As Ann Déscrolláil
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Number 30.
Section | |
Establishment of Defence Forces
Organisation of the Forces
Power to dismiss or dispense with services of any member of the Forces. | |
Military Education
Service in Time of War
Liability of members of Forces to be employed on active service. | |
Special Powers in Relation to Defence
General Powers of Minister with consent of Executive Council. | |
Power to make Regulations
Scales of punishments which may be awarded by Courts-Martial. | |
Investigation of a charge against a non-commissioned officer. | |
Acquittal or conviction by Civil Court or Court-Martial to be a bar to summary proceedings. |
Right of Prosecutor and accused to be represented by a legal advisor. | |
Confession by soldier of desertion or fraudulent enlistment. |
How automatic forfeiture of and deductions from ordinary pay may be remitted. | |
Prisons and Detention Barracks
Duty of Governor of prison to receive prisoners, deserters and absentees without leave. | |
Exemptions of Officers and Soldiers
Effect of appointment to a corps and provision for transfers. |
Re-engagement and continuance of service of non-commissioned officers. | |
Regulations as to persons to enlist and enlistment of soldiers. |
Definition for purposes of Part II. Chapter V. of prescribed military authority. |
Billeting and Impressment of Carriages Billeting of Officers, Soldiers and Horses
Annual list of keepers of victualling houses liable to billets. | |
Supply of carriages, etc. for regimental baggage and stores on the march. | |
Annual list of persons liable to supply carriages and animals. | |
Offences by persons ordered to furnish carriages, animals, vessels, etc. | |
Provisions as to constables, police authorities and peace commissioners. | |
Legal Penalties in Matters respecting the Forces
Punishment for inducing officers or soldiers to desert or absent themselves without leave. | |
Summary and Other Legal Proceedings
Prosecution of offences and recovery and application of fines. | |
Provisions as to warrants and orders of military authorities. | |
Application of Military Law
The Reserve
Punishment for non-attendance for annual training or permanent service, etc. | |
Punishment for inducing Reserve man to desert or absent himself. | |
Transitory Provisions
Provisions as to command-in-chief and administrative and executive powers. | |
Number 30.
AND WHEREAS it is provided by Article 70 of the Constitution that no one shall be tried save in due course of law and extraordinary Courts shall not be established, save only such military tribunals as may be authorised by law for dealing with military offenders against military law:
AND WHEREAS it is provided by Article 71 of the Constitution that a member of the armed forces of Saorstát Eireann not on active service shall not be tried by any court-martial or other military tribunal for an offence cognisable by the Civil Courts, unless such offence shall have been brought expressly within the jurisdiction of Courts-Martial or other Military Tribunal by any code of laws or regulations for the enforcement of military discipline which might be thereafter approved by the Oireachtas:
AND WHEREAS it is a matter of urgent necessity to provide a code of laws and regulations for the enforcement of military discipline in the existing armed forces of Saorstát Eireann and such other armed forces as may be raised under this Act:
Short Title and Duration of Act.
1.—This Act may be cited for all purposes as the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923.
This Act shall continue in force until other provisions shall have been made by law for the defence of Saorstát Eireann and shall not in any case continue in force after a period of one year from the date of the passing hereof.
Definition of expression “on active service.”
2.—(1) In this Act, if not inconsistent with the context, the expression “on active service” as applied to a person subject to military law means whenever he is attached to or forms part of a force which is engaged in operations in a place wholly or partly occupied by the enemy.
(2) Where the Executive Council declares at any time or times that by reason of the imminence of active service or the recent existence of active service, it is necessary for the public service that the armed forces to be raised under this Act should be temporarily subject to this Act as if they were on active service, then, on the publication in the Iris Oifigiúil of any such declaration, the forces to which the declaration applies shall be deemed to be on active service for the period mentioned in the declaration.
3.—In this Act the following expressions shall, where the context so admits, have the meanings respectively assigned to them by this Section, that is to say:—
(1) The expression “The Minister” means the Minister for Defence.
(2) The expression “Executive Minister” means a Minister who is a member of the Executive Council.
(3) The expression “The Forces” means the armed forces to be raised under this Act and includes soldiers of the Reserve when called out on permanent service with the Forces as hereinbefore defined.
(4) The expression “The Reserve” means any reserve for the Forces to be established under Part III. of this Act.
(5) The expression “Officer” means an officer commissioned or in pay as an officer of the Forces or the Reserve or any arm, branch or part thereof.
(6) The expression “General Officer” means an officer holding the rank of General, Lieutenant-General, or Major-General.
(7) The expression “Non-Commissioned Officer” includes an acting non-commissioned officer.
(8) The expression “Soldier” does not include an officer as defined by this Act, but with the modifications contained in this Act in relation to non-commissioned officers does include a non-commissioned officer and every other person subject to military law while he is so subject.
(9) The expression “Superior Officer” when used in relation to a soldier includes a non-commissioned officer as above defined.
(10) The expression “Corps” means:—
(a). Any military body, whether known as a territorial regiment or by any different name, as may be from time to time declared by Warrant under the hand of the Minister to be a corps for the purposes of this Act and is a body formed by the Minister under the powers conferred by this Act, and either consisting of associated battalions of the Forces or consisting wholly of a battalion or battalions of the Forces.
(b). Any part of the Forces by whatever name called, which is declared by a Warrant under the hand of the Minister to be a corps for the purposes of this Act; and also
(c). Any other portion of the Forces employed on any service and not attached to any corps as above defined.
(d). And any reference in Chapter V. of Part II. of this Act to a corps of the Forces shall be deemed to refer to any such military body as is hereinbefore defined to form a corps.
(11) The expression “Battalion” in the application of this Act to cavalry, artillery, or engineers shall be construed to mean regiment, brigade, or other body into which the Minister under the powers conferred on him by this Act may be pleased to divide such cavalry, artillery, or engineers.
(12) The expression “Regimental” means connected with a corps or with any battalion or other sub-division of a corps.
(13) The expression “Decoration” means any medal, clasp, good conduct badge, or decoration.
(14) The expression “Military Reward” means any gratuity or annuity for long service or good conduct; it also includes any good conduct pay, pension and any other military pecuniary award.
(15) The expression “Commanding Officer” means any officer commanding a battalion, and also such other officer as the Minister may, by Regulations to be made by him under this Act, declare to be a commanding officer.
(16) The expression “Enemy” includes all armed mutineers, armed rebels, armed rioters, and pirates.
(17) The expression “Superior Court” means the High Court of Justice in Dublin.
(18) The expression “Civil Court” means with respect to any crime or offence, a Court of ordinary criminal jurisdiction, and includes a Court of Summary Jurisdiction.
(19) The expression “prescribed” means prescribed by this Act or by any Rules or Regulations to be made thereunder or partly by this Act, and partly by Rules or Regulations to be made thereunder.
(20) The expression “Summary Jurisdiction Acts,” means within the police district of Dublin Metropolis, the acts regulating the powers of justices of the peace for such district or of the police of such district; and elsewhere in Saorstát Eireann the Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851, and any Act or Acts amending the same.
(21) The expression “Court of Summary Jurisdiction,” means any District Justice, Police Magistrate, stipendiary or other magistrate or officer by whatever name called, to whom jurisdiction is given by the Summary Jurisdiction Act, or any Acts therein referred to, or any Acts amending or adapting the same.
(22) The expression “Court of Law” includes a court of summary jurisdiction.
(23) The expression “County Court Judge” includes a Recorder.
(24) The expression “District Justice” includes a Divisional Magistrate of the City of Dublin.
(25) The expression “Constable” means any member of the Dublin Metropolitan Police, or of the Civic Guard.
(26) The expression “Police Authority” means a Superintendent or Inspector of the Dublin Metropolitan Police, or of the Civic Guard.
(27) The expression “Horse” includes a mule, and the provisions of this Act shall apply to any beast of whatever description used for burden or draught, or for carrying persons in like manner as if such beast were included in the expression “horse.”
(28) The expression “Oath” includes any solemn declaration which under this Act may be made by any person who states he has no religious belief, or that he has a conscientious objection to taking an oath, and the expression “be sworn” includes “make a solemn declaration.”
(29) The expression “Public Prison” means any prison in which a person convicted and sentenced to imprisonment by a civil court may lawfully be confined.
(30) The expression “Penal Servitude Prison” means any prison or place in which a person convicted and sentenced to penal servitude by a civil court may lawfully be confined.
(31) The expression “the Adjutant-General” shall mean the Adjutant-General of the Forces.
Establishment of Defence Forces.
Raising and number of Defence Forces.
4.—It shall be lawful for the Executive Council to raise and maintain an armed force to be called Oglaigh na hEireann (hereinafter referred to as the Forces) consisting of such number of officers, non-commissioned officers, and men as may from time to time be provided by the Oireachtas.
Control of Forces.
5.—The command in chief of and all executive and administrative powers in relation to the Forces including the power to delegate authority to such persons as may be thought fit shall be vested in the Executive Council and exercised through and in the name of the Minister who shall not however allocate to himself any executive military command and who may not be a member of the Forces on full pay.
Organization of the Forces.
Personnel of Forces.
6.—(1) The Forces shall consist of officers who are appointed officers thereof, and of non-commissioned officers and men who are bound to continuous service for a term.
(2) Members of the Forces shall serve under such conditions and for such periods and at such rates of pay as may be prescribed.
General Organisation of Forces.
7.—The Forces shall be organized into such units of the various combatant arms and departmental services as may be prescribed
Commissioned ranks in the Forces.
8.—The following shall be the grades of commissioned rank in the Forces:—
(1) General.
(2) Lieutenant-General.
(3) Major-General.
(4) Colonel.
(5) Major
(6) Commandant.
(7) Captain.
(8) Lieutenant.
(9) Second Lieutenant.
Non-commissioned ranks in the Forces.
9.—The following shall be the grades of non-commissioned rank in the Forces:—
(a) Non-commissioned Officers—
(1) Sergeant-Major.
(2) Quartermaster-Sergeant.
(3) Sergeant.
(4) Corporal.
(b) Men—
(5) Private.
Granting of Commissions.
10.—The Executive Council may on the nomination of the Minister appoint any person to commissioned rank or temporary commissioned rank in the Forces. All commissions shall be in the form specified in the first schedule hereto and shall be signed by the President of the Executive Council and the Minister.
Power to dismiss or dispense with services of any member of the Forces.
11.—The Executive Council acting through the Minister may dismiss or dispense with the services of an officer or discharge any other member of the Forces.
Power to establish Military Districts.
12.—The Minister may appoint and establish military districts throughout the State and divide a military district into two or more sub-districts.
Power to establish Head quarters, etc., Staffs.
13.—The Minister may establish Headquarter Staffs of the Forces and Instructional and Administrative Staffs for military districts as required, and appoint thereto as he may think fit officers of the Forces.
Members of the Staffs so appointed shall hold such rank and title, and fulfil such duties and functions and serve under such conditions and for such periods as may be prescribed.
Officers in executive command.
14.—The executive military command and inspection of the Forces or any portion thereof may, subject to this Act, be vested in such officer or officers of the Forces as may be appointed by the Executive Council.
Officers holding commissions during pleasure.
15.—All Officers of the Forces shall hold their commissions during the pleasure of the Executive Council, but the commission of an Officer shall not be cancelled without the holder thereof being notified in writing of any complaint or charge made, or any action proposed to be taken against him, nor without his being called upon to show cause in relation thereto:
Provided that no such notification shall be necessary in the case of an officer absent from duty without leave for a period of three months or more.
Appointment from ranks to commissioned ranks.
16.—The Executive Council on the recommendation of the Minister may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Act contained or by regulation prescribed, reward any member of the Forces for distinguished services by appointing him to commissioned rank, or if he be an officer, by promoting him to higher rank.
Resignation of officers.
17.—An Officer of the Forces may, by writing under his hand, tender the resignation of his commission, but shall not, unless otherwise ordered by the Minister, be relieved of the duties of his appointment until the acceptance of his resignation is notified in the Iris Oifigiúil.
Appointments and Conditions of Service in the Forces.
Appointment of officers.
18.—From and after five years following upon the establishment of a military college under this Act, preference in appointment to commissioned rank in the Forces shall as far as possible, be given to graduates of that college.
Appointment of officers pending completion of period of five years, after the establishment of a Military College.
19.—Until the expiry of the period of five years after the establishment of a Military College, the following persons shall be eligible for appointment to commissioned rank in the Forces:—
(a) Citizens of Saorstát Eireann.
(b) Officers and men serving at the time of the passing of this Act in the National Forces.
(c) Such other persons as may be approved of by the Minister:
Provided that in any case the Minister may order such citizens, officers, men and persons or any of them to undergo such courses of instruction, and pass such qualifying tests as may be prescribed.
Half-pay and unattached list.
20.—The Minister may place any Officer of the Forces on a half-pay list for a period not exceeding one year.
Any officer who is not re-employed before the end of that period may at his own request be placed on the unattached list and await re-employment. An officer so placed on the unattached list shall cea e to draw the pay and allowances of his rank, but if he be subsequently re-employed, his services on the unattached list may be reckoned to count as service in the Forces on such conditions as may be prescribed.
Engagement and service in the Forces.
21.—(1) Every person engaging for service as a soldier in the Forces shall take an oath or make a solemn declaration before an Officer of the Forces or a District Justice or Peace Commissioner.
(2) The oath or declaration shall be in the form set out in the Second Schedule to this Act, Such oath or declaration shall bind the person subscribing to it to serve in the Forces in accordance with the tenor of his oath, until he is legally discharged, dismissed, or removed therefrom, or his resignation is accepted.
(3) Any member of the Forces other than an officer shall be entitled to receive his discharge therefrom either by purchase as may be prescribed, or on the expiration of the period of service for which he is engaged.
Establishment of Forces.
Date of Establishment.
22.—The Forces shall be established as from a date to be fixed by Proclamation of the Executive Council in the Iris Oifigiúil.
Military Education.
Military College.
23.—(1) Out of the moneys specially appropriated by the Oireachtas for the purpose, the Minister may establish and maintain an Institution for training and instructing:—
(a) Candidates for appointment to commissioned rank in the Forces;
(b) Officers of the Forces; and
(c) Such other Citizens as the Regulations may declare to be eligible for admission to that Institution.
At the said Institution there may be combined with the military training and instruction such other training and instruction of an educational nature as may be prescribed.
(2) The Institution shall be designated the Irish Military College.
(3) Students at the Irish Military College other than commissioned officers shall be formed into a Military Corps and their services in that Corps shall be reckoned towards service in the Forces as may be prescribed.
(4) All students under instruction at the Irish Military College shall be subject to the same discipline as that to which soldiers of the Forces are subject under this Act
(5) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the appointment of the Staff of the College, the duration and description of the courses of instruction and training therein, the conditions of the future services required from the graduates of the College and all matters relating to the management, control, and good government of the College shall be as prescribed.
Classes of Instruction.
24.—For the purpose of securing a high degree of military training and efficiency in the Forces, and of fitting members of the Forces for their duties therein, the Minister may make such educational arrangements as are deemed necessary, and may in particular establish special classes and courses of instruction for members of the Forces who are selected to attend such classes and courses.
Officers and non-commissioned officers to be instructed in giving commands in each of official languages of the State.
25.—All officers and non-commissioned ranks of the Forces shall be instructed in giving and receiving executive words of command in each of the official languages of the State.
Service in Time of War.
Liability of members of Forces to be employed on active service.
26.—The whole or any part of the Forces shall at all times be liable to be employed on active service against an enemy anywhere in Saorstát Eireann or for the prevention or suppression of internal disorder within the State.
Military Command in time of war.
27.—In time of war or internal disorder the Executive Council may place any officer of the Defence Forces in command of the whole or any portion of those Forces in the Field.
Discharge on service.
28.—Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Act contained, no member of the Forces while called out or employed on active service against an enemy or for the prevention or suppression of internal disorder shall be entitled to obtain his discharge from the Forces during the continuance of such service.
Special Powers in relation to Defence.
General Powers of Minister with consent of Executive Council.
29.—The Minister with the consent of the Executive Council may:—
(a) Construct and maintain barracks, forts, and defence works;
(b) Establish and maintain or contract for the establishment or maintenance of arms and ammunition factories and factories for the manufacture of military clothing, equipment, and other warlike stores;
(c) Construct and maintain aerodromes and other matters incidental thereto;
(d) Acquire, construct, and maintain artillery and rifle ranges and other matters incidental thereto,
and may do all things necessary for the efficient defence and protection of the State or any part thereof.
Manoeuvres and training.
30.—(1) The Minister may from time to time appoint areas wherein any portion of the Forces may be trained and exercised in manoeuvres and may by regulation prescribe the conditions under which compensation may be claimed by and paid to owners or occupiers of land in those areas for damage or loss sustained by them in consequence of the use of their land by the Forces as aforesaid: Provided that no camp shall be erected within a radius of at least two hundred yards of a private dwellinghouse except with the consent of the owner thereof.
(2)—In areas so appointed or in the vicinity of places used as artillery or rifle ranges for the Forces, the officer in command of the portion of the Forces engaged in artillery or rifle practice or in manoeuvres may temporarily stop all traffic by land or water in the vicinity of that place or in that area so far as in his opinion may be necessary for the security of life and the proper conduct of the practice or manoeuvres.
Power to make Regulations.
31.—The Minister may make regulations not inconsistent with this Part of this Act relating to all or any of the following matters or things, namely:—
(a) The various combatant arms and departmental services in the Forces.
(b) The numerical establishments of corps and other units of the Forces, and the various divisions, branches, grades ranks, and appointments therein.
(c) The training and inspection of the Forces, the formation of training camps, and the holding of manoeuvres for the Forces.
(d) The attendance at special classes and courses of instruction of members of the Forces selected for such attendance, and the examination of members of the Forces as to proficiency in military professional subjects, and as to their general educational qualifications; the granting of certificates of proficiency in military professional subjects.
(e) The seniority of officers in the Forces, the appointment to, promotion in, and tenure of commissioned and non-commissioned rank in the Forces.
(f) The tenure in any office, appointment or capacity in the Forces and the age limit for retirement for members of the Forces holding office or serving in any capacity or appointment.
(g) The leave of absence of members of the Forces.
(h) The issue and care of arms, accoutrements, ammunition supplies, animals and transport, clothing and equipment for the Forces.
(i) The establishment and conduct of camp, barrack, battalion, or district institutions for providing recreation and refreshment to members of the Forces.
(j) Returns, books, forms, and correspondence relating to the Forces.
(k) All matters which are by this Part of this Act required or permitted to be prescribed or which are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for securing the good government of the Forces, or for carrying out and giving effect to the provisions of this Part of this Act, other than matters which are by this Part of this Act required or permitted to be prescribed by the Executive Council.
Offences in relation to the enemy punishable with death.
32.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of unjustifiably surrendering, yielding or abandoning any garrison, guard, place, post or position which it was his duty to defend; or
(2) The offence of endeavouring in any way to persuade, induce or compel any person subject to military law to commit the offence specified in the foregoing clause; or
(3) The offence of treacherously or without due authority holding communication or correspondence with, or giving intelligence to the enemy; or
(4) The offence of misbehaving or inducing others to misbehave before the enemy in such a way as to show cowardice; or
(5) Having been made a prisoner of war the offence of voluntarily serving with or voluntarily aiding the enemy; or
(6) The offence of assisting the enemy with arms, ammunition or supplies; or
(7) The offence of treacherously assisting the enemy in any way not specifically hereinbefore mentioned in this Section; or
(8) The offence of knowingly when on active service doing any act calculated to imperil the success of, or endanger, any portion of the Forces; or
(9) The offence of attempting to commit any of the offences specified in sub-sections (3), (6) and (7) of this Section;
shall on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer death or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Offences in relation to the enemy not punishable with death.
33.—Every person subject to military law who on active service commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of being taken prisoner through disobedience of orders, wilful neglect of duty, or want of due precaution; or,
(2) Having been taken prisoner, the offence of failing to rejoin the Forces when able to rejoin the same; or,
(3) The offence of in any way spreading reports, or using words, calculated to cause alarm or despondency among the Forces, or among the civilian population; or
(4) The offence of leaving the ranks without orders from his superior officer in order to secure prisoners, or on the pretence of taking wounded men to the rear;
shall on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer penal servitude, or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Offences punishable more severely on active service than at other times.
34.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of looting or plundering, breaking into any house or place in search of loot or plunder, or leaving his superior officer to go in search of loot or plunder; or
(2) The offence of leaving his guard, picket, patrol or post without orders from his superior officer; or
(3) The offence of forcing, striking, or wilfully molesting any soldier acting as sentry; or
(4) The offence of forcing any soldier or party of soldiers detailed for the protection of any person or property; or
(5) Being a soldier while acting as sentry the offence of (a) sleeping or being drunk on his post, or (b) leaving his post before being regularly relieved;
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, if he commits any such offence on active service, be liable to suffer death or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned and if he commits any such offence not on active service, be liable to suffer penal servitude or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Disclosing information.
35.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of making known or disclosing any matter regarding the Forces to any person not entitled to such information, at such time and in such manner as is in the opinion of the Court calculated to produce effects injurious to the Forces,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable to suffer penal servitude or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Mutiny and sedition.
36.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(a) The offence of causing, conspiring to cause, attempting to cause, or joining in any mutiny or sedition in any of the Forces; or
(b) Being present, the offence of not using his utmost endeavours to prevent any mutiny or sedition in any of the Forces; or
(c) The offence of persuading, inducing or compelling or endeavouring to persuade, induce, or compel any person subject to military law to join in any mutiny or sedition in any of the Forces; or
(d) Having come to the knowledge of, or having reasonable grounds to suspect any actual or intended mutiny or sedition in the Forces, the offence of failing to inform without delay, a superior officer of the same; or
(e) The offence of seducing or endeavouring to seduce any person subject to military law from allegiance to the State,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer death or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Striking or threatening a superior officer.
37.—(1) Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of striking or using or offering any violence to a superior officer being in the execution of his office.
shall on conviction by Court-Martial, if he commits any such offence on active service be liable to suffer death or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned, and if he commits any such offence not on active service be liable to suffer penal servitude or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
(2) Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of striking or using or offering violence to or using threatening or insubordinate language to a superior officer,
shall on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer penal servitude or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Disobedience to superior officer.
38.—(1) Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of disobeying in such a way as to show an intentional defiance of authority, any lawful command or order given personally by a superior officer, whether the same is given orally or otherwise,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer—
if an officer, and if the offence was committed on active service, imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned, or if an officer, and if the offence was committed not on active service, dismissal with ignomy or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
if a soldier, and if the offence was committed on active service, imprisonment or such less punishment as in this Act mentioned, or if a soldier and if the offence was committed not on active service, detention or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
(2) Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of disobeying any lawful command or order given by a superior officer,
shall, on conviction by a Court-Martial be liable to suffer—
(i.) If an officer, dismissal or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(ii.) If a soldier, detention or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
39.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) Being concerned in any quarrel, affray or disorder, the offence of refusing to obey, striking, using or offering violence to (a) any officer who lawfully orders him into arrest, or (b) any person in whose custody he is lawfully placed; or,
(2) The offence of resisting a patrol, escort or police guard whose duty it is to apprehend him, or have him in charge,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable to suffer—
(a) If an officer, dismissal or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(b) If a soldier, detention, or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Breaking quarters.
40.—Every soldier subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of breaking quarters, barracks, or camp,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer detention or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Neglect to obey orders.
41.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of neglecting to obey any garrison or general or other orders,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer—
(a) If an officer, dismissal or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(b) If a soldier, detention or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
The expression “general orders” in this section shall not include Regulations or Orders made by the Minister or any similar order in the nature of a regulation published for general information and guidance of the Forces.
42.—(1) Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(a) The offence of deserting or attempting to desert any of the Forces; or
(b) The offence of persuading, endeavouring to persuade, procuring or attempting to procure any person subject to military law to desert from any of the Forces; or
(c) The offence of in any way assisting any person subject to military law to desert from any of the Forces,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer—
(i) If the offence is committed on active service, death or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned, or
(ii) If the offence is committed not on active service, penal servitude, or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
(2). When an offender has fraudulently enlisted once or oftener, he may, for the purpose of trial for the offence of desertion or attempting to desert the Forces, be deemed to belong to any one or more of the Corps to which he has been appointed or transferred as well as the Corps to which he properly belongs.
Connivance at desertion.
43.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
Coming to the knowledge of any desertion or intended desertion of a person subject to military law, the offence of neglecting to give notice to his commanding officer or to take any steps in his power to cause the deserter or intending deserter to be apprehended,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable to suffer—
(a) If an officer, dismissal or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(b) If a soldier, detention or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Fraudulent enlistment.
44.—(1) Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
When belonging to the Forces, the offence of without having obtained a regular discharge therefrom or otherwise having fulfilled the conditions enabling him to enlist, enlisting himself in the Forces,
shall be deemed to be guilty of fraudulent enlistment, and shall on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment as is in this Act mentioned.
(2). When an offender has fraudulently enlisted on several occasions he may for the purpose of this Section be deemed to belong to any one or more of the corps to which he has been appointed or transferred as well as the corps to which he properly belongs.
Absence without leave.
45.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of being absent without leave; or
(2) The offence of failing to appear at the place of parade or mobilisation, or post or position appointed by his superior officer, or withdrawing from such place of parade or mobilisation or post or position before he is relieved, or without leave, or otherwise unjustifiably; or
(3) The offence of quitting the ranks without leave or other wise unjustifiably,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable to suffer,
(a) If an officer, dismissal or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(b) If a soldier, detention or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Scandalous conduct of an officer.
46.—Every officer who being subject to military law commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of behaving in a scandalous manner, unbecoming the character of an officer,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable to suffer dismissal with ignominy.
Fraud by persons in charge of moneys or goods.
47.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
Being officially, by virtue of his office or otherwise, charged with or concerned in the care, control, possession or distribution of any public or military money or goods, the offence of stealing, fraudulently misapplying or misappropriating the same, or conniving at or being concerned in the stealing, fraudulent misapplication or misappropriation of the same, or wilfully damaging the same,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable to suffer penal servitude or such less punishment as in this Act mentioned.
Malingering or inducing injury. Disgraceful conduct.
48.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of malingering or feigning or inducing in himself any disease or infirmity; or
(2) The offence of injuring himself or any other person subject to military law, with the intention of rendering himself or such person unfit for service; or
(3) The offence of causing himself to be injured by any person, with the intention of rendering himself unfit for service; or
(4) The offence of being guilty of any misconduct or of any wilful disobedience, whether in hospital or otherwise, of any orders, by means of which misconduct or disobedience he produces or aggravates disease or infirmity or delays its cure; or
(5) The offence of assisting or conniving at the commission of any offence specified in any of the foregoing clauses; or
(6) The offence of being guilty of any disgraceful conduct of a cruel, indecent or unnatural kind not before specifically in this Act mentioned,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
49.—(1) Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of being drunk when on duty,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable—
(a) If an officer and the offence is committed on active service, to suffer dismissal with ignominy or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(b) If an officer, and the offence is committed not on active service, to suffer dismissal or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(c) If a soldier and the offence is committed on active service, to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(d) If a soldier and the offence is committed not on active service, to suffer detention or such less, punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
(2) Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of being drunk when not on duty,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable—
(a) If an officer, to suffer dismissal or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(b) If a soldier, to suffer detention for six months or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Permitting escape of prisoners.
50.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of releasing without proper authority, or aiding or wilfully or negligently allowing to escape any person whom it is his duty to keep or guard, or any person committed to his charge,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable to suffer—
(a) If the offence was committed on active service, death or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(b) If the offence was committed not on active service, penal servitude or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Irregular arrest or confinement Escaping.
51.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of (a) unnecessarily detaining any person under arrest or in confinement without bringing him to trial; or (b) failing to bring the case of any such person before the proper authority for investigation; or
(2) Having delivered a person into the custody of an officer or non-commissioned officer, the offence of failing without reasonable cause to deliver forthwith, or as soon as possible, and in any case not later than twenty-four hours thereafter, to such officer or non-commissioned officer an account in writing signed by himself, of the offence of which the person so delivered into custody is charged; or,
(3) Being in command of a guard, and having taken or received a person into custody, the offence of failing upon being relieved from guard or duty and in any case within twenty-four hours of the time of taking or receiving such person into custody, to give in writing to the officer to whom he may be ordered to report, the name, and so far as is known to him, the offence of such person, together with the name and rank of the officer or other individual by whom such person was charged, and if he has received the same, the account in writing referred to in the foregoing clause; or
(4) Being in arrest or confinement, or otherwise in lawful custody, the offence of escaping or attempting to escape,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable to suffer—
(a) If an officer, dismissal with ignominy or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(b) If a soldier, imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Offences in relation to property.
52.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of taking any fee or advantage in respect of, or being in any illicit way interested in, the sale or purchase of any provisions, stores, arms, equipment or other goods for the use of any of the Forces; or
(2) The offence of losing by neglect, wilfully injuring, making away with or being concerned in making away with (whether by way of gift, pawning, selling, destruction or otherwise howsoever) any arms, ammunition, equipment, instruments, clothing or other military property; or
(3) The offence of ill-treating any animal used in the public service,
shall on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Falsifying official documents and false declarations.
53.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of knowingly making or being privy to the making of any misrepresentation or any false or fraudulent statement in any document made, signed, or certified by him, or of the contents of which it is his duty to ascertain the accuracy; or
(2) The offence of knowingly making or knowingly being privy to the making of any false or fraudulent statement; or
(3) The offence of knowingly suppressing or altering, destroying or making away with any document which it is his duty to preserve or produce; or
(4) The offence of knowingly making or knowingly being privy to the making of any omission from any document made, signed or certified by him, or of the contents of which it is his duty to ascertain the accuracy, or from any report or statement made or sent by him, and which it is his duty to make or send, with the intent thereby to defraud or mislead; or
(5) The offence of refusing, or by culpable neglect omitting, to make or send a report or return which it is his duty to make or send; or
(6) The offence of making any false declaration in any statement, report or return which it is his duty to make or send, knowing the same to be false,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
False accusation.
54.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of making any false accusation against any other person subject to military law knowing such accusation to be false,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
False accusation or false statement.
55.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of knowingly making any statement which by reason of falsity or the suppression of material facts, is calculated seriously to injure or affect the character of any other person subject to military law; or
(2) Being a soldier the offence of knowingly making any false statement to a military officer or District Justice or Peace Commissioner, in respect of leave of absence; or
(3) Being a soldier the offence of falsely stating to his commanding officer that he has been guilty of desertion or fraudulent enlistment,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Offences in relation to Courts-Martial.
56.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of making default in attending after being duly summoned, or ordered to attend as a witness at a Court-Martial; or
(2) The offence of refusing to take an oath or make a solemn declaration lawfully required by a Court-Martial to be taken or made; or
(3) The offence of refusing to produce any document in his power, possession or procurement lawfully required by a Court-Martial to be produced by him; or
(4) The offence of refusing when a witness to answer any question to which a Court-Martial may lawfully require an answer; or
(5) The offence of contempt of Court-Martial by using threatening or insulting language, or by causing any interruption or disturbance in the proceedings,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer—
(a) if an officer, imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(b) if a soldier, detention or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned:
Provided that where a person subject to military law is guilty of any of the offences mentioned in this Section, such Court, if they think expedient, instead of the offender being tried by another Court-Martial, may by Order under the hand of the President, order the offender if an officer to be imprisoned without hard labour for a period not exceeding one month; or if a soldier, to undergo detention for a period not exceeding 21 days; and such Order shall not require any such confirmation as is hereinafter in this Act mentioned.
False evidence.
57.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of wilfully giving false evidence when examined on oath or solemn declaration before a Court-Martial or before any Court or officer duly authorised to administer an oath,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer penal servitude or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Offences in relation to billeting.
58.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences (in this Act referred to as offences in relation to billeting), that is to say:—
(1) The offence of ill-treating (by violence, extortion or making disturbances in billets) the occupier of a house in which any person or horse is billeted; or
(2) Being an officer, the offence of refusing or neglecting on complaint and proof of such ill-treatment by any officer or soldier under his command, to cause compensation to be made for the same; or
(3) The offence of failing to comply with the provisions of this Act with respect to the payment of just demands of the person on whom he or any officer or soldier under his command, or his or their horses have been billeted, or to the making up and transmitting of an account of the money due to such person; or
(4) The offence of wilfully demanding billets which are not actually required for some person or horse entitled to be billeted; or
(5) The offence of taking or knowingly suffering to be taken, from any person any money or reward for excusing or relieving any person from his liability in respect of billeting or quartering of officers, soldiers or horses, or any part of such liability; or
(6) The offence of using or offering any menace to or compulsion on any constable or other civil officer to make him give billets contrary to this Act, or tending to deter or discourage him from performing any part of his duty under the provisions of this Act relating to billeting or tending to induce him to do anything contrary to his said duty; or
(7) The offence of using or offering any menace to or compulsion on any person tending to oblige him to receive, without his consent, any person or horse not duly billeted upon him in pursuance of the provisions of this Act relating to billeting or to furnish any accommodation which he is not thereby required to furnish;
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Offences in relation to impressment of carriages and their attendants.
59.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences (in this Act referred to as offences in relation to the impressment of carriages), that is to say:—
(1) The offence of wilfully demanding any motor car, carriage, animal, vehicle, vessel or aircraft which is not actually required for the purposes authorised by this Act; or
(2) The offence of failing to comply with the provisions of this Act relating to the impressment of carriages as regards the payment of sums due for carriages or as regards the weighing of the load; or
(3) The offence of constraining any motor car, carriage, animal, vehicle, or vessel furnished in pursuance of the provisions of this Act relating to the impressment of carriages, to travel against the will of the person in charge thereof beyond the proper distance, or to carry against the will of such person any greater weight than that he is required by the said provisions to carry; or
(4) The offence of not discharging as speedily as possible any motor car, carriage, animal, vehicle, vessel or aircraft, furnished in pursuance of the provisions of this Act relating to the impressment of carriages; or
(5) The offence of compelling any person in charge of such motor car, carriage, animal, vehicle, vessel or aircraft or permitting him to be compelled to take thereon any baggage or stores not entitled to be carried, or except where the motor car, carriage or animal is furnished upon a requisition of emergency, to take thereon any soldier or servant (except such as are sick) or any woman or person; or
(6) The offence of ill-treating or permitting any such person in charge of any such motor car, carriage, animal, vehicle, vessel or aircraft to be ill-treated; or
(7) The offence of using or offering any menace to or compulsion on, any constable to make him provide any motor car, carriage, animal, vehicle, vessel or aircraft, which he is not bound in pursuance of the provisions of this Act relating to the impressment of carriages to provide, or tending to deter or discourage him from performing any part of his duty in relation to providing motor cars, carriages, animals, vehicles, vessels or aircraft or tending to induce him to do anything contrary to his said duty; or
(8) The offence of forcing any motor car, carriage, animal, vehicle, vessel or aircraft from the owner thereof,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Travelling without ticket, etc.
60.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of travelling or attempting to travel upon any train, tram, car or other vehicle without payment or tender of the fare, or without ticket, voucher, or proper warrant,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer—
(a) if an officer dismissal or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned, or
(b) if a soldier detention or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Offences in relation to enlistment.
61.—Every person who having become subject to military law is discovered to have committed any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) Having been discharged with ignominy from the Forces, the offence of re-enlisting without declaring the circumstances of his discharge; or
(2) The offence of making a wilfully false answer to any question set forth in the attestation paper, which has been put to him by or by the direction of the District Justice, Peace Commissioner or officer before whom he appears for the purpose of being attested;
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial, be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
General offences in relation to enlistment.
62.—Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(1) The offence of being concerned in the enlistment for service in the Forces of any man whom he knows or has reasonable cause to believe to be so circumstanced that by enlisting he commits an offence against this Act; or
(2) The offence of wilfully contravening any enactment or regulation in any matter relating to the enlistment or attestation of soldiers of the Forces,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Ill-treating a soldier.
63.—Every officer or non-commissioned officer who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of unlawfully striking or otherwise unlawfully ill-treating any soldier,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Ill-treating a person in military custody.
64.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
the offence of unlawfully striking or otherwise unlawfully ill-treating any person not subject to military law in military custody,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Withholding pay.
65.—Every officer or non-commissioned officer who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
Having received the pay of any person subject to military law, the offence of unlawfully detaining or unlawfully refusing to pay the same,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer—
(a) if an officer, dismissal or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned, or
(b) if a non-commissioned officer, detention or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Wounding through negligence. Offences in relation to firearms.
66.—(1) Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of, negligently or carelessly or through breach of any orders, wounding any other person whether subject to military law or not,
shall on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer penal servitude or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
(2) Every person subject to military law who commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(a) The offence of without due cause presenting any firearms whether loaded or unloaded at any person whether subject to military law or not, or
(b) The offence of without due cause discharging any firearms, or
(c) The offence of carelessly or negligently handling any firearm whether loaded or unloaded in such a manner as is calculated to cause reasonable apprehension,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Refusal to hand over offender to Civil authority.
67.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
Lawful application having been made to him, the offence of neglecting or refusing to hand over to the proper civil authorities or to assist in the lawful apprehension of any officer or soldier accused of an offence against the ordinary law,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer—
(a) If an officer, dismissal with ignominy or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; or
(b) If a soldier, imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned.
Conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline.
68.—Every person subject to military law who commits the following offence, that is to say:—
The offence of being guilty of any act, conduct, disorder or neglect, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline,
shall, on conviction by Court-Martial be liable to suffer—
imprisonment or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned:
Provided that no such person shall be tried under this Section in respect of any offence for which special provision is made in any other part of this Act, and which is not a civil offence, nevertheless the conviction of a person so charged shall not be invalid by reason only of the charge being in contravention of this proviso unless it appears that injustice has been done to the person charged by reason of such contravention, but the responsibility of any officer for that contravention shall not be removed by the validity of the conviction.
Offences punishable by ordinary law of Saorstát Éireann.
69.—Subject to such regulations for the purpose of preventing interference with the jurisdiction of the Civil Courts as are in this Act mentioned, every person who, whilst he is subject to military law, shall commit any of the offences in this Section mentioned shall be deemed to be guilty of an offence against military law, and if charged under this Section with any such offence (in this Act referred to as a civil offence) shall be liable to be tried by Court-Martial and on conviction to be punished as follows, that is to say:—
(1) If he is convicted of treason be liable to suffer death or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; and
(2) If he is convicted of murder be liable to suffer death; and
(3) If he is convicted of manslaughter or treason felony be liable to suffer penal servitude or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; and
(4) If he is convicted of rape be liable to suffer penal servitude or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; and
(5) If he is convicted of buggery be liable to suffer penal servitude or such less punishment as is in this Act mentioned; and
(6) If he is convicted of any of the offences specified in the Third Schedule hereto or an attempt to commit any of the offences hereinbefore mentioned in this Section or specified in the said Schedule (the attempt to commit which is a criminal offence punishable by the ordinary criminal law of Saorstát Eireann) or any other offence against the law of Saorstát Eireann not before in this Section particularly referred to, which is punishable by the ordinary criminal law of Saorstát Eireann, be liable either to suffer such punishment as might be awarded to him in pursuance of this Act in respect of an offence to the prejudice of good order and military discipline or to suffer any punishment assigned for such offence by the law of Saorstát Eireann:
Provided that a person subject to military law shall not be tried by Court-Martial for treason, murder, manslaughter, treason felony, rape or buggery unless such person at the time he committed the offence was on active service.
Scale and Application of Punishments.
Scales of punishments which may be awarded by Courts-Martial.
70.—(1) Save as is in this Act otherwise provided a person subject to military law tried and found guilty by Court-Martial of an offence hereinbefore mentioned in this Act may be sentenced by such Court-Martial to undergo one and one only of the punishments specified in the Scales A and B following.
(2) For the purpose of this Act any punishment specified in the Scales A and B following shall be deemed to be less than any punishment preceding it in the same scale.
Scale A.
Where the person convicted is an officer—
I. Death.
II. Penal Servitude.
III. Imprisonment with or without hard labour
IV. Dismissal with ignominy from the service.
V. Dismissal from the service.
VI. Fine.
VII. Any deduction from ordinary pay, by this Act authorised to be made by a Court-Martial.
VIII. Severe reprimand.
IX. Reprimand.
Scale B.
Where the person convicted is a soldier—
I. Death.
II. Penal Servitude.
III. Imprisonment with or without hard labour.
IV. Discharge with ignominy from the service.
V. Detention.
VI. Discharge from the service.
VII. Where the person convicted is a non-commissioned officer, forfeiture of seniority of rank, reduction to a lower grade or to the ranks.
VIII. Forfeiture and fines.
IX. Any deduction from ordinary pay authorised by this Act to be made by a Court-Martial.
X. Severe reprimand.
Effect of certain sentences.
71.—(1) An officer sentenced to penal servitude or imprisonment (save by summary award of a Court-Martial under Section 56 of this Act) is automatically dismissed with ignominy from the service.
(2) A non-commissioned officer or private soldier sentenced to penal servitude is automatically discharged with ignominy from the service.
(3) An officer dismissed with ignominy from the service or a soldier discharged with ignominy from the service is thereby disqualified from ever serving the State again in any capacity, civil or military.
(4) A non-commissioned officer or private soldier sentenced to imprisonment is automatically discharged from the service unless the Court shall otherwise direct.
(5) A non commissioned officer sentenced to imprisonment or detention is automatically reduced to the ranks.
Permitted combination of punishments.
72.—(1) An officer may at the same time be sentenced by Court-Martial to any one or more of the following punishments:—
(a) Fine.
(b) Severe reprimand.
(c) Reprimand.
(2) In addition to or without any other punishment an officer may be sentenced by Court-Martial to any deduction from ordinary pay authorised by this Act to be made by Court-Martial.
(3) In addition to or without any other punishment any noncommissioned officer or private soldier may be sentenced by Court-Martial to any one of the following punishments:—
(a) Fine.
(b) Any deduction from ordinary pay authorised by this Act to be made by a Court-Martial.
Restrictions on sentences.
73.—(1) No sentence of penal servitude shall be awarded for a period less than three years.
(2) No sentence of imprisonment or detention shall be awarded for a period of more than two years.
Power to place offender in arrest.
74.—(1) Any person subject to military law charged with an offence punishable by this Act may be taken into military custody.
(2) Any person taken into military custody may be placed in open or close arrest.
General as to arrest.
75.—(1) An officer acting with proper authority may order into military custody an officer of inferior rank or any soldier.
(2) An officer acting with proper authority may order into military custody any officer (even though of higher or equal rank) engaged in any disorder or quarrel.
(3) A non-commissioned officer acting with proper authority may order into military custody any soldier.
(4) Where a person subject to military law is lawfully ordered into arrest, the order shall be obeyed whether or not the person giving the order and the person in respect of whom the order is given belong to the same corps, arm or branch of the Forces.
Guard Report.
76.—(1) Every officer or non-commissioned officer who commits any person into custody, shall, at the time of such committal or, as soon as practicable thereafter, and in any case not later than 24 hours thereafter, deliver to the officer or non-commissioned officer into whose custody the person is committed, an account in writing signed by himself of the offence with which the person so committed is charged.
(2) Any officer or non-commissioned officer commanding a guard, or a provost-marshal or assistant provost-marshal shall not refuse to receive or keep any person who is committed to his custody by an officer or non-commissioned officer.
(3) Any officer or non-commissioned officer commanding a guard who takes or receives a person into custody shall, as soon as he is relieved from guard or duty and in every case within twenty-four hours of the time he took or received such person into custody, give in writing to his Commanding Officer the name and, so far as the same is known to him, the offence of such person with the name and rank of the officer or non-commissioned officer by whom such person was charged and, if he has received the same, the account in writing referred to in sub-section (1) of this Section.
Charge to be investigated without delay.
77.—The charge against every person taken into military custody shall, without unnecessary delay be investigated by the proper military authority, and as soon as possible either proceedings shall be taken for punishing the offence or such person shall be discharged from custody.
Summary Disposition of Certain Charges.
Charges against an officer below the rank of Commandant which may be summarily dealt with.
78.—Where an officer below the rank of Commandant is charged with an offence in this Section mentioned, the charge may be summarily dealt with in the manner hereinafter mentioned.
(1) The offence of neglecting to obey any garrison or general or other orders being the offence mentioned in Section 41 of this Act.
(2) The offence of being absent without leave.
(3) The offence of failing to appear at the place of parade or mobilisation or post or position appointed by his superior officer; or withdrawing from such place of parade or mobilisation or post or position before he is relieved or without leave or otherwise unjustifiably.
(4) The offence of quitting the ranks without leave or otherwise unjustifiably.
(5) The offence of being drunk when not on duty.
(6) The offence of being guilty of any act, conduct, disorder or neglect to the prejudice of good order and military discipline.
Punishments which may be summarily awarded to an officer below the rank of Commandant.
79.—When an officer below the rank of Commandant is charged with any of the offences mentioned in Section 78 of this Act, the prescribed officer may, if satisfied as to the guilt of the accused, summarily award any of the following punishments:—
(1) Fine not exceeding £10.
(2) Severe reprimand.
(3) Reprimand.
Charges against a soldier which may be summarily dealt with.
80.—When a non-commissioned officer or private soldier is charged with any of the offences mentioned in this Section the charge may be summarily dealt with in the manner hereinafter provided.
(1) The offence of disobeying any lawful command or order given by a superior officer.
(2) Being concerned in any quarrel, affray or disorder, the offence of refusing to obey, striking, using, or offering violence to (a) any officer who lawfully orders him into arrest, (b) any person in whose custody he is lawfully placed.
(3) The offence of resisting any patrol, escort or police guard whose duty it is to apprehend him or have him in charge.
(4) The offence of breaking out of quarters.
(5) The offence of neglecting to obey any garrison or general or other orders being the offence mentioned in Section 41 of this Act.
(6) The offence of being absent without leave.
(7) The offence of failing to appear at the place of parade or mobilisation or post or position appointed by his superior officer or withdrawing from such place of parade or mobilisation post or position before he is relieved or without leave or otherwise unjustifiably.
(8) The offence of quitting the ranks without leave or otherwise unjustifiably.
(9) Being a private soldier, the offence of being drunk when on duty.
(10) The offence of being drunk when not on duty.
(11) The offence of losing by neglect, wilfully injuring, making away with, or being concerned in making away with (whether by way of gift, pawning, selling, destruction, or otherwise howsoever) any arms, ammunition, equipment, instruments, clothing, or other military property.
(12) The offence of making any false accusation against any other person subject to military law, knowing such accusation to be false.
(13) The offence of knowingly making any statement which, by reason of falsity or the suppression of material facts, is calculated seriously to injure or affect the character of any other person subject to military law.
(14) The offence of making any false statement to any military officer or District Justice in respect of leave of absence.
(15) The offence of travelling or attempting to travel on any train, tram, car or other vehicle without payment or tender of fare or without ticket, voucher or proper warrant.
(16) Having been discharged with ignominy from the Forces, the offence of re-enlisting without declaring the circumstances of his discharge.
(17) The offence of making a false answer to any question set forth in the attestation paper which has been put to him by, or by the direction of, the District Justice, Peace Commissioner or officer, before whom he appears for the purpose of being attested.
(18) The offence of being concerned in the enlistment for service in the Forces of any man, when he knows or has reasonable cause to believe such man to be so circumstanced that by enlisting he commits an offence against this Act.
(19) The offence of wilfully contravening any enactment or regulation in any matter relating to the enlistment or attestation of soldiers of the Forces.
(20) The offence of being guilty of any act, conduct, disorder or neglect to the prejudice of good order and military discipline.
Punishments which may be summarily awarded to a non-commissioned officer.
81.—Where a non-commissioned officer is charged with any of the offences mentioned in Section 80 of this Act, the Commanding Officer of the accused may, if satisfied as to the guilt of the accused, summarily award any of the punishments following:—
(1) In the case of offences other than drunkenness, fine not exceeding £5.
(2) Fines in cases of drunkenness not on duty as follows:—
First offence | 10s. |
Second offence | 20s. |
Third offence | 30s. |
Fourth and every subsequent offence | 50s. |
(3) Deprivation of acting rank.
(4) Severe reprimand.
(5) Reprimand.
(6) In addition to or without any other punishment, any deduction from ordinary pay authorised by this Act to be made by a Commanding Officer.
Punishments which may be summarily awarded to a private soldier by a Commanding Officer.
82.—Where a private soldier is charged with any of the offences mentioned in Section 80 of this Act the Commanding Officer of the accused may, if satisfied as to the guilt of the accused, summarily award any of the following punishments:—
(1) Detention for a period not exceeding twenty-eight days. In cases of absence without leave for a period not exceeding seven days, detention shall not be awarded for a period exceeding seven days. Where the absence exceeds seven days detention may be awarded for a period equal to the period of absence without leave but in no case for a period exceeding twenty-eight days.
(2) In the case of offences other than drunkenness, fine not exceeding £3.
(3) In addition to or without detention fines in cases of drunkenness as follows:—
First offence | 5s. |
Second offence | 10s. |
Third offence | 20s. |
Fourth and every subsequent offence | 30s. |
(4) Confinement to barracks for a period not exceeding 14 days.
(5) Extra guards and pickets.
(6) Warning.
(7) In addition to or without any other punishment, any deduction from ordinary pay authorised by this Act to be made by a Commanding Officer.
Punishments which may be summarily awarded to a private soldier by a Company Commander.
83.—Where a private soldier is charged with any of the offences mentioned in Section 80 of this Act the Company Commander of the accused may, if satisfied as to the guilt of the accused summarily award any of the following punishments:—
(1) In the case of offences other than drunkenness, fine not exceeding £1.
(2) Fines in cases of drunkenness as follows:—
First offence | 5s. |
Second offence | 10s |
Third and every subsequent offence | 20s. |
(3) Confinement to barracks for a period not exceeding seven days.
(4) Extra guards and pickets.
(5) Warning.
Investigation of Charges.
Investigation of a charge against an officer.
84.—(1) A charge against an officer shall in the first instance be investigated by his Commanding Officer.
(2) If the Commanding Officer is satisfied that there is no evidence disclosing an offence mentioned in this Act, or if he considers the charge ought not to be proceeded with, he shall dismiss the charge.
(3) If the Commanding Officer does not dismiss the charge he shall proceed as follows:—
(a) If the accused is an officer not under the rank of Commandant, or in the case of an officer under the rank of Commandant, if the offence is not one of those mentioned in Section 78 of this Act, he shall remand the accused for trial by Court-Martial.
(b) If the accused is an officer under the rank of Commandant, and if the offence is one of those mentioned in Section 78 of this Act, he shall refer the case to the prescribed officer.
(4) The prescribed officer upon the case being referred to him in accordance with sub-section (3) (b) of this Section, shall investigate the case and proceed as follows:—
(a) If satisfied that there is no evidence against the accused, or if he considers the charge ought not to be proceeded with, he shall dismiss the charge.
(b) If he does not dismiss the charge he shall proceed as follows—
(i) If he considers the case is one which should be dealt with by Court-Martial, he shall remand the accused for trial by general Court-Martial.
(ii) If he does not remand the accused for trial by Court-Martial, he shall award one of the punishments mentioned in Section 79 of this Act.
Investigation of a charge against a non-commissioned officer.
85.—(1) A charge against a non-commissioned officer shall in the first instance be investigated by his Company-Commander.
(2) If the Company-Commander is satisfied that there is no evidence disclosing an offence mentioned in this Act, he shall dismiss the charge.
(3) If the Company-Commander does not dismiss the charge, he shall refer the case to the Commanding Officer.
(4) The Commanding Officer, upon the case being referred to him in accordance with sub-section (3) of this Section, shall investigate the case and proceed as follows:—
(a) If satisfied that there is no evidence disclosing an offence mentioned in this Act, or if he considers the charge ought not to be proceeded with, he shall dismiss the charge.
(b) If he does not dismiss the charge he shall proceed as follows:—
(i) If the offence is not one of those mentioned in Section 80 of this Act, or being one of the offences mentioned in Section 80 of this Act, he considers the case is one which should be dealt with by Court-Martial, he shall remand the accused for trial by Court-Martial.
(ii) If the charge is one of those mentioned in Section 80 of this Act, and if he does not remand the accused for trial by Court-Martial, he shall award one of the punishments mentioned in Section 81 of this Act.
Investigation of a charge against a private soldier.
86.—(1) A charge against a private soldier shall in the first instance be investigated by his Company-Commander.
(2) If the Company-Commander is satisfied that there is no evidence disclosing an offence mentioned in this Act, or if he considers that the charge ought not to be proceeded with, he shall dismiss the charge.
(3) If the Company Commander does not dismiss the charge, he shall proceed as follows:—
(a) If the offence is one of those mentioned in Section 80 of this Act, and if he considers that the punishments he is entitled to award in accordance with Section 83 of this Act, meet the case, he shall award one of those punishments.
(b) If the offence is not one of those mentioned in Section 80 of this Act, or being one of those offences he considers the punishment he is entitled to award does not meet the case, he shall refer the case to the Commanding Officer.
(4) The Commanding Officer, upon the case being referred to him in accordance with sub-section (3) (b) of this section, shall investigate the charge and proceed as follows:—
(a) If he is satisfied that there is no evidence disclosing an offence mentioned in this Act, or if he considers that the charge ought not to be proceeded with, he shall dismiss the charge.
(b) If he does not dismiss the charge he shall proceed as follows:—
I.—(a) If the offence is one of those mentioned in Section 80 of this Act, and if he considers the offence is one which should be dealt with by Court-Martial he shall remand the accused for trial by Court-Martial.
(b) If he does not remand the accused for trial by Court-Martial he shall award one of the punishments mentioned in Section 82 of this Act.
II.—(a) If the offence is not one of those mentioned in Section 80 of this Act, and he considers the case one which should be dealt with by Court-Martial, he shall apply to the prescribed officer for authority to deal with the case in the same manner as if the offence had been one of those mentioned in Section 80 of this Act, and on receiving such authority from such prescribed officer (who is hereby empowered to grant such authority if he thinks fit) he shall deal with the case accordingly, and award one of the punishments mentioned in Section 82 of this Act. In the event of such authority being withheld, he shall remand the accused for trial by Court-Martial.
(b) If the offence is not one of those mentioned in Section 80 of this Act, and he does not apply for authority to deal with the case summarily, as aforesaid, he shall remand the accused for trial by Court-Martial.
Procedure on investigation of a charge against an officer, non-commissioned officer or private soldier.
87.—No charge against an officer non-commissioned officer or private soldier shall be heard or investigated save in the presence of the accused. The accused shall have full liberty to cross-examine all witnesses called against him, and to call any witnesses in his defence, and to make a statement in his defence. If the accused shall demand that the evidence against him shall be taken on oath, the investigating officer shall cause all witnesses to be sworn before giving evidence.
Acquittal or conviction by Civil Court or Court-Martial to be a bar to summary proceedings.
88.—No person charged with an offence in this Act mentioned, shall be liable to be dealt with summarily for an offence in respect of which he has been acquitted or convicted by a competent Civil Court or by a Court-Martial.
Restriction on jurisdiction of Courts-Martial.
89.—(1) Where a person subject to military law has been acquitted or convicted of an offence by Court-Martial he shall not be liable to be tried again by a Court-Martial in respect of that offence.
(2) Where a person subject to military law has been acquitted or convicted of an offence by a competent Civil Court he shall not be liable to be tried again by Court-Martial in respect of that offence.
(3) A person subject to military law shall not be liable to be tried by Court-Martial for any offence which shall have been summarily dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this Act:
Provided always that the Adjutant-General may, notwithstanding that a charge may have been dismissed or punishment awarded in respect of same, for reasons which to him seem sufficient, direct such person to be tried by Court-Martial.
(4) A person subject to military law shall not in pursuance of this Act be tried or punished for any offence triable by Court-Martial committed more than three years before the date on which his trial begins, except in the case of mutiny, desertion or fraudulent enlistment; but this Section shall not affect the jurisdiction of a Civil Court in the case of an offence triable by such Court, as well as by Court-Martial.
Classes of Courts Martial.
90.—Courts-Martial shall be of two kinds, namely, General and Local.
General Courts-Martial.
91.—(1) Every General Court-Martial shall be convened by the Adjutant-General, or by such officer as he shall authorise to convene the same.
(2) A General Court-Martial shall have jurisdiction to try any person subject to military law for any offence mentioned in this Act.
(3) A General Court-Martial shall be constituted as follows:—
(a) A President who shall be of a rank not lower than Colonel, and shall be appointed by the Convening Officer: Provided always that where it appears to the Convening Officer that an officer of a rank not lower than that of Colonel is not available to act as such President (having due regard to military exigencies and the public service) the Convening Officer may, upon endorsing a certificate to that effect upon the order convening such General Court-Martial, appoint to act as such President an Officer of a rank not lower than that of Captain: Provided always that in no case shall the President of a General Court-Martial be of lower rank than the accused person.
(b) Not more than seven and not less than three other officers who shall not be of a rank lower than Captain and shall be appointed by the Convening Officer.
(4) (a) There shall be in attendance at every General Court-Martial a Judge-Advocate appointed by the prescribed officer.
(b) A Judge-Advocate at a General Court-Martial shall be a person duly qualified as a Barrister-at-Law, or a Solicitor in Saorstát Eireann, and an officer of the Forces.
(c) The duties of a Judge-Advocate shall be as prescribed.
Local Courts-Martial.
92.—(1) Every Local Court-Martial shall be convened by the Adjutant-General or by such Officer as he shall authorise to convene the same.
(2) A Local Court-Martial shall have jurisdiction to try non-commissioned officers and private soldiers for any offence mentioned in this Act, except murder, but shall have no jurisdiction to try an officer.
(3) A Local Court-Martial shall have jurisdiction only to award imprisonment (with or without hard labour) or a less sentence.
(4) A Local Court-Martial shall be constituted as follows:—
(a) A President who shall not be of a rank lower than Commandant, and shall be appointed by the Convening Officer, provided, however, if it appears to the Convening Officer that an officer of a rank not lower than Commandant is not available to act as such President (having due regard to the military exigencies and the public service) the Convening Officer may, upon endorsing a certificate to that effect on the order convening such Local Court-Martial, appoint as President thereof an officer of a rank not lower than Captain.
(b) Not less than two nor more than four other officers appointed by the Convening Officer.
(5) There shall be in attendance at every Local Court-Martial a Judge-Advocate, qualified to act and appointed as may be prescribed
Disqualifications for membership of Courts-Martial.
93.—The following shall not serve on any Court-Martial:—
(1) Any Chaplain holding a commissioned rank or an officer of the Army Medical Corps, provided always that where a Court is convened for the trial of a soldier of the Army Medical Corps, an officer of that Corps may be detailed to act as a member or waiting member thereof.
(2) The Convening Officer.
(3) The Prosecuting Officer.
(4) Any officer who investigated the charge against he accused, or conducted any inquiry into the case.
(5) The Commanding Officer of the accused.
(6) Any officer who has a personal interest in the case.
Challenges by accused.
94.—(1) An accused about to be tried by any Court-Martial may object, for any reasonable cause, to any member of the Court (including the President) whether appointed to serve thereon originally or to fill a vacancy caused by the retirement of any officer objected to, so that the court may be constituted of officers to whom the accused makes no reasonable objection.
(2) Every objection made by an accused to any officer shall be submitted to the other officers appointed to form the Court.
(3) If the objection is to the President, such objection, if allowed by one-half or more of the other officers appointed to form the Court, shall be allowed, and the Court shall adjourn for the purpose of the appointment of another President.
(4) If an objection to the President is allowed, the authority convening the Court shall appoint another President, subject to the same right of the accused to object.
(5) If the objection is to a member other than the President, and is allowed by one-half or more of the votes of the officers entitled to vote, the objection shall be allowed, and the member objected to shall retire, and his vacancy may be filled in the prescribed manner by another officer, subject to the same right of the accused to object.
(6) In order to enable an accused to avail himself of the privilege of objecting to any officer, the names of the officers appointed to form the Court shall be read over in the hearing of the accused on their first assembling and before they are sworn, and he shall be asked whether he objects to any of such officers, and a like question shall be repeated in respect of any officer appointed to serve in lieu of the retiring officer.
Swearing of Court.
95.—(1) When the Court is constituted with the proper number of officers who are not objected to, or the objections to whom have been over-ruled, each member shall be duly sworn. The oath shall be administered to the President first, and then to the other members of the Court by the Judge-Advocate. The oath shall then be administered to the Judge-Advocate by the President.
(2) A shorthand note-taker, if in attendance, shall then be sworn by a member of the Court, or the Judge-Advocate.
(3) The oaths administered in accordance with this Section shall be in the prescribed form.
Plea in bar.
96.—In addition to a plea of “Not Guilty” an accused may enter any of the following special pleas in bar of trial:—
(1) Previous acquittal or conviction of the same offence by—
(a) A competent Civil Court.
(b) A competent Court-Martial.
(c) Any officer in due exercise of his powers under this Act, subject however, to the provisions of Section 89 (3) of this Act.
(2) Pardon of the offence by the Minister.
(3) Save in cases of mutiny, desertion or fraudulent enlistment the expiration at the date on which the trial commences of a period of more than three years from the date at which the offence is alleged to have been committed.
(4) Where the offence is one against the ordinary law, which by ordinary law must be prosecuted within a specific period of the date of commission of the offence, lapse of the specific period.
Evidence to be on oath.
97.—(1) Every witness examined before a Court-Martial shall be examined upon oath, which the President or any other member of the Court or the Judge-Advocate shall administer in the prescribed form.
(2) Where a person required by this Act to take an oath objects to take an oath, or is objected to as incompetent to take an oath, the Court, if satisfied as to the sincerity of the objection, or where the competence of a person to take an oath is objected to, that the oath has no binding effect upon the conscience of such person, shall permit such person, instead of being sworn, to make a solemn declaration in the prescribed form, and for the purpose of this Act such declaration shall be deemed to be an oath.
Right of accused and his wife to give evidence.
98.—Every person charged with an offence and the wife of a person so charged is a competent witness for the defence at every stage of the proceedings before a Court-Martial, whether the person so charged is charged solely or jointly with any other person or persons; provided a person so charged shall not be called as a witness except on his own application and the wife of the person so charged shall not be called as a witness for the defence, except upon the application of the person so charged.
Rules of evidence to be the same as in Civil Courts.
99.—Save as is in this Act otherwise provided, every Court-Martial shall be bound by the law for the time being in force in Saorstát Eireann relating to evidence before Civil Courts.
100.—(1) In case of equality of votes on a finding, the accused shall be acquitted.
(2) The finding of acquittal, whether on all or some of the charges with which the accused is charged shall not require confirmation or be subject to revision and if it relates to all the charges shall be pronounced at once in open Court and the accused be discharged.
Conviction of offence other than offence charged with.
101.—(1) Where a person is charged before a Court-Martial with an offence mentioned in Section 69 of this Act, and the offence is such that if he were charged with the same offence upon indictment before a Civil Court he could lawfully be convicted on such indictment of some other offence not charged in the indictment, then the Court-Martial may, instead of finding the accused guilty of the offence charged, find him guilty of such other offence as a Civil Court might lawfully have convicted him of.
(2) An accused charged before a Court-Martial with desertion may be found guilty of attempting to desert or being absent without leave.
(3) An accused charged before a Court-Martial with attempting to desert may be found guilty of desertion or being absent without leave.
(4) An accused charged before a Court-Martial with any other offence under this Act, other than an offence mentioned in Section 69 of this Act, may, on failure of proof of an offence being committed in circumstances involving a higher degree of punishment, be found guilty of the same offence as being committed in circumstances involving a less degree of punishment.
Voting generally.
102.—In case of equality of votes on the sentence or on any question arising after the commencement of the trial, save objections by the accused under Section 94 of this Act, or the finding, the President shall have a second or casting vote.
Death Sentence.
103.—Sentence of death shall not be awarded save with the concurrence of three-fourths, or more, of the members of the Court.
Sentences generally.
104.—(1) The Court shall award only one sentence in respect of all offences of which the accused is convicted. The sentence shall be one which under this Act, may be awarded in respect of any one of the offences of which the accused is convicted.
(2) Every sentence of penal servitude, imprisonment or detention to which such person is sentenced by court-martial, whether the sentence has been revised as hereinafter is provided or not and whether the person is already undergoing sentence or not, shall be reckoned to commence on that day on which the original finding sentence and proceedings were signed by the President of the Court-Martial or on such earlier date as the Court may direct.
Procedure generally.
105.—(1) If a Court-Martial after the commencement of the trial is by death or otherwise reduced below the legal minimum it shall be dissolved.
(2) If after the commencement of the trial the President dies or is otherwise unable to attend and the Court is not reduced below the legal minimum, the Convening Officer may appoint the senior member of the Court, if of sufficient rank, to be President and the trial shall proceed accordingly, but if he is not of sufficient rank the Court shall be dissolved.
(3) If on account of illness of the accused before the finding, it is impossible, within what appears a reasonable time to the Convening Officer, to continue the trial, the Court may be dissolved by the Convening Officer.
(4) Where a Court-Martial is dissolved under the foregoing provisions of this Section, the accused may be tried again.
(5) The President of any Court-Martial may on any deliberation amongst the members cause the Court to be cleared of all other persons, except the Judge-Advocate.
(6) The Court may adjourn from time to time.
(7) The Court may also, when necessary, view any place.
Miscellaneous Provisions as to Courts-Martial.
Right of Prosecutor and accused to be represented by a legal advisor.
106.—(1) The Prosecutor may be represented by a legal adviser.
(2) Any person tried by a Court-Martial may be represented by a legal adviser or an officer.
(3) The expression “legal adviser” in this Section means a barrister-at-law or solicitor entitled to practise in Saorstát Eireann
Position of legal adviser at Courts-Martial.
107.—(1) Any conduct of a legal adviser which would be liable to censure or would be a contempt of court if it took place before the High Court of Saorstát Eireann shall be likewise deemed liable to censure or be deemed a contempt of court in the case of a Court-Martial, and the rules to be prescribed for the practice of Courts-Martial and the guidance of legal advisers shall be binding on legal advisers who appear before such Courts-Martial and any wilful disobedience of such rules shall be professional misconduct and if persevered in be deemed a contempt of court.
