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Uimhir 7 de 1968
[An tiontú oifigiúil.]
Cáin Ioncaim
[EN]Leasú ar alt 156 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
1.—(1) Déantar leis seo an fo-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 156 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967:
[EN]“(1) Déanfaidh an tAire Airgeadais daoine a cheapadh ina gCoimisinéirí Achomhairc chun críocha na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim (dá ngairtear ‘Coimisinéirí Achomhairc’ san Acht seo) agus beidh, de bhua a gceaptha agus gan aon cháilíocht eile, údarás ag na daoine a cheapfar amhlaidh cibé cumhachtaí a fhorghníomhú agus cibé dualgais a chomhlíonadh a shanntar dóibh leis na hAchtanna sin.”
[EN](2) I gcás—
[EN](a) ina raibh duine i seilbh oifige mar choimisinéir chun críocha speisialta na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim díreach roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith, agus
[EN](b) gurbh é an tAire Airgeadais a cheap é ina choimisinéir amhlaidh,
[EN]ansin, amhail ón dáta sin, measfar gur ceapadh ina Choimisinéir Achomhairc ceapadh sin an duine sin.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 181 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
2.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 181 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, tríd an bhfo-alt seo a leanas a chur leis:
[EN]“(3) Aon rud is gá do na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim a dhéanamh maidir le déanamh measúnachtaí faoi Sceideal C nó Sceideal D féadfaidh cibé oifigeach do na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim a údaróidh siad chuige sin é a dhéanamh.”
[EN]Forálacha áirithe den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, a leasú agus a aisghairm.
R. & O. R., Uimh. 48 de 1929.
I.R. Uimh. 152 de 1959.
I.R. Uimh. 28 de 1960.
I.R. Uimh. 231 de 1961.
3.—(1) In ailt 164 (2), 416 (5), 418 (6) agus 422 (3) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, cuirtear “Coimisinéir Achomhairc” in ionad “Coimisinéir Speisialta” agus in alt 429 (3) den Acht sin cuirtear “do Choimisinéir Achomhairc” in ionad “do Choimisinéir Speisialta”.
[EN](2) Déantar leis seo gach foráil d'fhorálacha an Achta Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, a shonraítear i gCuid I den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a leasú trí thagairt do Choimisinéirí Achomhairc a chur inti in ionad gach tagartha do Choimisinéirí Speisialta.
[EN](3) Déantar leis seo gach foráil d'fhorálacha an Achta Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, a shonraítear i gCuid II den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a leasú trí thagairt do na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim a chur inti in ionad gach tagartha do Choimisinéirí Speisialta.
[EN](4) Déantar leis seo an t-achtachán a shonraítear i gcolún (2) de Chuid III den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a leasú mar a shonraítear i gcolún (3) den Chuid sin.
[EN](5) Déantar leis seo an t-achtachán a shonraítear i gcolún (2) de Chuid IV den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a aisghairm a mhéid a shonraítear i gcolún (3) den Chuid sin.
[EN](6) (a) Leasaítear leis seo Rialacháin (5), (6), (7) agus (8) de na Rialacháin a rinne na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim an 13ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1929, trí “Coimisinéirí Ioncaim” a chur i ngach ceann acu in ionad “Coimisinéirí Speisialta” agus cúlghairtear leis seo Rialachán (10) de na Rialacháin sin.
[EN](b) Leasaítear leis seo Rialachán (9) de na Rialacháin a rinne na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim an 13ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1929—
[EN](i) trí “cigire cánach” a chur in ionad “na Coimisinéirí Speisialta”,
[EN](ii) trí “requires” a chur in ionad “require” sa leagan Béarla,
[EN](iii) trí “dó” a chur in ionad “dóibh”,
[EN](iv) trí “má dhéanann na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim” a chur in ionad “má dhinid”,
[EN](v) trí “cuirfidh an cigire cánach nó na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim, cibé acu é”, a chur in ionad “cuirfid”.
[EN](c) Leasaítear leis seo na Rialacháin seo a leanas:
[EN](i) Rialachán (4) de na Rialacháin a rinne na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim an 13ú lá de Mheán Fómhair, 1929,
[EN](ii) Rialacháin 6, 8 agus 12 (2) de na Rialacháin um Cháin Ioncaim (Blianachtaí Ceannaigh Saoil), 1959,
[EN](iii) Rialacháin 14 (2), (3) agus (4), 15 (1), 16, 31 (5), 34 (6) agus 44 (3) agus (4) de na Rialacháin Cánach Ioncaim (Fostaíochtaí), 1960,
[EN](iv) Rialachán 6 de na Rialacháin Cánach Ioncaim (Fostaíochtaí) (Forcháin), 1961,
[EN]trí thagairt do na Coimisinéirí Achomhairc a chur i ngach ceann acu in ionad gach tagartha do na Coimisinéirí Speisialta.
[EN](d) Déantar leis seo Rialacháin 14 (6), 31 (7) agus 34 (7) de na Rialacháin Cánach Ioncaim (Fostaíochtaí), 1960, a leasú trí “aon Choimisinéir Achomhairc amháin” a chur i ngach ceann acu in ionad “aon Choimisinéir Speisialta amháin”.
[EN]Teorainneacha ama chun measúnachtaí agus éilimh aisíoca a dhéanamh.
4.—(1) Déantar leis seo an fo-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 186 (2) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967:
[EN]“(2) (a) Faoi réir aon fhorála a lamhálann tréimhse níos faide in aon aicme cáis, féadfar measúnacht nó céad-mheasúnacht bhreise a dhéanamh tráth ar bith nach déanaí ná deich mbliana tar éis deireadh na bliana lena mbaineann an mheasúnacht:
[EN]Ar choinníoll, i gcás aon sórt calaois nó faillí a rinne duine ar bith nó a rinneadh thar a cheann i ndáil le nó maidir le cáin ioncaim, go bhféadfar measúnacht nó céadmheasúnacht bhreise a dhéanamh tráth ar bith in aghaidh aon bhliana a dtarlódh, mar gheall ar an gcalaois nó an fhaillí, go gcaillfí cáin ioncaim ar an Státchiste mura mbeadh sin.
[EN](b) (i) I gcás ina bhfaighfear díolaíochtaí lena mbaineann an fhomhír seo i mbliain mheasúnachta i ndiaidh na bliana measúnachta ar inmheasúnaithe iad ina haghaidh, beidh éifeacht ag mír (a) i gcás measúnachtaí nó céad-mheasúnachtaí breise i leith na ndíolaíochtaí ach tagairt do dheireadh na bliana measúnachta a fuarthas na díolaíochtaí a chur in ionad na tagartha do dheireadh na bliana lena mbaineann an mheasúnacht.
[EN](ii) Na díolaíochtaí lena mbaineann an fhomhír sin roimhe seo is díolaíochtaí iad mar a mhínítear in alt 110 (2), lena n-áirítear aon íocaíochtaí is inmhuirir i leith cánach de bhua Chaibidil II de Chuid V agus aon suimeanna atá, de bhua Chaibidil III de Chuid V, le háireamh mar pheircuisí de chuid oifige nó fostaíochta duine, ar díolaíochtaí, íocaíochtaí nó suimeanna iad seachas iad sin a chuirtear i gcuntas i measúnacht i leith cánach ioncaim in aghaidh na bliana measúnachta a fuarthas iad; agus chun críocha na míre seo—
[EN](I) d'ainneoin aon ní in alt 114 (4), áireofar aon íocaíocht den sórt sin mar íocaíocht a fuarthas an tráth a fuarthas í iarbhír, agus
[EN](II) aon suimeanna den sórt sin nár íocadh iarbhír leis an duine sin áireofar iad mar shuimeanna a fuarthas an tráth a tabhaíodh na costais iomchuí nó a áiríodh iad chun críocha na Caibidle sin III mar chostais a tabhaíodh.
[EN](c) Agóid ar bith in aghaidh déanamh aon mheasúnachta nó céad-mheasúnachta breise ar an bhforas go bhfuil an tréimhse atá teoranta lena aghaidh sin caite ní dhéanfar í ach amháin ar achomharc ón measúnacht.
[EN](d) San fho-alt seo ciallaíonn ‘faillí’ faillí nó mainneachtain in aon fhógra a thabhairt, in aon tuairisceán, ráiteas nó dearbhú a dhéanamh, nó in aon liosta, doiciméad nó eolas eile a thabhairt a iarrtar leis na hAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim nó fúthu:
[EN]Ar choinníoll go measfar nár mhainnigh duine aon rud a dhéanamh ba ghá a dhéanamh laistigh d'am teoranta má rinne sé é laistigh de cibé am breise, má b'ann, a cheadaigh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim nó an t-oifigeach iomchuí; agus, i gcás ina raibh leithscéal réasúnach ag duine i dtaobh gan aon rud áirithe a dhéanamh ba ghá a dhéanamh, go measfar nár mhainnigh sé é sin a dhéanamh má rinne sé é gan mhoill mhíréasúnach tar éis deireadh a bheith leis an leithscéal.”
[EN](2) I gcás ina mbeartaítear measúnacht nó céad-mheasúnacht bhreise a dhéanamh de bhua mhír (a) nó de bhua míreanna (a) agus (b) den fho-alt a gcuirtear fo-alt (1) ina ionad, ní dhéanfar í—
[EN](a) i gcás ina mbeartaítear a dhéanamh de bhua na míre sin (a), más measúnacht í a bhaineann le bliain roimh an mbliain 1961-62, nó
[EN](b) i gcás ina mbeartaítear í a dhéanamh de bhua na míreanna sin (a) agus (b), más roimh an mbliain 1961-62 do thráth faighte (de réir brí na míre sin (b)) na ndíolaíochtaí, na n-íocaíochtaí nó na suimeanna,
[EN]ach amháin i gcás a thagann faoi réim an choinníll a ghabhann leis an mír sin (a).
[EN](3) Leasaítear leis seo alt 211 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967,—
[EN](a) trí “d'aon bhliain mheasúnachta a bhféadfaí measúnacht nó céad-mheasúnacht bhreise a dhéanamh air díreach roimh é d'éag nó a dhéanamh air dá mba bheo dó” a chur in ionad “don bhliain mheasúnachta a éagfaidh an duine sin nó d'aon bhliain roimhe sin”,
[EN](b) tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur le fo-alt (2):
[EN]“Beidh éifeacht ag an bhfo-alt seo d'ainneoin alt 186 (2).”
[EN](4) Déantar leis seo an fo-alt seo a leanas a chur in ionad alt 526 (6) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967:
[EN]“(6) Féadfar measúnacht nó measúnacht bhreise i leith forchánach a dhéanamh laistigh den am a lamháiltear le haghaidh measúnacht nó céad-mheasúnacht bhreise i leith cánach ioncaim a dhéanamh in imthosca comhréireacha agus beidh éifeacht dá réir sin ag alt 186 (2), agus ag alt 4 (2) den Acht Airgeadais (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1968, ionann agus dá bhfolódh aon tagairt sa chéanna do cháin ioncaim nó do mheasúnacht nó céad-mheasúnacht bhreise i leith cánach ioncaim tagairt d'fhorcháin nó do mheasúnacht nó céad-mheasúnacht bhreise i leith forchánach.”
[EN](5) (a) Leasaítear leis seo alt 498 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “de na deich mbliana” a chur ann in ionad “de na sé bliana”.
[EN](b) I ndáil le héileamh ar aisíoc cánach ioncaim d'aon bhliain de na blianta 1961-62 go 1966-67, beidh feidhm ag alt 41 den Income Tax Act, 1918, ionann agus dá gcuirfí “ten” in ionad “six”.
[EN]Fógra i dtaobh dliteanas i leith cánach.
5.—(1) Gach duine is inmhuirir i leith cánach ioncaim d'aon bhliain mheasúnachta agus nach mbeidh, maidir leis an mbliain sin, fógra tugtha dó faoi alt 169 nó alt 172 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, agus nach mbeidh tuairisceán tugtha aige ar a ioncam iomlán, tabharfaidh sé, tráth nach déanaí ná bliain tar éis deireadh na bliana measúnachta, fógra don chigire cánach go bhfuil sé inmhuirir amhlaidh.
[EN](2) Leasaítear leis seo Sceideal 15 a ghabhann leis an Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “An tAcht Airgeadais (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1968, alt 5” a chur isteach i gcolún 3 de.
[EN]Ailt 167, 168, 171, 172 (3) agus 179 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, a aisghairm, agus leasuithe iarmartacha.
6.—(1) Aisghairtear leis seo ailt 167, 168, 171, 172 (3) agus 179 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
[EN](2) Leasaítear leis seo alt 169 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “le fógra a thabharfaidh cigire dó” a chur in ionad “le haon fhógra ginearálta nó sonrach a thabharfar de bhun an Achta seo”.
[EN](3) Leasaítear leis seo alt 169 (4) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “ar thug cigire fógra dó” a chur in ionad “ar a ndearna cigire fógra sonrach a sheirbheáil”.
[EN](4) Leasaítear leis seo alt 170 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “le fógra a thabharfaidh cigire dó” a chur in ionad “le haon fhógra ginearálta nó sonrach”.
[EN](5) Leasaítear leis seo alt 176 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “le fógra a thabharfaidh cigire dó” a chur in ionad “le haon fhógra ginearálta nó sonrach”.
[EN](6) Leasaítear leis seo alt 177 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, trí “le fógra a thabharfaidh cigire dó” a chur in ionad “le fógra ginearálta nó sonrach faoin Acht seo”.
[EN](7) Leasaítear leis seo alt 211 (3) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967 trí “nuair a iarrfar air déanamh amhlaidh le fógra a thabharfaidh cigire dó” a chur in ionad “nuair a iarrfar air le fógra sonrach déanamh amhlaidh”.
[EN]Leasú ar Chaibidil VI de Chuid IV den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
7.—(1) Leasaítear leis seo Caibidil VI de Chuid IV den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, le héifeacht amhail ó dháta thosach feidhme an Achta sin,—
[EN](a) tríd an mír seo a leanas a chur isteach in alt 81 (4), i ndiaidh mhír (e):
[EN]“(f) ús ar airgead a fuarthas ar iasacht agus a úsáideadh ag ceannach, ag feabhsú nó ag deisiú an áitribh,” agus
[EN](b) tríd an alt seo a leanas a chur isteach i ndiaidh alt 89:
[EN]“89A.—Más rud é i gcás aon bhliana measúnachta—
[EN](a) go mbeidh duine inmhuirir (nó go mbeadh sé inmhuirir mura mbeadh neamhdhóthanacht brabús nó gnóchan) i leith cánach faoí Chás IV de Sceideal D de bhua alt 81, agus
[EN](b) go muirearófar an duine sin i leith cánach faoi alt 434 maidir le híoc úis, is ús a mbeadh asbhaint le déanamh ina aghaidh, faoi threoir mhír (f) d'alt 81 (4), le linn na brabúis nó na gnóchain a bheith á ríomh mura mbeadh feidhm a thabhairt (leis an bhfo-alt sin) do na forálacha is inchurtha chun feidhme maidir le Cás 1 de Sceideal D is forálacha nach bhféadfar asbhaint i leith úis a íocadh nó is iníoctha go hiomlán agus go heisiatach chun críche trádála a dhéanamh fúthu le linn brabúis nó gnóchain na trádála a bheith á ríomh,
[EN]áireofar an méid ar íocadh cáin air faoin measúnacht sin ionann agus dá mba éard é caillteanas den sórt a luaitear in alt 310 agus beidh feidhm dá réir sin ag forálacha an ailt sin.”
[EN](2) Más rud é, maidir le hús d'aon cheann de na blianta 1963-64 go dtí 1966-67, go mba inlamháilte aon fhaoiseamh ó cháin de bhua fho-alt (1) dá mba é a bhí ann ús don bhliain 1967-68, deonófar an faoiseamh céanna ina leith sin agus a dheonófaí dá mbeadh forálacha i gCuid IX den Acht Airgeadais, 1963, ar aon-éifeacht leo sin a cuireadh isteach le fo-alt (1) i gCaibidil VI de Chuid IV den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
[EN]Leasú ar Sceideal 15 a ghabhann leis an Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
8.—Déantar leis seo Sceideal 15 a ghabhann leis an Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, a leasú tríd an tagairt d'alt 526 (3) den Acht sin a scriosadh as colún 1 agus tagairt don alt sin 526 (3) a chur isteach i gcolún 3.
[EN]Pinsin áirithe coigríche a bheith díolmhaithe ó cháin.
9.—(1) In alt 53 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, measfar nach bhfolaíonn an tagairt i mír (f) de Chás III d'ioncam ó shealúchais lasmuigh den Stát tagairt d'aon phinsean nó sochar dá shamhail lena mbaineann an t-alt seo.
[EN](2) Tá feidhm ag an alt seo maidir le haon phinsean nó sochar dá shamhail—
[EN](a) a thugtar i leith seirbhísí san am atá caite in oifig nó fostaíocht nó is iníoctha faoi na forálacha de dhlí na tíre ina n-éiríonn sé a fhreagraíonn do fhorálacha Achtanna na bPinsean Seanaoise, 1908 go 1967, na nAchtanna um Pinsin do Bhaintreacha agus do Dhílleachtaí, 1935 go 1967, nó na nAchtanna Leasa Shóisialaigh, 1952 go 1967, agus
[EN](b) dá mba é a fhaigheann é duine ar a bhfuil, chun críocha cánach na tíre ina n-éiríonn sé, cónaí sa tír sin agus nach in aon áit eile atá cónaí air, nach mbeadh le háireamh mar ioncam chun na gcríocha sin.
