

Number 3.






Continuance of Orders in First Schedule.


Continuance of Orders in Second Schedule.


Canal Undertakings in Third Schedule may continue to charge certain rates, tolls, etc.


Definition of “Minister”.


Short Title and Duration.





Number 3.


AN ACT TO AUTHORISE CERTAIN STATUTORY UNDERTAKINGS IN SAORSTAT EIREANN TO CONTINUE TEMPORARILY THE INCREASES AUTHORISED UNDER RECENT STATUTES IN THE STATUTORY CHARGES MADE BY SUCH UNDERTAKINGS RESPECTIVELY AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES CONNECTED THEREWITH. [16th February, 1923.] WHEREAS by the Statutory Undertakings (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1918, as amended by the Tramways (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920, the statutory provisions regulating the charges to be made by certain tramway and other statutory undertakings were temporarily modified so as to authorise the increase of those charges:

AND WHEREAS by the Harbours, Docks and Piers (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920, the statutory provisions regulating the charges to be made by harbour, dock and pier undertakings were similarly modified so as to authorise a similar increase of those charges:

AND WHEREAS Orders have from time to time been made under the several Acts aforesaid authorising certain Statutory undertakings in Saorstát Eireann to increase the charges which they are by statute respectively authorised to make but all such Orders and the increase thereby authorised will, expire on or shortly after the 15th day of February, 1923, unless continued by the Oireachtas:

AND WHEREAS certain Canal Undertakings in Saorstát Eireann are authorised by the Minister of Transport under the Ministry of Transport Act, 1919, to increase their charges within certain limits but such authorisation will expire on or shortly after the 15th day of February, 1923, unless continued by the Oireachtas:

AND WHEREAS the circumstances which rendered the several Orders and Authorisations aforesaid necessary and proper still continue to exist and it is therefore necessary and proper that the several Orders and Authorisations aforesaid should be continued by the Oireachtas:



Continuance of Orders in First Schedule.

1.—The several Orders specified in the First Schedule to this Act and made under the Statutory Undertakings (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1918 (8 & 9 Geo. V., ch. 34), as amended by the Tramways (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920 (10 & 11 Geo. V., ch. 14) shall, subject to the power of revision subsisting under the Acts aforesaid, continue in force so long as this section remains in force.


Continuance of Orders in Second Schedule.

2.—The several Orders specified in the Second Schedule to this Act and made under the Harbours, Docks and Piers (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920, (10 & 11 Geo. V., ch. 21) shall, subject to the power of revision subsisting under the Act aforesaid, continue in force so long as this section remains in force.


Canal Undertakings in Third Schedule may continue to charge certain rates, tolls, etc.

3.—(1) It shall be lawful for each of the several Canal Undertakings specified in the First Column of the Third Schedule to this Act to continue for so long as this section remains in force to charge the several rates, fares, tolls, dues and other charges which were respectively directed by the Orders specified in the Second Column of the said Third Schedule to be charged by such Undertakings respectively.


(2) Each of the said Orders specified in the said Third Schedule to this Act may be revised in the same manner as Orders made under the Harbours, Docks and Piers (Temporary Increase of Charges) Act, 1920, (10 & 11 Geo. V., ch. 21) may be revised under that Act and accordingly sub-section (5) of Section 1 and Sections 2, 3 and 4 of that Act shall apply to the said Orders specified in the said Third Schedule in like manner as they apply to Orders made under that Act.


Definition of “Minister.

4.—In this Act the expression “The Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce.


Short Title and Duration.

5.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Statutory Undertakings (Continuance of Charges) Act, 1923.


(2) This Act shall remain in force until the 31st day of May, 1923, and shall then expire.


AN CHEAD SCEIDEAL—Orduithe Bóithre Tram.

FIRST SCHEDULE—Tramway Orders.

Title of Order.


Reference No.

The Dublin Tramways (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1920.

November 8, 1920.

1920, No. 2064

The Cork Electric Tramways (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1921.

July 1, 1921.

1921, No. 1096.


AN DARA SCEIDEAL—Orduithe Cuain.


Title of Order.


Reference No.

The Arklow Harbour (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1921.

May 12, 1921.

1921, No. 1831.

The Ballina Port and Harbour (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1921.

August 5, 1921.

1921, No. 1255.

The Drogheda Harbour (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1921.

March 4, 1921.

1921, No. 291.

The Dundalk Harbour (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1921.

December 16, 1921.

1921, No. 1909.

The Foynes Harbour (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1921.

December 16, 1921.

1921, No. 1905.

The Kinsale Port, Harbour and Pier (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1921.

May 12, 1921.

1921, No. 845.

The Sligo Port and Harbour (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1921.

August 5, 1921.

1921, No. 1259

The Westport Port and Harbour (Temporary Increase of Charges) Order, 1921.

April 19, 1921.

1921, No. 656.

The Kilrush Pier, County Clare, Order, 1921.

July 1, 1921.

1921, No. 1097.


AN TREAS SCEIDEAL—Toisceanna Canálach.

THIRD SCHEDULE—Canal Undertakings.

Canal Undertakings.

Orders relating thereto.

The Grand Canal Company.

Order dated the 8th day of September, 1920, made by the Minister of Transport.

The Royal Canal Company.

Order dated the 22nd day of September, 1920, made by the Minister of Transport.

The River Shannon Navigation.

Order dated the 26th day of July, 1921, made by the Minister of Transport.