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Number 12 of 1961.
Section | |
Determination of certain matters in relation to the Council by the Minister by order. | |
Regulations in relation to use of poisons for agricultural and veterinary purposes. | |
Enactments Repealed.
Acts Referred to | |
1947, No. 28 | |
1953, No. 26 | |
1960, No. 9 | |
Pharmacy Act (Ireland), 1875 | 1875, c.57 |
Amendment Act, 1890 | 1890, c.48 |
1940, No. 12 | |
1955, No. 12 | |
1934, No. 1 |
Number 12 of 1961.
1.—In this Act—
“agriculture” includes horticulture, forestry and bee-keeping;
“the Council” means Comhairle na Nimheanna established under section 2 of this Act;
“the Minister” means the Minister for Health.
Establishment of the Council.
2.—The Minister shall by order establish as on and from a specified date a council to be called and known as Comhairle na Nimheanna to fulfil the functions assigned to it by this Act.
Functions of the Council.
3.—(1) The Council shall advise the Minister in relation to any regulations under section 14 of this Act and the Minister for Agriculture in relation to any regulations under section 15 of this Act.
(2) The Council shall advise the Minister or the Minister for Agriculture on such other matters in relation to poisons, their manufacture, storage, transport, distribution, sale and use and the regulation, limitation, control and supervision of such manufacture, storage, transport, distribution, sale and use as the Minister or the Minister for Agriculture, as the case may be, shall refer to it.
(3) (a) The Council shall advise the Minister in relation to any regulations made or proposed to be made after the commencement of this section under section 65 of the Health Act, 1947, which he refers to it.
(b) The provisions of subsection (17) (inserted by section 41 of the Health Act, 1953) of section 98 of the Health Act, 1947, shall not apply in relation to regulations made or proposed to be made under the aforesaid section 65 which are referred to the Council under this subsection.
Constitution of the Council.
4.—(1) The Council shall consist of—
(a) three persons each of whom is a registered medical practitioner, has, for a period of not less than ten years before the date of his appointment as a member of the Council, been registered, or been entitled to be registered, in the Register of Medical Practitioners for Ireland and possesses an academic qualification which is higher than the minimum qualification required for such registration and is, in the opinion of the Minister, a desirable qualification as respects membership of the Council,
(b) five persons each of whom is a registered pharmaceutical chemist and has, for a period of not less than ten years before the date of his appointment as a member of the Council, been registered, or been entitled to be registered, in the Register of Pharmaceutical Chemists for Ireland,
(c) one person who is a registered dentist and has, for a period of not less than ten years before the date of his appointment as a member of the Council, been registered,or been entitled to be registered, in the Register of Dentists for Ireland,
(d) two persons nominated by the Minister for Agriculture each of whom is a registered veterinary surgeon,
(e) one person with special knowledge and experience of the use of poisonous substances in agriculture nominated by the Minister for Agriculture,
(f) two persons nominated by the Minister for Agriculture each of whom is a person whose main occupation is farming, and
(g) three other persons (whether or not having any qualification referred to in the foregoing paragraphs).
(2) At least two of the persons referred to in paragraph (a) of subsection (1) of this section shall be Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland.
(3) (a) Each of three, but not more than three, of the persons referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section shall be a person whose main occupation is either the carrying on of the business of pharmaceutical chemist or in employment as a pharmacist and at least two of those three persons shall be persons who, on the date of their appointment as members of the Council, are members of the Council of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland.
(b) At least one of the persons referred to in paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section shall be a person whose main occupation is the teaching of pharmacy or a similar subject.
(4) One member of the Council shall be the chairman and the others shall be ordinary members.
(5) The Minister shall appoint a person to act as secretary to the Council.
Appointment of members of the Council.
5.—(1) Subject to subsection (3) of this section, the members of the Council shall be appointed by the Minister from time to time as occasion requires.
(2) Subject to subsection (3) of this section, before the establishment of the Council, the Minister shall appoint seventeen persons to be members of the Council.
(3) If, during any period when the number of persons standing appointed as members of the Council is less than seventeen, it is not, in the opinion of the Minister, practicable to appoint any other person to be a member of the Council, the Council shall, during that period, consist of the persons standing appointed as aforesaid.
Chairman of the Council.
6.—(1) The chairman of the Council shall be appointed from time to time as occasion requires by the Minister.
(2) The chairman of the Council may at any time resign his office by letter addressed to the Minister and the resignation shall take effect as on and from the date of the receipt of the letter by the Minister.
Determination of certain matters in relation to the Council by the Minister by order.
7.—(1) The Minister may by order determine the term of office (being a term of not more than five years) of the chairman of the Council, the term of office (being a term of not more than five years) of the ordinary members of the Council, the procedure for calling meetings of the Council and the quorum for meetings of the Council.
(2) An order under this section, including an order under this subsection, may be amended or revoked by the Minister by order under this subsection.
Meetings and procedure of the Council.
8.—(1) The Council shall hold such number of meetings as may be necessary for the due performance of its functions.
(2) The Minister may fix the date, time and place of the first meeting of the Council.