[EN]Sa mhír seo ciallaíonn “cáin”, maidir le haon tír, cáin is inmhuirir agus is iníoctha faoi dhlí na tíre sin agus a fhreagraíonn do cháin ioncaim sa Stát.
[EN](3) Beidh éifeacht ag an alt seo maidir le cáin ioncaim don bhliain 1967-68 nó d'aon bhliain mheasúnachta ina dhiaidh sin.
Dleachtanna Stampa
[EN]Polasaithe árachais saoil gearrthéarma.
10.—(1) Sé phingin an méid uasta is inmhuirir ar mhodh dleacht stampa ar aon pholasaí árachais saoil a dhéanfar in aghaidh tréimhse nach faide ná dhá bhliain.
[EN](2) Chun críocha an ailt seo, déileálfar le polasaí mar pholasaí a rinneadh in aghaidh tréimhse is faide ná dhá bhliain má bhíonn aon fhoráil ann trína bhféadfaidh sé a bheith ar fáil in aghaidh tréimhse is faide ná dhá bhliain san iomlán.
[EN](3) Más rud é, tráth ar bith tar éis polasaí a dhéanamh ar mhó an dleacht ab inmhuirir air, mura mbeadh fo-alt (1) den alt seo, ná sé phingin, go n-athrófar an polasaí ionas go dtiocfaidh sé, nó go bhféadfaidh sé teacht, chun bheith ar fáil in aghaidh tréimhse is faide ná dhá bhliain san iomlan, tiocfaidh an dleacht chéanna chun bheith inmhuirir ar an bpolasaí ab inmhuirir air dá mba ar dháta an athraithe go ceann tréimhse ab fhaide ná dhá bhliain a rinneadh é, agus féadfar é a stampáil dá réir sin, gan phionós, tráth ar bith laistigh de thríocha lá tar éis an dáta sin.
[EN]Comhaontuithe i leith fruiliú.
1891, c. 39.
11.—Sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Stamp Act, 1891, ní bhainfidh an ceannteideal “Bond, Covenant or Instrument of any kind whatsoever” le hionstraim ar bith maidir le cúnant nó comhaontú ag aon duine, cibé acu mar phríomhaí nó mar urra,—
[EN](i) go n-íocfaidh sé, nó go ráthóidh sé go n-íocfar, suimeanna is iníoctha le haghaidh nó i leith aon earraí nó marsantais a fhruiliú, nó aon innealra nó gléasra a fhruiliú, nó
[EN](ii) go gcúiteoidh sé nó go ráthóidh sé go gcúiteofar áirleacain a rinneadh le haghaidh nó i leith íoc na suimeanna is iníoctha mar a dúradh.
[EN]Urrúis inmhargaidh.
12.—(1) San alt seo—
[EN]tá le “na críocha sceidealta” an bhrí chéanna atá leis san Acht um Rialú Iomlaoide, 1954;
[EN]ciallaíonn “urrús iasachta coigríche” urrús arna eisiúint lasmuigh den Stát i leith iasacht a bheidh luaite in airgeadra críche lasmuigh de na críocha sceidealta, agus nach dtairgtear lena suibscríobhadh sa Stát ná nach dtairgtear lena suibscríobhadh d'fhonn urrúis i leith na hiasachta a thairiscint lena ndíol sa Stát.
[EN](2) Na dleachtanna stampa a fhorchuirtear leis an Stamp Act, 1891, faoin gceannteideal “Marketable Security” sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht sin ar urrús inmhargaidh is inaistrithe trí sheachadadh ní hinmhuirir iad i gcás urrús iasachta coigríche arna eisiúint ag nó thar ceann cuideachta nó comhlacht daoine, corpraithe nó neamhchorpraithe, a foirmíodh nó a bunaíodh sa Stát.
[EN](3) Na dleachtanna stampa a fhorchuirtear leis an Stamp Act, 1891, faoin gceannteideal “Conveyance or Transfer on Sale of any property” sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht sin ar urrús inmhargaidh nach inaistrithe trí sheachadadh ní hinmhuirir iad i gcás urrús iasachta coigríche arna eisiúint ag nó thar ceann cuideachta nó comhlacht daoine, corpraithe nó neamhchorpraithe, a foirmíodh nó a bunaíodh sa Stát.
Cáin Bhrabús Corparáide
[EN]Teorainneacha ama chun measúnachtaí a dhéanamh.
13.—(1) D'ainneoin aon ní atá in alt 24 (1) den Acht Airgeadais, 1946, agus faoi réir aon fhoráil a fhorálann tréimhse níos faide in aon aicme cáis, ní dhéanfar aon mheasúnacht i leith cánach brabús corparáide tráth níos déanaí ná deich mbliana tar éis deireadh na tréimhse cuntasaíochta lena mbaineann sí, ná i leith aon tréimhse cuntasaíochta dar chríoch dáta roimh an lú lá d'Aibreán, 1961:
[EN]Ar choinníoll, i gcás ina ndearna aon chuideachta, nó ina ndearnadh thar ceann aon chuideachta, aon saghas calaoise nó faillí i ndáil nó maidir le cáin bhrabús corparáide, go ndéanfar measúnacht ar an gcuideachta sin tráth ar bith i leith aon tréimhse cuntasaíochta dar chríoch an lú lá d'Eanáir, 1941, nó dáta dá éis, a mbeadh cáin bhrabús corparáide ina leith caillte ar an Státchiste, mura mbeadh sin, de dheasca na calaoise nó na faillí.
[EN](2) Agóid ar bith in aghaidh déanamh aon mheasúnachta nó céadmheasúnachta breise ar an bhforas go bhfuil an tréimhse atá teoranta lena aghaidh sin caite ní dhéanfar í ach amháin ar achomharc ón measúnacht.
[EN](3) San fho-alt seo ciallaíonn “faillí” faillí nó mainneachtain in aon fhógra a thabhairt, in aon tuairisceán, ráiteas nó dearbhú a dhéanamh, nó in aon liosta, doiciméad nó eolas eile a thabhairt a iarrtar leis na hachtacháin a bhaineann le cáin bhrabús corparáide nó fúthu:
[EN]Ar choinníoll go measfar nár mhainnigh duine aon rud a dhéanamh ba ghá a dhéanamh laistigh d'am teoranta má rinne sé é laistigh de cibé am breise, má b'ann, a cheadaigh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim nó an t-oifigeach iomchuí; agus, i gcás ina raibh leithscéal réasúnach ag duine i dtaobh gan aon rud áirithe a dhéanamh ba ghá a dhéanamh, go measfar nár mhainnigh sé é sin a dhéanamh má rinne sé é gan mhoill mhíréasúnach tar éis deireadh a bheith leis an leithscéal.
[EN]Tagairtí áirithe do Choimisinéirí Speisialta a leasú.
I. R. Uimh. 130 de 1967.
14.—(1) Na tagairtí sna forálacha de na hachtacháin a shonraítear i gCuid V den Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo do na coimisinéirí chun críocha speisialta na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim agus do na Coimisinéirí Speisialta forléireofar iad mar thagairtí do Choimisinéirí Achomhairc arna gceapadh faoi alt 156 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, agus déanfar an tagairt in alt 65 (6) den Acht Airgeadais, 1965, do Choimisinéir Speisialta a fhorléiriú mar thagairt do Choimisinéir Achomhairc arna cheapadh amhlaidh.
[EN](2) Déanfar an tagairt i Rialachán 7 de na Rialacháin um Cháin Bhrabús Corparáide, 1967, do Choimisinéir chun críocha speisialta na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim a fhorléiriú mar thagairt do Choimisinéir Achomhairc arna cheapadh faoi alt 156 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
[EN]Ceadófar, i gcásanna áirithe, íoc cánach a chur siar.
15.—Más rud é maidir le haon tréimhse chuntasaíochta gurb éard iad brabúis chuideachta nó go mbeidh ar áireamh orthu brabúis trádála i ndéileáil i dtalamh nó i bhforbairt talún a ndéanann an chuideachta lena linn an leas iomlán a fuair sí in aon talamh a dhiúscairt agus, maidir leis an diúscairt sin, go gcomhlíontar na coinníollacha a shonraítear i míreanna (b) go (e) d'alt 23 (1) den Acht seo, beidh feidhm, maille le haon mhodhnuithe is gá, ag fo-ailt (2) agus (3) den alt sin 23 maidir leis an oiread sin den cháin bhrabús corparáide a mhuirearaítear le haon mheasúnacht in aghaidh na tréimhse cuntasaíochta agus nárbh inmhuirir dá mba rud é nár tháinig aon suim le cur i gcuntas mar a luaitear i bhfo-alt (1) (d) den alt sin 23 mar atá feidhm acu maidir leis an oiread sin den cháin ioncaim a mhuirearaítear le measúnacht i leith brabús nó gnóchan na trádála sin agus nárbh inmhuirir sa chúinse sin.
Brabúis nó Gnóchain ó Dhéileáil i dTalamh nó óna Fhorbairt: Cáin Ioncaim agus Forcháin
16.—(1) Sa Chuid seo den Acht seo, ach amháin mar a n-éilíonn an comhthéacs a mhalairt—
[EN]folaíonn “cuideachta” aon chomhlacht corpraithe;
[EN]ciallaíonn “rialú”, maidir le cuideachta,—
[EN](a) cumhacht duine chun a áirithiú, trí scaireanna a theachtadh nó cumhacht vótála a bheith aige sa chuideachta sin nó maidir léi nó in aon chuideachta eile nó maidir léi, nó de bhua aon chumhachtaí a thugtar leis na hairteagail chomhlachais nó le haon doiciméad eile ag rialáil na cuideachta sin nó aon chuideachta eile, go stiúrfar cúrsaí na cuideachta céadluaite mar a theastaíonn ón duine sin,
[EN](b) ceart duine chun níos mó ná leath aon bhrabús de chuid na cuideachta arna roinnt ar mhodh díbhinne nó, dá bhfoirceanntaí an chuideachta, chun níos mó ná leath a sócmhainní;
[EN]ciallaíonn “forbairt”, maidir le haon talamh—
[EN](a) aon fhoirgneamh a fhoirgniú, ar an talamh nó aon fhoirgneamh ar an talamh a scartáil, a mhéadú, a athrú nó a athfhoirgniú, nó
[EN](b) aon oibríocht innealtóireachta nó oibríocht eile a dhéanamh i dtalamh, ar thalamh, thar talamh nó faoi thalamh d'fhonn é a oiriúnú le haghaidh úsáide is athrú ábhartha,
[EN]agus forléireofar dá réir sin “forbairt” ar feadh a réime;
[EN]ciallaíonn “margadh-luach”, maidir le haon mhaoin, an praghas a mbeadh súil réasúnach leis a rachadh an mhaoin sin dá ndíoltaí í ar an margadh oscailte;
[EN]tá le “stoc trádála” an bhrí chéanna atá leis in alt 62 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967;
[EN]aon tagairt do leas i dtalamh a dhiúscairt folaíonn sí tagairt do leas a bhunú agus aon tagairt do leas a fháil i dtalamh folaíonn sí tagairt do leas a fháil a scoirfidh ar an bhfáil;
[EN](2) Chun críocha na Coda seo—
[EN](a) ní mheasfar duine do dhiúscairt leas i dtalamh de dhroim é do thíolacadh nó d'aistriú an leasa ar mhodh urrúis nó é do dheonú léasa ar an talamh ar théarmaí nach gceanglaíonn go n-íocfaí aon fhíneáil, préimh nó suim dá samhail, agus
[EN](b) aon rogha nó ceart eile chun aon leas in aon talamh a fháil nó a dhiúscairt measfar gur leas sa talamh é.
[EN](3) (a) Ceist ar bith i dtaobh baint a bheith ag duine le duine eile déanfar, chun críche na Coda seo, í a chinneadh de réir na míreanna seo a leanas den fho-alt seo, agus aon fhoráil go bhfuil baint ag duine amháin le duine eile glacfar leis go bhfolaíonn sí foráil go bhfuil baint ag an duine eile leis an duine céadluaite sin.
[EN](b) Tá baint ag duine le pearsa aonair más é an duine sin fearchéile nó banchéile na pearsan aonair, nó más duine gaoil é, nó más é fearchéile nó más í banchéile duine gaoil é, leis an bpearsa aonair nó le fearchéile nó le banchéile na pearsan aonair.
[EN](c) Tá baint ag duine, ina fheidhmeanas mar iontaobhaí socraíochta, le haon phearsa aonair is socraitheoir maidir leis an socraíocht, agus le haon duine a bhfuil baint aige le pearsa aonair den sórt sin.
[EN](d) Tá baint ag duine le haon duine lena bhfuil sé i gcomhpháirtíocht, agus le fearchéile nó le banchéile nó le duine gaoil de chuid aon phearsan aonair lena bhfuil sé i gcomhpháirtíocht.
[EN](e) Tá baint ag cuideachta le cuideachta eile—
[EN](i) más ag an duine céanna atá rialú an dá chuideachta, nó más ag duine amháin atá rialú cheann acu agus gurb ag daoine a bhfuil baint acu leis atá rialú an chinn eile nó gurb aige féin agus ag daoine a bhfuil baint acu leis atá rialú an chinn eile;
[EN](ii) más ag grúpa beirte nó níos mó daoine atá rialú gach cuideachta, agus gurb iad na daoine céanna atá sna grúpaí nó go bhféadfaí a mheas gurb iad na daoine céanna atá iontu trí dhuine de cheachtar grúpa a áireamh i gcás amháin nó níos mó) mar dhuine a bhfuil duine lena bhfuil baint aige curtha ina ionad.
[EN](f) Tá baint ag cuideachta le duine eile, más ag an duine sin atá rialú na cuideachta sin nó más ag an duine sin agus ag daoine a bhfuil baint acu leis an duine sin, i dteannta a chéile, atá rialú na cuideachta sin.
[EN](g) Aon bheirt daoine nó níos mó a bheidh ag gníomhú i dteannta a chéile chun rialú cuideachta a fháil nó a fheidhmiú áireofar iad maidir leis an gcuideachta sin mar dhaoine a bhfuil baint acu le chéile agus le haon duine a bheidh ag gníomhú ar threoracha aon duine áirithe acu chun rialú na cuideachta a fháil nó a fheidhmiú.
[EN](h) San fho-alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “gaol” deartháir, deirfiúr, sinsear nó dírshliochtach;
[EN]folaíonn “socraíocht” aon diúscairt, iontaobhas, cúnant, comhaontú, nó comhshocraíocht, agus aon aistriú ar airgead nó ar mhaoin eile nó ar aon cheart chun airgid nó chun maoine eile;
[EN]folaíonn “socraitheoir”, maidir le socraíocht, aon duine a rinne an tsocraíocht nó a ghabh inti, go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach, agus go sonrach (ach gan dochar do ghinearáltacht na bhfocal roimhe seo den mhíniú seo) folaíonn sé aon duine a sholáthraigh airgead nó a ghabh air féin airgead a sholáthar, go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach, chun críche na socraíochta, nó a rinne comhshocraíocht chomharaíochta le haon duine eile go ndéanfadh an duine eile sin an tsocraíocht nó go ngabhfadh sé inti.
[EN](4) Beidh éifeacht ag forálacha na Coda seo d'ainneoin aon ní atá i Sceideal A nó sna forálacha is inchurtha chun feidhme maidir leis an Sceideal sin nó i gCaibidil VI de Chuid IV den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967.
[EN]Muirear faoi Chás 1 de Sceideal D a leathnú chun baint le brabúis áirithe ó dhéileáil i dtalamh nó ó fhorbairt talún.
17.—(1) Más rud é, ar leithligh ón alt seo, nach n-áireofaí na gníomhaíochtaí go léir, nó nach n-áireofaí cuid de na gníomhaíochtaí, a bhaineann le gnó déileála i dtalamh nó forbairte talún mar ghníomhaíochtaí a sheoltar i gcúrsa trádála faoi réim Sceideal D ach go n-áireofaí amhlaidh iad dá mba é a bhí i ngach diúscairt leasa i dtalamh a bhí ar áireamh sna gníomhaíochtaí sin diúscairt ar an leas iomlán ann a bhí an duine ag a raibh an gnó á sheoladh tar éis a fháil agus go raibh sé tar éis an leas sin a fháil i gcúrsa an ghnó, measfar gur trádáil atá go hiomlán faoi réim Sceideal D an gnó nó, de réir mar a bheidh, cuid de thrádáil den sórt sin agus muirearófar i leith cánach faoi Chás I de Sceideal D dá réir sin na brabúis nó na gnóchain ón gcéanna.
[EN](2) Chun críocha fho-alt (1)—
[EN](a) measfar gur tharla déileáil i dtalamh i gcás ina ndearna duine ag a raibh leas in aon talamh an leas sin nó leas a dhíorthaigh uaidh a dhiúscairt maidir le hiomlán na talún sin nó le haon chuid di, agus
[EN](b) duine a áiritheoidh go ndéanfar forbairt ar aon talamh measfar eisean a bheith ag forbairt na talún sin.
[EN](3) I gcás ina ndéanfar leas i dtalamh a dhiúscairt le linn cuideachta a bheith á foirceannadh, measfar, chun críocha an ailt seo, nár scoir an chuideachta de bheith ag seoladh na trádála nó an ghnó a bhí á sheoladh aici roimh thosú an fhoirceannta suas go dtí críochnú na diúscairte, nó na diúscairte deiridh den sórt sin má bhí níos mó ná diúscairt amháin ann, agus, dá réir sin, cinnfear, gan aird a thabhairt ar an gcuideachta a bheith á foirceannadh, cé acu a rinneadh nó nach ndearnadh aon diúscairt den sórt sin i gcúrsa gnó déileála i dtalamh nó forbartha talún arb éard é, nó a meastar gurb éard é, trádáil nó cuid de thrádáil.
