (más ann do) a shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn tar éis féachaint arbh fhéidir go n-íocfaí aon dividenda no ús ar aon iasacht no urús den tsórt san dá mba ná déanfí an tógaint-isteach.


Forálacha i dtaobh socrú téarmaí agus coiníollacha an chó-nasctha no an aistrithe.

8.—Chun téarmaí agus coiníollacha an chó-nasctha idir na cuideachtana có-nascthacha do shocrú no téarmaí agus coiníollacha aistriú gnó aon chuideachtan tógtha-isteach, breithneoidh an bínse bóthair iarainn gach éinní a bhaineann leis an scéal, go mór mór luach gach cuideachtan de sna cuideachtana có-nascthacha agus de sna cuideachtana tógtha-isteach mar chuideachtain fé leith, do réir an ioncuim glan a thuillid, agus a luach mar fhíor-chuid den chuideachtain chó-nasctha: ach déanfar san gan bacaint le spáráil ná le méadú gnótha ná le nithe eile a raghadh chun a luach do mhéadú mar fhíor-chuid den tsórt san agus ná tiocfadh ach amháin de bharr na bhforálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le cónasca agus le tógaint-isteach:


Ach i gcás líne cuideachtan do bheith á oibriú ag cuideachtain eile fé shocrú tré n-a bhfuil percentáiste d'fháltaisí iomlána an líne a hoibrítear amhlaidh iníoctha leis an gcuideachtain gur leo an líne, ní chuirfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn san áireamh, nuair a bheid ag socrú téarmaí agus coiníollacha an aistrithe, aon chomhachta chun éilithe dhéanamh is aoirde ná iad súd a húdaruítear i gcóir an líne sin fé sna forálacha reachtúla a bhí i bhfeidhm sa bhliain 1913.


Forálacha breise i dtaobh scéimeanna.

9.—(1) Déanfar an scéim chó-nascthachta agus gach scéim thógainte-isteach do chur le chéile i slí go dtiocfid i ngníomh an 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1925, no ar pé dáta roimhe sin no ina dhiaidh a shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire:


Ach tuigfar an scéim chó-nascthachta do theacht i ngníomh láithreach roimh na scéimeanna tógainte-isteach.


(2) Sara gcuirtar chun an bhínse bhóthair iarainn scéim chónascthachta no scéim thógainte-isteach le n-ar haontuíodh, déanfar, ar an gcuma a foráltar sa Cheathrú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so, an scéim do chur fé bhráid únaerí agus sealbhóirí stuic dhebentiúra gach cuideachtan có-nascthaighe agus gach cuideachtan tógtha-isteach le n-a mbaineann an scéim.


(3) Nuair a bheidh scéim fén gCuid seo den Acht so daingnithe no socruithe ag an mbínse bóthair iarainn, beidh gach duine fé cheangal aici agus beidh éifeacht aici fé mar a hachtófí san Acht so í, agus má foráltar le haon scéim den tsórt san go gcuirfar aon urúsanna ón gcuideachtain chó-nasctha in ionad urúsanna cuideachtan có-nascthaighe no cuideachtan tógtha-isteach beidh ag aon iontaobhaí no ag éinne eile a bheidh ag gníomhú i bhfeidh meanas iontaoibhe, más rud é, ar dháta an chó-nasctha no na tógainte-isteach, go raibh aon urúsanna o chuideachtain chonascthach no o chuideachtain tógtha-isteach ar seilbh aige agus go raibh teideal aige chun iad do bheith ar seilbh aige, beidh aige teideal chun na hurúsanna ón gcuideachtain chó-nasctha a cuirfar ina n-ionad do bheith ar seilbh aige.


(4) Ní bheidh aon diúité stampa iníoctha ar scór aon scéime có-nascthachta no tógainte-isteach.


(5) Cuirfar ar díol, i pé áiteanna agus ar pé praghsanna a ordóidh an tAire, cóipeanna cló-bhuailte den scéim chónascthachta bheartuithe agus de gach scéim thógainte-isteach a cuireadh fé bhráid an Aire no d'ullamhuigh an bínse bóthair iarainn do réir forálacha altanna 3 agus 5 den Acht so, fé seach, agus foillseofar san Iris Oifigiúil fógra á rá go bhfuil na cóipeanna san ar díol agus cá bhfuilid le fáil, agus ní dhéanfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn aon scéim den tsórt san do dhaingniú ná do shocrú go ceann lá is fiche tar éis foillsiú an fhógra san.


(6) Tuigfar gur rialacha reachtúla an scéim chó-nascthachta agus gach scéim thógainte-isteach agus déanfar iad do chlóbhuala, d'uimhriú, d'fhoillsiú agus do dhíol, agus féadfar iad do luadh, fé mar is gá rialacha reachtúla do chló-bhuala, d'uimhriú, d'fhoillsiú, agus do dhíol, agus fé mar is ceaduithe iad do luadh, do réir na dlí de thurus na huaire.


(7) Má chuireann an bínse bóthair iarainn siar go dtí dáta is déanaí ná an 1adh lá san d'Eanair, 1925, dáta na scéimeanna có-nascthachta agus tógainte-isteach do theacht i ngníomh, ansan, faid a beifar ag feitheamh leis an dáta san, déanfar gnóthaí gach cuideachtan có-nascthaighe agus gach cuideachtan tógthaisteach d'úsáid, d'oibriú, do bhainistí, do choinneáil suas agus do dheisiú mar aon chó-ghnó amháin, agus roinnfar fáltaisí glan an chó-ghnótha ar na cuideachtana có-nascthacha agus na cuideachtana tógtha-isteach ar pé téarmaí agus fé réir pé coiníollacha agus do réir pé cionúireachtaí ar a socróidh na cuideachtana uile agus fé leith le cead ón mbínse bóthair iarainn, no, mara ndintar an socrú san, fé mar a cheapfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn, agus déanfar na forálacha so a leanas den Acht so agus a bhaineas leis an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha d'fheidhmiú fé is dá mb'é gnó na cuideachtan có-nasctha an có-ghnó san agus fé is dá mb'é an chuideachta chó-nasctha cólucht rialúcháin an chó-ghnótha.



10.—(1) Féadfidh aon dá chuideachtain chó-nascthacha no níos mó roimh-scéim i gcóir có-nasca na gcuideachtan san do leaga fé bhráid an Aire aon uair tar éis rithte an Achta so agus roimh an 31adh lá de Lúnasa, 1924, chun í chur chun an Bhínse Bhóthair Iarainn.


(2) Féadfidh cuideachta chó-nascthach no aon dá chuideachtain chó-nascthacha no níos mó roimh-scéim do leaga fé bhráid an Aire aon uair tar éis rithte an Achta so agus roimh an 31adh lá de Lúnasa, 1924, chun í chur chun an Bhínse Bhóthair Iarainn, roimh-scéim chun aon chuideachta no cuideachtana tógthaisteach do thógaint isteach sa chuideachtain na sna cuideachtana có-nascthacha san ar pé téarmaí ar a socrófar idir na cuideachtana san.


(3) Ceadóidh an Bínse Bóthair Iarainn aon roimh-scéim den tsórt san a cuirfar chúcha amhlaidh mara bhfeictar dóibh nár có-líonadh na forálacha den Acht so a bhaineann leis an nósimeachta is inleanta sara gcuirtar scéim fé bhráid an Aire no, tar éis éisteacht le pé cinn de sna cuideachtana có-nascthacha eile gur mian leo go n-éistfí leo, maran dó leis an mBínse Bóthair Iarainn an scéim do bheith bunoscionn leis an scéim chó-nascthachta a déanfar do réir forálacha an Achta so no docharach di.


(4) Láithreach tar éis a ceaduithe tiocfidh gach roimh-scéim den tsórt san i ngníomh fé réir pé forálacha a bheidh inti ina thaobh san.


(5) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo, bainfidh na forálacha uile atá sa Chuid seo den Acht so i dtaobh scéimeanna có-nascthachta agus scéimeanna tógainte-isteach, tar éis na hoiriúnuithe is gá do dhéanamh ortha, bainfid fé seach le roimh-scéimeanna có-nascthachta agus le roimh-scéimeanna tógainte-isteach ach amháin, in ionad éifeacht do thabhairt, i roimh-scéim chó-nascthachta, do sna forálacha atá sa Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so i dtaobh stiúrú na Cuideachtan, go gcuirfar inti pé socrú eile ina thaobh ar a socrófar idir na cuideachtana a có-nascfar.


(6) Ag daingniú no ag ullamhú agus ag socrú na scéime conascthachta dóibh, cuirfidh an Bínse Bóthair Iarainn in éifeacht aon roimh-scéim a cheaduíodar, ach déanfid é i slí ná déanfa sé dochar do leasanna na gcuideachtana có-nascthacha eile.


(7) Aon chuideachta a bunófar le roimh-scéim chó-nascthachta tuigfar chun crícheanna an Achta so gur cuideachta chó-nascthach í in ionad na gcuideachtana a có-nascadh tríd an scéim agus ní tuigfar gurb í an chuideachta chó-nasctha do réir brí an Achta so í.


Comhacht d'iontaobhaithe chun urúsanna na cuideachtan có-nasctha do cheannach.

11.—Chun crícheanna forálacha an Trustee Act, 1893, i dtaobh na n-urús go bhfuil sé údaruithe d'iontaobhaithe cistí iontaobhachta do shúncáil ionta, deighleálfar leis an gcuideachtain chónasctha fé is dá mba chuideachta bhóthair iarainn i Saorstát Éireann í a hionchorporófí tré Acht Páirliminte fé leith agus go ndéanfadh sí, i ngach bliain den deich mbliana díreach roimh dháta an chó-nascthachta, dividendum d'íoc do réir ráta nár lú ná trí per centum per annum ar a gnáth-stoc.


Fostaithe Tigh Eadar-Chuntais Bóithre Iarainn na hÉireann.

12.—(1) Bainfidh forálacha an Tríú Sceidil a ghabhann leis an Acht so, agus na hatharuithe a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso déanta ortha, le gach duine a bhí ar an 3adh lá d'Abrán, 1924, ina oifigeach no ina sheirbhíseach do Thigh Eadar-Chuntais Bóithre Iarainn na hÉireann agus a cuirfar chun siúil toisc deire bheith le n-a oifig no le n-a bhirt de dheascaibh aon ath-chóghléasa a déanfar ar Thigh Eadar-Chuntais Bóithre Iarainn na hÉireann laistigh dé chúig bliana tar éis rithte an Achta so, no go n-éileofar air dá dheascaibh dualgaisí do chó-líona ná fuil có-ghaolmhar do sna dualgaisí a bhíodh air a chó-líona láithreach roimh an dáta roimhráite no atá ina mbreis nea-réasúnta leo.


(2) Chun críche an Tríú Sceidil a ghabhann leis an Acht so do chur i mbaint leis na daoine roimhráite, léireofar an Sceideal san agus beidh éifeacht aige fé is dá gcuirtí Tigh Eadar-Chuntais Bóithre Iarainn na hÉireann sa Sceideal san in ionad na cuideachtan có-nasctha agus fé is dá mb'oifigigh no seirbhísigh do chuideachtain chó-nascthach na daoine roimhráite.


Bunu an Bhinse Bhothair Iarainn.


Có-dhéanamh an bhínse bhóthair iarainn.

13.—(1) Bunófar cúirt dá ngairmfar an Bínse Bóthair Iarainn agus a bheidh có-dhéanta de thriúr ball seasmhach, sé sin lé rá, cathaoirleach agus beirt ghnáth-bhall, agus isé an Seanascal a cheapfidh iad uile, ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle.


(2) Ceapfar gach duine de bhaill sheasmhacha an bhínse bhóthair iarainn agus beidh sé i seilbh oifige ar feadh cúig mblian agus ansan ragha sé as oifig, ach beidh sé ion-athcheaptha.


(3) Féadfidh ball seasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn eirghe as a oifig aon uair.


(4) Ní féadfar ball seasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn do chur as a oifig ach le rún a rithfidh Dáil Éireann agus Seanad Éireann agus san mar gheall ar mhí-chumas no mí-iompar a luadhfar sa rún san.


(5) Beidh an bínse bóthair iarainn ina chúirt bhreacacháin agus beidh séala oifigiúil aige ar a dtabharfar áird go hoifigiúil agus i gcúrsaí breithiúntais, agus féadfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn gníomhú in ainneoin aon fholúntas do bheith ina líon.


Cáilíochta ballra an bhínse bhóthair iarainn.

14.—(1) Gach duine a ceapfar chun bheith ina chathaoirleach ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn ní foláir do bheith ar dháta a cheaptha—


(a) ina abhcóide a bhí ag cleachta a ghairme ar feadh deich mblian ar a luíod, no


(b) ina bhreitheamh no tar éis bheith ina bhreitheamh den Chúirt Uachtarach, den Ard-Chúirt no den Chúirt Chuarda, no


(c) tar éis bheith ina bhreitheamh de Chúirt Uachtarach an Údaráis in Éirinn, no


(d) tar éis bheith ina Bhreacthóir no ina Bhreitheamh Chúirte Contae i Saorstát Éireann.


(2) Féadfar breitheamh den Chúirt Uachtarach, den Ard-Chúirt, no den Chúirt Chuarda do cheapa agus é i seilbh na hoifige sin, le n-a thoil féin agus le toil an Phrímh-Bhreithimh, chun bheith ina chathaoirleach ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn ar na téarmaí go bhféadfa sé a oifig mar bhreitheamh den tsórt san do chimeád in ainneoin a cheaptha mar chathaoirleach den tsórt san.


(3) Ní foláir do dhuine de ghnáth-bhaill an bhínse bhóthair iarainn taithí do bheith aige i gcúrsaí tráchtála agus ní foláir don duine eile de sna baill sin taithí do bheith aige i ngnó bóthair iarainn.


(4) Ní dhéanfidh ball seasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn, faid a bheidh an oifig sin aige, dul ná fanúint ar fostú ag aon duine ná ag aon chuideachtain ná ag aon lucht eile gnótha a iomparuíonn daoine no rudaí, agus ní dhéanfidh cathaoirleach ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn, faid a bheidh an oifig sin aige, dlí do chleachta ag an mbarra i Saorstát Éireann.


(5) Fé réir na bhforálacha san roimhe seo den alt so, féadfar ball seasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn do cheapa ar pé téarmaí, maidir le haon oifig no fostaíocht eile do chimeád no gan a cimeád aige, a chuirfidh an Ard-Chomhairle in úil don tSeanascal, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire marab Aire den Ard-Chomhairle é.


Ceapa oifigeacha agus íoc costaisí an bhínse bhóthair iarainn.

15.—(1) Ceapfidh an tAire clárathóir don bhínse bhóthair iarainn agus féadfa sé, fé réir cead an Aire Airgid maidir le huimhreacha, oifigigh agus seirbhísigh eile do cheapa don bhínse bhóthair iarainn fé mar a mheasfa sé bheith riachtanach chun cabhrú leo chun a ndualgaisí d'fheidhmiú.


(2) Íocfar le baill sheasmhacha an bhínse bhóthair iarainn, agus le clárathóir agus oifigigh agus seirbhísigh eile an bhínse bhóthair iarainn pé luach saothair a shocróidh an tAire Airgid.


(3) Bainfidh Acht Rialuithe na Stát-Sheirbhíse, 1924 (Uimh. 5 de 1924), le clárathóir agus le hoifigigh agus seirbhísigh eile an bhínse bhóthair iarainn.


(4) Is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar luach saothair ballra (ar a n-áirítear baill shealadacha) agus clárathóir agus oifigeacha agus seirbhíseacha eile an bhínse bhóthair iarainn agus gach costas eile fé n-a raghaidh an bínse bóthair iarainn i bhfeidhmiú agus i gcó-líona a gcomhacht agus a ndualgaisí, agus ar a iarraidh laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis deire gach bliana airgeadais íocfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha leis an Aire Airgid mar chuid dá costaisí oibre suim is có-ionann le leath na breise a shocróidh an tAire Airgid a bheith ag an luach saothair agus ag na costaisí sin an bhliain airgeadais sin ar shuim na dtáillí uile d'éilimh agus a fuair an bínse bóthair iarainn fén Acht so an bhliain airgeadais sin.


Ní bheidh scaireanna ag baill den bhínse bhóthair iarainn in aon ghnó iompair.

16.—(1) Gach éinne a ceapfar chun bheith ina bhall sheasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn, déanfa sé gach scair in aon ghnó iompair a bheidh dá chuid féin aige, no go mbeidh leas aige ann chun tairfe dho féin, le linn a cheaptha, do dhíol agus do chur as a lámhaibh ar fad laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis a cheaptha, agus más rud é, le huacht no le comharbacht, go dtuitfidh aon scaireanna in aon ghnó iompair chun ball den bhínse bhóthair iarainn, no go ndílseofar ann iad, chun tairfe dho féin, déanfa sé iad no an leas atá aige ionta do dhíol agus do chur as a lámhaibh ar fad laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis iad do thuitim chuige no tar éis a ndílsithe ann ar an gcuma san.


(2) Ní dhéanfidh ball seasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn, faid a bheidh an oifig sin ar seilbh aige, aon scaireanna in aon ghnó iompair do cheannach ná do ghlaca ná leas ionta d'fháil chun tairfe dho féin.


(3) Aon bhall seasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn a chimeádfidh, a cheannóidh, no a ghlacfidh aon scaireanna in aon ghnó iompair no 'na dtiocfidh leas chuige ionta no 'na bhfanfidh leas aige ionta i gcoinnibh an ailt seo, beidh sé fé mhí-cháilíocht maidir le n-a oifig mar bhall den tsórt san agus tuigfar é bheith tar éis dul aisti.


(4) San alt so cialluíonn agus foluíonn an focal “scaireanna in aon ghnó iompair” aon stoc, scaireanna, debentiúirí, stoc debentiúra, bannaí, no urúsanna eile de chuid aon chuideachtan a iomparuíonn daoine no rudaí sa Bhreatain Mhóir no in Éirinn.


Baill bhreise agus baill shealadacha den bhínse.

17.—(1) Bunófar dhá phainéal, sé sin le rá:—


(a) painéal (dá ngairmfar an “painéal generálta” ina dhiaidh seo anso) a bheidh có-dhéanta de dháréag a ainmneoidh an Seanascal ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle, comhairle a tabharfar, maidir le triúr díobh, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire agus i dtreo gur triúr iad san a bheidh ionadathach do leasanna tráchtála agus tionnscail agus, maidir le beirt eile dhíobh, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire agus i dtreo gur beirt iad san a bheidh ionadathach do leasanna lucht oibre agus, maidir le beirt eile dhíobh, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire agus i dtreo gur beirt iad san a bheidh ionadathach do leasanna paisnéirí ar bhóithre iarainn agus, maidir le ceathrar eile dhíobh, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Tailte agus Talmhaíochta agus i dtreo gur ceathrar iad san a bheidh ionadathach do leasanna talmhaíochta agus, maidir le héinne amháin eile dhíobh, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Iascaigh agus i dtreo gur duine é sin a bheidh ionadathach do leasanna iascaigh; agus


(b) painéal (dá ngairmfar “painéal na mbóthar iarainn agus na gcanálach” ina dhiaidh seo anso) a bheidh có-dhéanta de cheathrar a ainmneoidh an Seanascal ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle, comhairle a tabharfar tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire agus i dtreo gur triúr a bheidh ionadathach do sna cuideachtana bóthair iarainn i Saorstát Éireann triúr acu agus i dtreo gur duine a bheidh ionadathach do sna cuideachtana agus do sna húdarásanna canálach agus loingseoireachta intíre i Saorstát Éireann an duine eile acu.


(2) Ceapfar gach ball de sna painéil ar feadh pé téarma, nách sia ná trí bliana o dháta a cheaptha, a shocróidh an Seanascal, ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle, nuair a bheidh an ceapa á dhéanamh agus ansan imeoidh sé as oifig, ach beidh ball a imeoidh as oifig ion-athcheaptha.


(3) Má thárluíonn aon fholúntas i líon na mball seasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn, no má bhíonn aon bhall seasmhach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn, tré bhreoiteacht fhada no tré ní dho-sheachanta eile, gan bheith ábalta ar theacht go dtí cruinnithe den bhínse, ansan, chun crícheanna Cuid III. den Acht so, agus chuige sin amháin, faid a bheidh na folúntaisí sin gan líona no faid a bheidh an ball san gan teacht go dtí na cruinnithe sin—


(a) i gcás an chathaoirligh, féadfidh an Seanascal, ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle, duine do cheapa chun gníomhú mar chathaoirleach sealadach ina áit; agus


(b) i gcás éinne de sna gnáth-bhaill, féadfidh an Seanascal, ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle, ball de phainéal do cheapa chun gníomhú ina áit, duine a roghnófar ón bpainéal generálta no painéal na mbóthar iarainn agus na gcanálach do réir cáilíocht an ghnáth-bhaill a bheidh i gceist.


(4) Más rud é, chun crícheanna aon cháis no imeachta áirithe a bunófar fé Chuid III. den Acht so, go n-iarrfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn é, ar iarratas o éinne de sna páirtithe no ar aon tslí eile, no gur dó leis an Aire gur rud oiriúnach é, cuirfar leis an mbínse bóthair iarainn beirt bhall sa bhreis a ainmneoidh an Seanascal, ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle, ón bpainéal, eadhon, ball breise a roghnófar ón bpainéal generálta agus an ball eile o phainéal na mbóthar iarainn agus na gcanálach.


Nuair a beifar ag roghnú baill o cheachtar de sna painéil, cuimhneofar ar cadé an saghas an cás no an imeacht áirithe a bheidh le héisteacht i dtreo, sa mhéid gur féidir é, gur duine an ball san a roghnófar go mbeidh taithí agus eolas aige ar na nithe teicniciúla a eireoidh sa chás no san imeacht áirithe sin.


