As Ann Déscrolláil
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Uimhir 30 de 1963.
[An tiontú oifigiúil.]
1.—Tiocfaidh an tAcht seo i ngníomh cibé lá a cheapfaidh an tAire le hordú.
1916, c. 58.
2.—(1) San Acht seo—
[EN]folaíonn “gnó” gairm;
[EN]ciallaíonn “ainm gnó” an t-ainm nó an tuairisc faoina bhfuil aon ghnó á sheoladh, agus, maidir le nuachtán, folaíonn sé teideal an nuachtáin;
[EN]folaíonn “ainm baiste” aon túsainm;
[EN]folaíonn “stiúrthóir”, maidir le comhlacht corpraithe, comhalta dá chomhlacht bainistí;
[EN]ciallaíonn “gnólacht” comhlacht neamhchorpraithe de bheirt phearsa aonair nó níos mó, nó de phearsa aonair amháin nó níos mó maraon le comhlacht corpraithe amháin nó níos mó, nó de dhá chomhlacht chorpraithe nó níos mó, a bheidh tar éis dul i gcomhpháirtíocht le chéile chun nuachtán a fhoilsiú nó chun gnó a sheoladh le haghaidh brabúis;
[EN]folaíonn “inisileacha” aon ghiorrú aitheanta ar ainm baiste;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Tionscail agus Tráchtála;
[EN]ciallaíonn “nuachtán” aon pháipéar ina bhfuil nuacht phoiblí nó tuairimí ina thaobh, nó arb é atá ann go hiomlán nó go formhór fógráin, agus a chlóitear le díol agus a fhoilsítear sa Stát go tréimhsiúil nó ina chodanna nó ina uimhreacha i gceann tréimhsí nach faide ná sé lá is tríocha;
[EN]ciallaíonn an briathar “forordú” forordú le rialacháin arna ndéanamh de bhun an Achta seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an t-achtachán aisghairthe” the Registration of Business Names Act, 1916, a aisghairtear leis an Acht seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “sloinne”, i gcás duine a aithnítear de ghnáth faoi theideal nach ionann agus a shloinne an teideal sin.
[EN](2) Ní fholaíonn tagairtí san Acht seo do sheanainm baiste nó do sheansloinne—
[EN](a) i gcás duine a aithnítear de ghnáth faoi theideal nach ionann agus a shloinne, an t-ainm faoina raibh aithne air sular ghlac sé an teideal nó sular tháinig sé i gcomharbas an teidil; nó
[EN](b) i gcás aon duine, seanainm baiste nó seansloinne i gcás inar athraíodh nó inar ligeadh as úsáid an t-ainm nó an sloinne sin sular shlánaigh an duine ar a raibh an t-ainm 18 mbliana d'aois nó ina bhfuil sé athraithe nó ligthe as úsáid le tréimhse nach giorra ná 20 bliain; nó
[EN](c) i gcás bean phósta, an t-ainm nó an sloinne faoina raibh aithne uirthi roimh an bpósadh.
[EN]Daoine a chlárófar.
3.—(1) Faoi réir forálacha an Achta seo, déanfar—
[EN](a) gach gnólacht ag a bhfuil áit ghnó sa Stát agus a sheolann gnó faoi ainm gnó nach é atá ann fíorshloinnte na gcomhpháirtithe go léir ar pearsana aonair iad agus ainmneacha corpraithe na gcomhpháirtithe go léir ar comhlachtaí corpraithe iad gan aon bhreis seachas fíorainmneacha baiste comhpháirtithe aonair nó inisileacha na n-ainmneacha baiste sin;
[EN](b) gach pearsa aonair ag a bhfuil áit ghnó sa Stát agus a sheolann gnó faoi ainm gnó nach é atá ann a fhíorshloinne gan aon bhreis seachas a fhíorainmneacha baiste nó inisileacha na n-ainmneacha sin;
[EN](c) gach pearsa aonair nó gnólacht ag a bhfuil áit ghnó sa Stát agus is pearsa a rinne, nó gnólacht a ndearna comhalta de, a ainm a athrú, roimh an Acht seo a rith nó dá éis, ach amháin i gcás bean mar gheall ar a pósadh;
[EN](d) gach comhlacht corpraithe ag a bhfuil áit ghnó sa Stát agus a sheolann gnó faoi ainm gnó nach é atá ann a ainm corpraithe gan aon bhreis;
[EN](e) gan dochar do ghinearáltacht an mhéid sin roimhe seo, gach duine ag a bhfuil áit ghnó sa Stát agus a sheolann gnó foilsithe nuachtáin,
[EN]a chlárú sa tslí a ordaítear leis an Acht seo.
[EN](2) I gcás nach ndéanann an bhreis ach a thaispeáint go bhfuil an gnó á sheoladh i gcomharbas ar sheanúinéir an ghnó, ní bheidh an bhreis sin, uaithi féin, ina cúis le clárú a bheith riachtanach.
[EN](3) I gcás an sloinne céanna a bheith ar dhá chomhpháirtí aonair nó níos mó, ní bheith úsáid leagan iolra an tsloinne sin, uaidh féin, ina chúis le clárú a bheith riachtanach.
