As Ann Déscrolláil
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Uimhir 34 de 1979
[An tiontú oifigiúil]
1.—(1) San Acht seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “an ráiteas míniúcháin “an ráiteas dá dtagraítear in alt 3 (2) den Acht seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Comhshaoil;
[EN]ciallaíonn “bóthar poiblí” aon bhóthar, sráid, bóithrín, cosán, cearnóg, cúirt, caolsráid nó scabhat, agus aon chuid den chéanna, ar údarás bóithre atá freagrach ina gcothabháil, agus folóidh sé aon droichead, tarbhealach, íosbhealach, fobhealach, tollán, tardhroichead, uasród, píopa, stua, lintéar, cosán, carrbhealach (singil nó iolrach), pábháil, ráille, fál, balla, bacainn, ráille cosanta, colbha, leataobh, crua-ghrua, rian rothar, oileán, místráice, láriomaire, conaireoir, compal, cuaille, mullard, sreang, cábla, sín, comhartha nó soilsiú is cuid den bhóthar nó déanmhas eile dá samhail is cuid den bhóthar agus a bhfuil gá leo mar shábháilteacht, mar aosáid nó mar shaoráid do lucht úsáidte bóithre;
[EN]ciallaíonn “údarás bóithre” comhairle contae, bardas contae-bhuirge nó buirge eile nó comhairle ceantair uirbigh;
[EN]ciallaíonn “dola” dola is inmhuirearaithe faoin Acht seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “dola-bhóthar” bóthar poiblí nó bóthar poiblí beartaithe a bhfuil dola-scéim i bhfeidhm ina leith;
[EN]ciallaíonn “dola-scéim” scéim faoi alt 3 den Acht seo.
[EN](2) (a) Tagairtí san Acht seo, i ndáil le húdarás bóithre, do dhola-bhóthar is tagairtí iad do dhola-bhóthar i limistéar amháin den dá limistéar seo a leanas, nó iontu araon, is é sin le rá, limistéar feidhme an údaráis nó limistéar feidhme údarás bóithre eile is páirtí i gcomhaontú ag a bhfuil feidhm de thuras na huaire faoi alt 10 den Acht seo agus ar páirtí ann freisin an t-údarás céadluaite agus a fhorálann go ndéanfaidh an t-údarás céadluaite feidhmeanna de chuid an údaráis eile i ndáil leis an dola-bhóthar a fheidhmiú.
[EN](b) Tagairtí san Acht seo, i ndáil le húdarás bóithre, do bhóthar poiblí is tagairtí iad do bhóthar poiblí i limistéar feidhme an údaráis sin.
[EN](3) Folaíonn tagairtí san Acht seo do fheidhm tagairtí do chumhacht agus do dhualgas agus folaíonn tagairtí san Acht seo do chomhlíonadh feidhme tagairtí do fheidhmiú cumhachta agus do dhéanamh dualgais.
[EN]Cumhacht chun dolaí a mhuirearú ar dholabhóithre.
2.—(1) Faoi réir fhorálacha an Achta seo, féadfaidh údarás bóithre dolaí a mhuirearú agus a bhailiú a mbeidh cibé méid iontu a bheidh sonraithe de thuras na huaire i bhfodhlíthe arna ndéanamh aige faoi alt 5 den Acht seo i leith dola-bhóthar a úsáid.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh údarás bóithre cibé foirgnimh, déanmhais, oibreacha agus gaireas a sholáthar agus a chothabháil a mheasfaidh sé a bheith riachtanach nó fóirsteanach chun dolaí a mhuirearú agus a bhailiú agus dola-bhóithre a oibriú nó i ndáil leis an gcéanna.
[EN](3) I gcás comhaontú faoi alt 9 den Acht seo do dhéanamh socrú go ndéanfaidh duine a shonraítear sa chomhaontú dolaí a bhailiú, féadfaidh an duine sin agus a sheirbhísigh agus a ghníomhairí na dolaí lena mbaineann an comhaontú a bhailiú.
3.—(1) Féadfaidh údarás bóithre scéim (dá ngairtear “dola-scéim” san Acht seo) a dhéanamh chun córas dolaí a bhunú i leith bóthar poiblí a úsáid.
[EN](2) Déanfar cóip d'aon dola-scéim a dhéanfar faoin alt seo agus d'aon léarscáil dá dtagraítear inti, mar aon le ráiteas ag míniú forálacha na scéime agus a haidhm agus a héifeacht (dá ngairtear “an ráiteas míniúcháin” dá éis seo san Acht seo) a chur ar fáil, laistigh de mhí tar éis a déanta, i bpríomh-oifigí an údaráis bhóithre a rinne í lena iniúchadh ag an bpobal le linn uaire gnó go ceann cibé tréimhse, nach lú ná mí, a chinnfidh an t-údarás.
