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Number 36.








Appointment of Judicial Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners for the purpose of this Act.


Commissioners to have a seal.


Proceedings pending in Dáil Courts may be heard by the Commissioners.


Appeals from and enforcement of Dáil Court decrees.


Certain cases may be heard by an Assistant Commissioner.


Appeal from order of one Commissioner.


Conflicting orders of other courts may be stayed by Commissioners.


Stay of conflicting proceedings in other courts.


Reference of issue of fact to County or District Court.


Appointment of Registrar of Dáil Court Decrees.


Establishment of Register of Dáil Court Decrees.


Orders, etc., of Commissioners to be entered in Register.


Transfer of Register and records to High Court.


Appointment of Accountant of Dáil Courts Fund.


Establishment of Dáil Courts Fund.


Commissioners may make certain payments out of Dáil Courts Fund.


Delivery to Accountant of money and accounts of Dáil Courts.


Enforcement of Commissioners' orders and Dáil Court decrees.


General powers of the Commissioners.


Commissioners to make and publish rules.


Fees to be charged under this Act.


Appointment of officers and staff.


Proceedings may be brought by personal representatives of deceased persons.


Minister for Home Affairs may make regulations.


Unopposed judgments, etc., may be re-opened in certain cases.


Indemnity of persons acting under authority of Dáil Courts.


Extension of times limited by statute.


Short Title.

Act Referred to

District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923

No. 6 of 1923


Number 36.




1.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Commissioners” means the Judicial Commissioners appointed under this Act;


the word “Register” means the Register of Dáil Court Decrees established under this Act;


the expression “registered decree” means a decree of a Dáil Court duly registered in the Register;


the word “Registrar” means the Registrar of Dáil Court Decrees appointed under this Act;


the word “Accountant” means the Accountant of the Dáil Courts Fund appointed under this Act;


the word “decree” when used in relation to a Dáil Court includes judgment and order;


the expression “Dáil Court” means any court which was constituted under a Decree made in the year 1920 by the Minister for Home Affairs purporting to act under the authority of the Dáil Eireann constituted to be the Government of Saorstát Eireann by the members who were elected for constituencies in Ireland and who first assembled in a Parliament held in the Mansion House at Dublin on the 21st day of January, 1919;


the word “Minister” means the Minister for Home Affairs;


the word “prescribed” means prescribed by rules or regulations made under this Act.


(2) For the purpose of this Act the authority of all Parish and District Dáil Courts outside the City of Dublin shall be deemed to have been withdrawn on the 30th day of October, 1922, and the authority of all other Dáil Courts shall be deemed to have been withdrawn on the 25th day of July, 1922.


Appointment of Judicial Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners for the purpose of this Act.

2.—(1) It shall be lawful for the Governor-General of the Irish Free State, on the advice of the Executive Council of Saorstát Eireann, to appoint a fit and proper person to be Chief Judicial Commissioner and such and so many fit and proper persons as he shall, on the advice aforesaid think proper, to be respectively puisne Judicial Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners for the purposes of this Act.


(2) Every person appointed to be a Judicial Commissioner under this section shall have been a Judge of the Dáil Supreme Court or shall be a practising barrister of not less than ten years' standing, and every person appointed to be an Assistant Commissioner under this section shall have been a Circuit Judge of a Dáil Court or shall be a practising barrister of not less than six years' standing, or a District Justice.


(3) Every person appointed to be a Judicial Commissioner or an Assistant Commissioner under this section may be dismissed or removed at the pleasure of the Governor-General of the Irish Free State on the advice of the Executive Council.


(4) The Judicial Commissioners and Assistant Commissioners appointed under this section shall be paid, out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas, such salaries and allowances as shall be fixed by the Minister for Home Affairs with the consent of the Minister for Finance.


Commissioners to have a seal.

3.—(1) The Commissioners shall have a common seal which shall be judicially noticed by all courts in Saorstát Eireann.


(2) The Commissioners shall by the rules made by them under this Act prescribe the form of such seal and the times and manner in which it is to be used and authenticated.


Proceedings pending in Dáil Courts may be heard by the Commissioners.

4.—(1) Any party to any proceeding which was pending in any Dáil Court at the date when the authority of such Court-was withdrawn may apply in the prescribed manner to the Commissioners to have such proceedings heard and determined by the Commissioners, and thereupon the Commissioners shall hear and determine the same.


(2) The appellant in any appeal which was pending in any Dáil Court at the date when the authority of such Court was withdrawn may apply to the Commissioners in the prescribed manner to have such appeal heard and determined by the Commissioners, and thereupon the Commissioners shall hear and determine the same.


Appeals from and enforcement of Dáil Court decrees.

5.—(1) Any person who claims to be aggrieved by any registered decree of a Dáil Court other than the Dáil Supreme Court and who was a party to the proceedings in which such decree was made or is otherwise bound by such decree may appeal within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner from such decree to the Commissioners, and thereupon the Commissioners shall hear and determine such appeal.


(2) Any person who claims to be aggrieved by any registered decree of a Dáil Supreme Court and who was a party to the proceedings in which such decree was made or is otherwise bound by such decree may apply within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner to the Commissioners for leave to appeal to the Commissioners from such decree, and in the event of such leave being granted, such person may appeal within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner to the Commissioners from such decree, and thereupon the Commissioners shall hear and determine such appeal.


(3) Any person entitled to enforce any registered decree of a Dáil Court in respect of which no appeal is brought under this section may, after the expiration of the prescribed time for bringing such appeal, obtain, as of course, from the Commissioners a warrant for the execution of such decree.


(4) No decree of a Dáil Court shall be of any force or effect or be capable of being sued upon or enforced before or by the Commissioners or any other court or otherwise howsoever unless such decree is duly registered under this Act.


(5) No registered decree of a Dáil Court shall be capable of being sued upon or enforced before or by any court or otherwise howsoever save by such proceedings or other steps as are authorised by this Act, but nothing in this Act shall prevent any registered decree being pleaded and given in evidence by way of defence or set-off in any proceeding.


Certain cases may be heard by an Assistant Commissioner.

6.—(1) Any of the applications following may, in lieu of being made to the Commissioners, be made to an Assistant Commissioner, that is to say:—


(a) any application for the hearing and determination of a proceeding which was pending in a Dáil Parish Court or a Dáil District Court when the authority of such Court was withdrawn;


(b) any application for the hearing and determination of an appeal from a Dáil Parish Court which was pending in a Dáil District Court when the authority of such Court was withdrawn;


(c) any appeal from a registered decree of a Dáil Parish Court or of an ordinary sitting of a Dáil District Court;


(d) any interlocutory application in any of the above-mentioned cases.


(2) An Assistant Commissioner when hearing any case or application under this section shall have the same powers and authorities as the Commissioners would have under this Act when hearing a like case or application, and all the provisions of this Act in relation to the registration and enforcement of orders of the Commissioners shall apply to orders made by an Assistant Commissioner under this section.


(3) Any person aggrieved by an order of an Assistant Commissioner under this section and who was a party to the proceedings in which such order was made or is otherwise bound by such order, may appeal within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner from such order to the Commissioners, who shall thereupon hear and determine such appeal.


This sub-section shall not apply to orders made in matters which were pending in a Dáil Parish Court when the authority of such Court was withdrawn or to orders made on appeal from a decree of a Dáil Parish Court.


Appeal from order of one Commissioner.

7.—(1) An appeal shall lie to the Commissioners from any order made by one Judicial Commissioner sitting alone. This sub-section shall not apply to orders made in matters which were pending in a Dáil Parish Court when the authority of such court was withdrawn or to orders made on appeals from a decree of a Dáil Parish Court or to orders made on appeal from the Registrar in relation to the registration or non-registration of a decree of a Dáil Court.


(2) No Commissioner shall take part in the hearing of an appeal from an order made by him.


Conflicting orders of other courts may be stayed by Commissioners.

8.—(1) Whenever it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioners that a judgment, decree or order has been given or made by any other court in respect of any matter or state of facts which is the subject of proceedings before the Commissioners, the Commissioners may on the application in the prescribed manner of any person affected by such judgment, decree or order stay the execution of such judgment, decree or order, or of any specified portion thereof, during such time and to such extent as the Commissioners shall think fit.


