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Uimhir 4 de 1950.



[An tiontó oifigiúil.]



Reamhraiteach agus Ginearalta.


Gearrtheideal agus comhlua.

1.—(1) Féadfar an tAcht Aerloingseoireachta agus Aeriompair, 1950, a ghairm den Acht seo.


(2) Féadfar na hAchta Aerloingseoireachta agus Aeriompair, 1936 go 1950, a ghairm de na hAchta Aerloingseoireachta agus Aeriompair, 1936 go 1946, agus den Acht seo le chéile.



2.—(1) San Acht seo—

[EN]Acht 1946.

ciallaíonn an abairt “Acht 1946” an tAcht Aerloingseoireachta agus Aeriompair, 1946 (Uimh. 23 de 1946);

[EN]an tAire.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an tAire” an tAire Tionscail agus Tráchtála;

an Príomh-Acht.

ciallaíonn an abairt “an Príomh-Acht” an tAcht um Aerloingseoireacht agus Aeriompar, 1936 (Uimh. 40 de 1936).

(2) Forléireofar mar aon ní amháin an tAcht seo agus na hAchta Aerloingseoireachta agus Aeriompair, 1936 go 1946.


Inchúiseamh i gcionta faoin bPríomh-Acht, faoi Acht 1946 agus faoin Acht seo.

3.—Féadfaidh an tAire, nó féadfar ar agra an Aire, mar inchúisitheoir inchúiseamh a dhéanamh i gcion faoi aon fho-alt nó alt dá bhfuil sa Phríomh-Acht, in Acht 1946 nó san Acht seo.



4.—Déantar leis seo an t-achtachán a sonraítear i gcolún (2) den Chéad Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo d'athghairm a mhéid a sonraítear i gcolún (3) den Sceideal sin.


Leasuithe Ilghneitheacha ar an bPriomh-Acht agus ar Acht 1946.


Leasú ar an míniú ar “aerárthach Stáit.”

5.—Aon áit a bhfuil an abairt “aerárthach Stáit” sa Phríomh-Acht nó in Acht 1946, ciallóidh sí, in ionad na brí a bheirtear don abairt sin le fo-alt (1) d'alt 2 den Phríomh-Acht, aerárthach le haon tír a húsáidtear i seirbhísí míleata, custam agus póilíneachta.


Brí na habairte “críocha na Coda seo den Acht seo” i gCuid V den Phríomh-Acht.

6.—(1) Forléireofar alt 36 den Phríomh-Acht amhail is dá gcuirtí an mhír nua seo a leanas isteach ann—


“(c) aon chríoch a bhaineas le forbairt na heitlíochta sibhialta má bhaineann an fhorbairt sin le haeradróm atá bunaithe nó ar tí a bhunaithe ag an Aire nó ag údarás áitiúil nó má bhaineann sí le haon talamh in aice le haeradróm den tsórt sin.”


(2) D'fhonn amhrais a sheachaint, dearbhaítear leis seo go bhfolaíonn na críocha de Chuid V den Phríomh-Acht chun a bhféadfar talamh a thógaint trí chomhaontú nó go héigeantach, agus gur fholaíodar ariamh, bunú aerodróma.


Alt 37 den Phríomh-Acht a leasú.

7.—Leasaítear leis seo alt 37 den Phríomh-Acht trí na focail “oibreacha uisce-sholáthair agus mórphíopaí uisce, séaracha agus oibreacha diúscartha séarachta, sreanga, leictreachais soilse, comharthaí” a chur isteach i ndiaidh na bhfocal “bealaí isteach”.


Dul isteach ar thalamh, etc., a tógfar go héigeantach faoin bPríomh-Acht sar a ndéanfar tíolacas nó sar a gcinnfear cúiteamh.

8.—(1) San alt seo ciallaíonn an abairt “ceart uisce” ceart chun uisce a ghaibhniú, a chlaonadh nó a thógaint.


(2) Aon uair tar éis don Aire teacht i dteideal, faoi fho-alt (1) d'alt 41 den Phríomh-Acht, aon talamh nó aon cheart uisce a thógaint go héigeantach nó aon cheart uisce d'úsáid go héigeantach agus sar a ndéanfar tíolacas nó sar a gcinnfear cúiteamh, féadfaidh an tAire, faoi réir na bhforál ina dhiaidh seo den alt seo, dul isteach agus seilbh a ghlacadh ar an talamh sin nó an ceart uisce sin d'fheidhmiú.


(3) Aon uair a fheidhmeos an tAire aon chumhacht a bheirtear dó le fo-alt (2) den alt seo maidir le haon talamh nó ceart uisce, ansin—


(a) faoi réir míre (b) den fho-alt seo, íocfaidh an tAire leis an duine, is áititheoir ar an talamh sin nó is únaer ar an gceart uisce sin, ús ar mhéid an chúitimh is iníoctha leis an duine sin do réir trí faoin gcéad sa bhliain ón dáta a feidhmíodh an chumhacht sin go dtí dáta íoctha an chúitimh sin,


(b) más rud é—


(i) go ndearna an tAire aon tsuim a thairiscint go neamhchoinníollach i scríbhinn mar chúiteamh den tsórt sin don duine sin, agus


(ii) nár ghlac an duine sin leis an tairiscint, agus


(iii) nach mó an tsuim a dhámhaigh an t-eadránaí oifigiúil mar chúiteamh don duine sin ná an tsuim a tairgeadh amhlaidh,


ní bheidh aon ús iníoctha ar an gcúiteamh sin in aghaidh aon tréimhse i ndiaidh dáta na tairisceana.


(4) Ní dleathach don Aire—


(a) dul isteach ná seilbh a ghlacadh ar aon talamh faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo gan fógra míosa ar a laghad nó, i gcás tí chónaithe áitithe, fógra trí mhí ar a laghad go bhfuil ar intinn aige sin a dhéanamh a thabhairt roimh ré i scríbhinn dá áititheoir, ná


(b) aon cheart uisce d'fheidhmiú faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo gan fógra míosa ar a laghad go bhfuil ar intinn aige sin a dhéanamh a thabhairt roimh ré i scríbhinn dá únaer.


(5) Féadfar fógra faoi fho-alt (4) den alt seo a thabhairt do dhuine ar bith trína chur leis an bpost réamhíoctha i gclúdach arna dhíriú chun an duine sin ag a ghnáth-sheoladh nó ag an seoladh is déanaí is eol a bheith aige.


(6) Más rud é nach féidir, ar chúis ar bith, an clúdach a luaitear i bhfo-alt (5) den alt seo a dhíriú mar foráltar leis an bhfo-alt sin, féadfar é a dhíriú chun an duine ar dó é i gceachtar slí nó sa dá shlí acu seo a leanas—


(a) faoin tuairisc “an t-áititheoir” nó “an t-únaer” (pé acu é) gan a ainm a lua,


(b) ag an talamh nó ag suíomh na maoine lena mbaineann an fógra sa chlúdach.


Forléiriú tagairti do Choinbhinsiún Chicago i gCuid II d'Acht 1946.

9.—I gCuid II d'Acht 1946, forléireofar tagairtí do Choinbhinsiún Chicago mar thagairtí a fholaíos tagairtí d'aon Iarscríbhinn le Coinbhinsiún Chicago a bhaineas le caighdeáin eadarnáisiúnta agus cleachtais mholta (is Iarscríbhinn ar glacadh léi do réir Choinbhinsiúin Chicago) agus d'aon leasú ar aon Iarscríbhinn den tsórt sin a rinneadh do réir Choinbhinsiúin Chicago.


Talamh airithe a dhilsiu san Aire, agus forala i dtaobh na talun sin agus aon talun eile a thogfas an tAire.


Na tailte a tuairiscítear sa Dara Sceideal a dhílsiú san Aire agus Acht na dTailte Stáit, 1924, do scor d'fheidhm a bheith aige maidir leis na tailte a tuairiscítear i gCuid I den Dara Sceideal.

10.—(1) (a) Ar an Acht seo a rith, dílseoidh na tailte a tuairiscítear i gCuid I den Dara Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo (tailte is cuid d'Aerphort Bhaile Atha Cliath) san Aire, de bhuaidh an fho-ailt seo, chun an leasa uile a bhí, díreach roimh an Acht seo a rith, ag an Stát iontu.


 (b) Scoirfidh Acht na dTailte Stáit, 1924 (Uimh. 45 de 1924), d'fheidhm a bheith aige maidir leis na tailte a tuairiseítear i gCuid I den Dara Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo.


