As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.


Uimhir 6 de 1941.



[An tionntódh oifigeamhail.]


[26adh Márta, 1941.]


Mínithe agus léiriú.

1.—(1) San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “Acht Uimh 2 de 1940” an tAcht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha) (Uimh. 2), 1940 (Uimh. 11 de 1940);


cialluíonn an abairt “na hAchtanna” na hAchtanna Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 go 1940;


tá an bhrí chéanna leis an abairt “tréimhse phráinne” atá léi in Acht Uimh. 2 de 1940.


(2) Déanfar na hAchtanna agus an tAcht so do léigheamh agus do léiriú le chéile agus, dá réir sin, isé brí atá san Acht so le gach abairt agus focal a húsáidtear ann, agus dá dtugann na hAchtanna brí áirithe chun crícheanna na nAchtanna, ná an bhrí do bheirtear dó amhlaidh.


Na hAchtanna do bhuanú.

2. Leanfaidh na hAchtanna, ar n-a leasú agus ar n-a leathnú leis an Acht so, i bhfeidhm go dtí an 31adh lá de Mhárta, 1942, agus raghaid in éag ansan.


Alt 9 den Acht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1925, do bhaint le hoifigigh de sna Fórsaí.

3.—Bainfidh alt 9 den Acht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1925 (Uimh. 4 de 1925), (alt i dtaobh gealt-shaighdiúirí ar iad do scur) le duine is oifigeach de sna Fórsaí, agus a scuirfear as na Fórsaí mar gheall ar laige intinne agus go ndeimhneoidh dochtúir leighis cláruithe ina thaobh é bheith ina dhuine nach slán meabhair agus ina dhuine is ceart a choinneáil fé aire agus fé chóireáil, fé mar a bhaineann an t-alt san le saighdiúir de sna Fórsaí go ndeimhneofar an méid sin ina thaobh ar é scur.


Alt 12 d'Acht Uimh. 2 de 1940 do leasú.

4.—Déanfar na tagairtí atá i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 12 d'Acht Uimh. 2 de 1940 (alt i dtaobh coinnmheadh i gcás práinne) do shealbhairí áitreabh do léiriú, i gcás áitreabh gan comhnathóirí mar thagairtí d'únaerí na n-áitreabh san.


Alt 57 d'Acht Uimh. 2 de 1940 do leasú.

5.—(1) Léireofar alt 57 d'Acht Uimh. 2 de 1940 (alt i dtaobh cúltacairí glaodhadh amach ar buan-tseirbhís agus saighdiúirí liostáladh sna Fórsaí chun fónaimh ar feadh tréimhse práinne do thógaint thar n-ais ag obair) agus beidh éifeacht aige fé is dá gcuirtí an mhír nua so leanas i ndeireadh fo-ailt (1) de, sé sin le rá:—


“(g) beidh cionta fén bhfo-alt so, alos an tsean-fhostaidhe, ionchúisithe ag an Aire Cosanta no ag an sean-fhostaidhe.”


(2) Leasuítear leis seo fo-alt (4) d'alt 57 d'Acht Uimh. 2 de 1940 tré sna focail “any of the provisions” do chur sa leagan Bhéarla dhe in ionad na bhfocal “of any of the provisions”.


Oifigigh do thabhairt suas a gcoimisiún.

6.—(1) Má thárlann, i rith tréimhse práinne, an tAire dá ordú gan oifigeach áirithe den Chúltaca Oifigeach do ghlaodhach no d'athghlaodhach i rith na tréimhse sin chun buan-tseirbhíse, féadfaidh an tUachtarán, ag gníomhú dhó ar chomhairle an Riaghaltais, a ordú don oifigeach san a choimisiún do thabhairt suas, agus sa chás san déanfaidh an t-oifigeach san a choimisiún do thabhairt suas.


