As Ann Déscrolláil
Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.
Number 5 of 1964.
Section | |
Acts Referred to | |
1939, No. 10. | |
1939, No, 13. | |
1954, No. 18. | |
1940, No. 2. | |
1956, No. 27. | |
1960, No. 27. | |
Offences Against the Person Act, 1861 | 1861, c. 100. |
The Piracy Act, 1837 | 1837, c. 88. |
1927, No. 23. | |
1962, No. 11. |
Number 5 of 1964.
Death penalty restricted.
1.—(1) A person shall not be liable to suffer death for any offence other than—
[GA](a) treason under the Treason Act, 1939;
[GA](b) capital murder, namely—
[GA](i) murder of a member of the Garda Síochána acting in the course of his duty, or
[GA](ii) murder of a prison officer acting in the course of his duty, or
[GA](iii) murder done in the course or furtherance of an offence under section 6, 7, 8 or 9 of the Offences Against the State Act, 1939, or in the course or furtherance of the activities of an unlawful organisation within the meaning of section 18 (other than paragraph (f)) of that Act, or
[GA](iv) murder, committed within the State for a political motive, of the head of a foreign State or of a member of the government of, or a diplomatic officer of, a foreign State;
[GA](c) an offence by a person subject to military law under section 124, 125, 127 or 128 of the Defence Act, 1954.
[GA](2) In this section—
[GA]“diplomatic officer” means an ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary, chargé d'affaires, counsellor or secretary of embassy or legation, or attaché;
[GA]“prison” means any institution for which rules may be made under the Prisons Acts, 1826 to 1956, any prison, internment camp or place of detention for which regulations may be made under section 7 of the Offences Against the State (Amendment) Act, 1940, any military prison or detention barrack for which rules may be made under section 233 of the Defence Act, 1954, and any internment camp for which regulations may be made under section 2 of the Prisoners of War and Enemy Aliens Act, 1956;
[GA]“prison officer” includes any member of the staff of a prison or of St. Patrick's Institution and any person having the custody of, or having duties in relation to the custody of, persons detained in any such place;
[GA]“St. Patrick's Institution” means the institution referred to by that name in the Criminal Justice Act, 1960.
[GA]Punishment in place of death.
2.—A person who but for this Act would be liable to suffer death shall be liable to penal servitude for life.
[GA]Procedure in capital murder cases.
3.—(1) Where a person is accused of murder which is alleged to be capital murder, he shall be charged with capital murder in the indictment.
[GA](2) A person indicted for capital murder may, if the evidence does not warrant a conviction for capital murder but warrants a conviction for murder, be found not guilty of capital murder but guilty of murder and, if the evidence does not warrant a conviction for murder but warrants a conviction for manslaughter, be found not guilty of capital murder but guilty of manslaughter.
[GA](3) Capital murder shall be treated as a distinct offence from murder for the purposes of an appeal against conviction.
[GA](4) On appeal against a conviction for capital murder the court may substitute a verdict of guilty of murder or guilty of manslaughter for the verdict of guilty of capital murder.
[GA](5) Subject to the foregoing subsections, capital murder shall not be treated as a distinct offence from murder for any purpose.
4.—(1) Where a person kills another unlawfully the killing shall not be murder unless the accused person intended to kill, or cause serious injury to, some person, whether the person actually killed or not.
[GA](2) The accused person shall be presumed to have intended the natural and probable consequences of his conduct; but this presumption may be rebutted.
[GA]Amendment of Offences Against the Person Act, 1861.
5.—Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Offences Against the Person Act, 1861 (which relate to conviction and sentence for murder) are hereby amended by the substitution, for “murder”, of “capital murder”.
[GA]Amendment of Piracy Act, 1837.
6.—The Piracy Act, 1837, is hereby amended by the deletion—
[GA](a) in section 2 (which relates to piracy with violence) of “and being convicted thereof shall suffer death as a felon”;
[GA](b) in section 4 (which relates to the punishment of accessories) of “with death or otherwise”.
[GA]Amendment of Juries Act, 1927.
7.—Section 63 of the Juries Act, 1927 (which relates to the separation of jurors during trials) is hereby amended by the substitution in subsections (1) and (2), for “murder”, of “capital murder”.
[GA]Amendment of Treason Act, 1939.
8.—Subsection (3) of section 1 of the Treason Act, 1939 (which relates to the form of trial for treason) is hereby amended by the substitution, for “murder”, of “capital murder”.