[EN](4) Má úsáideann comhlacht corpraithe giorrú aitheanta ar “Cuideachta” nó “Teoranta” nó ar aon abairt chomhchosúil is cuid dá ainm corpraithe, ní bheidh sin, uaidh féin, ina chúis le clárú a bheith riachtanach.
[EN](5) I gcás an gnó a bheith á sheoladh ag sannaí nó iontaobhaí i bhféimheacht, ag iontaobhaí eastáit féichiúnaí comhshocraíochta, nó ag glacadóir nó bainisteoir arna cheapadh ag aon chúirt, ní bheidh clárú riachtanach faoi mhír (a), (b) nó (d) d'fho-alt (1).
[EN](6) Ní bheidh de cheanglas ann pearsa aonair nó gnólacht a chlárú de bhíthin amháin athrú a theacht ar a ainm nó ar ainm comhpháirtí sa ghnólacht, má tharla an t-athrú sular shlánaigh an duine a d'athraigh a ainm ocht mbliana déag d'aois nó má tá fiche bliain ar a laghad caite ó tharla sé, nó de bhíthin amháin gur ghlac pearsa aonair teideal ar tháinig sé i gcomharbas air.
[EN]Modh agus sonraí an chláraithe.
4.—(1) Déanfaidh gach duine a gceanglaítear faoin Acht seo é a chlárú ráiteas i scríbhinn san fhoirm fhorordaithe ina mbeidh na sonraí seo a leanas a chur leis an bpost chun an chláraitheora nó a sheachadadh dó:
[EN](a) ainm an ghnó, lena n-áirítear, i gcás dílseánach nuachtáin, teideal an nuachtáin;
[EN](b) nádúr ginearálta an ghnó;
[EN](c) príomháit an ghnó;
[EN](d) más gnólacht atá le clárú, an t-ainm baiste agus an sloinne atá faoi láthair, agus aon seanainm baiste nó seansloinne a bhí, ar gach duine de na pearsana aonair is comhpháirtithe, a náisiúntacht mura náisiúntacht Éireannach í, a ghnátháit chónaithe, agus an tslí ghnó eile atá aige (má tá) agus ainm corpraithe gach comhlacht corpraithe is comhpháirtí agus an oifig chláraithe nó an phríomhoifig sa Stát atá ag gach comhlacht corpraithe den sórt sin;
[EN](e) más pearsa aonair atá le clárú, an t-ainm baiste agus an sloinne atá faoi láthair, agus aon seanainm nó seansloinne a bhí, ar an bpearsa sin, a náisiúntacht, mura náisiúntacht Éireannach í, a ghnátháit chónaithe, agus an tslí ghnó eile atá aige (má tá);
[EN](f) más comhlacht corpraithe atá le clárú, a ainm corpraithe agus a oifig chláraithe nó a phríomhoifig sa Stát;
[EN](g) an dáta a ghlac an duine sin an t-ainm gnó sin.
[EN](2) Má tá gnó á sheoladh faoi dhá ainm gnó nó níos mó, ní foláir gach ceann de na hainmneacha gnó sin a lua.
[EN]Ráiteas a shíneoidh daoine a bheidh ag clárú.
5.—(1) Ní foláir an ráiteas a cheanglaítear a thabhairt chun críche cláraithe a bheith arna shíniú—
[EN](a) i gcás pearsa aonair—ag an bpearsa sin, agus
[EN](b) i gcás comhlacht corpraithe—ag stiúrthóir nó rúnaí dá chuid, agus
[EN](c) i gcás gnólachta—
[EN](i) ag na pearsana aonair go léir is comhpháirtithe, agus ag stiúrthóir dá chuid, nó rúnaí, na gcomhlachtaí corpraithe go léir is comhpháirtithe nó
[EN](ii) ag pearsa aonair éigin is comhpháirtí, nó ag stiúrthóir de chuid, nó ag runaí, chomhlacht corpraithe éigin is comhpháirtí,
[EN]agus i gcás lena mbaineann mír (c) (ii), ní foláir é a fhíorú le dearbhú reachtúil ón sínitheoir.
[EN](2) Aon dearbhú reachtúil a dhearbhóidh gur comhpháirtí aon duine seachas an dearfóir, nó nach ndearbhóidh gur comhpháirtí aon duine seachas an dearfóir, ní fianaise é ar son ná in aghaidh aon duine eile den sórt sin maidir lena dhliteanais nó a neamhdhliteanais mar chomhpháirtí.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh an Ard-Chúirt, ar iarratas ó aon duine a líomhnófar nó a bheidh á éileamh gur comhpháirtí é, a ordú an clár a cheartú agus féadfaidh aon cheist a éireoidh faoin alt seo a chinneadh.
[EN]An t-am chun clárú.
6.—(1) Déanfar na sonraí is gá d'aon duine a thabhairt faoin Acht seo a thabhairt laistigh de mhí tar éis dó an t-ainm gnó a ghlacadh.
