As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.


Uimhir 3 de 1944.



[An tionntódh oifigeamhail.]



1.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Talmhaidheachta;


cialluíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” an tAcht Talmhaíochta, 1931 (Uimh. 8 de 1931);


cialluíonn an focal “oifig” oifig fé choiste talmhaíochta.


Costais taistil d'íoc le baill de choistí talmhaíochta.

2.—(1) Fé réir forálacha an ailt seo íocfaidh coiste talmhaíochta na costais aistir a bheidh—


(a) ar gach duine fé leith dá bhaill chun taisteal go dtí cruinnithe bhí no bheidh ag an gcoiste sin tar éis an 30adh lá de Mheitheamh, 1943, agus uatha, agus


(b) ar bhall d'fho-choiste den choiste sin chun taisteal go dtí cruinnithe bhí no bheidh ag an bhfo-choiste sin tar éis an 30adh lá de Mheitheamh, 1943, agus uatha.


(2) Ní híocfar costais le duine ar bith fén alt so maidir le cruinniú in áit is giorra ná cúig mhíle, de bhealach ar bith, dá ghnáth-áit chomhnaithe.


(3) Ní raghaidh méid na gcostas a híocfar fén alt so le duine maidir le cruinniú thar méid na gcostas féna raghadh sé do réir réasúin chun taisteal óna ghnáth-áit chomhnaithe agus chuige go dtí ionad an chruinnithe sin agus uaidh.


(4) Ní híocfar costais fén alt so le duine ar bith maidir le cruinnithe fo-choiste de choiste talmhaíochta mara ndéana an tAire, arna iarraidh sin don choiste sin, a údarú costais d'íoc fén alt so le baill den fho-choiste sin.


(5) Ní foláir éileamh ar íoc costas fén alt so do dhéanamh i scríbhinn agus féadfaidh an tAire, más oiriúnach leis é, an fhuirm d'ordú bheidh le húsáid chun an t-éileamh san do dhéanamh.


(6) Duine dhéanfaidh go feasach ráiteas bréagach no lomhálfaidh go feasach ráiteas bréagach do dhéanamh chun íoc d'fháil fén alt so dó féin no do dhuine eile, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil nach mó ná caoga punt do chur air no, mar is rogha leis an gCúirt, príosúntacht ar feadh téarma nach sia ná bliain.


(7) Beidh duine ciontófar i gcionta fén alt so dí-cháilithe ina dhiaidh sin óna thoghadh no óna bheith ina bhall de choiste talmhaíochta no de chólucht is údarás áitiúil chun aon chríche de chrícheanna na nAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúil, 1925 go 1941, no de chomhairle arna bunú le dlí maidir le contae no contae-bhuirg no de choiste de chomhairle den tsórt san, agus beidh sé dícháilithe freisin o oifig no fostaíocht do shealbhú fé choiste talmhaíochta no fé chólucht no comhairle no coiste den tsórt san réamhráite.


(8) Léireofar mar thagairtí fholuíonn tagairtí do na forálacha san roimhe seo den alt so na tagairtí atá in alt 17 agus i mír (d) d'fho-alt (1) d'alt 38 den Phríomh-Acht do na forálacha den Phríomh-Acht a bhaineann le costais taistil d'íoc le baill de choistí.


(9) Scuirfidh alt 18 den Phríomh-Acht, arna leasú le halt 2 den Acht Talmhaíochta (Leasú), 1934 (Uimh. 20 de 1934), agus an tríú Sceideal a ghabhann leis an bPríomh-Acht d'fheidhm do bheith aca maidir lé cruinniú bhí no bheidh ag coiste talmhaíochta tar éis an 30adh lá de Mheitheamh, 1943.


Dí-cháiliú maidir le ballraíocht choistí talmhaíochta.

3.—(1) Bainfidh Airteagal 12 (ach amháin fo-airteagal (9)) den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, arna leasú le haon achtachán ina dhiaidh sin, le coistí talmhaíochta agus a mbaill fé mar a bhaineann sé le comhairlí contaethe agus a mbaill.


