As Ann Déscrolláil


Cuir Déscrolláil ar siúl chun an dá leagan a scrolláil le chéile.


Uimhir 8 de 1946.



[An tiontó oifigiúil.]



Acht 1944.

liúntas leanbhaí.

tréimhse íoca.

leanbh cáilithe.

duine cáilithe.

dáta cáilitheach.

1.—(1) San Acht seo—


ciallaíonn an abairt “ Acht 1944 ” an tAcht Liúntas Leanbhaí, 1944 (Uimh. 2 de 1944);


ciallaíonn an abairt “ liúntas leanbhaí ” liúntas faoi alt 6 den Acht seo;


ciallaíonn an abairt “ tréimhse íoca ” tréimhse a ceapfar faoi alt 7 den Acht seo ina tréimhse íoca;


ciallaíonn an abairt “ leanbh cáilithe ” leanbh a dearbhaítear le halt 4 den Acht seo a bheith ina leanbh cáilithe;


ciallaíonn an abairt “ duine cáilithe ” duine a dearbhaítear le halt 5 den Acht seo a bheith cáilithe le haghaidh liúntais leanbhaí;


ciallaíonn an abairt “ dáta cáilitheach ” lá a ceapfar faoi alt 3 den Acht seo ina dháta cáilitheach.


(2) Léireofar mar éinní amháin an tAcht seo agus Acht 1944.


Tosach feidhme.

2.—Tiocfaidh an tAcht seo i ngníomh an lá nó na laetha a ceapfar chuige sin le hordú nó ordaithe ón Aire go generálta nó maidir le haon chrích nó foráil áirithe agus féadfar laetha difriúla a cheapadh amhlaidh do chríocha difriúla agus d'fhorála difriúla den Acht seo.


Dátaí cáilitheacha.

3.—Déanfaidh an tAire ó am go ham pé dátaí agus pé méid dátaí is oiriúnach leis a cheapadh ina ndátaí cáilitheacha chun críocha an Achta seo agus féadfaidh dátaí cáilitheacha difriúla a cheapadh d'aicmí difriúla daoine.


Leanbh cáilithe.

4.—Beidh leanbh ina leanbh cáilithe ar dháta cáilitheach má bhíonn sé, ar an dáta cáilitheach sin—


(a) ina bheathaidh agus faoi bhun sé bliana déag d'aois, agus


(b) ina ghnáth-chomhnaí sa Stát, agus


(c) gan bheith á choinneáil i scoil cheartúcháin ná i scoil saothair.


Duine cáilithe.

5.—(1) Duine a mbeidh, ar dháta is dáta cáilitheach dó, triúr leanbhaí nó níos mó is leanbhaí cáilithe ar an dáta sin ina gcomhnaí go rialta leis, beidh sé cáilithe le haghaidh liúntais leanbhaí i leith na leanbhaí sin.


(2) Chun críche fo-ailt (1) den Alt seo—


(a) féadfaidh an tAire rialacha a ordú chun a chinneadh cé hé an duine ar leis is tuigthe leanbh cáilithe a bheith ina chomhnaí go rialta,


(b) ní tuigthe leanbh cáilithe a bheith ina chomhnaí go rialta le níos mó ná aon duine amháin, agus


(c) má bhíonn leanbh cáilithe ina chomhnaí i bhforas, is tuigthe é a bheith ina chomhnaí go rialta leis an duine sin amháin (más ann) a dhéanas ranníoc i leith costais a chothabhála sa bhforas agus a dtuigfí, faoin alt seo, é a bheith ina chomhnaí go rialta leis dá mba ná raibh sé ina chomhnaí sa bhforas.


(3) Déanfar rialacha a hordófar faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo a leagadh faoi bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a n-ordaithe, agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach den Oireachtas laistigh den lá agus fiche a shuífeas an Teach sin tar éis na rialacha a leagadh faoi n-a bhráid rún a rith ag cur na rialacha ar neamhbhrí, beidh na rialacha arna gcur ar neamhbhrí dá réir sin, ach beidh san gan dochar do dhleathacht éinní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoi na rialacha.


