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Uimhir 14 de 1968
[An tiontú oifigiúil]
1.—San Acht seo—
[EN]ciallaíonn “limisteár ainmnithe” limisteár atá ainmnithe de thuras na huaire le hordú faoi alt 2 den Acht seo;
[EN]ciallaíonn “an tAire” an tAire Tionscail agus Tráchtála.
[EN]Taiscealadh agus saothrú na scairbhe ilchríochaí.
2.—(1) Aon chearta de chuid an Stáit lasmuigh d'uiscí teorann thar leaba nó fo-ithir na farraige chun an grinneall agus an fho-ithir sin a thaiscealadh agus a n-ábhair mhaoine nádúrtha a shaothrú dílsítear leis seo iad, faoi réir fho-alt (2) den alt seo, don Aire agus beidh siad infheidhmithe ag an Aire.
[EN](2) Aon uair is oiriúnach leis an Rialtas é agus a ordóidh siad amhlaidh, déanfar aon chearta dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo agus a shonrófar san ordachán a dhílsiú d'Aire Stáit, agus beidh siad infheidhmithe ag Aire Stáit, a shonrófar san ordachán seachas an tAire.
[EN](3) Féadfaidh an Rialtas le hordú aon limistéar a ainmniú mar limistéar arb infheidhmithe ann na cearta dá dtagraítear i bhfo-alt (1) den alt seo.
[EN](4) Féadfaidh an Rialtas le hordú ordú faoin alt seo, lena n-áirítear ordú faoin bhfo-alt seo, a chúlghairm nó a leasú.
[EN]Feidhm dhlíthe áirithe de chuid an Staít.
3.—(1) (a) Aon ghníomh nó neamhghníomh—
[EN](i) a tharlóidh ar shuiteáil i limistéar ainmnithe nó aon uiscí i bhfogas cúig chéad méadar do shuiteáil den sórt sin, agus
[EN](ii) ar chion faoi dhlí an Stáit é dá mba sa Stát a tharla sé,
[EN]measfar, chun na gcríocha go léir a bhaineann leis an gcion gur sa Stát a tharla sé.
[EN](b) Aon ghníomh nó neamhghníomh—
[EN](i) a tharlóidh ar aon uiscí i limistéar ainmnithe (nach uiscí i bhfogas cúig chéad méadar do shuiteáil), nó faoi aon uiscí nó suiteáil, nó os cionn aon uiscí nó suiteála, i limistéar ainmnithe, i ndáil le leaba nó fo-ithir na farraige a thaiscealadh nó i ndáil lena n-ábhair mhaoine nádúrtha a shaothrú, agus
[EN](ii) ar chion faoi dhlí an Stáit é dá mba sa Stát a tharla sé,
[EN]measfar, chun na gcríocha go léir a bhaineann leis an gcion, gur sa Stát a tharla sé.
[EN](2) (a) Aon ghníomh nó neamhghníomh—
[EN](i) a tharlóidh ar shuiteáil nó aon uiscí i bhfogas cúig céad méadar do shuiteáil den sórt sin, i limistéar ainmnithe, agus
[EN](ii) arbh éagóir é dá mba sa Stát a tharla sé,
[EN]measfar chun na gcríocha go léir a bhaineann leis an éagóir, gur sa Stát a tharla sé.
[EN](b) Aon ghníomh nó neamhghníomh—
[EN](i) a tharlóidh ar aon uiscí i limistéar ainmnithe (nach uiscí i bhfogas cúig chéad méadar do shuiteáil), nó faoi aon uiscí nó suiteáil, nó os cionn aon uiscí nó suiteála, i limistéar ainmnithe, i ndáil le leaba nó foithir na farraige a thaiscealadh nó i ndáil lena n-ábhair mhaoine nádúrtha a shaothrú, agus
[EN](ii) arbh éagóir é dá mba sa Stát a tharla sé,
[EN]measfar chun na gcríocha go léir a bhaineann leis an éagóir, gur sa Stát a tharla sé.
[EN](c) San fho-alt seo tá le “éagóir” an bhrí a shanntar dó leis an Acht um Dhliteanas Sibhialta, 1961.