[EN](3) Le linn d'údarás bóithre dola-scéim a dhéanamh, tabharfaidh sé aird speisialta ar an gceist i dtaobh coisithe, rothair cos, otharcharráistí agus feithiclí atá oiriúnaithe go speisialta do dhaoine corpéislinneacha a bheith díolmhaithe ó dholaí faoin scéim.
[EN](4) I ndola-scéim—
[EN](a) sonrófar an bóthar poiblí nó an bóthar poiblí beartaithe a bhfuil beartaithe ag an údarás bóithre lena mbaineann córas dolaí a bhunú i leith a úsáide,
[EN](b) taispeánfar na haicmí d'fheithiclí agus d'úsáidirí eile bóthair a bhfuil úsáid an dola-bhóthair ceaptha dóibh,
[EN](c) taispeánfar na haicmí d'fheithiclí agus d'úsáidirí eile bóthair a muirearófar dolaí orthu i leith na húsáide sin,
[EN](d) tabharfar meastachán ar mhéideanna na ndolaí atá beartaithe a mhuirearú i leith úsáid an dola-bhóthair ag na feithiclí agus ag na húsáidirí eile bóthair sin,
[EN](e) sonrófar cibé faisnéis eile a mheasfaidh an t-údarás bóithre is iomchuí nó a ordóidh an tAire.
[EN](5) (a) Déanfaidh údarás bóithre dola-scéim a bheidh déanta aige a chur faoi bhráid an Aire.
[EN](b) Féadfaidh údarás bóithre, tráth ar bith, dola-scéim a dhéanamh agus a chur faoi bhráid an Aire do leasú nó do chúlghairm dola-scéim a rinne an t-údarás agus a bheidh i bhfeidhm.
[EN](c) Féadfaidh an tAire dola-scéim, modhnaithe nó gan mhodhnú, a cheadú nó féadfaidh sé diúltú í a cheadú.
[EN](d) (i) Tiocfaidh dola-scéim a bheidh ceadaithe ag an Aire faoin alt seo i bhfeidhm agus beidh feidhm aici fara na modhnuithe, más ann dóibh, a rinne an tAire, cibé lá a chinnfidh an t-údarás bóithre.
[EN](ii) Déanfaidh an t-údarás bóithre iomchuí fógra i dtaobh an lae a mbeidh dola-scéim le teacht i ngníomh a fhoilsiú mí ar a laghad roimh an lá sin i nuachtán a léitear sa limistéar ina mbeidh an dola-bhóthar lena mbaineann an scéim.
[EN](6) Beidh ar áireamh i ráiteas míniúcháin a bhaineann le dolascéim—
[EN](a) faisnéis i ndáil leis na socruithe ginearálta chun an dolabhóthar lena mbaineann an scéim a dhéanamh, a chothabháil, a fheabhsú, a bhainistí agus a oibriú agus chun an costas a bhaineann leis an déanamh, leis an gcothabháil, leis an bhfeabhsú, leis an mbainistí agus leis an oibriú sin a íoc,
[EN](b) meastacháin ar chostas caipitiúil agus ar chostais oibrithe an bhóthair, agus
[EN](c) meastacháin ar mhéid agus ar chineál an tráchta a úsáidfidh an bóthar agus ar mhéideanna na ndolaí i leith an tráchta sin.
[EN](7) Is feidhm fhorchoimeádta de réir bhrí Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Chorcaí, 1929 go 1971, na nAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Átha Cliath), 1930 go 1971, Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Luimnigh, 1934 go 1971, Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Phortláirge, 1939 go 1971, agus na nAchtanna um Bainistí Chontae, 1940 go 1972, údarás bóithre do dhéanamh dola-scéime.
[EN]Forálacha i ndáil leis an Aire do cheadú dola-scéimeanna.
4.—(1) Déanfaidh údarás bóithre, sula gcuirfidh sé dola-scéim faoi bhráid an Aire de bhun alt 3 den Acht seo, fógra a fhoilsiú i nuachtán nó i nuachtáin a chlóitear sa Stát agus a léitear sa limistéar ina bhfuil nó ina mbeidh an dola-bhóthar lena mbaineann an scéim á rá go bhfuil dola-scéim déanta ag an údarás bóithre faoi alt 3 den Acht seo agus go bhfuil ar intinn í a chur faoi bhráid an Aire lena ceadú, agus á chur in iúl cad iad na huaire agus na laethanta agus cad é an áit a bhféadfar cóip den scéim agus aon léarscáil dá dtagraítear inti agus an ráiteas míniúcháin a bhaineann leis an scéim a iniúchadh agus go bhféadfar agóidí in aghaidh na scéime a thaisceadh i scríbhinn leis an Aire i rith cibé tréimhse (nach lú ná dhá mhí) a shonrófar tar éis deireadh na tréimhse ar ar cinneadh faoi alt 3 (2) den Acht seo chun an scéim a iniúchadh.