(3) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Council may regulate, by standing orders or otherwise, the procedure and business of the Council.
(4) The functions of the Council may be exercised notwithstanding one or more vacancies among its members.
Removal of member of the Council.
9.—The Minister may at any time remove a member of the Council from office.
Re-appointment of members of the Council.
10.—A member of the Council who ceases for any reason to hold office as such member shall be eligible for re-appointment.
Resignation of members of the Council.
11.—A member of the Council may resign his office as member of the Council by letter sent by registered post to the Council, and the resignation shall take effect at the commencement of the meeting of the Council held next after the receipt of the letter if the resignation is not withdrawn in writing before that meeting.
Casual vacancies.
12.—(1) A casual vacancy occurring among the members of the Council shall be filled by appointment by the Minister, subject to the like conditions (if any) as governed the appointment of the member occasioning the vacancy.
(2) A person appointed under this section shall hold office for the remainder of his predecessor's term.
Expenses of members of the Council.
13.—The Minister may, out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas, pay to a member of the Council attending a meeting of the Council or performing any function on behalf of the Council his travelling and subsistence expenses and the payments shall be in accordance with a scale approved of by the Minister with the consent of the Minister for Finance.
Regulations in relation to poisons generally.
14.—(1) In this section—
“health authority” has the meaning assigned to it by virtue of the Health Act, 1947, and the Health Authorities Act, 1960;
“sale” includes sale by wholesale and sale by retail, and cognate words shall be construed accordingly;
“supply” includes giving without payment, and cognate words shall be construed accordingly.
(2) The Minister may, after consultation with or on the recommendation of the Council, make regulations—
(a) declaring substances to be poisons for the purposes of the regulations made under this section or of any provision of those regulations, and references in the subsequent provisions of this section to poisons are references to substances which are the subject of such declarations,
(b) with respect to the storage, transport, distribution, supply, sale and offering and keeping for sale of poisons, and
(c) with respect to the manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations containing poisons.
(3) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (2) of this section, regulations under this section may—
(a) prohibit the distributing, supplying, selling or offering or keeping for sale of poisons or particular poisons or classes of poisons by persons or classes of persons other than the persons or classes of persons specified in the regulations or otherwise than subject to the conditions and limitations specified in the regulations,
(b) specify persons or classes of persons by whom and the conditions and limitations subject to which poisons or particular poisons or classes of poisons may be distributed, supplied, sold or offered or kept for sale,
(c) provide that section 30 of the Pharmacy Act (Ireland), 1875, and sections 15 and 17 of the Pharmacy Act (Ireland), 1875 Amendment Act, 1890, shall not apply in relation to the sale or the keeping of open shop for the selling, retailing, dispensing, mixing or compounding of poisons by any person or class of persons specified in the regulations where the sale or the keeping of open shop is in accordance with the provisions of the regulations,
(d) prohibit, limit or regulate the manufacture of particular pharmaceutical preparations containing poisons or pharmaceutical preparations containing particular poisons,
(e) provide for licensing or registering by health authorities of persons (other than registered medical practitioners, pharmaceutical chemists, dispensing chemists and druggists and registered druggists) engaged in selling or offering or keeping for sale poisons and of premises in which poisons are sold or offered or kept for sale (otherwise than by registered medical practitioners, pharmaceutical chemists, dispensing chemists and druggists or registered druggists) and for the description of premises so licensed or registered,
(f) provide for the charging of fees by health authorities for such licensing or registering,
(g) provide for the cancellation, suspension or restoration by health authorities of licences or registrations issued or made by them under the regulations,
(h) provide for an appeal to the Minister by the person affected from the decision of a health authority to refuse an application for, or to cancel or suspend, a licence or registration and that where an appeal is successful, the health authority shall allow the application or shall not cancel or suspend the licence or registration, as the case may be,
(i) provide for the labelling of containers of poisons in such manner and with such particulars as may be specified,
(j) provide for the enforcement and execution of the provisions of the regulations—
(i) by officers of the Minister,
(ii) with the consent of the Minister for Agriculture; by officers of that Minister,
(iii) by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland and its officers, and
(iv) by health authorities and their officers,
(k) provide for the prosecution of offences under section 17 of this Act in relation to the regulations by the Minister, the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland or health authorities, and
(l) provide for matters ancillary to the foregoing matters.
(4) Where regulations under this section include provision for the keeping of registers by health authorities—
(a) any register kept pursuant to the regulations by a health authority shall be deemed to be in proper custody when in the custody of an officer of the health authority authorised in that behalf by the health authority and shall be admissible in evidence without further proof on production from the proper custody,
(b) prima facie evidence of any entry in any register kept pursuant to the regulations by a health authority may be given in any court or any legal proceedings by the production of a copy of such entry purporting to be certified to be a true copy by an officer of the health authority authorised in that behalf, and it shall not be necessary to prove the signature of such officer, or that he was in fact such officer or was so authorised,
(c) a certificate purporting to be under the hand of an officer of a health authority authorised in that behalf that a specified person or premises was not, during a specified period, registered in a specified register kept pursuant to the regulations by the health authority shall be accepted in any court or any legal proceedings as prima facie evidence of the facts so certified, and it shall not be necessary to prove the signature of such officer, or that he was in fact such officer or was so authorised.