(2) I gcás duine do cheapadh (roimh an Acht so do rith no dá éis sin) i rith tréimhse práinne chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe sna Fórsaí no sa Chúltaca, féadfaidh an tUachtarán, ag gníomhú dhó ar chomhairle an Riaghaltais, a ordú tráth ar bith don duine sin a choimisiún do thabhairt suas, agus sa chás san déanfaidh an duine sin a choimisiún do thabhairt suas.


(3) I gcás oifigeach do thabhairt suas a choimisiúin fé fho-alt (1) no fé fho-alt (2) den alt so, is amhail ar an dáta san agus ón dáta san a cheapfaidh an tUachtarán, ag gníomhú dhó ar chomhairle an Riaghaltais, a bheidh éifeacht ag an tabhairt suas san.


Ceart saighdiúra chun a scaoilte do chur ar fiunraoi i rith tréimhse práinne.

7.—(1) D'ainneoin éinní atá sna hAchtanna, ní bheidh saighdiúir ar bith de sna Fórsaí ná fear ar bith den Chúltaca i dteideal a scaoilte i rith tréimhse práinne.


(2) Is tuigthe an t-alt so do theacht i bhfeidhm an 1adh lá d'Eanar, 1941, agus beidh sé mar bheadh éifeacht aige an lá san agus ón lá san amach.


Oifigigh áirithe do thógaint thar n-ais ag obair agus forálacha eile ina dtaobh.

8.—(1) I gcás—


(a) (i) duine is oifigeach den Chúltaca do ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís roimh an Acht so do rith no dá éis sin, no


(ii) duine do cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe roimh an Acht so do rith no dá éis sin, agus


(b) an duine sin (dá ngairmtear an sean-fhostaidhe sa bhfo-alt so) do bheith, tráth a ghlaoidhte amach ar buantseirbhís amhlaidh no a cheaptha chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe amhlaidh (pé aca é) ar fostú ag duine eile (dá ngairmtear an sean-fhostóir sa bhfo-alt so) seachas Aire Stáit no cólucht reachtúil agus an cólucht san freagarthach d'Aire Stáit,


beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(c) beidh sé de dhualgas ar an sean-fhostóir an seanfhostaidhe do thógaint thar n-ais, ar a sheirbhís mhíleata do bheith críochnuithe, i bhfostaíocht agus fé choinníollacha nach lugha oiriúnacht maidir leis ná an fhostaíocht ina mbeadh sé agus na coinníollacha do bhainfeadh leis dá mba ná déanfaí é ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís amhlaidh no é cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe amhlaidh;


(d) mara ndeinidh an sean-fhostóir an sean-fhostaidhe do thógaint thar n-ais amhlaidh, beidh an sean-fhostóir ciontach i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil na raghaidh thar caoga punt do chur air;


(e) má gheibhtear an sean-fhostóir ciontach sa chionta san, féadfaidh an chúirt a gheobhaidh ciontach amhlaidh é a ordú dhó, freisin, pé méid (nach mó ná sé oiread na suime do bheadh, dá mba ná déanfaí é ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís amhlaidh no é cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe amhlaidh (pé aca é) agus go mbeadh sé i bhfostaíocht an tsean-fhostóra ar a sheirbhís mhíleata do bheith críochnuithe, iníoctha leis mar luach saothair míosúil ag an sean-fhostóir am an chríochnuithe sin), is oiriúnach leis an gcúirt, d'íoc leis an sean-fhostaidhe;


(f) má cúisítear an sean-fhostóir i gcionta fén bhfo-alt so alos an tsean-fhostaidhe, beidh sé ina chosaint mhaith ar an gcúiseamh san an sean-fhostóir dá chruthú—


(i) ná dearna an sean-fhostaidhe, fé cheann mí tar éis a sheirbhís mhíleata do bheith críochnuithe, a iarraidh ar an sean-fhostóir é thógaint thar n-ais, no


