As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.


Uimhir 46 de 1936.





1.—(1) San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “Acht 1933” an tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1933 (Uimh. 5 de 1933);


tá leis an abairt “an tAire” an bhrí atá léi in Acht 1933.


(2) Beidh gach cólucht is údarás áitiúil chun crícheanna Achta 1933, agus ní bheidh aon chólucht eile, ina údarás áitiúil chun crícheanna an Achta so.


Alt 7 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1933. do leasú.

2.—(1) Má bheartuigh údarás áitiúil le rún, roimh an Acht so do rith, suim airgid d'íoc, fé alt 7 d'Acht 1933, le duine ar bith no le hionadaí pearsanta dhuine ar bith ach nár híocadh an t-airgead san amhlaidh toisc an tréimhse de shé mhí luaidhtear san alt san 7 do dhul in éag tar éis an rúin sin do rith agus roimh an airgead san d'íoc no toisc an tréimhse sin de shé mhí do dhul in éag roimh an rún san do rith, ansan agus i ngach cás den tsórt san beidh sé dleathach don údarás áitiúil sin íoc do dhéanamh, laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis an Achta so do rith agus le ceadú an Aire, san airgead san leis an duine sin no leis an ionadaí pearsanta san (pe'ca aca é) do réir an rúin sin.


(2) Má rinne duine, ar a shon féin no mar ionadaí pearsanta do dhuine eile, a iarraidh ar údarás áitiúil roimh an Acht so do rith (pe'ca roimh an tréimhse de shé mhí luaidhtear in alt 7 d'Acht 1933 do dhul in éag no dá éis sin é) suim airgid d'íoc fén alt san 7 agus ná dearna an t-údarás áitiúil sin aon rún do rith chun an airgid sin d'íoc amhlaidh, ansan agus i ngach cás den tsórt san, beidh sé dleathach don údarás áitiúil sin a bheartú le rún, laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis an Achta so do rith agus le ceadú an Aire, go ndéanfaid íoc, agus íoc do dhéanamh, laistigh den tréimhse sin agus leis an gceadú san, leis an duine sin (no le n-a ionadaí pearsanta) no leis an ionadaí pearsanta san in aon tsuim airgid d'fhéadfadh an t-údarás áitiúil sin go dleathach a íoc leis fén alt san 7 laistigh den tréimhse de shé mhí luaidhtear san alt san 7.


(3) Má dheineann duine, ar a shon féin no mar ionadaí pearsanta do dhuine eile, a iarraidh ar údarás áitiúil laistigh de shé mhí tar éis an Achta so do rith suim airgid d'íoc fé alt 7 d'Acht 1933. beidh sé dleathach don údarás áitiúil sin a bheartú le rún, laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis an Achta so do rith agus le ceadú an Aire, go ndéanfaid íoc, agus íoc do dhéanamh, laistigh den tréimhse sin agus leis an gceadú san, leis an duine sin no leis an ionadaí pearsanta san (pe'ca aca é) in aon tsuim airgid d'fhéadfadh an t-údarás áitiúil sin go dleathach a íoc leis fén alt san 7 laistigh den tréimhse de shé mhí luaidhtear san alt san 7.


(4) Na forálacha atá leagtha amach i bhfo-alt (2) d'alt 7 d'Acht 1933, beidh éifeacht acu i dtaobh no chun crícheanna na bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so ach san gus an atharú go ndéanfar an abairt “an t-alt so” do léiriú, i ngach áit ina bhfuil sí sna forálacha san, mar abairt a chialluíonn an t-alt láithreach so.


(5) Deintear leis seo alt 7 d'Acht 1933 do leasú go bhfeidhm o dháta an Achta san do rith tríd an dáta “an 30adh lá de Mheán Fhómhair, 1924” do chur i bhfo-alt (1) den alt san in ionad an dáta “an 30adh lá d'Abrán, 1923,” agus déanfar na tagairtí uile don alt san 7 atá sna fo-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt so do léiriú agus beidh éifeacht acu mar thagairtí don alt san mar a leasuítear é leis an bhfo-alt so.


Seirbhís inphinsin seirbhíseach áirithe d'údaráis áitiúla.