[EN](3) Aon dlínse a thugtar d'aon chúirt faoin alt seo is dlínse í gan dochar d'aon dlínse is infheidhmithe, ar leithligh ón alt seo, ag an gcúirt nó aon chúirt eile.
[EN]Feidhm na nAchtanna Forbartha Mianraí, 1940 agus 1960, agus an Achta um Fhorbairt Pheitriliaim agus Mianraí Eile, 1960.
1960, Uimh, 7.
4.—(1) Beidh feidhm ag na hAchtanna Forbartha Mianraí, 1940 agus 1960, maidir le minearáil (de réir bhrí na nAchtanna sin) a bhfuil na cearta dá dtagraítear in alt 2 den Acht seo infheidhmithe ina leith mar atá feidhm acu maidir leis na minearáil sin sa Stát.
[EN](2) Beidh feidhm ag an Acht um Fhorbairt Pheitriliaim agus Mianraí Eile, 1960, maidir le peitriliam (de réir bhrí an Achta sin) a bhfuil na cearta dá dtagraítear san alt sin 2 infheidhmithe ina leith mar atá feidhm aige maidir le peitriliam sa Stát.
[EN]Sábháilteacht uiscebhealaigh.
5.—(1) Ní dhéanfaidh, ní athróidh ná ní fheabhsóidh aon duine aon déanmhas ná oibreacha i limistéar ainmnithe, ná ní aistreoidh aon ní ná ábhar as limistéar ainmnithe, gan toiliú an Aire Iompair agus Cumhachta.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh an tAire Iompair agus Cumhachta, mar choinníoll ar a mbreithneoidh sé iarratas ar thoiliú faoin alt seo, a cheangal go dtabharfar cibé pleananna agus sonraí a mheasfaidh sé is gá agus, ar aon iarratas den sórt sin a fháil, féadfaidh sé a chur faoi deara fógra i dtaobh an iarratais, agus i dtaobh an ama ar lena linn a fhéadfar agus an slí ina bhféadfar agóidí i gcoinne an iarratais sin a dhéanamh, a fhoilsiú ar cibé slí a mheasfaidh sé is cuí chun eolas a thabhairt do dhaoine dá ndéanann sé difear, agus, sula dtabharfaidh sé a thoiliú, féadfaidh sé, más oiriúnach leis, duine a cheapadh chun fiosriúchán a sheoladh, agus tabharfar fógra de réir forálacha an Achta seo i dtaobh an fiosrúchán a sheoladh.
[EN](3) Más é tuairim an Aire Iompair agus Cumhachta go mbeadh an gníomh ar iarradh a thoiliú ina leith ina chúis bhacainne nó chontúirte d'uiscebhealach, diúltóidh sé toiliú leis nó tabharfaidh sé a thoiliú faoi réir cibé coinníollacha is cuí leis.
[EN](4) Na caiteachais go léir a thabhóidh an tAire Iompair agus Cumhachta ag seoladh fiosrúcháin faoin alt seo, déanfaidh an duine a d'iarr an toiliú lenar bhain an fiosrúchán iad a íoc mura n-ordóidh an tAire sin, le ceadú an Aire Airgeadais, a mhalairt (agus sa chás sin íocfar iad feadh an ordaithe sin as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas), agus socróidh an tAire Airgeadais méid na gcaiteachas agus beidh sé inghnóthaithe ag an Aire Iompair agus Cumhachta ón duine mar fhiach conartha shimplí in aon chúirt dlínse inniúla.
[EN](5) Más cuí leis an duine é a sheolfaidh fiosrúchán faoin alt seo féadfaidh sé a ordú go ndéanfar na costais agus na caiteachais a thabhaigh aon duine i ndáil leis an bhfiosrúchán a íoc ag aon duine eile a láithraigh nó a raibh ionadaí uaidh ag an bhfiosrúchán agus, má iarrann an duine é a thabhaigh na costais nó a dhílfidh iad a íoc, déanfaidh máistir fómhais de chuid na hArd-Chúirte na costais agus na caiteachais a fhómhasadh agus a fhionnadh agus beidh méid na gcostas agus na gcaiteachas nuair a bheidh siad fionnta amhlaidh inghnóthaithe mar fhiach conartha shimplí in aon chúirt dlínse inniúla.