(5) Gach duine a ceapfar fén alt so chun bheith ina chathaoirleach shealadach no ina bhall shealadach den bhínse bhóthair iarainn, íocfar leis, faid a bheidh sé i seilbh na hoifige sin, pé luach saothair a shocróidh an tAire Airgid agus beidh aige agus feidhmeoidh sé an uile cheann de chomhachtanna agus d'fheidhmeanna cathaoirleach an bhínse bhóthair iarainn no gnáth-bhaill den chéanna (pe'ca aca é).


(6) Einne a ceapfar fén alt so chun bheith ina bhall bhreise den bhínse bhóthair iarainn beidh sé ina bhall den bhínse bhóthair iarainn chun crícheanna aon imeacht gur ceapadh é mar gheall ortha agus, fé réir forálacha na Coda so den Acht so agus fé réir na rialacha generálta a bheidh déanta fútha, beidh aige agus feidhmeoidh sé an uile cheann de chomhachtanna agus d'fheidhmeanna baill den bhínse bhóthair iarainn.


Comhachta generálta an bhínse bhóthair iarainn.

18.—(1) Chun crícheanna an Achta so beidh lán-chomhacht agus lán-údarás ag an mbínse bóthair iarainn, chun gach ní, i ndlí no i bhfírinne, a tabharfar os a gcóir go cuibhe fén Acht so, d'éisteacht agus do shocrú agus, ag feidhmiú a gcomhachta fén Acht so dhóibh, ní féadfar srian do chur leo le hordú a dhéanfidh aon chúirt eile, ná ní féadfar aon imeachta a bheidh os a gcóir d'aistriú isteach in aon chúirt eile le certiorari.


(2) Beidh ag an mbínse bóthair iarainn, maidir leis na nithe seo a leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) a chur fhiachaint ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair (tar éis a gcostaisí do thairisgint dóibh), fínnithe do scrúdú tré chomhrá béil no tré mhóid-scríbhinn, agus dintiúirí, leabhair, páipéirí, agus scríbhinní do thabhairt i láthair; agus


(b) pionós do chur ar dhaoine a dhiúltóidh d'fhianaise do thabhairt no do scríbhinní do thabhairt i láthair, no a bheidh ciontach i maslú i láthair an bhínse bhóthair iarainn no i láthair éinne acu agus é ina shuidhe i gcúirt oscailte; agus


(c) a n-orduithe do chur i bhfeidhm; agus


(d) nithe eile is gá no is ceart chun a n-údaráis uile agus fé leith fén Acht so d'fheidhmiú go cuibhe no chun an tAcht so do chur in éifeacht ar aon tslí eile;


gach comhacht, ceart agus príbhléid den tsórt atá dílsithe san Ard-Chúirt chun na gcrícheanna san no chun crícheanna dá samhail, agus tuigfar sa dlí gur imeacht bhreithiúntais os cóir cúirte breacacháin gach imeacht a bheidh os cóir an bhínse bhóthair iarainn.


(3) Ach amháin i gcás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so fé mar is toil leis an mbínse bóthair iarainn isea a bheidh costaisí gach imeachta agus costaisí de dheascaibh gach imeachta a bheidh os cóir an bhínse bhóthair iarainn, agus féadfaidh an bínse a ordú cé íocfidh agus cé leis go n-íocfar iad agus cé a mheádhfidh agus a lomhálfidh iad.


Nós-imeachta agus táillí.

19.—(1) Féadfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn, fé cheadú ón Aire agus an Phrímh-Bhreithimh, rialacha generálta do dhéanamh chun a nós-imeachta agus a gcleachta do rialú agus go generálta chun a ndualgaisí agus a gcomhachta fén Acht so do chur in éifeacht, agus féadfar leis na rialacha san, imeasc nithe eile, forálacha do dhéanamh i dtaobh—


(a) an bínse do mhola costaisí, ach san i dtreo, in imeachta fén Acht so a bheidh os cóir an bhínse bhóthair iarainn ar agra aon chuideachtan no duine, lasmuich de chonspóidí idir dhá chuideachtain bhóthair iarainn no níos mó, ná beidh comhacht ag an mbínse chun costaisí do mhola marab é a dtuairim gur rud suaibhreosach ciapthach an t-iarratas no an t-éileamh no an gearán no an chosaint no an agóid, pe'ca aca é;


(b) aon cheist do chur fé bhráid baill no oifigigh den bhínse, no fé bhráid éinne eile a cheapfid, chun tuairisc do thabhairt tar éis fiosrúchán do dhéanamh go háitiúil;


(c) comhacht do thabhairt don bhínse chun aon imeachta a bheidh os a gcóir do chríochnú, bíodh go ndéanfar atharú le linn na n-imeacht maidir leis na daoine a bheidh ina suidhe mar bhaill den bhínse;


(d) ceart chun éisteacht d'fháil i láthair an bhínse ach teideal a bheith ag páirtí ar bith chun éisteacht d'fháil i bpearsain, no tré ionadaí ar gnáth-fhostú ag an bpáirtí ach údarás cuibhe i scríbhinn do bheith aige, no tré abhcóide no tré atúrnae;


(e) an méid ball den bhínse is gá chun quorum do dhéanamh chun cásanna de shaghasanna difriúla d'éisteacht.


(2) Eileoidh an bínse bóthair iarainn agus íocfar, i dtaobh imeachta a bheidh os a gcóir agus i dtaobh gníomhartha a dhineadar féin no éinne dá n-oifigigh i bhfeidhmiú a gcomhacht agus a ndualgaisí fé seach, pé táillí a hordófar le horduithe a dhéanfidh an tAire ar mhola ón mbínse bóthair iarainn agus le cead ón Aire Airgid.


(3) Tabharfidh an tAire don bhínse bhóthair iarainn pé cúnamh a éileoidh an bínse, agus cuirfe sé ar fáil don bhínse aon eolas atá ar seilbh aige agus is dó leis a bhaineann leis an ní atá os cóir an bhínse, agus beidh teideal ag an Aire chun teacht i láthair agus éisteacht d'fháil in aon imeachta os cóir an bhínse.


(4) Tabharfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn don Aire gach bliain tuairisc ar a n-imeachta fén Acht so, maraon le tuairiscí ar na cásanna d'éisteadar agus ar ar thugadar breith, pé cinn acu go bhfeicfar dóibh buan-tácht no tácht speisialta a bheith ag baint leo, agus leagfidh an tAire an tuairisc sin fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas.



20.—I mBaile Atha Cliath a bheidh príomh-oifig an bhínse bhóthair iarainn ach, fé réir forálacha an Achta so agus fé réir na rialacha a bheidh déanta fútha, féadfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn suidheanna bheith acu in aon pháirt de Shaorstát Éireann, i pé áit no áiteanna a bheidh caothúil chun breith do thabhairt ar na himeachta a bheidh os a gcóir.


Do réir barúla móráirimh de sna baill a bheidh i láthair a bheidh na breitheanna.

21.—(1) An bhreith a tabharfar ar aon cheist a bheidh os cóir an bhínse bhóthair iarainn beidh sí do réir barúla an mhóráirimh de sna baill (ar a n-áireofar baill bhreise, más ann dóibh) den bhínse bhóthair iarainn a éisteoidh an cás.


(2) Isé an cathaoirleach no an ball eile a bheidh i gceannas an uair sin a chraolfidh gach breith a thabharfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn, agus ní dhéanfidh aon bhall eile aon bhreith ná barúil do chraola ar leithligh.



22.—(1) Ní luighfidh aon athchomharc in aghaidh aon ordú a dhéanfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn i bhfeidhmiú aon údaráis a tugtar dóibh le Cuid I. den Acht so, ná in aghaidh aon bhreith a thabharfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn fé aon údarás eile ar cheist fírinne ná ar aon cheist i dtaobh locus standi éinne a thiocfidh no a éileoidh éisteacht d'fháil ina láthair.


(2) Ach amháin i gcás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt leis an Acht so, luighfidh athchomharc chun na Cúirte Uachtaraí in aghaidh gach breith a thabharfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn, ach ní cuirfar a leithéid d'athchomharc ar siúl ach do réir rialacha de rialacha cúirte na Cúirte Uachtaraí.


(3) Ag éisteacht athchomhairc di in aghaidh an bhínse bhóthair iarainn, féadfidh an Chúirt Uachtarach gach brí do bhaint as an scéal ná beidh bunoscionn leis na dátáin a chinn an bínse bóthair iarainn go soiléir, agus is gá chun breith do thabhairt ar na ceisteanna a cuirfar san athchomharc, agus beidh gach comhacht aici chuige sin fé is dá mb'athchomharc in aghaidh breith ón Ard-Chúirt an t-athchomharc, agus féadfa sí aon ordú do dhéanamh a fhéadfadh an bínse bóthair iarainn a dhéanamh agus fós aon ordú eile a bheidh ceart, agus fé mar is toil leis an gCúirt Uachtarach isea bheidh costaisí athchomhairc agus costaisí de dheascaibh athchomhairc, ach ní féadfar aon chostaisí do chur ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn ná ar aon bhall de ná ar aon oifigeach do de dheascaibh ná ar scór aon athchomhairc.


Feidhmeanna Choimisiún na mBóthar Iarainn agus na gCanálach d'aistriú.

23.—(1) Gach feidhm, údarás, comhacht agus dualgas a bhí, ar an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921, á bhfeidhmiú ag Coimisiún na mBóthar Iarainn agus na gCanálach no forchurtha ortha do réir reachta no ar aon tslí eile, déanfar (lasmuich de sna heisceachtaí a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso) o am rithte an Achta so agus dá éis iad d'fheidhmiú agus do chó-líona i Saorstát Éireann ag an mbínse bóthair iarainn.


(2) Maidir le haon ghníomh, rud, no ní do dhéanamh no gan é do dhéanamh tar éis rithte an Achta so, déanfar gach luadh no tagairt atá in aon Reacht Briotáineach do Choimisiún na mBóthar Iarainn agus na gCanálach do léiriú agus beidh éifeacht aige mar luadh no tagairt don bhínse bhóthair iarainn, fé réir forálacha an Achta so agus lasmuich de sna cásanna a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso.


(3) Na feidhmeanna, údaráis, comhachta, agus dualgaisí uile agus fé leith a bronntar no a forchuirtar ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn leis an alt so, féadfa siad san iad d'fheidhmiú no do chó-líona chun crícheanna an Achta so chó maith leis an gcrích chun ar bronnadh no ar forchuireadh an céanna ar Choimisiún na mBóthar Iarainn agus na gCanálach.


(4) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le haon cheann de sna feidhmeanna, na húdaráis, na comhachta, ná na dualgaisí a fheidhmíonn Coimisiún na mBóthar Iarainn agus na gCanálach no a bronnadh no a forchuireadh ortha fé fho-alt (1) d'alt 1 den Defence of the Realm (Acquisition of Land) Act, 1916, no leis, no fé alt 8 den Acht chéanna, no leis, ná ní bhainfe sé le haon luadh ná tagairt do Choimisiún na mBóthar Iarainn agus na gCanálach atá in aon Reacht Briotáineach maidir le haon cheann de sna feidhmeanna, na húdaráis, na comhachta, agus na dualgaisí sin.



Eilithe Bothair Iarainn.


Na héilithe atá i bhfeidhm anois.

24.—Na héilithe a bhí i bhfeidhm ag na cuideachtana cónascthacha agus ag na cuideachtana tógtha-isteach an 3adh lá d'Abrán, 1924, fanfid i bhfeidhm mar éilithe maximum mara ndintar agus go dtí go ndéanfar iad d'atharú do réir na Coda so den Acht so.


Scrúdú roimh ré.

25.—Ar dháta nách déanaí ná trí mhí tar éis rithte an Achta so, scrúdóidh an bínse bóthair iarainn na héilithe atá i bhfeidhm fé láthair ag na cuideachtana có-nascthacha agus ag na cuideachtana tógtha-isteach d'fhonn na héilithe sin no aon cheann acu d'atharú ach tabharfid aire do sna cúrsaí ba bhun leis gur húdaruíodh éilithe méaduithe bheith i bhfeidhm ón 1adh lá de Mheán Fhomhair, 1920, agus d'aon atharuithe a chuaidh ar na cúrsaí sin, maraon le haon luíodú a chuaidh ar chostaisí oibre ón dáta san, agus ceapfid lá chun aon atharuithe a socrófar amhlaidh do theacht i ngníomh.

Aicmiú ar Earraí.



26.—Breithneoidh an bínse bóthair iarainn agus, tar éis gach páirtí d'éisteacht go bhfuil baint aige leis an scéal agus gur mian leis go n-éistfí é, socróid cadé an aicmíocht ar earraí tráchtála a bhainfidh leis an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha agus beidh comhacht acu chun an aicmíocht do roinnt i pé méid aicmí ina mbeidh pé saghsanna earraí is oiriúnach leo, agus nuair a bheid á shocrú cadí an aicme ina gcuirfar aon tsaghas áirithe earraí, i dteanta aire thabhairt do gach ní eile a bhaineann leis an scéal, tabharfid aire do luach na n-earraí sin, don toirt a bheidh ionta i gcomórtas le n-a meáchaint, do chúntúirt díobhála dhóibh, agus do chostas a láimhseála, agus don tsábháil costais a thiocfadh as na hearraí sin do chur chun siúil ina gcaindíochta móra.



Leagfar sceidil fé bhráid an bhínse.

27.—(1) Ar dháta nách déanaí ná an 31adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1925, no ar pé dáta ina dhiaidh sin a cheadóidh an tAire, leagfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn sceidil de sna riail-éilithe a bheid ar aigne a chur i bhfeidhm do réir na haicmíochta a socrófar mar adubhradh thuas, agus (lasmuich d'eisceachtaí dá bhforáltar ina dhiaidh seo anso) taisbeánfid na rátaí i gcóir iompair earraí, cá mhéid iad na héilithe cinn-scríbe, agus na táillí i gcóir iompar paisnéirí agus a mbagáiste, agus foillseofar gach sceideal den tsórt san ar pé slí a ordóidh an bínse bóthair iarainn.


(2) Déanfar na sceidil a leagfar fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn amhlaidh do roinnt sna coda agus beid sa bhfuirm a luaidhtear sa Chúigiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so no i pé coda eile no i pé fuirmeacha eile den tsamhail chéanna a ordóidh an bínse bóthair iarainn.


Socrú na sceideal.

28.—Breithneoidh an bínse bóthair iarainn na sceidil de riailéilithe beartuithe a leagfar fé n-a mbráid amhlaidh maraon le haon agóidí ina gcoinnibh sin a cuirfar isteach laistigh den aimsir orduithe agus ar an gcuma orduithe agus, tar éis gach páirtí d'éisteacht go bhfuil baint aige leis an scéal agus gur mian leis go n-éistfí é, déanfid, do réir na bhforálacha atá anso ina dhiaidh seo, na sceidil sin do shocrú maraon le dáta an lae cheaptha a thiocfidh an céanna i ngníomh.


Caithfar na riail-éilithe d'éileamh.

29.—(1) Na héilithe a bheidh i sceideal de riail-éilithe, fé mar a bheidh socair ag an mbínse bóthair iarainn don chuideachtain chó-nasctha, isiad san na héilithe go mbeidh teideal ag an gcuideachtain sin chun iad d'iarraidh, ar an lá ceaptha agus dá éis sin, ar son na seirbhísí uile a déanfar agus gur socruíodh éilithe ina gcóir, agus ní héileofar níos mó ná níos lú ná na héilithe údaruithe sin ach amháin i gcás ráta fé leith no táille fé leith a buanófar, a deonfar, no a socrófar fé fhorálacha na Coda so den Acht so, no maidir le trácht comórtasúil dá réir sin.


(2) Nuair a déanfar aon aithris cúise leis an mbínse bóthair iarainn pe'ca an chuideachta chó-nasctha a dhéanfidh é nuair a bheid ag leaga na sceidealacha de riail-éilithe beartuithe fé n-a mbráid, no aon pháirtí go bhfuil baint aige leis an scéal no an tAire, beidh comhacht ag an mbínse bóthair iarainn chun a shocrú aon uair cá mhéid a rann-íocfidh an chuideachta chónasctha i gcóir aon tré-ráta no tré-tháille no a gheobhaid as.


Phuirt do chosaint.

30.—(1) Gach téarma, coiníoll agus foráil, d'aon achtachán reachtúil no d'aon réiteach a daingníodh le haon achtachán reachtúil no a ghabhann leis mar sceideal atá, le linn rithte an Achta so, i bhfeidhm agus mar cheangal ar aon chuideachtain chó-nascthach no ar aon chuideachtain tógtha-isteach, agus a bhaineann le trácht d'iompar, no a dineadh chun aon chríche eile, leanfid i lán-fheidhm agus i lán-éifeacht, ach amháin sa mhéid go n-athghairmtear no go n-atharuítear leis an Acht so iad; ach ní léireofar aon achtachán reachtúil no réiteach den tsórt san mar ní a bhaineann no a shroiseann chó fada le h-aon chuid ná leis an trácht ar aon chuid de bhóthar iarainn na cuideachtan có-nasctha ná raibh fé réir achtacháin reachtúla no réitigh den tsórt san ná nár bhain a leithéid leis le linn rithte an Achta so.


(2) Fé réir forálacha an Achta so, ní dhéanfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha, tríd na rátaí no na taíllí a éileoid, pe'ca tré-rátaí no tré-tháillí iad no rátaí no táillí áitiúla, ná tríd na saoráidí a thabharfid ná tríd an gcóiríocht a sholáthróid, ná ar aon tslí eile, leath-chumaigh do dhéanamh ar aon phort áirithe i Saorstát Éireann i gcompráid le haon phort eile i Saorstát Éireann go ndintar no gur féidir trácht d'iompar chuige, uaidh no tríd.


(3) Má dhineann éinne go bhfuil baint aige leis an scéal é éileamh ortha, déanfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha gach dícheall is cóir chun módh réasúnta do sholáthar chun tré-chlárú do dhéanamh i gcóir gach bealaigh réasúnta agus tré-rátaí, trétháillí agus tré-shaoráidí ag gabháil leis an tré-chlárú san.


(4) Ní thabharfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha do thrádálaithe atá in aon phort no a úsáideann aon phort i Saorstát Éireann aon luíoduithe, coimisiúin, liúntaisí gníomhaireachta ná liúntaisí eile ná tugann an chuideachta ina leithéid eile sin de chás do thrádálaithe atá in aon phort eile no a úsáideann aon phort eile i Saorstát Éireann, agus folóidh an focal “trádálaithe” aon chuideachta ionchorporuithe bóthair iarainn no luinge gaile.


(5) Má eiríonn aon aighneas aon uair fé fhorálacha an ailt seo no i dtaobh éinní no aon ruda fén alt so, no i dtaobh ce'ca tá an chuideachta chó-nasctha ag có-líona a n-oblagáidí fén alt so, no ag déanamh gach ní is réasúnta no is gá chuige sin, no ná fuil, o am go ham cuirfar fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn an céanna agus tabharfa siad-san breith air.


Eilithe cuideachtana nea-chó-nasctha.

31.—Na rátaí, na táillí, na custuim agus na diúitéthe atá á n-éileamh le linn rithte an Achta so ag cuideachtana bóthair iarainn nách cuideachtana có-nascthacha ná cuideachtana tógthaisteach, sa mhéid go mbainid leis na coda san dá ngnóthaí atá suidhte i Saorstát Éireann fanfid i bhfeidhm mar éilithe maximum mara ndintar agus go dtí go ndéanfar iad d'atharú do réir an ailt seo:


Ach aon uair tar éis rithte an Achta so—


(i) féadfidh aon dream ionadathach de lucht bóithre iarainn d'úsáid a iarraidh ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn na héilithe roimhráite no aon cheann acu do luíodú;


(ii) féadfidh aon trádálaí go bhfuil baint ag aon éileamh áirithe leis a iarraidh ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn an t-éileamh san do luíodú;


(iii) féadfidh aon chuideachta den tsórt san a iarraidh ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn na héilithe roimhráite no aon cheann acu do mhéadú;


(iv) féadfidh aon chuideachta chó-nascthach no thógthaisteach no an chuideachta chó-nasctha no aon dream ionadathach de thrádálaithe no dream atá ionadathach do lucht trádála no do mhuintir aon áite a iarraidh ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn atharú do dhéanamh ar aon luíodú a dhin aon chuideachta den tsórt san ar na héilithe roimhráite no ar aon cheann acu ar aon tslí eile seachas fé ordú ón mbínse bóthair iarainn.


Foillseofar aon iarratas den tsórt san ar pé slí a ordóidh an bínse bóthair iarainn, agus féadfidh an bínse, tar éis gach páirtí d'éisteacht go bhfuil baint aige leis an scéal agus gur mian leis go n-éistfí é, pé atharuithe is dó leis an mbínse is ceart do dhéanamh ar na héilithe sin no ar aon cheann acu, agus ceapfid lá ar a dtiocfidh na hatharuithe i bhfeidhm.


Athghairm ar shean-fhorálacha.

32.—Gach foráil reachtúil, agus forálacha gach réitigh i dtaobh aicmiú earraí tráchtála agus i dtaobh éilithe a éilíonn an chuideachta chó-nasctha ar earraí tráchtála no paisnéirí d'iompar no maidir leis sin, sa mhéid go mbaineann na forálacha san leis na nithe roimhráite beid athghairmthe agus scuirfid de bheith i ngníomh ón lá ceaptha, ach amháin sa mhéid go n-údaruítear le h-aon fhoráil reachtúil, chun faid a chomhreamh, costas speisialta an míle do cheapa i gcóir aon choda de bhóthar iarainn na cuideachtan có-nasctha agus sa mhéid go ndéanfar, i gcás aon réitigh den tsórt san no i gcás forála reachtúla le n-a gceaptar éileamh speisialta, é bhuanú fé fhorálacha na Coda so den Acht so no le hordú ón mbínse bóthair iarainn.