[EN](2) Má ghlac an duine an t-ainm gnó roimh dháta thosach feidhme an Achta seo, déanfar na sonraí, mura mbeidh siad tugtha cheana féin faoin achtachán aisghairthe, a thabhairt laistigh de mhí ó dháta thosach feidhme an Achta seo.
[EN](3) Beidh feidhm ag an alt seo, i gcás inar gá clárú de bhíthin ainm a athrú, ionann is dá gcuirfí tagairtí do dháta an athraithe sin in ionad tagairtí don dáta a glacadh an t-ainm gnó.
[EN]Athruithe a chlárú.
7.—Aon uair a dhéanfar, nó a tharlóidh, athrú ar aon cheann de na sonraí a bheidh cláraithe maidir le haon duine, déanfaidh an duine sin, laistigh de mhí tar éis an athraithe nó, más roimh dháta thosach feidhme an Achta seo a tharla an t-athrú sin, laistigh de mhí tar éis an dáta tosach feidhme sin, ráiteas i scríbhinn san fhoirm fhorordaithe a thabhairt trína chur leis an bpost nó trína sheachadadh don chláraitheoir agus sonrófar ann an t-athrú agus dáta an athraithe, agus síneofar é, agus más gá fíorófar é, ar an dóigh chéanna leis an ráiteas is gá tráth an chláraithe.
[EN]Deimhniú cláraitheachta.
8.—(1) Ar ráiteas faoi alt 4 nó ráiteas faoi alt 7. a fháil a shonróidh athrú ar an ainm gnó, déanfaidh an cláraitheoir deimhniú gur cláraíodh é a chur leis an bpost chun an duine a rinne an clárú nó a sheachadadh dó.
[EN](2) Coimeádfar deimhniú cláraitheachta ar taispeáint in áit fheiceálach sa phríomháit ghnó, i gcás gnólachta nó pearsa aonair agus, i gcás comhlacht corpraithe, ina oifig chláraithe nó ina phríomhoifig sa Stát, agus, i ngach cás, i ngach brains-oifig nó áit inar gnách an gnó a sheoladh, agus mura gcoimeádfar ar taispeáint amhlaidh é dlífear ar é a chiontú go hachomair, fíneáil nach mó ná £100 a chur ar an duine atá cláraithe nó, i gcás gnólachta, ar gach comhpháirtí sa ghnólacht,
[EN]Dualgas chun sonraí a thabhairt.
9.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire a cheangal ar aon duine ráiteas a thabhairt dó, laistigh de cibé am a cheanglóidh an tAire, ina mbeidh cibé sonraí a fheicfear don Aire is gá chun a fháil amach cé acu is cóir nó nach cóir an duine sin nó an gnólacht ar comhpháirtí ann é a chlárú faoin Acht seo, nó athrú a dhéanamh sna sonraí cláraithe.
[EN](2) Má fheictear don Aire ó aon eolas a thabharfar amhlaidh gur cóir aon duine a chlárú faoin Acht seo, nó gur cóir athrú a dhéanamh sna sonraí cláraithe, féadfaidh an tAire a cheangal ar an duine sin na sonraí is gá a thabhairt don chláraitheoir laistigh de cibé am a cheadóidh an tAire ach, i gcás ina mbeifear tar éis aon mhainneachtain faoin Acht seo a fhionnadh ón eolas a fuarthas faoin alt seo, ní dhéanfar aon imeachtaí faoin Acht seo a thionscnamh i gcoinne aon duine i leith na mainneachtana sin roimh dheireadh an ama a cheanglófar amhlaidh ar an duine sin sonraí a thabhairt don chláraitheoir laistigh de.
[EN]Pionós mar gheall ar mhainneachtain ráiteas a thabhairt.
10.—Má dhéanann aon duine ar a gceanglofar faoin Acht seo ráiteas a thabhairt faoi shonraí nó faoi aon athrú ar shonraí mainneachtain, gan leithscéal réasúnach, sa ní sin a dhéanamh, dlífear ar a chiontú go hachomair, fíneáil nach mó ná £100 a chur ar an duine a rinne mainneachtain amhlaidh nó, i gcás gnólachta, ar gach comhpháirtí sa ghnólacht.
[EN]Pionós mar gheall ar ráitis bhréagacha.
11.—Má bhíonn in aon ráiteas a thabharfar faoin Acht seo aon ní a bheidh bréagach in aon phonc ábhartha go bhfios d'aon duine a shínigh é, dlífear, ar é a chiontú go hachomair, príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó fíneáil nach mó ná £100, nó iad araon, a chur ar an duine sin.
[EN]Ainmneacha a bhaint den chlár.