[EN]Brabúis nó gnóchain ó dhéileáil i dtalamh nó ó fhorbairt talún a ríomh faoi Chás 1 de Sceideal D.
18.—(1) I gcás inarb éard, nó ina bhfuil sé le meas gurb éard, gnó ag déileáil i dtalamh nó ag forbairt talún trádáil faoi réim Sceideal D nó cuid de thrádáil den sórt sin beidh, maidir le ríomh brabús nó gnóchan an ghnó, éifeacht, faoi réir forálacha fho-alt (2), ag na forálacha is inchurtha chun feidhme maidir le Cás 1 den Sceideal sin.
[EN](2) (a) Aon chomaoin, seachas cíos nó méid a áirítear mar chíos faoi alt 83 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, i leith leas in aon talamh nó i gcuid d'aon talamh a dhiúscairt, áireofar í mar chomaoin i leith stoc trádála a dhiúscairt agus cuirfear i gcuntas í dá réir sin mar fháltas trádála.
[EN](b) Aon leas (dá ngairtear an t-uasleas ina dhiaidh seo san fho-alt seo) in aon talamh a theachtann an trádálaí agus a ndearna stoc trádála de chuid na trádála de leanfaidh sé dá éis sin, go dtí go scoirfear den trádáil, de bheith ina stoc trádála den sórt sin agus measfar gurb é a luach, tráth ar bith roimh an scor, méid is comhionann leis an méid a chosain sé ar an trádálaí é a fháil lúide méid is comhionann leis an méid a chosain sé ar an trádálaí aon leas (dá ngairtear íosleas ina dhiaidh seo san fho-alt seo) a bhunú a bhfuil an t-uasleas tagtha chun bheith faoina réir.
[EN](c) Chun críocha mhír (b) measfar, faoi réir míreanna (e) agus (f), gurb é comhiomlán na méideanna seo a leanas an méid a chosain sé an t-uasleas a fháil, is é sin le rá:
[EN](i) i gcás inar leas léasach an leas, méid aon fhíneála, préimhe nó suime eile dá shórt a d'íoc an trádálaí mar chomaoin i leith an léas a dheonú, nó, más trí shannadh a fuair sé an léas, an méid a d'íoc sé mar chomaoin i leith an tsannta;
[EN](ii) i gcás inar leas léasach an leas, méid is comhionann leis an méid arbh é, tráth na fála, margadh-luach aon chíosa é a bhí forcoimeádta faoin léas;
[EN](iii) i gcás nach leas léasach an leas, an méid a d'íoc an trádálaí i leith an leas a fháil mar aon le méid comhionann leis an méid arbh é, tráth na fála, margadh-luach aon chíosa fheofheirme, cíosmhuirir, bliantachta nó íocaíochta bliantúla eile é a bhí forcoimeádta nó muirearaithe ar an talamh;
[EN](iv) an méid a d'íoc an trádálaí i modh caiteachais dlí agus caiteachais eile maidir leis an leas a fháil;
[EN](v) i gcás ina bhfuil an trádálaí tar éis an talamh a fhorbairt, an méid caiteachais a thabhaigh sé leis an bhforbairt;
[EN]ach, i gcás ina bhfuil níos mó ná leas amháin sa talamh ag an trádálaí, ní chuirfear aon mhéid i gcuntas faoi fhomhír (v) ach amháin maidir leis an leas a bhfuil an leas eile nó na leasanna eile go léir faoina réir.
[EN](d) Chun críocha mhír (b) measfar gurbh é an costas a bhain don trádálaí ag bunú íosleasa—
[EN](i) i gcás inar leas in iomlán na talún lena mbaineann an t-uasleas an t-íosleas, an bhreis atá ag an gcostas a bhain don trádálaí, arna ríomh de réir mhír (c), ag fáil an uasleasa ar mhargadh-luach aon leasa atá coimeádta aige, nó
[EN](ii) i gcás inar leas i gcuid den talamh lena mbaineann an t-uasleas an t-íosleas, an méid atá de bhreis ag an gcion sin den chostas a bhain leis an uasleas a fháil is inchurtha i leith na coda sin ar mhargadh-luach aon leasa sa chuid sin atá coimeádta aige.
[EN]Chun críocha fhomhír (ii), tiocfar ar an gcion de chostas an uasleasa a fháil is inchurtha i leith coda den talamh lena mbaineann an leas sin trí gach ceann de na méideanna iomaí a meastar, faoi mhír (c), a chomhdhéanann costas an uasleasa sin a fháil a chionroinnt mar is cóir.
[EN](e) I gcás inar ar shlí seachas ar chomaoin i modh airgid nó luach airgid a fuair an trádálaí an t-uasleas in aon talamh ansin, faoi réir mhír (f), measfar, chun críocha mhír (c), go bhfuair sé an leas ar chomaoin comhionann le margadhluach an leasa an tráth a fuair sé é.
[EN](f) Más rud é, tráth fála an uasleasa in aon talamh, nach raibh an trádáil tosaithe nó nach raibh an leas leithreasaithe mar stoc trádála, measfar, chun críocha mhír (c), gur cheannaigh an trádálaí an leas ar chomaoin comhionann lena mhargadh-luach tráth a leithreasaithe mar stoc trádála.
[EN](g) Cuirfear i gcuntas mar fháltas trádála aon chomaoin (seachas íocaíocht lena mbaineann alt 87 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967) i leith an trádálaí do dheonú aon chirt maidir le forbairt aon talún.
[EN](h) Maidir le haon talamh a bhfuil aon leas ann le háireamh mar stoc trádála—
[EN](i) déanfar, ach amháin a mhéid a fhoráiltear leis na forálacha sin roimhe seo den fho-alt seo, neamhshuim d'aon chíos is iníoctha nó is infhaighte, agus
[EN](ii) déanfar neamhshuim mar an gcéanna d'fháltais agus d'eisíocaíochtaí eile de bharr, nó is inchurtha i leith, áitiú nó úsáid na talún ag an trádálaí (seachas úsáid chun críocha na trádála) nó ag aon duine eile.
[EN]Leasanna i dtalamh a aistriú idir daoine áirithe atá i gcomhlachas le chéile.
19.—(1) I gcás ina ndéanfaidh aon duine leas i dtalamh a dhiúscairt chun duine lena bhfuil baint aige (dá ngairtear an t-aistrí anseo ina dhiaidh seo) agus—
[EN](a) go ndiúscrófar an leas ar phraghas is mó ná a mhargadhluach; agus
[EN](b) i ndáil leis an bpraghas—
[EN](i) nach bhfuil sé le cur i gcuntas, maidir leis an diúscróir, le linn ríomh a bheith á dhéanamh chun críocha cánach ar na brabúis nó na gnóchain ó thrádáil arb éard í nó ar cuid di gnó ag déileáil i dtalamh nó ag forbairt talún, ach
[EN](ii) go bhfuil sé le cur i gcuntas amhlaidh maidir leis an aistrí,
[EN]measfar chun críocha cánach go bhfuair an t-aistrí an leas ar phraghas comhionann lena mhargadh-luach an tráth a fuair sé é.
[EN](2) I gcás ina ndéanfaidh aon duine leas i dtalamh a dhiúscairt chun duine lena bhfuil baint aige (dá ngairtear an t-aistrí anseo ina dhiaidh seo) agus—
[EN](a) go ndiúscrófar an leas ar phraghas is lú ná a mhargadhluach, agus
[EN](b) i ndáil leis an bpraghas—
[EN](i) nach bhfuil sé le cur i gcuntas, maidir leis an aistrí, le linn ríomh a bheith á dhéanamh chun críocha cánach ar na brabúis nó na gnóchain ó thrádáil arb éard í nó ar cuid di gnó ag déileáil i dtalamh nó ag forbairt talún, ach
[EN](ii) go bhfuil sé le cur i gcuntas amhlaidh maidir leis an diúscróir,
[EN]measfar, chun críocha cánach, go ndearna an diúscróir an leas a dhiúscairt ar phraghas comhionann lena mhargadh-luach an tráth a rinne an diúscróir é a dhiúscairt.
[EN]Chun críocha an fho-ailt seo measfar gur diúscairt ar phraghas ainmniúil diúscairt a dhéantar ar mhodh bronntanais.
[EN](3) Nuair a bheidh an t-alt seo á chur chun feidhme maidir le cás ina ndeonaítear léas, forléireofar aon tagairt do phraghas mar thagairt don fhíneáil, don phréimh nó don tsuim dá samhail is iníoctha i leith deonú an léasa.
[EN]Muirearófar cáin faoi Chás VI de Sceideal D maidir le scaireanna áirithe a dhíol.
20.—(1) I gcás inarb éard gníomhaíochtaí nó cuid de ghníomhaíochtaí cuideachta foirgneamh a thógáil nó a áirithiú go dtógfar é agus tar éis an tógáil a bheith tosaithe agus tráth nach déanaí ná sé bliana tar éis a chríochnaithe go ndíolfar scaireanna sa chuideachta le duine ag a bhfuil, nó ag a mbeidh de dhroim an díol, rialú na cuideachta, agus, ar leith ón alt seo, nárbh fháltas de ghné ioncaim i lámha an díoltóra an chomaoin i leith an díola, measfar, má chomhlíontar na coinníollacha a shonráitear i bhfo-alt (2), gurb ioncam de chuid an díoltóra suas go dtí an méid a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (5) an chomaoin, agus beidh sí inmhuirir faoi Chás IV de Sceideal D dá réir sin.
[EN](2) Is iad na coinníollacha dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (1)—
[EN](a) na scaireanna a dhíol an 11ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1965, nó dá éis sin;
[EN](b) leas a bheith (go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach) ag an gcuideachta, tráth an díola, san fhoirgneamh agus gur cúigiú cuid nó níos mó de ghlansócmhainní na cuideachta luach an leasa sin agus aon leasa a bheidh ag an gcuideachta amhlaidh an tráth sin in aon fhoirgneamh eile (nach foirgneamh a críochnaíodh níos mó ná sé bliana roimh an tráth sin ná foirgneamh nach bhfuil an coinníoll a shonraítear i mír (c) den fho-alt seo comhlíonta maidir leis) a thóg an chuideachta nó ar áirithigh an chuideachta go dtógfaí é;
[EN](c) ar fhógra chuige sin a bheith seirbheáilte uirthi ag an gcigire, gan an chuideachta a bheith tar éis a shuíomh, laistigh de lá agus fiche tar éis dáta an fhógra nó laistigh de cibé am breise a cheadaigh na Coimisinéirí Ioncaim, gur stoc trádála de chuid trádála atá á seoladh aici an leas sin agus go ndearna sí nó go ndéanfaidh sí é a dhiúscairt i ngnáthchúrsa na trádála sin.
[EN](3) Ní bheidh feidhm ag fo-alt (1)—
[EN](a) má dhéanann duine nó daoine na scaireanna sa chuideachta a dhíol le cuideachta eile agus go bhfuil na scaireanna i ngach cuideachta acu sin ar teachtadh (go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach) ag an duine céanna nó ag na daoine céanna sa chomhréir chéanna, nó
[EN](b) má dhíolann cuideachta amháin na scaireanna le cuideachta eile agus go bhfuil na scaireanna i ngach cuideachta acu ar teachtadh (go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach) ag an duine céanna nó ag na daoine céanna sa chomhréir chéanna,
[EN]agus beidh aird i ngach cás ar aon difear idir na scaireanna nó idir na cearta a ghabhann leo.
[EN](4) I gcás ina dtarlóidh, roimh an díolachán scaireanna a luaitear i bhfo-alt (1), go mbeidh an chuideachta—
[EN](a) tar éis a leas san fhoirgneamh, nó leas a dhíorthaíonn ón leas sin, a dhiúscairt chun an duine arb é ceannaitheoir na scaireanna é, nó chun cuideachta ag a bhfuil baint leis an gceannaitheoir, nó
[EN](b) tar éis aon leas san fhoirgneamh a dhiúscairt chun nó i bhfabhar aon duine, agus go bhfaighidh ceannaitheoir na scaireanna, nó cuideachta ag a bhfuil baint leis an gceannaitheoir, an leas roimh an díolachán nó tar éis an díolacháin de bhun comhshocraíochtaí arna ndéanamh tráth nach déanaí ná tráth an díolacháin,
[EN]beidh feidhm ag fo-alt (1) ionann is dá mbeadh an leas a diúscraíodh dílsithe fós féin don chuideachta chéadluaite tráth na scaireanna a dhíol agus nárbh shócmhainní de chuid na cuideachta aon sócmhainní de chuid na cuideachta is ionann agus an chomaoin i leith an leas a dhiúscairt.
[EN](5) Is é méid a mbeidh sé le meas faoi fho-alt (1) gurb ioncam de chuid an díoltóra é an chionúireacht iomchuí den mhéid (más ann) de bhrabúis nó de ghnóchain na cuideachta ab inmhuirir i leith cánach a d'éireodh dá ndíoltaí an leas dá dtagraítear i míreanna (b) agus (c) d'fho-alt (2) (nó gach leas den sórt sin i gcás níos mó ná leas amháin a bheith ann) an tráth sin ar chomaoin comhionann leis an méid seo a leanas, is é sin le rá, méid na comaoine cuí i leith na scaireanna eisithe go léir sa chuideachta—
[EN](a) lúide aon bhreis a bhí ag margadh-luach sócmhainní na cuideachta, seachas an leas nó na leasanna sin, ar dhliteanais chomhiomlána na cuideachta tráth an díolacháin, nó
[EN](b) móide aon bhreis a bhí ag na dliteanais chomhiomlána sin ar an margadh-luach sin.
[EN](6) Chun críocha an ailt seo, is í an chomaoin chuí i leith na scaireanna eisithe uile i gcuideachta an chomaoin iarbhír i leith an díolacháin scaireanna a luaitear i bhfo-alt (1) móide (murarbh é díol na scaireanna eisithe go léir an díolachán sin) an chomhréir idir an méid iomlán scaireanna eisithe agus an méid scaireanna a díoladh:
[EN]Ar choinníoll go measfar, chun críocha an ailt seo, i gcás nach den ghné chéanna scaireanna eisithe uile na cuideachta nó nach iad na cearta céanna a ghabhann leo go léir agus nár díoladh na scaireanna eisithe uile den díolachán sin, gurb í an chomaoin chuí i leith na scaireanna eisithe uile sa chuideachta an tsuim ab ionann, an tráth a díoladh na scaireanna, agus margadh-luach an leasa nó na leasanna uile a luaitear i bhfo-alt (5) lúide nó, de réir mar a dhlíonn an cás, móide an bhreis a luaitear i mír (a) nó i mír (b) d'fho-alt (5).
[EN](7) Chun críocha fho-alt (5), is í an chomhréir iomchuí, maidir le haon díolachán scaireanna, an chomhréir idir an gcomaoin iarbhír i leith an díolacháin sin agus an chomaoin chuí i leith na scaireanna eisithe uile sa chuideachta, ar shlí, ámh, gurb í an chomhréir iomchuí, i gcás ina bhfuil éifeacht ag an gcoinníoll a ghabhann leis an bhfo-alt sin roimhe seo, cibé comhréir is cóir ag féachaint do líon agus do ghné na scaireanna a díoladh agus do na cearta a ghabhann leo, i gcomparáid le líon agus gné na scaireanna eisithe uile sa chuideachta agus do na cearta nó na cearta éagsúla a ghabhann leo.
[EN](8) Beidh aon cháin inghnóthaithe ón gcuideachta is inmhuirir ar an díoltóir de bhua na bhforálacha sin roimhe seo agus nach mbeidh íoctha aige, agus i gcás inar pearsa aonair an díoltóir an méid a measfar (de bhua fho-alt (1)) gurb ioncam dá chuid é measfar chun críocha an fho-ailt seo gurb í an chuid is airde dá ioncam é.
[EN](9) I gcás ina ndéanfaí, de dhroim scaireanna a dhíol, a mheas, faoi fho-alt (1), gurbh ioncam de chuid an díoltóra aon mhéid áirithe mura mbeadh an coinníoll a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (2) (c) a bheith gan chomhlíonadh, agus go mbeidh aon leas i bhfoirgneamh den sórt a luaitear i bhfo-alt 2 (b) ar teachtadh fós féin ag an gcuideachta lá cothrom sé bliana ó lá an díolacháin ansin, measfar go bhfuair an chuideachta a chóimhéid d'ioncam an lá cothrom sé bliana sin agus beidh sí inmhuirir faoi Chás IV de Sceideal D dá réir sin.
[EN](10) Má tharlaíonn, tar éis na scaireanna a dhíol, go bhfaibhreoidh aon fháltais chun na cuideachta ó leas i bhfoirgneamh a dhiúscairt i gcúrsa trádála ag déileáil i dtalamh nó ag forbairt talún, is leas a bhí ag an gcuideachta an tráth a díoladh na scaireanna agus a ndearnadh an brabús a d'éireodh ar na scaireanna sin a dhiúscairt a chur i gcuntas ina leith nuair a bhíothas ag ríomh an méid ioncaim ab inmhuirir i leith cánach faoi threoir an díolacháin faoi na forálacha sin roimhe seo den alt seo, déanfar neamhshuim de na fáltais chun críocha cánach ioncaim más cóir agus a mhéid is cóir sin a dhéanamh ag féachaint d'aon cháin a muirearaíodh faoi na forálacha sin.