[EN](6) I gcás ina dtógfaidh duine déanmhas, nó ina n-aistreoidh sé ní nó ábhair, gan toiliú an Aire Iompair agus Cumhachta nó ina mainneoidh sé coinníoll a chomhlíonadh a cuireadh le tabhairt toiliú an Aire sin faoin alt seo agus gur bacainn ar uiscebhealach, nó contúirt d'uiscebhealach, i dtuairim an Aire, an tógáil, an t-aistriú nó an mhainneachtain féadfaidh an tAire sin fógra a sheirbheáil ar an duine sin á cheangal air an déanmhas sin a aistriú nó déanamh de réir cibé ordacháin eile a mheasfaidh an tAire sin nó aon Aire eile is gá agus sin laistigh de cibé tréimhse (nach giorra ná tríocha lá) a shonrófar san fhógra, nó, más dóigh leis an Aire sin géar-ghá a bheith lena dhéanamh, féadfaidh sé féin a déanmhas a aistriú nó déanamh de réir na n-ordachán.
[EN](7) Má tharlaíonn laistigh den tréimhse a shonrófar i bhfógra faoi fho-alt (6) den alt seo go mainneoidh an duine ar a seirbheálfar an fógra déanamh de réir téarmaí an fhógra, féadfaidh an tAire Iompair agus Cumhachta féin an déanmhas dá dtagraíonn an fógra a aistriú nó déanamh de réir na n-ordachán a bheidh san fhógra, de réir mar a bheidh.
[EN](8) Má tharlaíonn faoi fho-alt (6) nó (7) den alt seo go n-aistreoidh an tAire Iompair agus Cumhachta aon déanmhas dá dtagraítear i bhfógra faoin bhfo-alt sin (6) nó go ndéanfaidh sé de réir aon ordacháin a bheidh i bhfógra den sórt sin, féadfaidh an tAire sin a chostas sin a ghnóthú ón duine ar ar seirbheáladh an fógra mar fhiach conartha shimplí in aon chúirt dlínse inniúla.
[EN](9) Aon duine a sháróidh fo-alt (1) den alt seo nó a mhainneoidh déanamh de réir coinníoll a ghabh le toiliú an Aire Iompair agus Cumhachta a thabhairt faoin alt seo beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus dlífear—
[EN](a) ar é a chiontú go hachomair fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air, agus
[EN](b) ar é a chiontú ar díotáil fíneáil a mbeidh inti cibé méid is cuí leis an gcúirt a chur air.
[EN]Suiteála i limistéir ainmnithe chosaint
6.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, d'fhonn suiteáil i limistéar ainmnithe a chosaint, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Iompair agus Cumhachta agus leis an Aire Talmhaíochta agus Iascaigh, le hordú, faoi réir aon eisceachtaí a fhorálfaidh an t-ordú, a thoirmeasc ar longa dul isteach gan a thoiliú sa chuid sin den limistéar a shonrófar san ordú.
[EN](2) Má théann long isteach i gcuid de limistéar ainmnithe contrártha d'ordú faoin alt seo, beidh a húinéir agus a máistir ciontach i gcion mura gcruthófar nach raibh a fhios, agus nach bhféadfadh fios a bheith ó fhiosrú réasúnach, ag an máistir faoin toirmease a d'fhorchur an t-ordú.
[EN](3) Aon duine a bheidh ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo dlífear—
[EN](a) ar é a chiontú go hachomair fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt nó príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná trí mhí, nó an fhíneáil agus an phríosúnacht le chéile, a chur air, agus
[EN](b) ar é a chiontú ar díotáil, fíneáil a mbeidh inti cibé méid is cuí leis an gcúirt, nó príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná dhá mhí dhéag, nó an fhíneáil agus an phríosúnacht le chéile, a chur air.
[EN](4) Féadfaidh an tAire le hordú ordú faoin alt seo lena n-áirítear ordú faoin bhfo-alt seo a chúlghairm nó a leasú.
[EN]Ola a eisligean.
