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Uimhir 15 de 1945.



[An tionntó oifigiúil.]


[1ú Bealtaine, 1945.]



Reamhraiteach agus Generalta.



1.—Féadfar an tAcht Toghcháin Uachtaráin agus Toghchán Áitiúla, 1945, do ghairm den Acht so.



2.—San Acht so—

[EN]Acht 1937.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1937” Acht Toghchán an Uachtaráin, 1937 (Uimh. 32 de 1937);


tá leis an bhfocal “dáilcheanntar” an bhrí a ceaptar dó le hAcht 1937, arna leasú leis an Acht so;

[EN]údarás áitiúil.

tá leis an abairt “údarás áitiúil” an bhrí a ceaptar di le hOrdú 1942;

[EN]toghchán áitiúil 1945.

ciallaíonn an abairt “toghchán áitiúil 1945” toghchán comhaltaí d'údarás áitiúil atá le comóradh sa bhliain 1945;

[EN]an ceann cóimhrimh áitiúil.

tá leis an abairt “an ceann cóimhrimh áitiúil” an bhrí a ceaptar di le hAcht 1937, arna leasú leis an Acht so;

an tAire.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Rialtais Áitiúil agus Sláinte Poiblí;

Ordú 1942.

ciallaíonn an abairt “toghchán uachtaráin 1945” an toghchán atá le comóradh sa bhliain 1945 chun duine do thoghadh chun oifige Uachtaráin;

toghchán uachtaráin 1945.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Ordú 1942” an tOrdú um Thoghcháin Áitiúla, 1942 (R. & O. R., Uimh. 255 de 1942), arna leasú le haon ordú ina dhiaidh sin;

rúnaí nó cléireach údaráis áitiúil.

tá leis an abairt “rúnaí nó cléireach údaráis áitiúil” an bhrí a ceaptar di le hOrdú 1942.


Cuid II do theacht i ngníomh.

3.—(1) Ní thiocfaidh Cuid II den Acht so i ngníomh ach amháin mar a foráltar le fo-alt (2) den alt so.


(2) Más rud é—


(a) go gcuirfear toghchán uachtaráin 1945 ar athló, de bhun fo-ailt (1) d'alt 12 d'Acht 1937, chun vótaíocht a thógaint, agus


(b) ná beidh an cur-ar-athló san cealaithe de bhun fo-ailt (4) d'alt 16 d'Acht 1937,


féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, a dhearbhú go dtiocfaidh Cuid II den Acht so i ngníomh agus air sin tiocfaidh an Chuid sin II i ngníomh láithreach.


Forala Maidir Leis an Votaiocht i dToghchan Uachtarain 1945 agus i dToghchain Áitiúla 1945.


Feidhm Choda II.

4.—Ní bheidh feidhm ag an gCuid seo den Acht so ach amháin maidir le toghchán uachtaráin 1945 agus toghcháin áitiúla 1945.


An vótaíocht i dtoghcháin áitiúla 1945 do thógaint an lá a tógfar an vótaíocht i dtoghchán uachtaráin 1945.

5.—D'ainneoin éinní atá in aon achtachán, tógfar an vótaíocht a bhéas le tógaint in aon toghchán de thoghcháin áitiúla 1945 an lá a bheas an vótaíocht le tógaint do thoghchán uachtaráin 1945.


Acht 1937 do leasú:

6.—(1) Léireofar alt 20 d'Acht 1937 agus beidh éifeacht aige, sa mhéid a bhaineas sé le toghchán uachtaráin 1945, fé is dá gcuirtí na míreanna so leanas in ionad míreanna (c), (d), (e) agus (f), sé sin le rá:—


“ (c) chun an vótaíocht do thógaint is tuigthe gur dáilcheanntar gach ceann fá leith acu so leanas—


(i) contae-bhuirg,


(ii) contae riaracháin (seachas contae riaracháin Mhuigheo),


(iii) an líomatáiste (dá ngairmtear dáilcheanntar Mhuigheo Thuaidh san alt so) arb é atá ann toghlíomatáistí contae Bhéal Atha na Muice, Bhéal an Atha agus Chill Alaidh, i gcontae riaracháin Mhuigheo,