(2) Where a legal adviser is guilty of conduct liable to censure or is guilty of a contempt of court the President of the Court-Martial may certify the offence of such legal adviser under his hand to any Court of Law in Saorstát Eireann which has power to commit for contempt and that Court may thereupon enquire into such alleged offence and after hearing any witnesses that may be produced against or on behalf of the person so accused and after hearing any statement that may be offered in defence, punish or take steps for the punishment of such person in like manner as if he had been guilty of contempt of court.
(3) A Court-Martial may, by order under the hand of the President, cause a legal adviser to be removed from the Court who is guilty of such offence as may in the opinion of the Court-Martial require his removal from Court, but in every such case the President shall certify the offence to a Court of Law in the manner provided by sub-section (2) of this Section.
Summoning and privilege of witnesses at Courts-Martial.
108.—(1) Every person required to give evidence before a Court-Martial may be summoned or ordered to attend in the prescribed manner.
(2) Every person attending in pursuance of such summons or order as a witness before any Court-Martial shall, during his necessary attendance to or in such Court and in going to and returning from the same have the same privilege from arrest as if he were a witness before the High Court in Saorstát Eireann.
(3) For the purpose of this and the next succeeding Section, the expression “a Court-Martial” shall be deemed to include an officer taking a written summary of evidence in accordance with this Act; and references to the President or members of the Court-Martial shall be construed as including references to such officer.
Misconduct of civilian witness at Court-Martial.
109.—(1) Where any person not subject to military law commits any of the following offences, that is to say:—
(a) On being duly summoned as a witness before a Court-Martial, and after payment or tender of the reasonable expenses of his attendance, makes default in attending; or,
(b) Being in attendance as a witness—
(i.) Refuses to take an oath legally required by a Court-Martial to be taken; or,
(ii.) Refuses to produce any document in his power, possession or procurement legally required by a Court-Martial to be produced by him; or,
(iii.) Refuses to answer any question to which a Court-Martial may legally require an answer.
the President of the Court-Martial may certify the offence of such person under his hand to any Court of Law in Saorstát Eireann which has power to punish witnesses if guilty of a like offence in that Court, and that Court may thereupon inquire into such alleged offence, and after examination of any witnesses that may be produced against or for the person so accused, and after hearing any statement that may be offered in defence, if it seem just, punish such person in like manner as if he had committed such offence in a proceeding in that Court.
(2) Where a person not subject to military law when examined on oath or solemn declaration before a Court-Martial wilfully gives false evidence, he shall be liable on indictment or information to be convicted of and punished for the offence of perjury.
(3) Where a person not subject to military law is guilty of any contempt towards a Court-Martial, by using insulting or threatening language, or by causing any interruption or disturbance in its proceedings, or by printing observations or using words calculated to influence the members or witnesses before such Court-Martial, or to bring such Court into disrepute, the President of the Court-Martial may certify the offence of such person under his hand, to any Court of Law in Saorstát Eireann, which has power to commit for contempt and that Court may thereupon enquire into such alleged offence, and after hearing any witnesses that may be produced against or on behalf of the person so accused, and after hearing any statement that may be offered in defence, punish or take steps for the punishment of such person in like manner as if he had been guilty of contempt of that Court.
Insanity of accused at trial.
Finding in case of insanity of accused at time of commission of offence.
110.—(1) (a) Where it appears on the trial by Court-Martial of a person charged with an offence that such person is by reason of insanity unfit to stand his trial, the Court shall specially find that fact and such person shall be kept in custody in the prescribed manner until the directions of the Minister thereon are known or until any earlier time at which such person is fit to take his trial.
(b) The Minister may give orders for the safe custody of such persons during his pleasure in such manner as he may think fit.
(c) A finding under this Section shall be subject to confirmation in like manner as any other finding as is hereinafter provided.
(2) Where on trial by Court-Martial of a person charged with an offence it appears that such person committed the offence, but was insane at the time of the commission thereof, the Court shall specially find the fact of insanity as well as the finding of guilty and such person shall be kept in custody in the prescribed manner until the directions of the Minister thereon are known.
Insanity of person imprisoned or undergoing detention.
111.—If a person imprisoned or undergoing detention by virtue of this Act, becomes insane, then without prejudice to any other provisions for dealing with insane persons, an Executive Minister may, upon a certificate of such insanity by two qualified practitioners, order the removal of such person to an asylum or other proper place for the reception of insane persons, there to remain for the unexpired term of his imprisonment or detention, and upon such person being certified in the like manner to be again of sound mind, may order his removal to any prison or detention barrack in which he might have been confined if he had not become insane, there to undergo the remainder of such punishment.
Right of person tried to copy of proceedings.
112.—Any person tried by Court-Martial shall be entitled on demand at any time, in the case of a General Court-Martial within seven years, and in the case of a Local Court-Martial within three years, after the confirmation of the finding and sentence of the Court, to obtain from the officer or person having the custody of the proceedings of such Court, a copy thereof, including the proceedings with respect to revision and confirmation thereof upon payment for the same at the prescribed rate not exceeding three pence for every folio of seventy words and for the purposes of this Section the proceedings of Courts-Martial shall be preserved in the prescribed manner.
Confirmation and Revision of Findings and Sentences.
Finding and sentence not to be valid unless confirmed.
113.—Subject to the provisions of this Act with respect to an acquittal, the finding and sentence of a Court-Martial shall not be valid except in so far as the same may be confirmed by the authority authorised to confirm the same.
Confirming authorities.
114.—The following authorities shall have power to confirm the finding and sentence of a Court-Martial:—
(a) Where sentence of death has been awarded, the Minister, provided that if the offence for which the sentence was awarded was committed while the accused was not on active service, such sentence shall not be carried into effect unless in addition to confirmation by the Minister it is approved by the Minister for Home Affairs.
(b) In all other cases—
The Adjutant-General or where in the case of a soldier a sentence of detention for a period not exceeding 168 days or any lesser punishment has been awarded by a Local Court-Martial, the Officer having authority to convene such a Court-Martial at the date of the submission of the finding and sentence thereof.
Powers of confirming authority.
115.—Where an accused has been found guilty upon any charge the confirming authority may—
(1) Direct the re-assembly of the Court for the revision of the finding and sentence or either of them stating the reasons for revision.
(2) Confirm or refuse confirmation either in whole or in part of the original or revised finding or sentence.
(3) Order a new trial of the accused by Court-Martial.
(4) Mitigate the punishment awarded by the sentence or remit or commute the same for any less punishment, or substitute a legal for an illegal sentence.
(5) Suspend execution of the sentence.
Procedure where finding or sentence sent back for revision.
116.—Where the finding or sentence is sent back for revision, the Court shall re-assemble in closed Court. They shall receive no further evidence. If they do not adhere to the original finding, they shall record the new finding and where a sentence is involved by such a new finding they shall pass a fresh sentence. If they do adhere to their original finding, they shall record the same afresh. Where sentence alone is sent back for revision, they shall not revise any finding, but shall have power to increase the sentence originally awarded. Each fresh sentence shall be recorded in the prescribed manner.
Execution of Sentence.
Execution of sentence of penal servitude.
117.—(1) Where a person subject to Military law is convicted by Court-Martial and sentenced to penal servitude, such conviction and sentence shall, upon due confirmation in accordance with this Act, have the same force and effect as if such person (hereinafter styled a military convict) had been duly convicted of an offence punishable by penal servitude, and sentenced to penal servitude by a competent Civil Court, and all enactments relating to a person so convicted and sentenced by a Civil Court shall, so far as circumstances permit, apply accordingly.
(2) Where a sentence of penal servitude has been duly confirmed, the military convict upon whom such sentence was passed shall, as soon as practicable be transferred to a penal servitude prison to undergo his sentence according to law. Until so transferred, he shall remain in military custody.
(3) The order of the committing authority (hereinafter in this Section mentioned) shall be a sufficient warrant for the transfer of a military convict to a penal servitude prison.
(4) At any time before the arrival of a military convict at a penal servitude prison, the discharging authority (hereinafter in this Section mentioned) may by Order discharge the prisoner.
(5) Any one or more of the following shall be the committing authority for the purposes of this Section:—
(a) The Minister.
(b) The Adjutant-General.
(c) The Commanding Officer of the military convict.
(d) Any other officer duly authorised.
(6) The discharging authority for the purposes of this Section shall be one of the following:—
(a) The Minister.
(b) The Adjutant-General.
(c) Any other officer duly authorised.
Execution of sentence of imprisonment or detention.
118.—(1) Where a person has been sentenced by Court-Martial to imprisonment, and the sentence has been duly confirmed, the person so sentenced (hereinafter in this Section styled a military prisoner) shall undergo his term of imprisonment, either in military custody or in a detention barrack or in a public prison, or partly in one way and partly in another.
(2) Where a person has been sentenced by Court-Martial to a term of detention and the sentence has been duly confirmed, or where a person has been sentenced to a term of detention by a Commanding Officer or other officer in exercise of summary powers conferred by this Act, every such person (hereinafter in this Section styled a soldier undergoing detention) shall undergo the term of his detention either in military custody or in a barrack detention room, or a detention barrack, or partly in one way and partly in another, but not in a public prison.
(3) The order of the committing authority hereinafter in this Section mentioned, shall be sufficient warrant for the transfer of a military prisoner to a public prison or a detention barrack, or the transfer of a soldier undergoing detention to a detention barrack.
(4) A military prisoner while in a public prison shall be confined, kept to hard labour, and otherwise dealt with in all respects as if he were an ordinary prisoner undergoing a like sentence.
(5) The discharging authority hereinafter in this Section mentioned may, at any time during the term of his imprisonment or detention, discharge a military prisoner or a soldier undergoing detention.
(6) The committing authority may at any time during the term of imprisonment of a military prisoner or the term of detention of a soldier undergoing detention by order provide for:—
(a) His removal from one public prison to another;
(b) His removal from one detention barrack to another;
(c) His being brought before a Court-Martial or a Civil
Court for trial or as a witness;
and an order of such authority shall be sufficient warrant for delivering him into military custody, and detaining him in custody till he can be returned.
(7) The committing authority shall be any one or more of the following:—
(a) The Minister.
(b) The Adjutant-General.
(c) The Commanding Officer of the military prisoner or the soldier undergoing detention.
(d) Any officer duly authorised.
(8) The discharging authority shall be any one of the following:—
(a) The Minister.
(b) The Adjutant-General.
(c) Any other officer duly authorised.
(d) Where the sentence was passed by the Commanding Officer of the soldier undergoing detention, such Commanding Officer.
Inquiry as to and confession of Desertion.
Inquiry by Court on absence of a soldier.
119.—(1) When any soldier has been absent without leave from his duty for a period of twenty-one days, a Court of Inquiry may as soon as practicable be assembled and enquire in the prescribed manner on oath or solemn declaration (which such Court is hereby authorised to administer) respecting the fact of such absence, and the deficiency (if any) in the arms, ammunition, equipments, instruments, regimental necessaries, or clothing of the soldier and if satisfied of the fact of such soldier having absented himself without leave or other sufficient cause, the Court shall declare such absence and the period thereof and the said deficiency (if any) and the Commanding Officer of the absent soldier shall enter in the regimental books a record of the declaration of such Court.
(2) If the absent soldier does not afterwards surrender or is not apprehended, such record shall have the legal effect of a conviction by Court-Martial for desertion.
Confession by soldier of desertion or fraudulent enlistment.
120.—(1) Where a soldier signs a confession that he has been guilty of desertion or fraudulent enlistment, a competent military authority may, by the order dispensing with his trial by Court-Martial, or by any subsequent order award the same forfeitures and the same deductions from pay (if any) as a Court-Martial could award for the said offence, or as are consequential upon conviction by Court-Martial for the said offence, except such of them as may be mentioned in the order.
(2) If upon any such confession, evidence of the truth or falsehood of such confession cannot then be conveniently obtained, the record of such confession countersigned by the Commanding Officer of the soldier shall be entered in the regimental books, and such soldier shall continue to do duty in the corps to which he may be transferred, until he is discharged or transferred to the Reserve, or until legal proof can be obtained of the truth or falsehood of such confession.
(3) The competent military authority for the purpose of this Section means the Minister or any prescribed general officer.
Restitution of Stolen Property.
Power as to restitution of stolen property.
121.—(1) Where a person has been convicted by Court-Martial of having stolen, embezzled, received knowing it to be stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained any property, and the property or any part thereof is found in the possession of the offender, the authority confirming the finding and sentence of such Court-Martial or the Minister, may order the property so found to be restored to the person appearing to be the lawful owner thereof.
(2) A like order may be made with respect to any property found in the possession of such offender which appears to the confirming authority or the Minister to have been obtained by the conversion or exchange of any of the property stolen, embezzled, received or unlawfully obtained.
(3) Moreover where it appears to the confirming authority or the Minister, from the evidence given before the Court-Martial that any part of the property stolen, embezzled, received or unlawfully obtained, was sold to or pawned with any person without any guilty knowledge of the person purchasing or taking in pawn the property, the confirming authority or the Minister may on the application of that person and on the restitution of the said property to the owner thereof, order that out of the money (if any) found in the possession of the offender a sum not exceeding the amount of the proceeds of the said sale or pawning, shall be paid to the said person purchasing or taking in pawn.
(4) An order under this Section shall not bar the right of any person, other than the offender or any one claiming through him, to recover any property or money delivered or paid in pursuance of an order under this Section from the person to whom the same is so delivered or paid.
Redress of Wrongs.
Mode of complaint by officer.
122.—If an officer thinks himself wronged by his Commanding Officer, and on due application made to him, does not receive the redress to which he may consider himself entitled, he may complain in the prescribed manner to the Minister in order to obtain justice, who is hereby required to examine into such complaint.
Mode of complaint by soldier.
123.—If any soldier thinks himself wronged in any matter by any officer other than his captain, or by any soldier, he may complain thereof to his captain and if he thinks himself wronged by his captain either in respect of his complaint not being redressed or in respect of any other matter, he may complain thereof to his Commanding Officer, and if he thinks himself wronged by his Commanding Officer either in respect of his complaint not being redressed or in respect of any other matter, he may complain thereof to the prescribed general officer, and every officer to whom a complaint is made in pursuance of the Section, shall cause such complaint to be inquired into and shall if on enquiry he is satisfied of the justice of the complaint so made, take such steps as may be necessary for giving full redress to the complainant in respect of the matter so complained of.
Declaration as to Military Command.
Military command.
124.—(1) It is hereby declared that the Minister may, in such manner as to him may from time to time seem meet, make regulations as to the persons to be invested as officers or otherwise, with command over the Forces or any part thereof, or any person belonging thereto, and as to the mode in which such command is to be exercised; provided that command shall not be given to any person over a person superior in rank to himself.
(2) Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to be in derogation of any power otherwise vested in the Minister.
Power of Minister to make Rules.
Power to Minister to make rules of procedure.
125.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Minister may, by rules, from time to time make and when made, repeal, alter or add to, provisions in respect of the following matters or any of them, that is to say:—
(a) The assembly and procedure of Courts of Inquiry.
(b) The convening and constitution of Courts-Martial.
(c) The adjournment, dissolution and sittings of Courts-Martial.
(d) The procedure to be observed in trials by Courts-Martial.
(e) The confirmation and revision of the findings and sentences of Courts-Martial.
(f) The carrying into effect sentences of Courts-Martial.
(g) The forms of orders to be made under the provisions of this Act relating to Courts-Martial, penal servitude, imprisonment or detention.
(h) Any matter in this Chapter of this Part of this Act directed to be prescribed.
(i) Any other matter or thing expedient or necessary for the purpose of carrying this Act into execution so far as relates to the investigation, trial or punishment of offences triable or punishable by military law.
(2) Provided always, that no such rules shall contain anything contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act.
(3) All rules made in pursuance of this Section shall be judicially noticed.
(4) All rules made in pursuance of this Section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as practicable after they are made, if the Oireachtas be then sitting, and if the Oireachtas be not then sitting, as soon as practicable after the beginning of the then next session of the Oireachtas.
(5) The rules as to the procedure of Courts of Inquiry may provide for evidence being taken on oath, and may empower Courts of Inquiry to administer oaths for that purpose.
(6) The rules as to the investigation of a charge may provide for a written summary of the evidence being taken on oath, and may empower a Commanding Officer or any officer, before whom he directs such summary to be taken, to administer oaths for that purpose.
(7) The Rules Publication Act, 1893, shall not apply to rules made under this Section.
Authorised deductions from pay only to be made.
126.—The pay of an officer or soldier of the forces shall be paid without any deduction other than the deductions authorised by this Act or any Regulations to be made thereunder, or by any other Act of the Oireachtas.
Automatic forfeiture of pay of officers.
127.—In the case of an officer, pay shall be automatically forfeited for every day—
(a) Of absence on desertion or without leave.
(b) Whilst he is in custody on a charge for an offence resulting in a conviction by a Civil Court.
(c) Whilst he is in custody on a charge resulting in a conviction by Court-Martial unless the Court-Martial shall otherwise direct.
Automatic forfeiture of pay of soldiers.
128.—In the case of a soldier, pay shall be automatically forfeited for every day—
(a) Of absence on desertion or without leave.
(b) Whilst he is in custody on a charge for an offence resulting in a conviction by a Civil Court.
(c) Whilst he is in custody on any charge resulting in a conviction by a Court-Martial (unless the Court-Martial shall otherwise direct).
(d) Whilst he is in custody on a charge of absence without leave for which he is afterwards awarded detention by his Commanding Officer.
(e) Of imprisonment awarded by a Court-Martial or a Civil Court.
(f) Of detention awarded by a Court-Martial or his Commanding Officer.
Definition of expression “Day.”
129.—For the purposes of Sections 127 and 128 of this Act, the Minister may by regulation or order from time to time declare what shall be deemed a day of absence, a day in custody, or a day of imprisonment or detention, so however that—
(a) No person shall be treated as absent, in custody, imprisoned or detained for the purposes aforesaid unless such absence, custody, imprisonment or detention has lasted six hours or upwards, except where the absence prevented the absentee from performing some military duty which was thereby thrown on some other person;
(b) A period of absence, a period in custody, a period of imprisonment or detention which commences before and ends after midnight may be reckoned as a day;
(c) The number of days shall be reckoned as from the time when the absence, custody, imprisonment, or detention commences; and
(d) No period less than twenty-four hours shall be reckoned as more than one day.
Deductions from ordinary pay of officers which may be made.
130.—The following deductions may be made from the ordinary pay due to an officer:—
(a) The sum required to make good such compensation for any expense, loss, damage or destruction occasioned by the commission of any offence as may be awarded by the Court-Martial by which he is convicted of such offence.
(b) The sum required to make good the pay of any officer or soldier which he has unlawfully retained or unlawfully refused to pay.
(c) The sum required to pay any fine awarded by a Court-Martial or a Civil Court.
(d) The sum required to make good any loss, damage or destruction of public property, which after due investigation appears to the Minister to have been occasioned by any wrongful act or negligence on the part of the officer.
Deductions from ordinary pay of soldiers which may be made.
131.—The following deductions may be made from the ordinary pay due to a soldier:—
(a) All ordinary pay for every day on which he is in hospital on account of sickness certified by the proper medical officer attending on him at the hospital to have been caused by an offence under this Act committed by him. The expression “day” in this sub-section shall mean a complete day of twenty-four hours.
(b) The sum required to make good such compensation for any expense, loss, damage or destruction occasioned by the commission of any offence as may be awarded by the Court-Martial by which he is convicted of such offence or where he has confessed the offence and his trial is dispensed with by order under Section 120 (1) of this Act as may be awarded by that order or by any other order of a competent military authority under that Section.
(c) The sum required to make good such compensation for any expenses caused by him or for any loss of or damage or destruction done by him to any arms, ammunition, equipment, clothing, instruments or regimental necessaries or to any buildings or property as may be awarded by his Commanding Officer or by a Court-Martial, provided that in the case of an award by a Commanding Officer the amount to be deducted shall in no case exceed £10.
(d) The share he is required to contribute as belonging to a unit towards compensation for barrack damage which after due investigation to be held in the prescribed manner, appears to have been occasioned by the wilful act or negligence of a person or persons who cannot be identified, belonging to the unit, during the period while such unit was in occupation.
For the purpose of this paragraph, the expression “barrack damage” means damage to or loss or destruction of any premises in which soldiers are quartered or billeted, or any appurtenances, fixtures, furniture or effects therein or appertaining thereto, and the expression “unit” includes any part of a unit.
(e) The sum required to pay a fine awarded by a Court-Martial, his Commanding Officer, Company-Commander or a Civil Court.
(f) The sum required to pay any sum ordered by the Minister or any officer deputed by him for the purpose, to be paid as mentioned in this Act for the maintenance of his wife or child or any bastard child, or towards the cost of any relief given by way of loan to his wife and child:
Provided that the deduction from ordinary pay under this Section shall not in any week exceed two-thirds of the offender's pay for that week.
How automatic forfeiture of and deductions from ordinary pay may be remitted.
132.—Any automatic forfeiture of pay or deduction from pay authorised by this Act may be remitted by the Minister.
Supplemental as to deductions from ordinary pay.
133.—(1). Any sum authorised by this Act to be deducted from the ordinary pay of an officer or soldier may, without prejudice to any other mode of recovering the same, be deducted from the ordinary pay or from any sums due to such officer or soldier in such manner, and when deducted or recovered may be appropriated in such manner, as may from time to time be directed by any regulation or order of the Minister.
(2). In cases of doubt as to the proper issue of pay or the proper automatic forfeiture of or deduction from pay due to any officer or soldier that pay may be withheld until the order of the Minister respecting it has been signified, which order shall be final.
Prohibition of assignment of pay, etc.
134.—Every assignment of and every charge on and every agreement to assign or charge any pay payable to any officer or soldier, or any pension, allowance or relief payable to any such officer or soldier or his wife, widow, child or other relative, or to any person in respect of military service shall be void.
Punishment of false oath and personation.
135.—(1) Where any regulations to be made by the Minister or the Minister for Finance with respect to the payment of any military reward, pension, or allowance, or any sum payable in respect of military service, or with respect to the payment of money or delivery of property in the possession of the military authorities, provide for proving on oath or by statutory declaration, the identity of the recipient or any other matter in connection with such payment, such oath may be administered and declaration taken by the person mentioned in the regulations, and any person who in such oath or declaration wilfully makes any false statement, shall be liable to punishment for perjury.
(2) Any person who falsely represents himself to any military or civil authority to belong to or to be a particular man in the Forces, or in the Reserve to be established under any Act of the Oireachtas, shall be deemed to be guilty of personation.
(3) Any person who is guilty of an offence under the False Personation Act, 1874, in relation to any military pay, reward, pension, or allowance, or to any sum payable in respect of military service, or to any money or property in the possession of the military authorities, or is guilty of personation under this Section, shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months, or to a fine not exceeding twenty-five pounds.
(4) Provided that nothing in this Section shall prevent any person from being proceeded against and punished under any other enactment or at common law in respect of any offence, so that he be not punished twice for the same offence.
Prisons and Detention Barracks.
Duty of Governor of prison to receive prisoners, deserters and absentees without leave.
136.—(1) The Governor of every prison in Saorstát Eireann shall receive and confine, until discharged or delivered over in due course of law, all prisoners sent to such prison in pursuance of this Act, and every person delivered into his custody as a deserter or absentee without leave by any person conveying him under legal authority, on production of the warrant of a Court of Summary Jurisdiction on which such deserter or absentee without leave has been taken or committed, or of some order from the Minister which order shall continue in force until the deserter or absentee without leave has arrived at his destination.
(2) Every such Governor shall also receive into his custody for a period not exceeding seven days, any soldier in military custody upon delivery to him of a written order purporting to be signed by the Commanding Officer of such soldier.
(3) The provisions of this Section with respect to the Governor of a prison shall apply to a person having charge of any police station or other place in which prisoners may legally be confined.
Establishment and regulation of military prisons.
137.—(1) It shall be lawful for any Executive Minister to set apart any building or part of a building under the control of such Minister as a military prison or detention barrack, or as a public prison for the imprisonment of military prisoners and to declare that any such building, or part of a building, shall be a military prison or a detention barrack, or a public prison, as the case may be, and every military prison so declared shall be deemed to be a public prison within the meaning of the provisions of this Act relating to imprisonment.
(2) It shall be lawful for an Executive Minister from time to time to make, alter, and repeal rules for the government, management, and regulation of military prisons and detention barracks, and for the appointment and removal, and powers of inspectors, visitors, governors, and officers thereof, and for the labour of military or other prisoners and soldiers undergoing detention therein, and for enabling such prisoners or soldiers to earn by special industry and good conduct, a remission of a portion of their sentence and for the safe custody of such prisoners or soldiers, and for the maintenance of discipline among them, and for the punishment by personal correction, restraint, or otherwise of offences committed by such prisoners or soldiers, so however that such rules shall not authorise corporal punishment to be inflicted for any offence, nor render the imprisonment or detention more severe than it is under the law in force for the time being in any prison in Saorstát Eireann subject to the General Prisons (Ireland) Act, 1877, and provided that all regulations made under the Prisons Act, 1898, as to the duties of gaolers and medical officers, and all the regulations contained in the Capital Punishment Amendment Act, 1868, and the General Prisons (Ireland) Act, 1877, as to the duties of Coroners with respect to inquests in prisons and detention barracks, shall be contained in such rules, so far as the same can be made applicable.
(3) Such rules may apply to such prisons and detention barracks any enactments of the Prisons Act, 1865, imposing punishments on any persons not prisoners.
(4) All rules made by a Minister in pursuance of this Section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as practicable after they are made, if the Oireachtas be then sitting, and if not, as soon as practicable after the commencement of the then next session of the Oireachtas.
(5) The powers of a Minister under this Section with respect to military prisons and detention barracks shall be exercisable by the General Officer Commanding in the field, and shall include a power of declaring any place to be a military prison or a detention barracks, and the limitations on the power of making rules as to the punishment of prisoners and soldiers undergoing detention, and as to the severity of imprisonment and detention shall not apply: Provided that nothing in this sub-section or in any rules made thereunder shall authorise flogging or other corporal punishment to be inflicted for any offence.
Classification of prisoners.
138.—Whereas it is expedient that a clear difference should be made between the treatment of prisoners convicted of breaches of discipline and the treatment of prisoners convicted of offences of an immoral, dishonest, shameful, or criminal character, or sentenced to be discharged from the service with ignominy, the Minister may, from time to time, make rules for the classification and treatment of such prisoners.
Exemptions of Officers and Soldiers.
Exemptions of officers and soldiers from tolls.
139.—(1) All officers and soldiers of the Forces on duty or on the march; and
Their horses and baggage; and
All prisoners under military escort; and
All motor cars, carriages and horses belonging to the Forces or employed in military service, when conveying any such persons as above in this Section mentioned, or baggage or stores, or returning from conveying same,
shall be exempted from payment of any duties or tolls on embarking or disembarking from or upon any pier, wharf, quay, or landing place, or in passing along or over any turnpike or other road or bridge, otherwise demandable by virtue of any Act of Parliament or of the Oireachtas already passed or hereafter to be passed:
Provided that nothing in this Section shall exempt any boats, barges or other vessels employed in conveying the said persons, horses, baggage, or stores, along any canal from payment of tolls in like manner as other boats, barges, and vessels.
(2) Any person who demands and receives any duty, toll, or rate in contravention of this Section shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds nor less than ten shillings.
Exemption of soldiers in respect of civil process.
140.—(1) A soldier of the Forces shall not be liable to be taken out of the service by any process, execution, or Order of any Court of Law or otherwise, or to be compelled to appear in person before any Court of Law, except in respect of the following matters, or one of them; that is to say:—
(a) On account of a charge of or conviction for crime; or
(b) On account of any debt, damages or sum of money, when the amount exceeds thirty pounds over and above all costs of suit.
(2) For the purposes of this Section a crime shall mean a felony, misdemeanour, or other crime or offence punishable, with fine or imprisonment or some greater punishment, and shall not include the offence of a person absenting himself from his service or neglecting to fulfil his contract, or otherwise misconducting himself respecting his contract.
(3) For the purposes of this Section, a Court of Law shall be deemed to include a Court of Summary Jurisdiction and any District Justice.
(4) The amount of the debt, damages or sum shall be proved, for the purpose of any process issued before the Court has adjudicated on the case, by an affidavit of the person seeking to recover the same or some one on his behalf, and such affidavit shall be sworn without payment of any fee, in the manner in which affidavits are sworn in the Court in which proceedings are taken for the recovery of the sum, and a memorandum of such affidavit shall, without fee, be endorsed upon any process or order issued against a soldier.
(5) All proceedings and documents in or incidental to a process, execution, or order in contravention of this Section shall be void; and where complaint is made by a soldier or his Commanding Officer that such soldier is dealt with in contravention of this Section by any process, execution or order issued out of any Court, and is made to that Court or to any Court superior to it, the Court or some judge thereof shall examine into the complaint and shall, if necessary, discharge such soldier without fee, and may award reasonable costs to the complainant, which may be recovered as if costs had been awarded in his favour in any action or other proceeding in such Court.
Provided that:—
Any person having cause of action or suit against a soldier of the Forces, may, notwithstanding anything in this Section, after due notice in writing given to the soldier, or left at his last quarters, proceed in such action or suit to judgment, and have execution other than against the person, pay, arms, ammunition, equipment, regimental necessaries or clothing of such soldier.
Liability of soldier to maintain wife and children.
141.—(1) A soldier of the Forces shall be liable to contribute to the maintenance of his wife and children, and also to the maintenance of any bastard child of which he may be proved to be the father, to the same extent as if he were not a soldier; but execution in respect of any such liability or of any order or decree in respect of such maintenance shall not issue against his person, pay, arms, ammunition, equipment, instruments, regimental necessaries, or clothing; nor shall he be liable to be punished for the offence of deserting or neglecting to maintain his wife or family, or any member thereof, or of leaving her or them chargeable to any union, parish or place.
(2) When an order or decree is made under any act or at common law for payment, by a man who is or subsequently becomes a soldier of the Forces, either of the cost of the maintenance of his wife or child, whether legitimate or illegitimate, or of any bastard child of whom he is the putative father, or of the cost of any relief given to his wife or child whether legitimate or illegitimate by way of loan, a copy of such order or decree shall be sent to the Minister or any officer deputed by him for the purpose, and in the case—
(a) Of such order or decree being so sent; or
(b) Of it appearing to the satisfaction of the Minister, or any officer deputed by him for the purpose, that a soldier of the regular forces has deserted or left in destitute circumstances, without reasonable cause, his wife or any of his legitimate children under sixteen years of age,
the Minister or officer shall order to be deducted from the daily pay of the soldier, and to be appropriated in liquidation of the sum adjudged to be paid by such order or decree, or towards the maintenance of the wife or children whether legitimate or illegitimate of the soldier, as the case may be, in such manner as the Minister or officer thinks fit, a portion of such daily pay not exceeding—
Where the soldier is a non-commissioned officer who is not below the rank of sergeant—in respect of a wife or children, whether legitimate or illegitimate, three shillings.
In the case of any other soldier—in respect of a wife or children, whether legitimate or illegitimate, two shillings.
(3) Where a proceeding is instituted against a soldier of the Forces under any Act, or at common law, for the purpose of enforcing against him any such liability as above in this Section mentioned, then—
(a) If at the date of service of the process the soldier is quartered out of the jurisdiction of the Court, or (where the proceeding is before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction), out of the court district of the District Court in which the proceeding is instituted, the process shall be served on his Commanding Officer, and such service shall not be valid unless there be left therewith, in the hands of the Commanding Officer, a sum of money (to be adjudged as costs incurred in obtaining the order or decree, if any order or decree is made against the soldier) of a sufficient amount to enable the soldier to attend the hearing of the case and return to his quarters, and such sum may be expended by the Commanding Officer for that purpose.
(b) In any other case the process may be served either on the Commanding Officer or on the soldier, provided that where the process is served on the soldier, a copy thereof shall be sent by the Court by which it is issued to the Commanding Officer by registered post as soon as possible after the process is served, and in any case at least four days before the day fixed or the hearing of the case.
Where, by order or decree sent to the Minister or officer in accordance with sub-section (2) of this Section, the soldier is adjudged to pay as costs incurred in obtaining the order or decree any sum left in the hands of the Commanding Officer under this sub-section, the Minister may cause a sum equal to the sum so left to be paid in liquidation of the sum so adjusted to be paid as costs, and the amount so paid by the Minister shall be a public debt from the soldier against whom the order or decree was made, and without prejudice to any other method of recovery, may be recovered by deductions from his daily pay, in addition to those mentioned in sub-section (2) of this Section.
(4) Where any arrears have accumulated in respect of sums adjudged to be paid by any such order or decree as aforesaid whilst the person against whom the order or decree was made was serving as a soldier of the Forces, whether or not deductions in respect thereof have been made from his pay under this Section then after he has ceased so to serve an order of committal shall not be made in respect of those arrears unless the Court is satisfied that he is able, or has since he ceased so to serve, been able to pay those arrears or any part thereof, and has failed to do so.
Officers not to be sheriffs or mayors.
142.—An officer of the Forces on the active list within the meaning of any order for regulating the pay and promotion of the Forces, shall not be capable of being nominated or elected to be sheriff of any county, borough, or other place, or to be a mayor or an alderman of, or to hold any office in any municipal corporation in any city, borough, or place in Saorstát Eireann, or of being nominated or elected as a member of a county council.
Exemption from jury.
143.—Every officer and soldier in the Forces shall be exempt from serving on any jury.
Period of Service.
Limit of original enlistment.
144.—A person may be enlisted to serve as a soldier of the Forces for a period of 12 years, or for such less period as may be from time to time fixed by the Minister, but not for any longer period, and the period for which a person enlists is in this Act referred to as the term of his original enlistment:
Provided that the Minister in special cases may, by order, direct that where any boy is enlisted in a particular corps before attaining the age of 18, the period of twelve years shall be reckoned from the day on which he attains the age of eighteen years.
Terms of original enlistment.
145.—The original enlistment of a person under this Act shall be as follows:—
(1) For the whole of the term of his original enlistment in army service; or
(2) For such portion of the term of his original enlistment as may be, from time to time, fixed by the Minister and specified in the attestation paper in army service and for the residue of the said term in the Reserve.
Change of conditions of service.
146.—(1) The Minister may from time to time, by general or special regulations, vary the conditions of service, so as to permit a soldier of the Forces in any service, with the assent of the Minister, either—
(a) To enter the Reserve at once for the residue unexpired of the term of his original enlistment; or
(b) To extend his army service for all or any part of the residue unexpired of such term; or
(c) To extend the term of his original enlistment up to the period of twelve years, or any shorter period.
(2) The Minister may from time to time, by general or special regulations, vary the conditions of service, so as to permit a man in the Reserve, with the assent of the Minister, to re-enter upon army service for all or any part of the residue unexpired of the term of his original enlistment, or for any period of time, not exceeding twelve years in the whole, from the date of his original enlistment.
Reckoning of service.
147.—In reckoning the service of a soldier of the Forces for the purpose of discharge or of transfer to the Reserve—
The service shall begin to reckon from the date of his attestation
Proceedings for Enlistment.
Mode of enlistment and attestation.
148.—(1) Every person authorised to enlist recruits in the Forces (in this Act referred to as the “recruiter”) shall give to every person offering to enlist a notice in the form for the time being authorised by the Minister stating the general requirements of attestation and the general conditions of the contract to be entered into by the recruit, and directing such person to appear before a District Justice or a Peace Commissioner either forthwith or at the time and place therein mentioned.
(2) Upon the appearance before a District Justice or Peace Commissioner of a person offering to enlist, such District Justice or Peace Commissioner shall ask him whether he has been served with and understands the notice and whether he assents to be enlisted, and shall not proceed with the enlistment if he considers the recruit under the influence of liquor.
(3) If he does not appear before a District Justice or Peace Commissioner or on appearing does not assent to be enlisted, no further proceedings shall be taken.
(4) If he assents to be enlisted—
(a) The District Justice or Peace Commissioner after cautioning such person that if he makes any false answer to the questions read to him he will be liable to be punished as provided by this Act, shall read or cause to be read to him the questions set forth in the attestation paper for the time being authorised by the Minister, and shall take care that such person understands each question so read, and after ascertaining that the answer of such person to each question has been duly recorded opposite the same in the attestation paper, shall require him to make and sign the declaration as to the truth of those answers set forth in the said paper and shall then administer to him the oath of allegiance contained in the said paper.
(b) Upon signing the declaration and taking the oath, such person shall be deemed to be enlisted as a soldier of the Forces.
(c) The District Justice or Peace Commissioner shall attest by his signature in manner required by the said paper, the fulfilment of requirements as to attesting a recruit and shall deliver the attestation paper, duly dated to the recruiter.
(d) The fee for attestation of a recruit and for all acts and things incidental thereto, shall be one shilling and no more, and shall be paid to the District Court Clerk.
(e) The officer who finally approves of a recruit for service shall, at his request, furnish him with a certified copy of his attestation paper.
(5) The date at which the recruit signs the declaration and takes the oath in this Section in that behalf mentioned shall be deemed to be the date of the attestation of such recruit.
(6) The prescribed military authority if satisfied that there is any error in the attestation paper of a recruit, may cause the recruit to attend before some District Justice or Peace Commissioner, and that District Justice or Peace Commissioner, if satisfied that such error exists and is not so material as to render it just that the recruit should be discharged, may amend the error in the attestation paper, and the paper as amended shall thereupon be deemed as valid as if the matter of the amendment had formed part of the original matter of such paper.
(7) Where the regulations of the Minister under this Part of this Act require duplicate attestation papers to be signed and attested, this Section shall apply to such duplicates, and in the event of any amendment of any attestation paper, the amendment shall be made in both of the duplicate attestation papers.
Power of recruit to purchase discharge.
149.—If a recruit within three months after the date of his attestation, pay for the use of the exchequer of Saorstát Eireann a sum not exceeding ten pounds, he shall be discharged with all convenient speed, unless he claims such discharge during a period when soldiers in army service, who otherwise would be transferred to the Reserve, are required by a proclamation in pursuance of this Act to continue in army service, in which case he may be retained in the service during that period and at the termination thereof shall, if he so require it, on payment then of the said sum, be discharged.
Appointment to Corps and Transfers
Enlistment for general service and appointment to corps.
150.—(1) Recruits may, in pursuance of any general or special Regulations from time to time made by the Minister be enlisted for service in particular corps of the Forces, but save as provided in such Regulations (if any) recruits shall be enlisted for general service.
(2) The prescribed military authority shall as soon as practicable after the recruit has undergone such prescribed military training as the Minister may direct, appoint a recruit if enlisted for service in a particular corps to that corps, and if enlisted for general service to some corps of the Forces.
Effect of appointment to a corps and provision for transfers.
151.—A soldier of the Forces, whether enlisted for general service or not, when once appointed to a corps shall serve in that corps for the period of his army service, whether during the term of his original enlistment or during the period of such reengagement as is in this Act mentioned, unless transferred under the following provisions:—
(1) A soldier of the Forces enlisted for general service, may within three months after the date of his attestation or at any time whilst a proclamation ordering the Reserve to be called out on permanent service is in force, be transferred to any corps of the Forces of the same arm or branch of the service, by order of the prescribed military authority;
(2) A soldier of the Forces may at any time with his own consent be transferred by order of the prescribed military authority, to any corps of the Forces;
(3) Where a soldier of the Forces is in pursuance of any of the foregoing provisions transferred to a corps in an arm or branch different from that in which he was previously serving, the prescribed military authority may by order, vary the conditions of his service so as to correspond with the general conditions of service in the arm or branch to which he is transferred;
(4) Where a soldier of the Forces has been transferred to serve on the staff or in any corps not being a corps of infantry, cavalry, artillery, or engineering, he may by order of the prescribed military authority, either during the term of his original enlistment or during the period of his re-engagement be removed from such service and transferred to any corps of the Forces in which he was serving prior to such first mentioned transfer, either in the rank he holds at the time of his removal or any lower rank;
(5) Where a soldier of the Forces—
(a) Has been guilty of the offence of desertion or of fraudulent enlistment, and has either been convicted of the same by a Court-martial, or having confessed the offence is liable to be tried, but his trial has been dispensed with by order of the prescribed military authority; or
(b) Has been sentenced by Court-Martial for any offence to a punishment not less than detention for a term of three months,
such soldier shall be liable in commutation wholly or partly of other punishment, to general service, and may from time to time be transferred to such corps of the Forces as the prescribed military authority may from time to time order;
(6) A soldier of the Forces delivered into military custody or committed by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction as a deserter shall be liable to be transferred by order of the prescribed military authority, to any corps of the Forces near to the place where he is delivered or committed to any other corps to which the prescribed military authority may think it desirable to transfer him without prejudice to his subsequent trial and punishment.
Re-engagement and Prolongation of Service.
Re-engagement of soldier.
152.—(1) Subject to any general or special regulations from time to time made by the Minister, a soldier of the Forces, if in army service, and after the expiration of nine years from the date of his original term of enlistment, may on the recommendation of his Commanding Officer, and with the approval of the prescribed military authority, be re-engaged for such further period of army service as will make up a total continuous period of twenty-one years of army service, reckoned from the date of his attestation, and inclusive of any period previously served in the Reserve.
(2) A soldier of the Forces who is so re-engaged shall make before his Commanding Officer a declaration in accordance with the said regulations.
Continuance in service after 21 years' service.
153. A soldier of the Forces who has completed or will within one year complete a total period of twenty-one years' service, inclusive of any period served in the Reserve, may give notice to his Commanding Officer of his desire to continue in the service in the Forces; and if the prescribed military authority approve he may be continued as a soldier of the Forces in the same manner in all respects as if his term of service were still unexpired, except that he may claim his discharge at the expiration of any period of three months after he has given notice to his Commanding Officer of his wish to be discharged.
Re-engagement and continuance of service of non-commissioned officers.
154. The regulations from time to time made in pursuance of this Part of this Act, may, if it seems expedient, provide that a non-commissioned officer of the Forces who extends his army service for the residue unexpired of his original term of enlistment shall have the right at his option to re-engage, under Section 153 of this Act and continue his service under Section 153 of this Act, or to do either of such things subject, nevertheless, to the veto of the Minister or other authority mentioned in the regulations and to such other conditions as are specified in the regulations.
Prolongation of service in certain cases.
155.—(1) Where the time at which a soldier of the Forces would otherwise be entitled to be discharged occurs while a state of war exists, or while soldiers in the Reserve are required by proclamation in pursuance of this Act, to continue in or re-enter upon army service, the soldier may be detained and his service may be prolonged for such period not exceeding twelve months as the prescribed military authority may order, but at the expiration of that period, or any earlier period at which the prescribed military authority considers his services can be dispensed with, the soldier shall, as provided by this Act be discharged with all convenient speed.
(2) Where the time at which a soldier of the Forces would otherwise be entitled to be transferred to the Reserve occurs while a state of war exists, the soldier may be detained in army service for such further period not exceeding twelve months, as the prescribed military authority may order, but at the expiration of that period or any earlier period at which the prescribed military authority considers his services can be dispensed with, the soldier shall with all convenient speed be transferred to the Reserve, unless at that time a proclamation calling out the Reserve, or any part thereof, is in force.
(3) If a soldier required under this Section to be discharged desires, while a state of war exists to continue in the service, and the prescribed military authority approve, he may agree to continue as a soldier of the Forces in the same manner in all respects as if his term of service were still unexpired, except that he may claim his discharge at the end of such state of war, or if it is so provided by such agreement, at the expiration of any period of three months after he has given notice to his Commanding Officer of his wish to be discharged.
(4) A soldier who so agrees to continue shall make before his Commanding Officer a declaration in accordance with any general or special regulations from time to time made by the Minister.
In imminent national danger the Executive Council may continue soldiers in army service or call out the Reserve on permanent service.
156.—(1) It shall be lawful for the Executive Council in case of imminent national danger, or of great emergency by Proclamation, the occasion being first communicated to the Oireachtas if the Oireachtas be then sitting, or if the Oireachtas be not then sitting, declared by the proclamation, to order that all or any soldiers who would otherwise be entitled in pursuance of the terms of their enlistment to be transferred to the Reserve, shall continue in army service.
(2) It shall be lawful for the Executive Council, by such proclamation to order the Minister from time to time to give, and when given to revoke or vary, such directions as may seem necessary or proper for causing all or any of the soldiers mentioned in the proclamation to continue in army service.
(3) Every soldier for the time being required by or in pursuance of such directions to continue in army service, shall continue to serve in army service for the period for which he might be required to serve, if he had been transferred to the Reserve and called out for permanent service by a proclamation of the Executive Council under this Act relating to the Reserve.
(4) Any man who has entered the Reserve in pursuance of the terms of his enlistment, may be called out for permanent service by a proclamation of the Executive Council under the provisions of this Act, relating to the calling out of the Reserves on permanent service.
Discharge and Transfer to the Reserve.
Discharge or transfer to Reserve.
157.—(1) Save as otherwise provided by this Act every soldier of the Forces, upon the completion of the term of his original enlistment, or of the period of his re-engagement, shall be discharged with all convenient speed, but until so discharged, shall be subject to this Act as a soldier of the Forces.
(2) Every soldier of the Forces upon the completion of the period of his army service, if shorter than the term of his original enlistment, shall be transferred to the Reserve, but until so transferred, shall be subject to this Act as a soldier of the Forces.
(3) A soldier of the Forces who is discharged on completion of the term of his original enlistment or his re-engagement, as mentioned in sub-section (1) of this Section, or is transferred to the Reserve, shall be entitled to be conveyed free of cost from the place in Saorstát Eireann where he is discharged or transferred, to the place in which he appears from his attestation paper to have been attested, or to any place at which he may at the time of his discharge or transfer decide to take up his residence and to which he can be conveyed without greater cost.
Delivery of lunatic soldier on discharge with his wife or child at workhouse or of dangerous lunatic at asylum.
158.—(1) The Minister, or any officer deputed by him for the purpose, may if he think proper, on account of a soldier's lunacy, cause such soldier of the Forces, on his discharge, and his wife and child, or any of them, to be sent to the Parish or Union to which under the Statutes for the time being in force, he appears from the statements made in his attestation paper and other available information to be chargeable; and such soldier, wife, or child, if delivered after reasonable notice at the Workhouse in which persons settled in such Parish or Union are received, shall be received by the Master or other proper officer of such Workhouse, or such Inspector of poor, as the case may be.
(2) Provided that the Minister, or any officer deputed by him for the purpose, where it appears to him that any such soldier is a dangerous lunatic, and is in such a state of health as not to be liable to suffer bodily or mental injury by his removal, may by orders signified under his hand, send such lunatic direct to an Asylum, registered hospital, licensed house, or other place in which pauper lunatics can legally be confined, and for the purpose of the said order, the above-mentioned Parish or Union shall be deemed to be the Parish or Union from which such lunatic is sent.
(3) In the case of any such lunatic, who is liable to be delivered at a Workhouse, at which persons settled in the said Union are received, the Minister or any officer deputed by him for the purpose may, by order under his hand, send such lunatic to the Asylum of the district in which such Union is situate, and such order shall be of the same effect as a warrant under the hands and seals of two Justices given under the provisions of the tenth Section of the Statute passed by the Parliament of the late United Kingdom 30 and 31 Vic., cap. 118, intituled “An Act to provide for the appointment of the Officers and Servants of District Lunatic Asylums in Ireland, and to alter and amend the law relating to the custody of dangerous lunatics and dangerous idiots in Ireland.”
Regulations as to discharge of soldiers.
159.—(1) A soldier of the Forces shall not be discharged from the Forces, unless by sentence of Court-Martial, or by order of the prescribed military authority, and until duly discharged in manner provided by this Act and by regulations of the Minister under this Act, shall be subject to this Act.
(2) To every soldier of the Forces who is discharged for whatever reason he is discharged, there shall be given a certificate of discharge stating such particulars as may be from time to time required by regulations of the Minister under this Act.
Authority to Enlist and Attest Recruits.
Regulations as to persons to enlist and enlistment of soldiers.
160.—(1) The Minister may from time to time make, and when made, revoke and alter a general or special order making such regulations, giving such directions and issuing such forms as he may think necessary or expedient respecting the persons authorised to enlist recruits for the Forces, and for the purpose of such enlistment and generally for carrying this Part of this Act into effect; and any such order shall be of the same effect as if enacted in this Act.
(2) For the purpose of the attestation of soldiers in pursuance of this Part of this Act, an officer if authorised in that behalf under the regulations made by the Minister shall have the authority of a District Justice or Peace Commissioner, and be deemed to be included in the expression—“District Justice” or “Peace Commissioner” whenever used in this Part of this Act in relation to the attestation of soldiers.
Special Provisions as regards Apprentices.
Claims of masters to apprentices.
161.—The master of an apprentice who has been attested as a soldier of the Forces may claim him while under the age of twenty-one years as follows, and not otherwise:—
(1) The master, within one month after the apprentice left his service, must take before a District Justice, the oath in that behalf, specified in the Fourth Schedule to this Act, and obtain from the District Justice a certificate of having taken such oath, which certificate the District Justice shall give in the form in the said Schedule, or to the like effect;
(2) A Court of Summary Jurisdiction within whose jurisdiction the apprentice may be, if satisfied on complaint by the master that he is entitled to have the apprentice delivered up to him, may order the officer under whose command the apprentice is, to deliver him to the master, but if satisfied that the apprentice stated on his attestation that he was not an apprentice, may and if required by or on behalf of the said Commanding Officer, shall, try the apprentice for the offence of making such false statement, and if need be may adjourn the case for the purpose;
(3) Except in pursuance of an order of a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, an apprentice shall not be taken from the service;
(4) An apprentice shall not be claimed in pursuance of this Section unless he was bound for at least four years by a regular indenture, and was under the age of sixteen years when so bound;
(5) A master who gives up the indenture of his apprentice within one month after the attestation of such apprentice shall be entitled to receive to his own use so much of the bounty (if any) payable to such apprentice on enlistment as has not been paid before notice was given of his being an apprentice.
Offences as to Enlistment.
Penalty for unlawful recruiting.
162.—If a person without due authority, the proof of which authority shall lie on such person—
(1) Publishes or causes to be published notices or advertisements for the purpose of procuring recruits for the Forces, or in relation to recruits for the Forces; or
(2) Opens or keeps any house, place or rendezvous, or office as connected with the recruiting of the Forces; or
(3) Receives any person under any such advertisement as aforesaid; or
(4) Directly or indirectly interferes with the recruiting service of the Forces,
he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.
Recruits punishable for false answers.
163.—(1) If a person knowingly makes a false answer to any question contained in the attestation paper, which has been put to him by, or by direction of, the District Justice or Peace Commissioner before whom he appears for the purpose of being attested, he shall be liable on summary conviction to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding three months.
(2) If a person guilty of an offence under this Section has been attested as a soldier of the Forces, he shall be liable, at the direction of the prescribed military authority, to be proceeded against before a court of summary jurisdiction, or to be tried by Court-Martial for the offence.
Miscellaneous as to Enlistment.
Validity of attestation and enlistment or re-engagement.
164.—(1) Where a person after his attestation on his enlistment or the making of his declaration on re-engagement, has received pay as a soldier of the Forces during three months, he shall be deemed to have been duly attested and enlisted or duly re-engaged, as the case may be, and shall not be entitled to claim his discharge on the grounds of any error or illegality in his enlistment, attestation or re-engagement on any ground whatsoever, save as authorised by this Act, and, if within the said three months, such person claims his discharge, any such error or illegality or other ground shall not, until such person is discharged in pursuance of his claim, affect his position as a soldier in the service, or invalidate any proceedings, act, or thing taken or done prior to such discharge.
(2) Where a person is in pay as a soldier in any corps of the Forces, such person shall be deemed for all purposes of this Act to be a soldier of the Forces, with this qualification, that he may at any time claim his discharge, but until he so claims and is discharged in pursuance of that claim, he shall be subject to this Act as a soldier of the Forces legally enlisted and duly attested under this Act.
(3) Where a person claims his discharge on the ground that he has not been attested or re-engaged or not duly attested or reengaged, his Commanding Officer shall forthwith forward such claim to the prescribed military authority, who shall as soon as practicable submit it to the Minister, and if the claim appears to the Minister to be well grounded the claimant shall be discharged with all convenient speed.
Definition for purposes of Part II. Chapter V. of prescribed military authority.
165.—Any act authorised or required by this Part of this Act to be done by, to, or before the prescribed military authority, may be done by, to, or before the Minister or any officer prescribed in that behalf.
Billeting and Impressment of Carriages. Billeting of Officers, Soldiers and Horses.
No billeting save as authorised by this Act.
166.—(1) Save as authorised by this Act no officer, soldier or horse shall be billeted on any inhabitant of Saorstát Eireann without his consent.
(2) All statutes and laws authorising, prohibiting or regulating the billeting of officers, soldiers or horses which are in force at the passing of this Act are hereby repealed.
Obligation of constable to provide billets.
167.—(1) Every constable for the time being in charge of any place mentioned in the route issued to the Commanding Officer of any portion of the Forces, shall on the demand of such Commanding Officer, or of an officer or soldier authorised by him, and on production of such route, billet on the occupiers of victualling houses and other premises specified in this Act as victualling houses in that place such number of officers, soldiers and horses entitled under this Act to be billeted as are stated in the route to require quarters.
(2) A route for the purpose of this Part of this Act shall be issued under the authority of the Minister, and shall state the forces to be moved in pursuance of the route, and that statement shall be signed by the Minister or such officer as the Minister may from time to time order in that behalf.
(3) A route purporting to be issued and signed as required by this Section shall be evidence until the contrary is proved of its having been duly issued and signed in pursuance of this Act, and if delivered to an officer or soldier by his Commanding Officer, shall be a sufficient authority to such officer or soldier to demand billets, and when produced by an officer or soldier to a constable shall be conclusive evidence to such constable of the authority of the officer or soldier producing the same to demand billets in accordance with such route.
Liability to provide billets.
168.—(1) Officers, soldiers, and horses may be billeted in any victualling house as defined by this Section, but shall not be billeted in any other house without the consent of the keeper of that house.
(2) In this Act the expression “victualling house” means and includes—
(a) All inns and hotels whether licensed or not;
(b) All livery stables;
(c) All premises licensed for the consumption of wine or spirits on the premises.
Officers, soldiers and horses entitled to be billeted.
169.—The officers, soldiers and horses entitled to be billeted under this Act are:—
(a) All officers and soldiers of the Forces
(b) All horses belonging to the Forces.
(c) All horses belonging to an officer of the Forces for which forage is for the time being allowed by regulations to be made by the Minister.
Accommodation and payment on billet.
170.—(1) The keeper of a victualling house upon whom any officer, soldier or horse is billeted, shall receive such officer, soldier or horse in his victualling house and furnish there the accommodation following:—that is to say, lodging and attendance and food for the officer or soldier, and stable room and forage for the horse, in accordance with the provisions of the Fifth Schedule to this Act.
(2) Where the keeper of a victualling house on whom any officer, soldier or horse is billeted, desires by reason of his want of accommodation or of his victualling house being full, or otherwise, to be relieved from the liability to receive such officer, soldier or horse in his victualling house, and provides for such officer, soldier, or horse, in the immediate neighbourhood such good and sufficient accommodation as he is required by this Act to provide, and as is approved by the constable issuing the billets, he shall be relieved from providing the same in his victualling house.
(3) (a) There shall be paid to the keeper of a victualling house for the accommodation furnished by him in pursuance of this Act the prices for the time being fixed by regulations made by the Minister with the consent of the Minister for Finance.
(b) Any regulations as to prices so made shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after they are made, and if within forty days after they have been so laid either House passes a resolution requesting the Executive Council to annul such regulations, the Executive Council may annul such regulations and the regulations so annulled shall thenceforth become void without prejudice to anything done thereunder in the meantime.
(4) An officer or soldier demanding billets in pursuance of this Act shall, before he departs, and if he remains longer than four days, at least once in every four days, pay the just demands of every keeper of a victualling house on whom he and any officers and soldiers under his command, and his or their horses (if any) have been billeted.
(5) If by reason of a sudden order to march or otherwise, an officer or soldier is not able to make such payment to any keeper of a victualling house as is above required, he shall, before he departs, make up with such keeper of such victualling house an account of the amount due to him, and sign the same, and forthwith transmit the account so signed to the Minister, who shall forthwith cause the amount named in such account as due to be paid.
Annual list of keepers of victualling houses liable to billets.
171.—(1) The police authority for any place may cause annually a list to be made out of all keepers of victualling houses within the meaning of this Act, in such place or any particular part thereof, liable to billets under this Act, specifying the situation and character of such victualling house, and the number of soldiers and horses who may be billeted on the keeper thereof.
(2) The police authority shall cause such list to be kept at some convenient place open for inspection at all reasonable times by persons interested, and any person who feels aggrieved either by being entered in such list, or by being entered to receive an undue proportion of officers, soldiers, or horses, may complain to a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, and the Court after such notice as the Court think necessary to persons interested, may order the list to be amended in such manner as the Court may think just.
Regulations as to grant of billets.
172.—The following regulations shall be observed with respect to billeting in pursuance of this Act; that is to say:—
(1) No more billets shall at any time be ordered than there are effective officers, soldiers and horses, present to be billeted.
(2) All billets, when made out by the constable, shall be delivered into the hands of the Commanding Officer or non-commissioned officer who demanded the billets or of some officer authorised by such Commanding Officer.
(3) If a keeper of a victualling house feels aggrieved by having an undue proportion of officers, soldiers or horses billeted on him, he may apply to a Peace Commissioner, or if the billets have been made out by a Peace Commissioner, he may complain to a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, and the Peace Commissioner or Court may order such officers or soldiers or horses to be removed and to be billeted elsewhere, as may seem just;
(4) A constable having authority in a place mentioned in the route may act for the purposes of billeting in any locality within one mile from such place, unless some constable ordinarily having authority in such locality is present and undertakes to billet therein the due proportion of officers, soldiers and horses.
(5) The regulations with respect to billets contained in the Fifth Schedule to this Act shall be duly observed by the constable.
(6) A Peace Commissioner on the request of an officer or non-commissioned officer authorised to demand billets may vary a route by adding a place or omitting any place, and also may direct billets to be given above one mile from a place mentioned in the route.
(7) A Peace Commissioner may require a constable to give an account, in writing, of the number of officers, soldiers and horses billeted by such constable, together with the names of the keepers of victualling houses on whom such officers, soldiers and horses are billeted, and the locality of such victualling houses.
Billeting in case of emergency.
173.—(1) The Executive Council may at any time or times by order declare that a state of emergency exists in Saorstát Eireann, or in any parts or part (to be specified in such order) thereof and may by the same order authorise any officer, not below the rank of Commandant, to be named in such order commanding any part of the Forces in any part of Saorstát Eireann in which a state of emergency is by such order declared to exist, to issue a billeting requisition under this Section.
(2) Any officer so authorised may issue a billeting requisition under his hand reciting the said order and requiring the chief officer of police to provide billets in such places and for such number of officers, soldiers, and their horses and for such period, as may be specified in the requisition.
(3) The provisions of this Act as to billeting shall apply to billeting under such a requisition as if for reference therein to a route there were substituted reference to such a requisition, subject, however, to the following modifications:—
(a) The occupiers of all public buildings, dwellinghouses, warehouses, barns, and stables shall, as well as the keepers of victualling houses, be liable to billets and the said provisions shall apply as if references to victualling houses and the keepers of victualling houses, included references to such public buildings, dwellinghouses, warehouses, barns and stables and the occupiers thereof;
(b) The powers and duties conferred or imposed on a constable shall be exercised and performed by the chief officer of police, and accordingly for references to a constable in the said provisions, there shall be substituted references to the chief officer of police and for the reference to a Peace Commissioner in sub-section (7) of Section one hundred and seventy-two there shall be substituted a reference to a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, but a chief officer of police in selecting the persons required to provide billets, and in determining the number of officers and soldiers to be billeted on any person shall, so far as practicable have regard to the convenience of the several occupiers;
(c) The prices to be paid to an occupier other than the keeper of a victualling house for accommodation furnished, and food and fodder supplied by him, shall be such as may be fixed by regulations made by the Minister with the consent of the Minister for Finance; and
(d) Sub-section two of Section one hundred and sixty-seven (which defines a route), paragraph (6) of Section one hundred and seventy-two (which relates to the power of a Peace Commissioner to vary a route), and so much of paragraph two of Part I. of the Fifth Schedule to this Act as limits the period during which meals are required to be furnished, and paragraph (2) of Part II. of that Schedule (which requires billets to be made out to the less distant victualling houses), shall not apply.
(4) Any regulations as to prices so made shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after they are made, and if within forty days after they have been so laid either House passes a resolution requesting the Executive Council to annul such regulations, the Executive Council may annul such regulations and the regulations so annulled shall thenceforth become void without prejudice to anything done thereunder in the meantime.
(5) For the purpose of this Section—
The expression “public building” includes any building wholly or partially provided or maintained out of the rates, and any building to which the public habitually have access, whether on payment or otherwise.
The expression “chief officer of police” as respects the police district of Dublin metropolis, means the Chief Commissioner of Police for that district, and elsewhere means a Superintendent of the Civic Guard.
In the case of unoccupied premises this Section shall apply as if the owner were the occupier thereof.
(6) Compensation shall be paid by the Minister out of money voted by the Oireachtas for defence services in respect of any damage caused by any officer or soldier billeted under this Section to the premises in which he is billeted, and the amount of such compensation shall in the event of disagreement be determined by arbitration under the Common Law Procedure Amendment Act (Ireland), 1856, as amended by any subsequent enactment.
(7) The provisions of this Act as to billeting shall, whilst any order from the Executive Council under this Section is in force, apply to women who are enrolled for employment by the Minister as they apply to soldiers; and for the purpose of these provisions as so applied, officers of any troops with whom the women to be billeted are employed and the officer commanding those troops shall be deemed in relation to such women to be their officers and officer commanding, and if any such woman is guilty of an offence in relation to billeting mentioned in section fifty-eight of this Act, she shall be punishable on summary conviction in manner provided by sub-section (2) of Section one hundred and seventy-six of this Act.
Offences in Relation to Billeting.
Offences by constables.
174.—If any constable commits any of the offences following, that is to say:—
(1) Billets any officer, soldier or horse on any person not liable to billets without the consent of such person; or
(2) Receives, demands, or agrees for any money or reward whatsoever to excuse or relieve a person from being entered in a list as liable, or from his liability to billets, or from any part of such liability; or
(3) Billets or quarters on any person or premises, without the consent of such person or the occupier of such premises, any person or horse not entitled to be billeted; or
(4) Neglects or refuses after sufficient notice is given, to give billets demanded for any officer, soldier or horse entitled to be billeted,
he shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than forty shillings and not exceeding ten pounds.
Offences by keepers of victualling houses.
175.—If a keeper of a victualling house commits any of the offences following, that is to say:—
(1) Refuses or neglects to receive any officer, soldier or horse billeted upon him in pursuance of this Act, or to furnish such accommodation as is required by this Act; or
(2) Gives or agrees to give any money or reward to a constable to excuse or relieve him from his liability to billets, or any part of such liability; or
(3) Gives or agrees to give to any officer or soldier billeted upon him in pursuance of this Act, any money or reward in lieu of receiving an officer, soldier, or horse, or furnishing the said accommodation,
he shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than forty shillings and not exceeding five pounds.
Offences by officers or soldiers.
176.—(1) If any officer quarters or causes to be billeted any officer, soldier or horse, otherwise than is allowed by this Act upon any person, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanour.
(2) If any officer or soldier commits any offence in relation to billeting for which he is liable to be punished under Part II., Chapter 1 of this Act, other than an offence in respect of which any other remedy is given by this Chapter of this Part of this Act to the person aggrieved, he shall, upon summary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.
(3) A certificate of a conviction for an offence under this Section shall be transmitted by the Court making such conviction to the Minister,
Impressment of Carriages, Etc.
Supply of carriages, etc. for regimental baggage and stores on the march.
177.—(1) Every District Justice or Peace Commissioner in Saorstát Eireann having jurisdiction in any place mentioned in a route issued to the Commanding Officer of any portion of the Forces shall, on the demand of such Commanding Officer, or of an officer or non-commissioned officer authorised by him, and on production of such route issue his warrant requiring some constable having authority in such place, to provide, within a reasonable time to be named in the warrant, such carriages, animals, and drivers as are stated to be required for the purpose of moving the regimental baggage and regimental stores of the Forces mentioned in the route in accordance with the route; and the constable shall execute such warrant, and persons having carriages and animals suitable for the said purpose shall, when ordered by the constable in pursuance of such warrant, furnish the same in a state fit for use for the aforesaid purposes.
(2) The route, for the purpose of this Section, shall be such route as is mentioned in the foregoing provisions of this Chapter of this Part of this Act with respect to billeting.
(3) A route purporting to be issued and signed as required by these provisions, if delivered to an officer or non-commissioned officer, by his Commanding Officer, shall be a sufficient authority to such officer or non-commissioned officer to demand carriages and animals in pursuance of this Act, and when produced by an officer or a non-commissioned officer, shall be conclusive evidence to a District Justice, Peace Commissioner and a constable of the authority of the officer or non-commissioned officer producing the same to demand carriages and animals in accordance with such route.
(4) The warrant ordering carriages, animals and drivers, to be provided shall specify the number and description of the carriages, and animals, and also the places from and to which the same are to travel, and the distance between such places.
(5) When sufficient carriages or animals cannot be procured within the jurisdiction of the said District Justice or Peace Commissioner, any District Justice or Peace Commissioner having jurisdiction in the next adjoining place shall, by a like course of procedure, supply the deficiency.
(6) A fee of one shilling, and no more, shall be paid for the warrant by the officer or non-commissioned officer applying for the same, and shall be paid to the District Court Clerk.
Payment and regulations as to carriages, etc.
178.—(1) There shall be paid in respect of the carriages furnished in pursuance of this Part of this Act, the rates specified in the Sixth Schedule to this Act and the regulations contained in that Schedule shall be duly observed.