7.—(1) Má eisligtear aon ola lena mbaineann alt 10 den Acht um Ola-Thruailliú na Farraige, 1956, nó aon mheascán ina bhfuil cuid nach lú ná céad rann den ola sin i milliún rann den mheascán, nó má éalaíonn aon ola den sórt sin, amach in aon chuid den fharraige—
[EN](a) as píp-líne, nó
[EN](b) ar shlí seachas as long, de dhroim aon oibríochta chun taiscealadh a dhéanamh ar leaba agus fo-ithir na farraige nó a n-ábhair mhaoine nádúrtha i limistéar ainmnithe a shaothrú,
[EN]beidh úinéir na píp-líne nó, de réir mar a bheidh, an duine a sheol na hoibríochtaí ciontach i gcion mura gcruthóidh sé, i gcás eisligean as áit ar áitiú aige, gurbh é ba chúis leis gníomh ag duine a bhí ansin gan cead (sainráite nó intuigthe) uaidh nó, i gcás éalú, gur ghlac sé an oiread cúraim agus a bhí réasúnach lena chosc agus go ndearna sé, a luaithe agus ab fhéidir tar éis é a thabhairt faoi deara, an oiread agus a bhí réasúnach lena stopadh nó lena laghdú.
[EN](2) Aon duine a bheidh ciontach faoin alt seo dlífear—
[EN](a) ar é a chiontú go hachomair fíneáil nach mó ná céad punt a chur air, agus
[EN](b) ar é a chiontú ar díotáil fíneáil a mbeidh inti cibé méid is cuí leis an gcúirt a chur air.
[EN]Cáblaí agus píp-línte fomhuirí.
1885, c. 49.
8.—(1) Beidh feidhm ag alt 3 den Submarine Telegraph Act, 1885, agus ag Airteagal IV agus ag an gcéad mhír d'Airteagal VII den Choinbhinsiún atá leagtha amach sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht sin maidir leis na cablaí agus na píp-línte uile faoin mórmhuir agus forléireofar an t-alt sin 3—
[EN](a) mar thagairt do chumarsáidí teileafóin agus freisin do chumarsáidí teileagrafaíochta, agus
[EN](b) maidir le píp-línte agus cáblaí leictreachais, ionann is dá scriosfaí ó “to which the Convention” go dtí deireadh fho-alt (1).
[EN](2) Aisghairtear leis seo ailt 4 agus 13 den Submarine Telegraph Act, 1885.
[EN]Gléas riadiótheileagrafaíochta.
9.—Measfar, chun críocha na nAchtanna Raidió-Thelegrafaíochta. 1926 agus 1956, agus aon rialachán faoi na hAchtanna sin, (ach, i gcás rialacháin a dhéanfar tar éis an tAcht seo a rith, faoi réir aon intinn a mhalairt sna rialacháin), gur sa Stát atá aon suiteáil atá i limistéar ainmnithe agus fós aon uiscí i bhfogas cúig chéad méadar d'aon suiteáil den sórt sin.
[EN]Feidhm na nAchtanna Leasa Shóisialaigh, 1952 go 1967.
10.—Féadfaidh an tAire Leasa Shóisialaigh, le rialacháin, socrú a dhéanamh—
[EN](a) chun déileáil mar fhostaíocht inárachaithe chun críocha na nAchtanna Leasa Shóisialaigh, 1952 go 1967, le haon fhostaíocht a fhorordóidh na rialacháin is fostaíocht i ndáil le saothrú na n-ábhar maoine a luaitear in alt 2 (1) den Acht seo nó le taiscealadh leaba agus fo-ithir na farraige in aon limistéar ainmnithe d'ainneoin nach fostaíocht sa Stát an fhostaíocht sin,
[EN](b) chun déileáil le haon fhostaíocht den sórt sin mar fhostaíocht (díobhálacha ceirde) inárachaithe chun críocha na nAchtanna sin, agus
[EN](c) chun forálacha na nAchtanna sin a mhodhnú ina bhfeidhm i gcás daoine i bhfostaíocht den sórt sin.
[EN]Feidhm na nAchtanna Arachais (Breac-Dhífhostaíocht), 1942 agus 1963.
11.—Féadfaidh an tAire Leasa Shóisialaigh, le rialachán, socrú a dhéanamh—
[EN](a) chun déileáil mar fhostaíocht inárachaithe chun críocha na nAchtanna Arachais (Breac-Dhífhostaíocht), 1942 agus 1963, le haon fhostaíocht a fhorordóidh na rialacháin is fostaíocht i ndáil le taiscealadh nó saothrú d'aon chineál a luaitear in alt 10 den Acht seo d'ainneoin nach fostaíocht sa Stát an fhostaíocht sin, agus
[EN](b) chun forálacha na nAchtanna sin a mhodhnú ina bhfeidhm i gcás daoine i bhfhostaíocht den sórt sin.