Atharuithe ina dhiaidh sin ar riail-éilithe.

33.—An chuideachta chó-nasctha no aon dream ionadathach de thrádálaithe no éinne a gheobhaidh deimhniú ón Aire gur duine ceart chuige é, beidh teideal acu chun a iarraidh ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn aon uair na riail-éilithe no aon cheann acu no aon choiníollacha a bhaineann leo d'atharú agus, má dhineann an chuideachta no an dream trádálaithe no an duine sin, pe'ca aca é, a chur ina luighe ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn gur cheart na riail-éilithe no na coiníollacha no aon cheann acu d'atharú, déanfidh an bínse pé atharuithe is oiriúnach leo, agus ceapfid an dáta ar a raghaidh na riail-éilithe no na coiníollacha atharuithe in éifeacht:


Ach bainfid fo-ailt (3), (4), (5), agus (6) d'alt 54 den Acht so le haon iarratas i gcóir athscrúdú no atharú generálta ar riailéilithe na cuideachtan có-nasctha fén alt so, fé is dá mb'athscrúdú ar riail-éilithe agus ar éilithe fé leith fén alt san an t-iarratas san.

Eilithe fé leith.


Forálacha i dtaobh seanrátaí fé leith.

34.—(1) Na rátaí fé leith a bheidh i ngníomh díreach roimh an lá ceaptha ar bhóthar iarainn na cuideachtan có-nasctha, beid siad go léir gan bheith i ngníomh an lá ceaptha agus as san amach ach amháin pé rátaí fé leith—


(a) nách lú ná cúig per cent. fé bhun na riail-rátaí a bheadh inéilithe ar an lá ceaptha agus as san amach mara mbeadh san; agus


(b) a cimeádadh i ngníomh tré réiteach i scríbhinn idir an gcuideachtain bhóthair iarainn agus an trádálaí le n-a mbainid no, marar dineadh réiteach, a chuir an trádálaí in iúl do rúnaí na cuideachtan bóthair iarainn i scríbhinn maraon le himpidhe go gcuirfí iad chun an bhínse bhóthair chun breith do thabhairt ortha, agus sa chás san leanfidh na rátaí go dtí go dtabharfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn breith ortha, agus is ar an gcuideachta bhóthair iarainn a bheidh sé a chruthú gur cheart aon rátaí den tsórt san d'atharú no do chur ar ceal;


ach, dá ainneoin sin, ní leanfidh aon ráta nár cuireadh i bhfeidhm in éilithe ar earraí tráchtála a cuireadh chun siúil laistigh den dá bhliain roimh an 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1926, maran féidir don trádálaí a chur ina luighe ar an gcuideachta bhóthair iarainn no, má bhíonn sé gan réiteach do dhéanamh leis an gcuideachta bhóthair iarainn, a chur ina luighe ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn—


(i) gurb é an t-éinní amháin fé ndeár gan é chur i bhfeidhm ná an trádáil do bheith ar staid nea-ghnáth; no


(ii) go bhfuil i ngníomh fós ag stáisiúin no ag leataobhacha eile sa ghrúpa no sa líomatáiste chéanna ráta atá díreach ar có-mhéid leis chun an chinn aistir chéanna;


ach má réitíonn an trádálaí agus an chuideachta bhóthair iarainn le n-a chéile chun aon ráta a bheidh breis agus dachad per cent. fé bhun an riail-ráta is inéilithe mar adubhradh do chimeád i bhfeidhm, cuirfar an ráta fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn roimh an lá ceaptha agus má dintar san leanfidh an ráta i bhfeidhm go dtí go dtabharfidh an bínse breith ar an scéal.


(2) Féadfar a shocrú le haon réiteach no le haon bhreith den tsórt san go gcimeádfar aon ráta fé leith i bhfeidhm go ceann tréimhse áirithe aimsire agus é bheith chó hárd is bhí cheana no níos aoirde ach, i gcás réitigh idir an chuideachta chó-nasctha agus trádálaí, gan é bheith níos lú ná cúig per cent. ná níos mó ná dachad per cent. fé bhun an riail-ráta is inéilithe.


Rátaí nua fé leith.

35.—(1) Ar an lá ceaptha agus dá éis sin beidh saorchead ag an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha rátaí nua fé leith de dheona i gcóir iompar aon earraí tráchtála, agus tuairisceofar na rátaí sin don Aire laistigh de cheithre lá dhéag no pé tréimhse is sia ná san a lomhálfidh an tAire; ach ní bheidh ráta nua fé leith, a deonfar amhlaidh, níos lú ná cúig per cent. ná níos mó ná dachad per cent. fé bhun an riail-ráta is inéilithe, gan toil an bhínse bhóthair iarainn.


(2) Má sé tuairim an Aire go bhfuil an chuideachta chónasctha ag deona rátaí nua fé leith i slí a raghadh chun dochair d'aon aicme daoine a úsáideann an bóthar iarainn agus ná tairfeodh de bharr na rátaí sin, no i slí go mbeadh cúntúirt ann ná fuigheadh an chuideachta a riail-ioncum, féadfa sé an scéal do chur fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn agus, tar éis caoi do thabhairt do gach páirtí le n-a mbaineann an scéal ar éisteacht d'fháil, féadfidh an bínse ceachtar de sna nithe seo a leanas no iad araon do dhéanamh:—


(a) na riail-éilithe d'athscrúdú;


(b) gach ceann no aon cheann de sna rátaí san fé leith do chur ar ceal no d'atharú.


(3) Féadfidh aon trádálaí a iarraidh ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn aon uair ráta nua fé leith do cheapa.


Atharú ar rátaí fé leith,

36.—(1) Ní bheidh teideal ag an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha aon ráta fé leith a cheap an bínse bóthair iarainn do mhéadú ná do chur ar ceal gan cead d'fháil ar dtúis ón mbínse sin.


(2) Féadfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha aon uair aon ráta fé leith do luíodú ach ní déanfar, gan toil an bhínse bhóthair iarainn, an ráta do luíodú i dtreo is go mbeadh sé níos mó ná dachad per cent. fé bhun an riail-ráta a bheadh inéilithe, agus tuairisceofar aon luíodú den tsórt san don Aire fé is dá mbé rud a bheadh ann ná ráta nua fé leith do dheona.


(3) Féadfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha aon uair aon ráta fé leith, nár cheap an bínse bóthair iarainn, do mhéadú tar éis fógra tríocha lá do thabhairt, ar pé slí a ordóidh an bínse, i dtaobh an mhéaduithe atá beartuithe agus, ar dhul in éag don bhfógra san, mara ndinidh aon trádálaí le n-a mbaineann an scéal aon agóid do chur ina choinnibh, féadfid an ráta méaduithe do chur i bhfeidhm láithreach mara mbeidh sé níos lú ná cúig per cent. fé bhun an riail-ráta is inéilithe, ach, má dintar agóid den tsórt san no más rud é, nuair a bheadh an ráta méaduithe, go mbeadh sé níos lú ná cúig per cent. fé bhun an riail-ráta is inéilithe, ní bheidh éifeacht ag an méadú mara ndinidh ná go dtí go ndéanfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn san do chinne tar éis caoi do thabhairt don chuideachtain ar éisteacht d'fháil:


Ach ní bheidh teideal ag aon trádálaí chun cur i gcoinnibh méadú ar ráta fé leith a luíoduigh an chuideachta chó-nasctha tar éis an lae cheaptha maran rud é gurb é thiocfadh as an méadú ná an ráta a bhainfadh le hiompar a chuid earraí do bheith níos aoirde ná an ráta a bhain leis díreach sarar dineadh an luíodú.


(4) Féadfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha aon uair aon ráta fé leith, nár cheap an bínse bóthair iarainn, do chur ar ceal tar éis fógra tríocha lá do thabhairt, ar pé slí a ordóidh an bínse bóthair iarainn, i dtaobh an chur-ar-ceal atá beartuithe, agus, ar dhul in éag don bhfógra san, mara ndinidh aon trádálaí le n-a mbaineann an scéal aon agóid do chur ina choinnibh, féadfid an ráta do chur ar ceal fé mar atá beartuithe, ach, má dintar aon agóid den tsórt san, ní bheidh éifeacht ag an gcur-ar-ceal mara ndinidh ná go dtí go ndéanfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn san do chinne tar éis caoi do thabhairt don chuideachtain ar éisteacht d'fháil:


Ach ní bheidh teideal ag aon trádálaí chun cur i gcoinnibh ráta fé leith do chur ar ceal a deonadh ag an gcuideachtain chónasctha tar éis an lae cheaptha maran rud é gurb é thiocfadh as an gcur-ar-ceal ná an ráta a bhainfadh le hiompar a chuid earraí do bheith níos aoirde ná an ráta a bhain leis ar an dáta ar ar deonadh an ráta fé leith.


(5) Ní raghaidh aon mhéadú ná aon chur-ar-ceal den tsórt san in éifeacht i gcás aon ráta fé leith a cuireadh fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn fé mhír (b) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 34 den Acht so, go dtí go dtabharfidh an bínse breith ina thaobh, agus ní déanfar aon ráta fé leith le n-ar haontuíodh fén alt san 34 do mhéadú ná do chur ar ceal go ceann dhá mhí dhéag tar éis an lae cheaptha ach amháin mar chuid de mhéadú ghenerálta fén gCuid seo den Acht so no chun baint o thosaíocht nea-chuibhe.


(6) Beidh teideal ag aon trádálaí no ag aon dream ionadathach de thrádálaithe go bhfuil baint acu leis an ráta, no ag an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha, chun a iarraidh ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn aon uair aon ráta fé leith do chur ar ceal no d'atharú.


(7) Féadfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha cur-ar-ceal do dhéanamh ar aon ráta fé leith a bheidh ann tar éis an lae cheaptha agus a bheidh le tréimhse dhá bhliain gan cur i bhfeidhm in éilithe ar earraí tráchtála a cuireadh chun siúil ar an mbóthar iarainn.


Athscrúdú ar rátaí comórtais fé leith.

37.—Má chítar don Aire go n-éilíonn an chuideachta chónasctha rátaí fé leith a théigheann chun dochair don phuiblíocht de dheascaibh na slí ina n-oibríd ar earraí d'iompar tré sheirbhísí loingseoireachta no tré loingseoireacht intíre no, má dintar aithris cúise sa chéill sin leis an Aire ag aon dream daoine 'na bhfuil leas substainteach acu san iompar san dar leis an Aire, agus an aithris cúise sin ina cás prima facie a sháiseoidh an tAire, cuirfidh an tAire an scéal fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn chun é athscrúdú agus, tar éis dóibh gach páirtí le n-a mbaineann an scéal d'éisteacht, féadfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn na rátaí sin d'atharú no do chur ar ceal no pé ordú eile do dhéanamh a chífar dóibh bheith oiriúnach.


Brise rátaí fé leith.

38.—(1) Má iarrtar ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn aon ráta fé leith do cheapa no do cheadú i gcóir iompar earraí tráchtála idir dhá stáisiún, no idir stáisiún agus leataobh, no idir dhá leataobh, no idir stáisiún no leataobh agus siúnta, socróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn, nuair a bheid ag ceapa no ag ceadú an ráta fé leith, cadiad na méideanna (má bhíonn aon cheann) a folófar sa ráta i gcóir na seirbhísí seo a leanas:—


(a) iompar;


(b) cinn-scríbe stáisiúin;


(c) cinn-scríbe seirbhíse;


(d) cóiríocht agus seirbhísí do thabhairt ag leataobh príobháideach no maidir leis.


(2) Má dheonann an chuideachta chó-nasctha ráta fé leith chun earraí tráchtála d'iompar idir dhá stáisiún, no idir stáisiún agus leataobh, no idir dhá leataobh, no idir stáisiún no leataobh agus siúnta, gan san do chur fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn, agus má thaisbeánann an chuideachta i luadh an ráta agus sa leabhar rátaí an méid (más ann do) atá foluithe fé i gcóir na seirbhísí sin uile agus fé leith mar adubhradh, ní bheidh dul thar an mbrise a taisbeánfar amhlaidh ar an ráta fé leith mara ndinidh trádálaí go mbaineann an ráta leis a ghearán gur méid mí-réasúnta an méid a ceapadh i gcóir aon tseirbhíse áirithe, agus sa chás san is ar an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha a bheidh cruthúnas do thabhairt.


(3) Nuair a bhí an chuideachta chó-nasctha ag deona ráta fé leith den tsórt san, marar dhineadar idirdhealú sa mheastachán i gcóir an ráta no sa leabhar rátaí idir na méideanna a bhí foluithe fé i gcóir na seirbhísí sin uile agus fé leith mar adubhradh—


(a) i gcás ráta stáisiún-go-stáisiún tuigfar an ráta do bheith có-dhéanta de ráta iompair agus d'éilithe cinn-scríbe do réir na méideanna atá foluithe fén riail-ráta córéire i gcóir na seirbhíse agus na coiríochta céanna maidir leis an saghas céanna earraí idir na stáisiúin chéanna; agus


(b) i gcás aon ráta eile, déanfidh an chuideachta, laistigh de cheithre lá déag tar éis iarratas i scríbhinn d'fháil o éinne go mbaineann brise an ráta leis, eolas do thabhairt don duine sin ar na méideanna atá (má tá aon cheann) foluithe fén ráta i gcóir na seirbhísí sin uile agus fé leith mar adubhradh.


(4) Aon aighneas a bheidh ann i dtaobh brise aon ráta fé leith den tsórt san socróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn é má iarrann trádálaí no an chuideachta chó-nasctha ortha é shocrú.


(5) Chun aon cheist do shocrú i dtaobh tosaíochta no búntáiste nea-chuibhe no mí-réasúnta adubhradh a tugadh, ní thabharfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn aon aire do sna fíor-choda fé leith d'aon ráta mar a taisbeántar sa leabhar rátaí no mar a socruítear leis an alt so iad ach, mara gcuirtar ina luighe ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn in aon chás in ar dineadh iarratas chun na críche sin go mbeadh sé cothrom agus réasúnta na fíor-choda den ráta do bhreithniú, socróid an cheist do réir an ráta iomláin i gcóir iompair is ionchurtha i bhfeidhm ar na hearraí tráchtála go ndubhradh gur tugadh an tosaíocht no an búntáiste nea-chuibhe no mí-réasúnta san ina dtaobh agus do réir staid an cháis ina bhfuil an ráta infheidhmithe.


Táillí fé leith.

39.—(1) Féadfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha táillí is ísle ná na riail-táillí d'éileamh in aon tsaghas cáis gur oiriúnach leis an gcuideachtain é dhéanamh ann, ach laistigh de cheithre lá déag tar éis san do shocrú no laistigh de pé tréimhse níos sia ná san a cheadóidh an tAire, tuairisceofar don Aire na cásanna ina bhféadfar na táillí fé leith sin d'éileamh, más ísle iad ná na gnáth-tháillí agus an méid a bheid fé bhun na riail-táille.


(2) Más dó leis an Aire gur i slí a raghadh chun dochair d'aon aicme eile de lucht an bhóthair iarainn d'úsáid a dhin an chuideachta chó-nasctha táillí fé leith do dheona no i slí gur bhaolach ná déanfadh an chuideachta a riail-ioncum, féadfa sé an scéal do chur fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn agus féadfid siadsan, tar éis caoi do thabhairt do gach páirtí le n-a mbaineann an scéal ar éisteacht d'fháil, gach ceann no aon cheann de sna táillí fé leith a deonadh amhlaidh do chur ar ceal no d'atharú.

Coiníollacha Iompair.


Leagfar na coiníollacha beartuithe fé bhráid an bhínse.

40.—Laistigh de shé mhí o am rithte an Achta so, no laistigh de pé aimsir sa bhreis a cheadóidh an bínse bóthair iarainn cuirfidh na cuideachtana có-nascthacha fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn agus foillseoid ar pé slí a ordóidh an bínse bóthair iarainn—


(a) na téarmaí agus na coiníollacha (dá ngairmtear “coiníollacha cúntúrtha cuideachtan” ina dhiaidh seo anso) ar agus fé n-a ndéanfar earraí tráchtála nách eallach stuic, agus eallach stuic, d'iompar fé seach má iomparuítear ar ghnáth-rátaí iad;


(b) na téarmaí agus na coiníollacha (dá ngairmtear “coiníollacha cúntúrtha únaera” ina dhiaidh seo anso) ar agus fé n-a ndéanfar earraí tráchtála nách eallach stuic, agus, fé réir mar a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso, eallach stuic, d'iompar fé seach má iomparuítear ar rátaí cúntúrtha únaera iad;


(c) na téarmaí agus na coiníollacha ar agus fé n-a n-iomparófar earraí so-loitthe ná fuil cosaint cheart déanta ortha le pacáil.


Socrú an bhínse.

41.—(1) Breithneoidh an bínse bóthair iarainn na téarmaí agus na coiníollacha a leagfar fé n-a mbráid amhlaidh no, mara leagtar téarmaí agus coiníollacha fé n-a mbráid laistigh den aimsir a ceadófar amhlaidh, ullamhóid agus foillseoid féin téarmaí agus coiníollacha sealadacha agus, tar éis éisteacht do thabhairt d'aon dream ionadathach de thrádálaithe gur mian leo éisteacht d'fháil agus d'aon pháirtí eile is dó leis an Aire a bheith i dteideal éisteacht d'fháil, socróid agus, nuair a bheidh san déanta, foillseoid san Iris Oifigiúil, na téarmaí agus na coiníollacha atá ceart agus réasúnta, dar leo, agus ceapfid dáta nách luatha ná dhá mhí tar éis an fhoillsithe sin chun na téarmaí agus na coiníollacha san do theacht i bhfeidhm.


(2) Ar theacht i bhfeidhm do sna téarmaí agus na coiníollacha a socrófar amhlaidh beid mar riail-téarmaí agus mar riailchoiníollacha iompair ag an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha, agus tuigfar iad do bheith réasúnta.


Na coiníollacha ar a n-iomprófar earraí tráchtála.

42.—(1) Ar an dáta a socrófar amhlaidh mar adubhradh agus dá éis sin, isiad téarmaí agus coiníollacha ar agus fé n-a n-iompróidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha earraí tráchtála, nách earraí gur socruíodh ina gcóir le connra speisialta, ná coiníollacha cúntúrtha cuideachtan, agus, gan aon chonnra speisialta i scríbhinn, bainfidh na coiníollacha san le hearraí tráchtála d'iompar ar ghnáth-rátaí:


Ach, in aon chás ina mbeidh ráta cúntúrtha únaera i bhfeidhm agus in ar hiarradh ar an gcuideachtain i scríbhinn earraí d'iompar ar an ráta san, isiad téarmaí agus coiníollacha ar agus fé n-a n-iomprófar na hearraí sin ná coiníollacha cúntúrtha únaera.


(2) Isiad téarmaí agus coiníollacha ar agus fé n-a n-iompróidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha earraí so-loitthe ná fuil cosaint cheart déanta ortha le pacáil (má glactar iad chun iad d'iompar) ná na coiníollacha a shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn mar adubhradh, ach ní bheidh an chuideachta fé aon oblagáid earraí so-loitthe d'iompar ná fuil cosaint cheart déanta ortha le pacáil.


(3) Ní dhéanfidh éinní san Acht so an chuideachta agus trádálaí do chosc ar aontú i scríbhinn, fé réir forálacha na Railway and Canal Traffic Acts, 1854 and 1888, le haon téarmaí agus coiníollacha is oiriúnach leo i gcóir iompar earraí, eallach stuic, no earraí so-loitthe ná fuil cosaint cheart déanta ortha le pacáil, no earraí cúntúrthacha.


Coiníollacha d'atharú.

43.—Aon uair tar éis dáta na dtéarmaí agus na gcoiníollacha a socrófar amhlaidh mar adubhradh do theacht i bhfeidhm, féadfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha no aon dream ionadathach de thrádálaithe a iarraidh ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn na téarmaí agus na coiníollacha san do leasú no d'atharú no cur leo, agus, tar éis éisteacht do thabhairt do gach páirtí is dó leo a bheith i dteideal chun éisteacht d'fháil, féadfidh an bínse leasuithe no atharuithe do dhéanamh ar na téarmaí agus ar na coiníollacha san no nithe do chur leo fé mar is dó leis an mbínse bóthair iarainn a bheith ceart agus réasúnta, agus dáta do cheapa ar a dtiocfid i bhfeidhm.

Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha i dtaobh Eilithe.


Rátaí cúntúrtha únaera.

44.—(1) Le linn sceideal d'éilithe do bheith acu á shocrú, no laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag no de pé tréimhse níos sia ná san ina dhiaidh sin a lomhálfidh an tAire in aon chás, socróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn cadiad na luíoduithe a déanfar ar na riail-éilithe sa chás ina n-iompróidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha earraí tráchtála so-loitthe fé choiníollacha cúntúrtha únaera, agus nochtfar no taisbeánfar na luíoduithe sin sa sceideal ar pé slí a ordóidh an bínse bóthair iarainn.