3.—Beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag alt 5 d'Acht 1933 maidir le seirbhísigh d'údaráis áitiúla i bhfostaíocht inphinsin fé mar atá feidhm aige maidir le hoifigigh d'údaráis áitiúla ach san gus na hatharuithe seo leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) cuirfear an abairt “seirbhíseach i bhfostaíocht inphinsin” in ionad an fhocail “oifigeach” i ngach áit ina bhfuil an focal san san alt san, agus


(b) cuirfear an abairt “fostaíocht inphinsin” in ionad na habairte “oifig inphinsin” i ngach áit ina bhfuil an abairt dheiridh sin san alt san, agus


(c) déanfar an abairt “tar éis an Achta so do rith” atá i bhfo-alt (1) den alt san do léiriú mar abairt a chialluíonn tar éis an Achta láithrigh seo do rith.


Alt 5 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1933, do leasú.

4.—(1) Féadfar deimhniú fé láimh an Aire, fé fho-alt (1) d'alt 5 d'Acht 1933, do thabhairt, d'ainneoin éinní atá sa bhfo-alt san, tráth ar bith laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis an cheapacháin a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san no tar éis an Achta láithrigh seo do rith, pé tráth acu san is déanaí.


(2) Pé uair is deimhin leis an Aire deimhniú do tugadh no gur tugadh le tuisgint é thabhairt (pe'ca roimh an Acht so do rith no dá éis sin é) fé fho-alt (1) d'Acht 1933 do bheith lochtach de bhíthin mí-ráitis fíora no mion-earráide eile sa deimhniú san féadfaidh an tAire, tráth ar bith laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis an Achta so do rith agus más ceart san dar leis, an deimhniú san do chealú agus deimhniú nua do thabhairt amach ina ionad fén alt san 5 mar a leasuítear san leis an Acht so.


Aois-liúntas oifigeach áirithe d'údaráis áitiúla chuaidh no raghaidh isteach sa Stát-Sheirbhís.

5.—(1) San alt so—


tá leis an abairt “oifigeach inphinsin” an bhrí atá léi i míreanna (a) agus (b) d'alt 42 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 (Uimh. 5 de 1925), ach foluíonn sí oifigeach a thug a chuid aimsire go léir do sheirbhís cheann amháin no níos mó de choistí no de chó-choistí a ceapadh chun gach críche no aon chríche den Agriculture and Technical Instruction (Ireland) Act, 1899, d'ainneoin ceapachán an oifigigh sin no gach ceann no aon cheann dá cheapacháin do bheith ion-athnuaidhte go tréimhsiúil;


cialluíonn an abairt “seirbhís inphinsin” seirbhís mar oifigeach inphinsin;


cialluíonn an abairt “an Stát-Sheirbhís” Stát-Sheirbhís Rialtais Shaorstáit Éireann;


déanfar tagairtí do dhuine d'eirghe as seirbhís do léiriú mar thagairtí fholuíonn duine d'fhágaint na seirbhíse sin ar shlí seachas tré n-a bhriseadh.


(2) I gcás oifigigh inphinsin d'údarás áitiúil d'eirigh no do briseadh as seirbhís an údaráis áitiúla san tar éis an 1adh lá d'Eanar, 1922, agus roimh an 9adh lá de Mhárta, 1932, do cheapadh, pe'ca roimh dháta an Achta so do rith no laistigh de bhliain tar éis an dáta san é, chun puist bhunuithe sa Stát-Sheirbhís agus an Aire do dheimhniú i scríbhinn fé n-a láimh, laistigh de bhliain tar éis dáta an Achta so do rith, gur cúiseanna poilitíochta fé ndeár an t-oifigeach san d'eirighe as amhlaidh no do bhriseadh amhlaidh, tuigfear an t-oifigeach san do chur as oifig i seirbhís an údaráis áitiúla san toisc cúise seachas mí-iompar no mí-ábaltacht an lá a chuaidh a eirghe as no a bhriseadh amhlaidh in éifeacht, agus beidh sé i dteideal cúiteamh d'fháil ón údarás áitiúil sin i gcailliúint oifige fé sna hachtacháin a bhaineann le hoifigigh don údarás áitiúil sin do chur ar aois-liúntas agus beidh feidhm dá réir sin ag na hachtacháin sin gus na hatharuithe is gá.