(2) Beidh duine dí-cháilithe chun é thoghadh no é roghnú no é bheith ina bhall de choiste thalmhaíochta má bhíonn baint aige, go pearsanta no trína pháirtnéir, le haon mhargadh no connradh arna dhéanamh leis an gcoiste sin. no má bhíonn sé, go pearsanta no trína pháirtnéir, páirteach i sochar aon mhargaidh no connartha den tsaghas san no aon oibre arna dhéanamh fé údarás an choiste sin.


(3) D'ainneoin éinní atá i bhfo-alt (2) den alt so, ní bheidh duine dí-cháilithe chun é thoghadh no é roghnú no é beith ina bhall de choiste thalmhaíochta—


(a) de bhíthin go bhfuair no go ndearna connradh chun go bhfuigheadh, go pearsanta no trína pháirtnéir, aon tsochair no buntáistí arna dtairgsint de bhun scéimeanna talmhaíochta arna riaradh ag an gcoiste sin má thoiligh an tAire le baill de choistí talmhaíochta d'fháil na sochar no na mbuntáistí sin, no


(b) de bhíthin leas a bheith aige, go pearsanta na trína pháirtnéir,


(i) in aon nuachtán inar cuireadh fógrán maidir le gnóthaí an choiste sin, no


(ii) in aon chonnradh leis an gcoiste sin mar scaireánach in aon chuideachtain chó-stuic.


(4) Athghairmtear leis seo alt 34 den Phríomh-Acht.


Alt 24 den Phríomh-Acht dá leasú.

4.—Leasuítear leis seo fo-alt (1) d'alt 24 den Phríomh-Acht trí na focail “coiste talmhaíochta do chólíonadh a ndualgas fén Acht so no i dtaobh” do chur isteach i ndiaidh na bhfocal “i dtaobh”.


Coiste talmhaíochta do scur.

5.—(1) Má thárlann agus pé uair a thárlóidh—


(a) an tAire do bheith deimhnitheach, tar éis fiosrúchán áitiúil do dhéanamh fé alt 24 den Phríomh-Acht, arna leasú leis an Acht so, gan dualgais choiste thalmhaíochta do chontae áirithe do bheith á gcólíonadh go cuibhe agus go héifeachtúil ag an gcoiste sin, no


(b) coiste talmhaíochta do chontae áirithe do thabhairt faillí go toiliúil in aon ordú, ordachán no rialachán dleathach ón Aire do chólíonadh, no


(c) coiste talmhaíochta do chontae áirithe d'fhágaint aon bhreithe, orduithe no aithne o chúirt ar bith gan cólíonadh, no


(d) coiste talmhaíochta do chontae áirithe do dhiúltú, tar éis iad d'fháil fógra chuibhe, do leigean d'iniúchóir rialtais áitiúil a bheidh ceaptha chuige sin fé alt 68 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1941 (Uimh. 23 de 1941), a gcuntais d'iniúchadh,


féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, an coiste sin do scur agus, do réir mar is oiriúnach leis, a ordú ceapadh nua do dhéanamh, ag comhairle na contae sin, ar bhaill den choiste sin, no maoin an choiste sin agus a chomhachta agus a dhualgais uile agus fé seach d'aistriú chun cóluchta ar bith no chun duine no daoine ar bith.


(2) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh an tAire ordú fén alt so ag scur coiste thalmhaíochta, féadfa sé pé daoine agus pé méid daoine is oiriúnach leis do cheapadh chun dualgais an choiste sin do chólíonadh, agus féadfaidh o am go ham na daoine sin uile no aon chuid díobh do chur as oifig agus daoine eile do cheapadh ina n-ionad agus féadfaidh sealbhaíocht oifige, dualgais agus luach saothair (más ann) na ndaoine sin uile do cheapadh.


(3) Déanfar luach saothair na ndaoine uile ceapfar fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo chun dualgais choiste thalmhaíochta do chontae do chólíonadh d'íoc as an airgead a chruinneoidh comhairle na contae sin tríd an ráta talmhaíochta.