(2) I gcás ráta fé leith do bheith i bhfeidhm agus gur coiníollacha cúntúrtha cuideachtan no coiníollacha cúntúrtha únaera, pe'ca taobh acu é, na coiníollacha a bhaineann leis an ráta san, agus nách difríocht shuarach an difríocht i bhfreagarthacht na cuideachtan fén dá shreath coiníollacha maidir leis na hearraí tráchtála a bheidh i gceist, luadhfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha ráta có-réire fé sna coiníollacha eile má iarann trádálaí ortha é i scríbhinn agus mara luadhaidh an chuideachta a leithéid sin de ráta chun sástachta don trádálaí laistigh d'ocht lá is fiche tar éis an iarratais sin féadfidh an trádálaí iarratas a dhéanamh chun an bhínse bhóthair iarainn agus socróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn an ráta có-réire sin agus ceapfid an dáta ar a dtiocfa sé i bhfeidhm.


(3) Sí difríocht a bheidh idir ghnáth-ráta agus ráta cúntúrtha únaera ná pé difríocht is dó leis an mbínse bóthair iarainn a bheith cothrom do réir réasúin le méid na difríochta i gcúntúirt na cuideachtan fén dá shreath coiníollacha i gcás na n-earraí tráchtála a bheidh i gceist.


(4) Ní bheidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha fé aon oblagáid eallach stuic d'iompar ar rátaí cúntúrtha únaera i gcásanna ná hiomprófí eallach stuic ar rátaí luíoduithe fé choiníollacha cúntúrtha únaera ar dháta rithte an Achta so.


Eilithe minimum.

45.—Beidh teideal ag an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha chun suim d'éileamh ar son iompar earraí tráchtála do réir faide minimum a bheidh oiread mílte ar faid agus shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn no pé suim minimum a shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn ach ní hatharófar na faideanna minimum san do réir ce'ca héileofar éilithe ceann-scríbe stáisiúin no ná héileofar.


Eilithe ar son bailiú agus seachada.

46.—(1) Ar an lá ceaptha agus ina dhiaidh sin féadfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha aon earraí tráchtála a bheidh le hiompar no a hiompruíodh ar bhóthar iarainn do bhailiú agus do sheachada de bhóthar agus éilithe réasúnta d'éileamh ar a shon i dteanta na n-éilithe ar son a n-iompartha de bhóthar iarainn, agus sa leabhar rátaí a cimeádfar sa stáisiún ina dtógaid ortha féin bailiú agus seachada do dhéanamh foillseoid na héilithe a bheidh i bhfeidhm ar son bailiú agus seachada earraí tráchtála is gnáth a bhailiú agus a sheachada.


(2) In aon áit ina dtairgeann an chuideachta chó-nasctha earraí tráchtála do bhailiú agus do sheachada féadfidh an chuideachta agus, ar a éileamh san ortha agus ar íoc na n-éilithe gceart, beidh ortha bailiú agus seachada do dhéanamh ar earraí tráchtála den tsórt is gnáth leis an gcuideachtain de thurus na huaire a bhailiú agus a sheachada san áit sin:


Ach ní héileofar ar an gcuideachtain earraí do sheachada chun éinne ná fuil toilteanach chun marga dhéanamh, marga gur féidir do deire chur leis tar éis fógra réasúnta, chun an chuid eachta do sheachada a chuid tráchta go léir no a chuid tráchta mheathtaigh go léir, ar na héilithe atá sa leabhar rátaí, ón stáisiún ina bhfuil na héilithe sin i bhfeidhm.


(3) I gcás éinne ná déanfidh an marga san ní héileofar ar an gcuideachtain aon earraí tráchtála leis do sheachada ach, mara nglacaidh an duine sin seachada aon earraí áirithe tráchtála laistigh d'aimsir réasúnta, féadfidh an chuideachta na hearraí sin do sheachada chuige agus pé éilithe réasúnta is oiriúnach leo d'éileamh ar an seachada san.


(4) Sé an bínse bóthair iarainn a shocróidh aon aighneas i dtaobh ce'ca tá aon éileamh ar son bailiú agus seachada réasúnta no ná fuil, no i dtaobh faid téarma fógra chun deire chur le marga fén alt so do bheith réasúnta no gan a bheith.


Earraí cúntúrthacha.

47.—(1) Ní chuirfidh éinní san Acht so aon oblagáid ar an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha earraí cúntúracha do ghlaca chun iad d'iompar, ná ní dhéanfa sé dochar do sna comhachta atá ag aon Roinn Rialtais fén Explosives Act, 1875, ná luíodú ortha, ná difir do dhleathacht ná d'oibriú aon ordú, riala ná fo-dhlí a dineadh fé sna comhachta atá san Acht san.


(2) Má dhineann an chuideachta chó-nasctha, ar an lá ceaptha no ina dhiaidh sin, earraí cúntúrthacha do ghlaca chun iad d'iompar, iomprófar na hearraí fé réir pé fo-dhlithte, rialacháin agus coiníollacha is oiriúnach leis an gcuideachtain a dhéanamh i dtaobh iad d'iompar no do stóráil, agus déanfidh únaer no consighneoir na n-earraí sin an chuideachta do shlánú ar gach cailliúint no damáiste agus in aghaidh gach cailliúna no damáiste a thiocfidh don chuideachtain no ina bhfuil no ina mbeidh an chuideachta freagarthach tré gan na fo-dhlithe, na rialacháin, agus na coiníollacha a luadhadh roimhe seo agus a bhaineann leis na hearraí sin do chó-líona agus íocfa sé lán-chúiteamh i ngach díobháil a déanfar amhlaidh do sheirbhísigh na cuideachtan agus i ngach damáiste a déanfar amhlaidh dá maoin mara gcruthuítear gurbh é mí-iompar toiliúil seirbhíseacha na cuideachtan fé ndeár an díobháil no an damáiste, ach, fé réir na nithe roimhráite, cuirfar i bhfeidhm na forálacha den Chuid seo den Acht so a bhaineann le gnáth-rátaí agus le rátaí cúntúrtha únaera.


(3) Sé an bínse bóthair iarainn a shocróidh aon cheist i dtaobh ce'ca earraí cúntúrthacha earraí áirithe no nach ea:


Ach má fhaisnéiseann an chuideachta chó-nasctha aon earra do bheith cúntúrthach, is ar an té go dteastuíonn uaidh go n-iomprófí an earra a bheidh a thaisbeáint ná fuil sé cúntúrthach.


Sceidealacha de riail-éilithe, etc., d'fhoillsiú.

48.—(1) Déanfar na sceidil de riail-éilithe agus na riailtéarmaí agus na riail-choiníollacha iompair, nuair a socrófar iad do réir forálacha na Coda so den Acht so, agus aon orduithe ón mbínse bóthair iarainn le n-a n-atharuítear riail-éilithe no riail téarmaí agus riail-choiníollacha, déanfar iad do chlóbhuala, d'uimhriú, d'fhoillsiú agus do dhíol, agus féadfar iad do luadh fé mar is gá de thurus na huaire do réir dlí rialacha reachtúla do chlóbhuala, d'uimhriú, d'fhoillsiú agus do dhíol agus fé mar is ceaduithe iad do luadh.


(2) Déanfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha cóipeanna clóbhuailte den aicmiú ghenerálta ar earraí tráchtála agus den sceideal de riail-éilithe a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire do chimeád le díol i pé áiteanna agus ar pé praghsanna réasúnta a ordóidh an tAire.


(3) I ngach stáisiún ina nglactar earraí tráchtála chun iad d'iompar, no más in áit éigin eile seachas stáisiún a glactar earraí tráchtála chun iad d'iompar, ansan sa stáisiún is goire don áit sin, cimeádfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha i gcóir iniúcha phuiblí, ar an lá ceaptha agus dá éis sin, cóip d'aicmiú ghenerálta na n-earraí tráchtála a hiompruítear ar an mbóthar iarainn, agus leabhar no leabhair ina luadhfar—


(i) an fhaid i gcóir éilimh ón stáisiún no ón áit sin atá gach áit go nglacaid earraí ina chóir, agus isí faid í sin ná an fhaid is giorra maraon le haon bhreiseanna a húdaruítear le reacht;


(ii) na scálaí de riail-éilithe a bhaineann le gach aicme fé leith earraí tráchtála a hiompruítear ar an mbóthar iarainn;


(iii) gach ráta fé leith atá i bhfeidhm ón stáisiún no ón áit sin;


(iv) aon éilithe atá i bhfeidhm ar son earraí tráchtála do bhailiú agus do sheachada sa stáisiún no san áit sin.


Beidh aicmiú generálta na n-earraí tráchtála agus gach leabhar den tsórt san ar oscailt, ar gach tráth réasúnta, i dtreo go bhféadfidh éinne iad d'iniúcha agus san gan aon táille d'íoc.


(4) Ar an lá ceaptha agus dá éis sin cimeádfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha ar oscailt ina bpríomh-oifig i gcóir iniúcha, ar feadh tréimhse deich mblian, na leabhair, na sceidil, no na páipéirí eile ina luaidhtear na rátaí, na héilithe agus na coiníollacha iompair a bhí in úsáid an 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1916, ar na bóithre iarainn uile agus fé leith a bhí dá gcuid féin no a bhí á n-oibriú ag na cuideachtana co-nascthacha agus ag na cuideachtana tógthaisteach, agus ar a n-iarraidh sin ortha agus ar íoc éilimh réasúnta, tabharfid uatha cóipeanna de sna leabhair, na sceidil agus na páipéirí sin no sleachta asta.


(5) Mara gcó-líonaidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha forálacha an ailt seo, féadfar, ar a gciontú ar an slí achmair, iad do chur fé fhíneáil nách mó ná cúig púint in aghaidh gach cionta agus, má leantar den chionta, in aghaidh gach lae a leanfidh an cionta.


Forálacha ilghnéitheacha i dtaobh rátaí.

49.—Na forálacha atá sa Séú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so (eadhon, forálacha atá cosúil leo súd atá anois sna horduithe de gach saghas i dtaobh rátaí agus éilithe bóthair iarainn), bainfid leis an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha ón lá ceaptha.


Feidhmeanna breise don bhínse bhóthair iarainn.

50.—I dteanta aon chomhachtanna eile a bronntar ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn fén gCuid seo den Acht so, beidh comhacht acu chun breith do thabhairt tar éis gach páirtí d'éisteacht le n-a mbaineann an scéal agus gur mian leis go n-éistfí é, ar aon cheisteanna tabharfar os a gcóir i dtaobh na nithe seo a leanas:—


(a) aicmiú na n-earraí tráchtála d'atharú, no aicmiú aon earra d'atharú, no aicmiú do dhéanamh ar aon earra ná beidh aicmithe an uair sin, no aon cheist i dtaobh na haicme ina bhfuil aon earra curtha;


(b) tré-rátaí do bhunú, d'atharú, no do chur ar ceal;


(c) grúp-rátaí nua do bhunú agus seana-ghrúp-rátaí do bhunú, d'atharú, no do chur ar ceal;


(d) aon chustum is iníoctha ag trádálaí d'atharú;


(e) an méid a lomhálfar ar son aon tseirbhísí cinn-scríbe ná dintar i stáisiún, no ar son cóiríochta agus seirbhísí a bhaineann le leataobh príobháideach agus ná soláthruítear no ná dintar ag an leataobh san;


(f) réasúntacht no nea-réasúntacht aon éilimh a dhineann an chuideachta chó-nasctha ar son aon tseirbhísí no cóiríochta ná baineann aon éileamh údaruithe leo;


(g) réasúntacht no nea-réasúntacht aon choiníollacha i dtaobh pacáil earraí gur an-fhuiriste damáiste do dhéanamh dóibh ar turus no gur baol dóibh damáiste do dhéanamh d'earraí tráchtála eile;


(h) na hearraí agus na rudaí is ceaduithe a iompar mar bhagáiste paisnéirí;


(i) bunú có-choistí áitiúla a bheidh ionadathach do thrádálaithe agus don chuideachtain chó-nasctha, agus a bhfeidhmeanna agus na háiteanna ina mbunófar iad.


Leasuithe ar Achtanna áirithe.

51.—(1) Sa bhaint a bheidh acu leis an gcuideachtain chónasctha, beidh éifeacht, ón lá ceaptha, ag na hAchtanna a luaidhtear sa Seachtú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so, fé réir na leasuithe luaidhtear sa tríú colún den sceideal san.


(2) Má tá aon tsean-Acht speisialta dá mbaineann le haon chuideachta chó-nascthach no cuideachta thógtha-isteach gan alt d'aon cheann de sna Railways Clauses Acts, a leasuítear no a hathghairmtear leis an sceideal san, do bheith ionchorporuithe ann, ach go bhfuil forálacha ann atá ar có-réir leis an alt san, déanfar ar an bhforáil chó-réire sin an leasú no an athghairm chéanna a dintar leis an sceideal san ar an alt den Railways Clauses Act.


(3) Chun fo-alt (5) d'alt 1 agus alt 2 den Harbours, Docks and Piers (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920, do chur i mbaint leis na hOrduithe a luaidhtear sa Tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht um Thoisceanna Reachtúla (Buanú Muirireacha) (Uimh. 2), 1923 (Uimh. 16 de 1923), do réir fo-alt (2) d'alt 3 den Acht deiridh sin a luadhadh, ach ní chun aon chríche eile, déanfar an fo-alt san (5) d'alt 1 agus an t-alt san 2 den Acht a céad-luadhadh a atharú mar leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) cuirfar an bínse bóthair iarainn in ionad an choiste chomhairle rátaí;


(b) cuirfar in ionad an fho-choiste a luaidhtear san alt san 2 coiste a bheidh có-dhéanta de pé baill de bhuan-bhaill an bhínse bhóthair iarainn a ainmneoidh an bínse bóthair iarainn agus a cheadóidh an tAire agus d'oiread ball den phainéal ghenerálta a bunuítear fé Chuid II. den Acht so is ainmneoidh an tAire, agus de bhaill (có-líon na mball den phainéal ghenerálta a hainmneofar amhlaidh) de phainéal na mbóthar iarainn agus na gcanálach a bunuítear fé Chuid II. den Acht so fé mar ainmneoidh an tAire.


Léiriú ar fhocail a húsáidtear i gCuid III.

52.—Sa Chuid seo den Acht so—


foluíonn an focal “éilithe” rátaí, táillí, custuim, dleachtanna agus éilithe eile;


cialluíonn an focal “rátaí” rátaí agus éilithe eile ar son earraí trachtála d'iompar;


cialluíonn an focal “táillí” rátaí agus éilithe eile ar son paisnéirí agus a mbagáiste d'iompar;


nuair a bhaineann an focal “atharuithe” le héilithe foluíonn sé atharuithe le n-a ndintear luíodú no méadú, agus léireofar dá réir sin an focal “atharuím” agus focail atá gaolmhar leis;


foluíonn an focal “earraí tráchtála” gach saghas earra, minearáil, eallach stuic, agus-ainmhí;


cialluíonn an focal “éilithe fé leith” éilithe is ísle ná na riailéilithe, agus foluíonn sé éilithe speisialta a buanuítear fé réir ceartú fé fhorálacha na Coda so den Acht so, agus léireofar dá réir sin na focail “rátaí fé leith” agus “táillí fé leith”;


foluíonn an focal “coiníollacha” rialacháin;


cialluíonn an focal “orduithe i dtaobh rátaí agus éilithe bóthair iarainn” orduithe sealadacha le n-ar socruíodh rátaí agus éilithe maximum a bhaineann le cuideachta bhóthair iarainn agus a dineadh agus a daingníodh ag Páirlimint na Ríochta Aontuithe do réir alt 24 den Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1888;


cialluíonn an focal “an lá ceaptha” an lá a shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn mar lá ceaptha ar a dtiocfidh i bhfeidhm na sceidil de riail-éilithe a bheidh socair acu;


cialluíonn an focal “riail-éilithe” na héilithe a socrófar leis na sceidil do riail-éilithe a shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn fén gCuid seo den Acht so;


cialluíonn an focal “orduithe” orduithe ag an mbínse bóthair iarainn.

Eilithe do cheartú do réir Ioncuim.


Eilithe do cheartú do réir ioncuim.

53.—(1) Siad riail-éilithe a socrófar don chuideachtain chónasctha i dtosach bára ná éilithe is dó leis an mbínse bóthair iarainn a bhéarfidh, maraon leis na meáin eile ioncuim, sa mhéid gur féidir é agus le hoibriú agus bainistí a bheidh éifeachtúil agus baileach, ioncum glan bliantúil (dá ngairmtear an riail-ioncum ina dhiaidh seo anso) a bheidh có-ionann leis an meán-ioncum iomlán glan bliantúil a fuair na cuideachtana cónascthacha agus na cuideachtana tógtha-isteach i gcaitheamh na dtrí mblian cuntais a chríochnuigh díreach roimh an 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1914, maraon le—


(a) suim is ionann agus cúig per cent. ar an gcaiteachas caipitiúil, eadhon, an bun ar ar lomháladh ús i gceann na tréimhse gur le na linn a bhí na cuideachtana cónascthacha agus na cuideachtana tógtha-isteach ar seilbh ag an Rialtas Briotáineach; agus


(b) pé liúntas is gá mar leor-chúiteamh in aon chaipital breise a fuarthas no a soláthruíodh ar scór caiteachais, ar chuntas caipitail, fé n-ar chuathas ón 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1913, agus nár háiríodh mar chuid den chaiteachas dá dtagartar sa mhír sin roimhe seo, sé sin, maran féidir a thaisbeáint nár mhéaduigh an caiteachas san luach an ghnótha; agus


(c) pé liúntas a chífar don bhínse bóthair iarainn a bheith réasúnta ar scór caiteachais chaipitiúil, nách lú ná míle punt i gcás aon oibre áirithe agus nách caiteachas caipitiúil a háiríodh i mír (a), ar oibreacha a mhéaduigh luach an ghnótha ach ná raibh lán-chúiteamhach fós i dtosach na bliana 1913:


Ach nuair a bheidh an bínse á dhéanamh amach cadí an tsuim a bhéarfidh éilithe má bhíonn an t-oibriú agus an bhainistí go héifeachtúil agus go baileach, ansan, mar ghríosú chun gníomhartha do dhéanamh go luath chun costaisí a bhaineann le hoibriú agus le bainistí do ghearra anuas, fé mar a féadfí a dhéanamh de bharr có-naisc no ag súil leis, cuimhneoidh an bínse ar an ngearra anuas a bheidh déanta cheana féin tré ghníomhartha den tsórt san, agus déanfid pé lomháil ar a scór san a mheasfidh an bínse bheith cóir agus cothrom ach ná raghaidh thar trí is tríocha agus trian per cent. den ghearra anuas san.


(2) Nuair a bheidh an bínse bóthair iarainn ag socrú éilithe do réir forálacha an ailt seo cuimhneoid ar na slite is fearr, dar leo, chun a chur in áirithe an feabhsú agus an leathanú maximum do dhéanamh, ar mhaithe leis an bpuiblíocht, ar earraí tráchtála agus paisnéirí agus a mbagáiste d'iompar ar bhóthar iarainn, agus gheobhaid amach dá réir sin chó fada agus is féidir é conus d'oibrigh na sean-éilithe sin no aon cheann acu ar an ngnó earraí tráchtála no paisnéirí le n-a mbainid agus, go sonnrách, ce'ca chun méaduithe no chun luíoduithe an ghnótha san a chuaidh feidhmiú na n-éilithe sin, no is dóichí a raghadh sé dá leantí dhe.


(3) Tar éis aon athscrúdú do dhéanamh, den tsórt a luaidhtear sa chéad alt ina dhiaidh seo, má chítear don bhínse bóthair iarainn an liúntas a lomháladh fé mhír (c) d'fho-alt (1) den alt so do bheith ró-árd no ró-íseal, féadfidh an bínse an liúntas d'athscrúdú agus pé ceartú is gá do dhéanamh ar mhéid an riailioncuim.


(4) Nuair a bheidh an bínse bóthair iarainn ag socrú na n-éilithe is gá chun an riail-ioncuim do thabhairt, cuimhneoid ar na héilithe ar scór aon ghnótha a bhíonn ar siúl ag an gcuideachtain, mar ghnó chabhartha no mar fho-ghnó a ghabhann le n-a mbóithre iarainn, agus ná fuil aon údarás ag an mbínse bóthair iarainn os cionn na n-éilithe a bhaineann leis agus más dó leis an mbínse bóthair iarainn ná héilíonn an chuideachta leor-éilithe no ná fuil gníomhartha réasúnta déanta acu chun a chur ar a gcumas féin leor-éilithe d'éileamh ar scór aon ghnótha den tsórt san, déanfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn le linn bheith ag socrú na n-éilithe fén gCuid seo den Acht so, aire thabhairt don ioncum a thiocfadh as aon ghnó den tsórt san dá mbeadh leor-éilithe i bhfeidhm.


Athscrúdú o am go ham ar riail-rátaí agus ar rátaí fé leith.

54.—(1) Athscrúdóidh an bínse bóthair iarainn riail-rátaí agus rátaí fé leith na cuideachtan có-nasctha i gceann na céad lánbhliana airgeadais tar éis an lae cheaptha no, má sé an chéad lá d'Eanair is lá ceaptha aon bhliain, i gceann na bliana san agus, mara n-orduighidh an tAire a mhalairt ar an slí a nochtar ina dhiaidh seo anso, i gceann gach bliana ina dhiaidh sin, agus déanfar an t-athscrúdú do réir na foghluma a bheidh fachta as oibriú na n-éilithe sin ar feadh na tréimhse gur le n-a linn a bhí na riail-éilithe i bhfeidhm no, más sia ná trí bliana an tréimhse sin, do réir na foghluma a bheidh fachta as oibriú na n-éilithe sin ar feadh na dtrí mblian roimh-thagtha.