Liúntais leanbhaí.

6.—(1) I gcás ina ndéanfaidh duine a bheas, ar dháta cáilitheach, cáilithe le haghaidh liúntais leanbhaí i leith leanbhaí cáilithe, san a iarraidh laistigh den am ordaithe agus sa tslí ordaithe agus ina gcomhlíonfaidh sé na coinníollacha ordaithe maidir le céannacht, beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas:—


(a) íocfar leis an duine sin, as airgead arna sholáthar ag an Oireachtas, liúntas seachtainiúil in aghaidh na tréimhse íoca a bheas ceaptha dhó faoi alt 7 den Acht seo do réir dhá scilling agus sé pingne i leith gach linbh cháilithe den tsórt sin de bhreis ar bheirt ;


(b) más rud é go ndéanfaí, mura mbeadh an mhír seo, leanbh áirithe a áireamh le linn an liúntas a ríomh a bheadh le híoc le beirt nó níos mó i leith na seachtaine céanna, áireofar an leanbh sin le linn pé liúntas amháin acu sin a ríomh is oiriúnach leis an Aire agus, chun éifeacht a thabhairt don mhír seo, déanfar aon liúntas eile dob iníoctha, mura mbeadh san, a laghdú nó a fhoirceannadh dá réir sin ;


(c) ní dhéanfaidh sé difir do cheart an duine sin chun an liúntais leanbhaí sin aon leanbh cáilithe den tsórt sin d'fháil bháis ná, faoi réir míre (d) den fho-alt seo, aon leanbh cáilithe den tsórt sin a scor, ar shlí eile, de bheith do réir na gcoinníoll a luaitear in alt 4 den Acht seo ;


(d) má scoireann aon leanbh cáilithe den tsórt sin de bheith do réir na gcoinníoll a luaitear i mír (c) d'alt 4 den Acht seo, ansin, do réir mar is rogha leis an Aire, féadfar, maidir leis an tréimhse íoca sin nó leis an gcuid neamhchaite dhi (pé acu é), scor den leanbh sin a áireamh mar leanbh cáilithe agus beidh deireadh leis an iarratas d'iarraidh an liúntais sin, nó, má bhíonn an liúntas arna dhámhachtain roimhe sin, athscrúdófar an dámhachtain, dá réir sin.


(2) I gcás duine cáilithe d'fháil bháis gan liúntas leanbhaí a bheith iarrtha aige féadfar an t-iarratas a ghlacadh ó pé duine ina ionad is oiriúnach leis an Aire.


(3) I gcás duine cáilithe, a mbeidh liúntas leanbhaí iarrtha aige, d'fháil bháis sar a mbeidh breith tugtha ar a éileamh, féadfar an liúntas leanbhaí a dhámhachtain do pé duine ina ionad is oiriúnach leis an Aire.


(4) I gcás duine dar dámhadh liúntas leanbhaí d'fháil bháis, féadfar an liúntas leanbhaí a íoc le pé duine, nó idir pé daoine agus i pé cionúireachta, agus, in aon chás, faoi réir pé coinníoll, is oiriúnach leis an Aire.


(5) I gcás duine dar dámhadh liúntas leanbhaí a bheith i bpríosún nó á choinneáil i dteaghlach meabhair-ghalar nó inar deimhin leis an Aire faillí a bheith tugtha aige in aon duine de na leanbhaí ar ina leith a dámhadh an liúntas leanbhaí, ansin, do réir mar is rogha leis an Aire, féadfar scor den liúntas leanbhaí a íoc nó féadfar é a íoc le pé duine, nó idir pé daoine agus i pé cionúireachta, agus, in aon chás, faoi réir pé coinníoll, is oiriúnach leis an Aire.


(6) I gcás duine cáilithe a bheith de thuras na huaire as an Stát, féadfar iarratas thar a cheann i leith liúntais leanbhaí a ghlacadh ó pé duine is oiriúnach leis an Aire.