(5) Neither section 13 of the County Management Act, 1940, nor section 17 of the City and County Management (Amendment) Act, 1955, shall apply in respect of any power, function or duty relating to licensing or registering of persons or premises under regulations under subsection (3) of this section.
Regulations in relation to use of poisons for agricultural and veterinary purposes.
15.—(1) The Minister for Agriculture may, after consultation with or on the recommendation of the Council, make regulations—
(a) declaring substances to be poisons for the purposes of the regulations made under this section or of any provision of those regulations, and references in the subsequent provisions of this section to poisons are references to substances which are the subject of such declarations,
(b) in relation to the use of poisons for agricultural and veterinary purposes, including regulations prohibiting, restricting or controlling the use of poisons or particular poisons for agricultural or veterinary purposes or particular agricultural or veterinary purposes.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1) of this section, regulations under this section may—
(a) prohibit the application or administration of poisons or particular poisons for agricultural or veterinary purposes or particular agricultural or veterinary purposes otherwise than by methods or processes specified in the regulations and subject to safeguards and precautions specified in the regulations and may prohibit specified methods or processes of application or administration of poisons,
(b) provide for the prosecution of offences under section 17 of this Act in relation to the regulations under this section by the Minister for Agriculture,
(c) provide for the enforcement and execution of the provisions of the regulations by officers of the Minister for Agriculture, and
(d) provide for matters ancillary to the foregoing matters other than the prohibition or control of the sale of poisons or particular poisons.
Regulations in cases of urgency.
16.—(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 14 or section 15 of this Act, where the appropriate Minister is satisfied that the making of any regulations under this Act is urgently required—
(a) it shall not be necessary for him to consult with the Council before making those regulations,
(b) he shall consult with the Council as soon as may be after the making of those regulations in relation thereto.
(2) In this section “the appropriate Minister” means—
(a) in relation to the making of regulations under section 14 of this Act, the Minister, and
(b) in relation to the making of regulations under section 15 of this Act, the Minister for Agriculture.
17.—A person who contravenes a regulation under this Act shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding ten pounds for each day on which the offence is continued, or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months or to both such fine or fines and such imprisonment.
Laying of regulations before Houses of the Oireachtas.
18.—(1) Every regulation made under this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and, if a resolution annulling the regulation is passed by either such House within the next twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the regulation is laid before it, the regulation shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.
(2) When a regulation under section 14 or 15 of this Act which has been made without prior consultation with the Council is laid before each House of the Oireachtas it shall be accompanied by a statement in writing indicating that the regulation has been made without prior consultation with the Council.
19.—The expenses incurred by the Minister and the Minister for Agriculture in the administration of this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
Amendment of Dangerous Drugs Act, 1934.
20.—(1) In this section—
“the Act” means the Dangerous Drugs Act, 1934;
“the Protocol” means the Protocol, done at Lake Success, New York on the 11th day of December, 1946, amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols relating to narcotic drugs concluded at The Hague on the 23rd day of January, 1912, at Geneva on the 11th day of February, 1925, the 19th day of February, 1925, and the 13th day of July, 1931, at Bangkok on the 27th day of November, 1931, and at Geneva on the 26th day of June, 1936.
(2) (a) The reference in section 2 of the Act to the International Convention relating to opium and other dangerous drugs signed at Geneva on the 19th day of February, 1925, shall be construed as a reference to that Convention as amended in the manner specified in Article 2 of the Annex to the Protocol.
(b) The reference in section 2 of the Act to the International Convention relating to the manufacture and distribution of narcotic drugs signed at Geneva on the 13th day of July, 1931, shall be construed as a reference to that Convention as amended in the manner specified in Article 3 of the Annex to the Protocol.
(c) Subsection (3) of section 17 of the Act shall be amended by the substitution of “Economic and Social Council of the United Nations” for “Council of the League of Nations”.
(d) Subsection (1) of section 25 of the Act shall be amended by the substitution of “Secretary-General of the United Nations” for “Secretary-General of the League of Nations”.
21.—The enactments mentioned in the Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent mentioned in the third column of that Schedule.
Short title and commencement.
22.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Poisons Act, 1961.
(2) This Act shall come into operation on such day or days as, by order or orders made by the Minister under this section, may be fixed therefor either generally or with reference to any particular purpose or provision and different days may be so fixed for different purposes and different provisions.
Enactments Repealed.
Session and Chapter or Number and Year. | Short title. | Extent of Repeal. |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
14 & 15 Vic., c. 13. | Arsenic Act, 1851. | The whole Act. |
33 & 34 Vic., c. 26. | Poisons (Ireland) Act, 1870. | The whole Act. |
8 Edw. 7, c. 55. | Poisons and Pharmacy Act, 1908. | Sections 2 and 5. |
Uimhir 12 de 1961.
[An tiontú oifigiúil.]
