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Uimhir 21 de 1925.





1.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an focal “Príomh-Acht” an tAcht um Scrúdóireacht Scannán, 1923 (Uimh. 23 de 1923);


cialluíonn an focal “nochta go puiblí” nochta in aon tsráid, slí, no áit, dúnta isteach no nea-dhúnta isteach, go bhfuil ceart gan chosc ag an bpuiblíocht chun gabháil tríd no chun dul isteach ann, no in aon áit, dúnta isteach no nea-dhúnta isteach, gur féidir don phuiblíocht dul isteach ann, le ceart no le cead, do ghnáth no ar amannta áirithe, agus pe'ca tá an dul isteach san fé íocaíocht no fé chosc eile no ná fuil, agus is dá réir sin a léireofar gach focal atá gaolmhar leis;


cialluíonn an focal “leathán tuairisce” an scríbhinn ar a dtugtar an ainm sin do ghnáth imeasc daoine gurb é a ngnó pictiúirí do thaisbeáint le cinematograf no le hinneal eile dá shamhail no pictiúirí den tsórt san do dhéanamh, do roinnt, no do chur ar cíos.


Fógraíocht le sliocht as pictiúir.

2.—(1) Ní bheidh sé dleathach d'éinne, maidir le taisbeáint phictiúra le cinematograf no le hinneal eile dá shamhail, aon aithghein ghrianghrafach ná aithghein eile ar aon chuid den phictiúir sin do nochta go puiblí marar dheimhnigh an Scrúdóir Oifigiúil an pictiúir sin, maraon leis an gcuid de ar ar dineadh aithghein amhlaidh, do bheith oiriúnach le taisbeáint go puiblí.


(2) Gach éinne a nochtfidh go puiblí, contrárdha don alt so, aon athghein ghrianghrafach no aithghein eile den tsórt san roimhráite, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair féadfar é chur fé fhíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga punt agus, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, fé fhíneáil bhreise ná raghaidh thar cúig púint in aghaidh gach lae a leanfidh an cionta.


Cosc le fógráin áirithe.

3.—(1) Ag gabháil le gach iarratas chun an Scrúdóra Oifigiúla ag iarraidh teistis fén bPríomh-Acht beidh cóip den leathán tuairisce a bhaineann leis an bpictiúir go mbeidh an t-iarratas á dhéanamh ina thaobh.


(2) Nuair isé tuairim an Scrúdóra Oifigiúla aon phostaer, cárta, no bille láimhe pictiúrdha, no fógrán pictiúrdha eile a luaidhtear in aon leathán tuairisce den tsórt san roimhráite do bheith neamh-oiriúnach le nochta go puiblí toisc é bheith nea-náireach, draosta, no naomhaithiseach no toisc go gcuirfí smaointe in úil a bheadh contrárdha don mhoráltacht phuiblí no go millfí an mhoráltacht phuiblí ar aon chuma eile dá nochtfí go puiblí é, cuirfe sé cosc leis an bhfógrán pictiúrdha san do nochta go puiblí agus cuirfe sé an cosc san ar breaca ar an slí orduithe.


(3) Bainfidh alt 8 den Phríomh-Acht (alt a bhaineas le hathchomharcanna chun an Bhúird Athchomhairc i gcoinnibh an Scrúdóra Oifigiúla) le coscanna a chuirfidh an Scrúdóir Oifigiúil, fén alt so, le fógrán pictiúrdha do nochta go puiblí, agus san ar gach slí díreach mar a bhaineann sé leis na breitheanna san an scrúdóra oifigiúla a luaidhtear san alt san, agus déanfar gach luadh no tagairt atá sa Phríomh-Acht d'athchomharcanna chun an Bhúird Athchomhairc do léiriú agus beidh éifeacht aige fé is dá bhfoluíodh sé athchomharcanna fén alt san 8 mar a dintar leis an bhfo-alt so an t-alt san do chur i mbaint.


Ciontaí a bhaineann le fógráin choiscthe.

4.—(1) Gach éinne a nochtfidh go puiblí no a cuirfidh fé ndeár go nochtfar go puiblí aon phostaer, cárta, no bille láimhe pictiúrdha, no fógrán pictiúrdha eile gur dhin an Scrúdóir Oifigiúil fén Acht so cosc do chur le n-a nochta go puiblí, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so mara gcruthuighe sé chun sástachta na cúirte ná raibh a fhios aige agus ná féadfadh sé, go réasúnta, a fhios do bheith aige an cosc san do bheith ann no gur dhin an té óna bhfuair sé an fógrán a chur in úil do ná raibh aon chosc den tsórt san ann.