(2) The officer or non-commissioned officer who demands carriages or animals in pursuance of this Part of this Act shall pay the sum due in respect of the same to the owners or drivers of the carriages or animals and one third part of such payment shall in each case, if required, be made before the carriage is loaded, and such payments shall be made, if required, in the presence of a Peace Commissioner or constable.
(3) If an officer or non-commissioned officer is from any cause unable to pay the amount due to the owner or driver of any motor vehicle, carriage or animal, he shall make up with such owner or driver and sign an account of the amount due to him, and forthwith transmit the account so signed to the Minister, who shall forthwith cause the amount named therein to be paid to such owner or driver.
Annual list of persons liable to supply carriages and animals.
179.—(1) The authority hereinafter mentioned for any place may cause annually a list to be made out of all persons in such place, or any particular part thereof, liable to furnish carriages and animals under this Act, and of the number and description of the carriages and animals of such persons; and where a list is so made, any District Justice or Peace Commissioner may by warrant require any constable or constables having authority within such place to give from time to time, on demand by an officer or non-commissioned officer under this Act, orders to furnish carriages and animals, and such warrant shall be executed as if it were a special warrant issued in pursuance of this Act on such demand, and the orders shall specify the like particulars as such special warrant.
(2) For the purpose of assisting the authority hereinafter mentioned in the preparation of such list as aforesaid, any proper officer authorised in that behalf by the authority shall be entitled at all reasonable times to enter any premises in which he has reason to believe that any carriages or animals are kept, and to inspect any carriages or animals which may be found therein.
In this provision the expression “proper officer” means any officer or person of such rank or class or description as may be specified in an order of the Minister made for the purpose.
(3) With respect to horses, the following provisions shall have effect:—
(a) It shall be the duty of the owner of any horse, and the occupier of any premises where horses are kept, to furnish, if so required, to the authority hereinafter mentioned, before such date in each year as may be prescribed, a return specifying the number of horses belonging to him or kept on his premises, and giving with respect to every horse such details as may be so prescribed; he shall also afford all reasonable facilities for enabling any horse belonging to him or kept on his premises to be inspected and examined as and when required by the said authorities; if any person fails to comply with any of the requirements of this paragraph, he shall be liable on summary conviction for each offence to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.
(b) The Minister may for the purposes of this sub-section make regulations prescribing anything which under this sub-section is to be prescribed, and prescribing the forms to be used, and generally for the purpose of carrying this sub-section into effect.
(c) Regulations made by the Minister may provide for excepting from the provisions of this sub-section horses of any class or description specified in the regulations.
(4) The authority hereinafter mentioned shall cause such list to be kept at some convenient place open for inspection at all reasonable times by persons interested, and any person who feels aggrieved either by being entered in such list, or by being entered to furnish any number or description of carriages, or animals which he is not liable to furnish, may complain to a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, and the Court, after such notice as the Court think necessary to persons interested, may order the list to be amended in such manner as the Court may think just.
(5) All orders given by constables for furnishing carriages and animals shall as far as possible, be made from such list in regular rotation.
(6) If any officer is obstructed in the exercise of his powers under this Section, a District Justice or Peace Commissioner may, if satisfied by information on oath, that the officer has been so obstructed, issue a search warrant authorising the constable named therein, accompanied by the officer to enter the premises in respect of which the obstruction took place at any time between 6 o'clock in the morning and 9 o'clock in the evening, and to inspect any motor vehicles, carriages or animals that may be found therein.
(7) The authority for the purpose of this Section shall be the Minister or any authority or persons to whom the Minister may delegate his powers under this Section.
Impressment of carriages, etc., in cases of emergency.
180.—(1) The Executive Council may at any time or times by order under their hand declare that a state of emergency exists in Saorstát Eireann, or in any part or parts (to be specified in such order) thereof, and may by the same order authorise any officer not below the rank of Commandant (to be named in such order) commanding any part of the Forces in any part of Saorstát Eireann in which a state of emergency is by such order declared to exist to issue a requisition under this Section (hereinafter referred to as a requisition of emergency).
(2) Any officer so authorised may issue a requisition of emergency under his hand reciting the said order, and requiring District Justices or Peace Commissioners to issue their warrants for the provision, for the purpose mentioned in the requisition, of such carriages and animals as may be provided under the foregoing provisions, and also of carriages of every description, including motor cars or other locomotives whether for the purpose of carriage or haulage, and of horses of every description, whether kept for saddle or draft, and also of vessels (whether boats, barges, or other) used for the transport of any commodities whatsoever upon any canal or navigable river, and also of aircraft of every description, and also of food, forage, and stores of every description.
(3) A District Justice or Peace Commissioner on demand by an officer of the portion of the Forces mentioned in a requisition of emergency, or by an officer authorised by the Minister in this behalf, and on production of the requisition, shall issue his warrant for the provision of such carriages, animals, vessels, aircraft, food, forage and stores as are stated by the officer producing the requisition of emergency to be required for the purpose mentioned in the requisition, and such warrant shall be executed in like manner, and all the provisions of this Act as to the provision or furnishing of carriages and animals, including those respecting fines on officers, non-commissioned officers, District Justices or Peace Commissioners, constables, or owners of motor-vehicles, carriages or animals, shall apply in like manner as in the case where a District Justice or Peace Commissioner issues, in pursuance of the foregoing provisions of this Act, a warrant for the provision of carriages and animals, and shall apply to vessels, aircraft, food, forage and stores, in like manner in all respects as they apply to carriages.
(4) A requisition of emergency may authorise any officer mentioned therein to require any motor vehicles, carriages and horses furnished in pursuance of this Section to be delivered at such place (not being more than one hundred miles in the case of a motor car or other locomotive, and not being more than ten miles in the case of any other carriage or horse, from the premises of the owner) and at such time as may be specified by any officer mentioned in the requisition; and in such case it shall be the duty of a constable executing a warrant issued by a District Justice or Peace Commissioner under this Section upon the demand of any officer producing the requisition of emergency to insert in his order such time and place for delivery of any vehicle or horse to which the order relates as may be specified by such officer, and the obligation of the owners to furnish carriages and horses shall include an obligation to deliver the carriages and horses at such place and time as may be specified in such order; and the provisions of this Act shall have effect as if references therein to the furnishing of carriages and horses included, as respects any such carriage or horse as aforesaid, delivery at such time and place as aforesaid.
(5) The Minister shall cause due payment to be made for articles furnished in pursuance of this Section, and if any difference arises respecting the amount of payment for any article, the amount shall be such as may be fixed by a certificate of a County Court Judge having jurisdiction in any place in which such article was furnished or through which it travelled or was carried in pursuance of the requisition; and for the purpose of fixing such amount the provisions set out in the Eighth Schedule to this Act shall have effect.
Where a sum has been paid or tendered by or on behalf of the Minister under this sub-section, that sum shall be deemed to be the amount due, unless within three weeks from the date of payment or tender an application is made to a County Court Judge for his certificate.
(6) Canal, river, or lock tolls are hereby declared not to be demandable for vessels while employed in any service in pursuance of this Section or returning therefrom; and any toll collector who demands or receives toll in contravention of this exemption shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding five pounds nor less than ten shillings.
(7) A requisition of emergency, purported to be issued in pursuance of this Section and to be signed by an officer therein stated to be authorised in accordance with this Section, shall be evidence, until the contrary is proved, of its being duly issued and signed in pursuance of this Act, and if delivered to an officer of the Forces, shall be a sufficient authority to such officer to demand carriages, animals, vessels, food, forage, and stores in pursuance of this Section, and when produced by such officer shall be conclusive evidence to a District Justice, Peace Commissioner and constable of the authority of such officer to make such demand in accordance with such requisition; and it shall be lawful to convey on such carriages, animals and vessels, not only the baggage, provisions and military stores of the troops mentioned in the requisition of emergency, but also the officers, soldiers, servants, women, children and other persons of and belonging to the same.
(8). Whenever a proclamation ordering the Reserve to be called out on permanent service is in force, the order of the Executive Council authorising an officer to issue a requisition of emergency may authorise him to extend such requisition to the provision of carriages, animals, vessels, aircraft, food, forage, and stores for the purpose of being purchased, as well as of being hired, on behalf of Saorstát Eireann.
(9). Where a District Justice of Peace Commissioner on demand by an officer and on production of a requisition of emergency, has issued his warrant for the provision of any articles, and any person ordered in pursuance of such warrant to furnish any such article refuses or neglects to furnish the same according to the orders; then if a proclamation ordering the Reserve to be called out on permanent service is in force, the said officer may seize (and if need be by force) the article requisitioned, and may use the same in like manner as if it had been furnished in pursuance of the order, but the said person shall be entitled to payment for the same in like manner as if he had duly furnished the same according to the order.
(10) A requisition of emergency issued under this Section may prohibit, during such period as may be specified in the requisition, the sale and purchase of horses to or by any person other than a person appointed by the Minister to purchase horses; and if any person sells or purchases or is concerned in the sale or purchase of a horse in contravention of such prohibition, he shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, or to be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three months, or to both such imprisonment and fine.
Offences in Relation to the Impressment of Carriages, &c.
Offences by constables.
181.—Any constable who—
(1) Neglects or refuses to execute any warrant of a District Justice or Peace Commissioner requiring him to provide carriages, animals, vessels, aircraft, food, forage or stores; or,
(2) Receives, demands, or agrees for any money or reward whatsoever to excuse or relieve any person from being entered in a list as liable to furnish, or from being required to furnish, or from furnishing such article; or,
(3) Orders any such article to be furnished for any person or purpose or on any occasion for and on which it is not required by this Act to be furnished,
shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine of not less than twenty shillings nor more than twenty pounds.
Offences by persons ordered to furnish carriages, animals, vessels, etc.
182.—A person ordered by a constable in pursuance of this Act to furnish any article who—
(1) refuses or neglects to furnish the same according to the orders of such constable and this Act; or,
(2) gives or agrees to give to a constable or to any officer or non-commissioned officer any money or reward whatsoever to be excused from being entered in a list as liable to furnish, or from being required to furnish, or from furnishing, or in lieu of furnishing, any article in pursuance of this Act; or,
(3) does any act or thing by which the execution of any warrant or order for providing or furnishing any article is hindered,
shall, on summary conviction, be liable to pay a fine of not less than forty shillings nor more than ten pounds.
Offences by officers or soldiers.
183.—(1) Any officer or soldier who commits any offence in relation to the impressment of carriages for which he is liable to be punished under Part II., Chapter 1, of this Act, other than an offence in respect of which any other remedy is given by this Chapter of this Part of this Act to the person aggrieved shall, on summary conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds nor less than forty shillings.
(2) A certificate of a conviction for an offence under this Section shall be transmitted by the Court making such conviction to the Minister.
Supplemental Provisions as to Billeting and Impressment of Carriages.
Application to Court of Summary Jurisdiction respecting sums due to keepers of victualling houses or owners of carriages, etc.
184.—(1) The following persons, that is to say:—
(a) If any officer or soldier fails to comply with the provisions of this Part of this Act with respect to the payment of a sum due to a keeper of a victualling house or in respect of motor vehicles, carriages, or animals, or to the making up of an account of the sum due, the person to whom the sum is due; or,
(b) If a keeper of a victualling house suffers any ill-treatment by violence, extortion or making disturbance in billets from any officer or soldier billeted upon him, or if the owner of any article or the person in charge of any carriage, animal, vessel or aircraft, furnished in pursuance of this Part of this Act, suffers any ill-treatment, from any officer or soldier, the person suffering such ill-treatment, but, when there is an officer commanding such officer or soldier present at the place, only after first making due complaint, if practicable, to such Commanding Officer,
may apply to a Court of Summary Jurisdiction; and such Court, if satisfied on oath of such failure or such ill-treatment, and of the amount fairly due to the applicant, including the costs of his application to the Court of Summary Jurisdiction, shall certify such amount to the Minister, who shall forthwith cause the amount due to be paid.
(2) Provided that the Minister, if it appears to him that the amount in such certificate is not justly due, or is in excess of the amount justly due, may direct a complaint to be made to a Court of Summary Jurisdiction for the county, borough, or place for which the Court giving the certificate acted, and the Court after hearing the case may, by order, confirm the said certificate, or vary it in such manner as to the Court seems just.
Provisions as to constables, police authorities and peace commissioners.
185.—A constable shall observe the directions given to him for the due execution of this Part of this Act by the police authority; and the police authority, and every Peace Commissioner may, if it seems necessary, and in the absence of a constable shall, himself exercise the powers and perform the duties by this Part of this Act vested in or imposed on a constable, and in such case every such person is in this Part of this Act included in the expression “constable.”
Fraudulent claim for carriages; animals, etc.
186.—If any person—
(1) Forges or counterfeits any route or requisition of emergency, or knowingly produces to a District Justice, Peace Commissioner or constable any route or requisition of emergency so forged or counterfeited; or,
(2) Personates or represents himself to be an officer or soldier authorised to demand any billet, or any carriage, animal, vessel, aircraft, food, forage, or stores, or to be entitled to be billeted, or have his horse billeted, or personates or represents himself to be a person authorised to act in the purchase or hire for the purpose of the military service of Saorstát Eireann, of any carriage, animal, vessel, aircraft, food, forage or stores; or,
(3) Produces to a District Justice or a Peace Commissioner or constable a route or requisition which he is not authorised to produce, or a document falsely purporting to be a route or requisition;
he shall be liable, on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months, with or without hard labour, or to a fine of not less than twenty shillings and not more than five pounds.
Legal Penalties in Matters Respecting the Forces.
Punishment for pretending to be a deserter.
187.—Any person who falsely represents himself to any military or civil authority to be a deserter from the Forces shall, on summary conviction, be sentenced to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any period not exceeding three months.
Punishment for inducing officers or soldiers to desert or absent themselves without leave.
188.—Any person who by any means whatsoever—
(1) Procures or persuades any officer or soldier to desert or absent himself without leave, or attempts to procure or persuade any officer or soldier to absent himself without leave; or,
(2) Knowing that an officer or soldier is about to desert or absent himself without leave, aids or assists him in deserting or absenting himself without leave; or,
(3) Knowing an officer or soldier to be a deserter or absentee without leave, conceals such officer or soldier, or aids or assists him in concealing himself or aids or assists in his rescue,
shall be liable, on summary conviction, to be imprisoned with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding six months
Penalty for interference with military duties, etc.
189.—Any person who—
(a) wilfully obstructs, impedes, or otherwise interferes with any officer or soldier in the execution of his duties; or,
(b) wilfully produces any disease or infirmity in, or maims or injures, any man whom he knows to be a soldier with a view to enabling such a man to avoid military service; or,
(c) with the intent of enabling a soldier to render himself, or induce the belief that he is, permanently or temporarily unfit for service, supplies to or for such soldier any drug or preparation calculated to, or likely to render him, or lead to the belief that he is, permanently or temporarily, unfit for service,
shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a term of imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, or to both such imprisonment and fine.
Apprehension of deserters.
190.—With respect to deserters and absentees without leave, the following provisions shall have effect:—
(1) Upon reasonable suspicion that a person is a deserter or absentee without leave, it shall be lawful for any constable, or if no constable can be immediately met with, then for any officer or soldier or other person, to apprehend such suspected person and forthwith to bring him before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction.
(2) Any person having authority to issue a warrant for the apprehension of a person charged with crime may, if satisfied by evidence on oath, that a deserter or absentee without leave, is or is reasonably suspected to be, within his jurisdiction, issue a warrant authorising such deserter or absentee without leave to be apprehended and brought forthwith before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction.
(3) Where a person is brought before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction charged with being a deserter or absentee without leave under this Act, such Court may deal with the case in like manner as if such person were brought before the Court charged with an indictable offence.
(4) The Court, if satisfied either by evidence on oath or by the confession of such person that he is a deserter or absentee without leave, shall forthwith, as it may seem to the Court most expedient with regard to his safe custody, cause him either to be delivered into military custody in such manner as the Court may deem most expedient, or, until he can be so delivered, to be committed to some prison, police station, or other place legally provided for the confinement of persons in custody, for such reasonable time as appears to the Court reasonably necessary for the purpose of delivering him into military custody.
(5) Where the person confesses himself to be a deserter or absentee without leave, and evidence of the truth or falsehood of such confession is not then forthcoming, the Court shall remand such person for the purpose of obtaining information as to the truth or falsehood of such confession, and for that purpose the Court shall transmit to the Minister a return (in this Act referred to as a descriptive return) containing such particulars and being in such form as is specified in the Seventh Schedule to this Act, as may be from time to time directed by the Minister.
(6) The Court may from time to time remand the said person for a period not exceeding eight days in each instance, and not exceeding in the whole such period as appears to the Court reasonably necessary for the purpose of obtaining the said information.
(7) Where the Court causes a person either to be delivered into military custody or to be committed as a deserter or absentee without leave, the Court shall send to the Minister, or as he may direct, a descriptive return in relation to such deserter or absentee without leave, for which the Clerk of the Court shall be entitled to a fee of two shillings.
(8) The Minister shall direct payment of the said fee.
(9) Where a person surrenders himself to a constable in Saorstát Eireann as being a deserter or absentee without leave, the officer of police in charge of the police station to which he is brought, shall forthwith inquire into the case, and if it appears that that person is a deserter or absentee without leave, he may cause him to be delivered into military custody without bringing him before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction under this Section, and in such case shall send to the Minister, or as he may direct, a certificate signed by himself as to the fact, date and place of such surrender.
Penalty on trafficking in commissions.
191.—Every person who negotiates, acts as agent for, or otherwise aids or connives at—
(1) The sale or purchase of any commission in the Forces; or,
(2) The giving or receiving of any valuable consideration in respect of any promotion in or retirement from such Forces, or any employment therein; or,
(3) Any exchange which is made in manner not authorised by regulations for the time being in force and in respect of which any sum of money or other consideration is given or received;
shall be liable on conviction on indictment or information to a fine of one hundred pounds, or to imprisonment for any period not exceeding six months, and if an officer, on conviction by Court-Martial, to be dismissed from the Forces.
Penalty on purchasing from soldiers regimental necessaries, equipment, stores, etc., and for unlawful possession of military certificates, etc.
192.—(1) Every person who—
(a) Buys, exchanges, takes in pawn, detains or receives from any person, on any pretence whatsoever; or,
(b) Solicits or entices any person to sell, exchange, pawn, or give away; or
(c) Assists or acts for any person in selling, exchanging, pawning, or making away with,
any of the property following, namely, any arms, ammunition, equipments, instruments, regimental necessaries, or clothing issued for the use of officers or soldiers, or any military decorations of an officer or soldier, or any furniture, bedding, blankets, sheets, utensils, and stores in regimental charge, or any provisions or forage issued for the use of an officer or soldier, or his horse, or any horse employed in the service, shall, unless he proves either that he acted in ignorance of the same being such property as aforesaid, or that the same was sold by order or with the consent of the Minister or some competent military authority, or that the same was the personal property of an officer who had retired or ceased to be an officer, or a soldier who had been discharged, or of the legal personal representatives of an officer or soldier who had died, be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds, together with treble the value of any property of which such offender has become possessed by means of his offence, or to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for a term not exceeding six months, or to both such fine and imprisonment.
(2) Where any such property as is above in this Section mentioned is found in the possession or keeping of any person, such person may be taken or summoned before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, and if such Court have reasonable ground to believe that the property so found was stolen, or was bought, exchanged, taken in pawn, obtained or received in contravention of this Section, then if such person does not satisfy the Court that he came by the property so found lawfully and without any contravention of this Act, he shall be liable on summary conviction to the same penalties as are prescribed in the case of a contravention of the last preceding sub-section.
(3) A person charged with an offence against this Section, and the wife or husband of such person may, if he or she think fit, be sworn and examined as an ordinary witness in the case.
(4) A person found committing an offence against this Section may be apprehended without warrant, and taken, together with the property which is the subject of the offence, before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction; and any person to whom any such property asabove mentioned is offered to be sold, pawned, or delivered, who has reasonable cause to suppose that the same is offered in contravention of this Section, may, and if he has the power shall, apprehend the person offering such property and bring him before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction
(5) A Court of Summary Jurisdiction, if satisfied on oath that there is reasonable cause to suspect that any person has in his possession or on his premises, any property on or with respect to which any offence in this Section mentioned has been committed, may grant a warrant to search for such property, as in the case of stolen goods; and any property found on such search shall be seized by the officer charged with the execution of such warrant, who shall bring the person in whose possession the same is found before some Court of Summary Jurisdiction, to be dealt with according to law.
(6) For the purpose of this Section, property shall be deemed to be in the possession or keeping of a person if he knowingly has it in the actual possession or keeping of any other person or in any house, building, lodging, apartment, field or place, open or enclosed, whether occupied by himself or not, and whether the same is so had for his own use or benefit or for the use or benefit of another.
(7) Articles which are public stores within the meaning of the Public Stores Act, 1875, and are not included in the foregoing description, shall not be deemed to be stores issued as regimental necessaries or otherwise within the meaning of Section thirteen of that Act.
(8) Every person who—
(a) Receives, detains or has in his possession any identity certificate, life certificate or other certificate, or official document evidencing or issued in connection with the right of any person to a military pension pay or reserve pay, or to any bounty, allowance, gratuity, relief, benefit or advantage, granted in connection with military service, as a pledge or security for a debt, or with a view to obtaining payment from the person entitled thereto of a debt due either to himself or to any other person; or
(b) Without lawful authority or excuse (the proof whereof shall lie on the accused) has in his possession any such certificate or document, or any certificate of discharge or any other official document issued in connection with the mobilisation or demobilisation of any of the Forces or any member thereof;
shall be liable on summary conviction to the like penalty as for an offence under sub-section (1) of this Section, and any such certificate or other document shall be deemed to be property within the meaning of this Section.
Unauthorised use of decorations, etc.
(1) any unauthorised person uses or wears any military decoration or medal, or medal ribbon, or any badge, wound stripe, or emblem supplied or authorised by the Minister, or any decoration, medal or medal ribbon, badge, wound stripe, or emblem so nearly resembling the same as to be calculated to deceive; or
(2) any person falsely represents himself to be a person who is or has been entitled to use or wear any such decoration, medal or medal ribbon, badge, wound stripe, or emblem as aforesaid; or
(3) any person without lawful authority or excuse supplies or offers to supply any such decoration or medal as aforesaid to any person not authorised to use or wear the same;
he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months:
Provided that nothing in this Section shall be deemed to prohibit the wearing or supply of ordinary regimental badges or any brooch or ornament representing the same.
Liability to military law in respect of status.
194.—(1) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by any person while subject to military law such person may be taken into and kept in military custody and tried and punished for such offence, although he, or the corps or battalion to which he belongs has ceased to be subject to military law, in like manner as he might have been taken into and kept in military custody, tried or punished, if he or such corps or battalion had continued to be so subject:
Provided that where a person has since the commission of an offence ceased to be subject to military law, he shall not be tried for such offence, except in the case of the offence of mutiny, desertion, or fraudulent enlistment, unless his trial commences within three months after he has ceased to be subject to military law; but this Section shall not affect the jurisdiction of a Civil Court in the case of any offence triable by such Court as well as by Court-Martial.
(2) Where a person subject to military law is sentenced by Court-Martial to penal servitude, imprisonment, or detention, this Act shall apply to him during the term of his sentence, notwithstanding that he is discharged or dismissed from the service, or has otherwise ceased to be subject to military law, and he may be kept, removed, imprisoned, made to undergo detention, and punished accordingly as if he continued to be subject to military law.
Adjustment of military and civil law.
195.—(1) If a person sentenced by a Court-Martial in pursuance of this Act to punishment for an offence is afterwards tried by a Civil Court for the same offence, that Court shall, in awarding punishment, have regard to the military punishment he may have already undergone.
(2) Save as aforesaid, nothing in this Act shall exempt an officer or soldier from being proceeded against by the ordinary course of law, when accused or convicted of any offence, except such an offence as is declared not to be a crime for the purpose of the provisions of this Act relating to taking a soldier out of the service.
(3) If an officer—
(a) Neglects or refuses on application to deliver over to the civil magistrate any officer or soldier under his command who is so accused or convicted as aforesaid; or
(b) Wilfully obstructs or neglects or refuses to assist constables or other ministers of justice in apprehending any such officer or soldier,
such officer shall, on conviction in any Superior Court, be guilty of a misdemeanour.
(4) A certificate of a conviction of an officer under this Section, with the judgment of the Court thereon in such form as may be directed by the Minister, shall be transmitted to the Minister.
Certain matters and documents to be evidence.
196.—The following enactments shall have effect with respect to evidence in Proceedings under this Act, whether before a Civil Court, or Court-Martial, that is to say:—
(1) Any agreement, attestation or other form or document purporting to be signed by any person, upon his being attested as a soldier or enrolled in any portion of the Forces, shall be evidence of the fact that such person gave, in answer to the questions set forth in such form or document, the answers he is therein represented as having given.
(2) The enlistment or enrolment of any person in the Forces may be proved by the production, by a witness on oath, of a copy of such person's attestation, or agreement form, purporting to be certified to be a true copy by the officer having the custody of such original attestation or agreement form, without proof of the handwriting of such officer or of his having custody of such original form.
(3) A letter, return, or other document, respecting the service of any person in, or the discharge of any person from, any portion of the Forces, if purporting to be signed by or on behalf of the Minister, or the Commanding Officer of any portion of the Forces to which such person appears to have belonged,” or alleges that he belongs or had belonged, shall be evidence of the relevant facts stated in such letter, return, or other document.
(4) Copies purporting to be printed and published by or under the authority of the Stationery Office of orders, rules, and regulations made under this Act, and of circulars or orders, shall be evidence of such orders, rules, regulations and circulars.
(5) A Defence Force List or Defence Force Gazette purporting to be printed and published by or under the authority of the Stationery Office shall be evidence of the status and rank of the officers therein mentioned and of any appointment held by such officers and of the corps or battalion or army or branch of the Service to which such officers belong.
(6) When a record is made and filed in any battalion or command file of records in pursuance of this Act or otherwise in pursuance of military duty, and purports to be signed by the Commanding Officer, or by the officer whose duty it is to make such record, such record shall be evidence of the facts therein stated.
A copy of any such record purporting to be certified to be a true copy by the officer having the custody of such record, shall be evidence of such record.
(7) A descriptive return within the meaning of this Act, purporting to be signed by a District Justice, shall be evidence of the matters therein stated.
(8) Where the proceedings are proceedings against an officer or soldier on a charge of being a deserter or absentee without leave, and the officer or soldier has surrendered himself into the custody of an officer or any portion of the Forces, a certificate purporting to have been signed by such officer or by the Commanding Officer of the portion of the Forces to whom the surrender was made, and stating the fact, date, and place of such surrender, shall be evidence of the matters so stated.
(9) Where the proceedings are proceedings against an officer or soldier on a charge of being a deserter or absentee without leave, and the officer or soldier has been delivered into military custody by a police officer in charge of a police station, a certificate purporting to be signed by such a police officer, and stating the fact, date, and place of the surrender of the officer or soldier, shall be evidence of the matters so stated.
(10) For the purpose of this Act, the expression “Stationery Office” means the Stationery Office of the Government of Saorstát Eireann.
Evidence of conviction or civil acquittal.
197.—Whenever any person subject to military law has been tried by any Civil Court, the certificate of the Clerk of such Court or of his deputy, or of any other officer having the custody of the records of such Court, setting out the offence for which such person subject to military law was tried, together with the judgment of the Court thereon, or if such person was acquitted, the acquittal shall be evidence of the conviction and sentence, or of the order of the Court, or of the acquittal of such person, as the case may be.
Evidence of conviction by Court-Martial.
198.—The original proceedings of a Court-Martial purporting to be signed by the president thereof, and being in the custody of the prescribed officer having the lawful custody thereof, shall be deemed admissible in evidence on their mere production from such custody; and any copy purporting to be certified by the prescribed officer, having such custody as aforesaid, to be a true copy of such proceedings, or of any part thereof, shall be admissible in evidence without proof of the signature of such officer.
Summary and other Legal Proceedings.
Prosecution of offences and recovery and application of fines.
199.—(1) A Court of Summary Jurisdiction, having jurisdiction in the place where the offence was committed or in the place where the offender may for the time being be, shall have jurisdiction over all offences triable in a Civil Court under this Act, except any such offence as is declared by this Act to be a misdemeanour or to be punishable on indictment; and any offence within the jurisdiction of a Court of Summary Jurisdiction may be prosecuted, and the fine and forfeiture in respect thereof may be recovered on summary conviction, in manner provided by the Summary Jurisdiction Acts.
(2) Any proceedings taken before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction in pursuance of this Act shall be taken in accordance with the Summary Jurisdiction Acts so far as applicable.
(3) A Court of Summary Jurisdiction imposing a fine in pursuance of this Act may, if it seems fit, order a portion of such fine, not exceeding one half, to be paid to the informer.
(4) Subject to the provisions of this Act with regard to the payment to the informer, fines and other sums recovered before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction in pursuance of this Act shall, be applied in manner directed by the Fines Act (Ireland), 1851, and any Acts amending the same.
Protection of persons acting under this Act.
200.—(1) Any action, prosecution or proceeding against any person for any act done in pursuance or execution or intended execution of this Act, or in respect of any alleged, neglect or default in the execution of this Act, shall not lie or be instituted unless it is commenced within six months next after the act, neglect or default complained of, or, in case of a continuance of injury or damage, within six months next after the ceasing thereof.
(2) In any such action tender of amends before the action was commenced may, in lieu of or in addition to any other plea, be pleaded. If the action was commenced after such tender, or is proceeded with after payment into Court of any money in satisfaction of the plaintiff's claim, and the plaintiff does not recover more than the sum tendered or paid, he shall not recover any costs incurred after such tender or payment, and the defendants shall be entitled to costs, to be taxed as between solicitor and client, as from the time of such tender or payment; but this provision shall not affect costs on any injunction in the action.
(3) Every such action, and also every action against a member or minister of a Court-Martial in respect of a sentence of such Court, or of anything done by virtue, or in pursuance, of such sentence, shall be brought in a Superior Court.
Exercise of powers vested in holder of military office.
201.—Any power or jurisdiction given to, and any act or thing to be done by, to, or before any person holding any military office may be exercised by or be done by, to, or before any other person for the time authorised in that behalf according to the customs of the service, or according to rules made under Section 125 of this Act.
Provisions as to warrants and orders of military authorities.
202.—(1) Where any order is authorised by this Act to be made by the Minister, or by any general or other officer commanding, such order may be signified by an order, instruction or letter under the hand of any officer authorised to issue orders on behalf of the Minister, general or other officer commanding, and an order, instruction or letter purporting to be signed by any officer appearing therein to be so authorised shall be evidence of his being so authorised.
(2) The foregoing enactment of this Section shall extend to any order or direction issued in pursuance of this Act in relation to a military convict or military prisoner or soldier undergoing detention, and any such order or direction shall not be held invalid by reason of the death or removal from office of the officer signing or ordering the issue of same, or by reason of any defect in such order or direction, if it be alleged in such order or directions that the convict or prisoner or soldier undergoing detention has been convicted, and there is a good and valid conviction to sustain the order or direction.
(3) An order in any case, if issued in the prescribed form, shall be valid, but an order deviating from the prescribed form, if otherwise valid, shall not be rendered invalid by reason only of such deviation.
(4) Where any military convict, or military prisoner or soldier undergoing detention is for the time being in custody, whether military or civil, in any place or manner in which he might legally be kept in pursuance of this Act, the custody of such convict or prisoner or soldier shall not be deemed to be illegal only by reason of any informality or error in or as respects the order, warrant, or other document, or the authority by or in pursuance whereof such convict, prisoner or soldier, was brought into or is detained in such custody, and any such order, warrant or document may be amended accordingly.
(5) Where a military convict, or a military prisoner, or a soldier undergoing detention, or a person who is subject to military law and charged with an offence, is a prisoner or soldier in military custody and for the purpose of conveyance by sea is delivered on board a ship to the person in command of the ship, or to any other person on board the ship acting under the authority of the commander, the order of the military authority which authorises the prisoner or soldier to be conveyed by sea shall be a sufficient authority to such person, and to the person for the time being in command of the ship, to keep the said prisoner or soldier in custody and convey him in accordance with the order, and the prisoner or soldier while so kept shall be deemed to be kept in military custody.
Furlough in case of sickness.
203.—If any soldier on furlough is detained by sickness or other casualty rendering necessary any extension of such furlough in any place, and there is not any officer in the performance of military duty of the rank of captain, or of higher rank, within convenient distance of the place, any District Justice or Peace Commissioner who is satisfied of such necessity may grant an extension of furlough for a period not exceeding one fortnight, and the said District Justice or Peace Commissioner shall by letter immediately certify such extension and the cause thereof to the Commanding Officer of such soldier, if known, and if not, then to the Minister. The soldier may be recalled to duty by his Commanding Officer or other competent military authority, and the furlough shall not be deemed to be extended after such recall but, save as aforesaid, the soldier shall not in respect of the period of such extension of furlough, be liable to be treated as a deserter or as absent without leave.
Licences of canteens.
204.—(1) When a person holds a canteen under the authority of the Minister, it shall be lawful for a District Justice within his jurisdiction to grant, transfer, or renew any licence for the time being required to enable such person to obtain or hold any excise licence for the sale of any intoxicating liquor, without regard to the time of year, and without regard to the requirements as to notices, certificates, or otherwise, of any Acts, for the time being in force affecting such licences; and excise licences may be granted to such persons accordingly.
(2) For the purpose of this Section the expression “licence” includes any licence or certificate for the time being required by law to be granted, renewed or transferred by any District Justice, in order to enable any person to obtain or hold any excise licence for the sale of any intoxicating liquor.
Use of recreation rooms without licence.
205.—Notwithstanding anything in the Disorderly Houses Act, 1751, or in the Theatres Act, 1843, where a recreation room is managed or conducted under the authority of the Minister, it may be used for public dancing, music, or other public entertainment of the like kind or for the public performance of stage plays, without any licence in pursuance of those Acts, or either of them.
Conveyance of the Forces by railway.
206.—(1) For the purpose of moving by railway on any occasion of the public service any member of the Forces, every railway company in Saorstát Eireann shall, on the production of a route duly signed for the conveyance of any members of the Forces, provide conveyance for such members of the Forces and their personal luggage, and also for any public baggage, stores, arms, ammunition and other necessaries and things whether actually accompanying such members of the Forces or not, at all usual times at which passengers are conveyed by the company, on such terms as may be agreed on between the railway company and the Minister and subject to and in default of such agreement on the following terms:—
(i) The passenger carriages provided shall be of such classes in use on the railway, and in such proportions, as specified in the route, all carriages being protected from weather and having proper accommodation.
(ii) The fares shall not exceed the following proportions of the fares charged to private passengers for the single journey by ordinary train in the respective classes of carriages specified in the route, that is to say, if the number of persons conveyed is less than one hundred and fifty three-fourths; and if the number is one hundred and fifty or more, then for the first hundred and fifty three-fourths, as for four officers and one hundred and forty-six soldiers or other persons; and for the numbers in excess of the said one hundred and fifty, one half.
(iii) This Section shall apply to such wives and widows, and children of members of the Forces as are entitled to be conveyed at the public expense, in like manner as if they were part of the Forces, but children less than three years old shall be conveyed free of charge, and the fare for a child more than three and less than twelve years old shall be half the fare payable under this Section for an adult.
(iv) One hundred weight of personal luggage shall be conveyed by the railway company free of charge for every one person conveyed under this Section who is required by the route to be conveyed first class, and half a hundred weight for every other person conveyed; and any excess of weight shall be conveyed at not more than two-thirds of the rate charged to the public for excess luggage.
(v) The said public luggage, stores, arms, ammunition, necessaries and things shall be carried at rates not exceeding two pence per ton per mile; the assistance of the Forces shall be given in loading and unloading the same.
(vi) Provided that the company shall not be bound under this Section to carry gunpowder or other explosive or combustible matter, except on terms agreed upon between the company and the Minister, as the case may be.
(2) For the purposes of this Section, a route duly signed shall be deemed to be a route issued and signed in accordance with Section one hundred and sixty-seven of this Act, or an order signed by a person authorised in this behalf by the Minister.
Sanction of Finance Minister necessary for regulations.
207.—Any regulations of the Minister under this Act which involve a charge on public funds shall be made with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance.
Application of Military Law.
Persons subject to military law as officers.
208.—The persons in this Section mentioned are persons subject to military law as officers, and this Act shall apply to all persons so specified, that is to say:—
(1) Officers of the Forces on the active list, within the meaning of any warrant for regulating the pay and promotion of the Forces, and officers not on such active list who are employed on military service under the orders of an officer of the Forces who is subject to military law.
(2) Any officer belonging to the Reserve when he is ordered on duty for which, as an officer belonging to the Reserve, he is liable.
Persons subject to military law as soldiers.
209.—The persons in this Section mentioned are persons subject to military law as soldiers, and this Act shall apply accordingly to all persons so specified, that is to say:—
(1) All soldiers of the Forces.
(2) All non-commissioned officers and men belonging to the Reserve—
(a) When called for training and exercise; and
(b) When called out for duty in aid of the civil power; and
(c) When called out on permanent service; and
(d) When employed in military service under the orders of an officer of the Forces.
The Reserve.
Raising and number of Reserve.
210.—It shall be lawful for the Executive Council to raise and maintain a reserve force (hereinafter referred to as the Reserve) for the Forces consisting of such number of officers, non-commissioned officers and men as may from time to time be provided by the Oireachtas.
Control of the Reserve.
211.—The control of the Reserve shall be vested in the Executive Council subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act.
Personnel of the Reserve.
212.—The Reserve shall consist of—
1. The Reserve of Officers.
2. The Reserve of Men.
Composition of Reserve of Officers.
213.—(1) The Reserve of Officers shall consist of officers of the Forces who have retired therefrom.
(2) Officers belonging to the Reserve of Officers shall be liable to be recalled to service in the Forces under such conditions as may be prescribed.
(3) Officers belonging to the Reserve of Officers shall serve under such conditions as may be prescribed.
Composition of Reserve of Men.
214.—(1) The Reserve of Men shall consist of non-commissioned officers and men who having served in the Forces have been transferred to the Reserve in pursuance of Part II., Chapter V., of this Act.
(2) Men belonging to the Reserve of Men shall be liable to be recalled to service in the Forces as provided by this Part of this Act.
The expression “man” when used in this Part of this Act shall unless inconsistent with the context include a noncommissioned officer.
General organisation of the Reserve.
215.—The Reserve shall be organised by such units of the various combatant arms and departmental services as may be prescribed.
Orders and regulations as to the Reserve.
216.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act it shall be lawful for the Minister from time to time to make and when made revoke and vary orders with respect to the government, discipline, and pay of the Reserve and with respect to other matters and things relating to the Reserve, including any matter by this Part of this Act authorised to be prescribed or expressed to be subject to orders or regulations.
(2) All orders and general regulations made under this Part of this Act shall be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas as soon as practicable after they are made if both Houses be then sitting, or if both Houses of the Oireachtas be not sitting, then as soon as practicable after the beginning of the then next session of the Oireachtas.
Date of establishment of the Reserve.
217.—The Reserve shall be established as from a date to be fixed by Proclamation of the Executive Council in the Iris Oifigiúil.
Calling out the Reserve in aid of the civil power.
218.—(1) It shall be lawful for an Executive Minister at any time, when occasion appears to so require, to call out the whole or so many of the Reserve as he thinks necessary to aid the civil power in the preservation of public order.
(2) It shall be lawful for any officer commanding the Forces in any town or district on the requisition in writing of a District Justice to call out for the purpose aforesaid the men belonging to the Reserve who are resident in such town or such of them as he may think necessary.
Punishment of certain offences by Reserve men.
219.—(1) Where a man belonging to the Reserve—
(a) Fails without reasonable excuse on two consecutive occasions to comply with the orders or regulations in force under this Part of this Act with respect to the payment of the Reserve; or
(b) When required by or in pursuance of the orders or regulations in force under this Part of this Act to attend at any place fails without reasonable excuse to attend in accordance with such requirements; or
(c) Uses threatening or insulting language or behaves in an insubordinate manner to any officer or non-commissioned officer who in pursuance of the orders or regulations in force under this Part of this Act is acting in execution of his office and who would be the superior officer of such man, if such man were subject to military law; or
(d) By any fraudulent means obtains or is accessory to the obtaining of any pay or other sum contrary to the orders or regulations in force under this Part of this Act; or
(e) Fails without reasonable excuse to comply with the orders or regulations in force under this Part of this Act;
he shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) A man belonging to the Reserve who commits an offence under this Section, whether otherwise subject to military law or not shall be liable as follows:—
(a) Be liable to be tried by Court-Martial and on conviction to suffer imprisonment or such less punishment as is in Part II., Chapter I., of this Act mentioned; or
(b) Be liable to be convicted by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction and to be sentenced to a fine of not less than forty shillings and not more than twenty-five pounds, and in default of payment to imprisonment, with or without hard labour, for any term of not less than seven days and not more than the maximum term allowed by law for non-payment of the fine and may in any case be taken into military custody.
(3) Where a man belonging to the Reserve commits in the presence of any officer an offence under this Section, or any offences under sub-section two or sub-section three of Section 135 of this Act (relating to the punishment of personation) that officer may, if he thinks fit, order such man, in lieu of being taken into military custody, to be taken into the custody of any Civic Guard, and brought before a Court of Summary Jurisdiction for the purpose of being dealt with by that Court.
(4) A certificate purporting to be signed by an officer who is therein mentioned as an officer appointed to pay a man belonging to the Reserve, and stating that such man has failed on two consecutive occasions to comply with the orders or regulations in force under this Part of this Act with respect to the payment of the Reserve, shall, without proof of the signature or appointment of such officer, be evidence of such failure.
(5) Where a man belonging to the Reserve is required by or in pursuance of the orders or regulations in force under this Part of this Act to attend at any place, a certificate purporting to be signed by an officer or person who is mentioned in such certificate as appointed to be present at such place for the purpose of inspecting men belonging to the Reserve, or for any other purpose connected with the Reserve, and stating that the man failed to attend in accordance with the said requirement, shall, without proof of the signature or appointment of such officer or person, be evidence of such failure.
Training of Reserve men.
220.—(1) All or any of the men belonging to the Reserve may be called out for training at such times and at such place or places within Saorstát Eireann and for such periods as may be prescribed not exceeding in any one year thirty days.
(2) Every man so called out may during his training be attached to and trained with a body of the Forces.
Calling out the Reserve on permanent service.
221.—(1) In case of imminent national danger or of great emergency it shall be lawful for the Executive Council by proclamation the occasion being first communicated to the Oireachtas if the Oireachtas be then sitting, or notified by proclamation if the Oireachtas be not then sitting, to order that the Reserve shall be called out on permanent service.
(2) It shall be lawful for the Executive Council by any such proclamation to order an Executive Minister from time to time to give and when given to revise or vary such directions as may seem necessary or proper for calling out the force mentioned in the proclamation or all or any of the men belonging thereto.
(3) Every such proclamation and the directions given in pursuance thereof shall be obeyed as if enacted in this Act, and every man for the time being called out by such directions shall attend at the place and time fixed by those directions and at and after that time shall be deemed to be called out on permanent service.
(4) A proclamation under this Section shall for the purpose of Section one hundred and fifty-five of this Act be deemed to be a proclamation requiring soldiers in the Reserve to re-enter upon army service.
Assembly of both Houses of the Oireachtas when the Reserve is ordered to be called out on permanent service.
222.—Whenever the Executive Council orders the Reserve to be called out on permanent service if the Oireachtas be then separated by such adjournment or prorogation as will not expire within ten days, a proclamation shall be issued for the meeting of the Oireachtas within ten days and the Oireachtas shall accordingly meet and sit upon the day appointed by such proclamation, and shall continue to sit and act in like manner as if it had stood adjourned or prorogued to the same day.
Service of Reserve men called out.
223.—(1) A man belonging to the Reserve when called out on permanent service shall be liable to serve until the Executive Council no longer requires his services, so however that he shall not be required to serve for a period exceeding in the whole the remainder unexpired of his term of service in the Reserve and any further period not exceeding twelve months during which as a soldier of the Forces he can under Section one hundred and fifty-five of this Act, be detained in service after the time at which he would be entitled to be discharged.
(2) A man called out on permanent service shall during his service form part of the Forces and be subject to Part II. of this Act accordingly and the prescribed military authority within the meaning of Chapter V. of Part II. of this Act may if it seems proper appoint him to any corps as a soldier of the Forces and the said prescribed military authority may within three months after such appointment transfer him to any other corps of the Forces.
Punishment for non-attendance for annual training or permanent service, etc.
224.—(1) When a man belonging to the Reserve is called out for annual training or on permanent service, or when a man belonging to the Reserve is called out in aid of the civil power, and such man without leave lawfully granted or such sickness or other reasonable excuse as may be allowed in the prescribed manner, fails to appear at any time and place at which he is required upon such calling out to attend, he shall—
(a) If called out on permanent service or in aid of the civil power be guilty according to the circumstances of deserting within the meaning of Section forty-two of this Act or of absenting himself without leave within the meaning of Section forty-five of this Act; and
(b) If called out for annual training be guilty of absenting himself without leave within the meaning of Section forty-five of this Act.
(2) A man belonging to the Reserve who commits an offence under this Section or under Section forty-two or Section forty-five of this Act, whether otherwise subject to military law or not, shall be liable as follows, that is to say:—
(a) Be liable to be tried by Court-Martial and convicted and punished accordingly; or
(b) Be liable to be convicted by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, and to be sentenced to a fine of not less than forty shillings and not more than twenty-five pounds, and in default of payment to imprisonment with or without hard labour for any term not less than seven days and not more than the maximum term allowed by law for non-payment of the fine,
and may in any case be taken into military custody.
Supplemental provisions as to deserters and absentees.
225.—(1) Section one hundred and ninety of this Act shall apply to a man who is a deserter or absentee from the Reserve within the meaning of this Part of this Act in like manner as it applies to a deserter in that Section mentioned, and a man who under that Section is delivered into military custody or committed for the purpose of being so delivered may be tried as provided by this Part of this Act.
(2) Any person who falsely represents himself to be a deserter or absentee without leave from the Reserve, shall be liable on conviction by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction to imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term not exceeding three months.
Punishment for inducing Reserve man to desert or absent himself.
226.—(1) Any person who by any means whatever—
(a) Procures or persuades any man belonging to the Reserve to commit an offence of absence without leave within the meaning of this Part of this Act or attempts to procure or persuade any man belonging to the Reserve to commit such offence; or
(b) Knowing that a man belonging to the Reserve is about to commit an offence of absence without leave within the meaning of this Part of this Act, aids or assists him in so doing; or
(c) Knowing any man belonging to the Reserve to be an absentee without leave within the meaning of this Part of this Act, conceals such man or aids or assists him in concealing himself or employs or continues to employ him or aids or assists in his rescue;
shall be liable on conviction by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.
(2) Section one hundred and eighty-eight of this Act shall apply as if a man belonging to the Reserve were a soldier and as if the word “desert” and any other words referring to desertion included desertion within the meaning of this Part of this Act as well as desertion within the meaning of Part II. Chapter I. of this Act; and any person who, knowing any man belonging to the Reserve to be a deserter within the meaning of this Act employs or continues to employ such man, shall be deemed to aid him in concealing himself within the meaning of the said Section.
Record of illegal absence of Reserve man.
227.—(1) Where a man belonging to the Reserve is subject to military law, and is illegally absent from duty, a court of inquiry under Section one hundred and nineteen of this Act, may be assembled after the expiration of twenty-one days from the date of such absence, notwithstanding that the period during which such man was subject to military law is less than twenty-one days, or has expired before the expiration of twenty-one days; and the record mentioned in that Section may be entered in the manner thereby provided, or in such regimental books and by such officer as may be prescribed.
(2) Where a man belonging to the Reserve fails to appear at the time and place at which he is required upon being called out for training or on permanent service to attend, and his absence continues for not less than fourteen days, an entry of such absence shall be made by the prescribed officer in the prescribed manner and in the prescribed regimental books and such entry shall be conclusive evidence of the fact of such absence.
Exercise of powers vested in holder of military office.
228.—(1) Any power or jurisdiction given to and any act or thing to be done by, to or before any person holding any military office may in relation to the Reserve be exercised by or done by, to or before any other person for the time being authorised in that behalf according to the custom of the service.
(2) Where by this Part of this Act or by any order or regulation in force under this Part of this Act, any order is authorised to be made by any military authority such order may be signified by an order, instruction or letter under the hand of an officer authorised to issue orders on behalf of such military authority, and an order, instruction, or letter purporting to be signed by an officer appearing therein to be so authorised shall be evidence of his being so authorised.
Application to the Reserve of enactments respecting exemption from tolls and conveyance of the Forces.
229.—(1) For the purpose of Section one hundred and thirty-nine of this Act and of all other enactments relating to such duties, tolls and ferries as are in that Section mentioned officers and men belonging to the Reserve when going to or returning from any place at which they are required to attend and for non-attendance at which they are liable to be punished shall be deemed to be officers and soldiers of the Forces on duty.
(2) The provisions of Section two hundred and six of this Act and all other enactments for the time being in force concerning the conveyance by railway or otherwise of any part of the Forces and their baggage, stores, arms, ammunition and other necessaries and things, shall apply as if the Reserve were such part of the Forces.
230.—With respect to notices required in pursuance of the orders or regulations in force under this Part of this Act to be given to men belonging to the Reserve the following provisions shall have effect:—
(i) A notice may be served on any such man either by being sent by post to his last registered place of abode or by being served in the prescribed manner;
(ii) Evidence of the delivery at the last registered place of abode of a man belonging to the Reserve of a notice, or of a letter addressed to such man and containing a notice, shall be evidence that such notice was brought to the knowledge of such man;
(iii) The publication of a notice in the prescribed manner in the parish in which the last registered place of abode of a man belonging to the Reserve is situate shall be sufficient notice to such man, notwithstanding that a copy of such notice is not served on him;
(iv) Every Civic Guard shall when so required by or on behalf of the Minister, conform with the orders and regulations for the time being in force under this Part of this Act with respect to the publication and service of notices, and in default shall be liable on conviction by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds.
Trial of offences.
231.—(1) Any offence, which under this Act is punishable on conviction by Court-Martial, shall for the purposes of and incidental to the arrest, trial and punishment of the offender, including the summary dealing with the case by his Commanding Officer, be deemed to be an offence under Part II. of this Act with this modification that reference in Part II. of this Act to forfeitures and stoppages shall be construed to refer to such forfeitures and stoppages as may be prescribed.
(2) Any offence which under this Part of this Act is punishable on conviction by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction may be prosecuted, and any fine recoverable on such conviction may be recovered in manner provided by Section one hundred and ninety-nine of this Act (in like manner as if that Section was herein re-enacted and in terms made applicable to this Part of this Act).
(3) Save as provided by the said Section one hundred and ninety-nine the minimum fixed by this Part of this Act for the amount of any fine or for the term of any imprisonment shall be duly observed by Courts of Summary Jurisdiction and shall notwithstanding anything contained in any other Act not be reduced by way of mitigation or otherwise.
(4) For the purposes of this Section the expression “tried by Court-Martial” shall include “summarily dealt with.”
Provisions as to offences.
232.—With respect to the trial and punishment of men charged with offences which in pursuance of this Act are cognisable both by a Court-Martial and by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, the following provisions shall have effect:—
(i) An alleged offender shall not be liable to be, tried by Court-Martial and by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, but may be tried by either of such Courts, according as may be prescribed by orders or regulations under this Part of this Act.
(ii) Proceedings against an alleged offender before either a Court-Martial or his Commanding Officer or a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, may be instituted whether the term of his Reserve service has or has not expired, and may notwithstanding anything in any Act, be instituted at any time within two months after the time at which the offence becomes known to an officer who under the powers or regulations in force under this Part of this Act has power to direct the offender to be tried by a Court-Martial or by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, if the offender is apprehended at that time, or if he is not apprehended at that time, then within two months after the time at which he is apprehended, whether such apprehension is by a civil or military authority, and any limitation contained in any other Act with respect to the time for hearing and determining an offence shall not apply in the case of any proceeding so instituted.
233.—(1) Section one hundred and ninety-seven of this Act (which relates to evidence of the civil conviction or acquittal of a person subject to military law) shall apply to a man belonging to the Reserve who is tried by a Civil Court, whether he is or is not at the time of such trial subject to military law.
(2) Section one hundred and ninety-six of this Act (relating to evidence) shall apply to all proceedings under this Part of this Act.
Transitory Provisions.
Duration of this Part of Act.
234.—Until the Forces have been established under Section twenty-two of this Act, the provisions hereinafter mentioned shall have effect.
National Forces as at present constituted to be armed forces mentioned in Article 46 of the Constitution.
235.—The armed forces of the State as at present constituted and existing (hereinafter referred to as the National Forces) shall be deemed to be the armed forces to be raised under Article 46 of the Constitution and the maintenance thereof is hereby declared to be legal.
Provisions as to command-in-chief and administrative and executive powers.
236.—The command-in-chief of and all executive and administrative powers in relation to the National Forces (including the power to delegate authority to such persons as may be thought fit) shall be vested in the Executive Council and exercised through and in the name of the Minister.
General organisation of the National Forces.
237.—The organisation of the National Forces shall be as at present existing. The Minister may however make such changes therein as he may deem necessary.
Orders and regulations now in force to have effect.
238.—All orders and regulations now in force in the National Forces shall continue to be in full force and effect.
Liability of soldiers now serving in National Forces.
239.—All soldiers now serving in the National Forces by virtue of any agreement or attestation shall be liable to continue to serve in accordance with the terms of such agreement or attestation.
240.—All officers now serving in the National Forces shall continue to hold their appointments as such during the pleasure of the Executive Council.
Power to dismiss officer or soldier.
241.—The Executive Council acting through the Minister may dismiss or dispense with the services of any officer of the National Forces or discharge any soldier of the National Forces.
Application of Part II. of Act.
242.—The provisions of Part II. save Chapters V. and XII. of this Act shall apply to all members of the National Forces as if for references therein to the Forces were substituted references to the National Forces subject however to the following modifications:—
(1) The expressions contained in Part II. of this Act which are also mentioned in Section two hundred and forty-six of this Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them by Section two hundred and forty-six of this Act and not the meanings respectively assigned to them by Section three of this Act.
(2) Such other general or specific modifications or adaptations as the Minister may prescribe.
Application of Section 2 of Act.
243.—In the application of Section two of this Act the National Forces shall be deemed to be included in the expression “the armed forces to be raised under this Act.”
Provision as regards Article 71 of the Constitution.
244.—For the purposes of Article 71 of the Constitution all members of the National Forces shall be deemed to be on active service.
Power to make Regulations.
245.—(1) The Minister may make regulations relating to all matters which are by this Part of this Act required or permitted to be prescribed or which are necessary or convenient to be prescribed for securing the good government of the National Forces, or for carrying out and giving effect to the provisions of this Part of this Act.
(2) The Rules Publication Act, 1893, shall not apply to regulations made under this Section.
246.—In this Part of this Act if not inconsistent with the context the following expressions shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them by this Section that is to say:—
(a) The expression “person subject to military law” means any officer, non-commissioned officer or soldier attached to or serving with the National Forces at the date of the passing of this Act and includes all persons under sentence of a Court-Martial.
(b) The expression “officer” means any officer appointed as such and serving with the National Forces at the date of the passing of this Act and includes any officer in pay as an officer of the National Forces.
(c) The expression “soldier” includes a non-commissioned officer or soldier of the National Forces but does not include an officer as above defined.
Form of Commission to an Officer.
OGLAIGH na heireann.
To (Name of Officer)_________________trusting in your loyalty to our country and reposing special confidence in your courage honour good conduct and intelligence the Executive Council of Saorstát Eireann in exercise of the powers in that behalf conferred by the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923, hereby constitutes and appoints you to be an officer in OGLAIGH na hEIREANN as from the ____________day of __________19 ___________You will bear true faith and allegiance to our country and serve and defend her against all her enemies whomsoever. You will discharge your duty in the rank of ____________or in any higher rank to which your merit may hereafter determine your appointment or promotion, which appointment or promotion will be notified in the “Iris Oifigiúil.” You will exercise and train in arms and maintain in good order and discipline the soldiers and inferior officers serving under you who are hereby each and all enjoined and commanded to render you obedience as their superior officer. You will yourself observe and obey without question such orders and directions as you shall from time to time receive from the Minister for Defence for the time being or from any of your superior officers according to law.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF WE have hereunto set our respective hands and seals at___________this____________day of___________in the year one thousand nine hundred and____________
Signed ________________
President of Executive Council of Saorstát Eireann
Minister of Defence, Commander-in-Chief.
Form of Oath or Declaration to be taken or made under Section 21 of the Act.
Sections 21 and 148 (4) (a):
I do solemnly swear (or declare) that I have this day freely and voluntarily enlisted as a soldier in Oglaigh na hEireann; that I will faithfully serve as such for the period of from the day of 19 (unless sooner discharged by proper authority) and under the conditions prescribed in accordance with law; and I will accept such pay, bounty, rations and clothing as may from time to time be prescribed in accordance with law;
And I further solemnly swear (or declare) that I will bear true faith and allegiance to our country and faithfully serve and defend her against all her enemies whomsoever and that I will submit myself to discipline, and obey without question the orders of the officers appointed over me according to law.
Sworn (Declared) before me this day of 19 at
Signature of District Justice or Peace Commissioner attesting.
Breaking and Entering.
False Imprisonment.
False Personation.
False Pretences
Falsification of Accounts
Inciting to Commit Crime.
Indecent Assault on Males or Females.
Malicious Damage.
Receiving Stolen Property.
Suicide: Attempt to Commit.
Form of Oath to be taken by a Master whose Apprentice has absconded, and of District Justice's Certificate Annexed.
I, of do make oath, that I am by trade a and that was bound to serve as an apprentice to me in the said trade, by indenture dated the day of for the term of years; and that the said did on or about the day of abscond and quit my service without my consent; and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the said is aged about years. Witness my hand at the day of one thousand nine hundred and
(Signed) _______________________________
(Signed) _______________________________
District Justice for
I hereby certify that the foregoing affidavit was sworn before me at this day of one thousand nine hundred and |
Sections 170 and 172.
Accommodation to be Furnished by Keeper of Victualling House.
A keeper of a victualling house on whom any officer, soldier, or horse is billeted—
(1). Shall furnish the officer and soldier with lodging and attendance; and
(2). Shall, if required by the officer and soldier, furnish him for every day of the march, and for not more than two days, if the officer or soldier is halted at an intermediate place on the march for more than two days, and on the day of arrival at the place of final destination, with breakfast, hot dinner, and supper on each day, such meals to consist of such quantities of food and drink as may from time to time be fixed by Regulations of the Minister, not exceeding—
(a) For breakfast, five ounces of bread, one pint of tea with milk and sugar, four ounces of bacon;
(b) For hot dinner, twelve ounces of meat, previous to being dressed, six ounces of bread, eight ounces of potatoes or other vegetables;
(c) For supper, five ounces of bread, one pint of tea with milk and sugar, two ounces of cheese; and
(3). When an officer or a soldier is not so entitled to be furnished with “a meal,” shall furnish the officer or soldier with candles, vinegar and salt, and allow him the use of fire, and the necessary utensils for dressing and eating his meal; and
(4). Shall furnish stable room and ten pounds of oats, twelve pounds of hay, and eight pounds of straw on every day for each horse.
For the purposes of this Part of this Schedule the expression “furnished with lodging” shall include the provision of a separate bed for each officer and soldier.
Regulations as to Billets.
(1). When the troops are on the march the billets given shall, except in case of necessity or of an order of a District Justice, be upon victualling houses in or within one mile from the place mentioned in the route.
(2). Care shall always be taken that the billets be made out to the less distant victualling houses in which suitable accommodation can be found before billets are made out for the more distant victualling houses
(3). Except in case of necessity, where horses are billeted, each man and his horse shall be billeted on the same victualling house.
(4). Except in case of necessity, one soldier at least shall be billeted where there are one or two horses, and two soldiers at least where there are four horses, and so in proportion for a greater number,
(5). Except in case of necessity, a soldier and his horse shall not be billeted at a greater distance from each other than one hundred yards.
(6). When any soldiers with their horses are billeted upon the keeper of a victualling house who has no stables, on the written requisition of the Commanding Officer present the constable shall billet the soldiers and their horses, or the horses only, on the keeper of some other victualling house who has stables, and a Court of Summary Jurisdiction upon complaint by the keeper of the last-mentioned victualling house may order a proper allowance to be paid to him by the keeper of the victualling house releived.
(7). An officer demanding billets may allot the billets among the soldiers under his command and their horses as he thinks most expedient for the public service, and may from time to time vary such allotment.
(8). The Commanding Officer may, where it is practicable, require that not less than two men shall be billeted in one house
Impressment of Carriages.
Table of Rates of Payment for Carriages and Animals.
Carriages and Animals. | Rate per Mile. |
For every hundredweight loaded on any wheeled vehicle. | One halfpenny. |
The mileage when reckoned for the purpose of payment shall include the distance from home to the place of starting, and the distance home from the place of discharge.
Regulations as to Carriages and Animals.
(1). Where the whole distance for which a carriage is furnished is under one mile the payment shall be for a full mile.
(2). The minimum sum payable for a car shall be threepence, and for a dray, sixpence per mile.
(3). The payment shall be at the same rate for each hundredweight in excess of the amount which the carriage is liable under this schedule to carry.
(4). A carriage shall not be required to travel more than twenty-five miles.
(5). A carriage shall not, except in case of pressing emergency, be required to travel more than one day's march prescribed in the route.
(6). A carriage shall not be required to carry, if a car more than six hundredweight, and if a dray more than twelve hundredweight.
(7). The load for each carriage shall, if required, at the expense of the owner of the carriage, and if the same can be done within a reasonable time without hindrance to the service, be weighed before it is placed in the carriage.
Form of Descriptive Return.
Descriptive Return of who at on the day of and was committed to confinement at on the day of as a Deserter (or Absentee without leave) from the Bn. of the Regiment of
After the word “who” to be inserted either the words “was apprehended” or “surrendered himself” as the case may be.
Age _________________________________________________________________
Height ________________________________ Feet. Inches.
Complexion ___________________________________________________________
Hair _________________________________________________________________
Eyes _________________________________________________________________
Marks ________________________________________________________________
In uniform or plain clothes_________________________________________________
Probable date and place of attestation________________________________________
Probable date of desertion or beginning of absence, and from what place _______________________________
Name, occupation, and address of the person by whom or through whose means the Deserter (or Absentee without leave) was apprehended and secured __________________________________________________
Particulars in the evidence on which the Prisoner is committed, and showing whether he surrendered or was apprehended, and in what manner and upon what grounds. The fullest possible details to be given__________________________________________________
I do hereby certify that the Prisoner has been duly examined before me as to the circumstances herein stated, and has declared in my presence that he | ______________ Signature. | } | of Committing District Justice. |
______________ Residence. | |||
______________ Post Town |
the before mentioned corps, and I recommend for a reward of | _______________ Signature of Prisoner. _______________ Signature of Informant. |
Or where the Prisoner confessed and evidence of the truth or falsehood of such confession is not then forthcoming—
I hereby certify that the above named Prisoner confessed to the circumstances above stated, but that evidence of the truth or falsehood of such confession is not forthcoming, and that the case was adjourned until the day of for the purpose of obtaining such evidence from a Member of the Executive Council. | ____________ Signature. ____________ Residence. ____________ Post Town. |
Provisions as to Determining Amount to be Paid for Articles Requisitioned.
1. Subject to provisions of this Schedule an application to a County Court Judge for a certificate shall be made in manner provided by Rules of Court, and shall be heard by the Judge without a Jury, and his decision shall not be subject to appeal.
2. Subject to the provisions of this Schedule and to Rules of Court, the Judge shall on such application act in accordance with the law regulating, and shall have the powers attaching to, the exercise of his ordinary jurisdiction.
3. The amount fixed by the certificate shall be such amount as appears to the County Court Judge to be the fair market value of the article requisitioned on the day on which it was required to be furnished as between a willing buyer and a willing seller, and where the owner of a carriage or horse has been required to deliver it at a distance from his premises shall include such sum as the Judge may consider reasonable to cover the cost of such delivery.
4. No Court fees shall be payable on the application, but the Judge may, if he thinks fit, order either party to pay such sum as he may consider proper by way of costs to the other party, which sum shall be added to or deducted from the amount fixed by the County Court Judge as the value of the article requisitioned, and the amount to be included in the certificate shall be adjusted accordingly.
5. If the amount already paid by the Minister exceeds the amount specified in the certificate, the County Court Judge shall certify the amount of the excess and shall order the amount so certified to be paid to the Minister, which order shall be enforceable in like manner as a decree or judgment of a County Court Judge.
Uimhir 30.
[3adh Lúnasa, 1923.]
AGUS DE BHRÍ go bhforáltar le hAirtiogal 70 den Bhunreacht ná trialfar éinne ach do réir cúrsaí cuibhe na dlí, agus ná bunófar Cúirteanna nea-choitionta, ach amháin pé binsí airm a húdarófar le dlí chun lucht airm a bhrisfidh dlí airm do thriail:
AGUS DE BHRÍ go bhforáltar le hAirtiogal 71 den Bhunreacht ná déanfidh aon arm-chúirt ná aon bhínse eile airm aon duine d'fhórsaí armtha Shaorstáit Éireann ná beidh ar seirbhís chogúil do thriail in aon choir intrialta ag na Cúirteanna Síbhialta mara dtabharfar an choir sin go speisialta laistigh d'údarás Arm-Chúirteanna no aon Bhínse eile Airm le haon chórus dlithe no rialachán chun smacht airm do chur i bhfeidhm a mholfidh an tOireachtas tar éis teacht i bhfeidhm don Bhunreacht:
AGUS DE BHRÍ go bhfuil práinn mhór le córus dlithe agus rialachán do sholáthar chun smacht airm do chur i bhfeidhm ar na fórsaí armtha atá ag Saorstát Éireann fé láthair agus ar pé fórsaí armtha eile a tógfar fén Acht so:
Gearr-Theideal agus Buaine an Achta.