(3) Nuair a bheidh seirbhís inphinsin oifigigh á háireamh chun crícheanna an ailt seo tuigfear an tréimhse dar thosach an dáta ar a ndeachaidh a eirghe as no a bhriseadh, a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so, in éifeacht agus dar chríoch dáta a cheaptha, a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san, chun puist bhunuithe sa Stát-Sheirbhís, do bheith ina seirbhís inphinsin fén údarás áitiúil sin gur as a sheirbhís d'eirigh no briseadh an t-oifigeach san amhlaidh agus déanfar an tréimhse sin agus tréimhse sheirbhíse inphinsin an oifigigh sin fén údarás áitiúil sin roimh é d'eirghe as no do bhriseadh amhlaidh d'áireamh mar aon tréimhse leanúnaigh amháin de sheirbhís inphinsin fén údarás áitiúil sin.


(4) Nuair a bheidh méid an chúitimh a fhéadfaidh údarás áitiúil do dheonadh d'oifigeach á dhéanamh amach chun crícheanna an ailt seo, tuigfear gurb é méid a thuarastail bhliantúla agus a shochair oifige bhliantúla ná an méid dar leis an Aire a bheadh mar thuarastal bhliantúil agus mar shochar oifige bhliantúil aige dá leanadh sé i seirbhís an údaráis áitiúla san go dtí na trí bliana díreach roimh é cheapadh chun puist bhunuithe sa Stát-Sheirbhís agus ar feadh iomlán na dtrí mblian san.


(5) I gcás an údaráis áitiúla gur as a sheirbhís d'eirigh no do briseadh oifigeach do réir bhrí fo-ailt (1) den alt so do scur de bheith ann tuigfear, chun crícheanna an ailt seo, an t-oifigeach san do bheith ina oifigeach don údarás áitiúil (dá ngairmtear sa bhfo-alt so an t-údarás áitiúil is déanaí luaidhtear) chun ar haistríodh fiacha agus fiachaisí an údaráis áitiúla san do scuir de bheith ann agus tuigfear, chun na gcrícheanna roimhráite, an t-oifigeach san d'eirghe no do bhriseadh amhlaidh as seirbhís an údaráis áitiúla san is déanaí luaidhtear agus tuigfear, chun na gcrícheanna céanna, a thréimhse de sheirbhís inphinsin ar n-a háireamh do réir an ailt seo do bheith ina seirbhís inphinsin fén údarás áitiúil sin is déanaí luaidhtear.


(6) Nuair a bheidh seirbhís inphinsin dhuine dob' oifigeach do choiste no do chó-choiste ceapadh chun crícheanna an Agriculture and Technical Instruction (Ireland) Act, 1899, á háireamh chun crícheanna an ailt seo, ní tabharfar áird ar aon bhriseadh sa tseirbhís sin do thárla de dhruim an choiste no an chó-choiste sin do scur, aon tráth tar éis an 1adh lá d'Eanar, 1919, agus roimh an 6adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag, 1921, den Acht san do riaradh ar feadh tréimhse nár shia ná sé mhí agus áirmheofar an tseirbhís inphinsin sin fé is dá mba ná tárlódh an briseadh sin.


(7) Ní thiocfaidh cúiteamh i gcailliúint oifige molfar do dhuine ar bith fén alt so chun bheith iníoctha mara scuirfidh ná go dtí go scuirfidh an duine sin de bheith ag fónamh sa Stát-Sheirbhís i slí go bhféadfaí aois-liúntas no aisce do dheonadh dhó fé sna hAchtanna Aois-liúntas, 1834 go 1936, ar scur dó amhlaidh.


(8) Má thagann cúiteamh i gcailliúint oifige chun bheith iníoctha fén alt so ag údarás áitiúil agus go n-íocfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil sin é aisíocfaidh an tAire, amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, leis an údarás áitiúil sin an chionúireacht san den chúiteamh san a chinnfidh an tAire, le toiliú an Aire Airgid, do bheith ceart agus cothrom.