(2) Ar an Acht seo a rith, dílseoidh na tailte a tuairiscítear i gCuid II den Dara Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo (tailte is cuid eile d'Aerphort Bhaile Atha Cliath) san Aire, de bhuaidh an fho-ailt seo, chun an leasa uile iontu a bhí, díreach roimh an Acht seo a rith, dílsithe san Aire Cosanta.


(3) Chun críocha ailt 6 den Conveyancing Act, 1881, beidh éifeacht ag fo-ailt (1) agus (2) den alt seo mar thíolacais talún.


(4) (a) I gcás aon duine a bheith cláraithe faoin Registration of Title Act, 1891, mar únaer aon leasa in aon talamh a dhílseos, de bhuaidh fo-ailt (1) nó (2) den alt seo, san Aire, cuirfidh Cláraitheoir na dTeideal faoi ndear, ar dheimhniú faoi shéala oifigiúil an Aire a thabhairt ar aird á dheimhniú gur dhílsigh an talamh sin ann de bhuaidh an fho-ailt sin, an tAire a chlárú mar únaer ar an leas sin in ionad an duine sin.


(b) Ní bheidh táillí ar bith iníoctha i leith aon imeacht i gClarlann na Talún faoin bhfo-alt seo.


Feidhm an Phríomh-Achta maidir leis na tailte a tuairiscítear sa Dara agus sa Tríú Sceideal.

11.—Na tailte a tuairiscítear sa Dara Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo agus na tailte a tuairiscítear sa Tríú Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo (ar tailte iad na tailte deiridh sin is cuid d'Aerphort na Sionna agus a fuair an tAire faoin Ordú Cumhachta Práinne (Uimh. 315), 1944 (R. & O. R. Uimh. 74 de 1944)), measfar chun críocha an Phríomh-Achta gur faoin bPríomh-Acht a fuarthas iad.


Talamh a bheas tógtha ag an Aire faoin bPríomh-Acht agus na tailte a tuairiscítear sa Dara agus sa Tríú Sceideal a dhiúscairt.

12.—(1) San alt seo, ciallaíonn an focal “diúscairt”, maidir le talamh, aon ní acu seo a leanas a dhéanamh leis an talamh—


(a) é a dhíol,


(b) é a chur ar léas nó a ligean,


(c) ceadúnas a dheonadh ina leith,


(d) ceart ina leith a dheonadh (trí léas, ligean nó ceadúnas),


agus forléireofar an focal “diúscairt” dá réir sin.


(2) (a) Féadfaidh an tAire, le toiliú, ginearálta nó sonrach, ón Aire Airgeadais, diúscairt a dhéanamh ar an iomlán nó ar aon chuid—


(i) de thalamh a bheas tógtha aige (roimh an Acht seo a rith nó dá éis) faoin bPríomh-Acht,


(ii) de na tailte a tuairiscítear sa Dara agus sa Tríú Sceideal a ghabhas leis an Acht seo.


(b) Folóidh an chumhacht diúscartha a bheirtear le mír (a) den fho-alt seo cumhacht chun coda d'fhoirgintí a dhiúscairt.


(c) Ní dhéanfaidh an tAire, i bhfeidhmiú a chumhacht faoi mhír (a) den fho-alt seo, aon mhianraí Stáit, do réir bhrí an Achta Forbairte Minearál, 1940 (Uimh. 31 de 1940), a dhiúscairt, ach amháin gainimh, gairbhéal, cloch nó cré nach bhfuil níos mó ná fiche troigh faoi uachtar na talún.


(3) Aon airgead a gheobhas an tAire i leith talamh a dhiúscairt faoi fho-alt (2) den alt seo, íocfar isteach sa Stát-Chiste, nó cuirfear chun tairbhe don Stát-Chiste, é i pé slí a ordós an tAire Airgeadais.


Forala da airithiu go ndeanfar loingseoireacht shabhalta eifeachtach ar aerarthai in aice le haeradroma.


Ceart an Aire chun goireas áitithe a thógáil agus a chothabháil i dtalamh in aice le haeradróma.

13.—(1) (a) Féadfaidh an tAire a chur faoi ndear pé goireas (lena n-áirítear sreanga leictreachais) a mheasfas sé is gá, chun aon ionad nó aon bhacainn a thaispeáint nó chun comharthaí nó eolas a thabhairt do dhaoine a bheas ag loingsiú aerárthaí chun aeradróma nó uaidh nó ina aice, a thógáil ar aon talamh nó foirgint in aice leis an aeradróm agus a shuíomh ann agus a ghreamú dhe, agus féadfaidh ina dhiaidh sin an goireas sin a chothabháil agus d'úsáid.


(b) Sar a ndéanfaidh an tAire aon ghoireas a thógáil ar aon talamh nó foirgint nó a shuíomh ann nó a ghreamú dhe, de bhun an fho-ailt seo, bhéarfaidh an tAire fógra míosa roimh ré d'únaer agus d'áititheoir an chéanna á chur in iúl go bhfuil sin beartaithe aige.


(c) Má dhéanann duine ar bith go toiliúil aon ghoireas, a tógadh ar aon talamh nó foirgint nó a suíodh ann nó a greamaíodh dhe, de bhun an fho-ailt seo, a bhacainniú nó a dhíthiú, a tharraingt anuas nó d'agha-lot nó baint leis, beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná caoga punt a chur air.


(2) (a) Chun na cumhachta a bheirtear le fo-alt (1) den alt seo d'fheidhmiú, féadfaidh aon duine údaraithe agus aon daoine a bheas ag gníomhú faoina stiúradh dul isteach agus gabháil thar aon talamh (le feithiclí nó gan feithiclí).


(b) Má chuireann duine ar bith (dá ngairmtear an ciontaitheoir sa mhír seo) bacainn le duine údaraithe, nó le haon duine a bheas ag gníomhú faoina stiúradh, i bhfeidhmiú na gcumhacht a bheirtear leis an bhfo-alt seo, beidh an ciontaitheoir ciontach i gcion faoin bhfo-alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná caoga punt a chur air.


(c) Sa bhfo-alt seo ciallaíonn an abairt “duine údaraithe” aon duine d'aicme atá údaraithe ag an Aire i scríbhinn chun na cumhachta a bheirtear leis an bhfo-alt seo do dhaoine údaraithe d'fheidhmiú.


(3) Má chruthaíonn duine ar bith ag a bhfuil eastát nó leas i dtalamh go ndearnadh dochar dá estát nó dá leas trí fheidhmiú na gcumhacht a bheirtear le fo-alt (1) den alt seo, beidh sé i dteideal cúiteamh sa dochar don eastát nó don leas sin a ghnóthú ón Aire, agus déanfar aon cheist i dtaobh cúiteamh a bheith iníoctha faoin alt seo nó i dtaobh méid aon chúitimh is iníoctha amhlaidh a chinneadh, cheal comhaontuithe, ag eadránaí a ceapfar faoin Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, agus faoi réim agus do réir an Achta sin.


Srian le húsáid talún in aice le haeradróma

14.—(1) Aon uair a mheasfas an tAire go ndéanfadh úsáid neamhshrianta líomatáiste áirithe thalún in aice le haeradróm cur isteach ar loingseoireacht aerárthaí a bheadh ag eiteall chun an aeradróma sin nó uaidh, féadfaidh sé le hordú (dá ngairmtear ordú líomatáiste chaomhanta san alt seo) na nithe seo a leanas a dhéanamh—


(a) a dhearbhú gur líomatáiste caomhanta chun críocha an orduithe an líomatáiste áirithe talún sin,


(b) a dhearbhú nach dleathach, laistigh den líomatáiste caomhanta do dhuine ar bith, ach amháin faoi réim agus do réir cheada arna dheonadh ag an Aire,—


(i) aon fhoirgint a thógáil ná a mhéadú, ná


(ii) aon phost, cuaille ná ní eile a thógáil ná a shuíomh i slí go mbeidh aon chuid den fhoirgint, den phost, den chuaille nó den ní (dá ngairmtear an bhacainn san alt seo) níos airde ná mar ceapfar leis an ordú.