(2) It shall not be lawful for any Under-Sheriff or other officer or for any person to execute or procure the execution of any judgment, decree or order, or the specified portion thereof, the execution whereof has been stayed by the Commissioners under this section.


Stay of conflicting proceedings in other courts.

9.—Wherever it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the Commissioners that any matter or state of facts which is the subject of proceedings before the Commissioners, is also the subject of proceedings before any other court in Saorstát Eireann, it shall be lawful for the Commissioners on the application in the prescribed manner of any party to such first mentioned proceedings, to issue to the court in which the second-mentioned proceedings are pending information and particulars of the proceedings so pending before the Commissioners, and thereupon such court shall stay the proceedings pending before it so far as such proceedings relate to or affect the matters or state of facts which are or is the subject of the proceedings before the Commissioners.


Reference of issue of fact to County or District Court.

10.—(1) The Commissioners may refer any issue of fact arising in any proceedings before them and which in their opinion can be more conveniently tried in a particular County or District Court, to the County Court Judge or District Justice of such court to be tried and determined by him, notwithstanding that the trial of such issue is by reason of the amount of money or the value of the property involved, or for any other reason, outside the jurisdiction of such County Court Judge or District Justice.


(2) A County Court Judge or District Justice to whom an issue is referred under this section shall at the first convenient opportunity, either at his regular sittings or at a special sitting, try and determine such issue and shall specify his finding thereon in writing to the Commissioners.


(3) A County Court Judge or District Justice when trying an issue referred to him under this section shall have the same powers, whether for summoning a jury, compelling the attendance of witnesses, preserving order in his court, requiring the assistance of the officers of his court or otherwise, in relation to the conduct of such trial as he has by law in relation to the conduct of the trial on a civil bill or District Court summons, as the case may be.


(4) No fees shall be charged in any County or District Court in relation to an issue referred to the Judge or Justice of such court under this section.


(5) No issue shall be referred under this section to a County Court Judge or District Justice without the consent of such Judge or Justice.


Appointment of Registrar of Dáil Court Decrees.

11.—(1) The Minister may appoint a fit and proper person to be Registrar of Dáil Court Decrees, who shall keep the Register of Dáil Court Decrees established by this Act, and shall also act as Registrar of the Court of the Commissioners and perform such other duties as may be from time to time assigned to him by the Minister or by the Commissioners with the consent of the Minister.


(2) The Registrar shall hold office by such tenure and on such terms and shall be paid out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas such salary or remuneration as the Minister shall, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, direct.


Establishment of Register of Dáíl Court Decrees.

12.—(1) The Minister shall cause a Register of Dáil Court Decrees to be opened and maintained and shall give public notice by advertisement or otherwise of the establishment of such Register, and shall in such public notice prescribe a date, not being sooner than two months or later than four months after the passing of this Act, before which any person may give notice to the Registrar of any decree made by a Dáil Court in a matter or proceeding to which he or any deceased person whose personal representative he is was a party or by which he or such deceased person is bound.


(2) The Registrar shall enter in the Register particulars of every decree of a Dáil Court of which he receives—


(a) notice before the date named in the advertisements aforesaid; and


(b) such evidence as in his opinion is reasonably sufficient to establish the fact of such decree having been made, the court by which and the date on which the same was made and the terms thereof; and


(c) such particulars as are in the possession of or can reasonably be obtained by the person giving such notice of the names and addresses of all persons affected or bound by such decrees, and the names and addresses of the solicitors (if any) who acted for such persons respectively in the matter in which such decree was made.


(3) Within the prescribed time after entering a decree in the Register the Registrar shall give, in the prescribed manner, notice of the registration of such decree to every person appearing to be affected or bound thereby and to the solicitors (if any) appearing to have acted for such persons respectively in the matter in which such decree was made.


(4) Any person aggrieved by the registration, or by a refusal of the Registrar to register, a decree of a Dáil Court may appeal in the prescribed manner to the Commissioners, who shall make such order in the matter as appears to them to be just.


(5) No decree made by a Dáil Court after the date on which the authority of such court was withdrawn shall be entered on the Register.


(6) Any advertisements published by the Minister before the passing of this Act inviting persons to furnish particulars of decrees of Dáil Courts shall be deemed to have been published under this section, and all such particulars as may have been or shall be received by the Minister pursuant to such advertisements shall be communicated by him to the Registrar and shall be deemed to be a notice under this section to the Registrar of the decree to which they relate and shall be dealt with by the Registrar accordingly.


Orders, etc., of Commissioners to be entered in Register.

13.—Every order, judgment and decree made by the Commissioners, and also all such other documents relating to proceedings before the Commissioners as shall be prescribed shall be entered on the Register.


Transfer of Register and records to High Court.

14.—Upon the final completion of the business of the Commissioners under this Act the Register and all other (if any) official records of or relating to the transactions of the Commissioners shall be transferred to the High Court and preserved with the records of that court.


Appointment of Accountant of Dáil Courts Fund.

15.—(1) The Minister may appoint a fit and proper person to be Accountant of the Dáil Courts Fund, who shall keep the accounts of that Fund and shall perform such other duties as may be from time to time assigned to him by the Minister.


(2) The Accountant of the Dáil Courts Fund shall hold office by such tenure and on such terms and shall be paid out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas such salary or remuneration as the Minister shall, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, direct.


(3) The accounts of the Dáil Courts Fund shall be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor-General in such manner and at such times as may be prescribed by the Minister for Finance.


Establishment of Dáil Courts Fund.

16.—(1) There shall be established for the purposes of this Act a Fund to be called and known as “the Dáil Courts Fund” and, in addition to the moneys directed by or under this Act to be paid into such Fund, there shall from time to time be placed to the credit of the Dáil Courts Fund out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas such sums as the Minister for Finance shall direct.


(2) The Dáil Courts Fund shall be kept, and all drawings thereon shall be authenticated, in such manner and by such persons or person as the Minister for Finance shall from time to time direct.


(3) Upon the final completion of the business of the Commissioners under this Act, and the payment and receipt of all moneys payable out of or into the Dáil Courts Fund under this Act, the balance (if any) then standing to the credit of the Dáil Courts Fund shall be paid into the Exchequer of Saorstát Eireann and that Fund shall be closed.


Commissioners may make certain payments out of Dáil Courts Fund.

17.—(1) It shall be lawful for the Commissioners wherever it appears to them to be just so to do on the application in the prescribed manner of any person (in this section called “the applicant”) to order the payment to the applicant out of the Dáil Courts Fund of such sum of money as the Commissioners shall think proper in—


(a) repayment of any moneys paid by the applicant, or by any deceased person whose personal representative the applicant is, to any official or authority of any Dáil Court by way of deposit, security or otherwise under any general or special rule or order of such court; or


(b) in repayment of any moneys paid by the applicant or any such deceased person as aforesaid by direction of a Dáil Court for the use or benefit of such Dáil Court.


(2) Where the sum of money claimed by an applicant under this section does not exceed thirty pounds the application may be made to an Assistant Commissioner and such Assistant Commissioner shall have in relation to such application all the powers conferred on the Commissioners by this section.


Delivery to Accountant of money and accounts of Dáil Courts.

18.—(1) Every person whose duty it was to receive or pay out moneys in connection with any Dáil Court or who came into possession of any moneys for which he was accountable to a Dáil Court, shall within one month after the passing of this Act deliver to the Accountant a full and true account of all such moneys and pay to the Accountant for lodgment in the Dáil Courts Fund the balance appearing on such account to be still in his hands.


(2) Every person who has in his possession any accounts relating to the receipt or payment of any moneys for which such person or any other person was accountable to a Dáil Court shall within one month after the passing of this Act deliver such accounts to the Accountant.