[EN](2) Má dhéantar agóid in aghaidh dola-scéime a thaisceadh go cuí leis an Aire, cuirfidh an tAire faoi deara, sula gcinnfidh sé ar an scéim a cheadú nó gan í a cheadú, fiosrúchán áitiúil a dhéanamh faoin scéim agus faoi aon agóidí in aghaidh na scéime a taisceadh agus nár tarraingíodh siar agus breithneoidh sé tuarascáil an duine a bheidh ag déanamh an fhiosrúcháin.
[EN](3) I gcás a mbeidh fiosrúchán áitiúil faoi dhola-scéim le déanamh agus go mbeidh fiosrúchán áitiúil faoi alt 47 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil, 1946, nó faoi alt 6 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúil (Bóithre agus Mótarbhealaí), 1974, a bhaineann go hiomlán nó go páirteach leis an dolabhóthar áirithe nó fiosrúchán áitiúil faoin talamh sin a fháil go héigeantach chun críocha na scéime sin le déanamh, ní dhéanfar an fiosrúchán faoin dola-scéim sula ndéanfar an fiosrúchán nó na fiosrúcháin eile ach féadfar é a dhéanamh an tráth céanna leis an bhfiosrúchán nó leis na fiosrúcháin eile.
5.—(1) Féadfaidh údarás bóithre, tar éis comhairle a ghlacadh le Coimisinéir an Gharda Síochána, cibé fodhlíthe is fóirsteanach leis a dhéanamh chun dola-bhóthar a oibriú agus a bhainistí.
[EN](2) Gan dochar do ghinearáltacht fho-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfaidh fodhlíthe faoin alt seo—
[EN](a) a shonrú cad iad méideanna na ndolaí a mhuirearófar, nó cad iad na scálaí agus na forálacha eile ar faoina réir a mhuirearófar iad, i leith úsáid dola-bhóthair ag feithiclí agus ag úsáidirí eile bóthair de gach aicme ar leith a bheidh sonraithe sna fodhlíthe agus féadfaidh siad méideanna éagsúla den sórt sin a shonrú faoi threoir cibé imthosca nó teaglaim imthosca (cibé acu a bhaineann siad le haicmí feithiclí nó úsáidirí eile bóthair, le séasúir den bhliain, le laethanta den tseachtain, le huaire den lá nó eile) is iomchuí leis an údarás bóithre,
[EN](b) a shocrú go n-eiseofar, go n-iniúchfar agus go mbaileofar ticéid, airíochtaí, dearbháin, ceadanna, admhálacha agus foirmeacha eile údaraithe le haghaidh dola-bhóthar a úsáid,
[EN](c) na daoine a shonrú a mbeidh dola le híoc acu is iníoctha i leith dola-bhóthar a úsáid ag feithicil nó ag úsáidire eile bóthair is inchurtha faoi dhola i leith na húsáide sin,
[EN](d) a shocrú nach ndéanfaidh duine a ndlífear de faoi na fodhlíthe dola a íoc aon fheithicil ná úsáidire eile bóthair lena mbaineann agus atá faoina cheannas an dola-bhóthar lena mbaineann a úsáid, ná a chur faoi deara ná a cheadú é a úsáid, mura mbeidh an dola íoctha nó socruithe chun a íoctha déanta chun sástacht an údaráis bhóithre lena mbaineann nó chun sástacht duine a bheidh údaraithe ag an údarás sin an dola-bhóthar a oibriú agus a bhainistí, agus
[EN](e) a shonrú cad iad cumhachtaí an údaráis bhóithre agus cumhachtaí aon duine a bheidh údaraithe ag an údarás sin an dola-bhóthar lena mbaineann a oibriú agus a bhainistí, i ndáil le feithiclí agus le húsáidirí eile dola-bhóthair agus leis na daoine i gceannas orthu.
[EN](3) Bainfidh ailt 219 agus 221 go 223 den Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, le fodhlíthe faoin alt seo sa tslí chéanna ina mbaineann siad le fodhlíthe faoin Acht sin.
[EN]Díolúine ó dholaí.
6.—(1) Beidh feithiclí de chuid Óglaigh na hÉireann agus feithiclí de chuid an Gharda Síochána a bheidh á n-úsáid acu chun críocha oifigiúla, agus feithiclí briogáide dóiteáin agus otharcharranna díolmhaithe ó dholaí a íoc.