1.—Féadfar chun gach críche an tAcht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923, do ghairm den Acht so.
Leanfidh an tAcht so i bhfeidhm go dtí go ndéanfar le dlí forálacha eile chun Saorstát Éireann do chosaint agus ní leanfa sé i bhfeidhm ar aon chúinse tar éis tréimhse bliana bheith caithte ó dháta a rithte.
Míniú ar an bhfocal “ar seirbhís chogúil.”
2.—(1) San Acht so nuair ná fuil san bunoscionn leis an gcó-théacs, isé brí atá leis an bhfocal “ar seirbhís chogúil,” nuair adeirtar é i dtaobh duine fé dhlí airm, ná an duine sin do bheith ceangailte no ina chuid d'fhórsa a bheadh i mbun oibreacha in áit a bheadh, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, ar seilbh ag an namhaid.
(2) Má fhaisníonn an Ard-Chomhairle aon uair no uaireanna gur gá, mar gheall ar sheirbhís chogúil a bheith in achmaireacht no mar gheall ar í do bheith ann le déanaí, gur gá, chun na seirbhíse puiblí, na fórsaí armtha a tógfar fén Acht so do bheith fén Acht so go sealadach fé mar a bheidís ar seirbhís chogúil, ansan, ar fhoillsiú aon fhaisnéise den tsórt san san Iris Oifigiúil, tuigfar na fórsaí le n-a mbainfidh an fhaisnéis do bheith ar seirbhís chogúil go ceann na tréimhse a luadadh sa bhfaisnéis.
3.—San Acht so ciallóidh na focail seo a leanas, i ngach áit ina lomhálfidh an có-théacs é, na nithe adeir an tAlt so a chialluíd fé seach, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Cialluíonn an focal “an tAire” an tAire Cosanta.
(2) Cialluíonn an focal “Aire Feidhmiúcháin” Aire atá ina bhall den Ard-Chomhairle.
(3) Cialluíonn an focal “Na Fórsaí” na fórsaí armtha a tógfar fén Acht so agus foluíonn sé saighdiúirí den chúl-thaca nuair a glaodhtar amach ar buan-tseirbhís iad i dteanta na bhFórsaí mar a mínítear an focal san anso roimhe seo.
(4) Cialluíonn an focal “An Cúl-thaca” aon chúl-thaca i gcóir na bhFórsaí a bunófar fé Cuid III. den Acht so.
(5) Cialluíonn an focal “Oifigeach” oifigeach coimisiúnta no ar págh mar oifigeach de sna Fórsaí no den Chúlthaca no d'aon ghéig, brainse no cuid díobh san.
(6) Cialluíonn an focal “Oifigeach Generálta” oifigeach go bhfuil céim Gheneráil, Lefteanant-Gheneráil, no Mhaor-Gheneráil aige.
(7) Foluíonn an focal “Oifigeach Nea-Choimisiúnta” oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta gníomhathach.
(8) Ní fholuíonn an focal “Saighdiúir” oifigeach den tsórt a mínítear leis an Acht so, ach fé réir na n-atharuithe atá san Acht so i dtaobh oifigeacha neachoimisiúnta foluíonn sé oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta agus gach éinne eile fé dhlí airm faid a bheidh sé fén dlí sin.
(9) Foluíonn an focal “Oifigeach Uachtarach” nuair a húsáidtear é i dtaobh saighdiúra, oifigeach neachoimisiúnta den tsórt a mínítear thuas.
(10) Cialluíonn an focal “Cór”:—
(a) Aon bhuidhean airm, pe'ca reisimint dúithche a tugtar air no aon ainm eile, a faisneofar ó am go ham le Barántas fé láimh an Aire a bheith ina cór chun crícheanna an Achta so agus atá ina buidhin a chuir an tAire le chéile fé sna comhachta a bronntar leis an Acht so, agus atá co-dhéanta de chathanna co-cheangailte de sna Fórsaí no co-dhéanta ar fad de chath no de chathanna de sna Fórsaí.
(b) Aon chuid de sna Fórsaí, pé ainm atá ortha, a faisneofar le Barántas fé láimh an Aire a bheith ina cór chun crícheanna an Achta so; agus fós
(c) Aon chuid eile de sna Fórsaí atá ag obair ar aon tseirbhís agus ná fuil ceangailte le haon chór den tsórt a mínítear thuas.
(d) Agus aon tagairt a dintar i gCaibidil V. de Chuid II. den Acht so do chór de sna Fórsaí tuigfar í mar thagairt d'aon bhuidhin airm a mínítear anso roimhe seo a bheith ina cór.
(11) Nuair a bhainfidh an tAcht so le marcraidh, ordonás no innealtóirí isé brí a bainfar as an bhfocal “Cath” ná reisimint, briogáid, no aon bhuidhean eile in ar maith leis an Aire an mharcraidh, an t-ordonás no na hinnealtóirí sin do roinnt fé sna comhachta a bronntar air leis an Acht so.
(12) Cialluíonn an focal “Reisimintiúil” bheith ag baint le cór no le haon chath no fo-roinn eile de chór.
(13) Cialluíonn an focal “Ornáid” aon bhonn, claspa, comhartha dea-iompair, no órnáid.
(14) Cialluíonn an focal “Duais Airm” aon aisce no blianacht mar gheall ar sheirbhís fhada no ar dheaiompar; foluíonn sé, leis, aon phágh dea-iompair, pinsean agus aon chúiteamh eile airm in airgead.
(15) Cialluíonn an focal “Oifigeach Ceannais” aon oifigeach i gceannas catha, agus fós pé oifigeach eile a fhaisneoidh an tAire, le Rialacháin a dhéanfa sé fén Acht so, a bheith ina oifigeach ceannais.
(16) Foluíonn an focal “Namhaid” gach cúl-mhutaire armtha, rebeliúnach armtha, círéibeach armtha, agus píoráid.
(17) Cialluíonn an focal “Cúirt Uachtarach” an Ard-Chúirt Bhreithiúnais i mBaile Atha Cliath.
(18) Cialluíonn an focal “Cúirt Shíbhialta,” maidir le haon choir no cionta, Cúirt ghnáth-údaráis choiriúla agus foluíonn sé Cúirt Údaráis Achmair.
(19) Cialluíonn an focal “orduithe” orduithe leis an Acht so, no le haon Rialacha no Rialacháin a déanfar fé, no orduithe i bpáirt ag an Acht so agus i bpáirt ag Rialacha no Rialacháin a déanfar fé.
(20) Cialluíonn an focal “Achtanna Údaráis Achmair,” laistigh de cheanntar póilíneachta Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, na hachtanna le n-a regealáltar comhachta giúistísí síochána don cheanntar san no comhachta póilíní an cheanntair sin; agus i ngach áit eile i Saorstát Éireann cialluíonn sé Acht na nGearr-Shiosón (Éirinn), 1851, agus aon Acht no Achtanna a leasuíonn an céanna.
(21) Cialluíonn an focal “Cúirt Údaráis Achmair” aon Ghiúistís Dúithche, Máistreoir Póilíneachta, máistreoir ar tuarastal no aon mháistreoir no oifigeach eile, pé ainm a tugtar air, dá dtugtar údarás leis an Acht Údaráis Achmair, no le haon Achtanna dá dtagartar san Acht san, no le haon Achtanna le n-a ndintar an céanna do leasú no do chur in oiriúint.
(22) Foluíonn an focal “Cúirt Dlí” cúirt údaráis achmair.
(23) Foluíonn an focal “Breitheamh Cúirte Contae” Breacthóir.
(24) Foluíonn an focal “Giúistís Dúithche” Máistreoir Roinne de Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath.
(25) Cialluíonn an focal “Constábla” aon bhall de Phóilíneacht Chathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath, no den Ghárda Síochána.
(26) Cialluíonn an focal “Údarás Póilíneachta” Ceannphort no Cigire de Phóilíneacht Chathrach Bhaile Atha Cliath, no den Ghárda Síochána.
(27) Foluíonn an focal “Capall” miúil, agus bainfidh forálacha an Achta so le haon tsórt beithígh in aon chor a húsáidtear mar bheithíoch iompair no tarruic no chun daoine d'iompar fé mar a bheadh an focal “capall” ag folach an bheithígh sin.
(28) Foluíonn an focal “Mionn” aon fhaisnéis sholamanta a fhéadfidh éinne adeir ná fuil aon chreideamh aige a dhéanamh fén Acht so, no éinne adeir go bhfuil sé i gcoinnibh a choinsias mionn do thabhairt; agus foluíonn an focal “do chur fé mhionn” “faisnéis sholamanta do dhéanamh.”
(29) Cialluíonn an focal “Príosún Puiblí” aon phríosún in ar féidir go dleathach duine do chimeád a fuarthas ciontach agus a daoradh chun príosúntachta ag cúirt shíbhialta.
(30) Cialluíonn an focal “Príosún Pian-tSeirbhíse” aon phriosún no áit in ar féidir go dleathach duine do chimeád a fuarthas ciontach agus a daoradh chun pian-tseirbhíse ag cúirt shíbhialta.
(31) Ciallóidh an focal “an tArd-Chongantóir” Ard-Chongantóir na bhFórsaí.
Bunu Forsai Cosanta.
Tógáil agus uimhir na bhFórsaí Cosanta.
4.—Beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle fórsa armtha do thógáil agus do choinneáil suas, fórsa dá ngairmtear Ogláigh na hÉireann (dá ngairmtear na Fórsaí ina dhiaidh seo anso) agus a bheidh có-dhéanta de pé méid oifigeach, oifigeach neachoimisiúnta, agus fear a fhorálfidh an tOireachtas ó am go ham.
Stiúra na bhFórsaí
5.—Beidh árd-cheannas na bhFórsaí agus gach comhacht feidhmiúcháin agus comhacht rialacháin a bhaineas leo, maraon leis an gcomhacht chun údarás do leigint chun pé daoine measfar a bheith oiriúnach, beid dílsithe san Ard-Chomhairle agus feidhmeofar iad tríd an Aire agus in ainm an Aire ach ní ghlacfidh seisean chuige féin aon fheidhm-cheannas mileata ná ní fhéadfa sé bheith ina bhall ar lán-phágh de sna Fórsaí.
Co-ghleasa na bhForsai.
Lucht na bhFórsaí.
6.—(1) Beidh na Fórsaí có-dhéanta d'oifigigh a ceapadh mar oifigigh dóibh, agus d'oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta agus fir gur ceangladh ortha seirbhís leanúnach do thabhairt ar feadh téarma.
(2) Fónfidh baill na bhFórsaí ar pé coiníollacha agus ar feadh pé tréimhsí agus ar pé rátaí págh a hórdófar.
Có-ghléasa Generálta na bhFórsaí.
7.—Co-ghléasfar na Fórsaí ina n-aontáin de sna géaga troda agus de sna seirbhísí roinne fé mar a hórdófar.
Céimeanna coimisiúnta sna Fórsaí.
8.—Isiad so a leanas na grádanna de chéim choimisiúnta a bheidh sna Fórsaí:—
(1) Generál.
(2) Lefteanant-Ghenerál.
(3) Maor-Ghenerál.
(4) Cornal.
(5) Maor.
(6) Ceannphort.
(7) Captaen.
(8) Lefteanant.
(9) Dara Lefteanant.
Céimeanna neachoimisiúnta sna Fórsaí.
9.—Isiad so a leanas na grádanna de chéim nea-choimisiúnta a bheidh sna Fórsaí:—
(a) Oifigigh Nea-choimisiúnta—
(1) Maor-Sháirsint.
(2) Ceathrú-Sháirsint.
(3) Sáirsint.
(4) Corporal.
(b) Fir—
(5) Saighdiúir.
Coimisiúin do dheona.
10.—Tar éis don Aire é d'ainmniú féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle éinne do cheapa chun céime coimisiúnta no chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaí sna Fórsaí. Beidh na coimisiúin uile sa bhfuirm atá leagtha amach sa chéad sceideal a ghabhann leis seo agus isiad Uachtarán na hArd-Chomhairle agus an tAire a shighneoidh iad.
Comhacht chun aon bhall de sna Fórsaí do bhrise no chun scarúint le n-a sheirbhís.
11.—Féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle, ag gníomhú tríd an Aire, oifigeach do bhrise no scarúint le n-a sheirbhís no aon bhall eile de sna Fórsaí do scur.
Comhacht chun Ceanntair Airm do bhunú.
12.—Féadfidh an tAire ceanntair airm do cheapa agus do bhunú ar fuaid an Stáit agus ceanntar airm do roinnt ina dhá fho-cheanntar no níos mó.
Comhacht chun Fóirne Ceann-Cheathrún, etc., do bhunú.
13.—Féadfidh an tAire Fóirne Ceann-Cheathrún de sna Fórsaí agus Fóirne Teagaisc agus Riaracháin do cheanntair airm do bhunú fé mar a theastóid, agus oifigigh de sna Fórsaí do cheapa dhóibh fé mar is oiriúnach leis.
Beidh ag na baill de sna Fóirne a ceapfar amhlaidh pé céim agus teideal, agus co-líonfid pé dualgaisí agus feidhmeanna agus fónfid ar pé coiníollacha agus ar feadh pé tréimhsí a hordófar.
Oifigigh i bhfeidhmcheannas.
14.—Féadfar, fé réir an Achta so, feidhm-cheannas mileata agus cigireacht na bhFórsaí, no aon chuid de sna nithe sin, do dhílsiú i pé oifigeach no oifigigh de sna Fórsaí a cheapfidh an Ard-Chomhairle.
Sealbhóidh na hOifigigh a gcoimisiúin faid is toil leis an Ard-Chomhairle é.
15.—Sealbhóidh Oifigigh uile na bhFórsaí a gcoimisiúin faid is toil leis an Ard-Chomhairle é, ach ní cuirfar coimisiún Oifigigh ar ceal gan fógra do thabhairt i scríbhinn don té go bhfuil sé aige i dtaobh aon ghearáin no cúisimh a dineadh, no i dtaobh aon aicsin atá beartuithe ina choinnibh, ná gan glaoch air chun cúis do thaisbeáint i dtaobh a leithéide:
Ach ní gá aon fhógairt den tsórt san i gcás oifigigh a bheidh ar feadh tréimhse trí mhí no níos mó gan bheith ar diúité agus gan a chead san aige.
Ardú go dtí céimeanna coimisiúnta.
16.—Féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle, tar éis don Aire san do mhola, agus in ainneoin éinní ina choinnibh atá san Acht so no a hordófar le rialachán, luach saothair do thabhairt d'aon bhall de sna Fórsaí ar son árd-sheirbhíse tré n-a cheapa chun céime coimisiúnta no, más oifigeach é, tré chéim níos aoirde do thabhairt do.
Oifigigh ag tabhairt suas.
17.—Féadfidh Oifigeach de sna Fórsaí, le scríbhinn fé n-a láimh, tabhairt-suas a choimisiúin do thairisgint ach, mara n-orduídh an tAire a mhalairt, ní bainfar dualgaisí a oifige dhe go dtí go bhfógrófar san Iris Oifigiúil gur glacadh le n-a thabhairt-suas.
Ceaptha agus Coiniollacha Seirbhise sna Forsai.
Oifigigh do cheapa.
18.—I gceann cúig mblian tar éis coláiste mileata do bheith bunuithe fén Acht so, agus as san amach, tabharfar tosach do chéimnigh den choláiste sin, sa mhéid gur féidir é, nuair a beifear ag ceapa daoine chun céime coimisiúnta sna Fórsaí.
Oifigigh do cheapa sara mbeidh deire leis an tréimhse cúig mblian o am Coláiste Mileata do bhunú.
19.—Go dtí go mbeidh deire leis an tréimhse cúig mblian tar éis bunú Coláiste Mhileata, féadfar na daoine seo a leanas do cheapa chun céime coimisiúnta sna Fórsaí:—
(a) Saoránaigh de Shaorstát Éireann.
(b) Oifigigh agus fir ag fónamh sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta le linn am rithte an Achta so.
(c) Pé daoine eile le n-a mbeidh an tAire sásta:
Ach féadfidh an tAire i gcás ar bith a órdú do sna saoránaigh, na hoifigigh, na fir agus na daoine sin no d'éinne acu gabháil trí chúrsaí teagaisc agus tástála cáilíochta do rith fé mar a hórdófar.
An liost leathphágh agus an liost d'oifigigh nea-cheangailte.
20.—Féadfidh an tAire aon Oifigeach de sna Fórsaí do chur ar liost leath-phágh ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná bliain.
Aon oifigeach ná hath-fhostófar roimh dheire na tréimhse sin féadfar, ar a achuinge féin, é do chur ar an liost d'oifigigh nea-cheangailte agus féadfa sé fanúint go n-ath-fhostófar é. Oifigeach a cuirfar mar sin ar an liost d'oifigigh nea-cheangailte scuirfe sé de phágh agus liúntaisí a chéime d'fháil, ach má ath-fhostuítear ina dhiaidh sin é, féadfar a sheirbhís ar an liost d'oifigigh nea-cheangailte d'áireamh mar sheirbhís sna Fórsaí ar pé coiníollacha a hórdófar.
Liostáil agus seirbhís sna Fórsaí.
21.—(1) Gach duine a liostálfidh chun fónamh mar shaighdiúir sna Fórsaí, tabharfa sé mionn no déanfa sé faisnéis sholamanta i bhfianaise Oifigigh de sna Fórsaí no Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéara Síochána.
(2) Beidh an mionn no an fhaisnéis sa bhfuirm atá leagtha amach sa Dara Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so. Ceanglóidh an mionn no an fhaisnéis sin ar an té a thabharfidh no a dhéanfidh é seirbhís do thabhairt sna Fórsaí do réir brí a mhionna go dtí go ndéanfar go dleathach é do scur, do bhrise, no do chur chun siúil asta, no go nglacfar le n-a thabhairt suas.
(3) Aon bhall de sna Fórsaí nách oifigeach beidh teideal aige chun é do scur asta le ceannach fé mar a hórdófar, no ar bheith caithte don tréimhse seirbhíse gur liostáladh ina cóir é.
Bunu na bhForsai.
Dáta an bhunuithe.
22.—Bunófar na Fórsaí o dháta a socrófar le Furógra ón Ard-Chomhaírle san Iris Oifigiúil.
Oideachas Mileata.
Coláiste Mileata.
23.—(1) As an airgead a chuirfidh an tOireachtas d'aon ghnó chun na críche sin, féadfidh an tAire Fúndúireacht do bhunú agus do choinneáil suas chun tréineáil agus teagasc do thabhairt:—
(a) D'iarrthóirí a bheidh á iarraidh go gceapfí chun céime coimisiúnta sna Fórsaí iad;
(b) D'oifigigh de sna Fórsaí; agus
(c) Do pé Saoránaigh eile adéarfar sna Rialacháin a bheith ionghlactha sa bhFúndúireacht san.
I dteanta na tréineála agus an teagaisc mhileata a tabharfar sa bhFúndúireacht san, féadfar pé tréineáil agus teagasc eile oideachais a thabhairt fé mar a hórdófar.
(2) An Coláiste Mileata an ainm a bheidh ar an bhFúndúireacht.
(3) Déanfar Cór Mileata de sna mic léighinn a bheidh sa Choláiste Mileata, pé méid díobh nách oifigigh choimisiúnta, agus áireofar a seirbhís sa Chór san mar sheirbhís sna Fórsaí fé mar a hórdófar.
(4) Gach mac léighinn a bheidh á theagasc sa Choláiste Mileata beidh sé fén smacht gcéanna fé n-a mbeidh saighdiúirí de sna Fórsaí fén Acht so.
(5) Fé réir forálacha an Achta so, beidh ceapa Fuirinn an Choláiste, faid agus cineál na gcúrsaí teagaisc agus tréineála ann, na coiníollacha a bhainfidh leis an seirbhís a héileofar ar chéimnigh an Choláiste san aimsir le teacht agus gach ní a bhainfidh le bainistí, le stiúra agus le dea-rialú an Choláiste, beid fé mar a hórdófar.
Ranganna Teagaisc.
24.—Chun ard-thréineáil agus árd-éifeachtúlacht mhileata do thabhairt do sna Fórsaí, agus chun baill de sna Fórsaí do dhéanamh oiriúnach dá ndualgaisí sna Fórsaí, féadfidh an tAire pé socruithe oideachais a dhéanamh a tuigfar a bheith riachtanach, agus féadfa sé go sonnrách ranganna speisialta agus cúrsaí speisialta teagaisc do bhunú do bhaill de sna Fórsaí a roghnófar chun freastal ar na ranganna agus na cúrsaí sin.
Múinfar d'oifigigh agus d'oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta conus orduithe thabhairt i ngach ceann de theangthacha oifigiúla an Stáit.
25.—Tabharfar teagasc do gach oifigeach agus do lucht gach céime nea-choimisiúnta sna Fórsaí i dtabhairt agus i nglaca focla féidhmiúchánacha orduithe i ngach ceann de theangthacha oifigiúla an Stáit.
Seirbhis in Aimsir Cogaidh.
Féadfar baill de sna Fórsaí do chur ar seirbhís chogúil.
26.—Féadfar uair ar bith iomlán na bhFórsaí no aon chuid díobh do chur ar seirbhís chogúil i gcoinnibh namhad in aon áit i Saorstát Éireann no chun achrann inmheánach do chosc no do chur fé chois laistigh den Stát.
Ceannas Mileata in aimsir cogaidh.
27.—In aimsir cogaidh no in aimsir achrainn inmheánaigh féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle aon oifigeach de sna Fórsaí Cosanta do chur i gceannas na bhFórsaí sin go léir no i gceannas cuid acu ar an Machaire.
Scur le linn bheith ar seirbhís.
28.—In ainneoin éinní ina choinnibh san Acht so, faid a bheidh aon bhall de sna Fórsaí glaoite amach no curtha ar seirbhís chogúil i gcoinnibh namhad no chun achrann inmheánach do chosc no do chur fé chois beidh sé gan teideal aige chun a scurtha as na Fórsaí agus an tseirbhís sin ag leanúint.
Comhachta Speisialta i dtaobh Cosanta.
Comhachta Generálta an Aire le cead na hArd-Chomhairle.
29.—Féadfidh an tAire le cead na hArd-Chomhairle:—
(a) Beairicí, dunta, agus oibreacha cosanta do dhéanamh agus do choinneáil suas;
(b) Monarchanna arm agus amuinisin do bhunú agus do choinneáil suas maraon le monarchanna chun éadach agus gléasa mileata agus stóir chogaidh eile do dhéanamh ionta, no connra do dhéanamh chun go ndéanfar a leithéidí do bhunú no do choinneáil suas;
(c) Aerodrómanna do dhéanamh agus do choinneáil suas maraon le nithe eile bhaineas leo san;
(d) Raonta ordonáis agus muscaeid d'fháil, do dhéanamh, agus do choinneáil suas, maraon le nithe eile a bhaineas leo san,
agus féadfa sé gach ní do dhéanamh is gá a dhéanamh chun an Stát no aon chuid de do chosaint agus do chaomhnú go héifeachtúil.
Aicillíocht agus tréineáil.
30.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire ó am go ham liomatáistí do cheapa ina bhféadfar aon chuid de sna Fórsaí do thréineáil agus cleachta a thabhairt dóibh ar aicillíocht agus féadfa sé, le rialachán, na coiníollacha do cheapa ar a bhféadfidh únaerí no sealbhóirí tailimh sna líomatáistí sin cúiteamh d'éileamh mar gheall ar dhamáiste no cailliúint dóibh de dheascaibh na Fórsaí d'úsáid a gcuid tailimh ar an gcuma roimhráite agus ar a bhféadfar an cúiteamh san d'íoc leo: Ach ní cuirfar suas aon champa laistigh de dhá chéad slat ar a luíod ó thigh comhnuithe príobháideach ach amháin le cead únaer an tighe.
(2) I líomatáistí a ceapfar amhlaidh no i gcomhursanacht áiteanna bheidh in úsáid mar raonta ordonáis no muscaeid do sna Fórsaí, féadfidh an t-oifigeach i gceannas na coda de sna Fórsaí a bheidh ag déanamh cleachta ordonáis no muscaeid no ag déanamh aicillíochta féadfa sé stop do chur go sealadach le gach trácht ar talamh no ar uisce i gcomhursanacht na háite sin no sa líomatáiste sin sa mhéid is dó leis is gá é chun sábháltacht anama agus chun an cleachta no an aicillíocht do stiúra sa cheart.
Comhacht chun Rialachain do dheanamh.
31.—Féadfidh an tAire rialacháin ná beidh buniscionn leis an gCuid seo den Acht so do dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní no éinní dhíobh so a leanas, eadhon:—
(a) Na géaga troda agus na seirbhísí roinne uile sna Fórsaí.
(b) An méid cór agus an méid aontán eile a bheidh sna Fórsaí, agus cadiad na ranna, na brainsí, na grádanna, na céimeanna agus na ceapacháin a bheidh ionta san.
(c) Tréineáil agus cigireacht na bhFórsaí, bunú campaí tréineála, agus aicillíocht do chur ar siúl do sna Fórsaí.
(d) Baill de sna Fórsaí a roghnófar ina chóir do freastal ar ranganna speisialta agus ar chúrsaí speisialta teagaisc, agus scrúdú ar bhaill de sna Fórsaí i dtaobh a n-oilteachta in abhair a bhaineann leis an ngairm mhileata agus i dtaobh a gcáilíocht i gcúrsaí oideachais ghenerálta; teistisí ar oilteacht in abhair a bhaineann leis an ngairm mhileata do dheona.
(e) Sinsireacht oifigeach sna Fórsaí, daoine do cheapa chun céime coimisiúnta agus chun céime neachoimisiúnta sna Fórsaí, árdú sa chéanna agus sealbhaíocht an chéanna.
(f) Sealbhaíocht aon oifige, ceapacháin no feadhmanais sna Fórsaí agus an aois-teora fágála do bhaill de sna Fórsaí i seilbh oifige no ag fónamh in aon fheadhmanas no ceapachán.
(g) Cead do bhaill de sna Fórsaí bheith as láthair.
(h) Airm, treallúna, soláthairtí amuinisin, ainmhithe agus cóir iompair, éadach agus gléasa do sna Fórsaí do thabhairt amach agus aire do thabhairt dóibh.
(i) Bunú agus stiúra fúndúireachtaí campa, beairice, catha no ceanntair chun caitheamh aimsire agus úrúchán do thabhairt do bhaill de sna Fórsaí.
(j) Cuntaisí, leabhair, fuirmeacha, agus co-fhreagarthas a bhaineann leis na Fórsaí.
(k) Gach ní go ndintar leis an gCuid seo den Acht so é d'éileamh no a cheadú go n-ordófar é no is gá no is oiriúnach a ordú chun dea-rialú na bhFórsaí do chur in áirithe, no chun forálacha na Coda só den Acht so do cho-líona agus do chur in éifeacht, sé sin, gach ní amach ó nithe go ndintar leis an gCuid seo den Acht so a éileamh ar an Ard-Chomhairle no a cheadú dhóibh é d'órdú.
Ciontaí go mbeidh baint aca leis an namhaid agus go ngeobhaidh breith bháis leo.
32.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Aon gharastún, gárda, áit, post no ionad go raibh sé de dhualgas air é do chosaint, é do thabhairt suas no do thréigean gan chúis dhiongmhálta chuige; no
(2) Iarracht do thabhairt ar aon tslí chun éinne fé dhlí airm do tharrac, do mhealla no d'éigniú chun an cionta a luaidhtear sa chlás san roimhe seo do dhéanamh; no
(3) Conbharsáid no có-fhreagarthas do bheith aige leis an namhaid no eolas do thabhairt do, go fealltach no gan údarás cuibhe; no
(4) Mí-iompar os cóir an namhad ar shlí a thaisbéanfadh meatacht, no daoine eile do mhealla chun an chionta san; no
(5) Má dintar príosúnach cogaidh de, fónamh go toilteannach no cuidiú go toilteannach leis an namhaid; no
(6) Cabhair i bhfuirm arm, amuinisin, no soláthairtí do thabhairt don namhaid; no
(7) Cabhrú go fealltach leis an namhaid ar aon tslí ná fuil aon luadh fé leith uirthe anso roimhe seo san Alt so; no
(8) Le linn bheith ar seirbhís chogúil do, aon ghníomh do dhéanamh a meastar a chuirfadh aon chuid de sna Fórsaí i gcúntúirt no buniscionn le bua do bhreith agus a fhios aige gur gníomh den tsórt san é; no
(9) Tabhairt fé aon chionta dá luaidhtear i bhfo-altanna (3), (6) agus (7) den Alt so do dhéanamh;
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar é do chur chun báis no pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so do chur air.
Ciontaí go mbeidh baint aca leis an namhaid agus ná beidh breith bháis ag gabháil leo.
33.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, agus é ar seirbhís chogúil, sé sin le rá:—
(1) A thógaint ina príosúnach tré nea-cho-líona orduithe, tré fhaillí thoiliúil i ndualgas, no tré easba roimh-aire cuibhe; no
(2) Ar bheith tógtha ina phríosúnach do, gan ath-cheangal leis na Fórsaí nuair a bheidh ar a chumas ath-cheangal leis an gcéanna; no
(3) Ráflaí do leatha ar aon tslí no focail do rá a meastar a chuirfadh eagla no éadóchas ar na Fórsaí no ar an bpuiblíocht; no
(4) Na ranganna d'fhágaint gan orduithe óna oifigeach uachtarach chun príosúnaigh do thógaint, no ar scáth fir chréachnuithe do bhreith siar;
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar é do dhaora chun piantseirbhíse no chun pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Ciontaí gur déine na pionóisí a ghabhann leo le linn seirbhíse cogúla ná aon uair eile.
34.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Creacha no argain, brise isteach in aon tigh no áit ag lorg créiche no argana, no a oifigeach uachtarach d'fhágaint chun dul ag lorg créiche no argana; no
(2) A ghárda, a phicéad, a phatról no a phost d'fhágaint gan ordú óna oifigeach uachtarach; no
(3) Aon tsaighdiúir atá ag gníomhú mar fhairtheoir d'fhórsáil no do bhuala, no toirmeasc do dhéanamh air go toiliúil; no
(4) Fórsáil do dhéanamh ar aon tsaighdiúir no scata saighdiúirí do cuireadh ag cosaint aon duine no maoine; no
(5) Ar bheith ina shaighdiúir dho agus ag gníomhú mar fhairtheoir dho (a) bheith ina chodla no ar meisce agus é ar a phost, no (b) a phost d'fhágaint sara scaoiltear ar chuma rialta é;
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar é do dhaora chun báis, no chun pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so, má bhí sé ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh aon chionta den tsórt san agus féadfar é do dhaora chun pian-tseirbhíse, no chun pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so, más rud é ná raibh sé ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh aon chionta den tsórt san.
Eolas do nochta
35.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Einní i dtaobh na bhFórsaí do chur in úil no do nochta d'éinne ná fuil teideal aige chun an eolais sin, ar uair agus ar chuma go dtiocfadh as, dar leis an gCúirt, nithe a bheadh díobhálach do sna Fórsaí,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar é do dhaora chun piantseirbhíse no chun pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Cúlmhutaireacht agus ceannaire.
36.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(a) A chur fé ndeár no cogar chun a chur fé ndeár, no iarracht ar a chur fé ndeár aon chúlmhutaireacht no ceannairc do chur ar siúl in aon cheann de sna Fórsaí, no bheith páirteach ina leithéid; no
(b) Ar bheith i láthair do, gan a chrua-dhícheall do dhéanamh chun aon chúlmhutaireacht no ceannaire áirithe in aon cheann de sna Fórsaí do chose; no
(c) Einne fé dhlí airm do tharrac, do mhealla, no d'éigniú nó tabhairt fé n-a leithéid do tharrac, do mhealla, no d'éigniú chun gabháil le haon chúlmhutaireacht no ceannairc in aon cheann de sna Fórsaí; no
(d) Má thagann eolas chuige no má bhionn cúis réasúnta aige le hamhrus go bhfuil aon chúlmhutaireacht no ceannairc ar bun sna Fórsaí no beartuithe, faillí do dhéanamh ar an gcéanna do chur in úil d'oifigeach uachtarach gan mhoill; no
(e) Einne fé dhlí airm do mhealla no tabhairt fé n-a mhealla ó ghéillsine do thabhairt don Stát;
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar é do dhaora chun báis no chun pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Oifigeach uachtarach do bhuala no é do bhagairt.
37.—(1) Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Aon oifigeach do bhuala no éigean d'imirt no tabhairt fé éigean d'imirt air agus é ag có-líona a oifige;
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt, féadfar é do dhaora chun báis, no chun pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so, má bhí sé ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh aon chionta den tsórt san, agus féadfar é do dhaora chun pian-tseirbhíse no chun pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so, más rud é ná raibh sé ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh aon chionta den tsórt san.
(2) Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Oifigeach uachtarach do bhuala no éigean d'imirt no thabhairt fé éigean d'imirt air no caint bhagarthach no nea-ghéilliúnach do labhairt leis;
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar é do dhaora chun pian-tseirbhíse no chun pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Nea-ghéilliúint d'oifigeach uachtarach.
38.—(1) Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Gan géille d'ordú dleathach a thug oifigeach uachtarach i bpearsain, pe'ca le labhairt a tugadh é no ar aon tslí eile,
agus gur chun teasbáint ná raibh aon bheann ar údarás a dineadh an nea-ghéilliúint,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
más oifigeach é agus má bhí sé ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh an chionta féadfar príosúntacht, no pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so, do chur air, no más oifigeach é agus ná raibh sé ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh an chionta, féadfar é do chur as an arm fé aithis no pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so do chur air; no
más saighdiúir é agus má bhí sé ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh an chionta, féadfar príosúntacht no pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so, do chur air, no más saighdiúir é agus ná raibh sé ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh an chionta, féadfar é do chur fé choinneáil no fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
(2) Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Gan ordú dleathach, a thug oifigeach uachtarach do, do chó-líona,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt, féadfar—
(i.) Más oifigeach é, é do bhrise no é do chur fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(ii.) Más saighdiúir é, é do chur fé choinneáil nó fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
39.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Ar bheith in aon achrann, troid no mí-ordú, buille do bhuala, éigean d'imirt no tabhairt fé éigean d'imirt, no diúltú do rud do dhéanamh, ar (a) aon oifigeach a ordóidh go dleathach é do ghabháil no (b) aon duine go mbeidh sé i gcimeád aige go dleathach; no
(2) cur i gcoinnibh patróil tionnlacain no gárda póilíneachta dar dualgas é do ghabháil, no é do bheith i gcimeád acu,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt, féadfar—
(a) Más oifigeach é, é do bhrise no é do chur fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(b) Más saighdiúir é, é do chur fé choinneáil no fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Brise amach as ceathrúna.
40.—Gach saighdiúir fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Brise amach as ceathrúna, beairic, no campa, ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt, féadfar é do chur fé choinneáil no fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Faillí i ngéille d'orduithe.
41.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Faillí do thabhairt i ngéille d'aon orduithe garastúin no d'aon orduithe generálta no d'aon orduithe eile,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
(a) Más oifigeach é, é do bhrise no é do chur fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(b) Más saighdiúir é, é do chur fé choinneáil no fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Ní fholóidh an focal “orduithe generálta” san alt so Rialacháin ná Orduithe a dhin an tAire ná aon ordú den tsórt san i bhfuirm rialacháin a foillsíodh chun treorach agus eolais ghenerálta do sna Fórsaí.
42.—(1) Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(a) Aon cheann de sna Fórsaí do thréigean no tabhairt fé; no
(b) Einne fé dhlí airm do tharrac, tabhairt fé n-a tharrac, d'fháil no tabhairt fé n-a fháil chun aon cheann de sna Fórsaí do thréigean; no
(c) Cabhrú ar aon tslí le héinne fé dhlí airm chun aon cheann de sna Fórsaí do thréigean,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt, féadfar—
(i.) E do dhaora chun báis no chun pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so má bhí sé ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh an chionta, no
(ii.) E do dhaora chun pian-tseirbhíse no chun pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so más rud é ná raibh sé ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh an chionta.
(2) I gcás ciontathóir do dhéanamh liostála calaoise aon uair amháin no níos minicí, féadfar a áireamh, chun críche a thrialta i dtréigean na bhFórsaí no i dtabhairt fé, go mbaineann sé le ceann no níos mó de sna Córanna chun ar ceapadh no chun ar aistríodh é chó maith leis an gCór le n-a mbaineann sé le ceart.
Tréigean do leigint thart gan innsint.
43.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Ar theacht in eolas ar dhuine fé dhlí airm do dhéanamh tréigine no do bheith chun a dhéanta, faillí do dhéanamh ar fholáramh do thabhairt dá oifigeach ceannais no ar éinní ar a chumas do dhéanamh chun gabháil do chur ar an tréigtheóir no ar an abhar tréigtheóra,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt, féadfar—
(a) Más oifigeach é, é do bhrise no é do chur fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(b) Más saighdiúir é, é do chur fé choinneáil no fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Liostáil chalaoiseach.
44.—(1) Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Le linn bheith sna Fórsaí dho, é féin do liostáil sna Fórsaí agus é gan bheith scurtha asta go regleálta no na coiníollacha a chuirfadh ar a chumas liostáil do bheith, ar aon tslí eile, gan có-líona aige,
tuigfar é do bheith ciontach i liostáil chalaoiseach agus ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht mar a luaidhtear san Acht so do chur air.
(2) I gcás ciontathóir do dhéanamh liostála calaoise ar roinnt ocáidí, féadfar a áireamh chun críche an Ailt seo, go mbaineann sé le ceann no níos mó de sna Córanna chun ar ceapadh no chun ar aistríodh é chó maith leis an gCór le n-a mbaineann sé le ceart.
Nea-láithreacht gan cead.
45.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Bheith as láthair gan cead; no
(2) Faillí i dteacht go dtí an láthair paráide no slóga, no go dtí an post no an t-ionad a cheap a oifigeach uachtarach, no imeacht as an láthair paráide no slóga san no as an bpost no as an ionad san sara ndintar sealaíocht air, no gan cead, no ar aon tslí éagcórtha eile; no
(3) Na ranganna d'fhágaint gan cead no ar aon tslí éagcórtha eile,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
(a) Más oifigeach é, é do bhrise no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(b) Más saighdiúir é, é do chur fé choinneáil no fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Oifigeach á iompar féin ar chuma scannalach
46.—Gach oifigeach fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
E féin d'iompar ar chuma scannalach nách cuibhe d'oifigeach,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar é do bhrise fé aithis.
Calaois ó dhaoine i bhfeighil airgid no earraí.
47.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Más rud é, de bhua a oifige no ar aon tslí eile, go bhfuil air go hoifigiúil aire do thabhairt d'aon airgead no earraí, puiblí no mileata, no bheith ina gcúram no bheith i seilbh orra, no iad do roinnt, no go bhfuil baint aige leis na gnóthaí sin, an t-airgead no na hearraí sin do ghuid no do chur chun mí-chríche no mí-úsáide go calaoiseach no an ghuid no an cur san do leigint thairis gan innsint, no baint a bheith aige leis, no damáiste do dhéanamh dóibh go toiliúil,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar é do chur fé phiantseirbhís no fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Breoiteacht bhréige no dochar do dhéanamh do dhuine féin, Obair aithiseach.
48.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Breoiteacht bhréige no leigint air go bhfuil galar no easláinte air no ag cur an céanna air féin; no
(2) Díobháil do dhéanamh do féin no d'aon duine eile fé dhlí airm, le hintinn é féin no an duine sin do dhéanamh neamh-infheadhma; no
(3) Einne do chur ag déanamh díobhála dho le hintinn é do dhéanamh neamh-infheadhma; no
(4) Bheith ciontach in aon mhí-iompar no in aon neaghéilliúint d'orduithe, pe'ca in ospideul no ar aon tslí eile, mí-iompar no nea-ghéilliúint tré n-a ndéanfa sé galar no easláinte do chrothnú no do chur in olcas no moill do chur ar leigheas an chéanna; no
(5) Cabhrú chun aon chionta a háirítear in aon chlás díobh san roimhe seo do dhéanamh no é do leigint thairis gan innsint; no
(6) Bheith ciontach in aon obair aithiseach, sé sin, obair dhanartha, mhí-náireach no mhí-nádúrtha de shaghas nár luadhadh fós go speisialta san Acht so,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
49.—(1) Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Bheith ar meisce le linn bheith ar diúité,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
(a) Más oifigeach é agus gur le linn bheith ar seirbhís chogúil a dhin sé an cionta, é do bhrise fé aithis no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(b) Más oifigeach é agus nách le linn bheith ar seirbhís chogúil a dhin sé an cionta, é do bhrise no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(c) Más saighdiúir é agus gur le linn bheith ar seirbhís chogúil a dhin sé an cionta, príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(d) Más saighdiúir é agus nách le linn bheith ar seirbhís chogúil a dhin sé an cionta, é do chur fé choinneáil no fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
(2) Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Bheith ar meisce le linn gan bheith ar diúité,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
(a) Más oifigeach é, é do bhrise no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(b) Más saighdiúir é, é do chur fé choinneáil ar feadh sé mhí no fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Leigint do phríosúnaigh éaló.
50.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Einne 'na bhfuil sé de dhualgas air é do chimeád no do ghárdáil, no éinne a cuireadh fé n-a chúram, do scaoile saor gan údarás ceart no cabhrú chun leigint do éaló no leigint do éaló d'aon ghnó no tré fhaillí,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
(a) Más le linn bheith ar seirbhís chogúil a dhin sé an cionta, é do chur chun báis no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so: no
(b) Más rud é nách le linn bheith ar seirbhís chogúil a dhin sé an cionta, é do chur fé phian-tseirbhís no fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Gabháil no braighdeanas nea-rialta. Ealó
51.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) (a) Einne do choinneáil gan gá fé ghabháil no i mbraighdeannas gan é do thabhairt chun trialach; no
(b) faillí do dhéanamh ar chás éinne den tsórt san do thabhairt fé bhráid an údaráis chóir chun féachaint isteach ann; no
(2) Tar éis duine do thabhairt i gcimeád d'oifigeach no d'oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta, faillí do dhéanamh gan chúis réasúnta chuige, ar chuntas i scríbhinn, fé n-a láimh féin, ar an gcionta atá i gcoinnibh an duine a thug sé i gcimeád mar sin, do thabhairt don oifigeach no don oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta san láithreach, no chó luath agus is féidir é, nó, pé scéal é, ar uair nách déanaí ná cheithre huaire fichead tar éis an duine do thabhairt i gcimeád; no
(3) Ar bheith ina cheann ar ghárda dho, agus ar thógaint no ar ghlaca duine i gcimeád do, faillí do dhéanamh ar ainm an duine sin, agus chó fada le n-a eolas, cionta an duine sin do thabhairt i scríbhinn, don oifigeach go n-órdófar do tuairisciú dho, sé sin nuair a déanfar sealaíocht air sa ghárda no sa diúité no, pé scéal é, laistigh de cheithre huaire fichead tar éis am an duine sin do thógaint no do ghlaca i gcimeád, agus, ina theanta san, ainm agus céim an oifigigh no an duine eile a chúisigh an duine sin, agus má fuair sé é, an cuntas i scríbhinn a luaidhtear sa chlás san roimhe seo; no
(4) Ar bheith gabhtha no i mbraighdeanas do, no i gcimeád dleathach ar aon tslí eile, éaló no tabhairt fé éaló,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
(a) Más oifigeach é, é do bhrise fé aithis no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(b) Más saighdiúir é, príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Ciontaí a bhaineann le maoin.
52.—Gach éinne fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Aon táille no buntáiste do ghlaca i gcúrsaí díol no ceannach aon lóin, stóraisí, arm, gléasa no earraí eile chun úsáid aon cheann de sna Fórsaí no tairbhe a bheith aige ar aon tslí nea-dhleathach as díol no ceannach na rudaí sin; no
(2) Aon airm, amuinisean, gléasa, instruimidí, éadach no maoin mhileata eile do chailliúint tré fhaillí, díobháil do dhéanamh dóibh d'aon ghnó no iad do chur as an slí no baint a bheith aige le hiad do chur as an slí (pe'ca tré iad do bhronna, do chur i ngeall, do dhíol no do mhille no tré aon rud eile in aon chor a dhéanamh leo); no
(3) Droch-úsáid do thabhairt d'aon ainmhí a húsáidtear sa tseirbhís phuiblí,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Eitheach do chur i scríbhinní oifigiúla, agus faisnéisí bréagacha.
53.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Aon mhí-aithris no ráiteas bréagach no calaoiseach do dhéanamh go feasach no bheith páirteach go feasach ina leithéid a dhéanamh in aon scríbhinn a dhéanfidh, a shighneoidh no a dheimhneoidh sé, no 'na bhfuil sé de dhualgas air a fháil amach ce'ca cruinn no neachruinn na nithe atá inti; no
(2) Aon ráiteas bréagach no calaoiseach do dhéanamh go feasach no bheith páirteach go feasach ina leithéid a dhéanamh; no
(3) Ceilt no atharú, mille no cur-as-an-slí do dhéanamh go feasach ar aon scríbhinn go bhfuil sé de dhualgas air í do chimeád no do thabhairt i láthair; no
(4) Einní d'fhágaint ar lár go feasach no bheith páirteach go feasach in éinní d'fhágaint ar lár in aon scríbhinn a dhéanfidh, a shighneoidh no a dheimhneoidh sé no 'na bhfuil sé de dhualgas air a fháil amach ce'ca cruinn no nea-chruinn na nithe atá inti, no an céanna do dhéanamh le haon tuairisc no ráiteas a dhéanfa sé no a chuirfe sé chun siúil agus 'na bhfuil sé de dhualgas air é do dhéanamh no do chur chun siúil, agus san le hintinn calaois do dhéanamh no dul amú do chur ar éinne; no
(5) Diúlta do thuairisc no cuntas do dhéanamh no do chur chun siúil agus é de dhualgas air an céanna do dhéanamh no do chur chun siúil no, tré n-a fhaillí chiontach féin, an dualgas san d'fhágaint gan có-líona; no
(6) Aon fhaisnéis bhréagach do dhéanamh in aon ráiteas, tuairisc no cuntas 'na bhfuil sé de dhualgas air é do dhéanamh no do chur chun siúil, agus a fhios aige gur faisnéis bhréagach í,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Gearán bréagach.
54.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Aon ghearán bréagach do dhéanamh ar éinne eile fé dhlí airm agus a fhios aige gur bréag é,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Gearán bréagach no ráiteas bréagach.
55.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Aon ráiteas do dhéanamh a meastar a dhéanfadh dochar mór no díobháil mhór do chlú éinne eile atá fé dhlí airm, toisc é do bheith bréagach no toisc dátáin táchtacha bheith leigthe ar lár ann, agus a fhios aige gur ráiteas den tsórt san é; no
(2) Ar bheith ina shaighdiúir do, aon bhréag thoiliúil d'innsint d'oifigeach airm no do Ghiúistís Dúithche no do Choimisinéir Síochána i gcúrsaí cead nealáithreachta; no
(3) Ar bheith ina shaighdiúir do, a rá go bréagach le n'oifigeach ceannais gur dhin sé an t-arm do thréigean no liostáil chalaoiseach,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Ciontaí i gcúrsaí Arm-Chúirteanna.
56.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Gan teacht i láthair tar éis gairm no ordú a bheith tabhartha dho go cuibhe chun teacht mar fhínné go hArm-Chúirt; no
(2) Diúltú do mhionn do thabhairt no d'fhaisnéis sholamanta do dhéanamh má orduíonn Arm-Chúirt go dleathach an céanna do thabhairt no do dhéanamh; no
(3) Diúltú d'aon scríbhinn ina chomhacht, ar seilbh aige no ar fáil aige do thabhairt i láthair má orduíonn Arm-Chúirt do go dleathach í do thabhairt i láthair; no
(4) Ar bheith ina fhínné dho diúltú do fhreagra do thabhairt ar aon cheist a fhéadfadh Arm-Chúirt go dleathach a iarraidh air a fhreagairt; no
(5) Droch-mheas do chaitheamh ar Arm-Chúirt tré chaint bhagarthach no mhaslathach d'úsáid no tré n-a chur fé ndeár aon chur isteach no buaireamh do dhéanamh ar na himeachta,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
(a) más oifigeach é, príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(b) más saighdiúir é, é do chur fé choinneáil no fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so:
Ach i gcás duine fé dhlí airm do bheith ciontach in aon chionta dá luaidhtear san Alt so, féadfidh an Chúirt sin, más oiriúnach leo é, in ionad Arm-Chúirt eile do thriail an chiontathóra, féadfid le hOrdú fé láimh an Uachtaráin, a ordú go ndéanfar an ciontathóir, más oifigeach é, do chur i bpríosún gan daor-obair ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná mí; no, más saighdiúir é, do chur fé choinneáil ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná 21 lá; agus ní bheidh sé riachtanach aon daingniú den tsórt a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo san Acht so do dhéanamh ar an Ordú san.
Fianaise bhréagach.
57.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Fianaise bhréagach do thabhairt go toiliúil agus é á scrúdú fé bhrí mionna no faisnéise solamanta i láthair Arm-Chúirte no aon Chúirte no aon oifigigh dar údaruíodh go cuibhe daoine do chur fé mhionn,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar é do chur fé phiantseirbhís no fé pé pionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Ciontaí a bhaineann le billéadacht.
58.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas (dá ngairmtear san Acht so ciontaí a bhaineann le billéadacht), sé sin le rá:—
(1) Droch-úsáid do thabhairt (le fóiréigean, ró-éileamh no buaireamh i mbilléadaí) do shealbhóir tighe ina bhfuil aon duine no capall ar billéad; no
(2) Ar bheith ina oifigeach do, agus tar éis gearán agus crothúnas d'fháil i dtaobh aon oifigeach no saighdiúir fé n-a cheannas do thabhairt droch-úsáide mar sin, diúltú don chéanna do chur á chúiteamh no faillí do thabhairt sa ní sin; no
(3) Gan forálacha an Achta so do chó-líona maidir le híoc éilithe cearta an duine na raibh sé féin no aon oifigeach no saighdiúir fé n-a cheannas, no capaill leis féin no leo-san, ar billéad air, no maidir le cuntas ar an airgead a bhí ag dul don duine sin do dhéanamh suas agus do chur isteach: no
(4) Billéadaí d'iarraidh go toiliúil agus gan iad ag teastáil i gcóir duine no capaill i dteideal billéid; no
(5) Aon airgead no luach saothair do ghlaca o éinne, no a leithéid do lomháil go toiliúil, mar gheall ar éinne do shaora no d'fhuascailt óna oblagáid no ó aon chuid den oblagáid a bhí air i dtaobh oifigigh, saighdiúirí no capaill do ghlaca ar billéad no ar ceathrú; no
(6) Aon bhagairt no fórsáil do dhéanamh ar aon chonstábla no oifigeach síbhialta eile chun a chur fhiachaint air billéadaí do thabhairt contrárdha don Acht so no aon bhagairt no fórsáil do raghadh chun é do chosc no mí-mhisneach do chur air maidir le có-líona aon choda den dualgas atá air fé sna forálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le billéadacht no a raghadh chun é do mhealla chun éinní do dhéanamh a bheadh contrárdha don dualgas san; no
(7) Aon bhagairt no fórsáil do dhéanamh ar aon duine a raghadh chun a chur fhiachaint ar an duine sin aon duine no capall do ghlaca dá ainneoin agus gur duine no capall é nár cuireadh ar billéad air go cuibhe do réir na bhforálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le billéadacht no a raghadh chun a chur fhiachaint air aon chóir do thabhairt ná fuil air a thabhairt do réir na bhforálacha san;
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Ciontaí a bhaineann le carráistí agus a lucht freastail do thógaint go héigeanta.
59.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas (dá ngairmtear san Acht so ciontaí a bhaineann le carráistí do thógaint go héigeanta), sé sin le rá:—
(1) Aon mhótar, carráiste, ainmhí, feithicil, árthach no eiteallán, ná teastuíonn chun na gcrícheanna a húdaruítear leis an Acht so, d'éileamh go toiliúil; no
(2) Faillí do thabhairt i gcó-líona na bhforálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le carráistí do thógaint go héigeanta maidir le híoc suimeanna atá le n'íoc as carráistí no maidir leis an ualach do mheádh; no
(3) A chur fhiachaint ar mhótar, carráiste, ainmhí, feithicil no árthach, a soláthruíodh do réir na bhforálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le carráistí do thógaint go héigeanta, taisteal do dhéanamh thar an bhfaid cheart d'ainneoin an duine atá ina chúram, no aon mheáchaint d'iompar d'ainneoin an duine sin os cionn na meáchainte is ghá dho a iompar do réir na bhforálacha san; no
(4) Gan scaoile do dhéanamh chó luath agus is féidir é ar aon mhótar, carráiste, ainmhí, árthach no eiteallán áirithe, a soláthruíodh do réir na bhforálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le carráistí do thógaint go héigeanta; no
(5) A chur fhiachaint ar éinne i bhfeighil an mhótair, an charráiste, an ainmhí, an árthaigh no an eitealláin sin no a leigint go gcuirfí fhiachaint air, aon bhagáiste no stóráisí a thógaint ar an gcéanna agus gan teideal ann chun iad a chur á n-iompar no, lasmuich den chás ina soláthrófí an mótar, an carráiste no an t-ainmhí ar ordú práinne, aon tsaighdiúir no seirbhíseach (ach amháin iad san atá breoite) no aon bhean no duine do thógaint ar an gcéanna; no
(6) Droch-úsáid do thabhairt no a leigint go dtabharfí droch-úsáid d'éinne i bhfeighil aon mhótair, carráiste, ainmhí, feithicle, árthaigh no eitealláin den tsórt san; no
(7) Aon bhagairt no fórsáil do dhéanamh ar aon chonstábla chun a chur fhiachaint air aon mhótar, carráiste, ainmhí, feithicil, árthach no eiteallán do sholáthar ná fuil ceangailte air a sholáthar do réir na bhforálacha den Acht so a bhaineas le carráistí a thógaint go héigeanta no aon bhagairt no fórsáil a raghadh chun cosc no mí-mhisneach do chur air maidir le có-líona aon choda den dualgas atá air i gcúrsaí mótair, carráistí, ainmhithe, feithiclí, árthaigh no eitealláin do sholáthar, no a raghadh chun é do mhealla chun éinní do dhéanamh a bheadh contrárdha don dualgas san; no
(8) Aon mhótar, carráiste, ainmhí, feithicil, árthach no eiteallán do bhaint le fórsa den té gur leis é,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Taisteal gan ticéad, etc.
60.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Taisteal no tabhairt fé thaisteal ar aon traen, tram, carr no feithicil eile gan an táille d'íoc no do thairisgint, no gan ticéad, deimhniúchán no barántas ceart,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
(a) más oifigeach é, é do bhrise no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so, no
(b) más saighdiúir é, é do chur fe choinneáil no fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Ciontaí a bhaineann le liostáil.
61.—Gach duine a thiocfidh fé dhlí airm agus a gheobhfar amach a bheith tar éis aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas do dhéanamh, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Ar bheith scurtha as na Fórsaí fé aithis, ath-liostáil do dhéanamh gan gach ar bhain le n-a scur d'fhaisnéis; no
(2) Freagra bréagach do thabhairt go toiliúil ar aon cheist ar an bpáipéar teistíochta, ceist a cuireadh chuige le hordú an Ghiúistís Dúithche, an Choimisineura Síochána no an oifigigh, na dtáinig sé ina láthair chun go dteisteofí é, no a chuir éinne acu san é féin chuige;
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Ciontaí generálta a bhaineann le liostáil.
62.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Baint a bheith aige le haon fhear do liostáil chun seirbhíse sna Fórsaí agus a fhios aige no cúis réasúnta aige chun a chreidiúint go bhfuil an fear san i gcás as a dtiocfadh go mbeadh sé ag déanamh cionta i gcoinnibh an Achta so dá liostáladh sé; no
(2) Sárú toiliúil do dhéanamh ar aon achtachán no rialachán in éinní a bhaineann le liostáil no teistiú saighdiúirí de sna Fórsaí,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Droch-úsáid do shaighdiúir.
63.—Gach oifigeach no oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Aon tsaighdiúir do bhuala go nea-dhleathach no drochúsáid nea-dhleathach do thabhairt do ar aon tslí eile.
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Droch-úsáid do dhuine i gcimeád mileata.
64.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Einne ná fuil fé dhlí airm agus atá i gcimeád mileata
do bhuala go nea-dhleathach no droch-úsáid nea-dhleathach do thabhairt do ar aon tslí eile,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Págh do chimeád siar.
65.—Gach oifigeach no oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Tar éis págh éinne atá fé dhlí airm d'fháil, an céanna
do choinneáil go nea-dhleathach no diúltú go neadhleathach d'é d'íoc,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
(a) más oifigeach é, é do bhrise no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so, no
(b) más oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta é, é do chur fé choinneáil no fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Créachtnú tré fhaillí. Ciontaí a bhaineann le hairm teine.
66.—(1) Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Tré fhaillí no neamh-aire no tré bhrise aon orduíocha, éinne eile do chréachtnú pe'ca tá sé fé dhlí airm no ná fuil,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar é do chur fé phiantseirbhís no fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
(2) Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(a) Gan leor-chúis chuige aon airm teine lódálta no nealódálta, do phuínteáil chun éinne pe'ca tá sé fé dhlí airm no ná fuil, no
(b) Lámhach le haon airm teine gan leor-chúis chuige, no
(c) Aon arm teine lódálta no nea-lódálta do láimhseáil go neamh-aireach no go faillítheach ar shlí a meastar a thabharfadh cúis do dhuine chun eagla a bheith air,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Diúltú do chiontathóir do thabhairt suas d'údarás síbhialta.
67.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Ar a iarraidh sin air go dleathach, é do dhiúltú d'aon oifigeach no saighdiúir a cúisíodh i gcionta i gcoinnibh na gnáth-dhlí do thabhairt suas do sna húdaráis sibhialta chearta, no é do dhiúltú do chabhrú chun a leithéid do ghabháil go dleathach, no é do thabhairt faillí in aon cheann de sna nithe sin,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
(a) Más oifigeach é, é do bhrise fé aithis no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; no
(b) Más saighdiúir é, príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so.
Iompar a raghadh chun dochair do dhea-ordú agus do smacht mileata.
68.—Gach duine fé dhlí airm a dhéanfidh an cionta so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
Bheith ciontach in aon ghníomh, iompar, mí-ordú no faillí a dhéanfadh dochar do dhea-ordú agus do smacht mileata,
ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt féadfar—
príosúntacht do chur air no aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so:
Ach ní trialfar éinne den tsórt san fén Alt so in aon chionta go bhfuil forálacha fé leith ina thaobh in aon chuid eile den Acht so agus nách cionta síbhialta é, ach mar sin féin má daortar duine a cúisíodh ina leithéid sin de chionta ní leor an cúiseamh a bheith buniscionn leis an bprovíso so chun an daora san do dhéanamh neamh-éifeachtúil, maran rud é go ndeabhróidh sé gur dineadh éagcóir ar an duine cúisithe de dheascaibh na buniscionntachta san, ach ní bhainfidh éifeachtúlacht an daora san an fhreagarthacht d'aon oifigeach a bheidh freagarthach sa bhuniscionntacht.
Ciontaí le n-a ngabhann pionóisí fé ghnáth-dhlí Shaorstáit Éireann.
69.—Fé réir pé rialacháin a luaidhtear san Acht so agus a dineadh chun ná cuirfí isteach ar údarás na gCúirteanna Síbhialta, gach éinne a dhéanfidh aon chionta dá luaidhtear san Alt so agus é fé dhlí airm tuigfar é do bheith ciontach i gcionta i gcoinnibh dlí airm, agus má cúisítear é fén Alt so in aon chionta den tsórt san (dá ngairmtear cionta sibhialta san Acht so) féadfar é do thriail i láthair Arm-Chúirte agus ar a fháil ciontach féadfar pionós do chur air mar leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Má fachtar ciontach i dtréasan é féadfar é do chur chun báis no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; agus
(2) Má fachtar ciontach i ndúnmharbhú é, féadfar é do chur chun báis; agus
(3) Má fachtar ciontach i nduineabhacht no i bhfeleontacht tréasain é féadfar é do chur chun pian-tseirbhíse no é do chur fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san, a luaidhtear san Acht so; agus
(4) Má fachtar ciontach in éigniú é féadfar é do chur fé phian-tseirbhís nó fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; agus
(5) Má fachtar ciontach i mbrúidiúlacht é féadfar é do chur fé phian-tseirbhís nó fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear san Acht so; agus
(6) Má fachtar ciontach é in aon chionta dá n-áirítear sa Triú Sceideal a ghabhann leis seo no in iarracht ar aon chionta dá luaidhtear anso roimhe seo san Alt so no dá luaidhtear sa Sceideal san do dhéanamh (agus gur cionta coiriúil 'na bhfuil pionós ina chóir i ngnáthdhlí choiriúil Shaorstáit Éireann gurb ea iarracht do thabhairt fé n-a dhéanamh) no in aon chionta i gcoinnibh dlí Shaorstáit Éireann ná fuil aon tagairt fé leith dho roimhe seo san Alt so agus go bhfuil pionós ina chóir i ngnáth-dhlí choiriúil Shaorstáit Éireann, féadfar é do chur fé pé pionós do b'fhéidir a chur air do réir an Achta so mar gheall ar chionta a dhéanfadh dochar do dhea-ordú agus do smacht mileata, no fé aon phionós atá ceaptha i gcóir an chionta san i ndlí Shaorstáit Éireann:
Ach ní déanfar éinne fé dhlí airm do thriail i láthair Arm-Chúirte i dtréasan, i ndúnmharbhú, i nduineabhacht, i bhfeleontacht tréasain, in éigniú ná i mbrúidiúlacht mara raibh an duine sin ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh an chionta san.
Scala na bPionoisi agus a gCur i bhFeidhm.
Scálaí de phionóisí a fhéadfidh Arm-Chúirteanna a ghearra.
70.—(1) Ach amháin sa chás ina bhforáltar a mhalairt san Acht so, féadfidh an Arm-Chúirt a dhéanfidh duine fé dhlí airm do thriail agus d'fháil ciontach i gcionta a luaidhtear roimhe seo san Acht so, féadfa sí an duine sin do dhaora chun aon phionós amháin, agus ní chun a thuille, de sna pionóisí a háirítear i Scálaí A agus B a leanas é seo.
(2) Chun críche an Achta so tuigfar aon phionós a háirítear sna scálaí seo A agus B a leanas do bheith níos lú ná aon phionós a théigheann roimhe sa scála céanna.
Scala A.
Más oifigeach an té a gheobhfar ciontach—
I. | Bás. |
II. | Pian-tSeirbhís. |
III. | Príosúntacht i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre. |
IV. | Brise as an seirbhís fé aithis. |
V. | Brise as an seirbhís. |
VI. | Fíneáil. |
VII. | Aon bhaint as gnáth-phágh a údaruíonn an tAcht so d'Arm-Chúirt a dhéanamh. |
VIII. | Dian-imdhearga. |
IX. | Imdhearga. |
Scala B.
Más saighdiúir an té a gheobhfar ciontach—
I. | Bás. |
II. | Pian-tSeirbhís. |
III. | Príosúntacht i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre. |
IV. | Scur ón seirbhís fé aithis. |
V. | Coinneáil. |
VI. | Scur ón seirbhís. |
VII. | Más oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta an té a gheobhfar ciontach, sinsíreacht céime do chailliúint, ísliú go dtí grád níos ísle no go dtí na ranganna. |
VIII. | Cáinfice agus fíneála. |
IX. | Aon bhaint as gnáth-phágh a údaruíonn an tAcht so d'Arm-Chúirt a dhéanamh. |
X. | Dian-imdhearga. |
Eifeacht breitheanna áirithe.
71.—(1) Má daortar oifigeach chun pian-tseirbhíse no chun príosúntachta (ach amháin le mola ar an slí achmair o Arm-Chúirt fé Alt 56 den Acht so) dineann san ann féin é do bhrise as an seirbhís fé aithis.
(2) Má daortar oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta no saighdiúir singil chun pian-tseirbhíse dineann san ann féin é do scur ón seirbhís fé aithis.
(3) Má dintar oifigeach do bhrise as an seirbhís fé aithis no saighdiúir do scur ón seirbhís fé aithis fágfidh san é fé mhícháilíocht ná leigfidh do fónamh don Stát arís go bráth in aon fheadhmanas, síbhialta ná mileata.
(4) Má daortar oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta no saighdiúir singil chun príosúntachta dineann san ann féin é do scur ón seirbhís mara n-órduighidh an Chúirt a mhalairt.
(5) Má daortar oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta chun príosúntachta no chun é do chur fé choinneáil dineann san ann féin é d'ísliú go dtí na ranganna.
Pionóisí a ceaduítear a chur le chéile.
72.—(1) Féadfidh Arm-Chúirt oifigeach do dhaora san aon am amháin chun aon phionós no pionóisí dhíobh so a leanas:—
(a) Fineáil.
(b) Dian-imdhearga.
(c) Imdhearga.
(2) I dteanta no d'éamais aon phionóis eile féadfidh Arm-Chúirt oifigeach do dhaora chun aon bhaint as a ghnáth-phágh a údaruíonn an tAcht so d'Arm-Chúirt a dhéanamh.
(3) I dteanta no d'éamais aon phionóis eile féadfidh Arm-Chúirt aon oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta no saighdiúir singil do dhaora chun aon phionóis díobh so a leanas:—
(a) Fíneáil.
(b) Aon bhaint as gnáth-phágh a údaruíonn an tAcht so d'Arm-Chúirt a dhéanamh.
Teoranna le breitheanna
73.—(1) Ní molfar aon bhreith pian-tseirbhíse i gcóir tréimhse is giorra ná trí bliana.
(2) Ní molfar aon bhreith príosúntachta ná coinneála i gcóir tréimhse is sia ná dhá bhliain.
Comhacht chun ciontathóir do chur fé ghabháil.
74.—(1) Einne fé dhlí airm a cúiseofar i gcionta na bhfuil pionós ina chóir san Acht so, féadfar é do thógaint i gcimeád mileata.