(3) If it appears to the Commissioners, on the application of the Accountant or otherwise, that any such person as is mentioned in either of the preceding sub-sections has made default in the delivery to the Accountant of any account which such person is required by this section to deliver to the Accountant, or has made default in the payment to the Accountant of any balance which such person is required by this section to pay to the Accountant the Commissioners may order such person to deliver such account or pay such balance (as the case may be) to the Accountant within a time to be specified in such order


(4) The Commissioners may by order impose by way of punishment on any person who shall make default in the delivery of any account or the payment of any balance in accordance with any order made by the Commissioners under this section, a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds to be paid into the Dáil Courts Fund, or, in default of payment of such fine, imprisonment for any period not exceeding three months.


Enforcement of Commissioners' orders and Dáil Court decrees.

19.—(1) For the purpose of enforcing any order made by the Commissioners under this Act, or any decree of a Dáil Court which is enforceable under this Act, the Commissioners may issue their warrant in the prescribed form directed to any Under-Sheriff in Saorstát Eireann, requiring such Under-Sheriff to execute in the manner stated in such warrant the order or decree or any specific portion of the order or decree to which such warrant relates.


(2) For the purpose of enforcing any order made by an Assistant Commissioner under this Act, or any decree of a Dáil Parish Court or a Dáil District Court which is enforceable under this Act, a warrant of the Commissioners under this section may be issued on the direction in the prescribed manner of an Assistant Commissioner.


(3) The Commissioners may in any warrant issued under this section require the Under-Sheriff to execute the order or decree or portion of the order or decree to which such warrant relates in any manner in which a similar decree of a Civil Bill Court might by law be executed by such Under-Sheriff.


(4) Every Under-Sheriff to whom any warrant under this section is directed shall have all the powers and may charge all the fees which are for the time being vested in or chargeable by him in or about the execution of a decree of a Civil Bill Court of a similar nature to the order or decree to which such warrant relates.


General powers of the Commissioners.

20.—(1) For the purposes of this Act the Commissioners shall have full power and jurisdiction to hear and determine all matters, whether of law or fact, which shall be duly brought before them under this Act, and shall not be subject to be restrained in the execution of their powers under this Act by the order of any other court, nor shall any proceedings before them be removed by certiorari into any other court.


(2) The Commissioners with respect to the following matters, that is to say:—


(a) enforcing the attendance of witnesses, (after a tender of their expenses), the examination of witnesses orally or by affidavit, and the production of deeds, books, papers, and documents; and


(b) issuing any commission for the examination of witnesses; and


(c) punishing persons refusing to give evidence or to produce documents, or guilty of contempt in the presence of the Commissioners or any of them sitting in open court;


(d) fixing the liability for the costs incurred in proceedings before the Commissioners and measuring the amount of such costs;


shall have all such powers, rights, and privileges as are vested in the High Court for such or the like purposes, and all proceedings before the Commissioners shall in law be deemed to be judicial proceedings before a court of record.


Commissioners to make and publish rules.

21.—(1) The Commissioners shall as soon as conveniently may be after their appointment make and publish rules regulating their procedure and may by such rules prescribe the forms to be used in proceedings before them.


(2) The Commissioners shall by such rules prescribe the number of Commissioners who shall form a quorum for the hearing of different classes of cases, but so that no appeal from a decree of a circuit sitting of a Dáil Court or of the Supreme Dáil Court shall be heard by less than two Commissioners, and so that no appeal from a Commissioner or an Assistant Commissioner shall be heard by less than two Commissioners, and so that no Commissioner who was a judge of a Dáil Court shall sit to hear an appeal from a decree made by himself alone or (so far as is physically possible having regard to the number of Commissioners available) an appeal from a decree of a Dáil Court of which he was a member.


(3) The Commissioners shall by such rules regulate the procedure of Assistant Commissioners and the conduct of proceedings before an Assistant Commissioner and may by such rules prescribe the forms to be used in such proceedings.


(4) A quorum prescribed by rules made under this section may consist of one person.


Fees to be charged under this Act.

22.—(1) There shall be charged by the Commissioners in respect of proceedings brought before them or before an Assistant Commissioner under this Act, and in respect of acts done by them or any of their officers or by an Assistant Commissioner or by the Registrar or the Accountant in the execution of their respective duties under this Act, such fees as shall from time to time be prescribed by orders made by the Minister for Home Affairs on the recommendation of the Commissioners and with the sanction of the Minister for Finance.


(2) Orders made under this section may (notwithstanding anything contained in the Public Offices Fees Act, 1879) regulate the method and manner of collecting and accounting for the fees prescribed by such orders.


Appointment of officers and staff.

23.—(1) Such officers and staff (other than the Registrar and Accountant) as shall be required by the Commissioners, the Registrar and the Accountant respectively for the purposes of this Act shall be appointed by the Minister with the consent of the Minister for Finance as to number and remuneration.


(2) The salaries or other remuneration of the officers and staff appointed under this section shall be paid out of moneys to be provided by the Oireachtas.


Proceedings may be brought by personal representatives of deceased persons.

24.—Wherever any application, appeal or other proceeding may be brought before the Commissioners by any party, appellant or other person under this Act, such application, appeal or other proceeding may be brought by the personal representative of any person who, if he was alive, would have been entitled under this Act to bring such application, appeal or proceeding.


Minister for Home Affairs may make regulations.

25.—The Minister may by order from time to time make regulations for carrying into effect the objects of this Act, but this section shall not be deemed to authorise the Minister to make regulations in respect of any matter in respect of which the Commissioners are by this Act authorised or required to make rules or regulations.


Unopposed judgments etc., may be re-opened in certain cases.

26.—(1) In any case in which a judgment, decree, or order was on or after the 1st day of August, 1920, given or made by any court against any person in his absence, and it shall be proved to the satisfaction of such court or, in the case of a decree of a Dáil Court, to the satisfaction of the Commissioners, that such person had a prima facie defence or answer to the making of such judgment, decree, or order, but refrained from appearing at and opposing the making of such judgment, decree, or order because of an objection on principle to submit to the jurisdiction of that court, such court or the Commissioners, as the case may be, may at any time within three months after the passing of this Act and upon such terms and conditions, if any, as shall appear just, allow the proceedings in which such judgment, decree, or order was made or given to be re-opened for the purpose of allowing such person to make his defence or answer, and may direct any necessary re-hearing or new trial, and may rescind, vary or amend any such judgment, decree, or order, and may give or make any other judgment, decree, or order, with the addition of any requisite ancillary or consequential order, as the justice of the case shall require.


(2) The rights and powers given by the foregoing sub-section in respect of a decree of a Dáil Court are in addition to, and not in substitution for any right or power given by any other section of this Act.


Indemnity of persons acting under authority of Dáil Courts.

27.—(1) No action or other legal proceeding, whether civil or criminal, shall be brought in any court of law or equity against—


(a) any judge or officer of any Dáil Court for or on account of or in respect of any act, matter or thing duly done by him in the course of his duty as such judge or officer; or


(b) any person, whether he was or was not an officer of a Dáil Court, for or on account of or in respect of any act, matter or thing done or omitted to be done by him under the authority or in pursuance of any decree constituting or regulating the Dáil Courts or under the authority or in pursuance of any decree of a Dáil Court or any order or direction of a judge of any such court; or


(c) any officer of any court other than a Dáil Court for or on account of or in respect of his having refrained before the passing of this Act from doing any act, matter or thing which it was his duty as such officer to do and which he refrained from doing bona fide on the ground that the doing of such act, matter or thing was contrary to or in conflict with or prejudicial to the enforcement of a decree of a Dáil Court.


(2) If any such action or other legal proceeding as is mentioned in the foregoing sub-section was instituted before the passing of this Act and is now pending, the same shall be discharged and made void, subject to such order as to costs as the court in which such action of proceeding is pending, or a Judge thereof, shall think fit to make.


Extension of times limited by statute.

28.—(1) If and whenever the time limited by any statute for instituting any proceedings in any court of law or equity would, but for this section, have expired on any date between the 31st day of December, 1918, and the 16th day of April, 1922, such court may, if it is satisfied that justice so requires, extend such time to any date not being later than three months after the passing of this Act.


(2) Provided always that this section shall not apply in the case of any land which shall have been conveyed or assured bona fide and for valuable consideration.


