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Uimhir 31 de 1940.



[An tiontódh oifigeamhail.]


[14adh Mí na Samhna, 1940.]






1.—Féadfar an tAcht Forbairte Minearál, 1940, do ghairm den Acht so.



2.—San Acht so—


cialluíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Tionnscail agus Tráchtála;


cialluíonn an abairt “Coimisiún na Talmhan” Coimisiún Talmhan na hÉireann;


cialluíonn an abairt “Acht 1931” Acht na Mianach agus na Minearál, 1931 (Uimh. 54 de 1931);


cialluíonn an abairt “blianacht talamh-cheannaigh” blianacht talamh-cheannaigh is iníoctha le Coimisiún na Talmhan fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh;


foliúonn an focal “cíos” aon íocaíocht tréimhsiúil i bhfuirm chíosa;


cialluíonn an focal “rí-chíos” cíos a háirmhítear do réir caindíochta no praghais no luacha na mianraí do gheibhtear;


nuair a húsáidtear an focal “uachtar” maidir le talamh, foluíonn sé aon fhoirgintí no oibreacha no nithe atá curtha suas no déanta no ag fás ar an talamh san;


nuair a húsáidtear an focal “oibriú” maidir le mianraí, foluíonn sé na mianraí sin do thochailt, do chuardach, do bhaint, d'fháil. d'árdú, do thógaint, do bhreith chun siúil, do chóireáil, agus d'atharú agus léireofar focail ghaolmhara dá réir sin;


cialluíonn an abairt “aon-cheart mianadóireachta” ceart oibrithe mianraí ar n-a dhilsiú i nduine ar bith agus sa duine sin amháin:


cialluíonn an abairt “mianra sceidealta” aon tsubstaint a luaidh tear sa Sceideal a ghabhann leis an Acht so;


cialluíonn an abairt “cumasc mianrúil” aon tsubstaint a deintear tré aon dá mhianra sceidealta do chumasc go ceimiceach;


cialluíonn an abairt “substaint mhianrúil” aon tsubstaint is cosúil ina nádúir le haon mhianra sceidealta;


cialluíonn an focal “orduithe” orduithe le rialacháin ar n-a ndéanamh ag an Aire fén Acht so.



3.—San Acht so (lasmuich de chás ina n-éilíonn an có-théacs a mhalairt) cialluíonn an focal “mianraí” gach substaint (seachas uachtar talmhaíochta an tailimh agus seachas móin) sa talamh no air no fé pé aca le hoibriú fé thalamh no le hoibriú ar uachtar tailimh is féidir í fháil, agus foluíonn sé gach mianach, pé aca ar oscailt no á oibriú cheana dhó no nach eadh, agus foluíonn fós an spás cúbach ina bhfuil no ina raibh mianraí agus, chun tuilleadh cinnteachta ach gan dochar do gheneráltacht an mhéide sin roimhe seo, foluíonn an focal san gach mianra sceidealta.


Cearta mianadóireachta Stáit fé sna hAchtanna Talamh-Cheannaigh.

4.—(1) Folóidh gach ceart mianadóireachta Stáit le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so, agus is tuigthe gur fholuigh riamh, ceart chun mianraí sceidealta agus cumaisc mhianrúla agus substaintí mianrúla do réir bhrí an Achta so d'oibriú agus déanfar, san Acht so, an focal “mianraí” do léiriú dá réir sin nuair a húsáidtear é maidir le haon cheart mianadóireachta Stáit den tsórt san.


(2) San alt so, cialluíonn an abairt “ceart mianadóireachta Stáit le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so” aon aon-cheart, chun mianraí do bhaint agus do thógaint agus chun tochailt agus cuardach ag lorg mianraí, den tsórt san a luaidhtear i bhfo-alt (3) d'alt 13 den Irish Land Act, 1903, no i bhfo-alt (5) d'alt 45 den Acht Talmhan, 1923 (Uimh. 42 de 1923), agus atá, ar dháta an Achta so do rith, no a thiocfaidh chun bheith, tar éis an dáta san, dílsithe sa Stát de bhuadh an fho-ailt sin (3), ar n-a leasú le halt 2 d'Acht 1931 agus ar n-a oiriúnú de dhruim an Bhunreachta d'achtú, no de bhuadh an fho-ailt sin (5) ar n-a oiriúnú amhlaidh.


(3) D'ainneoin Acht 1931 d'athghairm leis an Acht so, leanfaidh na hachtacháin seo leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) an dara províso a ghabhann le fo-alt (3) d'alt 13 den Irish Land Act, 1903,


(b) fo-alt (4) den alt san 13 (chó fada agus a théigheann cirt mhianadóireachta Stáit le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so agus chó fada san amháin),


(c) alt 1 den Irish Land Act, 1907, agus


(d) alt 37 den Irish Land Act, 1909,


de bhaint do bheith aca le haon chur ar cíos no léasú no díol no aistriú do rinne Coimisiún na Talmhan, roimh dháta Achta 1931 do rith, ar aon cheart mianadóireachta Stáit le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so.


“Mianraí Stáit”.

5.—Is mianraí Stáit chun crícheanna an Achta so na mianraí agus na haon-chearta mianadóireachta so leanas agus déanfar, san Acht so, an abairt “mianraí Stáit” do léiriú dá réir sin, sé sin le rá:—


(a) aon mhianraí agus aon aon-cheart mianadóireachta atá, ar dháta an Achta so do rith, ina maoin leis an Stát no leis an bPobal agus dílsithe (fé réir aon léasa ar n-a dheonadh fé Acht 1931) sa Stát no in aon Aire Stáit;


(b) aon mhianraí agus aon aon-cheart mianadóireachta thiocfaidh ar aon tsaghas slí, ar dháta an Achta so do rith no dá éis sin, chun bheith ina maoin leis an Stát no leis an bPobal no dílsithe sa chéanna no thiocfaidh chun bheith dílsithe in Aire Stáit, ar an dáta agus ón dáta ar a dtiocfaid chun bheith ina maoin den tsórt san no chun bheith dílsithe amhlaidh;


(c) gan dochar do gheneráltacht na míre deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so, aon mhianraí no aon aon-cheart mianadóireachta thiocfaidh chun bheith dílsithe san Aire de bhuadh orduithe um mianraí do thógaint a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire agus ar n-a dhéanamh fé fhorálacha Coda III den Acht so, faid a bheidh na mianraí sin no an t-aon-cheart mianadóireachta san dílsithe amhlaidh;


(d) d'ainneoin éinní atá san Acht Imeall Trágha, 1933 (Uimh. 12 de 1933), agus gan dochar do gheneráltacht mhíreanna (a) agus (b) den alt so, aon mhianraí atá ar imeall trágha no fé imeall trágha is leis an Stát do réir bhrí an Achta san, ar n-a oiriúnú de dhruim an Bhunreachta d'achtú;


(e) gan dochar do gheneráltacht mhíreanna (a) agus (b) den alt so, gach mianach óir no airgid.



6.—Is fo-chearta chun crícheanna an Achta so na cearta so leanas agus déanfar, san Acht so, an focal “fo-chearta” do léiriú dá réir sin, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ceart chun an uachtair d'ísliú, le n-a n-áirmhítear ceart chun sreathanna, anuas ar a chéile no le hais a chéile, chó fada suas leis an uachtar, maraon leis an uachtar féin d'ísliú;


(b) ceart aer-shlí no slí seafta mhianaigh no cead slí ar an uachtar no fé thalamh no ceart eile chun mianraí no meaisínteacht do shroichint no d'iompar no chun mianaigh d'aeriú no do dhréineáil no d'oibriú;


(c) ceart chun bóithre agus bóithre iarainn do dhéanamh agus d'oibriú agus do chothabháil d'fhonn mianraí d'iompar o aon mhianach go dtí aon bhóthar no córas bóthair iarainn atá ann cheana agus fós chun talamh d'úsáid agus do shealbhú agus aon cheart d'fheidhmiú i dtalamh no in uisce no air no in aon bhóthar puiblí no air chun na críche sin;


(d) ceart chun uachtar talmhan d'úsáid agus do shealbhú chun muilte brúighte agus cóirithe, áiteanna nigheacháin, soirn chóc, bóithre iarainn, téad-bhealaighe aerdha, trambhealaighe aerdha, oibreacha fo-thortha, no oibreacha bríceadóireachta no eile do thógáil, no chun áiteanna comhnaithe do thógáil do dhaoine ar fostú maidir le mianraí d'oibriú no maidir le haon oibreacha den tsórt san roimhráite;


(e) ceart chun soláthar d'uisce no de shubstaintí eile maidir le mianraí d'oibriú;


(f) ceart chun uisce no abhar lachtach eile as mianaigh no as aon oibreacha fo-thortha do chur de láimh ar shlí áirithe;


(g) ceart chun dríodar as oibriú mianraí do chur de láimh ar shlí áirithe;


(h) ceart chun aon abha no cúrsa uisce, le n-a n-áirmhítear cúrsa uisce saordha, do dhambáil no do chlaonadh;


(i) ceart chun camraí agus mór-phíopaí uisce agus píopaí do chlaonadh;


(j) ceart chun bóthar no sráid no bealach puiblí, no bealach príobháideach, do chlaonadh agus chun droichead do dhéanamh in ionad sean-droichid agus ar mhalairt láithreáin;


(k) ceart chun bóthar iarainn no trambhealach do chlaonadh;


(l) ceart chun foirgintí do leagadh a chuireann bac le haon mhianraí d'oibriú sa cheart.


Ceart chun Dul Isteach agus Mianrai Neamh-oibrithe do Lorg agus Ceadunaisi Lorgaireachta do Dheonadh.


Dul isteach agus mianraí do lorg.

7.—(1) Pé uair a chífear don Aire mianraí do bheith ar aon talamh no fé agus gan na mianraí san do bheith á n-oibriú no gan iad do bheith á n-oibriú go héifeachtúil, féadfaidh an tAire, ach an fógra do thabhairt is gá do réir an ailt seo, éinní aca so leanas is rogha leis do dhéanamh, sé sin le rá:—


(a) dul isteach ar an talamh san agus gach ní do dhéanamh ann is gá no is inmhianuithe dar leis chun a dhéanamh amach cadé saghas no méid no luach na mianraí sin agus, go sonnrách, tuill agus puill do dhéanamh, uisce do ghlanadh as sean-oibrithe, agus caindíochta cuibhe de sna mianraí sin do thógaint agus do bhreith chun siúil chun taithbheach no tástáil no triail do dhéanamh;


(b) ceadúnas (dá ngairmtear ceadúnas lorgaireachta san Acht so) den tsórt san a húdaruítear leis an gCuid seo den Acht so do dheonadh do dhuine ar bith do réir na Coda so den Acht so maidir leis na mianraí sin.


(2) Ní dhéanfaidh an tAire, maidir le talamh ar bith, an ceart do bheirtear dó le mír (a) den fho-alt san roimhe seo den alt so ná an chomhacht do bheirtear dó le mír (b) den fho-alt san d'fheidhmiú go ceann mí tar éis dó fógra do sheirbheáil ar shealbhaire an tailimh sin á rá go bhfuil sé chun an chirt sin no na comhachta san, do réir mar a bheidh, d'fheidhmiú.


(3) Féadfar an fógra luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so do sheirbheáil leis an bpost cláruithe agus, nuair a bheidh sé á sheirbheáil amhlaidh, féadfar é dhíriú chun an tsealbhaire fé n-a ainm agus fé sheoladh na háite comhnaithe is déanaighe is eol do bheith aige no fé sheoladh an tailimh le n-a mbainfidh an fógra.


(4) Ní raghaidh an tAire isteach ar aon talamh fé mhír (a) den chéad fho-alt den alt so, ná ní dhéanfaidh ar an talamh san ní ar bith dá n-údaruítear leis an mír sin, gan an tAire Airgeadais do thoiliú chuige sin.


(5) An ceart ionadachta agus lorgaireachta a gairmtear san Acht so den cheart do bheirtear don Aire le mír (a) den chéad fho-alt den alt so.


Ceadúnais lorgaireachta.

8.—(1) Is ar na téarmaí agus na coinníollacha san a mheasfaidh an tAire do bheith ceart agus a luadhfaidh sa cheadúnas a deonfar gach ceadúnas lorgaireachta.


(2) Nuair a deonfar ceadúnas lorgaireachta dhó íocfaidh an ceadúnaidhe as leis an Aire an chomaoin sin a chinnfidh an tAire le haontú an Aire Airgeadais.


(3) Déarfaidh agus déanfaidh gach ceadúnas lorgaireachta a údarú don cheadúnaidhe, i rith na tréimhse sin a luadhfar sa cheadúnas san agus fé réir forálacha na Coda so den Acht so, dul isteach ar an talamh san a luadhfar sa cheadúnas san agus gach ní do dhéanamh ann a mheasfaidh an ceadúnaidhe is gá no is inmhianuithe chun a dhéanamh amach cadé saghas no méid no luach na mianraí atá ar an talamh san no fé agus, go sonnrách agus gan dochar do gheneráltacht na comhachta san adubhradh agus chun na gcrícheanna adubhradh, tuill agus puill do dhéanamh, uisce do ghlanadh as sean-oibrithe agus caindíochta cuibhe d'aon mhianraí den tsórt san do thógaint agus do bhreith chun siúil chun taithbheach no tástáil no triail do dhéanamh.


(4) Beidh i ngach ceadúnas lorgaireachta clás slánaíochta tré n-a ndéanfaidh an duine is ceadúnaidhe fén gceadúnas san an tAire do shlánú in aghaidh éilimh no uiriarratais ar bith a déanfar alos an tailimh no na mianraí, le n-a mbainfidh an ceadúnas san, no thiocfaidh ar aon tslí den cheadúnaidhe d'fheidhmiú aon chirt dá dtabharfar dó leis an gceadúnas san.


(5) Beidh i ngach ceadúnas lorgaireachta clás á cheangal ar an duine is ceadúnaidhe fén gceadúnas san na cearta do bheirtear dó leis an gceadúnas san d'fheidhmiú i slí ná cuirfidh isteach go neariachtanach ar thaithneamhacht na comhursanachta ina bhfuil an talamh agus na mianraí le n-a mbainfidh an ceadúnas san.


Iarratais ar cheadúnais lorgaireachta.

9.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin do dhéanamh chun gach críche no aon chríche no crícheanna aca so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ag ordú na fuirme agus na slí ina ndéanfar iarratais ar cheadúnais lorgaireachta;


(b) á cheangal go n-íocfar táillí nuair a déanfar iarratais den tsórt san agus ag ordú méideanna na dtáillí sin;


(c) ag luadh na gcoinníoll a bheidh le cólíonadh ag lucht iarrtha ceadúnas lorgaireachta;


(d) á cheangal ar gach duine iarrfaidh ceadúnas lorgaireachta fianaise do sholáthar ar a charachtar, ar a sheasamh i gcúrsaí airgeadais, agus ar a cháilíochta teicniúla agus urrús do thabhairt go gcólíonfaidh go cuibhe na hoblagáidí bheidh air fén gceadúnas san, agus ag ordú gné na fianaise sin agus an urrúis sin fé seach;


(e) ag luadh na dtéarmaí agus na gcoinníoll a bheidh le hionchorparú i gceadúnais lorgaireachta (ar a n-áirmhítear an tréimhse dá ndeonfar an ceadúnas) agus ag luadh na n-oblagáidí forchuirfear ar na daoine is ceadúnaithe fútha.


(2) Féadfar rialacháin deifriúla do dhéanamh fén alt so i dtaobh aicmí áirithe de cheadúnais lorgaireachta.


(3) Is amhlaidh a déanfar gach iarratas ar cheadúnas lorgaireachta ná do réir an mhéide sin, de sna rialacháin a déanfar fén alt so, a bhainfidh leis an iarratas san.


Cúiteamh i ndamáiste fé Chuid II.

10.—(1) Pé uair a thiocfaidh damáiste d'uachtar aon tailimh, go díreach no go nea-dhíreach—


(a) den Aire do dhéanamh feidhmithe fén gCuid seo den Acht so ar a cheart ionadachta agus lorgaireachta, no


(b) den cheadúnaidhe fé cheadúnas lorgaireachta d'fheidhmiú na gceart a bheidh aige fén gceadúnas san,


dlighfidh an tAire no an ceadúnaidhe sin (do réir mar a bheidh) cúiteamh (dá ngairmtear san Acht so cúiteamh i ndamáiste fé Chuid II) d'íoc sa damáiste sin.


(2) Cheal có-aontuithe, déanfar méid aon chúitimh i ndamáiste fé Chuid II do chinneadh do réir forálacha Coda VII den Acht so.


Srian le ceadúnaithe d'oibriú mianraí.

11.—(1) Ní dleathach d'aon duine is ceadúnaidhe fé cheadúnas lorgaireachta aon mhianraí ar an talamh no fén talamh, gur maidir leis do deonadh an ceadúnas san, d'oibriú ná do dhíol ná do chur de láimh ar shlí eile.


(2) Ní choiscfidh éinní atá san alt so duine is ceadúnaidhe fé cheadúnas lorgaireachta ar chaindíochta cuibhe de sna mianraí le n-a mbainfidh an ceadúnas san do thógaint, agus do bhreith chun siúil chun taithbheach no tástáil no triail do dhéanamh.


(3) Má dheineann aon duine is ceadúnaidhe fé cheadúnas lorgaireachta aon mhianraí d'oibriú no do dhíol no do chur de láimh ar shlí eile contrárdha don alt so, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad punt do chur air agus, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, fíneáil bhreise ná raghaidh thar caoga punt in aghaidh gach lae leanfar den chionta.


Ceadúnais lorgaireachta do cheiliúradh agus d'fhoirceannadh.

12.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire ceadúnas lorgaireachta do cheiliúradh tráth ar bith as a chomhairle féin.


(2) Críochnóidh ceadúnas lorgaireachta, más pearsa an duine is ceadúnaidhe fé, ar éag no ar fhéimeadh don duine sin no, más cólucht corpruithe an ceadúnaidhe sin, ar scur don chólucht san.


(3) Ar cheiliúradh no ar chríochnú ceadúnais lorgaireachta fén alt so—


(a) scuirfidh agus críochnóidh gach ceart agus comhacht is infheidhmithe ag an duine is ceadúnaidhe fé, ach san gan dochar d'aon oblagáid no fiachas a forchuirtear ar an gceadúnaidhe sin leis an Acht so no a forchuirfear air leis an gceadúnas sin;


(b) ní bheidh an ceadúnaidhe sin i dteideal aisíoc d'fháil in aon chuid den chomaoin a bheidh íoctha aige as deonadh an cheadúnais sin.


An tAire dá gheallúint léasanna do dheonadh.

13.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, ar é do dheonadh ceadúnais lorgaireachta no tráth ar bith i rith ré feidhme an cheadúnais sin, a gheallúint don duine is ceadúnaidhe fén gceadúnas san go ndéanfaidh, má thárlann tráth ar bith i rith ré feidhme an cheadúnais sin no ar éag an cheadúnais sin gur deimhin leis an Aire gur rathuigh an lorgaireacht do rinne an ceadúnaidhe sin agus gur coimeádadh agus gur cólíonadh coinníollacha an cheadúnais sin, léas mianadóireachta Stáit do dheonadh don cheadúnaidhe sin fé Chuid IV den Acht so agus éifeacht ag an léas san o pé lá, roimh éag an cheadúnais sin no dá éis sin, a luadhfar sa léas san.


(2) Is sa bhfuirm sin is oiriúnach leis an Aire agus le n-a dtoileoidh an tAire Airgeadais a bheidh gach geallúint den tsórt a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so, agus féadfar na téarmaí agus na coinníollacha (más ann dóibh) ar a ndeonfar an léas mianadóireachta Stáit le n-a mbainfidh an gheallúint sin do luadh inti.


(3) Pé uair a gheallfaidh an tAire léas mianadóireachta Stáit do dheonadh fén alt so, is dleathach don Aire an gheallúint sin do chólíonadh do réir téarmaí na geallúna san.



Mianrai Neamh-oibrithe agus Saoraidi Mianadoireachta do Thogaint go hEigeanta.


Orduithe um mianraí do thógaint.

14.—(1) Pé uair a chífear don Aire mianraí do bheith ar aon talamh no fé agus gan na mianraí sin do bheith á n-oibriú no gan iad do bheith á n-oibriú go héifeachtúil agus a mheasfaidh an tAire gurb inmhianuithe ar mhaithe leis an bpuiblíocht, d'fhonn feidhm do bhaint as na mianraí sin, oibriú na mianraí sin do bheith fé urláimh an Stáit, féadfaidh an tAire, ach toiliú an Aire Airgeadais do bheith aige chuige sin, tré ordú (dá ngairmtear san Acht so ordú um mianraí do thógaint) do dhéanamh, na mianraí sin do thógaint go héigeanta no aon-cheart mianadóireachta, alos na mianraí sin, do thógaint go héigeanta, pé aca mheasfaidh do bheith ceart agus le n-a dtoileoidh an tAire Airgeadais.


(2) Beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir le gach ordú um mianraí do thógaint, sé sin le rá:—


(a) luadhfar san ordú san gné, suidheamh, agus méid na mianraí le n-a mbainfidh;


(b) féadfar an t-ordú san do dhéanamh i dtaobh na mianraí uile ar aon talamh áirithe no fé no i dtaobh aon mhianra áirithe aca san no aon aicme áirithe de sna mianraí sin;


(c) más mianraí do thógaint a bheidh beartuithe do dhéanamh leis an ordú san, déarfaidh agus déanfaidh an t-ordú san na mianraí sin do dhílsiú san Aire i mbith-dhílse;


(d) mara mbeidh beartuithe ach aon-cheart mianadóireachta do thógaint leis an ordú san déarfaidh agus déanfaidh an t-ordú san an t-aon-cheart mianadóireachta san do dhílsiú san Aire ar feadh an téarma san a luadhfar chuige sin san ordú san;


(e) ní abróidh ná ní dhéanfaidh an t-ordú san uachtar aon tailimh ná aon fho-chearta do dhílsiú san Aire ach, fé réir na teorann san, féadfar gach foráil no aon fhoráil no forálacha, fóirlíontach nó fo-ghabhálach, a mheasfaidh an tAire do bheith ceart agus le n-a dtoileoidh an tAire Airgeadais, do chur san ordú san.


(3) Na mianraí uile tógfar le hordú um mianraí do thógaint agus gach aon-cheart mianadóireachta tógfar amhlaidh is tuigthe, chun crícheanna an Achta so, iad do bheith ina mianraí Stát-tógtha agus déanfar san Acht so an abairt “mianraí Státtógtha” do léiriú dá réir sin.


Foillseacháin agus seirbhísí maidir le horduithe um mianraí do thógaint.

15.—(1) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh an tAire ordú um mianraí do thógaint, déanfaidh gach ní aca so leanas chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis an orduithe sin do dhéanamh, sé sin le rá:—


(a) fógra d'fhoillsiú, i dtaobh an orduithe sin do dhéanamh, san Iris Oifigiúil agus sna páipéirí nuachta san is ceart dar leis;


(b) mapa den líomatáiste ina bhfuil na mianraí le n-a mbaineann an t-ordú san (agus é do réir scála oiriúnaigh agus gach mion-innsint iomchuibhe ar taisbeáint ann) do lóisteáil in oifig na Suirbhéireachta Geolaíochta, Baile Atha Cliath.