(4) Má dhéanann an tAire, fé fho-alt (1) den alt so, coiste talmhaíochta do chontae do scur agus maoin, comhachta agus dualgais an choiste sin d'aistriú chun cóluchta no duine na daoine ar bith, déanfaidh an tAire le hordú, sa chéad bhliain toghcháin no sa dara bliain toghcháin tar éis an scurtha san, a chur fé ndear ceapadh nua do dhéanamh ag comhairle na contae sin ar bhaill den choiste sin, agus ar an gceapadh nua san do dhéanamh dílseoidh maoin agus comhachta agus dualgais uile ar choiste scurtha sa choiste ceapfar amhlaidh d'ainneoin an aistrithe sin.


Sa bhfo-alt so tá leis an abairt “bliain toghcháin” an bhrí do bheirtear di le halt 25 den Acht um Thoghcháin Áitiúla, 1937 (Uimh. 14 de 1937).


(5) Féadfaidh an tAire o am go ham le hordú na nithe agus na rialacháin sin uile do dhéanamh a mheasfaidh is gá chun lánéifeacht do thabhairt d'aon ordú bheidh déanta aige fén alt so.


Tuairisceáin, faisnéis, etc.

6.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire a cheangal ar choiste talmhaíochta aon tuairisceán no tuarascbháil no faisnéis, i dtaobh a bhfeidhmeanna, do thabhairt dó a mheasfaidh do bheith riachtanach no inmhianuithe chun crícheanna aon choda de na comhachta agus na dualgais a bheidh bronnta no furchurtha air de thurus na huaire maidir leis an gcoiste sin, agus beidh sé de dhualgas ar an gcoiste sin déanamh do réir an cheanglais sin.


(2) Féadfaidh cigire don Aire a cheangal ar aon oifigeach do choiste talmhaíochta aon fhaisnéis, i dtaobh feidhmeanna an oifigigh sin, do thabhairt don chigire sin a theastóidh ón gcigire sin do réir réasúin chun na dualgais a bheidh forchurtha ag an Aire ar an gcigire sin do chólíonadh, agus beidh sé de dhualgas ar an oifigeach san déanamh do réir an cheanglais sin.


Oifigigh de choistí talmhaíochta do bheith i láthair ag comhairlí, etc.

7.—(1) Déanfaidh coiste talmhaíochta nuair cheanglóidh an tAire ortha é—


(a) cead do thabhairt d'oifigigh freastal ar chomhairle o am go ham le hoifigigh den Roinn Talmhaidheachta;


(b) cead do thabhairt d'oifigigh freastal chun agallmha in oifigí na Roinne Talmhaidheachta;


(c) cead do thabhairt d'oifigigh freastal ar dhálais a bhainfidh lena gcuid oibre.


(2) Lomhálfar costais taistil agus chothuithe, do réir na rátaí bheidh orduithe le rialacháin arna ndéanamh fé alt 28 den Phríomh-Acht, d'oifigigh do choistí talmhaíochta dhéanfaidh taisteal de bhun ceada fén alt so.


Teora aoise maidir le hoifigí.

8.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire a dhearbhú aon aois áirithe do bheith ina teora aoise le haghaidh gach oifige no le haghaidh oifigí bhaineann le haicme, saghas, no grád áirithe no le haghaidh oifige no oifigí áirithe.


(2) Tiocfaidh gach dearbhú déanfar fén alt so i bhfeidhm sé mhí tar éis lá a dhéanta.


(3) Má bhíonn dearbhú fén alt so i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire i dtaobh aon oifige áirithe, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) má bhíonn duine i seilbh na hoifige sin an lá thiocfaidh an dearbhú san i bhfeidhm agus go mbeidh aige an lá san an aois, no níos mó ná an aois, a luadhfar sa dearbhú san mar theora aoise le haghaidh na hoifige sin, scuirfidh an duine sin de bheith i seilbh na hoifige sin an lá san a thiocfaidh an dearbhú san i bhfeidhm;


(b) má thárlann, lá tar éis an lae thiocfaidh an dearbhú san i bhfeidhm, éinne bheidh i seilbh na hoifige sin do shlánú na haoise luadhfar sa dearbhú san mar theora aoise le haghaidh na hoifige sin, scuirfidh an duine sin de bheith i seilbh na hoifige sin an lá san tar éis an lae thiocfaidh an dearbhú san i bhfeidhm.