(2) Beidh feidhm ag na forála seo a leanas maidir le gach ordú líomatáiste chaomhanta—


(a) cuirfidh an tAire faoi ndear an t-ordú d'fhoilsiú san Iris Oifigiúil agus i pé nuachtáin is cuí leis dá léitear sa líomatáiste lena mbainfidh an t-ordú,


(b) féadfaidh an t-ordú an líomatáiste lena mbainfidh sé a roinnt i pé fo-líomatáistí agus i pé méid fo-líomatáistí is cuí leis an Aire agus, sa chás sin, féadfaidh forála éagsúla a bheith ann i leith gach fo-líomatáiste acu sin,


(c) féadfaidh an t-ordú aon bhacainní sonraithe nó aon aicme shonraithe bhacainní a shaoradh óna oibriú,


(d) beidh ag gabháil leis an ordú léarscáil a thaispeánfas an líomatáiste lena mbaineann an t-ordú agus, má bhíonn an líomatáiste sin roinnte ina fho-líomatáistí, gach ceann de na fo-líomatáistí sin,


(e) féadfar an léarscáil a bheas ag gabháil leis an ordú d'fhágaint as an ordú nuair a bheas aon fhoilsiú á dhéanamh air de bhun míre (a) den fho-alt seo, ach lóisteálfar cóipeanna den ordú agus an léarscáil ag gabháil leis in oifigí na Roinne Tionscail agus Tráchtála i Sráid Chilldara, Baile Atha Cliath, agus coimeádfar ar fáil ansin iad chun a n-iniúchta ag an bpobal gach tráth réasúnach.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire, le hordú, ordú líomatáiste chaomhanta a chúlghairm nó a leasú.


(4) Leagfar gach ordú líomatáiste chaomhanta faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu sin, laistigh den lá agus fiche a shuífeas an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú a leagadh faoina bhráid rún a rith ag neamhniú an orduithe, beidh an t-ordú arna neamhniú dá réir sin ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh raimhe sin faoin ordú.


(5) Féadfaidh an tAire ceada a dheonadh chun críocha orduithe líomatáiste chaomhanta, agus beidh feidhm ag na forála seo a leanas maidir le haon chead a deonfar amhlaidh—


(a) féadfaidh an tAire—


(i) pé coinníollacha is cuí leis a chur leis,


(ii) é a chúlghairm nó a leasú;


(b) ní oibreoidh an cead mar fhuascailt ó shrianta ar bith a forchuireadh faoi na hAchta um Bailte agus Líomatáistí a Shíneadh Amach, 1934 agus 1939, nó faoi aon achtachán eile agus a bhaineas leis an líomatáiste lena mbaineann an t-ordú.


(6) (a) Má chruthaíonn duine ar bith ag a bhfuil eastát nó leas i dtalamh laistigh de líomatáiste lena mbaineann ordú líomatáiste chaomhanta go ndearnadh dochar dá eastát nó dá leas tríd an Aire dá dhiúltú cead a dheonadh dhó nó trí choinníollacha ar bith a bheith le cead a dheoin an tAire dhó beidh sé i dteideal cúiteamh sa dochar sin don eastát nó don leas sin a ghnóthú ón Aire, agus déanfar aon cheist i dtaobh cúiteamh a bheith iníoctha faoin bhfo-alt seo nó i dtaobh méid aon chúitimh is iníoctha amhlaidh a chinneadh, cheal comhaontuithe, ag eadránaí a ceapfar faoin Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, agus faoi réim agus do réir an Achta sin,


(b) I gcás ina mbeadh duine, mura mbeadh an mhír seo, i dteideal cúitimh faoin bhfo-alt seo agus fós faoi aon achtachán eile i leith an ní chéanna, ní bheidh sé i dteideal cúitimh i leith an ní sin faoin bhfo-alt seo agus faoin achtachán eile sin, ach féadfaidh sé glacadh de roghain cúiteamh d'fháil faoin bhfo-alt seo nó faoin achtachán eile sin.


(7) Má thógann nó má mhéadaíonn aon duine foirgint nó má thógann sé nó má shuíonn sé aon phost, cuaille nó ní eile do shárú orduithe líomatáiste chaomhanta—


(a) beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná caoga punt a chur air, agus


(b) féadfaidh an tAire, pé acu tionscnófar nó nach dtionscnófar aon imeachta i leith an chiona, a chur faoi ndear pé athruithe a dhéanamh ar an bhfoirgint, ar an bpost, ar an gcuaille nó ar an ní ar ina leith a rinneadh an sárú, is gá dar leis chun comhlíonadh an orduithe d'áirithiú, agus beidh na costais faoina raghaidh an tAire á dhéanamh sin inghnóthuithe ag an Aire ón duine a rinne an sárú mar fhiach conartha shimplí in aon chúirt dlínse inniúla.


Forala maidir le haeradroma Stait.


Mínithe chun críocha Coda V.

15.—(1) Sa Chuid seo—

[EN]oifigeach údaraithe.

ciallaíonn an abairt “oifigeach údaraithe” duine—


(a) is comhalta den Gharda Síochána, nó


(b) is duine a bhaineas le haicme atá údaraithe i scríbhinn ag an Aire chun na cumhachta d'fheidhmiú a bheirtear d'oifigigh údaraithe le hailt 19 agus 20 den Acht seo;


ciallaíonn an focal “fo-dhlithe” fo-dhlithe arna ndéanamh faoin gCuid seo;

aeradróm Stáit

ciallaíonn an abairt “aeradróm Stáit” aeradróm arna bhunú ag an Aire faoi alt 37 den Phríomh-Acht.

(2) Folaíonn tagairtí sa Chuid seo do shárú fo-dhlí tagairtí do loiceadh nó diúltú an fo-dhlí a chomhlíonadh.


Fo-dhlithe maidir le haeradróma Stáit.

16.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire fo-dhlithe a dhéanamh, maidir le haon aeradróm Stáit, chun aon chríche nó críocha acu seo a leanas:—


(a) daoine d'eisiamh uaidh,


(b) feithiclí d'eisiamh uaidh,


(c) daoine a ligean isteach ann,


(d) feithiclí a ligean isteach ann,


(e) daoine agus feithiclí a bheas san aeradróm, nó a bheas ag iarraidh dul isteach ann, a chur i scuainí,


(f) foghail ar an aeradróm ag daoine nó ainmhithe a thoirmeasc,


(g) an t-aeradróm agus aerárthaí a bheas á úsáid a chaomhaint ó dhamáiste agus, go sonrach, ó dhamáiste de dheasca tine,


(h) caitheamh tobac san aeradróm a shrianadh,


(i) ord agus dea-iompar a choimeád san aeradróm,


(j) núiseanna san aeradróm a chosc,


(k) aon mhaoin a gheofar san aeradróm nó in aon aerárthach nó feithicil ann a choimeád slán agus d'athsheachadadh nó a dhiúscairt, na muirir a shocrú a bheas le héileamh i leith na maoine sin a choimeád slán nó d'athsheachadadh agus, i gcás aon mhaoin den tsórt sin a dhiúscairt trína díol, an úsáid a déanfar den airgead a gheofar de thoradh an díola,


(l) go ginearálta chun an t-aeradróm a bhainistí, d'oibriú agus a mhaoirsiú go cuí.


(2) Féadfaidh an tAire fo-dhlithe a dhéanamh, maidir le haon aeradróm Stáit, chun gach críche nó aon chríche acu seo a leanas—


(a) na bealaigh a ghabhfas feithiclí a shonrú,


(b) úsáid ród sonraithe ag feithiclí a thoirmeasc nó a shrianadh go ginearálta nó i rith trátha áirithe nó ag amanna áirithe nó i gcásanna áirithe,


(c) toirmeasc a chur le feithiclí a thiomáint ar ród sonraithe ach amháin i dtreo sonraithe,


(d) trácht a rialú go ginearálta.


(3) Féadfaidh an tAire fo-dhlithe a dhéanamh, maidir le haon aeradróm Stáit, chun gach críche nó aon chríche acu seo a leanas—


(a) na hionaid (dá ngairmtear ionaid suite san alt seo) a shocrú ina bhféadfaidh feithiclí, pé acu gan freastal é nó nach ea, fanúint ar fos gan teorainn ama nó go ceann aon tréimhse nach sia ná tréimhse shonraithe,


(b) na coinníollacha a cheapadh a bheas le comhlíonadh maidir le feithiclí a fhanfas ar fos in ionaid suite,


(c) an tréimhse a shocrú a fhéadfas feithiclí, na críocha chun a bhféadfaid agus na coinníollacha ar a bhféadfaidh, fanúint ar fos in áiteanna nach ionaid suite,


(d) toirmeasc a chur le coimeád nó fágaint aon fheithiclí ar fos in aon áit (lena n-áirítear ionaid suite) go ceann tréimhse is sia ná an tréimhse a bheas údaraithe chuige sin leis na fo-dhlithe nó chun críche seachas críoch a bheas údaraithe amhlaidh chuige sin nó ar shlí seachas chun críche (más ann di) nó do réir na gcoinníollacha (más ann dóibh) a bheas ordaithe chuige sin leis na fo-dhlithe.