12.—(1) Má scoireann aon duine a bheidh cláraithe faoin Acht seo maidir le hainm gnó de ghnó a sheoladh faoin ainm sin, beidh de dhualgas ar an duine sin nó, i gcás pearsa aonair a gheobhaidh bás, ar a ionadaí pearsanta nó, i gcás gnólachta, ar gach duine ba chomhpháirtí sa ghnólacht an tráth a scoir an gnólacht de ghnó a sheoladh faoin ainm sin, agus freisin, i gcás comhlacht corpraithe, ar aon leachtaitheoir, ráiteas san fhoirm fhorordaithe sa chéill sin a chur leis an bpost chun an chláraitheora nó a sheachadadh dó laistigh de thrí mhí dá éis sin, agus má mhainníonn sé sin a dhéanamh dlífear, ar a chiontú go hachomair, fíneáil nach mó ná £100 a chur air.
[EN](2) Ar an ráiteas sin a fháil, féadfaidh an cláraitheoir na sonraí a bhaineann leis an ainm gnó sin a scriosadh as an gclár.
[EN](3) Más rud é, de bhua fho-alt (6) d'alt (3), nach gá a thuilleadh duine a bheidh cláraithe faoin Acht seo a bheith cláraithe, amhlaidh—
[EN](a) déanfaidh an cláraitheoir, má iarrann an duine sin air é, an duine sin a bhaint den chlár, agus
[EN](b) ní bheidh an duine sin, faoi cheangal a thuilleadh ag alt 8 an deimhniú cláraitheachta a choimeád ar thaispeáint,
[EN]agus i gcás ina mbeidh sna sonraí a bheidh cláraithe faoin Acht seo maidir le haon duine seanainm nó seansloinne nach gá a thuilleadh, de bhua fho-alt (2) d'alt 2, a bheith ar áireamh sna sonraí sin, déanfaidh an cláraitheoir, má iarrann an duine sin air é, na sonraí a leasú tríd an ainm nó an sloinne sin a scriosadh.
[EN](4) I gcás ina mbeidh cúis réasúnach ag an gcláraitheoir chun a chreidiúint nach bhfuil duine atá cláraithe faoin Acht seo maidir le hainm gnó ag seoladh gnó faoin ainm sin, féadfaidh sé fógra a chur leis an bpost cláraithe go dtí an duine sin á rá, mura bhfaighfear freagra ar an bhfógra sin laistigh de mhí ó dháta an fhógra, go bhféadfar na sonraí a bhaineann leis an ainm gnó sin a scriosadh as an gclár.
[EN](5) Má fhaigheann an cláraitheoir freagra á rá nach bhfuil an duine sin ag seoladh gnó faoin ainm gnó sin nó mura bhfaighidh sé freagra laistigh de mhí tar éis an fógra a chur, féadfaidh sé na sonraí a bhainfidh leis an ainm sin a scriosadh as an gclár.
[EN]Treoirchlár ainmneacha gnó.
13.—Coimeádfaidh an cláraitheoir treoirchlár de na hainmneacha gnó go léir a chlárófar faoin Acht seo.
[EN]Ainmneacha gnó míchuibhiúla.
14.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire diúltú cead a thabhairt aon ainm is dóigh leis a bheith míchuibhiúil a chlárú faoin Acht seo ach féadfar achomharc a dhéanamh chun na hArd-Chúirte in aghaidh an diúltaithe sin.
[EN](2) I gcás ina ndiúltófar ainm gnó a chlárú faoin alt seo, dlífear, ar é a chiontú go hachomair, fíneáil nach mó ná £100 a chur ar aon duine nó, i gcás gnólachta, ar gach comhpháirtí sa ghnólacht, a bheidh ag seoladh gnó faoin ainm sin in imthoscaí a d'fhágfadh gur ghá clárú faoin Acht seo.
[EN](3) Ní dhéanfar clárú ainm gnó faoin Acht seo a fhorléiriú mar ní a údaraíonn úsáid an ainme sin más rud é, ar leithligh ón gclárú sin, go bhféadfaí a úsáid a thoirmeasc.
[EN]Cláraitheoir, cláraitheoirí cúnta agus oifigí.
15.—(1) Is é cláraitheoir na gcuideachtaí nó cibé duine eile a chinnfidh an tAire a bheidh ina chláraitheoir chun críocha an Achta seo.
[EN](2) Beidh cibé daoine a chinnfidh an tAire ina gcláraitheoirí cúnta chun críocha an Achta seo.
[EN](3) Chun daoine a chlárú faoin Acht seo, déanfaidh an tAire oifig nó oifigí a chothabháil agus a riaradh sa Stát i cibé áiteanna is oiriúnach leis an Aire.
[EN]Doiciméid chláraithe a iniúchadh, a thabhairt ar aird agus a fhianú.
16.—(1) Féadfaidh aon duine—
[EN](a) na doiciméid a bheidh á gcoimeád ag an gcláraitheoir a iniúchadh ar cibé táille a bheidh forordaithe a íoc;
[EN](b) a cheangal go ndéanfaidh an cláraitheoir, cláraitheoir cúnta nó oifigeach eile a bheidh údaraithe ag an Aire, deimhniú ar chlárú aon duine nó cóip d'aon doiciméad eile nó d'aon chuid d'aon doiciméad eile nó sliocht as an gcéanna a dheimhniú, ar cibé táillí a bheidh forordaithe a íocas an deimhniú, as an gcóip dheimhnithe nó as an sliocht deimhnithe.