[EN](11) I gcás ina bhfuil cuideachta tar éis foirgneamh a fhoirgniú, nó tar éis tosú ar fhoirgneamh a fhoirgniú, ar thalamh ina bhfuil leas ag cuideachta lena bhfuil baint ag an gcuideachta sin agus go bhfaighidh duine rialú ar an gcéad chuideachta tar éis an foirgniú a bheith tosaithe agus tráth nach déanaí ná sé bliana tar éis é a chríochnú, ansin, maidir le scaireanna sa chuideachta ag a bhfuil leas sa talamh a dhíol leis an duine sin (cibé acu roimh an duine sin d'fháil rialú ar an gcéad chuideachta nó dá éis sin a rinneadh), beidh feidhm ag na fo-ailt sin roimhe seo mar atá feidhm acu maidir le cuideachta den sórt a luaitear iontu ach amháin tagairtí do leas sa talamh a chur in ionad tagairtí do leas san fhoirgneamh.
[EN](12) Chun críocha na bhfo-alt sin roimhe seo, measfar go bhfolaíonn foirgneamh neamhchríochnaithe an méid sin d'aon ábhair leis an gcuideachta is gá chun an foirgneamh a thógáil agus measfar go bhfolaíonn foirgneamh (críochnaithe nó neamhchríochnaithe) a láithreán.
[EN](13) Chun críocha an ailt seo—
[EN](a) forléireofar “scair”, maidir le cuideachta nach bhfuil faoi theorainn scaireanna (cibé acu atá nó nach bhfuil scairchaipiteal aici), mar fhocal a fholaíonn tagairtí do leasanna an chomhalta sa chuideachta sa cháil sin is cuma cad é an sórt leas an leas sin.
[EN](b) measfar gurb ionann agus scair a dhíol na cearta a ghabhann le scair nó is cuid de scair a dhíol, amhail agus dá mba scaireanna ar leithligh na cearta a bhí folaithe agus na cearta nach raibh folaithe sa díolachán, agus
[EN](c) déanfar neamhshuim d'aon fhoirgneamh a soláthraíodh le húsáid, agus a cuireadh in úsáid, le haghaidh trádáil bona fide a bhí á seoladh ag an gcuideachta, seachas trádáil—
[EN](i) ag déileáil i dtalamh nó ag forbairt talún, nó
[EN](ii) ag soláthar seirbhísí le haghaidh áititheoirí talún is talamh a bhfuil leas inti ar teachtadh ag an gcuideachta.
[EN](14) I gcás ina measfar de bhua an ailt seo gurb ioncam de chuid an díoltóra an chomaoin i leith scaireanna a dhíol agus go mbeidh aon urrúis de chuid na cuideachta seachas scaireanna sa chuideachta folaithe sa díolachán ar phraghas de bhreis ar dhliteanas na cuideachta i leith na n-urrús, áireofar chun críocha an ailt seo gur cuid den chomaoin i leith na scaireanna a dhíol an bhreis.
[EN]Feidhm alt 20 maidir le scaireanna i gcuideachtaí sealbhaíochta a dhíol.
21.—(1) Faoi réir forálacha an ailt seo, i gcás—
[EN](a) inarb é sórt cuideachta cuideachta (dá ngairtear an chéad chuideachta ina dhiaidh seo san alt seo) go mbeadh feidhm ag alt 20 dá ndíoltaí scaireanna sa chuideachta le duine ag a bhfuil, nó ag a mbeadh de dhroim an díolacháin, rialú na cuideachta;
[EN](b) inar le cuideachta eile (dá ngairtear an dara cuideachta ina dhiaidh seo san alt seo) scaireanna sa chuideachta sin (go díreach nó trí ainmní);
[EN](c) ina ndíolfar aon tráth (dá ngairtear an tráth iomchuí ina dhiaidh seo san alt seo) scaireanna sa dara chuideachta le duine ag a bhfuil, nó ag a mbeidh de dhroim an díolacháin, rialú na céad chuideachta; agus
[EN](d) gur scaireanna den ghné chéanna agus thugann na cearta céanna na scaireanna eisithe uile sa dara cuideachta an tráth iomchuí,
[EN]measfar chun críocha alt 20 go ndearnadh an uimhir iomchuí scaireanna sa chéad chuideachta a dhíol an tráth iomchuí leis an duine a luaitear i mír (c) ag díoltóir na scaireanna a luaitear sa mhír sin ar chomaoin comhionann leis an méid a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (3).
[EN](2) Chun críocha an fho-ailt sin roimhe seo, is í an uimhir iomchuí scaireanna sa chéad chuideachta an uimhir a gheofar tríd an uimhir iomlán scaireanna sa chéad chuideachta ba de chuid an dara cuideachta an tráth iomchuí (mar a dúradh) a iolrú ar an gcodán arb é a uimhreoir an uimhir scaireanna sa dara cuideachta a díoladh mar a luaitear i mír (c) den fho-alt sin agus arb é a ainmneoir an uimhir iomlán scaireanna eisithe sa dara cuideachta an tráth iomchuí.
[EN](3) Is é an méid dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (1) méid na comaoine leith an díolacháin a luaitear i bhfo-alt (1) (c)—
[EN](a) lúide an méid a gheofar trí aon bhreis a bheidh sa luach a shonraítear san fho-alt ina dhiaidh seo ar dhliteanais chomhiomlána an dara cuideachta an tráth iomchuí a iolrú ar an gcodán a shonraítear san fho-alt sin roimhe seo, nó
[EN](b) móide an méid a gheofar trí aon bhreis a bheidh sna dliteanais chomhiomlána sin ar an luach sin a iolrú ar an gcodán sin.
[EN](4) Is é an luach dá dtagraítear san fho-alt sin roimhe seo an luach arb é, an tráth iomchuí, margadh-luach sócmhainni uile an dara cuideachta é seachas na scaireanna sa chéad chuideachta dá cuid (mar a dúradh) an tráth sin.
[EN](5) I gcás ina dtarlóidh, sna himthosca a thuairiscítear i míreanna (a) go (c) d'fho-alt (1), nach den ghné chéanna na scaireanna eisithe uile sa dara cuideachta, nó nach iad na cearta céanna a thugann siad go léir, an tráth iomchuí, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha sin roimhe seo den alt seo ionann is dá bhfágtaí ar lár fo-alt (1) (d) agus dá gcuirtí in ionad an chodáin a shonraítear i bhfo-alt (2) cibé codán is codán cóir ag féachaint d'uimhir agus do ghné na scaireanna sa dara cuideachta a díoladh mar a luaitear i bhfo-alt (1) (c) agus na cearta a ghabh leo, i gcomparáid le huimhir agus gné na scaireanna eisithe uile sa dara cuideachta an tráth iomchuí agus na cearta nó na cearta éagsúla a ghabh leo, agus aon tagairt don chodán chéadluaite a fhorléiriú dá réir sin.
[EN](6) I gcás ina dtarlóidh, sna himthosca a thuairiscítear i míreanna (a) go (c) d'fho-alt (1)—
[EN](a) gur cuideachta den sórt a luaitear sa mhír sin (a) an dara cuideachta í féin, agus
[EN](b) go bhfuil, nó go mbeidh de dhroim an díolacháin, rialú an dara cuideachta ag an duine lena ndíolfar na scaireanna sa dara cuideachta,
[EN]beidh feidhm ag forálacha alt 20 agus ag na forálacha roimhe seo den alt seo, go huile.
[EN](7) Más rud é, in ionad scaireanna sa dara cuideachta a dhíol mar a luaitear i bhfo-alt (1) (c), gurb iad na scaireanna a dhíolfar scaireanna i gcuideachta (dá ngairtear an chuideachta dheiridh ina dhiaidh seo san fho-alt seo), ag a bhfuil, trí shraith cuideachtaí, leas neamhdhíreach i scaireanna na chéad chuideachta, beidh feidhm ag na forá lacha roimhe seo den alt seo, agus iad modhnaithe mar is gá, maidir le gach cuideachta (arb í an chéad chuideachta í nó an chuideachta dheiridh nó ceann den sraith cuideachtaí) a mbeidh, tráth an díolacháin, nó a mbeidh de dhroim an díolacháin, a rialú ag an duine lena ndíolfar na scaireanna sa chuideachta dheiridh.
[EN]Forálacha d'fhorlíonadh ar ailt 20 agus 21.
22.—(1) I gcás bearta cónasctha scaireanna i gcuideachta a dhíol tráthanna éagsúla leis an duine céanna agus an duine sin d'fháil rialú na cuideachta de dhroim aon cheann de na díolacháin seachas an chéad díolachán, ansin, chun críocha cheachtar den dá alt roimhe seo, measfar aon díolachán níos luaithe ná an díolachán ar dá dhroim a gheobhaidh sé rialú (nach díolacháin a rinneadh roimh an 11ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1965) a bheith arna dhéanamh tráth an díolacháin sin.
[EN](2) Chun críocha an fho-alt sin roimhe seo measfar bearta scaireanna a bheith cónasctha más bearta scaireanna iad faoi seach de chuid (go díreach nó trí ainmní) an duine chéanna nó beirt daoine nó níos mó a bhfuil baint ag duine acu leis an duine eile nó le gach duine de na daoine eile; agus chun críocha an fho-ailt seo measfar gur de chuid duine scaireanna—
[EN](a) más de chuid chuideachta faoina rialú iad, nó
[EN](b) má tá siad ar teachtadh ag iontaobhaithe de dhroim socraíochta (mar a mhínítear in alt 16 (3)) arb eisean an socraitheoir (mar a mhínítear amhlaidh) ina leith.
[EN](3) I gcás duine d'fháil rialú cuideachta aon tráth—
[EN](a) aon díolachán scaireanna sa chuideachta, cibé acu díolachán leis an duine sin é nó le duine óna bhfuair sé na scaireanna go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach, a rinneadh roimh an tráth sin agus a rinneadh de bhun comhshocraíochtaí chun rialú na cuideachta a aistriú, nó
[EN](b) aon díolachán scaireanna sa chuideachta arna dhéanamh le duine eile óna bhfuair an duine chéadluaite iad go díreach nó go neamhdhíreach, is díolachán a rinneadh tar éis an trátha sin agus a rinneadh de bhun comhshocraíochtaí chun na scaireanna a aistriú chun an duine chéadluaite,
[EN]measfar, chun críocha an dá alt roimhe seo, gur díolachán é a mbeidh rialú na cuideachta dá dhroim ag an neascheannaitheoir.
[EN](4) Chun críocha an ailt seo agus an dá alt roimhe seo measfar gur díolachán le duine díolachán le cuideachta faoina rialú nó lena ainmní, agus measfar gur leas a bhunú i bhfabhar duine leas a bhunú i bhfabhar cuideachta faoina rialú nó i bhfabhar a ainmní.
[EN](5) Chun na gcríocha réamhráite, i gcás beirt daoine nó níos mó a bheith ag gníomhú le chéile chun rialú cuideachta a fháil nó a fheidhmiú, measfar gur duine amháin iad maidir leis an gcuideachta sin.
[EN](6) I gcás scaireanna a dhíol de bhun comhaontú roimh ré, measfar chun críocha an dá alt roimhe seo agus na bhforálacha roimhe seo den alt seo gurb é tráth an comhaontú a dhéanamh tráth an díolacháin.
[EN]É a cheadú i gcásanna áirithe íoc cánach a chur siar.
23.—(1) Más rud é—
[EN](a) go ndéanfaidh duine (dá ngairtear an díoltóir ina dhiaidh seo san alt seo) ag a mbeidh trádáil á seoladh ag déileáil i dtalamh nó ag forbairt talún (dá ngairtear an trádáil anseo ina dhiaidh seo san alt seo) an leas iomlán a fuair sé in aon talamh a dhiúscairt i gcúrsa na trádála,
[EN](b) nach duine a bhfuil baint aige leis an díoltóir an duine chun a ndearnadh an diúscairt (dá ngairtear an ceannaitheoir ina dhiaidh seo san alt seo),
[EN](c) go bhfuil sna téarmaí ar faoina réir a rinneadh an diúscairt foráil le haghaidh an ceannaitheoir do dheonú léas ar an talamh don díoltóir,
[EN](d) go mbeidh suim arb ionann luach di agus ceart an díoltóra chun léas a dheonú dó le cur i gcuntas mar chomaoin i leith na diúscartha le linn brabúis nó gnóchain na trádála a bheith á ríomh, agus
[EN](e) laistigh de shé mhí tar éis tráth na diúscartha, go ndeonóidh an ceannaitheoir don díoltóir léas ar an talamh de réir na dtéarmaí sin,
[EN]beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha seo a leanas den alt seo maidir le cáin in aghaidh bliana measúnachta sa bhonn-tréimhse dá ndéantar an diúscairt.
[EN](2) Más rud é, an tráth a thiocfadh, mura mbeadh an fho-alt seo, aon mhéid cánach ioncaim a mhuirearaítear le measúnacht i leith brabús no gnóchan na trádála chun bheith dlite agus iníoctha (ar shlí seachas de bhua alt 418 nó 419 den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967),—
[EN](a) go gcoimeádfaidh an díoltóir an leas léasach a fuair sé ón gceannaitheoir, agus
[EN](b) nach ndearna sé, maidir le hiomlán na talún nó le haon chuid dí, diúscairt ar leas a dhíorthaigh ón leas léasach sin,
[EN]beidh an oiread den mhéid sin cánach ioncaim is comhionann le naoi ndeichiú de cibé méid di nárbh inmhuirir dá mba nach raibh aon suim le cur i gcuntas mar a luaitear i bhfo-alt (1) (d) iníoctha ina naoi dtráthchodanna comhionanna gach bliain agus beidh an chéad tráthchuid acu iníoctha an lú lá d'Eanáir sa bhlian i ndiaidh na bliana ab iníochta, mura mbeadh an fo-alt seo an méid sin cánach ioncaim a dúradh.
[EN](3) Más rud é, i gcás inar údaraíodh le fo-alt (2) go ndéanfaí íoc aon mhéid cánach ioncaim a chur siar,—
[EN](a) go scoirfidh an díoltóir den leas léasach a fuair sé ón gceannaitheoir a choimeád,
[EN](b) go ndéanfaidh an díoltóir, maidir le hiomlán na talún nó le haon chuid di, leas a dhíorthaigh ón leas léasach sin a dhiúscairt,
[EN](c) go n-éagfaidh an díoltóir, ar pearsa aonair é, nó
[EN](d) go dtosóidh an díoltóir, ar cuideachta é, de bheith á fhoirceannadh,
[EN]tiocfaidh an méid sin cánach ioncaim, nó, cibé acu é, tiocfaidh an oiread sin di nár tháinig cheana féin chun bheith dlite agus iníoctha, chun bheith dlite agus iníoctha láithreach.
[EN](4) Maidir le haon mheasúnacht i leith forchánach a rinneadh ar an díoltóir, beidh feidhm ag fo-ailt (2) agus (3) maidir le cibé oiread den cháin a muirearaíodh tríd sin agus nárbh inmhuirir dá mba nach raibh aon suim le cur i gcuntas mar a luaitear i bhfo-alt (1) (d) mar atá feidhm acu maidir leis an oiread sin den cháin ioncaim a mhuirearaítear le measúnacht i leith brabús nó gnóchan na trádála agus nárbh inmhuirir sa chúinse sin.
[EN](5) San alt seo ciallaíonn “bonn-tréimhse”, maidir le bliain mheasúnachta, an tréimhse arb ar a brabúis nó a gnóchain atá cáin ioncaim na bliana sin le ríomh go críochnaitheach faoi Chás I de Sceideal D i leith na trádála nó, i gcás ina bhfuil sé le meas, de bhua aon fhorála de na hAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim, gurb iad brabúis nó gnóchain aon tréimhse eile brabúis nó gnóchain na tréimhse sin, an tréimhse eile sin.
[EN]Feidhm Chuid IV.
24.—(1) Beidh éifeacht ag an gCuid seo—
[EN](a) don bhliain 1967-68 agus blianta measúnachta ina dhiaidh sin, in ionad Chaibidil VII de Chuid IV den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, agus
[EN](b) do na blianta 1965-66 agus 1966-67, in ionad Chuid VII den Acht Airgeadais, 1965, agus ionann is dá gcuirtí in ionad gach tagartha sa Chuid seo d'fhoráil den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, tagairt don fhoráil chomhréireach de na hachtacháin dá dtagraítear in alt 554 (1) den Acht sin mar na hachtacháin aisghairthe:
[EN]Ar choinníoll nach ndéanfar aon mheasúnacht de bhun na Coda seo don bhliain 1965-66, 1966-67 nó 1967-68 nach bhféadfaí a dhéanamh go cuí dá mba nár achtaíodh an Chuid seo.
[EN](2) Measúnacht ar bith a bhí déanta nó a airbheartaítear a bheith arna déanamh roimh dháta an Achta seo a rith, de bhun Chuid VII den Acht Airgeadais, 1965, nó Chaibidil VII de Chuid IV den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, measfar gur measúnacht í arna déanamh faoin gCuid seo, ach má tháinig sí chun bheith críochnaitheach, dochloíte, féadfaidh an duine a measúnaíodh, trí fhógra i scríbhinn arna sheachadadh don chigire laistigh de thrí mhí tar éis dáta an rite sin, a cheangal go ndéanfar, chun críocha uile na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim, í a áireamh mar mheasúnacht a bhfuil achomharc ar feitheamh ina leith.