(2) An fógra a horduítear no a húdaruítear leis an bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so don Aire d'fhoillsiú, á rá go ndearnadh ordú um mianraí do thógaint, déarfar ann cé aca mianraí no aon-cheart mianadóireachta do tógadh leis an ordú san agus, i gceachtar cás, luadhfar ann, le mion-chruinneas cuibhe, suidheamh, gné agus méid na mianraí le n-a mbaineann an t-ordú san agus féadfar pé eolas eile (más ann dó), is oiriúnach leis an Aire, do chur ann i dtaobh an orduithe sin agus i dtaobh lánas an chéanna.


(3) Gach mapa lóisteálfar in oifig na Suirbhéireachta Geolaíochta, Baile Atha Cliath, de bhun an chéad fho-ailt den alt so, beidh sé ar fáil gach tráth réasúnta chun a iniúchta san oifig sin ag duine ar bith gur mian leis é iniúchadh.


Cúiteamh i mianraí Státtóghta.

16.—(1) Dlighfidh an tAire cúiteamh (dá ngairmtear san Acht so cúiteamh i mianraí Stát-tógtha) d'íoc in aon mhianraí no in aon-cheart mianadóireachta thógfaidh le hordú um mianraí do thógaint.


(2) Cheal có-aontuithe, déanfar cúiteamh i mianraí Stát-tógtha do chinneadh do réir forálacha Coda VII den Acht so.


Eilithe ar chúiteamh i mianraí Státtógtha.

17.—(1) Duine ar bith adeir teideal do bheith aige fén gCuid seo den Acht so chun cúitimh i mianraí Stát-tógtha do tógadh le hordú um mianraí do thógaint, féadfaidh éileamh ar an gcúiteamh san do lóisteáil leis an Aire tráth ar bith fé cheann dhá mhí, no fé cheann pé tréimhse, is sia ná san (Ach nach sia ar fad ná dhá mhí dhéag) cheadóidh an tAire in aon-chás áirithe, tar éis fógra do bheith foillsithe san Iris Oifigiúil i dtaobh an orduithe sin do bheith deanta.


(2) Ní bhreithneoidh an tAire aon éileamh, ar chúiteamh i mianraí Stát-tógtha, a lóisteálfar tar éis na tréimhse ceaptar leis an bho-alt san roimhe seo den alt so.


(3) Beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir le gach éileamh ar chúiteamh i mianraí Stát-tógtha, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ní foláir an t-éileamh san do bheith sa bhfuirm orduithe agus é dhéanamh agus é fhíorú sa tslí orduithe;


(b) luadhfar san éileamh san —


(i) cadé leas an iarratasóra sna mianraí Stát-tógtha san,


(ii) suidheamh, gné, agus méid na mianraí le n-a mbaineann an leas san,


(iii) gach éileamh no ualach fé n-a bhfuil an leas san, agus


(iv) na mion-innste eile sin a hordófar;


(c) bhéarfaidh neach déanta an éilimh sin don Aire, má cheanglann an tAire san air, an fhaisnéis sin a theastóidh uaidh chun an éilimh sin do bhreithniú.


(4) Má ceangailtear ar dhuine ar bith fé mhír (c) den fho-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so aon fhaisnéis do thabhairt don Aire, agus go ndéanfaidh an duine sin go toiliúil no ar nós cumaliom, chun crícheanna an éilimh le n-a mbaineann an fhaisnéis sin, aon ráiteas do thabhairt a bheidh bréagach no mí-threorach i bponc tábhachtach, beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga punt do chur air.


An tAire do thabhairt suas aon-chirt mhianadóireachta.

18.—Pé uair a thiocfaidh aon-cheart mianadóireachta chun bheith dílsithe san Aire de bhuadh ordú um mianraí do thógaint, féadfaidh an tAire, ach an tAire Airgeadais do thoiliú chuige, an ceart san do thabhairt suas, le hordú, tráth ar bith le linn an chirt sin do bheith dílsithe amhlaidh.


Talamh agus fo-chearta do thógaint go héigeanta.

19.—(1) Pé uair a mheasfaidh an tAire gur gá aon talamh áirithe no aon fho-cheart áirithe do thógaint chun feidhm do bhaint go héifeachtúil no go hacarach as aon mhianraí Stáit, féadfaidh an tAire, ach an tAire Airgeadais do thoiliú chuige, an talamh san no an fo-cheart san do thógaint go héigeanta ar feadh seala no go buan le hordú (dá ngairmtear san Acht so ordú um shaoráidí mianadóireachta do thógaint).


(2) Beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir le gach ordú um shaoráidí mianadóireachta do thógaint, sin sé le rá:—


(a) i gcás talamh do thógaint leis an ordú san, luadhfar ann achar agus suidheamh an tailimh sin agus gné agus faid ré an leasa sa talamh san a dílseofar san Aire leis an ordú san;


(b) i gcás fo-cheart do thógaint leis an ordú san, luadhfar ann gné an chirt sin, suidheamh aon mhaoine dá ndeineann feidhmiú an chirt sin deifir agus gné agus faid ré an leasa sa cheart san a dílseofar san Aire leis an ordú san;


(c) féadfar na forálacha san uile, fóirlíontach no fo-ghabhálach, do chur san ordú san a mheasfaidh an tAire do bheith ceart agus le n-a dtoileoidh an tAire Airgeadais;


(d) féadfar foráil do chur san ordú san á cheangal ar gach duine ar a mbeidh cúram a fheidhmithe áird chuibhe do thabhairt, le linn an orduithe sin do chur in éifeacht, ar thaithneamhacht na comharsanachta ina bhfuil an talamh no an fo-cheart a tógfar leis an ordú san;


(e) déarfaidh agus déanfaidh an t-ordú san an talamh no an fo-cheart a tógfar leis do dhílsiú san Aire go ceann na tréimhse sin agus sa tslí sin a luadhfar san ordú san.


Fógraí i dtaobh orduithe um shaordáidí mianadóireachta do thógaint.

20.—(1) Pé uair a bheartóidh an tAire ordú um shaoráidí mianadóireachta do thógaint do dhéanamh, cólíonfaidh pé foráil aca so leanas is oiriúnach, sé sin le rá:—


(a) i gcás an tAire dá bheartú aon talamh áirithe do thógaint leis an ordú san, déanfaidh, mí ar a laighead no, má bhíonn tigh comhnaithe gabhtha ar an talamh san, trí mhí ar a laighead roimh an ordú san do dhéanamh, fógra do sheirbheáil ar gach duine go bhfeicfear dó leas do bheith aige sa talamh san á rá go bhfuil sé ar intinn an t-ordú san do dhéanamh agus fógra den tsórt chéanna, i dtaobh san do bheith ar intinn aige, d'fhoillsiú uair amháin ar a laighead i ngach ceann de dhá pháipéar nuachta léightear i gcomharsanacht an tailimh sin;


(b) i gcás an tAire dó bheartú fo-cheart do thógaint leis an ordú san, déanfaidh, mí ar a laighead roimh an ordú san do dhéanamh, fógra do sheirbheáil ar gach duine go bhfeicfear dó leas do bheith aige in aon mhaoin dá ndéanfadh feidhmiú an chirt sin deifir, á rá go bhfuil sé ar intinn an t-ordú san do dhéanamh agus fós fógra den tsórt chéanna, i dtaobh san do bheith ar intinn aige, d'fhoillsiú uair amháin ar a laighead i ngach ceann de dhá pháipéar nuachta léightear i gcomhursanacht aon mhaoine den tsórt san.


(2) I ngach fógra is gá, do réir an fho-ailt sin roimhe seo den alt so, do sheirbheáil no d'fhoillsiú—


(a) luadhfar, i gcás an fógra san do bhaint le talamh do thógaint, suidheamh agus achar an tailimh sin chó mion-chruinn agus is gá chun go bhfeadfaí an talamh san d'aithint go réidh agus fós gné agus faid ré an leasa bheidh beartuithe do thógaint sa talamh san, no


(b) luadhfar, i gcás an fógra san do bhaint le fo-cheart do thógaint, gné an chirt sin agus fós an talamh no an mhaoin eile gur maidir leis a bheidh beartuithe an ceart san do thógaint, agus an tréimhse gur ar a feadh a bheidh beartuithe an ceart san do thógaint.


(4) Aon fhógra is gá, do réir an ailt seo, do sheirbheáil ar dhuine ar bith, féadfar é sheirbheáil tríd an bpost cláruithe agus, má seirbheáltar amhlaidh é, féadfar é dhíriú chun an duine sin fé sheoladh na háite comhnaithe is déanaighe is eol do bheith aige.


Cúiteamh i saoráidí mianadóireachta.

21.—(1) Dlighfidh an tAire cúiteamh (dá ngairmtear san Acht so cúiteamh i saoráidí mianadóireachta) d'íoc in aon talamh no focheart a thógfaidh fé ordú um shaoráidí mianadóireachta do thógaint.


(2) Cheal có-aontuithe, déanfar cúiteamh i saoráidí mianadóireachta do chinneadh do réir forálacha Coda VII den Acht so.


(3) Is cead gach éileamh ar chúiteamh i saoráidí mianadóireachta alos aon tailimh no fo-chirt a thógfaidh an tAire fé ordú um shaoráidí mianadóireachta do thógaint do dhéanamh tráth ar bith fé cheann dhá mhí, no fé cheann tréimhse, is sia ná san (ach nach sia ar fad ná ceithre mhí), a cheadóidh an tAire in aon chás áirithe, tar éis dáta an orduithe sin agus ní breithneofar aon éileamh den tsórt san ná deanfar laistigh den tréimhse sin.


Ceadúnais alos mianraí Státtógtha.

22.—(1) Pé uair a thógfaidh an tAire aon mhianraí le hordú um mianraí do thógaint, féadfaidh, tráth ar bith ina dhiaidh sin, ceadúnas (dá ngairmtear san Acht so ceadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha) do dheonadh do dhuine ar bith chun na mianraí sin d'oibriú.


(2) Pé uair a bheidh aon-cheart mianadóireachta dílsithe san Aire de bhuadh orduithe um mianraí do thógaint, féadfaidh an tAire ceadúnas (dá ngairmtear freisin san Acht so ceadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha) do dheonadh do dhuine ar bith chun an aon-chirt mhianadóireachta san d'fheidhmiú agus chun na mianraí le n-ar bhain an ceart san d'oibriú de bhuadh an chirt sin.


(3) Pé uair a dheonfaidh an tAire ceadúnas mianraí Státtógtha (dá ngairmtear an prímh-cheadúnas sa bhfo-alt so) beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) má thárlann, am deonta an phrímh-cheadúnais no tráth ar bith ina dhiaidh sin i rith ré feidhme an phrímhcheadúnais, go mbeidh aon talamh dílsithe san Aire, de bhuadh orduithe um shaoráidí mianadóireachta do thógaint, chun na mianraí d'oibriú no chun an aonchirt mhianadóireachta d'fheidhmiú (do réir mar a bheidh) le n-a mbainfidh an prímh-cheadúnas, féadfaidh an tAire fo-cheadúnas (dé ngairmtear san Acht so ceadúnas saoráidí mianadóireachta) do dheonadh don duine is ceadúnaidhe fén bprímh-cheadúnas chun an talamh, no aon chuid áirithe den talamh, a bheidh dílsithe amhlaidh san Aire d'úsáid chun na críche roimhráite agus do réir an orduithe sin;


(b) má thárlann, am deonta an phrímh-cheadúnais no tráth ar bith ina dhiaidh sin i rith ré feidhme an phrímhcheadúnais, go mbeidh aon fho-cheart no fo-chearta dílsithe san Aire, de bhuadh orduithe um shaoráidí mianadóireachta do thógaint, chun na mianraí d'oibriú no chun an aon-chirt mhianadóireachta d'fheidhmiú (do réir mar a bheidh) le n-a mbainfidh an prímhcheadúnas, féadfaidh an tAire fo-cheadúnas (dá ngairmtear freisin san Acht so ceadúnas saoráidí mianadóireachta) do dheonadh don duine is ceadúnaidhe fén bprímh-cheadúnas chun an fo-cheart, no gach ceann no aon cheann no cinn áirithe de sna fo-chearta, a bheidh dílsithe amhlaidh san Aire d'fheidhmiú chun na críche roimhráite agus do réir an orduithe sin;


(c) pé uair a dhéanfaidh an tAire ceadúnas mianraí Státtógtha agus ceadúnas no ceadúnaisí saoráidí mianadóireachta do dheonadh don aon duine amháin alos na mianraí gcéanna no an aon-chirt mhianadóireachta chéanna, féadfar, má lomhálann cúrsaí an cháis é, au ceadúnas no na ceadúnaisí mianadóireachta san do chur sa cheadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha san;


(d) pé uair a dhéanfaidh an tAire dhá cheadúnas saoráidí mianadóireachta do dheonadh don aon duine amháin alos na mianraí gcéanna no an aon-chirt mhianadóireachta chéanna agus ná beidh na ceadúnais sin curtha isteach i gceadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha féadfar, má lomhálann cúrsaí an cháis é, an dá cheadúnas saoráidí mianadóireachta san do chur in aon cheadúnas amháin den tsórt san.


Iarratais ar cheadúnais alos mianraí Státtógtha.

23.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin do dhéanamh chun gach críche no aon chríche no crícheanna aca so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) ag ordú na fuirme agus na slí ina n-iarfar ceadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha no ceadúnas saoráidí mianadóireachta;


(b) á cheangal go n-íocfar táillí nuair a déanfar iarratais den tsórt san agus ag ordú méideanna na dtáillí sin;


(c) ag luadh na gcoinníoll a bheidh le cólíonadh ag lucht iarrtha aon cheadúnais den tsórt san;


(d) ag luadh na dtéarmaí agus na gcoinníoll a bheidh le hionchorparú i gceadúnais den tsórt san (ar a n-áirmhítear an tréimhse dá ndeonfar an ceadúnas) agus ag luadh na n-oblagáidí forchuirfear le ceadúnais den tsórt san ar na daoine is ceadúnaithe fútha agus, go sonnrách, á cheangal ar an té is ceadúnaidhe fé aon cheadúnas den tsórt san áird chuibhe do thabhairt, le linn na gceart do bhéarfar dó leis an gcéanna do bheith a bhfeidhmiú aige, do thaithneamhachtaí na comhursanachta ina mbeidh an ní le n-a mbainfidh an ceadúnas san;


(e) á cheangal ar gach duine iarrfaidh ceadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha fianaise do sholáthar ar a charachtar, ar a sheasamh i gcúrsaí airgeadais, agus ar a cháilíochta teicniúla agus urrús do thabhairt go gcólíonfaidh go cuibhe na hoblagáidí bheidh air fén gceadúnas san, agus ag ordú gné na fianaise sin agus an urrúis sin fé seach.


(2) Féadfar rialacháin deifriúla do dhéanamh fén alt so i dtaobh aicmí áirithe ceadúnas.


(3) Is amhlaidh a déanfar gach iarratas ar cheadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha no ar cheadúnas saoráidí mianadóireachta ná do réir an mhéide sin, de sna rialacháin a déanfar fén alt so, a bhainfidh leis an iarratas san.


Fuirm agus lánas ceadúnas alos mianraí Státtógtha.

24.—(1) Beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir le gach ceadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha agus gach ceadúnas saoráidí mianadóireachta, sé sin le rá:—


(a) is ar na téarmaí agus na coinníollacha san a mheasfaidh an tAire is ceart agus a luadhfaidh sa cheadúnas san a deonfar an ceadúnas san, agus féadfar téarmaí agus coinníollacha deifriúla do luadh amhlaidh i dtaobh ceadúnas mianraí Stat-tógtha agus i dtaobh ceadúnas saoráidí mianadóireachta;


(b) nuair a deonfar an ceadúnas san déanfaidh an ceadúnaidhe an chomaoin sin a chinnfidh an tAire le haontú an Aire Airgeadais d'íoc leis an Aire ar an gceadúnas san.


(2) Déarfaidh agus déanfaidh gach ceadúnas mianraí Státtógtha ceart do thabhairt don cheadúnaidhe, ar feadh na tréimhse sin a luadhfar sa cheadúnas, chun pé ní aca so leanas a luadhfar sa cheadúnas do dhéanamh, sé sin le rá:—


(a) na mianraí luadhfar sa cheadúnas d'oibriú;


(b) an t-aon-cheart mianadóireachta luadhfar sa cheadúnas d'fheidhmiú agus, de bhuadh an chirt sin, na mianraí luadhfar sa cheadúnas d'oibriú.


(3) I gcás ceadúnas saoráidí mianadóireachta (dá ngairmtear an fo-cheadúnas sa bhfo-alt so) do dheonadh mar fho-cheadúnas don duine is ceadúnaidhe fé cheadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha (dá ngairmtear an prímh-cheadúnas sa bhfo-alt so) déarfaidh agus déanfaidh an fo-cheadúnas ceart do thabhairt don cheadúnaidhe sin, ar feadh na tréimhse sin a luadhfar sa bhfo-cheadúnas, chun pé ní aca so leanas a luadhfar sa bhfo-cheadúnas do dhéanamh, sé sin le rá:—


(a) an talamh a luadhfar sa bhfo-cheadúnas d'úsáid chun oibrithe na mianraí no chun feidhmithe an aon-chirt mhianadóireachta (fé mar a bheidh) le n-a mbainfidh an prímh-cheadúnas agus san do réir an orduithe um shaoráidí mianadóireachta do thógaint is iomchuibhe;


(b) an fo-cheart san no gach ceann no aon cheann no cinn áirithe de sna fo-chearta san a luadhfar sa bhfocheadúnas d'fheidhmiú chun na críche roimhráite agus do réir an orduithe sin.


Cúiteamh i ndamáiste fé Chuid III.

25.—(1) Pé uair a déanfar damáiste d'uachtar aon tailimh, go díreach no go nea-dhíreach, tríd an gceadúnaidhe fé cheadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha no fé cheadúnas saoráidí mianadóireachta d'fheidhmiú na gceart a bheidh aige fén gceadúnas san, dlighfidh an ceadúnaidhe sin cúiteamh (dá ngairmtear san Acht so cúiteamh i ndamáiste fé Chuid III) d'íoc sa damáiste sin.


(2) Cheal có-aontuithe, déanfar méid aon chúitimh i ndamáiste fé Chuid III do chinneadh do réir forálacha Coda VII den Acht so.


Mianrai Stait.


Léasanna mianadóireachta Stáit.

26.—(1) Más dóich leis an Aire gurb é leas na puiblíochta aon mhianraí Stáit do dheonadh do dhuine ar bith tré léas féadfaidh an tAire na mianraí sin d'aistriú chun an duine sin tré léas (dá ngairmtear san Acht so léas mianadóireachta Stáit) ar feadh an téarma san a mheasfaidh an tAire do bheith ceart.


(2) Beidh feidhm agus éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas maidir le gach léas mianadóireachta Stáit, sé sin le rá:—


(a) maran rud é gur dóich leis an Aire, le haontú an Aire Airgeadais, gur ceart ar mhaithe leis an bpuiblíocht an léas san do thabhairt saor o íoc, bhéarfar an léas san fé réir an choinníll go n-íocfar leis an Aire, mar fhíneáil no roimh-íoc no mar chíos (agus rí-chíos d'áireamh) no ar gach slí no aon tslí aca san, an t-airgead san a mheasfaidh an tAire, le haontú an Aire Airgeadais, do bheith ceart agus ar a gcó-aontóidh leis an léasaidhe;


(b) beidh sa léas san na cumhnanta agus na coinníollacha agus na fo-chó-aontuithe sin (más aon cheann é), i bpáirt an Aire no an léasaidhe, a mheasfaidh an tAire do bheith ceart no inmhianuithe ar mhaithe leis an bpuiblíocht agus ar a gcó-aontóidh leis an léasaidhe;


(c) féadfaidh clás do bheith sa léas san á fhoráil go ndéanfar athnuachaint no athnuachaintí as a chéile air gan coinníoll no ar na coinníollacha san a luadhfar sa léas san;


(d) beidh an tAire Airgeadais ina pháirtidhe sa léas san.


(3) I e linn bheith ag feidhmiú na gcomhacht fé seach a bheirtear dóibh leis an alt so agus, go sonnrách, le linn bheith á chin neadh cadé an íocaíocht (más aon cheann é) ba cheart don léasaí fé léas mhianadóireachta Stáit do dhéanamh leis an Aire agus cadiad na cumhnanta no na coinníollacha (más aon cheann é) ba cheart do bheith sa léas san, féadfaidh an tAire agus an tAire Airgeadais áird do thabhairt ar na buntáistí generálta is dócha thiocfadh don Stát de sna mianraí Stáit a haistreofar leis an léas san d'fhorbairt agus fós a mhéid is inmhianuithe, ar mhaithe leis an bpuiblíocht, aon chuid de sna mianraí bainfear fén léas san do choiméad chun iad d'úsáid sa Stát mar amh-abhair do thionnscail atá no bheidh bunuithe sa Stát.


Léasaithe fé léasanna mianadóireachta Stáit do thabhairt faisnéise.

27.—(1) Gach duine is léasaidhe fé léas mhianadóireachta Stáit bhéarfaidh don Aire fé cheann ocht lá fichead tar éis don Aire a cheangal air é dhéanamh pé faisnéis a theastóidh ón Aire aon uair i dtaobh na mianraí a haistrítear leis an léas san no i dtaobh oibriú na mianraí sin.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin do dhéanamh maidir le léasaithe fé léasanna mianadóireachta Stáit do thabhairt faisnéise i dtaobh na mianraí no oibriú na mianraí a haistrítear leis na léasanna san agus féadfar a cheangal leis na rialacháin sin an fhaisnéis sin do thabhairt i dteannta na faisnéise, agus gan dochar don fhaisnéis, is gá do thabhairt fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin romhe seo den alt so.


(3) Duine ar bith dar gá, do réir an ailt seo no do réir aon rialacháin a déanfar fé, aon fhaisnéis do thabhairt don Aire agus—


(a) a fhailleoidh no dhiúltóidh an fhaisnéis sin do thabhairt, no


(b) a bhéarfaidh go bhfios dó aon fhaisnéis den tsórt san a bheidh bréagach no mí-threorach i bponc tábhachtach, no


(c) a bhéarfaidh faillighe ar aon tslí eile i gcólíonadh forálacha an ailt seo no aon rialacháin déanfar fé,


beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar deich bpúint do chur air agus, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, fíneáil eile ná raghaidh thar deich bpúint in aghaidh gach lae leanfar den chionta san.


Ceadanna mianadóireachta Stáit do dheonadh.

28.—(1) I gcás—


(a) aon tsubstaintí le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so do bheith i bhfoslach de mhianraí Stáit, agus


(b) a bheith de mhian ag aon duine cead d'fháil aon cheann no cinn de sna substaintí sin d'oibriú ina gcaindíochta beaga, agus


(c) an duine sin dá chur ina luighe ar an Aire, toisc laighead luach no caindíocht na substaintí is mian leis d'oibriú no toisc giorracht na tréimhse is main leis do thabhairt á n-oibriú no toisc éinní eile, gur fíor-bheag le rá an cead a theastuíonn agus gur beag an deifir a dhéanfaidh don fhoslach san de mhianraí Stáit,


féadfaidh an tAire más oiriúnach leis é, ar n-a iarraidh sin don duine sin do réir an ailt seo, ceart (dá ngairmtear san Acht so cead mianadóireachta Stáit) do dheonadh don duine sin chun na substaintí sin d'oibriú ina gcaindíochta beaga.