(7) Ní híocfar liúntas leanbhaí ach amháin sa Stát.


(8) Ciallóidh an abairt “ liúntas leanbhaí ” in Acht 1944 liúntas faoin alt seo.


Tréimhse íoca.

7.—(1) Má fionntar duine a bheith ina dhuine cáilithe ar dháta cáilitheach beidh éifeacht ag na forála seo leanas :—


(a) ceapfar dó tréimhse íoca—


(i) a thosnós, má bhí sé ar an dáta cáilitheach i dteideal liúntais cheana féin (pé acu faoin Acht seo é nó faoi Acht 1944), ar bheith caite don tréimhse a raibh sé ar an dáta sin i dteideal amhlaidh ina leith,


(ii) a thosnós, mura raibh sé i dteideal amhlaidh, tráth nach déanaí ná trí mhí tar éis an dáta cháilithigh,


(iii) a mbeidh, mura gcinntear a mhalairt, sé seachtaine fichead d'fhaid inti, ach ná beidh in aon chás níos lú ná cúig seachtaine déag ná níos mó ná trí seachtaine ceathrachad d'fhaid inti ;


(b) tráth ar bith roimh thosach tréimhse íoca a ceapfar amhlaidh do dhuine ar bith féadfar, faoi réir míre (a) den fho-alt seo, tréimhse íoca nach ionann fad di a cheapadh dhó in ionad na tréimhse íoca sin.


(2) Is ar oifigigh bhreithiúnachta a bheas de dhualgas tréimhsí íoca a cheapadh.


Fianaise in imeachta faoi alt 11 nó alt 12 d'Acht 1944.

8.—In aon imeachta faoi alt 11 nó alt 12 (arna leasú leis an Acht seo) d'Acht 1944, beidh deimhniú, a airbheartós bheith sínithe ag oifigeach breithiúnachta, ar dhámhachtain nó ar bhreith ag an oifigeach breithiúnachta sin, ina fhianaise prima facie go ndearnadh an dámhachtain sin nó gur tugadh an bhreith sin, agus i dtaobh téarmaí an chéanna, gan cruthú ar shíniú an oifigigh bhreithiúnachta ná ar a fheadhmannas oifigiúil.


Teora ama do chúisimh faoi alt 12 d'Acht 1944.

9.—Féadfar cúiseamh i gcion faoi alt 12 d'Acht 1944, arna leasú leis an Acht seo, a bhunú tráth ar bith laistigh de pé tréimhse acu seo a leanas is déanaí a chríochnós, sé sin le rá :—


(a) trí mhí ón dáta a gheobhaidh an tAire fíos ar fhianaise is dóigh leis is leor chun cúiseamh a shuíomh, nó


(b) dhá mhí dhéag tar éis an cion a dhéanamh,

agus beidh deimhniú faoi shéala oifigiúil an Aire i dtaobh an dáta a fuair sé fios ar an bhfianaise sin ina fhianaise dho-chlaoite air sin.


An tAire do chur liúntais leanbhaí i dtaisce i mBanc Taisce Oifige an Phoist.

10.—Faoi réir na n-achtachán a bheas i bhfeidhm de thuras na huaire maidir le Banc Taisce Oifige an Phoist, féadfaidh an tAire, le húdarás ó dhuine a bheas i dteideal liúntais leanbhaí, an liúntas sin a chur i dtaisce (agus féadfaidh an tAire Poist agus Telegrafa é a ghlacadh) chun cuntais an duine sin sa Bhanc sin, agus ní bhainfidh alt 2 den Post Office Savings Bank Act, 1861, le hairgead a cuirfear i dtaisce amhlaidh.


Saoirse ó dhiúité stampa.

11.—D'ainneoin éinní dá bhfuil in alt 1 den Stamp Act, 1891, nó sa Chéad Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht sin, ní bheidh diúité stampa inéilithe ar aon admháil a bhéarfar gur híocadh liúntas leanbhaí.


Leasaithe ar Acht 1944.