[EN]Tagairtí áirithe do Choimisinéirí Speisialta a leasú.
25.—I gCuid VI den Acht Airgeadais, 1963, i gCuid VI den Acht Airgeadais, 1965, agus i gCuid VI den Acht Airgeadais, 1966, forléireofar tagairtí do Choimisinéirí Speisialta Cánach Ioncaim agus do Choimisinéirí Speisialta mar thagairtí do Choimisinéirí Achomhairc arna gceapadh faoi alt 156 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, agus forléireofar tagairtí do Choimisinéir Speisialta mar thagairtí do Choimisinéir Achomhairc arna cheapadh amhlaidh.
[EN]Leasú ar alt 27 (3) d'Acht Choimisinéirí na Stát-Sheirbhíse, 1956.
26.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 27 (3) d'Acht Choimisinéirí na Stát-Sheirbhíse, 1956, trí “faoi alt 156 (1) den Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, ina Choimisinéir Achomhairc” a chur in ionad “faoi fho-alt (1) d'alt 67 den Income Tax Act, 1918, ina choimisinéir chun críocha speisialta na nAcht Cánach Ioncaim”.
[EN]An tArd-Bhailitheoir do bhunú imeachtaí i bhféimheacht.
27.—(1) Cumhachtaítear leis seo don Ard-Bhailitheoir agra a dhéanamh i leith toghairm fhéichiúnaí agus achainí i bhféimheacht a thíolacadh ina ainm féin i leith cánacha nó dleachtanna a bheidh dlite don Aire Airgeadais chun sochair an Phríomh-Chiste, is cánacha nó dleachtanna a gcumhachtaítear don Ard-Bhailitheoir iad a bhailiú agus a thobhach.
[EN](2) Faoi réir an ailt seo, beidh feidhm i gcás na n-imeachtaí a bhunóidh an tArd-Bhailitheoir de bhua an ailt seo ag na rialacha cúirte is infheidhmithe de thuras na huaire agus ag na hachtacháin maidir le féimheacht.
[EN]Aoisliúntas Choimisinéirí Achomhairc áirithe.
1918, c. 40.
28.—(1) San alt seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “Coimisinéir Achomhairc” Coimisinéir Achomhairc chun críocha na nAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Airgeadais.
[EN](2) Baineann an t-alt seo le duine ag a bhfuil post bunaithe sa Státseirbhís mar Choimisinéir Achomhairc, seachas—
[EN](a) duine—
[EN](i) a ndearnadh a cheapadh sa phost sin tar éis dáta an Achta seo a rith, agus
[EN](ii) a raibh post bunaithe sa Státseirbhís aige díreach sular ceapadh chun an phoist sin é, nó
[EN](b) duine—
[EN](i) a bhí, direach roimh thosach feidhme an Achta Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, ina choimisinéir arna cheapadh faoi alt 67 (1) den Income Tax Act, 1918, agus
[EN](ii) ar státseirbhíseach bunaithe é díreach sular ceapadh mar choimisinéir den sórt sin é.
[EN](3) I gcás duine lena mbaineann an t-alt seo, tar éis dó fónamh mar Choimisinéir Achomhairc ar feadh tréimhse nár ghiorra ná deich mbliana, scor de bheith ag fónamh i bhfeidhmeanas bunaithe mar Choimisinéir Achomhairc mar gheall ar an aois scoir a shlánú, nó mar gheall ar é a theacht chun bheith éagumasach ar a dhualgais a chomhlíonadh de dheasca easláinte ar dóigh di, dar leis an Aire, a bheith buan, féadfaidh an tAire pinsean a dheonú dó is comhionann leis an ochtú cuid den tuarastal a bhí ag gabháil lena oifig an tráth a scoir sé de bheith ag fónamh i bhfeidhmeanas bunaithe agus, ina theannta sin, an daicheadú cuid den tuarastal sin in aghaidh gach bliana dá sheirbhís de bhreis ar deich mbliana, ach ní rachaidh aon phinsean a dheonófar amhlaidh thar leath an tuarastail sin agus beidh sé faoi réir forálacha Acht na bPinsean (Laghdú), 1965, ionann agus dá mba phinsean faoi na hAchtanna Aoisliúntas, 1834 go 1963, é.
[EN](4) I gcás ina ndeonófar pinsean do dhuine faoin alt seo, féadfaidh an tAire cnapshuim a dheonú dó freisin comhionann le hoiread go leith an phinsin lena n-áirítear aon chuid a bheidh géillte faoin gcéad fho-alt eile.
[EN](5) Aon duine dá ndeonófar pinsean faoin alt seo ar shlí seachas ar scor de dheasca easláinte, féadfaidh sé cuid den phinsean a ghéilleadh i gcomaoin pinsean dá bhanchéile nó do chleithiúnaí amháin eile a ainmneoidh sé, agus beidh aon ghéilleadh den sórt sin faoi réir forálacha an Achta Aoisliúntas, 1956, agus na rialachán faoi ionann agus dá mba phinsean arna dheonú faoi na hAchtanna Aoisliúntas, 1834 go 1963, é.
[EN](6) I gcás duine lena mbaineann an t-alt seo d'fháil bháis tar éis dó fónamh mar Choimisinéir Achomhairc ar feadh tréimhse nach giorra ná cuig bliana, féadfaidh an tAire cnapshuim a dheonú dá ionadaí pearsanta dlíthiúil comhionann leis an tuarastal a bhí ag gabháil lena oifig ar dháta a bháis.
[EN](7) I gcás duine dar deonaíodh pinsean agus cnapshuim faoin alt seo d'fháil bháis agus gur lú an t-iomlán a fuair sé agus ab infhaighte aige agus ag a eastát ná an tuarastal ar ar bunaíodh a phinsean, féadfaidh an tAire cnapshuim is comhionann leis an easnamh a dheonú dá ionadaí pearsanta dlíthiúil.
[EN](8) I gcás duine lena mbaineann an t-alt seo agus a bhí, díreach roimh thosach feidhme an Achta Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, ina choimisinéir arna cheapadh faoi alt 67 (1) den Income Tax Act, 1918, measfar gur seirbhís mar Choimisinéir Achomhairc comhiomlán a sheirbhíse faoin Income Tax Act, 1918, agus a sheirbhíse faoin Acht Cánach Ioncaim, 1967, ó thosach feidhme an Achta sin go dtí dáta an Achta seo a rith.
[EN](9) Ní dhéanfar dámhachtain faoin alt seo agus dámhachtain faoi na hAchtanna Aoisliúntas, 1834 go 1963, leis an duine céanna ná maidir leis.
[EN]Gearrtheideal agus forléiriú.
1891, c. 39.
1920, c. 18.
29.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Airgeadais (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1968, a ghairm den Acht seo.
[EN](2) Forléireofar Codanna I agus IV den Acht seo agus na hAchtanna Cánach Ioncaim i dteannta a chéile.
[EN](3) Forléireofar Cuid II den Acht seo i dteannta an Stamp Act, 1891, agus na n-achtachán ag leasú nó ag leathnú an Achta sin.
[EN](4) Forléireofar Cuid III den Acht seo i dteannta Chuid V den Finance Act, 1920, agus na n-achtachán ag leasú nó ag leathnú na Coda sin.
[EN](5) Ach amháin sa mhéid go n-éilíonn an comhthéacs a mhalairt, forléireofar aon tagairt san Acht seo d'aon achtachán eile mar thagairt don achtachán sin arna leasú ag aon achtachán eile nó faoi aon achtachán eile lena n-áirítear an tAcht seo.
Cuid I
Alt | 1 (1) |
,, | 13 (1) |
,, | 37 (1) (f) (ii) |
,, | 38 |
,, | 41 (3) |
,, | 50 (3) agus (4) |
,, | 54 (4) |
,, | 60 (3) |
,, | 73 (3) |
,, | 76 (5) agus (6) |
,, | 81 (6) |
,, | 82 (2) (a) |
,, | 90 (2) agus (3) |
,, | 113 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 120 (1) (c) agus (2) |
,, | 156 (2), (3) agus (4) |
,, | 164 (2) |
,, | 190 (1) |
,, | 191 (4) agus (5) |
,, | 194 (2) (c) |
,, | 195 (3) (a) |
,, | 203 (1) go (3) |
,, | 204 |
,, | 214 (2) sa dara háit ina bhfuil an abairt |
,, | 228 (3) |
,, | 238 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 240 (1) |
,, | 241 (1) |
,, | 245 (14) |
,, | 259 |
,, | 296 (3) agus (4) |
,, | 301 (1) |
,, | 307 (5) agus (6) |
,, | 315 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 367 (3) |
,, | 371 (7) (c) |
,, | 379 (1) |
,, | 382 (2) |
,, | 397 |
,, | 414 |
,, | 416 (1) go (9) |
,, | 417 |
,, | 418 (1) go (3) agus (6) |
,, | 421 (2) |
,, | 422 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 423 (1) |
,, | 424 |
,, | 425 (1) |
,, | 426 (1) |
,, | 427 (a) |
,, | 428 (1) agus (9) |
,, | 429 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 430 (1) |
,, | 431 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 432 (1) go (4) |
,, | 437 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 441 (2) |
,, | 446 (2) |
,, | 462 (3) agus (4) |
,, | 501 (1) (c) |
,, | 506 |
,, | 529 |
,, | 537 (2) |
,, | 542 (6) |
,, | 549 (5) |
,, | 553 (2) sa dara háit ina bhfuil an abairt |
Sceideal | 6, Cuid III, mír 1 (2) |
,, | 6, ,, III, mír 4 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 6, ,, III, mír 4 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 10, mír 13 (1) |
,, | 11, mír 3 (4) |
,, | 12, mír 2 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 12, mír 3 (2) agus (5) |
,, | 16, míreanna 1 go 3 |
,, | 16, mír 10, sa dara háit ina bhfuil an abairt |
Cuid II
Alt | 49 (1) |
,, | 152 (6) |
,, | 181 (1) (a) |
,, | 460 (a) |
,, | 484 (3) |
,, | 530 (1) |
,, | 531 (1) go (3) |
Sceideal | 1, Cuid I, míreanna 3 agus 4 |
,, | 1, ,, II, míreanna 1 agus 3 |
,, | 1, ,, III, míreanna 1 agus 2 |
,, | 1, ,, IV, míreanna 3 agus 9 |
,, | 2, mír 6 (1) agus (2) |
,, | 6, Cuid II, mír (3) |
,, | 16, míreanna 4, 5, 7, 8 agus 11 |
,, | 16, mír 10, sa chéad áit ina bhfuil an abairt |
Cuid III
Uimhir agus bliain | Gearrtheideal | Leasú |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
In alt 36 (2), “don chigire” a chur in ionad “do na Coimisinéirí Speisialta”. In alt 152 (4) (b), “dóigh leis na Coimisinéirí a ndéanfar an t-éileamh ar fhaoiseamh chucu a bheith” a scriosadh. In alt 163 (2), “Feidhmeannaigh Shíochána” a chur in ionad “aon Choimisinéara Speisialta”. In alt 339 (2), “Fíorófar le mionnscríbhinn gach éileamh faoi ailt 333 agus 335 go 337” a chur in ionad “Iarrfaidh na Coimisinéirí Speisialta go bhfíorófar gach éileamh den sórt sin le mionnscríbhinn”. In alt 530 (5), “ar iad a beith sásta” a chur in ionad “ar dheimhniú ó na Coimisinéirí Speisialta”. In alt 536 (1), “a eiseofar faoi údarás an Achta seo” a chur in ionad “agus proiceachtanna na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. I Sceideal 1, Cuid 1, mír 4, “deimhniú” a chur in ionad “dhá dheimhniú”. I Sceideal 1, Cuid I, mír 5, “an deimhniú” a chur in ionad “deimhniú amháin”. I Sceideal 4, i bhfomhír (1) de mhír 1, “Beidh i dteannta an éilimh dearbhú agus ráiteas san fhoirm fhorordaithe faoi shíniú an éilitheora” a chur in ionad na bhfocal go léir ó thosach na fomhíre go dtí “agus é sínithe aige”. I Sceideal 4, i mír 2 (3), “na Coimisineirí Ioncaim” a chur in ionad “an cigire nó na coimisinéirí sin”. I Sceideal 17, Cuid I, sna cinnteidil leis an gcéad dearbhú agus an dearbhú deiridh, “COIMISINÉIRÍ ACH-OMHAIRC” a chur in ionad “COIMISINÉIRÍ SPEISIALTA”. |
Cuid IV
Uimhir agus bliain | Gearrtheideal | Méid na haisghairme |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
Alt 22 (2). | ||
In alt 29 (1), na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”, agus na focail“; agus eiseoidh na Coimisinéirí Speisialta ordú aisíoca, díreach mar a dhéanann siad i gcás aisíocaíochtaí eile”. | ||
In alt 30, na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
In alt 35, na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
In alt 36 (1), na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
Alt 153 (3). | ||
In alt 214 (1), na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
In alt 214 (2), na focail “chun na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
In alt 329 (1), na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
In alt 332 (1), na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
Alt 339 (1) agus (3). | ||
In alt 451 (5), na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
In alt 496 (1), na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
In alt 530 (4), na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
In alt 536 (2), na focail, “, agus déanfaidh siad de réir cibé proíceachtanna agus barántas a dhíreofar chucu chuige sin faoi údarás an Achta seo agus forghníomhóidh siad iad”. | ||
Alt 542 (1). | ||
In alt 544 (2), na focail “do na Coimisinéirí Speisialta”. | ||
In alt 553 (1), na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta” sa dá áit ina bhfuil na focail sin. | ||
In alt 553 (2), na focail “chun na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta” agus na focail “don chigire”. | ||
I Sceideal 1, Cuid 1, mír 5, na focail “agus cuirfear an ceann eile chun na gCoimisinéirí Ioncaim”. | ||
I Sceideal 1, Cuid IV, mír 1 (1), na focail “,le haghaidh úsáide na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta,”. | ||
Míreanna 1 (2) agus (3), 2 (2) agus mír 3 de Sceideal 4. | ||
I Sceideal 4, mír 2 (1), na focail “chun an chigire” agus an focal “dó”. | ||
I Sceideal 6, Cuid II, mír (1), na focail “chun sástacht na gCoimisinéirí Speisialta”. |
Cuid V
Finance Act, 1920
Alt 56 (6) agus (7)
Alt 14 (8) (b)
Alt 15 (3)
An Cúigiú Sceideal, Cuid II, mír 8
Alt 10 (5)
An tAcht Airgeadais (Brabúis Mhianaigh Airithe) (Faoiseamh Sealadach ó Chánachas), 1956
Alt 1 (2)
An tAcht Airgeadais (Forálacha Ighnéitheacha), 1956
Alt 2
Alt 51 (7) (c)
An Tríú Sceideal, mír 2 (1) (b) agus (2)
,, ,, ,, mír 3 (2) agus (5)
An tAcht Airgeadais (Forálacha Ilghnéitheacha), 1958
Alt 8 (1)
An Ceathrú Sceideal, mír 7
Alt 65 (1), (2) agus (6)
Alt 21 (4) agus (5)
Number 7 of 1968
Income Tax
Section | |
Amendments and repeals of certain provisions of Income Tax Act, 1967. | |
Limits of time for making of assessments and repayment claims. | |
Stamp Duties
Corporation Profits Tax
Postponement of payment of tax to be permitted in certain cases. |
Profits or Gains from Dealing in or Developing Land: Income Tax and Sur-Tax
Amendment of section 27 (3) of Civil Service Commissioners Act, 1956. | |
Acts Referred to | |
1967, No. 6. | |
Revenue Commissioners, 1929 | S. R. & O., No. 48 of 1929. |
Income Tax (Purchased Life Annuities) Regulations, 1959 | S.I. No. 152 of 1959. |
S.I. No. 28 of 1960. | |
Income Tax (Employments) (Surtax) Regulations, 1961 | S.I. No. 231 of 1961. |
1954, No. 30. | |
1946, No. 15. | |
1967, No. 6. | |
1954, No. 30. | |
Corporation Profits Tax Regulations, 1967 | S.I. No. 130 of 1967. |
1963, No. 23. | |
1965, No. 22. | |
1966, No. 17. | |
1956, No. 45. | |
Income Tax Act, 1918 | 1918, c. 40. |
1965, No. 13. | |
1956, No 38. | |
Stamp Act, 1891 | 1891, c. 39. |
Finance Act, 1920 | 1920, c. 18. |
Number 7 of 1968
Income Tax
[GA]Amendment of section 156 (1) of Income Tax Act, 1967.
1.—(1) The following subsection is hereby substituted for section 156 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967:
[GA]“(1) The Minister for Finance shall appoint persons to be Appeal Commissioners for the purposes of the Income Tax Acts (in this Act referred to as ‘Appeal Commissioners’) and the persons so appointed shall, by virtue of their appointment, and without other qualification, have authority to execute such powers and to perform such duties as are assigned to them by the said Acts.”
[GA](2) Where—
[GA](a) a person held office as a commissioner for the special purposes of the Income Tax Acts immediately before the passing of this Act, and
[GA](b) his appointment as such commissioner was made by the Minister for Finance,
[GA]that appointment shall, as from such passing, be deemed to be an appointment of that person to be an Appeal Commissioner.
[GA]Amendment of section 181 of Income Tax Act, 1967.
2.—Section 181 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the addition of the following subsection:
[GA]“(3) Anything required to be done by the Revenue Commissioners in relation to the making of assessments under Schedule C or Schedule D may be done by such officer of the Revenue Commissioners as they may authorise in that behalf.”