[EN](2) Ní dhéanfar aon phróis chun a ordú go dtabharfar ar aird aon doiciméad a bheidh á choimeád ag an gcláraitheoir a eisiúint as aon chúirt ach amháin le cead na cúirte sin, agus má eisítear aon phróis den sórt sin beidh ráiteas uirthi gur le cead na cúirte atá sí á heisiúint.
[EN](3) I ngach imeacht dhlíthiúil, glacfar i bhfianaise deimhniú cláraitheachta nó cóip d'aon doiciméad, nó sliocht as aon doiciméad, a bheidh á choimeád ag an gcláraitheoir, arna dheimhniú faoi láimh an chláraitheora, chláraitheora chúnta nó oifigigh eile a bheidh údaraithe ag an Aire (nach gá a phost oifigiúil ná a údarás oifigiúil a chruthú).
17.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin a dhéanamh maidir le haon ní acu seo a leanas—
[EN](a) na táillí a bheidh le híoc leis an gcláraitheoir faoin Acht seo;
[EN](b) na foirmeacha a bheidh le húsáid faoin Acht seo;
[EN](c) i gcoitinne, stiúradh agus rialú an chláraithe faoin Acht seo, agus aon nithe a ghabhann leis.
[EN](2) Déanfar na táillí go léir is iníoctha de bhun an Achta seo a íoc isteach sa Státchiste nó a chur chun tairbhe don Státchiste i cibé slí a ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais.
[EN](3) Aon rialacháin a dhéanfar faoin Acht seo leagfar iad faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a ndéanta agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach, laistigh den lá agus fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis na rialacháin a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú na rialachán beidh na rialacháin ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoi na rialacháin.
[EN]Fíorainmneacha, etc., a fhoilsiú.
18.—(1) Aon duine a gceanglaítear leis an Acht seo é a chlárú, tabharfaidh sé, i litreacha inléite, i ngach litir, ciorclán agus catalóg ghnó a chuirfidh an duine sin go dtí duine ar bith ar a mbeidh nó ina mbeidh an t-ainm gnó agus
[EN](a) i gcás pearsa aonair, a ainm baiste faoi láthair, nó inisileacha an ainm sin, agus a shloinne faoi láthair, agus aon seanainmneacha baiste agus seansloinnte a bhí air, agus a náisiúntacht mura náisiúntacht Éireannach í;
[EN](b) i gcás gnólachta, na hainmneacha baiste, nó inisileacha na n-ainmneacha baiste, agus na sloinnte, atá faoi láthair, agus aon seanainmneacha baiste agus seansloinnte a bhí, ar gach comhpháirtí sa ghnólacht, agus a náisiúntacht mura náisiúntacht Éireannach í nó, i gcás comhlacht corpraithe a bheith ina chomhpháirtí, an t-ainm corpraithe;
[EN](c) i gcás comhlacht corpraithe (nach cuideachta lena mbaineann alt 196 d'Acht na gCuideachtaí, 1963), a ainm corpraithe, agus an t-ainm baiste, nó inisileacha an ainm baiste, agus an sloinne, atá faoi láthair, agus aon seanainmneacha baiste agus seansloinnte a bhí, ar gach stiúrthóir, agus a náisiúntacht, mura náisiúntacht Éireannach í nó, i gcás comhlacht corpraithe a bheith ina stiúrthóir, an t-ainm corpraithe.
[EN](2) Má mhainnítear an t-alt seo a chomhlíonadh, dlífear, ar a chiontú go hachomair, fíneáil nach mó ná £25 in aghaidh gach ciona a chur ar an duine nó, i gcás gnólachta, ar gach comhpháirtí sa ghnólacht.
[EN]Cionta ag comhlachtaí corpraithe.
19.—I gcás comhlacht corpraithe a bheith ciontach i gcion faoin Acht seo, beidh gach stiúrthóir, rúnaí agus oifigeach de chuid an chomhlachta chorpraithe is páirtí, go bhfios dó, sa mhainneachtain, ciontach ina shamhail sin de chion agus dlífear a shamhail sin de phionós a chur air.
[EN]Imeachtaí achoimre.
1851, c. 93.
20.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire imeachtaí achoimre maidir le cion faoin Acht seo a thionscnamh agus a thabhairt ar aghaidh.
[EN](2) D'ainneoin fho-alt (4) d'alt 10 den Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851, féadfar imeachtaí achoimre i leith ciona faoin Acht seo a thionscnamh laistigh de thrí bliana ó dháta an chiona.
[EN]Aisghairm agus forálacha iarmartacha.
1916, c. 58.
21.—(1) Aisghairtear leis seo The Registration of Business Names Act, 1916.
[EN](2) Leasaítear leis seo an tAcht um Chlúmhilleadh, 1961,—
[EN](a) trí “ach amháin in alt 27,” a scriosadh as an míniú ar “páipéar nuachta” in alt 2,
[EN](b) trí alt 27 a aisghairm.