(ii) go ndearna an sean-fhostaidhe, gan leath-scéal réasúnta do bheith aige chuige sin, faillighe do thabhairt, tar éis don tsean-fhostóir a thairgsint dó é thógaint thar n-ais, i dteacht ag obair san am agus san áit a chuir an sean-fhostóir in úil dó, no


(iii) gur thárla, toisc atharú (seachas duine éigin eile d'fhostú in ionad an tsean-fhostaidhe) do bheith tagtha ar chúrsaí an cháis—


(I) nárbh fhéidir do réir réasúin an seanfhostaidhe do thógaint thar n-ais, no


(II) nárbh fhéidir an sean-fhostaidhe do thógaint thar n-ais i bhfostaíocht agus fé choinníollacha nár lugha oiriúnacht maidir leis ná an fhostaíocht ina mbeadh sé agus na coinníollacha do bhainfeadh leis dá mba ná déanfaí é ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís amhlaidh no é cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe amhlaidh, agus gur thairg an sean-fhostóir é thógaint thar n-ais sa bhfostaíocht is oiriúnaighe agus fé sna coinníollacha is oiriúnaighe dob’ fhéidir do réir réasúin;


(g) beidh cionta fén bhfo-alt so, alos an tsean-fhostaidhe, ion-chúisithe ag an Aire Cosanta no ag an seanfhostaidhe.


(2) Chun a áirithiú go ndéanfar coigeartú cóir ar chonnartha seirbhíse no príntíseachta bhí no bheidh i bhfeidhm idir fostóirí agus fostaithe le linn na bhfostaithe, i gcás oifigeach den Chúltaca, do ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís no le linn na bhfostaithe, i gcás pearsan nach oifigigh den Chúltaca, do cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe, féadfaidh an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála rialacháin do dhéanamh ag saoradh páirtithe na gconnradh san o n-a n-oblagáidí uile no o aon chuid dá n-oblagáidí, fé sna connartha san alos tréimhse seirbhíse míleata na bhfostaithe sin agus féadfaidh, freisin, rialacháin do dhéanamh ag atharú na gconnradh san tríd an tréimhse sheirbhíse no phríntíseachta fén gcéanna d'fhaidiú tréimhse nach sia ná an tréimhse sin de sheirbhís mhíleata agus tré théarmaí na gconnradh san do chur in oiriúint d'aon fhaidiú den tsórt san.


(3) Déanfar, maidir le duine ar bith (dá ngairmtear an seanfhostaidhe sa bhfo-alt so) is oifigeach den Chúltaca agus a beifear tar éis a ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís no is pearsa nach oifigeach den Chúltaca agus a beifear tar éis a cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe, tagairtí san alt so, don duine ag á raibh an sean-fhostaidhe ar fostú tráth a ghlaoidhte amach ar buan-tseirbhís amhlaidh no tráth a cheaptha chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe amhlaidh, do léiriú, alos éinní bheidh le déanamh tar éis tréimhse a sheirbhíse míleata do bheith caithte, mar thagairtí fholuíonn tagairtí do dhuine ar bith a bheidh, de thurus na huaire, i gcúram an ghnóthais no na seirbhíse ina raibh an sean-fhostaidhe ar fostú tráth a ghlaoidhte amach ar buan-tseirbhís amhlaidh no tráth a cheaptha chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe amhlaidh no i gcúram aon ghnóthais no seirbhíse le n-a mbeifear tar éis an chéanna do chó-nascadh no 'nar chuid de é dáta glaoidhte amach an tseanfhostaidhe amhlaidh no a cheaptha chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe amhlaidh.