(4) I gcás inar gá é chun crícheanna fo-ailt (1) d'alt 44 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 (Uimh. 5 de 1925), no aon achtacháin eile bhaineann le hoifigigh do choistí talmhaíochta do chur ar aoisliúntas is tuigthe, i dtaobh éinne scuirfidh fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so de bheith i seilbh oifige, é do theacht chun bheith éagcumasach ar dhualgais na hoifige sin do chólíonadh go héifeachtúil mar gheall ar shean-aois agus is tuigthe, i gcás inar gá é chun crícheanna an Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919, é d'eirghe as an oifig sin le toiliú an Aire.


Oifigigh d'fhionnraighe.

9.—(1) Pé uair a mheasfaidh coiste talmhaíochta no an tAire, i dtaobh sealbhóra oifige fén gcoiste sin, go bhfuil cúis chun a chreidiúint nár cólíon an sealbhóir sin dualgais na hoifige sin go sásúil no gur mhí-iompair sé é féin maidir leis an oifig sin no go bhfuil sé neamh-oiriúnach ar aon tslí eile chun bheith i seilbh na hoifige sin, féadfaidh an coiste sin no an tAire (do réir mar a bheidh) an sealbhóir sin d'fhionnraighe o dhualgais na hoifige sin do chólíonadh faid a beifear ag fiosrú i dtaobh an neachólíonta no an mhí-iompair no na neamh-oiriúnachta san agus ag cinneadh i dtaobh cadé an gníomh smachta (más ann) a déanfar ina thaobh, agus déanfar an fiosrú san a luaithe is caothúil tar éis dáta na fionnraíochta san.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire fionnraíocht fén alt so d'fhoirceannadh agus mairfidh gach fionnraíocht den tsórt san go dtí n-a foirceannadh amhlaidh.


(3) Pé uair a déanfar sealbhóir aon oifige áirithe fé choiste talmhaíochta d'fhionnraighe fén alt so, bhéarfaidh suas don choiste sin láithreach na leabhair, na dintiúirí, na connartha, na cuntais, na cruthúnachta, na mapaí, na pleananna agus na scríbhinní eile go léir a bheidh ina sheilbh, féna choimeád na féna urláimh agus a bhainfidh leis an oifig sin.


(4) Ní híocfar le sealbhóir oifige fionnrófar fén alt so aon luach saothair alos na hoifige sin faid a mhairfidh a fhionnraíocht, agus an luach saothair do híocfaí leis i gcaitheamh na tréimhse fionnraíochta dá mba ná fionnrófaí é déanfar, ar a fhionnraíocht d'fhoirceannadh, é gheallbhruideadh i bpáirt no go hiomlán no é íoc leis no é chur de láimh ar shlí eile, fé mar ordóidh an tAire.


(5) Scuirfidh alt 11 d'Acht na nUdarás nAitiúil (Oifigigh agus Fostaithe), 1926 (Uimh. 39 de 1926), d'éifeacht do bheith aige maidir le hoifigigh agus seirbhísigh coistí talmhaíochta.


An tAire do chur duine as oifig ar é chiontú.

10.—(1) I gcás sealbhóir oifige do chiontú i gcionta do bheir, dar leis an Aire, é bheith neamh-oiriúnach don oifig sin, féadfaidh an tAire an sealbhóir sin do chur as an oifig sin le hordú.


(2) Ní bhainfidh alt 23 den Phríomh-Acht le duine do chur as oifig fé fho-alt (1) den alt so.


An tAcht so do bhaint le seanoifigigh.