[GA]Amendments and repeals of certain provisions of Income Tax Act, 1967.
3.—(1) In sections 416 (5), 418 (6) and 422 (3) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, “Appeal Commissioner” is substituted for “Special Commissioner”, in section 164 (2) of that Act “An Appeal Commissioner” is substituted for “A Special Commissioner” and in section 429 (3) of that Act “an Appeal Commissioner” is substituted for “a Special Commissioner”.
[GA](2) Each of the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1967, specified in Part I of the Schedule to this Act is hereby amended by the substitution therein of “Appeal Commissioners” for “Special Commissioners”.
[GA](3) Each of the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1967, specified in Part II of the Schedule to this Act is hereby amended by the substitution therein of “Revenue Commissioners” for “Special Commissioners”.
[GA](4) The enactment specified in column (2) of Part III of the Schedule to this Act is hereby amended as specified in column (3) of that Part.
[GA](5) The enactment specified in column (2) of Part IV of the Schedule to this Act is hereby repealed to the extent specified in column (3) of that Part.
[GA](6) (a) Regulations (5), (6), (7) and (8) of the Regulations made by the Revenue Commissioners on the 13th day of September, 1929, are each hereby amended by the substitution of “Revenue Commissioners” for “Special Commissioners” and Regulation (10) thereof is hereby revoked.
[GA](b) Regulation (9) of the Regulations made by the Revenue Commissioners on the 13th day of September, 1929, is hereby amended—
[GA](i) by the substitution of “an inspector of taxes” for “the Special Commissioners”,
[GA](ii) by the substitution of “requires” for “require”,
[GA](iii) by the substitution of “him” for “them”,
[GA](iv) by the substitution of “the Revenue Commissioners” for “they” where the word firstly occurs,
[GA](v) by the substitution of “the inspector of taxes or the Revenue Commissioners, as the case may be”, for “they” where the word secondly occurs.
[GA](c) The following Regulations:
[GA](i) Regulation (4) of the Regulations made by the Revenue Commissioners on the 13th day of September, 1929,
[GA](ii) Regulations 6, 8 and 12 (2) of the Income Tax (Purchased Life Annuities) Regulations, 1959,
[GA](iii) Regulations 14 (2), (3) and (4), 15 (1), 16, 31 (5), 34 (6) and 44 (3) and (4) of the Income Tax (Employments) Regulations, 1960,
[GA](iv) Regulation 6 of the Income Tax (Employments) (Surtax) Regulations, 1961,
[GA]are each hereby amended by the substitution of “Appeal Commissioners” for “Special Commissioners”.
[GA](d) Regulations 14 (6), 31 (7) and 34 (7) of the Income Tax (Employments) Regulations, 1960, are each hereby amended by the substitution of “Appeal Commissioner” for “Special Commissioner”.
[GA]Limits of time for making of assessments and repayment claims.
4.—(1) The following subsection is hereby substituted for section 186 (2) of the Income Tax Act, 1967:
[GA]“(2) (a) Subject to any provision allowing a longer period in any class of case, an assessment or an additional first assessment may be made at any time not later than ten years after the end of the year to which the assessment relates:
[GA]Provided that in a case in which any form of fraud or neglect has been committed by or on behalf of any person in connection with or in relation to income tax, an assessment or an additional first assessment may be made at any time for any year for which, by reason of the fraud or neglect, income tax would otherwise be lost to the Exchequer.
[GA](b) (i) In a case in which emoluments to which this subparagraph applies are received in a year of assessment subsequent to that for which they are assessable, paragraph (a) shall have effect in the case of assessments or additional first assessments in respect of the emoluments subject to the substitution of a reference to the end of the year of assessment in which the emoluments were received for the reference to the end of the year to which the assessment relates.
[GA](ii) The emoluments to which the foregoing subparagraph applies are emoluments as defined in section 110 (2), including any payments chargeable to tax by virtue of Chapter II of Part V and any sums which by virtue of Chapter III of Part V fall to be treated as perquisites of a person's office or employment, being emoluments, payments or sums other than those taken into account in an assessment to income tax for the year of assessment in which they are received; and for the purposes of this paragraph—
[GA](I) any such payment shall, notwithstanding anything in section 114 (4), be treated as having been received at the time it was actually received, and
[GA](II) any such sums which are not actually paid to that person shall be treated as having been received at the time when the relevant expenses were incurred or are treated for the purposes of the said Chapter III as having been incurred.
[GA](c) An objection to the making of any assessment or additional first assessment on the ground that the time limited for the making thereof has expired shall only be made on appeal from the assessment.
[GA](d) In this subsection ‘neglect’ means negligence or a failure to give any notice, to make any return, statement or declaration, or to produce or furnish any list, document or other information required by or under the Income Tax Acts:
[GA]Provided that a person shall be deemed not to have failed to do anything required to be done within a limited time if he did it within such further time, if any, as the Revenue Commissioners or officer concerned may have allowed; and where a person had a reasonable excuse for not doing anything required to be done, he shall be deemed not to have failed to do it if he did it without unreasonable delay after the excuse had ceased.”
[GA](2) Where an assessment or an additional first assessment is proposed to be made by virtue of paragraph (a) or by virtue of paragraph (a) and (b) of the subsection substituted by subsection (1), it shall not be made—
[GA](a) in case it is proposed to be made by virtue of the said paragraph (a), if it is an assessment relating to a year prior to the year 1961-62, or
[GA](b) in case it is proposed to be made by virtue of the said paragraphs (a) and (b), if the time of receipt (within the meaning of the said paragraph (b)) of the emoluments, payments or sums was prior to the year 1961-62,
[GA]save in a case coming within the proviso to the said paragraph (a).
[GA](3) Section 211 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended—
[GA](a) by the substitution in subsection (1) of “any year of assessment for which an assessment or an additional first assessment could have been made upon him immediately before his death, or could be made upon him if he were living,” for “the year of assessment in which such person dies or for any previous year”.
[GA](b) by the addition to subsection (2) of the following paragraph:
[GA]“This subsection shall have effect notwithstanding section 186 (2).”
[GA](4) The following subsection is hereby substituted for section 526 (6) of the Income Tax Act, 1967:
[GA]“(6) An assessment or an additional assessment to sur-tax may be made within the time allowed for the making of an assessment or an additional first assessment to income tax in corresponding circumstances and accordingly section 186 (2), and section 4 (2) of the Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1968, shall have effect as if any reference therein to income tax or to an assessment or an additional first assessment to income tax included a reference to sur-tax or to an assessment or an additional assessment to sur-tax.”
[GA](5) (a) Section 498 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “ten” for “six”.
[GA](b) In relation to a claim for repayment of income tax for any of the years 1961-62 to 1966-67, section 41 of the Income Tax Act, 1918, shall apply as if “ten” were substituted for “six”.
[GA]Notice of liability to tax.
5.—(1) Every person who is chargeable to income tax for any year of assessment and who, in relation to that year, has not been given a notice under section 169 or section 172 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, and has not made a return of his total income, shall, not later than one year after the end of the year of assessment, give notice to the inspector of taxes that he is so chargeable.
[GA](2) Schedule 15 to the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the insertion in column 3 thereof of “Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1968, section 5”.
[GA]Repeal of sections 167, 168, 171, 172 (3) and 179 of Income Tax Act, 1967, and consequential amendments.
6.—(1) sections 167, 168, 171, 172 (3) and 179 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, are hereby repealed.
[GA](2) Section 169 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “a notice given to him by an inspector” for “any general or particular notice given in pursuance of this Act”.
[GA](3) Section 169 (4) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “to whom a notice has been given” for “upon whom a particular notice has been served”.
[GA](4) Section 170 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “a notice given to him by an inspector” for “any general or particular notice”.
[GA](5) Section 176 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “a notice given to him by an inspector” for “any general or particular notice”.
[GA](6) Section 177 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “a notice given to him by an inspector” for “a general or particular notice under this Act”.
[GA](7) Section 211 (3) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the substitution of “to do so by a notice given to him by an inspector” for “by a particular notice so to do”.
[GA]Amendment of Chapter VI of Part IV of Income Tax Act, 1967.
7.—(1) Chapter VI of Part IV of the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended, with effect as from the commencement of that Act,—
[GA](a) by the insertion in section 81 (4), after paragraph (e), of the following paragraph:
[GA]“(f) interest on borrowed money employed in the purchase, improvement or repair of the premises,” and
[GA](b) by the insertion after section 89 of the following section:
[GA]“89A.—Where for any year of assessment a person—
[GA](a) is (or would but for an insufficiency of profits or gains be) chargeable to tax under Case IV of Schedule D by virtue of section 81, and
[GA](b) is assessed to tax under section 434 in respect of a payment of interest, being interest in respect of which a deduction would have fallen to be made, by reference to paragraph (f) of section 81 (4), in computing the profits or gains but for the application (by that subsection) of the provisions applicable to Case I of Schedule D under which a deduction in respect of interest paid or payable wholly and exclusively for the purpose of a trade may not be made in computing the profits or gains of the trade,
[GA]the amount on which tax is paid under that assessment shall be treated as if it were such a loss as is mentioned in section 310 and the provisions of that section shall apply accordingly.”
[GA](2) Where, in respect of interest for any of the years 1963-64 to 1966-67, any relief from tax would be allowable by virtue of subsection (1) if it were interest for the year 1967-68, the like relief shall be granted in respect thereof as if provisions to the same effect as those inserted in Chapter VI of Part IV of the Income Tax Act, 1967, by subsection (1) had been included in Part IX of the Finance Act, 1963.
[GA]Amendment of Schedule 15 to Income Tax Act, 1967.
8.—Schedule 15 to the Income Tax Act, 1967, is hereby amended by the deletion of the reference to section 526 (3) of that Act in column 1 and the insertion of a reference to the said section 526 (3) in column 3.
[GA]Exemption from tax of certain foreign pensions.
9.—(1) In section 53 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, the reference in paragraph (f) of Case III to income arising from possessions outside the State shall be deemed not to include a reference to any pension or similar benefit to which this section applies.
[GA](2) This section applies to any pension or similar benefit which—
[GA](a) is given in respect of past services in an office or employment or is payable under provisions of the law of the country in which it arises which correspond to provisions of the Old Age Pensions Acts, 1908 to 1967, the Widows' and Orphans' Pensions Acts, 1935 to 1967, or the Social Welfare Acts, 1952 to 1967, and
[GA](b) if it were received by a person who, for the purposes of tax of the country in which it arises, is resident in that country and is not resident elsewhere, would not fall to be regarded as income for those purposes.
[GA]In this paragraph “tax” means, in relation to any country, a tax which is chargeable and payable under the law of that country and which corresponds to income tax in the State.
[GA](3) This section shall have effect in relation to income tax for the year 1967-68 or for any subsequent year of assessment.
Stamp Duties
[GA]Short-term life insurance policies.
10.—(1) The maximum amount chargeable by way of stamp duty on any policy of life insurance made for a period not exceeding two years shall be sixpence.
[GA](2) For the purposes of this section, a policy shall be treated as made for a period exceeding two years if it contains any provision whereby it may become available for a period exceeding two years in all.
[GA](3) Where, at any time after the making of a policy on which the duty chargeable would, but for subsection (1) of this section, have exceeded sixpence, the policy is varied so that it becomes or may become available for a period exceeding two years in all, the policy shall become chargeable with the same duty as would have been chargeable if it had been made on the date of the variation for a period exceeding two years, and may be stamped accordingly, without penalty, at any time within thirty days after that date.
[GA]Agreements for hire.
11.—In the First Schedule to the Stamp Act, 1891, the heading “Bond, Covenant or Instrument of any kind whatsoever” shall not extend to any instrument in respect of a covenant or agreement by any person, whether as principal or as surety,—
[GA](i) to pay, or to guarantee the payment of, sums payable for or in relation to the hire of any goods, wares or merchandise, or the hire of any machinery or plant, or
[GA](ii) to reimburse or guarantee the reimbursement of advances made for or in respect of the payment of sums payable as aforesaid.
[GA]Marketable securities.
12.—(1) In this section—
[GA]“the scheduled territories” has the same meaning as it has in the Exchange Control Act, 1954;
[GA]“foreign loan security” means a security issued outside the State in respect of a loan which is expressed in the currency of a territory outside the scheduled territories, and is neither offered for subscription in the State nor offered for subscription with a view to an offer for sale in the State of securities in respect of the loan.
[GA](2) The stamp duties imposed by the Stamp Act, 1891, under the heading “Marketable Security” in the First Schedule to that Act upon a marketable security transferable by delivery shall not be chargeable in the case of a foreign loan security issued by or on behalf of a company or body of persons corporate or unincorporate formed or established in the State.
[GA](3) The stamp duties imposed by the Stamp Act, 1891, under the heading “Conveyance or Transfer on Sale of any property” in the First Schedule to that Act upon a marketable security not transferable by delivery shall not be chargeable in the case of a foreign loan security issued by or on behalf of a company or body of persons corporate or unincorporate formed or established in the State.
Corporation Profits Tax
[GA]Limits of time for making of assessments.
13.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 24 (1) of the Finance Act, 1946, and subject to any provision allowing a longer period in any class of case, no assessment to corporation profits tax shall be made more than ten years after the end of the accounting period to which it relates, or for any accounting period ending before the 1st day of April, 1961:
[GA]Provided that where any form of fraud or neglect has been committed by or on behalf of any company in connection with or in relation to corporation profits tax, an assessment may be made on that company at any time for any accounting period ending on or after the 1st day of January, 1941, for which, by reason of the fraud or neglect, corporation profits tax would otherwise be lost to the Exchequer.
[GA](2) An objection to the making of any assessment on the ground that the time limited for the making thereof has expired shall only be made on appeal from the assessment.
[GA](3) In this section “neglect” means negligence or a failure to give any notice, to make any return, statement or declaration, or to produce or furnish any list, document or other information required by or under the enactments relating to corporation profits tax:
[GA]Provided that a person shall be deemed not to have failed to do anything required to be done within a limited time if he did it within such further time, if any, as the Revenue Commissioners or officer concerned may have allowed; and where a person had a reasonable excuse for not doing anything required to be done, he shall be deemed not to have failed to do it if he did it without unreasonable delay after the excuse had ceased.
[GA]Amendment of certain references to Special Commissioners.
14.—(1) References in the provisions of the enactments specified in Part V of the Schedule to this Act to the commissioners for the special purposes of the Income Tax Acts and to the Special Commissioners shall be construed as references to Appeal Commissioners appointed under section 156 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, and the reference in section 65 (6) of the Finance Act, 1965, to a Special Commissioner shall be construed as a reference to an Appeal Commissioner so appointed.
[GA](2) The reference in Regulation 7 of the Corporation Profits Tax Regulations, 1967, to a commissioner for the special purposes of the Income Tax Acts shall be construed as a reference to an Appeal Commissioner appointed under section 156 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967.
[GA]Postponement of payment of tax to be permitted in certain cases.
15.—Where for any accounting period the profits of a company consist of or include the profits of a trade of dealing in or developing land in the course of which the company disposes of the full interest acquired by it in any land and, in relation to that disposal, the conditions specified in paragraphs (b) to (e) of section 23 (1) of this Act are satisfied, subsections (2) and (3) of the said section 23 shall, with any necessary modifications, apply to so much of the corporation profits tax charged by any assessment for the accounting period as would not have been chargeable if no sum had fallen to be taken into account as mentioned in subsection (1) (d) of the said section 23 as they apply to so much of the income tax charged by an assessment in respect of the profits or gains of the said trade as would not have been chargeable in that circumstance.
Profits or Gains from Dealing in or Developing Land: Income Tax and Sur-Tax
16.—(1) In this Part, except where the context otherwise requires—
[GA]“company” includes any body corporate;
[GA]“control”, in relation to a company, means—
[GA](a) the power of a person to secure, by means of the holding of shares or the possession of voting power in or in relation to that or any other company, or by virtue of any powers conferred by the articles of association or other document regulating that or any other company, that the affairs of the first-mentioned company are conducted in accordance with the wishes of that person, or
[GA](b) the right of a person to more than one-half of any profits of the company distributed by way of dividend or, if the company were wound up, to more than one-half of its net assets;
[GA]“development” means, in relation to any land,—
[GA](a) the construction, demolition, extension, alteration or reconstruction of any building on the land, or
[GA](b) the carrying out of any engineering or other operation in, on, over or under the land to adapt it for materially altered use,
[GA]and “developing” and “developed” shall be construed correspondingly;
[GA]“market value” means, in relation to any property, the price which that property might reasonably be expected to fetch if sold in the open market;
[GA]“trading stock” has the same meaning as in section 62 of the Income Tax Act, 1967;
[GA]any reference to the disposal of an interest in land includes a reference to the creation of an interest and any reference to the acquisition of an interest in land includes a reference to the acquisition of an interest which ceases on the acquisition.
[GA](2) For the purposes of this Part—
[GA](a) a person shall not be regarded as disposing of an interest in land by reason of his conveying or transferring the interest by way of security or of his granting a lease of the land on terms which do not require the payment of any fine, premium or like sum, and
[GA](b) an option or other right to acquire or dispose of any interest in any land shall be deemed to be an interest in the land.
[GA](3) (a) Any question whether a person is connected with another shall for the purpose of this Part be determined in accordance with the following paragraphs of this subsection, any provision that one person is connected with another being taken as including provision that the other person is connected with the first-mentioned person.
[GA](b) A person is connected with an individual if that person is the individual's husband or wife, or is a relative, or the husband or wife of a relative, of the individual or of the individual's husband or wife.