(2) Einne a tógfar i gcimeád mileata, féadfar é do chur fé shaor-ghabháil no fé dhlúth-ghabháil.
Nithe generálta i dtaobh gabhála.
75.—(1) Féadfidh oifigeach, ag gníomhú le húdarás ceart, a ordú go gcuirfar i gcimeád mileata oifigeach is ísle céim ná é féin no saighdiúir.
(2) Féadfidh oifigeach, ag gníomhú le húdarás ceart, a ordú go gcuirfar i gcimeád mileata aon oifigeach (bíodh go bhfuil sé níos aoirde céim ná é féin no ar aon chéim leis féin) atá sáite in aon mhí-ordú no achrann.
(3) Féadfidh oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta, ag gníomhú le húdarás ceart, a ordú go gcuirfar aon tsaighdiúir i gcimeád mileata.
(4) Má orduítear go dleathach duine fé dhlí airm do ghabháil, có-líonfar an t-ordú pe'ca leis an gcór, géag no brainse amháin de sna Fórsaí a bhaineann an té a thug an t-ordú agus an té gur tugadh an t-ordú ina thaobh no nách ea.
Tuairisc o Ghárda.
76.—(1) Gach oifigeach no oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta a chuirfidh aon duine i gcimeád, déanfa sé, le n-a linn sin no chó luath agus is féidir é ina dhiaidh sin no, pé scéal é, ar uair nách déanaí ná 24 huaire ina dhiaidh sin, cuntas i scríbhinn, fé n-a láimh féin, ar an gcionta atá i gcoinnibh an duine a tugadh i gcimeád mar sin, do thabhairt don oifigeach no don oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta gur tugadh an duine i gcimeád do.
(2) Ní dhéanfidh aon oifigeach ná oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta i gceannas gárda, ná príomh-mharascal ná príomh-mharascal conganta diúltú d'aon duine do ghlaca no do chimeád a thabharfidh oifigeach no oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta i gcimeád do.
(3) Aon oifigeach no oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta, i gceannas gárda, a thógfidh no a ghlacfidh duine i gcimeád, déanfa sé chó luath agus déanfar sealaíocht i ngárda no i ndiúité air no, pé scéal é, laistigh de cheithre huaire fichead tar éis am an duine sin do thógaint no do ghlaca i gcimeád do, ainm an duine sin agus, chó fada len' eolas ar an gcéanna, cionta an duine sin, do thabhairt dá Oifigeach Ceannais, maraon le hainm agus céim an oifigigh no an oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta a chúisigh an duine sin agus, má fuair sé an céanna, an cuntas i scríbhinn a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (1) den Alt so.
Cúis d'iniúcha gan mhoill.
77.—Déanfidh an ceart-údarás mileata gan mhoill neariachtanach an chúis a bheidh i gcoinnibh gach duine a tógfar i gcimeád mileata d'iniúcha, agus chó luath agus is féidir é tosnófar ar an bpionós do chur i bhfeidhm mar gheall ar an gcionta no leigfar saor an duine sin.
Deighlealfar ar an Sli Achmair le Cuiseanna Airithe.
Cúiseanna i gcoinnibh oifigigh is ísle céim ná Ceannphort go bhféadfar deighleáil leo ar an slí achmair.
78.—Má dintar oifigeach is ísle céim ná Ceannphort do chúiseamh i gcionta a luaidhtear san Alt so, féadfar deighleáil leis an gcúis ar an slí achmair ar an gcuma a luaidhtear anso ina dhiaidh seo.
(1) Faillí do thabhairt i ngéille d'orduithe garastúin no d'orduithe generálta no d'orduithe eile, eadhon, an cionta a luaidhtear in alt 41 den Acht so.
(2) Bheith as láthair gan cead.
(3) Faillí do thabhairt i dteacht go dtí an láthair paráide no slóga, no go dtí an post no an t-ionad a cheap a oifigeach uachtarach; no imeacht as an láthair paráide no slóga san no as an bpost no as an ionad san sara ndintar sealaíocht air no gan cead no ar aon tslí éagcórtha eile.
(4) Na ranganna d'fhágaint gan cead no ar aon tslí éagcórtha eile.
(5) Bheith ar meisce le linn gan bheith ar diúité.
(6) Bheith ciontach in aon ghníomh, iompar, mí-ordú no faillí a dhéanfadh dochar do dhea-ordú agus do smacht mileata.
Pionóisí a féadfar a ghearra ar an slí achmair ar oifigeach is ísle céim ná Ceannphort.
79.—Nuair a déanfar oifigeach is ísle céim ná Ceannphort do chúiseamh in aon chionta dá luaidhtear in Alt 78 den Acht so, féadfidh an t-oifigeach orduithe, más deimhin leis go bhfuil an duine cúisithe ciontach, aon phionós díobh so a leanas do ghearra air ar an slí achmair:—
(1) Fíneáil ná raghaidh thar £10.
(2) Dian-imdhearga.
(3) Imdhearga.
Cúiseanna i gcoinnibh saighdiúra go bhféadfar deighleáil leo ar an slí achmair
80.—Nuair a déanfar oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta no saighdiúir singil do chúiseamh in aon chionta dá luaidhtear san Alt so féadfar deighleáil leis an gcúis ar an slí achmair ar an gcuma a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso.
(1) Gan géille d'ordú dleathach a thabharfidh, oifigeach uachtarach do.
(2) Ar bheith in aon achrann, troid no mí-ordú, buille do bhuala, éigean d'imirt no tabhairt fé éigean d'imirt no diúltú do rud do dhéanamh ar (a) aon oifigeach a ordóidh go dleathach é do ghabháil, no (b) aon duine go ndéanfar go dleathach é do chur i gcimeád aige.
(3) Cur i gcoinnibh patróil, tionnlacain no gárda póilíneachta dar dualgas é do ghabháil no é do bheith i gcimeád acu.
(4) Brise amach as ceathrúna.
(5) Faillí do thabhairt i ngéille d'orduithe garastúin no d'orduithe generálta no d'orduithe eile, eadhon, an cionta a luaidhtear in Alt 41 den Acht so.
(6) Bheith as láthair gan cead.
(7) Faillí do thabhairt i dteacht go dtí an láthair paráide no slóga, no go dtí an post no an t-ionad a cheap a oifigeach uachtarach; no imeacht as an láthair paráide no slóga san no as an bpost no as an ionad san sara ndintar sealaíocht air no gan cead no ar aon tslí éagcórtha eile.
(8) Na ranganna d'fhágaint gan cead no ar an tslí éagcórtha eile.
(9) Ar bheith ina shaighdiúir shingil do, bheith ar meisce agus é ar diúité.
(10) Bheith ar meisce le linn gan bheith ar diúité.
(11) Aon airm, amuinisean, ghléasa, instruimidí, éadach no maoin mhileata eile do chailliúint tré fhaillí, diobháil do dhéanamh dóibh d'aon ghnó no iad do chur as an slí no baint a bheith aige le hiad do chur as an slí (pe'ca tré iad do bhronna, do chur i ngeall, do dhíol no do mhille no tré ao rud eile in aon chor a dhéanamh leo).
(12) Aon ghearán bréagach do dhéanamh ar éinne eile fé dhlí airm agus a fhios aige gur bréag é.
(13) Aon ráiteas do dhéanamh a meastar a dhéanfadh dochar mór no díobháil mhór do chlú éinne eile atá fé dhlí airm, toisc é do bheith bréagach no toisc dátáin táchtacha bheith leigthe ar lár ann, agus a fhios aige gur ráiteas den tsórt san é.
(14) Aon bhréag thoiliúil d'innsint d'oifigeach airm no do Ghiúistís Dúithche no do Choimisinéir Síochána i gcúrsaí cead nea-láithreachta.
(15) Taisteal no tabhairt fé thaisteal ar aon traen, tram, carr no feithicil eile gan an táille d'íoc no do thairisgint, no gan ticéad, deimhniúchán no barántas ceart.
(16) Ar bheith scurtha as na Fórsaí fé aithis, ath-liostáil do dhéanamh gan gach ar bhain le n-a scur d'fhaisnéis.
(17) Freagra bréagach do thabhairt go toiliúil ar aon cheist ar an bpáipéar teistíochta, ceist a cuireadh chuige le hordú an Ghiúistís Dúithche, an Choimisineura Síochána no an oifigigh, na dtáinig sé ina láthair chun go dteisteofí é, no a chuir éinne acu san é féin chuige.
(18) Baint a bheith aige le haon fhear do liostáil chun seirbhíse sna Fórsaí agus a fhios aige no cúis réasúnta aige chun a chreidiúint go bhfuil an fear san i gcás as a dtiocfadh go mbeadh sé ag déanamh cionta i gcoinnibh an Achta so dá liostálfadh sé.
(19) Sarú toiliúil do dhéanamh ar aon achtachán no rialachán in éinní a bhaineann le liostáil no teistiú saighdiúirí de sna Fórsaí.
(20) Bheith ciontach in aon ghníomh, iompar, mí-ordú no faillí a dhéanfadh dochar do dhea-ordú agus do smacht mileata.
Pionóisí a féadfar a ghearra, ar an slí achmair, ar oifigeach neachoimisiúnta.
81.—Má cúisítear oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta in aon chionta dá luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so, féadfidh Oifigeach Ceannais an duine chúisithe, más deimhin leis go bhfuil an duine sin ciontach, aon phionós díobh so a leanas do ghearra air ar an slí achmair:—
(1) I gcás ciontaí nách ciontaí meisce, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar £5.
(2) I gcásanna bheith ar meisce le linn gan bheith ar diúité, fíneála mar leanas:—
An chéad chionta | ... | ... | ... | 10s. |
An dara cionta | ... | ... | ... | 20s. |
An tríú cionta | ... | ... | ... | 30s. |
An ceathrú cionta agus gach cionta ina | ||||
dhiaidh sin | ... | ... | ... | 50s. |
(3) A chéim ghníomhachta do chailliúint.
(4) Dian-imdhearga.
(5) Imdhearga.
(6) I dteanta no d'éamais aon phionóis eile, aon bhaint as gnáth-phágh a údaruíonn an tAcht so d'Oifigeach Ceannais a dhéanamh.
Pionóisí a fhéadfidh Oifigeach Ceannais a ghearra, ar an slí achmair, ar shaighdiúir shingil.
82.—Má cúisítear saighdiúir singil in aon chionta dá luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so, féadfidh Oifigeach Ceannais an duine chúisithe, más deimhin leis go bhfuil an duine sin ciontach, aon phionós díobh so a leanas do ghearra air ar an slí achmair:—
(1) Coinneáil ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná ocht lá fichead. I gcásanna nea-láithreacht gan cead, ní gearrfar ar dhuine é do chur fé choinneáil ar feadh tréimhse is sia ná seacht lá. I gcás an nea-láithreacht do bheith níos sia ná seacht lá, féadfar an duine do chur fé choinneáil ar feadh tréimhse is ionann agus an tréimhse a bhí sé as láthair gan cead ach ní bheidh an tréimhse coinneála níos sia ná ocht lá fichead i gcás ar bith.
(2) I gcás ciontaí nách ciontaí meisce, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar £3.
(3) I dteanta no d'éamais coinneála, fíneála mar leanas i gcásanna meisce:—
An chéad chionta | ... | ... | ... | 5s. |
An dara cionta | ... | ... | ... | 10s. |
An tríú cionta | ... | ... | ... | 20s. |
An ceathrú cionta agus gach cionta ina | ||||
dhiaidh sin | ... | ... | ... | 30s. |
(4) Coinneáil i mbeairic ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná 14 lá.
(5) Diúité gárda agus diúité picéid sa bhreis.
(6) Foláramh.
(7) I dteanta no d'éamais aon phionóis eile, aon bhaint as gnáth-phágh a údaruíonn an tAcht so d'Oifigeach Ceannais a dhéanamh.
Pionóisí a fhéadfidh Ceannasaí Complachta a ghearra, ar an slí achmair, ar shaighdiúir shingil.
83.—Má cúisítear saighdiúir singil in aon chionta dá luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so féadfidh Ceannasaí Complachta an duine chúisithe, más deimhin leis go bhfuil an duine sin ciontach, aon phionós díobh so a leanas do ghearra air ar an slí achmair:—
(1) I gcás ciontaí nách ciontaí meisce, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar £1.
(2) I gcásanna meisce, fíneála mar leanas:—
An chéad chionta | ... | ... | ... | 5s. |
An dara cionta | ... | ... | ... | 10s. |
An tríú cionta agus gach cionta ina | ||||
dhiaidh sin | ... | ... | ... | 20s. |
(3) Coinneáil i mbeairic ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná seacht lá.
(4) Diúité gárda agus diúité picéid sa bhreis.
(5) Foláramh.
Iniucha Cuiseanna.
Cúis i gcoinnibh oifigigh d'iniúcha.
84.—(1) Isé a Oifigeach Ceannais a iniúchfaidh cúis i gcoinnibh oifigigh sa chéad dul síos.
(2) Más deimhin leis an Oifigeach Ceannais ná fuil aon fhianaise a nochtann cionta a luaidhtear san Acht so do bheith déanta, nó más dó leis nách ceart dul ar aghaidh leis an gcúis, caithfé sé amach an chúis.
(3) Mara ndinidh an tOifigeach Ceannais an chúis do chaitheamh amach, déanfa sé mar leanas:—
(a) Más oifigeach nách ísle céim ná Ceannphort an duine cúisithe no, i gcás oifigigh is ísle céim ná Ceannphort, maran cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 78 den Acht so an cionta, déanfa sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh Arm-Chúirt é.
(b) Más oifigeach is ísle céim ná Ceannphort an duine cúisithe, agus má tá an cionta ar cheann díobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 78 den Acht so, cuirfe sé an cás chun an oifigigh orduithe.
(4) Ar chur an cháis chuige do réir fo-alt (3) (b) den Alt so, iniúchfaidh an t-oifigeach orduithe an cás agus déanfa sé mar l anas:—
(a) Más deimhin leis ná fuil aon fhianaise i gcoinnibh an duine chúisithe, no más dó leis nách ceart dul ar aghaidh leis an gcúis, caithfe sé amach an chúis.
(b) Mara gcaithe sé amach an chúis, déanfa sé mar leanas:—
(i.) Más dó leis gur cás gur chóir d'Arm-Chúirt deighleáil leis gurb ea an cás, déanfa sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh Arm-Chúirt ghenerálta é.
(ii.) Mara ndine sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh Arm-Chúirt é, gearrfa sé air pionós díobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 79 den Acht so.
Cúis i gcoinnibh oifigigh neachoimisiúnta d'iniúcha.
85.—(1) Isé a Cheannasai Complachta a iniúchfaidh cúis i gcoinnibh oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta sa chéad dul síos.
(2) Más deimhin leis an gCeannasaí Complachta ná fuil aon fhianaise a nochtann cionta a luaidhtear san Acht so do bheith déanta, caithfe sé amach an chúis.
(3) Mara ndinidh an Ceannasaí Complachta an chúis do chaitheamh amach, cuirfe sé an cás chun an Oifigigh Cheannais.
(4) Ar chur an cháis chuige do réir fo-alt (3) den Alt so, iniúchfaidh an tOifigeach Ceannais an cás agus déanfa sé mar leanas:—
(a) Más deimhin leis ná fuil aon fhianaise a nochtann cionta a luaidhtear san Acht so do bheith déanta, no más dó leis nách ceart dul ar aghaidh leis an gcúis, caithfe sé amach an chúis.
(b) Mara gcaithe sé amach an chúis déanfa sé mar leanas:—
(i.) Maran cionta díobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so an cionta, no más cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so é agus gur dó leis gur cás gur chóir d'Arm-Chúirt deighleáil leis gurb ea an cás, déanfa sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh Arm-Chúirt é.
(ii.) Más cúis díobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so an chúis agus mara ndine sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh Arm-Chúirt é, gearrfa sé air pionós díobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 81 den Acht so.
Cúis i gcoinnibh saighdiúra shingil d'iniúcha.
86.—(1) Isé a Cheannasaí Complachta a iniúchfaidh cúis i gcoinnibh saighdiúra shingil sa chéad dul síos.
(2) Más deimhin leis an gCeannasaí Complachta ná fuil aon fhianaise a nochtann cionta a luaidhtear san Acht so do bheith déanta, no más dó leis nách ceart dul ar aghaidh leis an gcúis, caithfe sé amach an chúis.
(3) Mara ndinidh an Ceannasaí Complachta an chúis do chaitheamh amach déanfa sé mar leanas:—
(a) Más cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so an cionta, agus más dó leis gur leor sa chás na pionóisí atá sé i dteideal a ghearra do réir Alt 83 den Acht so, gearrfa sé ceann de sna pionóisí sin.
(b) Maran cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so an cionta, no más cionta dhíobh san é agus gur dó leis nách leor sa chás an pionós atá sé i dteideal a ghearra, cuirfe sé an cás chun an Oifigigh Cheannais.
(4) Ar chur an cháis chuige do réir fo-alt (3) (b) den alt so, iniúchfaidh an tOifigeach Ceannais an chúis agus déanfa sé mar leanas:—
(a) Más deimhin leis ná fuil aon fhianaise a nochtann cionta a luaidhtear san Acht so do bheith déanta, no más dó leis nách ceart dul ar aghaidh leis an gcúis, caithfe sé amach an chúis.
(b) Mara gcaithe sé amach an chúis déanfa sé mar leanas:—
I.—(a) Más cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so an cionta, agus más dó leis gur cionta gur chóir d'Arm-Chúirt deighleáil leis gurb ea an cionta, déanfa sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh Arm-Chúirt é.
(b) Mara ndine sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh Arm-Chúirt é gearrfa sé air pionós díobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 82 den Acht so.
II.—(a) Maran cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so an cionta, agus más dó leis gur cás gur chóir d'Arm-Chúirt deighleáil leis gurb ea an cás, iarrfa sé údarás ar an oifigeach orduithe chun deighleáil leis an gcás fé mar a bheadh an cionta ar cheann díobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so, agus ar fháil an údaráis sin do ón oifigeach orduithe sin (dá dtugtar leis seo comhacht chun an t-údarás san do dheona más oiriúnach leis é) deighleálfa sé leis an gcás dá réir sin agus gearrfa sé pionós díobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 82 den Acht so. Má coinnítear uaidh an t-údarás san déanfa sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh Arm-Chúirt é.
(b) Más rud é nách cionta dhíobh san a luaidhtear in Alt 80 den Acht so an cionta agus ná hiarrfa sé údarás mar adubhradh chun deighleáil leis an gcás ar an slí achmair, déanfa sé an duine cúisithe do chur siar chun go dtrialfidh Arm-Chúirt é.
An nós-imeachta a bhaineann le cúis i gcoinnibh oifigigh, oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta no saighdiúra shingil d'iniúcha.
87.—Ní déanfar aon chúis i gcoinnibh oifigigh, oifigigh neachoimisiúnta ná saighdiúra shingil d'éisteacht ná d'iniúcha ach amháin i láthair an duine chúisithe. Beidh lán-chead ag an duine cúisithe chun gach fínné a glaofar ina choinnibh do chros-cheistiú agus aon fhínnithe do ghlaoch chun a chosanta agus ráiteas do dhéanamh chun a chosanta. Má iarrann an duine cúisithe gur fé bhrí na mionn a tógfar an fhianaise ina choinnibh, cuirfidh an t-oifigeach iniúchaíochta fé ndeár gach finné do chur fé bhrí na mionn sara ndine sé fianaise.
Saora no daora ag Cúirt Shíbhialta no ag Arm-Chúirt do bheith ina chosc ar imeachta ar an slí achmair.
88.—Éinne a cúiseofar i gcionta a luaidhtear san Acht so, ní féadfar deighleáil leis ar an slí achmair mar gheall ar chionta gur dhin Cúirt Shíbhialta inniúil no Arm-Chúirt é do shaora no do dhaora ann.
Teora le húdarás Arm-Chúirteanna.
89.—(1) Má dhin Arm-Chúirt duine fé dhlí airm do shaora no do dhaora i gcionta, ní fhéadfidh Arm-Chúirt é do thriail arís sa chionta san.
(2) Má dhin Cúirt Shíbhialta inniúil duine fé dhlí airm do shaora no do dhaora i gcionta, ní fhéadfidh Arm-Chúirt é do thriail arís sa chionta san.
(3) Ní fhéadfidh Arm-Chúirt duine fé dhlí airm do thriaíl in aon chionta le n-ar deighleáladh ar an slí achmair do réir forálacha an Achta so:
Ach mar sin féin, in ainneoin cúis a bheith caithte amach no pionós a bheith gearrtha mar gheall air, féadfidh an Ard-Chongantóir, ar réasúin is leor dar leis féin, a ordú go dtrialfidh Arm-Chúirt an duine sin.
(4) Ní déanfar, do réir an Achta so, éinne fé dhlí airm do thriail ná do chur fé phionós i dtaobh cionta is intrialta ag Arm-Chúirt agus a dineadh breis agus trí bliana roimh dháta a thrialach do thosnú, ach amháin i gcás cúl-mhutaireachta, tréigine no liostála calaoisí; ach ní dhéanfidh an tAlt so aon difir d'údarás Cúirte Síbhialta i gcás cionta is intrialta ag an gCúirt sin chó maith le hArm-Chúirt.
Saghasanna Arm-Chúirt.
90.—Dhá shaghas Arm-Chúirt a bheidh ann, eadhon, Arm-Chúirteanna Generálta agus Arm-Chúirteanna Áitiúla.
Arm-Chúirteanna Generálta.
91.—(1) Isé an tArd-Chongantóir, no pé oifigeach a udaróidh sé chuige sin, a chó-ghairmfidh gach Arm-Chúirt Ghenerálta.
(2) Beidh údarás ag Arm-Chúirt Ghenerálta chun éinne fé dhlí airm do thriail in aon chionta a luaidhtear san Acht so.
(3) Mar seo a leanas a bheidh Arm-Chúirt Ghenerálta códhéanta:—
(a) Uachtarán nách ísle céim ná Cornal agus a ceapfar ag an Oifigeach Có-ghairme: Ach má chítar don Oifigeach Có-ghairme ná beidh oifigeach nách ísle céim ná Cornal ar fáil (má tugtar aire chuibhe do riachtanaisí mileata agus don tseirbhís phuiblí) chun gníomhú mar Uachtarán den tsórt san, féadfidh an tOifigeach Có-ghairme, tar éis deimhniú sa chéill sin do chúl-scrí ar ordú có-ghairmthe na hArm-Chúirte Generálta san, Oifigeach nách ísle céim ná Captaen do cheapa chun gníomhú mar Uachtarán den tsórt san: Ach mar sin féin ní bheidh Uachtarán Arm-Chúirte Generálta níos ísle céim ná an duine cúisithe i gcás ar bith.
(b) Seachtar oifigeach eile ar a mhéid no triúr oifigeach eile ar a luíod nách ísle céim ná Captaen agus a ceapfar ag an Oifigeach Có-ghairme.
(4) (a) Beidh ar friothálamh i ngach Arm-Chúirt Ghenerálta Abhcóide Breithiúnais a ceapfar ag an oifigeach orduithe.
(b) Duine a bheidh cáilithe go cuibhe ina Abhcóide Dlí no Atúrnae i Saorstát Éireann, agus é ina oifigeach de sna Fórsaí, isea a bheidh ina Abhcóide Breithiúnais in Arm-Chúirt Ghenerálta.
(c) Beidh dualgaisí Abhcóide Breithiúnais mar a hórdófar.
Arm-Chúirteanna Áitiúla.
92.—(1) Isé an tArd-Chongantóir, no pé oifigeach a údaróidh sé chuige sin, a chó-ghairmfidh gach Arm-Chúirt Áitiúil.
(2) Beidh údarás ag Arm-Chúirt Áitiúil chun oifigigh neachoimisiúnta agus saighdiúirí singil do thriail in aon chionta a luaidhtear san Acht so, ach amháin dúnmharbhú, ach ní bheidh aon údarás aici chun oifigeach do thriail.
(3) Ní bheidh údarás ag Arm-Chúirt Áitiúil ach chun príosúntacht amháin (i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre) do ghearra no pionós is lú ná san.
(4) Mar seo a leanas a bheidh Arm-Chúirt Áitiúil có-dhéanta:—
(a) Uachtarán nách ísle céim ná Ceannphort agus a ceapfar ag an Oifigeach Có-ghairme, ach má chítar don Oifigeach Có-ghairme ná beidh oifigeach nách ísle céim ná Ceannphort ar fáil (má tugtar aire chuibhe do riachtanaisí mileata agus don tseirbhís phuiblí) chun gníomhú mar Uachtarán den tsórt san, féadfidh an tOifigeach Có-ghairme, tar éis deimhniú sa chéill sin do chúl-scrí ar ordú có-ghairmthe na hArm-Chúirte Áitiúla san oifigeach nách ísle céim ná Captaen do cheapa mar Uachtarán ar an gCúirt sin.
(b) Beirt oifigeach eile ar a luíod no ceathrar oifigeach eile ar a mhéid a ceapfar ag an Oifigeach Có-ghairme.
(5) Beidh ar friothálamh i ngach Arm-Chúirt Áitiúil Abhcóide Breithiúnais a bheidh cáilithe chun gníomhú agus a ceapfar mar a hórdófar.
Mí-cháilíochta i dtaobh ballraíochta Arm-Chúirt.
93.—Ní fhónfidh na daoine seo a leanas ar aon Arm-Chúirt:—
(1) Aon tSéiplíneach go bhfuil céim choimisiúnta aige no oifigeach de Chór Leighis an Airm, ach má có-ghairmtear Cúirt chun saighdiúir de Chór Leighis an Airm do thriail, féadfar oifigeach den Chór san do chur chun gníomhú mar bhall no mar bhall ar feitheamh den Chúirt sin.
(2) An tOifigeach Có-ghairme.
(3) An tOifigeach Cúisimh.
(4) Aon oifigeach d'iniúch an chúis i gcoinnibh an duine chúisithe, no a bhí i mbun aon fhiosrúcháin ar an gcás.
(5) Oifigeach Ceannais an duine chúisithe.
(6) Aon oifigeach go bhfuil baint phearsanta aige leis an gcás.
Cur i gcoinnibh ón duine cúisithe.
94.—(1) Duine cúisithe na mbeidh Arm-Chúirt chun é do thriail, féadfa sé, ar aon abhar réasúnta, cur i gcoinnibh aon bhaill den Chúirt (agus i gcoinnibh an Uachtaráin féin) pe'ca mar bhall bunaidh di a ceapadh é no chun folúntas do líona tar éis dul ar gcúl d'aon oifigeach 'nar cuireadh ina choinnibh, i dtreo go mbeidh an chúirt có-dhéanta d'oifigigh ná beidh aon agóid réasúnta ina gcoinnibh ag an duine cúisithe.
(2) Gach agóid a chuirfidh duine cúisithe i gcoinnibh aon oifigigh cuirfar í fé bhráid na n-oifigeach eile a ceapadh mar Chúirt.
(3) Más i gcoinnibh an Uachtaráin a bheidh an agóid, lomhálfar an agóid má lomhálfar í ag leath no breis de sna hoifigigh eile a ceapadh mar Chúirt agus raghaidh an Chúirt ar athló chun go ndéanfar Uachtarán eile do cheapa.
(4) Má lomháltar agóid i gcoinnibh an Uachtaráin, déanfidh údarás có-ghairmthe na Cúirte Uachtarán eile do cheapa, ach beidh an ceart céanna ag an duine cúisithe chun cur ina choinnibh sin.
(5) Más i gcoinnibh aon bhaill eile seachas an tUachtarán a bheidh an agóid, agus go lomhálfar é le leath no breis de vótanna na n-oifigeach a bheidh i dteideal vótáil, lomhálfar an agóid, agus imeoidh ar gcúl an ball nar cuireadh ina choinnibh agus déanfar ar an gcuma orduithe oifigeach eile do chur sa bhfolúntas a bheidh ina dhiaidh, ach beidh an ceart céanna ag an duine cúisithe chun cur ina choinnibh sin.
(6) Chun a chur ar chumas duine chúisithe feidhm a bhaint as an bpríbhléid seo ar chur i gcoinnibh aon oifigigh, déanfar ainmneacha na n-oifigeach a ceapadh mar Chúirt do léigheamh in éisteacht an duine chúisithe ar theacht le chéile dhóibh mar an gcéad uair agus sara gcuirfar fé bhrí na mionn iad, agus fiarófar de a bhfuil aon chur i gcoinnibh éinne de sna hoifigigh sin aige, agus cuirfar ceist den tsórt chéanna chuige i dtaobh aon oifigigh a ceapfar chun fónamh in ionad an oifigigh a raghaidh ar gcúl.
An Chúirt do chur fé mhionn.
95.—(1) Nuair a bheidh an Chúirt có-dhéanta den uimhir cheart d'oifigigh nár cuireadh ina gcoinnibh no gur rialuíodh i gcoinnibh na n-agóidí a cuireadh ina gcoinnibh, déanfar go cuibhe gach ball do chur fé mhionn. Isé an tUachtarán a cuirfar fé bhrí na mionn ar dtúis agus ansan na baill eile den chúirt agus isé an tAbhcóide Breithiúnais a dhéanfidh é sin. Déanfidh an tUachtarán ansan an tAbhcóide Breithiúnais do chur fé bhrí na mionn.
(2) Má bhíonn luath-scríbhneoir nótaí ar friothálamh déanfidh ball den Chúirt ansan, no an tAbhcóide Breithiúnais, é do chur fé bhrí na mionn.
(3) Sa bhfuirm orduithe a bheidh na mionna fé n-a gcuirfar daoine do réir an Ailt seo.
96.—I dteanta an phlé “Nea-Chiontach” féadfidh duine cúisithe aon cheann de sna pléanna speisialta so a leanas do chur isteach mar bhac trialach:—
(1) A shaora no a dhaora sa chionta chéanna roimhe sin ag—
(a) Cúirt Shíbhialta inniúil.
(b) Arm-Chúirt inniúil.
(c) Aon oifigeach agus é ag feidhmiú a chomhachtanna go cuibhe fén Acht so, ach san a bheith fé réir forálacha Alt 89 (3) den Acht so.
(2) An tAire do mhaitheamh an chionta dho.
(3) Ach amháin i gcásanna cúlmhutaireachta, tréigine no liostála calaoisí go bhfuil, ar dháta na trialach do thosnú, deire le tréimhse is sia ná trí bliana ón dáta go ndeirtar gur air a dineadh an cionta.
(4) Más cionta i gcoinnibh na gnáth-dhlí an cionta agus nách foláir do réir na gnáth-dhlí é do phróiseacht laistigh de thréimhse áirithe o dháta an chionta do dhéanamh, an tréimhse áirithe sin do bheith caithte.
Tabharfar gach fianaise fé bhrí na mionn.
97.—(1) Fé bhrí na mionn a scrúdófar gach fínné a scrúdófar i láthair Arm-Chúirte, agus isé an tUachtarán no aon bhall eile den Chúirt no an tAbhcóide Breithiúnais a dhéanfidh, sa bhfuirm orduithe, é do chur fé mhionn.
(2) Má dhineann duine, go bhfuil air do réir an Achta so mionn do thabhairt, cur i gcoinnibh mionn do thabhairt no go ndéarfar ina choinnibh ná fuil sé inniúil chun mionn do thabhairt, leigfidh an Chúirt don duine sin faisnéis sholamanta a dhéanamh sa bhfuirm orduithe in ionad é do chur fé mhionn más deimhin léi go bhfuil an cur-i-gcoinnibh macánta no, má cuirtar i gcoinnibh inniúlachta duine chun mionn do thabhairt, más deimhin léi ná cuirfeadh an mionn aon cheangal ar choinsias an duine sin, agus chun críche an Achta so tuigfar gur mionn an fhaisnéis sin.
Ceart ag an duine cúisithe agus ag á mhnaoi chun fianaise do thabhairt.
98.—Gach duine a cúiseofar i gcionta, agus bean gach duine a cúiseofar amhlaidh, is finné inniúil é ar thaobh na cosanta le linn gach coda de sna himeachta i láthair Arm-Chúirte, pe'ca ina aonar no i dteanta duine no daoine eile a cúisíodh an duine a cúisíodh amhlaidh; ach mara n-iarra sé féin é ní glaofar mar fhínné duine a cúisíodh amhlaidh, agus ní glaofar mar fhínné ar thaobh na cosanta bean an duine a cúisíodh amhlaidh ach amháin ar a iarraidh sin don duine a cúisíodh amhlaidh.
Beidh na rialacha fianaise díreach mar iad súd i gCúirteanna Síbhialta.
99.—Ach amháin sa chás go bhforáltar a mhalairt san Acht so beidh gach Arm-Chúirt fé cheangal ag an dlí a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire i Saorstát Éireann i dtaobh fianaise a tugtar i láthair Cúirteanna Síbhialta.
100.—(1) I gcás có-ionannas vótanna i dtaobh breithiúnais leigfar saor an duine cúisithe.
(2) Ní gá daingniú ná ní déanfar ath-scrúdú ar bhreithiúnas chun saora, pe'ca saora é i ngach ceann de sna nithe in ar cúisíodh an duine no saora i gcuid acu agus más leo go léir a bhaineann sé craolfar é láithreach i gCúirt oscailte agus scaoilfar an duine cúisithe.
Ciontú i gcionta nár cúisíodh duine cúisitho ann.
101.—(1) Má cúisítear duine i láthair Arm-Chúirte i gcionta a luaidhtear in Alt 69 den Acht so agus gur cionta é go dtiocfadh as an duine sin do chúiseamh ann ar dhíotáil i láthair Cúirte Síbhialta go bhféadfí é do chiontú go dleathach, ar an díotáil sin, i gcionta éigin eile ná cuirfí ina leith sa díotáil, ansan, in ionad an duine cúisithe d'fháil ciontach sa chionta a cuireadh ina leith, féadfidh an Arm-Chúirt é d'fháil ciontach i pé cionta eile ina bhféadfadh Cúirt Shíbhialta é d'fháil ciontach.
(2) Duine a cúisíodh i láthair Arm-Chúirte i dtréigean do dhéanamh, féadfar é d'fháil ciontach i dtabhairt fé thréigean do dhéanamh no i mbeith as láthair gan cead.
(3) Duine a cúisíodh i láthair Arm-Chúirte i dtábhairt fé thréigean do dhéanamh féadfar é d'fháil ciontach i dtréigean do dhéanamh no i mbeith as láthair gan cead.
(4) Duine a cúisíodh i láthair Arm-Chúirte in aon chionta eile fén Acht so seachas cionta a luaidhtear in Alt 69 den Acht so, mara gcruthuítear gur dineadh an cionta ar shlí go mbeadh pionós ní ba dhéine ag gabháil leis féadfar é d'fháil ciontach sa chionta céanna do dhéanamh ar shlí go mbeadh pionós ní ba lú ag gabháil leis.
Vótáil i gcoitinne.
102.—I gcás co-ionannas vótanna i dtaobh daor-bhreithe no i dtaobh aon cheist a eireoidh tar éis tosach na trialach, ach amháin i dtaobh agóidí ón duine cúisithe fé Alt 94 den Acht so no i dtaobh an bhreithiúnais, beidh vóta breise no réitigh ag an Uachtarán.
Breith bháis.
103.—Ní gearrfar breith bháis ach le toil trí cheathrú cuid, no breis, de bhaill na Cúirte.
Daor-bhreithe anna i gcoitinne.
104.—(1) Ní ghearrfidh an Chúirt ach aon daor-bhreith amháin mar gheall ar na ciontaí uile ina gciontófar an duine cúisithe. Isí breith a bheidh inti sin ná breith is féidir a ghearra, fén Acht so, mar gheall ar aon chionta amháin áirithe dhíobh san in ar ciontuíodh an duine cúisithe.
(2) Gach breith pian-tseirbhíse, príosúntachta no coinneála a ghearrfidh Arm-Chúirt ar an duine sin, pe'ca dineadh no nár dineadh ath-scrúdú ar an mbreith mar a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso, agus pe'ca bheidh an duine ag fulang na breithe cheana féin no ná beidh, áireofar í do bheith ag tosnú ar an lá san ar ar shighnigh Uachtarán na hArm-Chúirte an breithiúnas bunaidh, an bhreith phionóis agus na himeachta no ar pé dáta roimhe sin a ordóidh an Chúirt.
Nós-imeachta i gcoitinne.
105.—(1) Más rud é, tré bhás no tré éinní eile, go dtuitfidh líon Arm-Chúirte fé bhun an mhinimum dhleathaigh tar éis tosach na trialach, scuirfar an Chúirt sin.
(2) Más rud é, tar éis tosach na trialach go bhfuighidh an tUachtarán bás no, mar gheall ar éinní eile, nách féidir do bheith i láthair, agus ná beidh líon na Cúirte fé bhun an mhinimum dhleathaigh, féadfidh an tOifigeach Có-ghairme sinsear ball na Cúirte do cheapa chun bheith ina Uachtarán más leor a chéim agus raghaidh an triail ar aghaidh dá réir sin, ach marar leor a chéim scuirfar an Chúirt.
(3) Más rud é, mar gheall ar bhreoiteacht a theacht ar an duine cúisithe sara dtugtar an breithiúnas, nách féidir leanúint den triail laistigh d'aimsir a bheadh réasúnta dar leis an Oifigeach Có-ghairme, féadfidh an tOifigeach Có-ghairme an Chúirt do scur.
(4) Má scuirtar Arm-Chúirt fé sna forálacha san roimhe seo den Alt so, féadfar an duine cúisithe do thriail arís.
(5) Ar dhul i gcomhairle do bhaill aon Arm-Chúirte aon uair, féadfidh Uachtarán na Cúirte a chur fé ndeár go gcuirfar gach éinne eile, ach amháin an Abhcóide Breithiúnais, as láthair.
(6) Féadfidh an Chúirt dul ar athló ó am go ham.
(7) Féadfidh an Chúirt, leis, nuair is gá é, dul ag féachaint ar aon áit.
Foralacha Ilghneitheacha i dtaobh Arm-Chuirteanna.
Ceart an Chúisitheora agus an duine chúisithe chun comhairligh dlí do bheith acu mar ionadaithe dhóibh.
106.—(1) Féadfidh an Cúisitheoir comhairleach dlí do bheith aige mar ionadaí dho.
(2) Féadfidh éinne a bheidh á thriail ag Arm-Chúirt comhairleach dlí no oifigeach do bheith aige mar ionadaí dho.
(3) San Alt so isé brí atá le “comhairleach dlí” ná abhcóide dlí no atúrnae atá i dteideal cleachta i Saorstát Éireann.
Staid chomhairleach dlí in Arm-Chúirteanna.
107.—(1) Aon iompar o chomhairleach dlí a bheadh ioncháinte no a bheadh ina mhaslú cúirte dá mba i láthair Ard-Chúirt Shaorstáit Éireann a dhéanfadh sé é, tuigfar ar an gcuma gcéanna gurb iompar é a féadfar a cháine no gur maslú cúirte é má dintar i láthair Arm-Chúirte é, agus na rialacha a hordófar i gcóir cleachta Arm-Chúirteanna agus chun comhairligh dlí do stiúra beid ina gceangal ar chomhairligh dlí a thiocfidh i láthair na nArm-Chúirteanna san agus aon bhrise toiliúil a déanfar ar na rialacha san beidh sé ina mhí-iompar gairme agus má leantar de tuigfar gur maslú cúirte é.
(2) Má bhíonn comhairleach dlí ciontach in iompar ioncháinte no i maslú cúirte féadfidh Uachtarán na hArm-Chúirte cionta an chomhairligh dlí sin do dheimhniú fé n-a láimh d'aon Chúirt Dlí i Saorstát Éireann na bhfuil comhacht aici chun duine do chur i bpríosún mar gheall ar mhaslú cúirte agus leis sin féadfidh an Chúirt sin féachaint isteach sa chionta adubhradh a dineadh agus tar éis aon fhínnithe a tabharfar i láthair i gcoinnibh no thar ceann an duine a cúisíodh amhlaidh d'éisteacht agus tar éis aon ráiteas a tairgfar mar chosaint d'éisteacht, féadfa sí pionós do chur no céimeanna do thabhairt chun pionós do chur ar an duine sin, fé mar a bheadh sé ciontach i maslú cúirte.
(3) Féadfidh Arm-Chúirt, le hordú fé láimh an Uachtaráin, a chur fé ndeár comhairleach dlí do chur amach as an gCúirt má bhíonn sé ciontach i gcionta gur gá é do chur amach as an gCúirt mar gheall air dar leis an Arm-Chúirt, ach i ngach cás den tsórt san deimhneoidh an tUachtarán an cionta do Chúirt Dlí ar an gcuma a foráltar le fo-alt (2) den Alt so.
Gairm fínnithe agus an phríbhléid a bheidh acu ag Arm-Chúirteanna
108.—(1) Gach duine nách foláir do fianaise do thabhairt i láthair Arm-Chúirte féadfar, ar an gcuma orduithe, é do ghairm no a ordú dho teacht i láthair.
(2) Gach duine a thiocfidh i láthair aon Arm-Chúirte mar fhínné do réir gairm no ordú den tsórt san, faid a bheidh sé ag friothálamh ar an gCúirt sin no ina láthair agus gá leis, agus ag dul chun an chéanna agus fille uaidh do beidh sé saor o ghabháil chó maith is gur fínné i láthair na hArd-Chúirte i Saorstát Éireann é.
(3) Chun críche an Ailt seo agus an chéad Ailt eile ina dhiaidh, tuigfar go bhfoluíonn an focal “Arm-Chúirt” oifigeach ag glaca achmaireachta scríbhte ar fhianaise do réir an Achta so; agus léireofar tagartha d'Uachtarán no do bhaill na hArm-Chúirte fé mar a bheadh tagartha dá leithéid sin d'oifigeach foluithe ionta.
Mí-iompar ar fhínné shíbhialta in Arm-Chúirt.
109.—(1) Má dhineann aon duine ná fuil fé dhlí airm aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(a) ar a ghairm go cuibhe mar fhínné i láthair Arm-Chúirte agus tar éis costaisí réasúnta a theachta d'íoc leis no do thairsgint do, gan teacht i láthair; no,
(b) ar bheith i láthair mar fhínné—
(i.) E do dhiúltú do mhionn do thabhairt agus Arm-Chúirt tar éis a éileamh air go dleathach é do thabhairt; no
(ii.) E do dhiúltú d'aon scríbhinn áirithe atá ina chomhacht, ar seilbh aige no ar fáil aige do thabhairt i láthair agus Arm-Chúirt tar éis a éileamh air go dleathach í do thabhairt i láthair; no
(iii.) E do dhiúltú do fhreagra do thabhairt ar aon cheist gur féidir d'Arm-Chúirt freagra uirri d'éileamh air go dleathach,
féadfidh Uachtarán na hArm-Chúirte cionta an duine sin do dheimhniú fé n-a láimh d'aon Chúirt Dlí i Saorstát Éireann go bhfuil comhacht aici chun fínnithe do phionósú má bhíd ciontach i gcionta den tsórt san sa Chúirt sin, agus leis sin féadfidh an Chúirt sin féachaint isteach sa chionta san adubhradh a dineadh, agus tar éis aon fhínnithe a tabharfar i láthair i gcoinnibh no thar ceann an duine a cúisíodh amhlaidh do scrúdú agus tar éis aon ráiteas a tairgfar mar chosaint d'éisteacht, féadfidh an Chúirt sin, más dó léi gur ceart é, an duine sin do phionósú chó maith is dá mba in imeacht sa Chúirt sin a dhéanfadh sé an cionta san.
(2) I gcás duine ná fuil fé dhlí airm do thabhairt fianaise éithigh d'aon ghnó agus é á scrúdú ar mionn no ar faisnéis sholamanta i láthair Arm-Chúirte, féadfar ar díotáil no ar fínéacht, é do chiontú i mionn éithigh agus é do phionósú mar gheall air.
(3) I gcás duine ná fuil fé dhlí airm do bheith ciontach i maslú Arm-Chúirte, tré chaint mhaslathach no bhagarthach do dhéanamh no tré chur isteach no buaireamh do chur á dhéanamh ar a himeachta, no tré thagartha do chlóbhuala no caint do dhéanamh a raghadh chun na baill no na fínnithe i láthair na hArm-Chúirte sin do chlaona, no chun an Chúirt sin do thabhairt fé mhí-cháil, féadfidh Uachtarán na hArm-Chúirte cionta an duine sin do dheimhniú fé n-a láimh d'aon Chúirt Dlí i Saorstát Éireann go bhfuil comhacht aici chun duine do chur i bpríosún mar gheall ar mhaslú cúirte agus leis sin féadfidh an Chúirt sin féachaint isteach sa chionta san adubhradh a dineadh, agus tar éis aon fhínnithe a tabharfar i láthair i gcoinnibh no thar ceann an duine a cúisíodh amhlaidh d'éisteacht agus tar éis aon ráiteas a tairgfar mar chosaint d'éisteacht, féadfidh an chúirt sin pionós do chur no céimeanna do thabhairt chun pionós do chur ar an duine sin fé mar a bheadh sé ciontach i maslú na Cúirte sin.
Duine cúisithe atá as a mheabhair le linn trialach. An breithiúnas i gcás an duine cúisithe do bheith as a mheabhair agus é ag déanamh an chionta.
110.—(1) (a) Le linn duine a cúisíodh i gcionta do bheith á thriail ag Arm-Chúirt, má dheabhruíonn sé nách féidir don duine sin a thriail do sheasamh toisc é do bheith as a mheabhair, tabharfidh an Chúirt breithiúnas speisialta go bhfuil san amhlaidh agus coinneofar an duine sin i gcimeád ar an gcuma orduithe go dtí gur fios cadiad orduithe an Aire i dtaobh an scéil no go dtí pé uair roimhe sin a bheidh an duine sin ábalta ar a thriail do sheasamh.
(b) Féadfidh an tAire orduithe do thabhairt chun daoine den tsórt san do choinneáil i slán-chimeád faid is toil leis é ar pé slí is oiriúnach leis.
(c) Ní mór daingniú do dhéanamh ar bhreithiúnas fén Alt so fé mar a foráltar ina dhiaidh seo anso a dhéanamh ar aon bhreithiúnas eile.
(2) Le linn duine a cúisíodh i gcionta do bheith á thriail ag Arm-Chúirt, má dheabhruíonn sé gur dhin an duine sin an cionta san, ach go raibh sé as a mheabhair agus é á dhéanamh, tabharfidh an Chúirt breithiúnas go speisialta go raibh sé as a mheabhair mar sin chó maith leis an mbreithiúnas ciontachta agus coinneofar an duine sin i gcimeád ar an gcuma orduithe go dtí gur fios cadiad orduithe an Aire i dtaobh an scéil.
Gealtacht duine atá i bpríosún no fé choinneáil.
111.—I gcás duine, atá i bpríosún no fé choinneáil de bhua an Achta so, do dhul as a mheabhair, ansan, gan dochar d'aon fhorálacha eile chun deighleáil le geilteanna, féadfidh Aire Feidhmiúcháin, ar dheimhniú ar an ngealtacht san o bheirt dochtúirí cáilithe, a ordú go n-aistreofar an duine sin go ngealtlainn no go háit cheart eile i gcóir gealt, chun fanúint ansan ar feadh a mbeidh gan caitheamh dá théarma príosúntachta no coinneála, agus ar dheimhniú do bheith déanta ar an gcuma gcéanna ar a mheabhair cheart do bheith ag an duine sin arís, féadfidh an tAire Feidhmiúcháin a ordú go n-aistreofar é go dtí aon phríosún no beairic coinneála ina bhféadfaí é do choinneáil dá mba ná raghadh sé as a mheabhair agus san chun an chuid eile dá phionós d'fhulag ann.
Ceart ag duine trialta chun cóip de sna himeachta.
112.—Ar a iarraidh sin do aon uair laistigh de sheacht mbliana tar éis daingniú breithiúnais agus daortha na cúirte i gcás Arm-Chúirte Generálta agus laistigh de thrí bliana tar éis an daingnithe sin i gcás Arm-Chúirte Áitiúla, beidh ag aon duine a tríaladh ag Arm-Chúirt teideal chun cóip d'imeachta na Cúirte sin d'fháil ón oifigeach no ón duine go mbeidh na himeachta san i gcimeád aige, agus, ina theanta san, cóip de sna himeachta i dtaobh ath-scrúdú agus daingniú an bhreithiúnais agus an daortha san, ach íoc as an gcéanna do réir an ráta orduithe, ráta ná raghaidh thar leath-reul an fólió de dheich bhfocail is trí fichid agus chun crícheanna an Ailt seo cimeádfar imeachta Arm-Chúirteanna ar an slí orduithe.
Daingniu agus Ath-scrudu ar Bhreithiunaisi agus Daoranna.
Ní dleathach breithiúnas ná daora gan daingniú.
113.—Gan dochar do sna forálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le saor-bhreith, beidh breithiúnas agus daora Arm-Chúirte gan bheith dleathach ach amháin sa mhéid go ndaingneofar an céanna ag an údarás na bhfuil údarás aige chun an céanna do dhaingniú.
Údaráis dhaingniúcháin.
114.—Beidh comhacht ag na húdaráis seo a leanas chun breithiúnas agus daora Arm-Chúirte do dhaingniú:—
(a) An tAire más breith bháis a tugadh, ach má bhí an duine cúisithe gan bheith ar seirbhís chogúil agus é ag déanamh an chionta gur tugadh an bhreith bháis mar gheall air, ní cuirfar an bhreith sin in éifeacht maran rud é, i dteanta an tAire do dhéanamh daingniú air, go molfidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche é.
(b) I ngach cás eile—
An tArd-Chongantóir no, i gcás saighdiúra, má dhin Arm-Chúirt Áitiúil é do dhaora chun coinneála ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná 168 lá no chun aon phionóis ba lú ná san, an tOifigeach go raibh údarás aige chun Arm-Chúirt den tsórt san do chó-ghairm ar dháta an bhreithiunais agus daora an tsaighdiúra san do leaga fé n-a bhráid.
Comhachtanna an údaráis. dhaingniúcháin
115.—I gcás duine cúisithe d'fháil ciontach in aon chúis féadfidh an t-údarás daingniúcháin—
(1) A ordú go dtiocfidh an Chúirt le chéile arís chun an breithiúnas agus an daora no aon taobh acu d'athscrúdú, á rá cadiad na cúiseanna go ndéanfí an t-athscrúdú.
(2) Daingniú do dhéanamh no diúltú do dhaingniú do dhéanamh, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, ar an mbreithiúnas no ar an daora, bunaidh no ath-scrúduithe.
(3) A ordú go n-ath-thrialfar an duine cúisithe ag Arm-Chúirt.
(4) An pionós a luadhadh sa daora do mhaolú no do chur ar neamh-ní no aon phionós níos lú do chur ina ionad no daora dleathach do chur in ionad daora nár dhleathach.
(5) Feidhmiú an daortha do chur ar fionnraí.
An nós-imeachta a leanfar má dintar breithiúnas no daora do chur thar n-ais chun é d'ath-scrúdú.
116.—I gcás breithiúnas no daora do chur thar n-ais chun é d'ath-scrúdú, ath-chruinneoidh an Chúirt i gCúirt iadhta. Ní ghlacfid a thuille fianaise. Mara gclaoidhid leis an mbreithiúnas bunaidh, cuirfid an breithiúnas nua ar breaca, agus más gá daora do ghearra de bharr an bhreithiúnais nua san gearrfid daora nua. Má chlaoidhid le n-a mbreithiúnas bunaidh, déanfid as an nua é do chur ar breaca. Má dintar an daora amháin do chur thar n-ais chun é d'ath-scrúdú, ní ath-scrúdóid aon bhreithiúnas, ach beidh comhacht acu chun an daora bunaidh do mhéadú. Cuirfar gach daora nua ar breaca ar an gcuma orduithe.
Feidhmiu an Daortha.
Feidhmiú daortha pian-tseirbhíse.
117.—(1) Má dhineann Arm-Chúirt duine fé dhlí airm do chiontú agus é do dhaora chun pian-tseirbhíse beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag an gciontú agus ag an daora san, tar éis a ndaingnithe go cuibhe do réir an Achta so, díreach fé mar a dhéanfadh Cúirt Shíbhialta inniúil an duine sin (dá ngairmtear daoránach mileata ina dhiaidh seo anso) do chiontú go cuibhe i gcionta le n-a ngabhann pionós pian-tseirbhíse agus é do dhaora chun pian-tseirbhíse, agus, sa mhéid gur féidir é, bainfidh leis dá réir sin gach achtachán a bhaineann le duine a ciontuítear agus a daortar ar an gcuma san ag Cúirt Shíbhialta.
(2) Má dintar daora pian-tseirbhíse do dhaingniú go cuibhe déanfar, chó luath agus is féidir é, an daoránach mileata ar ar gearradh an daora san d'aistriú go priosún pian-tseirbhíse chun a dhaora d'fulag do réir dlí. Fanfa sé i gcimeád mileata go dtí go n-aistreofar amhlaidh é.
(3) Beidh ordú an údaráis choimiteála (a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo san Alt so) ina leor-bharántas chun daoránach mileata d'aistriú go príosún pian-tseirbhíse.
(4) Aon uair sara sroichfidh daoránach mileata priosún pian-tseirbhíse féadfidh an t-údarás saorthachta (a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo san Alt so) le hOrdú an príosúnach do scaoile.
(5) Duine no daoine dhíobh so a leanas a bheidh mar údarás coimiteála chun crícheanna an Ailt seo:—
(a) An tAire.
(b) An tArd-Chongantóir.
(c) Oifigeach Ceannais an daoránaigh mhileata.
(d) Aon oifigeach eile le húdarás cuibhe.
(6) Duine dhíobh so a leanas a bheidh ina údarás saorthachta chun crícheanna an Ailt seo:—
(a) An tAire.
(b) An tArd-Chongantóir.
(c) Aon oifigeach eile le húdarás cuibhe.
Feidhmiú daortha príosúntachta no coinneála.
118.—(1) Sa chás gur dhin Arm-Chúirt duine do dhaora chun príosúntachta, agus gur daingníodh an daora san go cuibhe, déanfidh an té a daoradh amhlaidh (dá ngairmtear príosúnach mileata ina dhiaidh seo san Alt so) a théarma príosúntachta d'fhulag i gcimeád mileata no i mbeairic choinneála no i bpríosún puiblí no cuid de ar shlí dhíobh san agus cuid de ar shlí eile.
(2) Sa chás gur dhin Arm-Chúirt duine do dhaora chun téarma coinneála agus gur daingníodh an daora go cuibhe, no sa chás gur dhin Oifigeach Ceannais no oifigeach eile, i bhfeidhmiú comhachtanna údaráis achmair a bronnadh leis an Acht so, duine do dhaora chun téarma coinneála, déanfidh gach duine den tsórt san (dá ngairmtear ina dhiaidh seo san Alt so saighdiúir fé choinneáil) a théarma coinneála do chaitheamh i gcimeád mileata no i seomra coinneála beairice, no i mbeairic choinneála, no cuid de ar shlí dhíobh agus cuid de ar shlí eile, ach ní hi bpríosún puiblí.
(3) An t-ordú a déanfidh an t-údarás coimiteála a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo san Alt so, beidh sé ina leor-bharántas chun príosúnach mileata d'aistriú go príosún puiblí no go beairic choinneála, no chun saighdiúir fé choinneáil d'aistriú go beairic choinneála.
(4) Faid a bheidh príosúnach mileata i bpríosún puiblí, coinneofar i mbraighdeanas agus fé dhaor-obair é agus déanfar leis ar gach slí eile fé is dá mba gnáth-phríosúnach é a bheadh ag fulag daortha den tsórt chéanna.
(5) Féadfidh an t-údarás saorthachta, a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo san Alt so, saoirse do thabhairt do phríosúnach mileata no do shaighdiúir fé choinneáil aon uair i rith a théarma príosúntachta no coinneála.
(6) Aon uair i rith téarma príosúntachta príosúnaigh mhileata no i rith téarma coinneála saighdiúra atá fé choinneáil féadfidh an t-údarás coimiteála a shocrú le hordú:—
(a) Go n-aistreofar é o phríosún phuiblí go príosún puiblí eile;
(b) Go n-aistreofar é o bheairic choinneála go beairic choinneála eile;
(c) Go dtabharfar i láthair Arm-Chúirte no Cúirte Síbhialta é chun é do thriail no mar fhínné;
agus beidh ordú ón údarás san ina leor-bharántas chun é do chur i gcimeád mileata agus chun é do choinneáil i gcimeád go dtí go bhféadfar é do chur thar n-ais.
(7) Duine no daoine dhíobh so a leanas a bheidh mar údarás coimiteála:—
(a) An tAire.
(b) An tArd-Chongantóir.
(c) Oifigeach Ceannais an phríosúnaigh mhileata no an tsaighdiúra atá fé choinneáil.
(d) Aon oifigeach le húdarás cuibhe.
(8) Duine dhíobh so a leanas a bheidh ina údarás saorthachta:—
(a) An tAire.
(b) An tArd-Chongantóir.
(c) Aon oifigeach eile le húdarás cuibhe.
(d) Más é Oifigeach Ceannais an tsaighdiúra fé choinneáil a ghearr an daora, an tOifigeach Ceannais sin.
Fiosru i dtaobh Treigine agus admhail Treigine.
Fiosrú ag Cúirt ar bheith as láthair do shaighdiúir.
119.—(1) Nuair a bheidh aon tsaighdiúir ar feadh tréimhse lá is fiche as láthair ó n-a dhiúité gan cead, chó luath agus is féidir é féadfar Cúirt Fiosrúcháin do thionóla agus féadfa sí ar an gcuma orduithe fiosrú do dhéanamh, fé mhionn no fé fhaisnéis sholamanta (a húdaruítear leis seo don Chúirt sin a chur), i dtaobh é do bheith as láthair no gan a bheith, agus i dtaobh an easnaimh (más ann do) ar airm, amuinisean, gléasa, instruimidí, riachtanaisí reisiminte, no cuid éadaigh an tsaighdiúra, agus más deimhin leo gur fíor go raibh an saighdiúir sin as láthair gan cead ná leor-chúis eile, faisneoidh an Chúirt an nea-láithreacht san agus tréimhse na nea-láithreachta san agus an t-easnamh san (más ann do) agus déanfidh Oifigeach Ceannais an tsaighdiúra nea-láithrigh faisnéis na Cúirte sin do chur ar breaca sna leabhair reisiminte.
(2) Más rud é ina dhiaidh sin ná déanfidh an saighdiúir nealáithreach é féin do thabhairt suas agus ná gabhfar é, beidh éifeacht ag an mbreacachán san do réir dlí mar chiontú ag Arm-Chúirt i dtréigean.
Admháil o shaighdiúir gur thréig sé no gur liostáil sé go calaoiseach.
120—(1) Má shighníonn saighdiúir admháil go raibh sé ciontach i dtréigin no i liostáil chalaoiseach, féadfidh údarás mileata inniúil, leis an ordú chun déanamh gan a thriail ag Arm-Chúirt no le haon ordú ina dhiaidh sin, cailliúintí agus gearrtha as a phágh (más ann do) do mhola díreach fé mar fhéadfadh Arm-Chúirt a mhola mar gheall ar an gcionta san, no fé mar a leanfadh as ciontú ag Arm-Chúirt sa chionta san, ach amháin pé cinn díobh a luadhfar san ordú.
(2) Más rud é, ar bheith déanta d'aon admháil den tsórt san, nách uiriste teacht suas le fianaise ar fhírinne ná ar bhréagaí na hadmhála an uair sin, breacfar an admháil sin sna leabhair reisiminte fé chontra-shighniú Oifigeach Ceannais an tsaighdiúra, agus leanfidh an saighdiúir sin ag déanamh a dhualgais sa chór chun a n-aistreofar é, go dtí go scuirfar é no go dtí go n-aistreofar chun an Chúl-thaca é, no go dtí go bhféadfar cruthú dleathach d'fháil ar fhírinne no ar bhréagaí na hadmhála san.
(3) Chun críche an Ailt seo isé rud a chialluíonn an t-údarás mileata inniúil ná an tAire no aon oifigeach generálta orduithe.
Aisioc Maoine Guidthe.
Comhacht i dtaobh aisíoc maoine guidthe.
121.—(1) Má dhineann Arm-Chúirt duine do chiontú in aon mhaoin do ghuid, do chlaon-chasa, do ghlaca agus a fhios aige gur guideadh í no d'fháil ar aon tslí nea-dhleathach eile, agus go bhfuighfar an mhaoin no aon chuid di i seilbh an chiontathóra, féadfidh údarás daingnithe breithiúnais agus daortha na hArm-Chúirte sin, no an tAire, a ordú go ndéanfar an mhaoin a fuarthas amhlaidh do thabhairt don té gur deabharthach gur leis í.
(2) Féadfar a leithéid sin d'ordú do dhéanamh i dtaobh aon mhaoine a gheobhfar i seilbh an chiontathóra agus a chífar don údarás daingniúcháin no don Aire a fuarthas tré díol no malairtiú aon chuid den mhaoin a guideadh, a claon-chasadh, a glacadh, no a fuarthas go nea-dhleathach.
(3) Agus fós má chítar don údarás daingniúcháin no don Aire, ón bhfianaise a tugadh i láthair na hArm-Chúirte, gur dineadh aon chuid den mhaoin a guideadh, a claon-chasadh, a glacadh no fuarthas go nea-dhleathach, do dhíol le haon duine no do chur i ngeall aige gan aon fhios ciontach ag an té a dhin an mhaoin a cheannach no a ghlaca i ngeall, féadfidh an t-údarás daingniúcháin no an tAire, ar iarratas an duine sin agus ar aisíoc na maoine le n-a húnaer, a ordú go n-íocfar leis an té a dhin an ceannach no glaca-i-ngeall, amach as an airgead (más ann do) a fuarthas i seilbh an chiontathóra, suim ná raghaidh thar an méid a fuarthas de shochar an díolacháin no an chur-i-ngeall san.
(4) Ní dhéanfidh ordú fén Alt so bac do chur le ceart éinne, seachas an ciontathóir no éinne ag éileamh tríd, chun aon mhaoin no airgead a seachadadh no a híocadh do réir ordú fén Alt so do bhaint den té dar seachadadh no le n-ar híocadh an céanna amhlaidh.
Eagcortha do Leigheas.
Conus a dhéanfidh oifigeach gearán.
122.—Más dó le hoifigeach gur dhin a Oifigeach Ceannais éagcóir air agus, ar a iarraidh go cuibhe dho air, ná fuighe sé an sásamh go bhfuil teideal aige chuige, dar leis, féadfa sé gearán do dhéanamh leis an Aire ar an gcuma orduithe chun ceart d'fháil, agus éilítear air sin leis seo an gearán san do scrúdú.
Conus a dhéanfidh saighdiúir gearán.
123.—Más dó le saighdiúir éagcóir a bheith déanta ag aon oifigeach seachas a chaptaen no ag aon tsaighdiúir air, féadfa sé san do ghearán le n-a chaptaen, agus más dó leis gur dhin a chaptaen éagcóir air, tré gan sásamh do thabhairt do ina ghearán no ar aon tslí eile, féadfa sé san do ghearán le n-a Oifigeach Ceannais, agus más dó leis gur dhin a Oifigeach Ceannais éagcóir air, tré gan sásamh do thabhairt do ina ghearán no ar aon tslí eile, féadfa sé san do ghearán leis an oifigeach generálta orduithe, agus gach oifigeach le n-a ndéanfar gearán do réir an Ailt seo cuirfe sé fé ndeár fiosrú do dhéanamh sa ghearán san, agus más deimhin leis, tar éis fiosrú, go bhfuil an ceart sa ghearán a dineadh amhlaidh déanfa sé pé nithe is gá chun sásamh iomlán do thabhairt don ghearánaí sa ní a gearánadh.
Faisneis i dtaobh Ceannais Mhileata.
Ceannas mileata.
124.—(1) Faisnítear leis seo go bhféadfidh an tAire, ar pé slí a chífar do o am go ham a bheith oiriúnach, rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh na ndaoine dá dtabharfar ceannas ar na Fórsaí no ar aon chuid díobh no ar éinne a bhaineann leo mar oifigigh no éinní eile, agus i dtaobh na slí ina bhfeidhmeofar an ceannas san; ach ní tabharfar ceannas d'éinne ar dhuine is aoirde céim ná é féin.
(2) Ní tuigfar éinní san Alt so do bheith ag luíodú aon chomhachta atá dílsithe san Aire ar aon tslí eile.
Comhacht an Aire chun Rialacha do dheanamh.
Comhacht don Aire chun rialacha nósimeachta do dhéanamh.
125.—(1) Fé réir forálacha an Achta so, féadfidh an tAire o am go ham, le rialacha, forálacha do dhéanamh, agus tar éis a ndéanta, iad d'athghairm, no d'atharú no cur leo, i dtaobh na nithe seo a leanas no i dtaobh éinní dhíobh, sé sin le rá:—
(a) Tionóla agus nós-imeachta Cúirteanna Fiosrúcháin.
(b) Có-ghairm agus córú Arm-Chúirteanna.
(c) Arm-Chúirteanna do chur ar athlé, a scur agus a suidheanna.
(d) An nós-imeachta is inleanta i dtrialacha a dhéanfidh Arm-Chúirteanna.
(e) Daingniú agus athscrúdú breithiúnaisí agus daoranna Arm-Chúirteanna.
(f) Daoranna Arm-Chúirteanna do chur in éifeacht.
(g) Fuirmeacha na n-orduithe a déanfar fé sna forálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le hArm-Chúirteanna, piantseirbhís, príosúntacht no coinneáil.
(h) Einní sa Chaibidil seo den Chuid seo den Acht so a éilítear a órdú.
(i) Aon rud no ní eile is oiriúnach no is riachtanach chun an tAcht so do chur i bhfeidhm chó fada is théigheann fiosrú, triail no pionósú sna ciontaí is intrialta no is inphionósuithe do réir dlí airm.