(4) Féadfaidh an tAire fo-dhlithe a dhéanamh á thoirmeasc feithiclí a thiomáint in aeradróm Stáit ar luas is mó ná luas sonraithe.


(5) Nuair a bheas fo-dhlithe ar bith maidir le haeradróm Stáit á ndéanamh aige faoin alt seo, féadfaidh an tAire—


(a) a mhíniú, i pé slí is cuí leis, cad is aicme daoine nó feithiclí ann chun críocha aon fhorála de na fo-dhlithe,


(b) forála éagsúla a dhéanamh maidir le coda éagsúla den aeradróm,


(c) forála éagsúla a dhéanamh maidir le haicmí éagsúla daoine a mbainfidh na fo-dhlithe leo,


(d) forála éagsúla a dhéanamh maidir le haicmí éagsúla feithiclí a mbainfidh na fo-dhlithe leo,


(e) aon aicme áirithe daoine nó feithiclí a shaoradh ó oibriú na bhfo-dhlithe.


(6) Má sháraíonn aon duine aon fho-dhlí arna dhéanamh faoin alt seo, beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná chúig puint a chur air.


(7) I gcás aon ní a ndéanfar fo-dhlithe ina leith faoin alt seo a bheith ina ábhar d'aon achtachán (seachas an tAcht seo) nó d'aon ionstraim arna déanamh faoi, ansin, beidh oibriú an achtacháin nó na hionstraime sin, a mhéid a bhainfeas sé leis an ábhar sin, ar fionraí fad a leanfas na fo-dhlithe sin i bhfeidhm.


Fo-dhlithe ag míniú dualgas daoine i gceannas aerárthaí a bheas de thuras na huaire ar an talamh in aeradróm Stáit.

17.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire, maidir le haon aeradróm Stáit, fo-dhlithe a dhéanamh ag míniú dualgas daoine a bheas i gceannas aerárthaí a bheas de thuras na huaire ar an talamh san aeradróm Stáit sin.


(2) Má dhéanann duine ar bith i gceannas aerárthaigh, a bheas de thuras na huaire ar an talamh in aeradróm Stáit lena mbaineann aon fho-dhlí arna dhéanamh faoin alt seo, an fo-dhlí sin a shárú, beidh sé ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná caoga punt a chur air nó, más rogha leis an gCúirt, príosúntacht ar feadh aon téarma nach sia ná mí.


Fo-dhlithe d'fhoilsiú.

18.—Déanfar fo-dhlithe maidir le haeradróm Stáit a thaispeáint san aeradróm i pé slí a mheasfas an tAire is oiriúnaí chun eolas a thabhairt do dhaoine lena mbaineann na fo-dhlithe.


Ciontaitheoirí in aeradróma Stáit a chur amach agus a ghabháil.

19.—(1) Má dhéanann aon duine (dá ngairmtear an ciontaitheoir sa bhfo-alt seo), in aon aeradróm Stáit lena mbainfidh fo-dhlí, an fo-dhlí a shárú—


(a) féadfaid oifigeach údaraithe ceachtar ní nó an dá ní acu seo a leanas a dhéanamh—


(i) a cheangal ar an gciontaitheoir a ainm agus a sheoladh a thabhairt,


(ii) a ordú don chiontaitheoir an t-aeradróm d'fhágaint;


(b) más rud é, ar oifigeach údaraithe dá iarraidh air a ainm agus a sheoladh a thabhairt, go ndiúltóidh an ciontaitheoir a ainm a thabhairt nó go ndiúltóidh sé a sheoladh a thabhairt nó go dtabharfaidh sé ainm nó seoladh arb eol don oifigeach údaraithe, nó a mbeidh amhras réasúnach air, é a bheith bréagach nó cumtha, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach údaraithe é a ghabháil gan barántas;


(c) más rud é, ar oifigeach údaraithe dá ordú dhó an t-aeradróm d'fhágaint, go ndiúltóidh nó go loicfidh an ciontaitheoir sin a dhéanamh, féadfaidh an t-oifigeach údaraithe é a chur amach as an aeradróm le forneart nó é a ghabháil gan barántas.


(2) Má dhéanann oifigeach údaraithe, nach comhalta den Gharda Síochána, duine a ghabháil faoin alt seo, bhéarfaidh sé láithreach i gcoimeád comhalta den Gharda Síochána é chun go ndéanfar leis do réir dlí.


(3) I gcás duine ar bith—


(a) ar oifigeach údaraithe a bheas ag gníomhú faoin alt seo dá iarraidh air a ainm agus a sheoladh a thabhairt, do dhiúltú a ainm nó a sheoladh a thabhairt nó do thabhairt ainm nó seoladh a bheas bréagach nó cumtha, nó


(b) ar oifigeach údaraithe a bheas ag gníomhú faoin alt seo dá iarraidh air aeradróm Stáit d'fhágaint, do dhiúltú nó do loiceadh é d'fhágaint, nó


(c) ar é d'fhágaint aeradróma Stáit toisc oifigeach údaraithe a bheas ag gníomhú faoin alt seo dá iarraidh sin air nó ar é a chur amach as aeradróm Stáit faoin alt seo, do theacht ar ais ann an lá céanna,


beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná chúig puint a chur air.


Feithiclí, etc., d'aistriú.

20.—Má gheibheann oifigeach údaraithe aon fheithicil, ainmhí nó ní eile in aeradróm Stáit contrártha d'fho-dhlí a bhaineas leis an aeradróm sin, féadfaidh sé an fheithicil, an t-ainmhí nó an ní eile d'aistriú chun áite laistigh den aeradróm sin nó lasmuigh dhe.


Oifigigh údaraithe a bhacainniú agus d'ionsaí.

21.—Má dhéanann duine ar bith—


(a) oifigeach údaraithe a bhacainniú nó a chosc agus é go dleathach ag feidhmiú a chumhacht agus a dhualgas mar oifigeach údaraithe faoi alt 19 nó 20 den Acht seo, nó


(b) oifigeach údaraithe d'ionsaí agus é go dleathach ag feidhmiú na gcumhacht agus na ndualgas sin,


beidh an duine sin ciontach i gcion faoin alt seo agus ar a chiontú ann go hachomair dlífear fíneáil nach mó ná fiche punt a chur air nó, más rogha leis an gCúirt, príosúntacht ar feadh aon téarma nach sia ná sé mhí.


Aeradróm Stáit a bheith ina áit phoiblí agus bóithre ann a bheith ina mbóithre chun críocha Coda X den Acht um Thrácht ar Bhóithre, 1933.

22.—Chun amhrais a sheachaint, dearbhaítear leis seo—


(a) gur áit phoiblí chun críocha aon achtacháin aeradróm Stáit;


(b) go bhfolóidh an focal “bóthar”, chun críocha Coda X den Acht um Thrácht ar Bhóithre, 1933 (Uimh. 11 de 1933), bóthar in aeradróm Stáit.


Bainistí aerphort Bhaile Atha Cliath.

23.—Chun Aerphort Bhaile Atha Cliath a bhainistí, féadfaidh Aer-Rianta, Teoranta, mura n-ordaí agus go dtí go n-ordóidh an tAire a mhalairt, gníomhú mar ghníomhaire don Aire.


Cumhacht an Aire chun uisce a sholáthar in aeradróm Stáit.

24.—(1) Féadfaidh an tAire uisce a dhíol as aon oibreacha uisce-sholáthair a bheas á gcothabháil aige i ndáil le haeradróm Stáit.


(2) D'ainneoin aon ní sa Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847, nó sa Waterworks Clauses Act, 1863,—


(a) féadfaidh an tAire, as uisce a bheas á sholáthar dó in aeradróm Stáit ag údarás sláintíochta, uisce a dhíol, le toiliú an údaráis sláintíochta sin, le duine ar bith, agus, chun na críche sin, féadfaidh píopaí agus goireas a cheangal d'aon phíopaí a bheas á n-úsáid chun an t-uisce a bheas á sholáthar ag an údarás sláintíochta sin d'iompar,


(b) má díoltar uisce le duine faoi mhír (a) den fho-alt seo, féadfaidh an duine sin an t-uisce a díolfar amhlaidh a thógaint agus d'úsáid.