11.—Ní foras chun a chointinn ná baineann na trí hailt deiridh sin roimhe seo den Acht so le hoifigeach áirithe an t-oifigeach san do bheith in oifig ar dháta an Achta so do rith.


Orduithe, etc., do chúlghairm agus do leasú.

12.—Gach comhacht do bheirtear le haon alt atá sa Phríomh-Acht no san Acht so chun aon ordú no dearbhú no ordachán do dhéanamh, léireofar í mar chomhacht a fholuíonn comhacht chun aon ordú no dearbhú no ordachán déanfar fén alt san do chúlghairm no do leasú.


Gearr-theideal, léiriú agus cóluadh.

13.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Talmhaíochta (Leasú), 1944, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Léireofar mar aon Acht amháin na hAchtanna Talmhaíochta, 1931 go 1941, agus an tAcht so le chéile.


(3) Féadfar na hAchtanna Talmhaíochta, 1931 go 1944, do ghairm de na hAchtanna Talmhaíochta, 1931 go 1941, agus den Acht so le chéile.



Number 3 of 1944.








Payment of travelling expenses to members of committees of agriculture.


Disqualification for membership of committees of agriculture.


Amendment of section 24 of the Principal Act.


Dissolution of committees of agriculture.


Returns, information, etc.


Attendance of officers of committees of agriculture at conferences, etc.


Age limit for offices.


Suspension of officers.


Removal from office by Minister on conviction.


Application of this Act to existing officers.


Revocation and amendment of orders, etc.


Short title, construction and collective citation.

Acts Referred to

Agriculture Act, 1931

No. 8 of 1931

Agriculture (Amendment) Act, 1934

No. 20 of 1934

Local Elections Act, 1937

No. 14 of 1937

Local Government Act, 1925

No. 5 of 1925

Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926

No. 39 of 1926

Local Government Act, 1941

No. 23 of 1941


Number 3 of 1944.




1.—In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Agriculture,


the expression “the Principal Act” means the Agriculture Act, 1931 (No. 8 of 1931);


the word “office” means an office under a committee of agriculture.


Payment of travelling expenses to members of committees of agriculture.

2.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, a committee of agriculture shall defray the expenses of locomotion incurred—


(a) by each of its members in travelling to and from meetings of such committee held after the 30th day of June, 1943, and


(b) by a member of a sub-committee of such committee in travelling to and from meetings of such sub-committee held after the 30th day of June, 1943.


(2) No person shall be paid under this section expenses in respect of a meeting held at a place less than five miles by any route from his ordinary place of residence.


(3) The amount of the expenses paid under this section to a person in respect of a meeting shall not exceed the amount of the expenses which would reasonably have been incurred by him in travelling from and to his ordinary place of residence to and from the place of that meeting.


(4) No person shall be paid under this section expenses in respect of a meeting of a sub-committee of a committee of agriculture unless the Minister, on the application of that committee, authorises the payment, under this section, of expenses to members of that sub-committee.


(5) A claim for payment under this section of expenses shall be made in writing and the Minister, if he so thinks fit, may direct the form to be used in making such claim.


(6) A person who knowingly makes or allows to be made a false statement for the purpose of obtaining a payment under this section for himself or another shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.


(7) A person who is convicted of an offence under this section shall thereafter be disqualified from being elected or being a member of a committee of agriculture or of a body which is a local authority for any of the purposes of the Local Government Acts, 1925 to 1941, or of a council established by law in respect of a county or county borough or a committee of such council and shall also be disqualified from holding an office or employment under a committee of agriculture or any such body, council or committee as aforesaid.


(8) The references in section 17 and in paragraph (d) of sub-section (1) of section 38 of the Principal Act to the provisions of the Principal Act relating to the payment of travelling expenses to members of committees shall be construed as including references to the preceding provisions of this section.


(9) Section 18 of the Principal Act, as amended by section 2 of the Agriculture (Amendment) Act, 1934 (No. 20 of 1934), and the Third Schedule to the Principal Act shall cease to apply in relation to a meeting, held after the 30th day of June, 1943, of a committee of agriculture.