(2) Féadfidh an tAire a ordú, maidir le haon bhliain tar éis an dara athscrúdú bliantúil gan athscrúdú do dhéanamh, ach ní tabharfar aon ordú den tsórt san maidir le haon bhliain gur iarr an chuideachta chó-nasctha no aon dream ionadathach de thrádálaithe ar an Aire athscrúdú do chur á dhéanamh ina cóir.


(3) Nuair a dhéanfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn aon athscrúdú den tsórt san, más léir dóibh, maidir leis an ioncum glan no leis an meán-ioncum glan bliantúil a fuair an chuideachta, no a fhéadfidís a fháil le bainistí éifeachtúil bhaileach, sa tréimhse ar dineadh an t-athscrúdú do réir na foghluma a thug sí léi, go bhfuil breis shubstainteach aige ar riail-ioncum na cuideachtan maraon le pé liúntas (má lomháltar é) a chífar don bhínse bhóthair iarainn bheith riachtanach chun leor-chúiteamh do dhéanamh in aon chaipital breise a fuarthas no a soláthruíodh ar scór caiteachais, ar chuntas chaipitail, fé n-ar chuathas ón dáta ar ar socruíodh na riail-éilithe i dtosach bára, ansan, maran dó leis an mbínse bóthair iarainn mar gheall ar atharú sa chás, nách dócha go leanfidh an bhreis, atharóid gach ceann no aon cheann de sna riail-éilithe agus déanfid a chothrom san d'atharú generálta ar éilithe fé leith na cuideachtan i dtreo go raghaidh ar ioncum glan na cuideachtan sna blianta ina dhiaidh sin luíodú is có-ionann le ceithre fichid per cent. den bhreis sin.


(4) Nuair a dhéanfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn aon athscrúdú den tsórt san, más léir dóibh an t-ioncum glan no an meánioncum glan bliantúil, a fuair an chuideachta sa tréimhse gur dineadh an t-athscrúdú do réir na foghluma a thug sí léi, do bheith níos lú ná riail-ioncum na cuideachtan maraon le pé liúntas (má lomháltar é) a chífar don bhínse bhóthair iarainn bheith riachtanach chun leor-chúiteamh do dhéanamh in aon chaipital breise a fuarthas no a soláthruíodh ar scór caiteachais, ar chuntas chaipitail, fé n-ar chuathas ón dáta ar ar socruíodh na riail-éilithe i dtosach bára, agus más léir dóibh nárbh easba éifeachtúlachta ná baileachais sa bhainistí fé ndeár an t-easnamh, ansan, maran dó leis an mbínse bóthair iarainn, mar gheall ar atharú sa chás, nách dócha go leanfidh an t-easnamh, déanfid atharuithe ar gach ceann no aon cheann de sna riail-éilithe agus a gcothrom san d'atharú generálta ar éilithe fé leith na cuideachtan fé mar is dó leo is gá chun a chur ar chumas na cuideachtan an riail-ioncum do thuilleamh maraon le liúntas (má lomháltar é) den tsórt roimhráite.


(5) Ar dhéanamh aon athscrúdú den tsórt san má gheibhtar amach aon bhreis den tsórt san roimhráite, ansan, chun críche athscrúduithe a déanfar ina dhiaidh sin, beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (3) den alt so fé mar a cuirfí in ionad an riail-ioncuim suim (dá ngairmtear “an riail-ioncum méaduithe” ina dhiaidh seo anso) is có-ionann leis an riail-ioncum tar éis fiche per cent. den bhreis sin do chur leis, agus ar dhéanamh aon athscrúdú den tsórt san ina dhiaidh sin má gheibhtar amach aon bhreis os cionn an riail ioncuim mhéaduithe tar éis an liúntas (má lomháltar é) i gcóir caipitail bhreise do chur leis, ansan, chun críche athscrúduithe a déanfar ina dhiaidh sin méadófar an riail-ioncum méaduithe tré shuim is ionann le fiche per cent. den bhreis sin do chur leis, agus mar sin de:


Ach má dintar, mar gheall ar easnamh, na riail-éilithe agus na héilithe fé leith d'atharú do réir fo-alt (4) den alt so aon uair tar éis a leithéid sin de bhreis d'fháil amach, ní déanfar aon chur-in-ionad den tsórt san go dtí go bhfuighfar amach arís breis os cionn an riail-ioncuim tar éis an liúntas (má lomháltar é) i gcóir caipitail bhreise do chur leis.


(6) Nuair a bheidh an bínse bóthair iarainn ag atharú éilithe tar éis aon athscrúdú den tsórt san do dhéanamh, tabharfid aire do sna nithe dá dtabharfidís aire agus éilithe acu á shocrú i dtosach bára:


Ach tabharfidh an bínse aire do sna torthaí airgeadais a fuarthas de bharr aon ghnótha chabhartha no fo-ghnótha a bhíonn ar siúl ag an gcuideachtain, agus más deimhin leo, tar éis gach a mbaineann leis an scéal do bhreithniú, go bhfuil an t-ioncum glan a thagann as ró-íseal, féadfid, chun críche an athscrúduithe sin, pé luíoduithe is dó leo is ceart do dhéanamh ar na héilithe a socrófí mara mbeadh san.


(7) Na hatharuithe a déanfar ar riail-éilithe agus ar éilithe fé leith do réir an ailt seo, beidh éifeacht acu ón 1adh lá d'Iúl na bliana a thiocfidh i ndiaidh na bliana deiridh a bhí fé athscrúdú no o pé dáta eile a shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn.


Pagh agus Coiniollacha Seirbhise.


Coiníollacha seirbhíse fostaithe bóthair iarainn do regleáil.

55.—(1) O am rithte an Achta so agus dá éis, regleálfar rátaí páigh, trátha diúité, agus coiníollacha eile seirbhíse fostaithe bóthair iarainn do réir margaí atá déanta no a déanfar o am go ham idir ionadaí ceárd-chumann na bhfostaithe sin, ar aon taobh amháin agus, ar an dtaobh eile, na cuideachtana bóthair iarainn agus na daoine eile go bhfuilid ar fostú acu fé seach.


(2) Laistigh de mhí tar éis rithte an Achta so no tar éis déanamh aon mhargaidh den tsórt san a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo, pe'ca aca is déanaí, fágfar leis an Aire scríbhinn bhunaidh gach margaidh den tsórt san, no có-shamhail do, no cóip de a deimhníodh mar fhíor-chóip ar pé cuma d'orduigh an tAire.


(3) Sa Chuid seo den Acht so cialluíonn an focal “fostaí bóthair iarainn” duine ar fostú ag cuideachta bhóthair iarainn no ag Tigh Eadar-Chuntais Bóithre Iarainn na hÉireann in aon ghrád dá luaidhtear san Ochtú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so, agus i pé grádanna eile a cuirfar ina dhiaidh seo laistigh de scóip na margaí dá dtagartar san alt so tré aontú idir pháirtithe na margaí sin, agus go bhfuil a stáisiún, a dhepôt no a áit eile fostaíochta i Saorstát Éireann.


Ceapa chun grádanna cléireachais.

56.—(1) Ach amháin fé mar a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo san alt so, is tré scrúdú comórtais oscailte, do réir rialachán a dhéanfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha, a déanfar gach ceapa chun aon oifige no ionaid i ngrádanna cléireachais seirbhís na cuideachtan cónasctha. Beidh an Ghaedhilg ina habhar éiginteach sna scrúduithe sin.


(2) Beidh gach scrúdú comórtais oscailte den tsórt san ar oscailt do gach éinne gur mian leis dul fén gcéanna agus go bhfuil gnáth-chomhnaí air in Éirinn agus a íocfidh na táillí agus go mbeidh na cáilíochta san aige maidir le haois, sláinte agus carachtar, a bheidh orduithe sna rialacháin a bhainfidh leis an scrúdú.


(3) Féadfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha a fhoráil le rialachán speisialta gur tré scrúduithe comórtais teoranta a líonfar pé cion de sna folúntaisí i ngrádanna a sheirbhíse a cheadóidh an tAire, agus ar scrúdú do bheith teoranta amhlaidh ní leigfar fé ach daoine atá no a bhí ar fostú ag an gcuideachtain chónasctha no clann daoine den tsórt san.


Scéim d'ullamhú i gcóir ciste aois-liúntais.

57.—(1) Laistigh de bhliain tar éis an 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1925, no de pé tréimhse eile a shocróidh an tAire, ullamhóidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha scéim chun í phlé leis na ceárd-chumainn a ionaduíonn fostaithe na cuideachtan có-nasctha, scéim chun ciste aois-liúntais do bhunú, ar mhódh rann-íocach, do pé cuid d'fhostaithe na cuideachtan có-nasctha gur féidir, agus aire chuibhe dá thabhairt do chúrsaí rímh-chléireachais, soláthar do dhéanamh dóibh amach as ciste den tsórt san.


(2) Forálfar sa scéim a ullamhóidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha amhlaidh go mbeidh ionadaithe do sna fostaithe páirteach i mbainistí an chiste aois-liúntais.


Regleail na mBothar Iarainn.


Comhacht chun orduithe dhéanamh i dtaobh oibriú na mbóthar iarainn.

58.—(1) Chun an tsábháltacht phuiblí no leas na puiblíochta no na tráchtála no aon chomharsanachta áirithe do chur in áirithe agus do chur ar aghaidh, féadfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn, le hordú, ar iarratas o aon dream daoine a ionaduíonn aon leasanna den tsórt san, a éileamh ar an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha no ar aon chuideachta bhóthair iarainn eile, maidir leis an gcuid sin dá ngnó a luíonn i Saorstát Éireann, seirbhísí, saoráidí agus áisiúlachtaí réasúnta bóthair iarainn do thabhairt ar a ngnó agus maidir le n-a ngnó (maraon le pé atharuithe agus leathanuithe agus feabhsanna beaga do dhéanamh ar na sean-oibreacha ná beidh níos mó ná deich míle púnt le caitheamh ortha in aon chás áirithe) fé mar adéarfar san ordú:


Ach más rud é, nuair a cuirfar isteach iarratas den tsórt san, go gcuirfidh cuideachta ina luighe ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn nách féidir, agus an scéal go léir mar atá sé, an caipital is gá chun na críche do sholáthar no do chaitheamh mar a meastar gan dochar do dhéanamh do leasanna na scaireánach a bheidh ann an uair sin, ní déanfar an t-ordú:


Agus fós beidh na comhachta fén bhfo-alt so mar bhreis agus ní mar luíodú ar aon chomhachta eile atá ann cheana le n-a n-éilítear go ndéanfar a bhfuil riachtanach chun an phuiblíocht do chosaint no chun saoráidí réasúnta do sholáthar.


(2) Féadfidh an tAire, le hordú, a éileamh ar an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha no ar aon chuideachta bhóthair iarainn eile, maidir leis an gcuid sin dá ngnó a luíonn i Saorstát Éireann, déanamh do réir aon mhola o chigire a ceapadh go cuibhe fén Regulation of Railways Act, 1871.


(3) I gcás aon choróinéir do chur coiste no do bheith chun coiste do chur ar éinne a marbhuíodh de dheascaibh tionóisce go n-iarratar de thurus na huaire leis na Regulation of Railways Acts, 1840 to 1889, no dá réir fógra ina thaobh do chur chun an Aire, agus i gcás é chur iarratais scríbhte chun an Aire chuige seo, féadfidh an tAire cigire no duine éigin go bhfuil eolas ar dhlí no eolas speisialta aige do cheapa chun cabhrú in obair an choiste sin, agus an té a ceapfar amhlaidh gníomhóidh sé mar mheastóir don choróinéir, agus an cuntas ba chóir don choróinéir a thabhairt don Aire fé sna hAchtanna roimhráite isé an duine sin a thabharfidh don Aire é in ionad an coróinéir é do thabhairt do agus foillseofar an cuntas ar an gcuma ina ndéanfí é i gcás iniúcha fhuirmeálta ar thionóisc fén Regulation of Railways Act, 1871.


(4) Déanfar forálacha na Regulation of Railways Acts, 1840 to 1889, maidir le hoscailt aon bhóthair iarainn, do leathanú i dtreo go mbainfid le hiniúcha gach oibre nua no athdhéanta, maraon le droichid agus viaducta.


(5) Aon ordú a dhéanfidh an tAire fén alt so déanfidh aon chuideachta bhóthair iarainn le n-a mbaineann an t-ordú é chólíona, agus mara gcó-líonaid é féadfar é chur i bhfeidhm (fé réir a bhforáltar anso roimhe seo) le hordú a dhéanfidh an bínse bothair iarainn ar iarratas ón Aire.


Comhacht chun orduithe dhéanamh chun talamh, etc., d'fháil.

59.—(1) Chun a chur ar chumas cuideachtan bóthair iarainn atharuithe, leathanuithe, agus feabhsuithe do dhéanamh ar oibreacha atá ann cheana do réir ordú ón mbínse bóthair iarainn no ón Aire no, ar iarratas cuideachtan bóthair iarainn, chun a chur ar chumas na cuideachtan san aon atharú, leathanú no feabhsú atá luaidhte in alt 45 den Railway Clauses Act, 1845, do dhéanamh agus do sholáthar, féadfidh an t-Aire, tar éis forálacha an ailt seo do chó-líona, a údarú don chuideachta bhóthair iarainn an talamh agus na faoisimh d'fháil agus na hoibreacha dhéanamh is gá chun na hatharuithe, na leathanuithe agus na feabhsuithe roimhráite do dhéanamh.


(2) Sara ndintar ordú fén alt so fágfidh an chuideachta bhóthair iarainn leis an Aire pé pleananna, áireamhachtaí agus scríbhinní eile a iarrfidh an tAire agus tar éis fágáil na scríbhinní sin tabharfidh an tAire fógra puiblí, a foillseofar aon uair amháin san Iris Oifigiúil agus aon uair amháin gach seachtain de thrí seachtainí as a chéile i bpáipéar éigin, agus sa pháipéar chéanna gach seachtain, a léitear sa chontae no sna contaethe ina bhfuil an talamh, i dtaobh é bheith chun déanamh an orduithe sin do bhreithniú agus i dtaobh na slí ina bhféadfar agus i dtaobh na haimsire gur laistigh di a féadfar aithris cúise do dhéanamh agus agóidí do chur isteach i dtaobh an orduithe, agus, más dó leis go bhfuil sé oiriúnach é dhéanamh, cuirfe sé fé ndeár fiosrúchán puiblí do chomóra i dtaobh éinní a bhaineann le déanamh an orduithe sin.


(3) In ordú a déanfar fén alt so féadfar—


(a) an Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, d'ionchorporú, ach é atharú i dtreo go bhfolóidh an focal “public authority” an chuideachta bhóthair iarainn sin, agus


(b) na Lands Clauses Acts d'ionchorporú sa mhéid ná fuilid bunoscionn leis an Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, adubhradh.


(4) Ní déanfar aon ordú fén alt so i dtaobh éinní gur dó leis an Aire, de bharr aithrise cúise a dineadh chuige no de bharr na tuarasgabhála ón duine a bhí i mbun fiosrúcháin phuiblí no de bharr éinní eile, gur ní é de shaghas no de mhéid nár cheart dul ar aghaidh leis gan údarás d'fháil ón Oireachtas tré Bhille Phríobháideach.


Comhacht chun daingniú dhéanamh ar mhargaí chun bóithre iarainn do cheannach, do thógaint ar léas no d'oibriú.

60.—(1) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo agus tar éis pé fógraí agus fiosrúcháin is dó leis an Aire is gá no is oiriúnach, féadfidh an tAire daingniú do dhéanamh ar aon mharga a déanfar ina dhiaidh seo chun an chuideachta chó-nasctha do cheannach, do léasú, no d'oibriú aon chuid de shuisteam aon chuideachtan bóthair iarainn eile.


(2) Gan údarás ón Oireachtas, ní bheidh aon mharga den tsórt san roimhráite dleathach ná éifeachtúil mara ndinidh ná go dtí go ndéanfidh an tAire é dhaingniú fén alt so, ach má dintar agus nuair a déanfar é dhaingniú amhlaidh beidh lán fheidhm agus lán-dhleathacht aige agus féadfidh na páirtithe sa mharga san é chur in éifeacht gan a thuille údaráis ón Oireachtas.


(3) Ní dhaingneoidh an tAire aon mharga fén alt so más dó leis gur marga é de shaghas no de mhéid nár cheart dul ar aghaidh leis gan údarás d'fháil ón Oireachtas tré Bhille Phríobháideach.



61.—(1) O am rithte an Achta so agus dá éis sin, ní bheidh sé dleathach d'aon chuideachtain chó-nascthaigh ná d'aon chuideachtain tógtha-isteach ná don chuideachtain chó-nasctha atharú ná athghairm do dhéanamh ar aon mharga ná socrú (nách marga ná socrú a daingníodh le hachtachán reachtúil no a cuireadh mar sceideal leis) a dineadh le haon chuideachtain bhóthair iarainn no le haon ghnó iompair eile chun trácht do roinnt no do dhíriú, no chun fáltaisí do chó-chruinniú, no chun rátaí idir-dhealuithe do chur ar thrácht ar muir go Saorstát Éireann no amach as, ná margaí do dhéanamh chun aon chríche dhíobh san, ach amháin sa mhéid go n-údarófar no go n-éileofar é le hordú a dhéanfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn go n-aire chuibhe d'fhorálacha an Achta so.


(2) Ní dhéanfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn aon ordú den tsórt san roimhráite ach ar iarratas—


(a) o aon pháirtí sa mharga no sa socrú san; no


(b) ón gcuideachtain chó-nasctha; no


(c) o dhream ionadathach trádálaithe; no


(d) o dhream daoine atá ionadathach do thrádáil no do chomharsanacht; no


(e) o bhóthar iarainn no o ghnó iompair eile le n-a mbaineann an marga no an socrú san.


(3) Fé réir na bhforálacha san roimhe seo den alt so, ní dhéanfidh éinní san Acht so dochar ná difir do chearta ná d'fhiachaisí aon chuideachtan có-nascthaighe ná aon chuideachtan tógtha-isteach fé aon mharga no socrú (nách marga ná socrú a daingníodh le hachtachán reachtúil no a cuireadh mar sceideal leis) a bhí ann le linn rithte an Achta so ach amháin sa mhéid go bhfuil na cearta no na fiachaisí sin bunoscionn le forálacha soiléire an Achta so.


(4) Gach cuideachta chó-nascthach agus gach cuideachta thógtha-isteach, agus fós gach cuideachta bhóthair iarainn eile go luíonn a mbóthar iarainn no aon chuid de laistigh de Shaorstát Éireann, déanfid—


(a) laistigh de mhí tar éis don Aire é éileamh ortha i scríbhinn no, mara ndintar an t-éileamh san, ar dháta nách déanaí ná an 31adh lá d'Eanair, 1925, sceideal do thabhairt don Aire agus mion-innste scríbhte ann ar gach marga agus socrú le n-a mbaineann an fo-alt so agus a bheidh ann ar dháta an éilimh sin no, mara mbeidh an t-éileamh san ann, ar an 31adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1924, agus gur páirtí ionnta an chuideachta san, agus


(b) laistigh de choicíos tar éis dáta aon mhargaidh no socrú le n-a mbaineann an fo-alt so agus a dineadh tar éis dáta an éilimh sin, no tar éis an 31adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1924 (pe'ca aca é), agus gur páirtí ann an chuideachta san, mion-innste scríbhte, ar an marga no ar an socrú san, do thabhairt don Aire, agus


(c) laistigh de sheachtain tar éis don Aire é éileamh ortha i scríbhinn, pé mion-innste agus eolas sa bhreis, a éileoidh an tAire amhlaidh, do thabhairt don Aire maidir le n-a bhfuil in aon mharga no socrú gur tugadh mion-innste air cheana fé aon mhír díobh san roimhe seo.


Má thugann aon chuideachta faillí in aon mhion-innste no eolas do thabhairt uatha do réir an ailt seo no má thugaid fén alt so aon eolas atá bréagach no a chuirfadh duine amú, féadfar a chur ar an gcuideachtain go n-íocfid leis an Aire i gcóir an Stát-Chiste pé pionós nách mó ná cúig púint ar fhichid agus, ina theanta san, má leanann an cionta, pé pionós breise nách mó ná cúig púint in aghaidh gach lá a leanfidh an cionta, a fhorchuirfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn ortha ar iarratas ón Aire.


Baineann an fo-alt so le gach marga agus socrú (pe'ca fé chomhachta reachtúla a dineadh iad no ar shlí eile) le n-a socruítear i gcóir trácht do roinnt no do dhíriú ar bóthar iarainn go haon áit no o aon áit i Saorstát Éireann no i gcóir có-chruinniú fáltaisí a thiocfidh isteach de bhárr an tráchta san, no i gcóir rátaí idirdhealuithe ar thrácht ar muir go Saorstát Éireann no amach as.


(5) Tar éis rithte an Achta so beidh sé dleathach d'Aire an Phuist no d'aon cheann de sna cuideachtana có-nascthacha no tógtha-isteach no don chuideachtain chó-nasctha a iarraidh ar an mbínse bóthair iarainn—


(a) athscrúdú dhéanamh ar aon mharga, pe'ca marga reachtúil é no a mhalairt, atá ann ar dháta rithte an Achta so idir Aire an Phuist agus aon cheann de sna cuideachtana có-nascthacha no tógtha-isteach; no


(b) mara bhfuil aon mharga den tsórt san ann mar sin, breith do thabhairt ar aon difríocht no aighneas a bheidh no a eireoidh idir Aire an Phuist agus aon cheann de sna cuideachtana có-nascthacha no tógthaisteach no an chuideachta chó-nasctha maidir leis an luach saothair a híocfar as seirbhísí a thugann an chuideachta san d'Aire an Phuist, ach (in ainneoin aon fhorála reachtúla no forála eile ina choinnibh sin) leanfidh an chuideachta san de sna seirbhísí sin do thabhairt go dtí go dtabharfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn a mbreith.