(4) Más deimhin leis an Aire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála gur gá cosc do chur le fostóirí do chur deireadh le fostaíocht a bhfostaithe ar scór a bheith ar na fostaithe sin, de bhuadh forálacha na nAchtanna, aon diúitéthe do dhéanamh no freagrachtaí do chólíonadh mar bhaill de sna Fórsaí Cosanta no gur gá socrú do dhéanamh chun ná féadfaí cólíonadh forálacha an ailt seo do sheachaint, féadfaidh rialacháin do dhéanamh chun na gcrícheanna san, agus féadfar socrú do dhéanamh leis na rialacháin sin chun pionós do bheith ag gabháil le n-a sárú, agus go sonnrách féadfar, leis na rialacháin sin, aon cheann d'fhorálacha fo-ailt (1) den alt so bhaineann le daoine gheobhfar ciontach i gciontaí fén bhfo-alt san do chur i mbaint, go n-atharuithe no dá n-éamuis, le daoine gheobhfar ciontach i sáruithe den tsórt san.


(5) Gach rialachán a déanfar fén alt so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta agus má dheineann ceachtar. Tigh den Oireachtas, fé cheann an lae is fiche shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis an rialacháin sin do leagadh fé n-a bhráid, rún do rith ag cur an rialacháin sin ar nea-mbrí, beidh an rialachán san curtha ar nea mbrí dá réir sin ach beidh san gan dochar do bhailíocht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén rialachán san.


(6) I gcás—


(a) (i) duine is oifigeach den Chúltaca do ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís roimh an Acht so do rith no dá éis sin, no


(ii) duine do cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe roimh an Acht so do rith no dá éis sin, agus


(b) an duine sin (dá ngairmtear an sean-fhostaidhe sa bhfo-alt so) do bheith, tráth a ghlaoidhte amach ar buan-tseirbhís amhlaidh no a cheaptha chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe amhlaidh (pé aca é), ar fostú ag duine (dá ngairmtear an t-údarás sa bhfo-alt so) is Aire Stáit no cólucht reachtúil agus an cólucht san freagarthach d'Aire Stáit,


beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(c) tógfaidh an t-údarás an sean-fhostaidhe thar n-ais, ar a sheirbhís mhíleata do bheith críochnuithe, i bhfostaíocht agus fé choinníollacha nach lugha oiriúnacht maidir leis ná an fhostaíocht ina mbeadh sé agus na coinníollacha do bhainfeadh leis dá mba ná déanfaí é ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís amhlaidh no é cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe amhlaidh;


(d) ní bheidh feidhm ag mír (c) den fho-alt so maidir leis an sean-fhostaidhe—


(i) mara ndeinidh an sean-fhostaidhe, fé cheann mí tar éis a sheirbhís mhíleata do bheith críochnuithe, a iarraidh ar an údarás é thógaint thar n-ais, no


(ii) má dheineann an sean-fhostaidhe, gan chúis réasúnta do bheith aige chuige sin, faillighe do thabhairt, tar éis don údarás a thairgsint dó é thógaint thar n-ais, i dteacht ag obair san am agus san áit a chur an t-údarás in úil dó, no


(iii) má thárlann toisc atharú (seachas duine éigin eile d'fhostú in ionad an tsean-fhostaidhe) do bheith tagtha ar chúrsaí an cháis—


(I) nach féidir do réir réasúin an sean-fhostaidhe do thógaint thar n-ais, no


(II) nach féidir an sean-fhostaidhe do thógaint thar n-ais i bhfostaíocht agus fé choinníollacha nach lugha oiriúnacht maidir leis ná an fhostaíocht ina mbeadh sé agus na coinníollacha do bhainfeadh leis dá mba ná déanfaí é ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís amhlaidh no é cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe amhlaidh, agus go dtairgfidh an t-údarás é thógaint thar n-ais sa bhfostaíocht is oiriúnaighe agus fé sna coinníollacha is oiriúnaighe is féidir do réir réasúin, no


(iv) mara ndearna an sean-fhostaidhe, i gcás é bheith ar fostú ag an údarás tráth a cheaptha ina oifigeach den Chúltaca no tráth a cheaptha chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe, cead chun glacadh leis an gceapadh san d'fháil ón údarás no o dhuine éigin ag gníomhú thar ceann an údaráis.