(2) Gach cead mianadóireachta Stáit a deonfar fén alt so beidh sé i scríbhinn agus déanfaidh agus déarfaidh ceart do thabhairt don duine dá ndeontar é chun na cinn a luaidhtear ann de sna substantí le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so d'oibriú agus chun éinní do dhéanamh a ghabhann le hoibriú na substaintí sin, ach san fé réir na srian san, maidir leis an gcaindíocht de mhianraí a hoibreofar agus le faid ré an oibrithe agus fé réir na dtéarmaí agus na gcoinníoll eile a luadhfar amhlaidh.


(3) Féadfar cead mianadóireachta Stáit do thabhairt (fé mar is oiriúnach leis an Aire tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Airgeadais) saor o íoc no fé réir an choinníll go n-íocfaidh an duine dá ndeonfar é, leis an Aire, mar fhíneáil no roimh-íoc no mar chíos (pé aca marbh-chíos no rí-chíos é) no ar gach slí no aon tslí aca san, an t-airgead san is dóich leis an Aire, tar éis dul i gcomhairle mar adubhradh, do bheith ceart.


(4) Ní oibreoidh cead mianadóireachta Stáit chun aon-cheart mianadóireachta. maidir leis na mianraí le n-a mbaineann an cead san, do thabhairt don duine dá ndeonfar an cead san.


(5) Baineann an t-alt so le gach mianra sceidealta agus le gach cumasc mianrúil agus gach substaint mhianrúil agus, san alt so, léireofar dá réir sin an abairt “substaint le n-a mbaineann an t-alt so”.


Cosaint maidir le tailte Stáit.

29.—Ní dheonfaidh an tAire léas mianadóireachta Stáit ná cead mianadóireachta Stáit maidir le mianraí ar thalamh no fé thalamh a bheidh dílsithe in aon Aire Stáit eile no ar seilbh aige ach amháin tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire sin.


Ceart an Aire chun mianraí Stáit d'oibriú no do chur dá láimh.

30.—(1) Le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais is dleathach don Aire aon uair, fé réir téarmaí aon léasa, ceadúnais no ceada dheonfa sé fén Acht so, mianraí Stáit, pé áit ina mbeid, d'oibriú agus na mianraí do gheobhfar leis an oibriú san do dhíol no do chur dá láimh ar aon tslí eile.


(2) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh an tAire mianraí do dhíol no do chur dá láimh fén alt so déanfar sochar an díola san no an churtha de láimh sin d'íoc isteach sa Stát-Chiste no do chur chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste sa tslí ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais.


Ceart ionadachta agus úsáide tailimh ina mbeidh mianraí Stáit.

31.—(1) I gcás mianraí Stáit do bheith ar aon talamh no fé, is dleathach don Aire aon uair, fé réir téarmaí aon léasa, ceadúnais, no ceada bheidh deonta aige fén Acht so, dul isteach ar an talamh san agus é d'úsáid ar pé slí is gá do réir réasúin chun na mianraí sin d'oibriú no chun aon chríche ghabhann leis sin.


(2) Má bhíonn mianraí Stáit ar na mianraí le n-a mbainfidh aon léas mianadóireachta Stáit no cead mianadóireachta Stáit féadfaidh léasaidhe an léasa san no sealbhóir an cheadúnais sin (pé aca é), le linn ré an léasa no an cheadúnais sin, dul isteach ar an talamh ar a bhfuil no fé n-a bhfuil na mianraí sin agus an talamh san d'úsáid ar pé slí is gá do réir réasúin chun na mianraí sin d'oibriú no chun aon chríche ghabhann leis sin.


(3) Pé uair a déanfar damáiste d'uachtar aon tailimh go díreach no go nea-dhíreach—


(a) tré mhianraí Stáit d'oibriú no tré éinní do dhéanamh a ghabhann leis sin, no


(b) tré cheart ionadachta agus úsáide tailimh do bheirtear leis an alt so d'fheidhmiú,


dlighfidh neach déanta an damáiste sin, pé aca an tAire no léasaidhe léasa mhianadóireachta Stáit no sealbhóir ceada mhianadóireachta Stáit é, cúiteamh (dá ngairmtear san Acht so cúiteamh i ndamáiste fé Chuid IV) d'íoc sa damáiste sin.


(4) Cheal có-aontuithe déanfar méid aon chúitimh i ndamáiste fé Chuid IV do chinneadh do réir forálacha Coda VII den Acht so.


Mianraí Stáit tréigthe d'fhálú.

32.—(1) I gcás oibriú aon mhianraí Stáit do thréigean no do stad roimh an Acht so do rith no dá éis sin, féadfaidh an tAire a thabhairt go ndéanfar barr no ionadacht gach seafta no slí amach a húsáidtear i ndáil leis an oibriú san do thimpeallú le déanmhas buan is leor chun tionóiscí do chosc agus féadfaidh dul isteach ar aon talamh chun san do dhéanamh.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire a údarú do dhuine ar bith i scríbhinn na comhachta bheirtear don Aire leis an bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so d'fheidhmiú don Aire agus thar a cheann agus, pé uair údaróidh an tAire amhlaidh do dhuine ar bith, féadfaidh an duine sin (dá ngairmtear gníomhaire don Aire san alt so) na comhachta san d'fheidhmiú don Aire agus in ainm agus thar ceann an Aire.


(3) Má dheineann aon duine bac no cur isteach ar ghníomhaire don Aire agus an gníomhaire sin ag feidhmiú na gcomhacht do bhéarfar dó de bhuadh na bhforálacha san roimhe seo den alt so beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar cúig púint do chur air.


(4) Ní bheidh aon chúiteamh iníoctha alos ná de dheascaibh feidhmiú na gcomhacht do bheirtear don Aire leis an alt so no do bhéarfar do ghníomhaire don Aire.


(5) Ní shaorfaidh éinní san alt so duine ar bith o aon fhiachas a bheidh air fé aon Acht eile no ar aon tslí eile.


An Bord Mianadoireachta.


An Bord Mianadóireachta do bhunú.

33.—(1) Bunófar bord ar a dtabharfar an Bord Mianadóireachta (dá ngairmtear “an Bord” san Acht so) agus ar a mbeidh cathaoirleach agus dhá ghnáth-bhall chun na bhfeidhmeanna ceaptar dó leis an Acht so do chólíonadh.


(2) Isé bheidh ina chathaoirleach ar an mBord abhcóide bheidh ag cleachtadh a ghairme agus seasamh deich mblian ar a laighead aige no atúrnae bheidh ag cleachtadh a ghairme agus seasamh deich mblian ar a laighead aige agus isiad a bheidh ina ngnáthbhaill duine is ball den phaineul d'eadrascánaithe oifigiúla do ceapadh fén Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, ar n-a leasú leis an Acht Chun Talamh do Thógaint (Coiste Réitigh), 1925 (Uimh. 22 de 1925), agus duine is oifigeach don Aire.


(3) Ceapfaidh an tAire gach ball den Bhord go ceann pé tréimhse is oiriúnach leis agus féadfaidh an tAire é do chur as oifig agus féadfaidh an ball féin eirghe as a oifig aon uair.


(4) Féadfar pé táillí no luach saothair eile agus pé costaisí chinnfidh an tAire Airgeadais d'íoc le ball ar bith den Bhord as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas.


(5) Más rud é, ar chúis ar bith, go mbeidh aon bhall den Bhord ar feadh sealaid gan bheith ábalta ar fhreastal ar shuidheanna an Bhúird féadfaidh an tAire duine eile do cheapadh chun gníomhú mar bhall den Bhord ar feadh an tsealaid sin, ach ní ceapfar éinne chun gníomhú mar bhall den Bhord fén bhfo-alt so mara mbeidh na cáilíochta aige is gá do réir fo-ailt (2) den alt so do bheith ag an mball den Bhord gur ina ionad a ceapfar an duine sin go sealadach amhlaidh.


Rialacháin i gcóir imeachta i láthair an Bhúird.

34.—Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh gach ní no éinní no nithe aca so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) uaireanna agus áiteanna suidheanna an Bhúird;


(b) na daoine dá dtabharfar agus na huaireanna agus an tslí ina dtabharfar fógra i dtaobh suidheanna an Bhúird;


(c) an phuiblíocht do leigint isteach chun suidheanna an Bhúird no do dhúnadh amach uatha;


(d) pé nithe eile i dtaobh cleachtadh agus nós imeachta an Bhúird a cheapfaidh an tAire do bheith riachtanach no oiriúnach chun gnó an Bhúird do dhéanamh sa cheart.


Comhachta an Bhúird.

35.—(1) Chun a chur d'fhiachaibh ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair agus chun a gceistnithe fé mhionn (agus údaruítear leis seo d'aon bhall den Bhord fínnithe do chur fé mhionn) no ar aon tslí eile agus chun a chur d'fhiachaibh ar dhaoine scríbhinní do thabhairt ar áird, beidh ag an mBord gach comhacht, ceart, agus príbhléid atá dílsithe san Ard-Chúirt no i mBreitheamh den Ard-Chúirt maidir le triail aicsin, agus beidh gairm a bheidh sighnithe ag aon bhall no baill den Bhord ar aon dul agus ar aon éifeacht le próiseas fuirmiúil do bhéarfadh an Ard-Chúirt amach chun a chur d'fhiachaibh ar fhínnithe teacht i láthair agus chun a chur d'fhiachaibh ar dhaoine scríbhinní do thabhairt ar áird (pé aca é).


(2) Má dheineann éinne—


(a) faillighe i dteacht i láthair an Bhúird agus é gairmthe go cuibhe chun teacht ina láthair mar fhínné, no


(b) ar bheith i láthair dó mar fhínné, diúltú do mhionn do thabhairt a cheanglóidh an Bord air go dlíthiúil do thabhairt no d'aon scríbhinn fé n-a chomhacht no fé n-a chúram do thabhairt ar áird a cheanglóidh an Bord air go dlíthiúil do thabhairt ar áird no d'aon cheist do fhreagairt a bhféadfadh an Bord a cheangal air go dlíthiúil í d'fhreagairt, no


(c) éinní ba dhísbeagadh Cúirte dá mba Chúirt Bhreithiúnais an Bord agus comhacht aige chun daoine do chur i bpríosún mar gheall ar dhísbeagadh Cúirte,


féadfaidh an Bord cionta an duine sin do dheimhniú fé n-a lámhaibh don Ard-Chúirt agus féadfaidh an Chúirt sin, tar éis pé fiosrú is oiriúnach léi do dhéanamh, an duine sin do phionósú no pé ní do dhéanamh is gá chun é do phionósú díreach fé is dá mbeadh sé ciontach sa Chúirt sin do dhísbeagadh.


(3) Beidh teideal ag fínné i láthair an Bhúird chun na saoirsí agus na bpríbhléidí céanna chun a mbeadh teideal aige dá mb'fhínné i láthair na hArd-Chúirte é.


An Bord no oifigigh don Bhord do dhul isteach ar thalamh.

36.—(1) Chun aon chríche bhaineann le feidhmiú na bhfeidhmeanna ceaptar don Bhord leis an Acht so féadfaidh aon bhall den Bhord agus aon duine go n-údarás chuige sin ón mBord dul isteach ar aon talamh agus pé taigheadh do dhéanamh ann is dóich leis an mBord is gá chun na gcrícheanna roimhráite.


(2) Má chuireann duine ar bith bac no cosc le haon bhall den Bhord no le haon duine go n-údarás ón mBord agus é ag feidhmiú na gcomhacht do bheirtear don bhall no don duine sin leis an alt so, beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar deich bpúint do chur air.


Fuireann an Bhúird.

37.—(1) Ceapfaidh an tAire rúnaidhe don Bhord, agus féadfaidh pé oifigigh agus seirbhísigh eile don Bhord do cheapadh is dóich leis is gá chun cabhrú leis an mBord chun a bhfeidhmeanna d'fheidhmiú, fé réir an Aire Airgeadais do thoiliú le líon na ndaoine sin.


(2) Beidh rúnaidhe agus oifigigh agus seirbhísigh eile an Bhúird i seilbh oifige ar na téarmaí agus bhéarfar luach saothair dóibh do réir na rátaí agus ar an slí cheadóidh an tAire Airgeadais.


Saoraidi chun Mianrai Unaeri Priobhaideacha d'Fhorbairt agus Srian do Chur le hOibriu Mianrai is ga chun Talamh no Foirginti do Thacu.


Iarratais ar cheadúnais mhianraí neamhoibrithe.

38.—(1) Duine ar bith le n-ar mian go bhfuigheadh fén Acht so ceadúnas (dá ngairmtear san Acht so ceadúnas mianraí neamhoibrithe) chun aon mhianraí áirithe d'oibriú, féadfaidh a iarraidh i scríbhinn ar an Aire ceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe do dheonadh dhó maidir leis na mianraí sin.


(2) Is sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe déanfar gach iarratas fén alt so ar cheadúnas mhianraí neamh-oibrithe agus beidh sé fíoruithe sa tslí orduithe agus na mion-innste sin ann is gá do réir na fuirme orduithe sin agus ortha san ráiteas ar na fíorais ar a seasuíonn an t-iarratasóir chun neartú le n-a iarratas.


(3) Fé cheann na haimsire orduithe tar éis iarratas do dhéanamh fén alt so seirbheálfaidh an t-iarratasóir cóip den iarratas san sa tslí orduithe ar gach duine de sna daoine orduithe.


(4) Duine ar bith ar a seirbheálfar, de bhun an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so, cóip d'iarratas do rinneadh fén alt so féadfaidh, más oiriúnach leis é, cúis do phlé leis an Aire i dtaobh an iarratais sin aon uair laistigh den tréimhse sin a hordófar agus nach giorra ná trí seachtaine tar éis na cóipe sin do sheirbheáil air.


Srian le ceadúnais mhianraí neamhoibrithe do dheonadh.

39.—(1) Ní deonfar ceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe mara gcólíontar gach coinníoll aca so leanas (dá ngairmtear na coinníollacha reachtúla san Acht so), sé sin le rá:—


(a) na mianraí gur maidir leo bheidh an ceadúnas san á iarraidh, ná fuilid á n-oibriú no ná fuilid á n-oibriú go héifeachtúil;


(b) gur mian le neach iarrtha an cheadúnais sin na mianraí sin d'oibriú agus go bhfuil an acfuinn teicniúil agus an acfuinn airgeadais aige is gá chun na mianraí sin d'oibriú sa cheart agus go héifeachtúil, agus


(c) gur ró-dheacair don iarratasóir sin ceart d'fháil, le socrú príobháidheach, chun na mianraí sin d'oibriú.


(2) Ní deonfar ceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe maidir le mianraí Stáit mara mbaineann léas mianadóireachta Stáit leo agus má deontar ceadúnas den tsórt san maidir le mianraí le n-a mbaineann léas den tsórt san ní sia bheidh ré an ceadúnais sin ná a mbeidh gan caitheamh fós den téarma deontar leis an léas san.


Iarratais ar cheadúnais fho-cheart.

40.—(1) Duine ar bith le n-ar mian go bhfuigheadh fén Acht so ceadúnas (dá ngairmtear ceadúnas fó-cheart san Acht so) chun fo-cheart d'fheidhmiú maidir le hoibriú mianraí a bhfuil teideal aige (seachas fé léas mhianadóireachta Stáit no fé cheadúnas mhianraí Stát-tóghta) chun iad d'oibriú, féadfaidh a iarraidh i scríbhinn ar an Aire ceadúnas fo-cheart do dheonadh dhó maidir leis na mianraí sin d'oibriú.


(2) Is sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe déanfar gach iarratas fén alt so ar cheadúnas fho-cheart agus beidh sé fíoruithe sa tslí orduithe agus na míon-innste sin ann is gá do réir na fuirme orduithe sin agus ortha san ráiteas ar na fíorais ar a seasuíonn an t-iarratasóir chun neartú le n-a iarratas.


(3) Fé cheann na haimsire orduithe tar éis iarratas do dhéanamh fén alt so, seirbheálfaidh an t-iarratasóir cóip den iarratas san sa tslí orduithe ar gach duine de sna daoine orduithe.


(4) Duine ar bith ar a seirbheálfar, de bhun an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so, cóip d'iarratas do rinneadh fén alt so, féadfaidh, más oiriúnach leis é, cúis do phlé leis an Aire i dtaobh an iarratais sin aon uair laistigh den trémhse sin a hordófar agus nach giorra ná trí seachtaine tar éis na cóipe sin do sheirbheáil air:


Srian le ceadúnais fhocheart do dheonadh.

41.—(1) Ní deonfar ceadúnas fo-cheart mara gcólíontar gach coinníoll aca so leanas (dá ngairmtear na coinníollacha reachtúla san Acht so), sé sin le rá:—


(a) na mianraí gur maidir leo bheidh an ceadúnas san á iarraidh, go bhfuil an t-iarratasóir i dteideal iad d'oibriú, agus


(b) an fo-cheart gur maidir leis a bheidh an ceadúnas san á iarraidh, gur gá don iarratasóir sin é chun na mianraí sin d'oibriú, agus


(c) gur ró-dheacair don iarratasóir sin an fo-cheart san d'fháil le socrú príobháideach.


(2) Ní deonfar ceadúnas fo-cheart maidir le hoibriú mianraí Stáit mara mbaineann léas mianadóireachta Stáit leo agus má deontar ceadúnas den tsórt san maidir le hoibriú mianraí Stáit le n-a mbaineann léas den tsórt san ní sia bheidh ré an cheadúnais sin ná a mbeidh gan caitheamh fós den téarma deontar leis an léas san.


Iarratais ar orduithe buanchoimeádta taca íochta

42.—(1) Duine ar bith ag á mbeidh leas i dtalamh agus le n-ar mian go bhfuigheadh fén Acht so, d'fhonn leor-thacaíocht d'áirithiú d'fhoirgint a bheidh tógtha no le tógáil ar an talamh san, ordú (dá ngairmtear san Acht so ordú buanchoimeádta tacaíochta) ag cur sriain le mianadóireacht fén talamh san no fé thalamh ina aice, féadfaidh ordú buanchoimeádta tacaíochta d'iarraidh i scríbhinn ar an Aire maidir leis an talamh san agus le talamh ina aice.


(2) Is sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe déanfar gach iarratas fén alt so ar ordú bhuanchoimeádta tacaíochta agus beidh sé fíoruithe sa tslí orduithe agus na mion-innste sin ann is gá do réir na fuirme orduithe sin agus ortha san ráiteas ar na fíorais ar a seasuíonn an t-iarratasóir chun neartú le n-a iarratas.


(3) Fé cheann na haimsire orduithe tar éis iarratas do dhéanamh fén alt so, seirbheálfaidh an t-iarratasóir cóip den iarratas san ar gach duine de sna daoine orduithe.


(4) Duine ar bith ar a seirbheálfar, de bhun an fho-ailt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so, cóip d'iarratas do rinneadh fén alt so, féadfaidh, más oiriúnach leis é, cúis do phlé leis an Aire i dtaobh an iarratais sin aon uair laistigh den tréimhse sin a hordófar agus nach giorra ná trí seachtaine tar éis na cóipe sin do sheirbheáil air.


(5) Sa chuid seo den Acht so foluíonn an focal “foirgint” gach saghas tógála no déanmhais no oibre saordha ar thalamh, pé aca os cionn an uachtair ar fad dó, no go leathrannach os cionn an uachtair agus go leathrannach fé, no fén uachtar ar fad, agus fós foluíonn aon rud nádúrtha is séadchomhartha náisiúnta do réir bhrí Acht na Séadchomharthaí Náisiúnta, 1930 (Uimh. 2 de 1930).


(6) I gcás foirginte is séadchomhartha náisiúnta do réir bhrí Acht na Séadchomharthaí Náisiúnta, 1930, agus a bheidh, de bhuadh an Achta san, fé chaomhnóireacht Choimisinéirí na nOibreacha Poiblidhe in Éirinn no údaráis áitiúil do réir bhrí an Achta san is tuigthe na Coimisinéirí sin no an t-údarás áitiúil sin, pé aca é, do bheith ina nduine go leas sa talamh ar a bhfuil no ina bhfuil an fhoirgint sin.


Srian le horduithe buanchoimeádta tacaíochta do dheonadh.

43.—(1) Ní deonfar ordú buanchoimeádta tacaíochta mara gcólíontar gach coinníoll aca so leanas (dá ngairmtear na coinníollacha reachtúla san Acht so), sé sin le rá:—


(a) oibrithe mianadóireachta bhainfidh o chobhsaíocht na foirginte gur maidir léi bheidh an t-ordú á iarraidh, go bhfuilid no gur réasúnta a mheas go mbeid á ndéanamh fén talamh ar a bhfuil no ina bhfuil an fhoirgint sin no fé thalamh in aice an tailimh sin, agus


(b) go gcuirfidh neach iarrtha an orduithe sin ina luighe ar an Ard-Aighne ná fuil teideal dlí aige chun cirt tacaíochta i leith na foirginte sin tré n-a bhfeadfadh faoiseamh d'fháil i gcúirt dlí maidir leis na hoibrithe mianadóireachta san, agus


(c) gur ró-dheacair don iarratasóir sin ceart d'fháil, le socrú príobháideach, chun tacaíocht do bhuanchoimeádfadh cobhsaíocht na foirginte sin go héifeachtúil.


(2) Féadfar i gcás inar ceart é, ordú buanchoimeádta tacaíochta do dhéanamh maidir le hoibriú mianraí Stáit.


Iarratais do bhreithniú roimh ré, agus a gcur fé bhráid an Bhúird.

44.—Pé uair a gheobhaidh an tAire iarratas ar cheadúnas mhianraí neamh-oibrithe, ar cheadúnas fho-cheart, no ar ordú bhuanchoimeádta tacaíochta, déanfaidh an tAire na nithe seo leanas no pé ní no nithe aca bheidh oiriúnach, i gceann na haimsire orduithe inar cead do dhaoine ar ar seirbheádladh cóip de sna hiarratais sin de bhun na Coda so den Acht so cúis do phlé, sé sin le rá:—


(a) breithneoidh an t-iarratas san;


(b) breithneoidh freisin gach cúis den tsórt san roimhráite (más aon cheann é) do pléidheadh fé cheann na haimsire orduithe;


(c) maran deimhin leis an Aire gur suidheadh cás prima facie chun an cheadúnais no an orduithe do hiarradh do dheonadh, diúltóidh don iarratas;


(d) mara ndiúltuighidh an tAire don iarratas de bhun an míre deiridh sin roimhe seo den fho-alt só, cuirfidh an t-iarratas fé bhráid an Bhúird.


Taillí ar íarratais.

45.—Gach duine iarrfaidh ceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe, ceadúnas fo-cheart. no ordú buanchoimeádta tacaíochta, íocfaidh leis an Aire an táille bheidh orduithe ag an Aire le toiliú an Aire Airgeadais agus ní breithneofar an t-iarratas go n-íoctar an táille sin.


An Bord do dhéanamh fiosrúcháin agus do thabhairt tuarasgabhála i dtaobh iarratas.

46.—(1) Pé uair a chuirfidh an tAire iarratas ar cheadúnas mhianraí neamh-oibrithe, ar cheadúnas fho-cheart, no ar ordú bhuanchoimeádta tacaíochta fé bhráid an Bhúird breithneoidh an Bord an t-iarratas san agus chuige sin comórfaid fiorsúchán ag á mbeidh na daoine seo leanas i dteideal éisteacht d'fháil, i bpear sain no tré atúrnae no abhcóide, agus fianaise do thabhairt ar áird, sé sin le rá:—


(a) an t-iarratasóir;


(b) an tAire;


(c) aon duine adeir go bhfuil estát no leas aige in aon mhianraí le n-a mbaineann an t-iarratas san;


(d) aon duine eile go bhfeicfear don Bhord go ndéanfadh sé deifir mhór dó dá ngéilltí don iarratas.