[EN](3) Measfar gur cuid den chlár chun críocha an Achta seo an clár a coimeádadh faoin achtachán aisghairthe.
[EN](4) Beidh éifeacht ionann is dá mba faoin Acht seo a tugadh nó a rinneadh iad ag na ráitis agus na sonraí go léir a tugadh, ag na dearbhuithe reachtúla go léir a rinneadh, ag na fógraí, na deimhnithe, na cóipeanna agus na sleachta deimhnithe go léir a tugadh, agus ag na nithe go léir a rinneadh faoin achtachán aisghairthe.
22.—Déanfar na caiteachais faoina rachaidh an tAire ag riaradh an Acht seo a íoc, a mhéid a cheadóidh an tAire Airgeadais, as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas.
23.—Féadfar an tAcht um Chlárú Ainmneacha Gnó, 1963, a ghairm den Acht seo.
Number 30 of 1963.
Section | |
Inspection, production and evidence of registered documents. | |
Acts Referred to | |
Registration of Business Names Act, 1916 | 1916, c. 58 |
Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851 | 1851, c. 93 |
The Registration of Business Names Act, 1916 | 1916, c. 58 |
1961, No. 40 |
Number 30 of 1963.
1.—This Act shall come into operation on such day as the Minister appoints by order.
2.—(1) In this Act—
[GA]“business” includes profession;
[GA]“business name” means the name or style under which any business is carried on, and, in relation to a newspaper, includes the title of the newspaper;
[GA]“Christian name” includes any forename;
[GA]“director”, in relation to a body corporate, includes a member of the managing body thereof;
[GA]“firm” means an unincorporated body of two or more individuals, or one or more individuals and one or more bodies corporate, or two or more bodies corporate, who have entered into partnership with one another with a view to publishing a newspaper or to carrying on business for profit;
[GA]“initials” includes any recognised abbreviation of a Christian name;
[GA]“the Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce;
[GA]“newspaper” means any paper containing public news or observations thereon, or consisting wholly or mainly of advertisements, which is printed for sale and is published in the State either periodically or in parts or numbers at intervals not exceeding thirty-six days;
[GA]“prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made in pursuance of this Act;
[GA]“the repealed enactment” means the Registration of Business Names Act, 1916, repealed by this Act;
[GA]“surname”, in the case of a person usually known by a title different from his surname, means that title.
[GA](2) References in this Act to a former Christian name or surname do not include—
[GA](a) in the case of a person usually known by a title different from his surname, the name by which he was known previous to the adoption of or succession to the title; or
[GA](b) in the case of any person, a former Christian name or surname where that name or surname was changed or disused before the person bearing the name attained the age of 18 years or has been changed or disused for a period of not less than 20 years; or
[GA](c) in the case of a married woman, the name or surname by which she was known previous to the marriage.
[GA]Persons to be registered.
3.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act—
[GA](a) every firm having a place of business in the State and carrying on business under a business name which does not consist of the true surnames of all partners who are individuals and the corporate names of all partners which are bodies corporate without any addition other than the true Christian names of individual partners or initials of such Christian names;
[GA](b) every individual having a place of business in the State and carrying on business under a business name which does not consist of his true surname without any addition other than his true Christian names or the initials thereof;
[GA](c) every individual or firm having a place of business in the State, who, or a member of which, has either before or after the passing of this Act changed his name, except in the case of a woman in consequence of marriage;
[GA](d) every body corporate having a place of business in the State and carrying on business under a business name which does not consist of its corporate name without any addition;
[GA](e) without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, every person having a place of business in the State and carrying on the business of publishing a newspaper,
[GA]shall be registered in the manner directed by this Act.
[GA](2) Where the addition merely indicates that the business is carried on in succession to a former owner of the business, that addition shall not of itself render registration necessary.
[GA](3) Where two or more individual partners have the same surname, the use of the plural form of that surname shall not of itself render registration necessary.
[GA](4) The use by a body corporate of a recognised abbreviation for “Company” or “Limited” or for any analogous expression forming part of its corporate name shall not of itself render registration necessary.
[GA](5) Where the business is carried on by an assignee or trustee in bankruptcy, a trustee of the estate of an arranging debtor, or a receiver or manager appointed by any court, registration shall not be necessary under paragraph (a), (b) or (d) of subsection (1).
[GA](6) An individual or firm shall not require to be registered by reason only of a change of his name or of the name of a partner in the firm, if the change has taken place before the person who has changed his name has attained the age of eighteen years or if not less than twenty years have elapsed since it took place, or by reason only of the adoption by an individual of a title to which he has succeeded.
[GA]Manner and particulars of registration.