Ioc cunamh airgid le hAer-Rianta, Teoranta.


Ioc cúnamh airgid le hAer-Rianta. Teoranta.

25.—(1) (a) Féadfaidh an tAire Airgeadais ó am go ham, le hordú, a údarú cúnaimh airgid d'íoc le hAer-Rianta, Teoranta, ar pé téarmaí agus coinníollacha a sonrófar san ordú ach ní féadfar aon ordú den tsórt sin a dhéanamh tar éis chúig bliana ó dháta an Achta seo a rith.


(b) Gach ordú a déanfar faoin bhfo-alt seo leagfar é faoi bhráid gach Tí den Oireachtas a luaithe is féidir tar éis a dhéanta, agus má dhéanann ceachtar Teach acu sin, laistigh den lá agus fiche a shuífeas an Teach sin tar éis an t-ordú sin a leagadh faoina bhráid, rún a rith ag neamhniú an orduithe sin, beidh an t-ordú sin arna neamhniú dá réir sin, ach sin gan dochar do bhailíocht aon ní a rinneadh roimhe sin faoin ordú sin.


(2) Aon airgead a theastós chun cúnaimh airgid d'íoc faoin alt seo, íocfar é as airgead arna sholáthar roimh an Acht seo a rith nó dá éis sin ag an Oireachtas.


Achtachan a hAthghairmtear.

Alt 4.

Uimhir agus Bliain


Meid na hAthghairme




Uimhir 40 de 1936

An tAcht um Aerloingseoireacht agus Aeriompar, 1936.

Fo-alt (1) d'alt 2, a mhéid a mhíníos an fo-alt sin an abairt “aerárthach Stáit”.

Alt 42.


Ailt 10, 11 agus 12.


1. Na tailte (dá ngairmtear tailte an fhorléasta bhunaidh sa mhír seo) a forléasadh le Léas dar dáta an 27ú lá de Mheitheamh 1906, agus a rinneadh idir Sir Compton Meade Domville de pháirt agus Sarah O'Toole den pháirt eile agus a tuairiscítear ann mar leanas “All that and those the said part of the lands of Collinstown and Rock with the house thereon containing one hundred and eighty-six acres and thirty-eight perches be the same more or less situate lying and being in the Barony of Coolock and County of Dublin and delineated on the map in the field hereof” ach amháin—

(a) an chuid sin de thailte an fhorléasta bhunaidh, eadhon, cuid de na tailte sin Bhaile Uí Choileáin, ina bhfuil acra amháin tomhas reachtúil, a thóg Comhairle Thuathcheantair Bhaile Atha Cliath Thuaidh sa bhliain 1915 chun críche na Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1906.

(b) an chuid sin de thailte an fhorléasta bhunaidh a sannadh chun Anne Moran le Gníomhas Malairte dar dáta an 21ú lá de Mheitheamh, 1929, a rinneadh idir an Anne Moran sin de pháirt agus an tAire Cosanta den pháirt eile agus a tuairiscítear ann mar leanas “All that part of the lands of Rock containing seven acres three roods and thirty-four perches statute measure or thereabouts and shown on the plan, annexed hereto and therein coloured green situate in Barony of Coolock and County of Dublin”,

(c) an chuid sin de thailte an fhorléasta bhunaidh a háiríodh i Léas dar dáta an 20ú lá de Bhealtaine, 1930, a rinneadh idir an tAire Airgeadais de pháirt agus Comhairle Thuathcheantair Bhaile Atha Cliath Thuaidh den pháirt eile agus a tuairiscítear ann mar leanas “All That and Those that part of the lands of Collinstown containing two acres and thirty six and one third perches statute measure or thereabouts as delineated and described and outlined in red on the map endorsed hereon being that portion of the lands comprised in the part of Collinstown Aerodrome lying between the Cuckoo Stream and the public road and adjoining the existing labourers' cottages and plots situate in the Barony of Coolock and County of Dublin”.

2. Na tailte a háirítear i bhFóile 1951 Contae Bhaile Atha Cliath i gClár na Ruileasóirí atá á choimeád faoin Registration of Title Act, 1891.

3. Na Tailte a deonadh le Léas Suthaineachta, dar dáta an lú lá de Mhárta, 1920, adeir a bheith déanta idir Robert Donovan de pháirt agus Uachtarán na hAer-Chomhairle den pháirt eile agus a tuairiscítear ann mar leanas “All that part of the lands of Little Forest containing sixteen acres one rood and nineteen perches or thereabouts statute measure and situate in the Parish of Swords Barony of Nethercross and County of Dublin and for the purposes of identification described in the plan annexed hereto and therein surrounded with a Red Verge line”.

4. Na tailte a háirítear i bhFóile 1936 Contae Bhaile Atha Cliath de Chlár na Ruileasóirí atá á choimeád faoin Registration of Title Act, 1891.


1. An chuid sin de na tailte a hárítear i bhFóile 3924 Contae Bhaile Atha Cliath de Chlár na Ruileasóirí atá á choimeád faoin Registration of Title Act, 1891, atá comhshuite de chuid de thailte Forrest Little ina bhfuil sé acra dhá cheathrú agus ocht bpéirse fichead, faoi nó thairis, agus atá suite i mBarúntacht Nethercross agus i gContae Bhaile Atha Cliath.

2. Na tailte a háiríodh agus a tíolacadh i nDintiúir dar dáta an 13ú lá de Mheitheamh, 1927, a rinneadh idir David Barry de pháirt agus an tAire Cosanta den pháirt eile.


Ailt 11 agus 12.

1. Na tailte a háirítear i bhFóile 15167 Contae an Chláir de Chlár na Ruileasóirí atá á choimeád faoin Registration of Title Act, 1891.

2. Na tailte a dílsíodh san Aire le hordú a rinne an tAire an 8ú lá de Mhárta, 1945, i bhfeidhmiú cumhacht a tugadh leis an Ordú Cumhachta Práinne (Uimh. 315), 1944 (R. & O. R., Uimh. 74 de 1944), tailte a tuairiscítear mar leanas san Ordú céad-luaite “All that portion of the former Monteagle Arms Hotel premises situate in the townland of Foynes, barony of Shanid and County of Limerick, being part of the lands registered in Folio 2910 of the Register County Limerick and comprised of (1) an open yard of 1927 square feet or thereabouts in area and buildings of 1431 square feet or thereabouts in floor area, as shown more particularly hatched blue on the annexed map and (2) an open yard of 1470 square feet or thereabouts in area as shown more particularly coloured pink on the said annexed map”.



Number 4 of 1950.





Preliminary and General.



Short title and collective citation.




Prosecution of offences under the Principal Act, the Act of 1946 and this Act.




Miscellaneous Amendments of the Principal Act and the Act of 1946.


Amendment of definition of “State aircraft”.


Meaning in Part V of the Principal Act of “the purposes of this Part of this Act”.


Amendment of section 37 of the Principal Act.


Entry on land, etc., compulsorily acquired under the Principal Act before conveyance or ascertainment of compensation.


Construction of references to Chicago Convention in Part II of the Act of 1946.


Vesting of certain land in the Minister and provisions in relation to that and other land acquired by the Minister.


Vesting in the Minister of lands described in the Second Schedule, and cesser of application of State Lands Act, 1924 to lands described in Part I of the Second Schedule.


Application of Principal Act to lands described in Second and Third Schedules.


Disposal of land acquired by the Minister under the Principal Act and lands described in the Second and Third Schedules.


Provisions for securing the safe and efficient navigation of aircraft in the vicinity of aerodromes.


Right of Minister to erect and maintain certain apparatus in land in vicinity of aerodromes.


Restrictions on use of land in the vicinity of aerodromes.


Provisions in relation to State aerodromes.


Definitions for purposes of Part V.


Bye-laws in relation to State aerodromes.


Bye-laws defining duties of persons in command of aircraft which are for the time on the ground in a State aerodrome.


Publication of bye-laws.


Removal and arrest of offenders in State aerodromes.


Removal of vehicles, etc.


Obstruction of and assault on authorised officers.


State aerodrome to be a public place and roads therein to be roads for purposes of Part X of the Road Traffic Act, 1933.