(2) Ach mar sin féin ní bheidh in aon rialacha den tsórt san éinní contrárdha d'fhorálacha an Achta so ná buiniscionn leo..
(3) Cuirfar san áireamh i gcúrsaí breithiúntais gach riail a déanfar do réir an Ailt seo.
(4) Gach riail a déanfar do réir an Ailt seo leagfar fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas iad chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a ndéanta má bhíonn an tOireachtas ina suidhe an uair sin agus, mara mbeidh an tOireachtas ina suidhe an uair sin, chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis tosach an chéad shiosóin eile den Oireachtas.
(5) Sna rialacha i dtaobh nós-imeachta Cúirteanna Fiosrúcháin féadfar forálacha a dhéanamh chun fianaise do ghlaca fé mhionn agus comhacht do thabhairt do Chúirteanna Fiosrúcháin chun fínnithe do chur fé mhionn chun na críche sin.
(6) Sna rialacha i dtaobh fiosrú do dhéanamh i gcúiseamh féadfar forálacha do dhéanamh chun achmaireacht scríbhte a dhéanamh fé mhionn ar an bhfianaise, agus féadfidh na rialacha san comhacht chun fínnithe do chur fé mhionn chun na críche sin do thabhairt d'Oifigeach Ceannais no d'aon oifigeach 'na n-ordóidh sé an achmaireacht san do dhéanamh ina láthair.
(7) Ní bhainfidh an tAcht Foillsiú Rialacha, 1893, le rialacha a déanfar fén Alt so.
Ní bainfar éinní as págh ach mar bheidh údaruithe.
126.—Íocfar págh oifigigh no saighdiúra de sna fórsaí gan éinní do bhaint as ach mar a húdaruítear leis an Acht so no mar a húdarófar le haon Rialacháin a déanfar fé, no le aon Acht eile den Oireachtas.
Caillfidh oifigigh págh go hátomaitigiúil i gcásanna áirithe.
127.—Caillfidh oifigeach go hátomaitigiúil págh in aghaidh gach lae—
(a) A bheidh sé as láthair tar éis tréigean do no gan cead.
(b) A bheidh sé i gciméad fé chúiseamh i gcionta má dhineann Cúirt Shíbhialta é do chiontú ann.
(c) A bheidh sé i gcimeád fé chúiseamh má dhineann Arm-Chúirt é do chiontú gan a mhalairt sin d'ordú i dtaobh a pháigh.
Caillfidh saighdiúirí págh go hátomaitigiúil i gcásanna áirithe.
128.—Caillfidh saighdiúir go hátomaitigiúil págh in aghaidh gach lae—
(a) A bheidh sé as láthair tar éis tréigean do no gan cead.
(b) A bheidh sé i gcimeád fé chúiseamh i gcionta má dhineann Cúirt Shíbhialta é do chiontú ann.
(c) A bheidh sé i gcimeád fé chúiseamh má dhineann Arm-Chúirt é do chiontú (gan a mhalairt sin d'ordú i dtaobh a pháigh).
(d) A bheidh sé i gcimeád fé chúiseamh i bheith as láthair gan cead má dhineann a Oifigeach Ceannais ina dhiaidh sin é do dhaora chun coinneála.
(e) A bheidh sé fé phríosúntacht a ghearrfidh Arm-Chúirt no Cúirt Shíbhialta air.
(f) A bheidh sé fé choinneáil a ghearrfidh Arm-Chúirt no a Oifigeach Ceannais air.
Míniú ar an bhfocal “Lá.”
129.—Chun crícheanna Altanna 127 agus 128 den Acht so; féadfidh an tAire o am go ham le rialachán no le hordú a fhaisnéis cad a tuigfar a bheith ina lá nea-láithreachta, ina lá i gcimeád, no ina lá príosúntachta no coinneála, i dtreo ámh—
(a) Ná háireofar chun na gcrícheanna roimhráite, duine do bheith as láthair, i gcimeád, i bpríosún ná fe choinneáil marar mhair an nea-láithreacht, an cimeád, an phríosúntacht no an choinneáil sin sé huaire a' chluig no thairis sin, ach amháin sa chás gur dhin an nea-láithreacht an nea-láithreach do chose ar dhualgas mileata éigin do dhéanamh i dtreo go raibh ar dhuine éigin eile é do dhéanamh;
(b) Go bhféadfar tréimhse nea-láithreachta, tréimhse i gcimeád, no tréimhse príosúntachta no coinneála a thosnuigh roimh mheán-oíche agus a chríochnuigh tar éis meán-oíche d'áireamh mar lá;
(c) Go gcomhreofar uimhir na laethanta ón am a thosnuigh an nea-láithreacht, an cimeád, an phríosúntacht no an choinneáil; agus
(d) Ná háireofar mar bhreis agus lá aon tréimhse is giorra ná cheithre huaire fichead.
Gearra siar a féadfar a dhéanamh i ngnáth-phágh oifigeach.
130.—Féadfar an gearra siar so a leanas a dhéanamh sa ghnáth-phágh a bheidh ag dul d'oifigeach:—
(a) An tsuim is gá chun cúiteamh aon chostais, cailliúna, damáiste no scrios a tháinig as déanamh aon chionta, do dhéanamh suas, pé cúiteamh a mholfidh an Arm-Chúirt a chiontuigh sa chionta san é.
(b) An tsuim is gá chun págh do dhéanamh suas a choinnigh sé ar aon oifigeach no saighdiúir go nea-dhleathach no gur dhiúltaigh sé go nea-dhleathach d'é d'íoc leis.
(c) An tsuim is gá chun aon fhíneáil d'íoc a chuir Arm-Chúirt no Cúirt Shíbhialta air.
(d) An tsuim is gá chun aon chailliúint, damáiste no scrios maoine puiblí a dhéanamh suas a chífar don Aire, tar éis fiosrú cuibhe do dhéanamh, a bheith tagtha as aon ghníomh anncheart no faillí a dhin an t-oifigeach.
Gearra siar a féadfar a dhéanamh i ngnáth-phágh saighdiúirí.
131.—Féadfar an gearra siar so a leanas a dhéanamh sa ghnáth-phágh a bheidh ag dul do shaighdiúir:—
(a) An gnáth-phágh go léir in aghaidh gach lae a bhí sé in óspidéal de dheascaibh breoiteacht a dheimhnigh an dochtúir ceart oifigiúil, a bhí ag tabhairt aire dho san óspidéal, a bheith tagtha air de bharr cionta fén Acht so do dhéanamh. Sa bhfo-alt so ciallóidh an focal “la” lá iomlán cheithre huaire fichead.
(b) An tsuim is gá chun cúiteamh aon chostais, cailliúna, damáiste no scrios, a tháinig as déanamh aon chionta, do dhéanamh suas, pé cúiteamh a mholfidh an Arm-Chúirt a chiontuigh sa chionta san é, no, má admhuíonn sé an cionta agus go socrófar le hordú fé Alt 120 (1) den Acht so déanamh in éamais é thriail, a molfar leis an ordú san no le haon ordú eile a dhéanfidh údarás mileata inniúil fén Alt san.
(c) An tsuim is gá chun pé cúiteamh a dhéanamh suas a mholfidh a Oifigeach Ceannais no Arm-Chúirt mar gheall ar chostaisí gurb é fé ndeár iad no mar gheall ar aon chailliúint no damáiste no scrios a dhin sé maidir le haon airm, amuinisean, gléasa, cuid éadaigh, instruimidí no riachtanaisí reisiminte no aon fhóirgintí no maoin, ach i gcás mola a dhéanfidh Oifigeach Ceannais ní raghaidh an gearra siar thar £10 i gcás ar bith.
(d) An cion nách foláir do a thabhairt, mar dhuine a bhaineann le haontán, chun cúiteamh a dhéanamh ar dhamáiste beairice, a chífar, tar éis fiosrú cuibhe a déanfar ar an gcuma orduithe, a bheidh tagtha as gníomh no faillí thoiliúil a dhin duine no daoine do-aitheanta den aontán i rith na tréimhse a bhí an t-aontán san i seilbh.
Chun críche na míre seo, cialluíonn an focal “damáiste beairice” damáiste no cailliúint no scrios aon áitribh ina bhfuil saighdiúirí ar ceathrú no ar billéadacht ann, no damáiste no cailliúint no scrios aon dultaisí, daingneán, troscáin no éifeachtaí ann no ag baint leis, agus foluíonn an focal “aontán” aon chuid d'aontán.
(e) An tsuim is gá chun fíneáil d'íoc a mhol Arm-Chúirt, a Oifigeach Ceannais, a Cheannasaí Complachta, no Cúirt Shíbhialta.
(f) An tsuim is gá chun aon tsuim d'íoc gur dhin an tAire, no aon oifigeach d'ainmnigh sé chuige sin, a ordú go n-íocfí í mar a luaidhtear san Acht so chun a bhean no a dhuine clainne no aon leanbh tabhartha do chothú no mar chuid de chostas aon fhóirithine a tugadh ar iasacht dá mhnaoi agus dá dhuine clainne:
Ach an méid a bainfar as gnáth-phágh fén Alt so ní ragha sé, i seachtain ar bith, thar dhá dtrian an pháigh a bheidh don chiontathóir i gcóir na seachtaine sin.
Conus a maithfar págh-chailliúint átom aitigiúil agus gearra siar as págh
132.—Féadfaidh an tAire maitheamh do thabhairt in aon phágh-chailliúint átom aitigiúil no gearra siar as págh a húdaruítear leis an Acht so.
Tuille i dtaobh baint as gnáthphágh.
133.—(1) Aon tsuim a údaruíonn an tAcht so a bhaint as gnáth-phágh oifigigh no saighdiúra, féadfar, gan dochar d'aon tslí eile chun í bhaint amach, í bhaint as an ngnáth-phágh no as aon tsuimeanna a bheidh ag dul don oifigeach no don tsaighdiúir sin, agus san ar pé cuma agus, tar éis a bhainte as no a bhainte amach, féadfar í leithreasú ar pé cuma a hórdófar o am go ham le haon rialachán no ordú a dhéanfidh an tAire.
(2) I gcásanna amhrais i dtaobh an méid páigh is ceart a thabhairt amach no an méid is ceart a chailliúint go hátomaitigiúil no a bhaint as págh atá ag dul d'oifigeach no do shaighdiúir, féadfar an págh san do choinneáil siar go dtí go gcuirfar in úil cadé an t-ordú atá déanta ag an Aire ina thaobh agus ní bheidh dul thar an ordú san.
Cosc le págh, etc., do shanna.
134.—Beidh gan brí gach sanna a déanfar agus gach muirear a cuirfar agus gach réiteach chun sanna do dhéanamh no muirear do chur ar aon phágh is iníoctha le haon oifigeach no saighdiúir, no ar aon phinsean, liúntas no fóirithin is iníoctha le haon oifigeach no saighdiúir den tsórt san no le n-a mhnaoi, le n-a bhaintrigh, le n-a dhuine clainne no le gaol eile dho, no le héinne ar son seirbhíse mileata.
Pionóisí mar gheall ar mhionn éithigh agus ar phearsanáil.
135.—(1) Má foráltar le haon rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire no an tAire Airgid i dtaobh íoc aon luach saothair, pinsin, no liúntais airm no íoc aon tsuime is iníoctha ar son seirbhíse mileata, no i dtaobh íoc airgid no seachada maoine i seilbh na n-údarás mileata, gur fé mhionn no le faisnéis reachtúil a cruthófar céannacht an ghlacadóra no éinní eile a bhaineann leis an íoc san, féadfidh an té a luadhfar sna rialacháin an mionn san do chur agus an fhaisnéis sin do ghlaca, agus éinne a adéarfidh ráiteas bréagach sa mhionn no sa bhfaisnéis sin go toiliúil, féadfar pionós do chur air mar gheall ar mhionn éithigh.
(2) Einne a neosaidh go bréagach d'aon údarás mileata no síbhialta go mbaineann sé leis na forsaí no leis an gcúl-thaca a bunófar fé aon Acht den Oireachtas no gur fear áirithe sna Fórsaí no sa gCúl-thaca san é, tuigfar é do bheith ciontach i bpearsanáil.
(3) Einne a bheidh ciontach i gcionta fén Acht Bréag-Phearsanála, 1874, maidir le haon phágh, luach saothair, pinsean no liúntas airm, no le haon tsuim is iníoctha ar son seirbhíse mileata, no le haon airgead no maoin i seilbh na n-údarás mileata, no a bheidh ciontach i bpearsanáil fén Alt so, ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair féadfar é chur fé phríosúntacht, i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre, ar feadh téarma nách sia ná trí mhí, no fé fhíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint fhichead.
(4) Ach ní choiscfidh éinní san Alt so dlí ná pionós do chur ar éinne fé aon achtachán eile ná fén dlí choitiann i dtaobh aon chionta, ach gan é phionósú fé dhó ar an aon chionta amháin.
Priosuin agus Beairici Coinneala.
E de dhualgas ar Ghobharnóir príosúin príosúnaigh, tréigtheoirí agus nea-láithrigh gan cead do ghlaca
136.—(1) Glacfidh Gobharnóir gach príosúin i Saorstát Éireann agus cimeádfa sé i mbraighdeanas, go dtí n-a scaoile no a dtabhairt suas de réir cúrsa cuibhe na dlí, gach príosúnach a cuirfar chun an phríosúin sin do réir an Achta so, agus gach duine a tabharfar ina chimeád, mar thréigtheoir no mar nealáithreach gan cead, ag éinne a bheidh ag tionnlacan an duine sin le h-údarás dlí, ar thaisbeáint an bharántais Chúirt Údaráis Achmair ar ar gabhadh no ar ar cuireadh chun príosúin an tréigtheoir sin no an nea-láithreach san gan cead, no ar thaisbeáint ordú éigin ón Aire, ordú a leanfidh i bhfeidhm go dtí go sroichfidh an tréigtheoir no an nea-láithreach gan cead a cheann scríbe.
(2) Déanfidh gach Gobharnóir den tsórt san aon tsaighdiúir i gcimeád mileata do ghlaca ina chimeád, ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná seacht lá, nuair a seachadfar do ordú scríbhte a dheabhróidh a bheith sighnithe ag Oifigeach Ceannais an tsaighdiúra san.
(3) Na forálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le Gobharnóir príosúin, bainfid le duine i bhfeighil aon stáisiúin phóiliní no áite eile in ar féidir do réir dlí príosúnaigh do chimeád.
Bunú agus regealáil príosún mileata.
137.—(1) Beidh sé dleathach d'aon Aire Feidhmiúcháin aon fhoirgneamh no cuid d'fhoirgneamh fé chúram an Aire sin do chur ar leithligh mar phríosún mileata no mar bheairic choinneála, no mar phríosún puiblí i gcóir príosúnach airm, agus a fhaisnéis go mbeidh an foirgneamh san no an chuid sin d'fhoirgneamh ina phríosún mhileata no ina bheairic choinneála, no ina phríosún phuiblí, pe'ca dhíobh é, agus gach príosún mileata a faisneofar a bheith amhlaidh tuigfar é do bheith ina phríosún phuiblí do réir brí na bhforálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le príosúntacht.
(2) Beidh sé dleathach d'Aire Feidhmiúchán rialacha do dhéanamh, d'atharú agus d'athghairm o am go ham i dtaobh rialú, bainistí, agus regealáil príosún mileata agus beairicí coinneála agus i dtaobh ceapa agus cur-chun-siúil agus comhachtanna a gcigirí, a gcuairteoirí, a ngobharnóirí agus a n-oifigeach, agus i dtaobh obair na bpríosúnach mileata no na bpríosúnach eile agus obair na saighdiúirí fé choinneáil ionta; agus chun a chur ar chumas na bpríosúnach no na saighdiúirí sin maitheamh do thuilleamh, le dícheall speisialta agus le dea-iompar, i gcuid dá bpionós, agus i dtaobh slán-chimeád na bpríosúnach no na saighdiúirí sin, agus chun iad do chimeád fé smacht, agus chun na príosúnaigh no na saighdiúirí sin do phionósú le ceartú no cosc pearsanta no ar shlí eile mar gheall ar chiontaí a dhineadar, ar shlí, ámh, ná húdarófar leis na rialacha san pionós cuirp do chur ortha mar gheall ar aon chionta, ná an phríosúntacht ná an choinneáil do dhéanamh níos déine ná mar a bheid fén dlí a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire in aon phríosún i Saorstát Éireann fé réir Acht Generálta na bPríosún (Éirinn), 1877, ach gach rialachán a dineadh fé Acht na bPríosún, 1898, i dtaobh dualgaisí séileoirí agus dochtúirí oifigiúla, agus gach rialachán atá san Acht Leasúcháin um Bás-Phionós, 1868, agus in Acht Generálta na bPríosún (Éirinn), 1877, i dtaobh dualgaisí Coróinéirí i gcúrsaí coistí coróinéara i bpríosúin agus i mbeairicí coinneála, beid sna rialacha san, sa mhéid gur féidir an céanna do chur i mbaint.
(3) Leis na rialacha san féadfar a chur i mbaint leis na príosúin agus na beairicí coinneála san aon achtacháin d'Acht na bPríosún, 1865, agus a chuireann pionóisí ar dhaoine ar bith nách príosúnaigh.
(4) Gach riail a dhéanfidh Aire do réir an Ailt seo leagfar í fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a déanta má bhíonn an tOireachtas ina suidhe an uair sin agus, mara mbeidh, chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis tosach an chéad shiosóin eile den Oireachtas.
(5) Na comhachta a bheidh ag Aire fén Alt so maidir le príosúin mhileata agus beairicí coinneála beid infheidhmithe ag an Oifigeach Generálta ag Ceannasú ar an machaire, agus beidh ortha comhacht chun a fhaisnéis gur príosún mileata no beairic choinneála áit ar bith, agus ní bheidh feidhm ag na teoranna atá leis an gcomhacht chun rialacha do dhéanamh i dtaobh pionósú príosúnach agus saighdiúirí fé choinneáil agus i dtaobh déine na príosúntachta agus na coinneála: Ach ní dhéanfidh éinní sa bhfo-alt so, ná in aon rialacha a déanfar fé, údarás do thabhairt chun léasa ná pionós eile cuirp do thabhairt mar gheall ar aon chionta.
Roinnt na bpríosúnach ina n-aicmí.
138.—De bhrí go n-oireann sé difríocht ghlan do dhéanamh idir an déanamh a tabharfar do phríosúnaigh a ciontuíodh i sarú smachta agus an déanamh a tabharfar do phríosúnaigh a ciontuíodh i gciontaí mí-mhorálta, mí-mhacánta, náireacha, no coiriúla, no a daoradh chun a scurtha ón seirbhís fé aithis, féadfidh an tAire rialacha do dhéanamh o am go ham i dtaobh roinnt na bpriosúnach san ina n-aicmí agus i dtaobh an déanamh a tabharfar dóibh.
Saoirsi d'Oifigigh agus do Shaighdiuiri.
Oifigigh agus saighdiúirí do bheith saor o chustuim.
139.—(1) Gach oifigeach agus saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí ar diúité no ar máirseáil; agus
A gcapaill agus a mbagáiste; agus
Gach príosúnach fé thionnlacan mhileata; agus
Gach mótar, carráiste agus capall is leis na Fórsaí no a bheidh ar fostú i seirbhís mhileata, le linn iad a bheith ag iompar aon daoine den tsórt a luaidhtear thuas san Alt so, no ag iompar bagáiste no stóir no ag fílle tar éis iad d'iompar,
ar dhul ar bord árthaigh no ar ghabháil tíre dhóibh ag aon phiar, cala-phort, cé, no áit caluithe, no ag gabháil dóibh fan aon bhóthair phíce no bóthair eile no trasna droichid, beid saor o íoc aon diúitéthe no custum is inéilithe in aon chás eile de bhua aon Achta Pháirliminte no de bhua aon Achta atá rithte cheana no a rithfar ina dhiaidh seo ag an Oireachtas:
Ach ní dhéanfidh éinní san Alt so aon bháid, báirsí ná árthaigh eile, ar a mbeidh na daoine, na capaill, an bagáiste no na stóir sin á n-iompar ar aon chanáil, do shaora o chustuim d'íoc ar nós bád, báirsí agus árthach eile.
(2) Einne a éileoidh agus a ghlacfidh aon diúite, custuim, no ráta contrárdha don Alt so, féadfar, ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, é do chur fé fhíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint ná fé bhun deich scillinge.
Beidh saighdiúirí saor o phróiseas shíbhialta.
140.—(1) Ní féadfar saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí do thógaint amach as an seirbhís le haon phróiseas, feidhmiú ná Ordú o Chúirt Dlí ná eile, ná a chur fhiachaint air teacht i bpearsain i láthair aon Chúirte Dlí, ach amháin i dtaobh na nithe seo a leanas no i dtaobh éinní amháin díobh; sé sin le rá:—
(a) Mar gheall ar a chúiseamh no a chiontú i gcoir; no
(b) Mar gheall ar aon fhiach, damáiste no suim airgid, nuair is mó san ná tríocha punt gan costaisí na cúise d'aireamh.
(2) Chun crícheanna an Ailt seo isé rud a chiallóidh coir ná feleontacht, mí-iompar, no coir no cionta eile is inphionósuithe le fíneáil no le príosúntacht no le pionós éigin is mó ná san, agus ní fholóidh sé cionta duine a bheadh as láthair o n-a sheirbhís ná a thabharfadh faillí ina chonnra do chó-líona ná a mhí-iompródh é féin ar aon tslí eile i dtaobh a chonnartha.
(3) Chun crícheanna an Ailt seo, tuigfar go bhfoluíonn Cúirt Dlí Cúirt Údaráis Achmair agus aon Ghiúistís Dúithche.
(4) Chun críche aon phróisis a tabharfar amach sara dtabharfidh an Chúirt breith ar an gcás, cruthófar méid an fhéich, an damáiste no na suime le móid-scríbhinn ón duine a bheidh ad iarraidh an chéanna do bhaint amach no o dhuine éigin thar a cheann, agus mionnófar an mhóid-scríbhinn sin gan aon táille d'íoc, ar an gcuma 'na mionnuítear móidscríbhinní sa Chúirt ina mbunófar imeachta chun an tsuim do bhaint amach, agus déanfar, gan táille d'íoc, memorandum ar an móid-scríbhinn sin do chúl-scrí ar aon phróiseas no ordú a tabharfar amach i gcoinnibh saighdiúra.
(5) Beidh gan brí gach imeacht agus scríbhinn a bheidh i bpróiseas, feidhmiú no ordú contrárdha don Alt so no a bheidh i mbaint le n-a leithéid; agus má dhineann saighdiúir no a Oifigeach Ceannais gearán go bhfuiltar ag deighleáil leis an saighdiúir sin, contrárdha don Alt so, le haon phróiseas, feidhmiú no ordú a tugadh amach as aon Chúirt agus má dintar an gearán san leis an gCúirt sin no le haon Chúirt is aoirde ná í, déanfidh an Chúirt no breitheamh éigin den Chúirt scrúdú ar an ngearán agus, más gá é, an saighdiúir sin do scaoile saor, gan táille uaidh, agus féadfa sé costaisí réasúnta do mhola i gcóir an ghearánaí agus féadfar iad san do bhaint amach fé mar a molfí costaisí i bhfabhar do in aon aicsean no imeacht eile sa Chúirt sin.
Einne go mbeidh abhar aicsin no cúise aige i gcoinnibh saighdiúra de sna Fórsaí, féadfa sé, in ainneoin éinní san Alt so, tar éis fógra cuibhe i scríbhinn a bheith tabhartha don tsaighdiúir no fágtha san áit is déanaí ina raibh sé ar ceathrúin, dul ar aghaidh chun breithiúnais san aicsean no sa chúis sin, agus feidhmiú d'fháil ná beidh i gcoinnibh pearsan, páigh, amuinisin, gléasa, riachtanaisí reisiminte, no cuid éadaigh an tsaighdiúra san.
Oblagáid ar shaighdiúir chun a bhean agus a chlann do chothú.
141.—(1) Beidh sé d'oblagáid ar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí cabhrú chun a bhean agus a chlann do chothú, agus fós chun aon leanbh tabhartha do chothú na gcruthófar gurb é a athair é, oiread is dá mba nár shaighdiúir é; ach ní raghaidh feidhmiú amach i gcoinnibh a phearsan, a pháigh ná a chuid arm, amuinisin, gléasa, instruimidí, riachtanaísí reisiminte, ná éadaigh, i dtaobh aon oblagáid den tsórt san ná i dtaobh aon ordú ná aithne i dtaobh an chothuithe sin; ná ní féadfar é do phionósú mar gheall ar a bhean no a mhuiríon no éinne acu do thréigean, ná mar gheall ar fhaillí do thabhairt ina gcothú, ná mar gheall ar ise no iad-san d'fhágaint ina muirear ar aon aontas, paróiste no áit.
(2) Nuair a déanfar ordú no aithne, fé aon acht no sa dlí choitiann, go ndéanfidh fear atá, no a bheidh ina dhiaidh sin, ina shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí costas cothuithe a mhná no costas cothuithe a dhuine chlainne, dlistineach no tabhartha, d'íoc, no costas cothuithe aon leinbh thabhartha na bhfuil sé in ainm bheith ina athair aige d'íoc, no costas aon fhóirithine d'íoc a tugadh ar iasacht dá mhnaoi no dá dhuine clainne, dlistineach no tabhartha, cuirfar cóip den ordú no den aithne sin chun an Aire no chun aon oifigigh d'ainmnigh sé sin chuige sin, agus sa chás—
(a) Go ndéanfar an t-ordú no an aithne sin do chur amach mar sin; no
(b) Go gcuirfar ina luí ar an Aire, no ar aon oifigeach d'ainmnigh sé sin chuige sin, gur dhin saighdiúir de sna gnáth-fhórsaí, gan chúis réasúnta, a bhean no éinne dá chlainn dhlistinigh fé bhun sé mblian ndéag do thréigean no d'fhágaint i ndealbhas,
ordóidh an tAire no an t-oifigeach go mbainfar as págh laethúil an tsaighdiúra, cuid den phágh laethúil sin ná raghaidh thar—
Trí scillinge mar gheall ar bhean chéile, no mar gheall ar chlainn, dlistineach no tabhartha, i gcás saighdiúra atá ina oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta nách ísle céim ná sáirsint;
Dhá scilling mar gheall ar bhean chéile, no mar gheall ar chlainn, dlistineach no tabhartha, i gcás aon tsaighdiúra eile;
agus go gcuirfar i leithreas í in íoc na suime a horduíodh leis an ordú no leis an aithne sin a íoc, no mar chabhair chun costas cothuithe na mná no costas cothuithe na clainne, dlistineach no tabhartha, pe'ca den dá ní sin é, agus san ar pé cuma is oiriúnach leis an Aire no leis an oifigeach.
(3) Má bunuítear imeacht i gcoinnibh saighdiúir de sna Fórsai, fé aon Acht no sa dlí choitiann, chun a chur fhiachaint air aon oblagáid den tsórt san a luaidhtear thuas san Alt so do chólíona, annsan—
(a) Más rud é, ar dháta seirbheálta an phróisis, go mbeidh an saighdiúir ar ceathrú lasmuich de líomatáiste údaráis ná Cúirte no (i gcás an imeacht a bheith os cóir Cúirte Údaráis Achmair) lasmuich de dhúthaigh chúirte na Cúirte Dúithche in ar bunuíodh an imeacht, seirbheálfar an phróiseas ar a Oifigeach Ceannais, agus ní bheidh an tseirbheáil sin dleathach mara bhfágtar i lámhaibh an Oifigigh Cheannais in éineacht leis an bpróiseas, suim airgid (a hordófar mar chostaisí fé n-ar chuathas chun an t-ordú no an aithne d'fháil, má dintar aon ordú no aithne i gcoinnibh an tsaighdiúra) a bheidh sáthach mór chun a chur ar chumas an tsaighdiúra bheith i láthair le linn éisteacht an cháis agus fille chun a cheathrún, agus féadfidh an tOifigeach Ceannais an tsuim sin do chaitheamh chun na críche sin.
(b) In aon chás eile féadfar an próiseas do sheirbheáil ar an Oifigeach Ceannais no ar an saighdiúir, ach más ar an saighdiúir a seirbheálfar an próiseas déanfidh an Chúirt a thabharfidh amach é cóip de do chur chun an Oifigigh Cheannais tríd an bpost cláraithe chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis seirbheáil an phróisis, agus i gcomhnaí cheithre lá ar a luíod roimh an lá a ceapadh chun an cás d'éisteacht.
Má orduítear don tsaighdiúir, le hordú no le haithne a cuireadh chun an Aire no an oifigigh do réir fo-alt (2) den Alt so, aon tsuim a fágadh i lámhaibh an Oifigigh Cheannais fén bhfo-alt so d'íoc mar chostaisí fé n-ar chuathas chun an t-ordú no an aithne d'fháil, féadfidh an tAire a chur fé ndeár suim is ionann agus an tsuim a fágadh amhlaidh d'íoc in íoc na suime a horduíodh a íoc mar chostaisí, agus an tsuim a íocfidh an tAire amhlaidh beidh sí ina fiach puiblí ar an saighdiúir gur dineadh an t-ordú no an aithne ina choinnibh agus, gan dochar d'aon tslí eile chun í do bhaint de, féadfar í do bhaint de tré ghearra siar do dhéanamh ina phágh laethúil, maraon leis an ngearra siar a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (2) den Alt so.
(4) Má fhásann aon riaráiste maidir le suimeanna gur horduíodh le haon ordú no aithne den tsórt san roimhráite iad d'íoc agus, an duine gur dineadh an t-ordú no an aithne ina choinnibh, gur le linn é do bheith ag fónamh mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí a fhás an riaráiste sin, agus pe'ca dineadh no nár dineadh gearra siar ina phágh fén Alt so mar gheall ar an riaráiste, ansan, tar éis do scur de bheith ag fónamh amhlaidh, ní déanfar ordú coimiteála mar gheall ar an riaráiste sin marar deimhin leis an gCúirt gurb acfuinn do, no gurb acfuinn do o scuir sé de bheith ag fónamh amhlaidh, an riaráiste sin no aon chuid de d'íoc agus ná fuil sé íoctha aige.
Ní bheidh oifigigh ina sirriamacha na ina méaraí.
142.—Aon oifigeach de sna Fórsaí atá ar liost na seirbhíse cogúla do réir brí aon ordú a regealálann págh agus ordú céime sna Fórsaí, ní féadfar é d'ainmniú ná do thogha chun bheith ina shirriam ar aon chontae, buirg ná áit eile, ná chun bheith ina mhéara ná ina sheanóir ar, ná chun aon oifig do shealbhú in, aon bhárdas cathrachtúil in aon chathair, buirg ná ait i Saorstát Éireann, ná é d'ainmniú ná do thogha mar bhall de chomhairle chontae.
Saoirse o choiste dháréag.
143.—Beidh gach oifigeach agus saighdiúir sna Fórsaí saor o fhónamh ar aon choiste dháréag.
An Treimhse Seirbhise.
Teora le tréimhse liostála bunaidh.
144.—Féadfar duine do liostáil chun fónamh mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí ar feadh tréimhse 12 bhlian, no ar feadh pé tréimhse is giorra ná san a cheapfidh an tAire o am go ham, ach ní har feadh aon tréimhse is sia ná san, agus san Acht so gairmtear téarma a liostála bunaidh den tréimhse go liostálfidh duine ina cóir:
Ach i gcásanna speisialta féadfidh an tAire, le hordú, a ordú go ndéanfar, i gcás buachalla a liostáladh in aon chór áirithe sara raibh sé 18 mbliana, tréimhse an dá bhlian déag d'áireamh ón lá a bheidh sé ocht mbliana déag.
Téarmaí liostála bunaidh.
145.—Beidh liostáil bhunaidh duine fén Acht so mar leanas:—
(1) Ar feadh iomláine téarma a liostála bunaidh i seirbhís airm; no
(2) Ar feadh pé méid de théarma a liostála bunaidh a cheapfidh an tAire o am go ham agus a luadhfar sa pháipéar teistiochta i seirbhís airm, agus ar feadh iarsma an téarma san sa Chúl-thaca.
Féadfar na coiníollacha seirbhíse d'atharú.
146.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire o am go ham, le rialacháin, generálta no speisialta, na coiníollacha seirbhíse d'atharú, i dtreo gur cheaduithe do shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí in aon tseirbhís, le toil an Aire—
(a) Dul isteach sa Chúl-thaca láithreach ar feadh iarsma nea-chaithte téarma a liostála bunaidh; no
(b) Fanúint i seirbhís an airm ar feadh iomlán iarsma nea-chaithte an téarma san no ar feadh coda dhe; no
(c) Téarma a liostála bunaidh do shíne go ceann tréimhse dhá bhlian déag no tréimhse is giorra ná san.
(2) Féadfidh an tAire o am go ham, le rialacháin, generálta no speisialta, na coiníollacha seirbhíse d'atharú i dtreo gur cheaduithe d'fhear sa Chúl-thaca, le toil an Aire, dul isteach arís i seirbhís an airm ar feadh iomlán iarsma nea-chaithte téarma a liostála bunaidh no ar feadh coda dhe, no ar feadh aon tréimhse aimsire, nách sia ná dhá bhliain déag ar fad, o dháta a liostála bunaidh.
Conus seirbhís d'áireamh.
147.—Nuair a beifear ag áireamh seirbhís saighdiúra de sna Fórsaí chun a scurtha no chun é d'aistriú chun an Chúl-thaca—
Aireofar an tseirbhís o dháta a theistithe.
Imeachta i gcoir Liostala.
An tslí liostála agus teistíochta.
148.—(1) Gach éinne dar húdaruíodh liostálaithe do liostáil sna Fórsaí (dá ngairmtear an “liostálaire” san Acht so) tabharfa sé do gach duine a thairgfidh é féin chun liostála fógra sa bhfuirm a bheidh údaruithe de thurus na huaire ag an Aire, agus na riachtanaisí generálta teistíochta ann agus coiníollacha generálta an chonnartha a dhéanfidh an liostálaí, agus ordú ann don duine sin teacht i láthair Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéara Shíochána láithreach no ar uair agus in áit a luadhfar ann.
(2) Ar theacht i láthair Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéara Shíochána do dhuine a thairgfidh é féin chun liostála, déanfidh an Giúistís Dúithche no an Coimisinéir Síochána san a fhiarfaí dhe ar seirbheáladh an fógra air agus a dtuigeann sé é agus an toil leis go liostálfí é, agus ní ragha sé ar aghaidh leis an liostáil más dó leis go bhfuil lorg an óil ar an liostálaí.
(3) Mara dtaga sé i láthair Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéara Shíochána no, ar theacht i láthair do, maran toil leis go liostálfí é, ní déanfar a thuile i dtaobh an ghnótha.
(4) Más toil leis go liostálfí é—
(a) Tar éis foláramh a thabhairt don duine sin go bhféadfar é phíonósú mar a foráltar leis an Acht so má thugann sé freagra bréagach ar na ceisteanna a léifear do, léighfidh an Giúistís Dúithche no an Coimisinéir Síochána dho no cuirfe sé á léigheamh do na ceisteanna a bheidh leagtha amach sa pháipéar teistíochta a bheidh údaruithe de thuras na huaire ag an Aire, agus tabharfa sé aire go dtuigfidh an duine sin gach ceist a léighfar do mar sin, agus tar éis do a fháil amach go bhfuil freagra an duine sin ar gach ceist breactha go cuibhe os coinne na ceiste sa pháipéar teistíochta, tabharfa sé air an fhaisnéis ar fhírinne na bhfreagraí a bheidh sa pháipéar san do dhéanamh agus do shíghniú agus ansan cuirfe sé é fén mionn géillsine a bheidh sa pháipéar san.
(b) Ar shighniú na faisnéise agus ar thabhairt an mhionna dho, tuigfar go bhfuil an duine sin liostálta mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí.
(c) Déanfidh an Giúistís Dúithche no an Coimisinéir Síochána, le sighniú ar an gcuma a bheidh orduithe sa pháipéar san, a theistiú gur có-líonadh na riachtanaisí a bhaineann le liostálaí do theistiú, agus seachadfa sé don liostálaire an páipéar teistíochta agus é dátuithe go cuibhe.
(d) Scilling, gan a thuille, an táille a bheidh le n-íoc as teistiú liostálaí agus as gach gníomh agus ní a bhainfidh leis sin, agus is leis an gCléireach Cúirte Dúithche a híocfar í.
(e) An t-oifigeach is déanaí a ghlacfidh le liostálaí i gcóir seirbhíse tabharfa sé don liostálaí má iarann sé é cóip deimhnithe dá pháipéar teistíochta.
(5) An dáta ar a sighneoidh an liostálaí an fhaisnéis agus ar a dtabharfa sé an mionn a luaidhtear chuige sin san Alt so, tuigfar gurb é sin dáta teistiú an liostálaí sin.
(6) Más deimhin leis an údarás mileata údaruithe go bhfuil aon earráid i bpáipéar teistíochta liostálaí féadfa sé a chur fé ndeár go dtiocfidh an liostálaí i láthair Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéara Shíochána éigin, agus féadfidh an Giúistís Dúithche no an Coimisinéir Síochána san an earráid sin do cheartú sa pháipéar teistíochta más deimhin leis go bhfuil sí ann agus ná fuil sí chó mór san gur cheart an liostálaí do scur, agus leis sin tuigfar an páipéar ceartuithe do bheith chó dleathach agus dá mba chuid d'abhar bunaidh an pháipéir sin abhar an cheartuithe sin.
(7) Sa chás go n-ordófar leis na rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire fén gCuid seo den Acht so go sighneofar agus go dteisteofar páipéirí teistíochta dúbláideacha, bainfidh an tAlt so leis na dúbláidí sin, agus má dintar aon cheartú ar aon pháipéar teistíochta déanfar an ceartú ar an dá pháipéar theistíochta dhúbláideacha.
Comhacht do liostálaí chun a scur do cheannach.
149.—Má dhineann liostálaí, laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis dáta a theistithe, suim nách mó ná deich bpúint d'íoc chun usáid stát-chiste Shaorstáit Éireann, scuirfar é chó tapaidh agus is oiriúnach é mara n-eilighidh sé an scur san i rith tréimhse ina mbeidh sé orduithe, le furógra do réir an Achta so, go leanfidh i seirbhís an airm, saighdiúirí atá i seirbhís an airm agus a haistreofí chun an Chúl-thaca mara mbeadh an t-ordú san, agus sa chás san féadfar é do choinneáil sa tseirbhís ar feadh na tréimhse sin agus ar bheith caithte don tréimhse sin scuirfar é ar íoc na suime sin ansan má éilíonn sé a scur amhlaidh.
Fir do cheapa chun Coranna agus Aistrithe.
Fir do liostáil chun seirbhíse generálta agus a gceapa chun córanna.
150.—(1) Do réir aon Rialachán, generálta no speisialta, a dhéanfidh an tAire o am go ham, féadfar liostálaithe do liostáil chun seirbhíse i gcór áirithe de sna Fórsaí, ach is chun seirbhíse generálta a liostálfar liostálaithe ach amháin sa chás ina bhforálfar a mhalairt sna Rialacháin sin (más ann dóibh).
(2) Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis do liostálaí dul fé pé tréineáil mhileata orduithe a ordóidh an tAire déanfidh an t-údarás mileata orduithe, más chun seirbhíse i gcór áirithe a liostáladh an liostálaí é do cheapa chun an chóir sin agus, más chun seirbhíse generálta a liostáladh é, é do cheapa chu cóir éigin de sna Fórsaí.
Tar éis duine do cheapa chun cóir agus forálacha i dtaobh aistrithe.
151.—Ar bheith ceaptha chun cóir do shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí, pe'ca chun seirbhíse generálta a liostáladh é no nách ea, fónfa sé sa chór san ar feadh tréimhse a sheirbhíse airm, pe'ca ar feadh téarma a liostála bunaidh é no ar feadh tréimhse pé ath-fhostú a luaidhtear san Acht so, mara n-aistrítear é fé sna forálacha so a leanas:—
(1) Laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis dáta a theistithe no aon uair le linn bheith i bhfeidhm d'fhurógra le n-ar horduíodh an Cúl-thaca do ghlaoch amach ar buantseirbhís, féadfar le hordú ón údarás mileata orduithe, saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí a liostáladh chun seirbhíse generálta d'aistriú chun aon chóir de sna Fórsaí den ghéig no den bhrainse chéanna sheirbhíse;
(2) Le hordú ón údarás mileata orduithe, féadfar saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí d'aistriú aon uair chun aon chóir de sna Fórsaí le n-a thoil féin;
(3) Má dintar, de réir aon fhorála dhíobh san roimhe seo, saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí d'aistriú chun cóir i ngéig no i mbrainse eile seachas í siúd ina raibh sé ag fónamh roimhe sin, féadfidh an t-údarás mileata orduithe, le hordú, coiníollacha a sheirbhíse d'atharú i dtreo go mbeid ar có-réir leis na coiníollacha generálta seirbhíse sa ghéig no sa bhrainse chun a n-aistreofar é;
(4) Má aistrítear saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí chun fónamh ar an bhfuirinn no in aon chór nach cór coisithe, marcraidhe, ordonáis, ná innealtóireachta, féadfar, le hordú ón údarás mileata orduithe, i rith téarma a liostála bunaidh no i rith tréimhse a athfhostuithe, é do scur as an seirbhís sin agus é d'aistriú chun aon chóir de sna Fórsaí ina raibh sé ag fónamh roimh an aistriú san a céad-luaidhtear, sa chéim a bheidh aige le linn a scurtha no in aon chéim is ísle ná san;
(5) I gcás saighdiúir sna Fórsaí—
(a) Do bheith ciontach i dtréigin no i liostáil chalaoisigh agus é do chiontú sa chéanna ag Arm-Chúirt no, ar admháil an chionta dho, gurbh fhéidir é thriail ach gur dineadh d'eamais a thrialach le hordú ón údarás mileata orduithe; no
(b) Do dhaora mar gheall ar aon chionta ag Arm-Chúirt chun pionóis nách lú ná tearma trí mhí coinneála,
mar mhaitheamh, i bpáirt no go hiomlán, i bpionós eile, féadfar an saighdiúir sin do chur i seirbhís ghenerálta agus féadfar, o am go ham, é d'aistriú chun pé cóir de sna Fórsaí a ordóidh an t-údarás mileata orduithe o am go ham;
(6) Aon tsaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí a tabharfar isteach i gcimeád mileata no a coimiteálfar ag Cúirt Údaráis Achmair mar thréigtheoir, féadfar, le hórdú ón údarás mileata orduithe, é d'aistriú chun aon chóir de sna Fórsaí in aice na háite in ar tugadh isteach i gcimeád mileata no in ar coimiteáladh é no chun aon chóir eile gur dó leis an údarás mileata orduithe gur mhaith an rud é d'aistriú chuige agus san gan dochar d'é thriail agus d'é phionósú ina dhiaidh sin.
Ath-fhostu agus Seirbhis do chur i bhFaid.
Ath-fhostú saighdiúra.
152.—(1) Fé réir aon rialachán, generálta no speisialta, a dhéanfidh an tAire o am go ham, féadfar saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí, más i seirbhís an airm do, agus tar éis naoi mbliana o dháta a théarma bhunaidh liostála, agus ar a mhola san dá Oifigeach Ceannais agus le cead an údaráis mhileata orduithe, féadfar é d'ath-fhostú ar feadh pé tréimhse seirbhíse airm sa bhreis a dhéanfidh suas tréimhse iomlán leanúnach de bhliain is fiche de sheirbhís airm, ag comhreamh o dháta a theistithe agus ag áireamh aon tréimhse roimhe sin a bhí sé ag fónamh sa Chúl-thaca.
(2) Aon tsaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí a hath-fhostófar amhlaidh déanfa sé faisnéis do réir na rialachán san i láthair a Oifigigh Cheannais.
Chun leanúint i seirbhís tar éis seirbhís 21 bliain.
153.—Aon tsaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí na mbeidh críochnuithe aige no a chríochnóidh laistigh de bhliain tréimhse iomlán bliain is fiche seirbhíse, ag áireamh aon tréimhse a bhí sé ag fónamh sa Chúl-thaca, féadfa sé fógra do thabhairt dá Oifigeach Ceannais gur mian leis leanúint sa tseirbhís sna Fórsaí; agus má cheaduíonn an t-údarás mileata orduithe é, féadfar é chimeád ar gach slí mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí fé mar a bheadh a théarma seirbhíse gan bheith caithte fós, ach amháin go bhféadfa sé a éileamh go scuirfar é fé cheann aon tréimhse de thrí mhí tar éis do fógra do thabhairt dá Oifigeach Ceannais gur mian leis go scuirfí é.
Ath-fhostú oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta agus a leanúint í seirbhís.
154.—Leis na rialacháin a déanfar o am go ham do réir na Coda so den Acht so, féadfar forálacha dhéanamh, má chítar gur rud oiriúnach é, go mbeidh ag oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta de sna Fórsaí, a leanfidh i seirbhís airm ar feadh iarsma neachaithte a théarma bhunaidh liostála, ceart chun ath-fhostú, más maith leis é, fé Alt 153 den Acht so, agus chun a sheirbhís do chur i bhfaid fé Alt 153 den Acht so, no chun aon taobh acu do dhéanamh ach, mar sin féin, beidh san fé veto an Aire no an údaráis eile a luadhfar sna rialacháin agus fé pé coiníollacha eile a háireofar sna rialacháin.
Féadfar seirbhís do chur i bhfaid i gcásanna áirithe.
155.—(1) Más le linn staid cogaidh a bheith ann a thiocfidh an t-am ina mbeadh teideal in aon chás eile ag saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí chun a scurtha, no le linn é bheith á ordú do shaighdiúirí sa Chúl-thaca, le furógra do réir an Achta so, leanúint no dul arís i seirbhís an airm féadfar an saighdiúir do choinneáil agus féadfar a sheirbhís do chur i bhfaid ar feadh pé tréimhse nách sia ná dhá mhí dhéag a ordóidh an t-údarás mileata orduithe, ach ar bheith caithte don tréimhse sin, no aon uair roimhe sin is dó leis an údarás mileata orduithe is féidir déanamh in éamais a sheirbhíse, scuirfar an saighdiúir, mar a foráltar leis an Acht so, chó tapaidh agus is oiriúnach é.
(2) Más le linn staid cogaidh a bheith ann a thiocfidh an t-am ina mbeadh teideal in aon chás eile ag saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí chun a aistrithe chun an Chúl-thaca, féadfar an saighdiúir do chimeád i seirbhís an airm ar feadh pé tréimhse eile nách sia ná dhá mhí dhéag a ordóidh an t-údarás mileata orduithe, ach ar bheith caithte don tréimhse sin no aon uair roimhe sin is dó leis an údarás mileata orduithe is féidir déanamh in éamais a sheirbhíse, aistreofar an saighdiúir chun an Chúl-thaca chó tapaidh agus is oiriúnach é, mara mbeidh i bhfeidhm an uair sin furógra le n-a nglaofar amach an Cúl-thaca no aon chuid de.
(3) Más mian le saighdiúir is gá a scur fén Alt so fanúint sa tseirbhís agus staid cogaidh ann agus má cheaduíonn an t-údarás mileata orduithe é, féadfa sé a aontú go leanfa sé ar gach slí mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí fé mar a bheadh a théarma seirbhíse gan bheith caithte fós, ach amháin go bhféadfa sé a éileamh go scuirfar é i ndeire na staide cogaidh sin no, má foráltar amhlaidh san aontú san, ar bheith caithte d'aon tréimhse de thrí mhí tar éis do fógra do thabhairt dá Oifigeach Ceannais gur mian leis go scuirfí é.
(4) Aon tsaighdiúir a aontóidh ar an gcuma san chun leanúint sa tseirbhís déanfa sé i láthair a Oifigigh Cheannais faisnéis do réir aon rialachán, generálta no speisialta, a dhéanfidh an tAire o am go ham.
Más baol don náisiún, féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle saighdiúirí do chimeád i seirbhís an airm no an Cúl-thaca do ghlaoch amach ar buan-tseirbhís.
156.—(1) I gcás dainséar a bheith ag bagairt ar an náisiún no i gcás práinne móire, beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle a ordú, le Furóga, go gcimeádfar i seirbhís an airm gach saighdiúir no aon tsaighdiúir a bheadh i dteideal a aistrithe chun an Chúl-thaca in aon chás eile do réir téarmaí a liostála, ach an ocáid a chur in úil ar dtúis don Oireachtas má bhíonn an tOireachtas ina suidhe an uair sin no, mara mbeidh an tOireachtas ina suidhe an uair sin, an ócáid d'fhaisnéis leis an bhfurógra.
(2) Beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle, leis an bhfurógra san, a ordú don Aire orduithe do thabhairt o am go ham, agus tar éis a dtabhartha, iad d'ath-ghairm no d'atharú, fé mar a dheabhróidh a bheith riachtanach no ceart chun a chur fé ndeár go leanfidh i seirbhís an airm gach saighdiúir no aon tsaighdiúir dá luadhfar sa bhfurógra.
(3) Gach saighdiúir dá mbeidh sé orduithe de thurus na huaire, leis na horduithe sin, no dá réir, leanúint i seirbhís an airm, leanfa sé i seirbhís an airm go ceann na tréimhse a féadfí a ordú dho a thabhairt sa tseirbhís sin dá ndintí é d'aistriú chun an Chúl-thaca agus é do ghlaoch amach chun buantseirbhíse le furógra ón Ard-Chomhairle fén Acht so i dtaobh an Chúl-thaca.
(4) Féadfar aon fhear a chuaidh isteach sa Chúl-thaca do réir téarmaí a liostála do ghlaoch amach chun buan-tseirbhíse le furógra ón Ard-Chomhairle fé sna forálacha den Acht so a bhaineann leis na Cúl-thacaí do ghlaoch amach ar buan tseirbhís.
Scur agus Aistriu chun an Chul-thaca.
Scur no aistriú chun an Chúl-thaca.
157.—(1) Ach amháin sa chás dá bhforáltar a mhalairt san Acht so, scuirfar gach saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí chó tapaidh agus is féidir é ar bheith caithte do théarma a liostála bunaidh no do thréimhse a ath-fhostuithe, ach go dtí go scuirfar amhlaidh é beidh sé fé réir an Achta so mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí.
(2) Aistreofar gach saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí chun an Chúlthaca ar bheith caithte do thréimhse a sheirbhíse airm, más giorra í ná téarma a liostála bunaidh, ach go dtí go n-aistreofar amhlaidh é beidh sé fé réir an Achta so mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí.
(3) Aon tsaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí a scuirfar ar bheith caithte do théarma a liostála bunaidh no a ath-fhostuithe mar a luaidhtear i bhfó-alt (1) den Alt so, no a haistreofar chun an Chúl-thaca beidh sé i dteideal é do thabhairt, saor ó chostas, ón áit i Saorstát Éireann ina scuirfar no ina n-aistreofar é go dtí an áit in ar teistíodh é do réir a pháipéir theistíochta, no go dtí aon áit ina socróidh sé cur fé ar uair a scurtha no a aistrithe agus in ar féidir é thabhairt gan costas breise.
Ar bheith scurtha dho, gealt saighdiúra do sheachada, maraon le n-a mhnaoi no le n-a dhuine cloinne, i dtigh oibre, no gealt dainséarach do sheachada i ngealtlainn.
158.—(1) Más ceart é, dar leis, féadfidh an tAire, no aon oifigeach a ainmneoidh sé chuige sin, mar gheall ar ghealtacht saighdiúra, a chur fé ndeár go ndéanfar an saighdiúir sin de sna Fórsaí, nuair a scuirfar é, agus a bhean agus a dhuine cloinne, no éinne acu, do chur chun na Paróiste no an Aontais ar ar ionmhuirir é fé sna Reachta a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire agus do réir na ráitisí adubhradh ina pháipéar teistíochta agus do réir aon eolais eile a bheidh le fáil; agus más rud é, tar éis fógra réasúnta, go seachadfar an saighdiúir, an bhean chéile no an duine cloinne sin sa Tigh Oibre ina nglactar daoine 'na bhfuil curtha fútha acu sa Pharóiste no san Aontas san, déanfidh Máistir no oifigeach ceart eile an Tighe Oibre sin, no an Cigire sin na mbocht, pe'ca dhíobh é, é do ghlaca.
(2) Ach má chítar don Aire, no d'aon oifigeach a ainmneoidh sé chuige sin, gur gealt dainséarach an saighdiúir sin agus go bhfuil a shláinte chó maith san nách baol go ndéanfa sé díobháil aigne ná cuirp do é d'aistriú, féadfa sé, le horduithe a cuirfar in íúl fé n-a láimh, an gealt san do chur díreach go Gealtlainn, óspidéal cláruithe, tigh ceadúnuithe, no áit eile in ar féidir do réir dlí geilteanna dealbha do choinneáil, agus, chun críche an orduithe sin, tuigfar gurb í an Pharóiste no an tAontas san thuas an Pharóiste no Aontas o n-ar cuireadh an gealt san.
(3) I gcás aon gheilt den tsórt san a féadfar a sheachada i dTigh Oibre ina nglactar daoine go bhfuil curtha fútha acu san Aontas san, le hordú fé n-a láimh, féadfidh an tAire, no aon oifigeach a ainmneoidh sé chuige sin, an gealt san do chur go Gealtlann an cheanntair ina luíonn an tAontas san, agus beidh ag an ordú san an éifeacht-chéanna a bheadh ag barántas fé lámhaibh agus fé shéalaí dhá Ghiúistís, a tabharfí fé fhorálacha an deichiú Ailt den Reacht a rith Páirlimint na Ríochta Aontuithe a bhí ann le déanaí, 30 agus 31 Vic., c. 118, agus dar teideal “Acht chun forálacha do dhéanamh chun Oifigigh agus Seirbhísigh Gealtlanna Ceanntair in Éirinn do cheapa, agus chun atharú agus leasú a dhéanamh ar an dlí a bhaineas le geilteanna dainséaracha agus daoine dainséaracha gan mheabhair in Éirinn do choinneáil.”
Rialacháin i dtaobh scur saighdiúirí.
159.—(1) Ní déanfar saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí do scur o sna Fórsaí ach le daora Arm-Chúirte no le hordú ón údarás mileata orduithe, agus go dtí go scuirfar go cuibhe é ar an gcuma a foráltar leis an Acht so agus a forálfar le rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire fén Acht so, beidh sé fé réir an Achta so.
(2) Gach saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí a scuirfar, pé cúis fé ndeár é do scur, tabharfar do teisteas scuir ina mbeidh pé mioninnste a hordófar o am go ham le rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire fén Acht so.
Udaras chun Liostalaithe do Liostail agus do Theistiu.
Rialacháin i dtaobh na ndaoine a liostálfidh saighdiúirí agus i dtaobh liostáil saighdiúirí.
160.—(1) O am go ham féadfidh an tAire ordú generálta no speisiálta do dhéanamh agus, tar éis a dhéanta, é d'athghairm agus é d'atharú, ordú le n-a ndéanfa sé pé rialacháin, le n-a dtabharfa sé pé treoracha agus le n-a dtabharfa sé amach pé fuirmeacha is dó leis is gá no is oiriúnach i dtaobh na ndaoine dá n-údarófar liostálaithe do liostáil i gcóir na bhFórsaí, agus chun críche na liostála san agus go generálta chun an Chuid seo den Acht so do chur in éifeacht; agus beidh ag aon ordú den tsórt san an éifeacht chéanna a bheadh aige dá n-achtuítí san Acht so é.
(2) Chun saighdiúirí do theistiú do réir na Coda so den Acht so, beidh údarás Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéara Shíochána ag oifigeach, má tugtar údarás do chuige sin fé sna rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire, agus tuigfar é do bheith áirithe sa bhfocal “Giúistís Dúithche” no “Coimisinéir Síochána” in aon áit ina n-usáidtear é sa Chuid seo den Acht so i dtaobh saighdiúirí do theistiú.
Foralacha Speisialta i dtaobh Printiseach.
Eilithe máistrí chun príntíseach.
161.—Féadfidh an máistir atá ar phríntíseach a teistíodh mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí an príntíseach d'éileamh mar leanas, agus ní har a mhalairt de shlí, faid a bheidh an príntíseach fé bhun bliain is fiche d'aois:—
(1) Laistigh de mhí tar éis don phríntíseach a sheirbhís d'fhágaint caithfidh an máistir, i láthair Giúistís Dúithche, mionn air sin do thabhairt fé mar atá sa Cheathrú Sceideal don Acht so, agus deimhniú ar an mionn san a bheith tabhartha aige d'fháil ón nGiúistís Dúithche, deimhniú a thabharfidh an Giúistís Dúithche sa bhfuirm atá sa Sceideal san, no sa chéill chéanna;
(2) Más deimhin léi, ar ghearán ón máistir, go bhfuil teideal aige chun an príntíseach do thabhairt suas do, féadfidh Cúirt Údaráis Achmair, na bhfuil an príntíseach laistigh dá líomatáiste údaráis, a ordú don oifigeach na bhfuil an príntíseach fé n-a láimh é do sheachada don mháistir, ach más deimhin léi go ndubhairt an príntíseach, agus é á theistiú, nár príntíseach é, féadfa sí agus, má éilíonn an tOifigeach Ceannais sin amhlaidh no má éilítear thar a cheann é, déanfa sí an príntíseach do thriail sa ráiteas bréagach san do dhéanamh agus, más gá é, féadfa sí an cás do chur ar athló chun na críche sin;
(3) Ní tógfar príntíseach amach as an seirbhís ach do réir ordú a dhéanfidh Cúirt Údaráis Achmair;
(4) Ní éileofar príntíseach do réir an Ailt so mar ar cuireadh ceangal cheithre mblian ar a luíod air le dintiúir regealálta agus go raibh sé fé bhun sé mblian ndéag nuair a cuireadh air é;
(5) Aon mháistir a thabharfidh suas dintiúir a phríntísigh laistigh de mhí tar éis teistiú an phríntísigh sin as aon toirbheartas a bhí iníoctha leis an bpríntíseach san ar liostáil do, beidh teideal aige, chun úsáide dho féin, oiread d'fháil agus nár híocadh sar ar tugadh fógra gur phríntíseach an príntíseach san.
Ciontai a bhaineann le Liostail.
Pionós mar gheall ar liostáil nea-dhleathach.
162.—Má dhineann duine gan údarás cuibhe, údarás a bheidh ar an duine sin a chruthú a bheith aige—
(1) Fógraí no fógráin d'fhoillsiú no do chur á bhfoillsiú chun liostálaithe d'fháil i gcóir na bhFórsaí no i dtaobh liostálaithe i gcóir na bhFórsaí; no
(2) Aon tigh, áit no rendezvous, no oifig, d'oscailt no do chimeád mar áit a bhaineann le liostáil i gcóir na bhFórsaí; no
(3) Einne do ghlaca fé aon fhógrán den tsórt roimhráite; no
(4) Cur isteach, díreach no nea-dhíreach, le seirbhís liostála na bhFórsaí,
ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair féadfar fíneáil ná raghaidh thar fiche púnt do chur air.
Féadfar liostálaithe do phionósú mar gheall ar fhreagraí bréagacha.
163.—(1) Má thugann duine freagra bréagach, agus a fhios aige gur freagra bréagach é, ar aon cheist atá sa pháipéar teistíochta agus a cuireadh chuige ón nGiúistís Dúithche no ón gCoimisinéir Síochána na dtáinig sé ina láthair chun go dteisteofí é, no a cuireadh chuige le hordú uaidh sin, féadfar, ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, príosúntacht do chur air, i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre, ar feadh aon tréimhse nách sia ná trí mhí.
(2) Má teistítear mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí duine atá ciontach i gcionta fén Alt so, féadfar, le hordú ón údarás mileata orduithe, dlí do chur air i láthair cúirt údaráis achmair no é chur á thriail ag Arm-Chúirt mar gheall ar an gcionta.
Nithe Ilghneitheacha i dtaobh Liostala.
Dleathacht teistíochta agus liostála no athfhostuithe.
164.—(1) Tar éis a theistithe ar liostáil do no tar éis a fhaisnéis do dhéanamh ar bheith á ath-fhostú dho, má fhaghann duine págh mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí ar feadh trí mhí, tuigfar gur teistíodh agus gur liostáladh é go cuibhe no gur hath-fhostuíodh é go cuibhe, pe'ca dhíobh é, agus ní bheidh teideal aige chun a scurtha mar gheall ar aon earráid no neadhleathacht ina liostáil, ina theistiú no ina ath-fhostú ar aon chúis in aon chor, ach mar a húdaruítear leis an Acht so, agus má dhineann an duine sin, laistigh den trí mhí sin, a scur d'éileamh, ní dhéanfidh aon earráid ná nea-dhleathacht den tsórt san ná aon chúis eile aon difir do staid an duine sin mar shaighdiúir sa tseirbhís go dtí go scuirfar é do réir a éilimh ná ní dhéanfa sí nea-dhleathach aon imeachta, gníomh ná ní a bunuíodh no a dineadh roimh an scur san.
(2) Má bhíonn duine fé phágh mar shaighdiúir in aon chór de sna Fórsaí, tuigfar, chun crícheanna uile an Achta so, gur saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí an duine sin ach go bhféadfa sé a scur d'éileamh aon uair, ach go dtí go n-éileoidh sé a scur amhlaidh agus go scuirfar é do réir an éilimh sin, beidh sé fé réir an Achta so mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí a liostáladh go dleathach agus a teistíodh go cuibhe fén Acht so.
(3) Má éilíonn duine a scur ar an scór nár teistíodh no nár hath-fhostuíodh é no nár dineadh go cuibhe é theistiú no é d'ath-fhostú déanfidh a Oifigeach Ceannais láithreach an t-éileamh san do chur go dtí an t-údarás mileata orduithe agus leagfa sé sin fé bhráid an Aire é chó luath agus is féidir é, agus má chítar don Aire go bhfuil bunús maith leis an éileamh scuirfar an t-éilitheoir chó luath agus is féidir é.
Míniú chun crícheanna Cuid II., Caibideal V., ar an údarás mileata orduithe.
165.—Aon ghníomh a húdaruitear no a héilítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so a dhéanamh ag an údarás mileata orduithe no chuige no ina láthair féadfaidh an tAire, no aon oifigeach a bheidh orduithe chuige sin, é dhéanamh no féadfar é dhéanamh chuige no ina láthair.
Billeadacht agus Carraisti do Thogaint go hEigeanta. Billeadacht Oifigeach, Saighdiuiri agus Capall.
Ní déanfar billéadacht ach amháin mar a húdaruítear leis an Acht so.
166.—(1) Ní déanfar aon oifigeach, saighdiúir ná capall do chur ar billéad ar éinne d'áititheoirí Shaorstáit Éireann gan a chead ach amháin mar a húdaruítear leis an Acht so.
(2) Athghairmtear leis seo gach reacht agus gach dlí a údaruíonn, a choisceann no a regealálann billéadacht oifigeach, saighdiúirí no capall agus atá i bhfeidhm le linn rithte an Achta so.
Oblagáid ar chonstábla billéidí do sholáthar.
167.—(1) Gach constábla a bheidh de thuras na huaire i bhfeighil aon áite a luaidhtear sa líne bealaigh a tugadh amach d'Oifigeach Ceannais aon choda de sna Fórsaí, ar a iarraidh sin air don Oifigeach Ceannais sin, no d'oifigeach no do shaighdiúir na bhfuil údarás aige uaidh, agus ar thaisbeáint an líne bhealaigh sin, déanfa sé pé méid oifigeach, saighdiúirí agus capall, a bheidh i dteideal billéadachta fén Acht so agus adéarfar sa líne bealaigh a bheith i ngátar ceathrún, do chur ar billéad ar shealbhóirí tithe lóin agus áitreabha eile a luaidhtear san Acht so mar thithe lóin san áit sin.
(2) Chun críche na Coda so den Acht so, is fé údarás an Aire a tabharfar amach líne bealaigh agus déarfar ann cad iad na fórsaí a gluaisfar do réir an líne bhealaigh, agus sighneofar an ráiteas san ag an Aire no ag pé oifigeach a ordóidh an tAire o am go ham chun na críche sin.
(3) Aon líne bealaigh a dheabhróidh a bheith tugtha amach agus sighnithe mar is gá do réir an Ailt seo, is fianaise é, go dtí go gcruthófar a mhalairt, go bhfuil sé tugtha amach agus sighnithe go cuibhe do réir an Achta so, agus má sheachadann Oifigeach Ceannais oifigigh no saighdiúra don oifigeach no don tsaighdiúir sin é, is leor é mar údarás don oifigeach no don tsaighdiúir sin chun billéidí d'éileamh, agus nuair a thaisbeánfidh oifigeach no saighdiúir do chonstábla é beidh sé ina fhianaise dhochlaoite don chonstábla san go bhfuil ag an oifigeach no ag an saighdiúir a thaisbeáin an céanna údarás chun billéidí d'éileamh do réir an líne bhealaigh sin.
Oblagáid chun billéidí do sholáthar.
168.—(1) Féadfar oifigigh, saighdiúirí, agus capaill do chur ar billéad in aon tigh lóin mar a mínítear leis an Alt so é, ach ní déanfar iad do chur ar billéad in aon tigh eile gan cead o chimeádaí an tighe sin.
(2) San Acht so cialluíonn agus foluíonn an focal “tigh lóin”—
(a) Gach tigh tábhairne agus gach tigh ósta, ceadúnuithe no nea-cheadúnuithe;
(b) Gach eachlann;
(c) Gach áitreabh atá ceadúnuithe chun fíon agus biotáille d'ól fé n-a ia.
Na hoifigigh, na saighdiúirí agus na capaill a bheidh i dteideal billéadachta.
169.—Siad oifigigh, saighdiúirí agus capaill a bheidh i dteideal billéadachta fén Acht so ná:—
(a) Gach oifigeach agus gach saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí.
(b) Gach capall leis na Fórsaí.
(c) Gach capall le hoifigeach de sna Fórsaí na mbeidh beatha lomhálta dho de thuras na huaire le rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire.