(7) San alt so—


cialluíonn an abairt “oifigeach den Chúltaca” oifigeach den Chúltaca Oifigeach;


cialluíonn an abairt “duine do cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe” duine do cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe sna Fórsaí i rith tréimhse práinne;


cialluíonn an abairt “oifigeach sealadach” duine ar n-a cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe;


cialluíonn an abairt “duine do ghlaodhach amach ar buantseirbhís”, maidir le hoifigeach den Chúltacha, duine do ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís de bhun ailt 221 den Acht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 (Uimh. 30 de 1923);


cialluíonn an abairt “ar a sheirbhís mhíleata do bheith críochnuithe”—


(a) maidir le hoifigeach den Chúltaca, ar an oifigeach san do scaoileadh, den chéad uair tar éis an t-oifigeach san do ghlaodhach amach ar buan-tseirbhís, as bheith ar seirbhís mhíleata,


(b) maidir le hoifigeach sealadach, ar an oifigeach san do scur dá choimisiún do bheith aige;


cialluíonn an abairt “tréimhse sheirbhíse míleata”—


(a) maidir le hoifigeach den Chúltaca, an tréimhse o thráth an t-oifigeach san do ghlaodhach amach ar buantseirbhís go dtí tráth a sheirbhíse míleata do bheith críochnuithe den chéad uair tar éis an t-oifigeach san do ghlaodhach amach amhlaidh,


(b) maidir le hoifigeach sealadach, an tréimhse o thráth a cheaptha chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe go dtí tráth a dá choimisiún do bheith aige.


(8) I gcás—


(a) duine do cheapadh ina oifigeach den Chúltaca no é cheapadh chun céime coimisiúnta sealadaighe, agus


(b) an duine sin do bheith ag fónamh mar shaighdiúir sna Fórsaí no mar fhear den Chúltaca tar éis dó liostáil sna Forsaí no sa Chúltaca, agus díreach roimh é cheapadh amhlaidh,


déanfar aon tagairtí atá sna fo-ailt sin roimhe seo do thráth no dáta a cheaptha amhlaidh do léiriú mar thagairtí do thráth no dáta a liostála amhlaidh.


E de cheart ag an Aire airgead tarrtháltais d'éileamh as seirbhísí longa Stáit.

9.—I gcás aon long Stáit do dhéanamh seirbhísí tarrtháltais, beidh an tAire i dteideal airgead tarrtháltais d'éileamh thar ceann an Stáit as na seirbhísí sin, agus beidh na cearta agus na leigheasanna céanna aige do bheadh ag únaer na luinge sin dá mba nár long Stáit í.


Ceannasaithe agus fóirne longa Stáit d'éileamh airgid tarrtháltais.

10.—(1) I gcás—


(a) ceannasaidhe no fuireann luinge Stáit do dhéanamh seirbhísí tarrtháltais, agus


(b) ceannasaidhe no fuireann no cuid d'fhuirinn na luinge Stáit sin do bhunú imeachta, ar dháta an Achta so do rith no dá éis sin, chun éileamh alos na seirbhísí tarrtháltais sin d'fhoirfheidhmiú,


beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(i) ní déanfar breithiúnú deiridh ar an éileamh san mara gcruthuítear toiliú an Aire (toiliú is iontugtha roimh na himeachta san do bhunú no dá éis sin) do bheith tugtha leis an éileamh do chur ar aghaidh,


(ii) mara gcruthuítear an toiliú san do bheith tugtha, beidh an t-éileamh san caithte amach agus íoc na gcostaisí ar an lucht éilimh.


(2) San alt so foluíonn an focal “fuireann” oifigigh.


Gearr-theideal agus có-luadh.

11.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1941, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Féadfar na hAchtanna Fórsaí Cosanta (Forálacha Sealadacha), 1923 go 1941, do ghairm de sna hAchtanna agus den Acht so le chéile.



Number 6 of 1941.






Definitions and construction.


Continuance of the Acts.