[EN](2) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “otharcharr” feithicil inneallghluaiste atá inaitheanta go seachtrach mar otharcharr agus a úsáidtear go heisiatach chun daoine atá breoite, díobhálaithe nó míchumasaithe a iompar;
[EN]ciallaíonn “feithicil briogáide dóiteáin” feithicil inneallghluaiste a úsáidtear chun dóiteáin a mhúchadh nó chun daoine nó maoin a tharrtháil ó chontúirt nó i gcóir an dá chríoch sin.
7.—(1) Duine a dhlífidh dola a íoc agus a mhainneoidh, a fhailleoidh nó a dhiúltóidh é a íoc beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](2) Duine a mhainneoidh, a fhailleoidh nó a dhiúltóidh géilleadh d'aithne nó do threoir ó dhuine a bheidh údaraithe ag údarás bóithre dola-bhóthar a oibriú agus a bhainistí beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](3) Duine a sháróidh fodhlí a rinneadh faoi alt 5 den Acht seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion.
[EN](4) Duine a bheidh ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo dlífear ar é a chiontú go hachomair fíneáil nach mó ná £200 a chur air.
[EN](5) Féadfar méid aon dola a bheith dlite de dhuine agus iníoctha aige faoin Acht seo agus a bheidh gan íoc a ghnóthú ón duine a bhfuil sé iníoctha aige mar fhiach conartha shimplí in aon chúirt dlínse inniúla.
8.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin a dhéanamh—
[EN](a) chun críocha an Achta seo agus chun a chumasú don Acht seo agus d'aon scéim faoi alt 3, nó d'aon chomhaontú faoi alt 9, den Acht seo lánéifeacht a bheith leo, agus
[EN](b) á fhoráil go ndéanfar aon airgead a fhaibhreoidh chuig údarás bóithre ó oibriú agus ó bhainistí dola-bhóthair a chur chun feidhme.
[EN](2) Rialacháin a dhéanfar faoin alt seo leagfar iad faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a ndéanta agus, má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu sin laistigh den lá is fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis na rialacháin a leagan faoina bhráid rún a rith ag neamhniú na rialachán, beidh na rialacháin ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoi na rialacháin.
[EN]Comhaontuithe idir údaráis bhóithre agus daoine eile i ndáil le dola-bhóithre a mhaoiniú, a dhéanamh agus a oibriú.
9.—(1) I gcás an tAire do cheadú dola-scéime, féadfaidh údarás bóithre, le toiliú an Aire, comhaontú a dhéanamh le duine eile faoina gcomhaontóidh an duine sin, ar cibé téarmaí agus coinníollacha a bheidh sonraithe sa chomhaontú (lena n-áirítear sochar uile nó cuid de shochar na ndolaí sin i leith an dola-bhóthair is ábhar don scéim a íoc leis an duine sin nó é do choimeád an chéanna), gach ní nó aon ní nó nithe díobh seo a leanas a dhéanamh:
[EN](a) cuid den chostas, nó costas uile, an bhóthair a sholáthar a íoc,
[EN](b) cuid den chostas, nó costas uile, an bhóthair a chothabháil agus a fheabhsú a íoc,
[EN](c) an bóthar a sholáthar don údarás nó dul i bpáirt leis an údarás nó cabhrú leis chun an bóthar a sholáthar,
[EN](d) an bóthar a chothabháil agus a fheabhsú don údarás nó dul i bpáirt leis an údarás nó cabhrú leis chun an bóthar a chothabháil agus a fheabhsú,
[EN](e) an bóthar a oibriú agus a bhainistí don údarás nó i dteannta an údaráis (lena n-áirítear córas dolaí a sholáthar, a mhaoirsiú agus a oibriú i leith úsáid an bhóthair),
[EN](f) cibé nithe eile a bheidh sonraithe sa chomhaontú agus a bhaineann nó a ghabhann leis na nithe sin roimhe seo nó atá cumhalda dóibh nó iarmhartach orthu.