(3) This section shall not apply to any limit of time which can be extended by a District Justice under section 6 of the District Justices (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 6 of 1923).


Short Title.

29.—This Act may be cited as the Dáil Eireann Courts (Winding-up) Act, 1923.


Uimhir 36.




[8adh Lúnasa, 1923.]



1.—(1) San Acht so—

cialluíonn an focal “na Coimisinéirí” na Coimisinéirí Breithiúntais a ceapfar fén Acht so;

cialluíonn an focal “Clár” an Clár d'Aitheanta Dáil-Chúirte a bunófar fén Acht so;

cialluíonn an focal “aithne chláruithe” aithne Dáil-Chúirte a cláruíodh go cuibhe ar an gClár;

cialluíonn an focal “Clárathóir” an Clárathóir Aitheanta Dáil-Chúirte a ceapfar fén Acht so;

cialluíonn an focal “Cuntasóir” Cuntasóir Chiste na nDáil-Chúirt a ceapfar fén Acht so;

foluíonn an focal “aithne” breith agus ordú nuair a húsáidtear é i dtaobh Dáil-Chúirte;

cialluíonn an focal “Dáil-Chúirt” aon chúirt a cuireadh ar bun fé Aithne a dineadh sa bhliain 1920 ag an Aire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche a tuigeadh a bheith ag gníomhú fé údarás na Dála a buníodh ina Rialtas do Shaorstát Éireann ag na baill a toghadh do dháilcheanntair in Éirinn agus a tháinig le chéile mar an gcéad uair i bPáirlimint a comóradh i dTigh an Ard-Mhéara i mBaile Atha Cliath an 21adh lá d'Eanair, 1919;

cialluíonn an focal “Aire” an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche;

cialluíonn an focal “orduithe” orduithe le rialacha no rialacháin a déanfar fén Acht so.

(2) Chun críche an Achta so tuigfar gur dineadh údarás gach Dáil-Chúirte Paróiste agus gach Dáil-Chúirte Ceanntair lasmuich de Chathair Bhaile Atha Cliath do tharrac siar ar an 30adh lá de Dheire Fómhair, 1922, agus tuigfar gur tarraigeadh siar údarás gach Dáil-Chúirte eile ar an 25adh lá d'Iúl, 1922.

Coimisinéirí Breithiúntais agus Coimisinéirí Conganta do cheapa i gcóir críche an Achta so

2.—(1) Beidh sé dleathach do Sheanascal Shaorstáit Éireann, ar chomhairle Ard-Chomhairle Shaorstáit Éireann, duine ceart oiriúnach do cheapa chun bheith ina Phríomh-Choimisinéir Breithiúntais agus pé daoine cearta oiriúnacha agus pé méid díobh is dó leis is ceart, ar an gcomhairle roimhráite, do cheapa chun bheith ina gCoimisinéirí Breithiúntais íochtaracha agus ina gCoimisinéirí Conganta fé seach chun crícheanna an Achta so.

(2) Gach éinne a ceapfar chun bheith ina Choimisinéir Bhreithiúntais fén alt so beidh sé tar éis bheith ina Bhreitheamh do Chúirt Uachtarach na Dála no beidh sé ina abhcóide a bhí ag cleachta ar feadh deich mblian ar a luíod, agus gach éinne a ceapfar chun bheith ina Choimisinéir Chonganta fén alt so beidh sé tar éis bheith ina Bhreitheamh Chuarda do Dháil-Chúirt no beidh sé ina abhcóide a bhí ag cleachta ar feadh sé mblian ar a luíod, no beidh sé ina Ghiúistís Dúithche.

(3) Gach éinne a ceapfar chun bheith ina Choimisinéir Bhreithiúntais no ina Choimisinéir Chonganta fén alt so féadar é do bhrise no do chur chun siúil aon uair is maith le Seanascal Shaorstáit Éireann san do dhéanamh ar chomhairle na hArd-Chomhairle.

(4) Íocfar as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, leis na Coimisinéirí Breithiúntais agus leis na Coimisinéirí Conganta a ceapfar fén alt so, pé tuarastail agus liúntaisí a shocróidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche le toil an Aire Airgid.

Beidh séala ag na Coimisinéirí.

3.—(1) Beidh séala coitiann ag na Coimisinéirí agus tabharfidh gach cúirt i Saorstát Éireann fé ndeara é i gcúrsaí breithiúntais.

(2) Déanfidh na Coimisinéirí, leis na rialacháin a dhéanfid fén Acht so, fuirm an tséala san do shocrú maraon leis na huaire agus an chuma ina ndéanfar é d'úsáid agus do dhílse-dheimhniú.

Eistfidh na Coimisinéirí imeachta atá ar fionnraoi ag Dáil-Chúirteanna.

4.—(1) Aon pháirtí in aon imeachta a bhí ar fionnraoi in aon Dáil-Chúirt áirithe ar dháta údarás na Cúirte sin do tharrac siar féadfa sé a iarraidh ar na Coimisinéirí ar an gcuma orduithe na himeachta san do chur fé éisteacht agus fé bhreith ag na Coimisinéirí agus leis sin déanfidh na Coimisinéirí an céanna d'éisteacht agus breith do thabhairt air.

(2) Féadfidh an t-athchomharcach in aon athchomharc a bhí ar fionnraoi in aon Dáil-Chúirt áirithe ar dháta údarás na Cúirte sin do tharrac siar a iarraidh ar na Coimisinéirí ar an gcuma orduithe an t-athchomharc san do chur fé éisteacht agus fé bhreith ag na Coimisinéirí agus leis sin déanfidh na Coimisinéirí an céanna d'éisteacht agus breith do thabhairt air.

Athchomhairc i gcoinnibh aitheanta Dáil-Chúirte agus feidhmiú aitheanta Dáil-Chúirte.

5.—(1) Einne adeireann go bhfuil sé fé éagcóir ag aon aithne chláruithe Dháil-Chúirte nách í Cúirt Uachtarach na Dála í agus a bhí ina pháirtí sna himeachta in ar dineadh an aithne sin no atá ceangailte ar aon tslí eile leis an aithne sin, féadfa sé athchomharc do dhéanamh chun na gCoimisinéirí i gcoinnibh na haithne sin laistigh den aimsir orduithe agus ar an gcuma orduithe, agus leis sin déanfidh na Coimisinéirí an t-athchomharc san d'éisteacht agus breith do thabhairt air.

(2) Einne adeireann go bhfuil sé fé éagcóir ag aon aithne chláruithe a dhin Cúirt Uachtarach na Dála agus a bhí ina pháirtí sna himeachta in ar dineadh an aithne sin no atá ceangailte ar aon tslí eile leis an aithne sin féadfa sé laistigh den aimsir orduithe agus ar an gcuma orduithe cead d'iarraidh ar na Coimisinéirí chun athchomharc do dhéanamh chun na gCoimisinéirí i gcoinnibh an aithne sin, agus má deontar an cead san, féadfidh an duine sin athchomharc do dhéanamh chun na gCoimisinéirí i gcoinnibh na haithne sin laistigh den aimsir orduithe agus ar an gcuma orduithe, agus leis sin déanfidh na Coimisinéirí an t-athchomharc san d'éisteacht agus breith do thabhairt air.

(3) Einne i dteideal feidhmiú do dhéanamh ar aon aithne chláruithe Dháil-Chúirte ná tabharfar aon athchomharc ina coinnibh fén alt so, féadfa sé, ar bheith istigh don aimsir orduithe chun an t-athchomharc san do dhéanamh, barántas d'fháil, gan ceist, ó sna Coimisinéirí chun an aithne sin d'fheidhmiú.

(4) Ní bheidh aon bhrí ná éifeacht ag aon aithne Dáil-Chúirte ná ní féadfar dlí do chur ar siúl mar gheall uirthe ná í d'fheidhmiú i láthair na gCoimisinéirí ná aon chúirte eile ná acu ná ar aon tslí eile in aon chor mara gcláruítear an aithne sin go cuibhe fén Acht so.