[GA](c) A person in his capacity as trustee of a settlement, is connected with any individual who in relation to the settlement is a settlor, and with any person who is connected with such an individual.
[GA](d) A person is connected with any person with whom he is in partnership, and with the husband or wife or a relative of any individual with whom he is in partnership.
[GA](e) A company is connected with another company—
[GA](i) if the same person has control of both, or a person has control of one and persons connected with him, or he and persons connected with him have control of the other; or
[GA](ii) if a group of two or more persons has control of each company, and the groups either consist of the same persons or could be regarded as consisting of the same persons by treating (in one or more cases) a member of either group as replaced by a person with whom he is connected.
[GA](f) A company is connected with another person, if that person has control of it or if that person and persons connected with him together have control of it.
[GA](g) Any two or more persons acting together to secure or exercise control of a company shall be treated in relation to that company as connected with one another and with any person acting on the directions of any of them to secure or exercise control of the company.
[GA](h) In this subsection—
[GA]“relative” means brother, sister, ancestor or lineal descendant;
[GA]“settlement” includes any disposition, trust, covenant, agreement, or arrangement, and any transfer of money or other property or of any right to money or other property;
[GA]“settlor”, in relation to a settlement, includes any person by whom the settlement was made or entered into directly or indirectly, and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the preceding words of this definition) includes any person who has provided or undertaken to provide funds directly or indirectly for the purpose of the settlement, or has made with any other person a reciprocal arrangement for that other person to make or enter into the settlement.
[GA](4) The provisions of this Part shall have effect notwithstanding anything in Schedule A or the provisions applicable to that Schedule or in Chapter VI of Part IV of the Income Tax Act, 1967.
[GA]Extension of charge under Case I of Schedule D to certain profits from dealing in or developing land.
17.—(1) Where, apart from this section, all or some of the activities of a business of dealing in or developing land would not be regarded as activities carried on in the course of a trade within Schedule D but would be so regarded if every disposal of an interest in land included among those activities was a disposal of the full interest therein which the person carrying on the business had acquired and that interest had been acquired by him in the course of the business, the business shall be deemed to be wholly a trade within Schedule D or, as the case may be, part of such a trade and the profits or gains thereof shall be charged to tax under Case I of Schedule D accordingly.
[GA](2) For the purposes of subsection (1)—
[GA](a) a dealing in land shall be regarded as taking place where a person having an interest in any land disposes, as regards the whole or any part of the land, of that interest or of an interest which derives therefrom, and
[GA](b) a person who secures the development of any land shall be regarded as developing that land.
[GA](3) Where an interest in land is disposed of in the course of the winding up of a company, the company shall, for the purposes of this section, be deemed not to have ceased to carry on the trade or business which it carried on before the commencement of the winding up until the completion of the disposal, or of the last such disposal where there is more than one, and the question whether any such disposal was made in the course of a business of dealing in or developing land which is, or is to be deemed to be, a trade or part of a trade shall accordingly be determined without regard to the circumstance that the company is being wound up.
[GA]Computation under Case I of Schedule D of profits or gains from dealing in or developing land.
18.—(1) Where a business of dealing in or developing land is, or is to be regarded as, a trade within Schedule D or a part of such a trade, the provisions applicable to Case I of that Schedule shall, as respects the computation of the profits or gains of the business, have effect subject to the provisions of subsection (2).
[GA](2) (a) Any consideration, other than rent or an amount treated as rent under section 83 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, for the disposal of an interest in any land, or in a part of any land, shall be treated as a consideration for the disposal of trading stock and shall accordingly be taken into account as a trading receipt.
[GA](b) Any interest (hereafter in this subsection referred to as the superior interest) in any land held by the trader which has become trading stock of the trade shall thereafter, until the discontinuance of the trade, continue to be such trading stock and the value thereof at any time prior to the discontinuance shall be taken to be an amount equal to the cost to the trader of its acquisition diminished by an amount equal to the cost to the trader of creating any interest (hereafter in this subsection referred to as an inferior interest) to which the superior interest has become subject.
[GA](c) For the purposes of paragraph (b) the cost of the acquisition of the superior interest shall, subject to paragraphs (e) and (f), be taken to be the aggregate of the following amounts, that is to say:
[GA](i) where the interest is a leasehold interest, the amount of any fine, premium or other like sum paid by the trader in consideration for the grant of the lease, or, if he has obtained the lease by assignment, the amount paid by him in consideration of the assignment;
[GA](ii) where the interest is a leasehold interest, an amount equal to the market value at the time of the acquisition of any rent reserved under the lease;
[GA](iii) where the interest is not a leasehold interest, the amount paid by the trader for the acquisition of the interest together with an amount equal to the market value at the time of the acquisition of any fee farm rent, rentcharge, annuity or other annual payment reserved or charged upon the land;
[GA](iv) the amount paid by the trader by way of legal and other expenses incidental to the acquisition of the interest;
[GA](v) where the trader has developed the land, the amount of the expenditure incurred by him on the development;
[GA]but where the trader has more than one interest in the land, no amount shall be taken into account under subparagraph (v) except in relation to that interest to which the other or all the others are subject.
[GA](d) For the purposes of paragraph (b) the cost to the trader of creating an inferior interest shall be taken to be—
[GA](i) where the inferior interest is an interest in the whole of the land to which the superior interest extends, the amount by which the cost to the trader, computed in accordance with paragraph (c), of the acquisition of the superior interest exceeds the market value of any interest retained by him, or
[GA](ii) where the inferior interest is an interest in a part of the land to which the superior interest extends, the amount by which the portion of the cost of acquisition of the superior interest which is attributable to that part exceeds the market value of any interest in that part retained by him.
[GA]For the purposes of subparagraph (ii) the portion of the cost of acquisition of the superior interest which is attributable to a part of the land to which that interest extends shall be arrived at by apportioning in such manner as is just each of the several amounts which, under paragraph (c), are taken as making up the said cost of acquisition.
[GA](e) Where the trader has acquired the superior interest in any land otherwise than for consideration in money or money's worth, he shall, subject to paragraph (f), be deemed, for the purposes of paragraph (c), to have acquired the interest for a consideration equal to its market value at the time of acquisition.
[GA](f) Where at the time of acquisition of the superior interest the trade had not been commenced or the interest was not then appropriated as trading stock, the trader shall be deemed for the purposes of paragraph (c) to have purchased the interest for a consideration equal to its market value at the time of its appropriation as trading stock.
[GA](g) Any consideration (other than a payment to which section 87 of the Income Tax Act, 1967, applies) for the granting by the trader of any right in relation to the development of any land shall be taken into account as a trading receipt.
[GA](h) As respects any land an interest in which falls to be treated as trading stock—
[GA](i) rent payable or receivable shall, save to the extent provided by the foregoing provisions of this subsection, be disregarded, and
[GA](ii) other receipts and outgoings arising from, or attributable to, the occupation or use of the land by the trader (other than use for the purposes of the trade) or by any other person shall likewise be disregarded.
[GA]Transfers of interests in land between certain associated persons.
19.—(1) Where an interest in land is disposed of by any person to a person connected with him (hereafter referred to as the transferee) and—
[GA](a) the interest is disposed of at a price greater than its market value, and
[GA](b) the price—
[GA](i) does not fall to be taken into account, in relation to the disponor, in computing for tax purposes the profits or gains of a trade which is, or includes, a business of dealing in or developing land, but
[GA](ii) does fall to be so taken into account in relation to the transferee,
[GA]the transferee shall for tax purposes be deemed to have acquired the interest at a price equal to the market value thereof at the time of its acquisition by him.
[GA](2) Where an interest in land is disposed of by any person to a person connected with him (hereafter referred to as the transferee) and—
[GA](a) the interest is disposed of at a price less than its market value, and
[GA](b) the price—
[GA](i) does not fall to be taken into account, in relation to the transferee, in computing for tax purposes the profits or gains of a trade which is, or includes, a business of dealing in or developing land, but
[GA](ii) does fall to be so taken into account in relation to the disponor,
[GA]the disponor shall for tax purposes be deemed to have disposed of the interest at a price equal to the market value thereof at the time of the disposal by him.
[GA]A disposal by way of gift shall be regarded for the purposes of this subsection as being a disposal at a nominal price.
[GA](3) In the application of this section to a case in which a lease is granted, any reference to price shall be construed as a reference to the fine, premium or like sum payable for the grant of the lease.
[GA]Tax to be charged under Case IV of Schedule D in relation to the sale of certain shares.
20.—(1) Where the activities of a company consist of or include the construction or the securing of the construction of a building and after the construction has begun and not later than six years after its completion shares in the company are sold to a person who has, or in consequence of the sale will have, control of the company, and apart from this section the consideration for the sale would not be a receipt of an income nature in the hands of the seller, the consideration shall, if the conditions specified in subsection (2) are satisfied, be deemed to be income of the seller up to the amount specified in subsection (5), and shall be chargeable under Case IV of Schedule D accordingly.
[GA](2) The conditions referred to in subsection (1) are that—
[GA](a) the shares are sold on or after the 11th day of May, 1965;
[GA](b) at the time of the sale the company has (directly or indirectly) an interest in the building and the value of that interest and any interest which the company so has at that time in any other building (not being a building completed more than six years before that time nor one in relation to which the condition specified in paragraph (c) is not satisfied) the erection of which was carried out or secured by the company, amounts to one-fifth or more of the net assets of the company;
[GA](c) on a notice for the purpose having been served on it by the inspector, the company has not shown, within twenty-one days after the date of the notice or within such further time as the Revenue Commissioners may have allowed, that the said interest is trading stock of a trade carried on by it and has been or will be disposed of by it in the normal course of that trade.
[GA](3) Subsection (1) shall not apply if—
[GA](a) the shares in the company are sold by a person or persons to another company and the shares in each company are held (directly or indirectly) by the same person or by the same persons in the same proportion, or
[GA](b) the shares are sold by one company to another company and the shares in each company are held (directly or indirectly) by the same person or by the same persons in the same proportion,
[GA]regard being had in each case to any differences in the nature of the shares or the rights attaching thereto.
[GA](4) Where before the sale of shares mentioned in subsection (1) the company—
[GA](a) has disposed of its interest in the building, or of an interest which derives therefrom, to the person who is the purchaser of the shares, or to a company connected with the purchaser, or
[GA](b) has disposed of any interest in the building to or in favour of any person, and the purchaser of the shares, or a company connected with the purchaser, acquires the interest, either before the sale or after the sale in pursuance of arrangements made not later than the sale,
[GA]subsection (1) shall apply as if the interest disposed of were still vested in the first-mentioned company at the time of the sale of the shares, and as if any assets of the company representing the consideration for the disposal of the interest were not assets of the company.
[GA](5) The amount which under subsection (1) is to be deemed to be income of the seller is the appropriate proportion of the amount (if any) of the profits or gains of the company chargeable to tax which would have arisen if the interest referred to in paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (2) (or all such interests where there are more than one) had been sold at that time for a consideration equal to the following amount, that is to say, the amount of the proper consideration for all the issued shares in the company—
[GA](a) reduced by any excess of the market value of the assets of the company other than the said interest or interests over the aggregate liabilities of the company at the time of the sale, or
[GA](b) increased by any excess of the said aggregate liabilities over the said market value.
[GA](6) For the purposes of this section the proper consideration for all the issued shares in a company shall be the actual consideration for the sale of shares mentioned in subsection (1) increased (unless that sale was of all the issued shares) in the proportion which the total number of issued shares bears to the number of shares sold:
[GA]Provided that where the issued shares of the company are not all of the same nature or do not all have the same rights attaching thereto and the said sale was not of all the issued shares, the proper consideration for all the issued shares in the company shall, for the purposes of this section, be taken to be the market value at the time of the sale of the shares of the interest or all the interests mentioned in subsection (5) reduced or, as the case may require, increased by the excess mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) of subsection (5).
[GA](7) For the purposes of subsection (5) the appropriate proportion, in relation to any sale of shares, is the proportion which the actual consideration for that sale bears to the proper consideration for all issued shares in the company, so however that where the proviso to the foregoing subsection has effect the appropriate proportion is such proportion as may be just having regard to the number and nature of the shares sold and the rights attaching thereto, as compared with the number and nature of all the issued shares in the company and the rights or different rights attaching thereto.
[GA](8) Any tax chargeable on the seller by virtue of the foregoing provisions of this section and not paid by him shall be recoverable from the company, and where the seller is an individual the amount which (by virtue of subsection (1)) is deemed to be income of his shall be deemed for the purposes of this subsection to be the highest part of his income.
[GA](9) Where, in consequence of a sale of shares, any amount would have, under subsection (1), been deemed to be income of the seller but for the circumstance that the condition specified in subsection (2)
[GA](c) was not satisfied, and on the sixth anniversary of the sale any interest in a building such as is mentioned in subsection (2) (b) is still held by the company, then, income of the like amount shall be deemed to have been received by the company on the said anniversary and shall be chargeable under Case IV of Schedule D accordingly.
[GA](10) If after the sale of the shares any receipts accrue to the company from the disposal, in the course of a trade of dealing in or developing land, of an interest in a building, being an interest which the company had at the time of the sale of the shares and with respect to which the profit which would have arisen on the disposal thereof was taken into account in arriving at the amount of income chargeable to tax by reference to the sale under the foregoing provisions of this section, the receipts shall be disregarded for income tax purposes if and to the extent that it is just so to do having regard to any tax charged under the said provisions.
[GA](11) Where a building has been or has begun to be constructed by a company on land in which a company connected with that company has an interest and after the construction has been begun and not later than six years after its completion a person acquires control of the first company, then, as respects sales to that person of shares in the company having the interest in the land (whether effected before or after that person acquires control of the first company), the foregoing subsections shall apply as they apply to such a company as is therein mentioned but with the substitution for references to an interest in the building of references to an interest in the land.
[GA](12) For the purposes of the foregoing subsections an uncompleted building shall be taken to include so much of any materials belonging to the company as are required for erecting the building, and a building (whether complete or not) shall be taken to include its site.
[GA](13) For the purposes of this section—
[GA](a) “share” shall be construed in relation to a company not limited by shares (whether or not it has a share capital) as including references to the interests of the member in the company as such whatever the form of that interest,
[GA](b) the sale of rights attached to or forming part of a share shall be treated as a sale of a share, as if the rights included in the sale and those not included had been separate shares, and
[GA](c) there shall be disregarded any building provided for use, and brought into use, for the purposes of a bona fide trade carried on by the company, other than a trade of—
[GA](i) dealing in or developing land, or
[GA](ii) the provision of services for occupiers of land an interest in which is held by the company.
(14) Where by virtue of this section the consideration for a sale of shares is deemed to be income of the seller and any securities of the company other than shares in the company are included in the sale at a price in excess of the company's liability on the securities, the excess shall be treated for the purposes of this section as part of the consideration for the sale of the shares.
[GA]Application of section 20 to sales of shares in holding companies.
21.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this section, where—
[GA](a) a company (hereafter in this section referred to as the first company) is such that section 20 would apply if shares in the company were sold to a person who has, or in consequence of the sale would have, control of the company;
[GA](b) shares in that company belong (either directly or through a nominee) to another company (hereafter in this section referred to as the second company);
[GA](c) shares in the second company are at any time (hereafter in this section referred to as the relevant time) sold to a person who has, or in consequence of the sale will have, control of the first company; and
[GA](d) all the issued shares in the second company at the relevant time are of the same nature and carry the same rights,
[GA]the appropriate number of shares in the first company shall be treated for the purposes of section 20 as having been sold at the relevant time to the person mentioned in paragraph (c) by the seller of the shares mentioned in that paragraph for a consideration equal to the amount specified in subsection (3).
[GA](2) For the purposes of the foregoing subsection, the appropriate number of shares in the first company is the number arrived at by multiplying the total number of shares in the first company which at the relevant time belonged (as aforesaid) to the second company by the fraction of which the numerator is the number of shares in the second company sold as mentioned in paragraph (c) of that subsection and the denominator is the total number of the issued shares in the second company at the relevant time.
[GA](3) The amount referred to in subsection (1) is the amount of the consideration for the sale mentioned in subsection (1) (c)—
[GA](a) reduced by the amount arrived at by multiplying by the fraction specified in the foregoing subsection any excess of the value specified in the following subsection over the aggregate liabilities of the second company at the relevant time, or
[GA](b) increased by the amount arrived at by multiplying by the said fraction any excess of the said aggregate liabilities over the said value.
[GA](4) The value referred to in the foregoing subsection is the market value at the relevant time of all the assets of the second company other than the shares in the first company belonging (as aforesaid) to it at that time.
[GA](5) Where, in the circumstances described in paragraphs (a) to (c) of subsection (1), all the issued shares in the second company at the relevant time are not of the same nature or do not carry the same rights, the foregoing provisions of this section shall have effect as if subsection (1) (d) were omitted and for the fraction specified in subsection (2) there were substituted such fraction as may be just having regard to the number and nature of the shares in the second company which were sold as mentioned in subsection (1) (c) and the rights attaching thereto, as compared with the number and nature of all the issued shares in the second company at the relevant time and the rights or different rights attaching thereto, any reference to the first-mentioned fraction being construed accordingly.
[GA](6) Where, in the circumstances described in paragraphs (a) to (c) of subsection (1)—
[GA](a) the second company is itself such a company as is mentioned in the said paragraph (a), and
[GA](b) the person to whom the shares in the second company are sold has, or in consequence of the sale will have, control of the second company,
[GA]the provisions of section 20, and the foregoing provisions of this section, shall all apply.