12.—(1) Aon uair a bheartófar fiosrúchán a sheoladh faoin Acht seo, déanfar fógra faoina sheoladh a thabhairt i cibé slí a ordóidh an tAire Iompair agus Cumhachta.
[EN](2) Féadfaidh duine a cheapfar chun fiosrúchán a sheoladh faoin Acht seo gach ní nó aon ní acu seo a leanas a dhéanamh—
[EN](a) finné a thoghairm chun teacht ina láthair ag an bhfiosrúchán,
[EN](b) finnéithe a thiocfaidh os a chomhair ag an bhfiosrúchán a scrúdú faoi mhionn (agus údaraítear leis seo don duine sin daoine a chur faoi mhionn),
[EN](c) a cheangal ar aon fhinnéithe den sórt sin aon doiciméid ina gcumhacht nó faoina rialú a thabhairt ar aird a mheasfaidh an duine sin is gá chun críocha an fhiosrúcháin.
[EN](3) Beidh finné ag fiosrúchán faoin Acht seo i dteideal na ndíolúintí agus na bpribhléidí céanna agus dá mba fhinné os comhair na hArd-Chúirte é.
[EN](4) Aon duine—
[EN](a) ar é a thoghairm go cuí chun teacht i láthair mar fhinné ag fiosrúchán faoin Acht seo, a mhainneoidh teacht i láthair,
[EN](b) agus é i láthair amhlaidh mar fhinné, a dhiúltóidh mionn a thogáil a iarrfaidh an duine a bheidh ag seoladh an fhiosrúcháin air go dleathach a thógáil nó an doiciméad a thabhairt ar aird a bheidh ina chumhacht nó faoina rialú agus a iarrfaidh an duine a bheidh ag seoladh an fhiosrúcháin air go dleathach a thabhairt ar aird dó, nó aon cheist a fhreagairt a n-iarrfaidh an duine údaraithe sin freagra uirthi,
beidh sé ciontach i gcion agus ar a chiontú go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná caoga punt nó príosúnacht ar feadh téarma nach faide ná sé mhí, nó an fhíneáil agus an phríosúnacht le chéile, a chur air.
13.—(1) Féadfar imeachtaí i leith ciona faoin Acht seo (lena n-áirítear cion faoi Acht eile arna chur chun feidhme leis an Acht seo nó faoi agus aon ní is cion de bhua alt 3 (1) den Acht seo) a bhunú, agus féadfar déileáil chun gach críche teagmhasaí leis an gcion mar chion a rinneadh, in aon áit sa Stát.
[EN](2) Má bhíonn comhlacht corpraithe nó comhlacht neamhchorpraithe daoine ciontach i gcion den sórt sin agus go gcruthófar go ndearnadh an cion sin le toiliú nó cúlcheadú, nó gurb inchurtha é i leith aon mhainneachtain ar thaobh, aon stiúrthóir, bainisteoir, rúnaí nó oifigeach dá shamhail de chuid an chomhlachta nó aon duine a d'airbheartaigh a bheith ag gníomhú in aon cháil den sórt sin beidh seisean, agus an comhlacht freisin, ciontach sa chion agus dlífear imeachtaí a thionscnamh ina n-aghaidh agus iad a phionósú dá réir sin.
[EN](3) Beidh ag comhalta den Gharda Síochána i limistéar ainmnithe na cumhachtaí, an chosaint agus na pribhléidí go léir atá aige sa Stát.
[EN]Orduithe agus rialacháin a leagan faoi bhráid Thithe an Oireachtais.
14.—Gach ordú agus rialachán a dhéanfar faoin Acht seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach, laistigh den lá agus fiche a shuífidh an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú nó an rialachán a leagan faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an ordaithe nó an rialacháin, beidh an t-ordú nó an rialachán ar neamhní dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoi.
15.—Déanfar na caiteachais a thabhóidh an tAire nó aon Aire Stáit eile ag riaradh an Achta seo a íoc, a mhéid a cheadóidh an tAire Airgeadais é, as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas.