(5) Ní féadfar dlí do chur ar siúl mar gheall ar aon aithne chláruithe Dháil-Chúirte ná í d'fheidhmiú i láthair aon chúirte ná aici ná ar aon tslí eile in aon chor ach amháin tré sna himeachta no na nithe eile sin a húdaruítear leis an Acht so, ach ní choiscfidh éinní san Acht so aon aithne chláruithe do phléideáil agus do thabhairt mar fhianaise chun cosanta no mar chur in aghaidh ní eile in aon imeachta.

Féadfidh Coimisinéir Conganta cásanna áirithe d'éisteacht.

6.—(1) Féadfar aon cheann de sna hiarrataisí seo a leanas do dhéanamh i láthair Coimisineura Chonganta in ionad é do dhéanamh i láthair na gCoimisinéirí, sé sin le rá :—

(a) aon iarratas ar éisteacht do dhéanamh agus breith do thabhairt ar imeacht a bhí ar fionnraoi i nDáil-Chúirt Pharóiste nó i nDáil-Chúirt Cheanntair nuair a tarraigeadh siar údarás na Cúirte sin;

(b) aon iarratas ar éisteacht do dhéanamh agus breith do thabhairt ar athchomharc i gcoinnibh breithe Dáil-Chúirte Paróiste a bhí ar fionnraoi i nDáil-Chúirt Cheanntair nuair a tarraigeadh siar údarás na Cúirte sin;

(c) aon athchomharc i gcoinnibh aithne chláruithe de Dháil-Chúirt Pharóiste no de ghnáth-shuidhe Dáil-Chúirte Ceanntair;

(d) aon iarratas eadarlabharthach in aon chás díobh san thuas.

(2) Ag éisteacht aon cháis no iarratais fén alt so dho beidh ag Coimisinéir Conganta na comhachtanna agus na húdaráis chéanna a bheadh ag na Coimisinéirí fén Acht so agus iad ag éisteacht a leithéid sin de chás no d'iarratas, agus bainfidh gach foráil den Acht so i dtaobh clárú agus feidhmiú orduithe na gCoimisinéirí le horduithe a dhéanfidh Coimisinéir Conganta fén alt so.

(3) Einne a bheidh fé éagcóir ag ordú Coimisineura Chonganta fén alt so agus a bhí ina pháirtí sna himeachta in ar dineadh an t-ordú san no a bheidh ceangailte ar aon tslí eile leis an ordú san, féadfa sé athchomharc do dhéanamh chun na gCoimisinéirí i gcoinnibh an orduithe sin laistigh den aimsir orduithe agus ar an gcuma orduithe agus leis sin déanfid siad san an t-athchomharc san d'éisteacht agus breith do thabhairt air.

Ní bhainfidh an fo-alt so le horduithe a dineadh i nithe a bhí ar fionnraoi i nDáil-Chúirt Pharóiste nuair a tarraigeadh siar údarás na Cúirte sin ná le horduithe a dineadh de bharr athchomhairc i gcoinnibh aithne Dáil-Chúirte Paróiste.

Athchomharc i gcoinnibh ordú aon Choimisineura amháin.

7.—(1) Luighfidh athchomharc chun na gCoimisinéirí i gcoinnibh aon ordú a bheidh déanta ag aon Choimisinéir Breithiúntais amháin ina shuidhe in’ aonar. Ní bhainfidh an fo-alt so le horduithe a bheidh déanta i nithe a bhí ar fionnraoi i nDáil-Chúirt Pharóiste nuair a tarraigeadh siar údarás na cúirte sin ná le horduithe a bheidh déanta de bharr athchomharcanna i gcoinnibh aithne Dáil-Chúirte Paróiste ná le horduithe a bheidh déanta de bharr athchomhairc i gcoinnibh an Chlárathóra i dtaobh clárú no nea-chlárú aithne Dáil-Chúirte.

(2) Ní thógfidh aon Choimisinéir páirt in éisteacht athchomhairc i gcoinnibh ordú a dhin sé féin.

Féadfidh na Coimisinéirí feitheamh do chur ar orduithe coinbliochta chuirteanna eile.

8.—(1) Aon uair a cuirfar ina luighe ar na Coimisinéirí gur thug no gur dhin aon chúirt eile breithiúntas, aithne no ordú i dtaobh aon ruda no cúrsa scéil 'na bhfuil imeachta ar siúl i láthair na gCoimisinéirí mar gheall air, féadfidh na Coimisinéirí, ar a iarraidh sin ar an gcuma orduithe d'éinne le n-a mbaineann an breithiúntas, aithne no ordú san, feitheamh do chur ar fheidhmiú an bhreithiúntais, aithne no ordú san, no ar aon chuid de a luadhfar, go ceann na haimsire sin agus sa mhéid sin is oiriúnach leis na Coimisinéirí.

(2) Ní bheidh sé dleathach d'aon Fho-Shirriam ná d'aon oifigeach eile ná d'aon duine aon bhreithiúntas, aithne ná ordú ná an chuid luaidhte dhe d'fheidhmiú ná do chur á fheidhmiú má dhineann na Coimisinéirí fén alt so feitheamh do chur ar a fheidhmiú.

Feitheamh do chur ar imeachta coinbliochta i gcúirteanna eile.

9.—In aon chás ina gcuirfar ina luighe ar na Coimisinéirí aon ruda no cúrsa scéil atá ina abhar imeachta i láthair na gCoimisinéirí do bheith ina abhar imeachta leis i láthair aon chúirte eile i Saorstát Éireann beidh sé dleathach do sna Coimisinéirí, ar a iarraidh sin ar an gcuma orduithe d'aon pháirtí sna himeachta san a céad-luadhadh, eolas agus mion-inste ar na himeachta atá ar fionnraoi i láthair na gCoimisinéirí do thabhairt don chúirt ina bhfuil na himeachta san a dara-luadhadh ar fionnraoi, agus leis sin cuirfidh an chúirt sin feitheamh ar na himeachta san atá ar fionnraoi ina láthair sa mhéid go ndineann na himeachta san baint le no difir do sna nithe no na cúrsaí scéil atá ina n-abhar imeachta i láthair na gCoimisinéirí.

Ceist i dtaobh fírinne scéil á chur chun Cúirte Contae no Dúithche.

10.—(1) Aon cheist i dtaobh fírinne scéil a eireoidh in aon imeachta a bheidh os cóir na gCoimisinéirí agus is usa a thriail, dar leo, i gCúirt Chontae no Dhúithche áirithe, féadfid í do chur chun Breithimh Chúirte Contae no Giúistís Dúithche na Cúirte sin chun go ndéanfadh seisean í do thriail agus breith do thabhairt uirthe, bíodh go bhfuil triail na ceiste sin lasmuich d'údarás an Bhreithimh Chúirte Contae no an Ghiúistís Dúithche sin mar gheall ar an méid airgid no luach na maoine atá i gceist no mar gheall ar aon chúis eile.

(2) Breitheamh Cúirte Contae no Giúistís Dúithche 'na gcuirfear ceist chuige fén alt so déanfa sé ar an gcéad chothrom caothúil a bheidh aige air, i ngnáth-shuidhe dho no i suidhe speisialta, an cheist sin do thriail agus breith do thabhairt uirthe agus neosa sé a bhreith uirthe do sna Coimisinéirí i scríbhinn.

(3) Nuair a bheidh Breitheamh Cúirte Contae no Giúistís Dúithche ag triail ceiste a cuireadh chuige fén alt so beidh aige i dtaobh stiúra na trialach san, pe'ca chun coiste do ghairm, chun a thabhairt ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair, chun ordathacht do chimeád ina chúirt, chun a chur ar oifigigh a chúirte cabhrú leis no chun éinní eile do dhéanamh, na comhachta céanna atá aige do réir dlí i dtaobh stiúra na trialach a bhaineann le bille síbhialta no gairm Chúirte Dúithche, pe'ca san é.

(4) Ní éileofar aon táillí in aon Chúirt Chontae no Dhúithche maidir le ceist a cuireadh chun Breithimh no Giúistís na Cúirte sin fén alt so.