Cóiríocht agus íoc ar bhilléad.
170.—(1) Déanfidh cimeádaí tighe lóin ar ar cuireadh oifigeach, saighdiúir no capall ar billéad an t-oifigeach, an saighdiúir no an capall san do ghlaca ina thigh lóin agus an chóiríocht so a leanas do sholáthar ann:—sé sin le rá, lóistín agus freastal agus bia don oifigeach no don tsaighdiúir, agus slí stábla agus beatha don chapall, do réir forálacha an Chúigiú Sceidil don Acht so.
(2) Más mian le cimeádaí tighe lóin, ar ar cuireadh oifigeach, saighdiúir no capall ar billéad, go dtógfí dhe an oblagáid chun an t-oifigeach, an saighdiúir no an capall san do ghlaca ina thigh lóin, mar gheall ar easba cóiríochta no mar gheall ar a thigh lóin a bheith lán no mar gheall ar éinní eile, agus má sholáthruíonn sé don oifigeach, don tsaighdiúir no don chapall san, sa ghar-chomhursanacht, pé leor-chóiríocht mhaith is gá dho a sholáthar do réir an Achta so agus a mholfidh an constábla a bheidh ag tabhairt amach na mbilléad, tógfar de an oblágáid a bhí air an céanna do sholáthar ina thigh lóin.
(3) (a) Íocfar le cimeádaí tighe lóin, ar an gcóiríocht a sholáthróidh sé do réir an Achta so, na praghsanna a bheidh ceaptha de thuras na huaire le rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire le cead an Aire Airgid.
(b) Aon rialacháin a déanfar amhlaidh i dtaobh praghsanna leagfar iad fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a ndéanta, agus má dhineann aon cheann den dá Thigh, laistigh de dhachad lá tar éis iad a bheith leagtha amhlaidh, rún do rith á iarraidh ar an Ard-Chomhairle na rialacháin sin do chur ar nea-mbrí, féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle na rialacháin sin do chur ar neambrí agus na rialacháin a nea-mbrífar amhlaidh beid gan brí feasta gan dochar d'éinní a dineadh fútha roimhe sin.
(4) Sara n-imeoidh sé íocfidh oifigeach no saighdiúir a iarrfidh billéidí do réir an Achta so, íocfa sé éilithe córa gach cimeádaí tighe lóin ar ar dineadh é féin agus aon oifigigh agus saighdiúirí fé n-a cheannas agus a chapall féin agus a gcapaill sin (más ann dóibh) do chur ar billéad agus, má fhanann sé níos sia ná cheithre lá, déanfa sé amhlaidh uair sna ceithre lá ar a luíod.
(5) Más rud é, mar gheall ar ordú obann chun gluaiseacht no mar gheall ar éinní eile, ná féadfidh oifigeach no saighdiúir íocaíocht, mar a horduítear thuas, d'íoc le cimeádaí tighe lóin, déanfa sé suas leis an gcimeádaí tighe lóin sin cuntas ar an méid a bheidh ag dul do agus sighneoidh sé an céanna sara n-imeoidh sé, agus cuirfe sé an cuntas chun an Aire láithreach agus é sighnithe amhlaidh agus déanfa sé sin láithreach an méid a hainmneofar sa chuntas san mar airgead dlite do chur á íoc.
Liost bliantúil de chimeáduithe tithe lóin ar a bhféadfar billéadacht do dhéanamh.
171.—(1) Féadfidh údarás póilíneachta aon áite a chur fé ndeár gach bliain liost a dhéanamh de sna cimeáduithe tithe lóin go léir, do réir brí an fhocail san Acht so, atá san áit sin no in aon pháirt áirithe dhe agus ar ar féidir billéadacht do dhéanamh fén Acht so agus luadhfar ann suidheamh agus saghas an tighe lóin sin agus an méid saighdiúirí agus capaill is féidir a chur ar billéad ar chimeádaí an tighe sin.
(2) Cuirfidh an t-údarás póilíneachta fé ndeár an liost san do chimeád in áit éigin chaothúil agus é ar nochta ar gach tráth réasúnta do scrúdú gach éinne le n-a mbaineann sé, agus éinne go ngoillfe sé air é do bheith iontrálta ar an liost san, no é do bheith iontrálta chun cion ró-mhór d'oifigigh, de shaighdiúirí no de chapaill do ghlaca, féadfa sé gearán do dhéanamh le Cúirt Údaráis Achmair agus, tar éis pé fógra a thabhairt is dó leis an gCúirt is gá a thabhairt do dhaoine le n-a mbaineann an scéal, féadfidh an Chúirt a ordú go leasófar an liost ar pé cuma is dó leis an gCúirt is cóir.
Rialacháin i dtaobh billéidí do dheona.
172.—(1) Leanfar na rialacháin seo a leanas i dtaobh billéadachta do réir an Achta so; sé sin le rá:—
(1) Ní ordófar aon uair níos mó billéidí ná mar a bheidh d'oifigigh, de shaighdiúirí agus de chapaill infheadhma i láthair chun a gcur ar billéad.
(2) Nuair a bheidh na billéidí déanta amach ag an gconstábla, déanfar iad do thabhairt isteach ina lámhaibh don Oifigeach Ceannais no don oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta d'iarr iad no d'oifigeach éigin go bhfuil údarás aige ón Oifigeach Ceannais sin.
(3) Má ghoilleann sé ar chimeádaí tighe lóin cion ró-mhór d'oifigigh, de shaighdiúirí no de chapaill do bheith ar billéad air féadfa sé iarratas do dhéanamh ar Choimisinéir Síochána no, más Coimisinéir Síochána a dhin amach na billéidí, féadfa sé gearán a dhéanamh le Cúirt Údaráis Achmair, agus féadfidh an Coimisinéir Síochána no an Chúirt a ordú go n-aistreofar na hoifigigh no na saighdiúirí no na capaill sin agus go gcuirfar ar billéad in áit éigin eile iad, fé mar a dheabhróidh a bheith cóir.
(4) Constábla go bhfuil údarás aige in áit a luaidhtear sa líne bealaigh féadfa sé gníomhú chun crícheanna billéadachta in aon cheanntar laistigh de mhíle ón áit sin, mara mbeidh i láthair constábla gur gnáth údarás aige sa cheanntar san agus go dtógfa sé air féin an cion cuibhe d'oifigigh, de shaighdiúirí agus de chapaill do chur ar billéad ann.
(5) Leanfidh an constábla go cuibhe na rialacháin atá sa Chúigiú Sceideal don Acht so i dtaobh billéidí.
(6) Ar iarratas oifigigh no oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta na bhfuil údarás aige billéidí d'éileamh, féadfidh Coimisinéir Síochána líne bealaigh d'atharú tré áit do chur leis no aon áit do thógaint as, agus féadfa sé, leis, a ordú go dtabharfar billéidí os cionn míle o áit a luaidhtear sa líne bealaigh.
(7) Féadfidh Coimisinéir Síochána a chur fhiachaint ar chonstábla cúntas i scríbhinn do thabhairt ar an méid oifigeach, saighdiúirí agus capall a chuir an constábla san ar billéad, maraon le hainmneacha na gcimeáduithe tithe lóin ar ar cuireadh na hoifigigh, na saighdiúirí agus na capaill sin ar billéad, agus an áit ina bhfuil na tithe lóin sin.
Billéadacht i gcásanna práinne.
173.—(1) Féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle aon uair no uaireanna a fhaisnéis, le hórdú, go bhfuil staid práinne i Saorstát Éireann no in aon pháirt no páirteanna dhe (a hainmneofar san ordú san), agus leis an ordú céanna féadfa sí údarás do bhronna, chun éileamh billéadachta do thabhairt amach fén Alt so, ar aon oifigeach nách ísle céim ná Ceannphort, agus a hainmneofar san ordú san, agus atá i gceannas aon choda de sna Fórsaí in aon pháirt de Shaorstát Éireann na bhfaisneofar leis an ordú san staid práinne bheith ann.
(2) Aon oifigeach go dtabharfar údarás mar sin do féadfa sé éileamh billéadachta do thabhairt amach fé n-a láimh, éileamh ina luadhfar an t-ordú san agus ina n-éileofar ar an bpríomhoifigeach póilíneachta billéidí do sholáthar i pé áiteanna agus do pé méid oifigeach agus saighdiúirí agus dá gcapaill, agus ar feadh pé tréimhse, a luadhfar san éileamh.
(3) Na forálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le billéadacht bainfid le billéadacht fé n-a leithéid sin d'éileamh fé mar a cuirfí tagairt dá leithéid sin d'éileamh ionta in ionad tagairt do líne bealaigh, ach go mbeidh an bhaint sin fé réir na n-atharuithe seo a leanas:—
(a) Féadfar billéidí do chur ar shealbhóirí gach foirgnimh phuiblí, tighe chomhnuithe, stórais, sciobóil agus stábla, chó maith le cimeáduithe tithe lóin, agus beidh feidhm na bhforálacha san fé mar fholódh tagairtí do thithe lóin agus do chimeáduithe tithe lóin tagairtí do sna foirgintí puiblí, tithe comhnuithe, stóráisí, sciobóil agus stáblaí sin agus dá sealbhóirí;
(b) Feidhmeoidh agus có-líonfidh an príomh-oifigeach póilíneachta na comhachta agus na dualgaisí a bronntar no a cuirtar ar chonstábla agus dá réir sin cuirfar tagairtí don phríomh-oifigeach póilíneachta in ionad tagairtí do chonstábla sna forálacha san agus cuirfar tagairt do Chúirt Údaráis Achmair in ionad na tagartha do Choimisinéir Síochána i bhfo-alt (7) d'Alt céad seachtó a dó ach, nuair a bheidh príomh-oifigeach póilíneachta ag pioca amach daoine nách foláir dóibh billéidí do sholáthar agus ag socrú ar an méid oifigeach agus saighdiúirí a cuirfar ar billéad ar éinne tabharfa sé oiread aire agus is féidir do chaothúlacht gach sealbhóra;
(c) Na praghasanna a híocfar le sealbhóir nách cimeádaí tighe lóin as cóiríocht agus bia agus beatha a sholáthair sé, beid mar a socrófar iad le rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire le toil an Aire Airgid; agus
(d) Ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-alt a dó d'Alt céad seasca a seacht (a mhíníonn cad is líne bealaigh ann), ná ag mír (6) d'Alt céad seachtó a dó (a bhaineann le comhacht Choimisinéara Shíochána chun slí bealaigh d'atharú), ná ag pé méid de mhír a dó de Chuid I. den Chúigiú Sceideal don Acht so a chuireann teora leis an tréimhse na gcaithfar béilí do sholáthar, ná ag mír (2) de Chuid II. den Sceideal san (le n-a n-orduítear billéidí do dhéanamh amach i gcóir tithe lóin ná fuil ró-fhada amach).
(4) Aon rialacháin a déanfar amhlaidh i dtaobh praghasanna, leagfar iad fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a ndéanta agus más rud é, laistigh de dhachad lá tar éis an leagtha san, go rithfidh ceann den dá Thigh rún á iarraidh ar an Ard-Chomhairle na rialacháin sin do chur ar nea-mbrí, féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle na rialacháin sin do chur ar nea-mbrí, agus na rialacháin a nea-mbrífar amhlaidh beid gan brí as san amach gan dochar d'éinní a dineadh fútha roimhe sin.
(5) Chun críche an Ailt seo—
Foluíonn an focal “foirgneamh puiblí” aon fhoirgneamh a soláthruíodh no a coinnítear suas, i bpáirt no go hiomlán as na rátaí, agus aon fhoirgneamh gur gnáth dul ag an bpuiblíocht air, ar íoc no dá éamais.
Maidir le ceanntar póilíneachta chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath, cialluíonn an focal “príomh-oifigeach póilíneachta” an Príomh-Choimisinéir Póilíneachta don cheanntar san, agus maidir le háiteanna eile cialluíonn sé Ceannphort den Ghárda Síochána.
I gcás áitreibh gan sealbhóir beidh feidhm ag an Alt so fé mar a bheadh an t-únaer ina shealbhóir ar an áitreabh san.
(6) Amach as airgead a vótálfidh an tOireachtas i gcóir seirbhísí cosnaimh íocfidh an tAire cúiteamh in aon damáiste a dhéanfidh aon oifigeach no saighdiúir, a cuirfar ar billéad fén Alt so, don áitreabh ina mbeidh sé ar billéad, agus cheal réitigh socrófar ar méid an chúitimh sin le headarghabháil fén Acht Leasuithe Nós-Imeachta na Dlí Coitinne (Éirinn), 1856, fé mar a leasuíodh le haon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin é.
(7) Faid a bheidh aon ordú ón Ard-Chomhairle fén Alt so i bhfeidhm bainfidh na forálacha den Acht so i dtaobh billéadachta le mná a chláruigh an tAire chun a bhfostuithe fé mar a bhainfid le saighdiúirí; agus chun críche na bhforálacha so agus baint acu le mná mar sin, na hoifigigh a bheidh os cionn aon trúpaí na mbeidh na mná a cuirfar ar billéad ar fostú ina dteanta agus an t-oifigeach a bheidh i gceannas na dtrúpaí sin, tuigfar gurb é a staid maidir leis na mná san ná mar oifigigh dóibh agus mar oifigeach i gceannas ortha, agus má bhíonn aon bhean den tsórt san ciontach i gcionta a bhaineas le billéadacht mar a luaidhtear in alt caoga a hocht den Acht so, féadfar, ar a fáil ciontach ar an slí achmair, i phionósú ar an gcuma a foráltar le fo-alt (2) d'Alt céad seachtó a sé den Acht so.
Ciontai a bhaineann le Billeadacht.
Ciontaí constáblaí.
174.—Má dhineann aon chonstábla aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Aon oifigeach, saighdiúir no capall do chur ar billéad ar éinne, ná fuil ceangailte air billéidí do thabhairt, gan cead ón duine sin; no
(2) Aon airgead no luach saothair in aon chor do ghlaca no d'éileamh, no marga do dhéanamh ar aon airgead no luach saothair, chun saoirse no faoiseamh do thabhairt do dhuine ó n-a iontráil ar liost mar dhuine go bhfuil air billéidí do thabhairt no ón gceangal atá air chuige sin no o aon chuid den cheangal san; no
(3) Aon duine no capall ná fuil i dteideal a bhilléadachta do chur ar billéad no do chur ar ceathrú ar aon duine no áitreabh gan cead ón duine sin no gan cead o shealbhóir an áitreibh sin; no
(4) Tar éis leor-fhógra bheith tugtha, faillí do dhéanamh no diúltú do thabhairt maidir le billéidí do thabhairt a hiarradh i gcóir aon oifigigh, saighdiúra no capaill atá i dteideal a bhilléadachta,
ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, féadfar fíneáil nách lú ná dachad scilling agus nách mó ná deich bpúint do chur air.
Ciontaí cimeádaithe tithe lóin.
175.—Má dhineann cimeádaí tighe lóin aon chionta dhíobh so a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Diúltú do thabhairt no faillí do dhéanamh maidir le haon oifigeach, saighdiúir no capall a cuireadh ar billéad air do réir an Achta so do ghlaca no maidir le pé cóiríocht do sholáthar nách foláir a sholáthar do réir an Achta so; no
(2) Aon airgead no luach saothair do thabhairt do chonstábla no a aontú go ndéanfa sé amhlaidh mar cheannach ar shaoirse no ar fhaoiseamh ón gceangal atá air billéidí do thabhairt, no o aon chuid den cheangal san; no
(3) Aon airgead no luach saothair do thabhairt d'aon oifigeach no saighdiúir a cuireadh ar billéad air do réir an Achta so no a aontú go ndéanfa sé amhlaidh mar mhalairt ar oifigeach, saighdiúir no capall do ghlaca no ar an chóiríocht san do sholáthar,
ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, féadfar fíneáil nách lú ná dachad scilling agus nách mó ná cúig púint do chur air.
Ciontaí oifigeach no saighdiúirí.
176.—(1) Má dhineann aon oifigeach aon oifigeach, saighdiúir no capall do chur ar ceathrú no a chur fé ndeár é chur ar billéad ar éinne, ach amháin mar a ceaduítear leis an Acht so, beidh sé ciontach i mí-iompar.
(2) Má dhineann aon oifigeach no saighdiúir aon chionta i dtaobh billéadachta ina bhféadfaí é phionósú fé Chuid II., Caibideal 1 den Acht so, agus nách cionta é na dtugtar aon leigheas eile ina thaobh leis an gCaibideal so den Chuid seo den Acht so don té ar a ngoillfadh sé, féadfar é chur fé fhíneáil nách mó ná caoga punt ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair.
(3) An Chúirt a dhéanfidh ciontú i gcionta fén Alt so, déanfa sí deimhniú ar an gciontú san do chur chun an Aire.
Carraisti, etc., do Thogaint go hEigeanta.
Carráistí, etc., do sholáthar i gcóir bagáiste agus stóranna reisiminte le linn máirseáil.
177.—(1) Gach Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéir Síochána i Saorstát Éireann go bhfuil údarás aige in aon áit a luaidhtear i líne bealaigh a tugadh amach d'Oifigeach Ceannais aon choda de sna Fórsaí, déanfa sé, ar iarratas an Oifigigh Cheannais sin, no ar iarratas oifigigh no oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta go bhfuil údarás aige uaidh, agus ar thaisbeáint an line bhealaigh sin, a bharántas a thabhairt amach á ordú do chonstábla éigin, na bhfuil údarás aige san áit sin, carráistí, ainmhithe agus tiománaithe do sholáthar laistigh d'am réasúnta a luadhfar sa bharántas agus fé mar adeirtar a bheith riachtanach chun an bagáiste reisiminte agus na stóranna reisiminte a bhaineann leis na Fórsaí agus a luaidhtear sa líne bealaigh d'aistriú do réir an líne bhealaigh; agus cuirfidh an constábla an barántas san i bhfeidhm agus daoine go bhfuil carráistí agus ainmhithe acu a bheadh oiriúnach don obair sin, tabharfid uatha iad ar staid oiriúnach chun iad d'úsáid chun na gcrícheanna roimhráite nuair a ordóidh an constábla dhóibh é do réir an bharántais sin.
(2) Chun críche an Ailt seo isé rud é an líne bealaigh ná líne bealaigh den tsórt a luaidhtear sna forálacha roimhe seo den Chaibideal so den Chuid seo den Acht so a bhaineann le billéadacht.
(3) Is leor mar údarás d'oifigeach no d'oifigeach neachoimisiúnta, chun carráistí agus ainmhithe d'éileamh do réir an Achta so, líne bealaigh a dheabhróidh a bheith tugtha amach agus sighnithe mar is gá do réir na bhforálacha so, má sheachadann a Oifigeach Ceannais don oifigeach no don oifigeach nea choimisiúnta san é, agus nuair a thaisbeánfidh oifigeach no oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta é beidh sé ina fhianaise dho-chlaoite do Ghiúistís Dúithche, do Choimisinéir Síochána agus do chonstábla go bhfuil ag an oifigeach no ag an oifigeach neachoimisiúnta a thaisbeánann an céanna údarás chun carráistí agus ainmhithe d'éileamh do réir an líne bhealaigh sin.
(4) Sa bharántas le n-a n-ordófar carráistí, ainmhithe agus tiománaithe do sholáthar cuirfar síos an méid agus an saghas carráistí agus ainmhithe agus fós na háiteanna ó n-a mbeidh agus chun a mbeidh taisteal acu le déanamh agus an fhaid atá idir na háiteanna san.
(5) Nuair nách féidir carráistí no ainmhithe go leor d'fháil laistigh de líomatáiste údaráis an Ghiúistís Dúithche no an Choimisinéara Shíochána san, déanfidh aon Ghiúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéir Síochána na bhfuil údarás aige san áit theoranta is goire an t-easnamh do dhéanamh suas ar an nós céanna.
(6) An t-oifigeach no an t-oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta a bheidh ag iarraidh barántais íocfa sé táille scillinge as an mbarántas san, agus ní héinní thairis sin, agus is leis an gCléireach Cúirte Dúithche a híocfar é.
Ioc as carráistí, etc., agus rialacháin ina dtaobh.
178.—(1) As carráistí a soláthrófar do réir na Coda so den Acht so íocfar na rátaí a háirítear sa Séú Sceideal don Acht so agus có-líonfar go cuibhe na rialacháin atá sa Sceideal san.
(2) An t-oifigeach no an t-oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta a éileoidh carráistí no ainmhithe do réir na Coda so den Acht so íocfa sé an tsuim atá dlite mar gheall ar an gcéanna le húnaerí no le tiománaithe na gcarráistí no na n-ainmhithe agus, má éilítear san, íocfar trian den íocaíocht san i ngach cás sara luchtófar an carráiste agus, má éilítear san, íocfar na híocaíochta san i láthair Coimisinéara Shíochána no constábla.
(3) Más rud é, ar aon chúis, nách féidir d'oifigeach no d'oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta an tsuim atá dlite d'íoc le húnaer no le tiománaí aon fheithicle mótair, carráiste no ainmhí, déanfa sé suas leis an únaer no leis an tiománaí sin agus sighneoidh sé cúntas ar an méid atá dlite dho, agus déanfa sé an cuntas, sighnithe amhlaidh, do chur chun an Aire láithreach, agus cuirfe sé sin fé ndeár an méid a bheidh ainmnithe ann d'íoc leis an únaer no leis an tiománaí sin.
Liost bliantúil de dhaoine a féadfar a chur fé oblagáid carráistí agus ainmhithe do sholáthar.
179.—(1) Féadfidh an t-údarás a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso i gcóir aon áite a chur fé ndeár gach bliain liost a dhéanamh de sna daoine uile san áit sin, no in aon pháirt áirithe dhe, a féadfar a chuir fé oblagáid carráistí agus ainmhithe do sholáthar fén Acht so, agus d'uimhir agus de thuairisc carráistí agus ainmhithe na ndaoine sin; agus sa chás go ndéanfar liost mar sin, féadfidh aon Ghiúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéir Síochána, le barántas, a chur ar aon chonstábla no constáblaí na bhfuil údarás laistigh den áit sin acu orduithe thabhairt o am go ham, ar iarratas oifigigh no oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta fén Acht so, chun carráistí agus ainmhithe do sholáthar, agus feidhmeofar an barántas san fé is dá mba barántas speisialta é a tabharfí amach do réir an Achta so ar iarratas den tsórt san, agus beidh sna horduithe na mion-innste céanna a bheadh sa bharántas speisialta san.
(2) Chun cabhrú leis an údarás a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso agus é ag ullamhú liost den tsórt san roimhráite, beidh ag aon oifigeach ceart, na mbeidh údarás aige chuige sin ón údarás san, teideal chun dul, ar gach tráth réasúnta, isteach in aon áitreabh go bhfuil cúis aige chun a chreidiúint go gcimeádtar aon charráistí no ainmhithe ann agus iniúcha do dhéanamh ar aon charráistí no ainmhithe a gheobhfar ann.
Sa bhforáil seo cialluíonn an focal “oifigeach ceart” aon oifigeach no duine de pé céim no aicme no saghas a luadhfar in ordú a dhéanfidh an tAire chun na críche sin.
(3) Maidir le capaill, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so a leanas:—
(a) Beidh sé de dhualgas ar únaer aon chapaill, agus ar shealbhóir aon áitreibh ina gcimeádtar capaill, cúntas do thabhairt, má éilítear air é, don údarás a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso, roimh pé dáta i ngach bliain a bheidh orduithe, ar an méid capall is leis no a cimeádtar ina áitreabh, cúntas ina mbeidh, maidir le gach capall, pé mion-innste a bheidh orduithe amhlaidh; déanfa sé, leis, gach caoi réasúnta do thabhairt i dtreo go bhféadfar aon chapall is leis no a cimeádtar ina áitreabh do scrúdú agus d'iniúcha fé mar éileoidh agus nuair éileoidh na húdaráis sin air é; má thugann éinne faillí i gcó-líona éinní dá n-orduítear sa mhír seo, féadfar, ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt do chur air i ngach cionta.
(b) Féadfidh an tAire, chun crícheanna an fho-ailt seo, rialacháin do dhéanamh chun éinní d'ordú atá le hordú fén bhfo-alt so, agus chun na fuirmeacha a bheidh le húsáid do leaga amach, agus go generálta chun an fo-alt so do chur in éifeacht.
(c) Leis na rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire féadfar forálacha dhéanamh chun capaill d'aon chineál no d'aon tsaghas áirithe, a luadhfar sna rialacháin, d'eisceacht o fhorálacha an fho-ailt seo.
(4) An t-údarás a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso, cuirfe sé fé ndeár an liost san do chimeád in áit éigin chaothúil agus é ar nochta i dtreo go bhféadfidh daoine le n-a mbaineann sé é iniúcha ar gach tráth réasúnta, agus éinne go mbeidh sé ag goilliúint air é bheith iontrálta sa liost san no é bheith iontrálta chun aon mhéid no aon tsaghas carráiste no ainmhí do sholáthar nách féidir a chur d'oblagáid air a sholáthar, féadfa sé gearán a dhéanamh le Cúirt Údaráis Achmair agus tar éis pé fógra is dó leis an gCúirt is gá a bheith tugtha do dhaoine le n-a mbaineann an scéal, féadfidh an Chúirt a ordú go leasófar an liost ar pé cuma is dó leis an gCúirt is cóir.
(5) Na horduithe uile a thabharfidh constáblaí chun carráistí agus ainmhithe do sholáthar, déanfar amach ón liost san iad do réir uainíochta regealálta, chó fada agus is féidir é.
(6) Má cuirtar bac ar aon oifigeach agus é ag feidhmiú a chomhachtanna fén Alt so, féadfidh Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéir Síochána, más deimhin leis o scéala fé mhionn gur cuireadh an bac san ar an oifigeach san, barántas cuardaigh do chur amach á údarú don chonstábla a hainmneofar ann dul isteach san áitreabh le n-ar bhain an bac, agus an t-oifigeach ina theanta, aon uair idir a 6 a chlog ar maidin agus a 9 a chlog um thráthnóna, agus aon fheithiclí mótair, carráistí no ainmhithe a gheobhfar ann d'iniúcha.
(7) Isé a bheidh ina údarás chun críche an Ailt seo ná an tAire no aon údarás no daoine na leigfidh an tAire chúcha na comhachta a bheidh aige fén Alt so.
Carráistí, etc., do thógaint go héigeanta i gcásanna práinne.
180.—(1) Féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle a fhaisnéis, aon uair no uaireanna, le hordú fé n-a láimh, go bhfuil staid práinne i Saorstát Éireann, no in aon pháirt no páirteanna dhe (a luadhfar san ordú san), agus leis an ordú céanna féadfid údarás do bhronna ar aon oifigeach nách ísle céim ná Ceannphort (a hainmneofar san ordú san) chun éileamh do thabhairt amach fén Alt so (dá ngairmtear éileamh práinne ina dhiaidh seo anso), oifigeach atá i gceannas aon choda de sna Fórsaí in aon pháirt de Shaorstát Éireann na bhfaisneofar leis an ordú san staid práinne bheith ann.
(2) Aon oifigeach dá dtabharfar an t-údarás san, féadfa sé éileamh práinne do thabhairt amach fé n-a láimh, ag aithris an orduithe sin agus á éileamh ar Ghiúistísí Dúithche no Coimisinéirí Síochána a mbarántaisí do thabhairt amach chun go solátharófí, chun na críche a luaidhtear san éileamh, pé carráistí agus ainmhithe a féadfar a sholáthar fé sna forálacha san roimhe seo agus fós gach saghas carráiste, ar a n-áirítear carranna mótair agus innil ghluaiseachta eile, pe'ca chun iompair no chun tarraic iad, agus gach saghas capall, pe'ca chun diallaite no chun tarraic a cimeádtar iad, agus fós árthaigh (pe'ca báid, báirsí no aon tsaghas eile iad) chun aon tsaghas earraí d'iompar ar aon chanáil no abha intseolta, agus fós gach saghas árthach aeir agus gach saghas bídh, furra agus stóranna.
(3) Ar éileamh o oifigeach na coda de sna Fórsaí a luaidhtear in éileamh práinne, no o oifigeach na mbeidh údarás aige chuige sin ón Aire, agus ar thaisbeáint an éilimh, déanfidh Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéir Síochána a bharántas do thabhairt amach chun carráistí, ainmhithe, árthaigh, árthaigh aeir, bia, furra agus stóranna do sholáthar, fé mar adéarfidh oifigeach taisbeánta an éilimh phráinne a bheith ag teastáil chun na críche a luaidhtear san éileamh, agus díreach mar a bheidh i gcás Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéir Síochána do thabhairt amach barántais fé sna forálacha san roimhe seo den Acht so chun carráistí agus ainmhithe do sholáthar isea bheidh feidhmiú an bharántais sin agus baint na bhforálacha uile den Acht so a bhaineann le soláthar carráistí agus ainmhithe, forálacha ar a n-áirítear iad súd i dtaobh fíneálanna ar oifigigh, oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta, Giúistísí Dúithche no Coimisinéirí Síochána, ar chonstáblaí, no ar únaerí feithliclí mótair, carráistí no ainmhithe, agus bainfid le hárthaigh, árthaigh aeir, bia, furra agus stóranna díreach ar gach aon tsaghas cuma mar a bhainfid le carráistí.
(4) Le héileamh práinne féadfar a údarú d'aon oifigeach a luaidhtear ann a ordú go ndéanfar aon fheithiclí mótair, carráistí agus capaill, a soláthrófar do réir an Ailt seo, do sheachada i pé áit (nách sia ná céad míle o áitreabh an únaera i gcás cáirr mhótair no innil ghluaiseachta eile agus nách sia ná deich míle uaidh i gcás aon charráiste eile no capaill) agus ar pé uair a cheapfidh aon oifigeach a luaidhtear san éileamh; agus sa chás san agus ar éileamh aon oifigigh a thaisbeánfidh an t-éileamh práinne beidh sé de dhualgas ar chonstábla, a bheidh ag feidhmiú barántais a tugadh amach ag Giúistís Dúithche no ag Coimisínéir Síochána fén Alt so, uair agus áit do chur síos ina ordú, fé mar adéarfidh an t-oifigeach san, i gcóir seachada aon fheithicle no capaill le n-a mbaineann an t-ordú, agus i dteanta a bheith d'oblagáid ar na húnaerí carráistí agus capaill do sholáthar beidh sé d'oblagáid ortha na carráistí agus na capaill do sheachada i pé áit agus ar pé uair a luadhfar san ordú san; agus beidh éifeacht ag forálacha an Achta so fé mar a bheadh foluithe sna tagartha atá ionta do charráistí agus capaill do sholáthar aon charráiste no capall den tsórt san roimhráite do sheachada an uair sin agus san áit sin roimhráite.
(5) Cuirfidh an tAire fé ndeár go n-íocfar go cuibhe as aon earraí a soláthrófar do réir an Ailt seo agus má eiríonn aon easaontas i dtaobh an tsuim is cóir a íoc as aon earra, beidh an tsuim mar a socrófar le deimhniú o Bhreitheamh Cúirte Contae na mbeidh údarás aige in aon áit in ar soláthruíodh an t-earra no tré n-ar ghaibh sé nó tré n-ar hiompradh é do réir an éilimh; agus chun an tsuim sin do shocrú beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha atá leagtha amach san Ochtú Sceideal don Acht so.
Má dhineann an tAire no má dintar thar a cheann suim d'íoc no do thairisgint fén bhfo-alt so, tuigfar gurb í an tsuim sin an tsuim dlite, mara n-iarrtar deimhniú ar Bhreitheamh Cúirte Contae laistigh de thrí seachtaine o dháta na híocaíochta no na tairisginte.
(6) Faisnítear leis seo nách inéilithe custuim canáile, abhann ná comhla uisce ar árthaigh agus iad in úsáid in aon tseirbhís do réir an Ailt seo no ag fille tar éis bheith in úsáid mar sin; agus aon bhailitheoir custuim a éileoidh no a ghlacfidh custuim contrárdha don tsaora so, ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair féadfar é chur fé fhíneáil nách mó ná cúig púint agus nách lú ná deich scillinge.
(7) Beidh éileamh práinne, a dheabhróidh bheith tabhartha amach do réir an Ailt seo agus bheith sighnithe ag oifigeach na ndeirtar ann go bhfuil údarás aige do réir an Ailt seo, beidh sé ina fhianaise, go dtí go gcruthófar a mhalairt, go bhfuil sé tabhartha amach agus sighnithe go cuibhe do réir an Achta so agus, má seachadtar d'oifigeach de sna Fórsaí é, beidh sé ina leor-údarás don oifigeach san chun carráistí, ainmhithe, árthaigh, bia, furra agus stóranna d'éileamh do réir an Ailt seo, agus nuair a thaisbeánfidh an t-oifigeach san é beidh sé ina fhianaise dho-chlaoite do Ghiúistís Dúithche, do Chomisinéir Síochána agus do chonstábla go bhfuil údarás ag an oifigeach san chun an t-éileamh san do dhéanamh do réir an éilimh phráinne sin; agus beidh sé dleathach go n-iomprófí ar na carráistí, ar na hainmhithe agus ar na hárthaigh sin ní hamháin bagáiste, lón agus stóranna mileata na dtrúpaí a luaidhtear san éileamh práinne ach fós na hoifigigh, saighdiúirí, seirbhísigh, mná, leanbhaí agus daoine eile atá ar na dtrúpaí sin agus a bhaineann leo.
(8) Má bhíonn i bhfeidhm furógra le n-ar horduíodh an Cúlthaca do ghlaoch amach ar buan-tseirbhís, le hordú na hArd-Chomhairle le n-a n-údarófar d'oifigeach éileamh práinne do thabhairt amach féadfar a údarú dho an t-éileamh práinne sin do leathnú i dtreo go mbainfe sé le carráistí, ainmhithe, árthaigh, árthaigh aeir, bia, furra agus stóranna do sholáthar chun iad do cheannach, chó maith le hiad d'fhostú, thar ceann Shaorstáit Éireann.
(9) Má dhineann Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéir Síochána, ar éileamh o oifigeach agus ar thaisbeáint éilimh phráinne, a bharántas do thabhairt amach chun aon earraí do sholáthar. agus éinne dá n-ordófar do réir an bharántais sin aon earra den tsórt san do sholáthar má thugann sé diúlta no faillí maidir leis an earra san do sholáthar do réir na n-orduithe, ansan, má bhíonn i bhfeidhm furógra le n-ar horduíodh an Cúl-thaca do ghlaoch amach ar buan-tseirbhís, féadfidh an t-oifigeach san an t-earra a héilíodh do thógaint (le fórsa más gá é) agus é úsáid fé mar a soláthrófí é do réir an orduithe; ach beidh teideal ag an duine sin chun íocaíochta as fé mar a sholáthródh sé é go cuibhe do réir an orduithe.
(10) Le haon éileamh práinne a tabharfar amach fén Alt so féadfar cosc do chur, ar feadh pé tréimhse a luadhfar san éileamh san, le capaill do dhíol agus do cheannach le héinne no ag éinne nách duine a cheap an tAire chun capaill do cheannach; agus má dhineann éinne capall do dhíol no do cheannach contrárdha don chosc san no má bhíonn baint aige le n-a leithéid, ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair féadfar é chur fé fhíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad punt, no fé phríosúntacht ar feadh téarma nách sia ná trí mhí, no fén bpríosúntacht san agus fén bhfíneáil sin in éineacht.
Ciontai a bhaineann le Carraisti, etc., do Thogaint go hEigeanta.
Ciontaí constáblaí.
181.—Aon chonstábla—
(1) A thabharfidh faillí no diúlta maidir le feidhmiú aon bharántais a tugadh amach ag Giúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéir Síochána agus le n-ar héilíodh air carráistí, ainmhithe, árthaigh, árthaigh aeir, bia, furra no stóranna do sholáthar; no,
(2) A ghlacfidh no a éileoidh aon airgead no luach saothair in aon chor, no a dhéanfidh marga, ar aon airgead no luach saothair, chun saoirse no faoiseamh do thabhairt d'éinne o n-a iontráil ar liost mar dhuine go bhféadfar a chur air an t-earra san do sholáthar, no ón gceangal a bheadh air chuige sin, no o sholáthar an earra san; no,
(3) A ordóidh aon earra den tsórt san do sholáthar i gcóir éinne no aon chríche no ar aon ócáid nách gá do réir an Achta so é sholáthar ina chóir ná uirthi,
ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, féadfar é chur fé fhíneáil nách lú ná fiche scilling agus nách mó ná fiche punt.
Ciontaí daoine dar horduíodh carráistí, ainmhithe, árthaigh, etc., do sholáthar.
182.—Einne dar orduigh constábla do réir an Achta so aon earra do sholáthar agus—
(1) a thabharfidh diúlta no faillí maidir le hé do sholáthar do réir orduithe an chonstábla san agus an Achta so; no,
(2) a thabharfidh no a aontóidh go dtabharfa sé do chonstábla no d'aon oifigeach no d'aon oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta aon airgead no luach saothair in aon chor, ar shaoirse thabhairt do o n-a iontráil ar liost mar dhuine go bhféadfar a chur air aon earra do sholáthar do réir an Achta so, no ón gceangal a bheadh air chuige sin, no o aon earra do sholáthar mar sin, no mar mhalairt ar aon earra áirithe do sholáthar; no,
(3) a dhéanfidh aon ghníomh no ní a chuirfidh bac le feidhmiú aon bharántas no ordú chun aon earra do sholáthar,
ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair féadfar é chur fé fhíneáil nách lú ná dachad scilling agus nach mó ná deich bpúint.
Ciontaí oifigeach no saighdiúirí.
183.—(1) Aon oifigeach no saighdiúir a dhéanfidh aon chionta i dtaobh carráistí do thógaint go héigeanta ina bhféadfí é phionosú fé Chuid II., Caibideal I, den Acht so, agus nách cionta é na dtugtar aon leigheas eile ina thaobh leis an gCaibideal so den Chuid seo den Acht so don té ar a ngoillfadh sé, féadfar é chur fé fhíneáil nách mó ná caoga punt agus nách lú ná dachad scilling ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair.
(2) An Chúirt a dhéanfidh ciontú i gcionta fén Alt so déanfa sí deimhniú ar an gciontú san do chur chun an Aire.
Foralacha Breise i dtaobh Billeadachta agus Carraisti do Thogaint go hEigeanta.
Iarratas ar Chúirt Údaráis Achmair i dtaobh suimeanna atá dlite do chimeádaithe tithe lóin no d'únaerí carráistí, etc.
184.—(1) Na daoine seo a leanas, sé sin le rá:—
(a) Má thugann aon oifigeach no saighdiúir faillí i gcó-líona forálacha na Coda so den Acht so a bhaineann le híoc suime atá dlite do chimeádaí tighe lóin no atá dlite mar gheall ar fheithiclí mótair, carráistí, no ainmhithe, no a bhaineann le cuntas ar an suim atá dlite do dhéanamh suas, an té na bhfuil an tsuim dlite dho; no,
(b) Má fhaghann cimeádaí tighe lóin aon droch-dhéanamh, tré fhóiréigean, ró-éileamh no déanamh clampair i mbilléidí, o aon oifigeach no saighdiúir a cuireadh ar billéad air, no má thugann aon oifigeach no saighdiúir aon droch-dhéanamh d'únaer aon earra no don té atá i bhfeighil aon charráiste, ainmhí, árthaigh no árthaigh aeir, a soláthruíodh do réir na Coda so den Acht so, an té a gheobhaidh an droch-dhéanamh san, ach, má tá oifigeach atá i gceannas an oifigigh no an tsaighdiúra san i láthair san áit, ní go dtí go ndéanfar gearán go cuibhe ar dtúis, más féidir é, leis an Oifigeach Ceannais sin,
féadfid iarratas a chur fé bhráid Cúirte Údaráis Achmair; agus má tugtar cruthúnas fé mhionn don Chúirt sin ar an bhfaillí no ar an droch-dhéanamh san, agus ar an suim atá dlite don iarratasóir le cothrom, mar aon le costaisí an iarratais a leag sé fé bhráid na Cúirte Údaráis Achmair, déanfa sí deimhniú ar an suim sin don Aire agus déanfa sé sin láithreach a chur fé ndeár an tsuim atá dlite d'íoc.
(2) Ach má chítar don Aire go bhfuil an tsuim a luaidhtear sa deimhniú gan bheith dlite le ceart no go bhfuil sí os cionn an méid atá dlite le ceart, féadfa sé a ordú go ndéanfar gearán le Cúirt Udáráis Achmair don chontae, don bhuirg no don áit dár ghníomhuigh an Chúirt a thug an deimhniú, agus tar éis an cás d'éisteacht féadfidh an Chúirt, le hordú, an deimhniú san do dhaingniú, no é atharú ar pé slí a chífar don Chúirt a bheith ceart.
Forálacha i dtaobh constáblaí, údarásanna póilíneachta agus coimisinéirí síochána.
185.—Leanfidh an constábla na treoracha a tugadh do chun go bhfeidhmeofí an Chuid seo den Acht so go cuibhe ag an údarás póilíneachta; agus féadfidh an t-údarás póilíneachta féin agus gach Coimisinéir Síochána, má dheabhruíonn sé bheith riachtanach, agus, 'cheal constábla déanfa sé, na comhachta d'fheidhmiú agus na dualgaisí do chó-líona a dílsítear i gconstábla no a cuirtar ar chonstábla leis an gCuid seo den Acht so, agus sa chás san foluíonn an focal “constábla” gach duine den tsórt san sa Chuid seo den Acht so.
Carráistí, ainmhithe, etc., d'éileamh go calaoiseach.
186.—Más rud é—
(1) Go ndéanfidh éinne samhail bhréagach d'aon líne bealaigh no éileamh práinne no aithris bhréagach air, no líne bealaigh no éileamh práinne bréagach den tsórt san no aithris a dineadh amhlaidh do thaisbeáint do Ghiúistís Dúithche, do Choimisinéir Síochána no do chonstábla agus a fhios aige gur rud bréagach é; no,
(2) Go bpearsanóidh éinne oifigeach no saighdiúir, no go leigfe sé air gurb oifigeach no saighdiúir é, 'na bhfuil údarás aige chun aon bhilléad no aon charráiste, ainmhí, árthach, árthach aeir, bia, furra no stóranna d'éileamh, no go leigfe sé air bheith i dteideal a churtha ar billéad no i dteideal a chapall a chur ar billéad, no go bpearsanóidh sé duine 'na bhfuil údarás aige chun gníomhú in aon charráiste, ainmhí, árthach, árthach aeir, bia, furra no stóranna do cheannach no d'fhostú chun críche seirbhís airm Shaorstáit Éireann, no go leigfe sé air gur duine den tsórt san é; no,
(3) Go dteasbáinfidh éinne do Ghiúistís Dúithche no do Choimisinéir Síochána no do chonstábla líne bealaigh no éileamh práinne nár húdaruíodh do a thaisbeáint no scríbhinn a dheabhruíonn go bréagach bheith ina líne bealaigh no ina éileamh práinne;
ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, féadfar é chur fé príosúntacht ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná trí mhí, i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre, no fé fhíneáil nách lú ná fiche scilling agus nách mó ná cúig púint.
Pionoisi Dlithiula i Nithe a bhaineann leis na Forsai.
Pionós don té a loigfidh air bheith ina thréigtheoir.
187.—Einne a leigfidh air le haon údarás mileata no síbhialta gur duine é do thréig na Fórsaí, ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair daorfar é chun príosúntachta, i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre, ar feadh aon tréimhse nách sia ná trí mhí.
Pionós mar gheall ar oifigigh no saighdiúirí do mhealla chun tréigean a dhéanamh no chun bheith as láthair gan cead.
188.—Einne a dhéanfidh ar aon tsaghas slí—
(1) Aon oifigeach no saighdiúir do thabhairt no do mhealla chun tréigean a dhéanamh no chun bheith as láthair gan cead, no tabhairt fé aon oifigeach no saighdiúir do thabhairt no do mhealla chun bheith as láthair gan cead; no,
(2) Ar bheith in eolas ar oifigeach no saighdiúir a bheith chun tréigean a dhéanamh no chun bheith as láthair gan cead, cabhrú no cuidiú leis chun tréigean a dhéanamh no chun bheith as láthair gan cead; no,
(3) Ar bheith in eolas ar oifigeach no saighdiúir do bheith ina thréigtheoir no do bheith as láthair gan cead, an t-oifigeach no an saighdiúir sin do cheilt, no cabhrú no cuidiú leis chun é féin a chur fé cheilt no cabhrú no cuidiú le n-a fhuascailt,
ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, féadfar é chur fé phríosúntacht, i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre, ar feadh téarma nách sia ná sé mhí.
Pionós mar gheall ar chur isteach ar dhuine agus é ag có-líona dualgaisí mileata, etc.
(a) a dhéanfidh bac no cosc do chur le haon oifigeach no saighdiúir go toiliúil no cur isteach air ar aon tslí eile agus é ag có-líona a dhualgaisí; no,
(b) a chuirfidh aon ghalar no easláinte, no a dhéanfidh basca no lot, agus san go toiliúil, ar aon fhear is éol dó bheith ina shaighdiúir, d'fhonn a chur i gcumas an fhir sin seirbhís mhileata do sheachaint; no
(c) le hintinn a chur i gcumas saighdiúra é féin do dhéanamh no a thabhairt le tuisgint go bhfuil sé neamh-infheadhma go buan no go diombuan, a thabharfidh don tsaighdiúir sin no a sholáthróidh ina chóir aon drug no ullmhóid a raghadh chun é dhéanamh, no is deabhrathach a dhéanfidh é, no a chabhródh le n-a thabhairt le tuisgint go bhfuil sé, neamh-infheadhma go buan no go diombuan,
ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, féadfar é chur fé phríosúntacht ar feadh téarma nách sia ná sé mhí no fé fhíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad punt, no fé'n bpríosúntacht agus fé'n fhíneáil sin in éineacht.
Gabháil tréigtheoirí.
190.—Maidir le tréigtheoirí agus le nea-láithrigh gan cead, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so a leanas:—
(1) Ar amhrus réasúnta gur tréigtheoir no gur nealáithreach gan cead duine, beidh sé dleathach do chonstábla, no maran féidir teacht suas le constábla láithreach bonn, ansan beidh sé dleathach d'aon oifigeach no saighdiúir no duine eile an duine fé amhrus do ghabháil agus é thabhairt i láthair Cúirte Údaráis Achmair láithreach.
(2) Einne go bhfuil údarás aige chun barántas do thabhairt amach chun duine atá cúisithe i gcoir do ghabháil, más deimhin leis o fhianaise fé mhionn go bhfuil, no go bhfuil amhrus réasúnta go bhfuil, tréigtheoir no nea-láithreach gan cead laistigh dá líomatáiste údaráis, féadfa sé barántas a thabhairt amach á údarú go ndéanfar an tréigtheoir sin no an nea-láithreach san gan cead do ghabháil agus do thabhairt i láthair Cúirte Údaráis Achmair láithreach.
(3) Má tugtar duine i láthair Cúirte Údaráis Achmair agus é cúisithe fé'n Acht so i mbeith ina thréigtheoir no ina nea-láithreach gan cead, féadfidh an Chúirt sin deighleáil leis an gcás díreach mar a tabharfí an duine sin i láthair na Cúirte agus é cúisithe i gcoir indíotálta.
(4) Más deimhin leis an gCúirt, o fhianaise fé mhionn no o admháil an duine sin, gur tréigtheoir no gur nealáithreach gan cead é, déanfa sí láithreach, fé mar a chífar don Chúirt is oiriúnaí maidir le n-a shlán-chimeád, a chur fé ndeár é chur i gcimeád mileata ar pé cuma is oiriúnaí dar leis an gCúirt, no, go dtí go bhféadfar san a dhéanamh, a chur fé ndeár a chur isteach i bpríosún, i stáisiún póilíneachta no in áit éigin eile atá ann do réir dlí chun daoine i gcimeád do choinneáil i mbraighdeanas ann, agus san ar feadh pé aimsir réasúnta is dó leis an gCúirt is riachtanach do réir réasúin chun é chur i gcimeád mileata.
(5) Má admhuíonn an duine gur thréigtheoir no gur nealáithreach gan cead é agus ná beidh fianaise le fáil an uair sin ce'ca fíor bréag an admháil sin, cuirfidh an Chúirt siar an duine sin chun eolas d'fháil ar ce'ca fíor bréag an admháil sin, agus chun na críche sin cuirfidh an Chúirt chun an Aire cuntas (dá ngairmtear cuntas tuairisciúil san Acht so) ina mbeidh na mioninnste agus a bheidh sa bhfuirm atá leagtha amach sa Seachtú Sceideal don Acht so, fé mar a ordóidh an tAire o am go ham.
(6) Féadfidh an Chúirt an duine sin do chur siar o am go ham ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná ocht lá aon uair a déanfar é, agus nách sia ar fad ná pé tréimhse is dó leis an gCúirt is riachtanach do réir réasúin chun an t-eolas san d'fháil.
(7) Má chuireann an Chúirt fé ndeár duine do chur i gcimeád mileata no é choimiteáil mar thréigtheoir no mar nea-láithreach gan cead, cuirfidh an Chúirt cuntas tuairisciúil chun an Aire, no fé mar ordóidh an tAire, i dtaobh an tréigtheora san no an nea-láithrigh sin gan cead, agus beidh teideal ag Cléireach na Cúirte chun táille dhá scilling air.
(8) Ordóidh an tAire an táille sin d'íoc.
(9) Má dhineann duine é fhéin do thabhairt suas do chonstábla i Saorstát Éireann mar thréigtheoir no mar nea-láithreach gan cead, déanfidh an t-oifigeach póilíneachta a bheidh i bhfeighil an stáisiúin phóilíneachta dá dtabharfar é an cás do scrúdú láithreach, agus má dheabhruíonn sé gur tréigtheoir no gur nealáithreach gan cead an duine sin, féadfa sé a chur fé ndeár é chur i gcimeád mileata gan é thabhairt i láthair Cúirte Údaráis Achmair fén Alt so agus sa chás san cuirfe sé chun an Aire, no fé mar ordóidh an tAire, deimhniú fé n-a láimh féin ar an dtabhairt suas san agus ar dháta agus áit a dhéanta.
Pionós mar gheall ar thrádáil i gcoimisiúin.
191.—Gach éinne a réiteoidh, a ghníomhóidh mar ghníomhaire, no a dhéanfidh ar aon tslí eile cabhrú chun no an tsúil chaoch a thabhairt ar—
(1) Díol no ceannach aon choimisiúin sna Fórsaí; no,
(2) Aon chomaoin luachmhar do thabhairt no do ghlaca ar aon ardú céime sna Fórsaí sin no ar son imeacht asta no ar son aon fhostaíochta ionta; no,
(3) Aon mhalairtiú a déanfar ar shlí ná beidh údaruithe le rialacháin a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire agus na ndéanfar aon tsuim airgid no comaoin eile do thabhairt no do ghlaca ar a shon;
ar a fháil ciontach ar a dhíotáil no ar scéala, féadfar é chur fé fhíneáil céad punt no fé phríosúntacht ar feadh aon tréimhse nách sia ná sé mhí agus, más oifigeach é, féadfar é bhrise as na Fórsaí ar a fháil ciontach d'Arm-Chúirt.
Pionós mar gheall ar riachtanaisí reisiminte, gléasanna, stóranna, etc., do cheannach o shaighdiúirí, agus mar gheall ar sheilbh neadhleathach ar dheimhnithe mileata, etc.
192.—(1) Gach éinne—
(a) A cheannóidh, a mhalairteoidh, a ghlacfidh i ngeall, a choinneoidh no a ghlacfidh o éinne, ar scáth éinní in aon chor; no,
(b) A iarrfidh ar éinne no a mheallfidh é chun go ndíolfadh sé, go malairteodh sé, go gcuirfadh sé í ngeall, no go dtabharfadh sé uaidh; no,
(c) A chabhróidh le héinne no a ghníomhóidh dó chun go ndíolfadh sé, go malairteodh sé, go gcuirfadh sé i ngeall no go gcuirfadh sé as an slí,
aon chuid den mhaoin seo a leanas, eadhon, aon airm, amuinisean, gléasanna, instruimidí, riachtanaisí reisiminte, no cuid éadaigh a tugadh amach i gcóir oifigeach no saighdiúirí no aon órnáidí mileata le hoifigeach no saighdiúir, no aon troscán, cóir leapan, plaincéadaí, braithlíní, áthraistí, agus stóranna fé chúram reisiminte, no aon lón no furra a tugadh amach i gcóir oifigigh no saighdiúra, no i gcóir a chapaill, no i gcóir aon chapaill ag obair sa tseirbhís, mara gcruthuighe sé ná feidir sé, agus é ag déanamh an ní sin, gur mhaoin den tsórt san an mhaoin sin, no mara gcruthuighe sé gur díoladh í le hordú no le toil an Aire no údaráis éigin mhileata inniúla, no gur chuid í de chuid phearsanta oifigigh a bhí tar éis an t-arm d'fhágaint no scur do bheith ina oifigeach, no de chuid phearsanta saighdiúra a scuireadh, no de chuid phearsanta ionaduithe pearsanta dlíthiúla oifigigh no saighdiúra a bhí tar éis bháis. féadfar, ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair é chur fé fhíneáil nách mó ná fiche punt, mar aon le trí oiread luach aon mhaoine a tháinig i seilbh an chiontathóra san de bharr a chionta, no fé phríosúntacht, i dteanta no d'eamais daor-oibre, ar feadh téarma nách sia ná sé mhí, no fén bhfíneáil agus fén bpríosúntacht san in éineacht.
(2) Má fachtar ar seilbh no i gcimeád ag éinne aon mhaoin den tsórt a luaidhtear thuas san Alt so, féadfar an duine sin do thabhairt, no do ghairm, i láthair Cúirte Údaráis Achmair, agus má bhíonn cúis réasúnta ag an gCúirt sin chun a chreidiúint gur guideadh an mhaoin a fuarthas amhlaidh, no gur ceannuíodh, gur malairtíodh, gur glacadh i ngeall, go bhfuarthas no gur glacadh contrárdha don Alt so é, ansan, mara gcuiridh an duine sin ina luighe ar an gCúirt gur go dleathach agus gan aon tsárú ar an Acht so a tháinig sé suas leis an maoin a fuarathas amhlaidh, ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair féadfar é chur fé sna pionóisí céanna atá orduithe i gcás sárú ar an bhfo-alt san roimhe seo.
(3) Más maith leis féin, no léi féin é, féadfar duine a cúisíodh i gcionta i gcoinnibh an Ailt seo, agus fear no bean an duine sin, do chur fé mhionn agus fé cheistiú mar ghnáth-fhínné sa chás.
(4) Féadfar duine a gheobhfar ag déanamh cionta i gcionnibh an Ailt seo do ghabháil gan barántas agus é thabhairt i láthair Cúirte Údaráis Achmair mar aon leis an maoin is abhar don chionta; agus éinne dá dtairgfar aon mhaoin den tsórt san a luadhadh thuas do dhíol leis, d'fhágaint i ngeall aige, no do sheachadha dho, agus na bhfuil cúis réasúnta aige chun a mheas gur i gcoinnibh an Ailt seo a tairgeadh í, féadfa sé, agus má tá an chomhacht aige déanfa sé, an duine a thairg an mhaoin do ghabháil agus é thabhairt i láthair Cúirte Údaráis Achmair.
(5) Más deimhin le Cúirt Údaráis Achmair o chruthúnas fé mhionn go bhfuil cúis réasúnta chun bheith in amhrus go bhfuil ar seilbh no ina áitreabh ag éinne aon mhaoin gur dineadh uirri no ina taobh aon chionta a luaidhtear san Alt so, féadfa sí barántas a dheona chun cuardach don mhaoin sin, fé mar a déanfí i gcás earraí a guideadh; agus an t-oifigeach ar a gcuirfar an barántas san d'fheidhmiú tógfa sé aon mhaoin a gheobhfar sa chuardach san agus déanfa sé an té na bhfuarthas an céanna ar seilbh aige do thabhairt i láthair Cúirte éigin Údaráis Achmair chun go ndeighleálfar leis do réir an dlí.
(6) Chun críche an Ailt seo, tuigfar maoin do bheith ar seilbh no i gcimeád ag duine má tá sí aige, go feasach do, i seilbh no i gcimeád éinne eile no in aon tigh, foirgneamh, lóistín, seomra, páirc no áit, dúnta no oscailte, ar seilbh aige féin no gan a bheith, agus pe'ca chun úsáide no tairbhe dho féin atá an céanna i gcimeád no i seilbh no chun úsáide no tairbhe do dhuine eile.
(7) Earraí gur stóranna puiblí iad do réir Acht na Stóranna Puiblí, 1875, agus ná fuil foluithe sa tuairisc sin thuas, ní tuigfar gur stóranna iad a tugadh amach mar riachtanaisí reisiminte no ar aon tslí eile do réir brí Alt a trí déag den Acht san.
(8) Gach éinne—
(a) A ghlacfidh, a choinneoidh no na mbeidh ar seilbh aige aon deimhniú céannachta, saol-deimhniú no deimhniú eile, no scríbhinn oifigiúil atá ina fhianaise no a tugadh amach i dtaobh an chirt atá ag éinne chun pinsin airm, págh, no págh cúl-thaca, no chun aon toirbheartais, liúntais, aisce, faoisimh, sochair no buntáiste, a deonadh mar gheall ar sheirbhís mileata, agus san i ngeall le fiach no in urrús air, no d'fhonn íoc d'fháil, ón duine atá i dteideal chuige, i bhfiach atá dlite dho féin no d'éinne eile; no
(b) Na mbeidh ar seilbh aige, gan údarás dleathach ná leathscéal (na luighfidh ar an duine cúisithe é chruthú), aon deimhniú no scríbhinn den tsórt san, no aon deimhniú scuir no aon scríbhinn oifigiúil eile a tugadh amach i gcúrsaí aon chuid de sna Fórsaí no aon bhall díobh do shlóga no do dhí-shlóga;
ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, féadfar é chur fén bpionós a féadfí a chur air i gcionta fé fho-alt (1) den Alt so, agus tuigfar gur maion do réir brí an Ailt seo aon deimhniú no scríbhinn eile den tsórt san.
Ornáidí, etc., d'úsáid go nea-dhleathach,
193.—Más rud é—
(1) go n-úsáidfidh no go gcaithfidh éinne neamh-údaruithe aon órnáid no bonn no ribín buinn mileata, no aon leabhrún, ribín créachta, no comhartha a sholáthair no a údaruigh an tAire, no aon órnáid, bonn no ribín buinn, leabhrún, ribín créachta, no comhartha atá chó deabharthach leis an gcéanna gur dócha go gcuirfadh sé duine amú; no
(2) go leigfidh éinne air gur duine é atá no a bhí i dteideal aon órnáid, bonn no ribín buinn, leabhrún, ribín créachta, no comhartha den tsórt san roimhráite d'úsáid no do chaitheamh; no
(3) go ndéanfidh éinne, gan údarás dleathach ná leathscéal, aon órnáid no bonn den tsórt roimhráite do sholáthar, no a thairsgint go soláthróidh sé é, d'éinne ná fuil údarás aige chun an céanna d'úsáid ná do chaitheamh;
ar a fháil ciontach ar an slí achmair, féadfar é chur fé fhíneáil ná raghaidh thar fiche punt no fé phríosúntacht ar feadh téarma nách sia ná trí mhí:
Ach ní tuigfar éinní san Alt so do bheith ag cosc caitheamh ná soláthar gnáth-leabhrún reisiminte ná aon bhróiste ná órnáide a bheidh i gcosúileas an chéanna.
Beidh daoine fé dhlí airm de dheascaibh a staide.
194.—(1) Más le linn bheith fe dhlí airm a dhin duine cionta fén Acht so, féadfar an duine sin a thógaint i gcimeád mileata agus a choinneáil ann agus é thriail agus é phionósú sa chionta san, biodh go mbeidh sé féin, no an cór no an cath le n-a mbaineann sé, tar éis scur de bheith fé dhlí airm, díreach fé mar a tógfí i gcimeád mileata agus a coinneofí ann é agus mar a triailfí no a pionósfí é dá mbeadh sé féin no an cór no an cath san fé dhlí airm fós:
Ach i gcás duine do scur de bheith fé dhlí airm o dhin sé cionta, ní triailfar sa chionta san é, ach amháin i gcás cúl mhutaireachta, tréigine, no liostála calaoisighe, mara dtosnuighidh a thriail laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis scur de bheith fé dhlí airm do; ach ní dhéanfidh an tAlt so aon deifir d'údarás Cúirte Síbhialta i gcás aon chionta is intrialta ag an gCúirt sin chó maith le bheith intrialta ag Arm-Chúirt.
(2) Má dhineann Arm-Chúirt duine fé dhlí airm do dhaora chun pian-tseirbhíse, príosúntachta no coinneála, bainfidh an tAcht so leis ar feadh téarma a dhaortha in ainneoin é bheith scurtha no briste as an seirbhís no é bheith tar éis scur, ar aon tslí eile, de bheith fé dhlí airm, agus féadfar é do chimeád, d'aistriú, do chur i bpríosún, do chur fé choinneáil, agus do phionósú dá réir sin fé mar a bheadh sé fós fé dhlí airm.
Ceartú idir dhlí airm agus dlí shíbhialta.
195.—(1) Tar éis d'Arm-Chúirt duine do dhaora chun pionóis mar gheall ar cionta fén Acht so, má thrialann Cúirt Shíbhialta sa chionta chéanna é, cuimhneoidh an Chúirt sin ar an bpionós mileata atá fuilingthe aige cheana féin nuair a bheidh pionós aici á ghearra amach do.
(2) Ach amháin mar adubhradh cheana, ní dhéanfidh éinní san Acht so oifigeach ná saighdiúir do shaora o imeachta do bhunú ina choinnibh do réir gnáth-chúrsa na dlí, nuair a cúiseofar no a daorfar é in aon chionta ach cionta den tsórt a faisnítear a bheith gan bheith ina choir chun críche na bhforálacha den Acht so a bhaineann le saighdiúir a thógaint amach as an seirbhís.
(3) Má dhineann oifigeach—
(a) Faillí no diúltú maidir le haon oifigeach, no saighdiúir, atá fé n-a cheannas agus a cúisíodh no a daoradh mar adubhradh, do thabhairt suas don ghiúistís shíbhialta; no
(b) Bac toiliúil no faillí no diúltú maidir le cabhrú le constáblaí no ministrí eile cirt chun aon oifigeach no saighdiúir den tsórt san do ghabháil,
ar a dhaora in aon Chúirt Uachtarach, beidh an t-oifigeach san ciontach i mí-iompar.
(4) Cuirfar chun an Aire deimhniú ar chiontú oifigigh fén Alt so, agus breithiúntas na Cúirte air, i pé fuirm a ordóidh an tAire.
Is fianaise nithe agus scribhinní áirithe.
196.—Beidh éifeacht ag na hachtacháin seo a leanas i dtaobh fianaise in Imeachta fén Acht so, pe'ca i láthair Cúirte Síbhialta dhóibh no i láthair Arm-Chúirte, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Aon réiteach, teistiú no fuirm no scríbhinn eile a sighníodh, do réir deabhraimh, ag éinne nuair a dineadh é theistiú mar shaighdiúir no é chlárú in aon chuid de sna Fórsaí, is fianaise é gur fíor gur thug an duine sin, mar fhreagra ar na ceisteanna atá curtha síos sa bhfuirm no sa scríbhinn sin, na freagraí atá curtha ina leith inti.
(2) Féadfar liostáil no clárú sna Fórsaí a bheith déant ar dhuine ar bith do chruthú tré fhínné fé mhionn do thaisbeáint cóip de theistiú no d'fhuirm réitigh an duine sin agus a dheabhramh uirthi gur dhin an t-oifigeach na mbeidh an teistiú bunaidh no an fhuirm réitigh bhunaidh sin i gcimeád aige a dheimhniú gur fíor-chóip í, agus san gan cruthúnas ar scríbhneoireacht an oifigigh sin ná ar an bhfuirm bhunaidh sin a bheith i gcimeád aige.
(3) Leitir, cuntas, no scríbhinn eile, i dtaobh seirbhís éinne in aon chuid de sna Fórsaí no i dtaobh éinne do scur as an gcéanna, má dheabhruíonn sí bheith sighnithe ag an Aire no thar a cheann, no ag Oifigeach Ceannais aon choda de sna Fórsaí le n-ar bhain an duine sin do réir deabhraimh no na ndeir sé go mbaineann no gur bhain sé léi, is fianaise é ar na dátáin tagarthacha a ráitear sa leitir, sa chuntas no sa scríbhinn eile sin.
(4) Is fianaise ar orduithe, rialacha, agus rialacháin a dineadh fén Acht so, agus ar chearcaláin no orduithe, cóipeanna dhíobh na bhfuil a dheabhramh ortha gur le húdarás no fé údarás Oifig an tSoláthair a clóbhuaileadh agus a foillsíodh iad.
(5) Liost Fórsa Cosanta no Iris Fórsa Cosanta na bhfuil a dheabhramh air gur le húdarás no fé údarás Oifig an tSoláthair a clóbhuaileadh agus a foillsíodh é, is fianaise é ar staid agus ar chéim na n-oifigeach a luaidhtear ann agus ar aon phost atá ag na hoifigigh sin agus ar an gcór no an cath no an ghéag no an bhrainse den tSeirbhís le n-a mbaineann na hoifigigh sin.
(6) Nuair a déanfar breacachán agus a cuirtear é i dtrodán breacachán le cath no le comanda do réir an Achta so no ar aon tslí eile i gcó-líona dualgais mhileata, agus a dheabhróidh sé bheith sighnithe ag an Oifigeach Ceannais, no ag an oifigeach go bhfuil sé de dhualgas air an breacachán san do dhéanamh, beidh an breacachán san ina fhianaise ar na dátáin a ráitear ann.
Is fianaise ar aon bhreacachán den tsórt san cóip de na mbeidh a dheabhramh uirthi gur dhin an t-oifigeach na bhfuil an breacachán san i gcimeád aige í dheimhniú mar fhíor-chóip.