[GA]Amendment of Defence Act, 1954.
9.—Section 169 of the Defence Act, 1954 (which relates to the trial of certain civil offences by court-martial) is hereby amended by the deletion of paragraph (b) and the substitution of the following paragraph:
[GA]“(b) if he is convicted of capital murder, be liable to suffer death and, if he is convicted of murder, be liable to suffer penal servitude for life;”.
[GA]Amendment of Geneva Conventions Act, 1962.
10.—Section 3 of the Geneva Conventions Act, 1962 (which relates to grave breaches of the Conventions scheduled to that Act) is hereby amended by the deletion, in paragraph (i) of subsection (1), of “death or to”.
[GA]Short title.
11.—This Act may be cited as the Criminal Justice Act, 1964.
Uimhir 5 de 1964.
[An tiontú oifigiúil.]
[EN]Srian leis an bpionós báis.
1.—(1) Ní dhlífear duine a chur chun báis mar gheall ar aon chion seachas—
[EN](a) tréas faoin Acht Tréasa, 1939;
[EN](b) dúnmharú breithe báis, eadhon—
[EN](i) dúnmharú comhalta den Gharda Síochána ag gníomhú dó i gcúrsa a dhualgais, nó
[EN](ii) dúnmharú oifigigh phríosúin ag gníomhú dó i gcúrsa a dhualgais, nó
[EN](iii) dúnmharú arna dhéanamh, i gcúrsa, nó ag saothrú, ciona faoi alt 6, 7, 8 nó 9 den Acht um Chiontaí in Aghaidh an Stáit, 1939, nó i gcúrsa, nó ag saothrú, gníomhaíochtaí eagraíochta mídhleathaí de réir bhrí alt 18 (seachas mír (f)) den Acht sin, nó
[EN](iv) dúnmharú, arna dhéanamh laistigh den Stát chun tucaide polaitiúla ar cheannasaí Stáit choigríche nó ar chomhalta de rialtas Stáit choigríche nó ar oifigeach taidhleoireachta do Stát coigríche;
[EN](c) cion ag duine atá faoi réir an dlí mhíleata faoi alt 124, 125, 127 nó 128 den Acht Cosanta, 1954.
[EN](2) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “oifigeach taidhleoireachta” ambasadóir urghnách agus lánchumhachtach, taidhleoir urghnách agus aire lánchumhachtach, chargé d'affaires, comhairleoir nó rúnaí ambasáide nó leagáide, nó attaché;
[EN]ciallaíonn “príosún” aon fhoras dár féidir rialacha a dhéanamh faoi Achtanna na bPríosún, 1826 go 1956, aon phríosún, campa imtheorannaithe nó ionad coinneála dár féidir rialacháin a dhéanamh faoi alt 7 den Acht um Chiontaí in Aghaidh an Stáit (Leasú), 1940, aon phríosún míleata nó beairic choinneála dár féidir rialacha a dhéanamh faoi alt 233 den Acht Cosanta, 1954, agus aon champa imtheorannaithe dár féidir rialacháin a dhéanamh faoi alt 2 d'Acht na bPríosúnach Cogaidh agus na nEachtrannach Naimhdeach, 1956;
[EN]folaíonn “oifigeach príosúin” aon chomhalta d'fhoireann príosúin nó d'Fhoras Naomh Pádraig agus aon duine ag a bhfuil coimeád, nó dualgais i leith coimeád, daoine atá á gcoinneáil in aon áit den sórt sin;
[EN]ciallaíonn “Foras Naomh Pádraig” an foras a bhfuil tagairt dó faoin ainm sin san Acht um Dhlínse Choiriúil, 1960.
[EN]Pionós in ionad báis.
2.—Dlífear pianseirbhís lena shaol a chur ar dhuine a dhlífí a chur chun báis mura mbeadh an tAcht seo.
[EN]Nós imeachta i gcásanna dúnmharú breithe báis.
3.—(1) I gcás ina gcúiseofar duine i ndúnmharú a líomhnaítear gur dúnmharú breithe báis é, cúiseofar é i ndúnmharú breithe báis sa díotáil.