1.—San Acht seo—
folaíonn “talmhaíocht” gairneoireacht, foraoiseacht agus beachaireacht;
ciallaíonn “an Chomhairle” Comhairle na Nimheanna a bhunaítear faoi alt 2 den Acht seo;
ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Sláinte.
Bunú na Comhairle.
2.—Déanfaidh an tAire le hordú comhairle ar a dtabharfar agus dá ngairfear Comhairle na Nimheanna a bhunú amhail ar agus ó dháta sonraithe chun na feidhmeanna a shanntar di leis an Acht seo a chomhlíonadh.
Feidhmeanna na Comhairle.
3.—(1) Tabharfaidh an Chomhairle comhairle don Aire maidir le haon rialacháin faoi alt 14 den Acht seo agus don Aire Talmhaíochta maidir le haon rialacháin faoi alt 15 den Acht seo.
(2) Tabharfaidh an Chomhairle comhairle don Aire nó don Aire Talmhaíochta i dtaobh cibé nithe eile maidir le nimheanna, a monarú, a stóráil, a n-iompar, a ndáileadh, a ndíol nó a n-úsáid agus i dtaobh an monarú, an stóráil, an t-iompar, an dáileadh, an díol nó an úsáid sin a rialú, a theorainniú, a stiúradh agus a mhaoirseacht a chuirfidh an tAire nó an tAire Talmhaíochta, de réir mar a bheidh, faoina bráid.
(3) (a) Tabharfaidh an Chomhairle comhairle don Aire maidir le haon rialacháin a dhéanfar nó a bheartófar a dhéanamh tar éis tosach feidhme an ailt seo faoi alt 65 den Acht Sláinte, 1947, agus a chuirfidh sé faoina bráid.
(b) Ní bheidh feidhm ag forálacha fho-alt (17) (a cuireadh isteach le halt 41 den Acht Sláinte, 1953) d'alt 98 den Acht Sláinte, 1947, maidir le rialacháin a dhéanfar nó a bheartófar a dhéanamh faoin alt réamhráite sin 65 agus a chuirfear faoi bhráid na Comhairle faoin bhfo-alt seo.
Comhdhéanamh na Comhairle.
4.—(1) Is iad a bheidh ar an gComhairle—
(a) triúr duine ar lia-chleachtóir cláraithe gach duine acu agus is duine a bheidh, ar feadh tréimhse deich mbliana ar a laghad roimh dháta a cheapacháin mar chomhalta den Chomhairle, cláraithe nó i dteideal a bheith cláraithe i gClár Lia-Chleachtóirí na hÉireann agus cáilíocht acadúil aige is airde ná an cháilíocht íosta is gá chun na cláraitheachta sin, agus arb é tuairim an Aire gur cáilíocht í is inmhianaithe maidir le comhaltas na Comhairle,
(b) cúigear duine ar cógaiseoir cláraithe gach duine acu agus is duine a bheidh, ar feadh tréimhse deich mbliana ar a laghad roimh dháta a cheapacháin mar chomhalta den Chomhairle, cláraithe nó i dteideal a bheith cláraithe i gClár Cógaiseoirí na hÉireann,
(c) duine amháin ar fiaclóir cláraithe é agus a bheidh, ar feadh tréimhse deich mbliana ar a laghad roimh dháta a cheapacháin mar chomhalta den Chomhairle. cláraithe nó i dteideal a bheith cláraithe i gClár Fiaclóirí na hÉireann,
(d) beirt duine a ainmneoidh an tAire Talmhaíochta agus ar tréidlia cláraithe gach duine acu,
(e) duine amháin ag a mbeidh eolas agus taithí speisialta ar ábhair nimhiúla a úsáid sa talmhaíocht agus a ainmneoidh an tAire Talmhaíochta,
(f) beirt duine a ainmneoidh an tAire Talmhaíochta agus arb í an fheirmeoireacht príomh-ghairm beatha gach duine acu, agus
(g) triúr duine eile (cibé acu a bheidh nó nach mbeidh aon cháilíochtaí dá dtagraítear sna míreanna sin roimhe seo acu).
(2) Is Anraí de Choláiste Ríoga Leá na hÉireann a bheidh i mbeirt ar a laghad de na daoine dá dtagraítear i mír (a) d'fho-alt (1) den alt seo.
(3) (a) Gach duine de thriúr, ach ní níos mó ná triúr, de na daoine dá dtagraítear i mír (b) d'fho-alt (1) den alt seo is duine é arb é a phríomh-ghairm beatha gnó cógaiseora a bheith á sheoladh aige nó a bheith ar fostú mar chógaiseoir agus daoine a bheidh, an lá a cheapfar mar chomhaltaí den Chomhairle iad, ina gcomhaltaí de Chomhairle Chumann Cógaiseoirí na hÉireann a bheidh i mbeirt ar a laghad den triúr duine sin.
(b) Duine amháin ar a laghad de na daoine dá dtagraítear i mír (b) d'fho-alt (1) den alt seo is duine a bheidh ann arb í a phríomh-ghairm beatha a bheith ag múineadh na cógaisíochta nó ábhair dá samhail.