Application of section 9 of the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1925, to officers of the Forces.


Amendment of section 12 of the No. 2 Act of 1940.


Amendment of section 57 of the No. 2 Act of 1940.


Relinquishment of commissions by officers.


Suspension of right of soldier to be discharged during a period of emergency.


Restoration to employment of and other provisions in relation to certain officers.


Right of Minister to claim salvage in respect of services of State ships.


Salvage claims by commanders and crews of State ships.


Short title and collective citation.

Acts Referred to

Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) (No. 2) Act, 1940

No. 11 of 1940

Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1925

No. 4 of 1925

Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923

No. 30 of 1923


Number 6 of 1941.



Definitions and construction.

1.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the No. 2 Act of 1940” means the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) (No. 2) Act, 1940 (No. 11 of 1940);


the expression “the Acts” means the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Acts, 1923 to 1940;


the expression “period of emergency” has the same meaning as in the No. 2 Act of 1940.


(2) The Acts and this Act shall be read and construed together and accordingly every expression and word used in this Act to which a particular meaning is given by the Acts for the purposes of the Acts has in this Act the meaning so given.


Continuance of the Acts.

2.—The Acts, as amended and extended by this Act, shall continue in force until the 31st day of March, 1942, and shall then expire.


Application of section 9 of the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1925, to officers of the Forces.

3.Section 9 (which relates to lunatic soldiers on discharge) of the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1925 (No. 4 of 1925), shall apply in respect of an officer of the Forces who is retired therefrom upon the grounds of infirmity of mind and who is certified by a registered medical practitioner to be a person of unsound mind and to be a proper person to be detained under care and treatment in like manner as the said section applies to a soldier of the Forces in respect of whom, upon his discharge, it is similarly certified.


Amendment of section 12 of the No. 2 Act of 1940.

4.—The references in sub-section (1) of section 12 (which relates to emergency billeting) of the No. 2 Act of 1940 to occupiers of premises, shall, in the case of premises which are unoccupied, be construed as references to the owners of those premises.


Amendment of section 57 of the No. 2 Act of 1940.

5.—(1) Section 57 (which relates to restoration to employment of reservists called out on permanent service and of soldiers enlisted in the Forces for a period of emergency) of the No. 2 Act of 1940 shall be construed and have effect as if the following new paragraph were inserted in sub-section (1) at the end thereof, that is to say:—


“(g) an offence under this sub-section in relation to the former employee may be prosecuted by the Minister for Defence or by the former employee.”


(2) Sub-section (4) of section 57 of the No. 2 Act of 1940 is hereby amended by the substitution therein of the words “any of the provisions” for the words “of any of the provisions”.


Relinquishment of commissions by officers.

6.—(1) Where, during a period of emergency, the Minister directs that any officer of the Reserve of Officers shall not be called or recalled during the said period to permanent service, the President, acting on the advice of the Government, may direct that such officer shall relinquish his commission, and in that case such officer shall relinquish his commission.


(2) Where, either before or after the passing of this Act, a person is appointed during a period of emergency to temporary commissioned rank in the Forces or in the Reserve, the President, acting on the advice of the Government, may at any time direct that such person shall relinquish his commission, and in that case such person shall relinquish his commission.


(3) The relinquishment of his commission by an officer under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of this section shall take effect as on and from such date as the President, acting on the advice of the Government, may fix.


Suspension of right of soldier to be discharged during a period of emergency.

7.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Acts, no soldier of the Forces or man of the Reserve shall be entitled to be discharged during a period of emergency.


(2) This section shall be deemed to have come into force on, and shall have effect as on and from, the 1st day of January, 1941.


Restoration to employment of and other provisions in relation to certain officers.