Boithre Iarainn fe Urraiocht Bharuntachta.


Brí focal áirithe.

62.—Sa Chuid seo den Acht so—


cialluíonn an focal “dividenda fé urraíocht bharúntachta” na dividenda ar scair-chaipital íoctha bóithre iarainn barúntachta curtha-isteach atá urruithe, le linn rithte an Achta so, ag barúntachtaí áirithe no ag codacha áirithe de bharúntachtaí i Saorstát Éireann fé urraíochtaí a tugadh fén Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883, no fé aon Acht eile no fé aon Ordú i gComhairle a dineadh fé aon Acht den tsórt san: cialluíonn an focal “urra-bharúntacht” barúntacht no cuid de bharúntacht go bhfuil dividenda fé urraíocht bharúntachta urruithe aici fé aon urraíocht a tugadh fé aon Acht no Ordú i gComhairle den tsórt san adubhradh;


cialluíonn an focal “bóthar iarainn barúntachta curtha-isteach” bóthar iarainn no cuid de bhóthar iarainn gur dividenda fé urraíocht bharúntachta na dividenda ar aon chuid dá chaipital íoctha agus atá le cur isteach (tré chó-nasca no tré thógaintisteach), fé fhorálacha an Achta so, i ngnó na cuideachtan cónasctha.


Forálacha i dtaobh urraíochtaí barúntachta.

63.—(1) I rith gach bliana de sna deich mbliana a luaidhtear i gCuid I. den Naoú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so íocfidh an tAire leis an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas agus ina tráth-choda cothroma leathbhliantúla, an tsuim adeirtear sa Chuid sin I. den sceideal san a bheith iníoctha gach bliain de sna blianta san fé seach.


(2) Ar pé dátaí a shocróidh an tAire déanfidh comhairlí na gcontaethe uile agus fé leith a luaidhtear i gCuid II. den Naoú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so na suimeanna a luaidhtear sa Chuid sin II. in aghaidh na gcontaethe sin fé seach d'íoc leis an Aire ina dtráth-choda cothroma leath-bhliantúla i rith gach bliana de sna blianta a luaidhtear sa Chuid sin II. i gcóir na gcontaethe sin fé seach, agus isiad suimeanna iad san ná na méideanna a sholáthair agus d'íoc na comhairlí sin fé seach i gcóir na tréimhse deiridh cuntasaíochta a chríochnuigh roimh an 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1914, mar gheall ar an bhfiachas a bhí ar urra-bharúntachtaí sa chontae i dtaobh dividenda fé urraíocht bharúntachta.


(3) Na suimeanna uile agus fé leith a íocfidh comhairle contae leis an Aire fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo, soláthróidh an chomh airle sin iad as na líomatáistí céanna agus do réir na gcionúireacht gcéanna agus ar an gcuma gcéanna gur asta agus dá réir agus uirthi a soláthruíodh an tsuim d'íoc an chomhairle sin i gcóir na tréimhse cuntasaíochta deiridh a chríochnuigh roimh an 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1914, mar gheall ar an bhfiachas a bhí ar urra-bharúntachtaí sa chontae i dtaobh dividenda fé urraíocht bharúntachta:


Ach féadfidh an tAire, le hordú, ar iarratas o aon chomhairle den tsórt san agus le toil an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí, a údarú don chomhairle sin leathnú do dhéanamh ar an líomatáiste as a soláthrófar na suimeanna a íocfidh an chomhairle sin leis an Aire, no atharú do dhéanamh ar na cionúireachtaí gur dá réir a soláthrófar iad no ar an slí ina soláthrófar iad.


(4) An fiachas (atá, a bheidh no a fhéadfidh teacht chun bheith) ar chomhairlí uile agus fé leith na gcontaethe ina luíonn urrabharúntachtaí, maidir le dividenda fé urraíocht bharúntachta no le críochnú, oibriú no coinneáil-suas bóithre iarainn barúntachta curtha-isteach, fé aon urraíocht a tugadh fén Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883, no fé aon Acht eile no fé aon Ordú i gComhairle a dineadh fé aon Acht den tsórt san, stadfidh an fiachas san ón 31adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1924, ach ní dhéanfidh an stad san dochar ná difir d'aon fhiachas den tsórt san roimhráite ar aon chomhairle den tsórt san maidir le haon tréimhse roimh an 1adh lá d'Eanair, 1925.


(5) An fiachas (atá, a bheidh no a fhéadfidh teacht chun bheith) ar na bóithre iarainn barúntachta curtha-isteach uile agus fé leith, ag an Aire Airgid no ag comhairlí na gcontaethe ina luíonn urra-bharúntachtaí, fén Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883, no fé aon Acht eile go bhfuil urraíocht déanta fé n'údarás ar dhividenda, ar chríochnú, ar oibriú no ar choinneáil-suas bóthair iarrainn bharúntachta curtha-isteach, no fé aon Ordú i gComhairle a dineadh fé aon Acht den tsórt san, stadfa sé ón 31adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1924.


(6) An fiachas a fhéadfidh teacht (má thagann sé) chun bheith ar aon chuideachta chó-nascthach no thógtha-isteach, ag an Aire Airgid no ag Comhairle aon chontae fén Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883, no fé aon Acht eile 'na bhfuil no 'na raibh urraíocht déanta fé n'údarás ar dhividenda, ar chríochnú, ar oibriú no ar choinneáil-suas bóthair iarainn no aon choda de bhóthar iarainn na cuideachtan san no fé aon Ordú i gComhairle a dineadh fé aon Acht den tsórt san, no fé aon bhreithiúntas, aithne no ordú a bunuíodh ar aon Acht no Ordú den tsórt san, stadfa sé ón 31adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1924.


(7) Ní bheidh aon airgead iníoctha amach as Cuntas na Cánach Áitiúla fé fho-alt (4) d'alt 58 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, le comhairle aon chontae i gcóir aon tréimhse tar éis an 31adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1924, mar gheall ar aon bhóthar iarainn barúntachta curtha-isteach agus, in ionad na n-íocanna san íocfar leis an Aire, amach as Cuntas na Cánach Áitiúla, i rith gach bliana de sna deich mbliana a luaidhtear i gCuid III. den Naoú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so, an tsuim adeirtear, sa Chuid sin III. den Sceideal san, a bheith iníoctha gach bliain de sna blianta san, fé seach. Ní bhainfidh forálacha fo-alt (5) d'alt 58 den Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, le haon tsuim a híocfar leis an Aire fén bhfo-alt so.


Bóithre iarainn barúntachta atá dílsithe i gcomhairlí contae.

64.—In aon chás ina dtáinig gnó aon bhóthair iarainn bharúntachta churtha-isteach, agus maoin aon chuideachtan go raibh baint acu leis, chun bheith ina mhaoin ag árd-choiste no comhairle contae fé fhorálacha a bhí in Ordú-i-gComhairle do réir fo-alt (2) d'alt 10 den Tramways and Public Companies (Ireland) Act, 1883, ansan, chun Cuid I. den Acht so do chur i mbaint leis an mbóthar iarainn barúntachta curtha-isteach san—


(a) na daoine is scaireánaigh de thurus na huaire den chuideachtain gur leo an gnó agus an mhaoin sin láithreach sara dtáinig an céanna chun bheith ina mhaoin ag an árd-choiste no ag an gcomhairle contae, tuigfar gurb iad na daoine sin únaerí an bhóthair iarainn sin, agus


(b) ní bheidh toiliú na comhairle contae riachtanach i gcóir aon scéime chun an chuideachta chó-nasctha do thógaint gnó an bhóthair iarainn sin isteach.




Féadfidh údaráis phuiblí iarrataisí do dhéanamh i gcásanna áirithe.

65.—(1) Sa chás san, fén Acht so, ina bhféadfadh dream ionadathach de thrádálaithe no dream atá ionadathach do thrádáil no do chomharsanacht iarratas do dhéanamh chun an bhínse bhóthair iarainn, féadfidh aon cheann de sna húdaráis no de sna cóluchtaí seo a leanas an t-iarratas do dhéanamh:—


(a) aon bhord cuain, no comhairle aon chontae no buirge no ceanntair; no


(b) aon chomhlachas tráchtála no comhlachas atá ionadathach do loingseoireacht, do thalmhaíocht, do thrádálaithe, do lastairí no do phaisnéirí agus a gheobhaidh deimhniú ón Aire gur cólucht ceart iad chun a leithéid d'iarratas do dhéanamh.


(2) Fé réir a bhforáltar san alt so, ní bheidh teideal ag aon chuideachta, cólucht ná duine chun aon iarratas do dhéanamh mara bhfuil baint díreach acu le habhar an iarratais sin.


(3) Féadfidh aon údarás no cólucht den tsórt roimhráite teacht i láthair i gcoinnibh aon iarratais, aithris cúise, no cur-fé-bhráid in aon chás in ar dó leis an Aire gur dócha go ndéanfadh an bhreith a tabharfí ar aon iarratas, aithris cúise, no chur-fébhráid den tsórt san, difir don údarás san no do sna daoine darb ionadaithe iad.


(4) Féadfidh an tAire, más oiriúnach leis é, a éileamh mar choiníoll ar dheimhniú do thabhairt fén alt so go dtabharfar urús, ar pé slí agus i pé méid is gá, dar leis, ar chostaisí fé n-a raghfar.


(5) Aon deimhniú a deonfar fén alt so, beidh sé i bhfeidhm go ceann dhá mhí dhéag ón dáta ar ar tugadh amach é mara dtarraingítear siar é.


(6) Aon chostaisí fé n-a raghaidh aon údarás den tsórt san in aon iarratas no cur-i-gcoinnibh den tsórt san no mar gheall air sin, íocfar iad amach as an ráta no as an gciste as a n-íoctar na costaisí fé n-a dtéigheann an t-údarás i bhfeidhmiú a ngnáthdhualgaisí.


Fógraí, etc.

66.—Aon fhógra, iarratas, impí, no scríbhinn eile a húdaruítear no a héilítear, leis an Acht so, a chur ag triall ar chuideachta bhóthair iarainn, féadfar é chur tríd an bpost i leitir chláruithe roimh-íoctha fé sheola rúnaí na cuideachtan i bpríomh-oifig na cuideachtan, mara n-orduighidh an bínse bóthair iarainn slí éigin eile.


Scríbhinní do sheirbheáil ar an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha.

67.—Aon scríbhinn a héilítear no a húdaruítear, le dlí lasmuich den Acht so, a sheirbheáil ar an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha féadfar í sheirbheáil amhlaidh tré—


(a) í shíne chun rúnaí na cuideachtan có-nasctha sa phríomhoifig atá ag an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha i Saorstát Éireann, no


(b) í fhágaint sa phríomh-oifig roimhráite i gclúdach fé sheola rúnaí na cuideachtan có-nasctha, no


(c) í chur tríd an bpost i leitir chláruithe roimh-íoctha fé sheola rúnaí na cuideachtan có-nasctha sa phríomhoifig roimhráite.


Na teangthacha ina mbeidh fógraí puiblí agus ticéidí.

68.—Chó luath agus is féidir é cuirfidh an chuideachta chónasctha fógraí agus comharthaí i nGaedhilg agus i mBéarla in ionad na bhfógraí agus na gcomharthaí puiblí go léir (ar a n-áirítear ainmneacha stáisiún) atá i mBéarla amháin anois, agus, laistigh de bhliain ón 1adh Eanair, 1925, leagfid fé bhráid an Aire scéim chun a gcárta-thicéidí paisnéara i gcóir turus laistigh den tSaorstát do chlóbhuala i nGaedhilg agus i mBéarla agus, maran dó leis an Aire go mbeadh an riail-ioncum i gcuntúirt agus nár bhfólair rátaí agus táillí do mhéadú de dheascaibh glaca leis an scéim, ordóidh sé don chuideachtain chó-nasctha an scéim sin do chur i ngníomh: Ach féadfar na stuic de thicéidí atá ann fé láthair d'úsáid go dtí go mbeid ídithe.


Cúntaisí, áirimh agus staitistíocht.

69.—(1) Na cuntaisí a bheidh le tabhairt ag an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha fén Railway Companies (Accounts and Returns) Act, 1911, tiomsófar iad i pé slí a ordóidh an tAire tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha.


(2) Beidh sé de dhualgas ar an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha pé staitistíocht agus áirimh a éileoidh an tAire do thiomsú agus do thabhairt do i pé slí agus fuirm a ordóidh sé.


(3) Chun críche an Achta so beidh ag an Aire, no ag aon oifigeach dá n-údaróidh sé é go cuibhe, comhacht chun pé rannsú is gá, dar leis, a dhéanamh ar chúrsaí na cuideachtan có-nasctha, agus beidh dul aige ar leabhair, ar chuntaisí agus ar áirimh na cuideachtan có-nasctha, agus tabharfidh oifigigh agus seirbhísigh na cuideachtan don Aire no d'aon oifigeach cuibhe-údaruithe den tsórt san pé saoráidí a éileoidh sé.


(4) Na comhachta a bheidh ag an Aire fén alt so is méadú iad, agus ní luíodú, ar aon chomhachta a bronntar air fén Acht so no fé aon Acht eile chun fiosrúcháin do chomóra.


(5) Mara gcó-líonaidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha éinní áirithe dá n-éilítear leis an alt so, féadfar an ní sin do chur i bhfeidhm le hordú ón mbínse bóthair iarainn ar iarratas ón Aire.


(6) Ní léireofar éinní san alt so mar údarás chun aon teora do chur le smacht únaerí aon ghnótha ar na crícheanna 'na bhfuil caiteachas an ghnótha san le caitheamh leo, ná chun aon chur isteach do dhéanamh ar an smacht san.


Ainmneacha agus seolta na scaireánach.

70.—(1) In ainneoin éinní atá in alt 10 den Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, beidh sé dleathach don chuideachtain chó-nasctha treoir de chártaí no treoir eile (de shaghas a cheadóid iniúchóirí na cuideachtan có-nasctha), ina mbeidh ainmneacha agus seolta scaireánach uile agus fé leith na cuideachtan cónasctha, do chur in ionad Leabhar Seolta na Scaireánach a foráltar fén alt san agus is dá réir sin a léighfar an t-alt san agus a bheidh éifeacht aige sa mhéid go mbainfe sé leis an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha agus nuair a bheidh an treoir de chártaí no an treoir eile sin curtha in ionad an Leabhair Sheolta mar sin scuirfidh alt 34 den Regulation of Railways Act, 1868, de bhaint a bheith aige leis an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha: Ach an t-éileamh a hiarrfar ar chóip den treoir de chártaí no den treoir eile sin ní ragha sé thar suim £2 10s. 0d.


(2) Má dhineann an chuideachta chó-nasctha éinní contrárdha d'alt 10 den Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, mar a hatharuítear leis an alt so é, féadfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar fiche punt do chur ortha mar gheall ar gach cionta fé leith, fíneáil a féadfar a fháil agus a úsáid ar an gcuma gcéanna in ar féidir de thurus na huaire fíneála a forchuirtar leis an Railway Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, d'fháil agus d'úsáid.


Achtacháin ná bainfidh leis an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha.

71.—Na hachtacháin a háirítear sa Deichiú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so, sa mhéid a luaidhtear sa tríú colún den Sceideal san, ní bhainfid leis an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha ón lá ceaptha.



72.—Féadfar Acht na mBóthar Iarainn, 1924, do ghairm den Acht so.


Cead Sceideal.

Cuideachtana Co-nascthacha agus Togtha-Isteach.

Ailt 1 agus 2 (1).


Cuideachtana Có-nascthacha.


Cuideachtana Tógtha-Isteach.

Cuideachta Mhórbhóthar Iarainn an Deiscirt agus an Iarthair, maraon leis an ngnó fé leith Síne Ghéisill.

Cuideachta Mhórbhóthar Iarainn Lár agus Iarthar Éireann.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Bhaile Atha Cliath agus an Taoibh Thoir Theas, maraon le Siúnta-Bhóithre Iarainn Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath agus le Síne-Bhóithre Iarainn Ros Mhic Treoin agus Portláirge.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Chorcaighe, na Banndan agus an Chósta Theas maraon le Síne Bhágh Bheanntraighe.

Cuideachta an tSíne o Bhéal Atha an Rí agus o Thuaim go Clár Chloinne Mhuiris, Teoranta.

Cuideachta Shiúnta-Bhóthar Iarainn Eadtrom Bhéal Atha na Scairte agus Thigh Molaga.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Eadtrom Bhaile an Róba agus Chlár Chloinne Mhuiris, Teoranta.

Cuideachta Shíne-Bhóthar Iarainn Dhún na Séad, Teoranta.

Cuideachta Shíne-Bhóthar Iarainn Bheanntraighe.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn an Chabháin agus Liathdroma, Teoranta.

Cuideachta Shíne-Bhóthar Iarainn Chlanna Chaoilte.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Chorcaighe, na Carraige Duibhe agus an Phasáiste.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Díreach Chorcaighe agus Mhaghchromtha.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Eadtrom Chorcaighe agus Mhúscraighe, Teoranta.

Bóithre Iarainn Chathair Chorcaighe.

Cuideachta Shíne-Bhóthar Iarainn Eadtrom an Dhomhnaigh Mhóir, Teoranta.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Bhaile Atha Cliath agus Dhún Laoghaire.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Eadtrom Bhaíle Locha Riach agus Ath Díomáin, Teoranta.

Cuideachta Thrambhealach agus Bhóthar Iarainn Eadtrom Scoil Mhuire agus an Scibírín. (Cuideachta Thrambhealaí agus Bhóithre Iarainn Eadtroma Iar-Chairbre, Teoranta).

Cuideachta Bhóithre Iarainn an Chláir Theas, Teoranta.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn an Deiscirt.

Cuideachta Shíne-Bhóthar Iarainn Eadtrom Thigh Molaga agus Chúirt an tSéafraidh.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Eadtrom Thráighlí agus an Daingin, Teoranta.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Thráighlí agus na Fionnaite.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Phortláirge agus na Trágha Móire.

Cuideachta Bhóthar Iarainn Iar-Chláir, Teoranta.

Dara Sceideal.

Bord Stiurthoiri na Cuideachtan Co-nasctha.

Alt 4 (d).


An Chead Bhliain.

1. Ar feadh na tréimhse dar tosach an dáta ar a dtiocfidh an scéim chó-nascthachta i ngníomh agus dar críoch dáta tionól coitiann na cuideachtan có-nasctha sa bhliain ina dhiaidh sin, beidh an chuideachta á stiúra ag bórd a bheidh có-dhéanta de pé méid daoine a socrófar leis an scéim no leis na scéimeanna có-nascthachta agus ná beidh os cionn líon cúig dhuine dhéag ná fé bhun líon dáréag.

2. Roimh dháta na scéime có-nascthachta do theacht i ngníomh toghfidh únaerí gach cuideachtan có-nascthaí, as na stiúrthóirí sin ar an gcuideachtain sin a bheidh i seilbh oifige an uair sin, pé méid daoine a socrófar leis an scéim chun fónamh mar stiúrthóir no mar stiúrthóirí ar an gcuideachtain chó-nasctha mar adubhradh.

3. Na stiúrthóirí a toghfar amhlaidh beid i seilbh oifige go dtí dáta an tionóil choitinn sin agus raghaid as oifig ansan, ach féadfar aon stiúrthóir a raghaidh as oifig amhlaidh do thogha mar stiúrthóir don chuideachtain fé sna forálacha atá curtha síos ina dhiaidh seo anso má bhíonn sé cáilithe chuige ar gach slí eile.

4. Má thagann foth-fholúntas imeasc na stiúrthóirí i rith na tréimhse sin, cuirfar ann duine a chó-thoghfid na stiúrthóirí, eadhon, duine a bhí ina stiúrthóir ar an gcuideachtain chó-nascthach 'nar thoibh a húnaerí an stiúrthóir d'imigh.


Tar eis na Cead Bhliana.

1. O dháta tionól coitiann na cuideachtan có-nasctha sa bhliain i ndiaidh bliain na scéime có-nascthachta do theacht i ngníomh, beidh an chuideachta á stiúra ag bord stiúrthóirí a bheidh có-dhéanta de pé méid ball a luadhfar sa scéim agus a thoghfid únaerí na cuideachtan agus ná beidh os cionn líon cúig dhuine dhéag ná fé bhun líon dáréag.

2. Sí cáilíocht a bheidh ag stiúrthóir ná oiread de scair-chaipital na cuideachtan có-nasctha is luadhfar sa scéim do bheith ar seilbh aige dá cheart féin agus, fé réir a bhforáltar ina dhiaidh seo anso, trí bliana a bheidh mar théarma oifige dá leithéid sin de stiúrthóir, ach féadfar é ath-thogha ar dhul as oifig do má bhíonn sé cáilithe chuige ar gach slí eile.

3. Cuirfar in aon fhoth-fholúntas a thiocfidh imeasc na stiúrthóirí duine a chó-thoghfid na stiúrthóirí eile, agus aon stiúrthóir a cóthoghfar chun foth-fholúntais beidh sé i seilbh oifige ar feadh na tréimhse céanna a leanfadh an té a chuaidh roimhe i seilbh oifige.

4. An chéad uair a toghfar stiúrthóirí tuigfar trian líon iomlán na stiúrthóirí no, maran iolrú ar trí a líon, ansan an líon is goire do thrian agus nách mó ná trian (daoine a roghnófar le crannchur i gcás easaontais) do bheith tofa go ceann bliana, agus trian, no an líon is goire dho mar adubhradh (daoine a roghnófar le crannchur i gcás easaontais) do bheith tofa go ceann dhá bhlian.