(5) Ní déanfar fén alt so aon cheist do chur chun Breithimh Chúirte Contae ná Giúistís Dúithche gan an Breitheamh no an Giúistís sin do thoiliú chuige.

Clárathóir Aitheanta Dáil-Chúirte do cheapa.

11.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire duine ceart oiriúnach do cheapa chun bheith ina Chlárathóir Aitheanta Dáil-Chúirte, duine a chimeádfidh an Clár d'Aitheanta Dáil-Chúirte a bunuítear leis an Acht so, agus fós a ghníomhóidh mar Chlárathóir do Chúirt na gCoimisinéirí agus a chó-líonfidh pé dualgaisí eile a leagfidh an tAire, no na Coimisinéirí le toil an Aire, amach do ó am go ham.

(2) Beidh oifig ag an gClárathóir do réir pé sealbhaíochta agus ar pé téarmaí agus íocfar leis as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas pé tuarastal no luach saothair a ordóidh an tAire le toil an Aire Airgid.

Clár d'Aitheanta Dáil-Chúirte do bhunú.

12.—(1) Cuirfidh an tAire fé ndeár Clár d'Aitheanta Dáil-Chúirte d'oscailt agus do chimeád ar siúl agus tabharfa sé fógra puiblí le fógraíocht no ar shlí eile i dtaobh bunú an Chláir sin, agus ainmneoidh sé sa bhfógra puiblí sin dáta, nach luatha ná dhá mhí agus nách déanaí ná cheithre mhí tar éis rithte an Achta so, 'na bhféadfidh éinne fógra do thabhairt roimhe don Chlárathóir i dtaobh aon aithne a dhin Dáil-Chúirt i ní no in imeacht gur pháirtí ann é féin no éinne marbh darb ionadaí pearsanta é no i dtaobh aon aithne den tsórt san atá ina ceangal air féin no ar an duine marbh san.

(2) Iontrálfidh an Clárathóir sa Chlár mion-innste ar gach aithne Dáil-Chúirte 'na bhfuighe sé—

(a) fógra ina taobh roimh an dáta a hainmníodh sna fógraíochtaí roimhráite; agus

(b) pé fianaise is dó leis is leor do réir réasúin chun a thaisbeáint gur dineadh an aithne sin agus cadí an chúirt a dhin agus cadé an dáta ar a dineadh an céanna agus cadiad na téarmaí atá inti; agus

(c) pé mion-innste atá ag an té a thug an fógra, no atá réasúnta saoráideach do a fháil, maidir le hainmneacha agus seolta na ndaoine go léir le n-a mbaineann na haitheanta san no atá ceangailte leo, agus maidir le hainmneacha agus seolta na n-atúrnaethe (má bhíodar ann) a bhí ag gníomhú do sna daoine sin fé seach sa ní in ar dineadh an aithne sin.

(3) Laistigh den aimsir orduithe tar éis aithne d'iontráil sa Chlár, tabharfidh an Clárathóir, ar an gcuma orduithe, fógra i dtaobh clarú na haithne sin do gach duine 'na bhfeicfar baint do bheith ag an aithne sin leis no í do bheith ina ceangal air agus do sna hatúrnaethe (má bhíodar ann) is léir a bhí ag gníomhú do sna daoine sin fé seach sa ní in ar dineadh an aithne sin.

(4) Einne ar a ngoillfidh clárú aithne Dáil-Chúirte no diúltú ón gClárathóir d'í do chlárú féadfa sé athchomharc do dhéanamh ar an gcuma orduithe chun na gCoimisinéirí agus déanfid siad san pé ordú sa scéal a chífar dóibh a bheith cothrom.

(5) Ní iontrálfar ar an gClár aon aithne a dhin Dáil-Chúirt tar éis an dáta ar ar tarraigeadh siar údarás na cúirte sin.

(6) Aon fhógraíochtaí d'fhoillsigh an tAire roimh rith an Achta so, ag tabhairt cuire do dhaoine mion-innste do chur isteach i dtaobh aitheanta Dáil-Chúirteanna tuigfar gur foillsíodh iad fén alt so, agus gach mion-innsint a fuair no a gheobhaidh an tAire do réir na bhfógraíochta san cuirfe sé in úil don Chlárathóir í agus tuigfar gur fógra fén alt so don Chlárathóir í i dtaobh na haithne le n-a mbaineann sí agus deighleálfidh an Clárathóir léi dá réir sin.

Orduithe, etc., na gCoimisinéirí d'iontráil sa Chlár.

13.—Iontrálfar ar an gClár gach ordú, breithiúntas agus aithne a dhéanfidh na Coimisinéirí agus fós gach scríbhinn eile a bhaineann le himeachta i láthair na gCoimisinéirí agus a hordófar a iontráil.

Aistriú an Chláir agus na mbreacthachán chun na hArd-Chúirte.

14.—Tar éis gnó na gCoimisinéirí fén Acht so do bheith críochnuithe amuich is amach aistreofar chun na hArd-Chúirte agus cimeádfar ann i dteannta breacthachán na cúirte sin an Clár agus gach breacthachán oifigiúil eile (má bhíonn ann) ar obair na gCoimisinéirí no i dtaobh na hoibre sin.

Cuntasóir Ciste na nDáil-Chúirt do cheapa.

15.—(1) Féadfidh an tAire duine ceart oiriúnach do cheapa chun bheith ina Chuntasóir Ciste na nDáil-Chúirt agus cimeádfidh seisean cuntaisí an Chiste sin agus có-líonfa sé pé dualgaisí eile a leagfidh an tAire amach do ó am go ham.

(2) Beidh oifig ag Cuntasóir Ciste na nDáil-Chúirt do réir pé sealbhaíochta agus ar pé téarmaí agus íocfar leis as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas pé tuarastal no luach saothair a ordóidh an tAire le toil Aire an Airgid.

(3) Iniúchfidh an tArd-Scrúdóir cuntaisí Ciste na nDáil-Chúirt ar pé slí agus ar pé uaire a ordóidh an tAire Airgid.

Ciste na nDáil-Chúirt do bhunú.

16.—(1) Bunófar chun crícheanna an Achta so Ciste dá ngairmfear “Ciste na nDáil-Chúirt” agus, i dteanta an airgid a horduítear leis an Acht so no fé a íoc isteach sa Chiste sin, cuirfar chun creidiúna do Chiste na nDáil-Chúirt ó am go ham, as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, pé suimeanna a ordóidh an tAire Airgid.

(2) Déanfar Ciste na nDáil-Chúirt do chimeád agus gach tarrac as do dhílse-dheimhniú ar pé slí agus ag pé daoine no duine a ordóidh an tAire Airgid ó am go ham.

(3) Ar ghnó na gCoimisínéirí fén Acht so do bheith críochnuithe amuich is amach agus ar íoc agus ar fháil gach airgid is iníoctha amach as Ciste na nDáil-Chúirt no isteach ann fén Acht so, íocfar isteach i Stát-Chiste Shaorstáit Éireann an farasbár (má bhíonn ann) a bheidh chun creidiúna do Chiste na nDáil-Chúirt an uair sin agus dúnfar an Ciste sin.

Féadfidh na Coimisinéirí íocaíochtanna áirithe do dhéanamh as Ciste na nDáil-Chúirt.

17.—(1) Ar a iarraidh sin d'éinne (dá ngairmtear “an t-iarratasóir” san alt so) ar an sli orduithe beidh sé dleathach do sna Coimisinéirí, in aon chás ina bhfeicfar dóibh gur ceart san a dhéanamh, a ordú go n-íocfar leis an iarratasóir as Ciste na nDáil-Chúirt pé suim airgid is dó leis na Coimisinéirí is cóir—

(a) in aisíoc aon airgid d'íoc an t-iarratasóir no aon duine marbh darb ionadaí pearsanta an t-iarratasóir, le haon oifigeach no údarás d'aon Dáil-Chúirt mar éarlais, urrús no ar aon tslí eile fé aon riail no ordú, speisialta no generálta, a dhin an chúirt sin; no

(b) in aisíoc aon airgid d'íoc an t-iarratasóir no aon duine marbh den tsórt san roimhráite le hordú Dáil-Chúirte chun úsáid no tairfe na Dáil-Chúirte sin.