(iv) an líomatáiste (dá ngairmtear dáilcheanntar Mhuigheo Theas san alt so) arb é atá ann contae riaracháin Mhuigheo ach amháin an chuid di atá i ndáilcheanntar Mhuigheo Thuaidh,


agus déanfar an vótaíocht a thógaint ar leithligh i ngach togh-líomatáiste áitiúil ina mbeidh gach dáilcheanntar fá leith roinnte;


(d) chun críocha na vótaíochta, is é is ceann cóimhrimh (dá ngairmtear an ceann cóimhrimh áitiúil san Acht so) do dháilcheanntar ná—


(i) i gcás contae-bhuirge, cláraitheoir contae na contaebhuirge sin,


(ii) i gcás contae riaracháin (seachas contaethe Bhaile Atha Cliath, Chorcaighe, Thiobrad Arann (an Trian Thuaidh), Thiobrad Arann (an Trian Theas) agus Mhuigheo), cláraitheoir contae na contae sin,


(iii) i gcás contae riaracháin Bhaile Atha Cliath, foshirriam chontae Bhaile Atha Cliath nó, ar an oifig sin do scor de bheith ann, cláraitheoir contae chontae Bhaile Atha Cliath,


(iv) i gcás contae riaracháin Chorcaighe, fo-shirriam chontae Chorcaighe nó, ar an oifig sin do scor de bheith ann, cláraitheoir contae chontae Chorcaighe,


(v) i gcás contae riaracháin Thiobrad Arann (an Trian Thuaidh), fo-shirriam chontae Thiobrad Arann nó, ar an oifig sin do scor de bheith ann, cláraitheoir contae chontae Thiobrad Arann,


(vi) i gcás contae riaracháin Thiobrad Arann (an Trian Theas), chláraitheoir contae chontae Thiobrad Arann,


(vii) i gcás dáilcheanntair Mhuigheo Thuaidh, cláraitheoir contae chontae Mhuigheo,


(viii) i gcás dáilcheanntair Mhuigheo Theas, fo-shirriam chontae Mhuigheo nó, ar an oifig sin do scor de bheith ann, cláraitheoir contae chontae Mhuigheo;


(e) duine ar bith a mbeidh a ainm iontrálta mar thoghthóir Dála sa chlár bliantúil, arna ullmhú fán Acht Timpeall Toghchán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923), do chontae riaracháin (seachas contae Mhuigheo) nó do chontae-bhuirg agus ar mian leis a vóta do thabhairt sa vótaíocht, déanfaidh sé amhlaidh sa dáilcheanntar arb é an chontae nó an chontae-bhuirg sin é, agus gach éinne a mbeidh a ainm iontrálta mar thoghthóir Dála sa chlár bliantúil, arna ullmhú fán Acht san, do chontae riaracháin Mhuigheo, agus ar mian leis vóta do thabhairt sa vótaíocht, déanfaidh sé amhlaidh—


(i) i gcás a ainm do bheith iontrálta sa chuid den clár bhliantúil sin a bhaineas le dáilcheanntar Mhuigheo Thuaidh, i ndáilcheanntar Mhuigheo Thuaidh,


(ii) in aon chás eile, i ndáilcheanntar Mhuigheo Theas;


(f) is tuigthe gach dáilcheanntar fá leith acu san do bheith roinnte, chun críocha na vótaíochta, sna ceanntair chéanna vótaíochta ina mbeidh sé roinnte de thuras na huaire chun críocha toghchán comhaltaí d'údaráis áitiúla (do réir bhrí an Orduithe um Thoghcháin Áitiúla, 1942 (R. & O. R., Uimh. 255 de 1942)), agus na háiteanna a bheas ceaptha de thuras na huaire ina n-áiteanna vótaíochta i ngach ceanntar vótaíochta fá leith acu san chun críocha na dtoghchán san, is iad a bheas ina n-áiteanna vótaíochta chun an vótaíocht a thógaint;”.