(4) Beidh comhalta amháin den Chomhairle ina chathaoirleach uirthi agus gnáthchomhaltaí a bheidh sna comhaltaí eile.
(5) Ceapfaidh an tAire duine chun gníomhú mar rúnaí don Chomhairle.
Comhaltaí na Comhairle a cheapadh.
5.—(1) Faoi réir fho-alt (3) den alt seo, ceapfaidh an tAire comhaltaí na Comhairle ó am go ham de réir mar is gá.
(2) Faoi réir fho-alt (3) den alt seo, déanfaidh an tAire, sula mbunófar an Chomhairle, seacht nduine dhéag a cheapadh ina gcomhaltaí den Chomhairle.
(3) Más rud é, i rith tréimhse ar bith ar lú ná seacht nduine dhéag an líon daoine a bheidh ceaptha ina gcomhaltaí den Chomhairle, agus nach mbeadh sé praiticiúil, i dtuairim an Aire, aon duine eile a cheapadh chun bheith ina chomhalta den Chomhairle, is é a bheidh sa Chomhairle i rith na tréimhse sin na daoine a bheidh ceaptha mar a dúradh.
Cathaoirleach na Comhairle.
6.—(1) Déanfaidh an tAire cathaoirleach na Comhairle a cheapadh ó am go ham de réir mar is gá.
(2) Féadfaidh cathaoirleach na Comhairle éirí as a oifig tráth ar bith trí litir chun an Aire agus beidh éifeacht leis an éirí as amhail ar an agus ón dáta ar a bhfaighidh an tAire an litir.
An tAire do chinneadh, le hordú, nithe áirithe maidir leis an gComhairle.
7.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire le hordú téarma oifige (is téarma nach faide ná cúig bliana) chathaoirleach na Comhairle, téarma oifige (is téarma nach faide ná cúig bliana) ghnáthchomhaltaí na Comhairle, an nós imeachta chun cruinnithe den Chomhairle a ghlaoch agus an córam do chruinnithe den Chomhairle a chinneadh.
(2) Féadfaidh an tAire le hordú faoin bhfo-alt seo ordú faoin alt seo, lena n-áirítear ordú faoin bhfo-alt seo, a leasú nó a chúlghairm.
Cruinnithe agus nós imeachta na Comhairle.
8.—(1) Tionólfaidh an Chomhairle cibé uimhir cruinnithe is gá chun a feidhmeanna a chomhlíonadh go cuí.
(2) Féadfaidh an tAire an dáta, an tráth agus an t-ionad do chéad-chruinniú na Comhairle a shocrú.
(3) Faoi réir fhorálacha an Achta seo, féadfaidh an Chomhairle, le buan-orduithe nó ar shlí eile, nós imeachta agus gnó na Comhairle a rialú.
(4) Féadfar feidhmeanna na Comhairle a fheidhmiú d'ainneoin folúntas nó folúntais ina comhaltas.
Comhalta den Chomhairle a chur as oifig.
9.—Féadfaidh an tAire ó am go ham comhalta den Chomhairle a chur as oifig.
Comhaltaí den Chomhairle a athcheapadh.
10.—Beidh comhalta den Comhairle a scoirfidh ar chúis ar bith d'oifig a shealbhú mar chomhalta den sórt sin inathcheaptha.
Comhaltaí den Chomhairle d'éirí as oifig.
11.—Féadfaidh comhalta den Chomhairle éirí as oifig trí litir a chuirfear chun na Comhairle leis an bpost cláraithe agus glacfaidh an éirí as éifeacht i dtosach an chéad chruinniú eile den Chomhairle a thionólfar tar éis an litir a fháil mura dtarraingeofar siar an éirí as i scríbhinn roimh an gcruinniú sin.
12.—(1) Líonfar corrfholúntas a tharlóidh i measc comhaltaí na Comhairle trí cheapadh a dhéanfaidh an tAire, faoi réir na gcoinníollacha céanna (má b'ann) a bhain le ceapadh an chomhalta ba chúis leis an bhfolúntas.
(2) Aon duine a cheapfar faoin alt seo sealbhóidh sé oifig ar feadh na coda a bheidh gan chaitheamh de théarma a réamhtheachtaí.
Costais chomhaltaí na Comhairle.
13.—Féadfaidh an tAire, amach as airgead arna sholáthar ag an Oireachtas, a chostais taistil agus cothabhála a íoc le comhalta den Chomhairle a fhreastalóidh cruinniú den Chomhairle nó a chomhlíonfaidh aon fheadhmeannas thar ceann na Comhairle, agus beidh na híocaíochtaí de réir scála a cheadóidh an tAire le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais.
Rialacháin maidir le nimheanna i gcoitinne.
1875, c 57.
1890, c 48.
14.—(1) San alt seo—
tá le “údarás sláinte” an bhrí a thugtar dó de bhua an Acht Sláinte, 1947, agus Acht na nUdarás Sláinte, 1960;
folaíonn “díol” díol ar mór-reic agus díol ar mionreic, agus forléireofar focail ghaolmhara dá réir sin;
folaíonn “soláthar” tabhairt gan íocaíocht, agus forléireofar focail ghaolmhara dá réir sin.