(2) I gcás gan an tsuim airgid a éileoidh iarratasóir fén alt so do dhul thar deich bpúint fhichead féadfar an t-iarratas do dhéanamh i láthair Coimisineura Chonganta agus i dtaobh an iarratais sin beidh ag an gCoimisinéir Conganta san gach comhacht a bronntar ar na Coimisinéirí leis an alt so.

Airgead agus cuntaisí Dáil-Chúirteanna do sheachada don Chuntasóir.

18.—(1) Gach duine dar dhualgas airgead do ghlaca no d'íoc amach maidir le haon Dáil-Chúirt no a tháinig i seilbh aon airgid ina raibh sé freagarthach do Dháil-Chúirt, déanfa sé, laistigh de mhí tar éis rithte an Achta so, cuntas iomlán fírinneach do sheachada don Chuntasóir ar gach airgead den tsórt san agus an farasbár a bheidh ina lámhaibh do réir an chuntais sin d'íoc leis an gCuntasóir chun é do chur isteach i gCiste na nDáil-Chúirt.

(2) Gach duine 'na bhfuil ar seilbh aige aon chuntaisí a bhaineann le fáil no íoc aon airgid ina raibh an duine sin no éinne eile freagarthach do Dháil-Chúirt seachadfa sé na cuntaisí sin don Chuntasóir laistigh de mhí tar éis rithte an Achta so.

(3) Má chítar do sna Coimisinéirí, ar fháil iarratais ón gCuntasóir no ar aon tslí eile, gur dhin aon duine den tsórt a luaidhtear i gceachtar den dá fho-alt san roimhe seo faillí ar aon chuntas do sheachada don Chuntasóir a éilítear leis an alt so ar an duine sin a sheachada don Chuntasóir, no faillí ar aon fharasbár d'íoc leis an gCuntasóir a éilítear leis an alt so ar an duine sin a íoc leis an gCuntasóir, féadfidh na Coimisinéirí a ordú don duine sin an cuntas san do sheachada don Chuntasóir no an farasbár san d'íoc leis (fé mar a ráineoidh) laistigh d'aimsir a luadhfar san ordú san.

(4) Mar phionós ar éinne a dhéanfidh faillí ar aon chuntas do sheachada no aon fharasbár d'íoc do réir aon ordú a dhéanfidh na Coimisinéirí fén alt so, féadfidh na Coimisinéirí le hordú fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad púnt do chur air le n'íoc isteach i gCiste na nDáil-Chúirt, no, mara n-íoctar an fhíneáil sin, príosúntacht do chur air ar feadh aon tréimhse nách sia ná trí mhí.

Feidhmiú Orduithe na gCoimisinéirí agus Aitheanta Dáil-Chúirte.

19.—(1) Chun feidhmiú do dhéanamh ar aon ordú a dhéanfidh na Coimisinéirí fén Acht so, no ar aon aithne Dháil-Chúirte is infheidmithe fén Acht so, féadfidh na Coimisinéirí a mbarántas do thabhairt amach sa bhfuirm orduithe agus é seolta chun aon Fhó-Shirriaim i Saorstát Éireann, á éileamh ar an bhFo-Shirriam san an t-ordú no an aithne, no aon chuid áirithe den ordú no den aithne, le n-a mbaineann an barántas san d'fheidhmiú ar an gcuma adéarfar sa bharántas san.

(2) Chun feidhmiú do dhéanamh ar aon ordú a dhéanfidh Coimisinéir Conganta fén Acht so, no ar aon aithne Dháil-Chúirte Paróiste no Dháil-Chúirte Ceanntair is infheidhmithe fén Acht so, féadfar barántas ó sna Coimisinéirí fén alt so do thabhairt amach le hordú ó Choimisinéir Chonganta sa bhfuirm orduithe.

(3) Féadfidh na Coimisinéirí, in aon bharántas a tabharfar amach fén alt so, a éileamh ar an bhFo-Shirriam an t-ordú no an aithne, no cuid den ordú no den aithne, le n-a mbaineann an barántas san d'fheidhmiú ar aon tslí ina bhféadfadh an Fo-Shirriam san a leithéid sin d'aithne ó Chúirt Bhille Shíbhialta d'fheidhmiú do réir dlí.

(4) Gach Fo-Shirriam 'na seolfar chuige aon bharántas fén alt so beidh gach comhacht aige agus féadfa sé gach táille d'éileamh atá dílsithe ann no is inéilithe aige de thurus na huaire i bhfeidhmiú no i dtaobh feidhmiú aithne ó Chúirt Bhille Shíbhialta de shaghas an orduithe no na haithne le n-a mbaineann an barántas san.

Comhachta generálta na gCoimisinéirí.

20.—(1) Chun crícheanna an Achta so beidh comhacht agus údarás iomlán ag na Coimisinéirí chun éisteacht do dhéanamh agus breith do thabhairt ar gach ní, pe'ca le dlí no le fírinne a bhaineann sé, a tabharfar go cuibhe os a gcóir fén Acht so, agus ní féadfar, le hordú aon chúirte eile, iad do chosc ar fheidhmiú a gcomhachtanna fén Acht so, ná ní déanfar aon imeachta a bheidh os a gcóir d'aistriú isteach in aon chúirt eile le certiorari.

(2) I dtaobh na nithe seo a leanas, sé sin le rá :—

(a) a thabhairt ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair (tar éis a gcostaisí a bheith tairgthe dhóibh), scrúdú fínnithe tré chomhrá béil no mionn scríbhte, agus dintiúirí, leabhair, páipéirí agus scríbhinní do thabhairt i láthair; agus

(b) aon choimisiún do thabhairt amach chun finnithe do scrúdú; agus

(c) pionós do chur ar dhaoine a dhiúltóidh d'fhianaise do thabhairt no do scríbhinní do thabhairt i láthair, no a bheidh ciontach i ndí-mheas i láthair na gCoimisinéirí no aon chuid acu ina suidhe i gcúirt oscailte; agus

(d) fiachas na gcostaisí fé n-ar chuathas in imeachta os cóir na gCoimisinéirí do shocrú agus méid na gcostaisí sin do thomhas;

beidh ag na Coimisinéirí gach comhacht, ceart agus pribhléid den tsórt atá dílsithe san Ard-Chúirt chun na gcrícheanna san no chun crícheanna den tsórt céanna agus gach imeacht a bheidh os cóir na gCoimisinéirí tuigfar sa dlí gur imeachta breithiúntais os cóir cúirte breacthacháin é.

Déanfidh agus foillseoidh na Coimisinéirí rialacha.

21.—(1) Chó luath is thiocfa sé isteach le n-a gcaothúlacht tar éis a gceaptha déanfidh agus foillseoidh na Coimisinéirí rialacha chun a nós-imeachta do regealáil agus leis na rialacha san féadfid a ordú cadiad na fuirmeacha a húsáidfar in imeachta a bheidh os a gcóir.

(2) Socróidh na Coimisinéirí leis na rialacha san cá mhéid Coimisinéir a chó-dhéanfidh quorum chun cásanna d'aicmí difriúla d'éisteacht, ach socróid é ar chuma ná héisteofar ag níos lú ná beirt Choimisinéirí aon athchomharc i gcoinnibh aithne de shuidhe cuarda Dáil-Chúirte ná de Chúirt Uachtarach na Dála, agus ná héisteofar ag níos lú ná beirt Choimisinéirí aon athchomharc i gcoinnibh breithe Coimisineura no Coimisineura Chonganta, agus ná déanfaidh aon Choimisinéir ba bhreitheamh do Dháil-Chúirt suidhe chun éisteacht athchomhairc i gcoinnibh aithne a dhin sé féin amháin ná (chó fada agus is féidir é agus an méid Coimisinéirí a bheidh ar fáil) athchomhairc i gcoinnibh aithne Dáil-Chúirte dar bhall é.