(9) Bainfidh an t-alt so le hoifigeach inphinsin d'údarás áitiúil go bhfuil a líomatáiste feidhmiúcháin anois sa chuid sin d'Éirinn ná fuil i Saorstát Éireann ach san fé réir na n-atharuithe agus gus na hatharuithe seo leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ciallóidh an abairt “údarás áitiúil” cólucht do bheadh ina údarás áitiúil chun crícheanna an Achta so dá mbeadh a líomatáiste feidhmiúcháin i Saorstát Éireann, agus


(b) ciallóidh an abairt “oifigeach inphinsin” oifigeach d'aon údarás áitiúil den tsórt san roimhráite do bheadh ina oifigeach inphinsin do réir bhrí míreanna (a) agus (b) d'alt 42 den Acht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 (Uimh. 5 de 1925), dá mbeadh líomatáiste feidhmiúcháin an údaráis áitiúla san i Saorstát Éireann, agus


(c) íocfaidh an tAire, amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, an cúiteamh uile i gcailliúint oifige do bheadh iníoctha fén alt so ag aon údarás áitiúil den tsórt san dá mbeadh líomatáiste feidhmiúcháin an údaráis áitiúla san i Saorstát Éireann.


(10) D'ainneoin éinní atá in aon achtachán eile isé an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí bhéarfaidh breith ar gach amhras, ceist no aighneas, maidir le ceart chun cúitimh i gcailliúint oifige fén alt so no maidir le méid an chúitimh sin, agus beidh a bhreith-sean ina breith dheiridh.


Comhacht chun aiscí d'íoc le daoine áirithe dob' oifigigh d'údaráis áitiúla tráth.

6.—Féadfaidh an tAire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí, más ceart san dar leis agus le ceadú an Aire Airgid, aisce de pé méid (ná raghaidh thar céad agus caoga púnt) is dóich leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí do bheith ceart i ngach cás áirithe, d'íoc, amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas, laistigh de dhá mhí dhéag tar éis an Achta so do rith, le duine ar bith gur deimhin leis an Aire Rialtais Áitiúla agus Sláinte Puiblí ina thaobh go raibh an duine sin i seilbh oifige fé údarás áitiúil no ar fostú ag údarás áitiúil tráth agus gur scuir sé, toisc cúiseanna poilitíochta, den oifig sin do shealbhú no de bheith ar fostú amhlaidh agus go bhfuil cosc air, mar gheall ar aois no droch-shláinte, bheith ar fostú i seirbhís údaráis áitiúla no i Stát-Sheirbhís Shaorstáit Éireann.



7.—Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgid é is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar gach costas fé n-a raghaidh aon Aire, gurb é an tAire é do réir bhrí an Achta so chun críche ar bith, chun an Achta so do chur i bhfeidhm.


Gearr-theideal agus luadh.

8.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Rialtais Áitiúla, 1936, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Féadfar na hAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 go 1936, do ghairm de sna hAchtanna Rialtais Áitiúla, 1925 go 1933, agus den Acht so le chéile.



Number 46 of 1936.








Amendment of section 7 of the Local Government Act, 1933.


Pensionable service of certain servants of local authorities.


Amendment of section 5 of the Local Government Act, 1933.


Superannuation of certain officers of local authorities entering the Civil Service.


Power to pay gratuities to certain former officers of local authorities.




Short title and citation.

Acts Referred to

Local Government Act, 1933

No. 5 of 1933

Local Government Act, 1925

No. 5 of 1925


Number 46 of 1936.




1.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Act of 1933” means the Local Government Act, 1933 (No. 5 of 1933);


the expression “the Minister” has the same meaning as it has in the Act of 1933.


(2) Every body which is a local authority for the purposes of the Act of 1933, and no other body, shall be a local authority for the purposes of this Act.


Amendment of section 7 of the Local Government Act, 1933.

2.—(1) Where a local authority resolved, before the passing of this Act, to pay under section 7 of the Act of 1933 a sum of money to any person or the personal representative of any person but such money was not so paid either because the period of six months mentioned in the said section 7 expired after the passing of such resolution and before such money was actually paid or because the said period of six months had expired before the passing of such resolution, then and in every such case it shall be lawful for such local authority within twelve months after the passing of this Act and with the sanction of the Minister, to pay such money to such person or such personal representative (as the case may be) in accordance with such resolution.