(2) Féadfaidh an tAire, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an gComhairle nó ar mholadh ón gComhairle, rialacháin a dhéanamh—
(a) á dhearbhú gur nimheanna chun críocha na rialachán faoin alt seo nó aon fhorála de na rialacháin sin substaintí áirithe, agus is tagairtí do shubstaintí is ábhar do dhearbhuithe den sórt sin na tagairtí do nimheanna atá sna forálacha ina dhiaidh seo den alt seo,
(b) i dtaobh nimheanna a stóráil, a iompar, a dháileadh, a sholáthar, a dhíol agus a thairiscint agus a choimeád chun a ndíolta, agus
(c) i dtaobh ullmhóidí cógaisíochta ina mbeidh nimheanna a mhonarú.
(3) Gan dochar do ghinearáltacht fho-alt (2) den alt seo, féadfaidh rialacháin faoin alt seo—
(a) toirmeasc a chur le dáileadh, soláthar agus díol nimheanna nó nimheanna áirithe, nó cineálacha áirithe nimheanna, nó lena dtairiscint nó lena gcoimeád chun a ndíolta, ag daoine nó aicmí daoine seachas na daoine nó na haicmí daoine a shonrófar sna rialacháin nó ar shlí eile seachas faoi réir na gcoinníollacha agus na dteorainneacha a shonrófar sna rialacháin,
(b) daoine nó aicmí daoine a shonrú a fhéadfaidh, agus na coinníollacha agus na sriantachtaí a shonrú faoi réir a bhféadfar, nimheanna nó nimheanna áirithe nó cineálacha áirithe nimheanna a dháileadh, a sholáthar, a dhíol nó a thairiscint nó a choimeád chun a ndíolta,
(c) foráil a bheith iontu nach mbeidh feidhm ag alt 30 den Pharmacy Act (Ireland), 1875, ná ag ailt 15 agus 17 den Pharmacy Act (Ireland), 1875 Amendment Act, 1890 maidir le haon duine nó aicme daoine a shonrófar sna rialacháin do dhíol nimheanna nó do choimeád siopa ar oscailt chun nimheanna a dhíol, a mhionreic, a urghnamh, a mheascadh nó a chumasc i gcás ina mbeidh an díol nó an siopa a choimeád ar oscailt de réir fhorálacha na rialachán,
(d) monarú ullmhóidí cogaisíochta sonraithe ina mbeidh nimheanna agus monarú ullmhóidí cógaisíochta ina mbeidh nimheanna áirithe a thoirmeasc, a shrianadh nó a rialú,
(e) foráil a bheith iontu le haghaidh údaráis sláinte do cheadúnú nó dó chlárú daoine (seachas lia-chleachtóirí cláraithe, cógaiseoirí, cógaiseoirí agus drugadóirí urghnaimh, nó drugadóirí cláraithe) a dhíolann nimheanna nó a thairgeann nó a choimeádann nimheanna chun a ndíolta agus do cheadúnú nó do chlárú áitribh ina ndíoltar nimheanna nó ina dtairgtear nó ina gcoimeádtar nimheanna chun a ndíolta (seachas ag lia-chleachtóirí cláraithe, cógaiseoirí agus drugadóirí urghnaimh nó drugadóirí cláraithe) agus chun áitribh a cheadúnófar nó a chlárófar amhlaidh a thuairisciú,
(f) foráil a bheith iontu le haghaidh údaráis sláinte do ghearradh táillí i leith an ceadúnú nó an clárú sin,
(g) foráil a bheith iontu le haghaidh údaráis sláinte do chealú, d'fhionraí nó d'aisiriú ceadúnais nó cláruithe a d'eisigh, nó a rinne siad faoi na rialacháin,
(h) foráil a bheith iontu le haghaidh achomharc chun an Aire ón duine lena mbainfidh i gcoinne cinneadh údaráis sláinte diúltú d'iarratas ar cheadúnas nó clárú nó ar cheadúnas nó clárú a chealú nó a fhionraí agus, i gcás ina n-éireoidh le hachomharc, go ngéillfidh an t-údarás sláinte don iarratas nó nach ndéanfaidh siad an ceadúnas nó an clárú a chealú nó a fhionraí de réir mar a bheidh,
(i) foráil a bheith iontu le haghaidh coimeádáin nimheanna a lipéadú i cibé slí agus le cibé sonraí a shonrófar,
(j) foráil a bheith iontu chun go gcuirfear i bhfeidhm agus go bhforghníomhófar forálacha na rialachán—
(i) ag oifigigh don Aire,
(ii) le toiliú an Aire Talmhaíochta, ag oifigigh don Aire sin,
(iii) ag Cumann Cógaiseoirí na hÉireann agus a oifigigh, agus
(iv) ag údaráis sláinte agus a n-oifigigh.
(k) foráil a bheith iontu le haghaidh daoine a ionchúiseamh i gcionta faoi alt 17 den Acht seo maidir leis na rialacháin a dhéanfaidh an tAire, Cumann Cógaiseoirí na hÉireann nó údaráis sláinte, agus
(l) foráil a bheith iontu i dtaobh nithe a ghabhann leis na nithe sin roimhe seo.