[EN](2) Gan dochar do ghinearáltacht fho-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfaidh comhaontú faoin alt seo—
[EN](a) socrú a dhéanamh chun an sochar as dolaí a chur chun feidhme, le haghaidh córais chun cuntas a thabhairt i ndolaí a bhaileofar agus le haghaidh na modhanna agus na tráthanna chun an sochar as dolaí a íoc leis na daoine a mbeidh sé le híoc leo faoi théarmaí an chomhaontaithe,
[EN](b) socrú a dhéanamh le haghaidh ré an chomhaontaithe agus le haghaidh a fhoirceanta nó a fhionraí agus le haghaidh nithe a bhaineann nó a ghabhann le dul in éag an chomhaontaithe nó leis an bhfoirceannadh nó leis an bhfionraí sin nó atá cumhalda don chéanna nó iarmhartach air, agus
[EN](c) socrú a dhéanamh maidir leis an bpáirtí nó na páirtithe eile sa chomhaontú do thabhairt cibé urrúis a shonrófar ann don údarás bóithre lena mbaineann i ndáil leis an bpairtí nó na páirtithe eile a dúradh do chomhlíonadh agus d'urramú téarmaí agus coinníollacha an chomhaontaithe.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh údarás bóithre, le toiliú an Aire, comhaontú a dhéanamh leis an bpáirtí nó leis na páirtithe lena ndearna sé comhaontú roimhe sin faoin alt seo do leasú téarmaí nó coinníollacha an chomhaontaithe sin, do chur téarmaí nó coinníollacha leis nó do bhaint téarmaí nó coinníollacha as nó do chúlghairm an chomhaontaithe a rinneadh roimhe sin.
[EN](4) Is feidhm fhorchoimeádta de réir bhrí Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Chorcaí, 1929 go 1971, na nAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Atha Cliath), 1930 go 1971, Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Luimnigh, 1934 go 1971, Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Phortláirge, 1939 go 1971, agus na nAchtanna um Bainistí Chontae, 1940 go 1972, údarás bóithre do dhéanamh comhaontú faoin alt seo.
[EN](5) Déanfaidh na páirtithe i gcomhaontú faoin alt seo an comhaontú sin a chomhalladh de réir a théarmaí agus a choinníollacha agus beidh ag údarás bóithre na cumhachtaí go léir is gá chun na críche sin.
[EN]Comhshocraíochtaí gníomhaireachta ag údaráis bhóithre.
10.—(1) I gcás a bhfuil dola-bhóthar, nó a mbeidh dola-bhóthar beartaithe, i limistéar feidhme níos mó ná údarás bóithre amháin, féadfaidh na húdaráis lena mbaineann comhaontú a dhéanamh faoina bhfeidhmeoidh agus faoina gcomhlíonfaidh ceann amháin nó níos mó de na húdaráis aon chuid de chumhachtaí, de dhualgais agus d'fheidhmeanna na n-údarás eile, nó aon cheann amháin nó níos mó díobh, i ndáil leis an mbóthar nó leis an mbóthar beartaithe, agus beidh na cumhachtaí, na dualgais agus na feidhmeanna sin infheidhmithe agus inchomhlíonta ag na húdaráis sin nó ag aon cheann nó cinn de na húdaráis sin de réir an chomhaontaithe.
[EN](2) I gcás nach mbeidh na húdaráis bhóithre lena mbaineann ábalta ná toilteanach teacht ar chomhaontú faoi fho-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfaidh aon cheann nó níos mó díobh an cheist a tharchur chun an Aire agus féadfaidh seisean, le hordú, a ordú d'údarás amháin nó níos mó díobh sin cumhachtaí, dualgais agus feidhmeanna sonraithe de chuid na n-údarás eile lena mbaineann nó de chuid aon údaráis nó údarás díobh sin a fheidhmiú agus a chomhlíonadh i ndáil leis an mbóthar nó leis an mbóthar beartaithe lena mbaineann.
[EN](3) Is feidhm fhorchoimeádta de réir bhrí Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Chorcaí, 1929 go 1971, na nAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Átha Cliath), 1930 go 1971, Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Luimnigh, 1934 go 1971, Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Phortláirge, 1939 go 1971, agus na nAchtanna um Bainistí Chontae, 1940 go 1972, údarás bóithre do dhéanamh comhaontú faoin alt seo.
11.—Déanfar na caiteachais a thabhóidh an tAire ag riaradh an Achta seo a íoc, a mhéid a cheadóidh an tAire Airgeadais, as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas.
[EN]Gearrtheideal, comhlua agus forléiriú.
12.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Rialtais Áitiúil (Dola-Bhóithre), 1979, a ghairm den Acht seo.
[EN](2) Féadfar na hAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúil, 1925 go 1979, a ghairm de na hAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúil, 1925 go 1978, agus den Acht seo le chéile, agus forléireofar iad le chéile mar aon Acht amháin.