(2) Tar éis don Bhord aon iarratas den tsórt a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so do bhreithniú do réir an fho-ailt sin, bhéarfaidh an Bord tuarasgabháil air don Aire agus tráchtfar sa tuarasgabháil sin ar gach taobh iomchuibhe den chúrsa agus go sonnrách ar cé aca cólíonadh no nár cólíonadh na coinníollacha reachtúla iomchuibhe agus, mara dtuairiscighidh an Bord in aghaidh géilleadh don iarratas, luadhfar inti an duine no na daoine le n-ar cheart don iarratasóir cúiteamh d'íoc agus na coinníollacha ba cheart do luadh sa cheadúnas no san ordú.


(3) Má cuirtear fé bhráid an Bhuird dhá iarratas ar leithligh, no níos mó, o dhaoine ar leithligh ar cheadúnais mhianraí neamhoibrithe maidir leis an aon roinn amháin mianraí, féadhfaidh an Bord, má mheasaid gur ceart é, na hiarratais sin uile do bhreithniú fara a chéile agus fiosrúchán amháin do chomóradh agus tuarasgabháil amháin do thabhairt i dtaobh na n-iarratas san uile agus féadfaid fós. má mheasaid gur ceart é, tuairisciú i bhfábhar ceadúnaisí mianraí neamh-oibrithe do thabhairt amach do dhaoine ar leithligh de sna hiarratasóirí maidir le páirteanna ar leithligh de sna mianraí sin.


An tAire do ghéilleadh d'iarratais.

47.—(1) Tar éis don Aire tuarasgabháil an Bhúird i dtaobh iarratais ar cheadúnas mhianraí neamh-oibrithe no ar cheadúnas fho-cheart no ar ordú bhuanchoimeádta tacaíochta d'fháil, déanfaidh pé ní aca so leanas is dóich leis is ceart ag féachaint don tuarasgabháil sin agus do chúrsaí uile an cháis agus do sna nithe uile (más aon cheann é) a gceanglann an tAcht so air féachaint dóibh, eadhon, diúltú don iarratas san no géilleadh dhó agus an ceadúnas no an t-ordú le n-a mbaineann an t-iarratas san do thabhairt amach no do dhéanamh.


(2) D'ainneoin éinní sa bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so ní ghéillfidh an tAire d'aon iarratas den tsórt a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san maran deimhin leis gur cólíonadh na coinníollacha reachtúla iomchuibhe.


(3) I gcás iarratais ar cheadúnas fho-cheart, más ceart chun uachtar aon tailimh agus na sreathanna forshuidhte no foigseacha aníos go dtí an t-uachtar san d'ísliú an ceart le n-a mbaineann an t-iarratas, agus fós i gcás aon iarratais ar ordú bhuanchoimeádta tacaíochta, déanfaidh an tAire, le linn a chinneadh cé aca ba cheart géilleadh don iarratas san no nár cheart,—


(a) má bhíonn foirgintí ar an talamh no fén talamh le n-a mbaineann an t-iarratas san no má bítear bona fide chun foirgintí do thógáil ar an talamh san—féachaint do luach na bhfoirgint sin i gcomparáid le luach na mianraí do b' éigean do choimeád fén talamh san chun na bhfoirgint sin do thacú agus don tábhacht do bhainfeadh le buanchoimeád tacaíochta do sna foirgintí sin agus le hoibriú na mianraí sin, seachas a chéile, o thaobh an leasa phuiblí, no


(b) mara mbeidh aon fhoirgintí ar an talamh san nó ann agus ná beifear bona fide chun a léithéidí do thógáil air no ann—féachaint do n-a mhéid do dhocharódh ísliú uachtar an tailimh sin an úsáid a deintear no bheidh beartuithe do dhéanamh den talamh san agus don tábhacht do bhainfeadh le leanúint den úsáid sin agus le hoibriú na mianraí sin, seachas a chéile, o thaobh an leasa phuiblí.


Fuirm agus oibriú ceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe.

48.—(1) Déarfaidh agus déanfaidh ceadúnas mianraí neamhoibrithe ceart do thabhairt don cheadúnaidhe chun na mianraí luadhfar sa cheadúnas san d'oibriú ar feadh na tréimhse agus fé réir na gcoinníoll a luadhfar amhlaidh agus fós fé réir an chúitimh sin a ceapfar do réir an Achta so d'íoc leis an duine sin a luadhfar sa cheadúnas san.


(2) Is dleathach go gcuirfeadh an tAire le ceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe na coinníollacha uile (más aon cheann é) is dóich leis is ceart agus a luadhfaidh sa cheadúnas san.


Fuirm agus oibriú ceadúnas fo-cheart.

49.—(1) Déarfaidh agus déanfaidh ceadúnas fo-cheart an focheart a luadhfar sa cheadúnas san do thabhairt don cheadúnaidhe ar feadh na tréimhse agus chun na críche agus fé réir na gcoinníoll a luadhfar sa cheadúnas san agus fós fé réir an chúitimh sin a ceapfar do réir an Achta so d'íoc leis an duine sin a luadhfar sa cheadúnas san.


(2) Is dleathach go gcuirfeadh an tAire le ceadúnas fo-cheart na coinníollacha uile (más aon cheann é) is dóich leis is ceart agus a luaidhfaidh sa cheadúnas san.


Fuirm agus oibriú orduithe buanchoimeádta tacaíochta.

50.—(1) Déarfaidh agus déanfaidh ordú buanchoimeádta tacaíochta na srianta san a luadhfar san ordú san do chur le hoibriú na mianraí sin fén talamh san a luadhfar amhlaidh agus ceart dlí is ionfhoirfheidhmithe in aon chúirt dlighinse inniúla do thabhairt do sna daoine a luadhfar amhlaidh chun na srian a forchuirfear amhlaidh d'fhoirfheidhmiú.


(2) Is dleathach go gcuirfeadh an tAire le hordú buanchoimeádta tacaíochta na coinníollacha uile (más aon cheann é) is dóich leis is ceart agus a luadhfaidh san ordú san.


Teora le héifeacht cheadúnaisí agus orduithe.

51.—(1) Ní oibreoidh ceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe ná ceadúnas fo-cheart i slí—


(a) go dtabharfadh sé don ceadúnaidhe aon chomhacht is mó ná an chomhacht ná seachas an chomhacht do bhéarfaí dhó leis an gceadúnas san dá ndeontaí dhó é o dhuine do bheadh sé i dteideal do réir dlí (ar shlí eile seachas fén Acht so) é dheonadh dhó, no


(b) go saorfadh sé an ceadúnaidhe sin o aon oblagáid no fiachas fé n-a mbeadh dá mb' aon duine eile den tsórt san adubhradh do dheonfadh an ceadúnas san dó.


(2) Ní oibreoidh ordú buachoimeádta tacaíochta i slí—


(a) go dtabharfadh sé don duine (dá ngairmtear an deonaidhe sa bhfo-alt so), dá ndeontar an ceart dlí chun na srian a forchuirtear leis d'fhoirfheidhmiú, aon chomhacht is mó ná an chomhacht no seachas an chomhacht do bheadh sé i dteideal d'fheidhmiú dá ndeontaí ceart foirfheidhmithe na srian san dó dhuine do bheadh i dteideal (ar shlí eile seachas fén Acht so) an céanna do dheonadh dhó, no


(b) go saorfadh sé an deonaidhe o aon oblagáid no fiachas fé n-a mbeadh dá mba dhuine do bheadh i dteideal do réir dlí mar adubhradh do dheonfadh dó an ceart san foirfheidhmithe na srian san.


Ceadúnais agus orduithe do dheonadh do dhaoine i bhfeadhmannas iontaobhais.

52.—(1) Féadfar a rá i gceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe no i gceadúnas fo-cheart gur mar thionónta saoil do bheirtear é don duine is ceadúnaidhe fé no mar dhuine go gcomhacht tionónta shaoil fé shocrú no mar ionadaidhe pearsanta do dhuine mharbh no mar iontaobhaidhe no mar dhuine eile i bhfeadhmannas iontaobhais agus má deirtear san in aon cheadúnas den tsórt san is tuigthe gur sa bhfeadhmannas iontaobhais sin dó agus mar chuid den mhaoin atá dílsithe ann sa bhfeadhmannas san dó atá sochar an cheadúnais sin ar seilbh ag an duine is ceadúnaidhe fé.


(2) Féadfar a fhoráil le hordú buanchoimeádta tacaíochta, i dtaobh na gceart do bheirtear leis d'aon duine áirithe, gur mar thionónta saoil do bheirtear dó iad no mar dhuine go gcomhacht tionónta shaoil fé shocrú no mar ionadaidhe pearsanta do dhuine mharbh no mar iontaobhaidhe no mar dhuine eile i bhfeadhmannas iontaobhais agus má foráltar san le haon ordú den tsórt san is tuigthe, i dtaobh na gceart do bheirtear leis don duine sin, gur sa bhfeadhmannas san dó agus mar chuid den mhaoin atá dílsithe ann sa bhfeadhmannas san dó atá na cirt sin dílsithe ann.


Cúiteamh fé Chuid VI.

53.—(1) Gach duine is ceadúnaidhe fé cheadúnas mhianraí neamh-oibrithe no fé cheadúnas fho-cheart, íocfaidh cúiteamh leis an duine no na daoine luadhfar sa cheadúnas san.


(2) Pé uair dhéanfaidh an tAire ordú buanchoimeádta tacaíochta déanfaidh an duine gur ar iarratas uaidh a déanfar an t-ordú san cúiteamh d'íoc leis an duine no na daoine luadhfar san ordú san.


(3) Cheal có-aontuithe idir na páirtithe le n-a mbainfidh, déanfar cúiteamh is iníoctha fén alt so (dá ngairmtear san Acht so cúiteamh fé Chuid VI) do cheapadh do réir forálacha Coda VII den Acht so.


(4) Féadfaidh an tAire a chur mar choinníoll le ceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe no le ceadúnas fo-cheart no le hordú buanchoimeádta tacaíochta gan an ceadúnas no an t-ordú san do theacht i ngníomh go gceaptar an cúiteamh is iníoctha ina thaobh fén alt so agus, más cnap-shuim no sa mhéid gur cnap-shuim an cúiteamh san, go n-íoctar é no go dtugtar urrús chun sástacht an Aire go n-íocfar é.


Costais an Bhúird maidir le fiosrúcháin.

54.—(1) Má chuireann an tAire fé bhráid an Bhúird iarratas ar cheadúnas mhianraí neamh-oibrithe no ar cheadúnas fho-cheart no ar ordú bhuanchoimeádta tacaíochta féadfaidh an tAire, más dóich leis gur ceart é, agus déanfaidh, má orduíonn an tAire Airgeadais é, a cheangal ar an iarratasóir, le hordú ar n-a dhéanamh le linn an churtha-fé-bhráid sin no aon uair dá éis sin, go n-íocfadh leis an Aire na costais fé n-a ndeachaidh no fé n-a raghaidh an Bord chun no i dtaobh an iarratais sin do bhreithniú.


(2) Má bhíonn ordú á dhéanamh no déanta ag an Aire fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so, deimhneoidh leis an ordú céanna no le hordú ina dhiaidh sin, tar éis dul i gcomhairle leis an Aire Airgeadais, méid na gcostas is iníoctha fén ordú san a bheidh á dhéanamh no déanta fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo agus má dheimhníonn an tAire méid na gcostas san amhlaidh beidh an deimhniú san ina fhianaise dho-chlaoite ar mhéid na gcostas san.


(3) Na costais uile is iníoctha ag duine ar bith fé ordú dhéanfaidh an tAire fén alt so, féadfaidh an tAire iad do bhaint den duine sin mar fhiacha gnáth-chonnartha in aon chúirt dlighinse inniúla agus nuair a bheid íoctha leis an Aire no bainte amach aige déanfaidh an tAire iad d'íoc isteach sa Stát-Chiste no do chur chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste sa tslí ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais.


Costais na bpáirtithe ag fiosrúcháin.

55.—(1) Na costais a bhainfidh le fiosrúchán a chomórfaidh an Bord fén gCuid seo den Acht so agus fé n-a raghaidh aon pháirtidhe bheidh ag an bhfiosrúchán san, is ar an bpáirtidhe sin a bheid mara measaidh an Bord go n-iarrann an ceart go n-íocfaí na costais sin no aon chuid díobh ag páirtidhe éigin eile bhí ag an bhfiosrúchán san, agus sa chás san féadfaid moladh sa chéill sin do chur ina dtuarasgabháil chun an Aire.


(2) Luadhfar i ngach moladh dhéanfaidh an Bord fén alt so an méid costas (dá ngairmtear an méid luaidhte san alt so) a mheasfaid ba cheart d'íoc agus an páirtidhe mheasaid do bheith i dteideal na gcostas san agus an páirtidhe mheasfaid a dhligeann an céanna d'íoc.


(3) Pé uair a dhéanfaidh an Bord moladh fén alt so, breithneoidh an tAire an moladh san agus féadfaidh, más oiriúnach leis é, a fhoráil, le hordú, maidir leis an suim chostas (nach mó ná an méid luaidhte) is dóich leis is ceart, go ndéanfaidh an páirtidhe mheasfaidh an Bord a dhligheann na costais sin d'íoc an tsuim sin d'íoc leis an bpáirtidhe mheasfaid do bheith i dteideal na gcostas san.


(4) Suim ar bith a forálfar d'íoc le hordú ón Aire fén bhfo-alt deiridh sin roimhe seo den alt so, féadfar, mara n-íoctar é, í bhaint amach mar fhiacha ghnáth-chonnartha in aon chúirt dlighinse inniúla.


(5) Chun crícheanna an ailt seo is cuid de chostais fiosrúcháin na táillí agus na héilithe agus na caiteachais a bhaineann no a ghabhann leis an bhfiosrúchán san.


Ceadúnaithe do thabhairt eolais don Aire.

56.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, pé uair is dóich leis gur ceart é, a cheangal i scríbhinn ar aon duine is ceadúnaidhe fé cheadúnas mhianraí neamh-oibrithe an t-eolas san do thabhairt don Aire a theastóidh ón Aire agus a luadhfaidh sa cheangal san, i dtaobh na mianraí le n-a mbaineann an ceadúnas san agus i dtaobh oibriú na mianraí sin.


(2) Gach duine ar a gceanglóidh an tAire fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo den alt so aon eolas do thabhairt don Aire, bhéarfaidh an t-eolas san amhlaidh sa bhfuirm agus sa tslí orduithe lá nach déanaighe ná an t-ochtú lá fichead tar éis an cheangail sin d'fháil dó agus má fhaillíonn no má dhiúltuíonn aon duine den tsórt san an t-eolas san do thabhairt amhlaidh no má bheireann aon eolas den tsórt san is col dó bheith bréagach no mí-threorach i bpunc tábhachtach beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar deich bpúint do chur air agus, ina theannta san, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, fíncáil eile ná raghaidh thar punt in aghaidh gach lae leanfar den chionta.




Mínithe chun crícheanna Coda VII.

57.—Sa Chuid seo den Acht so—


nuair a húsáidtear an focal “cúiteamh” gan coinníoll, foluíonn gach saghas cúitimh is iníoctha fén Acht so;


foluíonn an abairt “cúiteamh alos tailimh” cúiteamh i ndamáiste fé Chuid II, cúiteamh i ndamáiste fé Chuid III, cúiteamh i ndamáiste fé Chuid IV, agus cúiteamh i saoráidí mianadóireachta, no aon chúiteamh den tsórt san agus mara n-éilíonn an có-théacs a mhalairt, foluíonn tagairtí do “thalamh” tagairtí d'fho-chirt.


Méid an chúitimh do shocrú.

58.—(1) Cheal có-aontuithe socróidh an Bord méid an chúitimh do réir forálacha na Coda so den Acht so.


(2) Má bhíonn cúiteamh iníoctha ag an Aire fén Acht so ní dhéanfa sé aon chó-aontú ag socrú a mhéide gan an tAire Airgeadais do thoiliú chuige.


Iarratais ar chúiteamh alos tailimh.

59.—(1) I gcás cúiteamh alos tailimh do bheith iníoctha féadfaidh na daoine seo leanas, eadhon—


(a) an tAire,


(b) má bhíonn an talamh le n-a mbaineann an cúiteamh san fé bhlianacht talamh-cheannaigh, Coimisiún na Talmhan,


(c) aon duine adeir é bheith i dteideal an chúitimh sin, a iarraidh ar an mBord méid an chúitimh sin do shocrú.


(2) Fe réir forálacha na Coda so den Acht so bainfidh forálacha an Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, le méid an chúitimh alos tailimh do shocrú.


Cúiteamh alos tailimh fé bhlianacht talamhcheannaigh ar n-a shocrú le có-aontú.

60.—Má socruítear méid an chúitimh alos tailimh le có-aontú agus go mbeidh blianacht cheannaigh ar an talamh a mbeidh an cúiteamh san iníoctha as a los, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) beidh Coimisiún na Talmhan ina bpáirtidhe sa chó-aontú san;


(b) nuair do gheobhaidh Coimisiún na Talmhan an cúiteamh san no an méid de is iníoctha leo fén gcó-aontú san cuirfid chun críche é do réir na bhforálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(i) má bhíonn aon riaráiste ar an mblianacht agus nach mó ná an riaráiste sin an méid is iníoctha amhlaidh le Coimisiún na Talmhan agus dá ngairmtear sa mhír seo an méid adubhradh, chun no mar chabhair chun an riaráiste sin do ghlanadh,


(ii) má bhíonn aon riaráiste ar an mblianacht agus gur mó an méid adubhradh ná an riaráiste sin—


(I) cuirfear chun an riaráiste sin do ghlanadh cothrom an riaráiste sin den mhéid adubhradh, agus


(II) cuirfear iarmhéid an mhéide adubhradh chun no mar chabhair chun na blianachta san d'fhuascailt,


(iii) mara mbeidh aon riaráiste ar an mblianacht san, chun no mar chabhair chun na blianachta san d'fhuascailt;


(c) maran páirtidhe sa chó-aontú san Coimisiún na Talmhan ní dhéanfaidh íoc méid an chúitimh a socrófar leis an gcó-aontú an té íocfaidh é do shaoradh o n-a bheith air an cúiteamh san d'íoc.


Iarratais ar chúiteamh i mianraí Státtógtha.

61.—Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis tréimhse dhá mhí no pé tréimhse, níos sia ná san (ach nach sia ar fad ná dhá mhí dhéag), a lomhálfaidh an tAire in aon chás áirithe ón lá foillseofar aon ordú áirithe tógtha mianraí san Iris Oifigiúil, déanfaidh an tAire, cheal có-aontuithe, a iarraidh ar an mBord méid an chúitimh is iníoctha aige sna mianraí Stát-tógtha do tógadh leis an ordú san do shocrú.


(2) Cuirfear na scríbhinní seo leanas i dteannta gach iarratais a dhéanfaidh an tAire chun an Bhúird i dtaobh cúitimh i mianraí Stát-tógtha fén alt so, sé sin le rá:—


(a) leor-uimhir chóipeanna den ordó tógtha mianraí iomchuibhe;


(b) ráiteas ina mbeidh mion-innste ar aon éilithe ar an gcúiteamh san do lóisteáladh leis an Aire fé Chuid III den Acht so;


(c) má bhí idir an tAire agus aon duine bheidh ag éileamh an chúitimh sin aon chó-fhreagarthas i dtaobh méid an chúitimh sin, cóipeanna den chó-fhreagarthas san.


(3) Ina suidhe go puiblí dhóibh éistfidh an Bord gach iarratas ar mhéid aon chúitimh i mianraí Stát-tógtha do shocrú agus, mara n-orduighidh an Bord a mhalairt, ní lomhálfar níos mó ná aon fhínné saineolach amháin thar ceann gach páirtidhe fé leith a thiocfaidh os cóir an Bhúird.


Iarratais ar chúiteamh fé Chuid VI.

62.—I gcás cúiteamh fé Chuid VI do bheith iníoctha féadfaidh aon duine aca so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) aon duine adeir é bheith i dteideal an chúitimh sin, no


(b) aon duine ag á mbeidh an cúiteamh san iníoctha, no


(c) an tAire,


a iarraidh ar an mBord méid an chúitimh sin do shocrú.


Táillí ar iarratais ar chúiteamh.

63.—Pé uair iarrfaidh aon duine seachas an tAire no Coimisiún na Talmhan ar an mBord cúiteamh do shocrú fén Acht so íocfaidh an duine sin leis an mBord alos an iarratais sin an táille ordóidh an tAire le haontú an Aire Airgeadais.


Ceart chun éisteacht d'fháil agus iarratas á éisteacht ag an mBord.

64.—Nuair a bheidh aon iarratas ar chúiteamh á éisteacht, beidh na daoine seo leanas, agus ní bheidh aon duine eile, i dteideal teacht i láthair agus éisteacht d'fháil agus fianaise do thabhairt ar áird os cóir an Bhúird, sé sin le rá:—


(a) an tAire;


(b) aon duine adeir é bheith i dteideal an chúitimh sin;


(c) aon duine adeir go bhfuil estát no leas aige sna mianraí no sa talamh a bhfuil an cúiteamh san á éileamh as a los;


(d) más cúiteamh i dtalamh a bheidh á éileamh, aon duine adeir go bhfuil leas aige talamh san;


(e) más cúiteamh alos tailimh a bheidh á éileamh agus go mbeidh an talamh san fé bhlianacht talamh-cheannaigh, Coimisiún na Talmhan;


(f) aon duine dhligheann fé fhorálacha an Achta so an cúiteamh san d'íoc.


Cúiteamh do dheonadh.

65.—(1) Scrúdóidh an Bord gach iarratas fén Acht so agus tar éis dóibh san do dhéanamh bhéarfaid a mbreith air.


(2) Beidh na nithe seo leanas i ngach breith (dá ngairmtear breith sa Chuid seo den Acht so) do bhéarfaidh an Bórd fén alt so—


(a) ráiteas ar ghné agus ar mhéid an chúitimh a bheidh le n'íoc (más ann do);


(b) ainm an té ar a mbeidh an cúiteamh san d'íoc;


(c) ainm an té le n-a mbeidh an cúiteamh san le n'íoc;


(d) más le beirt no níos mó bheidh an cúiteamh le n-íoc, an cion den chúiteamh san a bheidh le n'íoc le gach duine acu san;


(e) más i dtaobh aon tailimh a bheidh fé bhlianacht talamhcheannaigh de thurus na huaire measfar an cúiteamh no aon chuid de, na nithe is gá do réir an chéad fho-ailt ina dhiaidh seo do chur sa bhreith sin.


(3) Sighneoidh gach ball den Bhord gach breith.


(4) Beidh gach breith ina fianaise dho-chlaoite ar gach ní bheireann sí le tuisgint do bheith á dheimhniú inti.


(5) Aon tsuim a hordófar le breith do bheith iníoctha ag duine le duine eile beidh sí ina fiacha bheidh iníoctha ag an gcéad duine sin luaidhtear leis an duine eile sin agus féadfar í bhaint amach mar fhiacha gnáth-chonnartha.