(2) An t-oifigeach clárathachta do gach líomatáiste clárathachta fá leith, do réir bhrí an Achta Timpeall Toghchán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923), déanfaidh, maidir le gach togh-líomatáiste contae nó contae-bhuirge ina líomatáiste clárathachta, liost fá leith (ar a mbeidh comhartha idirdhealaitheach) d'ullmhú ar a mbeidh sloinneadh, in ord aibítre, ainm baiste, agus arm-uimhir agus arm-aonad gach duine fá leith a bheas i dteideal a chláruithe mar phost-vótálaí sa chlár de thoghthóirí (a thiocfas i bhfeidhm an 1ú lá de Mheitheamh, 1945) don líomatáiste chlárathachta san, agus uimhreacha as a chéile do chur leis na hainmneacha i ngach liost den tsórt san, agus déanfar na tagairtí atá in alt 29 d'Acht 1937 do liost de phost-vótálaithe do léiriú, maidir le feidhm an ailt sin i gcás toghcháin uachtaráin 1945, mar thagairtí do na liostaí a hullmhófar fán bhfo-alt so.


(3) I gcás—


(a) deimhniú do thabhairt (fá alt 22 den Acht Timpeall Toghchán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923), arna oiriúnú agus arna thonasc trí Ordú 1942, agus arna leathnú le halt 7 den Acht so) do dhuine ar bith á údarú dhó vótáil i stáisiún vótaíochta seachas an stáisiún a mbeadh sé i dteideal, mura mbeadh san, vótáil ann i dtoghchán de thoghcháin áitiúla 1945, agus


(b) an duine sin do bheith i dteideal vótála i dtoghchán uachtaráin 1945,


is tuigthe, chun críocha Rialach 7 den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhas le hAcht 1937, gurb é an stáisiún vótaíochta a sonnrófar sa deimhniú an stáisiún vótaíochta a bheas ceaptha don duine sin.


Alt 22 den Acht Timpeall Toghchán, 1923, arna thonasc trí Ordú 1942, d leathnú chun go mbainfidh le comhaltaí den Ghárda Síochána agus de na Caomhnóirí Áitiúla.

7.—I gcás comhalta den Ghárda Síochána nó de na Caomhnóirí Áitiúla is toghthóir ag toghchán de thoghcháin áitiúla 1945 do bheith ag gabháil do dhualgais maidir leis an toghchán san agus a dhualgais do bheith, dar leis an gceann cóimhrimh áitiúil, de shaghas a choiscfeadh é ar vótáil ag an stáisiún vótaíochta a mbeadh sé i dteideal vótála ann, mura mbeadh san, beidh feidhm maidir leis ag alt 22 den Acht Timpeall Toghchán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923), arna oiriúnú agus arna thonasc trí Ordú 1942, fé is dá mbeadh sé ar fostú ag an gceann cóimhrimh chun aon chríche maidir leis an toghchán san agus go mbeadh cúrsaí a fhostaíochta, dar leis an gceann cóimhrimh, de shaghas a choiscfeadh é ar vótáil ag an stáisiún vótaíochta a mbeadh sé i dteideal vótála ann, mura mbeadh san.


Sárú sicréideachta.

8.—(1) Bainfidh fo-alt (1) d'alt 31 d'Acht 1937 le duine ar bith lena mbaineann fo-alt (1) d'alt 28 d'Acht 1923.


(2) Bainfidh fo-alt (1) d'alt 28 d'Acht 1923 le duine ar bith lena mbaineann fo-alt (1) d'alt 31 d'Acht 1937.


(3) Bainfidh fo-alt (2) d'alt 31 d'Acht 1937 le duine ar bith lena mbaineann fo-alt (2) d'alt 28 d'Acht 1923.


(4) Bainfidh fo-alt (2) d'alt 28 d'Acht 1923 le duine ar bith lena mbaineann fo-alt (2) d'alt 31 d'Acht 1937.


(5) San alt so ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1923” an tAcht Timpeall Toghchán, 1923 (Uimh. 12 de 1923), arna oiriúnú agus arna thonasc trí Ordú 1942.


Bailíocht pháipéir bhallóide a cuirfear sa bhosca ballóide mí-cheart.

9.—Ní bheidh páipéar ballóide do thoghchán uachtaráin 1945 nó d'aon toghchán de thoghcháin áitiúla 1945 neamhbhailí de bhíthin amháin é chur i mbosca ballóide do chuir an ceann cóimhrimh áitiúil ar fáil agus nach é an bosca ballóide iomchuibhe é.