Na hAchtanna dá dTagraítear | |
Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Chorcaí, 1929 go 1971 | |
Na hAchtanna um Bainistí Chontae, 1940 go 1972 | |
Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Luimnigh, 1934 go 1971 | |
Na hAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúil (Baile Átha Cliath), 1930 go 1971 | |
Na hAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúil, 1925 go 1978 | |
Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878 | 1878, c. 52 |
Achtanna Bainistí Chathair Phortláirge, 1939 go 1971 |
Number 34 of 1979
Section | |
Provisions in relation to approval by Minister of toll schemes. | |
Number 34 of 1979
1.—(1) In this Act—
[GA]“the explanatory statement” means the statement referred to in section 3 (2) of this Act;
[GA]“the Minister” means the Minister for the Environment;
[GA]“public road” means any road, street, lane, footpath, square, court, alley or passage and any part thereof, the responsibility for the maintenance of which lies on a road authority, and includes any bridge, viaduct, underpass, subway, tunnel, overbridge, flyover, pipe, arch, gulley, footpath, carriageway (whether single or multiple), pavement, railing, fence, wall, barrier, guardrail, margin, lay-by, hard shoulder, cycle track, island, median, central reserve, channelliser, roundabout, pole, bollard, wire, cable, sign, signal or lighting forming part of the road or other similar structure forming part of the road necessary for the safety, convenience or amenity of road users;
[GA]“road authority” means the council of a county, the corporation of a county or other borough or the council of an urban district;
[GA]“toll” means a toll chargeable under this Act;
[GA]“toll road” means a public road or proposed public road in respect of which a toll scheme is in force;
[GA]“toll scheme” means a scheme under section 3 of this Act.
[GA](2) (a) References in this Act, in relation to a road authority, to a toll road are references to a toll road in either or both of the following areas, that is to say, the functional area of the authority or the functional area of another road authority that is a party to an agreement for the time being in force under section 10 of this Act to which the first-mentioned authority is also a party and which provides for the exercise by the first-mentioned authority of functions in relation to the toll road of the other authority.
[GA](b) References in this Act, in relation to a road authority, to a public road are references to a public road in the functional area of that authority.
[GA](3) References in this Act to a function include references to a power and a duty and references in this Act to the performance of a function include references to the exercise of a power and the carrying out of a duty.
[GA]Power to charge tolls on toll roads.
2.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a road authority may charge and collect tolls of such amounts as may be specified for the time being in bye-laws made by it under section 5 of this Act in respect of the use of a toll road.
[GA](2) A road authority may provide and maintain such buildings, structures, works and apparatus as it considers necessary or expedient for or in connection with the charging and collection of tolls and the operation of toll roads.
[GA](3) Where an agreement under section 9 of this Act provides for the collection of tolls by a person specified in the agreement, that person and his servants and agents may collect the tolls to which the agreement relates.
[GA]Toll schemes.
3.—(1) A road authority may make a scheme (referred to in this Act as “a toll scheme”) for the establishment of a system of tolls in respect of the use of a public road.
[GA](2) A copy of any toll scheme made under this section and any map referred to therein, together with a statement explaining the provisions of the scheme and its purpose and effect (in this Act referred to subsequently as “the explanatory statement”) shall, within one month after it is made, be made available at the chief offices of the road authority by which it was made for inspection by the public during business hours for such period, not being less than one month, as may be determined by the authority.
[GA](3) In making a toll scheme, a road authority shall give special consideration to the question of exempting from tolls under the scheme pedestrians, pedal cycles, invalid carriages and vehicles specially adapted for use by physically handicapped persons.
[GA](4) A toll scheme shall—
[GA](a) specify the public road or proposed public road in respect of the use of which the road authority concerned proposes to establish a system of tolls,
[GA](b) indicate the classes of vehicles and other road users for whose use the toll road is intended,
[GA](c) indicate the classes of vehicles which and other road users who will be charged tolls in respect of such use,
[GA](d) include an estimate of the amounts of the tolls that it is proposed to charge in respect of the use of the toll-road by such vehicles and other road users,
[GA](e) specify such other information as the road authority may consider appropriate or the Minister may direct.
[GA](5) (a) A road authority shall submit to the Minister a toll scheme made by it.
[GA](b) A road authority may at any time make and submit to the Minister a toll scheme amending or revoking a toll scheme made by it that is in force.
[GA](c) The Minister may approve of a toll scheme with or without modifications or he may refuse to approve of it.
[GA](d) (i) A toll scheme approved of by the Minister under this section shall come into and be in force with the modifications, if any, therein made by the Minister on such day as may be determined by the road authority.
[GA](ii) Notice of the day on which a toll scheme is to come into operation shall be published by the road authority concerned at least one month before such day in a newspaper circulating in the area in which the toll road to which the scheme relates will be situated.
[GA](6) An explanatory statement relating to a toll scheme shall include—
[GA](a) information in relation to the general arrangements for the construction, maintenance, improvement, management and operation of the toll road to which the scheme relates and for the payment of the cost of such construction, maintenance, improvement, management and operation,
[GA](b) estimates of the capital cost and of the operating costs of the road, and
[GA](c) estimates of the volume and kind of traffic that will use the road and the amounts of the tolls in respect of such traffic.