[GA](7) Where, instead of shares in the second company being sold as mentioned in subsection (1) (c), the sale is of shares in a company (hereafter in this subsection referred to as the last company) which, through a series of companies, has an indirect interest in the shares of the first company, the foregoing provisions of this section shall apply with such modifications as may be necessary in relation to each company (being either the first company, the last company, or one of the series of companies) of which the person to whom the shares in the last company are sold either has control at the time of the sale or will have control in consequence of it.
[GA]Provisions supplementary to sections 20 and 21.
22.—(1) Where sales of associated parcels of shares in a company, being sales to the same person, take place at different times, and in consequence of any of the sales other than the first that person obtains control of the company, then, for the purposes of either of the two foregoing sections any sales earlier than that in consequence of which he obtains control (not being sales effected before the 11th day of May, 1965) shall be treated as having all taken place at the time of that sale.
[GA](2) For the purposes of the foregoing subsection parcels of shares shall be treated as associated if (either directly or through a nominee) they belong respectively to the same person or two or more persons with one of whom the other or each of the others is connected; and for the purposes of this subsection shares shall be treated as belonging to a person—
[GA](a) if they belong to a company under his control, or
[GA](b) if they are held by trustees in consequence of a settlement (as defined in section 16 (3)) in relation to which he is the settlor (as so defined).
[GA](3) Where a person acquires control of a company at any time—
[GA](a) any sale of shares in the company, whether to that person or to a person from whom he acquires the shares directly or indirectly, which took place before that time and was effected in pursuance of arrangements for transferring control of the company, or
[GA](b) any sale of shares in the company to another person from whom the first-mentioned person acquired them, directly or indirectly, being a sale which took place after that time and was effected in pursuance of arrangements for transferring the shares to the first-mentioned person,
[GA]shall be treated for the purposes of the two foregoing sections as a sale in consequence of which the immediate purchaser will have control of the company.
[GA](4) For the purposes of this and the two foregoing sections a sale to a company under a person's control, or to his nominee, shall be treated as a sale to him, and the creation of an interest in favour of a company under a person's control, or in favour of his nominee, shall be treated as the creation of the interest in his favour.
[GA](5) For the purposes aforesaid two or more persons acting together to secure or exercise control of a company shall be treated in relation to that company as a single person.
[GA](6) Where a sale of shares is effected in pursuance of a previous agreement, the time of the sale shall be taken for the purposes of the two foregoing sections and of the foregoing provisions of this section to be the time of the making of the agreement.
[GA]Postponement of payment of tax to be permitted in certain cases.
23.—(1) Where—
[GA](a) a person (hereafter in this section referred to as the vendor) carrying on a trade of dealing in or developing land (hereafter in this section referred to as the trade) disposes, in the course of the trade, of the full interest acquired by him in any land,
[GA](b) the person to whom the disposition is made (hereafter in this section referred to as the purchaser) is not a person connected with the vendor,
[GA](c) the terms subject to which the disposition is made provide for the grant of a lease of the land by the purchaser to the vendor,
[GA](d) a sum representing the value of the vendor's right to be granted a lease falls to be taken into account as a consideration for the disposal in computing the profits or gains of the trade, and
[GA](e) within six months after the time of the disposition, a lease of the land in accordance with the said terms is granted by the purchaser to the vendor,
[GA]the following provisions of this section shall have effect in relation to tax for a year of assessment in the basis period for which the disposition is made.
[GA](2) If, at the time when any amount of income tax charged by an assessment in respect of the profits or gains of the trade would, but for this subsection, become due and payable (otherwise than by virtue of section 418 or 419 of the Income Tax Act, 1967),—
[GA](a) the vendor retains the leasehold interest acquired by him from the purchaser, and
[GA](b) has not disposed, as regards the whole or any part of the land of an interest derived from that leasehold interest,
[GA]a part of the said amount of income tax equal to nine-tenths of so much thereof as would not have been chargeable if no sum had fallen to be taken into account as mentioned in subsection (1) (d) shall be payable in nine equal instalments at yearly intervals the first of which is payable on the 1st day of January in the year following that in which, but for this subsection, the said amount of income tax would have been payable.
[GA](3) Where, in a case in which the postponement of payment of any amount of income tax has been authorised by subsection (2),—
[GA](a) the vendor ceases to retain the leasehold interest acquired by him from the purchaser,
[GA](b) the vendor disposes, as regards the whole or any part of the land, of an interest derived from the said leasehold interest,
[GA](c) the vendor, being an individual, dies, or
[GA](d) the vendor, being a company, commences to be wound up,
[GA]that said amount of income tax, or, as the case may be, so much of it as has not already become due and payable, shall become due and payable forthwith.
[GA](4) In relation to any assessment to sur-tax made on the vendor, subsections (2) and (3) shall apply to so much of the tax charged thereby as would not have been chargeable if no sum had fallen to be taken into account as mentioned in subsection (1) (d) as they apply to so much of the income tax charged by an assessment in respect of the profits or gains of the trade as would not have been chargeable in that circumstance.
[GA](5) In this section “basis period” means, in relation to any year of assessment, the period on the profits or gains of which income tax for that year is finally computed under Case I of Schedule D in respect of the trade or, where, by virtue of any provision of the Income Tax Acts, the profits or gains of any other period are taken to be the profits or gains of the said period, that other period.
[GA]Application of Part IV.
24.—(1) This Part shall have effect—
[GA](a) for the year 1967-68 and subsequent years of assessment, in substitution for Chapter VII of Part IV of the Income Tax Act, 1967, and
[GA](b) for the years 1965-66 and 1966-67, in substitution for Part VII of the Finance Act, 1965, and as if for every reference in this Part to a provision of the Income Tax Act, 1967, there were substituted a reference to the corresponding provision of the enactments referred to in section 554 (1) of that Act as the repealed enactments:
[GA]Provided that no assessment shall be made pursuant to this Part for the year 1965-66, 1966-67 or 1967-68 which could not properly have been made if this Part had not been enacted.
[GA](2) Any assessment which, immediately before the passing of this Act, stood made or purporting to have been made pursuant to Part VII of the Finance Act, 1965, or Chapter VII of Part IV of the Income Tax Act, 1967, shall be deemed to be an assessment made under this Part, but if it has become final and conclusive, the person assessed may by notice in writing delivered to the inspector within three months after such passing require that, for all the purposes of the Income Tax Acts, it shall be treated as an assessment in respect of which an appeal is pending.
[GA]Amendment of certain references to Special Commissioners.
25.—In Part VI of the Finance Act, 1963, Part VI of the Finance Act, 1965, and Part VI of the Finance Act, 1966, references to Special Commissioners of Income Tax and to Special Commissioners shall be construed as references to Appeal Commissioners appointed under section 156 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, and references to a Special Commissioner shall be construed as references to an Appeal Commissioner so appointed.
[GA]Amendment of section 27 (3) of Civil Service Commissioners Act, 1956.
26.—Section 27 (3) of the Civil Service Commissioners Act, 1956, is hereby amended by the substitution of “under section 156 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1967, to be an Appeal Commissioner” for “under subsection (1) of section 67 of the Income Tax Act, 1918, to be a commissioner for the special purposes of the Income Tax Acts”.
[GA]Taking by Collector-General of proceedings in bankruptcy.
27.—(1) The Collector-General is hereby empowered to sue out a debtor's summons and present a petition in bankruptcy in his own name in respect of taxes or duties due to the Minister for Finance for the benefit of the Central Fund, being taxes or duties which the Collector-General is empowered to collect and levy.
[GA](2) Subject to this section, the rules of court for the time being applicable and the enactments relating to bankruptcy shall apply to proceedings taken by the Collector-General by virtue of this section.
[GA]Superannuation of certain Appeal Commissioners.
28.—(1) In this section—
[GA]“Appeal Commissioner” means an Appeal Commissioner for the purposes of the Income Tax Acts;
[GA]“the Minister” means the Minister for Finance.
[GA](2) This section applies to a person holding an established position in the Civil Service as an Appeal Commissioner, other than—
[GA](a) a person—
[GA](i) whose appointment to that position is made after the passing of this Act, and
[GA](ii) who, immediately before his appointment to that position, held an established position in the Civil Service, or
[GA](b) a person—
[GA](i) who, immediately before the commencement of the Income Tax Act, 1967, was a commissioner appointed under section 67 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1918, and
[GA](ii) who, immediately before his appointment as such commissioner, was an established civil servant.
[GA](3) Where a person to whom this section applies, having served as an Appeal Commissioner for a period of not less than ten years, ceases to serve in an established capacity as an Appeal Commissioner because of reaching retiring age, or because he has become incapable of performing his duties by reason of ill-health which, in the opinion of the Minister, is likely to be permanent, the Minister may grant him a pension equal to one-eighth of the salary attaching to his office at the time of his ceasing to serve in an established capacity, together with a further one-fortieth of that salary for each year of his service in excess of ten, but any pension so granted shall not exceed one-half of that salary and shall be subject to the provisions of the Pensions (Abatement) Act, 1965, as though it were a pension under the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1963.
[GA](4) Where a person is granted a pension under this section, the Minister may also grant him a lump sum equal to one and one-half times the amount of the pension including any portion surrendered under the next subsection.
[GA](5) A person to whom a pension is granted under this section otherwise than on retirement on the ground of ill-health may surrender portion of the pension in return for a pension for his wife or one other named dependant, and any such surrender shall be subject to the provisions of the Superannuation Act, 1956, and the regulations made thereunder as though it were a pension granted under the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1963.
[GA](6) Where a person to whom this section applies dies after having served as an Appeal Commissioner for a period of not less than five years, the Minister may grant to his legal personal representative a lump sum equal to the salary attaching to his office at the date of his death.
[GA](7) Where a person who has been granted a pension and lump sum under this section dies and the total received and receivable by him and by his estate is less than the salary on which his pension is based, the Minister may grant to his legal personal representative a lump sum equal to the deficiency.
[GA](8) In the case of a person to whom this section applies who, immediately before the commencement of the Income Tax Act, 1967, was a commissioner appointed under section 67 (1) of the Income Tax Act, 1918, the aggregate of his service under the Income Tax Act, 1918, and his service under the Income Tax Act, 1967, from the commencement of that Act to the passing of this Act shall be deemed to be service as an Appeal Commissioner.
[GA](9) An award under this section and an award under the Superannuation Acts, 1834 to 1963, shall not be made to or in relation to the same person.
[GA]Short title and construction.
29.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1968.
[GA](2) Parts I and IV of this Act shall be construed together with the Income Tax Acts.
[GA](3) Part II of this Act shall be construed together with the Stamp Act, 1891, and the enactments amending or extending that Act.
[GA](4) Part III of this Act shall be construed together with Part V of the Finance Act, 1920, and the enactments amending or extending that Part.
[GA](5) Any reference in this Act to any other enactment shall, except so far as the context otherwise requires, be construed as a reference to that enactment as amended by or under any other enactment, including this Act.
Part I
Section 3 (2).
Income Tax Act, 1967: | |
Section | 1 (1) |
” | 13 (1) |
” | 37 (1) (f) (ii) |
” | 38 |
” | 41 (3) |
” | 50 (3) and (4) |
” | 54 (4) |
” | 60 (3) |
” | 73 (3) |
” | 76 (5) and (6) |
” | 81 (6) |
” | 82 (2) (a) |
” | 90 (2) and (3) |
” | 113 (1) and (2) |
” | 120 (1) (c) and (2) |
” | 156 (2), (3) and (4) |
” | 164 (2) |
” | 190 (1) |
” | 191 (4) and (5) |
” | 194 (2) (c) |
” | 195 (3) (a) |
” | 203 (1) to (3) |
” | 204 |
” | 214 (2) where the expression secondly occurs |
” | 228 (3) |
” | 238 (1) and (2) |
” | 240 (1) |
” | 241 (1) |
” | 245 (14) |
” | 259 |
” | 296 (3) and (4) |
” | 301 (1) |
” | 307 (5) and (6) |
” | 315 (1) and (2) |
” | 367 (3) |
” | 371 (7) (c) |
” | 379 (1) |
” | 382 (2) |
” | 397 |
” | 414 |
” | 416 (1) to (9) |
” | 417 |
” | 418 (1) to (3) and (6) |
” | 421 (2) |
” | 422 (1) and (2) |
” | 423 (1) |
” | 424 |
” | 425 (1) |
” | 426 (1) |
” | 427 (a) |
” | 428 (1) and (9) |
” | 429 (1) and (2) |
” | 430 (1) |
” | 431 (1) and (2) |
” | 432 (1) to (4) |
” | 437 (1) and (2) |
” | 441 (2) |
” | 446 (2) |
” | 462 (3) and (4) |
” | 501 (1) (c) |
” | 506 |
” | 529 |
” | 537 (2) |
” | 542 (6) |
” | 549 (5) |
” | 553 (2) where the expression secondly occurs |
Schedule | 6, Part III, paragraph 1 (2) |
” | 6, ” III, paragraph 3 (2) and (3) |
” | 6, ” III, paragraph 4 (1) and (2) |
” | 10, paragraph 13 (1) |
” | 11, paragraph 3 (4) |
” | 12, paragraph 2 (1) and (2) |
” | 12, paragraph 3 (2) and (5) |
” | 16, paragraphs 1 to 3 |
” | 16, paragraph 10, where the expression secondly occurs |
Part II
Section 3 (3).
Section | 49 (1) |
” | 152 (6) |
” | 181 (1) (a) |
” | 460 (a) |
” | 484 (3) |
” | 530 (1) |
” | 531 (1) to (3) |
Schedule 1, Part I, paragraphs 3 and 4 | |
” 1, ” II, paragraphs 1 and 3 | |
” 1, ” III, paragraphs 1 and 2 | |
” 1, ” IV, paragraphs 3 and 9 | |
” 2, paragraph 6 (1) and (2) | |
” 6, Part II, paragraph (3) | |
” 16, paragraphs 4, 5, 7, 8 and 11 | |
” 16, paragraphs 10, where the expression firstly occurs |
Part III
Section 3 (4).
Number and year | Short title | Amendment |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
No. 6 of 1967. | In section 36 (2), “inspector” is substituted for “Special Commissioners”. | |
In section 152 (4) (b), “is” is substituted for “appears to the Commissioners to whom the claim for relief is made to be”. | ||
In section 163 (2), “a Peace Commissioner” is substituted for “any Special Commissioner”. | ||
In section 339 (2), “Every claim under sections 333 and 335 to 337 shall be” is substituted for “The Special Commissioners shall require every such claim to be” | ||
In section 530 (5), “being satisfied” is substituted for “a certificate from the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In section 536 (1), “issued under the authority of this Act” is substituted for “and precepts of the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In Schedule 1, Part I, paragraph 4, “a certificate” is substituted for “two certificates”. | ||
In Schedule 1, Part I, paragraph 5, “The” is substituted for “One”. | ||
In Schedule 4, in subparagraph (1) of paragraph 1, for all the words from the beginning of the subparagraph to “by him” there is substituted “Any claim shall be accompanied by a declaration and statement in the prescribed form signed by the claimant”. | ||
In Schedule 4, in paragraph 2 (3), “Revenue Commissioners” is substituted for “inspector or the said commissioners”. | ||
In Schedule 17, Part I, in the headings of the first and last declarations, “APPEAL COMMISSIONERS” is substituted for “SPECIAL COMMISSIONERS”. |
Part IV
Section 3 (5).
Number and Year | Short title | Extent of repeal |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
No. 6 of 1967. | Section 22 (2). | |
In section 29 (1), the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners,” and the words “; and the Special Commissioners shall issue an order for repayment, in like manner as in other cases of repayment”. | ||
In section 30, the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In section 35, the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In section 36 (1), the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners”. | ||
Section 153 (3). | ||
In section 214 (1), the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In section 214 (2), the words “to the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In section 329 (1), the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In section 332 (1), the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners”. | ||
Section 339 (1) and (3). | ||
In section 451 (5), the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In section 496 (1), the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In section 530 (4), the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In section 536 (2), the words “, and obey and execute such precepts and warrants as are directed to them in that behalf under the authority of this Act”. | ||
Section 542 (1). | ||
In section 544 (2), the words “to the Special Commissioners”. | ||
In section 553 (1), the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners” in both places where they occur. | ||
In section 553 (2), the words “to the Special Commissioners” and the words “to the inspector”. | ||
In Schedule 1, Part I, paragraph 5, the words “and the other to the Revenue Commissioners”. | ||
In Schedule 1, Part IV, paragraph 1 (1), the words “, for the use of the Special Commissioners,”. | ||
Paragraphs 1 (2) and (3), 2 (2) and paragraph 3 of Schedule 4. | ||
In Schedule 4, paragraph 2 (1), the words “to the inspector”. | ||
In Schedule 6, Part II, paragraph (1), the words “to the satisfaction of the Special Commissioners”. |
Part V
Finance Act, 1920
Section 56 (6) and (7)
Finance Act, 1944
Section 14 (8) (b)
Section 15 (3)
Finance Act, 1949
Fifth Schedule, Part II, paragraph 8
Finance Act, 1953
Section 10 (5)
Finance (Profits of Certain Mines) (Temporary Relief from Taxation) Act, 1956
Section 1 (2)
Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1956
Section 2
Finance Act, 1958
Section 51 (7) (c)
Third Schedule, paragraph 2 (1) (b) and (2)
” ” paragraph 3 (2) and (5)
Finance (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1958
Section 8 (1)
Fourth Schedule, paragraph 7
Section 65 (1), (2) and (6)
Finance Act, 1967
Section 21 (4) and (5)