An ceann cóimhrimh áitiúil do bheith ina cheann cóimhrimh ag toghcháin áitiúla 1945 maidir le tógaint na vótaíochta.

10.—Is é an ceann cóimhrimh áitiúil do dháilcheanntar is ceann cóimhrimh maidir le tógaint na vótaíochta in aon togh-líomatáiste áitiúil sa dáilcheanntar chun críocha toghcháin de thoghcháin áitiúla 1945.


Forála maidir le cáiliú agus ainmniú iarrthóirí i dtoghchán de thoghcháin áitiúla 1945.

11.—Chun iarrthóir a bheith cáilithe agus chun é d'ainmniú i dtoghchán de thoghcháin áitiúla 1945 is tuigthe duine ar bith atá cláraithe sa chlár de thoghthóirí rialtais áitiúil do líomatáiste chlárathachta áirithe a tháinig i bhfeidhm an lú lá de Mheitheamh, 1944, ach ná beidh cláraithe sa chlár de thoghthóirí rialtais áitiúil don líomatáiste chlárathachta san a thiocfas i bhfeidhm an lú lá de Mheitheamh, 1945, do bheith cláraithe sa chlár san is déanaí a luaitear.


Costais cheann cóimhrimh áitiúla maidir le toghcháin áitiúla 1945.

12.—(1) Na héilithe a dhéanfaidh an ceann cóimhrimh áitiúil do dháilcheanntar mar gheall ar sheirbhísí do thug sé agus costais fána ndeachaidh sé chun nó i dtaobh an vótaíocht a thógaint i dtoghchán áitiúil 1945 comhaltaí d'údarás áitiúil, is tuigthe chun críocha ailt 21 d'Acht 1937 gur éilithe iad mar gheall ar sheirbhísí do thug sé agus costais fána ndeachaidh sé chun nó i dtaobh an vótaíocht a thógaint i dtoghchán uachtaráin 1945, ach cionroinnfidh an tAire Airgeadais ar an údarás áitiúil sin an chuid de na héilithe sin is dóigh leis is inchurtha i leith na seirbhísí agus na gcostas fána ndeachaidh an ceann cóimhrimh áitiúil chun nó i dtaobh an vótaíocht a thógaint sa toghchán áitiúil sin 1945 agus íocfaidh an t-údarás áitiúil sin leis an Aire Airgeadais an chuid a cionroinnfear air amhlaidh.


(2) Aon airgead a gheobhaidh an tAire Airgeadais fán alt so déanfar é d'íoc isteach sa Stát-Chiste nó do chur chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste i pé slí ordóidh an tAire sin.


Costais cheann cóimhrimh ag toghcháin áitiúla 1945.

13.—Déanfaidh an tAire scála d'éilithe uasta d'ordú chun críocha toghchán áitiúla 1945 agus beidh teideal ag gach ceann cóimhrimh ag toghchán de thoghcháin áitiúla 1945 chun a éilithe réasúnta ach gan iad san a bheith níos mó ná an tsuim a bheas sonnraithe sa scála san i leith seirbhísí agus costas de na saghsanna uile agus fá seach a bheas luaite sa scála san agus a dhéanfaidh sé nó fána raghaidh sé go cuibhe chun nó i dtaobh toghchán de thoghcháin áitiúla 1945 do chomóradh.



14.—Féadfaidh an tAire socrú do dhéanamh le rialacháin i dtaobh pé nithe, maidir leis an vótaíocht i dtoghchán uachtaráin 1945 agus i dtoghcháin áitiúla 1945, is dóigh leis is gá nó is fóirstineach chun éifeacht a thabhairt d'fhorála na Coda so den Acht so, agus féadfaidh go sonnruch le haon rialacháin den tsórt san—


(a) socrú do dhéanamh chun cártaí vótaíochta sa bhfoirm a hordófar leis na rialacháin do thabhairt amach do dhaoine a bheas i dteideal vótála i dtoghchán uachtaráin 1945,


(b) na cumhachta agus na dualgais a mhíniú a bheas ag cinn chóimhrimh áitiúla, rúnaithe agus cléirigh údarás áitiúla agus daoine eile a fostófar maidir leis an vótaíocht,