12.—Déantar leis seo gach alt agus fo-alt d'Acht 1944 a luaitear sa chéad cholún den Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo a leasú sa tslí atá leagtha amach, os coinne luadh an ailt agus an fho-ailt sin, sa dara colún den Sceideal sin.


Ailt 2 agus 3 d'Acht 1944 a athghairm.

13.—Athghairmtear leis seo alt 2 agus alt 3 d'Acht 1944.


Gearr-theideal agus comhluadh.

14.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Liúntas Leanbhaí (Leasú), 1946, a ghairm den Acht seo.


(2) Féadfar na hAchta Liúntas Leanbhaí, 1944 agus 1946, a ghairm d'Acht 1944 agus den Acht seo le chéile.



Leasaithe ar Acht 1944.

An tAlt

An tslí ina Leasaítear é

Alt 1


Trí na mínithe ar “ leanbh ”, “ liúntas leanbhaí ”, “ an cheád tréimhse íoca ”, “ tréimhse íoca ”, “ an dáta cáilitheach ” agus “ réigiún ” a scrios.

Alt 8, fo-alt (1)

Trí na focail “ agus ar gach ceist a éireós i dtaobh liúntais leanbhaí a moladh ” a chur isteach i ndiaidh na bhfocal “ i dtaobh an chéanna ”.

Alt 8, fo-alt (2)

Trí na focail “ nó aon éilimh ar liúntas leanbhaí ” a chur isteach i ndiaidh na bhfocal “ liúntais leanbhaí ”.

Alt 9, fo-alt (4)

Trí na focail “ nó de bhíthin fíoras tábhachtach a cheilt go toiliúil ” a chur isteach i bhfo-mhír (i) de mhír (b) i ndiaidh na bhfocal “ i bponc tábhachtach ”.

Alt 11, fo-alt (1)

Trí na focail “ ná raibh an duine sin ina theideal ” a chur in ionad na bhfocal “ ar feadh aon tréimhse íoca do réigiún ná raibh an duine sin ina theideal ar a feadh ” ; Trí na focail “ ar feadh na tréimhse íoca san ” a scrios.

Alt 12, fo-alt (1)

Trí na focail “ nó a cheilfeas go feasach aon fhíoras tábhachtach ” a chur isteach i mír (a) i ndiaidh na bhfocal “ in aon phonc tábhachtach ”.

Alt 20, fo-alt (1)

Tríd an fho-mhír seo leanas a chur in ionad fo-mhíre (ii) de mhír (e) :

“ (ii) íoc a dhéanamh, i gcás duine a bhí cáilithe le haghaidh liúntais leanbhaí d'fháil bháis, in aon tsuim a thiocfadh chun bheith iníoctha i leith an liúntais leanbhaí go dtí dáta a bháis dá ngéilltí d'éileamh ar an liúntas leanbhaí díreach sar a bhfuair sé bás ; ”.



Number 8 of 1946.










Qualifying dates.


Qualified child.


Qualified person.


Children's allowances.


Payment period.


Evidence in proceedings under section 11 or section 12 of the Act of 1944.


Time limit for prosecutions under section 12 of the Act of 1944.


Deposit by Minister of children's allowance in Post Office Savings Bank.


Exemption from stamp duty.


Amendments of the Act of 1944.


Repeal of sections 2 and 3 of the Act of 1944.


Short title and collective citation.


Act Referred to

Children's Allowances Act, 1944

No. 2 of 1944


Number 8 of 1946.




1.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Act of 1944” means the Children's Allowances Act, 1944 (No. 2 of 1944);


the expression “children's allowance” means an allowance under section 6 of this Act;


the expression “payment period” means a period appointed under section 7 of this Act to be a payment period;


the expression “qualified child” means a child declared by section 4 of this Act to be a qualified child;


the expression “qualified person” means a person declared by section 5 of this Act to be qualified for a children's allowance;


the expression “qualifying date” means a day appointed under section 3 of this Act to be a qualifying date.


(2) This Act shall be construed as one with the Act of 1944.