16.—Féadfar an tAcht um an Scairbh Ilchríochach, 1968, a ghairm den Acht seo.
Number 14 of 1968
Section | |
Application of Insurance (Intermittent Unemployment) Acts, 1942 and 1963. | |
Laying of orders and regulations before Houses of Oireachtas. | |
Acts Referred to | |
1961, No. 41. | |
1960, No. 7 | |
1956, No. 1 | |
Submarine Telegraph Act, 1885 | 1885, c. 49. |
Number 14 of 1968
1.—In this Act—
[GA]“designated area” means an area standing designated for the time being by order under section 2 of this Act;
[GA]“the Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce.
[GA]Exploration and exploitation of continental shelf.
2.—(1) Any rights of the State outside territorial waters over the sea bed and subsoil for the purpose of exploring such sea bed and subsoil and exploiting their natural resources are, subject to subsection (2) of this section, hereby vested in the Minister and shall be exercisable by the Minister.
[GA](2) Whenever the Government so think fit and so direct, any rights referred to in subsection (1) of this section and specified in the direction shall be vested in and exercisable by a Minister of State specified in the direction other than the Minister.
[GA](3) The Government may by order designate any area as an area within which the rights referred to in subsection (1) of this section are exercisable.
[GA](4) The Government may by order revoke or amend an order under this section, including an order under this subsection.
[GA]Application of certain laws of the State.
3.—(1) (a) Any act or omission which—
[GA](i) takes place on an installation in a designated area or any waters within five hundred metres of such an installation, and
[GA](ii) would, if taking place in the State, constitute an offence under the law of the State,
[GA]shall be deemed, for all purposes relating to the offence, to take place in the State.
[GA](b) Any act or omission which—
[GA](i) takes place on any waters in a designated area (not being waters within five hundred metres of an installation), or under or above any waters or installation in a desigated area, in connection with the exploration of the sea bed or subsoil or the exploitation of their natural resources, and
[GA](ii) would, if taking place in the State, constitute an offence under the law of the State,
[GA]shall be deemed, for all purposes relating to the offence, to take place in the State.
[GA](2)(a) Any act or omission which—
[GA](i) takes place on an installation or any waters within five hundred metres of such installation, in a designated area, and
[GA](ii) would, if taking place in the State, constitute a wrong, shall be deemed for all purposes relating to the wrong, to take place in the State.
[GA](b) Any act or omission which—
[GA](i) takes place on any waters in a designated area (not being waters within five hundred metres of an instalation), or under or above any waters or installation in a designated area, in connection with the exploration of the sea bed or subsoil or the exploitation of their natural resources, and
[GA](ii) would, if taking place in the State, constitute a wrong, shall be deemed, for all purposes relating to the wrong, to take place in the State.
[GA](c) In this subsection “wrong” has the meaning assigned to it by the Civil Liability Act, 1961.
[GA](3) Any jurisdiction conferred on any court under this section shall be without prejudice to any jurisdiction exercisable apart from this section by that or any other court.
[GA]Application of Minerals Development Acts, 1940 and 1960, and Petroleum and Other Minerals Development Act, 1960.
4.—(1) The Minerals Development Acts, 1940 and 1960, shall apply in relation to minerals (within the meaning of those Acts) with respect to which the rights referred to in section 2 of this Act are exercisable as they apply in relation to those minerals in the State.
[GA](2) The Petroleum and Other Minerals Development Act, 1960, shall apply in relation to petroleum (within the meaning of that Act) with respect to which the rights referred to in the said section 2 are exercisable as it applies in relation to petroleum in the State.
[GA]Safety of navigation.
5.—(1) A person shall not construct, alter or improve any structure or works in or remove any object or material from a designated area without the consent of the Minister for Transport and Power.
[GA](2) The Minister for Transport and Power may, as a condition of considering an application for consent under this section, require to be furnished with such plans and particulars as he may consider necessary and, on receipt of any such application, he may cause notice of the application, and of the time within which and the manner in which objections thereto may be made, to be published in such manner as he may consider appropriate for informing persons affected thereby, and, before granting his consent, may, if he thinks fit, appoint a person to hold an inquiry, and notice of the holding of the inquiry shall be given in the accordance with the provisions of this Act.