8.—(1) Where—


(a) either—


(i) a person who is a Reserve officer has been before, or is after, the passing of this Act called out on permanent service, or


(ii) a person has been before, or is after, the passing of this Act appointed to temporary commissioned rank, and


(b) such person (in this sub-section referred to as the former employee) was, at the time he was so called out on permanent service or appointed to temporary commissioned rank (as the case may be), employed by another person (in this sub-section referred to as the former employer) who is neither a Minister of State nor a statutory body responsible to a Minister of State,


the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(c) it shall be the duty of the former employer to reinstate the former employee at the termination of his military service in an occupation and under conditions not less favourable to him than those which would have been applicable if he had not been so called out on permanent service or appointed to temporary commissioned rank;


(d) if the former employer fails to so reinstate the former employee, the former employer shall be guilty of an offence under this sub-section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds;


(e) if the former employer is found guilty of such offence, the court by which he is so found guilty may also order him to pay to the former employee such amount (not exceeding six times the sum which would, if he had not so been called out on permanent service or had not been appointed to temporary commissioned rank (as the case may be) and had been in the employment of the former employer at the termination of his military service, have been the monthly remuneration payable to him by the former employer at the time of such termination) as the court thinks fit;


(f) if the former employer is charged with an offence under this sub-section in relation to the former employee, it shall be a good defence to such charge if the former employer proves—


(i) that the former employee did not before the expiration of one month after the termination of his military service, apply to the former employer for reinstatement, or


(ii) that having been offered reinstatement by the former employer, the former employee failed, without reasonable excuse to present himself for employment at the time and place notified by the former employer, or


(iii) that by reason of a change of circumstances (other than the engagement of some other person to replace the former employee)—


(I) it was not reasonably practicable to reinstate the former employee, or


(II) the reinstatement of the former employee in an occupation and under conditions not less favourable to him than those which would have been applicable to him had he not been so called out on permanent service or appointed to temporary commissioned rank was impracticable and the former employer has offered to reinstate him in the most favourable occupation and under the most favourable conditions reasonably practicable;


(g) an offence under this sub-section in relation to the former employee may be prosecuted by the Minister for Defence or by the former employee.


(2) For the purposes of securing the fair adjustment of contracts of service or apprenticeship in force between employers and employees when the employees, being Reserve officers, are called out on permanent service or, not being Reserve officers, are appointed to temporary commissioned rank, the Minister for Industry and Commerce may make regulations relieving the parties to such contracts of all or any of their obligations thereunder in respect of the period of military service of such employees, and may also make regulations modifying such contracts by extending the period of service or apprenticeship thereunder by a period not exceeding the said period of military service, and adapting the terms of the contracts in relation to any such extension.


(3) In relation to any person (in this sub-section referred to as the former employee) who, being a Reserve officer, has been called out on permanent service or, not being a Reserve officer, has been appointed to temporary commissioned rank, references in this section to the person by whom the former employee was employed at the time he was so called out on permanent service or appointed to temporary commissioned rank shall, as respect any thing to be done, after the expiration of his military service, be construed as including references to any person for the time being carrying on the undertaking or service in which the former employee was employed when he was so called out on permanent service or appointed to temporary commissioned rank or carrying on any undertaking or service in which it has been amalgamated or in which it was comprised on the date on which the former employee was so called out or appointed to temporary commissioned rank.


(4) If the Minister for Industry and Commerce is satisfied that it is necessary to restrain employers from terminating the employment of their employees by reason of any duties or liabilities which they are or may become liable to perform or discharge as members of the Defence Forces by virtue of the provisions of the Acts or to make provision for the prevention of evasion of the provisions of this section, he may make regulations for those purposes, and such regulations may make provision for the punishment of breaches of the regulations and may in particular apply, with respect to persons found guilty of such breaches, any of the provisions of sub-section (1) of this section relating to persons found guilty of offences under the said sub-section, with or without modifications.


(5) Every regulation made under this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling such regulation is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which such House has sat after such regulation is laid before it, such regulation shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to anything previously done under such regulation.