Management of Dublin Airport.


Power of Minister to supply water at a State aerodrome.


Payment of Subsidies to Aer Rianta, Teoranta.


Payment of subsidies to Aer Rianta, Teoranta.


Enactment Repealed.



Acts Referred to

Air Navigation and Transport Act, 1946

No. 23 of 1946

Air Navigation and Transport Act, 1936

No. 40 of 1936

State Lands Act, 1924

No. 45 of 1924

Minerals Development Act, 1940

No. 31 of 1940

Road Traffic Act, 1933

No. 11 of 1933


Number 4 of 1950.




Preliminary and General.


Short title and collective citation.

1.—(1) This Act may be cited as the Air Navigation and Transport Act, 1950.


(2) The Air Navigation and Transport Acts, 1936 to 1946, and this Act may be cited together as the Air Navigation and Transport Acts, 1936 to 1950.



2.—(1) In this Act—


the expression “the Act of 1946” means the Air Navigation and Transport Act, 1946 (No. 23 of 1946);


the expression “the Minister” means the Minister for Industry and Commerce;


the expression “the Principal Act” means the Air Navigation and Transport Act, 1936 (No. 40 of 1936).


(2) This Act shall be construed as one with the Air Navigation and Transport Acts, 1936 to 1946.


Prosecution of offences under the Principal Act, the Act of 1946 and this Act.

3.—An offence under any subsection or section contained in the Principal Act, the Act of 1946 or this Act may be prosecuted by or at the suit of the Minister as prosecutor.



4.—The enactment set out in column (2) of the First Schedule to this Act is hereby repealed to the extent specified in column (3) of the said Schedule.



Miscellaneous Amendments of the Principal Act and the Act of 1946.


Amendment of definition of “State aircraft.

5.—The expression “State aircraft”, where it occurs in the Principal Act or the Act of 1946, shall, in lieu of the meaning assigned to that expression by subsection (1) of section 2 of the Principal Act, mean aircraft of any country used in military, customs and police services.


Meaning in Part V of the Principal Act of “the purposes of this Part of this Act.

6.—(1) Section 36 of the Principal Act shall be construed as if there were inserted therein the following new paragraph—


“(c) any purpose related to the development of civil aviation where such development affects an aerodrome which the Minister or a local authority has established or is about to establish or affects any land adjacent to such aerodrome.”


(2) For the avoidance of doubts it is hereby declared that the purposes of Part V of the Principal Act for which land may be acquired by agreement or compulsorily include and always included the establishment of an aerodrome.


Amendment of section 37 of the Principal Act.

7.—Section 37 of the Principal Act is hereby amended by the insertion, after the word “approaches” of the words “water supply works and watermains, sewers and sewage disposal works, electric lines, lights, signs”.


Entry on land, etc., compulsorily acquired under the Principal Act before conveyance or ascertainment of compensation.

8.—(1) In this section the expression “water right” means a right of impounding, diverting or abstracting water.


(2) At any time after the Minister becomes entitled under subsection (1) of section 41 of the Principal Act to acquire compulsorily any land or any water right or to use compulsorily any water right and before conveyance or ascertainment of compensation, the Minister may, subject to the subsequent provisions of this section, enter on and take possession of that land or exercise that water right.


(3) Where the Minister exercises any power conferred on him by subsection (2) of this section in relation to any land or water right, then—


(a) subject to paragraph (b) of this subsection, the Minister shall pay to the person, who is the occupier of that land or the owner of that water right, interest on the amount of the compensation payable to such person at the rate of three per cent. per annum from the date on which such power was exercised until payment of such compensation,


(b) if—


(i) the Minister has made an unconditional offer in writing of any sum as such compensation to such person, and


(ii) the offer is not accepted by such person, and


(iii) the sum awarded as compensation by the official arbitrator to such person does not exceed the sum so offered,


no interest shall be payable on such compensation in respect of any period after the date of the offer.


(4) The Minister shall not—


(a) enter on or take possession of any land under subsection (2) of this section without giving to the occupier thereof at least one month's or, in the case of an occupied dwelling-house, three months' previous notice in writing of his intention to do so, or


(b) exercise any water right under subsection (2) of this section without giving the owner thereof at least one month's previous notice in writing of his intention to do so.


(5) A notice under subsection (4) of this section may be given to any person by sending it by prepaid post in an envelope addressed to that person at his usual or last known address.


(6) Where, for any reason, the envelope mentioned in subsection (5) of this section cannot be addressed in the manner provided by that subsection, it may be addressed to the person for whom it is intended in either or both of the following ways—


(a) by the description “the occupier” or “the owner” (as the case may be) without stating his name,


(b) at the land or the situation of the property to which the notice contained in the envelope relates.


Construction of references to Chicago Convention in Part II of the Act of 1946.

9.—In Part II of the Act of 1946, references to the Chicago Convention shall be construed as including references to any Annex to the Chicago Convention relating to international standards and recommended practices (being an Annex adopted in accordance with the Chicago Convention) and any amendment of any such Annex made in accordance with the Chicago Convention.



Vesting of certain land in the Minister and provisions in relation to that and other land acquired by the Minister.


Vesting in the Minister of lands described in the Second Schedule and cesser of application of State Lands Act, 1924 to lands described in Part I of the Second Schedule.

10.—(1) (a) On the passing of this Act, the lands described in Part I of the Second Schedule to this Act (which said lands form part of Dublin Airport) shall, by virtue of this subsection, vest in the Minister for all the interest therein which immediately before the passing of this Act belonged to the State.


(b) The State Lands Act, 1924 (No. 45 of 1924), shall cease to apply to the lands described in Part I of the Second Schedule to this Act.


(2) On the passing of this Act, the lands described in Part II of the Second Schedule to this Act (which said lands form another part of Dublin Airport) shall, by virtue of this subsection, vest in the Minister for all the interest therein which immediately before the passing of this Act was vested in the Minister for Defence.


(3) Subsections (1) and (2) of this section shall, for the purposes of section 6 of the Conveyancing Act, 1881, have effect as conveyances of land.


(4) (a) Where any person is registered under the Registration of Title Act, 1891, as the owner of any interest in any land which, by virtue of subsection (1) or (2) of this section vests in the Minister, the Registrar of Titles shall, on production of a certificate under the official seal of the Minister certifying that such land, has by virtue of such subsection, vested in him, cause the Minister to be registered as the owner of such interest instead of such person.


(b) No fees shall be payable in respect of any proceedings in the Land Registry under this subsection.


Application of Principal Act to lands described in Second and Third Schedules.

11.—The lands described in the Second Schedule to this Act and the lands described in the Third Schedule to this Act (which said last-mentioned lands form part of Shannon Airport and were acquired by the Minister under the Emergency Powers (No. 315) Order, 1944 (S. R. & O., No. 74 of 1944)), shall, for the purposes of the Principal Act, be deemed to have been acquired thereunder.


Disposal of land acquired by the Minister under the Principal Act and lands described in the Second and Third Schedules.

12.—(1) In this section, the word “dispose”, in relation to land, means deal with the land in any of the following ways—


(a) sell it,


(b) lease or let it,


(c) grant a licence of it,


(d) grant (by way of lease, letting or licence) a right in respect of it,


and the word “disposal” shall be construed accordingly.


(2) (a) The Minister, with the consent, either general or particular, of the Minister for Finance, may dispose of the whole or any part of—


(i) land acquired by him (whether before or after the passing of this Act) under the Principal Act,


(ii) the lands described in the Second and Third Schedules to this Act.


(b) The power of disposal conferred by paragraph (a) of this subsection shall extend to parts of buildings.


(c) The Minister shall not, in exercise of his powers under paragraph (a) of this subsection, dispose of any State minerals within the meaning of the Minerals Development Act, 1940 (No. 31 of 1940), except sand, gravel, stone or clay which is not more than twenty feet below the surface.


(3) Any moneys received by the Minister in respect of the disposal of land under subsection (2) of this section shall be paid into or disposed of for the benefit of, the Exchequer in such manner as the Minister for Finance may direct.



Provisions for securing the safe and efficient navigation of aircraft in the vicinity of aerodromes.


Right of Minister to erect and maintain certain apparatus in land in vicinity of aerodromes.

13.—(1) (a) The Minister may cause to be erected, placed and attached upon, in or to any land or building in the vicinity of an aerodrome and may thereafter maintain and use such apparatus (including electric lines) as he considers necessary for the purpose of indicating any position or any obstruction or of signalling or supplying information to persons navigating aircraft to, or from, or in the vicinity of, the aerodrome.