(2) Gach éinne a dhíolfidh le duine eile, chun é nochta go puiblí, aon phostaer, cárta, no bille láimhe pictiúrdha, no fógrán pictiúrdha eile gur dhin an Scrúdóir Oifigiúil fén Acht so cosc do chur le n-a nochta go puiblí, agus ná cuirfidh an cosc san in úil don duine eile sin le linn an díola, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so.


(3) Gach éinne a bheidh ciontach i gcionta fén alt so féadfar, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair, é chur fé fhíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga punt agus, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, fé fhíneáil bhreise chúig bpunt in aghaidh gach lae a leanfidh an cionta.


Cosc le teistisí áirithe do thaisbeáint.

5.—(1) Ní bheidh sé dleathach d'éinne aon teistisí (seachas teisteas a dheon an Scrúdóir Oifigiúil fén bPríomh-Acht) do thaisbeáint, ná a chur fé ndeár iad do thaisbeáint, i dteanta ná i dtaobh aon phictiúra a taisbeánfar le cinematograf no le hinneal eile dá shamhail, sé sin, teistisí a bheidh in ainm bheith ag údarú taisbeáint an phictiúra san.


(2) Gach éinne a thaisbeánfidh no a chuirfidh fé ndeár go dtaisbeánfar, contrárdha don alt so, aon teisteas den tsórt san roimhráite, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus, ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair, féadfar é chur fé fhíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint fhichead.


Quorum, etc., an bhúird athchomhairc.

6.—Beidh éifeacht ag fo-alt (6) d'alt 3 den Phríomh-Acht fé réir na n-atharuithe seo a leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) déanfidh triúr ball den bhord athchomhairc, i láthair i bpearsain, quorum chun athchomharcanna d'éisteacht;


(b) ath-éistfar athchomharc más lú ná triúr an móráireamh a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san no más ina dhá roinn chothroma do sna baill a bheidh i láthair;


(c) is i láthair cúigear ball ar a luíod den bhord athchomhairc a déanfar gach ath-éisteacht.


Pionós mar gheall ar shárú rialachán.

7.—(1) Le rialacháin a dhéanfa sé fé alt 12 den Phríomh-Acht féadfidh an tAire Dlí agus Cirt gach ní no éinní acu so a leanas do dhéanamh, sé sin le rá:—


(a) a fhaisnéis, i dtaobh sárú gach rialacháin no aon rialacháin a dineadh fé alt 12 den Phríomh-Acht, gur cionta fé sna rialacháin sin an sárú san agus a údarú go dtrialfadh cúirteanna údaráis achmair daoine a cúiseofí in aon chionta den tsórt san do dhéanamh;


(b) a ordú cadiad na pionóisí a fhéadfidh cúirteanna údaráis achmair a chur ar dhaoine a chiontóid na cúirteanna san i gcionta i gcoinnibh na rialachán san no i gcoinnibh aon rialacháin acu, ach gan aon phionós a hordófar amhlaidh do dhul thar fíneáil chúig bpunt ar fhichid ná thar príosúntacht ar feadh téarma trí mí, agus gan aon phionós minimum d'ordú amhlaidh;


(c) regleáil do dhéanamh ar nós-imeachta an bhúird athchomhairc maidir le héisteacht athchomharc.


(2) Bainfidh forálacha uile agus fé seach alt 12 den Phríomh-Acht, maidir le rialacháin a déanfí fén alt san, bainfid le rialacháin a déanfar fén alt san de bhua an ailt seo.


Gearr-theideal, léiriú agus luadh.

8.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht um Scrúdóireacht Scannán (Leasú), 1925, do ghairm den Acht so.


(2) Féadfar an tAcht so do léiriú mar éinní amháin leis an bPríomh-Acht agus féadfar na hAchtanna um Scrúdóireacht Scannán, 1923 agus 1925, do ghairm den Acht san agus den Acht so le chéile.



Number 21 of 1925.








Advertisement by extract from picture.


Prohibition of certain advertisements.


Offences in relation to prohibited advertisements.


Prohibition of exhibition of certain certificates.


Quorum, etc., of appeal board.


Punishment for contravention of regulations.


Short title, construction and citation.

Act Referred to

Censorship of Films Act, 1923

No. 23 of 1923


Number 21 of 1925.




1.—In this Act—


the expression “Principal Act” means the Censorship of Films Act, 1923 (No. 23 of 1923);


the expression “display in public” means display in any street, way, or place, whether enclosed or unenclosed, through or to which the public have an unrestricted right of passage or access or in any place enclosed or unenclosed to which the public have access of right or by permission either generally or at specified times and whether such access is or is not subject to payment or other restriction, and all cognate expressions shall be construed accordingly;


the expression “exploitation sheet” means the document commonly known by that name amongst persons engaged in the trade of exhibiting pictures by means of a cinematograph or other similar apparatus or the making, distribution, or renting of such pictures.