(6) Deimhniú bheireann le tuisgint í bheith deimhnithe ag rúnaidhe an Bhúird agus ina mbeidh ráiteas ar na nithe seo leanas, eadhon:—


(a) an Bord do thabhairt bhreithe,


(b) gné agus méid an chúitimh is iníoctha fén mbreith sin,


(c) an duine le n-a bhfuil an cúiteamh san iníoctha,


(d) an duine ag á bhfuil an cúiteamh san iníoctha,


glacfar leis i ngach imeacht dlí mar fhianaise prima facie, ar na nithe deimhnítear amhlaidh, gan cruthúnas ar shighniú an té bheireann an deimhniú san le tuisgint do dheimhnigh é ná ar é bheith ina rúnaidhe don Bhord.


Breitheanna cúitimh alos tailimh fé bhlianacht talamhcheannaigh.

66.—(1) I gcás an Bord do mheas cúitimh alos tailimh a bheidh fé bhlianacht talamh-cheannaigh de thurus na huaire. féadfaidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, más oiriúnach leo é, a iarraidh ar an mBord—


(a) má bhíonn méid an chúitimh sin có-ionann le praghas fuascailte na blianachta san agus riaráiste na blianachta san (más ann dó) no más lugha ná san é. a ordú le n-a mbreith go n-íocfar le Coimisiún na Talmhan iomlán an chúitimh sin no an méid de iarrfaidh Coimisiún na Talmhan, no


(b) más mó méid an chúitimh sin ná praghas fuascailte na blianachta san agus riaráiste na blianachta san (más ann dó), a ordú le n-a mbreith go n-íocfar le Coimisiún na Talmhan an tsuim sin iarrfaidh Coimisiún na Talmhan agus nach mó ná méid an praghais fhuascailte sin agus an riaráiste sin (más ann dó).


agus géillfidh an Bord don iarratas san.


(2) Má socruítear le haon bhreith do bhéarfar i dtaobh tailimh a bheidh fé bhlianacht talamh-cheannaigh de thurus na huaire go n-íocfar aon airgead le Coimisiún na Talmhan cuirfidh Coimisiún na Talmhan an t-airgead san, ar n-a fháil dóibh, chun críche do réir na bhforálacha so leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) má bhíonn aon riaráiste ar an mblianacht san agus nach mó méid an airgid sin ná an riaráiste sin, chun no mar chabhair chun an riaráiste sin do ghlanadh,


(b) má bhíonn aon riaráiste ar an mblianacht san agus gur mó méid an airgid sin ná an riaráiste sin—


(i) cuirfear chun an riaráiste sin do ghlanadh cothrom an riaráiste sin den airgead san, agus


(ii) cuirfear iarmhéid an airgid sin chun no mar chabhair chun na blianachta san d'fhuascailt,


(c) mara mbeidh aon riaráiste ar an mblianacht san, chun no mar chabhair chun na blianachta san d'fhuascailt.


An tslí chun cúiteamh alos mianraí agus fo-cheart do mheas.

67.—(1) I gcás cúiteamh i mianraí Stát-tógtha do bheith iníoctha alos mianraí Stát-tógtha no cúiteamh i saoráidí mianadóireachta do bheith iníoctha alos fo-cheart, beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas chun méid an chúitimh sin do shocrú, se sin le rá:—


(a) measfaidh an Bord an cúiteamh san do réir mar do bheadh cothrom agus réasúnta mar chomaoin alos margaidh idir deontóir toilteanach-agus deonaidhe toilteanach;


(b) chun críche na míre sin roimhe seo féachfaidh an Bord do sna coinníollacha fé n-a raibh na mianraí Stát-tógtha no na fo-chirt, is abhar don chúiteamh san, ar seilbh sarar thóg an Stát iad fén ordú tógtha mianraí no fén ordú tógtha saoráidí mianadóireachta (pé aca é) bheidh i gceist, agus fós do sna coinníollacha fé n-ar tógadh agus don tréimhse gur ina cóir do tógadh amhlaidh iad fé sna horduithe sin.


(2) I gcás cúiteamh fé Chuid VI do bheith iníoctha alos aon mhianraí do deonadh fé cheadúnas mhianraí neamh-oibrithe no alos aon fho-chirt do deonadh fé cheadúnas fho-cheart beidh éifeacht ag na forálacha so leanas chun méid an chúitimh sin do shocrú, sé sin le rá:—


(a) measfaidh an Bord an cúiteamh san do réir mar do bheadh cothrom agus réasúnta mar chomaoin alos margaidh idir deontóir toilteanach agus deonaidhe toilteanach;


(b) chun críche na míre sin roimhe seo féachfaidh an Bord do sna coinníollacha fé n-a raibh na mianraí no na fo-chirt sin ar seilbh sarar deonadh iad fén gceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe no fén gceadúnas fo-cheart san (pé aca é) agus fós do sna coinníollacha, más ann dóibh) fé n-ar deonadh agus don tréimhse gur ina cóir do deonadh amhlaidh iad.


(3) Chun críche an mhargaidh bharúlaigh a luaidhtear sa dá fho-alt sin roimhe seo den alt so, is tuigthe lán-fhógra do bheith, le linn a margaidh, ag an deontóir agus ag an deonaidhe luaidhtear ionta i dtaobh gach eolais ba chead don phuiblíocht d'iniúchadh in Oifig na Suirbhéireachta Geolaighe, Baile Atha Cliath, ar ghné, luach, méid agus suidheamh na mianraí no na bhfo-cheart is abhar don chúiteamh a luaidhtear sna fo-ailt sin.


An fhuirm ina ndeonfar cúiteamh i mianraí Státtógtha agus alos ccadúnas mianraí neamhoibrithe.

68.—Nuair a bheidh an Bord ag deonadh cúitimh i mianraí Stát-tógtha no cúitimh fe Chuid VI alos ceadúnas mianraí neamhoibrithe do dheonadh, is i bhfuirm rí-chíosa dhéonfaid an cúiteamh san mara dtárluighidh, maidir leis na mianraí Státtógtha san no na mianraí is abhar don cheadúnas mhianraí neamh-oibrithe sin—


(a) gur fé mharbh-chíos no fé íocaíocht bhliantúil cheaptha eile bhíodar ar seilbh ag á n-únaerí lá a dtógtha no a ndeonta fé seach (fé mar a bheidh), no


(b) gur cheannuigh a n-únaerí iad ar chomaoin luachmhair laistigh de thréimhse fiche blian roimh lá an Achta so do rith,


agus i gceachtar cás aca san féadfaidh an Bord an cúiteamh san do dheonadh i bhfuirm íocaíochta cnap-shuime no marbh-chíosa no rí-chíosa no in aon dá fhuirm aca san no i ngach fuirm aca fé mar is rogha leo.


Cúiteamh maidir le daoine nach féidir teacht ortha

69.—(1) Pé uair is dóich leis an mBord go bhfuil cúiteamh fé Chuid VI iníoctha le haon duine áirithe agus nach féidir teacht ar an duine sin no a fháil amach cé hé, féadfaidh an Bord, fé mar is rogha leo, aon ní no nithe no gach ní aca so leanas do dhéanamh san ord is oiriúnach leo, sé sin le rá:—


(a) a ordú go ndéanfar na nithe ordóid do dhéanamh chun teacht ar an duine sin no a fháil amach cé hé;


(b) a ordú go n-íocfar méid an chúitimh sin isteach san Ard-Chúirt sa tslí forálfar le rialacha cúirte;


(c) a ordú, mara dtagtar ar an duine sin no mara bhfaghtar amach cé hé fé cheann na tréimhse a luadhfar, go mbeidh gach éileamh ar an gcúiteamh san múchta ar bheith caithte don tréimhse sin.


(2) Bainfidh ailt 69 go 80 den Land Clauses Consolidation Act, 1845, le haon chúiteamh den tsórt san a luaidhtear i mír (b) den fho-alt san roimhe seo, fé réir aon atharuithe agus oiriúnuithe déanfar ar na hailt sin leis na rialacha cúirte déanfar fén mír sin.


(3) Pé uair ordóidh an Bord fé mhír (c) d'fho-alt (1) den alt so go mbeidh gach éileamh ar chúiteamh den tsórt a luaidhtear sa bhfo-alt san múchta ar bheith caithte do thréimhse luadhfar, beidh gach éileamh den tsórt san múchta amhlaidh dá réir sin.


Ní bheidh dul thar breitheanna an Bhúird ar cheisteanna fíorais.

70.—An bhreith do bhéarfaidh an Bord ar aon cheist fíorais eireoidh le linn imeachta fén gCuid seo den Acht so, ni bheidh dul thairsi agus ní féadfar athchomharc ina coinnibh agus beidh an bhreith sin ina ceangal ar pháirtithe uile na n-imeacht san agus ar a rannpháirtithe sin amhail is gur bhreithiúnas in personam í.


Cúiseanna d'aithris ar cheisteanna dlí.

71.—(1) Más oiriúnach leo ó féadfaidh an Bord, as a gcomhairle féin no ar iarratas aon pháirtidhe in imeachta fén gCuid seo den Acht so agus le linn aon chéime de sna himeachta san aon cheist dlí eireoidh le linn na n-imeacht san do chur i bhfuirm chúise aithriste chun na hArd-Chúirte chun breith do thabhairt uirthi agus féadfaid fógairt a mbreithe féin do chur ar athló no go dtugtar an bhreith sin.


(2) In ionad cúis d'aithris le linn imeachta fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo féadfaidh an Bord, má bhíonn ceist dlí le socrú sna himeachta san, a mbreith no aon chuid di d'aithris i bhfuirm cúise speisialta chun go dtabharfaidh an Ard-Chúirt breith uirthi.


(3) Aon pháirtidhe, in imeachta bheidh os cóir an Bhúird, ar a ngoillfe sé an Bord do dhiúltú do chúis d'aithris ar cheist dlí fén alt so, féadfaidh, tar éis don Bhord a mbreith do thabhairt no roimhe sin, ordú d'iarraidh ar an Ard-Chúirt ar shlí achmair á ordú don Bhord cúis d'aithris chun go dtabharfaidh an Ard-Chúirt breith ar an gceist sin agus nuair a déanfar an t-iarratas san féadfaidh an Ard-Chúirt an t-ordú san do dhéanamh agus, má dheineann, cólíonfaidh an Bord téarmaí an orduithe sin d'ainneoin a mbreith do bheith tugtha cheana féin ag an mBord.


(4) An bhreith do bhéarfaidh an Ard-Chúirt ar aon chúis aithriste fén alt so, ní bheidh dul thairsi agus ní bheidh fé réir athchomhairc chun na Cúirte Uachtaraighe.


(5) Na costais agus na fo-chostais a bhainfidh le héinní do chur fé bhráid na hArd-Chúirte, beid mar is rogha leis an gCúirt sin.


Fiacha bheidh dlite ag an Stát do bhaint as cúiteamh.

72.—Má socruítear le breith méid aon chúitimh is iníoctha ag an Aire fén Acht so le haon duine áirithe agus go neosfar don Aire sara n-íoctar an cúiteamh san go bhfuil fiacha ag aon Aire Stáit no ag an bPrímh-Chiste ar an duine sin, féadfaidh an tAire méid na bhfiach do bhaint as an gcúiteamh san agus féadfaidh a ordú an méid do hasbhaineadh amhlaidh d'íoc leis an Aire Stáit iomchuibhe no (másé is gá sa chás) d'íoc isteach sa Stát-Chiste no do chur chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste sa tslí ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais.


Costais do dheonadh.

73.—(1) Is do réir mar is rogha leis an mBord a bheidh costais na bpáirtithe in aon imeachta fén gCuid seo den Acht so (seachas na costais agus na fo-chostais a bhainfidh le ní do chur fé bhráid na hArd-Chúirte) agus féadfaidh an Bord, le n-a mbreith, a ordú cé íocfaidh agus cé leis go n-íocfar agus an tslí ina n-íocfar na costais sin no aon chuid díobh, agus féadfaidh an Bord, in aon chás áirithe, costas abhcóide do dhí-lomháil.


(2) Féadfaidh an Bord féin méid na gcostas a hordófar d'íoc d'uirmheas no a ordú conus a huirmheasfar iad.


(3) Má orduíonn an Bord do neach iarrtha cúitimh fén Acht so costas no cuid de chostais an duine ag á mbeidh an cúiteamh san iníoctha d'íoc, féadfaidh an duine sin méid na gcostas san do bhaint de mhéid an chúitimh sin.


(4) Chun críche an ailt seo foluíonn costais aon táillí, éilithe agus caiteachais a bhainfidh leis an gcúiteamh do dheonadh.


Ilghneitheach agus Generalta.


Toirmeasc ar mhianraí d'oibriú gan údarás dleathach.

74.—(1) Gach duine gan údarás dleathach a dhéanfaidh no a thriailfidh aon mhianraí d'oibriú no a dhéanfaidh éinní chun a n-oibrithe, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar céad punt do chur air agus ina theannta san, i gcás cionta leanúnaigh, fíneáil eile ná raghaidh thar céad punt in aghaidh gach lae leanfar den chionta san no, más rogha leis an gCúirt é, príosúntacht ar feadh téarma nach sia ná sé mhí no an fhíneáil sin agus an phríosúntacht san le chéile.


(2) I gcúiseamh i gcionta fén alt so—


(a) beidh dlighinse ag an gCúirt Dúithche chun an chionta san do thriail d'ainneoin go dtabharfaí anuas ceist teidil, agus


(b) is ar an gcosantóir a bheidh a chruthú go raibh údarás dleathach aige.


Fógra do thabhairt don Aire i dtaobh seaftaí agus tolltán.

75.—(1) Má bhíonn duine chun seafta no tolltán do dhéanamh a bheidh le dul níos sia síos ná fiche troigh ón uachtar, déanfaidh, sara dtosnóidh ar an obair sin, fógra i scríbhinn do thabhairt don Aire go bhfuil sé chun na hoibre sin do dhéanamh.


(2) Gach duine dhéanfaidh seafta no tolltán bheidh le dul níos sia síos ná fiche troigh ón uachtar, coimeádfaidh irisleabhar ina thaobh agus coinneoidh go ceann tréimhse nach giorra ná sé mhí, no go ceann pé tréimhse is sia ná san ordóidh an tAire, na somplaí sin, pé aca mealltracha no blodhtracha iad, de sna strata tré n-a raghfar, a gheobhfar le linn an seafta no an tolltán do dhéanamh.


(3) Beidh teideal ag cigire gach ní no aon ní no nithe acu so leanas do dhéanamh gach tráth réasúnta, sé sin le rá:—


(a) dul gan cosc go dtí aon tseafta, tolltán no meall den tsórt san;


(b) irisleabhair na seaftaí no na dtolltán san d'iniúchadh agus cóipeanna do dhéanamh díobh;


(c) gach sompla gheobhfar agus a coinneofar amhlaidh d'iniúchadh;


(d) somplaí meánacha d'aon tsomplaí den tsórt san do thógaint.


(4) Má dheineann éinne bheidh ag déanamh aon tseafta no tolltáin den tsórt san roimhráite fógra i scríbhinn do thabhairt don Aire á iarraidh air aon chóipeanna d'irisleabhar no somplaí de strata no de mhealltracha thógfaidh cigire fén bhfo-alt san roimhe seo do choimeád fé rún, ní dhéanfaidh an tAire, maran dóich leis an t-iarratas san do bheith mí-réasúnta, a cheadú na cóipeanna no na somplaí sin do thaisbeáint d'éinne nách oifigeach don Aire ach amháin le toiliú an chéad duine sin a luaidhtear.


(5) Má thárlann d'éinne bheidh ag déanamh aon tseafta no tolltáin—


(a) go dteipfidh air na hoblagáidí forchuirtear leis an alt so do chólíonadh, no


(b) go gcuirfidh bac no cosc le cigire agus é sin ag feidhmiú aon chomhachta dá dtugtar dó leis an alt so,


beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga púnt do chur air.


(6) San alt so agus sa chéad alt eile cialluíonn an focal “cigire” duine cheapfaidh an tAire i scríbhinn (go generálta no le haghaidh ócáide áirithe) chun bheith ina chigire chun crícheanna na n-alt san.


Comhachta cigirí.

76.—(1) Leigfidh gach únaer, gníomhaire no bainisteoir mianaigh do chigire ar bith dul síos gan cosc go dtí gach oibriú fé thalamh no oibriú eile gach tráth réasúnta agus taisbeánfaidh irisleabhar na dtolluithe do chigire ar bith agus bhéarfaidh dó pé eolas agus pé somplaí, d'uamanna no de strata tré n-ar tolladh no do hoscladh ag an mianach, a héileofar air do réir réasúin.


(2) Má fhágann aon únaer, gníomhaire, no bainisteoir den tsórt san an t-alt so gan cólíonadh, beidh sé ciontach i gcionta fén alt so agus ar a chiontú ann ar an slí achmair dlighfear fíneáil ná raghaidh thar caoga punt do chur air.


Tuarasgabhála leath-bhliantúla do leagadh fé bhráid an Oireachtais.

77.—Chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis gach 30adh lá de Mheitheamh agus gach 31adh lá de Mhí na Nodlag bhéarfaidh an tAire go leagfar fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtas tuarasgabháil leathbhliantúil ina mbeidh, in aghaidh na tréimhse de shé mhí dar críoch an 30adh lá san de Mheitheamh no an 31adh lá san de Mhí na Nodlag, na nithe uile seo leanas, sé sin le rá:—


(a) mion-innste ar gach léas mianadóireachta Stáit, gach cead mianadóireachta Stáit, gach ceadúnas lorgaireachta, gach ceadúnas mianraí Stát-tógtha, agus gach ceadúnas mianraí neamh-oibrithe do rinne no do dheon fén Acht so agus a bheidh ag rith de thurus na huaire;


(b) méid iomlán an airgid uile do bhailigh an tAire, i bhfuirm fíneála no íocaíochta cnap-shuime no cíosa, fé réim no de bhuadh aon léasa no ceada no ceadúnais den tsórt san;


(c) mion-innste ar gach ordú tógtha mianraí do rinneadh fén Acht so agus a bheidh i bhfeidhm de thurus na huaire agus mion-innste ar na mianraí Stát-tógtha uile do tógadh leis;


(d) éinní eile, i dtaobh mianraí no forbairt agus oibriú mianraí, is dóich leis an Aire is ceart do chur sa tuarasgabháil sin.


An t-airgead do gheobhfar mar chomaoin do chur de láimh.

78.—An t-airgead uile gheobhaidh an tAire (i bhfuirm fíneála no cnap-shuime, no i bhfuirm cíosa no íocaíochta tréimhsiúla eile) i gcomaoin aon léasa no ceadúnais no ceada do dheon fén Acht so, déanfar, nuair agus mar a gheobhfar é, é d'íoc isteach sa Stát-Chiste no do chur chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste sa tslí ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais.


Táillí do bhailiú agus do chur de láimh.

79.—(1) Na táillí uile is iníoctha fén Acht so leis an Aire no leis an mBord, baileofar agus tógfar iad sa tslí ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais o am go ham agus déanfar iad d'íoc isteach sa Stát-Chiste no do chur chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste do réir mar ordóidh an tAire Airgeadais.


(2) Ní bheidh feidhm ag an Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, maidir le haon táillí is iníoctha fén Acht so.



80.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire rialacháin do dhéanamh i dtaobh aon ní no ruda dá dtagartar san Acht so mar ní no mar rud atá orduithe no le hordú, ach ní déanfar aon rialacháin den tsórt san i dtaobh méid no bailiú aon táillí gan an tAire Airgeadais do thoiliú chuige.


(2) Gach rialacháin a dhéanfaidh an tAire fén Acht so leagfar é fé bhráid gach Tighe den Oireachtais chó luath agus is féidir é tar éis a dhéanta agus má dheineann ceachtar Tigh aca, fé cheann an lá is fiche shuidhfidh an Tigh sin tar éis an rialacháin sin do chur fé n-a bhráid, rún do rith ag cur an rialacháin sin ar neambrí beidh an rialacháin san curtha ar nea-mbrí dá réir sin ach beidh san gan dochar do bhailíocht éinní do rinneadh roimhe sin fén rialachán san.



81.—Sa mhéid go gceadóidh an tAire Airgeadais é is as airgead a sholáthróidh an tOireachtas a híocfar na costais fé n-a raghaidh an tAire chun an Achta so do riaradh.


An tAcht Imeall Trágha, 1933, do leasú.

82.—Déanfar an tAcht Imeall Trágha, 1933 (Uimh. 12 de 1933) do léiriú, agus beidh éifeacht aige, amhail is go bhfolódh an focal “minearáil”, i ngach áit ina bhfuil sé i bhfo-alt (7) d'alt 2 agus i bhfo-alt (1) d'alt 3 den Acht san, gach mianra do réir bhrí an Achta so ach amháin mianraí sceidealta, cumaisc mhianrúla agus substaintí mianrúla.


Acht 1931 d'athghairm.

83.—Athghairmtear leis seo Acht na Mianach agus na Minearál, 1931 (Uimh. 54 de 1931).


Liost de Mhianrai.

Scealla Ailím.


Mianaigh Antamon.


Mianaigh Airsine.

Mianraí Asbeiste.

Cré Tháthach.

Rubháid Baire.



Mianaigh Biosmait.




Cré Shéiní.



Mianaigh Chobaill.

Mianaigh Chopair.



Cré Dhétomach.

Dolomaoit agus Cloch Aoil Dholomaoiteach.



Breo-chloch agus Siort.



Mianraí Geama

Mianaigh Oir.



Mianaigh Iarainn.



Mianaigh Luaidhe.



Mianaigh Mhaighnéise.





Mianaigh Mhearcair.


Ileacha Mianrúla.

Fisdamhna Mianrúla.



Gás Nádúrtha.

Mianaigh Nicil.

Sceall Ile.

Mianaigh Phlaitne.

Salainn Mhianrúla Potáis.


Mianraí Raidghníomhacha.

Créanna Athraontacha.



Slinn Dín.

Marmar Serpentíneach.

Gaineamh Silice.

Mianaigh Airgid.

Mianaigh Sróinte.

Mianaigh Ruibhe.

Talc agus Stéataoit no Siabúnchloch.

Mianaigh Stáin.

Mianaigh Thiotáine.


Mianaigh Thuingstean.


Mianaigh Sionca.



Number 31 of 1940.








Short title.






State mining rights under the Land Purchase Acts.


“State minerals”.


“Ancillary rights”.


Right of Entering and Prospecting Unworked Minerals and Grant of Prospecting Licences


Entering and prospecting for minerals.


Prospecting licences.


Applications for prospecting licences.


Compensation for damage under Part II.


Restriction on working minerals by licensees.


Revocation and termination of prospecting licences.


Undertaking by Minister to grant leases.


Compulsory Acquisition of Unworked Minerals and of Mining Facilities


Minerals acquisition orders.


Publications and services in respect of minerals acquisition orders.


Compensation for State acquired minerals.


Claims for compensation for State acquired minerals.


Surrender by the Minister of an exclusive mining right.


Compulsory acquisition of land and ancillary rights.


Notices in respect of mining facilities acquisition orders.


Compensation for mining facilities.


Licences in respect of State acquired minerals.


Applications for licences in respect of State acquired minerals.


Form and contents of licences in respect of State acquired minerals.


Compensation for damage under Part III.


State Minerals


State mining leases.


Furnishing of information by lessees of State mining leases.


Grant of State mining permissions.


Saving in respect of State lands.


Right of Minister to work and dispose of State minerals.