5. Fé réir na bhforálacha san roimhe seo den Sceideal so, feidhmeofar na forálacha den Companies Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, a bhaineann le ceapa agus le sealaíocht stiúrthóirí.

Triu Sceideal.

Sean-Oifigigh agus Seana-Sheirbhisigh.

Ailt 4 (f), 6 (f), agus 12 (2).

Gach éinne a bhí, ar an 3adh lá d'Abrán, 1924, le tréimhse ba lú ná cúig bliana ina oifigeach no ina sheirbhíseach d'aon chuideachta chó-nascthach no cuideachta thógtha-isteach agus ná ráineoidh do, roimh chó-nasca no tógaint-isteach na cuideachtan có-nascthaí no na cuideachtan tógtha-isteach san, imeacht dá dheoin féin ná é do chur as seirbhís aon chuideachtan có-nascthaí ná cuideachtan tógtha-isteach den tsórt san mar gheall ar mhí-iompar no mí-ábaltacht agus ná déanfidh oifigeach no seirbhíseach don chuideachtain chó-nasctha dhe, beidh teideal aige chun aisce a háireofar do réir an séú cuid dá thuarastal bliantúil agus dá shochar oifige in aghaidh gach bliana iomláine dá thréimhse seirbhíse.

Déanfar na forálacha so a leanas d'fheidhmiú maidir le daoine a bhí ar an 3adh lá d'Abrán, 1924, agus ar feadh tréimhse roimhe sin nách lú ná cúig bliana, ina n-oifigigh no ina seirbhísigh ag aon chuideachta chó-nascthach no cuideachta thógtha-isteach, agus ná beidh, roimh chó-nasca no tógaint-isteach na cuideachtan có-nascthaí no na cuideachtan tógtha-isteach san ina bpinsinéirí ná ina mblianachtóirí do réir rialacha aon chiste pinsin no aois-liúntais bóthair iarainn dar baill iad, ná tar éis dul as oifig dá dtoil féin, ná tar éis a gcurtha as seirbhís aon chuideachtan có-nascthaí no cuideachtan tógtha-isteach den tsórt san mar gheall ar mhí-iompar no mí-chumas (oifigigh agus seirbhísigh 'na ngairmtear díobh go léir ina dhiaidh seo sa Sceideal so “sean-oifigigh agus seana-sheirbhísigh”):—

(1) O dháta an chó-nasca no na tógainte-isteach, beidh gach seanoifigeach agus seana-sheirbhíseach ina oifigeach no ina sheirbhíseach don chuideachtain chó-nasctha.

(2) Féadfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha deire do chur le hoifig no le post aon tsean-oifigigh no seana-sheirbhísigh is dó leo bheith nea-riachtanach, agus aon tsean-oifigeach no seanasheirbhíseach ar a n-éileofar dualgaisí do chó-líona ná fuil i gcó-réir, no a bheadh ina mbreis nea-réasúnta, leis na dualgaisí a bhíodh air a chó-líona mar oifigeach no mar sheirbhíseach don chuideachtain o n-ar haistríodh é, féadfa sé scarúint le n'oifig no le n-a phost.

(3) Aon tsean-oifigeach no seana-sheirbhíseach a haistreofar amhlaidh ní measa bheidh an scéal aige, gan a chead, de dheascaibh an aistrithe sin, maidir le coiníollacha a sheirbhíse i gcoitinne (ar a n-áirítear sealbhaíocht oifige, luach saothair, aiscí, pinsean, aois-liúntas, cistí breoiteachta no aon tsochair no liúntaisí, pe'ca feidhm dlí atá acu no feidhm gnás na cuideachtan có-nascthaí no tógtha-isteach) ná mar a bhí sé aige maidir leis na coiníollacha seirbhíse a bhí ann do cheana féin.

(4) Más rud é, i gcás aon tsean-oifigigh no seana-sheirbhísigh a haistreofar amhlaidh, gur measa atá an scéal aige mar adubhradh, gan a chead, de dheascaibh an aistrithe sin, agus go bhfuil éinní caillte aige no aon díobháil déanta dho dá dheascaibh, beidh teideal aige chun pé suim airgid d'fháil ón gcuideachtain chó-nasctha a thabharfadh cúiteamh réasúnta dho sa chailliúint no sa díobháil sin, agus isí an chuideachta chó-nasctha a cheapfidh méid na suime sin (fé réir athchomhairc mar a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso).

(5) Gach sean-oifigeach no seana-sheirbhíseach 'na gcuirfar deire le n'oifig no le n-a phost ar an gcuma san, no a scarfidh le n'oifig no le n-a phost ar an gcuma san, no 'na scarfar le n-a sheirbhís ar an scór ná fuil gá léi no ar aon réasún eile seachas aon mhí-iompar no mí-chumas, no 'na luíodófar a luach saothair no a shochar oifige ar an scór gur luíoduíodh a dhualgaisí, no a chaillfidh airgead ar aon tslí eile de dheascaibh an chó-nasca no na tógainte-isteach (ar a n-áirítear aon chailliúint aois-liúntais a bhí in áirithe dho no cailliúint liúntaisí eile a bheadh le fáil ar dhul as oifig do no ar fháil bháis do agus cailliúint liúntaisí dá bhaintrigh no dá chlainn ina dhiaidh, pe'ca feidhm dlí atá acu no feidhm gnás na cuideachtan có-nascthaí no tógtha-isteach), beidh teideal aige chun cúiteamh d'fháil ón gcuideachtain chó-nasctha, agus ceapfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha méid an chúitimh sin (fé réir athchomhairc mar a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso) do réir na rialacha so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—

(a) isé rud a bheidh sa chúiteamh ná liúntas bliantúil a híocfar leis an sean-oifigeach no seana-sheirbhíseach le n-a bheo agus ná raghaidh, i gcás ar bith, thar dhá dtrian a luach saothair agus a shochair oifige agus, fé réir na teorann san, a háireofar do réir an seascadú cuid dá luach saothair agus dá shochar oifige in aghaidh gach bliana iomláine dá sheirbhís leis an gcuideachtain chónasctha no le haon chuideachtain chó-nascthach no tógtha-isteach, agus breis leis sin do réir líon blianta iomlána a sheirbhíse agus í áirithe do réir an scála so a leanas:—

más fiche bliain iomlán seirbhíse no níos mó a thug sé, breis deich seascadú dá luach saothair agus dá shochar oifige,

más cúig bliana déag iomlána seirbhíse no níos mó a thug sé agus níos lú ná fiche bliain den tsórt san, breis seacht seascadú dá luach saothair agus dá shochar oifige, más deich mbliana iomlána seirbhíse no níos mó a thug sé agus níos lú ná cúig bliana déag den tsórt san, breis cúig seascadú dá luach saothair agus dá shochar oifige, más cúig bliana iomlána seirbhíse no níos mó a thug sé agus níos lú ná deich mbliana den tsórt san, breis trí seascadú dá luach saothair agus dá shochar oifige:

(b) má bhí aon tsean-oifigeach no seana-sheirbhíseach as láthair go sealadach óna fhostaíocht mar oifigeach no mar sheirbhíseach den tsórt san agus, le linn iomlán na nealáithreachta san, go raibh sé ar seirbhís i bhFórsaí Náisiúnta Shaorstáit Éireann, no in aon fhórsaí mileata a bhí ag fónamh fé údarás an Chead Dháil Éireann, an Dara Dáil Éireann, no Rialtais Shealadaigh na hÉireann, no an Airm, an Chabhlaigh no an Aer-Fhórsa Bhriotáinigh déanfar chun crícheanna an Sceidil seo an nealáithreacht shealadach san do chomhreamh agus d'áireamh mar chuid dá thréimhse seirbhíse mar oifigeach no mar sheirbhíseach den tsórt san:

(c) i gcás sean-oifigigh no seana-sheirbhísigh a ceapadh chun a oifige, mar dhuine go raibh cáilithe speisialta aige, agus é ní ba shine ná mar is gnáth do dhuine bheith nuair a thosnuíonn sé i seirbhís bóthair iarainn, féadfar an tréimhse a thug sé i seirbhís cuideachtan có-nascthaí no cuideachtan tógtha-isteach do mhéadú tré oiread blian a chur léi a dheabhróidh bheith ceart agus gach ní fé leith sa chás d'áireamh, agus leis sin comhreofar a chúiteamh do réir na tréimhse seirbhíse méaduithe sin:

(d) i gcás sean-oifigigh no seana-sheirbhísigh a chaillfidh aon aois-liúntas a bhí in áirithe dho no liúntas eile a bheadh le fáil ar dhul as oifig do no ar fháil bháis do fé mar adubhradh thuas, féadfar breis do chur leis an gcúiteamh a húdaruítear ar aon tslí eile, leis an Sceideal so, a mhola dho, pé breis a dheabhróidh a bheith ceart agus gach ní a bhaineann leis an gcás d'áireamh:

(e) chun an cúiteamh fén Sceideal so do dhéanamh amach tuigfar gurb é is luach saothair agus sochar oifige do sheanoifigeach no do sheana-sheirbhíseach ná luach bliantúil an luach saothair agus an tsochair oifige a bhí aige á fháil ón gcuideachtain chó-nasctha no o aon chuideachtain chónascthach no tógtha-isteach ar an dáta ar ar thárla an ní as ar éirigh an t-éileamh ar chúiteamh mara bhfuair sé árdú céime (nárbh árdú céime laistigh d'aon ghrád dá ndeighleáltar leis sna margaí idir na cuideachtana bóthair iarainn agus na ceárd-chumainn) tar éis an 3adh lá d'Abrán, 1923, agus sa chás san tuigfar chun na críche roimhráite gurb é is luach saothair agus sochar oifige dho ná luach bliantúil an luach saothair agus an tsochair oifige a bhí aige á fháil díreach roimh an árdú céime sin. Má ceaptar sean-oifigeach mar bhall seasmhach den bhínse bóthair iarainn áireofar é mar shean-oifigeach go bhfuil deire le n'oifig o dháta an chó-nasca agus beidh teideal aige chun cúitimh dá réir sin, ach ar feadh na tréimhse a bheidh sé ag gníomhú mar bhall seasmhach den tsórt san den bhínse bóthair iarainn ní bheidh sa chúiteamh a gheobhaidh sé ach an difríocht (má bhíonn ann) idir a luach saothair mar bhall seasmhach den bhínse bóthair iarainn agus an liúntas bliantúil a deonadh do fé mhír (5) (a) den Sceideal so.

(6) Chun críche an Sceidil seo, aon atúrnae a bhí ar feadh tréimhse na gcúig mblian a tháinig díreach roimh dháta rithte an Achta so, gan bheith ag gníomhú ach do chuideachtain chó-nascthaigh no do chuideachtain tógtha-isteach mar árd-chomhairleach dlí no mar chomhairleach dlí conganta dhóibh ar thuarastal tuigfar gur sean-oifigeach é don chuideachtain sin.

(7) Einne a gheibheann liúntas bliantúil mar chúiteamh fén Sceideal so féadfa sé a iarraidh ar an gcuideachtain chónasctha, laistigh de bhliain ón dáta ar ar ceapadh méid an liúntais sin, an ceathrú cuid ar a mhéid den liúntas bliantúil sin d'atharú go dtí suim chaipitiúil airgid a íocfar leis agus a dhéanfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha amach do réir na forála a bheidh sa scéim có-nascthachta chuige sin, agus ní dhiúltóidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha go míréasúnta do ghéille d'aon iarratas den tsórt san ar atharú do dhéanamh.

(8) Má ghoilleann ar aon tsean-oifigeach no seana-sheirbhíseach an bhreith a thabharfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha ar éinní atá aici le socrú fé sna rialacha san roimhe seo, no má eiríonn aon aighneas no ceist idir aon tsean-oifigeach no seana-sheirbhíseach agus an chuideachta chó-nasctha i dtaobh éinní a eireoidh fén Sceideal so, féadfidh an seanoifigeach no an seana-sheirbhíseach san athchomharc do dhéanamh chun buan-mholtóra no chun bord de mholtóirí a cheapfidh an Prímh-Bhreitheamh, agus déanfidh siad-san an t-athchomharc san d'éisteacht agus breith do thabhairt air agus ní bheidh dul thar a mbreith air. Isé an Prímh-Bhreitheamh a cheapfidh agus isí an chuideachta chónasctha a íocfidh méid na táille a bheidh iníoctha leis an mbuan-mholtóir sin no le gach ball fé leith den bhord san de mholtóirí ar aon athchomharc den tsórt san.

(9) Chun crícheanna an Sceidil seo tuigfar gach duine atá ar fostú ag cuideachtain chó-nascthach no ag cuideachtain tógtha-isteach do bheith ina oifigeach no ina sheirbhíseach don chuideachtain sin: Fé réir forálacha mír (6) den Sceideal so i gcás aon atúrnae.

Ceathru Sceideal.

Foralacha i dtaobh Sceimeanna do chur fe bhreithniu.

Alt 9 (2).

An scéim a bheidh le cur fé bhreithniú cuirfar í fé bhreithniú únaerí agus sealbhóirí stuic dhebentiúra gach cuideachtan fé leith le n-a mbaineann sí agus san ag cruinniú a comórfar d'aon ghnó chuige sin.

Gairmfar an cruinniú san tré fhógrán a cuirfar uair sa tseachtain ar feadh dhá sheachtain i ndiaidh a chéile i bpáipéar éigin amháin, agus sa pháipéar céanna, dá bhfoillsítear i mBaile Atha Cliath, agus i bpáipéar éigin amháin, agus sa pháipéar céanna, de pháipéirí na contae no na gcontaethe ina bhfuil príomh-oifig no príomh-oifigí aon chuideachtan den tsórt san suidhte; agus fós tré chearcalán a díreofar chun gach únaera agus chun gach sealbhóra stuic dhebentiúra ag an seola aitheanta is déanaí a bhí aige no ag á ghnáth-sheola, agus a cuirfar tríd an bpost no a seachadfar ag an seola san seacht lá ar a luíod sara gcomórfar an cruinniú san, agus fuirm fholamh leasvótála ag gabháil leis, maraon le treoracha cearta i dtaobh conus an céanna d'úsáid; agus isiad an fhuirm chéanna leas-vótála agus na treoracha céanna a cuirfar chun gach únaera agus gach sealbhóra stuic dhebentiúra den tsórt san agus ní haon tsaghas eile; ach ní stampálfar aon fhuirm leas-vótála den tsórt san sara gcuirtar amach í, ná ní húsáidfar cistí aon chuideachtan chun aon leas-vótanna do stampáil, ná ní cuirfar chun siúil aon eolas i dtaobh cé hé éinne go ndeonfar an leas-vóta ina fhábhar, agus ní cuirfar aon chearcalán ná fuirm leas-vótála eile i dtaobh an chruinnithe sin chun aon únaera ná chun aon tsealbhóra stuic dhebentiúra o oifig aon chuideachtan, ná o aon stiúrthóir no oifigeach d'aon chuideachtain a thabharfidh san mar thuairisc air féin.

Comórfar an cruinniú san ar dháta nách luaithe ná an seachtú lá tar éis an fógrán san do chur isteach mar an uair dheireannach, agus féadfar é chomóra an lá céanna a comórfar gnáth-chruinniú coitiann den chuideachtain.

Ag an gcruinniú san cuirfar an scéim sin fé bhreithniú a mbeidh de sna húnaerí agus de sna sealbhóirí stuic dhebentiúra roimhráite i láthair an uair sin, agus molfar é ag na húnaerí a bheidh i láthair i bpearsan no tré leas-vótálaithe agus 'na mbeidh seilbh acu ar thrí cheathrú cuid ar a luíod den mhéid de chaipital íoctha na cuideachtan (eadhon, caipital le na ngabhann ceart chun vótáil ag gach gnáth-chruinniú den chuideachtain) a bheidh ar seilbh ag na húnaerí a bheidh i láthair, mar adubhradh, ag an gcruinniú.

Daoine gur leo aon scaireanna íoctha nó stuic íoctha ar a n-áirítear stoc debentiúra, agus ná beidh cáilithe chun vótáil ag gnáth chruinnithe agus 'na ndéanfadh an scéim difir dá leasanna, féadfid a vótanna do thairisgint ag an gcruinniú, agus cuirfar ar breaca ar leithligh na vótanna uile a tairgfar amhlaidh.

Cuirfidh an chuideachta ar breaca ainmneacha na n-únaerí agus na sealbhóirí stuic dhebentiúra a bheidh i láthair i bpearsain ag an gcruinniú agus cuirfar cóip den bhreacachán san chun an bhínse bhóthair iarainn. Chun na críche sin tuigfar gurb aon chruinniú amháin an cruinniú san agus aon chruinnithe eile, speisialta no generálta, roimhe no ina dhiaidh, a bheidh in aon tsreath leis. Féadfidh aon únaer a bheidh i láthair i bpearsain ag an gcruinniú vótaíocht d'éileamh.

Cuigiu Sceideal.

An Roinnt agus an Fhuirm a bheidh ar Sceidealacha de Riail-Eilithe.

Alt 27 (2).

Mar seo a leanas isea a bheidh na codacha ina roinnfar gach sceideal de riail-éilithe a chuirfidh an chuideachta chó-nasctha fé bhreithniú an bhínse bhóthair iarainn:—

Cuid I. ina mbeidh na héilithe ar son na n-earraí agus na minearál a háirítear sna haicmí uile agus fé seach d'earraí tráchtála (ar a n-áirítear earraí cúntúrthacha agus earraí is an-fhuiriste do dhamáistiú) a luaidhtear san aicmíocht;

Cuid II. ina mbeidh na héilithe ar son ainmhithe;

Cuid III. ina mbeidh na héilithe ar son caráistí;

Cuid IV. ina mbeidh na héilithe ar son earraí tráchtála meathtacha a hiomprófí ar thraen phaisnéara no tré sheirbhís eile den tsaghas san;

Cuid V. ina mbeidh na héilithe ar son beartán mbeag;

Cuid VI. ina mbeidh na héilithe ar son earraí tráchtála de shaghas nea-ghnáith;

Cuid VII. ina mbeidh na táillí agus na héilithe a tógfar ar son paisnéirí agus a mbagáiste d'iompar agus ar son eallach stuic, caráistí, beartáin, agus earraí tráchtála (lasmuich díobh súd a háirítear i gCuid IV.) d'iompar ar thraen phaisnéara no tré sheirbhís eile den tsaghas san;

Cuid VIII. ina mbeidh na héilithe ar son aon chustuim is iníoctha ag trádálaí.

Mar a ordóidh an bínse bóthair iarainn isea bheidh fuirmeacha na gCoda difriúla i gcás Coda V., VI., VII., agus VIII., agus is mar leanas a bheid i gcás Coda I., II., III., agus IV.:—

Cuid I.

Earrai agus Minearail.

An aicme maidir leis na hEarraí Tráchtála le n-a mbainid na hEilithe

Riail-Rátaí Iompair

Riail-Eilithe Cinn-Scríbe






Ar son an ch ad Míle no aon chuid den bhFaíd sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaíd sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaíd sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaíd sin


Ar son an chuid eile den bhFaid

Eileamh Cinn Scríbe Stáisiúin ag gach ceann den tslí

Eilithe Cinn Scríbe Seirbhíse





An Tonna an Míle

An Tonna an Míle

An Tonna an Míle

An Tonna an Míle

An Tonna an Míle

An Tonna

An Tonna

An Tonna

An Tonna

An Tonna





Cuid II.

Aicme na nAinmhithe.


An Ráta Iompair an Míle slí

Eileamh Cinn-Scríbe Stáisiúin ag gach ceann den tslí

Eilithe Cinn-Scríbe Seirbhíse

An t-éileamh minimum i gcóir Ainmhithe

Ar son an chéad Míle no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaid sin


Ar son an chuid eile den bhFaid








s. d.

s. d.

s. d.

s. d.





Cuid III.



An Ráta Iompair an Míle slí

Eileamh Cinn-Scribe Stáisiúin ag gach ceann den tslí

Eilithe Cinn-Scríbe Seirbhíse

Ar son an chéad Míle no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chuid eile den bhFaid










s. d.

s. d.

s. d.

s. d.

s. d.





Cuid IV.

Earrai Trachtala Meathtacha ar Thraen Phaisneara.

Roinn I.


Roinn II.



Roinn I.

An Ráta Iompair

Eileamh Cinn-Scribe Stáisiúin ag gach ceann den tslí

Eilithe Cinn-Scríbe Seirbhise

Ar son aon Fhaid nách sia ná Míle

Ar son aon Fhaid is sia ná Míle gan bheith thar Míle

Ar son aon Fhaid is sia ná Míle gan bheith thar Míle

Ar son aon Fhaid is sia ná Míle gan bheith thar Míle

Ar son aon Fhaid is sia ná Míle gan bheith thar Míle

Ar son aon Fhaid is sia ná Míle



An Galún

An Galún

An Galún

An Galún

An Galún

An Galún

An Canna

An Canna

An Canna















An Canna

An Canna

An Canna

An Canna

An Canna

An Canna

An Canna

An Canna

An Canna



















Ranna II. agus III.

An Ráta Iompair

Eileamh Cinn Scríbe Stáisiúin ag gach ceann den tslí

Eilithe Cinn-Scríbe Seirbhíse

Ar son an chéad Míle no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chéad Míle eile no aon chuid den bhFaid sin

Ar son an chuid eile den bhFaid



An Céad Meáchaint an Míle

An Céad Meáchaint an Míle

An Céad Meáchaint an Míle

An Céad Meáchaint an Míle

An Céad Meáchaint an Míle

An Céad Meáchaint

An Céad Meáchaint

An Céad Meáchaint

















Seu Sceideal.