2.—This Act shall come into operation on such day or days as may be fixed therefor by order or orders of the Minister either generally or with reference to any particular purpose or provision and different days may be so fixed for different purposes and different provisions of this Act.


Qualifying dates.

3.—The Minister shall from time to time appoint such and so many dates as he thinks fit to be the qualifying dates for the purposes of this Act and may appoint different qualifying dates for different categories of persons.


Qualified child.

4.—A child shall be a qualified child on a qualifying date if, on the said qualifying date—


(a) he is alive and under the age of sixteen years, and


(b) he is ordinarily resident in the State, and


(c) he is not detained in a reformatory or an industrial school.


Qualified person.

5.—(1) A person, with whom, on a date which is for him a qualifying date, three or more children who are on that date qualified children normally reside, shall be qualified for a children's allowance in respect of those children.


(2) For the purpose of subsection (1) of this section—


(a) the Minister may prescribe rules for determining with whom a qualified child shall be regarded as normally residing,


(b) a qualified child shall not be regarded as normally residing with more than one person, and


(c) where a qualified child is resident in an institution, he shall be regarded as normally residing only with that person (if any) who contributes towards the cost of his maintenance in the institution, and with whom he would, under this section, be regarded as normally residing, if he were not resident in an institution.


(3) Rules prescribed under subsection (2) of this section shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after they are prescribed, and if a resolution is passed by either House of the Oireachtas within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the rules are laid before it annulling the rules, the rules shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under the rules.


Children's allowances.

6.—(1) Where a person, who, on a qualifying date, is qualified for a children's allowance in respect of qualified children, applies therefor, within the prescribed time and in the prescribed manner, and complies with the prescribed conditions as to identification, the following provisions shall have effect:—


(a) the said person shall be paid, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, a weekly allowance for the payment period appointed for him under section 7 of this Act, at the rate of two shillings and sixpence for each such qualified child in excess of two;


(b) where, but for this paragraph, a particular child would be reckoned in calculating the allowance to be paid to two or more persons in respect of the same week, that child shall be reckoned in calculating such one only of those allowances as the Minister thinks fit, and, for the purpose of giving effect to this paragraph, any other allowance otherwise payable shall be reduced or terminated accordingly;


(c) the right of the said person to the said children's allowance shall not be affected by the death of any such qualified child or, subject to paragraph (d) of this subsection, by any such qualified child otherwise ceasing to satisfy the conditions mentioned in section 4 of this Act;


(d) if any such qualified child ceases to satisfy the conditions mentioned in paragraph (c) of section 4 of this Act, then, at the discretion of the Minister, the said child may, in respect of the said payment period or the unexpired part thereof (as the case may be) cease to be regarded as a qualified child and the application for the said allowance shall be determined, or, if the allowance has already been awarded, the award shall be revised, accordingly.


(2) Where a qualified person dies without having applied for a children's allowance the application may be accepted from such person in his stead as the Minister thinks fit.


(3) Where a qualified person, having applied for a children's allowance, dies before his claim is decided, the children's allowance may be awarded to such person in his stead as the Minister thinks fit.


(4) Where a person who has been awarded a children's allowance dies, the children's allowance may be paid to such person, or among such persons and in such proportions, and subject, in any case, to such conditions, as the Minister thinks fit.


(5) Where a person who has been awarded a children's allowance is in prison or detained in a mental home or the Minister is satisfied that he has neglected any of the children in respect of whom the children's allowance has been awarded, then, at the discretion of the Minister, the children's allowance may cease to be paid or may be paid to such person, or among such persons and in such proportions, and subject, in any case, to such conditions, as the Minister thinks fit.


(6) Where a qualified person is for the time being absent from the State, an application on his behalf in respect of a children's allowance may be accepted from such person as the Minister thinks fit.


(7) A children's allowance shall be paid only within the State.


(8) The expression “children's allowance” in the Act of 1944 shall mean an allowance under this section.


Payment period.