Disqualification for membership of committees of agriculture.

3.—(1) Article 12 (except sub-article (9)) of the Schedule to the Local Government (Application of Enactments) Order, 1898, as amended by any subsequent enactment, shall apply to committees of agriculture and their members in like manner as it applies to councils of counties and their members.


(2) A person shall be disqualified for being elected or chosen or being a member of a committee of agriculture if he is concerned by himself or his partner in any bargain or contract entered into with such committee or participates by himself or his partner in the profit of any such bargain or contract or of any work done under the authority of such committee.


(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (2) of this section, a person shall not be disqualified for being elected or chosen or being a member of a committee of agriculture—


(a) by reason of his having by himself or his partner received or contracted to receive any benefits or advantages offered in pursuance of agricultural schemes administered by such committee, if the consent of the Minister to members of committees of agriculture receiving such benefits or advantages has been given, or


(b) by reason of being, by himself or his partner interested—


(i) in any newspaper in which an advertisement relating to the affairs of such committee is inserted, or


(ii) in any contract with such committee as a shareholder in any joint stock company.


(4) section 34 of the Principal Act is hereby repealed.


Amendment ot section 24 of the Principal Act.

4.—Sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion, after the words “to be held”, of the words “in relation to the performance by a committee of agriculture of its duties under this Act or”.


Dissolution of committees of agriculture.

5.—(1) If and whenever—


(a) the Minister is satisfied, after the holding of a local inquiry under section 24 of the Principal Act, as amended by this Act, that the duties of a committee of agriculture for a county are not being duly and effectively discharged by such committee, or


(b) a committee of agriculture for a county wilfully neglects to comply with any lawful order, direction, or regulation of the Minister, or


(c) a committee of agriculture for a county fails to comply with any judgment, order, or decree of any court, or


(d) a committee of agriculture for a county refuses after due notice to allow its accounts to be audited by a local government auditor assigned in that behalf under section 68 of the Local Government Act, 1941 (No. 23 of 1941),


the Minister may by order dissolve such committee and, as he may think fit, either order a new appointment to be made, by the council of such county, of members of such committee or transfer the property and the several powers and duties of such committee to any body or person or persons.


(2) Whenever the Minister makes an order under this section dissolving a committee of agriculture, he may appoint such and so many persons as he shall think fit to perform the duties of such committee, and may from time to time remove all or any such persons and appoint others in their place, and may fix the tenure of office, duties and remuneration (if any) of all such persons.


(3) The remuneration of all persons appointed under the foregoing sub-section to perform the duties of a committee of agriculture for a county shall be paid out of the moneys raised by means of the agricultural rate by the council of that county.


(4) Where the Minister has, under sub-section (1) of this section, dissolved a committee of agriculture for a county and transferred the property, powers and duties of such committee to any body, person or persons, the Minister shall, in the first or second election year after such dissolution, by order cause a new appointment to be made, by the council of such county, of members of such committee, and upon the making of such new appointment all the properties, powers, and duties of the dissolved committee shall vest in the committee so appointed, notwithstanding such transfer.


In this sub-section the expression “election year” has the meaning assigned to it by section 25 of the Local Elections Act, 1937 (No. 14 of 1937).


(5) The Minister may from time to time by order do all such things and make all such regulations as in his opinion shall be necessary for giving full effect to any order made by him under this section.


Returns, information, etc.

6.—(1) The Minister may require a committee of agriculture to make to him any return or report or to furnish him with any information in relation to their functions which he may consider necessary or desirable for the purposes of any of the powers and duties for the time being conferred or imposed on him in relation to such committee, and it shall be the duty of such committee to comply with such requirement.


(2) An inspector of the Minister may require any officer of a committee of agriculture to give to such inspector any information in relation to the functions of such officer which such inspector reasonably requires for the purpose of performing the duties imposed on such inspector by the Minister, and it shall be the duty of such officer to comply with such requirement.


Attendance of officers of committees of agriculture at conferences, etc.