Foralacha Ilghneitheacha i dTaobh Ratai.

Alt 49.

Faid do thomhas.

1. Ag tomhas na faide fan an bhóthair iarainn dóibh chun an t-éileamh ar iompar aon earraí tráchtála do shocrú ní áireoidh an chuideachta aon chuid dá mbóthar iarainn le n-a mbaineann éileamh cinn-scríbe stáisiúin mar gheall ar na hearraí sin.

Eilithe ar mheáchaint agus ar thomhas d'áireamh.

2. Mara socruítear ar a mhalairt idir an chuideachta agus an trádálaí, socrófar gach éileamh, sa mhéid gur féidir é, do réir na mór-mheáchainte a bheidh sna hearraí trádála nuair a gheobhaidh an chuideachta iad, rud a déanfar amach do réir na gnáth-mheáchainte impiriúla, ach féadfidh an bínse bóthair iarainn aon earraí trádála do luadh 'na bhféadfar na héilithe ortha do dhéanamh amach do réir an mhéide chúbaigh atá ionta, agus leagfid amach an modh ar a ndéanfar amach cadé an méid cúbach atá ionta i gcóir an éilimh.

Seirbhísí cinn-scríbe in áiteanna eile seachas áiteanna cinn-scríbe na cuideachtan.

3. Má dintar earraí trádála a hiompruíodh i dtruc fé leith do ládáil no do dhí-ládáil in áit eile seachas seid no foirgint leis an gcuideachtain, ní fhéadfidh an chuideachta aon éileamh cinn-scríbe seirbhíse d'éileamh ar thrádálaí ar son na cuideachtan do dhéanamh aon tseirbhíse acu san má iarr an trádálaí ar an gcuideachtain leigint do féin an tseirbhíse do dhéanamh do féin agus gur dhiúltuigh an chuideachta go mí-réasúnta do leigint do déanamh amhlaidh. Isé an bínse bóthair iarainn a shocróidh aon aighneas a eireoidh idir an trádálaí agus an chuideachta i dtaobh aon éilimh cinn-scríbe seirbhíse a héilíodh ar thrádálaí ná leigfadh an chuideachta dho an tseirbhís do dhéanamh do féin.

Eilithe ar son leataobhacha agus cóiríochta.

4. Ní dhéanfidh éinní san Acht so an chuideachta do chosc ar éilithe agus íocanna, i bhfuirm cíosa no éinní eile, do dhéanamh agus do ghlaca, i dteanta na n-éilithe a húdaruítear leis an Acht so, ar son leataobhacha no cóiríocht eile déanmhachta atá ar fáil no a cuirfar ar fáil chun úsáid phríobháideach trádálaithe agus ná teastuíonn ón gcuideachtain chun deighleáil leis an trácht chun crícheanna iompair:

Ach is le marga i scríbhinn, a shighneoidh an trádálaí no duine éigin go mbeidh údarás cuibhe aige uaidh chuige sin, a socrófar méid na n-éilithe no na n-íocanna san no, i gcásanna easaontais, isé an bínse bóthair iarainn a shocróidh é.

Eilithe ar son eadar-iompair.

5. Maidir le hearraí tráchtála a glacfar o chuideachta bóthair iarainn eile go bhfuil bóthar iarainn ar leithead eile acu no a seachadfar dóibh no a malairteofar idir roinn leathan agus roinn chaol de bhóthar iarainn na cuideachtan, féadfidh an chuideachta éileamh réasúnta do dhéanamh ar son aon tseirbhíse eadar-iompair a dhéanfid ach i gcás easaontais, isé an bínse bóthair iarainn a shocróidh méid an éilimh sin.

Eilithe ar son trucanna d'úsáid.

6.—(1) Féadfidh an chuideachta pé suimeanna a shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn d'éileamh ar son úsáid trucanna a sholáthróid chun earraí tráchtála d'iompar i gcás gan soláthar trucanna do bheith áirithe sna rátaí iompair.

(2) Mara soláthruíonn an chuideachta trucanna i gcóir iompar earraí tráchtála, nách earraí ná fuil soláthar trucanna áirithe ina gcóir sna rátaí iompair, luíodfar an t-éileamh ar son iompair pé méid a shocróidh an bínse bóthair iarainn.

(3) Ní bheidh ar an gcuideachtain trucanna do sholáthar i gcóir iompar earraí tráchtála ná fuil soláthar trucanna áirithe ina gcóir sna rátaí iompair, ná chun aol ina charn ná salann ina charn, ná aon earraí tráchtála dhéanfadh díobháil do thrucanna, d'iompar:

Ach má eiríonn aon aighneas idir an chuideachta agus trádálaí i dtaobh ce'ca dhéanfadh aon tsaghas áirithe earraí tráchtála díobháil do thrucanna no ná déanfadh, féadfar é chur fé bhráid an bhínse bhóthair iarainn, ach má dintar aon chur-fé-bhráid den tsórt san beidh ar an trádálaí go dteastuíonn uaidh go n-iomprófí na hearraí a thaisbeáint ná déanfidh na hearraí sin díobháil do sna trucanna.

Eilithe nuair iompruíonn cuideachta bóthair iarainn ar bhóthar iarainn na cuideachtan.

7. Aon chuideachta bóthair iarainn a iompróidh earraí ar bhóthar iarainn na cuideachtan no a dhéanfidh aon cheann de sna seirbhísí go n-údaruítear rátaí no éilithe ar a son leis an Acht so, beidh acu, fé réir forálacha an Achta so, teideal chun na rátaí agus na héilithe céanna d'éileamh a húdaruítear don chuideachtain a éileamh.

Eilithe duga agus cur-arbord-luinge.

8. Ní dhéanfidh éinní san Acht so aon difir don cheart atá ag an gcuideachtain chun aon éilithe d'éileamh go n-údaruítear dóibh le haon reacht iad d'éileamh ar son aon chóiríocht no seirbhísí a sholáthródh no a dhéanfadh an chuideachta i no mar gheall ar aon duganna no áiteanna cur-ar-bord-luinge.

Forálacha i dtaobh earraí meathtacha.

9. Bainfidh na forálacha agus na rialacháin seo a leanas le hearraí tráchtála meathtacha d'iompar ar thraen phaisnéara:—

(a) Tabharfidh an chuideachta saoráidí réasúnta chun na hearraí a haicmítear mar earraí meathtacha d'iompar fé luas ar thraen phaisnéara no ar sheirbhís eile dá saghas:

(b) Beidh na saoráidí sin fé réir na rialachán réasúnta a bheidh ag an gcuideachtain chun a seirbhís traenach paisnéara d'oibriú go caothúil agus go puinteálta, agus ní háireofar ortha aon oblagáid chun earraí meathtacha d'iompar ar aon traen áirithe:

(c) Ní bheidh an chuideachta fé oblagáid aon earraí tráchtála nách earraí meathtacha d'iompar ar thraen phaisnéara ná ar sheirbhís dá saghas:

(d) Isé an bínse bóthair iarainn a shocróidh aon cheist i dtaobh na saoráidí a thabharfidh an chuideachta uatha fé sna forálacha agus na rialacháin seo.

Eilithe ar son seirbhísí ná fuil socrú déanta ar aon tslí eile ina dtaobh.

10.—(1) Féadfidh an chuideachta suim réasúnta d'éileamh ar son na seirbhísí a luaidhtear anso síos, no ar son aon cheann acu, nuair a déanfar iad do thrádálaí ar iarratas uaidh no chun áise dho:—

(i) Seirbhísí a thabharfidh an chuideachta uatha ag leataobhacha no i mbaint le leataobhacha nách leis an gcuideachtain agus ná fuil ráta ná éileamh ar a son socair ar aon tslí eile;

(ii) Earraí tráchtála atá le hiompar no a hiompruíodh ar an mbóthar iarainn do bhailiú no do sheachada lasmuich de stáisiún cinn-scríbe ar aon tslí eile seachas mar a foráltar le halt 46 den Acht so;

(iii) Earraí tráchtála do mheádh;

(iv) Trucanna do choinneáil no aon chóiríocht d'úsáid no fanúint ina seilbh, roimh iompar earraí no dá éis, níos sia ná pé tréimhse is gá do réir réasúin chun go bhféadfidh an chuideachta deighleáil le hearraí tráchtála mar lucht iompair dóibh, no chun go bhféadfidh an consighneoir no an consighné iad do sheachada no do ghlaca, no, i gcásanna ina gconsighneofar na hearraí tráchtála go dtí seola eile seachas an stáisiún cinn-scríbe, níos sia ná tréimhse réasúnta ón am a seachadadh fógra ag an seola san i dtaobh na hearraí tráchtála bheith tagtha go dtí an stáisiún cinn-scríbe chun a seachada agus seirbhísí a tabharfar i mbaint leis an úsáid agus leis an seilbh sin;

(v) Earraí tráchtála ná fuil aon éileamh socair ina gcóir do ládáil no do dhí-ládáil, do chlúdach no do dhí-chlúdach;

(vi) Tuiteáin ghuail d'úsáid;

(vii) Cóiríocht a thabharfidh an chuideachta uatha ar chaladh cois uisce agus seirbhísí speisialta a thabharfidh an chuideachta uatha ann maidir le hearraí tráchtála do chur ar bórd árthach no báirsí no do thógaint amach asta i gcás gan aon éileamh speisialta do bheith orduithe le haon reacht, ach chun aon bhrise dhéanamh ar ráta tuigfar gurb éileamh duga an t-éileamh a luaidhtear sa bhfo-mhír seo;

(viii) Aon chóiríocht no seirbhísí a sholáthróidh an chuideachta no a thabharfid uatha laistigh de scóip a ngnótha agus ná fuil aon fhorálacha ina gcóir sa Sceideal so.

(2) Isé an bínse bóthair iarainn, ar iarratas ceachtar den dá pháirtí, a shocróidh aon difríocht a eireoidh fén mír seo, ach má dhineann trádálaí, sara dtabharfar aon tseirbhís do, fógra thabhairt i scríbhinn don chuideachtain ná teastuíonn an tseirbhís sin uaidh, ní tuigfar gur ar iarratas an trádálaí ná chun áiseachta dho a tugadh an tseirbhís.

(3) Aon éileamh a éileoidh an chuideachta fé seo agus do réir ordú ón mbínse bóthair iarainn a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire, féadfar, fé fhorálacha na míre seo, é bhaint amach le haicsean i gcúirt dlí.

11. Isé an riail-ráta ar son iompair an ráta a fhéadfidh an chuideachta a éileamh ar son earraí tráchtála d'iompar ar traen earraí tráchtála agus, fé réir na n-eisceacht agus na bhforálacha a luaidhtear sa Sceideal so, foluíonn sé an chuideachta do sholáthar comhachta gluaiseachta agus trucanna, agus gach costas eile a bhaineann leis an iompar san agus ná foráltar éinní ina thaobh anso ar aon tslí eile.

12. Isé an riail-éileamh cinn-scríbe stáisiúin an t-éileamh a fhéadfidh an chuideachta a éileamh ar thrádálaí ar son úsáid a dhéanamh den chóiríocht (lasmuich de thuiteáin ghuail) a sholáthruíonn an chuideachta agus ar son na ndualgaisí a thógann an chuideachta ortha féin, agus ná foráltar éinní ina dtaobh sa Sceideal so, ag an stáisiún cinnscríbe chun deighleáil no ag deighleáil le hearraí tráchtála mar lucht iompair dóibh roimh a n-iompar no dá éis sin.

13. Isiad na riail-éilithe cinn-scríbe seirbhíse na héilithe a fhéadfidh an chuideachta a éileamh ar thrádálaí ar son na seirbhísí seo a leanas nuair a tabharfar iad do thrádálaí no ina chóir, sé sin le rá, ládáil, dí-ládáil, clúdach, agus dí-chlúdach earraí tráchtála, agus tuigfar go bhfoluíonn na héilithe sin, maidir le gach seirbhís fé leith, gach éileamh ar son an chuideachta do sholáthar lucht oibre, meaisínteachta, gléasra, stóranna agus clúdacha.

14. Má bhíonn consighneacht ar traen earraí tráchtála os cionn trí chéad meáchaint, féadfar éileamh ar son cuid de cheathrú céad meáchaint mar cheathrú céad meáchaint.

15. Féadfidh an chuideachta éileamh ar son cuid de mhíle slí do réir an méid ceathrú míle atá sa chuid sin agus féadfar éileamh ar son cuid de cheathrú míle mar cheathrú míle.

16. Ní tuigfar gur beartáin bheaga earraí a cuirfar chun siúil ina gcaindíochtaí móra le chéile bíodh go mbeid có-dhéanta de bheartáin difriúla de shaghas málaí siúicre, caifé, agus a leithéidí.

17. Aon mhéid earraí tráchtála níos lú ná ualach truc a ghlacfidh no a sheachadfidh an chuideachta in aon truc amháin ar leataobh no ag leataobh nách leis an gcuideachtain, no go mbeidh ar an gcuideachtain no go n-éileofar ortha iad d'iompar in aon truc amháin mar gheall ar staid an cháis in ar tairgeadh na hearraí no mar gheall ar chineál na n-earraí, féadfidh an chuideachta éileamh ar a son fé mar éileoidís ar son ualaigh mhinimum réasúnta agus cuimhneamh acu ar chineál na n-earraí.

18. Cialluíonn an téarma “stáisiún cinn-scríbe” stáisiún no áit ar an mbóthar iarainn ina ndintar consighneacht d'earraí tráchtála do ládáil no do dhí-ládáil sara n-iompruítear ar an mbóthar iarainn iad no dá éis sin, ach ní fholuíonn sé aon stáisiún ná siúnta in ar dineadh na hearraí tráchtála a mbeifar ag éileamh aon éilimh chinn-scríbe ina dtaobh, do mhalairtiú le haon chuideachta bóthair iarainn, do thabhairt suas dóibh, no do ghlaca uatha, ná ní fholuíonn sé siúnta idir an bóthar iarainn agus leataobh atá curtha ar cíos ag an gcuideachtain no nách leo, ná ní fholuíonn sé, maidir le hearraí tráchtála ag gluaiseacht chun na leataoibhe sin no uaidh, aon stáisiún go bhfuil baint ag an leataoibh sin leis, ná aon dug ná áit cur-ar-bord luinge go bhfuil na héilithe ar son é úsáid regleálta le reacht.

Foluíonn an focal “leataobh” brainse-bhóithre iarainn nách le cuideachtain bhóthair iarainn.

19. Sa Sceideal so cialluíonn an focal “an chuideachta” an chuideachta chó-nasctha, agus foluíonn an focal “trádálaí” éinne a dhineann no gur mian leis earraí tráchtála do chur chun siúil no do ghlaca ar bóthar iarainn.

Seachtu Sceideal.

Achtachain a Leasuitear.

Alt 51.

Siosón agus Caibideal


An leasú.

11 Geo. 4 and 1 Will. 4, c. 68.

The Carriers Act, 1830

In alt a haon, déanfar na focail “silks in a “manufactured or unmanufactured state “and whether wrought up or not wrought “up with other materials” d'athghairm agus cuirfar an focal “twenty-five” in ionad “ten.”

In alt a dó cuirfar an focal “twenty-five” in ionad an fhocail “ten.”

Cuirfar an t-alt nua so a leanas i ndiaidh alt 10:—

“11. In this Act the expression ‘common carrier by land’ shall include a common carrier by land who is also a carrier by water, and as regards every such common carrier this Act shall apply to carriage by water in the same manner as it applies to carriage by land.”

8 & 9 Vict. c. 20

The Railways Clauses Act, 1845, mar a hionchorpruíodh in aon Acht, pe'ca roimh rith an Achta so no ina dhiaidh sin a ritheadh é.

In alt a trí, i ndiaidh na bhfocal “The “word ‘toll’ shall include any rate or “charge or other payment payable under “the special Act” cuirfar isteach na focail “or fixed by the railway tribunal under “the provisions of the Railways Act, 1924.”

In alt a nócha-hocht, in ionad na bhfocal “number or quantity of goods conveyed by “any such carriage” cuirfar isteach na focail “full name and address of the “consignee and such particulars of the “nature, weight (inclusive of packing), and “number of parcels or articles of merchan“dise handed to the company for con“veyance as may be necessary to enable “the company to calculate the charges “therefor.”

Cuirfar an fo-alt so a leanas i ndeire alt a nócha-hocht:—

“(2) The company shall be entitled to refuse to convey any merchandise delivered to them for conveyance as aforesaid in respect of which the foregoing provisions of this section have not been complied with, or to examine, weigh or count the same and make such reasonable charge therefor as they think fit:

“Provided that the company shall not refuse to convey the parcels or articles of merchandise handed to them for conveyance as aforesaid without giving the person an opportunity of having them weighed or counted upon payment of a reasonable charge.”

17 & 18 Vict. c. 31

The Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1854.

In alt a seacht, in ionad na bhfocal “for any “horse fifty pounds, for any neat cattle per “head fifteen pounds, for any sheep or pigs “per head two pounds” cuirfar na focail “for any horse one hundred pounds, for “neat cattle per head fifty pounds, for any “other animal five pounds.”

Ochtu Sceideal.

Na Gradanna le n-a mBaineann Cuid IV. den Acht.

Alt 55 (3).



Grádanna an Ghrúpa


Máistrí Stáisiúin


Máistrí Stáisiúin, Gníomhairí Earraí, Máistrí Clóis, Máistrí Conganta Clóis, Gníomhairí Paisnéara agus Beartán.



Cléirigh (Fir agus Mná).



Ceannasaithe Tráchta, Cigirí don Roinn Tráchta, Cigirí agus Saoistí do Roinn na nEarraí, Cigirí Buan-slí, Cigirí Comharthaí is Telegrafa, Saoistí Scruinge, Cigirí um Oibriú Scruinge, Cigirí Caráistí agus Bhaigíní, Cigirí Ticéidí.


Comharthóirí, etc.


Comharthóirí, Cimeádaithe Crosairí.

Gárdaí, etc.


Gárdaí Traenach Paisnéara, Gárdaí Traenach Earraí, Gárdaí Traenach Ballasta, Siuntaerí Traenach Paisnéara, Siuntaerí Traenach Earraí, Saoistí Clóis.

Fuireann Tráchta


Freastalaithe i Seomraí Eadaigh agus in Oifigí Maoine Caillte, Bailitheoirí um Bhagáiste Bhreise, Saoistí Stáisiúin, Iompróirí, Saoistí Beartán, Iompróirí Beartán, Bailitheoirí Ticéidí, Iompróirí Ceannais, Teachtairí.

Fuireann na nEarraí

Seicéirí, Comhreamhaigh, Iompróirí, Saoist-Oibritheoirí, Iompróirí Ceannais.

Fuireann Chairéireachta.

Cairéirí, Tiománaithe Ród-Mhótair, Saoist-Oibritheoirí,

Scrúdóirí Caráistí agus Bhaigíní

Scrúdóirí Caráistí, Fir Chúraim, Scrúdóirí Bhaigíní, Ilitheoirí agus Smearthóirí Caráiste agus Bhaigín.


Tiománaithe, etc.


Tiománaithe Scruinge, agus Fir Ráil-Mhótair, Teineadóirí, Glanadóirí.

Fuireann Seid, etc.

Fir Chúraim, Glanadóirí Scruinge, Fir Bharraí, Coirenítheoirí, Glaoiteoirí, Gualairí, Fir Chrann Tógála, Tarraiceoirí Teine, Pacálaithe Glanda, Scruingirí Pumpála, Gainmheoirí, Oibritheoirí Seid, Galadóirí, Tabharthóirí Stóranna, Am-Chimeádaithe (Neachléiriciúil), Glanadóirí Cuisleann.


Gaingéirí, etc.


Gaingéirí (Buan-slí), Láithreoirí Plátaí, Cigirí,Am-Chimeádaithe, Oibritheoirí, Uirliseoirí.

Línteoirí Comharthaí agus Telegrafa, etc.

Prímh-Línteoirí, Fir Chúraim, Línteoirí, Gaingéirí (Comharthaí agus Telegrafa), Socrathóirí, Oibritheoirí, Sreangadóirí agus Greamathóirí.

Naou Sceideal.

Iocanna ar son Urraiochtai Baruntachta.

Alt 63.

Cuid I.

Cuid II.

Cuid III.

An méid a Iocfidh an tAire leis an gCuideachtain Chó-nasctha gach bliain díobh so a leanas.

Na méideanna a Iocfidh na Comhairlí Contae seo a leanas leis an Aire gach bliain o 1925 go 1934 agus an dá bhliain sin san áireamh.

An méid a hIocfar amach as Cuntas na Cánach Áitiúla leis an Aire gach bliain o 1925 go 1934 agus an dá bhliain sin san áireamh.














An Clár












An Ghaillimh






























An méid a Iocfidh an Chomhairle Chontae a luaidhtear thíos leis an Aire gach bliain o 1925 go 1929 agus an dá bhliain sin san áireamh:

Tiobrad Arann, an Trian




Deichiu Sceideal.

Achtachain na bainfidh leis an gCuideachtain Cho-nasctha.

Alt 69.

Siosón agus Caibideal


Méid na hAthghairme

31 & 32 Vict. ch. 119


Regulation of Railways Act, 1868.

Alt 34.

36 & 37 Vict. ch. 48


The Regulation of Railways Act, 1873.

Ailt 14 agus 15.

57 & 58 Vict. ch. 54


The Railway and Canal Traffic Act, 1894.

Ailt 1, 3, agus 4.

11 & 12 Geo. V. ch. 55.

The Railways Act, 1921.

Alt 84, fo-alt (1), agus na focail “save as aforesaid” i bhfo-alt (2).