7.—(1) Where a person is found to have been a qualified person on a qualifying date the following provisions shall have effect:—


(a) there shall be appointed for him a payment period which—


(i) if he was on the qualifying date already entitled to an allowance (whether under this Act or the Act of 1944), shall commence on the expiration of the period for which he was on that date so entitled,


(ii) if he was not so entitled, shall commence not later than three months after the qualifying date,


(iii) unless otherwise determined, shall be a period of twenty-six weeks, but shall not in any case be less than fifteen weeks or more than forty-three weeks;


(b) at any time before the commencement of a payment period so appointed for any person a payment period of different duration may, subject to paragraph (a) of this subsection, be appointed for him in lieu of the said payment period.


(2) The appointment of payment periods shall be the duty of the deciding officers.


Evidence in proceedings under section 11 or section 12 of the Act of 1944.

8.—In any proceedings under section 11 or section 12 (as amended by this Act) of the Act of 1944, a certificate, purporting to be signed by a deciding officer, of an award or decision of the said deciding officer shall be prima facie evidence of the making of the said award or the giving of the said decision, and of the terms thereof, without proof of the signature of the deciding officer or of his official capacity


Time limit for prosecutions under section 12 of the Act of 1944.

9.—A prosecution for an offence under section 12 of the Act of 1944, as amended by this Act, may be brought at any time within whichever of the following periods later expires, that is to say—


(a) three months from the date on which evidence sufficient in the opinion of the Minister to justify a prosecution for the offence comes to his knowledge, or


(b) twelve months after the commission of the offence,


and a certificate under the official seal of the Minister as to the date on which such evidence comes to his knowledge shall be conclusive evidence thereof.


Deposit by Minister of children's allowance in Post Office Savings Bank.

10.—Subject to the enactments for the time being in force in relation to the Post Office Savings Bank, the Minister may, with the authority of a person entitled to a children's allowance, deposit (and the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs may receive) the said allowance to the account of that person in the said Bank, and section 2 of the Post Office Savings Bank Act, 1861, shall not apply to a deposit so made.


Exemption from stamp duty.

11.—Notwithstanding anything contained in section 1 of the Stamp Act, 1891, or the First Schedule to that Act, stamp duty shall not be chargeable on any receipt given for payment of a children's allowance.


Amendments of the Act of 1944.

12.—Each section and subsection of the Act of 1944 mentioned in the first column of the Schedule to this Act is hereby amended in the manner set out, opposite the mention thereof, in the second column of the said Schedule.


Repeal of sections 2 and 3 of the Act of 1944.

13.Section 2 and section 3 of the Act of 1944 are hereby repealed.


Short title and collective citation.

14.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Children's Allowances (Amendment) Act, 1946.


(2) The Act of 1944 and this Act may be cited together as the Children's Allowances Acts, 1944 and 1946.



Amendments of the Act of 1944.


How Amended

Section 1

By the deletion of the definitions of “child”, “children's allowance”, “first payment period”, “payment period”, “qualifying date” and “region”.

Section 8, sub-section (1).

By the insertion, after the words “in relation thereto,” of the words “and every question arising in relation to a children's allowance which has been awarded”.

Section 8, sub-section (2).

By the insertion, after the words “children's allowance”, of the words “or claim for a children's allowance”.

Section 9, sub-section (4).

By the insertion in sub-paragraph (i) of paragraph (b), after the words “material respect,” of the words, “or by reason of the wilful concealment of a material fact”.

Section 11, sub-section (1).

By the substitution, for the words “during any payment period for a region during which such person was not entitled thereto,” of the words “to which such person was not entitled”;

By the deletion of the words “during such payment period”.

Section 12, sub-section (1).

By the insertion in paragraph (a), after the words “material respect,” of the words “or knowingly conceals any material fact”.

Section 20, sub-section (1).

By the substitution, for sub-paragraph (ii) of paragraph (e), of the following sub-paragraph:

“(ii) in the case of the death of a person who was qualified for a children's allowance, payment, may be made of any sum which, if a claim for the children's allowance had been allowed immediately before his death, would have become payable on account of the children's allowance up to the date of his death;”.