7.—(1) A committee of agriculture shall, when required by the Minister—


(a) permit officers to attend conferences from time to time with officers of the Department of Agriculture;


(b) permit officers to attend for interviews at the offices of the Department of Agriculture;


(c) permit officers to attend at functions having a bearing on their work.


(2) Officers of committees of agriculture travelling in pursuance of permission under this section shall be allowed travelling and maintenance expenses in accordance with the rates prescribed by regulations made under section 28 of the Principal Act.


Age limit for offices.

8.—(1) The Minister may declare any specified age to be the age limit for all offices or for such offices as belong to a specified class, description, or grade or for one or more specified offices.


(2) Every declaration under this section shall come into force six months after the day on which it is made.


(3) Where a declaration under this section is for the time being in force in relation to any particular office, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(a) if on the day when such declaration comes into force there is a holder of such office and such holder, on that day, reaches or is older than the age specified in such declaration as the age limit for such office, such holder shall cease to hold such office on the said day when such declaration comes into force;


(b) if on a day after the day when such declaration comes into force any holder of such office reaches the age specified in such declaration as the age limit for such office, such holder shall cease to hold such office on the said day after the day on which such declaration comes into force.


(4) Any person who ceases under the immediately preceding sub-section of this section to hold an office shall, where necessary for the purposes of sub-section (1) of section 44 of the Local Government Act, 1925 (No. 5 of 1925), or of any other enactment relating to the superannuation of officers of committees of agriculture, be deemed to have become incapable of discharging the duties of such office with efficiency by reason of old age and shall, where necessary for the purposes of the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1919, be deemed to have resigned such office with the consent of the Minister.


Suspension of officers.

9.—(1) Whenever in respect of the holder of an office under a committee of agriculture there is, in the opinion of such committee or of the Minister, reason to believe that such holder has failed to perform satisfactorily the duties of such office or has misconducted himself in relation to such office or is otherwise unfit to hold such office, such committee or the Minister (as the case may be) may suspend such holder from the performance of the duties of such office while such alleged failure, misconduct, or unfitness is being inquired into and the disciplinary action (if any) to be taken in regard thereto is being determined and such inquiry shall be held as soon as conveniently may be after the date of such suspension.


(2) The Minister may terminate a suspension under this section and every such suspension shall continue until so terminated.


(3) Whenever the holder of an office under a committee of agriculture is suspended under this section, he shall forthwith hand over to such committee all books, deeds, contracts, accounts, vouchers, maps, plans and other documents in his possession, custody, or control which relate to such office.


(4) The holder of an office who is suspended under this section shall not be paid any remuneration in respect of such office during the continuance of his suspension and, upon the termination of his suspension, the remuneration which he would, had he not been suspended, have been paid during the period of suspension shall be wholly or partly forfeited, or paid to him, or otherwise disposed of, as the Minister shall direct.


(5) Section 11 of the Local Authorities (Officers and Employees) Act, 1926 (No. 39 of 1926), shall cease to have effect in relation to officers and servants of committees of agriculture.


Removal from office by Minister on conviction.

10.—(1) Where the holder of an office is convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the Minister, renders him unfit for such office, the Minister may by order remove suck holder from such office.


(2) Section 23 of the Principal Act shall not apply in respect of a removal from office under sub-section (1) of this section.


Application of this Act to existing officers.

11.—The fact that an officer is in office at the date of the passing of this Act shall not be a ground for contending that the three immediately preceding sections of this Act do not apply in relation to such officer.


Revocation and amendment of orders, etc.

12.—Every power conferred by any section contained in the Principal Act or this Act to make any order, declaration or direction shall be construed as including a power to revoke or amend any order, declaration or direction made under such section.


Short title, construction and collective citation.

13.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Agriculture (Amendment) Act, 1944.


(2) The Agriculture Acts, 1931 to 1941, and this Act shall be construed together as one Act.


(3) The Agriculture Acts, 1931 to 1941, and this Act may be cited together as the Agriculture Acts, 1931 to 1944.