Right of entry and user of land containing State minerals.


Fencing of abandoned State minerals.


The Mining Board


Establishment of the Mining Board.


Regulations for proceedings before Board.


Powers of Board.


Entry on land by the Board or officers thereof.


Staff of the Board.


Facilities for Development of Privately Owned Minerals and Grant of Restrictions on Working Minerals Required for the Support of Land or Buildings


Applications for unworked minerals licences.


Restrictions on the grant of unworked minerals licences.


Applications for ancillary rights licences.


Restrictions on the grant of ancillary rights licences.


Applications for preservation of support orders.


Restrictions on the grant of preservation of support orders.


Preliminary consideration of applications and references to Board.


Fees on applications.


Inquiry and report by Board in relation to applications.


Grant of applications by Minister.


Form and operation of unworked minerals licences.


Form and operation of ancillary rights licences.


Form and operation of preservation of support orders.


Restricted effect of grant of licences and orders.


Grant of licences and orders to persons in a fiduciary capacity.


Compensation under Part VI.


Expenses of the Board in relation to inquiries.


Costs of the parties at inquiries.


Furnishing of information to Minister by licensees.




Definitions for purposes of Part VII.


Determination of the amount of compensation.


Applications for compensation in respect of land.


Agreed compensation in respect of land subject to land purchase annuity.


Applications for compensation for State acquired minerals.


Applications for compensation under Part VI.


Fees on applications for compensation.


Right of audience on hearings before the Board.


Awards of compensation.


Awards of compensation in respect of land subject to land purchase annuity.


Basis for assessment of compensation in respect of minerals and ancillary rights.


Form of compensation for State acquired minerals and for unworked minerals licences.


Compensation in the case of unascertained persons.


Finality of Board's decisions on questions of fact.


Cases stated on questions of law.


Deductions from compensation of debts due to the State.


Awards of costs.


Miscellaneous and General


Prohibition on working minerals without lawful authority.


Minister to be given notice of shafts and boreholes.


Powers of Inspectors.


Laying of half-yearly reports before the Oireachtas.


Disposal of moneys received as consideration.


Collection and disposal of fees.






Amendment of the Foreshore Act, 1933.


Repeal of the Act of 1931.


Acts Referred to

Mines and Minerals Act, 1931

No. 54 of 1931

Land Act, 1923

No. 42 of 1923

Foreshore Act, 1933

No. 12 of 1933

Acquisition of Land (Reference Committee) Act, 1925

No. 22 of 1925

National Monuments Act, 1930

No. 2 of 1930


Number 31 of 1940.






Short title.

1.—This Act may be cited as the Minerals Development Act, 1940.



2.—In this Act—


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce;


the expression “the Land Commission” means the Irish Land Commission;


the expression “the Act of 1931” means the Mines and Minerals Act, 1931 (No. 54 of 1931);


the expression “land purchase annuity” means a land purchase annuity payable under the Land Purchase Acts to the Land Commission;


the word “rent” includes any periodical payment in the nature of rent;


the expression “royalty rent” means a rent calculated by reference to the quantity, price, or value of minerals gotten;


the word “surface”, when used in relation to land, includes any buildings, works, or things erected, constructed or growing on such land;


the word “working”, when used in relation to minerals, includes digging, searching for, mining, getting, raising, taking, carrying away, treating, and converting such minerals, and cognate words shall be construed accordingly;


the expression “exclusive mining right” means a right of working minerals vested in any person exclusive of any other person;


the expression “scheduled mineral” means any substance mentioned in the Schedule to this Act;


the expression “mineral compound” means any substance formed by the chemical combination of one scheduled mineral with any other such mineral;


the expression “mineral substance” means any substance of a similar nature to any scheduled mineral;


the word “prescribed” means prescribed by regulations made by the Minister under this Act.



3.—In this Act (save where the context otherwise requires) the word “minerals” means all substances (other than the agricultural surface of the ground and other than turf or peat) in, on, or under land, whether obtainable by underground or by surface working, and includes all mines, whether they are or are not already opened or in work, and also includes the cubic space occupied or formerly occupied by minerals, and, for greater certainty but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the said word includes all scheduled minerals.


State mining rights under the Land Purchase Acts.

4.—(1) Every State mining right to which this section applies shall include and be deemed always to have included a right to work scheduled minerals, mineral compounds, and mineral sub-stances within the meaning of this Act, and in this Act, the word “minerals”, when used in relation to any such State mining right, shall be construed accordingly.


(2) In this section, the expression “State mining right to which this section applies” means any such exclusive right of mining and taking minerals, and digging and searching for minerals as is mentioned in sub-section (3) of section 13 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, or in sub-section (5) of section 45 of the Land Act, 1923 (No. 42 of 1923), which is, at the passing of this Act, or becomes, after such passing, vested in the State, either by virtue of the said sub-section (3), as amended by section 2 of the Act of 1931 and adapted in consequence of the enactment of the Constitution, or by virtue of the said sub-section (5) as so adapted.


(3) Notwithstanding the repeal by this Act of the Act of 1931, the following enactments, that is to say:—


(a) the second proviso to sub-section (3) of section 13 of the Irish Land Act, 1903,


(b) sub-section (4) of the said section 13 (so far only as relates to State mining rights to which this section applies),


(c) section 1 of the Irish Land Act, 1907, and


(d) section 37 of the Irish Land Act, 1909,


shall continue to apply to any letting, lease, sale or demise of any State mining right to which this section applies made by the Land Commission before the passing of the Act of 1931.


“State minerals”.

5.—The following minerals and exclusive mining rights shall be State minerals for the purposes of this Act and the expression “State minerals” shall in this Act be construed accordingly, that is to say:—


(a) any minerals and any exclusive mining right which, at the date of the passing of this Act, belong to or are the property of the State or the People, and are vested (subject to any lease granted under the Act of 1931) in the State or in any Minister of State;


(b) any minerals and any exclusive mining right which, on or after the passing of this Act become, by any means, the property of or vested in the State or the People or become vested in a Minister of State, as on and from the date upon which they become such property or become so vested;


(c) without prejudice to the generality of the next preceding paragraph of this section, any minerals or any exclusive mining right which become vested in the Minister by virtue of a minerals acquisition order for the time being in force made under the provisions of Part III of this Act, for so long as such minerals or such exclusive right shall be so vested;


(d) notwithstanding anything contained in the Foreshore Act, 1933 (No. 12 of 1933), and without prejudice to the generality of paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, any minerals lying on or under foreshore belonging to the State within the meaning of that Act, as adapted in consequence of the enactment of the Constitution;


(e) without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (a) and (b) of this section, all mines of gold and silver.


“Ancillary rights”.

6.—The following rights shall be ancillary rights for the purposes of this Act, and, in this Act, the expression “ancillary rights” shall be construed accordingly, that is to say:—


(a) a right to let down the surface including a right to let down superincumbent or adjacent strata up to and including the surface;


(b) a right of air-way, shaft-way, or surface or underground way-leave, or other right for the purpose of access to or conveyance of minerals or machinery or the ventilation or drainage or working of mines;


(c) a right to construct, operate and maintain roads and railways for the conveyance of minerals from any mine to any existing road or railway system and for that purpose to use and occupy land and to exercise any right in or over land or water or in or over any public road;


(d) a right to use and occupy the surface of land for the erection of crushing and dressing mills, washeries, coke ovens, railways, aerial rope ways, aerial tramways, by-product works or brick making or other works, or for dwellings for persons employed in connection with the working of minerals or with any such works as aforesaid;


(e) a right to a supply of water or other substances in connection with the working of minerals;


(f) a right to dispose in a particular manner of water or other liquid matter obtained from mines or any byproduct works;


(g) a right to dispose in a particular manner of waste products obtained in connection with the working of minerals;


(h) a right to dam or divert any river, or watercourse, including an artificial watercourse;


(i) a right to divert sewers, watermains, and pipes;


(j) a right to divert a public road, street, or way, or a private way, and to substitute for an existing bridge another bridge on a different site;


(k) a right to divert a railway or a tramway;


(l) a right to demolish buildings which impede the proper working of any minerals.



Right of Entering and Prospecting Unworked Minerals and Grant of Prospecting Licences.


Entering and prospecting for minerals.

7.—(1) Whenever it appears to the Minister that there are minerals on or under any land and that such minerals are not being worked or are not being worked efficiently, the Minister may, subject to giving the notice required by this section, do, at his discretion, either of the following things, that is to say:—


(a) enter upon such land and there do all such things as are in his opinion necessary or desirable for the purpose of ascertaining the character, extent, or value of such minerals and, in particular make borings, sink pits, remove water from old workings, and take and remove reasonable quantities of such minerals for analysis, test, trial, or experiment;


(b) grant to any person, in accordance with this Part of this Act, such licence (in this Act referred to as a prospecting licence) in respect of such minerals as is authorised by this Part of this Act.


(2) The Minister shall not exercise, in respect of any land, either the right conferred on him by paragraph (a) of the foregoing sub-section of this section or the power conferred on him by paragraph (b) of that sub-section before the expiration of one month after he has served on the occupier of such land notice of his intention to exercise such right or such power, as the case may be.


(3) The notice mentioned in the next preceding sub-section of this section may be served by registered post and, when so served, may be addressed to the occupier by name at either his last-known place of abode or at the land to which the notice relates.


(4) The Minister shall not enter on any land under paragraph (a) of the first sub-section of this section, or do on such land any of the things authorised by that paragraph without the consent of the Minister for Finance.


(5) The right conferred on the Minister by paragraph (a) of the first sub-section of this section is in this Act referred to as the right of entering and prospecting.


Prospecting licences.

8.—(1) Every prospecting licence shall be granted upon such terms and conditions as the Minister thinks proper and specifies in such licence.


(2) On the granting of a prospecting licence, the licensee shall pay to the Minister such consideration therefor as the Minister, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, may determine.


(3) Every prospecting licence shall be expressed and shall operate to authorise the licensee, during the currency of such period as is specified in such licence and subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act, to enter on such land as may be similarly specified and there do all such things as the licensee considers necessary or desirable for the purpose of ascertaining the character, extent, or value of the minerals lying on or under such land, and in particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, for the purposes aforesaid to make borings, sink pits, remove water from old workings, and take and remove reasonable quantities of any such minerals for the purpose of analysis, test, trial or experiment.


(4) Every prospecting licence shall contain an indemnity clause whereby the licensee under such licence indemnifies the Minister against any claim or demand whatsoever in respect of the land or the minerals the subject of such licence or in any way arising out of the exercise by the licensee of any of the rights conferred on him by such licence.


(5) Every prospecting licence shall contain a clause requiring the licensee thereunder to exercise the rights conferred on him by such licence in such manner as not to interfere unnecessarily with the amenities of the locality in which are situate the land and minerals the subject of such licence.


Applications for prospecting licences.

9.—(1) The Minister may make regulations for all or any of the following purposes, that is to say:—


(a) prescribing the form and manner in which applications for prospecting licences shall be made;


(b) requiring the payment of fees on such applications and prescribing the amounts of such fees;


(c) specifying the conditions to be complied with by applicants for prospecting licences;


(d) requiring every applicant for a prospecting licence to furnish evidence as to his character, financial standing, and technical qualifications and to give security for the due fulfilment of his obligations under such licence, and prescribing the nature of such evidence and of such security respectively;


(e) specifying the terms and conditions to be incorporated in prospecting licences (including the period for which the licence is granted) and the obligations imposed on the licensees thereunder.


(2) Different regulations may be made under this section in respect of particular classes of prospecting licences.


(3) Every application for a prospecting licence shall be made in accordance with such of the regulations made under this section as are applicable to such application.


Compensation for damage under Part II.

10.—(1) Whenever damage to the surface of any land is caused, whether directly or indirectly, either—


(a) by the exercise by the Minister under this Part of this Act of his right of entering and prospecting, or


(b) by the exercise by the licensee under a prospecting licence of his rights under such licence,


the Minister or the said licensee (as the case may be) shall be liable to pay compensation (in this Act referred to as compensation for damage under Part II) for such damage.


(2) The amount of compensation for damage under Part II shall, in default of agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of Part VII of this Act.


Restriction on working minerals by licensees.

11.—(1) It shall not be lawful for any licensee under a prospecting licence to work, sell, or otherwise dispose of any minerals lying on or under the land in respect of which such licence was granted.


(2) Nothing in this section shall prevent the licensee under a prospecting licence taking and removing reasonable quantities of the minerals to which such licence relates for analysis, test, trial, or experiment.


(3) If any licensee under a prospecting licence works, sells, or otherwise disposes of any minerals in contravention of this section he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding fifty pounds for every day during which the offence is continued.


Revocation and termination of prospecting licences.

12.—(1) The Minister may at any time, in his absolute discretion, revoke a prospecting licence.


(2) A prospecting licence shall terminate, if the licensee thereunder is an individual, on his death or bankruptcy or, if such licensee is a body corporate, on its dissolution.


(3) On the revocation or termination of a prospecting licence under this section—


(a) all rights and powers exerciseable by the licensee thereunder shall cease and determine, but without prejudice to any obligation or liability imposed on such licensee by this Act or by such licence;


(b) such licensee shall not be entitled to be repaid any part of the consideration paid by him for the grant of such licence.


Undertaking by Minister to grant leases.

13.—(1) On the granting or at any time during the currency of a prospecting licence, the Minister may enter into an undertaking with the licensee under such licence to the effect that if, at any time during the currency or on the expiration of such licence, the Minister is satisfied that the prospecting carried on by such licensee has been successful and that the terms and conditions of such licence have been observed and performed, the Minister will grant to such licensee a State mining lease under Part IV of this Act to take effect from such date, either before or after the expiration of such licence, as may be specified in the State mining lease.


(2) Every such undertaking as is mentioned in the foregoing sub-section of this section shall be in such form as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, thinks fit, and may specify the terms and conditions (if any) upon which the State mining lease which is the subject of such undertaking shall be granted.


(3) Whenever the Minister enters into an undertaking to grant a State mining lease under this section, it shall be lawful for the Minister to carry out such undertaking in accordance with the terms thereof.



Compulsory Acquisition of Unworked Minerals and of Mining Facilities.


Minerals acquisition orders.

14.—(1) Whenever it appears to the Minister that there are minerals on or under any land and that such minerals are not being worked or are not being worked efficiently and the Minister is of opinion that it is desirable in the public interest, with a view to the exploitation of such minerals, that the working of such minerals should be controlled by the State, the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may by order (in this Act referred to as a minerals acquisition order) either, as he shall, with the consent aforesaid, think proper, compulsorily acquire such minerals or compulsorily acquire an exclusive mining right in respect of such minerals.


(2) The following provisions shall apply and have effect in relation to every minerals acquisition order, that is to say:—


(a) such order shall specify the nature, situation, and extent of the minerals to which it relates;


(b) such order may be in respect of all the minerals on or under any particular land or in respect of any particular such mineral or any particular class of such minerals;


(c) if minerals are intended to be acquired by such order, such order shall be expressed and shall operate to vest such minerals in the Minister in fee simple;


(d) if an exclusive mining right only is intended to be acquired by such order, such order shall be expressed and shall operate to vest such exclusive mining right in the Minister for such term as shall be specified in that behalf in such order;


(e) such order shall not be expressed or operate to vest in the Minister the surface of any land or any ancillary rights, but, subject to that limitation, such order may contain all or any such supplemental or ancillary provisions as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, shall think proper.


(3) All minerals acquired by a minerals acquisition order and every exclusive mining right similarly acquired shall for the purposes of this Act be deemed to be State acquired minerals, and the expression “State acquired minerals” shall, in this Act, be construed accordingly.


Publications and services in respect of minerals acquisition orders.

15.—(1) Whenever the Minister makes a minerals acquisition order he shall do every of the following things as soon as may be after the making of such order, that is to say:—


(a) publish notice of the making of such order in the Iris Oifigiúil and in such newspapers as he shall think proper;


(b) deposit in the office of the Geological Survey, Dublin, a map (on a suitable scale and showing all relevant detail) of the area in which are situate the minerals to which such order relates.


(2) The notice of the making of a minerals acquisition order required or authorised by the foregoing sub-section of this section to be published by the Minister shall state whether minerals or an exclusive mining right are or is acquired by such order and shall, in either case, indicate with reasonable particularity the situation, nature, and extent of the minerals to which such order relates, and may contain such (if any) other information in respect of such order and the contents thereof as the Minister shall consider expedient.


(3) Every map deposited in the office of the Geological Survey, Dublin, in pursuance of the first sub-section of this section shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection in that office by any person desiring to inspect the same.


Compensation for State acquired minerals.

16.—(1) The Minister shall be liable to pay compensation (in this Act referred to as compensation for State acquired minerals) for any minerals or any exclusive mining right acquired by him by a minerals acquisition order.


(2) Compensation for State acquired minerals shall, in default of agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of Part VII of this Act.


Claims for compensation for State acquired minerals.

17.—(1) Any person who claims to be entitled under this Part of this Act to compensation for State acquired minerals acquired by a minerals acquisition order may, at any time within two months, or such longer time (not exceeding altogether twelve months) as the Minister may in any particular case allow, after the publication in the Iris Oifigiúil of notice of the making of such order lodge with the Minister a claim for such compensation.


(2) No claim to compensation for State acquired minerals which is lodged after the period limited by the next preceding sub-section of this section shall be considered by the Minister.


(3) The following provisions shall apply and have effect in relation to every claim for compensation for State acquired minerals, that is to say:—


(a) such claim shall be in the prescribed form and shall be made and verified in the prescribed manner;


(b) such claim shall state—


(i) the nature of the applicant's interest in such State acquired minerals,


(ii) the situation, nature, and extent of the minerals in respect of which such interest exists,


(iii) all claims or encumbrances to which such interest is subject, and


(iv) such other particulars as may be prescribed;


(c) the person making such claim shall, if required so to do by the Minister, furnish to the Minister such information as he may require for the consideration of such claim.


(4) If any person, who is required under paragraph (c) of the immediately preceding sub-section of this section to furnish any information to the Minister, either wilfully or recklessly makes for the purposes of the claim to which such information relates, any statement which is false or misleading in a material respect, he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.


Surrender by the Minister of an exclusive mining right.

18.—Whenever an exclusive mining right has become vested in the Minister by virtue of a minerals acquisition order, the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may, by order at any time while such right is so vested surrender such right.


Compulsory acquisition of land and ancillary rights.

19.—(1) Whenever the Minister is of opinion that it is necessary for the efficient or convenient exploitation of any State minerals to acquire any land or any ancillary right, the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, may by order (in this Act referred to as a mining facilities acquisition order), compulsorily acquire, either permanently or temporarly, such land or such ancillary right.


(2) The following provisions shall apply and have effect in relation to every mining facilities acquisition order, that is to say:—


(a) where such order provides for the acquisition of land, it shall specify the area and situation of such land and the nature and duration of the interest in such land which is vested in the Minister by such order;


(b) where such order provides for the acquisition of an ancillary right, it shall specify the character of such right, the situation of any property affected by the exercise of such right, and the nature and duration of the interest in such right which is vested in the Minister by such order;


(c) such order may contain all such supplementary or ancillary provisions as the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, shall think proper;


(d) such order may contain a provision requiring that, in carrying such order into effect, all persons charged with the execution thereof shall have due regard to the amenities of the locality in which are situate the land or ancillary right acquired by such order;


(e) such order shall be expressed and shall operate to vest in the Minister the land or the ancillary right thereby acquired for such period and in such manner as shall be specified in such order.


Notices in respect of mining facilities acquisition orders.

20.—(1) Whenever the Minister proposes to make a mining facilities acquisition order he shall comply with whichever of the following provisions is applicable, that is to say:—


(a) where the Minister proposes to acquire any land by such order, he shall, at least one month or, if there is an occupied dwelling-house on such land, at least three months before making such order, serve on every person appearing to him to have an interest in such land notice of his intention to make such order, and publish at least once in each of two newspapers circulating in the neighbourhood of such land a like notice of his said intention;


(b) where the Minister proposes to acquire an ancillary right by such order, he shall, at least one month before making such order, serve on every person appearing to him to have an interest in any property which would be affected by the exercise of such right notice of his intention to make such order and publish at least once in each of two newspapers circulating in the neighbourhood of any such property a like notice of his said intention.


(2) Every notice required by the foregoing sub-section of this section to be served or published shall—


(a) if such notice relates to the acquisition of land, state the situation and area of such land with sufficient particularity to enable such land to be easily identified and also state the nature and duration of the interest proposed to be acquired in such land, or


(b) if such notice relates to the acquisition of an ancillary right, state the nature of such right, the land or other property in respect of which such right is proposed to be acquired, and the period for which such right is proposed to be acquired.


(4) A notice required by this section to be served on any person may be served by registered post and, if so served, may be addressed to such person at his last-known place of abode.


Compensation for mining facilities.

21.—(1) The Minister shall be liable to pay compensation (in this Act referred to as compensation for mining facilities) for any land or ancillary right acquired by him under a mining facilities acquisition order.


(2) Compensation for mining facilities shall, in default of agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of Part VII of this Act.


(3) All claims for compensation for mining facilities in respect of any land or ancillary right acquired by the Minister under a mining facilities acquisition order may be made at any time within two months, or such longer period (not exceeding altogether four months) as the Minister may in any particular case allow after the date of such order, and no such claim shall be entertained unless made within that period.


Licences in respect of State acquired minerals.

22.—(1) Whenever the Minister has acquired any minerals by a minerals acquisition order, the Minister may, at any time thereafter, grant to any person a licence (in this Act referred to as a State acquired minerals licence) to work such minerals.


(2) Whenever there is vested in the Minister by virtue of a minerals acquisition order an exclusive mining right, the Minister may grant to any person a licence (in this Act also referred to as a State acquired minerals licence) to exercise such exclusive mining right and by virtue of such right to work the minerals to which such right applied.


(3) Whenever the Minister has granted a State acquired minerals licence (in this sub-section referred to as the principal licence), the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(a) if, at the time when the principal licence is granted or at any time thereafter while the principal licence is in force, there is vested in the Minister by virtue of a mining facilities acquisition order any land for the purpose of working the minerals or exercising the exclusive mining right (as the case may be) to which the principal licence relates, the Minister may grant to the licensee under the principal licence a subsidiary licence (in this Act referred to as a mining facilities licence) to use, for the purpose aforesaid and in accordance with the said order, the land or any specified part of the land so vested in the Minister;


(b) if, at the time when the principal licence is granted or at any time thereafter while the principal licence is in force, there is vested in the Minister by virtue of a mining facilities acquisition order any ancillary right or rights for the purpose of working the minerals or exercising the exclusive mining right (as the case may be) to which the principal licence relates, the Minister may grant to the licensee under the principal licence a subsidiary licence (in this Act also referred to as a mining facilities licence) to exercise, for the purpose aforesaid and in accordance with the said order, the ancillary right or all or any particular one or more of the ancillary rights so vested in the Minister;


(c) whenever the Minister grants a State acquired minerals licence and one or more mining facilities licences to the same person in respect of the same minerals or the same exclusive mining right, such mining facilities licence or licences may, if the circumstances permit, be included in the said State acquired minerals licence;


(d) whenever the Minister grants two mining facilities licences to the same person in respect of the same minerals or the same exclusive mining right and such licences are not included in a State acquired minerals licence, such two mining facilities licences may, if the circumstances permit, be included in a single such licence.


Applications for licences in respect of State acquired minerals.