[GA](3) If the Minister for Transport and Power is of opinion that the action in respect of which his consent was sought would cause an obstruction or danger to navigation, he shall either refuse his consent thereto or grant his consent subject to such conditions as he may think proper.
[GA](4) All expenses incurred by the Minister for Transport and Power in holding an inquiry under this section shall, unless that Minister with the sanction of the Minister for Finance otherwise directs (in which case they shall, to the extent of the direction, be defrayed out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas), be paid by the person who applied for the consent to which the inquiry related, and the amount of the expenses shall be fixed by the Minister for Finance and shall be recoverable by the Minister for Transport and Power from the person as a simple contract debt in any court of competent jurisdiction.
[GA](5) The person holding an inquiry under this section may, if he so thinks proper, order the costs and expenses incurred by any person in relation to the inquiry to be paid by any other person who appeared or was represented at the inquiry and, if the person who incurred, or the person who is liable to pay, the costs so requires, the costs and expenses shall be taxed and ascertained by a taxing-master of the High Court and the amount of such costs and expenses when so taxed and ascertained shall be recoverable as a simple contract debt in any court of competent jurisdiction.
[GA](6) Where a person erects a structure, or removes an object or materials, without the consent of the Minister for Transport and Power or fails to comply with a condition subject to which the consent of that Minister was given under this section and the erection, removal or failure constitutes, in the opinion of that Minister, an obstruction or danger to navigation, that Minister may serve a notice on the person requiring him, within such period (not being less than thirty days) as may be specified in the notice, to remove the structure or to carry out such other directions of that Minister as that Minister may think necessary, or, if it appears to that Minister urgently necessary so to do, may himself remove the structure or carry out the directions.
[GA](7) If within the period specified in a notice under subsection (6) of this section, the person upon whom the notice is served fails to comply with the terms thereof, the Minister for Transport and Power may himself remove the structure to which the notice refers or carry out the directions contained in the notice, as the case may be.
[GA](8) Where under subsection (6) or (7) of this section the Minister for Transport and Power removes any structure referred to in a notice under the said subsection (6) or carries out any direction contained in such a notice, that Minister may recover the expense thereof from the person upon whom the notice was served as a simple contract debt in any court of competent jurisdiction.
[GA](9) A person who contravenes subsection (1) of this section or fails to comply with a condition subject to which a consent of the Minister for Transport and Power has been given under this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable—
[GA](a) on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, and
[GA](b) on conviction on indictment to a fine of such amount as the court may consider appropriate.
[GA]Protection of installations in designated areas.
6.—(1) The Minister may, for the purpose of protecting any installation in a designated area, after consultation with the Minister for Transport and Power and the Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, by order, subject to any exceptions provided by the order, prohibit ships from entering without his consent such part of that area as may be specified in the order.
[GA](2) If a ship enters part of a designated area in contravention of an order under this section, its owner and master shall be guilty of an offence unless it is proved that the prohibition imposed by the order was not and would not on reasonable inquiry have become known to the master.
[GA](3) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable—
[GA](a) on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months, or to both the fine and the imprisonment, and
[GA](b) on conviction on indictment, to a fine of such amount as the court may consider appropriate or to imprisonment, for a term not exceeding twelve months or to both the fine and the imprisonment.
[GA](4) The Minister may by order revoke or amend an order under this section including an order under this subsection.
[GA]Discharge of oil.
7.—(1) If any oil to which section 10 of the Oil Pollution of the Sea Act, 1956, applies or any mixture containing not less than one hundred parts of such oil in a million parts of the mixture is discharged or escapes into any part of the sea—
[GA](a) from a pipe-line, or
[GA](b) otherwise than from a ship, as the result of any operation for the exploration of the sea bed and subsoil or the exploitation of their natural resources in a designated area,
[GA]the owner of the pipe-line or, as the case may be, the person carrying on the operations shall be guilty of an offence unless he proves, in the case of a discharge from a place in his occupation, that it was due to the act of a person who was there without his permission (express or implied) or, in the case of an escape, that he took all reasonable care to prevent it and that as soon as practicable after it was discovered all reasonable steps were taken for stopping or reducing it.