(4) I gcás ina mbeidh i rialacháin faoin alt seo foráil le haghaidh údaráis sláinte do choimeád clár—
(a) aon chlár a bheidh á choimeád ag údarás sláinte de bhun na rialachán measfar é a bheith i gcoimeád cuí má bhíonn sé i gcoimeád oifigigh don údarás sláinte a bheidh údaraithe chuige sin ag an údarás sláinte agus beidh sé inghlactha i bhfianaise gan a thuilleadh cruthúnais ar é a thabhairt ar aird ón gcoimeád cui,
(b) féadfar fianaise prima facie i dtaobh aon taifead in aon chlár a bheidh á choimeád ag údarás sláinte de bhun na rialachán a thabhairt in aon chúirt nó in aon imeachtaí dlíthiúla trí chóip den taifead sin a airbheartóidh a bheith deimhnithe gur cóip dhílis í ag oifigeach don údarás sláinte a bheidh údaraithe chuige sin a thabhairt ar aird, agus ní gá síniú an oifigigh sin a chruthú, ná a chruthú gurbh é an t-oifigeach sin é iarbhír nó go raibh sé údaraithe amhlaidh,
(c) aon deimhniú a airbheartóidh a bheith faoi láimh oifigigh d'údarás sláinte a bhí údaraithe chuige sin á dheimhniú nach raibh duine áirithe nó áitreabh áirithe, i gcaitheamh tréimhse sonraithe, cláraithe i gclár sonraithe a bhí á choimeád ag an údarás sláinte de bhun na rialachán glacfar leis in aon chúirt nó in aon imeachtaí dlíthiúla mar fhianaise prima facie ar na fíorais a bheidh deimhnithe amhlaidh, agus ní gá síniú an oifigigh sin a chruthú, ná a chruthú gurbh é an t-oifigeach sin é iarbhír nó go raibh sé údaraithe amhlaidh.
(5) Ní bheidh feidhm ag alt 13 den Acht um Bainistí Chontae, 1940, ná ag alt 17 den Acht um Bainistí Chathrach agus Contae (Leasú), 1955, maidir le haon chumhacht, feidhm nó dualgas a bhaineann le daoine nó áitribh a cheadúnú nó a chlárú faoi rialacháin faoi fho-alt (3) den alt seo.
Rialacháin maidir le nimheanna a úsáid chun críocha talmhaíochta agus tréidliachta.
15.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire Talmhaíochta, tar éis dó dul i gcomhairle leis an gComhairle nó ar mholadh ón gComhairle, rialacháin a dhéanamh—
(a) á dhearbhú gur nimheanna chun críocha na rialachán faoin alt seo nó aon fhorála de na rialacháin sin substaintí áirithe, agus is tagairtí do shubstaintí is ábhar do dhearbhuithe den sórt sin na tagairtí do nimheanna atá sna forálacha ina dhiaidh seo den alt seo,
(b) i dtaobh nimheanna a úsáid chun críocha talmhaíochta agus tréidliachta, lena n-áirítear rialacháin ag toirmeasc, ag srianadh nó ag rialú úsáid nimheanna nó nimheanna áirithe chun críocha talmhaíochta nó tréidliachta nó chun críocha áirithe talmhaíochta nó tréidliachta.
(2) Gan dochar do ghinearáltacht fho-alt (1) den alt seo, féadfaidh rialacháin faoin alt seo—
(a) a thoirmeasc nimheanna nó nimheanna áirithe a úsáid nó a thabhairt chun críocha talmhaíochta nó tréidliachta nó chun críocha áirithe talmhaíochta nó tréidliachta ar shlí seachas trí mhodhanna nó próiseanna a shonrófar sna rialacháin agus faoi réir cosaint agus réamhchúram a shonrófar sna rialacháin agus féadfaidh siad toirmeasc a chur le modhanna nó próiseanna sonraithe chun nimheanna a úsáid nó a thabhairt,
(b) foráil a bheith iontu le haghaidh an tAire Talmhaíochta d'ionchúiseamh daoine i gcionta faoi alt 17 den Acht seo maidir leis na rialacháin faoin alt seo,
(c) foráil a bheith iontu le haghaidh na rialacháin a chur i bhfeidhm agus a fhorghníomhú ag oifigigh don Aire Talmhaíochta, agus
(d) foráil a bheith iontu i dtaobh nithe a ghabhann leis na nithe sin roimhe seo seachas díol nimheanna nó nimheanna áirithe a thoirmeasc nó a rialú.
Rialacháin i gcásanna éigeandála.
16.—(1) D'ainneoin aon ní atá in alt 14 nó in alt 15 den Acht seo, más deimhin leis an Aire iomchuí géarghá a bheith le haon rialacháin a dhéanamh faoin Acht seo—
(a) ní gá dó dul i gcomhairle leis an gComhairle sula ndéanfaidh sé na rialacháin sin,
(b) a luaithe is féidir tar éis na rialacháin sin a dhéanamh, rachaidh sé i gcomhairle leis an gComhairle ina dtaobh.