23.—(1) The Minister may make regulations for all or any of the following purposes, that is to say:—


(a) prescribing the form and manner in which applications for a State acquired minerals licence or a mining facilities licence shall be made;


(b) requiring the payment of fees on such applications and prescribing the amounts of such fees;


(c) specifying the conditions to be complied with by applicants for any such licence;


(d) specifying the terms and conditions to be incorporated in such licences (including the period for which the licence is granted) and the obligations to be imposed by such licences on the licensees thereunder and, in particular, requiring the licensee under any such licence, in exercising the rights conferred thereby, to have due regard to the amenities of the locality in which is situate the subject matter of such licence;


(e) requiring every applicant for a State acquired minerals licence to furnish evidence as to his character, financial standing, and technical qualifications and to give security for the due fulfilment of his obligations under such licence, and prescribing the nature of such evidence and of such security respectively.


(2) Different regulations may be made under this section in respect of particular classes of licences.


(3) Every application for a State acquired minerals licence or a mining facilities licence shall be made in accordance with such of the regulations made under this section as are applicable to such application.


Form and contents of licences in respect of State acquired minerals.

24.—(1) The following provisions shall apply and have effect in relation to every State acquired minerals licence and every mining facilities licence, that is to say:—


(a) such licence shall be granted upon such terms and conditions as the Minister thinks proper and specifies in such licence, and different terms and conditions may be so specified in respect of State acquired minerals licences and in respect of mining facilities licences;


(b) on the granting, of such licence, the licensee shall pay to the Minister such consideration therefor as the Minister, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, may determine.


(2) Every State acquired minerals licence shall be expressed and shall operate to confer on the licensee for such period as may be specified in the licence, a right to do whichever of the following things is specified in the licence, that is to say:—


(a) to work the minerals specified in the licence;


(b) to exercise the exclusive mining right specified in the licence and by virtue of that right to work the minerals similarly specified.


(3) Where a mining facilities licence (in this sub-section referred to as the subsidiary licence) is granted as a subsidiary licence to the licensee under a State acquired minerals licence (in this sub-section referred to as the principal licence), the subsidiary licence shall be expressed and shall operate to confer on such licensee, for such period as is specified in the subsidiary licence, a right to do whichever of the following things is specified in the subsidiary licence, that is to say:—


(a) to use, for the purpose of working the minerals or exercising the exclusive mining right (as the case may be) to which the principal licence relates and in accordance with the relevant mining facilities acquisition order, such land as is specified in the subsidiary licence;


(b) to exercise, for the purpose aforesaid and in accordance with the said order, such ancillary right or all or any particular such ancillary rights as is or are specified in the subsidiary licence.


Compensation for damage under Part III.

25.—(1) Whenever damage to the surface of any land is caused, either directly or indirectly, by the exercise by the licensee under a State acquired minerals licence or a mining facilities licence of his rights under such licence, the said licensee shall be liable to pay compensation (in this Act referred to as compensation for damage under Part III) for such damage.


(2) The amount of compensation for damage under Part III shall, in default of agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of Part VII of this Act.



State Minerals.


State mining leases.

26.—(1) If, in the opinion of the Minister, it is in the public interest that any State minerals should be granted by way of lease to any person, the Minister may demise such minerals to such person by way of lease (in this Act referred to as a State mining lease) for such term as the Minister shall think proper.


(2) The following provisions shall apply and have effect in relation to every State mining lease, that is to say:—


(a) unless the Minister, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, is of opinion that such lease should in the public interest be made free of payment, such lease shall be made subject to the payment to the Minister of such moneys, whether by way of fine or preliminary payment or by way of rent (including a royalty rent) or by any or all of such ways, as the Minister, with the concurrence of the Minister for Finance, shall think proper and shall agree upon with the lessee;


(b) such lease shall contain such (if any) covenants, conditions and subsidiary agreements on the part of the Minister or of the lessee as the Minister shall consider proper or desirable in the public interest and shall agree upon with the lessee;


(c) such lease may contain a clause providing for the renewal or successive renewals thereof, either unconditionally or subject to such conditions as shall be stated in such lease;


(d) the Minister for Finance shall be a party to such lease.


(3) In exercising the respective powers conferred on them by this section, and in particular, in determining what (if any) payment should be made to the Minister by the lessee under a State mining lease and what (if any) covenants or conditions should be contained in such lease the Minister and the Minister for Finance may take into consideration the general advantages that are likely to accrue to the State from the development of the State minerals demised by such lease and also the extent to which it is desirable, in the public interest, that any of the minerals raised under such lease should be conserved for use within the State as raw materials for industries that are or may be established within the State.


Furnishing of information by lessees of State mining leases.

27.—(1) Every lessee under a State mining lease shall furnish to the Minister, within twenty-eight days after being required by the Minister so to do, such information as the Minister may, at any time, require in relation to the minerals demised by such lease or to the working of such minerals.


(2) The Minister may make regulations in relation to the furnishing by lessees of State mining leases of information in regard to the minerals or the working of the minerals demised by such leases, and such regulations may require the furnishing of such information in addition and without prejudice to the information required to be furnished under the next preceding sub-section of this section.


(3) If any person who is required by this section or by any regulation made thereunder to furnish any information to the Minister,—


(a) fails or refuses to furnish such information, or


(b) knowingly furnishes any such information which is false or misleading in a material particular, or


(c) otherwise makes default in complying with the provisions of this section or of any regulation made thereunder,


he shall be guilty of an offence under this section, and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further fine not exceeding ten pounds for every day during which such offence is continued.


Grant of State mining permissions.

28.—(1) Where—


(a) any substances to which this section applies are comprised in a deposit of State minerals, and


(b) any person desires to obtain permission to work any one or more of such substances in small quantities, and


(c) such person satisfies the Minister that, on account of the small value or quantity of such substances which he desires to work, or the limited period for which he desires to work them, or for any other reason, the permission required is of trifling importance and will not materially affect the said deposit of State minerals,


the Minister may, if he so thinks fit, on the application of such person in accordance with this section, grant to such person a right (in this Act referred to as a State mining permission) to work such substances in small quantities.


(2) Every State mining permission granted under this section shall be in writing and shall operate and be expressed to confer on the person to whom it is granted a right to work such of the substances to which this section applies as are therein specified and to do anything incidental to the working of such substances, but subject to such restrictions as to quantity of minerals to be worked and as to duration of working and to such other terms and conditions as may be similarly specified.


(3) A State mining permission may either (as the Minister, after consultation with the Minister for Finance, shall think fit) be made free of charge or be made subject to the payment by the person to whom it is granted of such moneys, whether by way of fine, or other preliminary payment or by way of rent (whether dead rent or royalty rent) or all or any of those ways as the Minister, after such consultation as aforesaid, shall think proper.


(4) A State mining permission shall not operate to confer on the grantee thereof an exclusive mining right in respect of the minerals to which such permission relates.


(5) This section applies to all scheduled minerals and to all mineral compounds and mineral substances, and, in this section, the expression “substance to which this section applies” shall be construed accordingly.


Saving in respect of State lands.

29.—The Minister shall not grant a State mining lease or a State mining permission in respect of minerals which lie on or under land vested in or in the occupation of any other Minister of State, save after consultation with such Minister.


Right of Minister to work and dispose of State minerals.

30.—(1) It shall be lawful for the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, at any time, subject to the terms of any lease, licence, or permission granted by him under this Act, to work State minerals, wherever they are situate, and to sell or otherwise dispose of the minerals obtained by such working.


(2) Whenever the Minister sells or disposes of minerals under this section, the proceeds of such sale or disposal shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.


Right of entry and user of land containing State minerals.

31.—(1) Where there are State minerals lying on or under any land, it shall be lawful for the Minister, at any time, subject to the terms of any lease, licence, or permission granted by him under this Act, to enter on and use such land in such manner as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of working such minerals or for any purpose incidental thereto.


(2) Where State minerals are comprised in any State mining lease or State mining permission, the lessee of such lease or the holder of such permission (as the case may be) may, during the currency of such lease or permission, enter on the land on or under which such minerals lie and use such land in such manner as may be reasonably necessary for the working of such minerals or for any purpose incidental thereto.


(3) Whenever damage to the surface of any land is caused, directly or indirectly, either—


(a) by working or doing anything incidental to the working of State minerals, or


(b) by exercising a right of entry and user of land conferred by this section,


the person causing such damage, whether he is the Minister, the lessee of a State mining lease, or the holder of a State mining permission, shall be liable to pay compensation (in this Act referred to as compensation for damage under Part IV) for such damage.


(4) The amount of compensation for damage under Part IV shall, in default of agreement, be determined in accordance with the provisions of Part VII of this Act.


Fencing of abandoned State minerals.

32.—(1) Where the working of any State minerals has been abandoned or discontinued, whether before or after the passing of this Act, the Minister may cause the top or entrance of every shaft or outlet used in connection with such working to be kept surrounded by a structure of a permanent character sufficient to prevent accidents, and may enter on any land for the purpose of so doing.


(2) The Minister may authorise any person in writing to exercise for and on behalf of the Minister the powers conferred by the foregoing sub-section of this section on the Minister, and, whenever the Minister so authorises any person, such person (in this section referred to as an agent of the Minister) may in the name and for and on behalf of the Minister exercise such powers.


(3) If any person obstructs or interferes with an agent of the Minister in exercise of the powers conferred on such agent by virtue of the foregoing provisions of this section, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds.


(4) No compensation shall be payable in respect or in consequence of the exercise of the powers conferred by or under this section on the Minister or an agent of the Minister.


(5) Nothing in this section contained shall exempt any person from any liability under any other Act or otherwise.



The Mining Board.


Establishment of the Mining Board.

33.—(1) There shall be established a board to be known as the Mining Board (in this Act referred to as the Board) consisting of a chairman and two ordinary members to fulfil the functions assigned to it by this Act.


(2) The chairman of the Board shall be a practising barrister of at least ten years standing or a practising solicitor of like standing and one of the ordinary members shall be a person who is a member of the panel of official arbitrators appointed under the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, as amended by the Acquisition of Land (Reference Committee) Act, 1925 (No. 22 of 1925), and the other ordinary member shall be an officer of the Minister.


(3) Every member of the Board shall be appointed by the Minister for such period as he thinks fit and may be removed from office by the Minister and may resign his office at any time.


(4) There may be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas to any member of the Board such fees or other remuneration and such expenses as the Minister for Finance may determine.


(5) If any member of the Board is for any reason temporarily unable to attend the sittings of the Board the Minister may appoint another person to act temporarily during such inability of such member as a member of the Board, but no person shall be appointed to act as a member of the Board under this sub-section unless he possesses the qualifications required by sub-section (2) of this section to be possessed by the member of the Board in the place of whom such person is so temporarily appointed.


Regulations for proceedings before Board.

34.—The Minister may by order make regulations in relation to all or any of the following matters, that is to say:—


(a) the times and places of the sittings of the Board;


(b) the persons to whom and the times and manner in which notice of the sittings of the Board shall be given;


(c) the admission or exclusion of the public to or from sittings of the Board;


(d) such other matters in relation to the practice and procedure of the Board as the Minister may consider necessary or expedient for the proper conduct of the business of the Board.


Powers of Board.

35.—(1) The Board shall have all such powers, rights, and privileges for enforcing the attendance of witnesses and examining them on oath (which any member of the Board is hereby authorised to administer) or otherwise and for compelling the production of documents as are vested in the High Court or a judge thereof in respect of the trial of an action, and a summons signed by any one or more members of the Board shall be equivalent to and have the like effect as a formal process issued by the High Court for enforcing the attendance of witnesses or compelling the production of documents, as the case may be.


(2) If any person—


(a) on being duly summoned as a witness before the Board makes default in attending, or


(b) being in attendance as a witness refuses to take an oath legally required by the Board to be taken, or to produce any document in his power or control legally required by the Board to be produced by him, or to answer any question to which the Board may legally require an answer, or


(c) does any thing which would, if the Board were a Court of Justice having power to commit for contempt of Court, be contempt of such Court,


the Board may certify the offence of that person under their hands to the High Court and that Court may, after such inquiry as it thinks proper to make, punish or take steps for the punishment of that person in like manner as if he had been guilty of contempt of the said Court.


(3) A witness before the Board shall be entitled to the same immunities and privileges as if he were a witness before the High Court.


Entry on land by the Board or officers thereof.

36.—(1) Any member of the Board and any person authorised in that behalf by the Board may for any purpose connected with the performance of the functions imposed by this Act on the Board enter on any land and make such investigation thereon as the Board may consider necessary for the purpose aforesaid.


(2) If any person obstructs or impedes any member of the Board or any person authorised by the Board in the exercise of the powers conferred on such member or person by this section, such person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.


Staff of the Board.

37.—(1) The Minister shall appoint a secretary of the Board and may, subject to the consent of the Minister for Finance as to the number, appoint such other officers and servants of the Board as he may consider necessary for assisting the Board in the performance of its functions.


(2) The secretary and other officers and the servants of the Board shall hold office upon such terms and be remunerated at such rates and in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall sanction.



Facilities for Development of Privately Owned Minerals and Grant of Restrictions on Working Minerals Required for the Support of Land or Buildings.


Applications for unworked minerals licences.

38.—(1) Any person who desires to obtain under this Act a licence (in this Act referred to as an unworked minerals licence) to work any particular minerals may apply in writing to the Minister for the grant to him of an unworked minerals licence in respect of the said minerals.


(2) Every application under this section for an unworked minerals licence shall be made in the prescribed form and manner and shall be verified in the prescribed manner and shall contain the particulars required by the said prescribed form, including a statement of the facts relied on by the applicant in support of his application.


(3) Within the prescribed time after making an application under this section, the applicant shall serve in the prescribed manner a copy of the said application on every of the prescribed persons.


(4) Any person on whom a copy of an application under this section is served in pursuance of the next preceding sub-section of this section may, if he so thinks fit, make to the Minister at any time within such period, not being less than three weeks after the service of such copy on him, as may be prescribed, representations in respect of the said application.


Restrictions on the grant of unworked minerals licences.

39.—(1) An unworked minerals licence shall not be granted unless all the following conditions (in this Act referred to as statutory conditions) are fulfilled, that is to say:—


(a) the minerals in respect of which such licence is applied for are not being worked or are not being worked efficiently, and


(b) the applicant for such licence desires to work the said minerals and possesses the technical and financial resources necessary for the proper and efficient working of the said minerals, and


(c) it is not reasonably practicable for the said applicant to obtain by private arrangement a right to work the said minerals.


(2) An unworked minerals licence shall not be granted in respect of State minerals unless they are comprised in a State mining lease, and, where such licence is granted in respect of State minerals so comprised, the duration of such licence shall not exceed the unexpired residue of the term granted by such lease.


Applications for ancillary rights licences.

40.—(1) Any person who desires to obtain under this Act a licence (in this Act referred to as an ancillary rights licence) to exercise an ancillary right in relation to the working of minerals which he is entitled (otherwise than under a State mining lease or a State acquired minerals licence) to work may apply in writing to the Minister for the grant to him of an ancillary rights licence in respect of the working of the said minerals.


(2) Every application under this section for an ancillary rights licence shall be made in the prescribed form and manner and shall be verified in the prescribed manner and shall contain the particulars required by the said prescribed form, including a statement of the facts relied on by the applicant in support of his application.


(3) Within the prescribed time after making an application under this section, the applicant shall serve in the prescribed manner a copy of the said application on every of the prescribed persons.


(4) Any person on whom a copy of an application under this section is served in pursuance of the next preceding sub-section of this section may, if he so thinks fit, make to the Minister at any time within such period, not being less than three weeks after the service of such copy on him, as may be prescribed, representations in respect of the said application.


Restrictions on the grant of ancillary rights licences.

41.—(1) An ancillary rights licence shall not be granted unless all the following conditions (in this Act referred to as statutory conditions) are fulfilled, that is to say:—


(a) the applicant for such licence is entitled to work the minerals in relation to the working of which such licence is applied for, and


(b) the ancillary right in respect of which such licence is applied for is necessary for the proper and efficient working of the said minerals by the said applicant, and


(c) it is not reasonably practicable for the said applicant to obtain by private arrangement the said ancillary right.


(2) An ancillary rights licence shall not be granted in relation to the-working of State minerals unless they are comprised in a State mining lease, and, where such licence is granted in relation to the working of State minerals so comprised, the duration of such licence shall not exceed the unexpired residue of the term granted by such lease.


Applications for preservation of support orders.

42.—(1) Any person having an interest in land who, for the purpose of securing sufficient support for a building erected or intended to be erected on such land, desires to obtain under this Act an order (in this Act referred to as a preservation of support order) imposing restrictions on mining under such land or land adjacent thereto may apply in writing to the Minister for a preservation of support order in relation to such land and land adjacent thereto.


(2) Every application under this section for a preservation of support order shall be made in the prescribed form and manner and shall be verified in the prescribed manner and shall contain the particulars required by the said prescribed form, including a statement of the facts relied on by the applicant in support of his application.


(3) Within the prescribed time after making an application under this section, the applicant shall serve a copy of the said application on every of the prescribed persons.


(4) Any person on whom a copy of an application under this section is served in pursuance of the next preceding sub-section of this section may, if he so thinks fit, make to the Minister at any time within such period not being less than three weeks after the service of such copy on him, as may be prescribed, representations in respect of the said application.


(5) In this Part of this Act the word “building” includes every kind of artificial erection, construction, or work on land whether wholly above the surface or partly above and partly below the surface or wholly below the surface and also includes any natural object which is a national monument within the meaning of the National Monuments Act, 1930 (No. 2 of 1930).


(6) In the case of a building which is a national monument within the meaning of the National Monuments Act, 1930, and is, by virtue of that Act, under the guardianship of the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland or of a local authority within the meaning aforesaid, the said Commissioners or such local authority, as the case may be, shall for the purposes of this section be deemed to be a person having an interest in the land on or in which such building is.


Restrictions on the grant of preservation of support orders.

43.—(1) A preservation of support order shall not be made unless all the following conditions (in this Act referred to as statutory conditions) are fulfilled, that is to say:—


(a) mining operations which will prejudice the stability of the building in relation to which the order is applied for are in progress or are reasonably apprehended under the land on or in which such building is situate or under land adjacent to that land, and


(b) the applicant for such order satisfies the Attorney-General that he is not entitled in law to such right of support in respect of such building as would enable him to obtain in a court of law relief in respect of the said mining operations, and


(c) it is not reasonably practicable for the said applicant to obtain by private arrangement a right to such support as would effectually preserve the stability of such building.


(2) A preservation of support order may in a proper case be made in respect of the working of State minerals.


Preliminary consideration of applications and references to Board.

44.—Whenever the Minister has received an application for an an unworked minerals licence, an ancillary rights licence, or a preservation of support order, the Minister shall at the expiration of the prescribed time for the making of representations by persons on whom a copy of such applications has been served in pursuance of this Part of this Act, do the following things or such of them as shall be applicable, that is to say:—


(a) he shall consider such application;


(b) he shall also consider all (if any) such representations as aforesaid as have been made within the said prescribed time;


(c) if the Minister is not satisfied that a prima facie case has been made for the grant of the licence or order applied for, he shall refuse the application;


(d) if the Minister does not refuse the application in pursuance of the next preceding paragraph of this sub-section, he shall refer the application to the Board.


Fees on applications.

45.—Every applicant for an unworked minerals licence, an ancillary rights licence, or a preservation of support order shall pay to the Minister such fee as shall be prescribed by the Minister, with the consent of the Minister for Finance, and the payment of such fee shall be a condition precedent to the consideration of such application.


Inquiry and report by Board in relation to applications.

46.—(1) Whenever an application for an unworked minerals licence, an ancillary rights licence, or a preservation of support order is referred to the Board by the Minister, the Board shall consider such application and shall for that purpose hold an inquiry at which the following persons shall be entitled to beheard, either in person or by solicitor or counsel, and to adduce evidence, that is to say:—


(a) the applicant;


(b) the Minister;


(c) any person claiming to have an estate or interest in any minerals which are the subject of such application;


(d) any other person in respect of whom it appears to the Board that he would be substantially affected by the grant of the application.


(2) When the Board has considered in accordance with the foregoing sub-section of this section any such application as is mentioned in that sub-section, the Board shall report thereon to the Minister and shall in such report deal with all relevant aspects of the matter and in particular whether the relevant statutory conditions have or have not been fulfilled and, unless the Board reports against the granting of the application, the person or persons to whom compensation should be paid by the applicant, and the conditions which should be specified in the licence or order.


(3) Where two or more separate applications by different persons for unworked minerals licences in respect of the same minerals are referred to the Board, the Board may, if they so think proper, consider all such applications together and hold a single inquiry and make a single report in respect of all such applications and may also, if they so think proper, report in favour of the issue of unworked mineral licences to different such applicants in respect of different parts of such minerals.


Grant of applications by Minister.

47.—(1) When the Minister has received the report of the Board on an application for an unworked minerals licence, an ancillary rights licence or a preservation of support order he shall, as he shall think proper having regard to such report and all the circumstances of the case and all (if any) matters to which he is required by this Act to have regard, either refuse such application or grant such application and issue the licence or make the order which is the subject of such application.


(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub-section of this section, the Minister shall not grant any such application as is mentioned in that sub-section unless he is satisfied that the relevant statutory conditions have been fulfilled.


(3) In the case of an application for an ancillary rights licence, where the right to which the application relates is a right to let down the surface of any land and the superincumbent or adjacent strata up to such surface, and also in the case of any application for a preservation of support order, the Minister when determining whether such application should or should not be granted,—


(a) if there are buildings on or under the land to which such application relates or if buildings are bona fide intended to be erected on such land, shall have regard to the relative values of such buildings and of the minerals which would be required to be retained under such land to support such buildings and to the relative importance in the public interest of the preservation of support for such buildings and the working of such minerals, or


(b) if there are no buildings on or in such land or bona fide intended to be erected thereon or therein, shall have regard to the extent to which the actual or intended use of the surface of such land will be prejudiced by the subsidence of that surface and to the relative importance in the public interest of the continuance of such use and of the working of such minerals.


Form and operation of unworked minerals licences.

48.—(1) An unworked minerals licence shall be expressed and shall operate to confer on the licensee the right to work the minerals specified in such licence during the period and subject to the conditions similarly specified and subject to the payment to such person as shall be specified in such licence of such compensation as shall be fixed in accordance with this Act.


(2) It shall be lawful for the Minister to attach to an unworked minerals licence all such (if any) conditions as he shall think proper and shall specify in such licence.


Form and operation of ancillary rights licences.

49.—(1) An ancillary rights licence shall be expressed and shall operate to confer on the licensee the ancillary right specified in such licence during the period, for the purpose, and subject to the conditions specified in such licence and subject to the payment to such person as shall be specified in such licence of such compensation as shall be fixed in accordance with this Act.


(2) It shall be lawful for the Minister to attach to an ancillary rights licence all such (if any) conditions as he shall think proper and shall specify in such licence.


Form and operation of preservation of support orders.

50.—(1) A preservation of support order shall be expressed and shall operate to impose such restrictions as shall be specified in such order on the working of such minerals under such land as shall be similarly specified and to confer on such persons as shall be similarly specified a legal right, enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction, to enforce the restrictions so imposed.


(2) It shall be lawful for the Minister to attach to a preservation of support order all such (if any) conditions as he shall think proper and shall specify in such order.


Restricted effect of grant of licences and orders.