(2) Where a person applied, either on his own behalf or as personal representative of another person, to a local authority before the passing of this Act (whether before or after the expiration of the period of six months mentioned in section 7 of the Act of 1933) for payment under the said section 7 of a sum of money and no resolution for such payment of such money was passed by such local authority, then and in every such case it shall be lawful for such local authority, within twelve months after the passing of this Act and with the sanction of the Minister, to resolve to pay and to pay to such person (or his personal representative) or to such personal representative any sum of money which could lawfully have been paid to him under the said section 7 by such local authority within the period of six months mentioned in the said section 7.


(3) Where a person applies, either on his own behalf or as personal representative of another person, to a local authority within six months after the passing of this Act for payment under section 7 of the Act of 1933 of a sum of money, it shall be lawful for such local authority, within twelve months after the passing of this Act and with the sanction of the Minister, to resolve to pay and to pay to such person or to such personal representative (as the case may be) any sum of money which could lawfully have been paid to him under the said section 7 by such local authority within the period of six months mentioned in the said section 7.


(4) The provisions set out in sub-section (2) of section 7 of the Act of 1933 shall have effect in relation to or for the purposes of the foregoing sub-sections of this section, but with the modification that the expression “this section” wherever it occurs in the said provisions shall be construed as meaning this present section.


(5) Section 7 of the Act of 1933 is hereby amended, as from the passing of that Act, by the substitution in sub-section (1) of that section of the date “the 30th day of September, 1924,” for the date “the 30th day of April, 1923,” and all references in the foregoing sub-sections of this section to the said section 7 shall be construed and have effect as references to that section as amended by this sub-section.


Pensionable service of certain servants of local authorities.

3.Section 5 of the Act of 1933 shall apply and have effect in relation to servants of local authorities in pensionable employment in like manner as it applies to officers of local authorities but with the following modifications, that is to say:—


(a) the expression “servant in pensionable employment” shall be substituted for the word “officer” wherever that word occurs in the said section, and


(b) the expression “pensionable employment” shall be substituted for the expression “pensionable office” wherever the latter expression occurs in the said section, and


(c) the expression “the passing of this Act” which occurs in sub-section (1) of the said section shall be construed as meaning the passing of this present Act.


Amendment of section 5 of the Local Government Act, 1933.

4.—(1) A certificate by the Minister under sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Act of 1933 may, notwithstanding anything contained in that sub-section, be given at any time within twelve months after the appointment mentioned in the said sub-section or the passing of this present Act, whichever is the later.


(2) Whenever the Minister is satisfied that a certificate given or purported to be given (whether before or after the passing of this Act) under sub-section (1) of the Act of 1933 was defective by reason of a mis-statement of fact or other error of detail therein, the Minister, if he so thinks proper, may, at any time within twelve months after the passing of this Act, cancel such certificate and issue in lieu thereof a new certificate under the said section 5 as amended by this Act.


Superannuation of certain officers of local authorities entering the Civil Service.

5.—(1) In this section—


the expression “pensionable officer” has the same meaning as it has in paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 42 of the Local Government Act, 1925 (No. 5 of 1925), but includes an officer who devoted the whole of his time to the service of one or more committees or joint committees appointed for all or any of the purposes of the Agriculture and Technical Instruction (Ireland) Act, 1899, notwithstanding that the appointment or all or any of the appointments of such officer was or were renewable periodically;


the expression “pensionable service” means service as a pensionable officer;


the expression “the Civil Service” means the Civil Service of the Government of Saorstát Eireann;


references to resignation from a service shall be construed as including leaving such service otherwise than by dismissal.


(2) Whenever a pensionable officer of a local authority who resigned or was dismissed from the service of such local authority after the 1st day of January, 1922, and before the 9th day of March, 1932, was or is appointed, whether before or within one year after the date of the passing of this Act, to an established position in the Civil Service, and the Minister, within one year after the date of the passing of this Act, certifies in writing under his hand that such officer so resigned or was so dismissed for political reasons, such officer shall be deemed to have been removed from office in the service of such local authority for a cause other than misconduct or incapacity on the day his said resignation or dismissal took effect, and shall be entitled to be granted by such local authority compensation for loss of office under the enactments relating to the superannuation of officers of such local authority, and those enactments shall apply accordingly with the necessary modifications.