(2) San alt seo ciallaíonn “an tAire iomchuí”—
(a) maidir le rialacháin a dhéanamh faoi alt 14 den Acht seo, an tAire, agus
(b) maidir le rialacháin a dhéanamh faoi alt 15 den Acht seo, an tAire Talmhaíochta.
17.—Aon duine a sháróidh rialachán faoin Acht seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air agus, i gcás ciona leanúnaigh, fíneáil bhreise nach mó ná deich bpunt in aghaidh gach lae a leanfar den chion, nó, más rogha leis an gCúirt, príosúnacht ar feadh aon téarma nach faide ná sé mhí nó an fhíneáil nó na fíneála sin agus an phríosúnacht sin le chéile.
Rialacháin a leagan faoi bhráid Thithe an Oireachtais.
18.—(1) Gach rialachán a dhéanfar faoin Acht seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu sin, laistigh den lá is fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an rialachán a leagan faoin bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an rialacháin, beidh an rialachán arna neamhniú dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin rialachán.
(2) I gcás rialachán faoi alt 14 nó 15 den Acht seo a bheifear tar éis a dhéanamh gan dul i gcomhairle leis an gComhairle roimh ré beidh ag gabháil leis, nuair a leagfar faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas é, ráiteas i scríbhinn á insint go ndearnadh an rialachán gan dul i gcomhairle leis an gComhairle roimh ré.
19.—A mhéid a cheadóidh an tAire Airgeadais é, is amach as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a íocfar an costas faoina rachaidh an tAire agus an tAire Talmhaíochta ag riaradh an Achta seo.
Leasú ar Acht na nDruganna Dainséaracha, 1934.
1934. Uimh. 1.
20.—(1) San Acht seo—
ciallaíonn “an tAcht” Acht na nDruganna Dainséaracha, 1934;
ciallaíonn “an Prótocal” an Prótocal a rinneadh ag Lake Success, Nua-Eabhrac, an 11ú lá de Nollaig, 1946, ag leasú na gComhaontuithe, na gCoinbhinsiún agus na bPrótocal maidir le druganna támhshuanacha a críochnaíodh sa Hág an 23ú lá d'Eanáir, 1912, sa Ghinéiv an 11ú lá d'Fheabhra, 1925, an 19ú lá d'Fheabhra, 1925, agus an 13ú lá d'Iúil, 1931, i mBangkok an 27ú lá de Shamhain, 1931, agus sa Ghinéiv an 26ú lá de Mheitheamh, 1936.
(2) (a) Déanfar an tagairt in alt 2 den Acht don Choinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta i dtaobh codlaitín agus druganna dainséaracha eile a síníodh sa Ghinéive an 19ú lá d'Fheabhra, 1925, a fhorléiriú mar thagairt don Choinbhinsiún sin arna leasú sa mhodh a shonraítear in Airteagal 2 den Iarscríbhinn a ghabhann leis an bPrótocal.
(b) Déanfar an tagairt in alt 2 den Acht don Choinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta i dtaobh druganna támhshuanacha a mhonarú agus a dháileadh a síníodh sa Ghinéive an 13ú lá d'Iúil, 1931, a fhorléiriú mar thagairt don Choinbhinsiún sin arna leasú sa mhodh a shonraítear in Airteagal 3 den Iarscríbhinn a ghabhann leis an bPrótocal.
(c) Leasófar fo-alt (3) d'alt 17 den Acht trí “Comhairle Gheilleagrach agus Sóisialach na Náisiún Aontaithe” a chur in ionad “Comhairle Chumainn na Náisiún”.
(d) Leasófar fo-alt (1) d'alt 25 den Acht trí “Ard-Rúnaí na Náisiún Aontaithe” a chur in ionad “Ard-Rúnaí Chumainn na Náisiún”.
21.—Déantar leis seo na hAchtanna a luaitear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht seo a aisghairm a mhéid a luaitear sa tríú colún den Sceideal sin.
Gearrtheideal agus tosach feidhme.
22.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Nimheanna, 1961, a ghairm den Acht seo.
(2) Tiocfaidh an tAcht seo i ngníomh cibé lá nó laethanta a cheapfar chuige sin le hordú nó le horduithe a dhéanfaidh an tAire faoin Acht seo i gcoitinne nó maidir le haon chríoch nó foráil áirithe agus féadfar laethanta éagsúla a cheapadh amhlaidh chun críocha éagsúla agus forálacha éagsúla.
Achtacháin a Aisghairtear.
Seisiún agus Caibidil nó Uimhir agus Bliain. | Gearrtheideal. | Méid na hAisghairme. |
(1) | (2) | (3) |
14 & 15 Vic., c. 13. | Arsenic Act, 1851. | An tAcht iomlán. |
33 & 34 Vic., c. 26. | Poisons (Ireland) Act, 1870. | An tAcht iomlán. |
8 Edw., 7, c. 55. | Poisons and Pharmacy Act, 1908. | Ailt 2 agus 5. |