Advertisement by extract from picture.

2.—(1) It shall not be lawful for any person to display in public in relation to the exhibition of a picture by means of a cinematograph or other similar apparatus any photographic or other reproduction of any part of such picture unless such picture, including the part thereof so reproduced, has been certified by the Official Censor to be fit for exhibition in public.


(2) Every person who displays in public in contravention of this section any such photographic or other reproduction as aforesaid shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding five pounds for every day on which the offence continues.


Prohibition of certain advertisements.

3.—(1) Every application to the Official Censor for a certificate under the Principal Act shall be accompanied by a copy of the exploitation sheet relating to the picture in respect of which the application is made.


(2) Whenever the Official Censor is of opinion that any pictorial poster, card, handbill, or other pictorial advertisement mentioned in any such exploitation sheet as aforesaid is unfit for display in public by reason of its being indecent, obscene, or blasphemous, or because the display thereof in public would convey suggestions contrary to public morality or would be otherwise subversive of public morality, he shall prohibit the display in public of such pictorial advertisement and shall record such prohibition in the prescribed manner.


(3) Section 8 (which relates to appeals from the Official Censor to the Appeal Board) of the Principal Act shall apply to prohibitions by the Official Censor under this section of the display in public of a pictorial advertisement in like manner in all respects as it applies to the decisions of the official censor mentioned in that section, and every mention or reference contained in the Principal Act of or to appeals to the Appeal Board shall be construed and take effect as including appeals under the said section 8 as applied by this sub-section.


Offences in relation to prohibited advertisements.

4.—(1) Every person who shall display or cause to be displayed in public any pictorial poster, card, handbill, or other pictorial advertisement the display of which in public has been prohibited under this Act by the Official Censor shall be guilty of an offence under this section unless he establishes to the satisfaction of the court either that he did not know and could not reasonably have known of such prohibition or that he was informed by the person from whom he obtained the advertisement that no such prohibition existed.


(2) Every person who sells to another person for the purpose of display in public any pictorial poster, card, handbill or other pictorial advertisement the display of which in public has been prohibited under this Act by the Official Censor and does not at the time of the sale inform such other person of such prohibition shall be guilty of an offence under this section.


(3) Every person who is guilty of an offence under this section shall on summary conviction thereof be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, and in the case of a continuing offence to a further fine of five pounds for every day during which the offence continues.


Prohibition of exhibition of certain certificates.

5.—(1) It shall not be lawful for any person to exhibit or cause to be exhibited with or in relation to any picture exhibited by means of a cinematograph or other similar apparatus any certificates (other than a certificate granted by the Official Censor under the Principal Act) purporting to authorise the exhibition of such picture.


(2) Every person who exhibits or causes to be exhibited in contravention of this section any such certificate as aforesaid shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding twenty-five pounds.


Quorum, etc., of appeal board.

6.—Sub-section (6) of section 3 of the Principal Act shall have effect subject to the following modifications, that is to say:—


(a) three members of the appeal board personally present shall form a quorum for the hearing of appeals;


(b) an appeal shall be re-heard whenever the majority mentioned in the said sub-section is less than three or the members present are equally divided;


(c) every re-hearing shall be in the presence of not less than five members of the appeal board.


Punishment for contravention of regulations.

7.—(1) The Minister for Justice may by regulations made by him under section 12 of the Principal Act do all or any of the following things, that is to say:—


(a) declare the contravention of all or any regulations made under section 12 of the Principal Act to be an offence under such regulations and authorise the trial by courts of summary jurisdiction of persons charged with having committed any such offence;


(b) prescribe the punishments which may be inflicted by courts of summary jurisdiction on persons convicted by such courts of an offence against the said regulations or any of them, so, however, that no punishment so prescribed shall exceed a fine of twenty-five pounds or imprisonment for a term of three months, and that no minimum punishment shall be so prescribed;


(c) regulate the procedure of the appeal board in relation to the hearing of appeals.


(2) The several provisions of section 12 of the Principal Act in relation to regulations made thereunder shall apply to regulations made under that section by virtue of this section.


Short title, construction and citation.

8.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Censorship of Films (Amendment) Act, 1925.


(2) This Act shall be construed as one with the Principal Act, and that Act and this Act may be cited together as the Censorship of Films Acts, 1923 and 1925.