[GA](2) A person guilty of an offence under this section shall be liable—
[GA](a) on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds, and
[GA](b) on conviction on indictment to a fine of such amount as the court may consider appropriate.
[GA]Submarine cables and pipe-lines.
8.—(1) Section 3 of the Submarine Telegraph Act, 1885, and Article IV and the first paragraph of Article VII of the Convention set out in the Schedule to that Act shall apply in relation to all submarine cables and pipe-lines under the high seas and the said section 3 shall be construed—
[GA](a) as referring to telephonic as well as telegraphic communication, and
[GA](b) in relation to pipe-lines and electricity cables, as if from “to which the Convention” to the end of subsection (1) were deleted.
[GA](2) Sections 4 and 13 of the said Submarine Telegraph Act, 1885, are hereby repealed.
[GA]Wireless apparatus.
9.—Any installation in a designated area and any waters within five hundred metres of such an installation shall be deemed, for the purposes of the Wireless Telegraphy Acts, 1926 and 1956, and any regulations made thereunder (subject, in the case of regulations made after the passing of this Act, to any contrary intention in the regulations), to be situated in the State.
[GA]Application of Social Welfare Acts, 1952 to 1967.
10.—The Minister for Social Welfare may by regulations make provision for—
[GA](a) treating as insurable employment for the purposes of the Social Welfare Acts, 1952 to 1967, any employment prescribed by the regulations which is employment in connection with the exploitation of the resources mentioned in section 2 (1) of this Act or with the exploration of the sea bed and subsoil in any designated area notwithstanding that such employment is not employment in the State,
[GA](b) treating as insurable (occupational injuries) employment for the purposes of those Acts any such employment, and
[GA](c) modifying the provisions of those Acts in their application in the case of persons in such employment.
[GA]Application of Insurance (Intermittent Unemployment) Acts, 1942 and 1963.
11.—The Minister for Social Welfare may by regulations make provision—
[GA](a) for treating as insurable employment for the purposes of the Insurance (Intermittent Unemployment) Acts, 1942 and 1963, any employment prescribed by the regulations which is employment in connection with the exploration or exploitation of the kind mentioned in section 10 of this Act notwithstanding that such employment is not employment in the State, and
[GA](b) for modifying the provisions of those Acts in their application in the case of persons in such employment.
12.—(1) Whenever an inquiry is proposed to be held under this Act, notice of the holding thereof shall be given in such manner as the Minister for Transport and Power may direct.
[GA](2) A person appointed to hold an inquiry under this Act may do all or any of the following things—
[GA](a) summon witnesses to attend before him at the inquiry,
[GA](b) examine on oath (which such person is hereby authorised to administer) witnesses attending before him at the inquiry.
[GA](c) require any such witnesses to produce any documents in their power or control the production of which such person considers necessary for the purposes of the inquiry.
[GA](3) A witness at an inquiry under this Act shall be entitled to the same immunities and privileges as if he were a witness before the Hight Court.
[GA](4) If a person—
[GA](a) on being duly summoned to attend as a witness at an inquiry under this Act makes default in attending, or
[GA](b) so being in attendance as a witness, refuses to take an oath lawfully required by the person holding the inquiry to be taken, or to produce any document in his power or control lawfully required by the person holding the inquiry to be produced by him, or to answer any question to which such authorised person may require an answer, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or to both the fine and imprisonment.
13.—(1) Proceedings for an offence under this Act (including an offence under another Act as applied by or under this Act and any-thing that is an offence by virtue of section 3 (1) of this Act) may be taken, and the offence may for all incidental purposes be treated as having been committed, in any place in the State.
[GA](2) Where a body corporate or an unincorporated body of persons is guilty of such an offence and the offence is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to be attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body or any person who was purporting to act in any such capacity he, as well as the body, shall be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly.
[GA](3) A member of the Garda Síochána shall in a designated area have all the powers, protection and privileges which he has in the State.
[GA]Laying of orders and regulations before Houses of Oireachtas.
14.—Every order and regulation made under this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution annulling the order or regulation is passed by either House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which that House has sat after the order or regulation is laid before it, the order or regulation shall be annulled accordingly, but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done thereunder.
15.—The expenses incurred by the Minister or any other Minister of State in the administration of this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.
[GA]Short title.
16.—This Act may be cited as the Continental Shelf Act, 1968.