[GA](7) The making of a toll scheme by a road authority shall be a reserved function within the meaning of the Cork City Management Acts, 1929 to 1971, the Local Government (Dublin) Acts, 1930 to 1971, the Limerick City Management Acts, 1934 to 1971, the Water-ford City Management Acts, 1939 to 1971, and the County Management Acts, 1940 to 1972.
[GA]Provisions in relation to approval by Minister of toll schemes.
4.—(1) Before submitting a toll scheme to the Minister pursuant to section 3 of this Act, a road authority shall publish in one or more newspapers printed in the State and circulating in the area in which the toll road to which the scheme relates is or will be situated a notice stating that a toll scheme has been made by the road authority under section 3 of this Act and that it is intended to submit it to the Minister for the purpose of seeking his approval of it and indicating the times at which, the days on which and the place where a copy of the scheme and any map referred to therein and the explanatory statement relating to the scheme may be inspected and that objections to the scheme may be lodged with the Minister in writing during such period (not being less than two months) after the expiration of the time determined under section 3 (2) of this Act for inspection of the scheme as may be specified.
[GA](2) If an objection to a toll scheme is duly lodged with the Minister, the Minister shall, before deciding whether to approve of the scheme or not, cause a local inquiry into the scheme and into any objections to the scheme that have been lodged and not been withdrawn to be held and shall consider the report of the person conducting the inquiry.
[GA](3) Where a local inquiry into a toll scheme is to be held and a local inquiry under section 47 of the Local Government Act, 1946, or section 6 of the Local Government (Roads and Motorways) Act, 1974, relating wholly or partly to the toll road concerned or a local inquiry into the compulsory acquisition of such land for the purposes of such scheme is to be held, the inquiry into the toll scheme shall not be held before the holding of the other inquiry or inquiries but may be held at the same time as the other inquiry or inquiries.
5.—(1) A road authority may, after consultation with the Commissioner of the Garda Síochána, make such bye-laws as it considers expedient for the purposes of the operation and management of a toll road.
[GA](2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) of this section, bye-laws under this section may—
[GA](a) specify the amounts of the tolls that shall be charged, or the scales and other provisions by reference to which they shall be charged, in respect of the use of a toll road by vehicles and other road users of each class specified in the bye-laws and may specify different such amounts by reference to such circumstances or combinations of circumstances (whether relating to classes of vehicles or other road users, seasons of the year, days of the week, times of day or otherwise) as the road authority may consider appropriate,
[GA](b) provide for the issue, inspection and collection of tickets, tokens, vouchers, permits, receipts and other forms of authorisation for the purposes of the use of a toll road,
[GA](c) specify the persons who shall be liable to pay a toll payable in respect of the use of a toll road by a vehicle or other road user chargeable with a toll in respect of such use,
[GA](d) provide that a person liable under the bye-laws to pay a toll shall not use, or cause or permit, any vehicle or other road user concerned of which he is in charge to use the toll road concerned unless the toll has been paid or arrangements, to the satisfaction of the road authority concerned or of a person authorised by it to operate and manage the toll road, for its payment have been made, and
[GA](e) specify the powers of the road authority and of any person authorised by it to operate and manage the toll road concerned, in relation to vehicles and other users of a toll road and the persons in charge of them.
[GA](3) Sections 219 and 221 to 223 of the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878, shall apply to bye-laws under this section in like manner as they apply to bye-laws under that Act.
[GA]Exemption from tolls.
6.—(1) Vehicles belonging to and used for official purposes by the Defence Forces and the Garda Síochána, and fire brigade vehicles and ambulances shall be exempt from payment of tolls.
[GA](2) In this section—
[GA]“ambulance” means a mechanically propelled vehicle which is outwardly identifiable as and is used exclusively for the carriage of sick, injured or disabled persons;
[GA]“fire brigade vehicle” means a mechanically propelled vehicle used for the purpose of fire-fighting or rescuing persons or property from danger or for both such purposes.
7.—(1) A person who is liable to pay a toll and who fails, neglects or refuses to pay the toll shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](2) A person who fails, neglects or refuses to obey an instruction or direction of a person authorised by a road authority to operate and manage a toll road shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](3) A person who contravenes a bye-law made under section 5 of this Act shall be guilty of an offence.
[GA](4) A person who is guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £200.
[GA](5) The amount of any toll due and payable by a person under this Act and unpaid may be recovered from the person by whom it is payable as a simple contract debt in any court of competent jurisdiction.