(b) Before erecting, placing or attaching any apparatus upon, in or to any land or building in pursuance of this subsection, the Minister shall give one month's previous notice to the owner and occupier thereof indicating his proposal.


(c) If any person wilfully obstructs or destroys, tempers with, pulls down, or defaces any apparatus erected, placed or attached upon, in or to any land or building in pursuance of this subsection, that person shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.


(2) (a) For the purposes of exercising the powers conferred by subsection (1) of this section, any authorised person and any persons acting under his direction may enter upon and pass over (with or without vehicles) any land.


(b) If any person (in this paragraph referred to as the offender) obstructs an authorised person or any person acting under his direction in the exercise of the powers conferred by this subsection, the offender shall be guilty of an offence under this subsection and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds.


(c) In this subsection the expression “authorised person” means any person belonging to a class authorised in writing by the Minister to exercise the powers conferred by this subsection on authorised persons.


(3) If any person having an estate or interest in land proves that his estate or interest is injuriously affected by the exercise of the powers conferred by subsection (1) of this section, he shall be entitled to recover from the Minister compensation for the injury to that estate or interest, and any question whether compensation is payable under this section or as to the amount of any compensation so payable shall, in default of agreement, be determined by an arbitrator appointed under the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, and under and in accordance with that Act.


Restrictions on use of land in the vicinity of aerodromes.

14.—(1) Whenever the Minister is of opinion that the unrestricted use of a particular area of land in the vicinity of an aerodrome would interfere with the navigation of aircraft flying to or from that aerodrome, he may by order (in this section referred to as a protected area order) do the following things—


(a) declare that that particular area of land shall be a protected area for the purposes of the order,


(b) declare that, within the protected area, it shall not be lawful for any person, save under and in accordance with a permit granted by the Minister,—


(i) to erect or add to any building, or


(ii) to erect or place any post, pole or other thing, so that any part of the building, post, pole or thing (in this section referred to as an obstruction) will be at a greater height than that fixed by the order.


(2) The following provisions shall apply in respect of every protected area order—


(a) the Minister shall cause the order to be published in the Iris Oifigiúil and in such newspapers circulating in the area to which the order relates as the Minister thinks proper,


(b) the order may divide the area to which it relates into such and so many sub-areas as the Minister thinks fit and, in that case, may contain different provisions in relation to each of those sub-areas,


(c) the order may exempt from its operation any specified obstructions or class of obstructions,


(d) there shall be attached to the order a map showing the area to which the order relates and, where that area is divided into sub-areas, each of those sub-areas,


(e) the map attached to the order may be omitted from the order in any publication thereof in pursuance of paragraph (a) of this subsection, but copies of the order with the map attached thereto shall be deposited in the offices of the Department of Industry and Commerce at Kildare Street, Dublin, and shall be there kept open for public inspection at all reasonable times.


(3) The Minister may by order revoke or amend a protected area order.


(4) Every protected area order shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution annulling the order is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which such House has sat after the order is laid before it, the order shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under it.


(5) The Minister may grant permits for the purposes of a protected area order, and the following provisions shall apply in relation to any permit so granted—


(a) the Minister may—


(i) attach to it such conditions as he thinks fit,


(ii) revoke or amend it;


(b) the permit shall not operate as a release from any restrictions imposed under the Town and Regional Planning Acts, 1934 and 1939, or any other enactment and applicable to the area to which the order relates.


(6) (a) If any person, having an estate or interest in land within an area to which a protected area order applies, proves that his estate or interest is injuriously affected by the refusal of the Minister to grant him a permit or by any conditions attached to a permit granted to him by the Minister, he shall be entitled to recover compensation from the Minister for the injury to that estate or interest, and any question whether compensation is payable under this subsection or as to the amount of any compensation so payable shall, in default of agreement, be determined by an arbitrator appointed under the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919, and under and in accordance with that Act.


(b) Where a person would, but for this paragraph, be entitled to compensation under this subsection and also under any other enactment in respect of the same matter, he shall not be entitled to compensation in respect of that matter under both this subsection and that other enactment, but may elect to receive compensation under either this subsection or that other enactment.


(7) If any person erects or adds to a building or erects or places any post, pole or other thing in contravention of a protected area order—


(a) that person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds, and


(b) the Minister may, whether or not any proceedings are taken in respect of the offence, cause such alterations to be made in the building, post, pole, or thing in respect of which the contravention took place as may be necessary in his opinion to ensure compliance with the order, and the expenses incurred by the Minister in so doing shall be recoverable by the Minister from the person by whom the contravention is committed as a simple contract debt in any court of competent jurisdiction.



Provisions in relation to State aerodromes.


Definitions for purposes of Part V.

15.—(1) In this Part—


the expression “authorised officer” means a person being—


(a) a member of the Garda Síochána, or


(b) any person belonging to a class authorised in writing by the Minister to exercise the powers conferred on authorised officers by sections 19 and 20 of this Act;


the word “bye-laws” means bye-laws made under this Part;


the expression “State aerodrome” means an aerodrome established by the Minister under section 37 of the Principal Act.


(2) References in this Part to a contravention of a bye-law include references to a failure or refusal to comply with the bye-law.


Bye-laws in relation to State aerodromes.

16.—(1) The Minister may make, in relation to any State aerodrome, bye-laws for any one or more of the following purposes—


(a) the exclusion therefrom of persons,


(b) the exclusion therefrom of vehicles,


(c) the admission thereto of persons,


(d) the admission thereto of vehicles,


(e) the formation of queues of persons and vehicles within, or seeking admission to, the aerodrome,


(f) the prohibition of trespassing on the aerodrome by persons or animals,


(g) the securing of the safety of the aerodrome and of aircraft using it against damage and, in particular, damage by fire,


(h) the restriction of smoking in the aerodrome,


(i) the preservation of order and good conduct in the aerodrome,


(j) the prevention of nuisances in the aerodrome,


(k) the safe custody and re-delivery or disposal of any property found in the aerodrome or in any aircraft or vehicle therein, the fixing of the charges to be made in respect of such safe custody or re-delivery, and the application, if any such property is disposed of by being sold, of the moneys arising from the sale,


(l) generally for the proper management, operation and supervision of the aerodrome.


(2) The Minister may, in relation to any State aerodrome, make bye-laws for all or any of the following purposes—


(a) the specification of the routes to be followed by vehicles,


(b) the prohibition or restriction of the use of specified roadways by vehicles generally or during particular hours or at particular times or in particular circumstances,


(c) the prohibition of the driving of vehicles on a specified roadway otherwise than in a specified direction,


(d) the regulation of traffic generally.


(3) The Minister may make, in relation to any State aerodrome, bye-laws for all or any of the following purposes—


(a) fixing the places (in this section referred to as parking places) in which vehicles, whether unattended or not, may remain stationary either indefinitely or for any period not exceeding a specified period,


(b) appointing the conditions to be observed in regard to vehicles remaining stationary in parking places,


(c) fixing the period during which, the purposes for which and the conditions under which vehicles may remain stationary in places, other than parking places,


(d) prohibiting the keeping or leaving any vehicles stationary in any place (including parking places) for a period exceeding the period authorised in that behalf by the bye-laws or for a purpose other than a purpose so authorised in that behalf or otherwise than for a purpose (if any) or in accordance with the conditions (if any) prescribed in that behalf by the bye-laws.


(4) The Minister may make bye-laws prohibiting the driving of vehicles within a State aerodrome at a speed exceeding a specified speed.


(5) In making, under this section, any bye-laws in relation to a State aerodrome, the Minister may—


(a) define, in such manner as he thinks proper, what shall constitute, for the purposes of any provision of the bye-laws, a class of persons or vehicles,


(b) make different provisions in relation to different parts of the aerodrome,


(c) make different provisions in relation to different classes of persons to whom the bye-laws apply,


(d) make different provisions in relation to different classes of vehicles to which the bye-laws apply,


(e) exempt from the operation of the bye-laws any particular class of persons or vehicles.


(6) If any person contravenes any bye-law made under this section, that person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds.


(7) Where any matter in respect of which bye-laws are made under this section is the subject of any enactment (other than this Act) or any instrument made thereunder, then, the operation of that enactment or instrument, in so far as it relates to that matter, shall be suspended during the continuance in force of those bye-laws.