4.—(1) Every person required under this Act to be registered shall furnish by sending by post or delivery to the registrar a statement in writing in the prescribed form containing the following particulars:
[GA](a) the business name, including, in the case of the proprietor of a newspaper, the title of the newspaper;
[GA](b) the general nature of the business;
[GA](c) the principal place of the business;
[GA](d) where the registration to be effected is that of a firm, the present Christian name and surname, any former Christian name or surname, the nationality, if not Irish, the usual residence, and the other business occupation (if any) of each of the individuals who are partners, and the corporate name and registered or principal office in the State of every body corporate which is a partner;
[GA](e) where the registration to be effected is that of an individual, the present Christian name and surname, any former Christian name or surname, the nationality, if not Irish, the usual residence, and the other business occupation (if any) of such individual;
[GA](f) where the registration to be effected is that of a body corporate, its corporate name and registered or principal office in the State;
[GA](g) the date of the adoption of the business name by that person.
[GA](2) Where a business is carried on under two or more business names, each of those business names must be stated.
[GA]Statement to be signed by persons registering.
5.—(1) The statement required for the purpose of registration must be signed—
[GA](a) in the case of an individual—by him, and
[GA](b) in the case of a body corporate—by a director or secretary thereof, and
[GA](c) in the case of a firm, either—
[GA](i) by all the individuals who are partners, and by a director or the secretary of all bodies corporate who are partners, or
[GA](ii) by some individual who is a partner, or a director or the secretary of some body corporate which is a partner,
[GA]and in a case to which paragraph (c) (ii) applies must be verified by a statutory declaration made by the signatory.
[GA](2) A statutory declaration stating that any person other than the declarant is a partner, or omitting to state that any person other than the declarant is a partner, shall not be evidence for or against any such other person in respect of his liability or non-liability as a partner.
[GA](3) The High Court may on application of any person alleged or claiming to be a partner direct the rectification of the register and decide any question arising under this section.
[GA]Time for registration.
6.—(1) The particulars required to be furnished under this Act by any person shall be furnished within one month after his adoption of the business name.
[GA](2) If the person has adopted the business name before the commencement of this Act, the particulars shall, if not already furnished under the repealed enactment, be furnished within one month from the commencement of this Act.
[GA](3) This section shall apply, where registration is required in consequence of a change of name, as if for references to the date of adoption of the business name there were substituted references to the date of such change.
[GA]Registration of changes.
7.—Whenever a change is made or occurs in any of the particulars registered in respect of any person, that person shall, within one month after the change or, if such change occurred before the commencement of this Act, within one month after such commencement, furnish by sending by post or delivering to the registrar a statement in writing in the prescribed form specifying the nature and date of the change signed, and where necessary verified, in like manner as the statement required on registration.
[GA]Certificate of registration.
8.—(1) On receiving a statement under section 4, or a statement under section 7 specifying a change in the business name, the registrar shall send by post or deliver a certificate of the registration thereof to the person registering.
[GA](2) A certificate of registration shall be kept exhibited in a conspicuous position at, in the case of a firm or individual, the principal place of business and, in the case of a body corporate, its registered or principal office in the State and, in every case, in every branch office or place where the business is normally carried on, and if not kept so exhibited, the person registered or, in the case of a firm, every partner in the firm shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £100.
[GA]Duty to furnish particulars.
9.—(1) The Minister may require any person to furnish to him within such time as the Minister may require a statement of such particulars as appear necessary to the Minister for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not that person or the firm of which he is partner should be registered under this Act, or an alteration made in the registered particulars.
[GA](2) If from any information so furnished it appears to the Minister that any person ought to be registered under this Act, or an alteration ought to be made in the registered particulars, the Minister may require that person to furnish to the registrar the required particulars within such time as may be allowed by the Minister but, where any default under this Act has been discovered from the information acquired under this section, no proceedings under this Act shall be taken against any person in respect of such default prior to the expiration of the time within which that person is so required to furnish particulars to the registrar.
[GA]Penalty for default in furnishing statements.
10.—If any person required under this Act to furnish a statement of particulars or of any change in particulars makes default without reasonable excuse in so doing, the person so in default or, in the case of a firm, every partner in the firm shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £100.
[GA]Penalty for false statements.
11.—If any statement furnished under this Act contains any matter which is false in any material particular to the knowledge of any person signing it, that person shall, on summary conviction, be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding £100, or to both.
[GA]Removal of names from register.
12.—(1) If a person registered under this Act in respect of a business name ceases to carry on business under that name, it shall be the duty of that person or, in the case of an individual who dies, of his personal representative or, in the case of a firm, of every person who was a partner in the firm at the time when it ceased to carry on business under that name, and also, in the case of a body corporate, of any liquidator, within three months thereafter to send by post or deliver to the registrar a statement in the prescribed form to that effect, and if he makes default in doing so he shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £100.
[GA](2) On receipt of such statement the registrar may delete from the register the particulars relating to that business name.
[GA](3) Where, by virtue of subsection (6) of section 3, a person registered under this Act no longer requires to be so registered—
[GA](a) the registrar, if so requested by that person, shall remove that person from the register, and
[GA](b) section 8 shall no longer require that person to keep exhibited the certificate of registration,
[GA]and where the particulars registered under this Act in respect of any person include a former name or surname which, by virtue of subsection (2) of section 2, no longer requires to be included among those particulars, the registrar, if so requested by that person, shall amend the particulars by deleting that name or surname.