(3) Leis na rialacha san regealálfidh na Coimisinéirí nósimeachta Coimisinéirí Conganta agus stiúrú imeachtanna a bheidh os cóir Coimisineura Chonganta agus leis na rialacha san féadfid a ordú cadiad na fuirmeacha a húsáidfar sna himeachta san.

(4) Féadfar gan ach éinne amháin a bheith i quorum a hordófar le rialacha a déanfar fén alt so.

Táillí a héileofar fén Acht so.

22.—(1) Eileoidh na Coimisinéirí, i dtaobh imeachtanna a tugadh os a gcóir féin no os cóir Coimisineura Chonganta fén Acht so, agus i dtaobh gníomhartha a dhineadar féin no éinne dá n-oifigigh no Coimisinéir Conganta no an Clárathóir no an Cuntasóir i bhfeidhmiú a ndualgaisí fé seach fén Acht so, pé táillí a hordófar ó am go ham le horduithe a dhéanfidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche ar mhola na gCoimisinéirí agus le cead an Aire Airgid.

(2) In orduithe a déanfar fén alt so féadfar (in ainneoin éinní atá san Acht Táillí Oifigí Puiblí, 1879) an modh agus an tslí do shocrú chun táillí a hordófar leis na horduithe sin do bhailiú agus chun cuntas do thabhairt ortha.

Oifigigh agus fuireann do cheapa.

23.—(1) Pé oifigigh agus fuireann (lasmuich den Chlárathóir agus den Chuntasóir) a theastóidh ó sna Coimisinéirí, on gClárathóir agus ón gCuntasóir fé seach chun crícheanna an Achta so, isé an tAire a cheapfidh iad ach san le toil an Aire Airgid maidir le huimhir agus luach saothair.

(2) As airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas isea a híocfar tuarastal no luach saothair eile na n-oifigeach agus na fuirinne a ceapfar fén alt so.

Féadfidh ionadaithe pearsanta do dhaoine ná maireann imeachta do bhunú.

24.—In aon chás ina bhféadfidh aon pháirtí, athchomharcach no duine eile aon iarratas, athchomharc no imeacht eile do thabhairt os cóir na gCoimisinéirí fén Acht so, féadfidh an t-ionadaí pearsanta d'aon duine 'na mbeadh aige fén Acht so, dá mbeadh sé ina bheathaidh, teideal chun an t-iarratas, an t-athchomharc no an t-imeacht san do thabhairt os cóir na gCoimisinéirí, féadfa sé an t-iarratas, an t-athchomharc no an t-imeacht san do thabhairt os a gcóir.

Féadfidh an tAire um Ghnóthaí Dúithche rialacháin do dhéanamh.

25.—Féadfidh an tAire rialacháin do dhéanamh ó am go ham le hordú chun cuspóirí an Achta so do chur in éifeacht, ach ní tuigfar an t-alt so do bheith á údarú don Aire rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh éinní 'na n-údaruítear no 'na n-orduítear do sna Coimisinéirí leis an Acht so rialacha no rialacháin do dhéanamh ina thaobh.

Féadfar breitheanna, etc., nár cuireadh ina gcoinnibh d'athoscailt i gcásanna áirithe.

26.—(1) In aon chás in ar thug no in ar dhin aon chúirt breith, aithne no ordú ar an 1adh lá de Lúnasa, 1920, no ina dhiaidh sin, i gcoinnibh aon duine agus é as láthair, agus ina gcuirfar ina luighe ar an gcúirt sin no, i gcás aithne Dáil-Chúirte, ar na Coimisinéirí, go raibh cosaint no freagra prima facie ag an duine sin i gcoinnibh déanamh na breithe, na haithne no an orduithe sin, ach gur staon sé ó theacht i láthair agus cur i gcoinnibh déanamh na breithe, na haithne no an orduithe sin toisc, do réir a phrínsiobal, go raibh sé i gcoinnibh géille d'údarás na cúirte sin, féadfidh an chúirt sin no na Coimisinéirí, pe'ca aca é, aon uair laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis rithe an Achta so, agus ar pé téarmaí agus coiníollacha a fhéachfidh, má fhéachann aon cheann, a bheith ceart, a cheadú go n-ath-osclófar na himeachta in ar dineadh no in ar tugadh an bhreith, an aithne no an t-ordú san chun leigint don duine sin a chosaint no a fhreagra do dhéanamh no do thabhairt, agus féadfid aon aith-éisteacht no triail nua is riachtanach d'ordú, agus aon bhreith, aithne, no ordú den tsórt san d'ath-ghairm, d'atharú no do leasú, agus aon bhreith, aithne no ordú eile do thabhairt no do dhéanamh, maraon le haon fho-ordú no ordú iarmarta a bheidh riachtanach, fé mar éileoidh ceart an cháis.

(2) Na cirt agus na comhachta a tugtar leis an bhfo-alt sin roimhe seo i dtaobh aithne Dáil-Chúirte, is i dteanta agus ní hin ionad aon chirt no comhachta a tugtar le haon alt eile den Acht so atáid.

Slánaíocht do dhaoine a ghníomhuigh fé údarás Dáil-Chúirteanna.

27.—(1) Ní bunófar aon aicsean ná imeacht eile dlí, síbhialta ná coiriúil, in aon chúirt dlí ná chothruim i gcoinnibh—

(a) aon bhreithimh ná oifigigh d'aon Dáil-Chúirt i dtaobh ná i leith ná a los aon ghnímh, ruda ná ní a dhin sé go cuibhe agus é ag có-líona a dhualgais mar bhreitheamh no oifigeach den tsórt san; ná

(b) aon duine, pe'ca oifigeach de Dháil-Chúirt é no nárbh ea, i dtaobh ná i leith ná a los aon ghnímh, ruda ná ní a dhin sé no d'fhág sé gan déanamh fé údarás no do réir aon aithne le n-ar dineadh na Dáil-Chúirteanna do bhunú no do regealáil no fé údarás no do réir aon aithne Dáil-Chúirte no aon ordú no treorú breithimh d'aon chúirt den tsórt san; ná

(c) aon oifigigh d'aon chúirt nár Dháil-Chúirt i dtaobh ná i leith ná a los é do staona roimh rith an Achta so o aon ghníomh, rud no ní do dhéanamh go raibh sé de dhualgas air mar oifigeach den tsórt san é do dhéanamh agus gur staon sé o n-a dhéanamh bona fide toisc déanamh an ghnímh, an ruda no an ní sin do bheith contrárdha no coinbhliochtach no docharach d'aithne Dháil-Chúirte d'fheidhmiú.

(2) Má dineadh aon aicsean no imeacht eile dlí den tsórt a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt sin roimhe seo do bhunú roimh rith an Achta so agus go bhfuil sé anois ar fionnraoi, cuirfar ar nea-mbrí agus ar neamh-ní é, fé réir pé ordú i daobh costaisí is oiriúnach leis an gcúirt ina bhfuil an t-aicsean no an t-imeacht san ar fionnraoi, no le breitheamh den chúirt sin, a dhéanamh.

Síne ar aimseara a teoruíodh le reacht.

28.—(1) Más agus nuair is rud é, mara mbeadh an t-alt so, gur ar aon dáta idir an 31adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1918, agus an 16adh lá d'Abrán, 1922, a bheadh deire leis an aimsir a teoruíodh le haon reacht chun aon imeachta do bhunú i gcúirt dlí no chothruim, féadfidh an chúirt sin, más deimhin léi gur gá é chun ceart do shásamh, an aimsir sin do shíne go dtí aon dáta nách déanaí ná trí mhí tar éis rithte an Achta so.

(2) Ar choiníoll i gcomhnuí ná bhainfidh an t-alt so le haon chás in ar dineadh bona fide aon talamh d'aistriú no do chur fé árachas ar chomaoine luachmhair.

(3) Ní bhainfidh an t-alt so le haon teora aimsire is féidir do Ghiúistís Dúithche a shíne fé alt 6 den Acht um Ghiúistisí Dúithche (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 6 de 1923).


29.—Féadfar Acht Cúirteanna Dháil Éireann (Críochnú a nGnótha), 1923, do ghairm den Acht so.