(c) pé modhnuithe do dhéanamh, chun críocha toghcháin uachtaráin 1945, ar Acht 1937 a chífear dó bheith riachtanach chun gur féidir an toghchán san do chomóradh do réir an Achta so nó chun go mb'fhusaide nó go mba luathaide a stiúrófaí agus a críochnófaí an toghchán san,


(d) pé modhnuithe do dhéanamh, chun críocha toghchán áitiúla 1945, ar na hachtacháin a bhaineas le toghcháin áitiúla nó ar aon ordú nó rialacháin fúthu san a chífear dó bheith riachtanach chun gur féidir na toghcháin sin do chomóradh do réir an Achta so nó chun go mb'fhusaide nó go mba luathaide a stiúrófaí agus a críochnófaí na toghcháin sin,


(e) a shocrú go mbeidh na páipéirí ballóide a bheas le húsáid i dtoghchán uachtaráin 1945 so-aitheanta, trí pé seift d'úsáid a shonnróidh an tAire sna rialacháin, thar na cinn a bheas le húsáid i dtoghcháin áitiúla 1945,


(f) socrú do dhéanamh chun na boscaí ballóide céanna nó boscaí ballóide ar leithligh d'úsáid i stáisiún vótaíochta maidir le toghchán uachtaráin 1945 agus le haon cheann nó cinn de thoghcháin áitiúla 1945.



Number 15 of 1945.





Preliminary and General.



Short title.




Operation of Part II.


Provisions in Relation to the Poll at the 1945 Presidential Election and the 1945 Local Elections.


Application of Part II.


Poll at 1945 local elections to be taken on same day as poll at 1945 presidential election.


Amendment of the Act of 1937.


Extension of section 22 of the Electoral Act, 1923, as applied by the Order of 1942, to members of the Gárda S[html]ochána and Local Security Force.


Infringement of secrecy.


Validity of ballot paper put in wrong ballot box.


Local returning officer to be returning officer at 1945 local elections in relation to taking of the poll.


Provisions in relation to qualification and nomination of candidates at a 1945 local election.


Expenses of local returning officers in relation to 1945 local elections.


Expenses of returning officers at 1945 local elections.



Acts Referred to

Presidential Elections Act, 1937

No. 32 of 1937

Electoral Act, 1923

No. 12 of 1923


Number 15 of 1945.




Preliminary and General.


Short title.

1.—This Act may be cited as the Presidential and Local Elections Act, 1945.



2.—In this Act—


the expression “the Act of 1937” means the Presidential Elections Act, 1937 (No. 32 of 1937);


the word “constituency” has the meaning assigned to it by the Act of 1937, as amended by this Act;


the expression “local authority” has the meaning assigned to it by the Order of 1942;


the expression “1945 local election” means an election of members of a local authority to be held in the year 1945;


the expression “the local returning officer” has the meaning assigned to it by the Act of 1937, as amended by this Act;


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Local Government and Public Health;


the expression “the Order of 1942” means the Local Elections Order, 1942 (S. R. & O., No. 255 of 1942), as amended by any subsequent order;


the expression “the 1945 presidential election” means the election to be held in the year 1945 of a person to the office of President;


the expression “secretary or clerk of a local authority” has the meaning assigned to it by the Order of 1942.


Operation of Part II.

3.—(1) Part II of this Act shall not come into operation save as is provided by subsection (2) of this section.


(2) If—


(a) the 1945 presidential election is adjourned, in pursuance of subsection (1) of section 12 of the Act of 1937, for the purpose of taking a poll, and


(b) such adjournment has not been cancelled in pursuance of subsection (4) of section 16 of the Act of 1937,


the Minister may by order declare that Part II of this Act shall come into operation and thereupon the said Part II shall come into operation forthwith.



Provisions in Relation to the Poll at the 1945 Presidential Election and the 1945 Local Elections.


Application of Part II.

4.—This Part of this Act shall apply only in respect of the 1945 presidential election and the 1945 local elections.


Poll at 1945 local elections to be taken on same day as poll at 1945 presidential election.

5.—Notwithstanding anything contained in any enactment, the poll to be taken at any 1945 local election shall be taken on the same day as that on which the poll for the 1945 presidential election is to be taken.


Amendment of the Act of 1937.