(6) Where—


(a) either—


(i) a person who is a Reserve officer has been before, or is after, the passing of this Act called out on permanent service, or


(ii) a person has been before, or is after, the passing of this Act appointed to temporary commissioned rank, and


(b) such person (in this sub-section referred to as the former employee) was at the time he was so called out on permanent service or appointed to temporary commissioned rank (as the case may be) employed by a person (in this sub-section referred to as the authority) who is either a Minister of State or a statutory body responsible to a Minister of State,


the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—.


(c) the authority shall reinstate the former employee at the termination of his military service in an occupation and under conditions not less favourable to him than those which would have been applicable if he had not been so called out on permanent service or appointed to temporary commissioned rank;


(d) paragraph (c) of this sub-section shall not apply in respect of the former employee—


(i) if the former employee does not, before the expiration of one month after the termination of his military service, apply to the authority for reinstatement, or


(ii) if, having been offered reinstatement by the authority, the former employee fails, without reasonable cause, to present himself for employment at the time and place notified by the authority, or


(iii) if, by reason of a change of circumstances (other than the engagement of some other person to replace the former employee)—


(I) it is not reasonably practicable to reinstate the former employee, or


(II) the reinstatement of the former employee in an occupation and under conditions not less favourable to him than those which would have, been applicable to him had he not been so called out on permanent service or appointed to temporary commissioned rank is impracticable, and the authority offers to reinstate him in the most favourable occupation and under the most favourable conditions reasonably practicable, or


(iv) if the former employee did not, in case he was employed by the authority at the time he was appointed a Reserve officer or appointed to temporary commissioned rank, obtain the consent of the authority or some person acting on behalf of the authority to his acceptance of such appointment.


(7) In this section—


the expression “Reserve officer” means an officer belonging to the Reserve of Officers;


the expression “appointed to temporary commissioned rank” means appointed to temporary commissioned rank in the Forces during a period of emergency;


the expression “temporary officer” means a person appointed to temporary commissioned rank;


the expression “called out on permanent service” means, in relation to a Reserve officer, called out on permanent service in pursuance of section 221 of the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1923 (No. 30 of 1923);


the expression “termination of his military service” means—


(a) in relation to a Reserve officer, the date on which he is released from military service next subsequent to his being called out on permanent service,


(b) in relation to a temporary officer, the date on which he ceases to hold his commission;


the expression “period of military service” means—


(a) in relation to a Reserve officer, the period commencing on the date on which he is called out on permanent service and ending on the date of the termination of his military service next following such calling out,


(b) in relation to a temporary officer, the period beginning on the date on which he was appointed to temporary commissioned rank and ending on the date on which he ceases to hold his commission.


(8) Where—


(a) a person is appointed a Reserve officer or appointed to temporary commissioned rank, and

(b) such person, having enlisted in the Forces or the Reserve, was, immediately before being so appointed, serving as a soldier in the Forces or as a man of the Reserve,

any references in the preceding sub-sections to the time or date at which he was so appointed shall be construed as references to the time or date at which he so enlisted.


Right of Minister to claim salvage in respect of services of State ships.

9.—Where salvage services are rendered by any State ship, the Minister shall be entitled to claim salvage on behalf of the State for such services, and shall have the same rights and remedies as if the ship rendering such services were not a State ship.


Salvage claims by commanders and crews of State ships.

10.—(1) Where—


(a) salvage services are rendered by the commander or crew of a State ship, and


(b) proceedings are instituted, on or after the date of the passing of this Act, by the commander or crew or part of the crew of such State ship for the enforcement of a claim in respect of such salvage services,


the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(i) the said claim shall not be finally adjudicated upon unless the consent of the Minister (which may be given before or after the institution of the said proceedings) to the prosecution thereof is proved,


(ii) if the said consent is not proved, the said claim shall stand dismissed with costs.


(2) In this section the word “crew” includes officers,


Short title and collective citation.

11.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1941.


(2) The Acts and this Act may be cited together as the Defence Forces (Temporary Provisions) Acts, 1923 to 1941.