(7) Cuntas tuairisciúil do réir brí an Achta so agus a dheabhramh air gur shighnigh Giúistís Dúithche é, is fianaise é ar na nithe adeirtar ann.
(8) I gcás na himeachta bheith ina n-imeachta i gcoinnibh oifigigh no saighdiúra mar gheall ar é bheith ina thréightheóir no ina nea-láithreach gan cead, agus an t-oifigeach no an saighdiúir a bheith tar éis é féin do thabhairt isteach i gcimeád d'oifigeach no d'aon chuid de sna Fórsaí, is fianaise ar an dtabhairt-isteach san agus ar dháta agus áit a dhéanta, deimhniú ar na nithe sin agus a dheabhramh air gur sighníodh é ag an oifigeach san no ag Oifigeach Ceannais na coda de sna Fórsaí dar tugadh isteach.
(9) I gcás na himeachta bheith ina n-imeachta i gcoinnibh oifigigh no saighdiúra mar gheall ar é bheith ina thréightheoir no ina nea-láithreach gan cead, agus gur dhin oifigeach póilíneachta i bhfeighil stáisiúin phóilíneachta an t-oifigeach no an saighdiúir do thabhairt isteach i gcimeád mileata, is fianaise ar thabhairtisteach an oifigigh no an tsaighdiúra san, agus ar dháta agus áit a dhéanta, deimhniú ar na nithe sin agus a dheabhramh air gur sighníodh é ag an oifigeach póilíneachta san.
(10) Chun críche an Achta so, cialluíonn an focal “Oifig an tSoláthair” Oifig Soláthair Rialtas Shaorstáit Éireann.
Fianaise ar chiontú no ar shaora shíbhialta
197.—Aon uair a dhéanfidh aon Chúirt Shíbhialta éinne atá fé dhlí airm do thriail, beidh deimhniú Cléireach na Cúirte sin, no deimhniú a fhir ionaid, no deimhniú aon oifigigh eile na mbeidh breacacháin na Cúirte sin i gcimeád aige, agus cúntas ann ar an gcionta in ar tríaladh an duine sin atá fé dhlí airm, maraon le breithiúntas na Cúirte ar an gcionta, no an saora más saor-bhreith a tugadh ar an duine sin, beidh sé ina fhianaise ar an gciontú agus ar an daora, no ar ordú na Cúirte, no ar shaora an duine sin, pe'ca aca é.
Fianaise ar chiontú a dhin Arm-Chúirt.
198.—Ar bheith dóibh i gcimeád ag an oifigeach orduithe na mbeid i gcimeád aige go dleathach, tuigfar gurb ionghlactha i bhfianaise imeachta bunaidh Arm-Chúirte a dheabhróidh a bheith sighnithe ag uachtarán na hArm-Chúirte sin, mara ndinti ach iad a thabhairt i láthair amach as an gcimeád san; agus aon chóip na mbeidh a dheabhramh uirthi gur dhin an t-oifigeach orduithe, na mbeidh na himeachta i gcimeád aige mar adubhradh, a dheimhniú gur fíor-chóip í de sna himeachta san no d'aon chuid díobh, is ionghlactha i bhfianaise í gan cruthúnas ar shighniú an oifigigh sin.
Imeachta Achmaire agus Imeachta Dlithiula eile.
Ciontaí do phróiseacht agus fíneála do bhaint amach agus d'úsáid.
199.—(1) Aon Chúirt Údaráis Achmair, na mbeidh údarás aici san áit in ar dineadh an cionta no san áit na mbeidh an ciontathóir de thurus na huaire, beidh údarás aici ar gach cionta is iontrialta i gCúirt Shíbhialta fén Acht so, ach amháin aon chionta den tsórt a faisnítear leis an Acht so a bheith ina mhí-iompar no a bheith inphionósuithe ar dhíotáil; agus ar an gcuma a foráltar leis na hAchtanna Údaráis Achmair féadfar aon chionta laistigh d'údarás Cúirt Údaráis Achmair do phróiseacht agus ar dhaora bheith déanta ar an slí achmair, an fhíneáil agus an cáinfice ina thaobh do bhaint amach.
(2) Aon imeachta a bunófar i láthair Cúirte Údaráis Achmair de bharr an Achta so, is do réir na nAchtanna Údaráis Achmair a bunófar iad chó fada is a bhainfid leis na himeachta san.
(3) Más maith é, dar léi, féadfidh Cúirt Údaráis Achmair, a ghearrfidh fíneáil do réir an Achta so, a ordú go n-íocfar leis an innsteoir cuid den bhfíneáil sin, nách mó ná a leath.
(4) Fé réir na bhforálacha so den Acht so a bhaineann le híoc a dhéanamh leis an innsteoir, déanfar fíneála agus suimeanna éile, a bainfar amach i gCúirt Údaráis Achmair do réir an Achta so, d'úsáid ar an gcuma a horduítear le hAcht na bhFíneála (Éirinn), 1851, agus le haon Achtanna eile a leasuíonn an céanna.
Cosaint ar dhaoine a ghníomhóidh fén Acht so
200.—(1) Ní luighfidh ná ní bunófar aon aicsean, próiseacht ná imeacht i gcoinnibh éinne mar gheall ar aon ghníomh a dineadh do réir ná i bhfeidhmiú ná chun feidhmithe an Achta so, ná mar gheall ar aon fhaillí ná éislis adeirtear a dineadh i bhfeidhmiú an Achta so, mara dtosnuítear é laistigh de shé mhí tar éis an ghníomh, na faillí no na héislise go ngearánfar ina thaobh no, i gcás leanúint den díobháil no den damáiste, laistigh de shé mhí tar éis a stoptha.
(2) In ionad no i dteanta aon phléideála eile féadfar a phléideáil in aon aicsean den tsórt san gur tairgeadh sásamh sarar tosnuíodh an t-aicsean. Má tosnuíodh an t-aicsean tar éis na tairsginte sin no má téightear ar aghaidh leis tar éis aon airgead d'íoc isteach sa Chúirt i gcúiteamh éilimh an éilitheora, agus mara mbainidh an t-éilitheoir amach níos mó ná an tsuim a tairgeadh no a híocadh, ní bhainfe sé amach aon chostaisí fé n-ar chuathas tar éis na tairsginte no an íoca san, agus beidh teideal ag na cosantóiri chun costaisí, costaisí a mheas-iniúchfar idir atúrnae agus cliaint, o am na tairsginte no an íoca san; ach ní bhainfidh an fhoráil seo le costaisí aon choisc san aicsean.
(3) Is i gCúirt Uachtarach a tabharfar gach aicsean den tsórt san agus fós gach aicsean i gcoinnibh ball no ministir d'Arm-Chúirt i dtaobh daora a thug an Chúirt sin no i dtaobh éinní a dineadh de bhua no do réir an daortha san.
Feidhmiú comhachtanna atá dílsithe i sealbhóir oifige mileata.
201.—Aon chomhacht no údarás a tugadh d'éinne i seilbh aon oifige mileata, agus aon ghníomh no ní a bheidh le déanamh aige no chuige no ina láthair, féadfidh éinne eile go mbeidh údarás aige chuige de thurus na huaire do réir nósanna na seirbhíse, no do réir rialacha a déanfar fé Alt 125 den Acht so, féadfa sé é fheidhmiú no é dhéanamh no féadfar é dhéanamh chuige no ina láthair.
Forálacha i dtaobh barántaisí agus orduithe údarasanna mileata.
202.—(1) Sa chás go n-údaruítear leis an Acht so an tAire no aon oifigeach generálta no oifigeach eile i gceannas do dhéanamh aon ordú, féadfar an t-ordú san do chur in úil le hordú, treoir no leitir fé láimh aon oifigigh dar húdaruíodh orduithe do thabhairt amach thar ceann an Aire, an oifigigh ghenerálta no an oifigigh eile i gceannas, agus aon ordú, treoir no leitir a dheabhróidh a bheith sighnithe ag aon oifigeach a chífar uaidh a bheith údaruithe amhlaidh is fianaise é ar é bheith údaruithe amhlaidh.
(2) Bainfidh an t-achtachán roimhe seo san Alt so le haon ordú no treoir a tabharfar amach do réir an Achta so mar gheall ar dhaoránach mileata no príosúnach mileata no saighdiúir fé choinneáil, agus ní measfar aon ordú ná treoir den tsórt san a bheith nea-dhleathach toisc an bás do theacht ar an oifigeach a shíghnigh é no a orduigh é thabhairt amach ná toisc gur cuireadh as oifig é ná toisc easnamh a bheith ar an ordú ná ar an treoir sin, má deirtar san ordú no sa treoir sin go bhfuarthas ciontach an daoránach no an príosúnach no an saighdiúir fé choinneáil agus má tá daora daingean dleathach ann mar thaca leis an ordú no an treoir.
(3) Beidh ordú dleathach in aon chás más sa bhfuirm orduithe a tugadh amach é, ach aon ordú a chlaonfidh ón bhfuirm orduithe má bhíonn sé dleathach ar gach slí eile ní leor an claona san amháin chun é dhéanamh nea-dhleathach.
(4) I gcás aon daoránach mileata no príosúnach mileata no saighdiúir fé choinneáil do bheith i gcimeád de thurus na huaire, pe'ca cimeád mileata no cimeád síbhialta é, in aon áit no ar aon tslí ina bhféadfí é choinneáil go dlíthiúil do réir an Achta so, ní tuigfar cimeád an daoránaigh ná an phríosúnaigh ná an tsaighdiúra san do bheith nea-dhlíthiúil de dheascaibh an ní seo amháin: aon neamh-fhuirmeáltacht no earráid san ordú, sa bharántas no sa scríbhinn eile, no i dtaobh an údaráis gur dineadh, leis no dá réir, an daoránach, an príosúnach no an saighdiúir sin do chur i gcimeád mar sin no gur leis no dá réir a coinnítear é i gcimeád mar sin agus féadfar aon ordú, barántas no scríbhinn den tsórt san do leasú dá réir.
(5) Más príosúnach no saighdiúir i gcimeád mileata daoránach mileata no príosúnach mileata, no saighdiúir fé choinneáil, no duine fé dhlí airm agus é cúisithe i gcionta, agus, chun é iompar thar muir, go ndéanfar é thabhairt suas ar bord luinge don té a bheidh i gceannas na luinge, no d'éinne eile ar bord na luinge a bheidh ag gníomhú fé údarás an cheannasaí, beidh ordú an údaráis mhileata le n-ar húdaruíodh an príosúnach no an saighdiúir d'iompar thar muir beidh sé ina leor-údarás don duine sin, agus don té a bheidh i gceannas na luinge de thurus na huaire chun an príosúnach no an saighdiúir sin do choinneáil i gcimeád agus chun é iompar do réir an orduithe, agus faid a coinneofar an príosúnach no an saighdiúir amhlaidh tuigfar é bheith i gcimeád mileata.
Saoire i gcás breoiteachta.
203.—Má dhineann breoiteacht no teagmhas eile saighdiúir ar saoire do chimeád in aon áit i dtreo gur gá an tsaoire sin do chur i bhfaid agus mara mbeidh ag có-líona dualgais mhileata, comhgarach don áit, aon oifigeach chó hárd céim le captaen, no níos aoirde, féadfidh aon Ghiúistís Dúithche no Coimisinéir Síochána gur deimhin leis gur gá é faidiú saoire ar feadh tréimhse nách sia ná coicíos do dheona, agus déanfidh an Giúistís Dúithche no an Coimisinéir Síochána san láithreach, le leitir, an faidiú san agus an chúis atá leis do dhéimhniú d'Oifigeach Ceannais an tsaighdiúra san, más eol do cé hé, ach marab eol do cé hé, is don Aire a dheimhneoidh sé. Féadfidh a Oifigeach Ceannais no údarás mileata inniúil eile an saighdiúir d'athghairm chun a dhualgais, agus ní tuigfar an tsaoire bheith curtha i bhfaid tar éis na hathghairme sin ach, lasmuich den chás roimhráite, ní féadfar an saighdiúir d'aireamh mar thréigtheoir ná mar dhuine as láthair gan cead mar gheall ar tréimhse an fhaidithe sin ar a shaoire.
Ceadúnaisí ceaintíní.
204.—(1) I gcás ceaintín a bheith ag duine fé údarás an Aire beidh sé dleathach do Ghiústís Dúithche laistigh dá líomatáiste údaráis aon cheadúnas do dheona, d'aistriú no d'athnuachaint fé mar is gá de thuras na huaire chun a chur ar chumas an duine sin seilbh d'fháil no do chimeád ar aon mhál-cheadúnas chun deochanna meisciúla do dhíol, gan bacaint leis an am den bhliain ná le n-a bhfuil éilithe, i dtaobh fógraí, deimhnithe ná eínní eile, ag aon Achtanna a bhaineann le ceadúnaisí den tsórt san agus a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire; agus féadfar mál-cheadúnaisí do dheona dá leithéidí sin de dhaoine dá réir.
(2) Chun críche an Ailt seo, foluíonn an focal “ceadúnas” aon cheadúnas no deimhniú gur gá do réir dlí de thuras na huaire a dheona, a athnuachaint no a aistriú ag aon Ghiúistís Dúithche chun a chur ar chumas éinne seilbh d'fháil no do chimeád ar aon mhál-cheadúnas chun aon deochanna meisciúla do dhíol.
Ní gá ceadúnas chun seomraí caitheamh aimsire d'úsáid.
205.—In ainneoin éinní atá in Acht na, dTithe Mí-Ordúla, 1751, no in Acht no nAmharclann, 1843, má bhíonn seomra caitheamh aimsire á bhainistí no a stiúrú fé údarás an Aire, féadfar é úsáid i gcóir rinnce no ceoil phuiblí no caitheamh aimsire puiblí eile den tsórt san, no chun drámaí stáitse do léiriú go puiblí, gan aon cheadúnas do réir na nAcht san ná do réir aon Achta dhíobh.
Na Fórsaí d'iompar ar bhóthar iarainn.
206.—(1) Chun aon bhall de sna Fórsaí d'iompar ar bhóthar iarainn ar aon ócáid seirbhíse puiblí, déanfidh gach cuideachta bhóthair iarainn i Saorstát Éireann, ar thaisbeáint líne bhealaigh atá sighnithe go cuibhe chun aon bhaill de sna Fórsaí d'iompar, cóir iompair do sholáthar i gcóir na mball san de sna Fórsaí agus i gcóir a mbagáiste phearsanta, agus fós i gcóir aon bhagáiste, stóranna, arm, amuinisin agus riachtanaisí agus rudaí eile puiblí pe'ca bheid ag gabháil leis na baill sin de sna Fórsaí no ná beid, ar gach gnáth-thráth ar a n-iomparuíonn an chuideachta paisnéirí, agus san ar pé téarmaí ar a socrófar idir an gcuideachta bhóthair iarainn agus an tAire, agus fé réir agus cheal an tsocruithe sin, ar na téarmaí seo a leanas:—
(i) De ghrádanna dhíobh san in úsáid ar an mbóthar iarainn isea bheidh na carráistí paisnéara a soláthrófar, pé grádanna, agus pé méid de charráistí gach gráid díobh, a luadhfar sa líne bealaigh, agus cosaint acu ón síon agus slí agus cóiríocht cheart ionta.
(ii) Ní raghaidh na táillí traenach thar na cuideanna seo a leanas de sna táillí a héilítear ar pháisnéirí phríobháideacha ar an turas singil ar ghnáth-thraen, i gcarráistí de sna grádanna fé seach a luadhfar sa líne bealaigh, sé sin le rá, más lú ná céad go leith an méid daoine a hiomprófar, trí cheathrú; agus má bhíd líon céad go leith duine no breis, trí cheathrú ansan ar an gcéad chéad go leith, eadhon, ceathrar oifigeach agus céad dachad a sé de shaighdiúirí no do dhaoine eile; agus ar an mbreis ar an gcéad cheád go leith sin, leath na táillí.
(iii) Bainfidh an tAlt so le pé mná céile agus baintreacha, agus pé daoine clainne de bhaill de sna Fórsaí 'na mbeidh teideal acu chun taisteal ar chostas na puiblíochta, fé is dá mba chuid de sna Fórsaí iad, ach iomprófar in aisce leanbhaí fé bhun trí mblian d'aois, agus ní bheidh sa táille a bheidh ar leanbh os cionn trí mblian agus fé bhun dhá bhliain déag d'aois ach leath na táille is iníoctha as lán-aoiseach fén Alt so.
(iv) Déanfidh an chuideachta bhóthair iarainn meáchaint céad de bhagáiste phearsanta d'iompar in aisce do gach duine a hiomprófar fén Alt so agus is gá, do réir an line bhealaigh, a iompar sa chéad ghrád, agus leathchéad meáchaint do gach éinne eile a iomprófar; agus iomprófar aon bhreis meáchainte ar mhéid nách mó ná dhá dtrian an ráta a héilítear ar an bpuiblíocht ar bhagáiste bhreise.
(v) Iomprófar an bagáiste, na stóranna, na hairm, an t-aiminisean, na riachtanaisí agus na nithe puiblí sin ar rátaí nách mó ná dhá phingin an tona an míle; tabharfidh na Fórsaí cúnamh chun an céanna do lódáil agus do dhí-lódáil.
(vi) Ach ní bheidh ar an gcuideachta fén Alt so púdar gunna ná aon phléascán ná stuif so-dhóite eile d'iompar, ach ar théarmaí ar a socrófar idir an gcuideachta agus an tAire, fé mar bheidh.
(2) Chun crícheanna an Ailt seo, tuigfar líne bealaigh a sighníodh go cuibhe a bheith ina líne bealaigh a tugadh amach agus a sighníodh do réir Alt a céad seasca a seacht den Acht so no do réir ordú a shighnigh duine dar thug an tAire údarás chuige sin.
Beidh cead an Aire Airgid riachtanach i gcóir rialachán.
207.—Aon rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire fén Acht so agus as a leanfidh muirear a chur ar chistí phuiblí, is le haontú an Aire Airgid a déanfar iad.
Baint an Dli Airm.
Daoine fé dhlí airm mar oifigigh.
208.—Daoine atá fé dhlí airm mar oifigigh isea na daoine a luaidhtear san Alt so, agus bainfidh an tAcht so le gach duine a luaidhtear amhlaidh, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Oifigigh de sna Fórsaí atá ar liost na seirbhíse cogúla, do réir brí aon bharántais chun págh agus árdú céime sna Fórsaí do regealáil, agus oifigigh ná fuil ar liost san na seirbhíse cogúla agus atá ar fostú ar seirbhís mhileata fé orduithe oifigigh de sna Fórsaí atá fé dhlí airm.
(2) Aon oifigeach a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca nuair a hordófar do dul ar diúité na bhfuil sé freagarthach ann mar oifigeach a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca.
Daoine fé dhlí airm mar shaighdiúirí.
209.—Daoine atá fé dhlí airm mar shaighdiúirí isea na daoine a luaidhtear san Alt so, agus dá réir sin bainfidh an tAcht so le gach duine a luaidhtear amhlaidh, sé sin le rá:—
(1) Gach saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí.
(2) Gach oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta agus fear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca—
(a) Nuair a glaofar air chun tréineála agus aiclíochta; agus
(b) Nuair a glaofar amach air chun diúité mar chabhair don chomhacht shíbhialta; agus
(c) Nuair a glaofar amach ar buan-tseirbhís é; agus
(d) Nuair a bheidh sé ar fostú i seirbhís mhileata fé orduithe oifigigh de sna Fórsaí.
An Cul-thaca.
Tógáil agus líon an Chúl-thaca.
210.—Beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle fórsa chúlthaca (dá ngairmtear an Cúl-thaca ina dhiaidh seo anso) do thógáil agus do choinneáil suas i gcóir na bhFórsaí, fórsa a bheidh có-dhéanta de pé méid oifigeach, oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta agus fear a fhorálfidh an tOireachtas o am go ham.
Smacht ar an gCúl-thaca.
211.—Is san Ard-Chomhairle fé réir forálacha na Coda so den Acht so a bheidh smacht ar an gCúl-thaca dílsithe.
Pearsain an Chúl-thaca.
212.—Beidh an Cúl-thaca co-dhéanta—
1. Den Chúl-thaca d'Oifigigh.
2. Den Chúl-thaca d'Fheara.
Có-dhéanamh an Chúl-thaca Oifigeach.
213.—(1) Beidh an Cúl-thaca d'Oifigigh có-dhéanta d'oifigigh de sna Fórsaí a bheidh tar éis eirghe as na Fórsaí.
(2) Féadfar oifigigh a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca d'Oifigigh d'athghairm chun seirbhíse sna Fórsaí fé pé coiníollacha a hordófar.
(3) Oifigigh a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca d'Oifigigh fónfid fé pé coiníollacha a hordófar.
Có-dhéanamh an Chúl-thaca Fear.
214.—(1) Beidh an Cúl-thaca d'Fheara có-dhéanta d'oifigigh nea-choimisiúnta agus d'fheara a haistríodh chun an Chúl-thaca do réir Cuid II., Caibideal V. den Acht so tar éis dóibh bheith ag fónamh sna Fórsaí.
(2) Féadfar fir a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca d'Fheara d'athghairm chun seirbhíse sna Fórsaí fé mar a folártar leis an gCuid seo den Acht so.
I ngach áit ina n-úsáidtear sa Chuid seo den Acht so é folóidh an focal “fear” oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta mara mbeidh san bunoscionn leis an gcóthéacs.
Có-ghléasa generálta an Chúl-thaca.
215.—Có-ghléasfar an Cúl-thaca ag pé aontáin de sna géaga comhraic agus de sna seirbhísí roinne a hordófar.
Orduithe agus rialacháin i dtaobh an Chúl-thaca.
216.—(1) Fé réir forálacha na Coda so den Acht so beidh sé dleathach don Aire o am go ham orduithe a dhéanamh, agus, iad d'athghairm agus d'atharú tar éis a ndéanta, i dtaobh rialú, smacht, agus págh an Chúl-thaca agus i dtaobh nithe agus rudaí eile a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca ar a n-áirítear éinní go ndintar leis an gCuid seo den Acht so a údarú go n-ordófar é no a rá go bhfuil sé fé réir orduithe no rialachán.
(2) Gach ordú agus gach rialachán generálta a déanfar fén gCuid seo den Acht so leagfar fé bhráid dhá Thigh an Oireachtais iad chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a ndéanta má bhíonn an dá Thigh ina suidhe an uair sin no, mara mbeidh an dá Thigh ina suidhe, chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis tosach an chéad shiosóin eile den Oireachtas.
An dáta ar a mbunófar an Cúl-thaca
217.—Beidh an Cúl-thaca bunuithe o dháta a ceapfar le furógra ón Ard-Chomhairle san Iris Oifigiúil.
An Cúl-thaca do ghlaoch amach mar chabhair don chomhacht shíbhialta.
218.—(1) Beidh sé dleathach d'Aire Feidhmiúcháin aon uair, má chítar do go n-éilíonn an ócáid é, an Cúl-thaca uile, no oiread de agus is dó leis is gá, do ghlaoch amach chun cabhrú leis an gcomhacht shíbhialta chun ordú puiblí do chimeád.
(2) Beidh sé dleathach d'aon oifigeach i gceannas na bhFórsaí in aon bhaile no ceanntar, ar iarratas scríbhte Giúistís Dúithche, na fir a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca agus a chomhnuíonn sa bhaile sin, no pé fir díobh is dó leis is gá, do ghlaoch amach chun na críche roimhráite.
Pionósú i gciontaí áirithe a dhéanfidh fir den Chúl-thaca.
219.—(1) Má dhineann fear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca—
(a) Faillí do thabhairt gan leathscéal réasúnta, ar dhá ócáid as a chéile, i gcó-líona na n-orduithe no na rialachán a bheidh i bhfeidhm fén gCuid seo den Acht so maidir leis an gCúl-thaca d'íoc; no
(b) Nuair a déanfar do réir na n-orduithe no na rialachán a bheidh i bhfeidhm fén gCuid seo den Acht so, no leo, a éileamh air bheith in aon áit áirithe, faillí do thabhairt, gan leathscéal réasúnta, i mbeith san áit sin do réir an éilimh sin; no
(c) Caint bhagarthach no mhaslach do labhairt no é féin d'iompar ar chuma nea-ghéilliúnach le haon oifigeach no oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta a bheidh ag gníomhú i bhfeidhmiú a oifige do réir na n-orduithe agus na rialachán a bheidh i bhfeidhm fén gCuid seo den Acht so agus a bheadh ina oifigeach uachtarach ar an bhfear san dá mbeadh an fear san fé dhlí airm; no
(d) Le haon mheadhoin chalaoiseacha, aon phágh no suim eile d'fháil, no cabhrú chun é d'fháil, contrárdha do sna horduithe no na rialacháin a bheidh i bhfeidhm fén gCuid seo den Acht so; no
(e) Faillí do thabhairt, gan leathscéal réasúnta, i gcó-líona na n-orduithe no na rialachán a bheidh i bhfeidhm fén gCuid seo den Acht so;
beidh sé ciontach i gcionta.
(2) Aon fhear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca agus a dhéanfidh cionta fén Alt so, pe'ca fé dhlí airm do ar aon tslí eile no nách ea, féadfidh—
(a) Arm-Chúirt é thriail agus, ar a fháil ciontach, é chur fé phríosúntacht no fé aon phionós fé n-a bhun san a luaidhtear i gCuid II., Caibideal I., den Acht so; no
(b) Cúirt Údaráis Achmair é fháil ciontach agus é dhaora chun fíneáil nách lú ná dachad scilling agus nách mó ná cúig púint ar fhichid agus, mara n-íoca sé, chun phríosúntachta, i dteanta no d'eamais daor-oibre, ar feadh aon téarma nách giorra ná seacht lá agus nách sia ná an téarma maximum a ceaduítear leis an dlí mar gheall ar neamh-íoc na fíneála agus in aon chás acu féadfar é thógaint i gcimeád mileata.
(3) Má dhineann fear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca, i láthair aon oifigigh, cionta fén Alt so no aon chiontaí fé fho-alt a dó no fo-alt a trí d'Alt 135 den Acht so (a bhaineann le pionósú i gcás pearsanála) in ionad a ordú go dtógfar an fear san i gcimeád mileata, féadfidh an t-oifigeach san, más oiriúnach leis é, a ordú go ndéanfar é thógaint i gcimeád aon Ghárda Síochána agus é thabhairt i láthair Cúirte Údaráis Achmair chun go ndeighleálfidh an Chúirt sin leis.
(4) Aon deimhniú a dheabhróidh a bheith sighnithe ag oifigeach a bheidh luaidhte ann mar oifigeach a ceapadh chun fear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca d'íoc, agus é ráite ann gur thug an fear san faillí, ar dhá ócáid as a chéile, i gcó-líona na n-orduithe no na rialachán a bhí i bhfeidhm fén gCuid seo den Acht so maidir leis an gCúl-thaca d'íoc, beidh sé ina fhianaise ar an bhfaillí sin gan aon chruthúnas ar shighniú ná ar cheapa an oifigigh sin.
(5) Sa chás gur dineadh do réir na n-orduithe no na rialachán a bhí i bhfeidhm fén gCuid seo den Acht so, no leo, a éileamh ar fhear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca bheith in aon áit áirithe, aon deimhniú a dheabhróidh a bheith sighnithe ag oifigeach no ag duine a bheidh luaidhte sa deimhniú san mar oifigeach no mar dhuine a ceapadh chun bheith i láthair san áit sin chun iniúcha do dhéanamh ar fhir a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca no chun aon chríche eile a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca, agus é ráite ann gur thug an fear faillí i mbeith i láthair do réir an éilimh sin, beidh sé ina fhianaise ar an bhfaillí sin gan aon chruthúnas ar shighniú ná ar cheapa an oifigigh na an duine sin.
Tréineáil feara an Chúl-thaca.
220.—(1) Féadfar gach éinne no éinne de sna fir a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca do ghlaoch amach chun tréineála pé uaireanna agus i pé áit no áiteanna laistigh de Shaorstát Éireann agus ar feadh pé tréimhsí a hordófar ach gan iad a bheith níos sia ná deich lá fichead bliain ar bith.
(2) Gach fear a glaofar amach amhlaidh, le linn a thréineála, féadfar é chur i gceangal agus é thréineáil in éineacht le buidhin de sna Fórsaí.
Chun an Cúl-thaca do ghlaoch amach ar buan-tseirbhís.
221.—(1) I gcás conthabhairt náisiúnta bheith in achmaireacht no i gcás práinne móire beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle a ordú, le furógra, go nglaofar an Cúl-thaca amach ar buantseirbhís ach an ócáid do chur in úil don Oireachtas ar dtúis má bhíonn an tOireachtas ina suidhe an uair sin no í fhoillsiú le furógra mara mbeidh an tOireachtas ina suidhe an uair sin.
(2) Beidh sé dleathach don Ard-Chomhairle a ordú d'Aire Feidhmiúcháin o am go ham, le haon fhurógra den tsórt san, pé orduithe do thabhairt a dheabhróidh a bheith riachtanach no ceart chun an fórsa a luadhfar sa bhfurógra no gach éinne no éinne de sna fir a bhaineann leis do ghlaoch amach agus, tar eís na horduithe do thabhairt, iad do cheartú no d'atharú.
(3) Déanfar beart do réir gach furógra den tsórt san, agus do réir na n-orduithe a tabharfar dá bharr, díreach fé mar a hachtófí san Acht so iad, agus gach fear a glaofar amach leis na horduithe sin de thuras na huaire beidh sé i láthair san áit agus san am a ceapfar leis na horduithe sin agus ar an am san agus dá éis tuigfar é bheith glaoite amach ar buan-tseirbhís.
(4) Chun críche Alt a céad caoga a cúig den Acht so tuigfar furógra fén Alt so a bheith ina fhurógra á éileamh ar shaighdiúirí sa Chúl-thaca dul i seirbhís airm arís.
Comórfar dhá Thigh an Oireachtais nuair a hordófar an Cúlthaca do ghlaoch amach ar buan-tseirbhís.
222.—Áon uair a ordóidh an Ard-Chomhairle an Cúl-thaca do ghlaoch amach ar buan-tseirbhís, má bhíonn an tOireachtas scaipthe an uair sin de bharr cur ar athló no cur ar sos ná raghaidh in éag laistigh de dheich lá ina dhiaidh sin, cuirfar amach furógra chun an tOireachtas do chomóra laistigh de dheich lá agus dá réir sin comórfar an tOireachtas agus suidhfidh sé ar an lá a ceapadh leis an bhfurógra san agus leanfidh sé de bheith ina suidhe agus ag gníomhú fé mar a déanfí an tOireachtas do chur ar athló no do chur ar sos go dtí an lá céanna.
Seirbhís na bhfear den Chúl-thaca a glaofar amach.
223.—(1) Nuair a déanfar fear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca do ghlaoch amach ar buan-tseirbhís féadfar é chimeád ar seirbhís go dtí ná beidh a thuille gnótha ag an Ard-Chomhairle dá sheirbhís, ar shlí, ámh, ná beidh air fónamh ar feadh tréimhse is sia ar fad ná iarsma nea-chaithte a théarma seirbhíse sa Chúl-thaca i dteanta aon tréimhse eile, nách sia ná dhá mhí dhéag, is féidir é chimeád i seirbhís, fé Alt a céad caoga a cúig den Acht so, mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí, tar éis an ama a bheadh sé i dteideal a scurtha.
(2) Ar feadh a sheirbhíse beidh fear a glaofar amach ar buan-tseirbhís ina chuid de sna Fórsaí agus beidh sé fé réir Cuid II. den Acht so dá réir sin agus an t-údarás is údarás mileata orduithe do réir brí Caibideal V. de Chuid II. den Acht so féadfa sé, má chítar do gur ceart san, é cheapa chun aon chóir mar shaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí, agus laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis an ceapa san do dhéanamh féadfidh an t-údarás mileata orduithe sin é aistriú chun aon chóir eile de sna Fórsaí.
Pionós mar gheall ar gan bheith i láthair i gcóir tréineála bliantúla no buantseirbhíse, etc.
224.—(1) Nuair a déanfar fear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca do ghlaoch amach chun tréineála bliantúla no ar buan-tseirbhís, no nuair a déanfar fear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca do ghlaoch amach chun cabhrú leis an gcomhacht shíbhialta, agus más rud é, gan cead a bheith deonta dho go dleathach, no gan pé breoiteacht a bheith air no leathscéal eile réasúnta a bheith aige a lomhálfar ar an gcuma orduithe, go dtabharfidh an fear san faillí i dteacht aon uair agus go haon áit fé mar a héilíodh air nuair a glaodhadh amach amhlaidh é—
(a) Más ar buan-tseirbhís no chun cabhrú leis an gcomhacht shíbhialta a glaodhadh amach é, beidh sé ciontach do réir an cháis i dtréigean do réir brí Alt a dó is dachad den Acht so no i mbeith as láthair gan cead do réir brí Alt a cúig is dachad den Acht so; agus
(b) Más chun tréineála bliantúla a glaodhadh amach é, beidh sé ciontach i mbeith as láthair gan cead do réir Alt a cúig is dachad den Acht so.
(2) Aon fhear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca agus a dhéanfidh cionta fén Alt so no fé Alt a dó is dachad no fé Alt a cúig is dachad den Acht so, pe'ca fé dhlí airm do ar aon tslí eile no nách ea, féadfidh—
(a) Arm-Chúirt é thriail agus é fháil ciontach agus é phionósú dá réir; no
(b) Cúirt Údaráis Achmair é fháil ciontach agus é dhaora chun fíneáil nách lú ná dachad scilling agus nách mó ná cúig púint ar fhichid agus, mara n-íoca sé, chun príosúntachta, i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre, ar feadh aon téarma nách goire ná seacht lá agus nách sia ná an téarma maximum a ceaduítear leis an dlí mar gheall ar neamh-íoc na fíneála,
agus in aon chás acu féadfar é thógaint i gcimeád mileata.
Forálacha breise i dtaobh treigthes oirí agus nealáithreach.
225.—(1) Bainfidh alt a céad a nócha den Acht so le fear atá ina thréigtheoir no ina nea-láithreach as an gCúl-thaca do réir brí na Coda so den Acht so fé mar a bhaineann sé le tréigtheoir a luaidhtear san Alt san, agus má dintear fén Alt san fear a chur i gcimeád mileata no a choimiteáil chun é chur i gcimeád mileata féadfar é thriail mar a foráltar leis an gCuid seo den Acht so.
(2) Einne a leigfidh air gur tréigtheoir no nea-láithreach gan cead as an gCúl-thaca é, ar a fháil ciontach do Chúirt Údaráis Achmair féadfar é chur fé phríosúntacht, i dteanta no d'éamais daor-oibre, ar feadh téarma nách sia ná trí mhí.
Pionós mar gheall ar fhear den Chúl-thaca do mhealla chun tréigean a dhéanamh no chun bheith as láthair.
226.—(1) Einne a dhéanfidh ar aon tsórt slí—
(a) Aon fhear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca do thabhairt no do mhealla chun bheith as láthair gan cead do réir brí na Coda so den Acht so no tabhairt fé aon fhear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca do thabhairt no do mhealla chun an cionta san do dhéanamh; no
(b) Ar bheith in eolas ar fhear a bhaineann leis an gCúlthaca do bheith chun bheith as láthair gan cead do réir brí na Coda so den Acht so, cabhrú no cuidiú leis chun é dhéanamh; no
(c) Ar bheith in eolas ar fhear a bhaineann leis an gCúlthaca do bheith ina nea-láithreach gan cead do réir brí na Coda so den Acht so, an fear san do cheilt no cabhrú no cuidiú leis chun é féin do cheilt no é a fhostú no é a chimeád i bhfostaíocht no cabhrú no cuidiú chun é a fhuascailt;
ar a fháil ciontach do Chúirt Údaráis Achmair féadfar é chur fé fhineáil nách mó ná fiche púnt.
(2) Bainfidh Alt a céad ochtó a hocht den Acht so le cás fé is dá mba shaighdíuir fear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca agus fé is dá bhfolódh an focal “tréig,” agus aon fhocail eile le n-a dtagartar do thréigean, tréigean do réir brí na Coda so den Acht so chó maith le tréigean do réir brí Cuid II., Caihideal I., den Acht so; agus éinne a fhostóidh no a chimeádfidh i bhfostaíocht aon fhear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca agus a fhios aige gur tréigtheoir an fear san do réir brí an Achta so, tuigfar é bheith ag cabhrú leis an bhfear san chun é féin do cheilt do réir brí an Ailt sin.
Cuirfar ar breaca nea-láithreacht nea-dhleathach aon fhir den Chúl-thaca.
227.—(1) I gcás fear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca do bheith fé dhlí airm agus é bheith as láthair ó n-a dhiúité go nea-dhlíthiúil, féadfar cúirt fiosrúcháin do thabhairt le chéile, fé Alt a céad a naoi déag den Acht so, ar bheith caithte do lá is fiche o dháta na nea-láithreachta san, bíodh gur giorra ná lá is fiche an tréimhse a bhí an fear san fé dhlí airm, no go raibh deire léi sara raibh lá is fiche caithte; agus féadfar an breacachán a luaidhtear san Alt san d'iontráil ar an slí a foráltar leis an Alt san, no féadfidh pé oifigeach a hordófar é iontráil i pé leabhair reisiminte a hordófar.
(2) I gcás fear a bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca do thabhairt faillí i dteacht san am agus san áit gur héilíodh air teacht nuair a glaodhadh amach chun tréineála no ar buan-tseirbhís é, agus nách lú ná ceithre lá déag a bheidh sé as láthair, déanfidh an t-oifigeach orduithe an nea-láithreacht san d'iontráil ar an gcuma orduithe agus sna leabhair reisiminte orduithe agus beidh an iontráil sin ina fianaise dho-chlaoite ar an nealáithreacht san.
Feidhmiú comhachtanna atá dílsithe i sealbhóir oifige mileata.
228.—(1) Aon chomhacht no údarás a tugadh d'éinne i seilbh aon oifige mileata, agus aon ghníomh no ní a bheidh le déanamh aige no chuige no ina láthair, féadfidh éinne eile, go mbeidh údarás aige chuige sin de thuras na huaire do réir nós na seirbhíse, é fheidhmiú no é dhéanamh, no féadfar é dhéanamh chuige no ina láthair, chó fada is bhaineann leis an gCúl-thaca.
(2) Sa chás go n-údaruítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so, no go n-údarófar le haon ordú no rialachán a bheidh i bhfeidhm fén gCuid seo den Acht so, aon údarás mileata do dhéanamh aon ordú, féadfar an t-ordú san do chur in úil le hordú, le treoir, no le leitir fé láimh oifigigh dar húdaruíodh orduithe do thabhairt amach thar ceann an údaráis mhileata, agus aon ordú, treoir no leitir a dheabhróidh a bheith sighnithe ag oifigeach a bheidh luaidhte ann mar oifigeach dar tugadh an t-údarás san beidh sé ina fhianaise ar an údarás san a bheith aige.
Bainfidh leis an gCúl-thaca na hachtacháin a bhaineann le saoirse o chustuim agus leis na Fórsaí d'iompar.
229.—(1) Chun críche Alt a céad tríocha a naoi den Acht so agus chun críche gach achtacháin eile a bhaineann leis na diúitéthe, na custuim agus na calaithe a luaidhtear san Alt san, tuigfar gur oifigigh agus saighdiúirí de sna Fórsaí ar diúité oifigigh agus fir den Chúl-thaca le linn iad a bheith ag dul go haon áit no ag fille o aon áit nar héilíodh ortha dul ann agus na bhféadfar iad a phionósú mar gheall ar gan dul ann.
(2) Forálacha Alt a dhá chéad a sé den Acht so agus gach achtachán eile a bheidh de thuras na huaire i bhfeidhm i dtaobh aon chuid de sna Fórsaí agus a gcuid bagáiste, stóranna, arm, amuinisin agus riachtanaisí agus rudaí eile d'iompar ar bhóthar iarainn, bainfid leis an gCúl-thaca fé is dá mba chuid de sna Fórsaí an Cúl-thaca.
230.—Maidir le fógraí is gá a thabhairt d'fheara den Chúlthaca do réir orduithe no rialachán i bhfeidhm fén gCuid seo den Acht so, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so a leanas:—
(i) Féadfar fógra do sheirbheáil ar aon fhear den tsórt san tré n-a chur tríd an bpost chun na háite comhnaithe cláruithe is déanaí aige no tré n-a sheirbheáil ar an gcuma orduithe;
(ii) Is fianaise ar fhógra do chur in úil d'fhear den Chúlthaca fianaise ar an bhfógra san do sheachada ag an áit chomhnaithe chláruithe is déanaí ag an bhfear san no ar leitir fé sheola an fhir sin, agus an fógra san inti, do sheachada amhlaidh;
(iii) Is leor mar fhógra d'fhear a bhaineann leis an gCúlthaca fógra d'fhoillsiú ar an gcuma orduithe sa pharóiste ina luíonn an áit chomhnaithe chláruithe is déanaí ag an bhfear san, agus san in ainneoin gan cóip den bhfógra san do bheith seirbheálta air;
(iv) Ar a éileamh san air don Aire no thar ceann an Aire, déanfidh gach Gárda Síochána do réir na n-orduithe agus na rialachán a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire fén gCuid seo den Acht so i dtaobh foillsiú agus seirbheáil fógraí, agus mara ndine sé amhlaidh féadfar fíneáil nách mó ná fiche punt do chur air ar a fháil ciontach ag Cúirt Údaráis Achmair.
Ciontaí do thriail.
231.—(1) Chun an ciontathóir do ghabhaíl, do thriail agus do phionósú agus chun na gcrícheanna a bhaineann leis na nithe sin, maraon le n'Oifigeach Ceannais do dheighleáil leis an gcás ar an slí achmair, tuigfar gur cionta fé Chuid II. den Acht so aon chionta is inphionósuithe fén Acht so tar éis d'Arm-Chúirt daora do dhéanamh ann, ach amháin go léireofar tagartha i gCuid II. den Acht so do cháinficthe agus do stoptha mar thagartha do pé cáinficthe agus stoptha a hordófar.
(2) Féadfar próiseacht do dhéanamh ar aon chionta is inphionósuithe fén gCuid seo den Acht so tar éis do Chúirt Údaráis Achmair daora dhéanamh ann, agus aon fhíneáil is féidir a bhaint amach tar éis an daora san a bheith déanta féadfar í bhaint amach ar an gcuma a foráltar le hAlt a céad nócha a naoi den Acht so (fé mar a déanfí an tAlt san d'athachtú anso i dtéarmaí a chuirfadh i mbaint leis an gCuid seo den Acht so é).
(3) Ach amháin mar a foráltar leis an Alt san a céad nócha a naoi leanfidh Cúirteanna Údaráis Achmair go cuibhe den mhinimum a socruítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so i gcóir méid aon fhíneála no i gcóir téarma aon phríosúntachta agus, in ainneoin éinní atá in aon Acht eile, ní luíodófar an minimum san mar mhaolú ná ar aon tslí eile.
(4) Chun crícheanna an Ailt seo folóidh an focal “é thriail fé Arm-Chúirt” “deighleáil leis ar an slí achmair.”
Forálacha i dtaobh ciontaí.
232.—Maidir le triail agus pionósú feara a cúisíodh i gciontaí is intrialta, do réir an Achta so, ag Arm-Chúirt agus ag Cúirt Údaráis Achmair, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so a leanas:—
(i) Ní féadfar duine cúisithe do thriail fé Arm-Chúirt agus fé Chúirt Údaráis Achmair, ach féadfar é thriail fé aon Chúirt díobh, fé mar a hordófar le horduithe no le rialacháin fén gCuid seo den Acht so.
(ii) Féadfar imeachta i gcoinnibh duine chúisithe i láthair Arm-Chúirte no a Oifigigh Cheannais no Cúirte Údaráis Achmair, do bhunú, pe'ca bheidh téarma a sheirbhíse sa Chúl-thaca caithte no ná beidh, agus in ainneoin éinní in aon Acht féadfar iad do bhunú aon uair laistigh de dhá mhí tar éis na huaire a tháinig an cionta in eolas d'oifigeach na mbeidh aige, fé sna comhachta no na rialacháin a bheidh i bhfeidhm fén gCuid seo den Acht so, comhacht chun a ordú go dtrialfar an ciontathóir fé Arm-Chúirt no fé Chúirt Údaráis Achmair, sé sin, má gabhadh an ciontathóir an uair sin, no, mar ar gabhadh é an uair sin, féadfar iad do bhunú laistigh de dhá mhí tar éis na huaire a gabhadh é, pe'ca údarás síbhialta no údarás mileata a dhin an ghabháil sin, agus aon teora atá in aon Acht eile maidir leis an am chun cionta d'éisteacht agus chun breith do thabhairt air, ní bhainfe sí le cás aon imeachta a bunófar amhlaidh.
233.—(1) Bainfidh alt a céad nócha a seacht den Acht so (i dtaobh fianaise ar shaora no daora síbhialta a bheith déanta ar dhuine atá fé dhlí airm) le fear den Chúl-thaca a trialfar fé Chúirt Shíbhialta, pe'ca bheidh sé fé dhlí airm le linn na trialach san no ná beidh.
(2) Bainfidh alt a céad nócha a sé den Acht so (i dtaobh fianaise) le gach imeacht fén gCuid seo den Acht so.
Foralacha Diombuana.
Buaine na Coda so den Acht.
234.—Go dtí go mbeidh na Fórsaí bunuithe fé Alt a dó is fiche den Acht so, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha a luaidhtear ina dhiaidh seo anso.
Na fórsaí armtha a luaidhtear in Airtiogal 46 den Bhunreacht do dhéanamh de sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta, mar atáid fé láthair.
235.—Fórsaí armtha an Stáit agus iad bunuithe agus ar bith mar atáid fé láthair (dá ngairmtear na Fórsaí Náisiúnta ina dhiaidh seo anso), tuigfar gurb iad san na fórsaí armtha atá le tógáil fé Airtiogal 46 den Bhunreacht agus faisnítear leis seo go bhfuil a gcoinneáil suas do réir dlí.
Forálacha i dtaobh árdcheannais agus comhachtanna riaracháin agus feidhmiúchaín.
236.—Ard-cheannas na bhFórsaí Náisiúnta agus gach comhacht feidhmiúcháin agus riaracháin a bhaineann leo (ar a n-áirítear comhacht chun údarás do leigint chun pé daoine a measfar a bheith oiriúnach), is san Ard-Chomhairle a bheid dílsithe agus is tríd an Aire agus in ainm an Aire a feidhmeofar iad.
Có-ghléasa generálta na bhFórsaí Náisiúnta.
237.—Mar atá sé fé láthair a bheidh có-ghléasa na bhFórsaí Náisiúnta. Féadfidh an tAire, áfach, pé athruithe a dhéanamh air is dó leis is gá.
Beidh éifeacht ag orduithe agus ag rialacháin atá i bhfeidhm anois.
238.—Gach ordú agus rialachán atá i bhfeidhm sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta anois, leanfid de bheith i lán-fheidhm agus i lánéifeacht.
Oblagáid a féadfar a chur ar shaighdiúirí atá ag fónamh sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta anois.
239.—Gach saighdiúir atá ag fónamh sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta anois de bhua aon réitigh no teistíochta, féadfar a chur air leanúint de bheith ag fónamh do réir téarmaí an réitigh no na teistíochta san.
240.—Gach oifigeach atá ag fónamh sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta anois, leanfid mar oifigigh den tsórt san faid is toil leis an Ard-Chomhairle é.
Comhacht chun oifigeach no saighdiúir do bhrise.
241.—Ag gníomhú tríd an Aire dhóibh, féadfidh an Ard-Chomhairle aon oifigeach de sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta do bhrise no scarúint le n-a sheirbhís no aon tsaighdiúir de sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta do scur.
Baint Chuid II. den Acht.
242.—Bainfidh forálacha Cuid II. den Acht so, ach amhaín Caibidil V. agus XII., le gach ball de sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta fé mar a cuirfí tagairtí do sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta ionta in ionad tagairtí do sna Fórsaí, ach beidh an bhaint sin fé réir na n-atharuithe seo a leanas:—
(1) Na focail atá i gCuid II. den Acht so agus a luaidhtear, leis, in Alt a dhá chéad dachad a sé den Acht so, isiad bríonna a bheidh leo ná na bríonna a tugtar dóibh fé seach le hAlt a dhá chéad dachad a sé den Acht so agus ní híad na bríonna a tugtar dóibh fé seach le hAlt a trí den Acht so.
(2) Pé atharuithe no oiriúnuithe eile, áirithe no generálta, a ordóidh an tAire.
Feidhmiú Alt 2 den Acht.
243.—I bhfeidhmiú Alt a dó den Acht so tuigfar na Fórsaí Náisiúnta a bheith foluithe sa bhfocal “na fórsaí armtha a tógfar fén Acht so.”
Foráil i dtaobh Airtiogal 71 den Bhunreacht.
244.—Chun crícheanna Airtiogal 71 den Bhunreacht tuigfar gach ball de sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta a bheith ar seirbhís chogúil.
Comhacht chun rialacháin do dhéanamh.
245.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire rialacháin de dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní a héilítear no a ceaduítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so a ordú no is gá no is oiriúnach a ordú chun deimhin a dhéanamh de go rialófar na Fórsaí Náisiúnta go maith no chun forálacha na Coda so den Acht so do chó-líona no do chur in éifeacht.
(2) Ní bhainfidh an tAcht Foillsiú Rialacha, 1893, le Rialacháin a déanfar fén Alt so.
246.—Sa Chuid seo den Acht so, mara mbeidh sé bunoscionn leis an gcó-théacs, siad bríonna a bheidh leis na focail seo a leanas ná na bríonna a tugtar dóibh leis an Alt so, sé sin le rá:—
(a) Cialluíonn an focal “duine fé dhlí airm” aon oifigeach, oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta no saighdiúir atá i gceangal no ag fónamh in éineacht leis na Fórsaí Náisiúnta ar dháta rithte an Achta so agus foluíonn sé gach duine fé dhaora Arm-Chúirte.
(b) Cialluíonn an focal “oifigeach” aon oifigeach a ceapadh mar oifigeach agus atá ag fónamh in éineacht leis na Fórsaí Náisiúnta ar dháta rithte an Achta so agus foluíonn sé aon oifigeach atá ar págh mar oifigeach de sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta.
(c) Foluíonn an focal “saighdiúir” oifigeach nea-choimisiúnta no saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí Náisiúnta ach ní fholuíonn sé oifigeach mar a mínítear thuas é.
Fuirm Coimisiúin d'Oifigeach.
Do (Ainm an Oifigigh) .............................................. le hiontaoibh as do dhílseacht dár dtír agus le muinín mhór as do mhisneach, t'onóir, do dhea-iompar agus do thuisgint, dineann Ard-Chomhairle Shaorstáit Éireann, i bhfeidhmiú na gcomhacht a bronnadh ortha chuige sin leis an Acht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923, tú do bhunú agus do cheapa leis seo chun bheith id' oifigeach in OGLAIGH na hÉIREANN ón lá de 19 . Bhéarfir géillsine agus fíor-dhílseacht dár dtír agus déanfir do dhualgas ina seirbhís agus í chosaint ar a naimhde go léir, is cuma cé hiad. Có-líonfir do dhualgas mar no in aon chéim is aoirde ná san agus na dtuillfir tú cheapa no tú árdú chúichi, ceapa no árdú a fógrófar san Iris Oifigiúl Déanfir na saighdiúirí agus na hoifigigh íochtaracha a bheidh i seirbhís fút d'aclú agus do thréineáil in airm agus iad do choinneáil i ndea-ordú agus fé smacht agus leis seo naiscthear ar gach éinne riamh díobh san agus orduitear do rud a dhéanamh ort mar oifigeach uachtarach air. Leanfir agus có-líonfir féin gan ceist a chur pé orduithe agus treoracha a gheobhair o am go ham ón té is Aire Cosanta de thuras na huaire no o éinne dá mbeidh ina n-oifigigh uachtaracha ort do réir dlí.
MAR FHIANAISE AIR SIN TAIMID tar éis ar lámha agus ár séalaí fé seach do chur leis seoá so de bhliain míle naoi gcéad..................
Sighnithe.................. | |
Uachtarán Ard-Chomhairle | |
Shaorstáit Éireann | |
.................. | |
Aire Cosanta, | |
Ceann an Airm. |
Fuirm an Mhionna no na Faisnéise atá le tabhairt no le déanamh fé Alt 21 den Acht.
Ailt 21 agus 148(4) (a).
Dinim-se a mhionnú (no a fhaisnéis) go solamanta gur liostálas iniu, dem' dheoin agus dem' shaor-thoil féin, mar shaighdiúir in Oglaigh na hÉireann; go bhfónfad go dílis mar shaighdiúir den tsórt san ar feadh tréimhse ón lá de 19 (mara scuirtar mé le ceart-údarás roimhe sin) agus fé sna coiníollacha atá orduithe do réir dlí; agus glacfad le pé págh, toirbheartas, scaireanna lóin agus cuid éadaigh a hordófar o am go ham do réir dlí.
Agus mionnuím (nó faisnéisim) go solamanta, leis, go dtabharfad géillsine agus fíor-dhílseacht dár dtír agus go ndéanfad mo dhualgas ina seirbhís agus í chosaint ar a naimhde go léir, is cuma cé hiad, agus go luighfad fé smacht agus go ngéillfad, gan ceist a chur, d'orduithe na n-oifigeach a bheidh ceaptha os mo chionn do réir dlí.
Ar a Mhionnú (Fhaisnéis) im' fhianaise-se an | lá so de |
19 . . | ...................... |
Sighniú an Ghiúistís Dúithche no an Choimisinéara Shíochána a theistigh. |
Brise agus Dul isteach.
Priosuntacht Nea-dhleathach.
Pearsanu Breagach.
Fallsu Cuntaisi.
Aithris ar Scribhinn.
Brise isteach i dtigh.
Duine do Ghriosa chun Coir a Dheanamh.
Ionnsuidhe Mi-mhoralta ar Fhireannaigh no ar Bhaineannacha.
Diobhail Mhailiseach.
Mionn Eithigh.
Maoin Ghuidhte a Ghlaca.
Tabhairt fe Dhuine Fein do Mharbhu.
Fuirm an Mhionna atá le tabhairt ag Máistir na bhfuil a Phrintíseach tar cis éaló air agus fuirm an Deimhniú Giúistís Dúithche a ghabhann leis.
Dinim-se, | o | mo |
mhionn do thabhairt gur agus gur | mé do réir céirde | |
agus gur ceangladh ar | seirbhís do thabhairt mar |
phríntíseach dom sa chéird sin, le dintiúir dar dáta an lá de ar feadh téarma bliana, agus gur dhin sin éaló uaim agus mo sheirbhís do thréigean gan cead uaim an lá de no timpeal an ama san; agus, chó fada lem' eolas agus lem' thuairim, go bhfuil sin tuairim bliana d'aois. Cuirim mo lámh leis seo mar fhianaise air sin i an lá de míle naoi gcéad
(Sighnithe) ............................................ | |
(Sighnithe) ............................................. Giúistís Dúithche do |
Deimhním leis seo gur mionnuíodh an mhóid-scríbhinn sin thuas im' fhianaise-se i an lá so de míle naoi gcéad |
Coiriocht le Solathar ag Cimeadai Tighe Loin.
Aon chimeádaí tighe lóin na gcuirfar aon oifigeach, saighdiúir no capall ar billéad air—
(1) Soláthróidh sé lóistín agus friothálamh don oifigeach agus don tsaighdiúir; agus
(2) Má éilíonn an t-oifigeach agus an saighdiúir é, tabharfa sé bricfeast, dinnéar te, agus suipéar do i gcóir gach lá a bheidh sé ag máirseáil, agus i gcóir dhá lá an chuid is mó dhe, má stadtar an t-oifigeach no an saighdiúir in áit idirmheánach ar an máirseáil ar feadh breis agus dhá lá, agus ar an lá a sroichfar ceann riain, béilí a bheidh déanta de pé méideanna bídh agus dighe a socrófar o am go ham le Rialacháin a dhéanfidh an tAire ach gan iad a bheith níos mó ná—
(a) I gcóir bricfeasta, cúig únsa aráin, pionta té agus bainne agus siúcre air, cheithre únsa bagúin;
(b) I gcóir dinnéir the, dhá únsa dhéag feola, sara ndintear í chóiriú, sé únsa aráin, ocht n-únsa prátaí no glasraí eile;
(c) I gcóir suipéir, cúig únsa aráin, pionta té agus bainne agus siúcre air, dhá únsa cáise; agus
(3) Nuair ná beidh ag oifigeach no ag saighdiúir an teideal san chun “béile” d'fháil, soláthróidh sé coinnle, bhinigéir agus salann don oifigeach no don tsaighdiúir agus leigfe sé dho an teine d'úsáid chó maith leis na hárthaistí is gá dho chun a bhéile do chóiriú agus d'ithe; agus
(4). Soláthróidh sé i gcóir gach capaill slí i stábla agus deich bpúint coirce, dhá phunt déag féir thirim, agus ocht bpúint tuighe gach lá.
Chun crícheanna na Coda so den Sceideal so folóidh an focal “loistín do sholáthar” leabaidh fé leith do sholáthar i gcóir gach oifigigh fé leith agus gach saighdiúra fé leith.
Rialachain i dtaobh Billeidi.
(1). Ar thithe lóin san áit, no laistigh de mhíle ón áit, a luaidhtear sa líne bealaigh, isea a bheidh na billéidí a tabharfar nuair a bheidh na trúpaí ar máirseáil, ach amháin i gcás riachtanais no i gcás ordú o Ghiúistís Dúithcho.
(2). Tabharfar aire i gcomhnaí chun na billéadai a dhéanamh amach i gcóir na dtithe lóin comhgaracha in ar féidir cóiríocht oiriúnach d'fháil sara ndéanfar amach billéadai i gcóir tithe lóin aistreacha.
(3). Ach amháin i gcás riachtanais, is ar an aon tigh lóin amháin a cuirfar gach fear agus a chapall ar billéad má bhíonn capaill le cur ar billéad.
(4). Ach amháin i gcás riachtanais, déanfar saighdiúir amháin ar a luíod do chur ar billéad in áit ina mbeidh capall no dhó ar billéad, agus beirt shaighdiúirí ar a luíod in áit ina mbeidh cheithre capaill, agus do réir an chothruim sin i gcás níos mó capall ná san.
(5). Ach amháin i gcás riachtanais, ní cuirfar saighdiúir agus a chapall ar billéad níos sia ná céad slat o n-a chéile.
(6). Nuair a déanfar aon tsaighdiúirí maraon le n-a gcapaill do char ar billéad ar chimeádaí tighe lóin ná fuil aon stábla aige, déanfidh an constábla, ar éileamh scríbhte an Oifigigh Cheannais a bheidh i láthair, na saighdiúirí agus a gcapaill, no na capaill amháin, do chur ar billéad ar chimeádaí tighe lóin éigin eile go bhfuil stáblaí aige, agus ar dhéanamh gearáin do chimeádaí an tighe lóin is déanaí a luadhadh féadfidh Cúirt Údaráis Achmair a ordú go ndéanfidh cimeádaí an tighe lóin a saoradh liúntas ceart d'íoc leis.
(7). Féadfidh oifigeach, a bheidh ag éileamh billéidí, na billéidí do riara ar na saighdiúirí fé n-a cheannas agus ar a gcapaill fé mar is dó leis is oiriúnaí i gcóir na seirbhíse puiblí, agus féadf, sé an riara san d'atharú o am go ham.
(8). Féadfidh an tOifigeach Ceannais, in aon áit gur féidir é, a éileamh go ndéanfar beirt fhear ar a luíod do chur ar billéad in aon tigh amháin.
Carraisti do Thogaint go hEigeanta
Táible de Rátaí Iocaíochta i gcóir Carráistí agus Ainmhithe.
Carráistí agus Ainmhithe. | An Ráta ar an Míle. |
In aghaidh gach céad de mheáchaint ar aon fheithicil ar rothanna | Leathphinge. |
Nuair a beifear ag comhreamh na mílte i gcóir íocaíochta, áireofar ortha an fhaid o bhaile go dtí an áit o n-ar gluaiseadh, agus an fhaid a bhaile ó áit an chartuithe.
Rialachain i dtaobh Carraisti agus Ainmhithe.
(1). As mile iomlán a híocfar nuair is giorra ná míle an fhaid iomlán a soláthruíodh carráiste ina cóir.
(2). Leathréal an míle an tsuim mhinimum is iníoctha as carr agus réal an míle an tsuim mhinimum is iníoctha as drae.
(3). Do réir an ráta chéanna a bheidh an íocaíocht as gach céad de mheáchaint sa bhreis ar an méid is iniompartha ar an gcarráiste fén Sceideal so.
(4). Ní héileofar carráiste do thaisteal níos mó ná cúig mhíle fichead.
(5). Ach amháin i gcás práinne móire, ní éileofar carráiste do thaisteal níos mó ná máirseáil lae amháin a bheidh orduithe sa líne bealaigh.
(6). Ní éileofar carráiste d'iompar níos mó ná sé chéad de mheáchaint más carr é ná níos mó ná dhá chéad déag de mheáchaint más drae é.
(7). Má éilítear é agus más féidir é dhéanamh laistigh d'aimsir réasúnta gan cur as don tseirbhís, déanfar an t-ualach i gcóir gach carráiste do mheádh, ar chostas únaer an charráiste, sara gcuirfar ar an gcarráiste é
Fuirm an Chuntais Thuairisciula.
Cuntas Tuairisciúil ar a i an lá de agus a cuireadh i mbraighdeanas i an lá de , mar Thréigtheoir (no mar Nealáithreach gan cead) ón Cath de Reisimint
Tar éis an chéad “a” scríbhtar an focal “gabhadh” no “thug suas é féin,” pé'ca dhíobh é
Aos............................................ ...........................................................
Aoirde.........................................................Troithe. Orlach.
In éide no i ngnáth-éadach......................................................................
An dáta agus an áit gur dócha gur teistíodh é...........................................
An dáta gur dócha gur thréig sé no gur thosnuigh sé ar bheith as láthair, agus o |
cá háit.................................................................................................
Ainm, slí bheatha, agus seola an duine a dhin no tré n-ar dineadh an Tréigtheoir (no Nea-láithreach gan cead) do ghabháil agus |
do chur i slán-chimeád............................................................................
Mion-innste sa bhfianaise ar ar coimiteáladh an Príosúnach, agus a thaisbeánann ce'ca thug sé suas é féin no gabhadh é agus conus agus cadé an scór ar ar dineadh amhlaidh. | |
Tugtar na mion-innste is iomlaíne is féidir | ........................................... |
Deimhním leis seo gur dineadh an Príosúnach do cheistniú go cuibhe im' fhianaise-se i dtaobh na nithe a ráitear anso, agus gur fhaisnigh sé im' láthair gur é ón gcór a luaidhtear thuas, agus molaim | ||
| ||
............Sighniú. ............Áit Chomhnaithe ............Baile Puist | an Ghiúistís Dúithche a Choimitéalfidh. | |
luach saothair do thabhairt do | ...............Sighniú an Phríosúnaigh. ...............Sighniú an Innsteora. |
Nó má dhin an Príosúnach admháil agus ná bheidh fianaise ar fáil an uair sin ar ce'ca fíor bréag an admháil sin—
Deimhním leis seo gur admhuigh an Príosúnach a hainmnítear thuas na nithe a ráitear thuas, ach ná fuil fianaise ar fáil ar ce'ca fíor bréag an admháil sin, agus gur cuireadh an cás ar athló go dtí an lá de | ........................Sighniú. ........................Ait Chomhnaithe. ........................Baile Puist. |
chun an fhianaise sin d'fhail o Bhall den Ard-Chomhairle. |
Foralacha i dtaobh Socru ar an Meid is Inioctha as Earrai a hEiliodh.
1. Fé réir forálacha an Sceidil seo is ar an gcuma a foráltar le Rialacha Cúirte a déanfar iarratas ar Bhreitheamh Cúirte Contae agus éistfidh an Breitheamh é gan Choiste, agus ní féadfar athchomharc a dhéanamh i gcoinnibh a bhreithe.
2. Fé réir forálacha an Sceidil seo agus fé réir Rialacha Cúirte, nuair a déanfar an t-iarratas san gníomhóidh an Breitheamh do réir na dlí le n-a regleáltar feidhmiú a ghnáth-údaráis agus beidh aige na comhachtanna a bhaineann leis an bhfeidhmiú san.
3. Isé méid a socrófar leis an deimhniú ná pé méid is dó leis an mBreitheamh Cúirte Contae a bheadh ina luach cothrom, do réir an mhargaidh agus idir cheannathóir thoilteannach agus díoltóir toilteannach, ar an earra éilithe ar an lá a héilíodh é sholáthar, agus sa chás inar héilíodh ar únaer carráiste no capaill an t-earra do sheachada i bhfad o n-a áitreabh, cuirfar leis an méid sin pé suim is dó leis an mBreitheamh is réasúnta chun costas an tseachada san d'íoc.
4. Ní bheidh aon táillí Cúirte le n'íoc ar dhéanamh an iarratais, ach féadfidh an Breitheamh, más oiriúnach leis é, a ordú d'aon taobh pé suim is dó leis is ceart mar chostaisí d'íoc leis an taobh eile, agus cuirfar an tsuim sin leis an méid a shocruigh an Breitheamh Cúirte Contae mar luach ar an earra a héilíodh no bainfar as í, agus ceartófar dá réir sin an tsuim a bheidh le cur sa deimhniú.
5. Más mó ná an méid a luaidhtear sa deimhniú an méid a híoc an tAire cheana féin, deimhneoidh an Breitheamh Cúirte Contae méid na breise, agus ordóidh sé an méid a deimhníodh amhlaidh d'íoc leis an Aire, agus beidh an t-ordú san infheidhmithe díreach ar nós aithne no breith Bhreithimh Chúirte Contae.