Bye-laws defining duties of persons in command of aircraft which are for the time on the ground in a State aerodrome.

17.—(1) The Minister may, in relation to any State aerodrome, make bye-laws defining the duties of persons in command of aircraft which are for the time being on the ground in that State aerodrome.


(2) If any person in command of an aircraft, which is for the time being on the ground in a State aerodrome to which any bye-law made under this section relates, contravenes the bye-law, he shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding fifty pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding one month.


Publication of bye-laws.

18.—Bye-laws in relation to a State aerodrome shall be displayed at the aerodrome in such manner as the Minister considers best adapted for giving information to persons affected by the bye-laws.


Removal and arrest of offenders in State aerodromes.

19.—(1) If, in any State aerodrome to which a bye-law relates, any person (in this subsection referred to as the offender) contravenes the bye-law—


(a) an authorised officer may do either or both of the following things—


(i) require the offender to give his name and address,


(ii) order the offender to leave the aerodrome;


(b) if the offender, on being required by an authorised officer to give his name and address, refuses to give his name or refuses to give his address or gives a name or address which is known to, or reasonably suspected by, the authorised officer to be false or fictitious, the authorised officer may without warrant arrest him;


(c) if the offender, on being ordered by an authorised officer to leave the aerodrome, refuses or fails to do so, the authorised officer may either remove him from the aerodrome by force or without warrant arrest him.


(2) Where an authorised officer, who is not a member of the Garda Síochána, arrests a person under this section, he shall, forthwith, deliver him into the custody of a member of the Garda Síochána to be dealt with according to law.


(3) If any person—


(a) on being required by an authorised officer acting under this section to give his name and address, refuses to give his name or address or gives a false or fictitious name or address, or


(b) on being required by an authorised officer acting under this section to leave a State aerodrome, refuses or fails to leave it, or


(c) having left a State aerodrome in pursuance of the requirement of an authorised officer acting under this section or having been removed from a State aerodrome under this section, returns thereto on the same day,


that person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction thereof to a fine not exceeding five pounds.


Removal of vehicles, etc.

20.—Where an authorised officer finds any vehicle, animal or other thing in a State aerodrome in contravention of a bye-law relating to that aerodrome, he may remove the vehicle, animal or other thing to a place either inside or outside that aerodrome.


Obstruction of and assault on authorised officers.

21.—If any person—


(a) obstructs or impedes an authorised officer in the lawful execution of his powers and duties as an authorised officer under section 19 or 20 of this Act, or


(b) assaults an authorised officer in the lawful execution of those powers and duties,


that person shall be guilty of an offence under this section and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding twenty pounds or, at the discretion of the Court, to imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months.


State aerodrome to be a public place and roads therein to be roads for purposes of Part X of the Road Traffic Act, 1933.

22.—For the avoidance of doubts it is hereby declared that—


(a) a State aerodrome is a public place for the purposes of any enactment;


(b) the word “road” shall, for the purposes of Part X of the Road Traffic Act, 1933 (No. 11 of 1933) include a road in a State aerodrome.


Management of Dublin Airport.

23.—For the purposes of the management of Dublin Airport, Aer Rianta, Teoranta, may, unless and until the Minister otherwise directs, act as his agent.


Power of Minister to supply water at a State aerodrome.

24.—(1) The Minister may sell water from any water supply works maintained by him in connection with a State aerodrome.


(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Waterworks Clauses Act, 1847, or the Waterworks Clauses Act, 1863,—


(a) the Minister may, from water supplied to him at a State aerodrome by a sanitary authority, sell, with the consent of that sanitary authority, water to any person, and, for that purpose, may affix pipes and apparatus to any pipes used for the conveyance of the water supplied by that sanitary authority,


(b) where water is sold to a person under paragraph (a) of this subsection, that person may take and use the water so sold.



Payment of subsidies to Aer Rianta, Teoranta.


Payment of subsidies to Aer Rianta, Teoranta.

25.—(1) (a) The Minister for Finance may from time to time by order authorise the payment of subsidies to Aer Rianta, Teoranta, on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the order but no such order may be made after the expiration of five years from the passing of this Act.


(b) Every order made under this subsection shall be laid before each House of the Oireachtas as soon as may be after it is made, and if a resolution annulling such order is passed by either such House within the next subsequent twenty-one days on which such House has sat after such order is laid before it, such order shall be annulled accordingly but without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under such order.


(2) Any moneys required for the payment of subsidies under this section shall be paid out of moneys provided, whether before or after the passing of this Act, by the Oireachtas.



Enactment Repealed.

Section 4.

Number and Year

Short title

Extent of Repeal




No. 40 of 1936

The Air Navigation and Transport Act, 1936.

Subsection (1) of section 2, in so far as that subsection defines the expression “State aircraft.

Section 42.



Sections 10, 11 and 12.


1. The lands (in this paragraph referred to as the originally demised lands) demised by a Lease dated the 27th day of June, 1906, and made between Sir Compton Meade Domvile of the one part and Sarah O'Toole of the other part and therein described as “All that and those the said part of the lands of Collinstown and Rock with the house thereon containing one hundred and eighty-six acres and thirty-eight perches be the same more or less situate lying and being in the Barony of Coolock and County of Dublin and delineated on the map in the fold hereof” except—

(a) that part of the originally demised lands, namely, part of the said lands of Collinstown containing one acre statute measure, which was acquired in the year 1915 by the North Dublin Rural District Council for the purpose of the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, 1883 to 1906,

(b) that part of the originally demised lands which was assigned to one Anne Moran by a Deed of Exchange dated the 21st day of June, 1929, made between the said Anne Moran of the one part and the Minister for Defence of the other part and is therein described as “All that part of the lands of Rock containing seven acres three roods and thirty-four perches statute measure or thereabouts and shown on the plan annexed hereto and therein coloured green situate in the Barony of Coolock and County of Dublin”,

(c) that part of the originally demised lands which is comprised in a Lease dated the 20th day of May, 1930, made between the Minister for Finance of the one part and the North Dublin Rural District Council of the other part and is therein described as “All That and Those that part of the lands of Collinstown containing two acres and thirty six and one third perches statute measure or thereabouts as delineated and described and outlined in red on the map endorsed hereon being that portion of the lands comprised in the part of Collinstown Aerodrome lying between the Cuckoo Stream and the public road and adjoining the existing labourers' cottages and plots situate in the Barony of Coolock and County of Dublin.”

2. The lands comprised in Folio 1951 County of Dublin in Register of Freeholders maintained under the Registration of Title Act, 1891.

3. The Lands granted by a Lease in Perpetuity dated the 1st day of March, 1920, expressed to be made between Robert Donovan of the one part and the President of the Air Council of the other part and therein described as “All that part of the lands of Little Forest containing sixteen acres one rood and nineteen perches or thereabouts statute measure and situate in the Parish of Swords Barony of Nethercross and County of Dublin and for the purposes of identification described in the plan annexed hereto and therein surrounded with a Red Verge line.”

4. The lands comprised in Folio 1936 County Dublin of the Register of Freeholders maintained under the Registration of Title Act, 1891.


1. That part of the lands comprised in Folio 3924 County Dublin of the Register of Freeholders maintained under the Registration of Title Act, 1891, which consists of part of the lands of Forrest Little containing six acres two roods and twenty-eight perches or thereabouts statute measure situate in the Barony of Nethercross and County of Dublin.

2. The lands comprised in and conveyed by an Indenture dated the 13th day of June, 1927, made between David Barry of the one part and the Minister for Defence of the other part.



Sections 11 and 12.

1. The lands comprised in Folio 15167 County Clare of the Register of Freeholders maintained under the Registration of Title Act, 1891.

2. The lands vested in the Minister by an order made on the 8th day of March, 1945, by the Minister in exercise of powers conferred by the Emergency Powers (No. 315) Order, 1944 (S. R. & O., No. 74 of 1944), which said lands are described in the first-mentioned Order as “All that portion of the former Monteagle Arms Hotel premises situate in the townland of Foynes, barony of Shanid and County of Limerick, being part of the lands registered in Folio 2910 of the Register County Limerick and comprised of (1) an open yard of 1927 square feet or thereabouts in area and buildings of 1431 square feet or thereabouts in floor area, as shown more particularly hatched blue on the annexed map and (2) an open yard of 1470 square feet or thereabouts in area as shown more particularly coloured pink on the said annexed map.”