(3) When reckoning for the purposes of this section the pensionable service of an officer, the period commencing on the date on which his resignation or dismissal mentioned in the foregoing sub-section of this section became effective and ending on the date of his appointment mentioned in the said sub-section to an established position in the Civil Service shall be deemed to be pensionable service under the said local authority from whose service such officer so resigned or was dismissed, and that period and the period of the pensionable service of such officer under such local authority before he so resigned or was dismissed shall be reckoned as one continuous period of pensionable service under such local authority.


(4) When calculating for the purposes of this section the amount of the compensation which may be granted by a local authority to an officer, his yearly salary and emoluments shall be taken to be the amount which in the opinion of the Minister would have been his yearly salary and emoluments if he had continued in the service of such local authority up to and during the whole of the three years immediately preceding his appointment to an established position in the Civil Service.


(5) Where the local authority from whose service an officer resigned or was dismissed within the meaning of sub-section (1) of this section has ceased to exist, such officer shall for the purposes of this section be deemed to have been an officer of the local authority (in this sub-section referred to as the last-mentioned local authority) to whom the debts and liabilities of the said local authority which has ceased to exist have been transferred, and for the purposes aforesaid such officer shall be deemed to have so resigned or been dismissed from the service of the last-mentioned local authority, and his period of pensionable service reckoned in accordance with this section shall for the like purposes be deemed to be pensionable service under the last-mentioned local authority.


(6) In reckoning for the purposes of this section the pensionable service of a person who was an officer of a committee or a joint committee appointed for the purposes of the Agriculture and Technical Instruction (Ireland) Act, 1899, any interruption of such service which occurred by reason of such committee or joint committee having ceased, at any time after the 1st day of January, 1919, and before the 6th day of December, 1921, to administer the said Act for a period not exceeding six months shall be ignored, and such pensionable service shall be reckoned as if such interruption had not occurred.


(7) Compensation for loss of office awarded under this section to any person shall not become payable unless or until such person shall have ceased to serve in the Civil Service in such circumstances that a superannuation allowance or a gratuity could be granted to him under the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1936, on such cesser.


(8) Where compensation for loss of office becomes payable under this section and is paid by a local authority, the Minister shall, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, refund to such local authority such proportion of such compensation as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, shall determine to be just and equitable.


(9) This section shall apply to a pensionable officer of a local authority whose functional area is now in, that part of Ireland which is not in Saorstát Eireann but with and subject to the following modifications, that is to say:—


(a) the expression “local authority” shall mean a body which, if its functional area were in Saorstát Eireann, would be a local authority for the purposes of this Act, and


(b) the expression “pensionable officer” shall mean an officer of any such local authority as aforesaid who would have been a pensionable officer within the meaning of paragraphs (a) and (b) of section 42 of the Local Government Act, 1925 (No. 5 of 1925), if the functional area of such local authority were in Saorstát Eireann, and


(c) all compensation for loss of office which would have been payable under this section by any such local authority if the functional area of such local authority were in Saorstát Eireann shall be paid by the Minister out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas,


(10) Every doubt, question, or dispute as to the right to or the amount of compensation for loss of office under this section shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any other enactment, be determined by the Minister for Local Government and Public Health whose determination shall be final.


Power to pay gratuities to certain-former officers of local authorities.

6.—The Minister for Local Government and Public Health may, if he so thinks fit, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, pay, within twelve months after the passing of this Act, a gratuity out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas of such amount (not exceeding one hundred and fifty pounds) as the Minister for Local Government and Public Health shall in each particular case think proper to any person in respect of whom the Minister for Local Government and Public Health is satisfied that such person formerly held office under or was employed by a local authority and ceased for political reasons to hold such office or be so employed and is precluded by age or ill-health from employment in the service of a local authority or in the Civil Service of Saorstát Eireann.



7.—All expenses incurred in the execution of this Act by any Minister who is for any purpose the Minister within the meaning of this Act shall, to such extent as shall be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Short title and citation.

8.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Local Government Act, 1936.


(2) The Local Government Acts, 1925 to 1933, and this Act may be cited together as the Local Government Acts, 1925 to 1936.