6.—(1) Section 20 of the Act of 1937 shall, in its application to the 1945 presidential election, be construed and have effect as if the following paragraphs were substituted for paragraphs (c), (d), (e) and (f), that is to say:—


“(c) for the purpose of taking the poll each of the following shall be deemed a constituency—


(i) a county borough,


(ii) an administrative county (other than the administrative county of Mayo),


(iii) the area (in this section referred to as the North Mayo constituency) consisting of the county electoral areas of Swinford, Ballina and Killala, in the administrative county of Mayo,


(iv) the area (in this section referred to as the South Mayo constituency) consisting of the administrative county of Mayo except the portion thereof which is comprised in the North Mayo constituency,


and the poll shall be taken separately in each local electoral area into which each constituency is divided;


(d) for the purposes of the poll, the returning officer (in this Act referred to as the local returning' officer) for a constituency shall be—


(i) in the case of a county borough, the county registrar of that county borough,


(ii) in the case of an administrative county (other than the counties of Dublin, Cork, Tipperary (North Riding), Tipperary (South Riding) and Mayo), the county registrar of that county,


(iii) in the case of the administrative county of Dublin, the under-sheriff of the county of Dublin or, on that office ceasing to exist, the county registrar of the county of Dublin,


(iv) in the case of the administrative county of Cork, the under-sheriff of the county of Cork or, on that office ceasing to exist, the county registrar of the county of Cork,


(v) in the case of the administrative county of Tipperary (North Riding), the under-sheriff of the county of Tipperary or, on that office ceasing to exist, the county registrar of the county of Tipperary,


(vi) in the case of the administrative county of Tipperary (South Riding), the county registrar of the county of Tipperary,


(vii) in the case of the North Mayo constituency, the county registrar of the county of Mayo;


(viii) in the case of the South Mayo constituency, the under-sheriff of the county of Mayo or, on that office ceasing to exist, the county registrar of the county of Mayo;


(e) any person whose name is entered as a Dáil elector in the annual register, prepared under the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923), for an administrative county (other than the county of Mayo) or a county borough and who desires to record his vote at the poll shall do so in the constituency which is such county or county borough, and every person whose name is entered as a Dáil elector in the annual register, prepared under the said Act, for the administrative county of Mayo, and who desires to vote at the poll, shall do so—


(i) in case his name is entered in the part of the said annual register which relates to the North Mayo constituency, in the North Mayo constituency,


(ii) in any other case, in the South Mayo constituency;


(f) each such constituency shall be deemed to be divided for the purposes of the poll into the same polling districts as those into which it is for the time being divided for the purposes of elections of members of local authorities (within the meaning of the Local Elections Order, 1942 (S. R. & O., No. 255 of 1942)), and the places which are for the time being appointed as polling places in each such polling district for the purposes of such elections shall be the polling places for the purpose of the taking of the poll;”.


(2) The registration officer for each registration area, within the meaning of the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923), shall, in respect of each county or county borough electoral area in his registration area, prepare a separate list (having a distinguishing symbol) containing the surname, in alphabetical order, the Christian name, and the army number and unit of each person entitled to be registered as a postal voter in the register of electors (which will come into force on the 1st day of June, 1945) for that registration area, the names on each such list being numbered consecutively, and references, in section 29 of the Act of 1937 to a postal voters' list shall, in the application of that section to the 1945 presidential election, be construed as references to the lists prepared under this subsection.


(3) Where—


(a) a certificate is given (under section 22 of the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923), as adapted and applied by the Order of 1942, and as extended by section 7 of this Act) to any person authorising him to vote at a polling station other than that at which he would otherwise be entitled to vote at a 1945 local election, and


(b) such person is entitled to vote at the 1945 presidential election,


the polling station specified in the certificate shall, for the purposes of Rule 7 of the First Schedule to the Act of 1937, be deemed to be the polling station allotted to such person.


Extension of section 22 of the Electoral Act, 1923, as applied by the Order of 1942, to members of the Gárda Síochána and Local Security Force.

7.—Where, a member of the Gárda Síochána or Local Security Force who is an elector at a 1945 local election is engaged on duties in connection with such election and his duties are, in the opinion of the local returning officer, such as to prevent him from voting at the polling station at which he would otherwise be entitled to vote, section 22 of the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923), as adapted and applied by the Order of 1942, shall apply in respect of him as if he were employed by the returning officer for any purpose in connection with such election and the circumstances of his employment were, in the opinion of the returning officer, such as to prevent him from voting at the polling station at which he would otherwise be entitled to vote.