[EN](2) I gcás duine a dhíotálfar i ndúnmharú breithe báis, féadfar, mura n-údaraíonn an fhianaise é a chiontú i ndúnmharú breithe báis ach go n-údaraíonn sí é a chiontú i ndúnmharú, a chinneadh nach bhfuil sé ciontach i ndúnmharú breithe báis ach go bhfuil sé ciontach i ndúnmharú agus, mura n-údaraíonn an fhianaise ciontú i ndúnmharú ach go n-údaraíonn sí ciontú i ndúnorgain, féadfar a chinneadh nach bhfuil sé ciontach i ndúnmharú breithe báis ach go bhfuil sé ciontach i ndúnorgain.
[EN](3) Déileálfar le dúnmharú breithe báis mar chion ar leithligh ó dhúnmharú chun críocha achomhairc in aghaidh ciontú.
[EN](4) Ar achomharc a dhéanamh in aghaidh ciontú i ndúnmharú breithe báis, féadfaidh an chúirt an fíorasc ciontach i ndúnmharú nó ciontach i ndúnorgain a chur in ionad an fhíoraisc ciontach i ndúnmharú breithe báis.
[EN](5) Faoi réir na bhfo-alt sin roimhe seo, ní dhéileálfar le dúnmharú breithe báis mar chion ar leithligh ó dhúnmharú chun aon chríche.
4.—(1) I gcás ina marbhóidh duine duine éigin eile go neamhdhleathach, ní dúnmharú an marú mura raibh sé ar intinn ag an duine cúisithe duine éigin a mharú, nó mórdhíobháil a dhéanamh dó, cibé acu ba é an duine a maraíodh iarbhír é nó nárbh é.
[EN](2) Toimhdeofar go raibh d'intinn ag an duine cúisithe na hiarmairtí nádúrtha dóchúla a theacht as a iompar; ach féadfar an toimhde sin a fhrisnéis.
[EN]Leasú ar an Offences Against the Person Act, 1861.
1861, c. 100.
5.—Leasaítear leis seo ailt 1, 2 agus 3 den Offences Against the Person Act, 1861 (a bhaineann le ciontú agus le pianbhreith mar gheall ar dhúnmharú) trí “capital murder” a chur in ionad “murder.”
[EN]Leasú ar an Piracy Act, 1837.
1837, c. 88.
6.—Leasaítear leis seo an Piracy Act, 1837—
[EN](a) trí “and being convicted thereof shall suffer death as a felon” a scriosadh as alt 2 (a bhaineann le píoráideacht le foréigean);
[EN](b) trí “with death or otherwise” a scriosadh as alt 4 (a bhaineann le pionósú cúlpháirtithe).
[EN]Leasú ar Acht na nGiúirithe, 1927.
7.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 63 d'Acht na nGiúirithe, 1927 (a bhaineann le giúróirí do scaradh lena chéile le linn trialacha) trí “i ndúnmharú breithe báis” a chur in ionad “i ndúnmharbha” i bhfo-ailt (1) agus (2).
[EN]Leasú ar an Acht Tréasa, 1939.
8.—Leasaítear leis seo fo-alt (3) d'alt 1 den Acht Tréasa, 1939 (a bhaineann le foirm na trialach i dtréas) trí “dúnmharú breithe báis” a chur in ionad “murdar” sa chéad dá áit ina bhfuil an focal sin agus “ndúnmharú breithe báis” in ionad “murdar” sa tríú áit ina bhfuil an focal sin.
[EN]Leasú ar an Acht Cosanta, 1954.
9.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 169 den Acht Cosanta, 1954 (a bhaineann le cionta sibhialta áirithe a thriail ag armchúirt) trí mhír (b) a scriosadh agus an mhír seo a leanas a chur ina hionad:
[EN]“(b) más i ndúnmharú breithe báis a chiontófar é, dlífear é a chur chun báis agus, más i ndúnmharú a chiontófar é, dlífear pianseirbhís lena shaol a chur air;”.
[EN]Leasú ar an Acht um Choinbhinsiúin na Ginéive, 1962.
10.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 3 den Acht um Choinbhinsiúin na Ginéive, 1962 (a bhaineann le sárú tromchúiseach ar na Coinbhinsiúin sceidealta a ghabhann leis an Acht sin) trí “cuirfear pianbhreith phianseirbhíse lena shaol nó go ceann aon téarma is giorra ná sin air” a chur i mír (i) d'fho-alt (1) in ionad “cuirfear pianbhreith bháis air nó pianbhreith phianseirbhíse lena shaol nó go ceann aon téarma is giorra ná sin;”.
11.—Féadfar an tAcht um Cheartas Coiriúil, 1964, a ghairm den Acht seo.