8.—(1) The Minister may make regulations—
[GA](a) for the purposes of this Act and for enabling this Act and any scheme under section 3, or agreement under section 9, of this Act to have full effect, and
[GA](b) providing for the application of any monies accruing to a road authority from the operation and management of a toll road.
[GA](2) Regulations under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after they are made and, if a resolution annulling the regulations is passed by either such House within the next twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the regulations are laid before it, the regulations shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.
[GA]Agreements between road authorities and other persons in relation to the financing, construction and operation of toll roads.
9.—(1) Where a toll scheme is approved of by the Minister, a road authority may, with the consent of the Minister, enter into an agreement with another person under which, upon such terms and conditions as may be specified in the agreement (including the payment to, or retention by, the person of all or part of the proceeds of tolls in respect of the toll road the subject of the scheme), the person agrees to do all or one or more of the following:
[GA](a) to pay some or all of the cost of the provision of the road,
[GA](b) to pay some or all of the cost of the maintenance and improvement of the road,
[GA](c) to provide or join or assist in the provision of the road for or with the authority,
[GA](d) to maintain and improve or join or assist in the maintenance and improvement of the road for or with the authority,
[GA](e) to operate and manage (including provide, supervise and operate a system of tolls in respect of the use of the road) the road for or with the authority,
[GA](f) such other things connected with or incidental or ancillary to or consequential upon the foregoing as may be specified in the agreement.
[GA](2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) of this section, an agreement under this section may—
[GA](a) provide for the application of the proceeds of tolls, systems of accounting for tolls collected and the methods and times of payment of proceeds of tolls to the persons to whom they are to be paid under the terms of the agreement,
[GA](b) provide for its duration and for its termination or suspension and for matters connected with or incidental or ancillary to or consequent upon the expiration of the agreement or such termination or suspension, and
[GA](c) provide for the giving of such security as may be specified therein to the road authority concerned by the other party or parties to the agreement in relation to the carrying out and observance by the other party or parties aforesaid of the terms and conditions of the agreement.
[GA](3) A road authority may, with the consent of the Minister, enter into an agreement with the party or parties with whom it has entered into a previous agreement under this section amending the terms or conditions thereof, adding thereto, or deleting therefrom, terms or conditions or revoking the previous agreement.
[GA](4) Entry into an agreement under this section by a road authority shall be a reserved function within the meaning of the Cork City Management Acts, 1929 to 1971, the Local Government (Dublin) Acts, 1930 to 1971, the Limerick City Management Acts, 1934 to 1971, the Waterford City Management Acts, 1939 to 1971, and the County Management Acts, 1940 to 1972.
[GA](5) The parties to an agreement under this section shall carry out the agreement in accordance with its terms and conditions and a road authority shall have all such powers as may be necessary for that purpose.
[GA]Agency arrangements by road authorities.
10.—(1) Where a toll road or a proposed toll road is or will be situated in the functional area of more than one road authority, the authorities concerned may enter into an agreement whereby one or more of the authorities shall exercise and perform any of the powers, duties and functions of the other authorities, or of any one or more of them, in relation to the road or proposed road, and those powers, duties and functions shall become exercisable and performable by those authorities or the said one or more of those authorities in accordance with the agreement.
[GA](2) Where the road authorities concerned are unable or unwilling to reach an agreement under subsection (1) of this section, any one or more of them may refer the matter to the Minister and he may, by order, direct any one or more of those authorities to exercise and perform specified powers, duties and functions of the other road authorities concerned or of any one or more of those other authorities in relation to the road or proposed road concerned.
[GA](3) Entry into an agreement under this section by a road authority shall be a reserved function within the meaning of the Cork City Management Acts, 1929 to 1971, the Local Government (Dublin) Acts, 1930 to 1971, the Limerick City Management Acts, 1934 to 1971, the Waterford City Management Acts, 1939 to 1971, and the County Management Acts, 1940 to 1972.
11.—The expenses of the Minister incurred in the administration of this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
[GA]Short title, collective citation and construction.
12.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Local Government (Toll Roads) Act, 1979.
[GA](2) The Local Government Acts, 1925 to 1978, and this Act may be cited together as the Local Government Acts, 1925 to 1979, and shall be construed together as one Act.
Acts Referred to | |
Cork City Management Acts, 1929 to 1971 | |
County Management Acts, 1940 to 1972 | |
Limerick City Management Acts, 1934 to 1971 | |
1946, No. 24 | |
Local Government (Dublin) Acts, 1930 to 1971 | |
Local Government Acts, 1925 to 1978 | |
1974, No. 6 | |
Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878 | 1878, c. 52 |
Waterford City Management Acts, 1939 to 1971 |