Infringement of secrecy.

8.—(1) Subsection (1) of section 31 of the Act of 1937 shall apply to any person to whom subsection (1) of section 28 of the Act of 1923 applies.


(2) Subsection (1) of section 28 of the Act of 1923 shall apply to any person to whom subsection (1) of section 31 of the Act of 1937 applies.


(3) Subsection (2) of section 31 of the Act of 1937 shall apply to any person to whom subsection (2) of section 28 of the Act of 1923 applies.


(4) Subsection (2) of section 28 of the Act of 1923 shall apply to any person to whom subsection (2) of section 31 of the Act of 1937 applies.


(5) In this section the expression “the Act of 1923” means the Electoral Act, 1923 (No. 12 of 1923), as adapted and applied by the Order of 1942.


Validity of ballot paper put in wrong ballot box.

9.—A ballot paper for the 1945 presidential election or any 1945 local election shall not be invalid by reason only of its being placed in a ballot box provided by the local returning officer which is not the appropriate ballot box.


Local returning officer to be returning officer at 1945 local elections in relation to taking of the poll.

10.—The local returning officer for a constituency shall, in relation to the taking of the poll in any local electoral area in the constituency for the purposes of a 1945 local election, be the returning officer.


Provisions in relation to qualification and nomination of candidates at a 1945 local election.

11.—For the purposes of the qualification and nomination of a candidate at a 1945 local election, any person, who is registered in the register of local government electors for a particular registration area which came into force on the 1st day of June, 1944, but is not registered in the register of local government electors for that registration area which will come into force on the 1st day of June, 1945, shall be deemed to be registered in such last-mentioned register.


Expenses of local returning officers in relation to 1945 local elections.

12.—(1) The charges of the local returning officer for a constituency for services and expenses rendered or incurred by him for the purposes or in connection with the taking of the poll at the 1945 local election of members of a local authority shall, for the purposes of section 21 of the Act of 1937, be deemed to be charges for services and expenses rendered or incurred by him for the purposes of or in connection with the taking of the poll at the 1945 presidential election, but the Minister for Finance shall apportion to that local authority such part of the said charges as are in his opinion referable to the services and expenses incurred by the local returning officer for the purposes of or in connection with the taking of the poll at such 1945 local election, and that local authority shall pay to the Minister for Finance the part so apportioned to it.


(2) Any moneys received by the Minister for Finance under this section shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the said Minister may direct.


Expenses of returning officers at 1945 local elections.

13.—The Minister shall prescribe for the purposes of the 1945 local elections a scale of maximum charges and every returning officer at a 1945 local election shall be entitled to his reasonable charges not exceeding the sum specified in the said scale in respect of services and expenses of the several kinds mentioned in the said scale which have been properly rendered or incurred by him for the purposes of or in connection with the holding of an 1945 local election.



14.—The Minister may by regulations provide for such matters, in relation to the poll at the 1945 presidential election and the 1945 local elections, as he considers necessary or expedient for giving effect to the provisions of this Part of this Act, and may in particular by any such regulations—


(a) provide for the issue of polling cards in the form prescribed by the regulations to persons entitled to vote at the 1945 presidential election,


(b) define the powers and duties of local returning officers, secretaries and clerks of local authorities and other persons employed in connection with the poll,


(c) make, for the purposes of the 1945 presidential election, such modifications of the Act of 1937 as appear to him to be necessary in order to enable that election to take place in accordance with this Act or to facilitate or expedite the conduct and completion of that election,


(d) make, for the purposes of the 1945 local elections, such modifications of the enactments relating to local elections or any order or regulations thereunder as appear to him to be necessary to enable those elections to take place in accordance with this Act or to facilitate or expedite the conduct and completion of those elections,


(e) provide that the ballot papers to be used at the 1945 presidential election shall be distinguishable, by the use of such device as the Minister specifies in the regulations, from those to be used at the 1945 local elections,


(f) provide for the use of the same or separate ballot boxes at a polling station in connection with the 1945 presidential election and any 1945 local election or elections.