[GA](4) Where the registrar has reasonable cause to believe that any person registered under this Act in respect of a business name is not carrying on business under that name, he may send to that person by registered post a notice that, unless an answer is received to such notice within one month from the date thereof, the particulars relating to that business name may be deleted from the register.
[GA](5) If the registrar either receives an answer to the effect that the person is not carrying on business under that business name or does not within one month after sending the notice receive an answer, he may delete the particulars relating to that name from the register.
[GA]Index of business names.
13.—The registrar shall keep an index of all business names registered under this Act.
[GA]Undesirable business names.
14.—(1) The Minister may refuse to permit the registration under this Act of any name which in his opinion is undesirable but an appeal shall lie to the High Court against such refusal.
[GA](2) Where registration of a business name is refused under this section any person or, in the case of a firm, every partner in the firm, carrying on business under that name in such circumstances as to require registration under this Act, shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £100.
[GA](3) The registration of a business name under this Act shall not be construed as authorising the use of that name if apart from such registration the use thereof could be prohibited.
[GA]Registrar, assistant registrars and offices.
15.—(1) The registrar of companies or such other person as the Minister may determine shall be the registrar for the purposes of this Act.
[GA](2) Such persons as the Minister may determine shall be assistant registrars for the purposes of this Act.
[GA](3) For the purposes of the registration of persons under this Act, the Minister shall maintain and administer an office or offices in the State at such places as the Minister thinks fit.
[GA]Inspection, production and evidence of registered documents.
16.—(1) Any person may—
[GA](a) inspect the documents kept by the registrar, on payment of such fee as may be prescribed;
[GA](b) require a certificate of the registration of any person or a copy of or extract from any other document or any part of any other document, to be certified by the registrar, an assistant registrar or other officer authorised by the Minister, on payment for the certificate, certified copy or extract of such fees as may be prescribed.
[GA](2) No process for compelling the production of any document kept by the registrar shall issue from any court except with the leave of that court, and any such process if issued shall bear thereon a statement that it is issued with the leave of the court.
[GA](3) A certificate of registration or a copy of, or extract from, any document kept by the registrar, certified under the hand of the registrar, an assistant registrar or other officer authorised by the Minister (whose official position or authority it shall not be necessary to prove), shall in all legal proceedings be admissible in evidence.
17.—(1) The Minister may make regulations concerning any of the following matters—
[GA](a) the fees to be paid to the registrar under this Act;
[GA](b) the forms to be used under this Act;
[GA](c) generally the conduct and regulation of registration under this Act, and any matters incidental thereto.
[GA](2) All fees payable in pursuance of this Act shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.
[GA](3) Regulations made under this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after they are made and, if a resolution annulling the regulations is passed by either House within the next twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the regulations are laid before it, the regulations shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.
[GA]Publication of true names, etc.
18.—(1) A person required by this Act to be registered shall, in all business letters, circulars and catalogues on or in which the business name appears and which are sent by that person to any person, state in legible characters—
[GA](a) in the case of an individual, his present Christian name, or the initials thereof, and present surname, any former Christian names and surnames, and his nationality, if not Irish;
[GA](b) in the case of a firm, the present Christian names, or the initials thereof, and present surnames, any former Christian names and surnames, and the nationality, if not Irish, of all the partners in the firm or, in the case of a body corporate being a partner, the corporate name;
[GA](c) in the case of a body corporate (not being a company to which section 196 of the Companies Act, 1963, applies), its corporate name, and the present Christian name, or the initials thereof, the present surname, any former Christian names and surnames, and the nationality, if not Irish, of every director or, in the case of a body corporate being a director, the corporate name.
[GA](2) If default is made in compliance with this section the person or, in the case of a firm, every partner in the firm shall be liable on summary conviction for each offence to a fine not exceeding £25.
[GA]Offences by bodies corporate.
19.—Where a body corporate is guilty of an offence under this Act every director, secretary and officer of the body corporate who is knowingly a party to the default shall be guilty of a like offence and liable to a like penalty.
[GA]Summary proceedings.
20.—(1) Summary proceedings in relation to an offence under this Act may be brought and prosecuted by the Minister.
[GA](2) Notwithstanding subsection (4) of section 10 of the Petty Sessions (Ireland) Act, 1851, summary proceedings for an offence under this Act may be instituted within three years from the date of the offence.
[GA]Repeals and consequential provisions.
21.—(1) The Registration of Business Names Act, 1916, is hereby repealed.
[GA](2) The Defamation Act, 1961, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the deletion, in the definition of “newspaper” in section 2, of “except in section 27”,
[GA](b) by the repeal of section 27.
[GA](3) The register kept under the repealed enactment shall be deemed part of the register for the purposes of this Act.
[GA](4) All statements and particulars furnished, statutory declarations made, notices, certificates, certified copies and extracts given and things done under the repealed enactment shall have effect as if furnished, made, given or done under this Act.
22.—The expenses incurred by the Minister in the administration of this Act shall to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
[GA]Short title.
23.—This Act may be cited as the Registration of Business Names Act, 1963.