51.—(1) Neither an unworked minerals licence nor an ancillary rights licence shall operate—


(a) to confer on the licensee thereunder any greater or other power than would have been conferred on him by such licence if it had been granted by a person legally entitled (otherwise than under this Act) to grant the same, or


(b) to relieve such licensee of any obligation or liability to which he would have been subject if such licence had been granted by any such person as aforesaid.


(2) A preservation of support order shall not operate—


(a) to confer on the person (in this sub-section referred to as the grantee) to whom is granted the legal right to enforce the restrictions thereby imposed any greater or other power than he would have been entitled to exercise if the right to enforce such restrictions had been conferred on him by a person legally entitled (otherwise than under this Act) to grant the same, or


(b) to relieve the grantee of any obligation or liability to which he would have been subject if the right to enforce such restrictions had been conferred on him by such person so legally entitled as aforesaid.


Grant of licences and orders to persons in a fiduciary capacity.

52.—(1) An unworked minerals licence or an ancillary rights licence may be expressed to be issued to the licensee thereunder as tenant for life or person having, the powers of a tenant for life under a settlement or as personal representative of a deceased person or as trustee or other person in a fiduciary capacity, and where any such licence is so expressed the benefit of such licence shall be deemed to be held by the licensee thereunder in such fiduciary capacity and as part of the property vested in him in that capacity.


(2) A preservation of support order may provide that the rights thereby conferred on any particular person are conferred on him as tenant for life or person having the powers of a tenant for life under a settlement or as personal representative of a deceased person or as trustee or other person in a fiduciary capacity and, where any such order so provides, the rights thereby conferred on such person shall be deemed to be vested in him in such fiduciary capacity as part of the property vested in him in that capacity.


Compensation under Part VI.

53.—(1) Every licensee under an unworked minerals licence or an ancillary rights licence shall pay compensation to such person or persons as shall be specified in such licence.


(2) Whenever a preservation of support order is made by the Minister, the person on whose application such order is made shall pay compensation to such person or persons as shall be specified in such order.


(3) Compensation payable under this section (in this Act referred to as compensation under Part VI) shall, in default of agreement between the parties concerned, be fixed in accordance with the provisions of Part VII of this Act.


(4) The Minister may attach to an unworked minerals licence, an ancillary rights licence, or a preservation of support order a condition that such licence or order shall not come into operation until the compensation payable in respect thereof under this section has been fixed and, if or in so far as such compensation consists of a lump sum, has been paid or security to the satisfaction of the Minister has been given for the payment thereof.


Expenses of the Board in relation to inquiries.

54.—(1) Where the Minister refers to the Board an application for an unworked minerals licence, an ancillary rights licence, or a preservation of support order, the Minister, if he so thinks proper, may and if the Minister for Finance so directs, shall, by order made at the time of such reference or at any time thereafter, require the applicant to pay to the Minister the expenses incurred or to be incurred by the Board in or about the consideration of such application.


(2) Where the Minister makes or has made an order under the foregoing sub-section of this section, he shall, after consultation with the Minister for Finance, by the same or a subsequent order certify the amount of the expenses payable under the said order made under the foregoing sub-section, and, where the Minister so certifies the amount of such expenses, such certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the amount of such expenses.


(3) All expenses payable by any person under an order made by the Minister under this section shall be recoverable by the Minister from such person as a simple contract debt in any court of competent jurisdiction and when paid to or recovered by the Minister shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer by the Minister in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.


Costs of the parties at inquiries.

55.—(1) The costs of an inquiry held by the Board under this Part of this Act incurred by any party appearing at such inquiry shall be borne by that party, unless the Board consider that justice requires that those costs or any part thereof should be paid by some other party appearing at such inquiry, in which event they may include a recommendation to that effect in their report to the Minister.


(2) Every recommendation made by the Board under this section shall specify the amount (in this section referred to as the specified amount) of costs which they consider should be paid, and the party whom they consider entitled to such costs and the party whom they consider liable to pay the same.


(3) Whenever the Board make a recommendation under this section, the Minister shall consider such recommendation, and may, if he so thinks fit, by order direct that such sum of costs (not exceeding the specified amount), as he thinks proper shall be paid to the party whom the Board consider entitled to such costs by the party whom they consider liable to pay the same.


(4) A sum directed to be paid by order of the Minister under the next preceding sub-section of this section shall, in default of payment, be recoverable as a simple contract debt in any court of competent jurisdiction.


(5) For the purposes of this section, the costs of an inquiry include the fees, charges and expenses of and incidental to such inquiry.


Furnishing of information to Minister by licensees.

56.—(1) The Minister may, whenever he so thinks proper, require in writing any licensee under an unworked minerals licence to furnish to him such information in respect of the minerals to which such licence relates or in respect of the working of such minerals as the Minister shall require and shall specify in such requisition.


(2) Every person who is required by the Minister under the foregoing sub-section of this section to furnish to the Minister any information shall so furnish such information in the prescribed form and manner not later than twenty-eight days after the receipt by him of such requisition, and if any such person fails or refuses so to furnish such information or furnishes any such information which is to his knowledge false or misleading in a material respect, he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding ten pounds together with, in the case of a continuing offence, a further fine not exceeding one pound for every day on which the offence is continued.





Definitions for purposes of Part VII.

57.—In this Part of this Act—


the word “compensation”, when used without qualification, includes all kinds of compensation payable under this Act;


the expression “compensation in respect of land” includes compensation for damage under Part II, compensation for damage under Part III, compensation for damage under Part IV, and compensation for mining facilities, or any such compensation, and references to “land” include references to ancillary rights, unless the context otherwise requires.


Determination of the amount of compensation.

58.—(1) The amount of compensation shall, in default of agreement, be determined by the Board in accordance with the provisions of this Part of this Act.


(2) Where compensation is payable by the Minister under this Act, the Minister shall not enter into any agreement fixing the amount thereof without the consent of the Minister for Finance.


Applications for compensation in respect of land.

59.—(1) Where compensation in respect of land is payable, the following persons, namely—


(a) the Minister,


(b) if the land which is the subject of such compensation is subject to a land purchase annuity, the Land Commission,


(c) any person claiming to be entitled to such compensation, may apply to the Board to determine the amount of such compensation.


(2) Subject to the provisions of this Part of this Act, the provisions of the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, shall apply to the determination of the amount of compensation in respect of land.


Agreed compensation in respect of land subject to land purchase annuity.

60.—Where the amount of compensation in respect of land is fixed by agreement, and the land in respect of which such compensation is payable is subject to a land purchase annuity, the following provisions shall have effect, that is to say:—


(a) the Land Commission shall be a party to such agreement;


(b) such compensation or so much thereof as is payable under such agreement to the Land Commission shall, when received by them, be applied by them in accordance with the following provisions, that is to say:—


(i) in case there are any arrears of such annuity and the amount so payable to the Land Commission (in this paragraph referred to as the said amount) does not exceed such arrears, in or towards discharge of such arrears,


(ii) in case there are any arrears of such annuity and the said amount exceeds such arrears—


(I) so much of the said amount as is equal to such arrears shall be applied in discharge of such arrears, and


(II) the balance of the said amount shall be applied in or towards redemption of such annuity,


(iii) in case there are no arrears of such annuity, in or towards redemption of such annuity;


(c) if the Land Commission is not a party to such agreement, the payment of the amount of the compensation fixed thereby shall not operate as a good discharge to the person paying the same of his liability to pay such compensation.


Applications for compensation for State acquired minerals.

61.—(1) As soon as may be after the expiration of a period of two months or such later period (not exceeding altogether twelve months) as the Minister may in any particular case allow from the date of publication in the Iris Oifigiúil of any minerals acquisition order, the Minister shall, in default of agreement, apply to the Board to determine the amount of compensation payable by him for the State acquired minerals acquired by such order.


(2) Every application to the Board by the Minister in respect of compensation for State acquired minerals under this section, shall be accompanied by the following documents, that is to say:—


(a) sufficient copies of the relevant minerals acquisition order;


(b) a statement containing particulars of any claims for such compensation lodged with the Minister under Part III of this Act;


(c) if any correspondence has occurred between the Minister and any claimant to such compensation in regard to the amount thereof, copies of such correspondence.


(3) Every application to determine the amount of compensation for State acquired minerals shall be heard by the Board sitting in public and, unless the Board otherwise directs, not more than one expert witness shall be allowed on behalf of each party appearing before the Board.


Applications for compensation under Part VI.

62.—Where compensation under Part VI is payable, any of the following persons, that is to say:—


(a) any person claiming to be entitled to such compensation, or


(b) any person by whom such compensation is payable, or


(c) the Minister,


may apply to the Board to determine the amount of such compensation.


Fees on applications for compensation.

63.—Whenever an application is made to the Board by any person, other than the Minister or the Land Commission, to determine compensation under this Act, such person shall pay to the Board in respect of such application, such fee as the Minister, with the sanction of the Minister for Finance, shall prescribe.


Right of audience on hearings before the Board.

64.—On the hearing of any application for compensation, the following persons, and no others, shall be entitled to appear, be heard and adduce evidence before the Board, that is to say:—


(a) the Minister;


(b) any person claiming to be entitled to such compensation;


(c) any person claiming to have an estate or interest in the minerals or land in respect of which such compensation is claimed;


(d) where compensation in respect of land is claimed, any person claiming an interest in such land;


(e) where compensation in respect of land is claimed and such land is subject to a land purchase annuity, the Land Commission;


(f) any person liable under the provisions of this Act to pay such compensation.


Awards of compensation.

65.—(1) The Board shall inquire into every application under this Part of this Act and shall, after such inquiry, make its award thereon.


(2) Every award (in this Part of this Act referred to as an award) made by the Board shall contain the following matters—


(a) a statement of the nature and amount of the compensation to be paid (if any);


(b) the name of the person by whom payment is to be made;


(c) the name of the person to whom payment is to be made;


(d) if the payment is to be made to two or more persons, the allocation of such amount amongst such persons;


(e) if the compensation, or any part thereof, is assessed in respect of any land for the time being subject to a land purchase annuity, the matters required by the next following section to be included in such award.


(3) Every award shall be signed by all the members of the Board.


(4) Every award shall be conclusive evidence of all matters purported to be certified therein.


(5) Any sum directed by an award to be payable by one person to another shall be a debt payable by such first mentioned person to such other person and shall be recoverable as a simple contract debt.


(6) A certificate, purporting to be certified by the secretary of the Board, which contains a statement of the following matters, namely:—


(a) the fact that the Board has made an award,


(b) the nature and amount of the compensation payable under such award,


(c) the person to whom such compensation is payable,


(d) the person by whom such compensation is payable,


shall be received in all legal proceedings as prima facie evidence of the matters so certified without proof of the signature of the person by whom such certificate purports to be certified or that he was in fact the secretary of the Board.


Awards of compensation in respect of land subject to land purchase annuity.

66.—(1) Where compensation is assessed by the Board in respect of land which is for the time being subject to a land purchase annuity, the Land Commission may, if they so think fit, request the Board—


(a) if the amount of such compensation is equal to or less than the redemption price of such annuity and the arrears (if any) of such annuity, to order by its award payment to the Land Commission of the whole or such part of the compensation as the Land Commission request, or


(b) if the amount of such compensation exceeds the redemption price of such annuity and the arrears (if any) of such annuity, to order by its award payment to the Land Commission of such sum, not exceeding the amount of the said redemption price and arrears (if any), as the Land Commission request,


and the Board shall comply with such request.


(2) Where any award in relation to land for the time being subject to a land purchase annuity provides for the payment of any moneys to the Land Commission, such moneys shall upon receipt thereof be applied by the Land Commission in accordance with the following provisions, that is to say:—


(a) in case there are any arrears of such annuity and the amount of such moneys does not exceed such arrears, in or towards discharge of such arrears—


(b) in case there are any arrears of such annuity and the amount of such moneys exceeds such arrears—


(i) so much of such moneys as is equal to such arrears shall be applied in discharge of such arrears, and


(ii) the balance of such moneys shall be applied in or towards redemption of such annuity,


(c) in case there are no arrears of such annuity, in or towards redemption of such annuity.


Basis for assessment of compensation in respect of minerals and ancillary rights.

67.—(1) Where compensation for State acquired minerals is payable in respect of State acquired minerals, or compensation for mining facilities is payable in respect of ancillary rights, the following provisions shall have effect for the purpose of determining the amount of such compensation, that is to say:—


(a) the Board shall assess such compensation on the basis of what would be fair and reasonable as the consideration for a bargain between a willing grantor and a willing grantee;


(b) for the purpose of the foregoing paragraph, the Board shall have regard to the conditions subject to which the State acquired minerals or ancillary rights, the subject of such compensation, were held prior to being acquired by the State under the relevant minerals acquisition order or mining facilities acquisition order (as the case may be), and also to the conditions under which and the period for which they were so acquired under such orders.


(2) Where compensation under Part VI is payable in respect of any minerals granted under an unworked minerals licence or in respect of any ancillary right granted under an ancillary rights licence, the following provisions shall have effect for the purpose of determining the amount of such compensation, that is to say:—


(a) the Board shall assess such compensation on the basis of what would be fair and reasonable as the consideration for a bargain between a willing grantor and a willing grantee;


(b) for the purpose of the foregoing paragraph, the Board shall have regard to the conditions subject to which such minerals or ancillary rights were held prior to being granted under such unworked minerals licence or ancillary rights licence (as the case may be) and also to the conditions (if any) under which and the period for which they were so granted.


(3) For the purpose of the hypothetical bargain referred to in the two preceding sub-sections of this section, the grantor and grantee therein referred to shall be deemed to have had, at the time of their bargain, full notice of all such information bearing on the nature, value, extent and situation of the minerals or ancillary rights, the subject of the compensation referred to in those sub-sections, as is available for public inspection in the office of the Geological Survey, Dublin.


Form of compensation for State acquired minerals and for unworked minerals licences.

68.—In awarding compensation for State acquired minerals or compensation under Part VI in respect of the grant of an unworked minerals licence, the Board shall award such compensation in the form of a royalty rent, unless such State acquired minerals or the minerals the subject of such unworked minerals licence—


(a) were, at the date on which they were respectively acquired or granted (as the case may be), held by the owners thereof subject to a dead rent or other fixed annual payment, or


(b) were purchased by the owners thereof for valuable consideration within a period of twenty years prior to the date of the passing of this Act,


and in either such case, the Board may, in its discretion, award such compensation either in the form of a lump sum payment, or a dead rent, or a royalty rent, or in any or all of such forms.


Compensation in the case of unascertained persons.

69.—(1) Whenever the Board is of opinion that compensation under Part VI is payable to any person, and such person cannot be found or ascertained, the Board may, in its discretion, do any or all of the following things, in such order as it thinks fit, that is to say:—


(a) order that such measures as it may direct be taken to find or ascertain such person;


(b) direct that the amount of such compensation be paid into the High Court in such manner as may be provided by rules of court;


(c) direct that if such person is not found or ascertained within such period as may be specified, all claims to such compensation shall be extinguished after the expiration of such period.


(2) Sections 69 to 80 of the Land Clauses Consolidation Act 1845, shall apply to any such compensation as is mentioned in paragraph (b) of the foregoing sub-section, subject to any modifications and adaptations which may be made in the said sections by the rules of court made under that paragraph.


(3) Whenever the Board directs under paragraph (c) of sub-section (1) of this section that all claims to such compensation as is mentioned in that sub-section shall be extinguished after the expiration of a specified period, all such claims shall be so extinguished accordingly.


Finality of Board's decisions on questions of fact.

70.—The decision of the Board on any question of fact arising in the course of proceedings under this Part of this Act shall be final, conclusive and unappealable, and such decision shall be binding on all parties to such proceedings and their privies, as if it were a judgment in personam.


Cases stated on questions of law.

71.—(1) The Board may, if it so thinks fit, of its own motion or on the application of any party to proceedings under this Part of this Act, and at any stage of such proceedings, refer any question of law arising in the course of such proceedings by way of case stated for the determination of the High Court, and may adjourn the pronouncement of its award pending such determination.


(2) In lieu of stating a case in the course of proceedings under the foregoing sub-section, the Board may, if a question of law is involved therein, state its award or any part thereof in the form of a special case for the determination of the High Court.


(3) Any party to proceedings before the Board who is aggrieved by the refusal of the Board to state a case on a question of law under this section may apply, either before or after the Board has made its award, to the High Court in a summary manner for an order directing the Board to state a case for the determination of the High Court on such question, and on such application the High Court may make such order, and, in that event, the Board shall comply with the terms thereof, notwithstanding that the Board has already given its award.


(4) The decision of the High Court upon any case stated under this section shall be final and conclusive and shall not be subject to an appeal to the Supreme Court.


(5) The costs of and incidental to any reference to the High Court under this section shall be in the discretion of that Court.


Deductions from compensation of debts due to the State.

72.—Where the amount of any compensation payable under this Act by the Minister to any person is determined by an award, and the Minister is notified before payment of such compensation, that a debt is due and owing by that person to any Minister of State or to the Central Fund, the Minister may deduct the amount of the debt from such compensation, and may direct that the amount so deducted be (as the case may require) either paid to the appropriate Minister of State or paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance may direct.


Awards of costs.

73.—(1) The costs of the parties in any proceedings under this Part of this Act (other than the costs of and incidental to a reference to the High Court) shall be in the discretion of the Board, and the Board may, by its award, direct to and by whom and in what manner those costs or any part thereof shall be paid, and the Board may in any case disallow the costs of counsel.


(2) The Board may themselves tax the amount of costs ordered to be paid or may direct in what manner they are to be taxed.


(3) Where the Board orders an applicant for compensation under this Act to pay the costs or part of the costs of the person by whom such compensation is payable, such person may deduct the amount of such costs from the amount of such compensation.


(4) For the purpose of this section costs include any fees, charges and expenses of the award.



Miscellaneous and General.


Prohibition on working minerals without lawful authority.

74.—(1) Every person who, without lawful authority, works or attempts to work, or does anything for the purpose of working any minerals shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding one hundred pounds together with, in the case of a continuing offence, a further fine not exceeding one hundred pounds for every day on which the offence is continued, or in the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.


(2) In a prosecution for an offence under this section—


(a) the District Court shall have jurisdiction to try such offence notwithstanding that a question of title is raised, and


(b) the onus of proving that he had lawful authority shall rest on the defendant.


Minister to be given notice of shafts and boreholes.

75.—(1) Where a person proposes to sink a shaft or borehole intended to reach a depth of more than twenty feet below the surface, he shall, before commencing such sinking, give to the Minister two weeks' notice in writing of his intention so to do.


(2) Every person who sinks a shaft or borehole intended to reach a depth of more than twenty feet below the surface shall keep a journal thereof and shall retain for a period of not less than two months or such longer period as the Minister may direct such specimens of the strata passed through as may have been obtained in the course of the sinking thereof, either as cores or fragments.


(3) An inspector shall be entitled at all reasonable times to do all or any of the following things, that is to say:—


(a) have free access to any such shaft, borehole or core;


(b) to inspect and take copies of journals of such shafts or boreholes;


(c) to inspect all specimens so obtained and kept;


(d) to take representative samples of any such specimens or cores.


(4) If any person sinking any such shaft or borehole as aforesaid gives notice in writing to the Minister requesting him to treat as confidential any copies of journals or specimens of strata or cores taken by an inspector under the foregoing sub-section, the Minister shall not, unless he considers such request unreasonable, allow such copies or specimens to be shown to any person not being an officer of the Minister except with the consent of such first-mentioned person.


(5) If any person sinking any shaft or borehole—


(a) fails to comply with the obligations imposed by this section, or


(b) obstructs or impedes an inspector in the exercise of any of the powers conferred on him by this section,


such person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.


(6) In this and in the next following section, the word “inspector” mean a person appointed in writing (either generally or for a particular occasion) by the Minister to be an inspector for the purposes of those sections.


Powers of Inspectors.

76.—(1) Every owner agent or manager of a mine shall allow any inspector to have free access at all reasonable times to all underground or other workings and shall produce the journal of the borings and supply to any inspector such information and such specimens of seams or strata sunk through or opened out at the mine as may be reasonably required of him.


(2) If any such owner, agent, or manager fails to comply with this section he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.


Laying of half-yearly reports before the Oireachtas.

77.—As soon as may be after every 30th day of June and every 31st day of December, the Minister shall cause to be laid before each House of the Oireachtas a half-yearly report showing, in respect of the period of six months ending on such 30th day of June or such 31st day of December, all of the following matters, that is to say:—


(a) particulars of all State mining leases, State mining permissions, prospecting licences, State acquired minerals licences, and unworked minerals licences made or granted by him under this Act and for the time being current;


(b) the total amount of all moneys collected by the Minister, either by way of fine or lump sum payment or by way of rent, under or by virtue of any such lease, permission, or licence;


(c) particulars of all minerals acquisition orders made under this Act and for the time being in force and particulars of all State acquired minerals acquired thereby;


(d) any other matter relating to minerals or to the development and working of minerals which the Minister thinks proper to include in such report.


Disposal of moneys received as consideration.

78.—All moneys received by the Minister (whether in the nature of a fine or lump sum, or in the nature of rent or other periodical payment) as consideration for any lease, licence, or permission granted by him under this Act, shall, as and when received, be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall direct.


Collection and disposal of fees.

79.—(1) All fees payable under this Act, whether to the Minister or the Board, shall be collected and taken in such manner as the Minister for Finance shall from time to time direct and shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of the Exchequer in accordance with the directions of the Minister for Finance.


(2) The Public Offices Fees Act, 1879, shall not apply in respect of any fees payable under this Act.



80.—(1) The Minister may make regulations in respect of any matter or thing referred to in this Act as prescribed or to be prescribed, but no such regulation shall be made in relation to the amount or collection of any fees without the consent of the Minister for Finance.


(2) Every regulation made by the Minister under this Act shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made and if a resolution is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which such House has sat after such regulation is laid before it annulling such regulation, such regulation shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such regulation.



81.—The expenses incurred by the Minister in the administration of this Act shall, to such extent as may be sanctioned by the Minister for Finance, be paid out of moneys provided by the Oireachtas.


Amendment of the Foreshore Act, 1933.

82.—The Foreshore Act, 1933 (No. 12 of 1933) shall be construed and have effect as if the word “minerals”, where it occurs in sub-section (7) of section 2 and sub-section (1) of section 3 of that Act, included all minerals within the meaning of this Act other than scheduled minerals, mineral compounds, and mineral substances.


Repeal of the Act of 1931.

83.—The Mines and Minerals Act, 1931 (No. 54 of 1931), is hereby repealed.



List of Minerals.

Alum Shales.


Nickel, Ores of.


Flint and Chert.

Oil Shale.

Antimony, Ores of.


Platinum, Ores of.



Potash Mineral Salts.

Arsenic, Ores of.

Gem minerals.

Quartz Rock.

Asbestos minerals.

Gold, Ores of.

Radioactive Minerals.

Ball Clay.


Refractory Clays.



Rock Phosphates.


Iron, Ores of.

Rock Salt.



Roofing Slate.

Bismuth, Ores of.


Serpentinous Marble.


Lead, Ores of.

Silica Sand.



Silver, Ores of.



Strontium, Ores of.

China Clay.

Magnesium, Ores of.

Sulphur, Ores of.



Talc and Steatite or


Manganese, Ores of.


Cobalt, Ores of.


Tin, Ores of.

Copper, Ores of.

Mercury, Ores of.

Titanium, Ores of





Mineral Oils.

Tungsten, Ores of.

Diatomaceous Earth.

Mineral Pigments.


Dolomite and Dolomitic Limestone.



Zinc, Ores of.


Natural Gas.